Monsoon Wedding (2001)

Pimmi, please bring the phone.
Darling, you want something else?
Tea? Nimbu pani?
No, no. That bloody bastard Dubey
hasn't come yet.
Pimmi, I'm sorry to say,
but Lalit takes on too much tension.
Its not good.
You see all these young men
getting heart attacks these days.
And Lalit is doing everything
Left, left, you idiot!
You want to spoil-
Stop the car!
You'll spoil the decorations also.
Don't you even know how to drive?
I've only got one hand to drive with.
Who told you to break your hand
at this time, idiot? Where were you?
I went to the airport to get
your sister and her husband.
Where are they?
I didn't see them.
What do you mean, you didn't see them?
Hold up a placard:
"Mr. and Mrs. Tej Puri from USA."
They could have seen you.
Why are you yawning so much?
I've hardly slept.
Not to mention I got back
from Australia just yesterday.
You young people!
What do you need
to sleep so much for?
What time is the flight coming?
About 9:00.
Make sure you're there on time.
And take this car, okay?
And only run the AC
when you've received them.
And park this car somewhere else!
And take off that stupid topi.
Where the hell
are those girls?
Oh, God, Varun,
what are you doing with that?
Why haven't you got ready?
Didn't you hear Papa?
- He's getting so angry.
- Its the last step. Coconut curry, Ma.
No, no. Now, hurry up.
Don't give me a hard time.
And this TV. I'm so sick of it!
Take this off. Hurry up.
Ma, what are you doing?
I'll do it myself.
What "wear it yourself"?
I'll wear it myself.
The guests are on their way.
Did you change your underwear?
What "Ma"? Did you?
Out with the truth! Are you wearing
dirty ones from yesterday?
- I just hope they're not smelling.
You're such a silly little boy.
Oh, God!
Just because India has gone global...
should we embrace everything?
What about our ancient culture?
Our tradition? Our values?
You are saying
censorship is unnecessary.
- Absolutely unnecessary.
- What is your response, Mr. Bhatt?
Let's take the example of America.
This is not America.
This is India.
You think just because you wear
handloom and speak in Hindi...
that you represent the common man?
Well, you don't.
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome...
one of our top dubbists in Delhi,
Shivani Tanakiya.
- This is what the common man hears.
- So, somebody enjoying sex.
So what's the problem?
We have to take a short break,
ladies and gentlemen,
but please stay tuned to Delhi dot com.
How have you been?
Are you happy?
I miss you.
Oh, hi, Aditi. I'm sorry.
- We're starting in 20 seconds.
- I'll be right there.
I have to go.
Call me.
Aditi, why are you doing this?
What? What am I doing?
I don't think
you're ready for marriage.
I just want to settle down.
So what do you do?
Get married to some guy
selected by Mummy and Daddy?
You've known him
for a couple of weeks!
You are so mature, Aditi.
I can't wait around to see if Vikram's
wife will agree to divorce him.
I've read too many magazines, Ria.
I know it may never happen.
Do you get all your life directions
from fucking Cosmopolitan?
Don't get superior with me.
We're family, and I can tell you
what I think, and I will.
That's right.
My older, unmarried cousin Ria.
What would she know about passion?
I didn't mean that, Didi.
For all this talk of passion,
how about marrying for love, Aditi?
There's a Tempo in the middle
of the driveway.
We had to go to the tailor and then-
But people are about to arrive
and you're not dressed yet!
Come on, hurry up.
You're looking very handsome today.
Hurry up and get ready.
Take it easy.
What are you doing here?
Just chillin'.
Just chilling.
Hi, Mom. I'm back.
Aliya? God, what are you doing here?
You're so disgusting.
Get out now! Out!
What does this word mean?
- How come you're so irritating?
- How come you're still unmarried?
Hello, sweetie.
What does this word mean?
Its "uxorious. "
Its "uxorious. "
So you are facing this way as barman?
I'm the barman, facing this way,
and this acts as a roof.
No need to be happy
about being the barman.
You're not supposed to touch
one drop of the stuff. Understand?
A barman should be absolutely sober.
Keep this list, and make sure
the servants don't swipe anything...
and make small drinks for everybody,
not too large.
The whiskey hasn't come yet!
Uday was supposed to bring it.
Here he comes.
My unpunctual brother.
Good morning.
What do you think?
We got real scotch from Uday's client.
- Thank you, Sona.
- Hi, Lalo Uncle.
- Why aren't you staying with us?
- I have to study for my exams.
I hope my little Aliya
didn't trouble you.
No, she's such a little delight.
Pick it up and take it in.
This is no time
for family members to arrive.
Its only 4:00.
Just relax!
Ayesha, this is C.L. Uncle
and Shashi Auntie's son Rahul.
They live in Dubai.
Muscat, actually.
Yeah, Muscat, okay.
You have a tattoo.
Okay, bye.
I think your cousin Rahul
would really like it.
You have to know this.
I heard your mother tell him and sister
your bra size was 36C.
- Why would she do that?
- Sorry, but it's 32A.
I know that,
but we can't tell them.
Pimmi, come on!
The groom's here!
Oh, shit.
Welcome, welcome.
Thank you, thank you.
This is Pimmi's brother from Muscat.
Rahul, come here!
Its okay, it's okay.
Hello, young man. How are you?
Have you got the blue box?
So, excited?
Soon to be in family way!
So, you like India?
Better than Houston, no?
Good, good, good.
India needs young men like you.
Yes, computer engineers
are India's biggest export.
Am I a coolie or what?
what would you like to drink?
Scotch, please on the "rockiolis. "
"Rockiolis" means ice?
Two lumps, exactly.
I'll have the same, thanks.
Uh "rockioli. "
Rahul, two whiskies here.
Two cubes of ice exactly.
Oh, my goodness. Look at you!
How lovely you look.
Rockioli, rockioli.
Mrs. Rai over there.
Hi. Congratulations.
Hi. How are you?
I must have another drink.
Rahul, idiot, come here.
Come here and hold
the camera. Listen.
Look at them.
How handsome Hemant is.
Come on, put it on.
Camera on!
On the ring!
Thank you.
Just in time!
This is Varun?
He's almost a young man.
How did you manage? I sent Rahul
to airport, told me flight was late.
No, it was not late. Nobody was there
at the airport, so we took a cab.
- You had to take a cab?
- Its okay.
Rahul, you idiot, I sent you
to the airport to receive them.
You come back and tell me
the flight was late?
He's been working day and night.
He doesn't know India.
But he's number one
most stupid duffer.
I'm sorry to say,
but I don't like this!
Bhai-sahab, this is Mr. Tej Puri,
married to my sister Vijaya.
After my older brother
Surinder bhai-sahab passed away...
Tej bhai has been
the hero of the family.
He has really looked after us.
Come and meet Hemant.
Yes. Excuse me.
Excuse me.
You know how difficult it was
to get tickets at this time of the year?
Difficult or not, we would have brought
you here first-class if we had to.
We couldn't have had the shadi
without you, my darling sister.
Nothing would have stopped us.
Is that you? Come here.
Come here, come here.
God bless. Very good.
- Paaji, would you like a cigar?
- I quit.
Tej bhai-sahab, I wanted
to talk to you about Ria's plans.
Ria, come here a minute, please.
- Ria wants to study in America.
- Is that so?
We're hoping you could give us
some advice.
What do you want to do?
I'm applying
for creative writing programs.
- She wants to be a writer.
- Very good.
Have you thought of the budget?
Where will the money will come from?
My teacher's salary?
Why can't she be like Aditi and do
the right thing at the right time?
Absolutely! Just one book.
Who knows? It might happen.
You must go to the States.
You know saada Umang
is also there.
- You must give us his phone number.
- He's coming here tonight.
We're hoping Ria and Umang
will like each other.
What are the chances
of getting hooked?
Save the jokes for the sangeet.
He'll be the MC at the sangeet.
Varun, out!
What's your problem anyway?
Varun, what happened to you?
Mrs. Mehta speaking. Who's this?
Okay, okay, I have
an announcement to make.
I'm thinking that if Ria wants
to study in America...
I will fund her entire education.
No, no arguments.
This is my family.
You see, Lalit,
Ria is a sensible girl.
If she wants to write,
we must encourage her.
I can still work.
This is final!
We'll talk about it later, okay?
Now you tell us what needs
to be done for the wedding.
Absolutely. Now you don't have
to worry about anything.
My God, I don't know what to say.
This is enough for me
that we are all here together.
My God! Pimmi, it's wonderful, no?
After so many years.
After Surinder bhai-sahab passed away...
I think this is the first time
the whole family's here together.
Ria, Ria, Ria.
Don't cry.
I know you are missing him.
We are all missing your father.
Rahul, go start the generator.
- I don't even know where it is.
- Behind the house, idiot!
Come, I'll show you.
Yeah, just hold on a sec.
Its very unclear.
When are you arriving?
Hello, hello?
Think you can handle it?
Yeah, sure.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm glad I got some exercise.
All I've been doing is
eating and eating and eating.
I'm sorry I had to
wake you up this early...
but this is the only time
we're gonna have on our own.
There's just so many ceremonies.
And I don't even know
who's who half the time.
I know what you mean.
I wanted to talk to you about our-
Here's the coffee, ma'am.
Thank you.
Do you want something?
I'll have a salt lassi, please.
Sure, I'll get it.
I want to know what's on your mind.
Sleep! That's all
that's on my mind right now.
I saw you with your family yesterday.
You guys are so close.
I worry about how it will be
for you in America.
You might just feel so alone.
I'm sure I can handle it.
It'll be really nice to get away
from this damned place.
Why? You don't like Delhi?
No, I love India.
I mean, I don't care. America's
gonna be new for me anyway.
My fiance.
Sorry, I'm just not a morning person.
Vicky, is it okay
if I join the four-ball today?
No, no, I'll be there 100%.
I'll be there. Don't worry. Okay, bye.
What are you doing inside?
I know very well what you're doing.
Open up. I have to get ready.
Just a minute.
If you must hide and smoke,
at least use a better air freshener.
I was a little tense.
Tense? You're going shopping!
I'm the one who should be tense.
I'm doing it for our darling daughter.
You saw how much they gave us.
We can't look bad
in front of our in-laws.
We'll look good with you
smoking in front of them.
Well, doesn't Saroj drink?
Anyway, just let me go
and do it, okay?
Well, Pimmi goes shopping again.
And I'm telling you,
it's gonna cost us.
So what? I'll arrange the money like
I've been organizing everything else.
You've organized everything else?
Who's been nonstop on her toes
for days? Just tell me that.
Thank you so much
for working so hard.
Take off your curlers at least!
Shit! Dubey!
Yes, sir?
Yes, sir?
Yes sir.
What's this "yes sir"?
Advance? What for?
Waterproofing, meaning more money.
Five thousand dollars.
Exactly and approximately.
Thank God it's air-conditioned.
Mom, I'm just going to have a chuski.
Just one.
By God, it's fabulous!
What are you doing? They're
waiting for your approval inside.
I don't really know how Hemant thinks,
what he expects of me.
So call him instead of Vikram.
Now go inside before those aunties come
and dance on our head.
Thank you.
Hey, you want a lift, baby?
Aliya, go and sit.
We can try the sitting step,
and then the chunri khenchna step.
Hi, sexy.
So, Sydney boy, can you move to this?
What's going on, guys?
Come on, didi. That's enough.
Not more interruptions!
We'll never get this right.
What is it, Rahul? We're rehearsing
for the sangeet. What do you want?
Lalit and Sam are partners,
and Vicky and me.
Let's take them on, partner.
That's a great shot, partner.
Thanks, Rajeev.
Great shot there. Good shooting.
Thank God we're partners.
I have to talk to you
about something, Rajeev.
Rajeev, I was wondering if-
How's Pimmi?
She's fine.
How are the preparations going?
Preparations? First-class.
But, Sam, I'm having
a cash-flow problem.
I was hoping to borrow some money
just to tide over this wedding expense.
When do you think you'll be able
to return it, partner?
Next month. I have a huge shipment
going to Macy's next month.
Hey, guys, Mr. Verma here has got
some serious cash-flow problems.
Thank God I don't have any
- You've got a high-maintenance wife.
- But she's a self-financed Maharani.
O women of the house
Decorate me with henna
Hey, idiot, come on!
Let's enter the harem!
Arre, ladies!
C.L. has an item which is
most suitable for ladies. Please!
So, Varun, enjoying yourself
among all the women?
Be a good girl. Don't say no.
Open your mouth.
Do you like it?
Be a good girl
and open your mouth.
There's only this much left.
Hi. What?
Hi. Nice mehndi, Ria.
She's angry, eh?
Okay. Ria didi will give you
samosa, okay?
- What were you doing here?
- Eating a big samosa.
Because I'm hungry.
- No, why are you eating it here?
- Because the samosas were in here.
Why was he with you, Aliya?
Tej Uncle.
Alice said the samosas
were on the top shelf...
and Tej Uncle came
to get the box down for me.
Okay, let's do a nakkushi.
I love you, Ria didi.
I love you too, my baby.
You know, Pimmi...
sometimes when I look at them...
I feel love which I almost cannot bear.
And when did we grow old?
If only their lives are happy.
For that I'm willing to take on every
trouble, every sorrow, in the world.
- Need anything, beta?
- I'm all right, thanks.
Good night.
Good night, idiot.
I thought you weren't staying here.
I changed my mind.
How come you're not asleep as yet?
Just thinking.
About what?
About good Indian girls.
Is this a scorpion?
Yeah. Its my sign.
I should go.
Its okay.
I should really go.
Don't go.
Please don't.
Where would you like to go?
I just want to drive
and drive and drive.
Why did you come to see me?
wanted to be reminded
why I broke up with you.
I can't remember.
What is it?
What is it?
Take me to the police station?
On what basis?
Indecent exposure.
Don't be ridiculous!
Do we look like terrorists?
Hello, darling.
Yes, I know that.
I'll be home soon.
There was an emergency. Yes.
No, don't worry. That's just
a television show in the background.
Vikram, don't leave me with them.
What are you doing?
Let me sleep, will you?
So what are you
going to say to Hemant?
- Everything.
- Oh, God. Then?
He's gonna tell me I'm a slut
and that I should get lost.
How could I have been so stupid?
Are you sure you want
to tell Hemant everything?
Everything's over
between you and Vikram now.
Ria, I don't want to lie.
I don't want to start something new
based on lies and deceit.
Its just so wrong.
You liked Hemant, no?
He's nice.
He's good for you.
I can't do this to him.
I'm going mad!
What is this music?
Its Ayesha practicing
for the sangeet tonight.
Maybe she shouldn't bother.
- Maybe she shouldn't bother.
- Adu!
I'm really glad you called...
because I was gonna
call you myself this morning.
Why? What happened?
Nothing happened.
It was great
to see you alone yesterday...
so I thought I'd try my luck again.
You look really nice when you laugh.
Oh, yeah?
I need to tell you something.
You'll probably hate me
by the end of it...
but I really need you to know.
Its okay.
I'm not gonna hate you.
This used to be my favorite haunt
during my IIT days.
Best chai in the world.
Its nice.
Yeah? I was hoping you'd like it.
So, what was so important?
You don't want to marry me anymore?
Just look at these.
Mama gave these to me
when I got married.
Still so shiny and beautiful.
I never used them once.
I just hope Aditi will use them.
Pimmi, what have you spread all over?
I have to do my accounts
and I can't even find my papers.
- Please don't keep this stuff here.
- Then get a computer.
You won't need any paper.
Computers can do everything
for you these days.
I'm too old to learn
all this computer nonsense.
And you know how much money
has already got spent?
You know how long it will take me
to repay all this?
Don't worry so much, Lalit.
Our only daughter's getting married.
Nothing's a waste.
Look at these saris.
You know I bought this one
in Madras 22 years ago?
I've been collecting these
since the day Aditi was born.
This one is lovely.
And tomorrow she'll be gone.
Just like that, in one day.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, I'm sorry too.
Couldn't help yourself, huh?
You had to drag me into your mess
as well. What am I supposed to do now?
Mr. Verma, your daughter's
such a rosebud.
We'll have a wonderful family
in Houston, Texas...
be friends,
take our kids to Disneyland...
send you tickets every year.
It'll be lovely!
But, hey, wait a minute.
You didn't tell me she's still
screwing her ex-boyfriend...
while you were fixing
her marriage.
But that shouldn't be a problem.
I'm from America. We'll fit right in.
I've been thinking, Lalit.
I don't want to send Varun
to boarding school.
- Don't start again.
- I don't want to lose both my children.
Don't start over again, huh?
We've been through all this.
He's going to boarding school,
and that's final.
He's wasting his life, staying here
watching TV the whole day.
There's no one here to discipline him.
I don't know what to do.
He also needs love and affection.
He's such a sensitive boy...
and he's so wonderful
with all these creative things.
Creative things like
singing and dancing.
cooking sesame chicken.
Don't say that. Why do you always
look at everything like that?
You know what he told Tej bhai-sahab
he wants to be when he grows up?
He said he wants to be a chef.
I tell you.
A cook!
It doesn't mean anything.
He's a fool.
My son will be a man
when he grows up, understand?
He'll be an educated professional.
He won't be singing and dancing
in people's shadis.
Can you do this for me?
Make a mucchi and on my eyes?
Why, beta?
For my dance with Ayesha tonight.
Why can't you do something useful?
Like some exercise or reading
your schoolbooks for a change.
Look at you, a big huge hulk.
Can't spend your whole life
singing and dancing.
- Why not?
- What do you mean, why not?
You don't do any exercise.
You don't even play cricket.
You don't read a book. Just sleeping
all day and watching TV...
and now this new nonsense, dancing!
Why? You also took Mama's dupatta
and danced the night.
Don't compare yourself with me.
You're just a kid.
But right now
you said I'm big now.
That's it. You're going
to boarding school. Decided!
Since when?
Beta, Papa and I
are only talking about it.
No, I have made up my mind.
We are not-
Let me talk to him.
Its going to be good for you.
Soon Aditi's going away.
You'll be so lonely at home.
So we thought you'd go to boarding
school. You'll have so much fun.
You also have been trying
to send me away to boarding school.
No, beta.
That school is much better
than this school.
We thought you'll go there and
there'll be so many boys your age.
- You'll really enjoy yourself.
- No, I don't want to go.
I won't go.
You do what you want.
We're just doing this
for your own good.
It'll make you a bit tougher.
It'll be good for you.
I hate you!
I hate you both!
You don't even understand
one thing about me.
Don't you talk to me like that!
Fine! I just won't talk to you at all.
Please, son,
Leave me alone.
Happy now?
Happy with what you've done?
I didn't mean
to upset him like that.
Why couldn't you say something?
Don't talk to me, okay?
Just don't talk to me.
I'm sorry I lost it out there.
I didn't have any right
to talk to you like that.
You had every reason to be angry.
Someone broke my heart too
a few years ago.
I know how hard
and confusing it can be.
I really appreciate
your telling me about Vikram.
You didn't have to but you did.
That honesty means a lot to me.
I know it's a risk,
but what marriage isn't a risk?
Whether our parents introduce us
or we meet in a club...
what difference does it make?
I know we can put this behind us.
I really do.
I believe this can work.
I believe we can be happy.
As for the question of whether
we should get married or not...
it's really for you to answer.
Here's yours.
Especially my mom.
Yeah, exactly. Sure.
How are you?
Very well. How are you doing?
Ladies and gentlemen,
attention, please.
beautiful, beautiful,
beautiful ladies...
and gentlemen...
and, of course, lovely children.
Today's sangeet
for our beloved Aditi...
and our dear son.
and marriage will
take place tomorrow.
Rahul, Rahul.
Are you the only bartender here?
I ordered a Bacardi Coke
- Just a second.
- Rahul.
- Gin and tonic, no ice, lots of gin.
- Make that two.
Move, man.
Sorry. Chill.
Who's that clown?
That's my dad.
Varun, you can't say no now.
Please, Varun!
Varun, please.
I told you, I don't care
about anything anymore.
I don't care, and that's decided.
In my opinion, you Punjabis
are way too ostentatious.
In my opinion, you Bengalis
are way too pretentious.
Touche, Ria.
This is Jibesh, Vandana.
This is Mrs. Rai,
Aditi's ma-in-law to be.
- Ria, get me a rum and Coke.
- Please go get it yourself.
Please. I would, but I know
so many people who know my parents.
Please, just get it.
- We will start this evening...
- Okay.
with a spectacular item...
by our own beloved Ayesha.
What's the matter?
Varun won't do the dance anymore.
Shit. I'm so sorry to hear that.
I don't know what to do-
Rahul, you can do it. You've seen us
rehearse the steps so many times.
- You're crazy!
- You can make up the steps as we go.
You said you love to dance.
Please, I'm begging you.
I need your help.
I can dance, but it's not
a nightclub in Melbourne, you know.
I can't dance to this music.
You're such a
I just fell from grace.
Darling, you have to be standing up
in order to be able to fall.
If you keep sitting on your ass,
nothing's gonna happen.
Meaning, sweetheart,
the main thing is...
you have to fight the battle.
Come on, girl, that's it!
Nobody is to sit.
Everybody come and dance!
Come on.
Let's stay up all night together.
Really. Let's talk.
Why would you want to talk?
Here comes my kissing cousin, Aditi.
Hi, lovebirds.
Okay, okay.
I can only handle
one woman at a time.
Oh, really?
Don't tire yourself out.
Tomorrow's the big night.
And don't corrupt
my elder sister, huh?
I don't like kissing.
Typical man.
No, I get so confused about what to do.
Does your tongue go right in?
Does it move around?
Does it stay still?
- Makes me too nervous.
- Don't think. Just go with the flow.
Don't think?
I wish I could do that.
Kissing could be great...
but my mind starts whizzing
with the weirdest thoughts...
and suddenly I'm thinking of some banal,
practical thing to take care of.
I don't know what the big deal is.
I know all about kissing.
- Really, baby?
- Accha. Everything?
Yeah, what's the big deal?
No big deal.
Its gross.
You open your mouth
and he sticks his tongue in.
Don't you know?
That's how older people kiss.
Let's go. I feel exhausted.
See you, Varun.
Mama, I want to sleep.
Yeah, Mr. Culkin, one moment.
I'll go help, huh?
She's so sleepy.
I'll take her out for a drive, okay?
I don't want ice cream.
Strawberry ice cream?
She's tired and cranky.
I thought I'd take her out for a drive.
Yeah, sorry.
Ria, what's happening?
- What's the matter, Ria?
- Just let her go.
Let her go from what?
From you, you bastard!
- Ria, have you gone mad?
- Maybe she's had too much to drink.
What happened?
It wasn't enough that he touched me
when I was a girl?
You had to teach Aliya
how older people kiss?
- Ria, stop this nonsense.
- What did you get out of it?
I didn't even have breasts,
you sick man!
Seven afternoons.
Seven afternoons
of how older people kiss?
You took my clothes off.
Ria stop!
Open your mouth Ria.
Will you stop it?
Don't touch me!
Don't touch me!
Now he's doing it
all over again to Aliya.
She's lying, Lalit. She's lying.
You don't want to believe me?
Then fine.
I'm not a part of this.
I'm not a part of you.
Say something, Lalit.
She's lying!
You know I don't lie, chachu.
You know it!
You know I don't lie!
She's lying, Lalit.
Unmarried girls like Ria,
they make up all these fantasies.
Ria, Ria.
Ria, you can't go away like this.
She's mad!
The girl's going crazy!
Please, Mama.
Come. I want you to come home
with me just now...
and I don't want to listen
to anything, please.
Just change your clothes
and come home with me.
- I'll wait for you in the other room.
- Don't pretend like nothing happened.
Ria, I'm not pretending.
You are, you are!
I don't even know how to console you.
What you have gone through,
I can't even imagine it.
Ria, if you don't come home...
Come home, Ria.
I don't even know what to do.
I don't know what to do, Ria.
My hands are tied.
Tej bhai-sahab and our family
goes back a very long way.
Then why are you punishing me?
I'm not.
And your sister and your mother?
Listen to me.
I cannot break up my family.
I cannot.
Please don't ask me
to make that choice.
I don't know what Surinder bhai-sahab
would have done in my position.
I know I can never
replace your father...
but you're my child now.
My family means everything to me.
Please don't leave us.
Ria, if you go...
- What's your name, little girl?
- Aliya.
Very nice.
Look up. Smile.
Okay, smile.
Very nice. Beautiful.
What a lovely family.
What's your name, please?
Come in front.
Hold it.
Eyes wide open...
and one, two-
Everybody now, smile together,
and watch the birdie.
And three. Very good.
Okay, last picture.
Big smile, please.
Okay, thank you.
I miss you so much, Papa.
I'll go out and receive the guests.
I can't do this.
I can't. I'm sorry.
I don't even want you here. Please.
I cannot allow this, bhai.
I cannot.
Both of you just leave my home
and my family and go.
- Lalit, what are you say-
- I don't want to say any more.
Please don't make it worse.
No, I don't want to say anything.
Please don't make it worse.
These are my children, raji...
and I will protect them
from myself even if I have to.
Please go.