Monster High: 13 Wishes (2013)

Our story begins a long,
long time ago,
in a freaky and
fabulous place.
Gigi, the genie
of the lantern,
was racing to stop her
shadow sister, Whisp,
from doing a great evil.
Hurry, Fawn!
We have to get you to the
mirror room before she finds you.
Gigi, my sister.
She's found us! Hurry!
You have something of mine.
Whisp, leave Fawn alone!
Uh, hello?
Who are you talking to?
Quickly, in here!
The Finder of the lantern
has one wish left.
And she will wish
the shadow genie all powerful!
Wish the shadow
genie all powerful.
Wait, why did I
just think of that?
You must resist.
The wish is yours to make.
Whisp's influence over you
has grown too strong.
Grimm's magic mirror will
show you who you really are.
Too late, sister, her thoughts
are mine and so is her wish.
Grant all power to
the shadow genie.
Fawn, do not be influenced.
The eclipse makes me real! And then
the wish will make it last forever.
Wish all power to
the shadow genie.
I wish all...
All the power!
The eclipse is over,
the danger's passed!
Wish for something,
I wish all this would go away!
As you wish!
Ahh! Ahh! No!
Is it too late
to wish for money?
I should have kept
the magic carpet. Aw!
And so, the lantern was lost
in the sands of time.
First day of
school at Monster High.
Fresh blood! New victims!
Hey, ghouls, killer
back-to-school outfits.
Look good, feel good.
I heard that. You ghouls
ready to rock this fang?
The first day of school.
The most electrifying time
in a young monster's life!
New year, new possibilities.
Anything can happen.
I say, don't fear the year.
Smile for the Ghostly Gossip!
Jolly good!
And there's as many different
wishes for a new school year
as there are students.
Some wishes are pretty simple.
Wait up, I'm thirsty.
Jackson, I think that
water fountain's still...
Everything broken here.
Wish I was in charge, then
things would run like work-clock.
Ooh! Ooh! Abbey!
You could run against Slow-Moe
for Student
Disembodied President.
And some wishes
are way complicated.
Oh, Gil, this year is
gonna be the best ever!
We're gonna dominate
the swimming events,
be absolute monsters
on the scream-track.
Ahem, Gil? What's the matter?
I'm sorry, Lagoona,
I can't come over
to your house
for dinner tonight.
Or any other night...
Crikey! Again? Just because
I'm a saltwater monster?
I wish your
parents would accept me.
Yeah, me, too.
Hey, Twyla!
I gotta tell you, Howleen,
I love your new
look this year.
Thanks, Twyla!
Hey, watch where you're going!
What are you even doing
in this hall, anyway?
I didn't...
Geek Hall is over there.
Talk about fur-gettable.
Don't listen to her, Howleen.
She doesn't know what
she's talking about.
Yes, she does, Twyla.
We're outcasts. I mean, hello!
Your father's the Boogie Man.
I wish I was popular.
Some wishes
are all about change,
some wishes are all about
keeping things the way they are.
How 'bout you, Cleo?
Um, how about nothing?
You don't want anything
to be different this year?
Why would I?
My life is perfect.
I've got it all,
popularity, great friends...
We are the power couple...
Oh, hey, Cleo!
And, of course,
looks, brains and talent.
I wish everything
stays exactly the same.
Some wishes are
about paying it forward.
Yeah, I would've been lost
if I hadn't met you guys.
I wish I could help someone like
you ghouls helped me last year.
- Hey, check it out.
- And some wishes?
Well, they're just
plain batty.
Heath, you think
this stunt is gonna be
unbelievable enough
to get us on the show?
You know it, Manny.
Die Trying! Is gonna have to put
us on when they see this video.
Ready, Clawd?
Three, two, one, blast off!
Aw, yeah!
Let's check out the footage!
Do it again?
Everybody has
something they wish for.
And some monsters
will do anything
to make those
wishes come true.
I'd like to go on record
saying this is a bad idea.
You don't need to do this
to get everyone's attention.
Um, hanging in the shadows has
messed with your vision, Twyla.
Nobody knows who I am.
Uh, sure, they do.
Yeah, they know me as Clawd and
Clawdeen's annoying little sister.
Nobody knows me for me.
That's all gonna change
after I pull this off.
I'm gonna be big time!
And that's what you want?
Who doesn't?
Well, you, my testy bestie,
are a better monster than me.
Now, please, will you help me?
I'll see you in class.
And for what it's worth,
you don't need to
be popular, Howleen.
The monsters that matter
already know how awesome you are.
Really? The first occultation
in a thousand years? Cool.
What's an occultation?
An eclipse. This week?
Directly above Monster High?
Awesome astrology stuff.
Fine. Awesome
astronomy stuff, whatevs.
Whoa. Somebody's asking
for a jolt to the bolts!
Way too much power for
one outlet. Come on!
But what
nobody could know
was that the time to make
your screams come true
had finally arrived!
It's my sister!
We gotta stop her!
My name in lights!
Everybody's gonna know me now!
Howleen! Stop!
No! Wait!
What is all this commotion?
Really, Howleen Wolf,
on the first day of school?
Worst punishment ever.
I can't believe
Bloodgood is making us
clean out this
dusty old attic.
Thanks a lot, Howleen.
How many more times
do I gotta say I'm sorry?
I'll let you know
when you get there.
Hey, it's not so bad,
it's kinda cool up here.
So much interesting old stuff.
They're trying
to let you off the hook.
I just don't get what your whole
fang-up is with being popular.
That's because
you're popular, Clawdeen!
Ugh! You just don't get it.
"I just don't
get what your whole
"fang-up is with
being popular. "
Someday I'm gonna run this school,
and then they'll all be sorry.
Greetings, Finder.
The who-what-what-er?
You have found me.
How may I serve you?
So, wait. You're a genie?
Correct. I am Gigi. And I
am here to serve the Finder.
And you, like,
grant wishes and stuff?
The Finder is granted 13
wishes to use as she chooses.
And I can wish for anything?
No way.
Make a wish, Howleen!
Oh, wow.
Okay, um...
It's a lot of pressure.
I, um...
Just think of something
you really want.
Well, I really wish we
weren't in detention anymore.
As you wish.
An eclipse in three days!
When the moon covers the sun,
the shadows will rule all!
Hey, where did you
ghouls come from?
Never mind that,
let's go shopping!
I am at your command.
Summon me, I will appear.
You have 12 wishes left.
Wow, is this like the best
thing to happen to anybody, ever?
I must warn you, there is
a dark side to the wishes.
The temptation to
use them selfishly
is powerful.
Be cautious,
choose wisely.
Oh, my ghoul,
what am I gonna wish for next?
There are so many
things that I want.
New clothes,
new shoes, maybe a new car,
I can't even drive yet!
Uh, hey. You heard her,
you gotta be careful.
Think things over,
be smart about this.
It's my genie, not yours. And you
can't tell me how to use my wishes!
Uh, I'm not telling you...
yes, you are!
You're always
telling me what to do.
Ah, sisters.
You know what,
I am so glad you decided
to run for Student
Disembodied President!
This seem unnecessary.
I am running for president,
not prom queen.
I focus on issues.
Silly ghoul.
Politics is about perception.
If you look good,
people listen.
Draculaura, I don't know.
Trust me.
Everyone here is so
nice and friendly.
Yeah, it's totes awesome.
You're gonna enjoy it here.
Yeah, I think I will.
Howleen was way pumped about
having all these wishes.
And even though she'd never
admit it to her big sister...
She was taking her advice and
giving this some real thought.
So now we can't even be
in the same classes together?
My parents don't want us
spending any time together.
I thought we were
so past this!
I'm sorry, Lagoona.
I think I could help.
You're sweet.
But it's Gil's parents,
they'll never
let us be together.
Freshwater monsters have been
looking down their gills
at us saltwater
folk for centuries.
I'm afraid there's nothing
you can do about that.
You might be surprised
about what I could do.
Gigi, I need you.
I wish Gil's parents
liked Lagoona!
As you wish.
I've turned freshwater!
I can't believe it!
Gil's parents are gonna flip
their fins when they see me!
Thank you, Howleen!
I so rock!
That felt fur-rific.
High five, Gigi!
Howleen was looking for
someone else to help.
And the answer fell
right at her feet.
Aw, dudes, we got it!
Aw, man, it's hopeless. We're
never gonna get on Die Trying!
Don't worry, big bro,
I gotcha.
I wish you were all
on your favorite show.
As you wish.
Crash Maxxon coming
to you live from...
Where am I? Right.
Monster High! Let's
meet our new contestants!
Clawd Wolf.
Manny Taur.
Burns, Heath Burns.
Are you ready to be on this show
where the stunts are so epic,
so colossally insane,
that you either
finish them or...
Die Trying!
Oh, yeah!
Thanks, little sis.
You rock!
On to the first stunt!
Vote for Abbey,
won't be sorry.
A vote for Abbey
is vote for change.
Please to vote for Abbey.
Hey, what you got to lose?
Early polling numbers are in!
Oh, boy.
not going so hot?
She's in last place.
Am losing to Headmistress
Bloodgood's horse, Nightmare,
and she not even running.
What you need is
a celebrity endorsement.
Great idea! That will
really boost us in the polls.
But who?
Oh! The Himalayan sensation,
Anton yaklovitch? Huh?
No, me!
Everyone in this
school worships me.
If I endorse you,
you're sure to win!
That might work.
Or you could
let me help you.
I have a magic genie.
All I have to do is say the
word, and it's President Abbey.
Great! Howleen,
do your fang.
I wish Abbey was
Student Disembodied President.
As you choose.
How about a hand for
our new president, Abbey!
Howleen, thank you.
You have an amazing power.
Abbey! Abbey! Abbey!
If it isn't the lunar loser.
You don't belong in this ghouls'
room. You don't belong anywhere.
She's right, you know?
You don't belong anywhere.
I don't belong anywhere.
You know,
Gigi could make you popular.
Duh! I have a genie!
She can make me the most
popular monster at school!
Summon her.
Gigi, I need you!
Please leave her alone!
Who are you talking to?
Why? So you can let her
waste all her wishes?
Finder, I warn you.
Don't be tempted
to use the wishes
for selfish...
you know the rules.
The Finder chooses the wish.
Howleen, it's your wish.
It's my wish!
Don't you want
to be popular?
My wish is to be popular.
Just do it!
As you choose.
Did it work?
Go on, find out.
This one is weak
and easy to prompt.
No. Howleen has a good heart. You
wouldn't corrupt her like the others
because she has friends!
Her friends can't help her
if her friends aren't around.
Hey, Howleen!
You look really pretty today!
Hey, ghoul.
I was wondering if you'd
come to my party this weekend.
You're so cool, if you come, I just
know everybody else will show up!
Wow, really?
Um, sure! Thanks!
Smashing outfit! A winner!
I'm telling you,
Twyla, anything you want,
just ask me,
and bam, it's yours!
You gotta want something.
Hmm, nope, I'm good.
Hm, really?
you're as fresh as spring!
Such an organic look!
Going to the Coffin Bean after
school, if you wanna fang out.
Sure, sounds great!
Gory? Really?
I know, crazy, right?
Even she's nice to me now.
Come on, Twyla!
I can make you popular, too!
No, no, thanks. You know me. I'm
comfortable being in the shadows.
Fine, whatevs.
How dclass.
I'm guessing
you used the genie
to make yourself popular.
You know, back in my day, you
had to earn your popularity
by being born into
the right family!
I love being a genie, but in
my lantern, it gets so lonely.
You can't have any
friends in a lantern?
I had one, once.
But she and I,
well, we drifted apart.
I get that!
But I always pull it together.
Monster High is
so wonderful. But...
But what?
I can't stay.
I serve the Finder, after her last
wish, I go back to the lantern.
But why?
I live by rules, Frankie.
It has always been that way.
Changing the way things have
always been is my specialty.
Well, of course
Howleen's changed.
Being popular is not easy.
Not everyone can handle it with
the grace and humility of moi.
Yeah, maybe she thinks
humility means something else!
Guess what!
Gil's parents
invited me over for
dinner last night,
it was so much fun!
And they,
well, they loved her!
I'm going back tonight,
his mom is going to show me how
to make his fave lily pad linguine!
She loves me!
We'll talk to
you ghouls later.
Yeah, this is not our Lagoona.
How's my Cleo,
queen of my heart?
Hey, Deuce, have you talked
to my brother and the guys?
Nah, they're still
on the show.
Man, I bet they're having
the time of their lives.
Man, I thought
the last stunt was rough.
Maybe it's not as
bad as it looks.
That's right!
Our contestants must zip line
400 feet down into
a pit of venomous vipers.
But that's not all! They'll have
to slide through the rings of fire!
And all of this while being
chased by a hungry dragon!
Are you boys ready to
finish this stunt or...
Die Trying!
Now, Abbey, as Student
Disembodied President,
it is your responsibility
to manage the day-to-day
functioning of Monster High in
the absence of the headmistress.
You're going away?
Yes, unfortunately, I have to
attend an emergency meeting.
I have left all the details and
instructions in that guidebook.
Headmistress Bloodgood,
time to go.
Yes, very well. I have every
confidence that, in your hands, Abbey,
this school will be in exactly the
same condition as when I left it.
I will be back in a few days.
Now, your first act as
president. Morning announcements!
this is President Abbey.
Lunch hour now is 20 minutes.
To give more time
for the studies.
Is for their own good.
Sorry, I do that,
it's a family thing.
Hey, what's the matter?
You know, it's just Howleen.
She's different now.
This happens to
some Finders.
They get what they thought they
wanted, and it changes them.
Yeah, but that's not it.
It's hard to explain. There is
something different in the shadows.
Like someone or
something is living there.
Do you know anything
about this? I cannot say.
I really cannot.
The magic of the lamp stops me from
telling the Finder all that I know.
Please, Gigi,
you gotta help Howleen out.
You need to guide her.
Howleen must choose her path. I
am not allowed to influence her.
But others can.
Well, if you can't help her,
maybe we can. Come on, Twyla.
Wait. Guys,
guys, I can't hear you. What?
Front row of the casketball
game on Friday? Let me check.
Okay, well, I'll have to move some
things around, but I think I can make it.
What? Gory is having
a party next Saturday?
Aw, man, that's the same day
as Operetta's party.
I guess I can't make it.
Wait! Why am I moving stuff?
I'm the popular one!
Operetta will just
have to move her party
if she wants me to fit
her into my skedge...
Howleen! We have to talk.
Yeah. This isn't you.
Whatever's going down,
we're here for you.
Where were they when you were
getting picked on in the bathroom?
That's right! Where were you?
Hey, this is what popular looks
like. If you can't handle that...
Being popular's not as easy
as I make it look, is it?
Go away, Cleo.
You're just not built
to handle popularity.
You have no idea what
it's like being an outcast!
What it's like being
forgotten, being nobody.
Perhaps she should
learn what it's like.
Totally. Gigi, I need you!
Yes, Finder,
how may I serve you?
I wish Cleo knew what
it was like to be nobody.
But, but, Finder...
As you choose.
Hmm. No amount of wishing
can turn me into a nobody!
You won't believe what just...
Oh, hey.
Are you new here?
New here?
No, it's me!
Hi, Me, I'm Draculaura,
and this is Frankie.
It's a big school.
Are you lost?
Hah, you're joking.
You're not!
The wish!
Nobody knows me!
That new girl seems
kinda high-strung.
Hey, you okay?
Don't think I've seen
you around here before.
Hey! Yo, dudes,
would you think
that I was a
if I, uh, didn't want to
go back on the show anymore?
It's like we're
living a nightmare!
We just gotta tell
Crash that we're dunzo,
- he'll understand.
- Ah!
Are you ready for the next
terrifyingly awesome stunt?
Yeah, about that.
We don't think
we can do the show anymore.
Oh, that's a funny joke.
You can't quit this show.
You get to the finale,
or you...
Die Trying!
Our next stupefying stunt?
Locked in a janitor's closet
filled with angry dung beetles!
Students, you are in
such luck for lunch!
Himalayan yak surprise!
Lagoona, what are you doing?
Aren't you going to eat?
Sure, just not
until I finish cutting
his food like
his mom showed me.
A freshwater tradition,
which I embrace.
This is embarrassing.
Yo. New girl!
High school can be pretty
rough if you don't know anyone.
Tell me about it.
So, what's your story,
new girl?
I'm not the new girl!
I haven't seen you before.
Ugh! I am the most popular
ghoul at this school.
Yeah, right.
Okay. I mean, let's just say
I believed any of that.
What's everybody's
deal with being popular?
Why can't monsters just
be happy with who they are?
I see what you're doing.
You do?
You're using
reverse psychology on me!
am not...
you're telling me
to take back
what I've lost!
Not even close.
To get back my status, my
popularity, my boyfriend, Deuce!
I'm a de Nile!
And I'm not going to let a teeny
setback keep me from my destiny!
Oh, you're a genius, girl
whose name I can't remember!
Hey, Twyla,
who was the new girl?
I see my sister's still forgetting
who her real friends are.
I don't think it's her fault.
Something's going on.
But I can't figure out what.
Maybe I can.
Howleen, we need to talk.
Oh, no can do.
What's your damage?
What's my damage?
You're the one who's shutting
out everybody who cares about you.
She just can't stand it!
Big, bad Clawdeen Wolf,
jealous of her little sis.
You're just jealous of me.
Everybody's right about these
wishes, they've changed you.
A real big sister
would be happy for you.
Why can't you
just be happy for me?
Because that's
what big sisters do!
They call you on it
when you mess up.
And Howleen, I love you,
but you are messing up major.
Come on, let's go find that
genie, we gotta undo these wishes.
I got this. Gigi, I need you.
Oh, Gigi,
thank goodness you're here.
Howleen and I think
it would be a good idea...
She is standing in my...
your way.
Just take the lantern away.
Maybe it's time you made her
I just don't think Howleen
is mature enough to handle it.
I wish...
I wish my sister would just
Do it!
Do it!
As you choose.
Fang-tastic outfit.
Bad situation.
Howleen! Oh!
I'm telling you,
Howleen is different.
And now Clawdeen is really,
really different!
Gigi, you okay?
What's wrong?
Does it have something to
do with Howleen and Clawdeen?
I want to tell you,
I really do,
but I'm afraid I
might do more harm.
Gigi, our friends are in
trouble, we've got to help them.
As I told you, there is a
temptation to the wishes,
a darkness...
A shadow.
Twyla said there was something
weird going on in the shadows.
I thought it was something to
do with the upcoming eclipse...
An eclipse? When?
Totally, and it's going to be
directly over Monster High.
This is terrible news.
I can't directly
interfere with
any decisions
made by the Finder.
Ghoulia's right,
we're not the Finder.
You should be able
to tell us, right?
Okay. But we must be careful not to
let others overhear. Come with me.
This is your shadow
who's doing all of this?
Yes. I am restricted
by the rules
of the lantern,
but Whisp is not.
Whisp turns the Finders
against their better natures.
She is whispering things to
Howleen and I'm unable to stop her.
And what about Clawdeen?
That is not Clawdeen.
That is a shadow version.
If that's not Clawdeen,
then where is Clawdeen?
She has been
She's been what?
Wait, wait, wait.
Banished? Where?
To my home, the lantern.
Then we're going there
to get her back!
It will do no good.
Even if you got Clawdeen out,
there is a much
bigger problem.
During the eclipse,
Monster High
will be cast into
a shadowy twilight.
And in that semi-darkness,
shadows gain depth and power.
When the eclipse is total,
Whisp will become real,
and if she can
convince the Finder to wish,
"All power to
the shadow genie,"
she will gain all the powers of
a dark shadow genie permanently
and will banish everyone at
Monster High into the lantern.
They will be replaced
with shadow versions.
Whisp will be their leader, and
every one of us, including Howleen,
will be trapped in
the lantern for all eternity.
What can we do to stop Whisp?
There's no way
to stop her now.
Ghoulia's right. Clawdeen can
stop Howleen from making that wish!
But inside the lantern
is a strange
and dangerous land
that Whisp controls.
It is not safe. And it won't
be easy to find Clawdeen.
We must get her out.
While I cannot get you inside,
I can help you get back out.
This orb can be used once
and only once
to transport you all
back out of the lantern.
So, how can we get Whisp
to send us into the lantern?
Well, she is eliminating all obstacles
in her path to ultimate power.
So we just have to
become an obstacle.
Die Trying!
Die Trying! Die Trying!
This is humiliating.
And I'm claustrophobic!
Hey, shh!
They're gonna find us!
Not that I'm scared
or anything.
Me neither!
Bring it on!
Is President Abbey.
Am now to announce
class trip for
whole school to ocean!
For whole week
of beach clean-up!
Great way to build community
and help environment.
That is all.
Mother Nature would approve.
I approve.
Count me out, I'm spending
the week with you, Gil!
Every day, all day.
I mean, who cares
about a bunch of
polluted sea water?
No appointment? You don't
see my sister, got it?
Let's do this!
Oh, my ghoul!
So sorry, new girl!
Here, let me...
I got it, Frankie.
See you later!
Hey, uh, I'm Deuce.
Call me crazy, but do I
know you from somewhere?
Oh, thank Ra! Finally...
I got it!
You have an older sister
who used to go here, right?
Well, maybe
I'll see you around.
See you around, Cleo.
And I hope so.
Hey, bro. What's up?
Um, why are you
in the trash can?
Just where I hang.
Since when?
Since, I don't know,
like always!
Everyone's doing this now.
Oh, sure.
All day!
Oh, yeah!
Ready for the next round!
As always, what's mine
is yours, little sister.
Howleen, we need to talk. Now.
Sorry, she's kind of busy,
okay, ghouls?
Cut the act,
you're not the real Clawdeen.
If you'll excuse me.
Howleen, these wishes
have gotten way out of hand.
Give us back our friend
or we tell Bloodgood
and get you
kicked out of school!
They challenge your power!
Get rid of them.
Gigi, I need you!
You summoned me?
So, they want to know
where their bestie is? Hah.
Show them!
for my next wish...
Oh, my ghoul.
Are you done? Fine.
That was wish number eight.
Whoa! We did it!
We're inside the lantern!
Which explains
why we look so...
Mmm, fabulous!
Wow, this place is
beautiful and big.
How are we ever
going to find Clawdeen?
Clawdeen's size sevens.
Now you are in my playground.
It's Whisp!
In the flesh.
Um, sort of. You see,
out here, I am merely
an unnoticed shadow.
But inside the lantern,
I am all powerful!
And soon, everything
you have will be mine.
Look! It's our shadows!
Wanna save your friend?
Good luck!
The shadow eclipse is coming,
your time is running out!
All right, class, you gotta
be very, very careful with...
Ah, ah...
Not again.
Read chapter 13
until I get back!
I just figured out
the perfect way for us
to get back to the top
of the social scene.
Cleo, I was never on
top of the social scene.
Well, now you can be!
All we have to do is throw a
royally epic party here at school
and everyone will
love us forever!
And maybe Deuce will
ask you to go with him?
Oh, do you think so? I mean,
if he does, cool, whatevs.
But come on, this is
your chance to step out
of the shadows and
into the limelight.
Just don't upstage me.
I won't.
Seriously, I won't.
Now, when should we do it?
Oh! This looks good!
The night of
the shadow eclipse?
Hey, there, Madam Prez!
Got a minute?
I have some great ideas
on how to change the school.
Of course! Anything for you!
Truth be told,
need the extra help.
No. And now you're
going after Abbey?
I'm simply clearing the way.
With each wish,
I get stronger.
When the moon crosses the sun,
I will have everything.
You will have nothing.
Stings, doesn't it, sister?
Watch out!
Whoa, this is like the coolest
library I've ever been in!
Oh, no! Did Howleen
send you here, too?
It's not her fault.
Whisp, I knew it!
Gigi gave us this orb
to get us back out. Come on.
We have to get you
back to Monster High.
We need you to
talk to Howleen.
Make sure that she
doesn't listen to Whisp!
I don't know.
Howleen never listened
to me much before.
There might be another way. There's
something you ghouls need to see.
I was digging
around and found this!
It's a genie-ology.
Written by the Brothers Grimm.
"Once upon a time in a
strange and distant land... "
- Mystery and magic ruled.
- It was the age of the genie.
Gigi loved being a genie,
granting wishes to her Finders,
making their dreams come true.
But something was missing.
When the 13 wishes were granted,
she returned to her lantern,
alone. Gigi was lonely.
One of the Brothers Grimm
wanted to help.
He whispered an idea into
the ear of the next Finder,
who then made a wish for Gigi.
It was during a full eclipse
that the magic of the wish
transformed Gigi's shadow into Whisp.
Always together,
they were like sisters.
But Whisp longed to be
more than just a shadow.
She wanted to be a genie, too.
She grew jealous of Gigi's power.
Whisp discovered that she was not
bound by the rules of the lantern.
Whisp began whispering
into the ears of the Finders,
convincing them to use their
wishes to serve her own needs.
The Brothers Grimm
learned of this
and created a magic mirror to
protect the Finders from Whisp.
It was during another eclipse that
Gigi felt compelled to break the rules
and use the magic mirror
to stop Whisp.
The magic mirror was shattered
into 13 pieces,
but Whisp's spell
over the Finder was broken.
The Finder made her
final wish and Gigi
and Whisp were pulled
back into the lantern.
The defeated Whisp retreated deeper
into the shadows of the lantern,
hiding the 13 shards
of the shattered magic mirror
...and plotting
her return to power.
So, that's why Gigi
is so reluctant to interfere.
The last time she did, it
destroyed that magic mirror.
Ghoulia is right,
the eclipse is coming quickly!
We have to find
that magic mirror.
Or else she'll
take over the world.
And we'll be
trapped in here forever!
According to this,
the mirror was smashed
into 13 pieces
a long time ago.
They're supposedly scattered
here throughout the lantern.
I've been using this map, but it
keeps taking me to the wrong places.
Well, we have to try.
Come on!
Go on, like we practiced.
Oh, wow. A secret party?
Hosted by the Cleo de Nile?
Ooh, I am so there.
Hmm. One more time.
With feeling!
Oops! Me bad.
Hey, Lagoona,
wanna study with me?
Oh, no, I just want
to drink this water.
This fresh water.
But what about
the Skullastic aptitude test?
I don't care about school.
This is who I am now, Gil.
Your parents love me
and I couldn't be happier.
But what about your parents?
Oh, who cares?
They're just a bunch of
saltwater drongos, right?
Okay, but, Lagoona.
You're kidding, right?
This isn't you!
Hah! So fresh.
Oh, dear.
According to this map, this room
has one of the mirror pieces.
Magic carpets!
Cool, but no mirror.
A dead end.
It's this map! It's useless.
See, we came
from here and then...
What is it, Ghoulia?
O- M-Ghoul! Check it out!
That's the real map!
A shadow map!
It's on the other side!
We've been going
to the wrong places!
Ghoulia, you are a genius!
This way! We got
some mirrors to collect!
Howleen, are you ready
to make your next wish?
I have a suggestion.
Ah! Twyla,
you shouldn't be here.
It's not safe.
I don't care.
I'm still Howleen's friend.
And I won't give up on her.
You're very sweet, but...
Gigi! I need you!
- Wait.
- Now!
I have to go.
No shadows.
They are shadows!
Die Trying!
Die Trying! Die Trying!
We're really doing this?
Dude, the whole
world is watching.
If we back out,
we'll look like scaredycats.
I hate cats!
The world wants to know,
will you make this jump or...
Die Trying!
Let's get it over with.
I mean, we could nail this with
our hands tied behind our backs!
Great idea!
Die Trying!
In here!
There it is!
A piece of the magic mirror!
Easy enough, right, ghouls?
You're in my world now!
Good thing we're on
the fearleading team.
I got this.
That was kind of fun.
The first one is
always the easiest.
One down...
Twelve more to go.
Come on.
There you is!
Meaning to talk about
your folder of silly ideas.
Very funny stuff!
Those weren't jokes.
We are serious.
And if you refuse
to do them, ah,
then maybe you
shouldn't be president.
I think it's time for you to be
removed from office. Permanently.
I wish...
We were running out of time.
The shadow eclipse
was only hours away!
Stop right there!
I'm not comfortable using my
formidable mental powers in this way.
Oh, really?
Sure would be a shame
if something were to
happen to your
boyfriend, InvisiBilly!
don't let her hurt me.
Oh, she likes Howleen. He likes
Howleen. Her. Him. Her. Him.
Those four,
they're not big fans at all!
Come with us.
what has happened to you?
Yeah, who put
a bee in your bonnet?
Excuse me.
Where are you taking us?
You will learn to
love your leader.
Stop, that's not very nice!
Less talk, more walk! Move!
You are so popular.
Yeah, popular.
And even the ones who don't like
you will soon learn to love you.
Hey, come on,
let's hear some chatter!
Howleen is great.
She is the best.
Howleen is great.
She is the best.
You may have
the power of wishes,
but I will have power
over the people.
How does it feel knowing I'll
have all the friends in the world
and you'll be forgotten?
Those aren't friends.
They're mindless slaves.
Not sure I see the difference.
So, Cleo's throwing
a comeback party, huh?
We'll see about that.
Howleen Wolf!
To the Headmistress'
office immediately.
This type of behavior is not
tolerated at Monster High, young lady.
You will take all those
banners down, immediately.
She's threatened by you.
Not a chance.
Excuse me, I am the
headmistress of this school!
Not anymore.
Show her the new charter.
I'll spare you the read.
Long story short,
you're fired.
You don't have
the power to do that.
Do it. Now.
Gigi. I wish...
What just happened?
With Bloodgood gone,
Whisp could turn the school
into whatever she wanted.
And no one could stop her.
No one was safe. Even monsters
who thought they had it good
found out that you should be
careful what you wish for.
Can you believe what Abbey and
Howleen are doing to this school?
I don't care about anything
except being with you.
Lagoona, I'm fine! I
don't... I don't need that.
You're right.
If you get your shirt dirty,
I'll wash it for you.
In fresh water!
Or I'll buy you a new
one with me allowance!
Let me get this.
You don't have to
do that, either.
But I do. In fact,
here, have mine, too.
You need your strength
for the big swim meet.
Well, so do you.
No, silly.
I quit the team.
Lagoona, I don't even know
who you are anymore.
I'm exactly who
you want me to be!
You wanted to see me?
Oh, you again.
What have you done
to Bloodgood's office?
It's her office now!
Just like your comeback party
is now her eclipse party.
You can't!
How am I going to
get back together with Deuce?
The hottest,
most popular guy in school?
Sorry, dear,
he's going with Howleen,
the hottest,
most popular ghoul in school.
Hey, Howleen, it's Deuce.
Um, I was told I had to go to
tomorrow night's party with you
or else I would be expelled,
so pick you up at 8:00?
And now,
it's time for her to go.
Gigi, the door.
I'm sorry.
How much longer do
we have to do this?
You think I'd be
used to this by now.
Oh, yeah! Gentlemen,
there is just one last stunt.
No one's ever completed it.
What do you say?
Can you do it or will you...
Die Trying!
Die trying.
Yeah, yeah, we get it.
What do we have to do?
Die Trying!
This can't be good.
Hope you ghouls can
handle a little heat!
We're trapped!
It's so hot.
And it's getting closer!
Ghoulia's right.
We gotta get outta here now!
Hey! Need to cool down?
Awesome, right?
Come on!
Let's go!
How did you find us?
Piece of pie.
You leave more footprints
than eight-legged yak.
Oh, I found this
one wandering around.
Whisp got you too, new girl?
Whisp thought she was
sending us to certain doom,
that we had no chance
inside this lantern.
There it is!
This seems way too easy.
She made
one voltageous mistake.
She sent us all here,
It is time. Now help your sister
find something nice to put on.
We had 12
pieces of the mirror.
One more and
we were home free.
The last room is right here!
My back.
I don't understand.
We followed the map exactly.
Whisp was right.
We're done for!
Uh, Ghoulia?
The real door
is inside the shadow!
I put your picture
on every page.
Your homework for
the next two months.
But just so you know,
you're only
cheating yourself out
of a quality education.
Get lost, how you say, dweeb.
The shadow, I can see her.
I don't get it. Where are we?
Oh, my ghoul.
This is Whisp's room!
But where is the last piece
of the magic mirror?
"But where is the last piece
of the magic mirror?"
I didn't think you'd make
it this far. Impressive.
But I still win.
The last piece isn't in there.
It never was.
Where is it?
Does it matter?
In just minutes, it'll all be
over for you and your school. Look.
Quite a spectacle,
too bad the only view you'll
get is through my mirror.
"My mirror"?
I know where the last piece
is! Let's get out of here!
I don't think so!
The exit orb!
We've gotta get it back
or we'll never
get out of here!
This party is totally amazing.
You ain't seen nothing yet.
You won't win, Whisp.
Howleen's friends will stop you.
Gigi, you are as big
a fool as those ghouls,
chasing their tails
inside the lantern.
They'll never make it in time.
Now, remember your next wish.
Just like we practiced,
"I wish all power
to the shadow genie. "
I wish...
No, no, not yet!
Just a little while longer.
I gotta stop her!
There he is!
Cut him off!
Coming your way.
Oh, no! Look out!
All you, Frankie!
No! Frankie, no!
Now, let's get out of here.
Take us home!
No! They're back.
The last mirror shard!
I've gotta call Frankie.
Twyla? Yes. I know.
We'll be right there,
here's what I need you to do.
Only a few more moments
before you can make your wish.
You remember what
it is, don't you?
Give me back my sister,
you shady shadow!
Or else what?
You don't have all the pieces,
you're powerless against me.
We know where
the last piece is!
Too late!
Soon, I will rule this world.
Make the wish, quickly!
All power...
I wish... Huh. Um...
Twyla, now!
Only Howleen knows for sure
what she saw that day.
Maybe she saw sides of herself
she didn't even know existed
or had forgotten about.
Maybe she started
to see herself
for who she really was,
freaky flaws and all.
And, maybe, for
the first time in her life,
she genuinely liked
who she was looking at.
There's still time!
Make the wish! Quickly!
No! I'm done
doing your dirty work!
No, no, no.
But think of
the power we can have.
Nope. I got everything
I need right here!
Oh, gosh. I was so worried. Howleen.
- I love you so much, sis!
- Are you okay?
I'm great.
You guys never gave up on me.
We'll always be here for you.
Thank you.
The eclipse is over,
the danger is past.
You can use your last
two wishes safely now.
The first one,
the first one is easy.
I need to fix
everything I messed up.
Gigi, I wish to undo
all my previous wishes.
As you choose.
Oh, dear.
Whoa, what happened?
You're back. The real you!
Did it work?
I don't feel any different.
Quick, what's my name?
No idea...
- Oh!
- Cleo!
Hey! There's my only ghoul.
I got those tickets for that
thing you wanted to go to...
Okay, um, cool! Squeezing
a little tight there.
Guys! I see the finish line!
We'll be the first dudes
to ever win this show!
One last wish. That will send
us both back to the lantern.
We are ready.
Do you have to go?
Can't you stay?
I would love to stay,
experience what real teenage
life is like at Monster High,
but I'm a genie.
There is no other way.
What if there were?
Whisp, come here.
You thought you wanted the
world. But I can see through you.
I get you.
You were tired of
lurking in the shadows
while Gigi got to go
out and make friends.
I know what it's like to be
in someone else's shadow.
You thought if you
couldn't be something,
you'd have to be against it.
But if you were the genie...
What? You'd have to follow the rules.
But she's, like, evil!
Howleen's right!
If Whisp were the genie, then she'd
be bound by the rules of the lantern.
You'd have to do
what your Finder wanted!
You choose.
That's what I'd always wanted.
It's all I ever wished for!
Gigi, I'm ready
for my final wish.
I wish
that Whisp becomes
the new genie...
Releasing you to
stay at Monster High.
You're gonna be okay?
I will be good!
Finder, as you wish.
Goodbye! Thank you!
The lantern fell into
the deep end of the pool,
and at Monster High, the
deep end goes down forever.
It will be found again
when it wants to be.
I hate to break up
this touching moment,
but anybody still
feel like a party?
Shame to waste all this.
Howleen, how about it?
Oh! I, um,
didn't think I'd be invited.
Don't be ridiculous, if you
come, I know everybody else will.
Yo, yo, yo, it's your boy, Holt
Hyde on the Squeals of Steal!
Don't fear the year, yeah,
yeah! Let's haunt this casbah!
Put your hands together
for Catty Noir!
Close your eyes ghoul Look inside ghoul
Let the wish take you away
Close your eyes ghoul
Look inside ghoul
Let the wish take you away
I like to dream, yeah
Amazing wishes so extreme
I'm sorry, Gil, I know you really
liked me being a freshwater ghoul.
No. No. That's what my parents
wanted you to be.
I like you just
the way you are.
Because I'm gonna beat your fins
off at the swim meet this weekend!
It's good to
have you back.
Oh, it's good to be back.
Hey, ghouls, what are you
doing over there by yourselves?
Come hang with us.
That's okay. Thanks for the
offer, I'm happy right where I am.
Maybe we should
go over there.
To be honest, it gets a little
boring just hanging out with you.
My monsters want to know,
how was it being on
such a spooktacularly
dangerous show
like Die Trying!
It was no big woof.
I chew cud tougher than that.
Took a nap through most of it.
Close your eyes ghoul Look inside ghoul
Let the wish take you away
Wishes, who wouldn't love
to have them?
Everybody has
something they want,
something they think
they can't live without.
We all know there
are no shortcuts.
But we have to
work for what we want.
And if you find out
who you really are,
you may also find out that the
things you thought you wanted
aren't the things you need.