Monster High: Freaky Fusion (2014)

Missing something!
I'll save you, Frankie!
- Neighthan!
I'm okay!
When we get back to the others,
can we skip telling
them that last part?
(LAUGHS) My hero.
Hey, look over here!
Look over here! Whoa! Whoa!
Look at this!
Sirena! Be careful!
Avia! Bonita!
- Looks like you two could use a lift.
- Hang on, Frankie!
FRANKIE: Okay, okay,
I know what you're thinking.
Who's that voltageously
cute zombie-unicorn guy,
and could he be any more adorbs?
That or you're wondering
about the big scary creature.
Either way, I'll bet I've
sparked your attention.
This is a story about family.
There are lots of different
types of families.
And they can sometimes be found
in pretty unexpected places.
But, hey, I'm getting
ahead of myself.
Let's tell the story
from the beginning.
Oh, right! The opening titles!
We are monsters
We are proud
We are monsters
Say it loud
Don't stop rocking
your right to fright
We are Monster High
We are monsters
We are proud
We are monsters, say it loud
We are Monster High
We are monsters
We are proud
We are monsters, say it loud
We are Monster High
FRANKIE: It all started
on the 200th anniversary
of the opening of Monster High,
the bite-centennial celebration.
It was a really big deal.
Ugh, I guess this bite-centennial
celebration is a really big deal.
You ghouls smell that?
It's like cheap cologne.
- Ahem.
Did I say cheap?
I meant cheerfully applied
by our favorite invisible
drama teacher,
who loves giving us A's?
Smooth, Clawdeen. Very smooth.
Are we ready for this evening's
scaritage performance, ladies?
Ready? Why, we're practically
bursting at the seams.
I know how you feel.
The whole school is
howling with anticipation
for the info-tainment
event of the century,
"The History of Monster High.
"A Bite-centennial Celebration
of Exceptional Acceptance."
A Mr. Where production.
Trademark pending.
Do not be late for the
rehearsal this afternoon.
ALL: We won't.
Okay, seriously?
That cologne smells worse
than a zombie's gym bag.
- Huh?
- No offense, Ghoulia.
What's with the new kids?
You ghouls haven't met the
new transfer students yet?
They're Hybrid Monsters.
You mean they're like two
different monsters in one?
Exactly. They each have
more than one scaritage.
Two different monsters?
Shouldn't they have to
make up their minds?
Cleo, you can't even
make up your mind
when you pick an outfit for school.
You know, I've heard this isn't the
first time they've changed schools.
I guess being a Hybrid
makes it hard to fit in.
They don't look very friendly.
Cleo, you don't look very friendly.
Oh, my ghoul, Frankie!
- Embarrassing.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I don't know
what happened. I just...
I'm Frankie.
And now would be the part
where you tell me your name.
Neighthan. His name is Neighthan.
Come on, Neighthan, let's go.
Oh, welcome to Monster
High, Neighthan.
I think you and your Hybrid friends
are really going to like it here.
Yeah. Sure.
Come on, Neighthan. Time to go.
Told you they didn't
seem very friendly.
I gotta go. Bye, Frankie.
...which finally brings us to
the most important branch
of the de Nile family tree.
Next slide.
So, in conclusion,
because my family has more pharaohs
and queens than anyone else's,
my scaritage project
should win first prize.
The scaritage report is an
assignment. Not a competition.
Well, just so long as
we're all in agreement
that if this were a competition,
I'd win. (CHUCKLES)
Robecca Steam, your turn.
This is my father,
- Hexiciah Steam.
He was a brilliant mechanic,
a revolutionary inventor,
and a teacher here at Monster High.
I was well acquainted
with Professor Steam.
- Here we go again.
I was his favorite student.
And who could blame him?
My father had a workshop
down in the catacombs
where they say he invented
something new every single day.
And one day, he invented me.
Favorite student. Right here.
And this belongs to my father.
I don't really know what it is.
Father went missing
over 100 years ago,
so I've kept this to remember him by.
Every time I look at it,
it reminds me how grateful I am that
Hexiciah Steam discovered
the secret to creating life,
to creating me.
Very good, Robecca.
And now, Frankie Stein.
So, um,
my grandfather was
Victor Frankenstein, and
he built my dad, and...
That's all I know. Thank you.
That's it?
I think Grandpa went to Monster High.
Oh! Oh...
And I have these.
The blueprints for making me.
And the photo album?
Oh, um...
Just a bunch of ripped out pages.
And that's all I got.
Frankie Stein,
I am most disappointed
with this report.
You are completely unprepared.
But my mom and dad
won't tell me about my...
When I was a student here at Monster
High, I was always prepared.
It's like Professor Steam used to say,
"If you're always prepared..."
ALL: "You'll never be scared."
Frankie Stein,
you are to redo the assignment
and present it again
first thing tomorrow.
Next, Abbey Bominable.
Family history starts with ice age.
Fasten seat belts.
This could take a while.
Could somebody pass
the Dead Sea salt?
- I've got it.
- Here you go.
- After you.
- Sorry about that.
- If you insist.
- All right then.
- Oh, no, my fault.
- Sorry about that.
Oh, for dying out loud.
Don't fret, love.
A bad grade on your project
isn't the end of the world.
No, it's not that, Lagoona.
It's just,
you ghouls all seem to know
so much about your scaritage.
But I don't know anything about mine.
Can you not speak to your
father about your family?
My parents won't talk
about my grandfather.
And anytime I ask,
my dad just gets into one
of his moods and is all...
(GROWLS) "Grandpa bad!"
Too cold.
Allow me.
Much better.
Hey, guys! Wanna join us?
Yeah, that would be...
Unnecessary, because we've
already got a table. Thanks.
Rude much? No wonder they got
kicked out of eight different schools.
You know, I wish there was some way
we could find my father's
workshop in the catacombs.
He used to keep a journal
about everything.
If your grandfather was a
student at Monster High,
I'm sure he'd have written about him.
You don't remember where it is?
If I really fire on all cylinders,
I think I might be able to find it.
Well, what are we waiting for?
Let's go find that journal.
Uh, Venus, you know I don't do salad.
Meow. What's this I hear about
a mystery trip to the catacombs?
I'm so there. Scooch.
(SCOFFS) Um...
Hello, this is my space.
And why would you want to come
with us to the catacombs, Toralei?
What? I'm a curious kitty.
Now let's go find that...
Whatever it is we're finding.
All right, loverghoul, let's go.
I don't know why we
couldn't sit with them.
Those ghouls seemed nice.
Neighthan, don't be naive.
Regular monsters don't want
anything to do with us Hybrids.
You know how it works.
We change schools, get pushed
around for a few weeks,
then it's off to find another school.
This place will be no different.
Come on, Avia.
Monster High is supposed to be
different than those other schools.
They say everyone is welcome.
Even if they have a freaky flaw.
Yeah, flaw, not flaws.
They don't understand what it's
like to have two. Right, Sirena?
Huh? Oh.
Yes. I agree with all of you.
You got distracted again.
No, I just...
Oh, hey...
Are you going to finish those?
- Please, after you.
- You first.
- If you insist.
- Why, thank you.
- Toralei, move over!
- I like this spot!
Move over!
- Scooch.
- Move over.
- Move!
Brace yourself, it's a bumpy ride.
I'm pretty sure it was down...
This way.
It's so dark down here.
Can anybody see anything?
I've got this.
No, worries. I've got this.
Looks like we have a
hidden passage down under.
This is it.
Ghouls, I give you the
workshop of Hexiciah Steam!
I didn't expect it to be so
bottomless-pitty. (CHUCKLES)
I don't understand.
It should be right here.
All those in favor of not opening the
scary clock door again, say eyeball.
ALL: Eyeball!
VENUS: I don't get it.
It's just a model.
VENUS: It's about time?
She's right. It's about
time we got out of here.
It's about time!
A security lock based
on a clock system.
Oh, that is so my dad.
Okay, everybody spread out
and look for that journal.
Uh, but remember,
don't touch anything.
Why's everyone looking at me?
Okay! Don't touch anything, got it!
Oh, my Ra!
Why didn't anybody tell me
my headband was crooked?
Hey, what you doing?
Ghouls, I found the journal!
Does it say anything
about my grandfather?
"October 5th, 1814.
"Victor Frankenstein is one of the
brightest and most promising students"
"I have ever had the
pleasure to educate."
That's him! You found my grandfather!
- What else does it say?
- Let's see.
Hmm. "Unfortunately,
there's another side to Victor.
"A dangerous inner personality
"that recklessly disregards the
spectacular mysteries of life
"in pursuit of his
scientific ambitions.
"I fear this may be young
Victor's undoing."
I wonder if that's why my
parents don't talk about him.
Hey! I wasn't done with that.
That's different.
- ALL: Toralei!
- Okay.
Now I get why you all looked at me
when you said, "Don't touch anything."
Somebody wanna tell me
what just happened?
Ugh, I'll tell you what happened.
Toralei touched something.
Something's different.
Does this workshop look
(GROANS) cleaner to you ghouls?
VENUS: Draculaura's right.
Something is different.
Isn't it obvious?
Robecca's dad invented
some kind of a cleaner-upper machine.
You ghouls should be thanking
me for sprucing up this dump.
Whatever that was,
I feel it would be wise for us
to leave before
something else happens.
Jinafire's right.
We should get back up to the school or
we're gonna miss Mr. Where's rehearsal.
FRANKIE: It looks like Monster
High is under construction.
So that means Hexiciah
Steam built a...
Time teleporter.
FRANKIE: If this is the year 1814,
then that means
- I can go meet my grandfather!
I agree. We cannot risk
interactions with past events.
Our presence here could change the
entire course of monster history.
I guess you're right.
Ghoulia, how long until we can
open the workshop door again?
- Then it's settled.
We wait one hour for
the workshop door
to reopen and we go back to...
Where's Toralei?
Oh, no. Look.
That kitty really
rankles my bandages.
We've got to find her before
she causes any more trouble.
This is so bad!
Don't worry, Draculaura.
We'll find Toralei.
There's no iCoffin reception in 1814.
Why is everybody staring at us?
CLAWDEEN: It's 1814.
They've never seen fashion
styles like ours before.
(GRUNTS) It's a Ghost-ier
original and it's magnificent.
Move along.
The sooner we find Toralei and get
back to our own time, the better.
We should split up.
We'll find her faster that way.
And remember, try not
to talk to anybody.
Toralei has got to be
around here somewhere.
All right, class.
Settle down. Settle down.
That's Hexiciah Steam. Robecca's dad.
(PANTING) Sorry, I'm late
again, Professor Steam!
Oh, my ghoul! That's...
Mr. Rotter!
Just take your seat.
Come on. Let's just stay for a bit.
I trust you're prepared to
deliver your scaritage report?
I am not, sir.
A little preparation
would go along way
toward succeeding in
my class, Mr. Rotter.
You see, if you're always prepared...
You'll never be scared! (CHUCKLES)
Yes. Yes, indeed! Very good.
I like that. (LAUGHS)
I can't believe Robecca is
missing this. I wish I could text her.
Now then, since Mr. Rotter
is not prepared,
would somebody else care to share
something about their scaritage?
No fear. I've got this.
All right then, Sparky, you're next.
Hey, check out mad scientist boy.
Class, Professor Steam,
I do not have a scaritage.
- For, you see, I am an orphan.
So because I don't have
a family, I made one!
Yes! I have created life!
Feast your eyes upon
Ancestral-bot 3.5 and 3.7.
Eh... Don't ask about 3.6.
He turned out to be a few electrons
short of a carbon molecule,
if you know what I mean. (CHUCKLES)
Not to worry. Just a little setback.
Maybe the normie student exchange
program wasn't such a good idea.
Think we can send him back?
(STUTTERING) Stop laughing at me!
I can get it right. I know it.
I'm just missing something!
Some part. Some ingredient!
You're right. You are
missing something.
You tried to create life using this.
But you left out this.
Uh, you mean guts
and organs and stuff?
No, I used plenty of those. Look.
(CHUCKLES) No, no, no.
What I'm talking about
isn't a physical part, lad.
Not some tangible ingredient.
Creating life requires
something more.
Something of one's self. A spark.
No, you lost me.
Hmm. There are two sides
to every single one of us.
There's this physical
nonsense of skin and bones.
And in some cases,
copper and steam whistles.
But there's also something deep
down that we can't see or touch.
Maybe it's emotion. Maybe it's love.
I don't really know.
But what I do know is that
you cannot simply brute force the
science to cater to your every whim.
If you're not careful,
the consequences
could be catastrophic.
But it is possible. Somebody made me.
"Sparks"? "Love"?
That doesn't make any sense.
I will figure out how to
create life. I will make it work.
And then, I'll be the one
laughing at all of you!
Get it off! Get it off!
Why don't we continue
this discussion after class?
Come find me in my workshop.
Class dismissed!
I will create life!
- I'll show all of you!
Poor Sparky.
Professor Steam, will any of
that be on the final exam?
Trying to, you know, be prepared.
Mr. Rotter,
you are far and away my
least favorite student.
What do you want?
Here to make fun of me, too?
No, no, I just...
I don't know. Wanted to tell you
that I understand how you feel.
What, you're an orphan, too?
No. But I understand what it's like
to not know about your scaritage.
It makes you feel lost.
And sad.
But you're lucky you get to go
to a school like Monster High,
where everybody can
be like your family.
(SCOFFS) Those nitwits
aren't fit to be in my family.
Which is why I'm going to create one.
If I can just figure out how.
How? How can you do that?
Well, because I was created.
And my father was, too. In a lab.
It is possible!
I knew it!
- But how?
- I don't know.
I guess my grandfather
somehow figured out
that missing spark that Professor
Steam was talking about.
(STUTTERS) You have to tell me how
it's done! Who is your grandfather?
What is the secret?
What am I missing?
I shouldn't have said anything.
I'm sorry, I have to go!
Hey, Frankie, look who we found.
You know, one day we're gonna
look back on this and laugh.
- You really did it this time, mate.
Your little stunt nearly
caused us a lot of trouble.
Oh, since when has a little
curiosity caused any trouble?
Oh, right.
The whole "accidently sending
us back in time" thing.
Yeah, (INHALES) that was my bad.
He built this Recharge Chamber.
Said it would give him a boost of
energy when he was inventing things.
That's our ride. You ghouls coming?
Just try and stop me.
If I don't get my eyes on a celebrity
blog soon, I'm gonna go batty.
ROBECCA: "Hi, Dad. I miss you.
Love, your daughter."
After you.
No, please, you first.
I insist.
Are we really doing this again?
Wait! You can't leave yet!
You have to show me
how to create life!
Friend of yours?
Sparky, you shouldn't be here.
You have to help me!
I need to create my family.
- Ghoulia's right. Frankie, we have to go!
Sparky, I have to go
back to where I belong.
Take me with you!
Jinafire, let's go!
In we go, calico.
BOTH: After you!
Come on, ghoulfriend!
You're just going to leave
without helping me?
I'm sorry, Sparky.
But I've got a feeling
you're gonna create something
wonderful here at Monster High.
Just a few more adjustments on my
Steam-a-tronic Key Timer and...
I say, what's all this?
"Love, your daughter"?
But I don't have a...
Oh, construct a daughter!
Now there's a challenge!
Hang on...
No! No!
Ghoulia, you okay?
Good. Everybody else?
- DRACULAURA: I'm all right.
- ROBECCA: Me, too.
Draculaura! Robecca!
You've been fused together!
Oh, my ghoul.
They're not the only ones.
(IN VENUS'S VOICE) What's going on?
Oh, this is so freaky.
Um, Ghoulia, I think we
may have a problem.
How did this happen?
It's like, we're Fusions!
understand. Am I still Lagoona?
Or am I Jinafire?
I can smell everything!
the wonderful world of werewolf noses.
(IN CLEO'S VOICE) Of all the ghouls
I could have been fused with,
I end up with Toralei?
Just lucky, I guess.
Cut it out!
I am still the queen of this body!
You're just visiting!
- Everybody, calm down!
We can figure this out.
That time teleporter
got us into this.
I'm sure it can get us out.
Somebody's just gonna have to fix it.
You got this, little Miss Ghoulia.
- We appreciate it.
- You're the best, Ghoulia!
So, what do we do in the meantime?
there's no sense in waiting around
down here watching Ghoulia work.
go back upstairs for the rehearsal?
but what are we gonna tell Mr. Where
when he asks us how we got this way?
We can't tell anybody about
the time teleporter.
Your Mad Science class assignment
was to fuse yourselves together?
(SCOFFS) Works for me.
Okay, places people. Places!
This play isn't going to
rehearse itself. (CHUCKLES)
Did our going back in time somehow
make his stink cologne get worse?
Ooh, can I have my old nose back now?
Today is the day we
travel back in time!
You have no idea.
And action!
For 200 years,
our great school has stood as a
shining example of monster unity.
All monsters, the big,
the small, the hairy,
all are welcome to join
our freaky family.
There! See? I told you
Monster High is different.
Come with us now as we take a
look back at Monster High,
a History of Exceptional Acceptance.
Welcome to 1814.
Oh, who's that I see coming this way?
Why, it's none other
than Monster High's own
headless Headmistress Bloodgood!
Welcome, monsters, one and all!
Well, not bad.
I declare Monster
High officially open.
May her walls ever stand as a
beacon of hope and acceptance
for all monster kind.
(IN TORALEI'S VOICE) Oh, yeah, and
sorry about that cheap cologne smell!
That would be our teacher, Mr. Where!
Will you cut it out?
(IN TORALEI'S VOICE) What? I don't
know what you're talking about.
This is hardly the time or the place.
As I was saying,
it is my dream that these doors...
Ow! Stop it, Toralei.
...remain open to all. (EXCLAIMS)
All right, Toralei!
You wanna go? Let's go.
(GRUNTING) Get out of me!
Everybody remembers the great
Zombie Migration of 1845,
when the first zombies arrived
on our haunted shores.
- Groan. I'm a zombie, I guess.
- Ditto.
(IN DRACULAURA'S VOICE) Gentle zombies,
bring us your tired, your undead,
your sluggish masses yearning to...
- Shuffle away, dude!
- Shuffling! I'm shuffling!
Every monster is welcome
at Monster High.
Every monster is family
at Monster High.
And every monster is, uh...
Every monster is... (GASPING)
(IN CLEO'S VOICE) Get out of me!
(IN TORALEI'S VOICE) Cut it out!
(IN CLEO'S VOICE) No! You cut it out!
Um, and that,
as they say, is history.
These ghouls need some serious help.
They're making me a nervous wreck!
All right. Good. I just
have a couple of notes.
It's time! Go on, talk to her.
(STUTTERING) I don't know.
That was some rehearsal back there.
Oh. You saw, huh?
Your friends gave some
fiery performances.
So, what happened?
Oh, well, I'm not sure.
It's a long story.
They've all turned into,
well, Fusions.
And with two ghouls trying to
operate one body at the same time,
they're having a lot of trouble
keeping control of their powers.
I'm really worried
they might get hurt.
You must really care about them.
Yeah. So much. And the
thought of them in trouble,
I just get so emotional!
- Ah!
What was that?
That happens sometimes. I'm sorry.
So, did you ghouls really mean
all that stuff you said on stage?
About Monster High
being like a family?
Yeah. Everybody's welcome
at Monster High.
- Freaky flaws and all.
- Well, if that's really the case,
I think we might be able
to help your friends.
Do you think she sees us?
What happened?
Blinded by science!
This is the future. Of course!
I must not squander this opportunity.
Who knows what futuristic
technologies I now have access to.
Perhaps this is where I'll
find the missing ingredient
I need to finally create life!
Hey, Sirena, got any skulls?
Skulls? Uh, Sirena!
Hmm. Go squish.
Hey, look, it's the new Fusions.
You ghouls put on one heck
of a show this afternoon.
Frankie, everybody,
I'd like you to meet
Avia Trotter, Harpy-Centaur,
Bonita Femur, Skeleton-Moth,
and Sirena VonBoo, Mermaid-Ghost.
You ghouls gotta check out this bug.
(IN CLAWDEEN'S VOICE) And what makes
you think you'll be able to help us?
Well, because we're Hybrids,
you're kind of Hybrids,
and we all have our freaky
flaws to deal with.
Like Bonita.
- (GASPS) What was that?
- She's jumpy.
Sirena is our free spirit.
Yeah! Like that! Go, little guy, go.
Oh, yeah. Just move
your little legs. Oh!
She gets distracted easily.
- And Avia tends to...
- I interrupt a lot.
Anyway, we understand what
you're going through.
And we want to help.
(IN CLEO'S VOICE) Hybrids being nice?
Are you sure we came back
to the right timeline?
Listen, we're sorry we gave you
ghouls the cold shoulder before.
We've had so many bad experiences
with monsters at other schools,
we just don't trust
anyone anymore, you know?
But Monster High is different.
We're all a family.
And now you're a part of it.
Yeah. We'll see.
you did not tell us any
of your freaky flaws.
Well, I get some healing
powers from my unicorn side.
But my zombie side makes me,
what would I call it...
I'm clumsy.
(SCOFFS) Actually, I look
pretty good in this one.
Now, where was I? Oh, yes.
All right, ghouls, listen up.
We're going to pair each of
you with a Hybrid mentor
- to help you master...
...your new combined forms.
Okay, who's ready to get to work?
Good. I like your spirit, kid.
Um, I had no idea I was doing that!
I've been fluttering
from school to school
ever since I was
just a little larvette.
It was always really tough,
but I found that meditation
would clear my head
and help me feel in control.
And I think it can help you, too.
It's worth a shot.
Okay, clear your mind.
(IN VENUS'S VOICE) And clear.
- Now, take a deep, soothing breath.
- Oh...
it's working! I feel totally in control.
Not what I had in mind!
(IN CLEO'S VOICE) So, you're
saying you're going to make
Toralei and I get along
with each other by talking?
Yeah, uh, good luck with that.
No, it's true.
I've spent a lot of time in
school counselors' offices
just talking through what
it's like to be Hybrid.
I promise, talking really helps.
All right, Toralei. Let's talk.
"All right, Toralei. Let's talk."
- (IN CLEO'S VOICE) Oh, real mature.
- (IN TORALEI'S VOICE) "Oh, real mature."
Why won't you take this seriously?
You're not the boss of me!
Well, I guess technically
they're talking.
(IN CLEO'S VOICE) Back off!
I've learned that
surviving as a Hybrid
means you have to take charge.
And from where I've seen,
your problem is that neither of you
are taking charge of your body.
You're both too polite.
I'll let Robecca take the lead.
No, it should really be Draculaura.
sweet. But I really do insist that...
All right. All right.
See, that's what I'm talking about.
I don't care who it is,
but somebody has to be the leader.
Now, let's give it a try.
And go!
So, like, the ghost side of my family
never really got along
with the mermaid side.
But there was always one activity
that could bring both
families together.
Oh, hey, sure, I love swimming!
I've never seen anybody pull off
a quadruple reverse somersault
without splashing.
That was gorgeous!
Like I said, we did a lot
of swimming in my family.
All right, Jinafire, you ready, mate?
Are you sure this is wise?
A good swim is just what we
need to let off a little steam.
Too much steam.
(IN CLEO'S VOICE) So there we are,
stranded, all alone in the year 1814.
Thanks to Touchy
McPoke-at-Stuff here.
And guess what she
goes and does next.
Don't tell me she
wandered off on her own.
I wandered off on my own.
(IN CLAWDEEN'S VOICE) Spending time
with you ghouls is totally inspiring me
to create Fusion fashion designs.
I have got to hand it to you ghouls.
I can't believe how quickly you learned
to control your Hybrid bodies.
Well, it's like that old saying goes.
Hybrids make the best teachers.
That's not an old saying.
Oh, well, it should be.
No worries, love.
Yeah, yeah, showoff. Check this out.
So fantastic.
- Impressive.
- They are beautiful.
Who's got two green thumbs and a
room full of freaky Fusion friends?
This ghoul right here.
The lava is really quite
lovely this time of day.
If you're still worried about
your friends, you shouldn't be.
They're going to be great tonight.
Yeah, thanks to you and the Hybrids.
I've been thinking about my
grandfather a lot lately.
I don't really know
about him. Or myself.
What do you mean?
I know I have this.
But do I have this?
Professor Steam said you needed more
than just some spare
parts to create a life.
Something inside.
He called it a spark.
So what did Victor Frankenstein
discover that gave life to me?
If I was built in some laboratory,
am I even really alive at all?
What if I'm just parts?
That's some heavy stuff.
You sure you don't want to go
back to small talk about the lava?
I'm sorry. (CHUCKLES)
It's just, this whole
scaritage project's
put a lot of questions
between my bolts.
I just wish I could
talk to my grandfather.
Neighthan, I'm so sorry.
You know how you know you're alive?
You can feel it.
Did you feel that?
Me too.
But, hey, now we know you're
really alive. (CHUCKLES)
Maybe that was the spark your
professor was talking about.
Ghoulia. There you are.
Hey, your hair looks clawsome.
You figured out how to
separate us? That's great.
Part of the time
teleporter was stolen?
This doesn't make any sense.
Who would steal the time lens?
What is going on?
This is it. This is going to happen.
I'm finally going to have my family.
Yes. Yes.
It's alive.
It's alive!
I really hope it's alive,
it's so embarrassing
when it's not alive.
And now, just a few more
programming commands
and Ancestral-bot 4.0
will be finished.
And then the two of us will be...
Doing whatever it is
families do, in no time.
Executing the family algorithm,
applying the genealogy coefficient.
All right, now just have to upload.
What? I don't have time for this.
Work, you infernal futuristic
computational system.
AUTOMATED VOICE: Upload successful.
So polite.
You, you are my family.
Yes. It works.
I created life.
I knew I was just missing
something before,
but I've found the
missing ingredient.
I want to remember
this moment forever.
Wait, I know.
Say "artificially intelligent family
member constructed in a lab."
Blinded by science.
You can't go.
You're supposed to
stay here, with me.
Without a time teleporter, does
that mean we're Hybrids forever?
I can't be stuck with Toralei
for the rest of my life.
I thought you two were
getting along now.
That was then, this is now.
Showtime, people.
Um... Hi.
Hi, Frankie.
For 200 years,
our great school has...
Manny, I think it's time to go.
Iris, I think you're right.
Hey, where you going?
The play is just getting good.
What is that thing?
That's the time teleporter lens.
Okay, okay. Here I come.
Just stop rampaging for a second.
You followed us through
the time portal?
Just so you could build that?
You say that like it's a bad thing.
It's okay, there's just something
wrong with his programming.
I can fix it. I think.
Oh, this is totally going
on the Fearbook profile.
Yeah. He doesn't like that.
Need family.
Hey, put me down.
No, put me down.
Missing something.
- Empty.
- O-M-Ra!
- Ugh...
Let us out of here.
All right. That,
I did not see coming.
That thing just absorbed my friends.
Oh. He must realize something is
missing and is trying to replace it.
How do we shut it down?
Shut it down?
You can't. He's my family.
You have a family, Sparky.
And they're out there running for their
lives from that thing you've created.
We're your family.
Monster High is your family.
NEIGHTHAN: And we're a part of it.
FRANKIE: Neighthan.
Sparky. Look around.
Is this what you had in mind
when you built that thing?
You don't understand.
What can we do to help?
You really see
yourselves as a family?
Freaky flaws and all.
You're right. We have to stop it.
Yes, but how?
I brought the construction
to life with electricity.
I suppose a large
enough blast of energy
- of an opposing polarity might stop it.
Yes, Hexiciah's Recharge Chamber.
That could work.
But we have to lead him down
to my lab in the catacombs.
All right then.
Ghoulia, you and Sparky
head down to the lab and
prep the charging chamber.
The rest of us will
figure out a way to
lead the thing down to the catacombs.
All right, ghouls. Let's do this.
Need family.
We can't let it leave the school.
A little steam power
if you will, love?
Fire bad.
It doesn't look happy.
Hold onto something.
- Save us.
- Frankie.
Okay, how are we going to get
that thing to go to the catacombs?
Because I don't think
asking nicely is an option.
Got an idea.
Everybody, meet me at the door
to the catacombs in the hallway.
Missing something.
FRANKIE: Hey, you, over here!
Yuck, I'd say I got your bad side,
but I'm not sure there's a good one.
This way.
I'll save you, Frankie.
- Ah...
- Neighthan?
I'm okay.
When we get back to the others,
- can we skip telling them that last part?
My hero.
Ah, hey...
Look over here.
Hey, look over here.
Look at this.
Sirena! Be careful.
Avia! Bonita!
Looks like you two could
use a lift? Hang on, Frankie.
Over here. Over here.
Did you get him to follow you?
All righty.
I think it's time for a
little divine intervention.
We have to hurry.
Do it, now!
It's not working.
There's not enough energy.
- Frankie.
- Help us.
How could you do this?
Those are my friends!
Frankie, no.
You took my friends from me.
The ones that I love!
Do you have any idea how
that makes me feel?
What's happening? What is that?
I've seen that before.
It's her spark.
ALL: Frankie.
No, Frankie. It is too dangerous.
Give me back my friends.
I don't understand.
It's just electricity.
No, it's something else.
It's her emotions.
Her love. Her life-force.
It's her.
Everything my creation isn't.
The spark. That's what
makes her alive.
That's what I've been missing.
Professor Steam was right.
I'm me again.
What's going on?
Frankie. You did it.
Frankie, you cannot give anymore.
I have to save
Draculaura and Robecca.
- Oh, my ghoul, Frankie.
- LAGOONA: Oh, Frankie.
What did you do?
She saved us.
She saved all of us.
Frankie. Come back to us.
Wake up.
This is all my fault.
I should have listened
to Professor Steam
and not forced the creation
of life before I understood it.
Before you showed me there
was really something in here.
And now you've gone and
used up all your spark.
To save your friends.
To save my family.
I told you, Sparky.
Don't give up,
it is possible to create life.
Just like my grandfather
did so many years ago.
Just like Victor Frankenstein.
My name is Victor Frankenstein.
I'm your grandfather.
Sparky's your nickname?
So I got to meet my grandfather
after all.
I can't believe Frankie's gone.
Without her, we'd all
still be part of that...
That thing.
I know, it doesn't even seem real.
No. You don't mean...
You're right. That just might work.
But we have to get the
polarity just right.
Okay, I understand zombie, but I
have no idea what any of this means.
It means we're going to save Frankie.
- GHOULS: What?
- GHOULS: Really?
You really think you
can bring her back?
Tell us you're not
trying to be funny.
The only funny thing
happening right now
is that Mermaid-Ghost is paying
zero attention to this conversation.
We can do this. But first,
I think this Recharge Chamber
is going to need a little love.
All right. Let's save Frankie.
Almost ready.
This has to work.
We have to save Frankie.
Now, let's create life!
Come on, Frankie.
Come back to us.
SPARKY: It's not working.
I don't understand.
Maybe you're still missing something.
Professor Steam?
Oh, Dad, I missed you.
Nice to meet you, my daughter.
You are just perfect.
Hmm. It looks as though I did
an amazing job building you.
Or rather, will do an
amazing job, at some point.
And you, Victor Frankenstein,
are late for our
conversation after class,
by about 200 years,
if I'm not mistaken.
And I'm here to bring you back
to our time, where you belong.
But it looks like we have
a ghoul to save first.
Ah. I don't understand, Professor.
I was sure this would work.
Didn't you listen to
anything I said before?
Creating life takes more
than just what's up here.
I know, it takes the spark.
But it's all gone.
Frankie used it all up.
How can something be gone
that's inside of every living thing?
Oh, Frankie...
How did you do that?
I don't know.
I just closed my eyes and
thought about Frankie.
So, we all have the spark?
Come on, everybody, together.
Think of your best Frankie memory.
I remember when Frankie
helped bring me back to life.
She planned a surprise
party for my sweet 1,600.
She made us feel like we belong.
HEATH BURNS: Save Frankie?
She freed me from the lantern.
She kept me from doing
that dumb thing.
She helped me find my lost love.
Please. Save Frankie.
We've gotta save her.
We've gotta save Frankie.
ALL: Yeah. Save Frankie.
ALL: Save Frankie.
Save Frankie. Save Frankie.
Save Frankie.
ALL: Save Frankie.
Save Frankie. Save Frankie.
Save Frankie. Pass it on.
Did it work?
CLEO: Frankie?
Come back to us, Frankie.
Ghoulfriend, if you're taking your
sweet time for dramatic effect,
you're killin' us over here.
FRANKIE: Did I miss anything?
ALL: Frankie!
It worked. She's back.
I was so worried.
I did it. I created life.
We did it. (CHUCKLES)
All right, Victor Frankenstein.
It's time to go.
Thank you, Frankie.
I told you it was
possible to create life.
No, not for that.
Thank you for showing
me that I'm not alone.
That I do have a family.
Take care of yourself.
Miss you already, Dad.
FRANKIE: Which brings us to the end
of our bite-centennial celebration.
But our story doesn't end there.
Because the history of Monster High
is still being written
every single day.
And as we move forward
into the future,
we will continue our rich tradition
of accepting anybody who
comes through those doors.
Whether they're vampire or
werewolf, creepy or freaky,
or Hybrid.
It's okay.
You're one of us now.
Together we are Monster High.
So, does this mean you'll
stick around for a while?
What? Sure.
Wouldn't wanna miss being a
part of this freaky family.
So, that's our little
story about family.
The Hybrids finally found the home
they were looking for
at Monster High.
Sparky... Uh, Grandpa Victor
went back to his own time
where he used the secret of the spark
to build the family
he was looking for.
And even though the ghouls
aren't fused together anymore,
they're still pretty
much inseparable.
Fusion fashion.
How clawsome are those designs?
And as for me?
Well, let's just say that after a
crazy family adventure like that,
I had plenty to talk about
for my scaritage project.
Check it out. The real
family photo album.
My parents had to hide it
until after I met Grandpa...
Uh, Sparky.
This time I got an A.
Favorite student, right here.
So, there you have it.
I got an A, Monster High got
some voltageous new students,
and Ghoulia...
Well, Ghoulia got a
brand new laboratory.