Monster High: Haunted (2015)

We are monsters, we are proud
We are monsters, say it loud
Don't stop rocking your right to fright
We are Monster High
We are monsters, we are proud
- We are monsters, say it loud
- We are Monster High
We are monsters, we are proud
- We are monsters, say it loud
- We are Monster High
Go Sirena!
Go, go!
Sirena Von Boo just pulled off
a double somersault in reverse!
Monsters, monsters, yes, we are.
Once again, thanks to Monster High's
aquatic superstar Sirena Von Boo,
it looks like the Plankton Prep
diving team
is all but sunk.
Cheers, mate!
Hey, Rochelle, rock, paper, scissors?
One, two, three.
Paper beats rock.
Oh, I totally thought
that would crack you up.
Ooh, pardon! Sorry, Twyla.
I was just wondering
what it is like to do that.
I guess gargoyles can't swim?
No, I'd sink right to the bottom.
But I bet it's amazing.
And up next, Cali Marie,
diving for the first time for Plankton Prep.
Okay, story, I need a story.
Just one story.
Ghouls, who's got a story?
I've got the need for leads.
Give me the gossip, gossip, gossip!
Ooh. Got a scoop?
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down, Spectra.
What's the matter?
I'm trying to come up with something
new to post to the Ghostly Gossip
and I've got nothing!
It's been nearly two weeks
since my last blog update
and my readers
are getting very impatient.
Don't worry, ghoul friend,
I've got your back.
After this meet is over,
I'll help you find a good story.
No, a great story! I promise.
That is so sweet, Clawdeen.
How come you're always there for me?
That's what ghoul friends do.
I'm gonna go check with the ghosts.
Maybe they've heard something.
Come on, ghosts.
You've got to have a story
for the Ghostly Gossip.
- Operetta?
- Let's see.
Okay, Manny and Iris broke up,
then they got back together.
- And then they...
- Old news.
I need something fresh.
Oh! I heard Mr. Hack bites his toenails.
Ew! Johnny Spirit,
I said fresh, not gross.
Monsters, monsters, yes, we are.
Hey, Toralei, got any news for my blog?
Here's some news.
You cheat on one essay
in Creative Frightening class
and you get suspended from Fear Squad
for an entire month.
Actually Spectra, I do have some gossip.
I have my story!
All right, ghouls, a perfect pyramid
ought to knock 'em dead!
Spectra's got a new blog, everybody.
New post on the Ghostly Gossip.
Take care, loyal readers.
This reporter just got a hot tip
that the werewolves of Monster High
have fallen victim to an outbreak of...
- Were-fleas?
- Were-fleas!
Whoa, dude! You've got were-fleas?
I love you, bro, but back off.
Oh, dear, were-fleas?
Better steer clear of the werewolves.
Clawdeen, you have were-fleas?
- What?
- Ew!
Hey! Cleo! Stop shaking!
What's going on down there?
I do not have were-fleas!
That's not even a thing!
Stop! Stop! You're going to make us...
I think I need to talk to Spectra.
Don't even think about it!
Oh, hey, sorry, Draculaura.
Oh. Johnny Spirit!
You scared me half to life!
Clawd just asked me
to give these to you.
He's got were-fleas or something.
Stay away!
I'm probably contagious!
Tell him thank you for the roses.
But seriously, don't scare me like that.
Anyway, me and some of the other ghosts
are going to go float
around the mall this afternoon.
- You and Clawd are welcome to join us.
- I'll have to catch up with you.
I'm almost finished here.
Is someone there?
Johnny Spirit? Is that you?
I told you not to scare me.
Your hair looks clawsome, Draculaura.
How did you get it to do that?
Don't know, you'll have
to ask my ghost friend.
Okay, I don't remember doing that,
but apparently
I'm an amazing hair stylist.
No, I...
I think I'm being haunted.
Are you sure?
Yeah. Pretty sure.
Sirena, you are half ghost.
Do you know anything about hauntings?
My grandmother used to say
you could get rid of them
by holding your breath.
Or maybe that was hiccups.
Maybe we should go talk
to another ghost about this.
Ghoul friend, we've got a problem.
You've got that right.
I'm going through the worst case
of ghost writer's block in history.
I've got nothing to write about!
I'm talking about the story
you posted yesterday.
About the were-fleas?
Oh, yeah, how's that going?
You're not still itchy, are you?
Spectra, there's no such thing
as were-fleas.
That's just a gross rumor
somebody made up.
Bad gossip.
And I know you didn't mean
anything by it,
but you've got to be more careful
posting rumors like that.
You gotta check your facts first.
Clawdeen, I am so sorry.
You're like the best ghoul friend
and I'd never want to cause
any problems with my stories.
I heard Slow-Moe didn't come to school
because he has geist-lice.
Ooh. Geist-lice!
You're doing it again.
I meant what I said before.
I'll help you find a story.
Thanks, Clawdeen.
I just get frustrated sometimes.
Great stories don't run up
from out of nowhere, you know?
Draculaura's being haunted!
No, there's no way she's being haunted.
Maybe it was just the wind?
Could the wind style my hair like this?
Don't get me wrong,
it's super cute, isn't it?
Are you okay, Spectra?
It's not possible.
It can't be a haunting.
That's against the rules.
Rules? What rules?
Is there something
you're not telling us?
Don't worry, Draculaura.
It won't happen again.
It just won't happen again.
Well, all right then.
Problem solved. What's next?
Oh! How about we help Clawdeen
with her flea thingie?
Come on, let's see where she's going.
It's like she just vanished!
Where did she go?
are you sure that's a good idea?
No, but I promised Spectra
I'd help her find a story.
And whatever she's after,
I'm not letting her go alone.
Where are we?
Is anybody here?
Is anybody else here?
Okay, well...
This was fun, but...
You're not supposed to be here.
Seriously, I don't think
you're supposed to be here.
Sorry about that.
I get carried away with this whole
"reaper" thing sometimes.
I'm River! River Styxx!
Nice to meet you, River.
- Nice boat?
- Thanks!
It's my dad's.
Usually he's the one that ferries ghosts
between the two worlds,
but he's at a Reaper Convention
in Las Plague-as.
So until he gets back,
this baby's my very own party yacht
to the Ghost World!
I'm sorry, did she just say,
"The Ghost World?"
You ghouls are not supposed to be here.
Yeah, the dancing reaper
made that quite clear.
Did somebody say confetti cannons?
Spectra, what is going on?
You have to promise not to tell anyone.
There's another world, a Ghost World,
where all the different types
of ghosts come from.
There are phantoms like Operetta,
banshees like Scarah,
and even faceless ghosts
like my old friend Kiyomi.
And don't forget us reapers.
Then how come we've never heard
about this Ghost World?
It's a secret because most ghosts
are pretty nervous around outsiders.
You're what we ghosts
refer to as "solids."
Her story checks out.
Most ghosts have never even seen
outsiders from the Monster World.
They'd probably be pretty scared
if they saw you.
My family left Ghost World
a long time ago.
They thought Monster High
would be a good place for me.
This boat will take us back
to my old school,
Haunted High.
A whole other school sitting
right next to Monster High.
So, what brings you back
to the Ghost World, Spectra?
Draculaura is being haunted.
That's impossible.
Ghosts don't haunt the Monster World.
There hasn't been a haunting since...
...the Red Lady.
What is the Red Lady?
The legend of the Red Lady
is a story that every ghost learns
when they're very young.
Hundreds of years ago,
the Red Lady was the scariest,
most notorious ghost
in the Monster World.
No one was safe from her hauntings.
They say the Red Lady figured out
a way to quickly travel
between the Ghost World
and the Monster World.
The Red Lady became more infamous
with every ghostly crime.
Nothing delighted her more
than hiding in the shadows,
waiting for just the right moment
to jump out...
and scare unsuspecting outsiders.
But one day, her scaring spree
finally came to an end
when the Red Lady was captured
and locked away.
They say the weight of her crimes
was so heavy
that it will take her centuries
to pay her debt to society.
Sorry, I just love a good ghost story.
Me, too.
That's why there aren't
hauntings anymore.
No ghost ever wants to face
the same fate as the Red Lady.
What was that?
Whoa! Hang on!
Prepare to be boarded,
you unseaworthy brine shrimp.
And time.
Thirty-seven seconds.
A new record.
New record! New record!
Would you be so kind as to sign this
for my ghost pirate class?
I am Vandala Doubloons!
Captain of the Salty Spectre,
fiercest ghost pirate on the haunted seas!
And I'm...
Very seasick!
Come on Vandala, get it together.
Nobody likes a seasick pirate.
Solids! Solids!
You have solids on your boat!
Vandala, it's okay.
They're... nice solids.
You're sure they're not here
to haunt me?
'Cause I have been handling
a lot of cursed treasure lately.
Spectra, if this is how ghosts
at Haunted High are going to react to us...
No, it should be fine,
as long as you're with me.
But it wouldn't be a bad idea
to disguise you ghouls
so you don't attract too much attention.
River Styxx has got you covered.
You're sure you don't have
something a little less...
Perhaps in a pink?
We're here.
Little help?
Oops. Sorry.
Oh, my ghoul, it's boo-tiful!
I can't believe my parents
never told me about this place.
I like your...
Squid thingie.
He's a cuttlefish. His name is Aye.
- Aye?
- Aye, Aye.
Aye, Aye!
It's as if nothing changed since I left.
Well, almost nothing.
That's a strange fashion statement.
Those are detention chains,
courtesy of Principal Revenant.
Detention? They're being punished?
If you get caught breaking the rules,
you get chains
that you have to work off.
Sometimes with extra homework,
sometimes you get chores.
I had to swab the floors for months
to work off my last detention.
There are lots of
different types of chains,
but they all work the same way.
As long as you're in detention,
you can't leave Haunted High.
Ghouls, somebody here has to know
something about Draculaura's haunting.
I say we hit the creepateria
and ask around.
Aye, aye!
Wow! Incredible!
Are you sure this is the creepateria?
It's the creepateria.
- Hi, Kiyomi!
- Oh! How are you?
Love the shoes, Kiyomi.
Good outfit, Kiyomi.
- Hi, Kiyomi.
- Wow.
- Who's the popular ghoul?
- Wait.
That's Kiyomi?
I'd recognize that face anywhere.
Well, you know what I mean.
You're back!
And you're different!
You used to be the shyest ghost
at Haunted High.
Now look at you,
all fashionable and popular.
Hey, change is good, right?
Kiyomi, these are my friends,
Sirena, Twyla, Rochelle, Clawdeen
and Draculaura.
Kiyomi, you seem familiar to me.
- Have we met before?
- No!
I don't think so.
Are you okay, Kiyomi?
You're turning green.
Yes. I'm fine.
I'm sorry, I've got to fly,
but let's catch up before you leave.
Nice to meet you all.
Your friend is so colorful.
That's how Kiyomi shows her emotions.
- How she expresses herself.
- Well, she didn't stick around very long.
It's fine. We're not here
for classmate reunions.
We're here to help Draculaura.
So, did anyone hear about somebody
haunting the Monster World?
Who do I look like? The Red Lady?
That's against the rules.
Oh, I know.
I just heard a rumor, that's all.
Hey, check it!
What's going on?
Oh, it's just Porter.
- Freedom for all!
- Freedom for all!
No more detention chains!
Fight the power!
- Break the chains, man!
- No more detention chains!
He is kind of cute, though.
Cute or not, is he allowed to paint
on the walls like that?
He is not.
And here come the Hall Moanitors.
The Hall Moanitors?
The ghosts of hauntings Past,
Present and Future.
They're Principal Revenant's eyes
and ears around the school.
Present, the leader,
is always on the lookout
for someone breaking the rules.
That one is Past.
She keeps track of every
student infraction at Haunted High.
Give him the chains!
And the ghost of Future,
he has a way of predicting
what you're gonna do before you do it.
It's chains for you.
Just the sight of those
scalawags shivers my timbers.
Principal Revenant.
We have a 1424 in the creepateria.
It's that paintergeist again, isn't it?
Oh, come on.
It's ghost paint, it's not permanent.
Give him the chains.
You're gonna have to catch me first.
A bad boy artist
on the run from the law.
I might have just found my first story.
Whoa! Hey!
Ha-ha! Yeah!
Look out!
Hello, students.
Hello, Principal Revenant.
Porter Geiss.
Treating us to another one
of your little art projects?
That's the fourth time
this month, Ms. Revenant.
I knew she was gonna say that.
Another detention, Principal Revenant?
Oh, yes. He'll never learn his lesson
if he doesn't pay the price.
Thanks a lot.
Hey, you crashed into me.
You, I don't recognize.
Are you one of my students?
No, ma'am. I'm Spectra Vondergeist.
I'm just visiting from Monster High.
Maybe should've left that part out.
So there are ghost students that go
to school in the Monster World?
How interesting.
And your little reaper friends there?
They attend Monster High as well?
Awfully shy, aren't they?
Check it out!
- They're really solids!
- What are they doing here?
Well I guess the werecat's
out of the bag.
What is the punishment for bringing
non-ghosts to Haunted High?
Whoa! Punishment?
Technically there has been no rule
that says you can't bring in non-ghosts.
It's never happened before.
Present, make a rule.
I have business to attend to.
But that's not fair!
You just made that rule up!
Yeah, she does that.
Not helping.
Look out for the paint.
Another brilliant work of art.
I think I'll call it,
"You ghouls should get out of here
while you can."
Good trip.
Yeah, we'll have to do this
again sometime.
Hey, ghouls.
We've got a trio of grumpy ghosts
headed this way, fast!
Maybe they just want to party.
Now we're talking!
I guess they only work
if you're a ghost.
Okay, here comes your stop.
It's been a pleasure!
Oh. We made it!
Whoo! Never thought I'd be so happy
to see this creepy old attic.
I'm sorry we didn't figure out
who was haunting you, Draculaura.
But don't worry, we'll...
- Spectra!
- No, Spectra!
Hang on!
Help me!
No, no, no, no!
They trapped Spectra in the Ghost World!
We have to do something!
Yeah, but what?
We're marching right back in there
to get our ghoul friend.
Wait. You heard the new rule,
no non-ghosts allowed.
She's right. If we go back,
we might get Spectra in even more trouble.
So to go back to Ghost World, all you ghouls
have to do is turn into ghosts.
Ready? And, go!
I see a lot of staring
but not a lot of turning into ghosts.
We can't turn into ghosts.
No. Actually, Sirena's totally right.
Thank you!
- What am I right about?
- Listen, if we're ghosts,
then we're not breaking the rules
if we go back.
And I know how we can do it.
Spectra Vondergeist.
You certainly caused quite a scene.
Explain yourself.
Principal Revenant,
I'm sorry I broke your rule
bringing my friends to Ghost World.
But, look, I don't belong here.
My school is Monster High.
Yes, let's talk about this Monster High.
You're not the only ghost
who goes there?
Well, no, there are a lot of ghosts
at Monster High.
Every kind of monster is welcome.
How very progressive.
I think we are done here.
It's going to take you
quite a bit of time
to work off that detention chain.
And how do I do that?
By completing 10,000 essays
on the complete works of Ghostoyevsky.
And then doing it one more time.
That could take forever!
When will I blog?
I'm sure I don't know.
Ms. Revenant, you haven't heard anything
about any of your students
haunting the Monster World, have you?
Of course not!
There hasn't been a haunting since...
The Red Lady?
Oh! Yes, that's the one.
Terrible, just terrible.
I had no idea there were so many students
in the Monster World.
I have a job for you
that will enhance our attendance.
The Haunted Herald
by Spectra Vondergeist.
- What's this, homework or something?
- No, just a blog idea I'm working on.
So you're like writing for... fun?
Sure. I love writing. It helps me...
It helps me figure things out.
Makes me feel good.
Work out my frustrations.
You want to work out your frustrations?
You should try painting.
Oh, no thanks.
Never been much of a "paint
on the walls" kind of ghoul.
Suit yourself.
Isn't that what got you detention
chains last time?
Relax. It's my locker.
You should give writing a try.
Might keep you out of trouble.
Hey. You know,
this is actually kind of...
Goodbye, Porter.
Twyla, it doesn't matter how often
you have us over to the Boogie Mansion,
I get lost every time.
Wait. Where's Draculaura?
She was just here.
I think I took a wrong turn.
Yikes. For once I think I'm okay
with not having a reflection.
Still being haunted. Oh, goodie.
Your house is fun!
It's in there.
Oh, my ghoul.
What is all of this?
It's boogie sand. My dad uses it
for his boogie man work.
Each one can change you
into a different monster.
We just need to find the one
that says "Ghost" on it.
Is this it?
No. That is not it.
What's that?
I'm trying to write down everything
that happens for Spectra.
This is gonna make
a great story for her blog.
Rare and ethereal. Ghost sand.
You ghouls ready to get ghosty?
Oui, so very ready.
How does this work, Twyla?
Will it be permanent?
Yeah, yeah, until you use
a different kind of sand.
See, after we save Spectra,
we'll come back here
and use the other sands
to change back to normal.
Draculaura will use vampire sand,
Clawdeen werewolf sand,
you get the idea.
Okay, then, let's do this.
For Spectra.
On the count of three.
And three.
- Twyla, you're a genius!
- Draculaura, you're a ghost.
Check out our new looks!
Totally haunt couture.
All right, ghost ghouls,
follow me back to Haunted High!
Can't stop spinning!
Could be worse.
I'm not sure how, but it could be worse.
Yeah, I've tried that, too.
But as long as you have that chain,
you can't leave the school.
Gotta stop doing that.
So I'm trapped here for eternity?
With you?
Okay, I read the Ghostly Gossip.
You are really good.
You can read my blog
here in the Ghost World?
Inter-dimensional internet.
I managed to unblock
a portal and did a search.
Okay, so now all of a sudden
you think writing is a good thing?
Look, I'm sorry I said it was boring.
I believe your exact words were...
Something like that.
So, you're kind of a reporter,
journalist, right?
I like to think so.
Well, good, because I need help,
I'm not following.
Principal Revenant.
I know she's up to something.
Something bad.
I want your help,
to find out what it is.
Are you sure it's not just
because you don't like her?
Back at Monster High,
there's this ghoul named Toralei and she...
No, no, it's something else.
All the rules and chains she gives out,
there's got to be more to it
than just handing out detention.
It's worse than it's ever been.
It's not fair.
It's not right!
I got to find out why, but I need help.
I need someone smart,
like you, to help me.
So, you really liked my blog?
Yeah, it was really informative.
Hey, what are were-fleas?
Hey, Scarah, what's the story
about Spectra's blog?
I need my updates.
She hasn't been posting.
So not like her at all.
- Operetta!
- Operetta!
Help me, Johnny! Don't let me go!
Baby! Baby! Baby!
Spectra, where are you going?
We're going to check our facts!
This library has records on every ghost
that's ever lived in Ghost World.
If Ms. Revenant is up to something,
we might find some kind of clue
by looking into her past.
All right, ghost ghouls,
let's find Spectra
and get her back
to Monster High before...
- We could use some help!
- Oh.
- Oh, I knew we should have practiced more!
- Hey! Spectra's ghoul friends are back!
I can't stop...
And they look like
they need a little help.
A fish flopping on the deck
needs a little help.
I can't stop spinning.
Those ghouls need all the ghost
help they can get.
Okay, ghouls,
flying is just like swimming.
Look to where you want to go,
and try pushing your body to that direction.
First, we go up.
And then we go down.
Oh-ho! Heads up!
Can't stop spinning!
Porter and Spectra, cracking the case
Yeah, solving lots of mysteries
all over the place
What? I'm working on our theme song.
All good duos need a theme song.
So, we're a duo now?
Yeah. I paint and write the theme songs,
and you do all the boring reading
and writing stuff.
Nothing bad about Principal Revenant?
Nothing at all about Principal Revenant.
There's no record of her at all,
like she never existed.
If there's no record of Revenant,
then that could only mean one thing.
She's a... She's a ghost!
Come on, it was a little funny.
Seriously though,
if there's nothing there,
that totally proves
she's up to something.
I don't know.
Maybe there's nothing to find.
Maybe she really is just
a regular principal
trying to make a positive difference
at her school and...
Or not.
Welcome, new students! Welcome!
I know those ghosts.
They all go to Monster High.
What are they doing here?
Why are they wearing detention chains?
I think you'll feel right
at home at our school.
We're always on the lookout to take in
bright new ghost students like you.
Welcome to Haunted High!
Now, off you go then.
You don't want to belate
for ecto-nomics!
Operetta! Scarah! Johnny!
Spectra! So they got you, too?
Well, that explains the blog.
I don't understand.
One minute, Monster High,
but all of a sudden we're hit with
these chains
and pulled to the Ghost World.
Some kind of mandatory transfer.
I don't want to be here.
Johnny, I want to go home.
Well, don't you ghosts worry.
Spectra and I are on the case.
Oh! This is Porter. He's a paintergeist.
We're a duo.
We're not a duo.
Just sit tight,
we'll figure out what's going on.
Okay, now, let's do it again.
Now we go left.
- Whoa!
- Left, Draculaura, left, left, left.
I know, I know. I'm trying.
And back to the right.
Ooh! Good!
You ghouls are getting the hang of it!
Ha! I think we're ready.
Let's find Spectra.
You are so spooky sweet
to help us out, Kiyomi.
You didn't have to do all this.
Yeah, Draculaura. I kind of did.
Now that I am weightless,
there is something I just have to try.
Cannon ball!
I heard they want to suck us up
in vacuum cleaners
and put us in cages
and feed us crackers.
Gossip is garbage. You have no idea
what you're talking about.
None of that is true.
Those are just dumb rumors.
Something wrong?
No. Just thinking about something
a friend told me.
And she's right.
Rumors and gossip can be very hurtful.
Whoa, whoa. But isn't that
what your blog is all about? Gossip?
Not anymore. I'm finished writing
gossip on my blog!
From now on, I'm only going
to report trustworthy news,
and I'm calling it the Gory Gazette!
- Spectra!
- Oh, my ghoul!
My ghouls!
You came back!
And you're ghosts!
Yeah, long ghost story.
But don't worry. I took notes.
But right now, we've got to get you out
of that chain and back
to the Monster World.
Well, things just got a lot more complicated.
It's not just me.
All of the ghosts from Monster High
are stuck here, too.
- What?
- What do you mean?
- You mean here?
- Oh, what do you mean?
It's Principal Revenant
and those Hall Moanitors.
They're up to something.
You there. Detention.
It's against the rules to... You were...
Flying in a Red Zone.
Red Zone?
- Good one.
- He's not gonna like that.
- What does that even mean?
- Told you.
This is getting out of hand.
They're giving detention
for everything now.
Look at how many chains
there are in here!
Don't you know staring
is against the rules?
Staring? No, I don't even have a face.
Then talking back to a Hall Moanitor.
That too is against the rules.
You can't give her detention.
She didn't do anything.
Principal Revenant,
we have a situation here.
These ghouls, they're not ghosts.
At least they weren't before.
These are solids!
You've turned yourselves into ghosts.
I need to know how.
You will tell me how to turn
monsters into ghosts.
Stay out of this, paintergeist.
Do it.
Draculaura! Fly!
Stop those ghosts!
Go right!
They're over there!
There! In there!
Porter? What is this place?
Oh. This must have taken ages to paint.
I knew you were an artist,
but I didn't realize.
You ghouls will be safe in here.
Nobody knows about this room but me.
What is all this back here?
Just some furniture that was here
when I found this place.
Never had any use for it.
Ooh. Such a beautiful antique desk.
So, why do you think Principal Revenant
went all crazy about
turning monsters into ghosts?
Yeah, what does she want
with that boogie sand?
We didn't tell you
about the boogie sand.
Wow! Kiyomi! You were there!
You were the orb at the Boogie Mansion!
You're the one haunting me!
I'm so sorry.
Why, Kiyomi?
I wasn't trying to haunt you
or scare you.
I just love what I see at Monster High.
You all are so cool with your freaky flaws,
so nice to each other.
And talk about fangtastic style.
Well, we are pretty stylish.
I used to be so shy.
But spending time with you ghouls
at Monster High,
I don't know,
made me feel more colorful.
I wanted to tell you.
But then Spectra got detention chains,
and I felt so guilty
because I was the reason
you all came here in the first place.
It's not your fault, Kiyomi.
It's that no good principal.
Yeah, what are we gonna do?
We can't hide in here forever.
No, we can't. This has to stop.
I'm going to go talk to her.
Whoa! You can't!
Someone has to make Principal Revenant
realize she's going too far.
But she's scary! She may do anything!
I already have detention chains.
How could it get any worse?
I could lose you!
Bad boy's got a soft spot.
I'll be fine, Porter.
I have to do this, for them.
So, I'm just going to go
make sure Spectra's okay.
You guys wait here.
You lost them!
To be able to turn all monsters
into ghosts!
Exactly what I need!
I could double our attendance!
But won't the students become suspicious
with so many new students
arriving at Haunted High?
Leave the students to me.
There is power in gossip.
I will manage the rumor mill.
Did you get all that?
Well, well, what do we have here?
Somebody fancies herself
a junior reporter.
You're... You're wearing chains.
I'm wearing a lot of chains.
Do you like them?
I'm more than happy
to share them with you, dear.
- Porter!
- Get out of here!
Now, Mr. Geiss,
tell me where your little Monster High
friends are hiding.
Yeah, good luck with that.
If you tell me,
I might be able to get rid
of some of those chains.
All right. Maybe...
Maybe we could make a deal.
So, you were able to watch us
at Monster High
without traveling across the river?
The Ghost World and the Monster World
are more closely connected
than anyone knows by,
I don't know, some kind of energy.
And some ghosts can use that energy
to open little windows
between the worlds.
It's usually more interesting than this.
Oh, windows between the worlds.
That must be how the Red Lady
was able to haunt the Monster World.
I know I shouldn't do it.
Every time I open a window,
I risk revealing
the Ghost World to the Monster World.
I still don't understand
why that's a bad thing.
There are a lot of ghosts
who are scared.
They really believe that the solids
are out to get them.
And until someone can convince
these ghosts that they're wrong,
I have to keep this power a secret.
Maybe they just haven't met
the right solids yet.
Principal Revenant! Planning something!
And then I got caught and she has
all these detention chains,
and then Porter...
And then he told me exactly
where to find all of you.
He told you?
Oh, yes, I offered to reduce
his detention for good behavior
and so he gave you up, very easily.
No. That can't be true.
I don't believe you.
Look! All his chains are gone!
You! How could you?
Oh, you know how
these bad boy types are.
They only care about themselves.
Spectra. I...
Oh, Spectra.
Attention, students of Haunted High.
We are on lockdown alert!
By now, you must have heard gossip
that intruders from the Monster World
have viciously attempted
to invade our beloved school.
Well, I'm here to tell you
that these rumors
are absolutely true!
They've come to frighten us.
To haunt us.
To destroy our ghostly way of life.
But rest assured,
your principal is working on a plan
that will end their treacherous plot
to destroy us!
Oh, and I'm being told that tomorrow
is haunt dog day in the creepateria.
Now then, it's very important
that you ghouls tell me
how you turned yourselves into ghosts.
Why should we tell you anything?
If you tell me,
I'll reduce your sentence.
Those detention chains
could be much lighter.
You can't buy us off like that no good,
back stabbing, traitorous paintergeist!
I'm sorry, ghoul.
It doesn't matter.
One way or another
you will tell me what I need to know.
What's that? What are you doing there?
Taking notes.
When all this is over, my ghoul,
Spectra here, is gonna write a story
telling the world what kind
of principal you really are.
Wicked? Evil?
My dear, you flatter me.
The Boogie Mansion.
Boogie sand.
How very enlightening.
Head to the Monster World
and get to the Boogie Mansion at once.
And just how do you expect them
to get there
without me to ferry them across?
Well, that's annoying.
I'm sorry my notes
gave away the boogie sand.
I was just trying to help Spectra.
No. This is my fault.
I never should have opened
those windows to Monster High.
Don't blame yourself, Kiyomi.
If I hadn't been such a scaredy bat,
Spectra wouldn't have come back
to Haunted High in the first place.
No. This is somebody else's fault.
Spectra! Good, you're back.
We have to talk.
Oh, you've got that right.
I know you're all really angry at me,
but I can explain.
Angry? Angry, doesn't even
begin to describe
what we are feeling, paintergeist!
I understand. But if you'll just...
Oh, you understand?
Must be pretty hard to understand
when you've got paint for brains.
Spectra, please.
You know, it's one thing to hurt me,
but what you did
affected all of my ghoul friends
and that's a line
that you just don't cross!
- But, I...
- We've heard enough.
Go get him, little fish guy!
Aye, aye!
Us ghouls stick together.
- You don't talk like that to my friends!
- That's so wrong. Terribly bad!
- Can I just show you something?
- This had better be good.
Okay, that is pretty good.
I had to make a deal with Revenant
so I could see how this key thing works.
Then, I kind of borrowed it so I could
get you all out of detention.
I don't know what to say.
I figured out watching Revenant
that the detention chains can't be broken,
only transferred to another ghost
using this key,
so I set it to transfer them to me.
Here. You can use this to free
the Monster High ghosts
and take them back to the Monster World.
You're just full of surprises,
aren't you?
Yeah, I guess.
Well, here's one more.
Oh, Porter.
I thought you might be able to use this,
you know, for writing.
Do you like it?
All right, then.
I'm okay!
Maybe this is it.
Principal Revenant,
we have the ghost sand.
Now, I just have one more job
for you and...
I'm sorry, where's the ghost of Future?
I don't want to talk about it.
All right, ghouls. We all know the plan.
Step one, we round up
all the Monster High
ghosts and get rid of their chains.
And quickly, before Ms. Revenant
realizes we have the key.
Right. Step two, we take Vandala's ship
back to the Monster World
and we get my dad's boogie sand back
from the Moanitors.
And step three, we sail
the Salty Spectre to the Scaribbean
in search of the legendary
sunken treasure of Davey Bones!
I'm thinking maybe we should just stick
to one adventure at a time.
Yeah, you're probably right.
- Sorry, Aye.
- Aye.
All right, ghouls.
Let's rattle some chains.
- All right!
- Whoo-hoo!
All right, ghosts, follow me!
All hands on deck!
The Salty Spectre is ready
to set sail for Monster High!
Vandala, can you wait for just a minute?
- I need to see Porter.
- Aw!
Calm down, I just need to say
thank you one more time.
Stop that. I'll just be right back.
Don't you have a boat to catch?
Oh, Porter.
I just wanted to say thank you,
for everything.
Without you, all of my friends
would be stuck here.
Hey, it was both of us, working together.
We make a pretty good duo.
Yeah. We do.
I promise I'll come back.
You know, to break in
that freaky fabulous desk.
And maybe one of these days I could
come see you at Monster High?
I'd like that.
You should probably
leave your paint cans here.
Attention, students of Haunted High.
Please report to the main hall
for a mandatory Spirit Rally.
Spirit Rally?
What do you think that's about?
Get out of here while you still can.
I can't leave. I've got to find out
what Ms. Revenant is up to.
Spectra, no!
Man, these are heavy.
Look at all those detention chains.
Hello, students.
Hello, Principal Revenant.
For centuries we have lived
in fear of the outsiders.
And now they have come
to our school to haunt us!
To frighten us!
I know, I know.
But I have a plan to keep all of you
safe from the outsiders,
once and forever!
Revenant! Revenant!
As we speak,
our noble Hall Moanitors
are traveling to Monster High.
They are carrying
a special powder I created
that will permanently transform
all of the students into ghosts!
So that's why she wanted
the boogie sand?
And when they are ghosts,
I'll give them
well-deserved detention chains
as punishment
for sinister solid scheming.
As your principal always says,
"They'll never learn their lesson
if they don't pay the price."
Yes, Principal Revenant!
No good solids!
Trying to take over our school!
They never wanted
to take over the school.
I am sick of all these
rumors and gossip.
Spectra! Where are you going?
I have to stop those Hall Moanitors!
I have no idea!
Porter and Spectra, cracking the case
Something, something,
something all over the something
I'm so sorry! Your chains.
Yo, ho! Yo, ho!
Is a thing that pirates say
We have to go!
But there's still 37 more verses.
- Aye, aye!
- Aye, aye!
What is happening, Spectra?
It's Principal Revenant.
She's sent the Hall Moanitors to Monster High
to turn everyone into ghosts.
With my dad's boogie sand.
Then she wants to load them
with detention chains. Everybody.
Wait. That's it.
The chains.
This is all about the detention chains.
It's like Porter said.
"The chains can't be broken,
only transferred."
Principle Revenant wasn't
just wearing those chains.
She's being punished by them.
Spectra! Monster High is that way!
I'm not going to Monster High.
But you are! Do whatever you can
to stop those Hall Moanitors!
Porter and Spectra, cracking the...
Hi, Spectra. Spectra?
Yes! This is it!
Come on! That desk you fixed up
is going to get some use after all.
We are running out of time.
Can you not make this thing
go any faster, Vandala?
You heard the gargoyle. Full speed!
Nope, looks like this is
as fast as she goes. Sorry!
Bad news. By the time
we get to Monster High,
we're going to be too late to stop them.
Kiyomi, you could open a window!
We'd get there in no time!
Can you do it, Kiyomi?
- Let's move!
- Wait!
Aye. You're in charge
of the Salty Spectre while I'm away.
Aye, aye!
Okay, now I'm ready.
The Red Lady?
Another boring day at school.
Am I right, fellas?
I take it back.
Prepare the ghost sand!
Time to boogie.
Look! The cannon!
That is not the intended use
for my confetti cannons.
What are we gonna do?
Let me show you ghouls
a little something
we learned in Ghost Pirating 101.
Ready! Aim!
Okay, what now?
What else could go wrong?
"What I've Learned
About Spreading Gossip,"
a Haunted Herald blog post
by Spectra Vondergeist.
Before coming to Haunted High,
I never saw much harm
in reporting on rumors.
They were just funny stories,
little tidbits of juicy gossip.
It was fun to join in with the crowd
and pass along the latest overheard
pieces of news.
But now I realize
how harmful rumors can be.
There's a particularly nasty rumor
going around here at Haunted High
about how the so-called "outsiders"
want to come to your school
to frighten and scare you.
It's not true, but this rumor
became so powerful, so real,
that it was able to convince
the entire school
to go along with Principal Revenant's
devious plan.
And for what?
Because she really thinks the Monster High
students deserve detention?
No. All this is because she wants
to get rid of her own chains.
And she has a lot of them
because Principal Revenant
is the Red Lady.
The Red Lady?
- No way!
- What's she talking about?
- That can't be true!
- I can't believe it!
It's true! These are her chains!
This building, it used to be her home.
But her chains kept her from leaving,
so she turned it into a school.
The Red Lady wanted
to give you all detention
so you could carry out
her punishment for her.
Look! Up there!
That's quite enough of your blogging,
Miss Vondergeist.
So, you figured it out.
I am the Red Lady.
And your little friends may have
disrupted my plan,
but it doesn't matter.
If I can't have new students
to put in detention,
I'll just give all my chains to you.
They're too fast! We can't outrun them.
We have to keep going!
No. No more running.
Kiyomi, what are you doing?
I started all of this
by opening windows between worlds.
Now, I'm going to do the same to end it.
We have to help her!
How? None of us has ever opened
a window before.
We have to try! Group ghost power!
You are going to be in detention
for a very long time.
Ha! That'll teach you to mess
with another reaper's confetti cannons.
Ha! Not really what I was
going for, but I'm free!
I'm finally free!
Well, it's been fun, boys and ghouls.
It really has.
But if you'll excuse me,
I've got a lot of haunting to catch up on.
No! No!
Why can't I leave?
I don't have anymore...
Chains? What's happening?
Who's doing this?
Is it you?
Is it your little ghoul friends?
Who is doing this to me?
You're doing it to yourself.
- No.
- Yes.
The chains are coming from you.
It all makes sense.
Look around at your students.
All those chains you've given out,
and yet you weren't getting
any closer to freedom.
Because with every haunting,
every unjustified detention,
every lie,
rumor and bit of gossip you spread,
you were creating
more chains for yourself.
You don't know
what you're talking about.
Somebody... Somebody else
must be doing this.
No. Deep down,
I think you knew
what you were doing was wrong.
And your inner conscience
created these chains to try and stop you.
You said it yourself,
"You'll never learn your lesson
if you don't pay the price."
You've been to the Monster World.
You know the rumors
you were spreading aren't true.
The solids are not out to get you.
They're just like you and me.
That was all just made up ghost gossip.
I don't know about you,
but I am done with rumors.
And I think you should be, too.
Good for you, ghoul friend.
Told you we'd find a good story.
I spent so much time
blaming everyone else
that I never stopped
to consider that this was my fault.
She took back the chains!
No more detention!
I am sorry I made you all part of this.
These are my chains to work off,
no matter how long it takes.
Not yours.
And I hope that you'll allow me
to continue being your principal
while I pay for my mistakes.
It is going to take a long time,
but I will earn my freedom.
Revenant! Revenant! Revenant! Revenant!
Can I just say,
that was totally spooktacular.
You thought so?
I had chills. And not just because,
you know, I'm a ghost.
So, is it true? About the outsiders?
We really don't have
to be scared of them?
I think it's about time these two schools
got to know each other.
Okay, now you try.
We'll... We'll work on it, yeah, yeah.
Why am I so itchy all of a sudden?
Oh, yeah, I've seen this before.
You've got sea-fleas!
I thought you know this by now
We're all just ghouls
at the end of the day
Howling at the moon
Won't you come out and play?
Play, play
We're all just ghouls
at the end of the day
And we're breaking through
like zombies coming out of the grave
I like to party like a monster
Party like a monster
There! All finished
I love it! Spooky chic!
So, rumor has it, the ghosts
and the monsters are really hitting it off.
Hey, I think I read
a blog post that said,
"There's nothing good
about spreading rumors."
I think this one is okay.
Make it last forever
We're stopping never
Party like a monster
I'm really gonna miss seeing you
at school every day.
I'm really gonna miss you too, Porter.
After all, we are a duo.
Live inside of your nightmares
I might scare, you make me lose control
It's unusual to be the walking dead
but make it look so boo-tiful
Put your hands up and rock it out
Pump your fist and let's scream and howl
Let's freak 'em out
Up and down as we jump around
- We jump around
- Jump, jump, jump, jump
Ghouls and gals know how to get down
Haunted house party underground
Do it just like the monsters!
I like to party like a monster
Party like a monster
Under the moon we just spooking around
Party like a monster
It's a celebration
Pump your fists and get loud
How we get together
Make it last forever
We're stopping never
Party like a monster
Party like a monster