Monster High: Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love? (2011)

Oh, it's Draculaura!
Happy Sweet 1600!
Thank you, thank you!
By royal decree, you are
hereby ordered to party!
Hit it, ghouls!
Oh, no. Loud music!
Let's get this
joint jumping, yeah!
Tomato juice fountain.
Epic salad bar!
It's everything a vegetarian
vampire could hang a fang on!
Hey, Draculaura!
We're on, Gil.
You like?
Her birthday is
Valentine's Day?
You bet. Take a gander
at her birthmark.
The whole dang holiday
was fashioned just for her.
She's so lucky!
I'm the one who's lucky.
Clawd, you make
my dreams come true.
Which is why I got you this. And
this, and those, and these.
I painted that!
O- M-Ghoul!
Can this day
get any better?
Draculaura, in honor
of your most special birthday,
your father would
like to give you
a new car!
So, that would be
my dream party.
Guess I need
a reality check, right?
Absolutely not!
Your fantasy
is our reality.
In fact, we're gonna make it
even better, aren't we?
You ghouls are the best-est!
Everybody has them.
Ghoulia Yelps!
Your scientific work
has cured Mummengitis!
Ghoulia, Ghoulia!
Fantasies are great.
Reality can be a bolt
in the neck sometimes.
It's nice to take a break.
But sometimes, fantasies
can become expectations.
And when that happens,
it can put a lot of pressure
on the monsters in your life.
It was Draculaura's Sweet 1600
and Valentine's Day!
And to top it off,
the whole holiday was created
just for her 400 years ago.
I'll tell you
about that later.
As official party planners,
Cleo and Clawdeen
realized that
they had 1, 599 birthdays
to live up to.
So, what do you think?
I think it sphinx.
She did that for
her 1521st birthday.
We gotta
step up our game.
A little birdie told me you guys were
throwing a purr-fectly epic party.
here for our invites.
Please, Toralei.
You're not coming.
Give me one
good reason why not?
Uh... How about three?
Fine. Just remember,
every kitty has her day.
So better watch your backs.
Oh, we're so scared.
Hey, ghouls!
How goes the Party planning?
Great! Right, Cleo?
Oh, totes-ma-ghost!
We're gonna throw you the
party of the millennium.
Hey, Clawd, what you
got there, big bro?
A little something-something
for Draculaura.
You shouldn't have.
I bet it's way romantic!
Black roses?
Candy skulls?
Bowl of yak meat?
What? Yak meat is delicacy.
It's a study guide for
her driver's ed test.
You can only take
that test twice,
or you have to wait another six
months to get your license.
You shouldn't have.
I guess I'd better
go study right now.
You got a ghoul like
Draculaura a practical gift?
Bad wolfie!
Ow! What?
Her hopes for her Sweet 1600
are higher than the pyramids.
Now those would
make a great gift!
Nah, I got her something that'll
make her howl at the moon!
You don't like it? No way.
We had to tell Clawd
that the necklace was nice,
but he was going to have to think of
something that would knock her bolts off.
Pressure was way intense.
Caller number five, you're on
with Cupid, Goddess of Love.
Tell me,
what matters to your heart?
We were all
huge fans of Cupid's show,
and we listened to it
every day.
She's a love genius,
an expert on romance.
Got a problem with love?
She can fix it.
Yeah. So, like,
I really like this boy, right?
Total crush-o-rama.
But he doesn't even
know I'm, like, there.
I hear you, caller. This Is
something we can all relate to.
There's a monster we like, somebody
we just know we'd be perfect for.
If they would
just notice us...
Let me ask you, caller.
Are you invisible?
Yeah, that's what
I'm like, saying.
It's like
he can't even see me!
No, sweetie,
are you actually invisible?
Oh, dooiy!
Uh... Hang on.
Oh, my ghoul!
Like, thanks, Cupid!
See? She's the ghoul!
Do not understand
why play these games.
In mountains, village elders
choose a date for you,
spit in hand...
Shake, end of story.
Is no muss, is no fuss.
Okay, is little muss.
So, which bloke you gonna
take to the party?
That is a problem.
What's caught in her net?
She can't decide between Slow
Moe and Don of the Dead.
She's a monster of science,
not romance.
Too bad science
can't decide for her.
Oh... Oh!
Good luck!
Good luck!
Caller 15,
what matters to your heart?
Yeah, um, I have this...
I mean, my "friend"
has this problem.
What do you buy the ghoul
that has everything?
Oh, I hear you caller.
My advice is not to buy her anything.
Find her something personal.
Something that
says you listen.
I don't have all of my powers yet.
I can't reach anything.
I got it.
Thanks, Cupid. You the man.
Uh... The ghoul.
Now you can get up to your
locker, no prob. See?
I wanted to prove that...
That's what
you think of me?
You think
I'm short?
Clawd found
out the hard way
that expectations can be
a real bop on the nose.
Clawd was totally in
the doghouse with Draculaura.
And now I was
about to find out
that he had
a lot to live up to.
Aw, maybe
I'm hoping for too much.
It's just that Valentine's Day
brings back so many memories for me.
But you ghouls
all know that story.
Heard it
a thousand times.
I haven't.
I want to hear it.
Oh, I don't really
want to get into it now.
Oh, okay. Never mind.
Well, fine, if you're
gonna twist my arm.
It is the most
romantic story ever told
and it all started
at my old school.
Like, vampire old.
His name was Valentine.
And he was the most
romantic monster ever.
Every ghoul in school
was fangs over heels for him.
But he chose me.
We met at a Mock Witch Trial.
For no creature
as fair as this,
with eyes as
bright as a full moon,
with skin as soft
as a ghost's kiss,
and a heart as pure as snow,
can possibly be a witch.
Not guilty
That is so beautiful.
You both get A's!
He was amazing in every way.
He wrote me
the most exquisite poetry.
And every moment we spent
together was something out of
a fairytale.
And for my birthday,
he gave me the greatest
gift I've ever received.
He created a holiday
just for me!
Valentine's Day!
Happy Birthday, darlin'.
You have the biggest heart.
Almost full of love.
Tonight, I shall
make it mine, forever.
But that night,
my family had to flee,
due to a misunderstanding
with the locals.
And I never saw him again.
That's so sad.
I wasn't asleep, Mr. Rotter!
He was my first love and he
was everything I ever wanted.
You only knew him
for aweek.
It was supposed to be forever.
He seems pretty
self-obsessed to me.
Don't you think it's weird that
he made a holiday for you,
but named it
after himself?
Whatever, it doesn't matter. What
we had is all buried in the past.
I'm with Clawd now.
And he's just different.
I better go get ready
for my driver's test.
"I better
go ready for my driver's test. "
Won't invite us
to the party, huh?
Then we'll just
have to ruin it!
All this math has got your
head swimming round like a blind tuna.
You gotta ask yourself,
what does your heart want?
Here, let's write up
a list of pros and cons
for both blokes
on your computer.
You're writing a program
to decide your perfect match?
Science doesn't have all
the answers, you know.
Sorry! Just saying that love is a
mystery, dipped in secret sauce.
There is a magic to it.
Mmm, mmm, mmm.
There's nothing more beautiful
than a full heart.
how may I romance you?
Who are you
talking to on the phone?
Mom, I got it. Jeez!
Smooth, man, real smooth.
Copasetic, Valentino.
Ice cold, daddy-o.
Oh. Sugar!
I have been waiting ages to
hear your sweet buttery tones.
Who are you talking
to on the telephone?
Get off the line.
You want me to
transfer to Monster High?
anything for you, darling.
You hear me? If you don't
clean up all this batguna...
Yes, Mom, chores first!
Hang up!
I can't wait to see you,
Valentine, my love.
Cupid, I'm begging here.
Like, hey, Valentine, why are you
so crazy about this vampire chick?
Because Draculaura's perfect.
She's one of a kind.
And she has
such a big heart.
The biggest heart of any
monster there ever was.
She completes me.
She completes my collection.
All I have to do to
harvest your heart,
is fill it
to 100% with love.
I was nearly there,
but then you got away.
That won't happen
this time.
If you don't clean up your
batguna, it's sunlight for you, son.
Yes, Mom, I know.
I just want to
make her happy.
You need to remind her why she fell
in love with you in the first place.
Cleo and Clawdeen
knew of a secret place
buried deep
below Monster High,
that would be perfect
for the party.
The catacombs!
The map says there should be an old
concert hall somewhere around here.
Ugh! Hasn't anyone heard of GPS?
Look, a door.
There must be a key around
here somewhere.
A skullet key!
Those open everything!
What's that smell?
Who died in here?
Oh, my ghoul!
Well, that was a close shave!
Operetta. Thanks.
Y'all nearly fell into "the
Cauldron of Eternal Body Odor. "
One dip in
there and whoo-ee...
You'll stink like a polecat
for a thousand years!
What brings you by?
Draculaura wants her
birthday party here.
Well, then, let me
rope this off for you.
Perfect! Now, all we need is a
few thousand scented candles.
Let's get to work.
The program's done?
So, who is
your perfect match?
Yeah, Don or Slow Moe?
what are you waiting for?
Hey, hot stuff!
Heath Burns!
Heath Burns!
Clawd had finally figured
out what to get Draculaura.
Something she couldn't
get anywhere else.
Check it out.
Oh, a box of junk.
How thoughtful.
Yeah, you can't give
her a bunch of stuff
that you dug up
from the backyard.
It's not a box
of junk, it's...
What's that about?
Is there a sale somewhere?
Why wasn't I told?
Did you read my blog?
A hot new boy just
transferred to Monster High!
I heard that he was
looking for Draculaura.
Who could it be?
How am I doing?
All right, no mistakes.
But I was looking forward
to failing somebody.
Just parallel park and you
survive your driver's test.
Mess up,
and it's off with your grade.
You fail.
I'm Toralei.
Pleased to meet ya, darlin'.
Valentine, yes.
I know all about you.
I see my
reputation precedes me.
And I know you're here
for Draculaura's heart.
Hush, now!
Look, she called me.
She didn't call you. I did.
You did? Why?
To help you get past
her guard dog.
The furry fellow?
Her boyfriend.
Clawd doesn't have a romantic
tuft of fur on his whole body.
He's no threat.
He sure is big.
Aw... It's okay, fraidy cat,
the big, bad woof
is leaving.
Now, get over there
and do what you do best.
Well, all right,
now we're talking.
Why are you doing this,
anyway, pretty kitty?
Let's just call it a birthday
present from the heart.
My Valentine.
How romantic!
The attention
Draculaura was getting from Val
was making her
batty with glee.
'Course, that much glee
is hard to hide.
What's going on
with you and Valentine?
What? What are you
talking about?
Everybody knows that you
guys have been hanging out.
It's all over school.
It's even in Spectra's blog.
Okay, okay. We've been spending
a little time together. So?
So? Are you forgetting that
you already have a boyfriend?
In my village, they have name
for this, Problustravitch.
Not cool!
Do not tell him I said this,
but my brother's a great guy.
And he cares
about you so much.
I know, I know.
And I care about him.
But Val is just so dreamy
and romantic,
and amazing.
Clawd may be smelly and
annoying, but he's not stupid.
He's going to
find out about this.
I'm telling you this
as your best ghoulfriend.
You can't have it
both ways.
You gotta make a choice.
Holy smokes!
I'm Ghoulia's perfect match!
Apparently her
scientific research showed
that you two were
the most compatible.
Dude, now I know why I'm having so
much trouble in Mr. Hack's class.
Science does not
make any sense.
Neither does Mr. Hack.
"Oye, oye. All right,
now see 'ere, children!"
Heath, Ghoulia's a very
nice, sweet, shy ghoul.
She's kind of a fish out of
water when it comes to dating.
We were hoping you could be
a little, um, you know...
Less Heath-y?
Less Heath-y?
Are you kidding me?
I'm her perfect match.
I'm gonna turn it up
to 451 Heath-grees!
This is gonna be bad.
This is gonna be awesome.
Bad. I mean bad. Yeah,
this is gonna be bad.
Draculaura had a problem.
She was torn
between the two boys.
And Valentine.
But in the end,
Draculaura knew the answer.
Oh, Val, that's so sweet!
You know me, darlin'.
My heart is in your hands.
Or vice versa,
if you catch my drift.
Listen, I've really
enjoyed all of this.
All the gifts and attention
and everything.
But it's not real.
I've got something real
with Clawd.
I didn't want to
have to resort to this.
But, I'm gonna have your heart,
darlin', one way or the next.
You, you, you
Got dumped!
You're really gonna
ride this wave in?
Now, with most
Dead Languages,
in order to conjugate the
verb, we first must...
Oh, no!
Very good, Clawdeen.
But it's pronounced "Ahhno. "
It is the rare Ghost
of Christmas Past tense.
They broke up!
Vampy puts Doggy
outside for good.
Now that it was official...
Clawd was howling in pain.
Hey, over here,
I'm open!
We had to talk to Draculaura.
But we couldn't find her
anywhere, which was way weird.
Any luck, mate?
No. She won't
answer her phone.
And I've texted her,
like, 20 times.
Good thing
my dad pays the bill.
Oh, I am so mad at her. How
could she do this to Clawd?
Love makes
monsters do silly things.
Good call, Ghoulia. Maybe she is
taking her driver's test now!
But she wasn't there either.
Ha! You failed!
We finally ran
into her and Valentine
as they were
leaving Study Howl.
And that's when we realized
something was way wrong.
Draculaura, we need to talk, like, now.
Where have you been?
With Val.
I had all my classes changed. That
way, he and I will never be apart!
What about my brother?
Which one?
You have, like, 10.
You better not be acting all
weird like this at your party.
Oh, I can't make it.
Valentine says he has something extra
special planned for my birthday!
It'll be heart-stopping.
Oh, no, is the party off?
I can't believe we spent so much time
on this to have her blow us off!
If she wasn't immortal...
I don't know, gills,
something's amiss.
Yeah, she's not
behaving like herself at all.
Her Sweet 1600 party
meant so much to her.
All of sudden, she not care.
Very odd.
You're right.
There's one ghoul who can
get to the bottom of this.
Spectra? We need a favor.
TORALEl: Isn't this amazing?
Everyone's miserable,
Draculaura and Clawd are toast,
and the party is canceled!
This is gonna be the best birthday ever.
And it's not even mine!
I wish I could say the same,
darlin '.
Operation Steal Her Heart
not going so hot?
It's moving
slower than molasses.
Her love for that hound was
stronger than I considered.
I thought
you hypnotized her.
I did, but I still have to fill
her heart completely with love.
Else I can't harvest it
and put it in my trophy case.
I just need to make sure
I get it soon.
Why the rush? This is fun!
The spell will become permanent
in three days, her birthday.
And she'll be stuck
in that state forever.
Her heart will
disappear like smoke.
She'll be incapable of
loving anyone ever. Even me.
And no heart, no trophy.
Either way, I win.
Good luck.
This is so juicy. I better send
this video to the ghouls. Fast!
A spell? Steal her heart?
I'll pound him!
Ghoulia's right.
Getting rid of Valentine without breaking
the spell would be a voltageous fail!
She'd be a total zombie!
No offense.
So how do we break it? 'Cause
I really wanna pound him.
Who knows the most about
the awesome powers of love?
Cupid, it's
a love emergency!
If he put her under a spell, in order
to break it, we're gonna need this.
Hand me my bow.
Uh... You couldajust opened it.
That's the key right there.
Cupid was gonna shoot
Draculaura with an arrow,
which would make her fall in love
with the first monster she saw.
And we were gonna make sure
that monster was Clawd.
Now's not
a good a time, Heath.
This is one fire you can't
put out, Lagoona. Whoa!
See, she's crazy about me!
I'd offer you this pepper, but
you're already so hot, darlin'.
You make my heart so happy.
And full?
It swells with every
moment I spend with you.
Yes, I can tell.
I've never seen a
monster with powers like his.
One arrow won't be strong
enough to break the spell.
Hurry. Here they come.
Use two, then.
We're running out of time!
Look out!
That went well.
Valentine's Day was tomorrow!
Ghoulia was still trying
to make it work with Heath.
After all, science
can't be wrong! Can it?
I wrote you a killer tune.
It starts with a smokin' guitar solo.
Thank you, thank you. You've been
a great audience. I love you.
You can applaud now.
And as for
Clawd and Draculaura?
They were madly in love
with the wrong monsters!
Once they got
shot by the arrows,
Cupid and Clawd
were inseparable
and nothing else
mattered to them.
Bad wolfie! Snap out of it!
Look, sis, we're happy. Can't
you just be happy for us?
Cupid, come on,
your arrows caused this.
You know that, right?
All I remember is looking
into his puppy-dog eyes
and never
wanting to look away.
Ugh! Gag!
Look, how do we
break the spell?
Why would I tell you?
Why would you want to?
Because of her!
She seems happy, too.
She's in danger!
Don't be a hater, sis.
Love is magical!
That's what
I'm trying to tell you!
And poor Draculaura.
With every romantic gesture,
she was falling deeper and deeper
under Valentine's control.
A shower of kisses.
The doves will be flyin'.
Come tomorrow night,
your heart will be mine.
Oh, Valentine,
that was so romantic.
not romantic enough.
We had to stop Valentine before he
stole Draculaura's heart forever.
There's gotta be something in
here that'll break these spells!
There is nothing in here
but games and tricks.
I do not understand why
monsters trust her so much.
Uh... She's Cupid.
She knows more
about love than anyone.
Her bow and arrows!
She just left them here.
Well, these are too dangerous
to be lying around.
I'll put them in my locker.
I don't think...
What you want?
She not here.
I'm Abbey, I help.
Well, I like this ghoul, but I
don't know how to talk to her.
Be direct.
Do not waste breath
on flowery introductions.
Say, "Hello.
I like you. You like me?"
See? Is easy.
Uh... Okay.
lam natural.
They like you.
Because I do not
play games.
Hey, that not bad.
You're on with Abbey,
where love is not game.
Ghoulia was looking for info
on Valentine and Cupid.
She asked Heath to help so she could
finally prove science was right.
Secret admirer?
No, no.
In my village, if there
is no name on package,
it get sent back
to post office.
Whoa! Your friend just
totally owned that dude!
Crash and burn! Owww!
Yeah, right,
right, right.
I'll get that
for you, hot stuff!
That's just
on the surface.
What's taking so long?
it's almost her birthday!
We don't have
much time, gills.
Why couldn't my brother just be
more romantic in the first place?
It's not his fault.
Valentine hypnotized her!
He let her get away
from him, Frankie.
I mean, his big gift to her
was gonna be this box of junk.
And now, every time
I try to talk to him,
he and Cupid keep
waggin' their tongues
about the power
of "true love. "
And that's when it hit me.
There was
something in that box
more powerful than Cupid's and
Valentine's powers put together.
Guys! I have a plan.
But we need to get everyone in
the same room at the same time.
But how?
A party!
We're back, baby!
Cleo and Clawdeen made
copies of the skullet key
and used them
as invitations.
Jackson, come to
Draculaura's party?
A party? Me? Awesome.
Actually, it's for Holt Hyde.
We need a DJ.
Draculaura's party?
Hey, you guys, wanna come
to Draculaura's party?
Yeah, that way
everyone can see us
and see how in love we are!
See how in love we are!
G ro-to-the-ross.
How's it going with Heath?
Maybe science wasn't
the answer after all.
That's when Ghoulia realized
that her science was sound.
It was her computer
that was the problem.
There was a bug
in the program!
She was never supposed
to be with Heath!
Yeah, yeah, you were right.
How're ya gonna break it to him?
I found
Draculaura and Valentine.
And now,
to get them to the party.
So, what do you say?
There's no time for that.
Her birthday should be
all about
filling her heart
with love, completely.
Well, I know nothing fills her heart
faster than a party in her honor.
Then we'll be there.
Count on it!
Man! Yeah!
Hyde in the house!
Yo, yo, yo, it's ya boy,
Holt Hyde,
on the Squeals of Steel!
Okay, Frankie,
what's your plan?
Okay, Ghoulia found out
that Cupid's arrows' powers
only work
if the bow is intact.
The magic is in the bow!
If we smash the bow, Clawd
and Cupid will be released!
That is fur-rific news!
Come on, we gotta find her
before she wreaks havoc!
Let's split up.
We had to find Toralei
and figure out a way to smash the
bow, freeing Clawd and Cupid.
That way, Clawd could
give Draculaura the box.
We're almost there, fellas.
Just a smidge more, and we can skedaddle
on outta this one-dragon school.
But we had to do it before
the spell became permanent.
Time was running out!
Have you seen Toralei?
Nah, babe. Why, what's up?
They say love hurts.
Let's find out.
Hey, gorgeous.
Where've I been all my life?
Cleo, are you okay?
How dare you touch me?
Oh, no!
Hey, Gil, I...
We have to do something!
But what? If we step out,
she will shoot us with bow.
She'd have to
catch me first.
Clawdeen's plan
was brilliant.
She was going to
use herself as bait.
It was risky, but it was the only
chance we had to stop Toralei.
Aw... Look who's
lying like a dog
just waiting for
this kitty to scratch.
Did it work?
Hey, Deuce.
I missed you.
Whoa! What's going on?
No time to explain.
Clawd, you gotta give this
to Draculaura. Hurry!
Are you sure?
You guys said she'd hate it.
Trust me.
Draculaura? I have a
birthday gift for you.
Get along, little doggy.
She made her choice, ya dig?
I don't even know
why you try.
A mangy mutt like you
could never make a ghoul
like Draculaura happy.
That's it. It's on!
Let me down! You don't
know anything about her!
I did make her happy.
Draculaura, look in the box.
The spell Valentine put
on Draculaura was powerful.
It's working!
But I knew there was
one thing stronger.
Real, true,
mind-blowing love.
Everything about Val was
faker than a Vampire's tan.
But Clawd was real.
And real beats fake
any day of the week.
Even on Valentine's Day.
What just happened here?
You, you, you
Got dumped!
Shut it, you bunch
of cumulo-nincompoops!
I'm Valentine, dig?
I can get any ghoul I want.
You know what, Valentine?
It's time everyone knew
how much your love stinks.
Where are you going?
My Power, it's gone!
You, you stink!
Valentine was
a very powerful monster.
But it was all superficial.
There was nothing
on the inside.
And once the outside was gone,
so was his power.
Oh... Can you
ever forgive me?
There's nothing
to forgive.
It's okay to have them.
You are the most amazing guy
I've ever known.
I wish there
was something I...
Here's a stick. Ready?
But when fantasies get in
the way of what's real,
you gotta let 'em go.
We hope you like the party.
We know it's not
exactly what you wanted.
Are you kidding?
This party is off the fang!
It's perfect!
Thank you so much!
Because sometimes, reality can
be better than the fantasy.
And one
final present...
We talked to Mr. Hack,
explained everything.
He's going to let you
take the driver's test again.
Oh, my ghoul! I'm going
to get to drive my car!
Here you go. Ithought
you might want it back.
So romantic.
Truth is in love and in life,
you never know what to expect.
Here he comes.
Be gentle when you break
it off with him, mate.
He's really
fallen for ya.
Listen, it looks like there's an
opening for Stud Of The Century
since Val's
out of commission.
I can't be tied
down right now.
Don't wanna
disappoint all the ladies.
No hard feelings?
Hey, hot stuff,
wanna dance?
Caller, you need to be subtle. Laugh
at his jokes, even if they're bad.
I'm going to pretend
I did not hear that.
Caller, you must be direct, look
him in eye, tell him how you feel.
If he no feel same,
move along.
And while that
may cause some arguments,
isn't that what makes
it freaky and fabulous?