Monster Hunt (2015)

Once upon a time,
humans lived with many other creatures,
But humans wanted to monopolise the world,
and so they declared war on monsters.
The monsters lost...
and were expelled to remote mountains.
They were not allowed to cross
the border ever since.
there is a civil war in the monster world.
The old Monster King was killed.
To totally cut off the old king's power,
the new Monster King massacred
the loyal former ministers.
The old Queen is now pregnant.
Escaping from the killers sent by
the new Monster King,
she is forced to flee to the human world...
under the protection of...
surviving supporters.
Legend says that...
this expected baby king...
will change both the human
and monster worlds.
This way!
Hands off my kid!
Your Majesty,
we're here to save you!
Watch out, Your Highness!
I can't walk anymore.
What are you staring at?
She's my wife!
"Yongning Village"
hurry up.
Be careful.
I saw it first.
- I picked it first.
- Give it to me.
- It's perfect for me.
- You're too fat.
- I'm not fat!
- Our mayor is coming.
Stop fighting.
Here's the mayor.
Mama Li, Auntie Mo,
we all live in the same village...
Shut up!
It's a mayor's job to...
- I'm the mayor and...
- Have you sewn the clothes?
Have you cleaned the toilet?
Not yet.
Don't go!
He's our mayor!
You ladies shouldn't treat him like that.
your leg brace.
Go and fix our clothes.
No problem at all.
I'll go deliver now.
Who are you?
Who is Tianyin?
Your grandson.
Who's grandson?
Your son's son.
My son is first-tier palace
swordsman Song Daitian.
Let me tell you.
This is our Song family heritage...
monster killing sword!
It's actually more like a toy.
I won't play with you.
You're so dumb.
You don't understand a thing.
Hanging around with nothing to do,
you really don't act like a man.
I'm busy every day,
sewing and cooking.
Did you practice our Song
family special moves today?
You are such a loser.
Grandma will leave home for a few days...
to look for your dad.
you've been searching
for that guy for years.
Shouldn't you give up?
Your dad is the hero of the
Monster Hunt Bureau.
What kind of hero dumps his wife and son?
Your dad is...
a first-tier palace swordsman.
He left the whole village to you,
so protecting the villagers is...
my duty.
Then you shouldn't fall
short of your dad's...
See you.
Monsters are not accepted
in the human world.
If any of them crossed the border,
we used to have the Monster Hunt Bureau
take care of them.
And they did such a good job that
people nowadays don't
know monsters even exist.
Since the last dynasty,
almost all monsters crossing the border...
were caught.
The Monster Hunt Bureau...
became useless and closed.
Great monster hunters like you
turned into normal people...
and served small businessmen like me.
You were totally wronged.
your time has come!
If one of you...
can grab that expected baby monster king,
the monster world will be in chaos...
and monsters will flee all over.
the emperor must rely on you all
to suppress them.
The Monster Hunt Bureau
will be strong again.
Come on.
Let's toast to our great fortune.
I was so awesome.
I hit his belly with my head.
You didn't see how...
how are you?
Smells delicious!
We can have something to eat.
my restaurant is that way.
We have our signature
dish, duck blood pudding.
Why do you keep walking around me?
Stop chatting with this limp.
We're in a hurry!
Ignore him!
He's jealous...
when I pay attention to others.
Because I'm his...
first love.
Why do you tell that to everyone you meet?
I won't tell you anything anymore!
He's blushing!
he looks so cute when he blushes!
You're mean and crazy!
Let's go!
He's not going,
but I will.
Fine, fine, fine! I'll go.
Our Yongning Village...
hasn't had visitors for ages.
Can you tell me...
about your adventures?
tell you...
while I eat you...
This way.
Here we are.
We've arrived.
Please take a seat.
Let me...
I will get you some water.
Can't wait to eat.
What would you...
like to order?
- We...
- Is there any human meat...
or human liver?
It's only me here.
How about eating me first?
I'll bring you the duck blood pudding.
No one is allowed to leave.
no one.
what's your problem?
Tell me your names!
Song... Song Tianyin.
Not you.
I'm the gorgeous, elegant and
coolest Lily.
When did you make that up?
Just now.
I like your original name Ying better.
How dare you hit my wife?
Your skills are medio... cre...
Still mediocre?
If I wasn't injured earlier,
just a level two monster hunter like you...
I'll be promoted to level three
after I've captured you both.
Little monster, what's your name?
I am...
Hiding in such a skinny shell...
is killing me!
See, we have serious business,
and all you can think about...
is eating!
But that limp smells delicious.
You never learn.
Ma ta ta ku la fa fa.
Foul language?
You say that again and...
I'll kick your ass very hard.
Oh, baby. You're right.
It's all my fault.
Oh no, Her Majesty fell out!
Save the queen!
I won't look. I won't look. I won't look.
Ying, I'll save you.
Salilongchong Freeze.
An ma hong.
They are mine.
How can you say...
they're yours?
Whoever has the monsters...
gets the money.
Your Highness! Run!
This is not fair.
To me,
this is totally fair.
I'm the mayor in this village.
You've just killed people.
What people did I kill?
They're all monsters!
Of course.
They're monsters covered with human skin.
Monsters are the most cunning creatures...
in the world.
They hide in human skin,
dress as humans...
and speak human language!
Then how can I tell...
if you're human or monster?
So may I ask you something?
Did you win or lose the fight just now?
I lost?
If I lost, you'd have been eaten by them.
Make dinner!
I'm hungry!
I want something spicy!
Question me?
How could someone like me lose?
Can't stop talking,
but can cook quite well.
Even though I'm a bit crippled,
I do have great goals.
You know what?
Cooking is my third ideal job.
How about the second?
Want to guess what's the first?
How about the first?
The first is cooking plus sewing.
I'm a genius, right?
Why would you catch monsters?
To make money.
Then why are you alone?
Want to know?
People who know too much about me...
I'll have their tongue cut off.
Where're you going?
I'll sleep in my Grandma's room.
Sleep with me.
I stay here...
so that I can sleep with you.
I'll go to prepare.
You like it this way?
Will it hurt?
What do you expect?
I'll gouge out your eyes!
That monster spat on you...
to leave a mark,
which means she will find you again.
When she comes back,
she won't be able to escape my trap.
Mi gu oh.
Nu gu oh ta gu oh.
Tu gu oh ka gu oh,
Yi ya gu oh.
Mi gu oh.
Nu gu oh ta gu oh.
Tu gu oh, let me go!
Yi ya gu oh.
It can be sweet, sour, bitter, and spicy
while you struggle for life.
Living is an ongoing argument with
many complex appearances...
and cunning souls.
So-called living is just
a battle of slaughtering.
Who can ask for living in affluence?
Don't be greedy while you
have enough to survive.
Today you have power.
But tomorrow you may be at the bottom.
You can be rich and healthy now.
Yet you can become poor and sick suddenly.
So be prepared and ready
to face any changes.
Not too good.
My life is not too good.
Hard living...
keeps trampling on us.
I'm not young anymore.
Like a wretch, cinders,
setting sun.
Although acting strong
and tough to be in charge,
my opponents are even tougher.
Play any extra roles just to get by.
But nothing can be done right.
If you can give me a steamed chicken bun,
I will do anything for you.
To live is not easy at all.
It can be messy and hard.
Sweet, sour, bitter, spicy.
Too complicated in the human world.
It is also not easy in the monster world.
No matter how hard the obstacles are
you can get through them if you try harder.
Please help us and give
us some rice to eat.
Life is tough but we do have each other.
We have to look for Her Majesty.
She should've gone back to find that limp.
What do you want?
I'm dying.
I beg you, please save my baby.
Can you speak... human language?
I'm dying.
I beg you, please save my baby.
Gulugulu Bang!
Giant monster, I'll capture you.
Please. Protect my baby.
I come help you.
I can't defeat it.
Almost time for dinner.
Xiaowu, someone's entering the village.
I've never seen them.
What is going on?
Still alive.
Surely costly.
Come, come, come.
Sit, sit, sit.
Two solutions.
be pregnant for nine months.
You'll give birth...
sooner or later.
A man gives birth?
Just let me die.
- Are you sure?
- I'm a man!
I'd rather die than give birth!
What a man!
Bite this.
Simply make a cut here...
and take it out.
This is the second solution.
If you cut it this way,
will it be painful?
I'll cut fast with my sword.
No pain...
but will I die?
Hard to tell.
I'll be gentle.
Forget it.
I'd better keep it.
Aren't you a man?
I'll be one after giving birth.
Trade in a monster inside a human.
Good business.
Then don't complain anymore.
put me down.
You're trapped.
I'll go to find help.
Just wait for me here.
Don't let me get you,
or I'll kill you for sure.
Gouge out your eyes,
cut off your tongue!
Why so quiet?
Who is it?
It's Tianyin.
Open the door.
Lots of strangers came today.
They caught all the villagers.
Only you and me...
are left.
Don't worry.
Let me come in first.
Who are you?
It's me.
I look different...
but I'm really Xiaowu.
you must save us.
Your dad promised to protect us.
You said... I am your best friend.
Why am I...
Are there any others hiding here?
Tell me.
Weng ba zha hu lu hu lu.
This is ridiculous.
The whole village is full of monsters.
It seems that
Song Daitian...
tried to secretly protect you.
We did nothing wrong.
We didn't hurt people.
We're all vegetarian.
It proves that Mr Song is right.
Humans and monsters can live together!
As a former first-tier palace guard
from the Monster Hunter Bureau,
Song Daitian complied in public
but opposed in private,
which is a capital treason offense.
We are not the problems.
We just want to live peacefully.
We're not planning to disturb anyone.
Why can't you...
give us a chance?
I won't argue with you.
What I want is...
the monster queen...
and the baby she carries.
Who wants to tell me...
in exchange for freedom?
Stop asking!
None of us will be a traitor!
Hold on.
Do you mean it?
what are you doing?
None of your business!
I know where they are!
Say it.
You should behave now.
Otherwise the fire beetle may need to
crack another skull.
Get them all.
Grandma left
all the villagers to me...
Just one evening.
Everything is gone.
Be optimistic.
You still have an egg inside.
Follow me to Shuntian City and sell it.
I can give you 20 percent of the reward.
Money means
nothing to me right now.
That's great.
I admire you.
Then I'll give you 10 percent.
No more bargaining.
Let's go.
Don't eat any more.
Otherwise I'll suffer a loss.
Just deduct it from my reward.
Your noodles.
I want...
two more bowls of noodles.
Add sour sauce.
The crazy-sour type.
This is already crazy sour!
I want the super super super
super super crazy-sour.
You're super crazy!
Stop eating.
If Luogang catches you,
he'll slice open your belly
and take the monster.
You run...
and wait for me at the back door.
How have you been...
after robbing me?
Where are the two monsters?
Ran away.
Ran away?
Pay me back!
Lower your voice.
Remember the monster who fled that day?
The egg inside her...
is very special.
I think that monster sooner or later...
will go back to the Village
to look for that guy.
Let's work together...
to catch her.
How much is it worth?
20 taels.
Very special is only worth 20 taels?
You really know the market.
If you find it,
100 taels.
Wait till you pay me back the money first.
Are we still working together?
He's got a big belly.
Eating again?
Do you have money?
That's why I keep eating...
and wait for you to pay.
Five dollars in total.
Preserved ginger, dried salty plum,
lemon, hawthorn.
Are you crazy?
This monster egg...
Is... mine!
You're robbing me again.
How can we work together?
You lied to me.
Behind you!
There's a monster behind you.
I'm not lying.
There's a monster behind you.
I'm not lying.
Stupid Luogang...
If he dies,
no one gets any money.
Come help!
I grab it,
you capture it!
Thank you very much.
Let's go!
Shouldn't we stay... and help him?
He's a level four monster hunter.
He should be able to handle it.
Let's go!
Huo Xiaolan!
We would like to have a room.
Only an expensive room is left.
Do you want it?
I don't feel like eating.
You go.
Human and monster.
Would their baby...
a mutant baby?
Are you coming?
Just don't search for
food in garbage at night.
At least we should give the baby a name.
One bowl of plain noodles.
How old is he?
Almost three years old.
Look at him. So adorable.
It'd be great if I could
have one of my own.
Isn't he yours?
He's this hotel owner's son.
Take him to his parents.
May I have your name?
Huo Xiaolan.
We're going to Shuntian City...
for a very fancy banquet
at Heaven Restaurant.
But the main reason is for my husband...
to boost his health.
So that I can have a baby.
Do you understand?
Why are you here?
This is my husband Zhengtao.
This is Miss Huo.
Nice to meet you, Miss Huo.
Let me tell you.
We should hire a bodyguard...
like them.
They said...
if hiring a bodyguard,
we should look for those with
coins hanging on them...
for prestige!
you two keep chatting.
I'll go back to my other conversation.
Hurry, hurry.
Be careful.
What's happening?
- Freeze!
- Oops!
Wake up, wake up!
Many monster hunters outside.
Super dangerous.
Let's leave.
What's wrong?
In labor?
Probably, probably.
Be quiet.
Not good.
- Why are you in labor now?
- What do you think?
You think... this is my choice?
What can we do? What to do?
Go find a doctor.
Right, right.
Are you crazy?
Who'd help you?
Go find someone!
How do people give birth? How to...
Scissors, hot water, towels.
I know what we should do.
Don't be nervous. Relax, relax!
Follow my instructions.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
You're an animal!
What are you doing?
How can you give birth with your pants on?
Then why are you holding the scissors?
To cut.
How can you cut with your eyes shut?
You'd better watch out.
Don't cut it wrong!
Should I cut it now...
or after you give birth?
Of course after!
What's there to cut now?
Something is already there!
I've grabbed it!
Should I cut it?
You're holding me down there!
Put down your scissors!
Relax. Push!
The harder I push,
the further it comes up!
No, push it down!
I feel like my belly is...
going to explode...
No, no!
I give up.
I give up!
Push, push!
Push harder!
Do it!
Is it Miss Huo?
Are you okay?
I'm fine. Thanks.
Someone is outside.
Let it out now!
Something's wrong.
You do it right now!
Someone's having a baby!
Stay outside.
Who is she?
My grandmother.
Your grandmother could still
give birth at her age?
So lucky.
Where's your grandfather?
Then your grandmother is really something.
But don't worry.
Childbirth is my area of expertise.
No. Although I've never given birth,
I've read many books...
and heard so much about it.
I've been preparing all along...
I am qualified to give birth and
help others give birth anytime.
Excuse me,
I must help.
You gave birth to a white radish!
Let me see!
Be careful.
A monster is a monster.
Does it look like me?
Exactly the same.
Do you need any help?
Wake up, wake up.
this is better, darling.
I saw...
Excuse us.
We meant to help you,
- but...
- Good that Madam is fine now.
How's the baby?
The baby is great.
How is your grandmother?
I'm fine.
Thank you.
I've never seen someone stand up
right after giving birth.
Where's the baby's father?
He died.
I'm fine too.
Thank you very much.
The baby is so quiet.
No crying.
Where's Niuniu?
may have gone to see the baby.
Does any of you inside see Niuniu?
Don't hit him.
What's that?
Is everything okay?
All good.
Niuniu, you should come out.
Oops, Madam faints again.
What's wrong with you today?
Excuse me.
Wow, really?
They are monsters?
If you want,
I can capture them for you.
Capture? Go capture yourself!
Have you two villagers...
seen my son Daitian?
So hot.
It's having a fever!
Go get a towel.
Get some water.
Still very hot.
Change water, change water!
Change again.
Okay, Okay.
The fever is gone...
but it's still weak.
it hasn't had any milk...
since it was born.
No cows or goats around here.
What can we do?
Why are you looking at me?
You're its mom!
I don't have milk.
It'll be sold in two days anyway.
why saved it...
when it was ill?
Because it can't be sold at
a good price if it's dead.
Then what is different now?
Not died of illness...
but is starved to death.
Turn around.
And you all!
You do like blood.
I knew it.
What should we do?
What should we do?
You're the mother!
I saw a baby coming out...
from her mouth.
A baby can be born from below...
and also from above.
Isn't that right, dear?
What happened, honey?
What happened?
What is going on?
Do you have... some...?
I told you before.
A monster is a monster.
Don't drink blood anymore.
You must learn.
people will say I didn't teach you well.
Your daddy,
he didn't learn well.
That's why he's so dumb...
and knows nothing!
Your mommy,
she didn't have a good education.
That's why no one wants to marry her.
What did you say?
From now on,
you eat fruits and vegetables instead.
Then everyone will love you.
Fortunately those horses are still alive.
Otherwise you would have become a killer.
You carry this all the time.
From your lover?
My father gave it to me...
when I was twelve.
He said whenever I'm scared,
if I play it,
he'll be there.
Did you try?
My father never taught me how to play it.
That was the last time I saw him.
have you ever looked for him?
My father was a monster hunter.
But he was killed...
by a monster.
When I was a child,
my mother suddenly disappeared.
Dad took me to Yongning Village...
and left me there.
He went away by himself.
I don't want you.
Go away.
So the villagers of Yongning Village...
are like my family.
Your father... He...
Whoever leaves his son alone...
isn't qualified to be a father.
all monsters are bad.
Even this little one will grow up
to be an evil monster.
Let me teach you.
Somehow we are put together
and we become a circle.
This circle has the magic to make
everything look pretty.
Even when time flies and changes happen,
hope the magic will never die.
How can I describe this feeling?
It's almost like we can
complete each other.
But time can be sneaky.
It can tear us apart slowly
without us knowing it.
How can we avoid being attacked by time?
Or can we ask time to help us instead?
There is a long and
unpredictable road ahead.
Can we still keep up with each other?
How to preserve this bonding forever...
and not let it get rotten?
I hope you cherish and put in your heart...
all the special moments we have together.
I will also keep them fresh in my mind...
so they can stay beautiful
even in tomorrow.
"Shuntian City"
Do you like it?
See how much daddy loves you.
Be good...
and I'll buy you one more later.
Isn't she very pretty today?
You must be having a good game.
I'm invincible!
- Hold on. Pong!
- Pong!
- Wait!
- Faster!
- I got it.
- Pong!
- Pong!
- Pong!
Your turn. Hurry up!
- Pong!
- Pong!
- Pong!
- Pong!
Fat Choi!
- Win!
- What?
How come you guys win again?
Five tiles of Fat Choi instead of four?
Show all your hands!
Sell them?
Get out!
Use them to make meat loafs.
You want to do...
some business?
You do look like a radish.
50 taels.
Let's go!
Let's go somewhere else.
Just name a price.
I know what it's worth.
At least 100 taels.
Put it in the cage.
And wait here.
Come on.
You're rude.
Let me.
We haven't named you yet.
Should we not sell it?
Hurry up.
Turn around.
Let's play hide and seek.
I'll count to three,
I'll hide over there...
and you hide in the cage.
Then she will look for us.
Let's start. One, two, three!
you should hide in the cage...
like what I do.
when I count one, two, three...
Why are you so rude?
You want to keep it?
Yes. Even few more days would be good.
Few more days?
The result is still the same
after few more days.
Look, look,
it cries.
It's a monster.
What emotions could it have?
It keeps following us.
Isn't that emotion?
You cut your fingers to feed it blood.
Of course it'll follow you.
You feed grass to cows and goats.
They'd follow you too.
What kind of emotion...
do you call that?
Who says cows and goats have no emotions?
Why do you think only humans have emotions?
Even if it doesn't have emotions,
I have.
Stop now.
Humans and monsters aren't meant
to be together.
That's why you should sell it!
What is it?
When I first started,
I was like you too.
Do more trading... and
you'll get used to it.
Go. Go.
Let's eat.
You're such a good boy.
I know.
We should name it Wuba.
Can you play mahjong?
Come on, come take a look!
Monkey brains are good.
Healthy and...
no cooking needed.
Let's go!
Where's our little monster?
Kill me if you can!
You will beg for...
our mercy!
I'll tell you if you win.
Your turn!
Eight circles.
Wait! Can you slow down?
I'm not ready yet.
Hurry up.
I've got everything.
What should I do?
Thirteen orphans?
Fooling me?
Where's the little monster?
Heaven Restaurant.
It may be getting ready to be butchered.
Let's go!
Play another round with me.
I still haven't told you the password.
How can you get in?
"Heaven Restaurant."
Little guy,
where are you from?
How come you're not...
wearing any skin?
No wonder you were caught!
Wanna get one, huh?
Look at my skin,
so real and smooth!
Look at mine,
so elastic!
it's seamless.
Do this,
puff your cheeks!
Money back guarantee.
Wanna buy one?
You two are selling skins again?
Didn't I tell you to take yours off?
We won't take it off!
Head Chef!
What the... You guys are too much.
Scared the hell out of me!
Pay attention.
The monsters we have today...
are so awesome...
and delicious.
What's happening?
What's the problem?
Head Chef.
we can't open this monster.
Why won't you cooperate?
No way!
Every monster dies.
Sooner or later,
it's just a matter of time.
Be brave, okay?
No way.
You stubborn monster.
You've asked for it.
Don't cut my buttocks!
Monster sashimi,
All ready.
No wonder she's our Head Chef.
Stand still!
What's with these two monsters?
They refuse to take off their skin.
Hey gorgeous, you look stunning today.
Your inner beauty is shining as well.
Please let us be at your service.
My goodness,
this kid has a sweet mouth.
Your meat must be tender,
and yummy.
I should cut you first.
Head Chef,
could you cook me
instead of serving me raw?
Oh, you're so cute.
As you wish!
Then we should...
soak you in sauces before baking,
- Take them away!
- Yes.
Head Chef,
make sure you don't undercook.
Don't worry.
Write down your last words.
I'll send them to your families.
I have such a good heart.
- Head Chef.
- Oh, my goodness.
The little monster king
everyone's talking about!
I have something special for you.
Deep fry!
We sure look rich and glamorous.
Sir Zou and Lady Zou,
please come this way.
Why do you have to be so skinny?
Didn't I tell you to eat more?
Not even big enough to
block my small face.
are you here for curing illness...
or boosting your health?
You go away.
I'll use the restroom.
Let me show you something.
bring my baby boy...
to show Madam.
I'm afraid of dogs.
He's my baby boy,
not a dog.
I prefer cats.
He's my baby boy,
not a cat.
There's a cat over there.
Go that way, that way.
Go, go, go!
He doesn't recognize us.
He didn't see us in human form.
Where did they go?
- One, two, three?
- Wrong!
Five, two, one?
Stop hitting me. Stop hitting me.
Our two honorable guests,
this way please.
Why are you...
so heavy?
I told you to lose weight.
But you keep getting bigger and bigger.
The first appetizer...
is monster ears in oil.
First hang the monsters...
on the right and upside down
for three days and nights,
so that all the blood can
gather in one point.
Slice not too much, not too little,
just that corner of the right ears.
Why don't you two eat?
I have to go to the restroom.
Restroom, restroom.
I thought...
we will have the little monster king...
since we paid 300 taels more?
Today, you all are lucky!
Little monster king is a newly added dish.
We've been preparing it in the kitchen.
That's great.
I also need to go to the restroom...
we try the special dish.
Excuse me
Put it in the steamer.
Yes, Chef!
We are such a team.
Open it.
Still alive?
I'm doing this for your own good.
It's not fair. I already tried my best.
Serve it raw.
We're leaving.
Am I too cruel?
Not at all.
It deserves it.
What's with my face?
Having a mask is...
good for your skin.
Great for moisturizing.
Let's go!
I'm sorry.
Xiaowu is in the kitchen!
I know,
you will come!
watch out!
Gulugulu Bang!
I abandoned my friend once.
I'll never do it again!
I can't beat that guy!
See you.
You will get killed.
You're a monster hunter.
How come you help an outsider instead?
He's not an outsider.
He's my husband!
Are you serious about...
what you just said?
My dad said,
a man and a woman should keep a distance.
If they kiss, they must marry.
Can we...
Cannot, cannot.
- But...
- No buts!
I am the only one left...
in the Huo family.
The responsibility to expand my family...
and have children and grandchildren...
is now all yours.
Will it be too...
No, it won't.
We are running out of time.
I know.
I am under a lot of pressure too.
We will try our best.
Let's try.
Leave me alone.
We can't open this cage.
You two should leave.
Take care,
and don't die.
I'm not done arguing with you yet.
This way!
Why does it keep chasing me?
Auntie Mo,
Here are the keys and...
please set the other villagers free.
Take care!
Be careful, mayor!
It's our little king!
Gao, what happened?
Oh mama!
So glad to see you again.
we have something important to do!
Please let us go.
Do I look stupid?
We should save him.
Another monster hunter helps monsters.
Is this food?
This is the main dish of the banquet:
Raw baby monster king's brain.
- This is worth waiting for.
- This dish brings long life
and stops you from ageing.
It moves.
Is it alive?
Eating it alive offers the most benefits.
We feed it with wine and
make it half-drunk,
then open a hole...
on the top of its head.
The best way to enjoy this dish is to...
simply eat its brain while it's fresh.
Why are you here?
You know her?
Is this a human...
or a monster?
Want to find out?
she just helped pulling you out.
Why are you here?
Two villagers...
brought me here so I can look for my son.
Who are you?
Who is she?
I'm your... granddaughter-in-law.
Come this way.
Your dad...
left this sword for you.
It has enormous power!
Let me tell you.
It's best for chopping vegetables.
You see...
It doesn't matter.
After some sharpening,
it can chop monsters easily.
Grandma, how do you sharpen it?
You use some kind of blood but...
You see,
that guy...
over there...
Fine. Fine.
Grandma, you stay put.
Wait for me here!
See you later, Grandma!
This fire beetle,
is an expert in opening
the skulls of monsters
After you finish enjoying
the raw monster brain,
remember to drink its blood as well.
You know,
the blood of this little monster...
will bring amazing results.
Miss Huo!
Who dares to make trouble here?
Darling, let's go.
You two leave first.
I can't...
You can't help me here.
I thought you're someone more powerful.
But you're just a mediocre level
two monster hunter.
Hold on!
Another one?
Level ten!
What does that mean?
Level ten is the top level
of monster hunters.
All these years,
only three persons have reached that level.
Excuse me, may I have your name?
My husband...
is the Head of former
Monster Hunt Bureau Song Zhenjiang.
My son...
is palace swordsman Song Daitian.
My grandson Tianyin is...
You let my granddaughter-in-law down first.
Didn't you say you're a level ten?
Why don't you save her yourself?
The coins are not yours!
Who says they aren't mine?
My husband had six,
my son had five.
All together I have ten.
Six plus five is eleven!
It's ten!
Song Tianyin,
if you hand in the little monster,
I'll release them.
If you don't show up,
I'll kill your grandma first...
- and then your wife.
- Can you...
can you switch the order?
Wife first...
and then grandma?
Good idea.
Hold on!
It's too late.
Grandma or wife,
either one must die.
You choose.
I've chosen!
No more tricks?
Lord Ge is... a monster?
He has so many layers of skin.
No wonder we couldn't tell he's a monster!
He's so ugly.
I put on the skin to disguise as human...
in order to get rid of the
surviving supporters...
of the old Monster King in the human world.
Now you've forced me to reveal myself.
You all have to die!
- Grandma!
- Grandma!
Be careful!
your father-in-law...
left you this sword!
Best for chopping vegetables.
stop fooling around.
Song Tianyin,
wake up!
My dad has left me already.
Please don't leave me alone.
I order you to wake up now.
Otherwise I'll gouge out your eyes,
cut off your tongue,
pull out your tendons...
and tear off your skin.
I was so used to being alone.
If you can't be with me,
why did you let me feel good
to have you around?
I need you to be around.
Huo Xiaolan!
use the Song family special moves.
will soon conquer the human world.
Thank you.
You truly met your dad's expectations.
This first coin...
was left to you by your dad.
you will have to earn on your own.
Six plus five...
equals ten!
The extra one...
is for me.
Are you sure?
Once you take this coin,
you are a monster hunter.
Don't go!
Come back!
Come back!
They ate our baby king already?
We are too late.
Follow them to a remote place...
to rebuild a Yongning Village.
You'll only be safe...
with them.
I really want you to be with me.
But that would only hurt you.
Even if I dress you up as a human,
sooner or later,
people will find out.
And that would be very dangerous for you.
Humans still can't accept you.
Don't let others call you a radish anymore.
Even though you do look like one.
you've got your own name.
It's Wuba.
Go away!
I don't want you!
I don't want you!
Just go.
Don't follow me!
You let a monster go.
How can you be a monster hunter?
There are good monsters and bad monsters.
I only catch the bad ones.
Come to think of it,
you're my man now.
From now on just do... what I tell you.
Where are we going?
I want to look for my dad.
I would like to know more about him.
Let's go.
Let me carry it.
I'll carry.
I'm starving.
do you have any human meat or human liver?
It's just me here.
How about...
eating me first?
Where do you think...
Wuba would live?
I don't know.
Then how can we go to visit him?
I've marked on our calendar
when to visit him.
His one month old party, his birthday,
mid-autumn festival,
new year and many,
many other festivals...
Keep walking and don't stop.
Although it is unpredictable
and mysterious.
Have faith and don't be afraid of...
the hard and tough times that may come.
Be ready for all kind of challenges.
Don't hide in the dark and worry.
You will keep on learning...
while you see many new things.
Be strong and move forward...
even when you are in the middle of a storm.
Be brave and I will be with you.
If somehow you make a mistake,
you should also learn from it.
Then you will grow to find your way.
Mi gu ba, we feel wonderful.
Nu gu ba, we are delightful.
Don't be shy and let's rock together.
We will spread our spirit to everyone.
Not afraid of the heat.
Not afraid of anything tough.
We want to be loud and we don't care.
Not afraid of anything.
Whatever happens happens.
Let's not waste time on arguing...
at all.
Whether you are tall or short.
Whether you are elegant or down to earth.
It doesn't matter...
cause somehow someone will like you...
just the way you are.
Not afraid of the heat.
Not afraid of anything tough.
We want to be loud and we don't care.
Not afraid of anything.
Whatever happens happens.
Let's not waste time on arguing...
at all.
Mi gu ba, would love to have
something sweet...
Ka ka gu ba, would love to keep moving.
We feel good...
and we want to have fun.
Don't worry about what others think.
Come on, let's dance,
let's dance, let's dance!
Dance, dance, dance, dance,
Dance, dance, dance!
Dance with Wuba.