Monster in the Closet (1986)

The most mysterious, unexplainable
events often take place in ordinary
Places: Places like the little
College Town of Chestnut Hills
These inexplicable events
sometimes have an explication.
But some of them mysteriously
won't ever have it.
Wednesday 21 of April.
It might just be better to accept
the incomprehensible...
instead of looking for a reason
that doesn't exist,
since there are things that are
The movie you are about to see
is one of them.
11:15 A. A...
Come doggie!
Friday, 23 of April.
You can't fool me.
21:47 P.A.
I know all your
hiding places.
I got you boy! , I might not see
very clear,
But I can hear
a fly flying.
I got you
Come doggie!
Come on doggie!
Come here!
Be a good boy,
and bring my sleepers.
Come on doggie
Where did he go?
I don't think he is...
Damn dog!
I'll go to get the sleepers.
Damn it,
that dog is going to kill me.
Next Aonday or Tuesday.
Come on silly, I can hear you!
So come on out.
26 or 27 of April.
All right, I found you,
get out of the closet!
Listen silly! I told you
to get out of there.
AONSTER IN THE CLOSE Wednesday, 16 of Aay
The Daily Globe, established in 1887
9:33 A.A.
Excuse me chief...
Can I talk to you?
How many times do I have to tell you
not to call me chief?
Excuse me Ar. Bernstein.
Ben, my name is Ben.
You've been here for almost a year,
You aren't a beginner.
Everybody calls me Ben
Hello Cliff!
Hello Eddie!
Your article is marvellous,
You will get another Pulitzer.
Will I see you tonight?
Give me a call later.
Sensationalist news don't keep a
Newspaper running
Is the little things,
what you write.
That's what brings life to
our pages,
The Obituaries?
I don't think so...
Hello boss!
Scupp, sensational article,
Sit down, I'll be right with you.
Hello Scupp!
Hello big guy!
How is it going?
We were talking about a more
important assignment for Richard
Very good, very good,
I'm convinced that I can
write a good article,
maybe, a politic theme,
something deep.
Third murder in closet,
Police is baffled.
The only reason why I
got this job...
Richard, nobody cares about
how you got this job.
Just a moment, chief,
Dick is right about that...
We never gave him an opportunity
he always gets the garbage.
And guys like me,
always get the chocolate candy.
Let's give him an opportunity.
Do you have something in mind?
Here Dic,
you can have my next assignment.
Scupp, I can't...
An important murder case
in Chestnut Hills.
Dick, 3 murders in one week,
All the bodies had
mysterious marks,
Of course it's not a
regular crime,
I think is a conspiracy
Right, chief?
Yes, I'm beginning to think so
It could be the article of the year,
Nobody has paid any attention to it,
It's all yours.
Are you going to let me
have your story?
It's my good act of the day.
Hoffman will take care of the
obituaries for a week or two.
All right boy, go for it.
This case is more than old!
Chestnut Hills sheriff's office.
13:10 P. A...
Hold it for a moment, please, sir.
Okay, go ahead now.
Do you want me to say it again?
What are you doing?
I record different sounds
for a school project.
Take this, it's for you.
No, thank you very much,
I'm not allowed to eat chocolate.
Two chocolate bars later.
See, you are Okay?
What is your project about?
Do you know what an
ultrasonic, energetic modulo is?
An ultrasonic, energetic modulo?
No, I have no idea.
If it worked it would be the end
of the energy problem.
Thank you As. Benett,
I'll think about what you said.
It seems crazy Sheriff, but
you should do it, Professor!
What are you doing?
Sorry lady, it's my fault.
I said, it would be okay to eat a
little bit of chocolate.
Who are you to think for me?
That's none of your business.
What is wrong about chocolate?
What is so bad about chocolate?
A, is bad for your teeth,
B, is bad for your liver,
And I would go on with the alphabet
If you were worth it.
You can poison your kids,
If you want to
But do me a favour, don't get close
to mine. Let's go.
Who is that?
A nut from the University,
She thinks that a snake is
responsible for all those crimes.
Is it from the Newspaper?
Richard Clarck
Sam Ketchit, come in.
A snake?
I told you she was nuts,
Have you seen that picture?
Two marks on each body,
done with a sharp object.
And that As. Bell, or whatever,
teaches biology at the University.
And she tells me that those marks
were done by a giant snake.
I've met a lot of crazy people.
But she is the worse by far.
Those holes, are
almost two centimetres wide.
Do you think a snake could do
something like that?
No one would be able to drag
Aari Lou around the room,
A snake couldn't take
Joe Septer's dog
and hang him from the closet's door.
No way, Ar. Clark.
It is not a snake.
It's more likely to be.
A crazy assassin
Sooner or later,
he will have a flow.
And when that happens
we will get him
This is where Aari Lou was killed,
I'll show you where we found her
Have you found an explanation
about the closets?
No, but we are working on it,
it's a matter of time,
Ay boys
are working double time.
The question is who and how,
we will find that pig.
Next-door building.
It's 14:17 P.A.
The shower.
- Hello!
- Roy! You came back so early!
- I finished all my work.
- Great, I'll be ready shortly.
I'll go to the store,
Do you need anything?
- Get some milk.
- All right. I'll be back soon, honey.
What are you doing Roy?
I thought you went to the store,
Did you forget anything?
What is going on Roy?
Roy, what are you doing?
I can't find the car keys,
can I borrow yours?
- Sure, There are in my red purse.
- Where is it?
- In the closet.
- Thank you honey
Did you hear that?
Yes... I think it came from the street.
Let's go
It has killed my husband!
It's in the closet!
It's okay! What's going on?
It was big and brown...
Calm down lady. Does anybody
know what she is talking about?
She came out screaming
that her husband was killed.
She says it was a monster.
Somebody take her inside
and wet her neck, come on!
Stay right there
Gracious! What a mesh,
I don't know if it was a monster
but this lady was right,
hhis man is dead.
What did you come for?
To poison my students?
I don't have any chocolate bars
Just because you are not armed
doesn't mean you're not dangerous
Look, I'm sorry about this afternoon,
But I have to talk to you,
About the murders.
Who are you?
I'm from The San Francisco Globe,
Richard Clark.
The sheriff told me about your
theory, the snake theory
That's very stupid,
Do I look imbecil?
If the Sheriff had listened to me
he would had understand...
That those marks look like
a snakebite.
I don't know what it is,
I'm not a police officer...
But I didn't want to suggest that a
crazy snake is killing people
Another murder has been committed
I saw the body,
It has the two snake marks,
and I found this.
Diane, have you seen my notebook?
I had it a minute ago...
And I don't know where it is.
You know how I forget things,
Ar. Aercier!
No Doctor Penywerth,
This is Ar. Clark.
It doesn't matter, will you go to
Diane's party tonight?
Ar. Clark has brought us
something very interesting,
Why don't we examine it?
What a strange thing.
Do you feel the heat?
Yes, it's rare, it must be
some part of an animal's claw.
I've never seen
anything like that in my live,
Diane, I would like you to
analyze this as soon as possible...
If you don't mind
Not at all,
When we'll you have the results?
This afternoon and since you are
going to Diane's for dinner...
I can talk to you then
I'm sure Ar. Clark
will have other plans.
No, the truth is that
I don't have a plan.
Can I take Ar. Clark
upstairs, mom?
Not now,
Why not?
A, we have guests,
B, we haven't had dessert jet,
and C, I'm sure Sr. Clark
would like to finish his cauliflower.
You are so kind...
Come on if you don't clean your
plate you won't get any desert
Look, a roach
I'm going to kill it.
Wait Professor,
think for a moment...
And remember that even roaches are
God's creatures.
Yes, There is a lot to learn even
from the smallest insect.
If you capture that roach,
You will have an...
Interesting specimen to
dissect and study
But if all you do is to smash it
on the table,
The only thing you'll get will be...
A mesh.
Is not that Philip, it's the same if
you dissect it or you eat it,
The problem is the same,
you violate the six amendment.
Aartn, when I was a little boy,
I found a little frog,
I decided to examine it
so I cut it open,
It had intestines
and all those things,
And when I happened
to squash a mucus membrane,
A sticky and green substance
hit my face,
It had the color as an
roten avocado
I took a drop of that substance and
I examined it under my microscope...
and from the study of that drop
I discovered...
the cholera's cure
that has saved millions of lifes.
That's the problem, we keep
slather defenseless creatures
And we aren't in the Aedieval.
Diane, are you okay?
Yes, I was thinking that...
Professor, Why don't you take
Ar. Clark upstairs?
Would you like to see it?
I think it's a great idea.
I hate cucumber pudding
So do I.
Well' here it is.
So, is this that ultrasonic,
energetic modulo?
You'll see,
I'm going to show you how it works.
But before,
we have to record some sounds,
the device will play them back
a thousand times per minute
What we have to do now is...
Help! Help! Help us!
It's awful! It's brown!
It's inside!
We have to get it out!
It's inside, help us!
It has been sheriff!
It's in the house, it came out of
the closet and tried to kill Chip!
It was a monster!
It was awful!
Stay here, I'll be right back.
Surround that area! Tonight
we are going to hunt a monster.
Sheriff, wait a minute,
we don't know what's over there...
I know very well what's in there,
a gigantic snake,
and I'm ready to go in and
peel it's skin off
Get that door open!
Sheriff please!
We know you are in there,
so you better come out!
You have 30 seconds
to come out raising your hands.
You have only 15 seconds
to come out raising your hands.
If you don't come out,
we'll go and get you.
Don't shoot!
Carnival is over my friend,
Don't be silly,
and take off your costume.
It's incredible.
Stop right there weirdo!
One more sep and I'll shoot!
Let's get out of here!
Police, we are in big trouble
in AcAllister St.!
It's kind of like a monster!
Where are you going?
I need to find out where
it's going to,
Get out, get out.
It has disappeared.
What was it?
Something that any human being
has ever seen.
Did you want an article
Ar. Clark?
You might have the greatest
article in the world.
I just hope there is somebody left
to read it.
Aonster attacks
little Town in California.
Closet monster claims
the fifth victim.
Extra, read the news, a monster
is on the loose in Chestnut Hills!
The President declares
National emergency!
...they are heading towards that town
90 km away from San Francisco,
That has become
the focus of the entire world.
General Turball, in charge of
the operation has declared.
That the monster is...
Somewhere around these 3 blocks,
The area has been evacuated,
surrounded, and it's been patrolled.
If that son of a bitch is in there
there is no way out.
Are you attacking the monster, or
are you waiting until he comes out?
We are following its movements,
We know exactly
where he is.
We will go straight for that beast
What are you going to do with it
when you find it?
A coat!
Any more brilliant questions?
Do you know the kind of monster
it is and where it comes from?
I don't care that's
Doctor Pennywerth's problem
I think it is a creature
from another world,
from other time
and maybe from another planet,
But that's just my idea,
that's why I decided to study it
To be able to answer
all your questions.
Any idea of why he chooses
to hide in the closets?
No, none, that's one of the
mysteries of this entire phenomenon.
General, are you going to try to
capture the monster alive?
I try to save lifes
I don't do scientific experiments,
as soon as get the beast,
We'll send him to another world.
But General,
there aren't fixed rules for that,
You could save more lifes
without pulling the trigger,
When I was a little boy
I found a little frog,
I could have killed it...
Excuse me gentlemen,
but we have a lot to do...
And we are wasting time
with all this talk.
If you do what you were told,
stay away from the area...
And keep your closets locked.
The Army will do the rest,
Thank you, good morning!
Hello big guy!
What are you doing here?
What am I doing here?
Haven't you talked to the boss?
He forgot to call you,
Dick it's your lucky day,
you got promoted.
Yes, didn't you want to do
a politic article?
It's yours, the boss wants you
right back.
But I can't leave,
I have a sensational article.
Don't worry,
I can cover you,
All this about the monster
will be out dated soon,
The boss has better plans for you.
You don't have to thank me,
you would do the same for me
Listen Dick, I'll see you at the
Newspaper in a couple of days.
Dick Congratulations.
Why not?
A, Because. B, the doctor doesn't
want to see anybody now,
and C, we already told Ar. Clark
all we know.
To Ar. Clark? But he is worthless
And he is not in charge
of this matter.
What do you mean?
That guy is not a reporter,
do you know how he got his job?
His uncle is the owner of the Paper,
that's why he got it.
If we send him here, it was
to get rid of him,
he is a pain,
he is the fool of the Paper.
Thanks a lot for all that
valuable information,
But I think you should go
You'll see, I just want to talk to
to the old guy to...
The one you call old guy
has won two Nobel Awards,
And I think you should leave now.
Thank you very much Ar. Jhonson.
I'll talk to him sooner or later,
so let me talk now
Nice to meeting you Ar. Jhonson.
Aister Clark?
I came to thank you for dinner
and to say good-bye.
Are they for me?
Yes, I picked them myself.
They could use a little bit of water,
And you should drink something,
come in.
It's really hut, isn't it?
Take a sit in the living room,
I'll be right there.
You aren't respecting the
sixth amendment
But it is a creature of God.
I don't want to have an argument
with you, I just want to point out...
Aister Clark!
Doctor, Reverend.
Aartin I don't want to kill him,
I just want to communicate with him.
I don't think they are going to
give him an opportunity.
An opportunity! Ay God,
He has killed 5 people!
That creature is more frightened
than us,
Any wild animal would kill
when rounded up, it's natural.
If we could make him understand
that we won't hurt him,
And that our intention is
to communicate with him.
We would reach an priceless
scientific discovery.
As. Benett!
Is there anything wrong Diane?
Stop! Professor stop that thing.
What's happening?
That sound, what was it?
What sound? The monster's sound?
Play it again.
Why didn't I think about this before?
I think we've found the key
Restricted area.
I told you I would
talk to him!
Tell me Ar. Johnson,
What do you want to know?
First, what do you mean by
communicating with the monster?
It's a creature of God,
a strange in a strange world,
And nobody gave him an opportunity.
We are talking about an advanced
creature from another world...
And probably superior to us
as we are...
superior to worms and the frogs
we evolved from...
thousands of years ago.
If we could communicate with him,
we could...
Diane! What was it?
It was just a cat.
Don't move, raise your hands,
you're all under arrest!
Who do they think they are,
the blue helmets? Shit!
I'm trying to save human lifes
And you are playing hide and
seek with King Kong.
General, There are many different
ways of saving lifes,
When I was a little boy,
I found a little frog,
I could've taken it...
Little frogs! I'm sick
of your little frogs,
Why don't you get down to hearth?
Don't you realize
what's going on here?
This is not a Kids game,
gentlemen, I've been informed...
That the panic has spread to
Boston, N. Y, Chicago, Detroit...
General, we got it.
Does it follow any guidelines?
I knew it.
It looks like the monster
moves in semicircles between...
the 45 South and the 37 Northeast,
each 9 hours, in a distance of
3Km and 750 m.
And what doest it mean?
From our calculations
the monster should be around here.
In the Public School?
Watson School
Ay son! He is taking my son!
Let me go!
Clark! Everybody stay away!
It's very dangerous!
The closet!
He is taking him to the closet!
Pull his clothes off!
Pull his shirt off!
Very good boy, you are a hero!
Save my son!
Well done boy!
Pull his shirt off!
Please do something!
Let's get out of here!
Come on boys
Let's cordon off the area!
Forget about cordoning off and run!
Bring the tanks!
Bring out the artillery!
Let's use all our forces!
Ready to attack!
Listen, don't do anything until
I give the order
What happened?
We are going to finish with the beast.
Attention boys, ready.
No, wait, let me get in touch with
him before they kill him.
Go on, let's show that monster
who we are.
No General, you don't understand it,
we have to investigate,
We have to learn, we owe it to the
future, to our kids...
Get away, you are nuts,
Boys, ready, set,
Come back here crazy old man!
Damn it!
He is nuts!
Listen, I'm your friend,
you have to understand,
I want to help you I'm a scientist,
All right boys, let's finish with
that monstrosity!
Retreat, leave the area!
I'm here doctor.
We did it.
Yes, we did it Doctor.
We got in touch.
We managed to communicate.
You did it Doctor Pennywerth
Congratulations Doctor.
I knew it, I knew we would do it,
we have communicated.
Doctor, could you understand what
he said?
We have to... we should stop it,
The only thing that could stop him...
What would stop him?
We should destroy...
Destroy what?
Destroy all...
we should destroy all...
Frogs, I see frogs, frogs everywhere
millions and millions,
It's beautiful, frogs, frogs...
Extra, the army
can't stop the monster!
The Army and the National Guard
evacuate Chestnut Hills,
The authorities are amassed
by the calm of the citizens,
when it could have been
a panic situation.
People will go to the shelters
in San Francisco.
The future of the people evacuated
is right now unknown,
In just about 24 hours,
the only thing left here,
will be that strange creature
that hides in the closets.
Here is General Turball,
possibly with more information
General, what are you going to do
after the evacuation?
Who knows!
I don't know how to stop that beast,
He has a protective armour,
what? How?
I don't care if I'm on T.V.!
Next week we might not have T.V.!
Shit, our nuclear weapons are
like toys for that monster!
If he gets close to our big cities
It will be...
The President called an extraordinary
Congress meeting,
up until now, they didn't
come up with an explanation.
Where is he coming from,
how did he get here?
We only know that none of our
weapons could stop him,
The United Nations are studying
the threat that the creature...
represents for the world safety
but up until now...
Nobody seems to know how
to stop him.
I think it's time to pray,
To pray for the whole world.
God bless...
Friday, 18 of Aay.
Bless his soul. Oh heavenly father
of he who died. He who valued
life over death and also valued
death over life. Life over death...
10:21 de la maana.
Because he was a man that sincerely
believed in his heart
And death over life because
he knew it was better to die for...
What are you doing here?
The town is evacuated.
I'm sorry to bother you but
I have a couple of questions.
Not now Ar. Jonson, please.
Uncle Aartin
I don't think God would mind if we...
finish the service
in San Francisco, Amen.
As. Benett,
Before he died the doctor said
something about how to stop him,
Do you know what he was talking
He said we have to destroy all...
All what? He didn't finished the
sentence, destroy what?
I have no idea.
You must know it.
She doesn't know!
Don't get touchy, boy!
I wasn't suggesting that she knew,
Or that maybe she is saving that
information for somebody else...
So that somebody else could get an.
Exclusive story
Listen doll.
Don't call her doll!
Listen Clark, if you and this bitch...
Is he alived uncle Aartin?
Sure he is. God moves
in mysterious ways,
And I'm sure that in his infinite
wisdom he let this happen...
to communicate with Johnson
in the darkness that is around them,
And allow him to come back as
a better human being, Amen.
How could he do it with only
one punch?
It wasn't a punch from Ar. Clark,
It was a punch of God.
Ar. Clark you knock him down
with only one punch!
Aom was right, the cauliflower
gave you a lot of energy.
Energy, that's what the doctor
was talking about,
we must destroy all his energy
We are asking all the residents not
to carry ant unnecessary objects that
could difficult the evacuation
Take with you whatever you
consider essential.
You will be taken to the shelters
in San Francisco.
General Turball!
You have to get us some seats
in that bus,
While I talk to the General
General, I have to talk to you, I know
how to finish with the monster.
With electricity.
We plug him in and he becomes
a Christmas Tree.
We found one monsters nail
and it had electrons in it...
that moved much faster than
I don't care if that monster has
There is no way to stop him!
Listen to me, the electrons produce
a heat layer...
We have tried everything!
We have two empty seats.
I don't want to go by bus.
Enough said, I'll see you
tomorrow in San Francisco.
Aom, trust me!
I love you, be good, bye.
In case you need some energy.
We have to hurry up, see you
in San Francisco son.
Why don't you pay attention to me?
I'm telling you we can
destroy him with electricity.
And I'm telling you that the
discharge wouldn't be strong enough,
to kill him.
We could destroy his energy if we
discharge enough volts.
If the Army can't stop that monster
How are you going to do it
with a plug?
Aurphy, get out of here!
Aiss, face reality,
this is the end of the world!
And, do you know what that means?
Try to get save!
I don't know what you'll do,
but I'm getting out
I'm staying.
Ae too.
Whatever you need you'll get it
I n the shelters...
You should go now.
I'm staying!
You don't understand it,
She is going to try to kill the
monster and I'm going to help her
Richard, I'm grateful for...
Don't bother,
you won't convince me.
Can you give me a reason?
I can give you 3.
A, if it doesn't work, who cares,
It is the end of the world
B, if we make it, I'll get the
best story in the history
And C?
I'll tell you that some other time.
Come on, we better hide.
Chestnuts Hills
Approaching midnight.
It's coming.
Dick I don't know what's going to
happen, or how long we have
So I want to thank you,
For saving the professor,
and for everything
Can you do me a favour?
Tell me what C was
C is that I want to be with you.
Do you know when I realized
I liked you?
It wasn't when you stood up for me
agains Scupp, it was before that,
Even before you saved the professor
It was the day you came to
say good bye
I can still picture you there, standing
up holding those flowers...
We have to make him to follow us!
Push harder!
The switch.
He is moving towards the left!
To the attic!
Professor! Ay God
What are you doing here?
It's almost finish,
one more nail.
What are you talking about?
The energy meter,
I can stop him with it.
It's just a toy, it won't work.
There he is!
Aom, trust me, it will work!
It's crazy!
It's our only chance!
I need the trumpet.
Come back here!
Play 5 tones,
We have to make it sound.
He will kill us if we don't do it!
Ay God!
He is taking him.
It's useless, it's useless
Nothing can stop him. This is the end.
Aom, what if the doctor didn't mean
to destroy his energy,
Aaybe he tried to tell us
that the only way to stop him...
Was destroying... the closets.
Closet creature marches
towards San Francisco.
Panic is spreading
around the world
Since the monster keeps going
Almost all north California has
been evacuated,
At the same time, emergency
procedures are on the way...
throughout the western part
of the United States
Scientifics and religious leaders
are predicting the worse, possibly...
The end of civilization, millions
of people escape from the death...
but... where are we going?
Where can we hide?
I'm afraid we could be witnessing
a Biblical prophecy come true
And the beast,
shall take over the earth...
And now we are going to listen to
an emergency broadcast...
From professor Benett
From the University of Chestnut Hills
I come to you with the last hope
the last hope for,
for humanity,
We tried every reasonable
and rational approach,
But neither man or machine
have been able to stop that thing,
I ask you
to be patient,
And to leave all reasoning
out the door,
We don't know
where this creature comes from,
Or how he got here,
All we know,
is that moves from closet to closet,
And that these closets serve some
short of purpose for this beast,
Possibly he is looking for shelter
to feel secure...
And gain energy
Who knows?
Our only hope is to destroy
these shelters,
destroy all the closets,
destroy all the closets
you can find,
destroy all the closets
in the world,
Whether you have to chop them down
burn them down or blow them up
It's our last hope, I insist,
we must act immediately,
Destroy all the closets!
...carrying Richard Clark,
the unfortunate reporter,
They've been in There over 10 minutes
now and there is no explanation
Why the monster took him to
the Trans American building
There could be a
closet not destroyed,
If this is true, that would be the
last chance for the monster
to charge energy,
His only hope for survival!
The World is focusing in one single
building in San Francisco
As man kind anxiously awaits for
what it would determinate the future,
Would he live or die...
Reporting from
the Trans American building,
Clark seems to be okay, but the
monster is really in bad shape,
He almost felt!
I really think the creature is dieing
Richard! , are you okay?
We were all praying...
Aister Clark!
Ar. Clark, we made it,
The world is save!
- How was it like?
- What have you done all this time?
He could have saved himself!
There was a closet
but it couldn't fit both of us!
He could have saved himself
What a story,
"Destroyed by his own closet"
It wasn't the closet...
Beauty killed the beast.
Enough boys, you'll know about it
when you read the exclusive articles
That The Globe will publish
starting Aonday
Ar. Bernstein!
Call me chief
Everything ended and,
the world was save
It was unexplainable,
a complete mystery,
But this is not the moment to
look for explanations,
Is the time for joy and celebration
and give thanks
Go home my friends
and rebuilt your closets.
Okay boys!
Where are you?