Monster Of Piedras Blancas, The (1959)

Hey! You there!
I told you to stay
away from this light!
I meant it!
Now go on!
Beat it!
Never saw anything
like it in my life.
Head ripped clean off!
What do you think, constable?
I don't know what to think.
They're as white as sheets.
They don't look like they got
a drop of blood left in 'em.
We'll know better
after an autopsy.
I bet old Sturges knows
more than he'll tell.
The Rinaldi brothers always
fished out at the point.
The boat could've drifted back.
- How about it, Matson?
- Suppose you let me do the thinking.
You take these bodies
over to Kochek's.
I'll have Doc join us and
take a look at 'em.
Ahh, I still think Sturges oughta
tell us what he knows.
- Maybe he don't know nothin'.
- Ya wanna bet?
All right, now quit your
grumbling. Get'em out of here.
Okay, folks, you go on
home now, will ya.
This is not a Roman
holiday. Please!
I need some supplies.
You see what happened
to the Rinaldi brothers?
- I didn't stop.
- It was me that found them!
I went out on the pier to
look at my lobster traps,
when I see the boat way out
over there by the breaker line,
but it was low in the water
and looked like it was empty.
But I did not pay much attention
until it drifted near the pier.
Then I seen them.
Like slaughtered steers!
Their throats cut clean!
Funny thing though,
not much blood around.
That lens cleaner I
ordered, come in yet?
That'll be in next week.
You know, the constable
has the idea
they got caught in that
squall we had last night,
and couldn't keep
off the rocks.
But if that was the case,
I say they would
still be on the rocks and nothing
left of that boat at all!
Let me have a pound of liver
and two of bacon.
You wanna know
what I think?
It ain't rocks and
it ain't squalls.
It's something living
that did it.
- Kochek, you talk too much.
- That's what they said 2 yrs ago
when that couple came down
from the east to go fishing.
They found nothing else but some
debris washed up on the shore.
- Anything else?
- Just my week's meat scraps.
You know, if this had happened
when I first came here
there would be nobody said
nothing about rocks and squalls.
It would be the monster of
Piedras Blancas!
I'm not so sure they
would not be right!
You know, we should pay more
attention to these legends.
It would explain many thing that
have happened in the last 30 yrs.
Kochek, you're a bigger
fool than I thought.
Now, where's my
meat scraps?
You did not show up yesterday, so I
gave them to Bert, for his hogs.
You knew I'd be in!
I'm getting tired of keeping
these meat scraps for you!
Besides, Bert paid for it.
You idiot.
You'll be sorry for this.
That'll be 3 dollars!
Where'll we put'em?
Wait a minute, I'll open
up the ice room.
Don't forget, we're burying the
Rinaldi brothers in the morning.
First class funeral.
Better not miss it!
What's burning him?
I didn't save the scraps
for his stupid dog.
I understand Doc Jorgenson is
coming to look them over.
I've got my own idea's of
what happened. Come on!
- Good morning, Dad.
- You left early this morning, Lucille.
I had to open up.
I got the supplies so you
won't have to shop.
Be home before dark.
I'll have supper ready.
Oh, I've got to
work tonight, Dad.
Mrs. Matson isn't
feeling too well.
Got some nice liver,
you always like that.
I'm sorry. I can't help it.
I don't like you coming
home after dark!
Oh, I'll be all right.
Fred'll bring me.
Don't be late.
- Understand?
- Yes, sir.
Oh, Mr. Sturges, can I
have a word with you?
I, ah, thought maybe you
might be able to help me.
I know the Rinaldi boys always
fished out at the point,
I thought you might
have seen them.
Um, what time did the squall
hit out there last night?
- About midnight.
- What time do you start the fog horn?
I blew from 11:30 'til dawn.
And you didn't see anything
unusual all night?
If I had, I'd tell you.
Just that I knew they
always fished out there.
I've told them
plenty of times...
it's dangerous
this time of year!
Never can tell when
a blows coming up!
But, they wouldn't listen!
Nobody listens!
They'll learn someday!
What's aching him?
He is the most unfriendly
man I ever knew. I...
Oh, I'm sorry, Lucy.
I didn't mean that.
- This business has got me upset, I guess.
- That's all right, Mr. Matson.
I know the town isn't
very fond of Dad.
I'll go see what
Doc's found out.
I ah..
don't imagine be many
people for lunch today so
take the afternoon
off, if you like.
Eddie here can
take care of things.
- All right, I'll see.
- All right.
Your dad and the town always
been at odds with one another?
- No, not always.
- What happened?
- Don't want to tell me?
- Some other time.
Hey lady, you gonna let
a customer die of thirst?
I don't know why I
let this upset me?
Oh, it's natural.
- Dad isn't really like that.
- Look, I'm sure he isn't.
Hey, I've got a good idea.
What's that?
I've gotta go out to the Point
and pick some specimens
why don't you
come along,
Gee, I'd like to, but I haven't had
a chance to clean this place all day.
You might not get
another offer.
All right!
Maybe the town's people won't be
hungry today, but I bet you will.
I'll make some sandwiches
and we'll take them with us.
You see,
I knew there was some reason
I wanted you to come along.
I'm not sure it's me or my
cooking you're falling for.
Well, I always try to
keep'em guessing.
Oh, you do, do you!
Well, what happened, Doc?
What did you find?
Well, the jugular veins, the
carotid arteries, the esophagus,
the trachea, were cut straight across.
There was a complete transection
of the spinal cord.
In short, the heads were
severed from the trunks.
Death was instantaneous.
Well, how could it have happened?
I don't know, George.
If we were living in the 19th century, I'd
say they were victims of the guillotine.
You mean they were murdered?
That's your department, not mine.
- I thought maybe it was an accident.
- Well, maybe it was, but I doubt it.
The manner of death was identical
in both cases and it had all the
earmarks of a conscious act.
Looks to me like the work
of some inhuman beast.
Oh, that's a pack of
nonsense, Kochek.
You haven't been here as
long as I have, Constable.
Have you not heard of the legend of
the monster of Piedras Blancas?
- An old wives's tale and you know it.
- Yes, of course it is.
It may have been a freak accident or
we may have a lunatic on our hands.
Have there been any reports of
strangers in the vicinity, George?
No, I haven't heard of any.
I can check with the constable
over at Winswept.
Yeah, let's go over
to the office.
Look, Kochek,
the whole town's upset,
now keep your stories to yourself
until we get this cleared up.
Do you really
think you will?
Let's try this.
You fix the grub, Ma'am.
You sound like a
drugstore cowboy.
- Flattery will get you nowhere.
- I've noticed.
The town's people don't know
what they're missing.
Neither does Mr. Matson.
It isn't gonna
bankrupt the Wings.
Oh, I left a dollar in the till.
I feel like a kept man.
Don't you worry.
I'll get it back several times over.
Remember, you're taking me
to the Winswept Saturday night.
- Oh, was that this Saturday night?
- You know darn well it was!
Oh, that's right, next
Saturday night's Marjorie.
And the following Saturday, Imogene.
- Imogene?
- Kochek's prize Holstein.
Thank you very much.
Now, can I have a pickle?
Help yourself.
Fred, why did Mr. Matson question
Dad about the Rinaldi brothers?
Just a shot in the dark, I guess.
He couldn't think Dad
had anything to do with it.
Well, I'll ask George, but I think
he was just looking for a clue.
I guess so, but it worries me.
I know the whole town's against Dad
and all he wants is just to be left alone.
Well, sometimes in a small
town, that's asking too much.
Oh, I gotta get going or I'll
never get any specimens.
Oh, I love it here! I wish I
never had to go back to town!
No no, back in the house, Ring.
Go on, get in there now.
I don't know Doc. There aren't
any leads from Winswept.
I haven't got one
thing to go on,
except two mangled corpses
and a busted up boat.
I wish I could say I thought it was an
accident, George, so you could close
the books, but it just doesn't add up.
You know,
there was something I didn't
mention to you in front of Kochek.
Oh, what was that?
Do you remember when I told you that
the heads were severed from the trunks,
almost as if by a surgeon's scalpel?
And yet the main arteries were
distended several inches.
It appeared as if something had been
attached to pump out the blood!
I don't understand
what you mean, Sam.
Generally, when a
person is killed
the heart stops pumping
almost immediately.
There's always some
blood left in the body.
You mean that there wasn't
any blood left in them?
Essentially none.
Sam, you don't think we've got a
monster on our hands, now do you?
No, no no, I don't.
I...I think that there's a logical
explanation that we just
haven't found yet.
But if I were you, I'd
ride herd on Kochek.
Rumors won't help now.
If you take my advice,
you'll lock the doors and
stay in the house tonight.
Thanks, Mrs. Wilson.
Don't forget what I said.
What can I do for
you, Constable?
You can do what
I asked you to.
I was only telling Mrs. Wilson
what I thought.
That's the trouble
with you,
you're always telling
people what you think.
No crime in that!
In the past no,
maybe not.
But this time you got
the whole town upset.
They got reason to be!
About the Rinaldi brothers, yes,
but not about some monster.
You know as
well as I do,
those two were not murdered
by any ordinary human.
I didn't say anything
about murder.
You giving out that bunk
about an accident?
Until I'm sure, that's
the official theory.
And you better
remember it.
Any 2 yr. old can tell
that was no accident!
You should look up the
history of this village.
Look, Kochek, I'm not
gonna argue with you.
Now, I'm ordering you
to stop the rumors.
And if you don't
stop spreading them
I'm going to lock you up
for attempting to incite riot.
You can't do that!
You try me.
What's the trouble?
Oh, I don't know why people
don't mind their own business.
- Who, Kochek?
- Yeah.
He's got the whole town
in a state of nerves.
He's a great talker.
I told him if he didn't quit it, I was
gonna have him thrown in jail.
You can't do that.
Oh, I know that, but I
don't think he does.
Come inside
for a minute
I want to talk to you.
Come on, have a cup of coffee.
That Kochek's an idiot!
If he'd spend half as much time
tending to business as he does
gossiping we'd be better off.
I ordered that cleaner
a month ago!
Next week, he says. I'll bet we
don't get it this time next month!
I don't see why they
can't leave us alone.
We do our job.
There hasn't been a wreck on
this point since we've been here.
And those two
brothers go fishing
next thing, people asking
questions, prying into our business.
They oughta keep
away from the point.
That's what the
lights here for.
I wish that girl
wouldn't work nights.
A lonely place to
get to after dark.
Come on, Ring.
Come on, boy.
I'd invite you in, but it
would only upset Dad.
He's gonna have to get
to know me sometime.
Let him get used to the idea
of us going together first.
Has he always
been like that?
When I was a child
he was lots of fun.
What happened?
I remember, it was just
before my 9th birthday,
Father hadn't been feeling
too well that afternoon.
There was a ship in trouble
off the coast and Daddy
had to stay in the tower.
Mother got worse, but wouldn't
let me call him until early morning.
He phoned for the doctor, but they
refused to come out in the storm.
When they returned,
Mother was dead.
- I'm sorry.
- They were so much in love.
When Daddy was
first transfered here
he wouldn't have anything
to do with anybody.
Shortly after, I was sent
away to boarding school.
It's just been in the
last two years
that I've even been home
during summer vacations.
- He must be a very lonely man.
- He is.
He lives in a world
all of his own.
Sometimes, I can't
even get through to him.
- How's he gonna take me?
- All right, I think.
But it's going to be slow.
Well, we've got the
rest of the summer.
It's a beautiful night.
It's almost too nice.
I haven't got a parlor
I can invite you into,
but I've got the best
beach rocks on the coast.
Let's take a walk.
I'd love to,
but if I don't get those
specimens prepared,
I collected this afternoon,
our trip will have
been for nothing.
Well, you're very flattering.
I'm sorry, now you know
I didn't mean it that way.
I forgive you.
I'll be all right.
See you tomorrow?
- You're late, Lucille.
- I'm sorry.
Did I hear you drive up, a while back?
- It's a beautiful night!
- You've been swimming.
How many time have I told
you not to go swimming on
that beach at night, alone?
Daddy, you wouldn't have
wanted me to swim with anybody.
I forgot my suit.
I don't know what they teach
you in college these days,
but it certainly isn't modesty.
Independence, Daddy, independence!
All the same, this is a
wild and desolate coast.
And no place for a young lady,
or anyone else for that matter,
to be out alone, at night.
All right, I won't do it again.
Tonight I had the strangest
idea that I had a visitor.
What do you mean?
Nothing really, I guess.
I just had the feeling that
somebody was watching me.
You go swimming alone again at night
and I'm gonna ship you back to that fine
school of yours before vacations over.
- Daddy, you're not serious.
- Yes, you bet I am!
You're really angry.
Better get to bed.
It's getting late.
I'm sorry, Dad.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Jimmy, you don't have to
come to the cemetery.
Okay, Mom.
Mister Kochek!
Mister Kochek!
Hey, Mister Kochek,
where are ya?
Mister Kochek!
Mister Kochek!
Mister Kochek!
Mister Kochek?
We lay these brothers
to rest with this promise...
...that their untimely shall
not go unaccounted for.
As we put them to rest
in the good earth of
their native village
I shall read these words,
for they were men who
lived and died by the sea.
"Oh, most powerful
and glorious Lord God,
at whose command the winds blow,
- lift up the waves of...."
- Murder, murder, murder!
Someone's been murdered!
Someone's been murdered!
Who is it, Jimmy?
Mister Kochek.
- He's dead. He looks awful.
- Where, Son, where, where?
I went his store to
buy some candy
and he was in
his office, dead!
Mom, he didn't
have any head!
Doc, can you hold them here for a few
minutes 'til I get back to town?
- Ya, ya, sure.
- Come on, Eddie, let's go.
We're not through here yet, folks.
Let us repeat
the Lord's Prayer.
Our Father, who art in Heaven...
This is no place for
women and children.
I'll send 'em home.
Come on, please,
go on home.
Until the doc has
looked at the body,
we'll give you a report.
Go ahead now.
Eddie, put the body
on the counter cloth.
- How'd it happen?
- You'd better have a look.
Eddie, you better
get outside
and get yourself some fresh
air so you feel better.
Yeah, and poor little Jimmy
had to see a thing like this.
- Is that Kochek?
- Yeah.
Same way?
A complete transection of all the
veins and arteries, plus the esophagus,
the trachea, and the spinal cord.
I couldn't have done
a cleaner job myself.
And no blood again, Doc?
- Pumped dry.
- All right, that does it!
Now let's have a look around
and see what we can find.
He must have been killed
last night or early this morning.
Now look,
this blob of ink here,
it's completely dry.
Now I'd say that much ink wouldn't
dry in less than 4 hrs, Doc.
What do you think?
- Yeah, I say 4 hrs. minimum.
- Yeah.
I drove by here about 10:30 last
night. The door was open.
So I stopped in to see if
everything was all right.
Kochek said he
had to work late.
It was hot in here and he left
the door open to get some air.
It must have happened
between 10:30 and 4 this morning.
It's difficult to tell with a
body in that condition.
I'd say about 1 or 2 a.m.
Yeah, well, I'll settle for that.
- Fred, did you find anything?
- No, nothing yet.
Fred, come here a minute!
What do you make of this?
I don't know.
It looks like a fish scale,
but it's too big.
Well, maybe something
he picked up on the beach.
Well, could be, but I've never
seen anything like it before.
Let's take it over
to my office.
We can run some tests on it and
look at it under the microscope.
Might as well.
Doesn't seem to be anything
else around here. Let's go.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
Take the body in the ice room, Eddie.
Lock the place up and stay here
and keep an eye on things.
- I'll send a relief over later.
- Sure. Did you find anything?
- Maybe it was Kochek's monster!
- Now, none of that!
We got enough
trouble the way it is.
You two scientists have
been dipping that thing in
the solution for the last hour...
...looking at it this way and that.
Now what is it?
Our good constable doesn't seem to
realize that scientific investigation
is a slow and tedious process...
- ..sometimes taking years.
- Oh, fine. We haven't even got days.
Oh, relax, George.
I'll be through here in a minute.
Fred, hand me that comparator slide.
Come here and take
a look at this.
What do you think?
There's no doubt about it,
the two structures are similar.
What's similar?
The structure of the specimen we found
in Kochek's store is essentially the same
as that of the Diplovertebron.
Only larger.
What is a Diplovertebron?!
It's a prehistoric amphibious
reptile thought to be extinct.
Fossilized specimens have been
found about a 100 miles north of here.
But this is living tissue.
Living tissue? I thought you
said they were extinct.
This is not the scale of a Diplovertebron.
- I simply said they were similar.
- What is it then?
I wish we knew that and how
it got into Kochek's store.
Why, he's always roaming
up the coast fishing,...'s probably something he
found and brought home with him.
Well, maybe, but I still want
to run a few more tests on this.
- Yeah.
- I think so.
And in the meantime, I'm no
closer to solving my problem.
Well, that's about it until we can
make positive identification
one way or another.
Even then it may not help.
I can't do any good here. I might
as well get back to the cafe.
Mr. Matson!
Mr. Matson!
Mr. Matson!
Oh, Mr. Matson, I've been
looking all over for you.
- What's the matter?
- It's Dad!
- What happened?
- I don't know exactly...
I found him at the bottom
of one of the caves.
He's hurt, I can tell.
He's unconscious!
Just take it easy.
We'll go right out.
Here, Lucy. Take one of these.
You'll feel better in a minute.
- Can you make it?
- All right, let's get going.
- Here you are, Doc.
- Thanks.
Lucy, you stay here.
- Doc!
- Yeah.
How is he, Doctor?
He has a bad gash in his
right arm and his leg is hurt.
I can't tell how badly until I
examine him more carefully.
Help me get him to his feet.
Be careful.
That arm is hurt real bad.
That's it.
- George?
- Yeah.
- Get my bag will you, please.
- All right.
Let's get him to the lighthouse... I can give him a more
thorough examination.
Come on. Come on.
That's it.
In there.
Through there.
- Would anybody like coffee?
- Yes.
- Why don't you get some.
- I'll be a minute.
- She's taking it pretty well.
- She a fine girl, Fred.
Yeah, I know.
How is he?
He's had a bad fall,
but he's the wiry type.
No, no. Later, Lucy.
Thank you.
Will he be all right?
I don't know.
He'll need rest.
Take some time for
this arm to heal...
...and we'll have to be
careful no infection sets in.
- What about his leg?
- Fortunately it isn't broken.
There's just a sprain
and a bad cut.
- I'll tape it up.
- Thank goodness.
Honey, do you have any idea
how this might have happened?
Nothing more than I told you.
I went to bed about eleven.
I thought I heard him go out,
but I'm not sure.
- Was he alone?
- Probably Ring went with...
- That's strange.
- What?
In all the excitement,
I hadn't noticed.
Ring hasn't been around
all morning.
You know, I've never
seen those two apart.
They never are, except when
Dad goes into town...
...then he locks him up.
I'll call him.
Here, Ring!
Come here, Ring!
I don't know where
he's gotten to.
He usually comes
when I call him.
Oh, he'll show up.
here... he'll probably
sleep for quite a while.
When he wakes up,
give him one of these.
If the pain is bad,
one every 2 hours,
otherwise one every
Would you take him
to my room, please?
Oh, sure.
Boys, would you help him?
I think he'll be more
comfortable in bed.
You bet.
- Easy now.
- All right.
Can he have something to
eat when he wakes up, doctor?
Yes, if he feels like it,
but don't force him.
I'll be back latter to have a look and
if there's any change you can call.
Thank you.
I wish he'd have felt like talking, maybe
he'd been able to tell us something.
Well, it shouldn't be to
hard to figure out, George.
There was a broken lantern
on the beach beside him.
Now, he must have gone out
last night, when Lucy heard him.
He went down by the rocks and fell.
That still doesn't
explain where the dog is.
He's probably out on the
moors chasing rabbits.
Maybe so.
- We better get back to town.
- Yep.
Take my Jeep...
I'm gonna stay with
Lucy for a while.
You can come back
and pick me up later.
All right, Fred. Perhaps
he'll be able to talk then.
- Thanks for everything.
- Anytime, Lucy.
You look bushed.
Sit down.
I'll get you a coffee.
I don't know how
Dad's going to take this.
He's never been
sick a day in his life.
He's just gonna have to get used
to it and take it easy for a while.
You don't know Dad
and his lighthouse.
I'll come out and give you a hand.
Maybe it'll give me a chance
to get to know him a little better.
- Lucy?
- He's awake.
How do you feel, Dad?
I don't know.
What happened?
We found you on the beach.
At the bottom of
one of the big cliffs.
The doctor says you'll
have to stay in bed.
But I can't!
- You've got to.
- I've got to tend the light!
I'm sorry, sir.
Those are orders.
What are you doing here?
He helped get you
up from the beach.
Would you like something to eat?
Maybe some broth?
I suppose you won't leave me
alone until you get your own way.
It'll be good for you.
Watch him, will you Fred.
I'll be right back.
- Thank you.
- That's all right.
Do you have any
idea what happened?
I'm trying to think.
You must have gone out last night.
Lucy said she heard you.
Then there was the broken
lantern on the beach.
Yes, that's right.
After she went to her room, I took the
lantern and started down toward the cove.
She'd been swimming again
and I'd forbidden it.
She's headstrong...
...and last night she had the feeling
she was being watched.
I went down to see what I could find.
Did you see anyone?
There's been another murder.
We found his body this afternoon.
He talked too much.
Mr. Sturges, you've been
around a long time...
...what do you know of the legend?
Piedras Blancas?
Oh, the coastal currents off this
point are very treacherous.
The rocks on the seaward side are...
...covered in white with gull dropping.
In bad weather they're almost
impossible to see.
Many a ship was lost on those
rocks before this light was built.
Not a record of any survivors.
With the coast and surf like
that, that isn't surprising.
No, but people would
rather start a legend.
Some of the earlier settlers claimed
a monster lived in the rocks
below this point.
Do you believe it?
Of course not.
Has anyone ever had a
look in those caves?
It's government land.
Nobody's allowed.
Do you mind if I have a look?
There's nothing there.
Then it won't hurt to have a look.
I don't want you on those rocks!
It's dangerous!
All right.
Are you sure that you don't remember
anything that happened last night?
If I did, I'd tell you.
Where'd you find her, Will?
I understand how you feel.
We all do.
But if we're ever gonna
stop this wanton killing
you've got to try to help us.
You got to tell me
whatever you can.
Will, where was she going?
Her mother sent her to the store.
Thanks, Will.
Come on, let's go
check with Eddie
see if she ever got there.
His broth will be ready in a minute.
- What's the matter?
- Oh, nothing.
I can tell. Now what is it?
Is your father often gone from the
lighthouse any length of time?
Why do you ask?
You said after your mother
died that he changed.
And that after you moved out here
he wanted to be left alone!
He even sent you away to school,
wouldn't let you come
home during vacations.
What are you getting at?
How long was it after you moved here
that he sent you away to school?
About... 2 months.
Did anything unusual happen
before he sent you away?
I don't think so.
But you said he seemed
better for a while.
He was!
Then why did he send you away?
Some thing I did...
It wasn't anything, just kid's stuff.
No, go on.
Oh, when we lived up north he
he let me play around the rocks and
go to the beach alone.
But shortly after we moved here
he refused me the privilege.
He said it was too dangerous.
The cliffs never seemed any bigger
than the ones up north.
I sneaked away one day
and got caught in one of
the caves by the tide.
When he found me it was
dark and he was furious.
I'd never seen him like that.
He sent me to bed without supper
and the next morning I was
packed off to boarding school.
I didn't see him for almost 10 years.
And he didn't give you
any reason at all?
I never question him.
You've heard of the
legend White Rocks?
But you've never been in those caves?
- Think I'll have a look.
- What for?
Your father's keeping
something from me.
Isn't that a little unfair?
I don't think so.
He as much as ordered me
not to go in those cave.
Well, this is his light.
He's responsible.
Look, that's not quite the point.
Three people in the last 24 hrs.
have met with violent deaths.
I don't think there's anything to
the legend, but I've gotta be sure.
Even if it means
disobeying my father?
I'm not his son-in-law yet.
I thought you trusted him.
I do.
If you did, you wouldn't go to the caves.
I'm sorry.
I don't think you'd
better come here again.
That's funny. I told him to stay
here until I sent a relief.
Let's look outside.
I can't understand where
Eddies disappeared to.
You look in the office and see
if Kochek's body's still there.
I'll try the ice room.
But George, I just looked there.
George, are you all right?
- Go get him!
- No, no, not now.
Is he dead?
He's got a broken collar bone
and his back may be injured.
We better get him
over to my office.
It's the same?
- It...
- Take it easy.
Why, it's identical!
Then I guess we found our killer.
Or he's found us.
Can you handle things here?
I better go get Fred.
All right, George.
Now be careful.
- Lucy, I've got to see Fred.
- What's happened?
- There've been 2 more murders.
- Oh, no. Who?
Eddie and Will's little girl.
How did it happen?
I haven't got time
to tell you now,
I've got to get Fred
and go back into town.
He went down to the cliffs.
All right. Oh, look..
Now remember one thing,
you keep the place locked!
And don't come out
until we call you.
Now there's a creature loose
around here someplace.
He's not headed this way,
but don't take any chances.
All right.
- Now remember.
- All right.
- You gave me quite a fright.
- I'm sorry, Fred.
- What's the matter?
- We found our killer.
- What is it!
- It's inhuman!
He's nearly 7 feet tall.
He's got tremendous strength!
That scale, that scale you found.
That was part of it.
He's killed 2 more
people and escaped.
Where'd he go?
South, along the beach.
We've got to track him down.
- I'll tell Lucy!
- No, no, no, no...
I've already warned her.
They're in no danger.
We'll go after him,
so come on!
Daddy, do you want some broth?
It's ready.
All right, wait a minute, men, wait.
Now look, Fred and I will cover
the beach along the rocks.
Merit, you take 2 men and
cover the cliffs from the top.
Jake, you try the moor.
Now don't get divided.
And don't try to take him for yourselves
because you're no match for him.
Now fire 3 signal shots in case
you come in contact with him.
But don't get too close.
Wait til the rest of us get there.
You understand that?
- Yeah.
- All right, let's go!
Look at the size of those prints!
- Want me to signal?
- No, no, no....
Let's wait until we're sure
that he's cornered.
You know, some of these caves
come out on top of the cliff.
Come on.
Come on. He must have gone out
through the top. Come on.
Over here!
Merit's dead!
We'll have to get Mike back right
away and patch him up.
We'll all have to go back.
We'll need reinforcements.
Well, come on, let's go then!
He needs medical attention!
Now look men,
we'll start the hunt tomorrow
morning at daybreak.
Bring Merit's body, boys, will you?
Let me help you.
Dad, you're feeling better.
You slept most of the day.
This is good and warm.
It'll give you strength.
No, I've got to get up to the light!
Eat this and we'll talk about it.
- You don't understand.
- Yes I do.
There, that's better.
- Dad?
- Yes.
Why didn't you want Fred
to go to the caves?
It's dangerous!
Is that the only reason?
What's between you and Fred?
I'm in love with him.
I don't want you to see him again.
Two more people have been
killed in the village.
Do you know anything
about the killings?
The people in the
village think you do.
They're fools!
Daddy, the last person
killed was a child.
A little girl.
Maybe I'm responsible, I don't know.
What do you mean?
Do you remember
the long walks I...
...used to take when
we first came here?
You'd say they helped to keep you
from brooding about Mother.
There were many caves
along the cliffs that I...
...I was sure had never been explored.
I noticed one in particular at low tide.
One day, when the...
...tide was at full ebb, I waded out
through the opening and....
...walked through it...
I walked for what seemed miles and...
I saw a light ahead.
I climbed up to it and...
...and found a
narrow fissure opening
at the mouth of the big cave
below the lighthouse.
It wasn't big enough for me to get
through so I had to go back.
Just before I got to the
the entrance
I realized the tide
had closed me in.
Suddenly, I
I had the strangest feeling
that I was being watched
and I heard sounds like
heavy breathing.
I dove through the
opening and swam out.
The next day I went
back to the mouth of the
cave below the light
and left some fish I'd caught.
The following morning
they were gone.
Is that why you packed me
off to boarding school?
I knew it wouldn't be
long until you'd...'d fine that opening
and squeeze through.
I couldn't take a chance, Lucy.
After you left,
I was even more lonely.
Strange, but I got to worrying about
that poor creature in the cave.
I fished every day
and left my catch.
Finally, I...
..I just couldn't catch
enough so I...
...I got meat scraps...
It wasn't long before the fish was
refused and I had to get more...
...I had to get more meat.
And last night
when you mentioned
you had the
feeling someone
was watching you...
I had to go down and see.
I must have slipped
on the rocks or...
- I don't know, it...
- Sorry, Dad.
Can you remember anything else
that happened last night?
I just had the feeling somebody
was watching me, that's all.
Dad, do you mean to
tell me, you've been
feeding this this "whatever
it is" all these years?
Until Kochek gave my scraps
away the other day.
I'd have paid him for them
if that's what he wanted.
I'm sure he didn't do it spitefully.
So you see,
if there is a monster,
maybe, in a way,
I am responsible.
Don't say that, Dad!
You had no way of knowing.
But I should have guessed.
I should have guessed and
told the sheriff that...
But somehow I had a...
...I had a protective feeling.
Like it was my own.
After you left it was very
lonesome, Lucy and... seemed less lonesome
knowing there was...
...some living
creature nearby.
I know it's stupid, but..
I never got along with
the townspeople and... was something to hang on to.
I understand.
Doctor Jorgenson says
you'll have to stay in bed.
I've got to tend the light!
I'll turn it on when it's time.
But the prisms need cleaning
and it's got to be oiled!
- One night won't hurt!
- Lucy, you've got to help me!
It's going to be a clear night.
You don't have to worry.
But suppose the legend is true?
You could kill yourself
going up there tonight!
I could do less. I can't.
It's my responsibility.
Oh, all right!
I'll get you something warm.
You've got to help me.
If a ship went aground tonight...
...and he was out there hunting...
...there wouldn't be
a single survivor.
Let's rest awhile.
- All right, now?
- Yeah, let's go on.
I'll be all right, now.
- You can go down.
- Are you sure?
If I need you, I'll call you.
Better bolt the door and windows.
Now go on.
All right.
- What's that for?
- Because I love you.
Look, Doc, can I give you a hand?
No, I'm almost finished now, George.
- Well, how bad is he?
- Oh, he'll be all right.
Had a bad blow on the head.
He's suffering from shock.
Mashed hand.
But I can't find much
other damage.
Look, I don't know what...
...good all this snooping
around does.
Now that we got a monster
on our hands...
...let's go out and get it!
You saw what happened
this afternoon.
We're no match for him yet.
All right, I'm Sorry.
I'm just jumpy.
Well, what did you find?
It definitely a member of the
Diplovertebron family.
But a peculiar derivation.
Where'd he come from?
Well, from the description you
and the doctor gave me...
...and a careful analysis
of these 2 scales...
...I'd say it was created
at the bottom of the sea.
No, I don't understand it.
Well, it's obvious from the
structure of this scale...
that he's capable of sustaining
tremendous pressures.
The likes of which you'd
only find at great depths.
Still, he seems equally capable
of living out of water.
This leaves me to believe perhaps
he's from a subterranean cave.
You think he's some kind of fish?
But he bears a marked resemblance
to the reptilian family.
- Like a crocodile, huh?
- That's right.
Of course, we have no idea where
he came from or how he got here,
and I'm just guessing,
but I'd say he's a mutation
of the reptilian family.
Well, this is what we've got to decide
before we go after him in the morning:
Does he have a brain that's capable of
rational thinking or is he just a beast.
If he can think
we're in real trouble.
- Okay, Mike. Take it easy for a while.
- Thanks, Doc.
What do you think, Doc?
I think we'd better try to establish
a pattern from his actions.
You'll buy the reptilian theory then?
It accounts for the
blood lust all right.
It also explains his appearance.
Did you notice anything about
his vision of hearing?
Not much.
It all happened too fast.
Off hand, I'd say he operates
primarily on the sense of smell.
Why do you say that?
We didn't discover
him until George
surprised him by going
into the ice room.
Now either he's very clever,
knew we were there
and was hiding,
or else he didn't sense the danger
until we were right on top of him.
He might have been asleep.
If his hearing was any good
he would have awakened
long before that.
I don't think he just happened
to go into Kochek's store.
I think he smelled meat,
went in,
found Kochek,
finished him off,
and then went into the ice
room in search of more food.
And then poor Eddie walked
right into the death trap.
That's right.
You think he either sensed or knew
that if he remained there he'd be fed.
Then we have a thinking monster!
I'm afraid so.
I'd like to take him alive.
Why we wouldn't stand a chance!
Besides, I couldn't allow that.
I'm responsible for the welfare
of the people of this town.
We've got a monster on our hands and
it's my job to see it's destroyed.
George, it may be the
safest way to get him!
You''re siding with him?
Now look,
it won't be easy to kill this
thing even if we want to.
You saw what happen to the
meat cleaver when it hit him.
Now maybe we can kill him
with a gun, I don't know.
But I do know that our greatest
advantage is our brains.
All right, then let's use them
and not take a chance.
Listen to me a minute.
We'll get a net
and we'll put it at the base of the cliff
with a side of beef
in the middle of it.
When it comes to get the meat
we drop the net and close in on it!
Believe me, George,
it's the safest way.
If you try to corner him
there's no telling how many men
he will kill before you get him.
Besides that, Fred is right.
He may answer a lot of our
questions on evolution.
As well as putting our
town on the map.
I suppose you two will
get your own way.
If I didn't believe it was right,
I wouldn't even suggest it.
All right, then let's get into town.
I want to see that the streets
are all cleared by dark.
Then we'll go to the garage and
get on this "net" business.
See you later, Doc.
Call me if you need me.
I'll be here.
Here, Ring!
Here, Ring!
Come here, Ring!
Come on, boy!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- How's Mike?
- He'll be all right.
- Jake, Fred wants a rope net.
- What for?
I've got an idea the safest way to
catch the monster is to trap him.
Now if we can get a net about
- You got one?
- I think so. We'll take a look.
All right, I'll be back shortly.
I have to go over to the office
- Take the Jeep.
- Oh, thanks.
I'll be right there...just changing.
I thought I'd come over and
see how things are going.
We could use another hand.
Fine. What do I do?
Help tie this together.
What are you gonna do with
this thing if you do catch it?
- Ship it to the university.
- What are they gonna do with it?
Finding a living link to the evolution
of any species could clear up a
lot of unanswered questions.
I guess so, but it ain't
getting this net built.
- Fred, I'm worried.
- What's the matter?
As I drove over from the office,
I noticed the light wasn't on.
You better phone Lucy and
see if everything is all right.
Go ahead.
- No answer.
- Did you use the right number?
- 761.
- Try it again!
Something's wrong.
I better get out there.
All right, you go ahead.
I'll round up some men
and I'll follow as quickly as I can.
I'll go with you.
Lucy, go back!
You can't do anything.
- Run, Lucy, run!
- I'll go for help!
Hurry, the monster's in the
lighthouse with Dad!
Stay there, he's in the tower!
Barricade the front.
We'll have him trapped
I'm all right, Lucy!
He'll never get through
the steel door!
Look, we'll use the net to
block the entrance off.
Good, you brought
some extra rope.
- Is there any clothes line?
- In the back.
Then I'll get it.
Can you get a line up to me?
I'll throw one up and we'll rig it to the
tow rope... make a bosun's chair.
Look out! Look out!
No, hold your fire!
You might hit Sturges.
Get back, darling!
Keep him in the light!
Lucy, turn on the light!