Monster Trucks (2016)

Now, what do I hate?
Boring places.
Wells that aren't
pumping oil.
So what's happening?
Probably our people
being overly cautious.
I'm sure it's nothing.
It better be.
I bet the whole company
on this site.
Woman: Well, the reserve is
several hundred feet deeper,
but we have to pass through
what appears to be
a large pocket of
water to reach it.
Well, let's keep going.
Is that why you
called me down here?
Woman: Discovering water
two miles below the surface
is important,
Dowd, you're
lead scientist here.
Do we care about that?
If there's a water pocket,
there's a possibility
of an ecosystem. Life.
Okay. Actually,
it's basically impossible.
The water pressure
at that depth is 10,000 psi.
That water is supersaturated
with nitrogen.
There would be
no nutrients for life.
So we keep going,
Yeah. Punch through.
Woman: Bioluminescence.
There is life.
No, that's...
That's the reflection
from our light.
What was that?
Female automated voice:
The bore into the pocket
destabilized the well.
The pressure's
rising way too fast.
Woman: There's something's
down there.
We have to shut it down.
Shut it down!
Man: Something came up.
Something came up
through the well!
Man: What is this thing?
He's a real go-getter.
He comes
highly recommended.
Mr. Burke!
Do you have this
under control?
We got this one.
I have a search party
looking for the other two.
Tenneson: It is very important
that you keep your search
The department of
fish and wildlife
will shut us down
over a horned lizard,
let alone these things.
Wait. Wait. Wait.
We gotta get somebody
to examine it.
We find out what it eats,
and needs to survive.
It'll help us
find the missing ones
and eliminate them.
Also, if there's more
where they came from,
we'll know what
we're dealing with.
That is smart.
But just you.
Okay. I'm on it.
We are standing
on an ocean of oil.
If we keep this quiet,
we will all make out
very well.
I'm on it.
Don't let it
out of your sight.
Cindy: So terravex made
some people rich around here.
Big deal.
It doesn't matter.
We're making do.
You shouldn't cry
just 'cause you didn't
get a land lease
from an oil company.
Who's crying?
Wouldn't take money
from terravex, anyways.
They ruined this town.
You're talking
like you're old enough
to remember how it used to be.
It was never anything
to shout about.
Dad was still here.
I'm gonna stop
at the loaf 'n go
on the way home.
You want anything?
Something with four wheels
that'll get me
out of this place.
You're so handsome.
Where are all the girls
knocking down your door?
I'm closing again tonight,
so I won't see you
till tomorrow.
Just one frozen pizza.
You save the other one
for Rick.
How you doing?
Good. Sorry.
Okay. Bye.
All right.
She said she's not
going to be home till late.
Yeah? Why would that matter?
You're still going to be here
when I get back?
Don't you worry!
I'm not going anywhere.
You enjoy that
a little too much.
Tripp: Where'd this come from?
Mr. weathers:
Pankeska rock.
Big accident up there
at the drill site.
It got late
pretty quick.
Let's strip it tomorrow.
If I come back.
Don't think you're doing me
a favor being here.
I don't take charity.
Tripp: Neither do I.
Tripp: This is
a 6.4 liter hemi v-8.
Probably the only piece
worth anything.
Go ahead, it's yours.
Ha. If anyone can
get it working, you can.
Hey, lock up for me.
Old hulk ain't
what he used to be.
I got 425 horsepower
for you, buddy.
You're not gonna be
the prettiest thing in town,
but you're going to have
the heart of an elephant
in you.
Outrun that volcano?
You bet we can, Mr. president.
What are you doing
in my truck?
Yeah, I can take you
and your sister to Coachella.
Oh. Sisters?
Ah! Kill 'em!
Ejector seat engaged.
Announcer on TV: You're
watching kypn, north Dakota,
your number one
source for news.
Reporter on TV:
Local residents were awakened
by a catastrophic accident
at pankeska rock,
where terravex oil workers
fought a towering fire
whose black smoke
still filled the morning air.
Rigger Wade coley
was on the scene
when the accident happened.
Well, I, uh,
heard an explosion
and, uh,
the tower crashed, and...
...guys were running
and shouting,
and that's really
all I'm allowed to say.
Why this shroud of secrecy
and silence by terravex oil?
I just do my job.
I really don't know.
I can't answer
any more questions.
Tripp: You're here?
Meredith: I explained to him
that the number of objects
naturally occurring in
the periodic table
of elements...
Tripp! Hey!
Oh, uh... hey.
We were matched up
for biology tutoring?
And you haven't showed up
to any of the sessions?
Or maybe you didn't get
the schedule? Um...
It was posted in class,
and I emailed you a copy,
and slid one into your locker.
Yeah. I just
haven't checked it yet.
Meredith: Oh, yeah.
I mean, I get it.
I go, like, days sometimes
without checking my email
or going to my locker.
Boy: Ho-ho!
I'm Meredith,
by the way.
Right. Yeah, I knew that.
Sam: Hey, Tripp!
Hey, Sam.
How's the luckiest kid
in town?
You know dad doesn't
let me drive the merch.
Plus, he's flipping out
right now.
What happened?
You want to see
something crazy?
See, I'm growing out
my hair, like you.
Hope people don't
think we're brothers.
Mr. geldon:
We've had trouble before,
but usually it's a rock
through the window,
smashed taillight,
that kind of thing.
Check it out.
Told you you've never
seen anything like this.
Mr. geldon: They ripped out
the gas tanks.
I mean,
who would even do that?
Well, it has to be vandals.
Serious power tools.
Tripp, you know what?
I happen to have the schedule
for our tutoring right here,
and it says our next sessions
are Thursday and Friday.
This Friday.
Uh, I have work Friday.
I can come by your work!
See you later, Tripp!
Good to hang out
with you, bro.
It's on the far side.
Here. Come on.
Where is it?
It's in there.
We're gonna need
more guys.
What is it? A bear?
No. Just open it up
and look.
Grab that.
You're going to need, like,
12 more of those things.
It's in there.
I don't see anything.
What? No, I...
No, no, no.
I trapped him in here!
He had...
He was huge.
He had tentacles and giant
You guys go on ahead.
I'll handle this.
Rick, I know
what you're thinking,
but you've got to
believe me. He...
He sucked all the oil
out of the can!
He sucked it out.
Are you done? Huh?
I knew it.
I knew it as soon as I heard
it was you on the call.
I knew something
wasn't gonna go right.
You thought this
would be funny, huh?
Pranking me and my guys?
Making me look like an idiot?
I saw it.
Yeah. Well,
i hope it was fun.
You're gonna wind
up just like your dad
if you don't
straighten out.
Don't talk about my dad.
That's it for you. That's it.
Meredith: I feel so squeezed
in here, like trapped.
Like, I might die here
if I don't get one
of those scholarships,
because we can't afford
an out-of-state school.
But there's no way I can
imagine staying here, either.
I mean, did you see
that thing on the news?
About the burning well?
It's like, nobody cares
about how much
damage they're doing
to the environment because
all the money in town
comes from terravex oil.
Hey, you know a lot
about biology, right?
That's what
I'm tutoring you in.
How often do they discover
new species?
I was just watching
a show on this.
Do you watch nat geo?
Well, um, they said that
they discover, like,
15,000 new species every year.
So, would it be possible
for there to be,
like, a giant sea creature
here in north Dakota?
Technically, totally.
This whole state was under
an ocean at one point.
So theoretically,
the deep lakes
could have something
like that.
I mean on land.
A giant sea creature on land.
Well, no.
Because its body evolved
in a water environment,
so it wouldn't be able to move
with the effects of gravity
pulling on it.
Did you want to
watch that show?
'Cause I have it
on my dvr.
It's 4:00.
I'll see you later.
Come on.
Come on.
No, no, no.
Come on.
Stop, stop, stop, stop!
I'm trying to help you!
Let go of me!
I just saved your life!
See? You would have
been flat as a pancake,
you squishy piece of squish!
What are you?
You want the oil?
You promise not to eat me?
Hey! Don't even touch me!
You got to be kidding me.
You better slow down there.
You're getting
all jacked up.
You don't like that truck?
Okay. Watch this.
See? It can't hurt you.
Can I help you, sir?
We're working for terravex.
We had something crash through
our fences last night.
No one got a good look at it,
but it was big,
whatever it was.
You get any reports
of anything like that
in the last day?
No, dude,
we haven't heard any of that.
Burke: Nothing strange?
No calls about seeing
some kind of big animal?
There was the monster
in the junkyard.
Or was it a "giant creature"?
Hey! Hey! Guys!
What did I say?
Enough about that.
Well, I'd like
to hear the story.
there's not much to tell.
It was a false call.
That's what it was.
Where from?
Deputy 1: It's weathers'
junkyard, off 112.
We just talked about this.
Look, I don't see why
you're so worked up
about a prank call.
I don't see why
you are, either.
Oh, quit being a baby.
There we go.
Let's get you to
the sheriff's station.
See what Rick
has to say now.
What the...
Hey! Get back here!
Hey! Whoa! Stop!
Stay! Stay put!
Stay put!
Nobody's listening to me!
Not so tough,
are you now, landsquid?
You are so
No. No, no, no.
Get back here!
Oh, no, no, no.
If you scratch my truck,
so help me!
Can I help you?
I understand you had
an incident last night,
but the local authorities
didn't believe you.
Explain why you care?
We're looking for
something unusual.
Something dangerous.
What are you looking
to do with it?
Make sure
it doesn't hurt no one.
Well, I thought
i heard something.
I didn't see anything.
Must have been a coyote,
or something like that.
Did this coyote come back?
Mind if we take a look?
Yes, actually.
Because it's private property
and you're not allowed to
go in there,
but, uh, go ahead
and look around,
if you want to.
I can make
an exception this time.
You know, uh,
the coyote that I saw...
I heard, was, um...
I think it came from
that side of the yard.
Uh... for sure, actually.
From that side of the yard?
Uh... yeah.
Stop it! Stop it!
Will you stop?
Search the whole place.
Ah. The battery's dead.
I'm going to push it over
to the other garage.
You guys just
keep looking around.
Give me back my truck!
Give me back my truck!
Meredith: Tripp?
I made flash cards!
What are you...
Look, seriously,
now is a really bad time.
Oh, okay.
Do you think you could
give me a ride home?
I don't live too far away.
But it was kind
of a scary walk
in the dark.
I, uh...
I don't have a car.
It doesn't run.
It's not...
Uh... can you, uh,
just go home?
It's kind of rude of you
not to give me a ride home.
I came all the way over here
on Friday night
to help you study,
and you're just
sending me away?
How would you feel
if I got abducted
on my way home?
Who's gonna abduct you?
It's not what I mean.
It just...
It doesn't happen out here.
What was that?
Man: I heard it, too.
Hey, kid!
You should
probably put that in park.
Hey! Why don't you
just get in the truck?
Yeah. Just get in.
Whoop! Oh!
Listen, there's
something going on here.
Yeah, something crazy.
And I don't even know
how to begin to explain it.
You don't have to.
I mean...
I feel it, too.
Uh, no...
Just go
if you're going to go!
Burke: That kid
knows something.
You know, I can drive manual
if you don't know how.
Okay. Well,
at the end of the hill,
turn right.
Right! I said right!
I'm trying!
Stop the car!
I can't! Nothing's working.
Put your hands
on the wheel!
This isn't doing anything!
Yeah. I know!
Tree, tree, tree!
There's a paved road
that goes to my house.
Do you even have your license?
Did you just steal this?
Did we just steal this?
Okay, get out!
You hear me?
Get out!
You were the one
who pushed me into your truck!
Give me my truck back!
Who are you talking to?
Whoa! Was that a snake?
Tripp, what is that?
Take a look and see.
Take a look?
He won't hurt you.
Oh, my gosh. What is that?
Ah! Fine,
just keep the truck!
You said you live close,
right? Let's go.
Are you just gonna...
I mean,
seriously, Tripp, what...
It's, uh, moving the truck.
My dad barely comes in here,
so you should be
fine for the night.
Think he'd mind if
i borrowed some of this stuff?
I'll pay him back.
I doubt he'd even notice.
But for what?
So I can pry creature here
out of my truck.
Good luck with that.
Yeah. My curfew is in, like,
two minutes, so...
Thank you for
the incredibly weird night!
Please don't let it
near my horse.
Hey, hey, hey!
Sit still, would you?
Dowd: Now,
it's not just this one pocket
that's blocking our oil.
It is a massive,
interconnected ecosystem,
untouched for
millions of years.
I mean,
it's basically a certainty
that there are more of
those things down there.
Prehistoric amphibians,
that can breathe water or air,
living in a network
of underground lakes
and caves.
It's like
the loch ness monster
isn't a myth after all.
Can we access it?
Well, there's a crater lake
on the surface,
and, yeah,
the vents that feed the lake
lead directly down there.
Could we get equipment there?
Well, it was
a pretty rough drive
in my Jeep.
There's a good dirt road
after the strip mine,
but after that
it's all off-road.
Good job.
What about our pows?
Well, we're still
working on it,
but if that third one
is alive out there somewhere,
we'll find it.
Stop! Stop.
Give me some space.
Meredith: Morning.
Tripp: Morning.
So, instead of
getting him out of there,
you built more stuff
to keep him in.
This thing is
kind of awesome.
Like, strong and smart.
Really smart.
He can learn anything, fast.
Oh, and I gave him a name.
Isn't that right, creech?
You named him creech?
He's got these
hair-like things
on its tentacles.
Cilia, right?
They can generate
a massive amount of torque,
especially once
i scored the axles
to make more
surface area to grip.
And that's at each tire.
So, imagine
the angular velocity
when it's not all spread out
from one differential.
You're not dumb.
I press the gas,
the throttle wire
pulls these levers,
which open these blinders.
Right? Right?
It's like
the truck's
a wheelchair for it.
Uh, no. It's like...
It is an engine
for my truck.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Did you see that?
See, it's not so hard.
Come on.
You got it!
No way!
Lift this up,
would you?
Meredith: But this thing
is important, right?
Shouldn't we tell somebody?
Tripp: You think
he'll be better off
with somebody poking at him,
trying to figure
out what he is?
First of all, how do you
know that it's a "he"?
And secondly,
as a youth for
animal rights activist,
I feel responsible
for the well-being
of that animal.
Tripp: He's fine.
He's happy.
Hey, stop!
Meredith: I'm just saying,
he came from somewhere.
He has a home.
Don't you think
he wants to go back there?
Tripp: Sure,
but he's safe in here
in the meantime.
Besides, he's having fun.
He's like a kid with
his first tricycle.
I'm going to see
my dad at pankeska.
Was he at pankeska rock
when that accident happened?
Meredith: I'm coming with you.
Okay, creech,
let's get you fed.
I'll get you back.
I like your truck.
What is this?
You know
what this looks like?
This looks like
if a garbage truck
took a dump.
And not like a normal dump.
Like a really bad one.
That's what this looks like.
That sound weird to you?
How is a monster living
in the hood of your car
supposed to sound?
He's probably fine.
Um... okay.
Why is he moving like this?
I don't know.
He's hyper.
Why would he be hyper
all of a sudden?
It's what he ate.
Gasoline is oil, but with...
Added chemicals!
What the...
Okay. I think now is
a good time to take charge.
Let go!
I can see better than you.
Meredith: Uh...
Hey, what are you doing?
Get back in there!
Tripp! Tripp!
Watch out!
Tripp: Oh, no.
What are you doing?
Tripp: No, no, no!
Get back in there!
I'm driving!
I said, let go!
Oh, gosh, I touched his eye!
Tripp: No, no, no.
Watch me unload this lemon
on old man overalls here.
No! No! No!
Okay. Right!
Okay, new rule,
no feeding creature gasoline.
So, you don't like
the bacteria cultures, huh?
How about nematodes?
Don't like those, either.
You must eat
something out there
under those oil beds.
Hey, dad.
It's Tripp.
Well, it sure is.
Look at you.
Ah. Don't want to get
my grime all over you.
This yours?
The truck, not the girl.
I figured the girl's yours.
Not really.
Hi. I'm Meredith.
This is something.
This is solid.
This is solid work.
Yeah. Thanks.
Come on up.
Why don't you park it
at my trailer?
I'm just gonna call my guys,
tell them I won't be
at the bar.
It's small,
but it's a roof and a bed.
It's only temporary
for work, right?
I mean, you have
a permanent place somewhere?
Uh, yeah, well,
this does the job.
I'm not inside much, anyway.
They got us
working 12-hour shifts.
Were you working when,
uh, that accident happened?
Oh, yeah.
There's all these rumors
i read online about it.
What happened?
This stays in here, all right?
They drug something
out of the ground that night.
Pushed so far down,
it was like the earth got mad
and let something bad out.
But they say
it was a pocket of gas,
so I guess it was
a pocket of gas, huh?
What do I know?
I left something on the bus.
You guys stay here,
I'll be right back.
We'll have some wings.
Well, at least we know
where that thing came from.
Those guys the other night
must have been from terravex.
They don't want
anyone to know
about the creature.
Well, they
wouldn't be able to drill
if there was some
new species living
on top of the oil.
I'm gonna go
check on him.
Probably not good
to leave him alone long.
These men want to have
a word with you, Tripp.
They want
their truck back.
Their truck? I built that!
Look. Your mother
called me last night.
She saw me on TV,
thought you'd maybe come
up here and try to find me.
You sold me out.
To them.
I'm not selling you out
to no one.
I just wanna do what's best.
For who?
We just want to
talk to you, son.
Watch it!
I'm not going
anywhere with you!
Yes, you are.
Wade: Just listen
to him, Tripp.
You're not the police.
You don't have
the right to take him.
This is private property.
Our private property.
Get off of me!
Get in the truck.
Get in the truck.
I'll hurt you, kid.
I will.
It's the truck!
That thing is in the truck!
Yeah, I'm just pulling in now.
Listen, I don't want you
to worry, okay?
If he's here,
I'll have him home by dinner.
Move over! I'm driving!
Oh, really?
I gotta go.
What the heck
is going on here?
Big truck,
big truck, big truck!
No. I'm not stopping
and I'm not giving up
the truck.
No. Go faster!
Okay. We got him.
Fan out. Cut him off.
Don't let him out of town.
We're not gonna fit.
I think we can do it.
It worked!
Move! Go!
Did you train him
to do this?
I have no idea
how he learned this.
Did that just happen?
Oh, yeah, it did!
Watch this.
We're driving on a roof.
Tripp: Get out of
our way, pigeons!
Whoa! Did you see that?
Tripp: Hang on!
No way.
I want to stay
on the roof now!
Did you hear that?
The train.
So what?
That thing
is five miles long.
If we can put that
in between us and them,
we'll get
a 10 minute head start.
Oh. How about a plan b?
Tripp: No time
for a plan b.
i think we lost them.
Tripp, I don't think
we're going to make it.
We'll make it!
We're not going fast enough!
Slow down!
Yeah! Way to go, creech!
Hey! What are you doing,
chasing that boy
all over my county?
It's a private
company security matter!
You're putting
lives in danger.
You're interfering
with law enforcement!
The company I'm working for
employs everyone in this town,
and that includes you!
When's the next election,
Go back to writing tickets
and shooing cows off the road.
You really
saved me back there.
Thanks, you big,
ugly, beautiful blob.
My dad only uses this
during hunting season, so...
You said there was oil?
But it's for the generator,
so we won't have electricity.
That's okay. He deserves it.
It's nicer out here.
Yeah, I don't mind.
Are you scared of fire?
Meredith: I would be, too,
if I drank oil.
Tripp, I'm sorry
about your dad.
It would have been a lousy
place to stay, anyways.
I mean,
how weird would it have been
if he'd turned out
to be a decent guy, right?
What would that
have been like?
You wouldn't be who you are.
And there's no one like you
at our school.
Or in our town.
that's something to
thank your dad for, at least.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
where are you going?
Hey, hey.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Hey. What are you doing?
I'm going to get you home.
I promise you that.
Thank you.
I love you, too.
Ready? Watch.
You could teach a mouse
how to do that.
That's not the amazing part.
This is the amazing part.
I didn't teach that one
to do that for the oil.
I taught that one
how to do that for the oil.
They have hive intelligence,
like, um, ants or bees.
When they're in
close proximity,
one of them knows
what the other knows,
almost immediately.
And they metabolize oil
like a combustion engine.
Dowd, what are you doing?
I'm a scientist.
I'm being a scientist.
You are falling in love.
This is some sort of
Stockholm syndrome.
That's backwards.
Look, in two days,
our wastewater goes to Ohio.
The mucous twins go with.
Going to shoot it down deep
into an injection well.
No trace.
No. They're not like
mindless ground slugs.
They have intelligence,
they show emotion.
It would be
unethical to kill them.
Dowd, you and I have been
together a long time.
I have seen you
stretch the truth,
falsify environmental
protection reports,
and lie to the media.
We are in this together.
Cheer up.
And keep those things quiet!
Tripp. Tripp!
What are you doing?
He's gone.
Why would he leave?
I don't know,
but we better find him
before they do.
Yeah, well, he took off
with my cell phone,
so I can't even call anybody
to come pick us up.
It's okay. I have mine.
Wait, your cell phone's
in the truck?
I have an app.
We can track him.
Meredith: There he is.
Where is he going?
Tripp: I don't know.
It's here.
Stop, stop here.
Tripp: Wait. Terravex?
Are you sure
this is far enough?
Would you mind dropping us off
at the end of the block?
He's not there.
Maybe he went inside.
What is that?
I don't know.
He came here for them.
That's why he left.
No, don't! Don't!
Hey, guys,
check on warehouse three.
Tripp: No! Stop! Stop!
Man: Slow it down.
Tranquilize it!
Hey! Stop.
Shoot it!
Stop! You're killing him!
Scrape it up.
Bring them with me.
Well, you certainly
love your cats.
It's all cats.
Oh! Here we go.
Delete. Delete. Delete.
Thank you.
You can't just delete pictures
and think this goes away.
Why? What are you going to do?
Go to the police and tell them
that there are monsters
coming up out of
the oil fields?
How'd that work out
for you last time?
Hurting people,
is not my thing.
It's his.
Mr. Burke,
show these two the highway.
Let's go!
To your left.
I'll take them from here.
Thanks, Charlie.
Tenneson's orders.
So, it all checks out.
Just keep walking normally.
Get your hands
off us, slimebag.
it's not slime, it's sweat.
I sweat when I'm nervous.
Thanks for calling
attention to it. Look.
I'm on your side.
Okay, I'm messing this up.
Sorry. I'm a scientist,
a geologist.
But I want to help you.
Because I can't
just stand here
and watch them die.
And why should
we trust you?
Because these creatures
are special.
I think that
you've seen that, too.
I've done some bad things
for this company. But this...
No way. Okay?
I'm done doing
their dirty work.
Okay, then help us
get them out of here.
We need to get them home.
It's not that simple.
Okay. It's 50 miles
of rough terrain
back to the vent.
Any truck big enough
to carry them
would be too slow
and we'd get caught.
I got a truck fast enough.
We just gotta find two more.
If you think
we can do this, I'm in.
We can.
Okay, hands in.
I'm sorry.
You're just so sweaty.
Mr. weathers,
there's a lot of
really weird stuff
going on right now
and I need your help.
What do you need?
I need trucks.
Do you have any
on your repo list?
It's not our fault rich boy
can't make his payments.
Boy: Yeah!
Show me something! Come on!
Yeah! Keep tagging him!
I don't see anything on this
that will carry
that big sucker
i saw in the warehouse.
What are you gonna need
to do to these trucks?
lift the engine,
raise the suspension,
cut up the body,
customize the axles,
and maximize the airflow.
All by morning. Twice.
Maybe we'd get
one done, but two?
I don't have
the tools or the parts
to get it done that quick.
Do you know someone
with a repair shop?
A dealership.
You know, you're
going to have to, like,
hang out with him
and stuff after this.
Maybe once.
You'll be out
by 7:00, right?
The first workers
get here at 7:00.
What's the best truck
you got on the lot?
Sam: Well,
it's supposed to be
my 16th birthday present.
No harm getting
an early peek, right?
Can you handle one of these?
Uh, yeah.
Be careful,
it'll run away from you.
Here you go. Drink up.
We're going on
a little road trip.
Hey, man, you mind
helping me out with this?
Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Come on, man.
Let's pick it up.
Got to get those things
to the wastewater tank
before they ship out.
What's got into these things?
Hey! Hey!
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Yeah, get Burke
on the phone.
And start a trace
on the box truck.
The big one.
Hey, I got them,
but there's not much time.
Tenneson probably already
has Burke coming for us.
Hey. Nice job.
Thank you.
I never drove a stick before.
It was very exciting.
Cool. Want to give me
a hand with this?
Well, I'll be...
Hey, there.
You're looking good.
For you.
Okay. Okay.
Yeah, I missed you.
I missed you, too.
They're a family.
Meredith: He was looking
for his parents.
I got the truck.
It's stationary.
Load up!
Let's go! We got them!
No turning back now.
All right, this one's yours.
Someone say
I'm coming with you?
Come on, man, we need you.
If I'm going to go to prison,
it might as well be in style.
The vents are marked on this.
I'll follow you.
You said these guys have
hive intelligence, right?
Well, then he'll know
what to do.
You're just there
to guide him.
Be gentle, but firm.
That opens.
Let him know
you're the one steering.
Right. Gentle but firm.
I'm the one steering.
Uh... okay.
Go do this. Yeah.
Thanks, Mr. weathers.
Hope you picked something up
from watching me.
A week ago,
you were riding a bicycle.
Uh... welcome to geldon dodge.
Can we get you a cup
of complimentary coffee?
They're on the move.
What about the next slide?
They're on the move in what?
These guys were
ready for a walk.
They're happy
they're going home.
We just picked them up
on a police scanner.
Off old cutler road.
It's close,
about a mile south.
Burke: There they are.
Ten o'clock.
Here we go.
I can't believe I let you
and your girlfriend
talk me into this.
Uh, we're not...
That's not, uh...
Are we?
Deputy: Hey, sheriff,
we got a call from
Ken Galloway.
Said a bunch of trucks
rode over his land.
He said they looked
like monster trucks.
Yeah, which way
were they headed?
Okay, let's take out
big green first.
Man 1: I'll take left.
Man 2: Roger that.
Taking right.
He needs help.
Get behind him, Meredith.
Give him a push.
Oh, what?
Oh, I really hope
they had their seatbelts on.
Tripp: We can't outrun
them in the flats.
Just hang on.
We'll lose them in the rough.
Burke: Stay close here, guys.
It's going to get tight.
We'll get them on the Ridge.
Do we know where we're going?
Don't worry, they know.
Uh, downed tree, dead ahead!
Do we have a tree plan?
Okay, guys. And pull!
Okay, dowd,
you can open your eyes now.
Did we make it?
Everybody, stay close.
It's going to
get tight up here.
They're right behind me!
Tripp, on your right!
Burke: All right, kid,
this is where your
little joyride ends!
Thanks, buddy!
Meredith: Tripp, are you okay?
Tripp: Yeah, yeah. I'm...
What is that?
Oh, tenneson.
It's poison!
We gotta stop that tanker.
They're going to
poison the nest.
Okay. We need to move faster.
Oh, come on!
Light it up.
Get back! Stay back!
Man: We got 'em now!
Man 2: I see 'em!
Go up the left side!
Get to the sides!
Get to the sides!
I cannot believe you're here.
I'm actually really happy
to see you.
Hey, I told you
i wasn't going anywhere.
The vents are right
on the other side.
We have to get
past this truck.
It's the only way.
Hang, on, Tripp,
you're not seeing
what I'm seeing.
No, I got it right here.
I know what we're in for.
I seriously hope you're not
thinking about jumping off
a mountain.
As the only scientist here,
I don't think
they can do that.
We don't have a choice.
I hope you know
what you're doing, Tripp.
Rick, give us
something to jump.
Yeah. Okay.
Tripp, there's a 99% chance
that would be impossible.
Maybe 100%.
You be careful, son.
I'm sorry I said all those
terrible things about you.
Wait, what?
Let's go!
Come on, creech!
Go, Tripp!
We made it!
You guys take out the pumps,
I'll handle the tanker.
Meredith: Got it.
Dowd: We're on it.
Hey, there's another one.
Pumps are at speed!
We need to stop those pumps.
Come on. One last push.
You're almost home.
Any trucks still running,
get up here to the vents.
Can we stop it?
Ah. It locked me out.
If this pressure
gets to 15,000 psi,
the poison will reach
all the way down to the nest.
Come on, buddy, wake up!
You can do it!
The valves!
Come on, come on!
We have to stop the poison!
Dowd: It's not working!
We're too late!
Go! Get out! Save yourself!
Tripp: We did it.
I'm going to miss you, creech.
You were a good truck.
Don't worry.
I know where to find you.
Meredith: Tripp!
Rick: Tripp!
You stay put. We got you.
Hi, fish and wildlife?
Yeah, my friends and I found
some horned lizards
on the terravex property.
Are they endangered,
by any chance?
Well, it's nothing
like my old one,
but I think it'll do.
Now you can do
whatever you want this summer.
Take it as far as it'll go.
Thanks, Rick.