Monster (2003)

I always wanted to be
in the movies
When I was little I thought for sure
Or maybe just beautiful...
Beautiful and rich,
like the women on TV
Yeah, I had a lot of dreams
And I guess you can
call me a real romantic
Because I truly believe that
one day... they'll come true
So I dream about it for hours
As the years went by,
I learnt to stop sharing this with people
They said I was dreaming
But back then, I believed
it whole heartily
So whenever I was down,
I would just escape into my mind
To my other live, where
I was someone else
It made me happy to think
that all these people...
just didn't know yet
who I was gonna be
But 1 day they'll all see
I heard that Marilyn Monroe
was discovered in a soda shop
And I thought for sure,
it could be like that
So I started growing up
real young...
And I always secretly looking
for who is gonna discover me?
Was it this guy?
Or maybe this one?
You never knew
But even if they couldn't take me
all the way... like Marilyn
They would somehow
believe in me just enough
They would see me for what I could
be, and think I was beautiful
Like a diamond in the rough
They'll take me away...
To my new life
And my new world
Where everything
would be different
Yeah, I lived that way
for long long time
And my head dreaming
like that
It was nice
By the time I met
you all...
all I want is a beer
How are you doing?
- Great
Anyone sitting here?
Madam our services
are for patrons only
Give me a beer
whatever cheapest
So what it is like,
a gay place or what?
Hey, whatever, man
Can I buy you that drink?
I got my own money
I'll have a pitcher, whatever
she's having
Look, I'm not gay alright?
Well, it makes sense
So what are you doing
here then?
My truck broke down, I'm a...
I got a pressure cleaning
What's pressure cleaning?
You know steam clean?
Upholstery, carpets,
you know, shit like that
So I'm just getting out of the rain
My name is Selby
You owe me change!
I'm out of here
Oh, are you sure?
Get your fucking hands off
me! you dumb dyke...
I'm not gonna fuck you
for fucking beer ok
Stop wasting your fucking
I wasn't trying to fuck
I just wanna talk to you
I thought that if I bought you
some beer maybe you'll talk to me
I just trying to have one
decent night out, you know..
Just talk to someone before
I've to go back to my parents closet
I'm sorry
You don't have to stay
So are you really a
steam cleaner?
No, I'm not
No man, actually it's
a real good job...
Pressure cleaning
You want some?
Oh come on don't
let me down now
You ready?
to do this
Shit, I don't fucking
trust you
You ready?
You do suck
You're just a sore winner
Yeah, winner though,
Oh, man that's all
my cast
You spilled some good
shit there
I'm gonna lick it up
like a dog
We need 2 more
What's that bullshit?
What time is it?
The bar is closed
Then why don't you take
that stick out of your ass...
Now would be a good time,
don't you think huh?
Now that the bar's closed
What you do for is that?
We had a good time
Yeah, I know, it was fun
I'm sorry, I called you
dumb dyke
I don't care
And thanks for the drinks
No... No Problem.
So see you around ok
Do you wanna stay with
I didn't mean... you know
you don't have to do anything
Shit I know
Fuck it
Yeah? My truck's
broken down
Ok, car's over here,
come here, this way
All I wanted was a beer
But the day I met Selby I'd spent most of the
afternoon sitting in the rain, about to kill myself
So you can understand
I was flexible, I mean everybody
gotta have faith in something
For me? For me all I had left
was love
And I was getting pretty sure that,
I wasn't gonna love a man again
So I was gonna do it
And the only reason I did it
was a five dollar bill
I knew I probably given some
asshole a blowjob for it
So really tried to piss me off that
if I killed myself without spending it
Basically I sucked
him off for free
So I made a deal
I said God, I gotta spend
this 5 bucks
But when it's gone
so am I
If you've got something for me
in this life, you better bring it on
And there she was
Just some friends my parents
and I are staying with
You wanna take a shower
or anything?
- Goodnight
I can't believe you
are here
Me neither
Can I touch your face?
God Donna!
Donna sorry, just a sec!
I'm sorry, I'm supposed
to be ready for church
Hey, where's my shirt?
Look at this, it's 5 o'clock in
the morning and she ain't dressed yet
I'm sorry about that
No, it's alright
Hey thanks for letting me crash
No, that was nice
So when are you leaving?
But you know, I'm gonna be hanging out
at the Moon Night, around 5
About 2 blocks up
- Yeah yeah yeah
Maybe I'll swing by
You have fun at church,
Who was that person?
She's just a friend I made
Honey, I think she was a
straight person
Did you check your stuff,
because she might have stole something
No... I checked it, she didn't
take anything
Listen, honey, you cannot bring people
like that here, what if Charles had seen her?
I'm sorry
A person like that... no Ma'am
We have no business with
people like that
I'm just getting some stuff
You'll give it to me when you get it
Want some sandwich?
Ham don't do it for me
- Thanks, man
I'll buy it if you want
It's alright
You'll pay me when
you get it
How are you doing?
I'm good
I met a friend
- Really? good for you
Hope it's not some
asshole like the last guy...
who almost trampled you half to death
No, she is... real nice,
you know
Thanks, man
Hang on a sec
Hang the fuck on!
You look good
Man, you know what
I'm going to give you the $5...
I got it. I got it
So you came
Yeah I was around,
you know, thought I'll swing by
So where's your friends?
Well, I... I'm not...
You're mean
Can I ask you a question?
Are you a prostitute?
I don't know
People like pay to be
with you, it's wild!
Men must just line up
to be with a girl like you
I guess, I don't know,
not really, you know!
What do you do to them?
All kind of things, you know,
whatever they want
How do you know what
they want?
Well they ain't shy
to tell you
Well shit, men are real
easy to read anyway
Well, how about that guy?
How about him?
Oh, he's gay
No way
Yeah, man, look at him,
he tries too hard
Oh man you see that
little fucker over there?
Well he, he's straight up, S&M
That's Trevor,
That's the son of the people I'm staying with
Shit I'm sorry
I don't care about that
I don't realize he was gonna
be here
This girl in my church, she told
everyone that I tried to kiss her
So my parents
basically disowned me
And I decided to come down here
and try to figure somethings out
Then this happened
before I could get a job
How long do you have to stay on?
Not too much longer
But my dad had to pay my medical bills
So I made a deal with him,
that I would go back
Which... you know... it... probably
for the best... maybe it'll work
Maybe he'll be able to save my
soul and all that
Well I bet you twenty, I'll beat
your ass in a race, right now
Oh no...
Oh yeah, me and you are gonna
hit the floor right now
Serious I can't skate
You gotta help me
I know, I've gotcha, come on
There you got it
You better not let
me break my other arm
See you can do this
Youre very good, man
You think you can you do by yourself?
- There you go
Feel the music
You having fun?
There you go turn, turn
Oh, man I love this song
Oh I love it too
Just like that
Oh I can't do that
Yeah you can
No, no, no, come on,
come with me
Who cares about him?
Come on are you ready?
So we don't hit anyone
Are you ok?
I can't, I can't do
this here
Maybe we can go somewhere
How about the yard
over there?
I thought you didn't like gals
I don't like men anymore,
I like you
Maybe... maybe we
could go somewhere
Where we can get
a room or something
Oh I don't have any
I gotta go
I'll see you tomorrow
Ok honey I talked to your
father and guess what?
- You got a job, little miss
How about that?
- Really?
That's right, working
right with your dad
And some very handsome
young gentlemen, I understand
Ok, if you need something
you let me know, ok
Thanks for the ride, man
- Sure
It's real hard to get help
around here, you know
I was getting lost
there for a while...
So where are you headed?
Just where you can take me,
I'm trying to get to a phone
So my car broke down
See, these here are my kids
They are cute
They are down in Miami,
I'm trying to get down to them
But I'm kind of broke,
right now
So just trying to make...
some cash somehow, you know
Maybe I can help you out
Yeah what you got?
I don't know,
how about say 10 bucks?
I like to have $25
straight up
If that do in the laundry
Look, man, I'm not a fucking
novice shampoo gal here, ok
I'm the real deal,
alright, so let's see it
Oh man, I'm talking about
the cash, alright
Ok sorry
Hey lady love, need a ride?
What time you got?
Quarter 6
hey man, don't go too far
No, I just want a little privacy,
you know, I don't wanna get busted
Shit me either
What do you think, man?
So how about we make
it quick I suck you 20 huh?
No, I wanna fuck
Alright man, 30, straight up
Hang on gal
Come on, man, shit, alright
Hang on, hang on,
let me finish my drink
You want some more
- No
Jesus, hookers nowadays huh
I love them and I hate
You know I love them
and I hate them
Stud always is
They're better than my fucking wife
I don't wanna hold you up!
Come on man, let's see you
Oh man, take the pants off
I thought you were in a rush
Come on, the money
is right there
Hold on, hold on
Suck me a little first,
come on suck me
No, man, it's not part of the
fucking deal
Oh come on, I'll give you
you fucking bitch!
Hey are you alright?
I knew that would get you!
Are you awake now?
Scream, let me fucking hear it!
let me fucking hear it!
Come on, you gonna stay
awake now?
Do you wanna die?
Do you wanna fucking die?
Come on here we go!
I wanna clean you up
We got some fucking Dettol!
What the hell is happening here?
Sorry it was me
I fell out of bed
You didn't hear nothing?
No, it's me I fell out of bed
If that woman's in here, Selby, so help me god..
I had a talk with Trevor, and I really
don't appreciate what he told me
I don't think your father
will either
If she's in here, I want you
to get her out right now!
Or Charlie bound to blow
her head off
What the hell are
you doing here?
No man, I just wanted to see you
I got in a fight
It must have been a really long fight
I got a man really
beaten me up, ok
It wasn't my fault
Are you ok?
But it's cool now
It's cool
I was thinking...
You know I want you to
stay a little longer
Cause I can't
Why not?
Cause I told you
I promised my dad
Well, he's your dad right,
wouldn't he understand
So I'm sure he can save
your soul a week from now, right?
See, I told you...
no problem right?
I was gonna use it to take you
out tonight, but...
That's enough to rent
a hotel for whole week
We can party, hang out,
whatever you wanna do, you know
Maybe I can come back
No, you can't come back
Cause I'll be gone
Listen to me,
This is a once in a life
time opportunity
Give me a week, I'm gonna go
later I'll buy you fucking ticket
I'll take you there
myself, just give me a week
You'll never meet someone
like me again
- Alright
Where did you get this car?
I just borrowed it
So what do we do now?
- Cheers
It's getting late
Oh My God Selby!
We thought you were dead
Donna, I'm sorry,
I just came and get some stuff
No, honey, you are gonna
talk to your father
You stand right here!
John, yes she's back
She's here
Ok, hang on, hang on
Talk to your dad
I found a roommate and...
I can't dad
I'm not even staying
here anymore
I just came by to pick up some stuff,
I'm not even staying at Donna's anymore
Ok.. ok.. I'm an adult now,
I'm gonna stay...
And I gotta go
What are you doing?
She's not even... gay
She's just some old street
hooker, she's just using you
I quit
What're your bags doing here?
I'm staying
Holy shit girl, you just
made my day
How did you get them huh?
I took a cab
But Leen, you can take care
of me right? cause...
I've spent all our money
It don't even matter
What you said?
You quit?
Hooking... I quit hooking
Why? because it's shit, it's time man,
I fucking hate it
I thought you said
it wasn't that bad
Oh.. it is, you know, but,
not always, it's not the point
I got you now
I got everything going for me
So I'm gonna do a broil
This time I'm doing
it a broil
How about that?
Fine, but what are you
gonna do about work?
Exactly... I'll get a job
Go clean... straighten up, you know,
fuck it, man, I'll get a career
House, car... you know,
how about that
What kind of job are
you gonna get?
I've been thinking
about that
I was thinking maybe like
a veterinarian, you know
Cos I fucking love animals,
you know
But that's a doctor...
you gotta get a degree for that
No, I'm not, no
Shit, I know, you know
what I always wanted to be?
President of the US
I just haven't been feeling too good
lately, you know
But I will though, man
I'll be feeling great
It's fucking
celebration time
Oh yes this is...
this is big
I once heard this thing that
always stuck with me
I must've been around
Cause I remember I just
put the baby up for adoption
They call the assembly
of my junior high
Cause this guy who played
drum for certain workmen...
Was coming to talk to
us about success...
and making your mark
on the world
I don't have any experience,
per se...
I'm a real... I mean
I'm a real hard worker
I was real excited, cause he was
the 1st real celebrity I've seen...
And this was exactly the
kind of thing I wanted to learn...
How to follow in the
footsteps of...
I don't even write it
down, you know
Just stay right...
just stay right there
And you should know that
I've worked with people all my life
So I'm real good with
people and...
I know how to work the rolodex
So I listen real hard to any advice he had
For sure he said something
that stuck right in my real mind
It was all you need in
life... is love
And to believe in
then there's nothing you can't do
To make sure that i have all
this straight
Basically, you've no experience,
no college degree...
No resume, no work history
what-so-ever in fact
And now you would
like to be... a lawyer
No, see... I'm sorry,
but when I read the ad...
It said you were looking
for a secretary
Ok, well you need to
learn how to type...
You'll need computer skills
Most of our secretaries
have college degree
In fact most of them have
specialized in law
I don't mean to sound harsh, but
frankly this is a little insulting
All that looks great,
It must be wonderful, but...
Can I tell you something?
When the beach party is over, you
don't get to say, you know what
I think now I would like to have what everybody
else has worked their entire life for...
It doesn't work that way
Fuck you, man!
Yeah fuck you!
You don't fucking
know me
Ok, great, that's great, see?
Now I'm so sorry I didn't hire you before.
Leslie could you please escort miss...
I don't even know her name, because of course
she doesn't have a resume...
No need, you fucking asshole,
you piece of shit
What you think I'm
fucking retard?
Take your fucking job and fucking shove it!
Fuck you Leslie!
All I need is love and to
believe in yourself
Nice idea, it doesn't exactly
work out that way
But I guess it was better to hear
flat out lying then to know the truth at thirteen
Fuck this phoney shit, told him to fuck himself,
kiss my fucking sweet ass
Slamped me out of the fucking
door, just like that, man
What did he do?
Not a fucking thing
Not one fucking thing
Stupid mother fucker
I've bet nobody fucking ever talked
to him like that in his whole life
Fucking office job, who the
fuck wants a job like that
You gotta fucking sitting
in a little desk...
You got your little phone...
You got your piece of paper,
your little pen...
You write shit down,
bla bla bla
Fucking a monkey can
do that shit, man, fuck!
I thought you wanted a
job like that
You know what?
No. Toby, 2 more
Honey, Al says I can't give you
any tab
Toby, how long have I
been the customer here?
Would you cut me some
fucking slack here?
Go get me 2 more
Fucking lazy bastard,
it's no big deal, man
Al runs a tab all the time
you know...
he just probably doesn't
know it
Leen, what are you
gonna do?
I got it on fucking
control, man
I'm kind of starving here
There's no way, you could
maybe ah...
I don't know, call your
dad or...
Yeah I know I know,
I'm just saying for you, you know?
Fuck it, man, I got shit
line up, you know
It's not a fucking big deal
Can I just give it to
you straight
The truth is,
I'm... I'm a hooker
I'm trying to clean my life up
here, you know...
Go straight and questions
and all, so...
If there's any link that you
can help me with...
That's because I was...
- That's not even matter gonna matter
Because the best you're gonna get is
factory work
Hey Todd, do we even have any
factory work?
I'm sorry, I'm just trying
to talk to you here...
You don't have any
change, do you?
Madam, I'm afraid I've to
ask you to come with me
Well we've had some complains
out here, so...
So what they complained about?
Cause I just got out,
it's my day off
A day off?
And what's a day off for a
whore, you go to church or something?
Don't you remember me?
I busted you not eight months ago for
tricking up on 95
It seems to me you might
owe me one
Yeah, you sure went easy
on me
You almost broke my
fucking jaw
Please, you do time
Climb over
Selby? Jesus Christ,
what're you doing
What the fuck are you doing?
Please drop the fucking blade
I take you to a fucking
doctor, ok
Just stop it
What are you talking about?
You can stop Leen.
Stop what?
You can stop the game
I'm out there trying
my best, ok?
Why did you quit
Cause I needed to,
Because you thought I was stupid,
enough to support you?
No, Selby
That you wouldn't even
have to fuck me to get it
Because I'm so hard-up
No! no! Selby, that's
not the reason
You said we were gonna
party, party, party...
Well there hasn't been a fucking party!
Nothing! when I told you
that I'm starving
Cause you're using me
- No! I just...
Because I fucking killed
someone, alright?
My last john, alright,
I fucking killed my last john
I was raped and beat to
fuck and was gonna get killed
But I won't... I didn't wanna
lose you, you know...
All I could think about was that for the rest of
your fucking life
And you never know that
I fucking meant to be there
I didn't wanna die,
thinking that maybe
Maybe you could love me
So I killed him
I shot him, alright...
I fucking shot him
I'm sorry, I let you
fucking down alright
Now, you know me Sel,
now you fucking know me alright
No, I don't wanna go
Sure you do,
sure you fucking do!
Leave me fun,
leave me fucking fun!
I'm sorry
I know...
He would have killed you
I need to get this taken off and
I'm gonna get a job
No, I understand that
if you can't get a work
I don't even mind
I wanted to go back before
it was just... so shit scared of getting caught
You know that was the
only reason
I'm a hooker
You got a wet pussy?
Yes, sure
You like to fuck?
Jesus Christ, you'll think nobody
ever talked dirty to you before
I just like to settle
first, you know
Call me daddy,
while I fuck you
I try, what you like
to fuck your kids?
What? I'm just kidding
with you
I'm just messing with you
I'll call you daddy
Daddy, see?
See, I'm calling you daddy
I do it all the time
$20 huh?
Some good shit here!
Come on, you wanna suck it for me
Come on baby
Life is funny... it's hard
But it's also strange, how things can
be so different than you think
I remember I was just a
kid in before age club...
Set up this beautiful gigantic red and yellow ferris
wheel. It lit up to night sky
They called it... the Monster
You want some money?
Oh my god,
are you serious?
When I was a kid I thought that was
about the coolest thing I ever seen
Then I couldn't wait to ride it
Sure enough, when I finally got my
chance I got so scared and nauseous...
I threw up all over myself
before it even made 1 full turn
I gonna go and wash up ok
Just hang on a sec, babe, I gotta
wash up here, ok?
Hey where did you
get the car?
My friend, Thomas, saw me on my way
home, he let us borrow it to move
We're moving?
Yes, fuck this place, right?
This no place for my girl
Oh, man, a real place?
an apartment?
Ya what you happy now?
- Yeah, I'm happy
I know baby, I know
We're good now,
I told you
And that's what I mean
In my life, it has always been the
harmless stuff that hurt the most
When there're things so horribly,
you can't even imagine it
It's usually a lot easier
than you think
You never really know,
until you're the one standing there
No problem
How is your arm?
It looks weird
So ok?
Cos I knew I was coming
home to you
I love you
This stuff is so good
thanks for taking me here
It's ok, it's ok you know
It's pretty fine, but.. man, someday
I'm gonna take you to some...
Real top places in the
Keys, like some real classy joints
- Yeah
I always wanna go to Keys
I always wanna have a
house on the beach, you know
But I haven't even been to the beach
since I've been here
So gal I'll buy you a house
on the beach, how about that?
Those places are like thousands
of thousands of dollars
So what? You think I can't
get you a house on the beach?
What else you want?
You want a little purple porsh huh?
This is no-smoking area
You have to put the cigarette out
What are you doing, man?
you gonna sing us a song or what?
Let me have that
Get your fucking hand off her
You piece of shit!
We're paying fucking
customer here
What? what you got?
You wanna bring it on?
You all better watch your
fucking food...
Cos there was a fucking cockroach
in mine, size like this
This is not how you run a
fucking establishment man
So what's your deal, man?
Where you like to fuck
Like to fuck in the back?
So really like to get
real rough?
Shit, I bet you get real
rough back there huh?
Real nasty
You like that huh?
Maybe you wanna slap me
round a little bit huh?
Don't think I don't
see it, man
What, you can't speak?
what the fuck?
What, you got a
fucking problem?
Cat got your fucking tongue huh?
I don't like it rough
I've never done this before,
but I have...
Take your pants off
Thank you.
You are welcome
You wanna have a
beer with me?
Don't you wanna
come to bed?
In a minute
Wake up
Wake up, I wanna go out
Hey, mind if I angle in on those nuts?
This guy is an asshole right...
Flick his chair over,
flick his shit around all that jazz
Fucking office job right?
fucking retard sitting on the phone...
And talking to people all day long,
bla bla bla. Bullshit
Sounds like you're at fun world
What's fun world?
Fun world in Orlando,
this one over here said:
We all have to go on Thursday night,
then she starts some fight with a bunch of fucking red necks
Get the fuck in here!
Where the fuck were you?
I was out
In that fucking car?
So? What are you doing?
I'm just cleaning
this fucking pigsty we're leaving in that's all
What the fuck were you doing?
I was out, we needed stuff
We don't need this
fucking shit, Selby
Who the fuck told you
to take that fucking car?
Leen what difference
does it make?
The difference?
Because I'm fucking borrow
a car from my friend...
That's my fucking business,
ok, that's what?
I'm gonna go any place
that I want to
Ok? any time I want
Not in my fucking friend's
car, you are not!
Fine, fine, then I'll walk
Ok, I don't wanna sit
here alone all the time,
I wanna go out I wanna
meet people
I wanna hang out with people
without you fucking scaring them off
Where would you like to go?
I don't know...
Travel... see different
We could go to Fun World
You wanna go to Fun World?
Not now
No, now I gotta take the
fucking car back
And now we don't have any
fucking money like usual, Selby
So, you're leaving?
Hey Selby, check it out
Hey, there're my friends
Hey remember me?
I figure you guys would be here
I loved her...
But the thing no one ever
realized about me...
Was believe that I could learn
I could train myself into
People always look
down their noses at hookers
Never give you a chance because
they think you took the easy way out
And no one could imagine the
will power it took to what we do
Walkin the streets,
night after night
Taking the hitch and still
getting back up
We wanna go again
But I did,
and they don't miss out
Cause they've no idea what
I can discipline myself to
And I believe in something
And I believed in her
I need to sit down
Oh there she is
- Who is she?
I gotta talk to her
Hey you wanna ride
the Ferris Wheel?
We're gonna go sit down
Are you ok?
My brothers and sisters,
screwed me royal
After my daddy killed
himself, we were out on the streets
And the neighbors would let them stay
over but only if I didn't tag along
So I stayed clear
But I knew they didn't have
any money, you know
I was having a hook
So I always made sure they had new cloths,
cigarettes, and stuff like that
But then there's 1 night, we're at this party and this
guy comes in and he's like...
She fucked so and so
And they're are all embarrassed..
They were fucking standing
in the corner, all...
So they... you know they
threw me out of the snow
Screaming out, I'm a whore,
and they were so embarrassed...
And they hate me
and all that
And that was it
I just took off never
went back
That's really sad
Your own family doing that to you
That's how people are,
Yeah... I know
Fuck them,
who need them?
Yeah, fuck them!
No, right, Selby, right!
Get out!
get the fuck out!
You all ok?
I'm gonna call an ambulance
That's ok
We don't have any insurance
We just rather...
do it ourselves
You know, she's good
You have yourselves a
good day now, ok
Let's go, Selby, now!
- No! no! I wanna drive
He's fucking dead,
let's go, now!
- Selby!
Who killed that man?
What do you think?
Oh my god, they're coming for us
What are you talking
You fucking killing people
Now listen to me,
they are not coming
I never wanted you in this
shit to begin with
But I know what
I am doing
And you'll never gonna
understand it, alright?
You gotta trust me
They don't have
They got nothing
They are not even looking, man,
this shit is long over already
I didn't want wreck the fucking car in public
but we did you know, we did
So if they'll gonna call the cops,
they would've done it by now!
How could you?
You knew
No... I knew about 1... 1
No, Selby... no Sel
Come in here
We're gonna have a drink, and we're
gonna forget about all this alright?
Leen, this isn't funny
You don't know what's
going on, Sel
I do, so if you wanna keep your
eyes shut to the whole world...
The least you can do
is hear me out
It's not what you
think it is, alright
I know what it is
No, you don't know
my life, Selby!
But I know yours
And I've done everything
in the whole wide world
Hoping that you'll never
have to know
So that you can go on
thinking that people are good
And kind and that it should
make sense, you know?
Cause I love that
about your, Sel
But I can't
No, I don't wanna hear
that, Leen
But you need to
We can be as different as we
wanna be, but you can't kill people
I'm good with the Lord
I'm fine with him
And I know how you were raised alright
And I know how people fucking think out
there and fuck it's gotta be that way
They gonna tell you that 'thou shall not kill' and
all that
But that's not the way the
world works, Selby
Cause I'm out there,
every fucking day living it
Who the fuck knows,
what god knows?
People kill each other everyday
And for what?
For politics, for religion,
and they're heroes...
No.. no... there are a lot of
shit I can't do anymore
But killing's not one of them
And letting those fucking bastard going out
there raping somebody else isn't either
No, no, Leen there
was 1 man
They can't all
has been bad
You know me, you think
I could do it otherwise?
I'm not a bad person,
I'm a real good person
So, don't feel bad,
it's life, Sel
People like me and you go
down every fucking... day
It's almost over,
look at this
See this?
it's everything
Everything you ever
Just a little more, and a car
we're out of here
We have a shot, Sel
We have a shot, at a real life,
not this, a real one
You know what to do, right?
See you later
- Ok
So everything is working out,
and we are real happy
But I just thought that you
can tell my family
So you're choosing to go
this way
No, this isn't a choice
I'm not choosing anything
This is the way I am
And I'm not gonna feel
bad about it anymore
You can tell him that too
I know you think you're all romantic
about that girl
What? I'm saying it's
not their fault
Blacks or whoever you wanna
call them, Selby
The point is, people make
bad choices
And they pay for it, you can see
all these miserable straight people...
And we see you choosing, this life..
this gay life
And even more than that, the easy life with this...
No.. she has had a real hard life
Lots of people have bad lives, and they
still choose to move towards the light...
Otherwise we all be
hookers and druggies...
I don't wanna hear this
This is not the point
Don't fight the world, honey
There's so much more than just love out there
And someday all you gonna want is a roof over your
head even if you do have to sleep with a man to get it
And that's your choice
Yeah, it is my choice
Cos we're in love
What? We you going on a hike?
Man, just get right here
The car was good
Not when there's a
fucking gun in it
So, lots of people have guns
Well you gonna undress or what?
No, you 1st
So... you married right?
you don't get that fucking shit
Come out here with strange gals,
do dirty things with them
Why, man, so you can rape them?
No, Good lord
- Fucking man
I fucking hate them
Then why are you a hooker?
I'm not a hooker, see,
I don't fuck, man
Used to, mostly against my will though
This old guy used to rape me when I was eight
Real good friend of my
dad's, you know
So I go to my dad,
tell him what's going on...
My dad don't fucking
believe me, so...
His friend keeps raping
me for years
And that's my dad... fucking
beats me up for it
Where the fuck do you
think you are going?
I'm not doing it,
but I feel sorry for you
If you want a ride
you better come on
I don't need a ride, man
I don't need a ride
Cause I wanna take
your car
You fucking think I'm stupid
To get back into your fucking car
with you when there's a gun?
Victor Borne,
that was his name
My dad's friend...
some friend
Years later I found out he
died in a car accident
It's like God finally strike him down
for all his evil
No, you can't get away
from your shit forever
Soon or later,
it's gonna catch up with you
Where's the car?
Got all fucked up!
Is that everything?
Got beer? fucking man,
I think we should just go
Take the bus
We have enough money, right?
We do?
I don't know whatever,
I'll fucking hook down there whatever
We can't take all our shit
on the bus
I can't get one right now,
ok, Sel
What happened?
Fucking cop, the guy
I wasn't even gonna do it...
Then he has a fucking
gun in his car...
So I popped him sure enough
he's a fucking cop
I think he was retired or
something but still, man...
I can't take the fucking car,
it was a cop car
It got some fucking tracking device in there
Fucker, tried to fucking trick me,
while he's got a fucking gun in there
Keep it down
Well you just have to go
and get us another one
No... no... not changing your
mind on me
Leen... this isn't my plan
this is your deal, ok
Your plan, the house
and the beach
just like you said, your plan
So you just have to go and
get us another car...
We are leaving now
Get up!
Alright... you just give
me a sec
I'm gonna try to get out of
here before the end of the week
That's good,
I'm proud of you
Yes, I just wanted to say
good bye to you, Tom
You've been real
good to me
Are you alright?
Yes, it's nothing
Sometime, I feel like everybody
just think I'm just a fat shitty fucking person
All I'm fucking trying
to do is survive, you know
I know
- Yeah
I know exactly
I know what you
do for living
But It doesn't bother
me at all
I know you didn't dial it up
on a god dammed telephone
That's where you landed,
that's what you've had to do
What you're feeling right now,
is just guilt
Over something you've had
absolutely no control over
You know how many of us
came back from the war?
And almost kill ourselves...
Because we felt exactly the
same thing you do right now!
- Yeah
And I never get it
They don't get it now,
they never get it then...
And they sure as hell wouldn't
ever get fucking circumstances
Fuck, man, circumstance that's
exactly it, that's exactly it
You know, it's like I feel
like I never had a fucking choice
You never did,
but you got a live
You got a live
We are not able to positively
confirm a profile at this time...
However the evidence does
suggest that...
The murderers had their current
stirring some face of the Central Act
Perhaps that's the act
Yeah, that's exactly right
Get the fuck out of here
Get the fuck out of here!
These here my kids
They are down in Miami...
So I'm just trying to make
a couples of extra bucks, you know what Im saying?
They ok?
They are fine
I'm just trying to
make some money
Can you help me out?
Maybe I can help you
out, you know?
If you need some help, I'll do what
I can to get you back with your kids
Maybe you need a room,
shower, some warm clothes...
My son's room is empty
if you want it
And I'm sure my wife
wouldn't mind a bit
Pull the car over
- I'm sorry
No, just pull the car over
The car's still rolling,
you can't get out
Stop... the car
Listen, they can't barely see
you out there
Are you in some kind
Just drive the car
Stop right here
Look there ain't nothing that we can't fix
Get out of the car
The keys in the car,
that's my wallet
Turn around
No, madam... no
You don't have to do this
Get down
You really don't
I can't
You don't have to
You just having a hard time
- No, I can't let you live
Oh God, my wife...
my wife
My daughter is having a baby
- Shut the fuck up!
Oh God I'm sorry
I got a car, Sel
We gotta go, alright,
you gotta drive
It's out
- What, what's out?
Sketches of us
You're all set
So you'll gonna get in tomorrow
I always said I'll take you to the
bus, I'll take it, you know
Where I wanted to go
I know I did...
I did the fuck up!
Maybe you can...
help me?
I don't know... if I can
forgive myself for...
You'll come back to me,
You'll come back
I mean, you come back here
and we go far far away
- Selby, you take that alright
You take it, and
spend it, alright
for the lady
- Leen
- Tom
Hey, this is my only
friend, Tom
We've got a fire outside,
the old conversation pit
Oh come on
You run away fast
- What?
Yes you are, I wanna
drive you out of here
I gotta stay here by the
phone for my girl
Cause I gotta call her
Cause she left, Tom
But she's gonna come back, ok
You've got a fucking wife and
you tell me to come with you...
What the fuck are you
doing, man?
Not you, Tom,
not fucking you, Tom
Fuck, man!
You got some bucks
to change?
You want change?
Yeah I gotta call
my fucking gal
Let's go, I got some
change in my car
So if you want, come
with me
My car is over there
Yes, right over there,
you see? the camero
Man, what the fuck
are you doing?
Just want to fucking call my girl
- Hi
Oh man, it's good to
hear your voice
Yeah you too
So, you back down
here huh?
Yeah, I came down to
see what was going on
Oh man, am I glad to hear that
- no, we all right, because...
They caught in here with some old
warrant or something, you know
But, I'm...
Where are you now?
In a motel room
I wished I was there
with you right now
But Leen... they went
up to see my parents
They were asking all
kind of questions
Yeah, you now well
I rather not talk on the
phone here, you know...
Because, because I don't
know if they're, you know...
But... don't worry about
that, Sel
I mean that's just some mistaken identity
or something, you know
They've got nothing
So just talk about
us, you know?
I can't Leen, my picture's
on the paper
From when we crashed the car
Selby... what are you
talking about?
I'm talking about when
we crashed the red car
Why are you saying that?
Cause I'm freaking out...
they know Leen
They know, and they've come after me,
and I know, I'm gonna go down
No, Selby, I wouldn't do that,
you know, I would never do that ok
So... just chill out
here, ok?
How am I supposed
to do that?
You gonna let me go down for
something you did
Selby, I didn't do anything
Leen, you know what
I'm talking about
What are you doing?
I'm not doing anything
Where's the money, Sel?
What money?
The money I gave you
What are you talking about?
I don't know what are
you talking about, Leen
Nothing, just some change
Yeah, I got that
I just wanna leave, Leen
I just want a normal
happy life
I don't know why you
did this
Cause I love you
Cause I love you, and I never
wanted to lose you that's all
I love you with all my heart,
my soul, my mind
And I never let you
down, alright
Cause it was me
It was only me
And I'll tell them that, ok
But it's over for me now
I'm never gonna see you again
That people could forgive you for
something like this, you know?
But they can't...
They can't end
Thank you Judge
And may you rot in hell...
Sentence a raped women to death
And you all, you are just
bunch of scum, that's what you are
Faith can move mountains
Love would always run away
Everything happens for a reason
For when there's life, there's hope
They've gotta tell you something