Monsters and Men (2018)

[electricity crackling]
[sign clicks, crackles]
[muffled hip-hop music]
- I just woke up in
a hotel out in Vegas
Faded off of Crown with
the hangover that it gave me
I don't remember any--
[radio flipping channels]
[Al Green's
"Let's Stay Together" playing]
- Yes, yes.
- Ooh, baby
- Let's
Let's stay together
Love you whether
Times are good or bad
Happy or sad
Why we gonna break up?
Oh, turn around and--
[police siren chirps]
- I just can't--
[radio shuts off]
[turn signal ticking]
[soft tense music]
- How's it going?
- All right.
- Can I get your license
and registration?
- I'm on the job.
- All right, just hang tight.
All right, you're all good.
Sorry to bother you.
You have a good day, now.
- Yeah, you too.
[gear stick cranks]
[engine whirrs]
[indistinct chatter]
- Mr. Ortega?
- Hi.
Yeah, uh...
- We'll get back to you
within the next week.
Thank you.
- Ah, thank--thank you.
- Man, you got a swipe?
[acoustic music playing]
You got a swipe?
A Swipe?
We good, miss.
We good. We good.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
[announcements playing
over intercom]
[train whooshing]
- Got my money?
Bring my money over here.
Yo, mami.
Why you didn't
call me last night?
Yo, Manny.
- Yeah.
- Yo, what's good, fam?
- You selling?
- Yes, sir, what you need?
- You got two loosies?
- We'll take care of you, bro.
- Yo.
- Yo, what up?
- What up, bro?
- You peddling?
- Yup.
I got a bike for you.
- That's nice.
- How much you want
to give me for it?
- It's looking
a little beat-up, bro.
- It was like that
when I got it.
. Okay"
Here, count that.
- That's it?
- That's it, brother.
- Get your hand off of me.
- [laughs]
All right, bro.
Watch your hands, son.
- Little man,
you got no homework to do?
- Nah, bro, nah.
Yo, let me get a dollar?
- My man,
I just gave you money.
' $0?
- That kid's
always begging, man.
Get up out of here.
- I want to get something.
- Get out of here.
Go do your homework
or something.
How you living?
- I'm all right, man.
You know how it is.
- You got a good woman, man.
You got to take care of that.
- Hey, man, look, man,
I'm just trying to get
this paper up,
and then we can make moves.
- So where you gonna go?
Like, Miami Beach or something?
- [scoffs]
Yeah, maybe.
Mari don't like
the beach, so...
- Who don't like
the beach, man?
- She's scared of sharks, bro.
- What up, D?
- Yo, what's good, fam?
Yo, tell wifey and moms
I said what's up, all right?
- All right, I will.
- Ask her where that
papa con bacalao?
- [laughs]
All right, brother, later.
Yo, Victor, put that away!
- All right.
Yo, where you going?
Yo, where you going?
Let me get a ride.
Stop Playing!
[gentle instrumental music]
[both chattering indistinctly]
- See you, bro.
- Tell Titi I said
"what up," all right?
- Got you.
- Yo, yo, Little Jeter!
You ready for the scouts?
I see you, kid.
Do your thing.
- Yo.
- Hola, mi amor.
- What up?
- How are you?
- I'm good.
What you making over here?
- Go wash your hands.
You know better.
- All right.
What's up, baby?
What's up?
What's up?
What's up?
What you making?
- I'm making a house for mommy.
- Oh, okay, that's sweet.
- Yeah, she's making a--
You don't know how
to call nobody?
- Yo, what you--I told you
I had a job interview.
- Mm-hmm.
- I got this for you though,
know what I mean?
- Thank you.
- Now let me see.
What's this?
- Babe.
- "The Sum Rule states
that the probability
"of the occurrence of
one event or the other,
"of two mutually
exclusive events,
is the sum of their
individual probabilities."
Yo, that's mad smart.
A-minus though.
Damn, girl.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
It's nice.
- You gonna come and help me?
- Thank you, baby.
Yeah, I'ma come and help you.
I'll be back.
- Did you get it?
- I don't know.
A'ight, y'all, I got to go.
- Sit down, mi amor.
You just got here.
- Yo, Ma, I told you
I was going out tonight.
- Yo, you go out every night.
- Babe, I'm telling you.
Look, it's just for
Lenny's birthday, all right?
I'll be back in a little bit.
- Can't you at least
sit down and eat dinner first?
- Ma, I'll make it up to you
this weekend, all right?
- All right.
- I'll see you all later.
Oh, wait.
- Just try one.
- Gracias.
- Muah.
- I love you.
- Love you.
- I'll see you later,
all right?
- Ten up, let's get it.
- That's all you gotta get by?
- Come on.
- All right, let's get it.
- Let's go.
- Six, baby!
Let's get it!
- Okay, okay, okay.
- Six.
- Let's go.
Getting cold over here.
This global warming
is killing me.
- Yo, that shit
don't even make sense, man.
- Yo, you rolling?
I'm not putting another--
- Mira, mira, mira.
- What?
- Yeah, you roll.
- [grunting]
- How you doing?
What's his--
what's his name?
I got a pit named Rocky.
- "Pit named Rocky."
- Hey, she ain't gonna
do shit, stupid.
- No, she's definitely
up for it for sure.
- She'll be back.
I'm the Dog Whisperer
in this bitch.
- All right.
It's all right.
L'ma take this stack right now.
[police sirens chirp]
- You guys are gonna owe me.
- Ooh, that was close.
- Yo, yo.
5-0, 5-0, 5-0, 5-0.
- Oh, shit.
Put that shit way.
Hurry up, son.
- Jesus, man.
- Yo, these niggas don't
got nothing better to do
on a Monday night?
[siren blaring]
Hurry up and
grab that shit, man.
- Yo, you coming with us?
- Give me a second.
[tires rustling on pavement]
[police radio chatter]
- Watch out.
There's a car behind you guys.
Come on, you guys
gotta back up, all right?
- Listen,
I'm not putting my hands--
- Let's go.
Let's go.
- This is my block.
I live here on this block,
and I can stand on this corner.
What you call
these guys here for?
- Sir, just step back, please.
- I'm back.
- All right, sir,
just step back, please.
- I'm walking--
I'm walking home.
- You don't have to stand here.
- My man, I'm walking home.
- You don't have to stand here.
Just back up. Thank you.
- I'm right here.
- I don't steal from nobody.
- Please just back up--sir.
- He ain't doing nothing wrong.
- Step back.
- My man, I'm right here, bro.
- Sir, just film it over there.
I asked you twice.
- I'ma film it right here.
I'm walking home anyway.
- Back the fuck up!
- Don't touch me, son!
Don't touch me!
Yo, yo, D,
I got this, all right?
- Get in the car right now.
- Why you putting
your hands on me?
- Six dudes for one guy!
Six dudes for one guy!
- Right now!
Get in the fucking car!
- Are you serious right now?
[woman screams]
- Shit.
- Central, shots fired.
- Stay back!
- Let's go, let's go.
[all shouting at once]
- Yo, they shot him.
- Step back! Step back!
- Yo, y'all shot him!
- What the hell, man!
- Step back!
- Yo, D!
- I need a bus outside
Decatur and True.
[sh-ens' D! ch' . lrplng]
Yo, what the fuck, man?
[all shouting at once]
Yo, y'all fucking shot him!
- Yo, I can't!
I can't!
- Get back, all right?
[sirens wailing]
[door clicks, creaks]
- [unsteady breathing]
[exhales softly]
[faucet creaks]
[water whooshing]
[faucet creaks]
[indistinct chatter]
- Back the fuck up!
- Don't touch me, son!
Yo, yo, D,
I got this, all right?
[all talking at once]
- Why you putting
your hands on me?
- Six dudes for one guy!
Six dudes for one guy!
- Right now!
Get in the fucking car!
- Are you serious right now?
[distant sirens wailing]
[soft tense music]
[lawnmower whirring]
[police radio chatter]
[keys jangling]
[door creaks]
[door clicks]
- You okay?
- Yeah.
. Ba,
come to bed.
[soft music]
[indistinct chatter]
Do you need anything?
[little girl chattering]
- I'll be right there, okay?
- Let's go.
He'll come in a second.
Give grandma a pinky.
Go like this.
[laughs softly]
- What is it again?
- A little.
[phone buzzing]
- [gasps]
You did it.
- [laughs]
- Hello?
Yeah, yeah, this is Manny.
Wow, thank you.
I mean, I can start today,
tomorrow, whenever.
You got it.
Thank you so much.
- Hey, ho, ho, ho.
Hold up, chief.
You Manny?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, hey, just--
to tell you, we just-
we just came to talk to you.
- About what?
- I'm sorry about your friend.
Believe me, I know
what you're going through.
I lost--I lost my partner
eight years ago.
It still feels like yesterday.
I know what you think you saw.
Starting trouble now would
do a disservice to everybody.
[little girl chatters, laughs]
You have a nice afternoon.
- Shh, shh, shh.
- I swear to God,
if you're selling--
- I'm not selling.
- Don't lie to me.
- I'm not selling drugs.
It's not what you think.
- So what should I think?
- I saw Big D get shot.
- So what did the
police want with you?
- They wanted me to keep quiet.
- Hey, I got to get to work.
She's running away, 'kay?
- But D didn't pull no gun out.
Come here, baby.
Come here.
Come here.
- I want to go over to mommy.
- What should I do?
- You just got a new job.
I'm about to graduate.
Everything's gonna change
if you just put this out there.
- Nothing has to change.
. Ba,
D would have wanted you
to look out for your family.
[little girl chattering]
Oh, she's up again.
Come on.
Let's go back to sleep.
- First, you take their ID.
Then you call up to whatever
floor they're headed to.
Which floor you headed to?
- I'm here to see Mark Lodge.
- ID, please.
Then you take their picture.
Ma'am, look right
into the camera for me.
Thank you.
[computer whirring]
11th floor, first elevator bank
on the left.
- Thanks.
- And that's it.
You good?
- Yeah, yeah, I'm good, yeah.
[indistinct chatter]
[soft dramatic music]
[little girl chattering]
- That's funny?
Is that funny?
- [laughing]
- Is that funny?
Pretend sleeping?
You're supposed to be asleep.
- Once upon a time,
there was a princess
in a far-off land...
Called Bed-Stuy.
- [laughing]
- Want to know what
her superpowers were?
She could make anybody happy
every time they saw her.
Could make
the birds fly higher.
- Tickle monster!
Tickle monster!
- [squealing]
- Tickle monster.
- Know what this is?
- Mm-hmm.
- Yes, you do.
I think you do.
- Right here...
[train whooshes]
- Yo, Manny, Manny!
- Victor, what up?
- Yo, how much
for the bike, bro?
- Yo, not now.
[engine turns over]
- Come on, how much?
- Yo, what I just say?
[tires squealing]
- Fuck you, bro.
- Oh, who you talking to, man?
- Talking to you!
- A'ight.
[door slams]
[bag thuds]
Yo, babe, you okay?
Where you at?
What time you coming home?
Where's the baby?
Yeah, I'm good.
I'm good.
I gotta 90. a'ight?
[keyboard clacking]
[indistinct voices]
- I'ma film it right here.
I'm walking home anyway.
- Back the fuck up!
- Don't touch me, son!
Don't touch me!
Yo, yo, D,
I got this, all right?
- Why you putting
your hands on me?
- Six dudes for one guy!
Six dudes for one guy!
- Right now!
Get in the fucking car!
- Are you serious right no--
[laptop thuds]
[car whirring]
- [scoffs softly]
[tires squealing]
[door clicks]
- [sighs softly]
[train whooshing]
- Invisible noose
around my neck
As I walk to the store
and fret
Will this be
the last DVD I see?
'Cause for Big D,
"Amistad" wasn't free
Look around,
just turn on the TV
KKK walking round here free,
no white sheets
white shirts and ties,
all lies
Wall Street looking
far too familiar
Like the cotton fields
of Virginia...
- Now get--now--
this is--now we can throw it?
- Now we can throw it.
Are you ready?
- Mm-hmm.
- Wait for me.
Wait for me.
One--let's count together.
Both: One, two, three.
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
Maybe the sky.
- Huh?
- Maybe it's in the sky.
- It might be in the sky.
Look at the plane up there.
You see that plane right there?
- Yeah.
[plane whooshing]
- Guess what?
- Hm?
- Can I tell you a secret?
- Mm-hmm.
- [whispers]
I love you.
- Whoo!
- [laughs]
- [laughs]
[distant sirens wailing]
[tense string music]
[thunder booms faintly]
- Look at this, man.
- Oh, look at this loser.
- I'm liking those spandies.
- How you dressed like that?
- Oh, hell no.
Yo, yo, yo. I'm out of here.
- Hey, turn around,
Put your hands on the wall.
- Hold on, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
What are you guys doing, man?
Yo, what's the pr--
- You're under arrest.
- Yo, I didn't do nothing, man.
For what?
What am I do--
I didn't do nothing, man.
I didn't do noth--
- Quiet down.
You good?
- We're good.
- Let's go.
- I'ma be a'ight.
What are y'all
arresting me for?
- Quiet down.
Come on, get in the car.
- Yo, call Mari!
- Get in the car.
- Yo, fuck you
motherfuckers, man.
Y'all think y'all gonna get
away with this shit too, right?
- Quiet down.
- Shut the fuck up.
Don't tell me to quiet down.
You fucking quiet down.
Y'all think y'all gonna
get away with this shit,
y'all niggas got
another thing coming.
- You got a big mouth.
- I want to speak to a lawyer.
- You know where we found this?
You know Victor, right?
Well, Victor says
you gave it to him.
- Man,
I want to speak to a lawyer.
- You don't want to tell us
where this gun came from?
- I told you
I don't know shit about that.
I want to speak to a lawyer.
[door slams]
[phones ringing]
- Oh, look who it is.
- Oh, hey.
- Look who it is.
- Nice timing.
Nice, um--late.
- Hey, is that the Ortega kid?
- Yeah, we finally got him.
- Yeah?
Got him for what?
- He gave a gun
to a 13-year-old kid.
Can you believe that?
' He)!' YOU coming?
- Yeah, in a--in a minute.
[door thuds]
[indistinct chatter]
- Dennis, I see you.
- 74 Frank, central.
- Go, 74 Frank.
- Yeah, there's a peaceful
demonstration on Webb and 94.
Any shorts available?
- 10-4, Frank 74.
Sergeant on the air.
- It's a shame what's gonna
happen to that Ortega kid.
- Is it?
- What, you don't think so?
- [sighs]
It doesn't matter what I think.
- Come on.
- He just put every blue
uniform in danger out there.
- Come on.
You saw what happened.
That was just a kid
sitting there.
- I just don't--l don't
see them bringing him in
if he didn't do anything.
- Let me ask you a question.
- Hmm?
- Right, how many times
you been pulled over this year?
- What? I--
- How many times?
- Never,
'cause I'm a great driver.
- Guess how many times I've
been pulled over this year?
- I don't know.
Once? Twice? 99?
- Yeah, good guess.
Six, and it's only June.
[indistinct chatter]
No system.
- Yo, yo, pass the rock!
- State says he jump shots.
- Hey, hey, hey!
- Ah!
- Hey, pass, man.
- It's all good.
- Yo, I'm out, yo.
Man, I got a lot of homework.
- Bring your A game now.
Bring your A game.
- Oh, yeah, you know it.
What's up, fellas?
What's going on?
How we doing?
- Where's he going?
- Said he got homework.
- Homework?
- Yeah.
- Y'all ain't got
no homework to do?
- Got a little four on four
action at least.
- Right, right.
Learn something.
. Aww!
' Let's go!
- Oh, oh'.
- Whoa!
- Check it.
- Let's go.
[indistinct chatter]
- Ah! Ah!
[basketball hoop clatters]
[soft dramatic music]
- Hey, man.
How old are you, man?
You 20, man.
Let me see your ID.
Let me see some ID.
What you got?
You back up, boy.
You better back up.
- Oh.
You look like Jordan.
- Oh!
[hoop whooshes]
[all cheering]
- Yo, boy.
- Ooh.
- Oh!
[cheers and applause]
- Who's winning the--
[excited chatter and cheers]
- We need a baseball glove
next time.
- I know, right?
- Good game.
- Good job.
- See you, B.
- Always a pleasure, fellas.
- We'll get you next time.
- And I will block
everything you throw up.
- [laughs]
Oh, you wish. You wish.
- Like, you remember
Ewing back in the day?
Like that shit.
Get it out.
- [laughs]
- You know?
- Hey.
- Aw, shit?
- What's going on?
- [sniffing]
- Awwm
- Fucking kids.
Hand me a towel,
plea--hand me a towel.
You want another round?
Want round two?
- You're not gonna
ask me how it was?
- Well, I know how it was.
Oh, you mean ask you.
- It was a'ight.
- What?
- [laughs]
- What?
That--no, I mean, that--
like, towards the end.
- You feeling tired?
- Well, my back, you know.
- You had along day?
- My back. My back.
- [laughs]
- My back.
You know, that right thrust
Yeah, I'm good.
Are you good?
- I'm great.
- I know you great.
- I miss you.
- I could tell.
- [laughs]
- [chuckles]
- [sighs]
- I love you.
- Say it again.
- [whispers
I love you.
[police radio chatter]
- Mm.
You are aware that you're
more likely to die on your way
to buying a lottery ticket
than actually winning, right?
- Well, the way you drive,
Stacey, yeah, I'm aware...
- Yeah?
Suit yourself.
You know, I got to teach you
how to play poker--
strategy, skill,
higher probability of winning.
- ...73 Decatur Street.
- That's us.
- Lunch is over.
- Let's hit it.
- [clears throat]
- Just waiting on you.
- Now,
Marisol is Manny's girlfriend,
but she's the mother
of their children,
and I think her voice
needs to be heard.
Manny's bail was set
at $100,000,
and they should be out here
arresting the real criminals.
Crowd: Yes!
- All he did was shoot a video!
- Ladies and gentlemen, I need
you all to back up, please.
- And that video showed
everything that happened.
. Yup-
- And they don't want anybody
to see the truth.
[indistinct angry chatter]
- I am Darius Larson.
I am Darius Larson.
That's right.
I'm Darius Larson.
lam Darius Larson.
[crickets chirping]
[overlapping chatter]
- Don't have to stand here.
Just back up. Thank you.
- I'm right here.
- I don't steal from nobody.
- He ain't doing
nothing wrong.
- Step back.
- My man, I'm right here, bro.
- Sir,
just film it over there.
- I'ma film it right here.
I'm walking home anyway.
- Back the fuck up!
- Don't touch me, son!
Don't touch me!
Yo, yo, D,
I got this, all right?
- Get in the car right now.
- Why you putting
your hands on me?
- Six dudes for one guy!
Six dudes for one guy!
- Right now--
[door creaks softly]
[floor creaking softly]
- Sorry.
Stuck doing paperwork.
- Is everything all right?
- Yeah.
Go back to sleep.
Everything's fine.
- Remi's spelling bee
was last night.
- How'd he do?
- He won silver.
- Come on, stink man.
It's time to eat.
You don't want no oatmeal, man?
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. Come on.
- [grunts]
- Sit.
All right, all right.
' [sighs]
' [sighs]
All right, eat your oatmeal.
So I heard you won silver.
- I spelled
"coalescence" wrong.
- Are you ready?
We're gonna be late, Remi.
Go get your bag.
- Hey, what is that?
- What's what?
- I don't want him
wearing that.
- It's Parents
Appreciation Day.
- I don't care what day it is.
- He's proud of you.
- All right, look,
I'm--I'm sorry, all right?
I just worry about him.
I'll be home early, 'kay?
- Mm.
- Yes. Yes.
- Okay.
- Bye, man.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Call you later.
- [smooching]
- Yeah.
- [grunts loudly]
Have a good day at school,
all right?
- Mm-hmm.
- Can you open that?
- I'll open this.
All right, bye, Daddy.
- So before me,
did you ever have to
draw your weapon on the job?
- Do you use shaving cream
when you shave your balls?
- What?
- [chuckles]
- Jesus.
- [exhales] I got a call
from IAB last night.
- Yeah, me too.
- I don't know what they
think they're gonna find.
- Got to start somewhere.
- You're not saying
what I think you're saying.
- What?
- You know the job.
Scala's no saint,
but he's no different
than any of us
put in that situation.
- I saw the tape, all right?
I saw the tape,
and you know Scala.
- So what, you're gonna
go blab to IAB about Scala?
And then--and then what?
What do you think
they're gonna do?
Maybe a slap on the wrist,
give him a desk job?
But you--they're gonna
make an example out of you...
[indistinct chatter]
[basketball dribbling]
[distant upbeat music playing]
- Hey.
Come have a beer.
Scala's going on leave.
- Uh...
- Oh, come on.
You can stay for one round.
- Yeah, I got the wife, man.
You know how it is.
She's just
judging you, right?
Baby, don't let her
judge you in our house.
- No, please don't.
- Oh.
Does that mean we can
finally call you Dr. Williams?
- Do not jinx me.
- And when is this?
- Couple weeks.
Couple weeks.
- Not yet. Not yet.
- Yes.
- Baby, we don't have anything
extraordinary to report.
- No, no, no, we got something.
We got something.
Did y'all know
we just got a new cat?
- That is right.
- Congratulations.
- Raise them up, Simba, please.
- That's his name?
- Simba.
- His name is Simba?
Like "The Lion King"?
- Simba.
- "Everything
the light touches."
- [laughs]
[glasses clinking]
- Yes, but officially,
congratulations, salud.
All: Salud.
- Cheers.
- Can I get anyone dessert?
- Mm.
- Yeah?
- That would be me.
- 'Kay.
- Thank you.
- [sighs]
- [chuckles]
- "The Lion King."
"Everything the light--"
- Hey, man...
- So what's happening about
that Larson shooting?
- What do you mean?
- That poor man and his family.
- Yeah, it's a tragedy.
- Doesn't that affect you?
- It's one case
out of hundreds.
[dishes clattering]
- All right, here we go.
- Need help?
- Sorry.
I didn't mean to get into it.
- Into what?
- Is it unfortunate
what happened to Larson?
Yes, it is.
- Unfortunate?
- Hey...[laughs]
What are we talking about?
- Larson was breaking the law.
- [clears throat]
Selling cigarettes.
That's pretty...
- I think he's playing
devil's advocate.
- Well, this time Scala
went too far, all right?
He went too far,
but again, we weren't there,
and if he wasn't resisting
arrest, he'd still be here.
- So if I resist arrest,
you're gonna shoot me?
- Babe.
Hey, come on.
- I mean, shouldn't there be
some kind of training for that?
- Our training's just fine.
The training's not the problem.
- So what do you think
the problem is?
- One cop goes too far,
and now we're all guilty?
Is that what you're saying?
- One cop?
Larson is just
this month's victim.
- Well, what would you do?
- What would I do?
- Yeah, Lisa,
what would you do if somebody
twice your size
is coming at you?
- He"
- After several warnings.
What would you do?
- He was just standing there,
if you remember.
- You don't know that.
You know how quickly
these things escalate?
- What? He was surrounded
by six or eight cops.
- It takes seconds, Lisa.
- He's dead.
- You have no idea.
You don't have a clue
what goes on on the streets.
We see three minutes
of a shaky video,
and you think
you know what you'd do.
One cop's mistake,
and now we're all to blame.
You try taking
a domestic violence call,
have a gun
pointed at your head.
Then you come talk to me
about training, hmm?
- I'm sorry.
I just thought
you were different.
I thought maybe you were
part of the solution.
- Baby, let's go, okay?
- I don't know.
- Thank you so much for dinner.
- Every time
I put my vest on, Lisa,
I have to consider
the fact that
I'll never see my family again.
- Wait.
I'm sorry.
I'm really, really sorry.
- Thank you.
[door clicks]
- [sighs]
You remember our first date?
I never wanted to marry a cop,
but you--
you put your hands on me,
and you held me.
And we made love.
And the next morning
I woke up...[laughs]
I saw your badge,
and it was like,
"Oh, my God.
He's a cop."
How come you didn't tell me?
- You never asked.
[Billy Stewart's
"Sitting in the Park" playing]
- Waiting for you
[phone vibrating]
I'm sitting right here
Waiting for you, my dear
Wondering if you ever
Wanna show up
- Sha-la-la-la-la-la
- Jesus.
[phone vibrating]
I got it--heavy cream,
half an Equal.
I got it.
- J'Hoo
Sitting in the park
[phone clatters]
Waiting for you
[car honking]
I'm sitting right here
[car whooshes]
Wondering if you ever
Wanna show up
- Sha-la-la-la-la-la
[soft dramatic music]
- ...Today while
sitting in their RMP
at the corner
of Noster and Newheart,
Officer Suarez and
Officer Gambini were ambushed,
shot at,
and critically wounded.
They were brought
to King's County Hospital,
where they were soon
pronounced deceased.
In this time, we're all
going to go through grief,
pain, and anger,
but we must remember that
the one thing that we need
more than anything
is to support each other
and to be there for the
families of these two officers.
Father Matthews has been
kind enough to join us
and will be in my office
for anybody that needs
to speak to him,
as will I and any other
supervisor in this building.
As a family,
we're hurting right now, guys,
but we're gonna
get through this.
Let's take a moment
and bow our heads.
- [inaudible]
- A reading from
the book of Ecclesiastes
"There is an appointed time
for everything,
"a time for every event
under heaven.
"A time to be born,
"and a time to die.
"A time to plant,
"and a time to uproot
what is planted.
"A time to kill,
and a time to heal.
A time to tear down..."
[bagpipes Playing]
[door clicks]
[stairs creaking softly]
- You know, you don't have
to worry about me, okay?
What happened to Suarez
and Gambini--
what happened to them
could have happened to anyone.
- I, um...
I don't think that
I can handle losing you.
- That's not gonna happen.
Don't even say that.
We can't let them
scare us, Michelle.
Fear's only going
to get more people hurt.
- Can you turn it off
for a second, please?
- Turn what off?
- This.
- This?
This what?
- You are talking to me
as if I'm someone who
you pulled over for
a parking ticket, okay?
- You're stressed.
- Yes.
- You're stressed.
I understand.
- This job is not a choice.
- We always have choices, babe.
[door clicks]
- Hello.
Sherry Johnson.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Thank you for taking
the time to speak with us.
We just have
a couple of questions,
and then we'll let you
get on with your day.
- Anything I can do to help.
- Thank you
for your cooperation.
As this is
a federal investigation,
we're mandated
to record your testimony.
[device beeps]
We can start with you telling
us your name and your rank.
- Dennis Williams.
I'm a police officer in the 74.
- But we hear
you're up for promotion.
What can you tell us
about Officer Scala?
- Um, I didn't
know him very well.
We work opposite, uh, tours.
- But you graduated
the academy together
and then were both assigned
to the 74 eight years ago.
Is that correct?
- That's correct.
- Can you describe for us
what kind of officer
you observed him to be?
- Um,
well, we never
patrolled together,
so I really can't say,
you know?
- You have a personal
relationship with him?
Ever, just even once,
gone out for a casual drink,
you know, after work?
- No.
- But were you aware
that Officer Scala
had several disciplinary cases
open up against him
prior to the
Darius Larson shooting?
- I vaguely remember hearing
something at some point.
[device beeps]
- If there was
wrongdoing or foul play,
we'll get to the bottom of it.
We're asking for your help
in upholding the values
of this department.
- I wasn't there.
- Because if a problem
isn't rooted out,
it could affect everyone--
not just you,
but all of the men
and women in uniform
and the civilians we're all
fighting to protect and serve.
- Right.
- Right.
So you could help us
in demonstrating that
Scala is unfit
to be a police officer.
His previous reports
indicate that
he used illegal force
in several arrests.
None of these cases
were ever closed.
Can you give us any information
that could support
these claims?
- I'm sorry.
I didn't know Scala very well.
- Eight years.
You must really know
how to keep to yourself.
- Thank you.
- Thank you for your time.
[door creaks, thuds]
[indistinct chatter]
[phones ringing]
[shower whooshing]
[gun clicking]
[police radio chatter]
- [sighs]
[car door slams]
[train tracks clacking]
[siren wailing]
[tires squealing]
[soft tense music]
- Listen--
how do you say your name?
- Zyric.
- What's that?
- Zyric.
- Relax.
We're just gonna ask you
a couple of questions, okay?
Where you coming from
right now?
- Practice.
- What, basketball?
- Baseball.
- Baseball?
- What you got in the bag?
- Books.
- Now speak up, son.
- Books.
- All right, why don't you
take your bag off?
Let me take a look inside?
- What do you keep
reaching for, anyway?
What's in your pockets?
- My phone.
- Your phone? That's it?
- Yeah.
- You know what?
Come over to the car.
Just put your hands
right there.
Spread your legs.
Are we good?
- Yeah, we're good.
- What'd you say
your name was again?
- Zyric.
- Zyric.
All right, grab your bag.
You're good to go.
All right, have a good night,
all right?
And get home safe.
[car doors slamming]
[elevator whirring]
[elevator dings]
[door slams]
[faint piano playing]
[distant sirens wailing]
[lock clicks]
[door slams]
. Hey-
. He)!-
- How was your day?
[TV buzzing]
- Fine.
- All right.
[toilet flushing]
- When they switched him
in the lineup,
it changed the whole dynamic
of this team, and--
- Batting coach has been
working with him on his swing,
and he has improved.
- Well, you know,
I'm looking forward to what
he does the rest of the year.
[pan sizzling]
- Take that hat off
in the house.
Always acting like
you rushing somewhere.
Sit down and eat something.
Good morning.
- Morning.
- You gonna mess
my eggs up like that?
- Tastes better this way.
- You ready for the
showcase this weekend?
- Mm-hmm.
- Look, I'm gonna tell you now.
They gonna try to
bust you in on the hands.
You want to
keep your weight back,
extend your hands,
let your hips do all the work.
Get your bat out front,
and drive the ball
the other way.
Don't try to pull it.
Where you going?
- Gonna be late.
- Late?
- Yeah.
- What time you supposed
to be there?
[door clicks]
[door creaks, slams]
- Hey!
[train tracks clattering]
[church bells ringing faintly]
- Keep it steady.
Let's see it.
Get your line.
That's gone.
Where's that one?
That's it.
That's it.
[laughs] Yeah.
That's it.
That's it.
All right, here we go.
Get your knees in.
Wait for yours.
Wait for yours, Z.
There we go.
Good eye.
Wait for yours.
Oh, my God.
- There we go.
There we go.
- Take a seat...
So, how you feeling?
- Good.
- All right,
well, this weekend--
the Nationals, the Mets,
and the Diamondbacks are
all coming to your showcase.
You just play your game.
Let me handle the rest.
People are gonna try to
get you to do all kinds
of different things.
There's gonna be money.
There's gonna be girls...
- [laughs]
- Yeah.
And they'll try to get you
to sign this and sign that.
You just stay focused,
'cause there are a lot of guys
who are waiting for you
to mess up.
All right,
you tell your old man that
Coach T says hello.
- Yeah.
- I'll see him
at the showcase this weekend.
- Thanks, Coach.
- All right, man.
Get out of here.
Leave the door open for me.
- You got ID on you?
[music playing loudly
through earphones]
- Darius Larson was known
through the local community
as Big D.
Malik Waldon is
a professor of sociology
from New York University
who explores racial identities
in his new book,
"Stop Killing Us Now."
On June 1st, Larson,
who was shot and killed
by NYPD Officer Scala
just outside of a deli
in Bedford-Stuyvesant
for allegedly
selling illegal...
[indistinct TV chatter]
- [sighs]
- Sir, could you step back,
please? Back.
All right, sir,
just step back, please.
[both talking at once]
You don't have to stand there.
Just back up. Thank you.
- I'm right here.
- All right, sir. Please.
- He ain't doing
nothing wrong.
- Step back.
- My man, I'm right here, bro.
- Sir, just film it
over there.
- I'ma film it right here.
I'm walking home anyway.
- Put your hands...
- Back the fuck up!
- Don't touch me, son!
Don't touch me!
Yo, yo, D, I got this!
[all shouting at once]
- Why you putting
your hands on me?
- Six dudes on one guy!
Six dudes on one guy!
- Right now!
Get in the fucking car!
- Are you serious right now?
[woman screams]
- Shit--
[distant sirens wailing]
- Hey, come out to the
community center.
- Hey, Zoe.
- Hey.
- Got a minute?
- What's up?
- Can we get some food?
- Sure.
- Cool.
- So.
- So.
- You're the one
buying me pizza.
- Yeah.
I, um...
I don't know.
I just--
I never knew him,
you know what I mean?
I knew of him.
Everybody did.
But I just feel like
I can't walk by
the W anymore, you know?
I feel like everywhere I go,
I'm reminded of what happened.
So...l don't know.
I just feel like
dude used to give a dollar
at least once to everybody,
you know?
I'm sure he cut me
a ice cream once or twice.
Maybe I'm tripping, but...
I want to get involved,
do what you do.
- And what is it
that you think I do?
- I'm saying get involved.
- "Get involved."
You can't just
turn on a switch.
It's a full-time job, just like
you have a full-time job to do.
You can't just
show up to practice
whenever you feel
like it, right?
- I'm saying,
can't I do something?
I'm serious.
. Okay"
- Okay?
Now what?
- Now eat.
[loud indistinct chatter]
- I'm fucking sick
of being nice, nigga.
These motherfuckers got the
legal right to take our lives,
and y'all want to walk around
with fucking sticks
and t-shirts.
Nah, this shit ain't fucking--
- What you gonna do?
- I don't fucking know, a'ight?
why you always coming at me?
- What,
you think breaking windows
and stealing something
is the answer?
- Look, we're just taking back
what they already
stole from us, right?
- Exactly. Shit don't
make you fucking angry?
- You always got
something to prove?
- Somebody got to
light shit up.
Wouldn't be no Martin
without Malcolm.
- [scoffs] Facts.
- You feel me?
- Fact, straight up and down.
- Look, Zyric,
our staff has seen
quite a bit of you,
and we really like you,
which is why I'm sitting
here with you today.
You have a very
unique skill set,
but you're raw, so,
for us it's an investment.
And we need to know if you
are willing to
invest in yourself.
- Oh, he's ready to work,
Mr. Durst.
- Well, what I'm looking
for specifically is,
well, talent, of course,
and character.
- Oh, don't worry about that.
He was raised right, sir.
- With all due respect,
Mr. Norris,
I'd like to hear
from you, Zyric.
You got a girl here?
- No, sir.
- Friends?
- Yes, sir.
- Good.
Friends are good.
What are they doing tonight?
' Hon 'a u Sh"; sh'
- What do you normally do?
You guys smoke weed?
- It's okay, son.
Come on.
- No, no.
Um, no.
- You can tell me.
Trust me.
I'm the guy that's
gonna go to bat for you
for this organization,
and I believe 100%
you're gonna go
in the first round.
So anything you think
I might need to know
so there's no surprises
down the road,
you let me know.
- I--I don't know.
I usually just
keep my head down
and focus on the game
in front of me.
- Nothing wrong with that.
Shows maturity.
A lot of kids your age aren't
mentally ready for the job,
and they will throw away
their future...[whooshes]
For a little fun.
- So we'll see you again, then,
at the showcase, right?
- Oh, yeah.
Thank you so much for letting
me into your home, Mr. Norris.
- Thanks for coming, sir.
All my pleasure.
- Zyric,
it was a real pleasure
to finally do this in person.
- Yeah.
- We'll see you
at the showcase.
- I'll show you out...
[chuckles softly]
[indistinct chatter]
[door creaks]
[door clicks]
Oh, Z!
- Yeah, man.
- On, my bay!
Yes, I'm so proud of you.
[little girl chattering]
- Oh, you know
you didn't have to.
- Mari, this is Z.
Z, Mari.
- I know the face.
I always see you
wearing those pants.
- Emmy!
How you been?
- Just nauseous,
nauseous, nauseous.
- Baby's doing good though?
- Yeah, it's cooking.
Slowly cooking in there.
Manny always wanted a boy so
he can teach him how to catch.
He was so upset when
I told him it was girl.
- Ooh, the shapes.
- But when we brought her home,
everything changed.
- I can't even imagine
how hard this must be for you.
Z, can you go watch Emmy
for a minute?
- Yeah.
Yeah, sure.
Hey, you want to go play?
Come on.
[little girl chattering]
[toys rattling]
- What's this?
- I made a paper airplane.
- Oh, man.
Emmy, look how cool this is.
- My daddy gave it to me.
- Oh.
One, two, three.
- Looks like you got yourself
a new babysitter.
- Thanks for showing me
the way, okay?
[rhythmic exhaling]
- Dude, a police officer
tells you to stop,
you fucking stop.
I'd be scared as shit.
I'm not gonna argue
and say don't touch me.
- The guy's a criminal.
- Yo, if I'd been
one of those cops,
I'd have put ten bullets
in him. I'm serious.
You reach for my gun,
I'm putting a clip in your ass.
Pow, pow, pow!
- "Oh, I'm innocent."
[imitates getting shot]
- Yo, what did he expect?
You reach for
a police officer's gun,
you're gonna get shot.
- That's it.
- Yeah, for what?
[indistinct chatter]
You won't get shot.
[phones ringing]
[indistinct chatter]
. HEY-
[door slams]
[distant chatter]
[lively music playing]
. Hey, baby, how you doing?
Mm, I'm so proud of you.
- I didn't do anything.
- We just thanking God
for all our blessings
and all your successes.
We counting on you, baby.
Just keep on making
your grandma proud.
- There goes my future Hall
of Famer nephew right there.
- Hey, Bobby, let's hope he
gets on a real team, all right?
- You playing for
the Yankees or the Mets?
I just want a seat behind
home plate with your old man.
- Any team.
Any team, right?
You open that.
Those C-notes ought to keep
you going till your contract
is complete, okay?
'Cause I know your father
doesn't like you
to work during the season.
Put it away,
and when you come back,
we'll talk about
that endorsement deal
your father
keeps bragging about.
- Yeah, I'm bragging.
- Hey, Zyric,
when you gonna get your old man
that swimming pool...
[chatter continues]
- Hey, Z, open UP-
Come on out.
The party's for you, son.
- I'll be out in a minute.
- Hey, Zyric.
[door slams]
Where you think you're going?
- I'm--I'm going downtown.
- Downtown?
- I mean, can't you see
what's happening out there?
- And you want
to do what, exactly?
- I thought you'd, um--
- Thought I'd what?
- I thought you'd understand.
- This happens every day, man.
You better start listening
to what's going on around you.
- Pop, I am listening.
- Z.
I mean, you got a hoodie on,
for Christ's sake.
Come on, Z.
You're going out at night
to some damn march
on the night before the
biggest day of your life, son.
Work with me, man.
Cities are gonna keep burning.
Kids are gonna
keep getting shot,
and cops are gonna
keep getting off.
And I don't like that
neither, son,
but I know it's
a reality, all right?
But my reality right now
is that you have a ticket out.
[door clicks]
- [chanting] I am!
all: [chanting] Darius Larson!
[chanting continues]
[chanting continues]
- I am!
all: Darius Larson!
- I hereby declare this
to be an unlawful assembly.
I order all those assembled
to immediately disperse.
You must leave
the immediate vicinity.
You must leave.
If you do not disperse,
you may be arrested and/or
subject to other police action.
Other police action may include
actual physical removal,
the use of riot control agents,
and/or less lethal munitions.
I hereby declare this
to be an unlawful assembly.
I order all those assembled
to immediately disperse.
You must leave
the immediate vicinity.
You must leave.
If you do not disperse,
you may be arrested and/or
subject to other police action.
Other police action may include
actual physical removal,
the use of riot control agents,
and/or less lethal munitions.
All: [humming]
- I hereby declare this
to be an unlawful assembly.
I order all those assembled
to immediately disperse.
You must leave
the immediate vicinity.
You must leave.
If you do not disperse,
you may be arrested and/or
subject to other police action.
Other police action may include
actual physical removal,
the use of riot control agents,
[dramatic music]
[device chirping]
[all shouting at once]
[gas whooshing]
[loud boom]
[sirens chirping]
- Move, move, move!
[loud crackling]
[woman shrieking]
[device chirping]
[door creaks, clicks]
[soft dramatic music]
[indistinct chatter]
[whistle blows]
[crowd cheering faintly]
- [chanting] I am!
all: [chanting] Darius Larson!
[chanting continues]
[soft dramatic music]