Monster's Ball (2001)

Evening, handsome.
- Hey, Lucille. How you doing?
- Okay.
- Evening, Hank.
- Hey, Betty. How's your mama now?
She's good.
Here you go.
So, how you been?
- Pretty good. You?
- Pretty good.
How's Sonny?
He's all right, I guess.
- Vera, how you doing?
- I'm good. How are you?
I'm good.
- You want a drink?
- Oh, yeah. Thanks, hon.
Wild Turkey.
- Now, I'm sore, so go easy, darling.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Thanks, Vera.
- You're welcome.
What's the matter, hon? You look so sad.
I'm fine. Hey...
You wanna get something to eat?
- Talk?
- You take care, Sonny.
Morning, Pop.
This shit's cold. I'm gonna get some more.
What the hell
those niggers doing out there?
I said something to you. Did you hear me?
Damn porch monkeys.
Be moving in here soon.
Sitting next to me.
Watching my TV.
There was a time
when they knew their place.
Wasn't none of this mixing going on.
Your mother, she hated them niggers, too.
Tell them to get the hell off my property.
- You put that thing down.
- We came by to see Sonny.
I don't give a damn
who you come by to see.
Get them out of here right now.
Tell them. They're your buddies.
Tell them to get out of here.
Well, what are you standing there for?
You watch your ass, all right?
We'll include a 11/2-pound bread machine
at no extra cost to you...
- You got everything you need?
- Yep.
...only while supplies last, so stay tuned.
Now, let's join...
- Be careful walking around.
- Yeah, yeah. he teaches us
the secrets of losing weight,
being young and fighting
disease with fresh juices.
You see these two boys here?
They're my sons.
They were on my property.
Ain't no need to be scaring no little boys.
They ain't coming to hurt you.
Ain't no need to be letting off no shotgun
to tell them to leave, either.
You understand?
Well, then keep them off my property.
They're friends of your son, okay?
He invited them here.
They ain't trespassing,
they ain't hurting nobody.
Next time you wanna play cowboy,
I'm over here all the time.
- Well, you keep them off my property.
- I think you heard me, sir.
Yeah, well, I think you heard me, too.
All right?
Come on, boys. Let's go.
- You all right, Dappa?
- Yeah, I'm all right.
- You sure?
- Yeah. It was loose.
Do you see what you did, Sonny?
Yeah, I'm sorry. It was my mistake.
- Yeah, it was.
- It won't happen next time.
Let's just keep going
till we get it right, huh?
That's none of your goddamn business.
No, I'm surprised
you talking like that to me,
you being a woman and all.
I'm a liberated woman.
Better watch out, Georgia Ann.
Tommy's gonna sue you
for sexual harassment.
Oh, that's all right.
Booter, how you doing?
- Just give me the $2.50, Sonny.
- I got it, Booter.
- You keep the rest of it.
- Thanks, Mr. Grotowski.
Just like I said, no more mistakes, all right?
I wanna make damn sure
nobody makes any mistakes,
especially you.
So when it gets time for us to do it,
you know, you can't mess up.
That goes for me, too, and the rest of them.
You ain't no different than us.
You can't screw it up.
- That's Hank's boy.
- You think it's in the genes?
Yeah, but he is a boy.
He will be a man tomorrow.
In England, they go as far
as to give the guy a party the night before.
They call it the Monster's Ball.
They don't want no lawyer, no preacher,
or anything like that around,
so it's just you and me.
Like I said,
we can't think about what he did
or anything else about him.
It's a job. We have to do our job right.
I've been drawing a lot. What about you?
Look here. We ain't got a lot of time.
I'm gonna give you all my drawings
and all my clothes.
When you get older, they may fit you,
and you may want to wear them.
- I'm not gonna see you again after this?
- No.
'Cause I'm a bad man.
Who says?
I do.
- But I want you to know something.
- What?
You ain't me.
- Yes, I am.
- No, you're not.
You're everything that's good about me.
You're the best of what I am,
that's what you are.
This man you see sitting here today,
you ain't.
Hey, baby. You look nice today.
You always look nice.
Tyrell, tell your daddy
what you won at school.
Oh, yeah, right.
My drawing is gonna be used
on the school magazine cover.
- You know what I did?
- What'd you do?
Go on. Just tell him.
Don't be playing no guessing game.
I made a picture of you,
sitting alone, in jail.
Theme was solitude.
Way to go, Ty. Way to go. Put it there, boy.
Not too bad.
What's going on with the car?
It's leaking radiator fluid.
You need to take it in right away.
Have them check the hoses.
That car get too hot,
you gonna be in trouble.
The house?
I'm losing it.
I can't afford to make the payments
no more.
Not no more.
I'm sorry, baby.
Ty, let me and your mama talk for a second.
Come on now.
Only reason I'm here
so you could say goodbye to your son.
I been coming here
for damn near 11 years, Lawrence,
and I'm tired.
I'm tired of coming here.
- Time.
- Come on, so soon?
Well, I gotta get going, baby.
It's time for me to go, Ty.
I'm gonna call you.
You wait by the phone, okay?
Come on now.
Come on, Ty, you gotta let go. Come on.
Come on, Tyrell.
For every time I hurt you, I'm sorry.
Come on.
Ma'am, let's go.
Let's go.
Ma'am, let's go.
I know my way out of here. Come on, Tyrell.
Well, he don't have
any outstanding appeals,
so, looks like
we're definitely going to do it tonight.
Everybody okay?
- You all right, Georgia Ann?
- I'm okay.
- Dappa, is that hood ready?
- Yeah. Yeah, it's fixed and ready to go.
All right.
Anybody got anything to say?
- Tommy.
- He likes to draw. It calms him down.
Draw. Okay.
Phil, will you make sure he's got
whatever it is he needs to draw with?
Yes, sir.
All right.
Tommy, why don't you lead us in a prayer?
Open cell 13!
I'm here for your stuff, man.
"Now know I that the Lord
saveth his anointed.
"He will hear him in his holy heaven
with the saving strength of his right hand."
- Be careful with this.
- Don't worry about it, man.
Close 13!
Worry's all I got.
" in chariots, some in horses,
"but we will remember
the name of the Lord our God.
"They are brought down and fallen,
but we are risen and stand upright.
"Save, Lord, let the king
hear us when we call."
Sky surfing is when you skydive
with a board attached to your feet
and try to do different maneuvers.
A camera flyer flies with a camera
on top of their helmet,
filming the sky surfer,
and flies interactively with the sky surfer,
capturing the moves.
My camera flyer
is my husband Craig O'Brien.
Now, I'm gonna put
these on nice and loose.
Everything gonna be okay, right?
Yes, sir.
What about my last phone call?
Warden says it's a bad idea.
Turn around.
Think maybe he could call my son
and tell him that I tried?
I don't think so.
Open 13!
Our free fall is usually around 60 seconds,
and the normal altitude that
we jump from is 12,500 feet.
Let's go.
Close 13!
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Where's my paper and pencil?
It's my right to have my paper and pencil.
I know it.
Your paper and pencil's on the way.
I promise you this.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Here you go, Lawrence.
Is that done?
Let's see.
Wow. That's nice. That's real nice.
I don't look this good in person.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
You're welcome.
You all right, Lawrence?
- Just you breathe.
- Sonny.
Sonny, sit down.
Sonny, I said sit down.
Sit down.
Come on.
Come on, Lawrence.
Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy.
Let's go. It's all right.
It's all right. Just let go. Let go.
Let go. It's all right.
Let go. Come on. Come on.
I've always believed that a portrait
captures a person
far better than a photograph.
It truly takes a human being
to really see a human being.
Wait a minute.
Come here.
What the hell is this, Tyrell?
What'd I tell you about eating this shit?
Didn't I tell you don't be eating that shit?
Look at this! Look at all this fat!
This fat, fat ass!
Look at all this nasty fat! Where they at?
Look at all this candy.
You ain't gonna eat all this candy!
You crazy?
Look at this room. It's a mess.
Why is it a mess, Tyrell?
'Cause a fat little piggy lives in this room!
Get your fat ass on this scale.
Get on the scale!
What does it say? What's it say?
- 189.
- 189.
You ain't lost no weight!
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Let's go wait for your daddy to call.
It is ordered and adjudged
that the judgment pronounced and set forth
in this order sentencing
the defendant to death
in the manner and by the authorities
as provided by statute
shall be executed at this time.
Lawrence Musgrove, do you have anything
you'd like to say?
Push the button.
Hey. You know what you did?
Do you know what you did?
Are you listening to me?
Do you know what you did?
Do you know what you did?
You fucked him up!
You fucked up that man's last walk!
How would you like it
if somebody fucked up your last walk?
You're like a goddamn woman.
You're like your fucking mother!
You shouldn't have done that,
you son of a bitch!
Get up, you fucking pussy! Come here!
You are a piece of fucking shit!
Do you understand me?
Hey, hey! Hold on, hold on.
Get off me!
Get your fucking hands off me,
you fucking nigger!
Hank! Hank!
- Hank, this ain't you.
- This is me, Phil. This is me!
And I'm the man
who could have your goddamn job!
Don't you ever let me catch you
touching anybody that outranks you again!
- Do you understand me?
- Yes, sir!
- Hank...
- Yes, sir.
- I don't wanna hear it out of you.
- I just keep the peace.
- You piece of shit! Piece of shit!
- Hey.
You got... bleeding.
All right. Let's move. Get up.
You get out of
my goddamn house right now.
Hey! You get out!
Come on!
You lousy piece of shit.
Get up.
What you gonna do? Huh?
What you gonna do?
See? How do you like that, huh?
Huh? Come on! Are you a tough guy now?
Are you tough?
Say something.
Say something!
Get up.
You hate me?
Answer me.
You hate me, don't you?
Yeah, I hate you.
I always did.
Well, I always loved you.
Give me them scissors.
Hold up, wait a minute.
- Where you going?
- I wanna put these up.
- How much?
- That'll be $2.85.
Hey, Billy. Moving as fast as I can, man.
Let me just get this dress on,
and I'm gonna be right out there.
- You don't need to get dressed.
- Damn car's still acting up.
Leticia, listen. It's not just your car.
You've been late every day this week.
Billy, I've been trying to get here.
I need this money.
I'm gonna lose my house.
Look, why don't you go home, relax,
take some time off, you know?
You shouldn't be here right now, anyway.
I know that. That's why
you should've had gave me the week off.
With some pay.
Hell, Leticia, I already got a new girl.
Let's just get this over with quick.
Is there a passage
you would like me to read?
All I want to hear
is that dirt hitting that box.
He was weak.
You can say a little something, though,
if you want to, once we've covered him up.
- How you doing?
- All right.
- You want to see a menu?
- No, that's all right. I know what I want.
Okay, what you gonna have?
A bowl of chocolate ice cream
and a cup of coffee.
- Coffee. Black, sugar, cream?
- No, black.
- That's it. Yeah.
- That it?
Hey, Vera, it's Hank.
Is it too late?
Okay, chocolate ice cream. Here you go.
I'm gonna... I'm gonna need
a plastic spoon for the ice cream.
Oh! Goddamn!
I'm sorry about that.
- It's all right.
- Shit! I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry.
- Bring me some napkins or something.
- Okay. I'm sorry about that.
It's all right.
- And you said a what?
- Plastic spoon.
Okay, I'll get it.
- Where's Lucille?
- I'm trying to fill in for her.
- I'm ready to pay this.
- Yep.
- What's the deal there?
- I don't know. I just over-rang this thing.
If you can't get that thing open,
just tell me how much it is,
and I'll pay you for it.
There's $4.00. You keep the change.
Hey, cowboy.
Feel like some late-night pussy?
Guess so.
Haven't seen you in a while.
Yeah, well...
I ain't been feeling too good.
Busy, a lot of things.
This and that and the other, you know?
How you been?
- All right.
- Good.
So, how's Sonny?
I can't do this tonight, Vera.
- Are you sure, hon?
- No, not tonight. I'm sorry.
No need to be sorry.
Let's just do it some other time.
All right.
- You can keep that money.
- I'm going to.
- Have a seat, Hank.
- Thank you, sir.
I appreciate you seeing me.
What brings you here, Hank?
Sir, I'm resigning.
And, I wanted to come by
and tell you personally, you know?
I appreciate that, Hank.
Why don't we wait a few weeks
before we submit the paperwork?
That wouldn't do anybody any good
to wait on that, though.
I've got my mind made up.
All right.
We're gonna miss you.
I brought my badge in and...
Why don't you keep it?
I ain't got no use for it.
There you are, Pop.
We got each other, Son.
- Remember that.
- Yes, sir.
I quit the team.
That was a mistake.
I can't do it anymore.
You're reminding me of your mother.
I guess that's bad, right?
Your mother wasn't shit.
That woman failed me.
I got more pussy after she killed herself
than I did when she was living as my wife.
The point is... she quit on me.
You're doing the same.
God damn it!
Let's go. Hand me my purse.
Come on. Get out.
- Mama, what's wrong?
- We got to walk.
Boy, get out that street!
Get yourself killed. Get over here.
Don't do that. Don't do that.
Oh, this?
I'm telling you, this is a jim-dandy.
This is just what I'm looking for.
And at the same time,
it's the most expensive one
I've come across, you know?
But if you're willing to talk on price under...
- We put quite a bit of work in it.
- I bet you did.
We can talk about it.
You know what?
Let me think it over. You got my number.
- Sure, I got yours.
- All right.
- It was a pleasure.
- Sure.
- Nice seeing you.
- I'll be talking to you.
- You, too.
- Okay, see you.
Come on, T. Let's go.
That's what you think your mama look like?
Yeah, sort of.
- See you tomorrow morning?
- Yeah, see you.
You, too, young man.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.
Come on, T! Come on! Get up!
Come on, T! Get up!
Help me! Wait!
Come back here!
Help us!
Come help us!
Help us!
T, wake up, baby. Wake up.
He was hit... He was hit by a car.
Calm down. Calm down.
We gotta get him to a hospital right now!
Right now!
Hey, y'all,
we're gonna need a gurney out here.
- There's a kid. I think it's pretty bad.
- Gurney!
We're gonna, we're gonna need some help.
Are you the boy's mother?
Please, follow me.
Is that your boy?
- No.
- No?
What happened to him?
I think he got hit by a car.
That was his mother, went through there.
- She said he was hit by a car.
- Hit and run?
Like I said, I don't know. I picked them up...
Listen, I need to file a police report
if it was a hit and run.
Well, shit, I don't even know the people.
I wouldn't know what to write.
I wouldn't know the first thing about it.
Just stay, tell the police what you did,
what you saw.
It'll take you 5 minutes. I promise.
Wait! Wait! Wait!
That's my baby!
That's my baby!
I know you're not supposed
to move people and everything,
but, shit, I didn't know what else to do.
I mean, the boy was laying there,
and the woman was hysterical.
I just did the best I could do.
I just thought I'd better lug him in the car
and get on to here as quick as I could,
so that's what I did.
All right. Well, you did a good job.
- So you were just passing by?
- Yeah, I was just passing by.
I don't know that lady at all.
I'm gonna give you my card.
We're gonna do a follow-up...
If we get anything, okay?
And we might call you as well
if we need to.
- That's all right.
- That'd be all right?
- Whatever you need me to do.
- I got your number right there.
All right.
Is that it? Can I go?
Yeah. Thanks.
That boy make it all right?
No. He died.
Mrs. Musgrove,
I'm gonna give you my card,
and you feel free to call me
anytime that you can remember
anything about this, okay?
And I am so sorry.
Ma'am, could you get me something
to clean that off?
That's my... That's my bag.
Let me go.
- Here's your purse.
- He gone. My baby.
Yes, ma'am.
He gone. He gone.
You gonna take her home, ain't you?
I don't really know her.
- I'll take her home.
- I think that's a good idea.
Yeah, I'll take her.
Could you do me a favor
and throw that away for me?
- Yes, sir.
- I'd appreciate that.
Take care, ma'am.
Now, where do you live, hon?
Ma'am, you're gonna have to tell me
where you live.
Now, I'm gonna go in your purse.
I'm just letting you know.
I'm going in your purse
to try to find an address on you, all right?
You probably ought to call
some of your kin people
or one of your friends or something.
I'm gonna have to go.
You gonna be all right?
Police told me to call the coroner's office
in the morning.
I'm sorry?
They told me to call the coroner's office.
Said they gonna do an autopsy.
I don't know
why they gonna do an autopsy.
He was hit by a car.
Well, I imagine it'll help them find out
who did it.
You really believe they gonna do that?
I believe they'll try their best, I do.
He's a black kid.
You think they gonna do that?
Here's your bag.
I'm just gonna leave it on the floor here.
I'm real sorry.
Mr. Grotowski?
Just wanted to say sorry about Sonny.
We liked him a lot.
We feel bad, sir.
Which one of y'all is Willie,
and which one of you's Harry?
This is Willie. That's Darryl.
I'll see you. I appreciate that.
I'm going over to the cafe.
Do you want me to give you a ride?
Sure you don't mind?
I'm going that way, anyway.
Is this music all right with you?
- 'Cause I can change it.
- No, it's cool.
You ain't got a car?
It's broke.
I'm saving to get me another one.
$8.64. Thank you.
Thank you.
You have a good shift, okay?
Thank you.
Hey, Pop.
- Lookie here.
- What are those for?
I bought a gas station.
That right?
It's all bought and paid for. We own it.
Don't say "we."
You own it.
I didn't buy it.
Yeah, well...
I wouldn't have bought no gas station.
Is that right?
I would've stuck to what I knew best.
- What's that?
- Corrections Officer.
Well, I ain't a Corrections Officer no more.
I'm a gas station owner.
I already made the deal. It's too late, Pop.
- You want me to fix you something?
- No.
Suit yourself.
There you go.
How you doing?
I'm all right.
- You gonna eat something?
- Chocolate ice cream.
Plastic spoon.
You got it.
Thank you.
Are you set?
About time for you to get off, isn't it?
Did you want me to give you a ride?
No. I...
I wouldn't think to ask you to do that.
It's right on the way home.
- Sure you don't mind?
- No, I'd be happy to.
- The one on Prospect Street.
- Clement's?
- Yeah, Clement's.
- You bought Clement's?
I know Clement. Can't stand that man.
Well, he ain't gonna be running it. I am.
Well, that's good.
Thanks for the ride.
Can I ask you a question?
Why did you help me?
What do you mean?
When you took me and my baby
to the hospital,
why'd you do that?
I don't know. I guess...
I just...
You know, doing the right thing, I guess.
My son died.
Well, he...
He died, and then...
I never was a very good father.
He was a good kid.
I guess that somehow I just...
When I seen
what you're going through there,
it made me think about something,
or it reminded me of something,
I don't know.
You know when you feel
like you can't breathe?
And, you can't get out to...
From inside yourself, you know?
Do you want to come inside?
I like these curtains.
I got these here curtains on credit.
I never heard of anybody getting curtains
on credit before, that I know of.
What you think? They cute. Ain't they cute?
I love these curtains.
They're good and red, all right.
I got...
I got these curtains right here on credit,
and the man told me
that I really
wasn't supposed to get this deal.
But I think he kind of liked me,
and he told me I could have these curtains
on credit.
I said, "Hey, what the hell?
"Some red curtains
would be great for my place."
So I said, "Hey, I'll take it."
So I got me some red curtains.
Damn straight, huh? Just...
Boy, you sure suck that whiskey down,
don't you?
I mean... Lord have mercy.
My husband used to love him
some Jack Daniels.
Well, like I said, it's...
Yeah, it's a good drink.
You wait right here.
I'm gonna show you something.
Sit right here.
What you got there, some kind of a,
some kind of an annual,
a school annual or something?
No. These...
These pictures right here.
These are my husband's drawings
right here.
My husband, he drew those.
He got himself electrocuted
over there in Jackson.
He got himself...
These right here, these are my son Tyrell's.
He drew these.
- He drew all of these right here.
- Yeah.
Got his talent from the old man, then,
I guess.
Didn't he?
That's the only thing
that Negro ever gave that boy,
was some drawing.
Taught him how to draw.
- It runs in families, things like that.
- Yeah.
You know, he's...
He was a good kid, you know?
He was a really good kid.
He was so good.
He was... He really loved me.
- He really loved me.
- I understand.
He was so fat.
He was so fat, he wouldn't...
I don't care what I brought in this house,
he'd just eat it up.
I don't care what it was I brought in here.
I bring some Popeyes Chicken,
that boy eat the whole thing
before I even get a chance
to get me a bite of the chicken...
He'd just eat it up! He would eat his ass off!
You ain't never seen nobody eat like...
He would eat candy and gumballs.
He made me take him over up there
to the super Kmart...
...and he put them quarters
in that gumball machine.
He had to wait till he get the red gumball.
He had...
He always had to get the red gumball.
He sounds like a character, I guess.
He'd get that red gumball,
and he'd just eat on that red gumball.
I was a good mother.
I did every single thing I can think to do.
I was really good. I was really good.
I was a good mother.
I was a really good mom.
I didn't want him to be fat like that.
I did not want my baby to be fat like that,
'cause I know, a black man in America,
you can't be like that, and I tried to...
I was just trying to tell him
you can't be like that.
You can't be like that in America
and a black man.
I was just...
I'm not sure...
I'm not sure what you want me to do.
I want... You know what I want.
I want you to make me feel better.
I want you to make me feel better.
I want you to make me feel better.
I want you to make me feel good.
Just make me feel good.
I just want you to make me feel good.
Can you make me feel good?
Can you make me feel good?
Can you make me feel good?
Can you make me feel good?
- Feel good! Make me feel good!
- I'll help you feel good.
Just make me feel good.
Just make me feel good.
I want... I want to feel good. I want to feel...
Fill me up. Fill me up. Fill me up.
Oh, my God.
Fill me. Fill me.
I felt you.
I needed you. I needed you so much.
I needed you so much.
I haven't felt anything in so long.
Thank you. Thank you.
You okay?
Me getting sick back there
doesn't have anything
to do with you, all right?
Hey, Pop?
I'm in the damn bathroom!
What the hell happened to you?
Twisted my ankle trying to take a bath.
Dadgummit, I told you to be careful.
- Shit.
- Oh, goddamn.
Wiggle your toes.
- You feel that? Yeah.
- Yeah?
I'm sinking.
- What are you talking about?
- I ain't worth shit.
- You stop that.
- I can't clean myself.
Can't walk to the kitchen without falling.
Can't get to the phone
before it stops ringing.
I don't feel like a man anymore.
You're a man, Pop.
Can't even remember
what a woman smells like.
- What, baby?
- There's a man.
All right.
Thank you.
How you doing?
- Hey, how you doing?
- All right.
What can I do for you?
I got this '89 Comanche out there,
and it needs a lube job
and points and plugs,
and I was kind of wondering
if you could work on it for me.
Yeah. Well, when...
When do you need it by?
Just quick as you can, really.
Leave that alone, baby. Put that down.
I can get that to you
about tomorrow afternoon,
late tomorrow night.
I'd appreciate it.
Maybe those boys of yours can...
If they're not doing anything,
if they're not busy,
you know, they could wash it
and wax it and everything.
- I'm selling it.
- All right.
Yeah, I'll ask them.
You know, tell them about it.
I'm sure they won't mind.
I can't take this.
It was my son's. It'd mean a lot to him.
I'm sure he'd want it that way,
want somebody to have it
to get some use out of it.
Well, I ain't saying I don't want it.
I just can't take it.
Well, I want you to have it. I really do.
It'd mean a lot to me.
Let's just take it for a little spin.
Come on.
I ain't even got my shoes on.
That's all right. We won't go far.
Let's go. Come on.
Let's see how it drives.
- What the hell is this?
- Stick shift.
All right, then.
Here's the insurance and title,
all that kind of thing,
and all the papers you'll need.
- It's all set.
- Okay.
Listen, I'd sure like to see you tonight, so...
- Well, we should do it.
- Yeah? Is that all right?
- I'll see you later.
- Okay. See you.
That's good. Right there.
It's Leticia.
I'm coming on in, Hank.
Who are you?
You just walked in my house?
My bad.
I thought...
Hank? You looking for Hank?
Yes. Is he here?
Who are you?
My name is Leticia Musgrove, and...
Me and Hank is... friends.
Please, little darling,
have you got a cigarette?
But it look to me
like you don't really need to be smoking.
Come on. Have you got one?
So, is Hank here?
Yeah, yeah. He'll be back shortly.
I'm Buck, his father.
That for Hank?
Yeah. It's a gift.
I'll see he gets it.
Hank must've done something right
to deserve a fine hat like this.
Guess he did.
In my prime,
I had a thing for nigger juice myself.
Hank just like his daddy.
He ain't a man till he split dark oak.
Hey, Leticia. Hang on. Where you going?
Hey, where you going? What happened?
- I met your daddy.
- Listen, listen...
- Just get out and talk to me...
- Get off me. Get your hands off me, Hank.
You at least gotta give me a chance,
whatever he did.
It don't matter a whole lot, do it, Hank?
Please, give me a chance to prove to you...
- Get off me!
- You're just gonna...
We're family.
I'm your father. Remember that.
What's your problem?
I believe that's it. There you go.
Thank you.
I didn't date that thing there
at the bottom line.
- I didn't know if...
- No problem.
Anything below that line, I didn't do.
Now, you will take good care of him,
won't you?
Oh, yes.
Well, I want him to go out in peace.
You must love him very much.
No, I don't.
But he's my father, so there it is.
They said they were going to get you
a television set tomorrow.
Finally getting rid of me, huh?
They're gonna take care of you.
There's a telephone
down at the end of the hall.
You can call me.
This is it.
I guess so.
I'm stuck.
Me, too.
I don't want to go out like this.
Me, neither.
Goodbye, Pop.
- Do you want your car back?
- No, I don't want the car back.
I meant for you to keep that.
I just wanted you to know
that I sent him away.
Well, I ain't got time to talk.
Well, I wish you would talk to me.
Y'all ready to order?
- How you doing, Ryrus?
- Hey. How are you?
- I'm all right.
- Who Leticia?
My girlfriend.
Sheriff's Department.
- Who's knocking on my door?
- It's the Sheriff's Department.
Time to go, lady.
- No, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
- It's time to go.
- No. Here, here, here.
- No, no. I don't take anything.
You have to settle up with your landlord,
then I go away.
I got the money. Here's the money.
Ma'am, I suggest you get fully dressed.
- Just give me a day.
- I'm going to put you out.
- Nah, you ain't putting me out.
- No, no.
I about got the money.
I'm just still saving it...
I painted the ceiling and the wall
and just fixed it up a little bit.
I figured that I ought to.
I'll move your stuff in,
so you don't have to worry with it.
You know, I'm going to go into the kitchen
and get a thing or two,
so if you just want to...
Really, just, you know, relax,
make yourself comfortable,
whatever you want to do with it.
This Tyrell's.
I thought I'd put it up there.
That's my boy's room.
- So...
- All right. Here.
You can go up if you want to.
Can I look at these?
Yeah. Go ahead.
That's him right there.
He don't look like you.
He got his mother in him.
I don't mind sleeping across the hall there
if you want me to.
I mean,
maybe you should sleep by yourself.
No. I wouldn't feel good
if you left me in here all by myself.
I just want you to be comfortable in here.
I want you to be comfortable, too.
I want to take care of you.
Because I really need to be taken care of.
Can I touch you?
You sure?
Did you feel that?
Oh, yeah.
It felt good?
I didn't hurt you or anything?
Not in no bad way.
Nothing. I just...
I'm gonna go out and buy some ice cream.
- Now?
- Yeah.
It just feels right.
- Okay.
- Well...
- Can you buy me some?
- Yeah.
What kind you want?
I bought some chocolate ice cream.
Are you okay?
You sure?
You look real pretty.
Let's go down to the steps. You want to?
Let's go.
I went by our station on the way home.
I like the sign.
I think we're gonna be all right.