Monsters (2010)

We've located one male
and one female. We're heading in.
- Move move move!
- Come on, it's not safe.
- This is a restricted area.
- You need to come with me.
We need to get you
out of here now.
That's my theme song.
Everybody needs
a theme song.
How far are we from base?
I don't know.
We've probably got another 20...
Help me!
Somebody help!
Requesting permission to engage.
Romeo, are you clear
to take them down? Over.
I need an air strike on these coordinates
right now! An air strike!
Help! Help!
It's gonna be much worse
on collateral damage
than if we get them
with the Hellfire. Over.
- Help me!
- Air strike coming.
Somebody help!
- Copy. Are you clear to engage?
- Taking him down.
- Let's do it.
- In three, two, one.
Debe haber ms ac.
Con cuidado.
Excuse me.
Hey, do you know where
they took the injured?
- Habla ingls? Habla ingls?
- No.
- Habla ingls? Anybody?
- Yes, little English.
It's very dangerous here.
Where did they take
the injured though?
- Over there. There.
- Where?
- To the hospital? Which hospital?
- Yes.
Wait here, okay?
Five minutes.
So all the people from
the hotel... the hotel?
They brought them in
last night or this morning.
...a travs de la costa este,
como de la oeste de Mxico...
Sam... Samantha Wynden
is, uh, yamos.
Ac est.
Al fondo.
Cubculo 3, cama 11.
- She's down here?
- A la izquierda.
Visitors are reminded
no gas masks are permitted
inside hospital zones.
Um, my name is
Andrew Kaulder.
I work for your father's
They wanted me
to come by here
and make sure
you're okay.
So is that broken?
- No.
- No, it's not.
All right,
so you're okay?
Okay. Good.
- What is this, an ultimatum?
- Ultimatum? No, you're overreacting.
I've been waiting three years for this.
Look, Kaulder, this is
the boss's daughter.
I need you
to get her out of here.
What is the big deal?
Just do this for me.
This is my big chance.
This is what we've been talking about.
This is what
I've been waiting for.
Yeah, look, just take
her to the coast.
You'll be back today.
That's all I'm asking you to do.
the answer is no.
No no,
you can't say...
I'm fine, Dad.
It's not as bad as it looks.
- Well, on TV it looks bad.
- Then don't watch TV, Dad.
- Is the train to the coast still running?
- Yes.
Two tickets...
Dos Americans.
Well, I'm glad you're okay,
but did you call John?
Sam, he's your fianc.
You can call him,
you know.
Dad, the train is here.
I gotta go.
You can't just
call him now?
If I don't hang up right now,
I'm not gonna make it, Dad. Please.
Sam, get off the phone.
The train's leaving. Let's go.
- Dad, I gotta go.
- Sam, is that the guy?
- Dad, we have to go.
- Put him on.
- Come on, hang up the phone. We gotta go.
- He wants to talk to you.
No, I don't want to talk to him.
Here he is, Dad.
- What are you doing?
- It's for you.
- Mr. Wynden.
- Yes.
- Good morning.
- What's your name?
Andrew Kaulder. I'm a photographer.
I work for your public...
Now, Kaulder, listen to me.
You do understand your responsibility here,
- don't you?
- Yes sir.
That's my little girl
you have there, you know.
Yes sir, I understand.
She's in safe hands.
You're gonna get her back home safe.
Promise me.
Yes sir.
We gotta go.
Sir, we need to get on the train.
The train's leaving.
- Okay, well, look after her.
- Okay, thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Jeez. Come on.
Are you photographing
these things?
I've photographed quite a bit of them,
but mostly carcasses.
I'm trying to get a shot
that would make
your dad's front page.
That's better.
So you came down here on...
what? Work? Vacation?
Do you work?
Do I look like I don't
work or something?
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to offend you.
I'm just new to this whole
babysitting thing.
It's okay.
It's okay.
I'm glad I could help.
It's so hot
in this thing.
Su atencin, por favor.
Esta es un anuncio
para nuestros pasajeros.
El tren no va a parar
en la prxima estacin.
Su atencin, por favor.
Esta es un anuncio
para nuestros pasajeros...
Kaulder, they said
there's a problem up ahead
and that they're gonna turn around
and go back.
Should we stay
on the train?
Kaulder, are you sure
it's safe to get off here?
Yeah, sure. We're fine.
We're miles from the zone.
- All right, let's get off.
- It's really cold.
Get off,
get off, get off.
Are you sure about this?
The train's gonna leave.
It doesn't matter.
We need to keep going.
Kaulder, where are
you going?
There's nothing here.
Excuse me.
Kaulder, just let me
speak to her.
...a los enfrentamientos.
Tambin nos estn
llegando reportes...
Pero puro de da,
porque si agarras de noche...
So she said we're still
over 100 km from the coast
and the tracks
are damaged
and we can't continue
by train.
Can we catch
a bus or something?
Podemos caminar con este...
en este carril...
No one here travels
at night because of the creatures.
So we'll have to get a ride tomorrow.
Pues ahorita no est
haciendo mucho trfico.
No hay mucho.
She said there's almost
no traffic in here
because the military
are closing
this whole coastline
in two days.
So let me get
this straight...
if we don't make it over to the coast
within the next 48 hours,
she's gonna be stuck here
for the next six months?
Si no llegamos aqu
en tres das,
nos vamos a estar
aqu para...
- Por eso me encantan nios.
- S.
That coffee's been stirred.
You can't stir it anymore.
- Aqu hay muchos.
- S. Es muy bonito la familia.
...y de seguro,
siempre lleva tu mscara de gas.
Te puedes poner
tu mscara? A ver?
- No.
- No?
No no.
No, we're not married, no.
I'm single... single.
No no.
Single, yeah.
Can you say "single"?
The US attacks across the border,
near the infected zone,
as you well know,
have started much earlier
than last season,
taking many people
by surprise.
Sightings outside
the usual migration path
have already increased.
And although there have been
several air strikes already
by the United States,
the new president
basically said
that he would
not tolerate any activity
near the newly-built wall
on the US border,
which of course raises all kinds of concerns.
Put on the masks.
I'm gonna take a picture.
Put on the masks,
like when
the planes come. S s.
You don't have to breathe hard.
Thank you.
- Oh, no puedo.
- S, agarralo. De veras.
- Come on, let's go.
- She wants me to take this stuff.
Well, then grab it.
Let's go. What is it?
- Food and water. Pues, muchas gracias.
- Gracias gracias.
Que les vaya muy bien.
Gracias. Thank you.
Hasta luego.
Let's go.
Let's go, let's go,
let's go, let's go.
So you're married?
No, I'm engaged.
What's the difference?
Oh, that feels good.
- Kaulder.
- Okay.
- Cmo te llamo?
- Bernet.
- Bernet.
- Mucho gusto.
Mucho gusto.
I like your hat.
So what,
like five more minutes?
- Yeah.
- S?
You guys got any
creatures around here?
No? Not even
little ones?
- Where did they attack before?
- Right over there.
That's from, like,
three years ago?
Nos los he visto.
No? You were just a baby
back then, weren't you?
I'm gonna take
your picture, yeah?
Doesn't that kind of bother you...
that you need
something bad to happen
to profit from it?
You mean, like a doctor?
You know what I mean.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Come on.
Let me ask you something...
do you know how much money
your father's company pays
for a picture of a child
killed by a creature?
Do you know
how much money I get paid
for a picture
of a happy child?
Do you know
where that puts me?
Photographing tragedy.
I don't cause it.
I just document it.
Everyone has to
earn a living.
Do you think
we're too late?
No, they're still
letting boats through.
They're just patrolling
because behind the fence
is the infected zone.
Hey, is there any more
ferry tickets today?
- La oficina de...
- Tickets, not the ferry.
- Ah, es all.
- Oh.
- Lo siento.
- Gracias.
- A ferry ticket.
- Back there.
- It's closed.
- Yeah, it's closed now?
We went there. It's closed.
Is there any more...
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
- English?
- Yes, I do.
We need one ticket to...
a ferry ticket to America.
Let me check.
Hay tickets para ahora?
Not for today.
For tomorrow.
- What time?
- 7:00 in the morning.
- That's fine.
- That's the last ferry.
- Okay.
- 7:00, yeah.
Um, how much?
That will be $5,000.
- Five thou...?
- Yeah yeah, 5,000.
Yeah, it's the only
way to go.
- $5,000 is a lot of money.
- Yes, I know,
but it's the only
possibility right now.
How do you not have tickets?
There are people waiting in line.
What are all these people doing?
Yeah, the people are
just waiting to go through the land.
What do you mean,
by land?
These people are going
through the infected zone.
As you can see there,
the infected zone is very risky.
If you've got the money,
you go by ferry.
If you don't have
the money,
you take the risk.
Oh, no no no.
She doesn't need to go through the zone.
I want to put her
on the ferry, all right?
She's American.
She has a passport, yeah?
Oh, that makes
a difference.
- That's me.
- Look at that picture.
- It's pretty, beautiful.
- Thanks.
- $2,000.
- No, that will be $5,000.
It's the only option
you've got.
Tomorrow at 7:00 you take it
or you go with them.
- I'll give you $3,000.
- No, no way.
It's $5,000.
It's $5,000,
but you're safe.
All right.
- It's a pleasure.
- A pleasure.
- Thank you.
- See you tomorrow.
Don't you go spending
that all in one place.
- Okay, I feel very happy about that.
- Mm-hmm.
What a joke.
If he owns the hotels
here too, we're fucked.
I could have a shower.
A shower?
Yeah, well,
I have to say
thanks to you I'm stuck
by the zone tonight.
So if I don't get any award-winning
photographs here,
then I'm gonna make you get me
five shots of tequila...
five shots.
It's the only way to go.
Are you kidding?
Nope, it's the safest way...
five shots of tequila.
Eh, I'll pay you two.
No, the price is five.
Okay, three.
That's my final offer.
Looks like they gave you
the honeymoon suite.
I bet my room's a shithole.
Mind if I grab
a glass of water
while my room's
getting ready?
...all around the western perimeter
and seem to be massing
for an assault.
In 11 different locations attacked,
three of them as we speak...
All right.
Ice cold water.
Whoa, that is really cold.
I stink.
I really need a bath.
That's what I need.
Want me to scrub
your back?
Shut up.
...especially when the migration
is driven
by seasonal change.
Scientists say that more than 100 migrate
at this time of year.
Whatever you call them,
their population is expanding.
Well, should we go grab a cocktail?
It's gonna be dark,
so we should...
Yeah, but look.
It's fine.
This town isn't gonna get hit
for another two days.
But isn't that kind of
like the weatherman
who says it's not gonna rain,
and then all of a sudden it rains?
The meteorologist?
There was this guy
that lived next door to me
when I was attempting to go to college...
- a big stoner.
- Mm-hmm?
His name was Joel.
I was like, "Joel,
what are you doing?"
He's like, "Well, I'm working
to be a meteorologist,
'cause it's the only job that I can be wrong
every day and not get fired."
Joel... he had a wife,
and you could just
tell that she was gonna leave him.
You know those couples
you look at
that are just destined
for failure?
On Monday we told you about the efforts
to shore up security
at the nation's ports.
And the government says
great strides have been made,
but critics contend
that crossings in and out
of the infected zone
are potentially very porous.
In other news today,
the government issued
a 400-page report
examining just what happened
to the crashed space probe
nearly six years ago.
While all scientists now agree...
Hi, Mommy and Daddy aren't in,
so leave a message.
Hey, buddy,
it's... it's me.
I just wanted to call and wish you
a happy birthday.
I'm not gonna be able
to call you tomorrow.
So happy birthday, bud.
And I promise I'll call you
in a couple of weeks
when I land somewhere.
Who was that?
That was reception.
They just said my room was ready.
Oh, that's good.
That means
you can get out now
so I can put my dirty
clothes back on.
I was just gonna
lay here for...
All right.
So meet outside
in like half an hour?
Dos. All right here.
We gotta do it right
if we're gonna do it.
Muchas gracias.
Oh my God,
that's really good.
Aqu venden tequila?
Ah, s s s.
Fill that up.
S s.
Muy bien.
Whoa, what are those?
Oh yeah!
The vibe just changed.
Look at all these people.
How are you feeling?
You want
to get out of here?
So what are you gonna
do tomorrow?
I'm gonna go home,
see my fianc,
get married
and live happily ever after.
You're gonna have
a lot more fun tomorrow than I'm having.
When are you guys
getting married?
I don't know.
We haven't set a date.
- We're celebrating here.
- Cheers.
Give back our homes.
Stop the bombing.
Give back our homes.
Paren el bombardeo.
Devulvanos nuestras casas.
Stop the bombing.
Give back our homes.
You know, dolphins can
only hold their breath for, like, 12 minutes.
So the question is
is when they sleep, do they swim
or do they just
stay kaput and float?
Have you ever...
did you know that?
Did I know what?
That dolphins can only hold their breath
for, like, 12 minutes.
They're mammals.
Does that mean
they have belly buttons?
You know,
they... they do have belly buttons.
You're a marine biologist,
aren't you?
That's what you do.
You look like
a marine biologist.
that's a weird word.
- How's your hand?
- It's the same.
Sounds like they're
having a party.
On top of that, my air conditioner
is broken in my room.
So, you know...
I don't know.
That's a king size.
Draw a line
down the bed? No?
Well, on that note...
- You want a massage?
- No.
I'm just kiddin'.
Just kiddin'.
I don't know.
All right,
so you don't want a nightcap.
I had a really good time.
Yeah, I did too.
I mean, hanging out on top
of a 400-year-old church
is what I do on the weekends
all the time,
but it was different
doing it with you.
I gotta go to bed.
All right.
See you in the morning?
Yeah, see you
in the morning.
You sure
you're okay in here?
Good night.
Is that a creature
in there?
Good night.
Who wants tequila,
on me?
All right,
that's more for me.
More for me.
Locating a mate
in the endless darkness
can be the hardest
journey of all.
Each year the female
releases chemicals into the water
that the male can sense
from over
Attracted by their
bioluminous light,
the pair cautiously mate,
fusing their tentacles together
in a vivid display of color.
With her eggs
now fertilized,
the female returns
to the water's edge.
- Hi, this is John.
- Hello.
I'm not here right now,
but if you'd like to leave a message
and your number, I'll call you right back.
Attention, passengers.
Due to recent
military restrictions,
the harbor will be
closing in one hour.
Attention, passengers.
There will be no service
within the infected zone.
Passengers are reminded
the harbor will be closing in one hour.
Good morning.
You look great.
Did you sleep good?
Yeah yeah.
How about you? Good?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
So I was...
I was just wondering
if you wanted to get
a cup of coffee before I left.
Yeah, sure.
I could use a cup of coffee.
Just let me
get my wallet
and put some pants on.
I gotta clean up in here just a bit.
If you can just give me a sec...
You know what?
It's okay.
- I'm gonna be late.
- No, hang on.
No, it's okay, really.
It's all right. Don't worry about it.
Sam. Sam!
Come on.
Are you kidding me?
Sam. Sam!
Pasajeros con destino a Estados Unidos...
What are you doing?
Trying to get
on the boat.
No, I mean
what are you doing?
I'm going home.
All right, so...
so that's it?
Well, what are you waiting for?
Get on the boat.
I can't.
What do you mean
you can't get on the boat?
You have my passport.
Excuse me.
That girl...
You don't know?
Come on.
Fuck. Fuck.
I got robbed, so all I want
is to get one ticket
for her on the ferry back to America.
- It's not my problem.
- I know it's not your problem.
I'm just asking you
to help me out here.
As you can see... look,
everything is closed.
The army is out there.
The navy is out there.
Yesterday you got all the possibilities.
Today... not possible.
- Yesterday I paid you $5,000!
- But that was yesterday.
- Yesterday I paid you $5,000!
- Yes, but yesterday. Today not possible.
What do you mean? Are you telling me
there's no more ferries here?
Okay, what about by land?
You want to go through
the infected zone?
- No.
- S.
- No no no no no no.
- Yes, I do.
I just want
to get home.
If that's the only way,
I'll be happy to go.
It's going to be more expensive.
I need to hire some people.
Est bien.
A very difficult journey,
very risky, very dangerous.
- Come on, man.
- And that's not cheap, of course.
That's fine.
How much?
Oh, that would be
about $10,000.
Look, we got robbed, okay?
We don't have any money.
- That's your problem. It's not my problem.
- That's fine.
No no no, but listen
listen listen.
That's fine.
Mira, mi pap
tiene dinero.
Show me
you can afford that.
Tiene mucho dinero.
Puede pagarte.
Aqu no est el dinero.
Yo quiero aqu. Cash now.
Look, come on, man.
I'll give you my watch.
I'll give you this. I'll pay you double.
I will pay you double.
I will give you this
and I'll pay you double.
Both these don't make
enough money to pay the tickets.
I pay you when we
get back to America.
When you get back to America? Come on.
How can I assure that?
I don't know you.
This is no worth.
I know it's no good, okay?
But what would you do?
No option.
No possibility.
No option? If you were in my situation,
what would you do?
- Get the money and pay.
- Fucking work with me here, man.
No, it's not
good enough.
- So you got nothing for me?
- It's not good enough.
Y ste?
Es diamante.
- Diamantes?
- Diamantes.
Vale ms que 20 mil.
For that...
two tickets.
Two people...
me and her.
I go with her.
This is a reminder
that there will be
no traffic today.
- Buenas.
- Oiga, est Vctor?
This is a reminder
that there will be
no traffic through the infected zone
until further notice.
Se solicita descontaminacin
de cuerpos infectados
en el rea de
descontaminacin nmero 3.
Para dos.
No... no... no passports.
We're aid workers.
Est bien.
- They can't...
- Yeah.
- Nobody can stop us with this?
- Uh-huh.
- You're sure?
- Yeah.
Uno... doscientos...
What's going on?
I don't know.
I can't hear them.
- Okay? Bien.
- Okay. Est bien.
- Yeah?
- S, ya estamos.
- Estos son. El es Juan.
- Juan.
Mucho gusto.
Soy Sam.
Y esta es la otra persona.
l es Juan.
El que los lleva
a la frontera, ahora.
Where are
the other people?
Vamos vamos.
Rpido rpido.
No hay mucho tiempo.
El es Juan. Vamos ahora.
You're not coming?
No no no.
Vamos ahora.
Llvatelos, Juan.
- Vamos. Nos vemos, Juan.
- S, bueno.
Kaulder, wake up.
Is this it? We're here?
Qu hacemos?
Hay que poner gasolina.
- Oh.
- What did he say?
I have to go to the bathroom.
It's been hours.
Go behind that
white building.
What is that?
Come on.
Let's get back
on the boat.
Come on, Sam.
What's your son's name?
He turns six years old tomorrow.
Tomorrow? Wow.
What happened
with you and the mother?
I met her
about six years ago.
We had a great
two months together.
Had a blast.
Two years later
I got a phone call.
She said,
"You got a kid."
I said,
"Well, can I see him?"
She goes,
"You can see him...
but you're not
his father."
Well, on a lighter note,
do you have any pets?
No. No, I don't.
You have no pets?
My fianc is allergic.
Oh man, that sucks.
No, aqu es.
- Es otro.
- El 18.
Eso es.
- Juan.
- S?
He visto algo. Esprate.
- Qu has visto?
- Vi algo, justamente all.
- Qu has visto?
- Una qu?
Cmo una aleta.
Est saliendo.
- Qu es ala?
- S. Aprate, Juan.
- Qu es ala? No entiendo.
- Qu? No veo nada.
- Aprate, aprate, Juan.
- What is that?
- Viene para ac?
- Viene sobre nosotros.
- Aprate.
- Come on, start up.
Viene cerca. Es grande.
Por favor, Juan!
Kaulder, come on.
Stop taking pictures.
- Aprate.
- What do you want me to do?
- Are you looking at what I'm looking at?
- Yeah, I'm looking at it.
- Va saliendo ms. Viene ms para nosotros.
- Hay una cosa en el agua?
What is that? What is it?
What is it doing?
El machete estaba por ac.
Ms rpido, por favor, seor.
- Oh.
- What is this?
- Juan, vmonos ya.
- Aprate, Juan.
- Go go go go go go.
- Vamos!
Samuel, me copias, me copias?
Samuel, me copias,
me copias?
Me copias, me copias?
Ya hemos llegado.
Ustedes se quedan ac.
Expulse, expulse. Confirme.
Lamento que escuchen
esto en este momento...
Why are we stopping?
- Your amigos?
- S, amigos.
Amigos? No, those guys have guns.
They have guns.
- No, son mis amigos. Okay?
- Those are your friends?
Estarn bien.
Slo tenemos que llegar
antes de que anochezca.
He said that we're safe.
Why do they have guns?
They ask that?
He said that we have to hurry
because the daylight's going.
Est bien, est bien. Era una vaca.
- What did he say?
- He said it was just the cows.
It's the cows.
Of course.
- No. No?
- S.
How far is
the wall from here?
- Like driving?
- Hour and a half.
On the other side... right on the other side
of that wall is America?
- Yes.
- So we're very close.
- Very close.
- We go... what? ...early morning?
No, we're waiting
for another family.
- Another family?
- Then we'll go to the wall together.
I think
American government
are spending
a lot of money...
- But you can't fight nature.
- No, sadly.
Barriendo su casa.
Yeah, it's like we're
imprisoning ourselves.
- Es su casa, no? No problem.
- Yeah.
Have you guys seen
one of the creatures?
Have you ever seen it
with your own eyes?
A creature? A live one?
- En Tepoztln.
- Near here.
Tom fotos, video. Ovni.
- Shut up.
- Tepoztln.
- Wow. How big is it?
- Tom y...
- Como qu? 100 metros? O ms?
- 100.
- Poco ms.
- More than 100 meters?
- Ms de 100 metros.
- Wow.
Do you feel safe
staying here?
S, in the high grounds
you know you're safe.
In the rivers
you are not safe.
If you don't bother them,
they don't bother you.
When the American planes come,
the creatures... very mad.
You know,
como los animales.
You know,
crazy crazy animals,
they very very dangerous.
Do the planes...
do they come around here?
Viste aviones? S?
Los que traen
bombas y qumicos?
The smell...
chemical poison.
Oh, you can smell it?
- Smell it.
- Well, do they...
- do they drop chemical weapons?
- Yes.
Why do they bomb here with chemicals?
Because there are many
in the trees.
What do you mean
there's extraterrestrials in the trees?
All the trees are infected.
What... what do you mean
the trees are infected?
You want to see it?
What is that?
- What is that?
- Look, it echoes back.
That is wild.
- No pasa nada.
- Qu es?
- It's okay.
- No no no, qu es?
I don't think we should
be touching it.
So this is the infection?
- Why in the trees?
- They grow up and go to the river
- until the ocean.
- And then what?
Se reproducen.
Se reproducen en el mar
y regresan.
- They come back.
- So they lay their eggs in the trees
where they grow
and then they return to the rivers?
Exacto. S.
I guess that's what
they mean by "infected zone."
Let's go back.
...en el rea. Pueden ser ms.
Los mantendremos informados.
How's your hand?
Let's take off
the bandage,
let it breathe
a little bit.
It's a lot better now
without all that weight.
What do you mean?
The ring.
- Does that hurt?
- Yeah, I wouldn't push it too far.
Hey, no problem.
You need to...
you need to move it around.
No, I mean "Thanks."
You're welcome.
I'm sorry about
the other night.
It's okay.
I was drunk.
I'm sorry.
I just don't want you
to think of me like that
when you think of me.
It's okay.
It's okay.
You don't have to do it perfect.
Well, we'll be home in the morning.
That's gonna feel nice.
It's too tight.
It's still too tight.
We should probably
get some sleep.
Adelante. Me copias?
- Where are we going?
- We have to go now!
- That family... they're in trouble!
- Where's my camera?
Vmonos vmonos!
Where's my camera?
- Where's my camera?
- Let's go!
- What are we doing? Why have we stopped?
- Por qu paramos?
- Shh! Callados!
- What?
- Abajo.
- What?
Pnganse listos, eh?
- Up here.
- What's going on?
- Por qu paramos?
- Be quiet. Be quiet. Be quiet.
- Shh!
- What is that?
Pnganse las mscaras.
Why are you putting
on the gas mask?
Why are you
putting on the gas mask?
Can we have a gas mask?
Can we have one gas mask?
Vmonos. Muvete, cabrn. Muvete!
Estamos jodidos.
Whoa. Whoa whoa,
where are you going?
- Where are you going?!
- Por favor, salgan todos.
Disprale. Disprale!
Get down, Sam.
Sam. Sam, stay down.
Oh fuck.
- Kaulder.
- Shh!
Hang on.
That's not good.
Oh my God.
Oh fuck.
Sam, it's gonna
get dark soon.
We've gotta keep going.
Well, I have to pee.
Do you mind?
Look at this.
What did
you find, Cortez?
Oh my God.
That's the biggest man-made
structure I've ever seen.
It's like the Seventh Wonder.
God, it's huge.
I thought I'd be
a lot happier to see it.
I feel like I could cry,
but I don't know
if it would be
a happy cry or a sad cry.
It's different looking at America
from the outside...
You know, just sitting
right outside
and looking in.
You know,
when you get home
it's so easy
to forget all this.
I mean, tomorrow we'll be back
to our separate lives
in our, like,
perfect suburban homes.
You know, everything that
we've been through...
it won't matter anymore.
How old do you think
that girl was?
Five years old?
Let's talk
about something else.
Something funny.
You know how
people laugh different,
depending on
who they're around?
Or like when you were little
you'd practice laughing?
- And you pretend...
- No.
You practiced laughing?
You never did that?
- Practiced laughing?
- Yeah.
Well, we've got a long walk
ahead of us in the morning.
You should probably
get some sleep.
I'm gonna stay awake
and keep a lookout.
This'll probably be the most amazing place
you've ever slept.
There's not a light for miles.
I just hope
the clouds break.
Oh, sure, sometimes.
I don't see him that often.
- How come?
- He lives with his mother
and she's married now.
But you're still his father.
Yeah, but he doesn't
know that.
Doesn't that bother you?
It's just easier that way.
I don't want
to confuse him.
There's no one in here
and the power's off.
What happened here?
I don't know.
If you ask me,
this looks like an air strike.
All these people's homes,
but where are the people?
Do you think
anybody's under here?
I feel like if there was anybody here,
we'd smell 'em.
Let's just keep going.
There's gotta be
somebody somewhere.
Are you sure
it's dead?
Yeah, it's dead.
Stay here.
Don't come in here, Sam!
What are you doing?
I'm just taking a picture.
Do you hear that?
I saw a rat once.
Never seen that.
- I saw a rat once.
- Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Have you seen
anybody else?
I've got another thing to do.
Another thing
you've got to do.
Cheese on the back
of the neck. Drunk.
Cheese melts melts.
Three blind mice!
Three blind mice!
Do you see that light?
Hello, 911.
What is your emergency?
We're somewhere
in the evacuation zone.
I'm not sure where.
Somewhere off
of Farm Road 2777
and Highway 73.
- Is anyone hurt?
- No, no one's hurt.
We're both a little dehydrated,
but we're fine.
Well, you're lucky to be alive.
- Thank you.
- Okay, what are your names?
One... male's Andrew Kaulder;
female, Sam Wynden.
Can you describe
what you're wearing?
Does it matter?
We're the only two people here.
We haven't seen anyone
in the last 48 hours
from the southern tip
of the border.
Okay, don't move
from that location.
We have an army patrol in the area
we're sending over right now.
They should be
with you very soon.
Just stay
where you are, okay?
I always wanted to work
behind a register.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I thought it'd be cool to work
behind a register.
- I used to have a register.
- I don't doubt that.
- And I had real money in it too.
- I don't doubt that either.
There were
just $1 bills though.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Isn't that funny
how you imitate
what your parents do?
Obviously your dad
counted money,
so you'd sit there
and count your money.
My kid'll...
imitate me.
You should
give him a camera.
You look good
behind a register.
So what are you
gonna do tomorrow?
I don't know.
What are you gonna do?
I don't know.
Okay. Gotta make
a phone call.
I'll give you some privacy
to make your own.
Is Tommy awake?
Yeah, will you...
will you put him on?
Hey, buddy.
Happy birthday.
Hi. Yeah, it's me.
With big wheels?
Yeah? What color was it?
I miss you too.
Trust me... it's fine.
Huh. I know.
You did?
I'm sorry.
I'm really tired.
No, I'll see you then.
No, I'll see you then.
No, you don't need
to come down here.
It's... no, because that
would be pointless.
'Cause they're gonna
be here soon so...
Yeah. No, I'll be home
in two days.
No no no,
I'm-I'm... I'm fine.
I'm fine.
Yeah, I just wanted to make sure
that you guys were okay.
Listen, don't worry.
I'm gonna see you.
It's... it's fine.
We'll have plenty
of time to talk.
Well, that's good.
That's really good.
I miss you too.
I love you too.
This is it.
I don't want to go home.
- We've located one male and one female.
- Move move move!
- We're heading in.
- This is a restricted area.
- Sir, you need to come with me.
- We need to get you out of here now.