Monsterz (2014)

Why was I born?
Instead of going out
you can look at this...
Why here...
Cut this crap!
He's a monster!
Throw the monster out
and go back to just us
Say you'll come back
I'm begging you
Say it!
Say it!
Say it! Say it!
Forget the brat
and come back home
Get up!
I'm sorry
I can't... this
Why did my mother give birth
to a monster like me?
Why am I here?
I didn't understand
==20 years later==
Thank you for banking with us
Boss, boss!
Boss, the customers' money...
There's only one thing I understand
A monster can only live
in a world without people
Big prizes...
Buy this!
Buy it, buy it!
Even if I do,
you won't play with it
We will! Buy it!
Want me to feed you? Okay
Nice to meet you
What are your names?
Those are beautiful names
My name is...
Here we go
Ok, Shuichi, I'll open it up
Ah, hold on, okay
You're kidding me!
Hey, Jun! Get to work
Such a temptation
After work,
Shuichi will make you sweat
Look, now he's working
Hey, Akira!
Could you call me an ambulance?
My heart...
Only rare cards!
My heart can't take it!
But how could it be...
Is he a god?
What is this...
I despair to learn that my level of mania
has been matched in this world
Still no ambulance?
I've got it...
Hey, Shuichi, what about sweating?
Where can we go?
You promised, right?
Yeah, yeah, got it
I promise
So, next time, huh?
Ah, a spa
How about a spa?
What's up?
Hey, Akira? Jun?
What is it?
Next time where?
I promise that next time
we'll go to a spa
No worries
He's dead
The doctor said that
it's a miracle you're alive and
your recovery is amazing
Long ago, my grandpa told me men face
three crises in life
Although I'm gay...
Were you really sick as a kid?
My whole life,
I've never even had a cold
Yes, a car accident...
So this is your second crisis
That's good
Cause after the third one,
it's all over
Akira, you do it
Umm, you were let go
I was fired!?
It seems the company was
planning to downsize
Your accident just gave them an excuse
But...we stuck up for you
But our company is just the worst
You're kidding...
But my grandpa
also used to say
"Misfortune leads to happiness"
==Managing Director==
==Shigeru Kumoi==
The man who hit you is a company president!
Plus the address is a high rent district!
How much do you think
the settlement will be?
is high rent?
Guitar repair
Welcome! We specialize in
used guitars and repairs...
No way...
What is it?
It can't be!
I'm so very sorry!
I heard it would be 4-5 months
for a full recovery
It's hard to believe you
were released after only 3 days
I've always recovered quickly
That's really great
You're here for settlement money, right?
Would it be ok to pay in installments?
Please take it
What're you thinking!?
This is yours...
It's just retirement savings
Do you know what I'm saving this for?
I know it's for my book
For publication,
to publish your book
The other day, no, today too,
my father is very sorry
So with this, please forgive us
The savings were to help Kanae
achieve her dream of
publishing her book
But I couldn't just
take it from them
So instead of the money
they offered me a job at their shop
Here we go...
He's like a gift from heaven
Package for you
Sign here, please
Thank you
Map Maniac?
Uh, well...
I'll get that
Where does it go?
- The dining room
- Okay
Over here
This is an out-of-print map of Gaia!
Do you know this one?
Look at that...
Japan and Australia
Japan and Australia aren't this size
Together the length of their coastline is
about twice that as America and China
"The Woman that Wanted to Marry a Map"
by Kanae Kumoi
Please read it and
tell me what you think
Why are you alive?
Yes, in a car accident
when I was 9 years old
My parents and little brother...
The two of us were
sitting in the back seat, but
I was the only one that made it...
Basically, your life is defined by the
responsibility you feel for your brother
No, nothing as great as that
Then how do you define your life?
Just living until you die
Sorry for talking about
such things at dinner
I think I'll have seconds
What Shuichi said was amazing
Life really is just
living til you're dead
I've got to get going
Hold on, Shuichi
What's this?
We were robbed once before
I'm opening the door
They're having some
sort of festival there
Look, this is obscene, right?
It's fine, let me introduce you
Again? That's enough
What're you guys doing?
Where are they having the festival?
Did you already eat?
You already ate
Your friends?
Nice to meet you
Akira and Jun
I'm Jun
Good evening
It's good
No, that's okay
How much was she
going to give you?
Cut it out...
Have some cake
Thank you
Explain it to me slowly
Go ahead
But I need help
She's crazy
Dad, here you go
No, she's amazing
She's living true to herself
Happy Birthday!
- Go ahead
- Thanks
Me too, I'm living the best I can
When did you start taking her side?
Don't move, don't move,
don't move
Don't move
Who are you?
What did you do?
What'd you do to them?
What're you doing?
Let go!
Akira! Jun!
What are you?
Put them back the way they were!
Mr. Kumoi, Mr. Kumoi!
Doctor, blood pressure is dropping
Put him in 8 and start the IV
Prepare for blood transfusion!
Mr. Kumoi died from the shock caused
by massive blood loss
A strange man came and
controlled Mr. Kumoi
and he jumped by himself
Yes, everyone was being controlled
You, too?
No...I was the only one that wasn't
Why is that?
I have no idea
Mr. Kumoi definitely
jumped by himself?
Yes, by himself...
But if he was controlled, it's murder
Detective Shibamoto,
please believe me
When you calm down,
let's grab something to eat
My wife wants to see you, too
Report on the scene
One survivor, a boy
Other 3 family members
killed instantly
You were with your brother?
You hungry?
You can come to my house
My wife makes a delicious steak
It's my fault
My brother's the weak one
I promised I'd protect him
Protect him...
I promised
Because I'm the strong one
I'm sorry
I promised...
I didn't protect you
I'm sorry
It's not your fault
You didn't do it
Shuichi, you didn't go under, did you?
Why didn't you stop my dad?
I'm sorry
It's not your fault...
I couldn't save someone again
What did you do?
What'd you do to them?
What're you doing?
Let go!
Akira! Jun!
What's this?
You don't remember? Akira?
Kanae either
The police will definitely
believe you with this
What are you?
If the police see this,
they'll arrest her
Can you edit this out?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Why can't I control you?
Why don't you do what I want?
Get out of here!
He's coming, get out!
That guy! I said get out
Just hide anywhere!
I said hurry!
No way!?
Hurry and hide
I'm scared! Aren't you scared?
Wait Jun
Hey, Jun
There! Copy that
Hurry up!
Hold on, grab my hand
No way, if you fall,
you'll take me down, too
That's cold!
You, too, Shuichi!
You can only control who you see?
So you can't if you're blind
You monster!
You killed Mr. Kumoi, so even if I die,
I won't forgive you
I can't have someone that
won't do what I want
Get out of my world
Hello, Shuichi can you hear me?
Did something happen?
Explain it
I saw the video
I wasn't lying, was I?
It's not really that...
Is Detective Shibamoto here yet?
I'm taking an interest in you
What did you do?
What'd you do to them? me
His request was odd, wasn't it?
"Don't let him deceive you"
If you just look in my eyes,
you'll understand I'm not lying
I know what I've said is strange
but it's all true
I believe you
Can you make a written statement?
Are you scared
to pull the trigger
Then why did you
kill Mr. Kumoi?
That wasn't the first time I killed
Afraid because you can't control me?
What's going on?
He can't do it in the dark either?
Hey, let me out of these
Hurry and let me out!
Are you going to kill everyone here?
Shut up,
you're the bad guy here
Why won't you do what I want?
What are you!
I'm Shuichi Tanaka
More bodies will keep coming?
Gone, gone!
Ko-chan's gone!
Ko-chan, Ko-chan!
Shuichi Tanaka
It would've been better
if you never knew me
If no one had noticed, you'd still be alive
No one can get in my way
Live until you die
That's my life
Regarding the detectives'
firing of their weapons
My orders are to not disclose this
Don't release the video
Yes, sir
Detective Shibamoto,
you get it, right?
Yes, that's why I need
your assistance
You are an expert in Cultural
Anthropology and Genetic Engineering
So what is your professional opinion?
I hate people that can't reconcile their beliefs
with what they see, that's discrimination
Have you heard about
mankind's defense instinct?
A defense instinct against mutants
You're saying those two
are evolved humans?
It seems so
A man with an unbelievable ability
and the only man he can't access
Having people with those kinds of
power appearing at the same time
You're saying that to us, their
meeting is extremely dangerous?
Early this morning, the Shinjuku police
stated that two armed men appeared
in the station and fired shots
The main suspect, Tanaka,
and his accomplice, a man in his 30s
are wanted for questioning
in relation to this
incident at the Shinjuku West Station
According to local police,
the two armed men
appeared at the West Shinjuku Station,
fired their weapons and fled
The Shinjuku police have released
this CCTV image of the two suspects
and are asking for information
A number of stations
in the Shinjuku area
are receiving eyewitness reports
of the suspect Shuichi Tanaka
He does not appear to be acting
with the unidentified accomplice
Don't move!
Hands up!
Get him
Making an arrest without
warrant at 2113 hours
Do you know my name?
I am a human with a name
I'm a human
I'm not a monster
How are you?
What was that?
It's like I thought,
Shuichi is definitely not coming
But he promised
Oh well, can't help it
Jun, you don't look too happy
- Shuichi!
- It's Shuichi!
Are you ok?
Did you go to the hospital?
I'm ok
What? You're almost all healed up
from where Kanae stabbed you?
I've always been a fast healer
I think that I'm the only one
that can stop him
By "him" you mean that guy?
I think that's why I was born
How could you
say anything about a body like this?
He's susceptible to light,
and sound, too
Anyway, it's best if we take his sight
Could you two help me?
By "help", you mean...
I want you to help me stop him
But look, when I was hiding,
I scraped it
But if I soak in the onsen,
I'll be fine, too
Right here
But I'll try my best
I couldn't expect any less
from my friends
Hand, your hand!
This is hard
Eat my 44 Magnum
Where's Shuichi?
==I think you guys might get in the way==
==I'll fight alone==
You're from Utopia, right?
I'm sorry,
we're temporarily closed
The criminal...
is my...
This is my son
My son
killed him
When did you get here?
Just now
I heard "he killed your father"
She said she wanted to
contact you when you came back
Don't move!
You sold out your son?
I don't know you
I've come back here
so many times
I wanted to kill you
Why did you give birth to me?
To kill people?
Back then
even you thought it would
be better if I was dead?
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Forgive me
Please forgive me
I'm sorry
I don't remember,
Kanae, you didn't do anything
I'm the one who let him die
I couldn't protect him
It's my fault
I swear
I will protect you, Kanae
Hello, this is Shuichi Tanaka
from Utopia speaking
You just came by...
Why aren't you dead?
Why are you alive?
Because of you
Why are you alive?
I told you...
I'm just living until I die
That's why you ran away?
I get it now
I think that I existly
solely to stop you
So you should think about
the purpose of your life
Is Shuichi here?
I don't know
that guy's whereabouts
His mother came here, right?
- Yes
- What did she say?
Um, well...
We found her body
It appears to be suicide
Everyone connected to him
is dying one after the other
Shuichi's in danger
Ah, put it down over there
This one's really heavy...
You know Shuichi, right?
Did he go to meet that guy?
Could be...
You didn't want to help him?
He said he didn't want
us to get in the way
This isn't normal for him,
not like Shuichi at all
We've got a report of the
two of them headed towards Ueno
I just got a report that they
are headed towards Ueno
I'm going to help Shuichi
When he was asked about "life",
Shuichi answered
it was just living til you're dead
Shuichi has a monster-like
power to heal
Even an injury or illness that would take
a normal person 100 days to recover from
Shuichi is fine in a single day
So he can't even imagine
when he will die
That's what he meant
when he answered
"just living til you're dead"
"Stop me?"
"Are you crazy?"
"How will you stop me?"
"What can you do?"
I hope you understand
this is useless
"I hope you understand
this is useless"
"You're making the situation worse"
Quit it!
You promised to meet me in person!
Where are you?
Come out!
All the people here...
"don't know what will happen"
They won't even remember it
"It'll be all your fault"
"They will all suffer because of you"
"If you weren't here,
no one would suffer"
And I wouldn't have suffered
"Everything is your fault"
"You killed that man, too"
I know that
"And even now, because of you,
the deaths continue"
Stop it!
Who's evil?
"Me, who said not to come,
or you, who keeps following me?"
Who will win?
All of us
"or just you?"
Why are you doing this?
What's your goal, mutant?
Do you just want to destroy
all non-mutants?
So you can create evolution
I recognize there are
abnormal people like you
in the world
But those of us of the old world
will resist you til the end
Sorry, but I can't allow
your new world to exist
Who are you?!
Shuichi Tanaka is abnormal, too
Will you kill him?
I've been waiting for this
You guys should
never have been born
This will be the last thing you hear
Why did no one know about the
power you have until now?
How have you been living?
Since you aren't answering,
I guess I'll have to kill you
Please...please stop
You guys should
never have been born
Are you ok?
They fell!
They're dead!
Call an ambulance!
I'm think I'll kill you
I met your mother
My son
killed him
I'm sorry
should have killed my son
She said that if I saw you
I should kill you
She asked me to kill you
But that's not why I'm doing this
You killed my father
So I can't forgive you
So what?
And then you killed your own mother
You made it look like suicide
and you killed her
I didn't kill her
I couldn't kill her
I couldn't kill her!
Stop it!
This is the end!
You're body can't take much more
Shut up, shut up, shut up!
Just die already
Don't move!
Down on the ground!
Shields, forward!
Let Kanae go!
You're Kanae?
Get ready, the monster's nearby
Find the monster!
I'm not a monster
My name is not "monster"
Where's Kanae?
Let Kanae go, you monster!
Shut up
You're the monster, Shuichi Tanaka
You just never knew
That's not true
I, too, am a monster
But I didn't save my brother
I didn't want to be different
from other people
I always deceived myself
So I couldn't protect anyone
No one needs to die
You need to stop
These are humans
No matter what, they are weak
So I kill them
Don' one needs to die
No one
I'm begging you,
please stop
In the end,
you can't help her
Because of you
I'll kill her
Give it back
Shuichi Tanaka
You have one, too, don't you?
A name...
No one needs to die
Not even you
Let go, or you'll die too
Let go
Shuichi, Shuichi!
Don't die
Why don't you do what I want?
You...should have never met me
But I'm...
glad I met you
I wanted someone, anyone
to know me, to know my name
Shuichi Tanaka
My first...
Shuichi Tanaka?
protected you...
You'll buy one...
Thank you very much
Thanks, thanks a lot
Ah, you wanted a bookmark?
Which one do you prefer?
Thank you very much
That's 1260 Yen
Live until you die...
subs by scooby
Tatsuya Fujiwara
Takayuki Yamada
as Shuichi Tanaka
Satomi Ishihara
as Kanae Kumoi
Motoki Ochiai (Jun) Taiga (Akira)
Mina Fujii (Detective Oshikiri)
featuring Tomorowo Taguchi
as Mr. Kumoi
Yutaka Matsushige
as Detective Shibamoto
and Tae Kimura
as the mother