Monte Carlo (1930)

# Day of days #
#Wonderful day of love #
# Beauteous day #
#Let the sun rise above #
#Glorious day #
#Making the sun appear #
#Beauty reigns #
#Over this day of days #
# Day of days #
# Wonderful day oflove #
#Beauteous day #
#Let the sun rise above #
#Glorious day #
#Making the sun appear #
#Beauty reigns #
#Over this day #
#Of days ##
Now that's the third time | she's run away from me.
It's disgraceful. | It's unbelievable.
Why do you give me | nothing but trouble?
As soon as you're born, | your mother runs away.
You're going to be married, | and your bride runs away.
It's nothing but run, run, run!
- If only it hadn't rained. | - What has the rain got to do with it?
In the sunlight, in the moonlight, | nothing could stop her.
- But other women run away too. | - But after the wedding.
That's different. | That's all right.
Why didn't she wait that long? | Any decent girl would have waited that long.
Ah, but not she. | She is different.
- Ohh. | - She is wonderful. Ohh!
Oh, why did it have to rain?
Your Grace, the guests are getting very excited. | They want their presents back.
What? Oh, no.
The presents will not be returned.
The Liebenheims | have never returned anything.
Your Grace, may I suggest | perhaps a few words of explanation?
Very well. Very well.
Go and explain it to them.
Uh, ladies and gentlemen...
You are all here today...
To attend the wedding...
Of two charming, | delightful people.
And now you're surprised | to see me standing here alone.
To tell you the truth, | I'm surprised myself.
No, no, no, no. Please. | You -You must not despair.
I promise you | this wedding will take place.
N-N-Not today, but, uh, someday.
No, no, no, no. | You must not doubt me. I will find her.
I will find her even if I have to | search the whole world.
And I will bring her back. | Nothing can stop me.
I will bring her back | even if I have to drag her.
# I have a nasty temper | though I keep it in control #
# For, after all | I really am a simple-hearted soul #
# He's a simp, he's a simp | He's a simple-hearted soul #
# But when my seeds of kindliness | have failed to bear me fruit #
# I then become, I must confess | a nasty-tempered brute #
# He's a nas, he's a nas | He's a nasty-tempered brute #
#And now I've stood enough #
# I have to treat her rough #
#And show her I am capable | of caveman stuff #
# She'll love me and like it #
#When I start the strike | it will not be tenderly #
What a man!
# I'll win her, the sinner #
# By Harry, we'll marry #
#And she'll propose to me #
Gorgeous, isn't he?
# My papa tells me | I have charms galore #
#And I have never had | complaints before #
#We'll sail away soon | and on our honeymoon #
- #She'll love me # | - She'll love him and like it!
- # She'll love it ## | - Love him! Like it! Love him! Like it!
She'll love it!
Countess, please.
Whew. The narrowest escape | I ever had.
Five more minutes, | and I'd have been married.
I even had the wedding gown on.
But fortunately it didn't fit.
And suddenly I realized | it was fate.
The dressmaker had saved the day.
Oh, think what I owe | that dressmaker. Mmm!
I owe him for the dress too!
- But, Countess - | - Oh, I know. I know what you're going to say.
I owe everybody. | And here was my chance.
Here was a chance to marry a man | who had everything a woman desires.
He's rich, he's wealthy...
And he has nothing but money.
And how we could use it.
And how!
Come in.
Are you the lady who jumped | on this train after we had started?
Yes, and I shall complain about it. | Trains don't go until I get on them.
Oh! Oh, pardon me. | I've just come from a wedding.
It isn't any of your business | where I've come from.
Pardon me, madame.
May I take the liberty of asking | where you are going?
I don't know. | I haven't the slightest idea.
Can't you make a suggestion?
Well, we go to Vienna.
- Mmm. | - Monte Carlo?
- Monte Carlo? | - Yes, madame.
Two tickets for Monte Carlo.
Yes, madame.
Monte Carlo.
Monte Carlo!
Bertha, how much money | have we left?
- Only 10,000 francs. | - That's enough.
With this 10,000 francs I'll win my freedom, | my happiness at the green tables.
Let's see. The first day | I'll win, uh, 50,000 francs.
- But, Countess - | - No, no, no, no. That's enough for the first day.
But on the second day I'll take | the 50,000 francs and win 100,000.
And on the third day 150,000. | And then 300,000.
And then I'll start!
I'll smash the bank. | And that means millions. Millions!
Listen, here's a puzzle. | And believe me, it's hot.
She comes from a wedding.
She has nothing on. | She's left her husband behind.
She has no ticket. | She has no idea where she wants to go.
And she goes to Monte Carlo.
How old is her husband?
Too old!
# Blow, whistle #
# Blow away #
# Blow away the past #
# Go, engines #
#Anywhere #
# I don't care how far #
# On, on, from darkness into dawn #
# From rain into the rainbow #
# Fly with me #
# Gone, gone #
#All my grief and woe #
#What matter where I go #
# If I am free #
# Beyond the blue horizon #
#Waits a beautiful day #
# Good-bye to things #
#That bore me #
#Joy is waiting for me #
# I see a blue horizon #
# My life has only begun #
# Beyond the blue horizon #
# Lies a rising #
# Sun #
#Beyond the blue horizon #
# Waits a beautiful day #
#Good-bye to things #
# That bore me #
#Joy is waiting for me #
# I see a blue #
- # Horizon # | - #Blue horizon #
# My life has only begun #
# Beyond the blue horizon #
# Lies a rising #
# Sun ##
Twenty-nine! Black! Odd!
If I only had your luck. | Tell me, how do you do it?
Nothing to it. | I have a system that can't miss.
If I happen to be standing | beside a brunette, I bet on red.
If I'm standing next to a redhead, | I bet on black.
But suppose you're standing next to a blonde. | What do you do then?
I ask her where she lives.
There's your blonde.
Well, why don't you | go and speak to her?
- Don't tell me you're afraid. | - I am.
And for the first time. | I don't know what's the matter with me.
But I must have some excuse.
If only she'd dropped something, | I - I could pick it up.
If she only had a little dog, | I could get him to bite me.
I've got it. | You shall introduce me.
- But I don't know her either. | - That's the whole idea.
You go up and speak to her, | she's very insulted...
Then I come up | and slap you in the face twice.
Oh, no. Oh, no.
All right, then. Once. Go.
Go and introduce yourself.
Fifty francs, please, madame.
Merci, madame.
She is superstitious.
Uh, don't strike, madame.
If you want any luck, | you must stroke - stroke caressingly.
Naturally, not my back, madame. | No luck to that.
But the back of my head - | Stroke my hair and see what happens.
Magic, madame. | From then on, magic.
Everything you touch will turn to gold. | Millions at your fingertips.
What? You don't want to? | All right, madame.
But I warn you - | fail to do this, and you'll have no luck.
You'll lose everything. | You'll come out a beggar.
But don't blame me when it's too late.
Armand, if she wins now - | the rest'll be easy.
- Bye-bye, old boy! | - Good luck!
- Who is she? | - She lives in the Palace Hotel.
Think her name is Countess Mara.
She shall win. She must win. | She must win. She must win.
She shall win. She mu -
All on 16, please.
All on 16 again, please.
All on 16!
Hello? Hello? | Palais de Danse?
This is Count Rudolph Farriere speaking. | I want a private dining room for two.
Twenty-nine! Black! Odd!
Eleven - Four- Five -
Five hundred thousand -
Eleven and nine and four-
Makes two million...
Six hundred | and thirty thousand francs.
That is up until | the 15th of September.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, | eight, nine, 10, 11-
Nine, 10, 11- | Four, eight, six, 11...
Five, six, 11-
Five million -
Good evening, Countess.
You engaged the servants, | didn't you?
Yes, Countess, I did.
Two valets, a chauffeur, a footman, | a hairdresser and an extry maid.
That's good.
And tomorrow they promised us | the other five rooms.
We will have the entire floor.
That's very good.
"Dear Countess, please pardon me | for sending these flowers so late...
But I had to get | the little flower girl out of bed first."
Such impudence!
- Good night. | - Good night, Countess.
Can't you go to sleep either, Countess?
# Pardon me, madame, if I #
# Seem a trifle bold #
# But my little story #
# Must be told #
#You are very rude #
#Who you are I do not know #
# But no true gentleman #
#Would annoy a lady so #
# Give me a moment, please #
#A moment, please #
# One word, one smile #
# One thrill #
# Fill me with ecstasy #
#And speak to me #
#You should, you must #
#You will #
# I never knew #
#That one like you #
# Could bring me to #
# My knees #
# Lift me #
#And let me rise #
#To paradise #
# For just a moment #
# Please #
# Give me a moment, please #
#A moment, please #
# One word, one smile #
# One thrill #
# Fill me with ecstasy #
#And speak to me #
#You should, you must #
# You will #
# I never knew #
#That one like you #
# Could bring me #
#To my knees #
# Lift me and let me rise #
#To paradise ##
I tell you, she doesn't | even know you're alive.
Certainly she does. | I've written her every day this week.
Yes, and nothing doing.
I don't understand it. | I've tried everything.
No one could be fresher than I was. | I don't know what to do next.
# Give me a moment, please #
#A moment, please #
#A word, a smile, a -##
You, uh -You know this lady too?
Do I know her?
She's, uh, the Countess Mara, | isn't she?
Quite right. Countess Mara. | Lives at the Palace Hotel.
Third floor. Rooms 300-325.
Entrance. 306.
- Where do you live, may I ask? | - At the Palace Hotel, of course.
Uh, formerly I lived | at the Grand Hotel...
But she insisted | that I move to the Palace.
Well, you know what one will do | to please a woman.
Especially when she's so beautiful.
Beautiful? | That hardly describes her.
You have no idea how she looks. How could | you tell, just seeing her on the street?
Of course.
How does a woman look in the morning? | That's the time to tell.
You should see her | in her negligee.
Her neck and her shoulders -
And that lovely blonde hair.
But there's only one drawback- | she has no money.
- What do you mean? | - She has no money at all.
Well, one can't live on fresh air.
You've said enough! | Do you know what you are?
Oh, no, I'm not, I assure you. | For pity's sake, speak low.
I'll do whatever you want. | Only be quiet. Otherwise, I'll lose my position.
Your position? | Who are you?
I'm a hairdresser. | The personal hairdresser of Countess Mara.
- Her hairdresser? | - Yes, sir.
Well! This is getting interesting.
Now you won't do | anything against me?
On the contrary. | I'm delighted to meet you.
- We must see a lot of each other. | - Yes.
We -We have mutual interests.
- We, uh -We must exchange ideas. | - Yes, of course.
- We -We must become friends. | - Oh, yes.
But there. What am I saying?
- We are friends! | - Yes, of course we are!
- Friends. | - Armand.
I want you to meet | a very great friend of mine.
- How do you do? | - How do you do?
Who is he?
- You don't know who he is? | - No.
He is her hairdresser...
And I -
I am his very best friend.
Allow me to introduce myself. | My name is Count Rudolph Farriere.
I'm delighted to meet you. | My name is, uh -
Just call me Paul.
Just call him Paul.
# Here's a lucky devil | and I surely envy him #
# For his store | of inside information #
# He is in his glory | when a lady wants a trim #
#Work to me is like a recreation #
# Oh, boy, what an occupation #
#Why waste away your youth #
# Searching for the naked truth #
#Why attend a college | Get your knowledge #
#Trimmin' the women #
Ha! | #Who needs a lot of Greek #
#To caress a lady's cheek #
# Couldn't you contrive it | while in private #
#Trimmin' the women #
# Now, if you care for beauties #
# Be a beauty specialist #
# He caresses ladies' tresses #
#And they never resist #
# But why ply another trade #
# Barbers pet and yet get paid #
#You could make a sort of | indoor sport of #
#Trimmin' the women #
Come here.
#Why try to figure out #
#What this world is all about #
# Never mind the great books | Fill your date books #
#Trimmin' the women #
# Shy guys and those who feel #
#That they have no sex appeal #
# Get a lot of chances | for romances #
#Trimmin' the women #
# No hairdresser ever #
# Has to lead a double life #
# Now, he can pet a cute brunette #
#And still be true to his wife #
# But why sigh and yearn so much #
# For the skin you love to touch #
# Satisfy the craving | finger-waving #
#Trimmin' the women ##
I've just heard a puzzle!
It's a hot one.
She jumps on the train. | She comes from the wedding.
The husband is not with her. | She is not dressed.
She has no ticket. | She doesn't know where she wants to go.
And she goes to Monte Carlo!
How old is the hus -
- Oh, you are the new hairdresser? | - Brand-new, mademoiselle.
You may come in.
Try and keep me out.
I hope the countess will like you.
Paul has told me everything about her. | I know exactly what to do.
That isn't what counts. The thing for you | to know is what you mustn't do.
Don't ever try to tell her stories. | Don't mention gambling.
Don't talk about money in any way. | In fact, don't talk at all.
I understand.
And remember, | the countess is very strict about this -
never flirt with chambermaids.
- I never do. | - Quite right.
But to avoid any future misunderstandings -
I am not a chambermaid.
Still, I - | I never do.
Now I will announce you to the countess.
Bring her in. | I am ready.
How do you do?
- How long have you been a hairdresser? | - Oh, a long time, madame.
I have served many, many ladies.
- Where did you work? | - At home.
I mean, uh, the - the ladies | always came to my house.
Oh, yes. Yes, of course. Yes.
- Uh, naturally, there'll be no more of that. | - I realize that.
You are in my employ now | and you will devote yourself entirely to me.
Only to you, Countess.
- And I hope it will not be a job for a day. | - That depends entirely upon you.
Then I'm sure it will be at least, uh - | a week.
Who knows? | Maybe for months.
Maybe for years.
Uh, who knows?
- By the way, what's your name? | - Rudolph.
- Rudolph? | - Yes. Rudolph.
I don't like that name. | I don't ever want to hear it again.
Oh, but don't worry. | It's not your fault.
Let's see. | I shall call you, um... Paul.
Just call me Paul.
Yes, Countess?
Didn't I tell you your name was Paul? | If you ever answer again to Rudolph, I'll -
Hello? Yes? Who?
Who do you wish to speak to?
Paul. For you.
Thank you, madame. | Pardon me, please.
Hello, this is...
No. Paul.
Yes! Paul is here too.
What we want to know is, | how are things going?
What? | You are not alone.
He's not alone!
You can't speak? | Oh, I understand.
Yes, well, I'll ask questions | and you just answer.
Yes. Yes!
Well, I hope so.
Good-bye. | See you tonight.
My servants | don't receive phone calls here.
- Please remember that. | - Quite right, Countess.
And please don't ever make engagements | without asking me first.
And you will not have | this evening off.
You will stay right here.
Thank you very much, Countess.
You're making yourself | much too prominent.
- Bags. | - Yes. All right. Yes.
Excuse me, madame. | My baggage has just arrived.
Well, don't unpack yet. | I'm not at all sure I'm going to keep you.
So far you've done nothing | but make me nervous.
Now I'd like to see | what else you can do.
Cut my hair.
Haircut a la Marotte.
The countess said "a la Marotte"?
Yes, yes. A la Marotte.
A la Marotte.
Oh! | A la Marotte.
Of course. | How silly of me.
A la Marotte.
And that's what you call a haircut? | Are you insane?
Yes, madame! Oh, Countess, | please forgive me, but I can't do it!
To cut that beautiful, lovely hair | would be nothing but cold-blooded murder.
- You're discharged! | - Oh, please, give me one more chance!
I'll do anything! | Countess, please forgive me!
- I'll do anything you say. I promise... | - I want you to leave this house.
I don't ever want to see you again.
I want you to leave | just as soon as you've finished.
- Please, Countess. | - Immediately.
- And I'm not going to change my mind. | - Give me one more chance.
Please, please, Countess.
Please, please stop bothering me!
Oh, I'm so nervous I could scream.
- Oh, I have a headache. | - Headache?
Oh, yes. | And it's all your fault.
No, no. No, don't do that. | Don't do that. No.
No, no, no, no! No!
No. No. No.
Ohh. Ohh.
Oh, that feels good.
Oh, that feels even better.
You must have electricity | in your hands.
Oh, I never felt like this before.
Of course you'll stay.
Thank you, madame.
And whatever I call you -
Paul, Rudolph, or Rudy-
whenever I call you...
Please come.
Countess, even when | you don't call me, I'll come.
# Madame, you inspire me now #
#Just try and fire me now #
#This is something new to me #
# It's hard to understand #
# I don't know what you do to me #
#Whatever it is #
# It's grand #
# Since we met today #
# I feel that I'm in wonderland #
# I can't explain #
#The way I feel #
#Whatever it is #
# It's grand #
# I've never known | a more delightful #
# Headache remedy #
# It's just as good | for broken hearts #
#And housemaid's knee #
# If my head should ache tonight #
# I'll need a helping hand #
# It may be wrong #
# It may be right #
#Whatever it is #
# It's grand ##
Honorable Countess...
If your account with us...
Is not settled by tomorrow night -
Countess Mara, Palace Hotel.
Dear Countess...
We are sorry to inform you-
Rudolph! Have you gone | completely out of your mind?
No! Nothing like that.
I just happened to mention | I was a good driver...
And the next day | the chauffeur was fired.
- And what do you think of this? | - What?
Yesterday I served her breakfast...
And instantly | two lackeys were out of a job.
In other words, I'm driving her car, | dressing her hair...
Waiting on her.
Just wait till she fires her maid.
No, sir! | It's an insult, sir!
Not a chance! | You can't bribe me!
And if you ever ask for the lady's address | again, I shall call the police!
Good-bye. | See you later.
Get out of my way!
Countess, you wanted to see me | about something very important.
Rudolph, I'll have to discharge you.
But I'm not going.
And it won't be so easy | to get rid of me either.
Why, I - I never expected this. I -
I've given up everything for you.
The little business of my own. I -
I've lost all the ladies I used to work for.
My whole life | has been arranged to suit you...
And now, for no good reason at all, | you want to kick me out.
I know. I know. | Everything you say is true, but -
Well, I -
I simply can't afford | to keep you any longer.
Will you please open the door?
- What do you want? | - I want to speak to Countess Mara.
Lots of people want that.
- What's the big idea? | - Please, sir. Won't you listen?
Get out. I don't want to waste time | mucking about with you.
Your Grace. What are you doing? | Please come in, Your Grace.
Your Grace will excuse this? | He is a new man.
He has no idea who Your Grace is.
You'll get to know me.
Rlease, Your Grace.
Do you know who that is? | That's her fianc.
Duke Otto von Liebenheim.
Looks dumb, doesn't he?
Do you know why? | Because he is dumb.
Otto, I left you three times | because I wanted to be fair with you.
But sometimes if one is in trouble enough, | the best intentions go up in smoke.
Especially if one has all kinds of bills...
No money, | and the hotel invites you to get out.
No place to go.
Well, in a moment like that, | one's not very responsible.
One's liable to get | the most terrible idea.
All right. Marry me.
Otto, if I were to promise to do so now, | it would be only for your money.
And you dare tell me that | right to my face?
Yes. I do.
Oh, you are so different!
Where is there another woman | in the world...
Who would marry a man | only for his money and tell him so?
You're beautiful. | I'm rich.
You buy, and I pay. | You tell me everything...
And I'll forgive you.
It will be the happiest marriage | in the world.
You're really very nice.
I wish I could love you.
#You'll love me and like it #
# I'm wealthy but healthy #
- #And I'll be true to you # | - #What a man #
# My income is nearly | a million pounds yearly #
# But we could struggle through | if I cared for you #
# I'll build you castles, dear | beyond compare #
# I fear you're building castles | in the air #
- # Imagine our thrills # | - #Ah, but when you see the bills #
- # I'll love you # | - #And like it #
# I'll love it #
# I'll love it ##
# She'll love me and like it | She'll love me and like it #
Good man. | You shall stay with us.
I think I'll be able | to keep you after all.
I - I'd like to tell you a secret, but -
but I'm afraid you might fire me.
- What is it? | - Well...
It's not so easy to explain, but I -
- but I'm not - | - You're not what?
I'm not poor.
As a matter of fact, | I have quite a nice little fortune.
Now, if you would allow me, | I'd only be too delighted -
How dare you insult me. | How dare you.
Oh, please. | Please don't send me away.
You've misunderstood me. | I only wanted to offer you some advice.
Now, we're in Monte Carlo, aren't we?
Very well. Now here's what I mean.
I didn't make this fortune dressing hair.
Oh, no.
- It was inherited. | - Inherited?
I mean, uh - | I inherited, uh...
From my father-
All my luck at gambling.
I was not so fortunate.
I never won in my life.
Countess, won't you let me play for you? | Just once?
- No, no, no, no. | - I have a system that can't fail.
Don't tell me. | I don't want to hear about it.
- What is it? | - I'll tell you.
If I stand beside a brunette, | I bet on red.
If I stand beside a redhead, | I bet on black.
But what if you stand beside a blonde?
Well, when I stand beside a blonde, | then it makes no difference at all.
Red or black, black or red, | nothing can stop me. I always win.
All right.
- We'll go and play tonight. | - Yes.
But -
But how can I go to the casino | with my hairdresser?
Oh, Countess. Please don't worry.
No one at the casino | knows I'm a hairdresser.
My clothes are upstairs...
And when the countess goes out | with me tonight...
Everyone will think | that I am the count.
- Go and get dressed. | - Yes, my countess.
Come in.
I don't need you anymore.
You don't look like a count.
So much better.
My last thousand francs.
My happiness will be at stake, Rudolph.
My whole future is in your hands.
# Because I feel the urgency #
# Of your supreme emergency #
# Madame, I cannot | and I will not fail #
# Come good or evil | take my all #
# On you alone | I stake my all #
#And let my castles either rise #
# Or fall #
# Forever #
#Always, in all ways #
# Rely upon me #
# Should any doubt come #
#Wait for the outcome hopefully #
#Always, in all ways #
#Whatever may be #
# I will rely on just you #
#And trust you #
# Sometimes, in small ways #
#We may not agree #
# But we will weather | hardship together #
#Wait and see #
#We'll have a happy ending #
# If you will keep depending #
#Always, in all ways #
# On me #
#Your sympathetic attitude #
# Has won my deepest gratitude #
# I hope we may not | have to say good-bye #
# If you should have to go away #
# I'll follow as a stowaway #
# Someday I may be able to #
# Repay #
#Your kindness #
#Always, in all ways #
# Rely upon me #
# Should any doubt come #
#Wait for the outcome hopefully #
#Always, in all ways #
#Whatever may be #
# I will rely on just you #
#And trust you #
# Sometimes, in small ways #
#We may not agree #
# But we will weather | hardship together #
#Wait and see #
#We'll have a happy ending #
- # If I will keep # | - # If you will keep #
# Depending #
#Always #
# In all ways #
# On #
- #You ## | - # Me ##
Eleven. Black. Odd.
I lost again.
Bad luck in this game. | Good luck with her.
Would the countess like anything to eat?
No, thanks.
We've dined.
The countess has lost | one of her buckles.
Must have lost it | when we were dancing.
But the countess | wanted to play tonight.
Oh, yes. | That's what we wanted to do.
But Duke Otto was there, so, of course, | that made it impossible for us to stay.
Well, we had to do something.
So, we went out and...
Looked around.
Bertha, you've no idea | how beautiful Monte Carlo is.
The park- simply divine.
And the promenade - | like a walk in the clouds.
And as far as you could see, | not a soul.
And so we sat down close.
Very close.
Uh, you see, I felt so cold.
Yes, there's a very strong | sea breeze tonight.
Yes. Quite right. Quite right.
A very strong sea breeze.
And when the countess felt so cold?
Well, uh, finally I became so -
I became so chilly...
I didn't want to take any chances.
What's the use of catching a cold?
And so I told him, | "Rudolph, we mustn't wait any longer.
You go back to the casino alone | and play for me."
And so he went.
And now I'm waiting for him | to come back.
Oh, I wish he were here.
I don't need you anymore.
Come in.
200,000 francs.
How dare you.
That will be all for tonight.
# Give me a moment, please #
#A moment, please #
# One word | One smile #
# One thrill #
#Let me enfold your charms #
# Within my arms #
# You should | You must #
# You will #
#I never knew #
# That one like you #
#Could bring me to #
#My knees #
#Lift me and let me rise #
# To paradise #
# For just #
#A moment #
# Please #
# No more #
# I implore #
#Leave me till #
# Tomorrow #
#Always, in all ways #
# Until you agree #
# I will continue #
# Striving to win you #
#Wait and see #
#We'll have #
#A happy ending #
# If you will keep #
# Depending #
#Always #
#In all ways #
#On #
#Me ##
Come in.
Oh, where -
Oh, the key.
Just a moment, please.
This lock must be out of order.
I'll tell Rudolph.
Rudolph? Why Rudolph?
He's so good at so many things. | He'll fix it.
I found it last night on the floor.
The countess must have put it on the table, | and the sea breeze must have blown it off.
It's all right. It's all right.
The countess will pay Rudolph now, | won't you?
- Mm-hmm. | - He hasn't been paid since he's been here.
And he works so hard.
He even works overtime.
And now that we can afford | a chauffeur and a lackey again...
I think we ought to hire them.
And, Countess, really, if I were you...
I wouldn't let my hairdresser | do anything else...
But dress my hair.
- Good morning. | - Morning.
Fix my hair, please.
Well, I -
I thought this morning | would be different to this.
I expected to tell you something | very important.
- I'm not curious. | - Something about myself.
Something that - | that ought to concern you.
I told you to fix my hair.
- Helene - | - Please.
Of course I appreciate | what you've done for me.
I never was in such a situation before, | and you got me out of it.
Please don't think I'm not grateful.
Naturally you must know that.
Why, last night I was actually... | Carried away by it.
And now, uh, let's forget it.
Just a minute.
I don't understand.
Do you mean that I'm to forget that -
Oh, no. Not a chance.
I couldn't forget it. | And I won't forget it.
If that's the case, | I'll have to return the money.
Now I want you to leave at once.
So you can send me away like that...
Just as if nothing had happened.
Well, that's pretty good.
Do you know what I thought last night?
I thought you loved me. | Can you beat that?
One often does things at night | one regrets the next morning.
Yes. And maybe ashamed of too, hmm?
Please. Now, won't you | try to understand?
After all, there is | a little difference between us.
The only difference between us is that | you're a woman, and I'm a man. That's all.
Oh, I'm afraid not. | I happen to be a countess.
Yes, and I'm a - | I'm a hairdresser.
All right. I am a hairdresser.
Yes, that's me, and what of it?
Now I'll tell you something else.
I fell in love with you because | I thought you were the perfect woman.
Now I know you're only a conceited | countess and not much of a woman.
And to me you're not a man at all.
What's this? | I'm not a man?
No, not in my opinion.
Well, we'll see about that.
All right. | Now I'm not a man.
- Come here! | - Open the door, and leave the room.
Move another step, | and I'll call for help.
Let go of me. | Take your hand away.
You brute.
I'll scream so everybody will hear me.
Oh. That's what you get | for being nice to your servants.
And now, madame, | forget all about this...
As you will, no doubt, | by nightfall.
I have already forgotten it.
Madame Renee's Beauty Parlor.
A hairdresser named Rudolph?
No, not with us. I'm sorry.
United Hair Service.
Who? Rudolph?
No. There's no one here | by that name.
What? He also answers | to the name of Rudy?
Well, I'm sorry, madame, but, uh -
No. I -
Just one moment, please.
Are you looking for | a hairdresser called Rudolph?
Mm-hmm. Tell me.
What does he look like?
Oh, he looks marvelous.
I see.
What? Oh, you want your hair dressed | to go to the opera tonight.
Yeah, well, I'm sorry. I don't know him. | I'll send you another hairdresser.
You don't want anybody else.
Oh, but, madame, | we have lots of good men here.
There's no one like him?
Oh, madame, that's just | your personal opinion.
Well, if nobody else will do, | I'm afraid you'll never get to the opera.
Helene, it's 8.00. | The opera will begin.
Helene, the opera has begun.
Will you please stop | making me nervous?
You know I can't go | until my hair is dressed.
But, darling, you look | so beautiful the way it is.
Nonsense. And that shows how much | you know about women.
All day long I've worn myself out | trying to find Rudolph.
- Other men would appreciate that! | - B-B-But, darling -
Will you please do me a favor? | Go to the opera. I'll join you.
I promise I'll do everything I can | to find Rudolph.
And when you do find him -
Oh, when I do find him | I'll never let him out of my sight.
How dare you leave | without asking Countess Mara.
If it happens again, I'll fire you.
Just a minute. | Is he your hairdresser or mine?
Oh, go to - go to the opera. | Immediately!
Very well, darling.
I'm too nervous.
She's very nervous.
Take your time.
Do you know that I've been | looking for you all day?
So they told me.
- And do you know why? | - Madame wants to go to the opera.
No. I don't want to go to the opera.
No? Then there was no need | for me to have come.
- Oh, yes, there was. | - Madame, I'm here for one reason only.
Strictly business.
- So - | - Madame...
What you have done to me | shall never be forgotten.
But business is business.
I had made up my mind | never to enter this room again.
But when I heard you were | going to the opera, I said to myself...
"Rudolph, here's your chance -
one you can't afford to lose."
Madame, as a hairdresser...
I have the greatest interest | that you see this opera tonight.
What do you mean?
I'll dress your hair | as I've never dressed it before.
You'll be so beautiful, | you won't know yourself.
And when you sit in the box with | His Grace, Duke Otto von Liebenheim...
All Monte Carlo will look at you.
All the ladies will envy you and say, | "Who is this great artist...
"Who can make a woman | look as beautiful as that?
We must find him."
And they will. | I'll see to that.
You mean I'll be an advertisement for you?
Yes, madame.
- So that all the ladies will come to you? | - Yes, madame.
- The blondes? | - Yes.
- The brunettes? | - Yes.
- And the redheads? | - Yes, madame.
Oh, no!
This is the way I'm going to the opera.
Yes, and I'll show myself everywhere.
In the balcony, in the orchestra, | on the staircase, in the lobby.
And when anybody asks me who did it, | I'll tell them you did it.
I'm going to ruin you.
# I love but you alone #
# I am forever your own #
# No matter what betide #
#No one can divide us #
# Desist, Lady Mary #
# Do you know | this man is not a nobleman #
# He is a hairdresser #
#A common barber #
#A barber, a barber, a barber | A common barber #
# I am a mere hairdresser #
# I confess #
# But if I am #
# Do you love me #
#The less ##
- Hello, darling. | - Hello.
- Have I missed very much? | - Oh, no, no. Only the first and second act.
- I'm glad your hairdresser- | - Please don't mention him.
I don't want to hear another word | about hair or hairdressers.
What's the opera about?
I asked you what the opera was about.
It's - It's all about a - a hairdresser.
Well, I - I can't help it.
L- I didn't write it.
- Do you want to go somewhere else? | - No.
What's the matter with this hairdresser?
Oh. It's a silly story, | only possible with music.
Imagine a lady falling in love | with a hairdresser.
That's possible even without music.
Things like that happen every day.
I should say so.
Tell me, uh, d-did - did she marry him?
Oh, no. She had no idea | he was a hairdresser.
- She's only just found it out. | - Then, uh, what did she do?
- What could she do? | - She threw him out, of course.
She'll regret it.
Such stupidity.
Oh, yes. She'll discover her mistake.
But then, of course, it'll be too late.
It's always too late then.
Think of a woman falling in love | with a man, then throwing him out.
Well, there's no good end to that.
Shall I tell you how it ends? | She'll marry a duke.
It serves her right.
- Is that the woman? | - Yes.
I don't like her. | She isn't even pretty.
And look at the way she's dressed.
And this woman has the nerve | to throw a man out.
She's crazy.
# Lady Mary, tell me#
# Should he come back to you | what would you do? #
#What would you do? #
#The same as before #
# I'd drive him away #
# Good sires and ladies #
# Prepare to make apologies #
# For a grievous mistake #
#The man we knew | as the barber Beaucaire #
#Is not a barber #
#And not Beaucaire #
# He is a prince #
#A prince of France #
#He is a prince #
- # He is a prince # | - #The barber is a prince #
- #The barber is a prince # | - # He is a prince #
# He is a prince | He is a prince #
#He is a prince | He is a prince #
- # He is a prince # | - # He is a prince #
- # He is a prince # | - #He is a prince #
#He is a nobleman #
- # The barber is a nobleman # | - # He is a prince, He is a prince, a nobleman #
- # The barber is a nobleman # | - #He is a prince, He is a prince, a nobleman #
- #He is a prince # | - # The barber is a prince #
- #He is a prince # | - #He is a nobleman #
#He is a prince | He is a prince #
#He is a prince ##
I have the most awful suspicion.
Tell me, on your word of honor, | are you a hairdresser?
- Who are you? | - Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Count Rudolph -
- Farriere. | - Yes, madame.
Oh. Oh.
- I feel just as foolish - | - Yes, madame.
I mean, I - I mean, I feel just as foolish | as the woman in the play.
Yes, madame.
- Count Farriere. | - Yes, madame?
Rudolph, can you -
can you ever-
# Your Highness, can you forgive me #
#There is nothing to forgive #
# Being a lady of propriety #
#You just obeyed | the dictates of society #
#But this I know #
# You never really #
#Loved me #
#So, fare thee well #
#So, fare thee well #
#My lady #
#Fair ##
Poor woman.
I don't like that ending.
I like happy endings.
# Beyond the blue horizon #
#Waits a beautiful day #
#The sky will smile upon me #
#While I know you love me #
#I see a new horizon #
#Our life has only begun #
# Beyond the blue horizon #
# Lies the rising sun ##