Monte Carlo (2011)

(SINGING) One of us is gonna be here
And one of us
is gonna be runnin'
Off alone
into the great unknown
You're not me
You're a model of freedom
All you need are your kicks
when you need 'em
Come and go
Caught that slow all right
With one hand off the side
We get farther away
in the blink of an eye
And it's the time we waste
Swallowed into space
It's the time it takes
To blow away
To blow away
CARL: Grace!
- Order's up!
- Thank you.
Here, let me top
you off there, Jimmy.
I've got that sausage
coming right up for you, Dale.
- Enjoy your meal.
- Thank you.
Fran, I am digging
that new hair.
Did you see her hair?
GRACE: Oh. Terrific.
You want me to take it?
My section,
I've got it.
- Hi, Amanda.
- Hi.
So we made it. Graduation.
Do you mind
if we order?
Yeah. What can I get
for you guys?
EMMA: And what
can I do you for?
Let's just see here.
You got any specials?
I sure do.
And I saved you a slice.
Hey, Owen.
Grace, how you doing?
Two more days,
just two more days.
Well, we made it!
BOY: Yeah!
It's going to be so hard
not to look back on these
as the best four
years of our lives.
But there is a whole world out
there just waiting for us...
Sorry. Hi.
Dad, I thought
you were gonna wait for me outside.
- AMANDA: A world...
- They started.
A whole world
just waiting for us to make our mark.
Gandhi once said,
"You must be the change
you want to see in the world."
(SQUEALS) Congratulations, kiddo.
You did it.
You are finally free.
(SIGHS) This place!
You know, I haven't been here
since I didn't graduate.
I was nearly
homecoming queen.
And long
may you reign. Mama!
Just, uh, there are
children here.
Well, it's nice
to see you too, Meg.
Mom, what is
she doing here?
It's sweet.
She wanted to be here.
Oh, come on.
You made her come.
ROBERT: Why don't we take
a picture?
I'm okay, Robert.
I'm fine.
Yes, come on, come on.
This is yours.
ROBERT: Everybody get closer.
Closer, Meg, move in.
Scoot in.
Dad, just take
the picture.
Pam, I don't want you
worrying a bit about Grace on this trip.
I'm going to take
good care of her.
That's just great, Emma.
No, thank you.
Mmm. Fine.
Suit yourself.
More for me.
You guys, this is great.
Thank you for this.
Don't thank us
just yet.
What, you don't like it?
No, no, I love it.
Thank you, Robert.
That will take you
to Paris and straight to NYU in the fall.
It's a Hartmann.
It's nice.
It's a Hartmann.
They're very expensive.
ROBERT: And that's not all.
The next thing is
for both my girls.
Got to get used
to saying that.
Robert and I were talking
and we thought...
BOTH: Yeah?
Well, you and Emma
are both heading off to Paris tomorrow.
They are not gonna
know what hit 'em.
PAM: And Meg is
free for the summer.
And we thought, you know, uh,
why not kick this
new sister thing into high gear?
What are you talking about?
Do you know what they're talking about?
No, I do not.
Meg is going
to Paris, too. (CHUCKLES)
And I'm upgrading everyone!
You would've said no.
No to the sisterhood
of the traveling to France?
Are you crazy?
Who could pass that up?
you don't have to do that.
In fact,
all through high school, all I could think,
on the few occasions Texas Barbie
managed to make it to class, was,
"When I finally
do go to Europe,
"I want it to be
with Emma Perkins."
I don't even know
why she's going.
She'd be just as happy
at Six Flags on beer night.
Come on. It'll be fun.
I'm not Grace's babysitter.
And I'm not her sister,
no matter what
you and Pam do
with your lives.
(SIGHS) Why are
you doing this to me?
Because I don't know
how to make this any better.
You're 21.
You have one year
of college left.
You've stayed in
every weekend since the funeral.
You should be
going out there, with friends.
Going to parties,
living your life.
That's what Mom
would've wanted.
Of all the places
she traveled,
she always said Paris
was her favorite.
EMMA: I guess, on the bright side, is
that we are being upgraded.
Not that it's gonna make
much of a difference anyway.
Everything is
so much better over there already.
OWEN: Everything?
Yeah, they got the clothes
and the shoes.
Everything, huh?
Are you not coming in?
Don't go.
It's a week, Owen.
- Just stay here.
- You'll be fine.
And marry me.
Yeah, I mean,
we been real serious for a while,
and I've been thinking
about asking you this.
- And where's the ring?
- The, uh...
- The ring.
- The ring. Uh...
Let me ask you something.
Do you think
you'd be asking me to marry you tonight
if I wasn't headed off
to the City of Love tomorrow?
I think you mean
the City of Lights.
Something big
is finally about to happen for me.
And you choose the night
before I leave to ask?
Emma, I got everything
I want right here in this truck.
Now, how about you?
I've never once been
outside of Texas.
Not once.
you go on, then.
Have yourself
a real nice trip.
I will.
And I'll send you a postcard.
Yeah, you do that.
Yeah, I said I will.
I might not be here
to get it.
Well, where are you
gonna be, huh?
Your "City of Lights"?
PAM: I love Emma.
I love her zest.
But you just don't want me
to go to Paris alone with her.
No, I don't.
Look, I know you two
have gotten close at work, but...
Mom, Emma is my friend.
I appreciate that, Grace,
and I appreciate
that Meg is not your first choice,
but knowing that you'll be
with a responsible adult...
Meg is whatever
comes after adult.
Be generous.
You've seen me.
Mom, I have been
saving for this.
This is what's
gotten me through the last four years
of pep rallies
and cheer squads.
Imagining myself
walking along the Seine
and standing on top
of the Eiffel Tower.
And having it all just
make me different.
Honey, it's not magic.
It's not going
to turn you into a whole different person.
Thank goodness.
I'm kind of partial to the one I've got.
Mom, you've found
a whole new life with Robert.
And I'm happy for you.
Just let me go find mine.
Without Meg.
Nobody wants you
to find your life more than I do.
I have to get
to the hospital.
Take the upgrade,
don't take the upgrade.
That part's up to you.
TOUR GUIDE: Welcome to Paris.
MEG: In five days.
We're never gonna get to all this stuff.
GRACE: I know
it's a lot, Meg,
but there's a lot to see.
It's Paris.
Ten, 11, 12 stops tomorrow.
You can't do the Louvre
in 20 minutes.
EMMA: It's their museum.
I think they know how long it takes.
Now, on your left
was Notre-Dame,
one of the masterpieces of...
I'm sure
we'll circle back.
That way. Thank you.
Sacre-Coeur. Let's go. Up.
Nobody pinch me.
Miss! Mademoiselle! That way.
How are they all
moving so fast?
they're not wearing
four-inch hoochie heels, for starters.
Let me tell you something
about shoes, Meg.
They ain't hurtin',
they ain't helpin'.
Ow! Ow! Ow!
Whew! Much better.
Thank you very much.
No problem, any time.
Oh. Australian.
Mind your step.
Precious cargo.
Good day.
Oh, no more wine.
Sorry. Finished, finished. No more.
What is that?
Eat soon. Quick.
- No, I can't eat that.
- WAITER: Pardon.
Uh, I need a fork.
- Well...
- TOUR GUIDE: Eat quickly, please.
Uh, I need a spoon.
TOUR GUIDE: Quickly, please. Okay.
Thank you. On your right.
You have no luggage?
EMMA: "The
Junior Ambassador Suite
"offers luxury accommodation,
sumptuous decor,
"and oozes charm."
Guys, the room
doesn't matter.
Well, there has to be
some kind of mistake.
Oh, yeah, why don't you
just toddle downstairs
and sort it all out,
en franais?
Can we just please
make the best of it?
I mean, we'll hardly
ever be here.
Look, I'll take the cot.
MEG: Oh, look.
I found the spa facilities.
Oh, great.
Now find an outlet,
because my phone is dying
and I don't want
to miss when Owen calls to apologize.
And when he does,
I need you guys... Oops.
You guys to act like
we're having a really good time, okay?
We are having
a good time.
No one is having
a good time.
How can you complain?
I get it, it's your thing,
but come on, we're in Paris.
Ah, bonjour!
EMMA: Got it!
TOUR GUIDE: Everybody off.
EMMA: Wow.
We're up real high.
You okay?
GRACE: Do you
have any change?
EMMA: Meg has got some.
Hey, Meg, who's that guy?
What guy?
Dude, that guy clocking you.
That guy, right there.
Wow. You can see
everything from up here.
There is the Grand Palais,
Les Invalides.
There's our bus.
GRACE: Oh, yeah. Huh.
Hello, again.
Look, there's Madame Valerie.
I saw you at Sacre-Coeur
yesterday, didn't I?
EMMA: Wait a second.
Are they...
They're leaving.
My name's Riley. What's yours?
the bus is leaving!
Excuse me! Excuse me!
EMMA: Oh, God.
Wait, the elevator's
right here.
We don't have time!
Excuse me!
No, wait!
(SINGING) Ten minutes to go
Go, go, go!
Yeah, I've got to go home
Ten minutes to go
Everybody disappear
You're in it on your own
Ten minutes to go
You know you wanna stay home
Ten minutes to go
Yeah, you wanna stay home
Ten minutes to go...
Emma, come on!
- Stop the bus!
- Wait!
Excuse me.
- Don't leave!
- Wait!
Excuse me! Excuse me! Wait!
Wait! No! No!
- No!
- Come back.
This tour
is ass.
Okay, Meg,
it's a disaster! Are you happy?
Hey, it's okay.
No, it's not.
What is the matter with you?
I'm just being honest.
She's right.
I single-handedly chose
the worst tour in all of Paris.
How did you choose it?
Meg, I'm not quite
up to reviewing my process right now.
So let's just say
that I'm sorry, okay?
I'm sorry.
Emma, I'm sorry
that you wasted your savings.
No, you got us here.
I'm even sorry
that you got dragged into this
and that I'll have to
hear about it every
Thanksgiving and Christmas
for the next
however many years.
But most of all,
I'm sorry that I ever thought I was the kind
of person that could come to Paris.
I'm sorry.
Can we just leave it at that?
How far is our hotel?
Wait, where you going?
She's here. Cordelia!
Cordelia, please!
Grace, wait!
What in the heck
was that all...
Oh, nice and big.
MEG: There she is.
No ticket? No itinerary?
I am sorry,
but there is nothing.
And how do you propose
I travel to Monte Carlo in the morning?
Hey, Grace, it's okay.
Yeah, yeah, Grace,
you just got to pull it together.
Okay, don't!
Don't be sweet
and don't be
whatever it is that you are.
Just don't talk to me.
These are cloth.
Mademoiselle Scott,
Mademoiselle Scott... No, Miss Scott,
I explain to you.
I have checked and
there is nothing. No sign of package.
Does anyone here
speak English?
This is not English
we are speaking?
It's me, Cordelia.
Yes, I'm still in Paris.
Mother's forcing me to go to some
charity thing to repair my rep.
I don't know.
Polar bears, hungry people.
Where are you?
Majorca! Hmm.
If I leave now,
I can catch a flight
and be on the beach
by the morning.
No, I won't even check out.
Mummy will think
I'm off doing her errand.
By the time she works out
that I'm not there or here...
Let me call you
when I get to the airport.
GRACE: Emma.
It may take a while.
It appears to be raining...
GRACE: Can you
hand me a towel?
...quite hard.
(SIGHS) Thanks for nothing.
Who was that head case?
Who does she think
she is?
EMMA: I'm telling you,
trust us.
GRACE: You guys, easy.
Look at this.
Look, with her hair pulled back.
(GASPS) You look just like her.
I look nothing like her.
You didn't even see her.
I heard her.
that's the same thing.
That's crazy.
- Look this way.
- You guys are like twins.
Stop it!
Scowl. (GROWLS) Do it.
If only you were British.
Mummy wants me
to help people, poor people.
But I hate poor people.
How are you
doing that? That's really creepy.
Who cares?
It kind of sounds like
a mean Mary Poppins. I like it, do more.
Okay. I want
to go to Spain.
I want to see my friends.
I want a golden goose.
Excuse me, Miss Scott.
Good news.
The courier successfully
located your package.
(IN NORMAL VOICE) Oh, no, I'm not...
She's not...
No. No, there has
been a mistake.
Yes, yes, we know.
We are so, so sorry.
Your package
will be here in the morning.
In the meantime,
we have found,
as you requested,
a 26-pound langouste.
I shall take it in my room.
In the room.
Can you imagine having a room like
this and not even staying in it?
Yeah. So, we're not
staying here.
Meg, you watching?
Great, now we have
to make the bed.
can you just...
EMMA: Relax.
GRACE: We're just resting.
It's like money.
Meg, come on,
it's been a really long day.
Let's... Let's bond.
(SIGHS) Okay.
Just until it stops raining.
Oui, oui?
What time is it?
Oui, oui?
Meg! Hey, wake up.
Oh, frak!
Who fell asleep?
What did they say?
I'm not a hundred
percent sure,
but I think
my car is here.
MANAGER: Oh, Mademoiselle Scott!
Just keep moving.
Miss Scott.
Miss Scott!
Miss Scott, your package.
Your package has arrived this morning.
Take it.
Just take it.
Let's help you
to your car.
No! We're fine.
MANAGER: Oh, yes, please!
GRACE: Thank you, again.
Miss Scott.
Your car is waiting.
No, thank you.
But we'll walk.
But you cannot
walk to the airport.
- Airport?
- Yeah.
Airport. Thank you.
No! No, we're not...
Au revoir!
MEG: They really
do think you're her.
What? I want to know
where we're going.
We're going back
to our crap tour.
We are going
to Monte Carlo.
Wherever that is.
Grace, what does "priv"mean?
Is that an airline?
Let me see this.
See, Grace wants to go.
Forget it.
The trip is paid for,
whether Cordelia takes it or not.
And she is
a million miles away.
It's stealing.
It's seizing the moment.
We will get caught.
And then you'll get to say,
"I told you so."
Like you're going
to pass that up.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Warm nuts.
I am never flying
commercial again.
I shouldn't.
Let's read all about you.
Wait a minute, that's her?
I don't look
anything like that.
No, no, she has
a better nose.
It's a better slope.
"Jet-setting heiress
Cordelia Winthrop Scott..."
You're an heiress.
"...was caught by paparazzi
in Reykjavik when she..."
- Escandalo.
- What?
you are a bad, bad girl.
Give me that.
What did I do?
What didn't you do?
- And I'm here.
- Late.
I still made it before
the little monster arrived.
Look, here it is.
Miss Scott!
On behalf of
the Marchand Family Foundation
and Save the Children,
it's my pleasure
to welcome you to Monte Carlo.
I am Bernard Marchand
and my son, Theo.
Miss Scott.
And you've brought
some friends?
this is Emma Perkins and Meg Kelly.
Friends from the States
that I picked up somehow.
Just follow my lead.
How do you do?
It's pleasure to meet you.
I hope we're not disturbing you.
- Meg speaks French.
- Yeah, I just got that.
BERNARD: Let's get you settled
and Theo will be back
to pick you up this evening.
Yes, I will escort you
to the ball.
This keeps getting
better and better.
I'm sorry, the what?
The ball.
The Prince's ball.
The one being thrown in her honor.
Oh, that ball.
Yes, that ball.
- Perfect.
- THEO: Come on, please.
MEG: Thank you. Merci.
Thank you. Thank you.
Merci. Thank you.
Thank you.
We've got to
get out of here.
This is all paid for.
You never leave when it's paid for.
What are they
teaching you in college?
Emma, Meg is right.
This is too crazy.
You guys.
You don't take somebody's
private jet to Monte Carlo...
But you made us!
...find out they're
throwing you a ball in your honor
and then go, "Oh, no,
I couldn't possibly!"
You go.
Is this a real conversation?
we are way
out of our league.
They're going to see
right through me.
Grace, you'll be fine.
Just keep up the accent
and look down your nose.
I'm sure Meg can
help you out with that.
You know,
I'm out, okay?
This was never
part of the plan. I'm out.
(SIGHS) The plan.
You know what
the problem is with you two?
It's that you are
exactly alike.
- We are nothing alike.
- We are nothing alike.
Okay, fine,
you kids want a plan?
Here is the plan.
We go to that ball,
real Cordelia gets to play
hooky for a few days,
Frere Jacques gets
his charity girl,
and we
all get the vacation
that I deserve.
(SIGHS) How's that for a plan?
All right, I'll tell you
one thing right now, heels are a no.
Grace Bennett
in an Oscar de la Renta.
Oh, I just did
my make-up.
Save the tears
for the police.
Can you just
for one minute...
Nice, Meg.
Thank you.
Y'all, I think
mine is on backwards.
Or maybe the other me
has a little more going on upstairs.
Just feels like something...
Is missing?
Maybe two things.
No. Just one.
You're late.
He's so mean.
Are you coming?
Thank you.
So ding-dangy delicious.
(SINGING) So I guess
I'll have to wait and see
How is Owen?
But I'm just gonna
let something brand new happen to me
And it's all right
It's all right
It's all right
It's all right
It's all right
Bright lights
and the big city
Belong to us tonight...
Say, Owen.
Hey, man, how you doing?
What are you hearing
from the girls?
Nothing much.
Paris, man,
that is far out.
Yeah, how so?
We don't call it
the City of Love for nothing.
It's the City of Lights.
Hello, who's this?
Who's this?
- It's Owen.
Is that Emma?
Is Emma there?
She is...
She's what?
Not available to you.
Not available to me.
Yeah, well,
we'll see about that.
EMMA: Would you relax?
She is with French fry.
I thought
you were keeping an eye on her.
No, no, no.
We need
to stay focused.
MAN: Hello.
Focus, Meg.
You're ridiculous.
(WHISPERING) Why do people keep staring?
Is something slipping?
It's the necklace.
Your donation
for Friday's auction.
For Friday's auction.
On Friday.
Because I'll be here
all week.
Oh. My father says
we can build 20 schools
with the money
we will raise.
That's amazing.
That's a lot of futures
you're changing.
It almost makes
dressing up worth it.
Well, people are
maybe looking at your necklace,
but me, I have been
admiring the boots.
- Theo.
- Dom, how are you?
Good. You?
This is Cordelia
Winthrop Scott.
Prince Domenico da Silvano.
Oh, uh, how do you do?
Fine, thank you.
- Hey, how you doing?
- MEG: Yeah, hi.
Hey, Cordelia,
you were supposed to wait by the door.
I was,
but then he had me working the room.
DOM: Would you
care to dance?
No, thank you, Dom.
He's not talking to you.
My father is very
grateful to your aunt.
She persuaded your mother
to donate to our charity.
My aunt?
MEG: Alicia Winthrop Scott
was married to your late Uncle William.
How do you know that?
Well, hello, it's called
HELLO! magazine for a reason.
He died two years ago
on safari.
Who? What?
Okay, you were born
in Shropshire, parents divorced.
Schooled at Le Rosey,
but you were expelled
because you set
your roommate's hair on fire
in her sleep.
Aunt Alicia! Oh.
Well, don't you look lovely.
I'm so glad to see
that you're here.
Well, where else
would I be than here,
in Monte Carlo, where
I'm supposed to be?
At my ball, Aunt Alicia.
I just wanted to come
and verify your presence for myself.
Some peace of mind
for your poor mother.
Well, lovely to see you.
Now if you'll excuse me.
There's something
different about you.
Yes. Yes, I can't quite
put my finger on it.
People do change,
Aunt Alicia.
Well, here's hoping.
I'm bored.
You can report
back to Mother that I'm doing as told.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I want to dance.
Excuse me.
Well, you two seem
very close.
Everything is okay?
I'm so worried
about Cordelia.
(SINGING) I've been crying
for so long
Fighting tears
just to carry on
How long are you
here in Monte Carlo?
As long as possible, Dom.
Emma. We got to go.
No, I'm good.
Dom is a prince.
Okay, my aunt is here.
Aunt Brenda?
Aunt Alicia,
here to see her
favorite niece, Cordelia.
Oh. That's bad.
And we have to
stay here till Friday.
Oh, that's good.
She totally bought it.
You see? We're good.
Meg, come on.
No, I'm telling you,
she thinks you're Cordelia!
- You were just crazy enough!
- DOM: Excuse me,
I'm going to dance
with her. Sorry.
It was thrilling.
- Uh, excusez-moi...
- Bonjour.
I'm looking for a taxi.
- Taxi?
- Yeah.
Okay, you have
a taxi station just over here. Straight on.
- Merci.
- You're welcome.
WAITER: Mademoiselle Scott?
Oh, thank you.
(SIGHS) This is so nice.
Time to flip.
You have to rotate
every three minutes for optimal coverage.
It's a science.
Biology is a science.
Hey, Meg.
You know,
I picked out a dress for you.
I fixed your eyebrows.
Why are you picking
a fight with me?
I'm not.
Always. Little digs.
I know what
you think of me.
You have no idea
how little I think about you.
You see, Grace,
she's just not happy
unless everybody
around her is miserable.
- Emma.
- Trust me,
I forgot about you
the minute you left high school.
And so did everybody else.
Yeah, right.
And who quits high school
for a catalog shoot in Dallas?
I was on the cover.
Of a Clip 'n' Save.
You are so delusional.
Okay, you know what this is?
We had a big night last...
You know what your problem is?
It's that you are just jealous.
You're a waitress.
Your best friend is
an 18-year-old girl.
- Excuse me?
- And your boyfriend...
Okay, who died
and made you such a...
That's not what I meant.
If you'll excuse me.
- Meg, she didn't...
- Nice friend.
Ma petite-amie. Emma.
You answered her phone.
Come on, help me out.
She's my fiance. Here, take a look.
Have you seen?
Yeah, you know her.
Where did she go?
- But she's gone.
- Oh!
Well, yeah...
But where?
Hey, Meg.
You're not
following me, are you?
No. No, I didn't...
You okay?
I'm good. (CHUCKLES)
So, where's your bus?
It left us behind
a long time ago.
Stupid bus.
Oh, hey. What's up?
You're late.
Late for what?
- Are you...
- What?
You sound...
Something different.
Chip-chop, spit-spot,
come on, let's go!
Off we go! Quickly, come on!
Let's go.
Did somebody get flowers?
(EXHALES) "Emma, please
allow me the honor..."
"I'll pick you up at 8:00.
Cheers, thank you.
- Okay, all right.
- Yeah?
All right, this is what
you've been waiting for.
Bring it on.
I want to see this.
I mean to just...
- All right, I'll have a go.
- All right.
You want to? Go?
Go ahead.
- There we go. That's it.
- You actually know how to do it.
That's good.
Bonjour, Lucille,
this is Mademoiselle Scott.
Lucille will take care of you,
she'll show you to your room.
Where are you going?
I have to go change.
- Change?
- I'll see you on the field.
ALICIA: Cordelia!
There you are.
Ah, Aunt Alicia.
I'd love to
stay and chat,
but I must change, so...
Polo, how hard can it be?
Hey! I think we are
going the other way.
Oh, right. See, at home
they usually just bring the ball to me.
Right. The other way. Okay.
Your niece plays
with spirit.
Usually with more
finesse than spirit.
(SINGING) I'm ready, ready to run free
That's a nice one.
Thank you.
I'd like to know
what lies beyond the blue sea
You live once,
so drink the honey
I learn my lessons
from the birds and the bees
I want the sky to open wide
Illuminate this fire inside
I want the sky
So, you just go
wherever you like?
Yeah, that's the idea.
For how long?
I'll let you know
when I'm done.
And your parents
are okay with this?
I think they were just happy to see
me walk out of there, you know?
What, did they say
you'd never walk again or something?
I was never much good
at being told what I couldn't do.
But I was in hospital
for a year just flat on my back.
I hate hospitals.
My teammates
would come and visit in the beginning,
but after a while,
I was just a reminder
of what could happen to them.
Bad fall,
get hit in the wrong place,
never play rugby again.
trekking around for a while
just seemed like
the best way back.
You miss your mum.
I can't find my way back.
I went to the hospital
to see her every day she was there.
Almost two years.
That's a long time.
Not long enough.
Everyone was so nice,
and understanding, and comforting, and...
I just wanted to scream.
Do it.
Go on. Scream.
Just do it.
Look, I won't even listen.
I won't listen.
I can't.
Come on, hit the ball.
- What?
- The ball. Take it!
This is Cordelia.
Who is this?
Is it all right if I take her?
I'd love to brush her down.
- Really?
- Yeah, I've got her.
You've never been one
to clear up after yourself.
A new leaf, a new me.
It appears
you've made a friend.
I know.
Isn't she a beauty?
Remember that
darling pony you had as a girl?
What was its name again?
My childhood, please!
You know I never look back.
Oh, you remember
the black one
with the little white
star on his forehead.
Yes. Uh...
The one with the star.
I called him Blaze.
I really should get her
back to the stables, so...
The resemblance
is astonishing.
But Cordelia rides
English saddle.
And you, if I'm not mistaken,
were taught to ride Western.
Heaven forbid.
I'm just a little
out of practice, that's all.
Well, this is a new low
even for Cordelia.
To hire a look-alike
to stand in her stead
at a charity event
organized just for her
while she's off partying.
I don't know
if it's the champagne
or the sunlight
that's got to you.
Oh, I will call
security immediately.
No, you can't.
The charity!
Look, I promise you
that I will do whatever is
expected of Cordelia tomorrow.
I'm not about to
stand in the way of helping those kids.
Are you?
BERNARD: Alicia.
No one must ever know.
Is that clear?
Here you are.
What a wonderful match.
I was just
congratulating Cordelia.
The ambassador
is ready for us.
Oh. Shall we?
If you muck this up,
you will have me to answer to.
Both of you.
Pass it on.
Bling, bling, bling, bling,
bling, bling, bling...
Who are you
hiding from?
You ride very well.
It's one of the two things
my father taught me.
And the other?
It's actually more handy
than you might think.
No, here. Put your
fingers like this
and now curl your
tongue like that.
Now you try.
That's terrible.
Well, I'll work on it.
I think you should.
You're not what
I expected.
You're different.
Different is good.
Is it?
You make me think it is.
You make me
feel different.
Mostly I always
feel the same.
Same people,
same conversations, same parties.
None of it means anything.
But you help people.
I mean,
you're raising money, building schools.
I wish I were part of
something that important.
But that's my father.
That's not me.
I do nothing.
I've never been
to those schools.
I've never been
to Africa, to Romania.
I'm only faking
my way through.
GRACE: I know what
that feels like.
But there is nothing
fake about you.
I want to
show you something.
(SINGING) You call me a mountain
And I call you the sea
You can move me
if you want to...
Thank you.
And then we're gonna go
meet his friends
and then we're
gonna go dancing!
Meg, what has
gotten into you?
I know.
I'm sorry.
Me, too.
Hey, mate.
The necklace.
There's the Meg
that I know.
What were you thinking?
Stay classy, Meg.
RILEY: You good?
Yeah. I'm perfect.
First class.
(SINGING) Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing
that we can do
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me
or blame it on you
Relax, take it easy
Excuse me.
There are people for that.
Yeah, I know.
THEO: Give me your hand.
GRACE: Thank you.
THEO: I'm trying
to impress you.
GRACE: Mmm. So far, so good.
When I was little,
I had a snow globe of the Eiffel Tower,
and when you
wound it up it played
La Vie En Rose.
And when I shook it,
the snow inside sparkled.
When you kiss me, heaven sighs
It was magical.
Just like this.
I see la vie en rose
Just wait.
When you press me
to your heart
I'm in a world apart
A world where roses bloom
And when you speak
Look at this one.
Angels sing from above
Everyday words seem
to turn into love songs
This is amazing!
And life will always be
La vie en rose
I had a lovely time tonight.
Me, too, Cordelia.
Theo, I need to
tell you something.
- Yeah, sure, please.
Hi, good evening.
Maybe tomorrow.
All right, then tomorrow.
I'll see you
at the auction, all right?
I'm in here.
- GRACE: Hey.
- Hey.
What are you watching?
Grace Kelly.
You know how on
Hastings Avenue,
how all the houses
are set way back?
With the front walks
and big lawns and driveways.
I always wondered about
the kind of people that lived there.
You know,
the kind of people with
the dimmer switches
on their lights.
I thought Owen
and I were gonna
live in a house
like that one day.
(SIGHS) It's crazy.
It's not crazy.
So stupid.
I don't need a fancy house.
I just need Owen.
Grace, what if I blew it?
Oh, hey.
Hey, don't you
worry about it.
We'll work it out.
We always do.
I know. I know you will.
Then what?
I just...
I finally meet a guy
who likes me for me,
and I'm not even me.
But I feel like I am
when I'm with him.
If Theo finds out,
he's gonna hate me.
Grace, trust me.
Once he knows the real you,
the Grace that I know,
he's just gonna know
how lucky he is.
You think?
I knew it
from the minute I laid eyes on you.
You're going places, kid.
Where's Meg?
Close your eyes.
(LAUGHS) Do it.
Where did you find that?
For you.
Now, run.
- Bonjour.
- Bonjour.
This is me.
Back up to
the old Grimaldi Suite.
You're staying here?
Yeah. Sort of an upgrade.
Offer stands, Meg.
It's not as posh as this.
There's a place in Tuscany.
You just pitch your tent
right on the beach.
the company is good.
I wish I could.
The train leaves at noon
if you change your mind.
Change your mind.
Have a nice trip.
You, too, Meg.
GRACE: Meg? Meg?
Where have you been?
Will you relax?
It's okay, she is right here.
The article said
millions, Emma.
Yeah, I heard you
the first hundred times.
On my neck.
I'm not going to
relax until that thing is back in its case.
What is going on
with you two?
Can you please just
give her the necklace?
What necklace?
Oh! Riley!
It's in his backpack.
I put it in his backpack to be safe!
GRACE: Backpack? Wait!
Wait! What?
Whose backpack?
Okay, so Riley has it.
Where is he staying?
He's not. He's gone.
He stole the necklace?
No, Emma,
he didn't steal anything.
He's getting on
a train to Italy.
Are you kidding me?
At noon.
How far is the train station
from here?
Cordelia! Cordelia!
Oh, hey,
what's she doing here?
Oh! Mademoiselle Scott.
Room key.
Pillow, there.
Now the blankets.
Nobody in Majorca
(SIGHS) Hold on, Victoria.
Good morning.
Forgot how I hate the French.
Do not even think about it.
Well, can you wait for me?
I just have this
tiresome auction I have to deal with.
I suppose it...
Well, let's just...
I was meant to have a suite.
Put those in there.
Wait. Wait.
Stavros is supposed
to be here, isn't he?
I don't see his boat.
He's in Mykonos.
PORTER: Mademoiselle?
Hold on.
If you have finished,
you may go.
If you have finished,
you may go.
- Emma, go.
- No, I can't move.
- Move!
- You have to go!
Do it! Go.
(EXHALING) Okay, okay.
Oh, God.
- Don't look down.
- I'm sorry.
I looked down.
EMMA: I can't breathe,
I can't breathe, I can't breathe.
Emma, stop it. It's over!
Calm down. Shh!
It's locked.
Come on.
It's locked, too!
Oh, no.
No, no, no. Meg!
Wait, no!
No, no, no! Wait!
No! No!
- The train.
- The necklace.
Yes, I'm here, Mother.
So unfair.
I never get to see my friends.
I never do what I want.
When is it
going to be my turn?
You know what?
Let's just get
on a train and go.
I can't.
I pretended to be
that girl and now I lost her necklace.
You didn't lose
her necklace.
I did.
No, I did.
Well, I lied
to Theo, about everything.
I have to go back.
- What?
- I have to fix this.
Or at least try.
Okay, we go back.
We'll explain.
Maybe she'll understand.
Fat chance.
Could you be
a little positive?
One night out
and look at you.
Cheers, mate.
Excuse me, excuse me.
I was wondering
if you could tell me
where the Grimaldi
Suite is, please.
- Pardon.
This is Cordelia
Winthrop Scott.
I've been robbed.
Call the police.
Robbed! I will call securit.
No, I said police!
Call the police!
Yes, securit.
No, I said police!
Call the...
Oh, forget it!
I'll do it myself!
Mademoiselle Scott?
GRACE: Hello, Francois.
You still need securit?
ALL: No, no, no.
You're still robbed?
No, no, no.
- MEG: That's crazy.
- Yeah!
Police? I'm calling
to report a robbery at the Hotel de Paris.
This is Cordelia
Winthrop Scott.
Someone has been robbed?
No, nobody.
Theo! Nobody has been robbed.
We're all right.
But you...
How are you?
Are you teasing me?
Teasing you? No.
Well, because this
feels like a game.
(IN NORMAL VOICE) It's not a game.
Not to me.
But I do need to
tell you something.
And she will.
But the auction!
Back in 10.
I'll be right back.
It starts in five minutes.
Ladies, five minutes.
I don't understand women.
RILEY: Perfectly good pear.
The necklace!
Do not touch that bell!
Hi. I need to find this girl.
Have you seen her?
You came back.
I found your necklace.
Thought it was
a pretty good excuse for a second shot.
Wait for me in the lobby.
You got it.
- Don't leave.
- I'm not going anywhere.
Pardon me.
Hold on one second
there, boss.
You're telling me
that Emma is staying here?
I told you this.
Mademoiselle Scott's friend.
Now, pardon.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
We can explain.
- GRACE: Listen...
- Save your sorries for the police.
Wait, wait.
The police?
Oh, please!
But it's right here.
I have it.
Exactly! You have it!
MEG: Look,
this wasn't planned.
It's just a case of
mistaken identity.
It's impersonation
and it's a crime,
one I'm putting
a stop to this instant.
- But the auction...
- Oh!
Let me assure you
that there will be no auction now.
Hey! People are
counting on her!
(STAMMERING) Or on you... What?
That's not my problem.
Don't touch the phone.
Or what?
I promise you it
is a false alarm.
She said
everything was fine.
But why am I speaking English?
You let me up.
Now what do we do?
- Cordelia?
- RECEPTIONIST: Mademoiselle?
Help! Mmm!
open the door!
GRACE: Just a minute.
Give me the...
- Hello.
- Hi.
We had a call. There was a robbery?
Oh, no.
A misunderstanding.
You see?
MEG: Yes, she couldn't
find her necklace.
What? Where is she?
I'm right here.
RECEPTIONIST: There she is.
Theo, could you help me?
I can't quite
manage the clasp.
But tell me,
we heard a scream.
When she found
the necklace,
right now,
she was so, so happy.
(WHISPERING) What's going on here?
Oh, really?
Yes, I'm very sorry
to have wasted your time.
allow me to escort you,
mademoiselle, you know, as a precaution.
Would you?
I'm afraid I'm already late.
Right, Theo? Theo?
Coming, Meg?
Right behind you.
How's it going in here?
Oh, we're good.
Just getting acquainted.
We will...
We'll let you go
as soon as the auction is over.
Be right back.
MEG: Oh, come on.
Come on.
that whatever happens,
you'll think of the girl
you showed the fireworks to.
That was me.
Grace? Meg!
Owen! What are you doing here?
What's with...
Where's Emma?
She's upstairs.
Meg, is everything all right?
Yeah, everything's fine.
Where upstairs?
Trust me, you don't
want to go up there.
- Yes?
- Are you coming?
- Coming.
Why is she talking
like that?
(GROANS) She's not.
Please, both of you,
just stay here.
Hey, mate.
Third floor.
Grimaldi Suite.
What did you tell him?
It's fine,
he's waiting with Riley.
Miss Cordelia Winthrop Scott.
We've got this.
I'm really glad
you came, Meg.
I wouldn't miss this
for the world.
You will never
get away with this.
Honey, we've been
getting away with this for days.
You... What?
Don't mess with Texas.
- What are you...
- What are you doing here?
(STAMMERING) What am I doing here?
What am I doing here?
I've been
running all over
Paris looking for you.
BERNARD: 1,000,000 euros.
We have a bid for 1.5.
Do I hear two?
You went all the way
to Paris for me?
I don't want to
lose you, Emma.
Maybe I was trying
to fence you in a bit.
Guess I was just worried
that once you saw
everything there was to see here,
you wouldn't come back.
And look,
I'm sorry for that,
because I don't ever want to keep
you from something better.
you deserve the best.
But I already
have the best.
What was that?
So, Paris. It's pretty
awesome, right?
What was that?
- What was what, honey?
- You heard it.
- No, I didn't.
- Is someone in there?
What? Is someone
in here? No.
Emma, what's going on?
Oh, shoot.
OWEN: Grace?
BERNARD: We have a bid for 2.5.
Who will bid 3,000,000 euros?
(IN NORMAL VOICE) It's too much.
Mesdames et messieurs,
who will take us to 3,000,000?
Can I have...
Please, I'm sorry.
my dear, what is wrong?
It's okay.
There's something
I need to say.
Of course.
What is it, Cordelia?
Gandhi once said...
...that you must be
the change you wish
to see.
This necklace isn't mine.
CORDELIA: No, it's mine.
Arrest her,
she's an imposter.
Arrest her.
It's true.
I'm not Cordelia Scott.
There, you see?
I'm just
a regular girl from Texas.
I'm no one special,
but I had
the chance to be,
even if it was
only for a minute, and I took it.
We all did.
And we're sorry.
I know what
I did was wrong
and I don't expect
you to forgive me.
But it wasn't
all a lie.
I thought you
were different.
- $3,000,000.
We're from Texas,
we go big.
He doesn't have
any money.
Look at them,
none of them do.
- Arrest them.
- It's okay.
I'm sorry,
I didn't mean...
Look, you all
came here to help those kids.
Please don't let my mistake
get in the way of that.
I may not
deserve your help,
but they do.
ALICIA: 6,000,000 euros.
I would like to
bid 6,000,000 euros
for the necklace...
Aunt Alicia?
...on that young
woman's neck,
whomever she may be.
What are you doing?
I'm doing precisely
as she has asked.
I'm helping.
Sold for 6,000,000 euros
to one Miss Scott.
No! But?
Thank you.
Why are you just
standing there? Arrest them!
For what?
They seem very nice.
They stole
my necklace.
But the necklace
is here, no?
Well, they kidnapped me
and they tied me up.
And yet,
you too are here.
I see no problem,
everybody is very happy.
Excuse me,
but I am not happy.
But this I can do
nothing about.
So, where to?
Let's go home.
GRACE: I don't know, Meg.
Have you really thought about this?
No! No, not at all.
But what did you
tell your dad?
Well, I told him
I'd call and check in every day,
that I won't tell him
everything I'm doing,
that I'll be back
in August,
and then
I hung up
very quickly.
take care of my sister.
RILEY: Precious cargo.
My driver
will take you to the airport.
Bye, you
two lovebirds.
Please tell Theo
I said goodbye.
I will be sure to.
And that he was right.
I am different.
He knows that.
But I'll tell him.
Thank you.
- Au revoir!
- See you later.
Au revoir.
Hi, Mom.
Yeah, we had
an amazing time.
Just like that.
Try it out.
Hey, Grace,
I need somebody to run to the post office.
I'll do it.
ARCHITECT: That was it.
Yes, all right.
Now I am going to show you
the foundation of the new stadium,
which is possibly
to be ready by the end of the month.
We will have new lighting
for each classroom,
and the computers
will be here by September.
Superbe. Fine.
Thank you very much.
what do you think?
THEO: Well,
it's amazing.
This follows
the same model as you saw it in Rajasthan.
This is the dormitory?
Yes, for about
And on the other side
we have the garden.
Excuse me one moment.
(MUFFLED) Grace!
What are you
doing here?
I'm working.
What are you
doing here?
I'm volunteering.
I don't think that
we've properly met.
I'm Grace Bennett.
Theo Marchand.
It's nice
to meet you.
(SINGING) He's got looks that books
take pages to tell
He's got a face
to make you fall on your knees
He's got money in the bank
to thank and I guess
You could think
he's livin'at ease
Like lovers on the open shore
What's the matter?
When you're sitting there
with so much more
What's the matter?
While you're wondering
what the hell to be
Are you wishing
you were ugly like me?
Blame it on the girls
who know what to do
Blame it on the boys
who keep hitting on you
Blame it on your mother
for the things she said
Blame it on your father
but you know he's dead
Blame it on the girls
Blame it on the boys
Blame it on the girls
Blame it on the boys
Blame it on the girls
Blame it on the boys
Blame it on the girls
Blame it on the boys
Blame it on the girls
Blame it on the boys
(SINGING) Wouldn't wanna be
anybody else, hey
You made me insecure
Told me I wasn't good enough
But who are you to judge
When you're a diamond
in the rough
I'm sure
you got some things
You'd like to
change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn't wanna be
anybody else
I'm no beauty queen
I'm just beautiful me
You've got every right
To a beautiful life
Come on!
Who says
Who says you're not perfect
Who says
you're not worth it
Who says
you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me
That's the price of beauty
Who says
you're not pretty
Who says
you're not beautiful
Who says?
It's such a funny thing
How nothing's funny
when it's you
You tell them
what you mean
But they keep
whiting out the truth
It's like a work of art
That never gets
to see the light
Keep you
beneath the stars
Won't let you
touch the sky
I'm no beauty queen
I'm just beautiful me
You've got every right
To a beautiful life
Come on!
Who says
Who says you're not perfect
Who says
you're not worth it
Who says
you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me
That's the price of beauty
Who says
you're not pretty
Who says
you're not beautiful
Who says?
Who says you're
not star potential
Who says you're
not presidential
Who says you
can't be in movies
Listen to me
Listen to me
Who says you
don't pass the test
Who says you
can't be the best
Who said
Who said
Would you tell me
who said that
Yeah, who says
Who says
Who says you're not perfect
Who says
you're not worth it
Who says
you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me
That's the price of beauty
Who says
you're not pretty
Who says
you're not beautiful
Who says?
Who says
you're not perfect
Who says
you're not worth it
Who says
you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me
That's the price of beauty
Who says
you're not pretty
Who says
you're not beautiful
Who says
(English - US - SDH)