Morgen (2010)

Did you catch anything?
It's OK... it's fine.
What's in there?
What've you got there?
A carp.
Nice carp...
You can't find those in Romania.
It's one of those African carp.
Do you have a fishing permit?
It's illegal without a permit.
Got one of those permit things?
But I've crossed here before.
I didn't steal it...
It's illegal without a fishing permit.
But I caught it myself.
It's not OK!
You need veterinary certificate for that.
You can only cross with 3 or 4 kilos.
Do you have a shop receipt for it?
But I've crossed with fish
before with no problems...
Because it's alive you need
something to prove it's yours.
But I caught it...
I understand that, but...
No. No.
Leave the fish here and you can go.
This is the Hungarian border.
This is not a fish market.
But we're all in the
European Union, aren't we?
This fish is not in the E.U.
Come on, my friend, let him through...
I know this guy. He's from Salonta.
Let him go.
Let him go.
Not possible!
Sir, you can go, but the fish has to stay.
I said, leave the fish here
and you can go! Now!
Come on Mr Nelu, you know the rules...
One stays inside
and the other outside.
Mr. Nelu?
Can I help you?
What does it say here?
It's potato soup.
And what do I do with it?
Well you take a pan,
...fill it with water
and put the tin there...
...and warm it up.
When the water starts to boil, it's ready.
Take it out,
open it, and you can eat it.
But this serves four.
But I live alone.
No problem.
You can put it in the fridge
and eat it later.
Will it keep?
It's biologically natural.
And this?
What does it say?
It says "lecker".
What's that?
That means it's good.
Very good.
And is it?
Hello, Nelu.
Hello, Miron.
Should I come up there?
No, no need.
I say you get those metal tiles.
They're good, they're really nice.
Aren't they expensive?
No, they're not expensive.
They're pretty cheap.
How about the chimney?
I don't do chimneys.
I stick to what I'm good at.
Come inside.
So they're cheaper...
They're good. Really nice.
Come on in.
Will you drink a palinka?
We're out of palinka.
You'll have to bring more from the cellar...
So, Nelu, what's the plan?
When do we start?
Cucu promised me some old tiles
from the factory.
You should get those metal tiles.
They're not expensive.
We'll see... If we get the loan,
we'll buy metal tiles.
We're not buying metal ones.
I have to start the job at Popa's.
And we need to talk about my fee.
What is there to talk about?
Haven't we talked already?
I've told you how much I charge.
I need half the money before I start.
You've not even started and you want money?
We'll give you as much food and drink
as you like.
That's not the way I work, Mrs. Florica.
This is how I work.
Half of the money before
and half after.
I haven't asked for any food...
Food isn't money.
Some handyman...
He doesn't need food, he needs money...
Don't take it like that, Mrs. Florica.
I don't mind starting later.
If we get that loan...
It's hard for all of us.
You shouldn't start the job
if you don't have the money.
You've got a nerve.
Out of my house before I get really angry!
You think you're so clever, don't you?
You rude pig!
I didn't insult you, Mrs. Florica...
We don't need any handyman.
Forget about it.
Come on, get out!
You're always asking people for money
before you even start!
From Victorash, too...
And their roof is still leaking.
See you, Nelu.
Get out of here!
You just sit there
like you're deaf or something!
That Miron has such a nerve...
He doesn't want food.
He only wants money.
You know...
...the Delta is
just like the seaside...
With sandy beaches.
You can swim and sunbathe too.
I'm not going to the Delta... drown in of those broken boats.
I'm just saying that the Delta's
just like the seaside.
I could also do a bit of fishing.
Well in that case, go on your own.
If we go, we go together...
Like a family.
Turn it off.
Come on, let's go!
Step away.
Move aside.
Leave me alone!
OK, come on.
Come inside.
OK... OK...
Take these clothes!
That's right...
Take those clothes.
Hello there. Hello, Tibi.
Listen, my bike just broke down
near Arpasel.
I'll be late for work...
Yes, yes...
Sure, no problem...
Thanks a lot.
I owe you a beer. Bye.
Take these.
I don't need your money.
No money!
Put the shoes on!
OK. You're in Salonta now,
in Romania...
This is Salonta...
Yeah, maybe.
Yeah, yeah...
Hello, Nelu.
Do you want me to plough
that land of yours?
Will you stop bothering me!
I'm not going to plant anything there.
Well, don't regret it later.
No, no.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
I don't need any money...
I don't need your money...
Sit there.
Stay there!
Come here.
Stay there.
I don't understand a word you're saying...
Just stay here and we'll see...
I don't want it...
You can stay here.
We'll see about that.
Sit down.
Just stay there.
Hello, Nelu.
Hello, Nelu.
Hello, Miron.
Put it on my tab.
Well, can you start the job then?
I'm sorry, I've started the job
at Popa's.
Did you get that loan?
The loan's none of your business.
Well thanks a lot.
Come on, wake up!
Wake up, Mister!
Come and eat something.
Come on in...
Sit down.
Come on, eat.
Tomorrow, we'll see...
Like you say...
Hello, brother-in-law!
He brought that Italian guy again...
Like I told you before,
he wants to buy all the land and the house.
Both for a very good price,
a very good price.
We've told you, we're
not selling.
Didn't father, God rest his soul,
tell us to stay put?
That's what he said.
He did, I agree.
But why don't you just sell it?
And move to town.
With hot running water.
Last time, you said
you'd think about it, no?
We don't want to anymore.
I'm going to repair the roof.
So, now you're repairing the roof?
What's happening, Daniel?
We're going!
As you wish...
You'll regret it...
Here's the plan.
I don't want to ride in the side-car again.
It gives me a headache.
We won't take the road to Cluj, there's
too much traffic.
We'll take the road to Arad.
and then Sibiu, the Olt Valley.
We can spend a night there.
The next day we'll pass
Bucharest and head to Tulcea.
And then take the boat.
We should book ahead for the boat.
It'll be busy.
It's busy everywhere now.
It's busy at the seaside too.
I saw it on TV.
You stay there and rest...
It's never hurt this much before.
Stay in bed. Get some more sleep.
You don't have a temperature.
Come back quickly.
I won't be long.
Pray for mother and father,
may they rest in peace...
How are you, Mr. Nelu?
Fine, as always.
What are you doing around here?
Have you been to church yet?
I'm going now.
OK. Bye.
This one is torn.
I can't exchange it.
These are Deutsche Marks.
We stopped exchanging
Deutsche Marks ages ago.
No problem.
If it's not possible...
An ID, please.
I don't have it.
Thank you. Bye.
Hello, loji.
Have you got them?
I've got them.
Let me see.
You stick this into the ground...
It has a swinger...
And a beeper that beeps.
Made in China?
No, they're Japanese originals.
Like the ones on Discovery Channel.
Clever stuff!
How much?
OK. Give me a beeper.
But it only comes with the swinger.
I don't need the swinger.
That's the deal.
OK then.
Thanks, bye.
How are you?
You're late.
She's got a headache.
Poor her.
She's got a headache...
Stop upsetting her so much.
How do I upset her?
You know better than me.
You bring strangers into my house...
He's just a poor man.
I hired him to help us around.
I almost had a heart attack...
...when I went to the cellar
for potatoes.
You're out of your mind!
Are we out of potatoes?
I wanted to call the Police.
Don't worry.
I hired him to help me with the repairs.
Don't lie to me.
You'll put me in the grave...
You'll be happy then...
I'll take those.
You think I've not seen on TV
all the things happening around here.
About foreigners jumping the border...
He's not a foreigner.
He's just a Gypsy I hired.
He didn't have anywhere to sleep.
You really think I'm stupid, don't you?
Do whatever you like.
You don't listen to me anyway.
Will you peel the potatoes?
He could sleep on the couch.
I won't sleep with strangers in my house.
But it's cold down there.
He'll catch a cold
and we'll have to take him to hospital.
Give him another blanket,
give him that old quilt.
He didn't score
in the last three games.
He scored against Marghita.
Pascut scored that goal against Marghita.
Pascut didn't even play...
Of course he played...
Will you come and help me with your trailer?
I was going to pick my grapes.
But you said you'd help me...
I did, but you didn't tell me when.
Never mind...
You know what?
I'll talk to my wife and...
OK, talk to her...
What kind of tiles
will you buy? Metal ones?
Metal ones, of course,
they're nicer. And cheaper...
Have you got that loan?
No, but I've managed somehow.
I see...
I have to go.
I bought myself a beeper and a swinger.
How much?
Not much.
If you like, you could join me
one of these days.
We'll see.
You were right.
The metal ones are really nice.
And they're more hard-wearing.
We're from the Salonta Border Police.
Agent Mircea Popovici.
Are you Mr. Nelu Manciu?
Yes, that's me.
Can you show me your ID?
We're checking the border zone.
Just a second.
The man in the car?
A colleague from work.
I see...
You have a moustache
in this photo.
You need to have a new photo taken.
I didn't know that.
...or grow your moustache again...
Is that what the law says?
Yes, it is...
The law is the law.
And you can't bargain with the law.
Anyway. Apart from that moustache,
what we want to know is...
Have you seen anything strange
around the border?
Or here around your farm?
Anyone passing by?
Anything strange?
It's just me and my wife...
Our son is in Cluj.
Is that so?
What's he doing there?
He's at the University.
I guess you've seen on TV
the problems we have at the border?
You've seen, haven't you?
I don't watch TV. My wife does.
You should call us if you notice
anything strange.
Here's our phone number.
I don't want to remind you
that concealing information
about illegal border crossings... punishable by law...
It is against the law...
Being an accomplice and all...
I haven't seen anything.
That's all, Mr. Manciu.
If you see anything strange around
here, call us immediately.
And tell your wife the same thing.
I understand...
Have a good day.
Good day.
Come on, Ovi!
Park it in the yard.
You're back...
Telefonen... Germany...
Try again...
Where are you all heading to?
To watch a friendly against Sarkad!
You mean to lose again?
What's up?
Come on, Salonta!
Come on, Salonta!
Right, we're in Hungary. Go!
Take care, my friend.
Take care!
Come on, Nelu!
I'm coming!
Take care now...
Safe trip!
Stay there.
What the hell have you done?
Mrs Angela?
Wait a minute.
Good evening.
I understand there's a problem?
Yes, there is.
That man doesn't have any ID
or medical insurance.
So he has to pay.
That's not a problem, Mrs Angela.
We must put down a name at least...
We'll put down a name.
Wait for me in the car.
But the doctor should come and...
Let's sort this out, Mrs Angela.
Just tell me
how much I have to pay and...
We have to wait for the doctor.
I'll call the doctor later...
They played real football back then,
not like they do now.
Geolgau, Crisan...
Camataru... he really knew
how to score goals...
Hagi's times were also good...
Craiova's times were the greatest...
All the teams played well back then...
Isn't that right, Nelu?
You were a Craiova fan in those days,
weren't you?
I support CFR now...
Fuck CFR too.
They only have Spanish,
Argentinian and Brazilians.
It's like watching a South American
soap opera not a football match...
It's not as though we don't
have good players here.
They bring them from abroad...
Why are they playing for Romanian teams?
For money, you idiot, for money.
Do you think that they come here
for the game?
Yeah, I know, but...
What matters is the national team.
Fuck all the Portuguese and the Gypsies.
Our boys are out of the teams
because of them.
Good evening.
Good evening.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
Two coffees, please.
No sugar for me.
Want to play some cards?
I'll play.
Want a beer?
No, I'm on duty.
Good evening.
Good evening.
We'll give you a ride, Mr. Manciu.
But I have my motorbike here.
You were drinking back there,
weren't you?
Let's take a ride.
But why?
We want to show you something.
Don't worry, we'll bring you back here.
Do you want a cigarette, Mr. Manciu?
No thanks, I don't smoke.
So, Mr. Manciu...
We'll show you how things
work around here...
What technology we've got...
We can see through walls with this thing.
Through walls...
Can you see them?
These people want to go to America
or some other fucking place...
You think we'll let them?
They can go...
Why should we bother?
We have to get them papers,
lawyers and translators.
And wipe their asses too.
They should go wherever
the fuck they want...
Have you seen the bunny rabbits?
Sitting there...
They've been sitting there
for two days.
We could catch them, Mr. Manciu.
But what's the point?
More will come...
And we're just a couple of guys here.
What we mean to say, Mr. Manciu...
You should be very careful...
We don't want to have any problems here...
Get it?
If the county inspector pays us a visit...
Then you and me, we
don't know each other.
I get it.
Are you sure?
Want to take another look?
- Hello!
- Hello!
I don't think so...
I don't think so...
I haven't bought from them
for a long time.
They aren't like they used to be.
Sure... Sure...
You go down...
...Decebal Street...
By the market...
Yes, that way...
Cross the bridge...
You must cross the bridge...
Listen to me...
Cross the bridge and then you'll see
the petrol station on your right.
Then you go down...
...Cosbuc Street.
Not that way.
You have to cross the bridge!
The petrol station is on the right...
I'll tell you one more time. Pay attention!
You pass by Decebal market.
Cross the bridge...
Yes, and the petrol station is
on the right.
On Cosbuc Street.
She's fine...
Whose wedding?
I'm not going to any wedding.
I've already been to
three weddings this year.
I won't go to this one.
OK, then...
Bye, bye.
What are you doing here?
Well, you said
he could work the slicing machine...
We'll see about that...
But you said I should bring him here...
What am I supposed to do with him?
You said he could work the
slicing machine.
That's not your business.
OK, then.
Do what you like...
I don't have time to waste.
I'll be late for work.
No, no.
Stay here with Daniel.
OK? Sit down.
Sit down.
Sit down.
Sit down.
What can you do?
What can you do?
What are you good at?
Hurry up, Mr. Nelu!
Go fuck yourself...
Hello, Diego.
Hello, Nelu.
How are you?
Just shopping...
Can you help me get rid of
this Turkish guy?
I don't do that kind of thing anymore.
He's got a bit of money.
I said, I don't do that kind of thing.
Come on, help me out...
Leave me alone.
Hello, Peacock.
It's me.
Are you still marking that road to Sarkad?
Are we going home?
Come on.
Be carefull with that!
Put it down.
Get behind me.
To the right.
Hold it.
Don't let go.
Don't let the wind get it.
Hold it here.
Hold it there.
Is it OK?
It's OK!
What are you doing here?
Come home!
We're going home.
Nelu, you think people don't talk?
People know about him.
What do people know?
That you keep the man at the farm.
Be careful with this Gypsy of yours.
People talk.
He could be some kind of a terrorist.
He could have who knows what disease.
Don't you watch TV?
We'll get rid of him
once the roof is repaired.
He can go back where he came from.
Just shut up.
Don't you dare tell my sister to shut up.
You ruined her life, her youth...
I didn't ruin anything...
I'll have a word
at the town-hall tomorrow.
If he wants citizenship,
we'll make him Romanian.
We already have plenty of Gypsies
around here anyway...
I can't believe I'm driving around the
border with Turks in my car...
Hurry up!
Come on!
Did you bring that paper?
Hurry up, we'll miss Zoli's shift.
I talked to him.
It's OK, I spoke to him too.
OK, we'll see...
So this is that Turk of yours?
Yes, that's him.
Shit! Where's Zoli?
What are you doing?
Formula 1?
It took us 3 hours to get here...
What are you doing?
What's going on?
We have to mark the road to Sarkad.
I have the official paper here.
Part of the...
Sorry, that's not it.
Here is the paper.
The town-halls agreed
to mark the road across the border.
New EU laws, you know?
We have to mark the road to Sarkad.
To Sarkad...
What are you doing up there, Nelu?
Helping these guys.
You're helping them...
What's with this paper? Turn back
to Salonta.
It's white...
White is not good.
White no good.
But we have this paper here!
White is no good.
In Hungary the markings are yellow,
in Romania they're white.
Please turn back
and change the colour of the paint.
...and bring the paper.
- Stamped!
- Stamped?
Yes, stamped.
A new stamped paper.
So, we must bring yellow...
Turn back, please!
We'll bring some yellow paint then...
White paint isn't legal.
Please, turn back.
Come on, move!
Let's go, guys!
We'll come back with the
yellow paint.
Please, turn around.
The red is mine.
Quit playing cards and go to sleep!
Turn off the light!
Where is the red?
Don't you hear me, Nelu?
Is this how you play in Turkey?
You're killing me!
That's yours.
That's a red one...
Put it at the bottom.
Well done.
That's yours, too.
No, the red one...
Put it there.
Leave it there...
Border Police! Your IDs, please!
We don't have our IDs.
How come?
We don't have them.
Show me your IDs!
We left in a hurry this morning
and forget to take them.
Please show us some ID.
Our IDs are at home.
At home?
We've been harvesting the corn.
Is there a problem?
We need to see some IDs.
It's not on me.
Not yours. Their's.
We've got them at the farm.
Then let's go to the farm!
Come on!
Let's go to the farm!
Follow us!
Stay here.
I'll take a photo of the two of you.
Can't we talk about this?
Please point in the direction he came from.
Where you found him.
Mr. Manciu, please point in the
direction you found him.
Now, please point in the direction
of the border.
I ran the check.
His name is Behran Gunes.
They say he probably crossed
from Bulgaria two weeks ago.
He doesn't have a Romanian visa.
We need to solve this.
Send him back to Bulgaria?
Too complicated.
I wouldn't call HQ at the weekend.
We'll just take him out of the border zone...
He should go to Bucharest,
to his embassy.
Sounds good to me.
Come on!
Why didn't you report this?
Call who?
Don't play dumb with us.
This isn't a joke!
Sir, we don't know this man.
What do you mean,
you don't know him, Mrs Manciu?
He was on the back of the cart with you.
How do you explain that?
I don't know him...
Why should I know him?
He's from Turkey.
He must reach Germany.
His son, his family.
He has no visa. No ID.
This isn't a playground, it's a national
This man has to reach his family
in Germany.
Hi, Ovidiu.
Hello, Mr Daniel.
Hi, Popovici.
What's the problem?
Who is this man?
What's he doing here?
Mr. Daniel, this man cannot justify his
presence on our national border.
He doesn't have an ID.
He entered Romania illegally,
he has no visa...
We have to send him back.
I see...
I know, border problems, I know.
There is another option...
A relocation programme
in Timisoara.
That's right.
We can send him there.
Perhaps he could get on the programme?
It's an EU initiative.
They take them where they need
more inhabitants.
To Canada or to Sweden...
there's space for them there.
Isn't it too cold there?
You guys have got a nerve.
Can't you understand he has to go
to Germany?
To his family... To his son...
Can you understand
he doesn't have the correct papers?
You just come into my house
without a warrant...
What has this man done to you?
Get out of my house!
Calm down, Nelu!
You're pushing your luck here,
Mr Manciu.
Let me remind you...
...unjustified presence
in a border zone is punishable by law.
And acting as accomplice to
an illegal crossing is also punishable.
You think I care about your law?
What has this man done to you?
Shut your mouth Nelu!
You'll get yourself arrested!
I'm sure we can come
to some understanding.
We can't come to an understanding!
They should get out of my house!
We'll leave.
Leave him alone.
Haven't you heard about
national security?
National security?
There are no more borders!
Stay here Florica...
Get out.
You were in the border zone
without a visa.
You don't have the right to be here
without a visa.
Go back to Timisoara,
or Bucharest, or Istanbul!
Get a visa and you can go
wherever you want!
Get it?
Border Zone
This is Hungary...
Go, go...
Take care!
Take care...
bSubtitle Rip; TheHeLL/b