Morgue, The (2008)

It's about time.
Don't wait.
Conference room.
Five minutes.
You too, Drake.
Hey, it's Margo Dey.
If it's Philip, don't bother
leaving a message.
Did you hear him, Drake?
Five minutes.
Back to work.
What's that, Patty?
Yes, it is my birthday.
Thank you for remembering.
Now, Maury,
you should know better
than to ask a lady her age.
Damn it, George.
Good night, George.
Hey, it's Margo Dey.
If it's Philip, don't bother
leaving a message.
Hey, Margo, it's Philip.
Listen, we need to talk
about what happened.
We need to talk
about what happened.
I wanted to let you know
that I'm real sorry
and I really
want to talk to you.
And I know today's
a special day for you,
so I thought maybe
we could do something fun,
something that
you want to do.
And I promise
I'll listen this time.
happy birthday.
And call me when
you get this, okay?
I love you, baby.
I'll be there on time, yes.
I gotta go. Bye.
- Sorry.
- Sit, please.
The other day we got a call...
domestic dispute.
Found a woman dead...
early 30s,
shot twice in the chest,
once in the head.
- And the happy husband?
- He was out of town.
- Hmm. The happy sideshow.
- Sideshow?
Whoever she was
blowing that day.
The point is the husband came home
and told us about the kid.
Which brings us
to our Amber.
Top priority.
Don't you ever
do that again.
Come on.
Come on.
Oh, you've gotta be
fucking kidding me.
Hey, George.
- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.
- What?
I said I'm sorry,
I didn't mean to startle you.
Haven't I seen you?
Oh... no.
We're just passing through
on our way to a family reunion.
That is,
until we ran out of gas.
Right, Peter?
Right, Peter?
Oh, yeah.
Truck doesn't run
on empty.
And how are you tonight?
I have to pee.
Look, it's been
a really long day for us.
Do you mind if
we use your bathroom?
Oh, no no,
of course not.
- Right this way.
- Thanks.
Where is it?
I gotta go.
We're almost there.
I know. I tried
that calcium lime stuff,
bleach, everything.
Nothing seems to remove it.
What happened?
Owners say that one
of their employees, Horace,
just went crazy.
Came in here
and killed himself.
That's supposed
to be the blood.
Don't think about it, Horace.
Now he's stuck
in purgatory...
half dead, half alive,
haunting the grounds
until his soul can be laid to rest.
That's the most ridiculous
thing I've ever heard.
I know.
I think it's scary.
Finish up, please.
What the hell are you
doing here, anyway?
well, it pays well
'cause no one else
wants to do it.
And besides, I'd rather spend time
with my quiet friends
than a boss up my ass,
you know?
All set?
All right.
What is it?
What's wrong?
I saw someone.
Oh, well,
that's just George.
He's the night watchman.
There's mud on the mirror.
That's impossible,
I just cleaned it.
It was right here.
Ha ha, very funny.
- I'm hungry.
- Do you like cookies?
How about chocolate chip?
Well, I have some.
Come on.
Swing a right.
I made them myself.
- What do you say?
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
Thanks again for everything.
Oh God, not a problem.
There's a truck outside.
Do you know who it belongs to?
He must have stepped out.
I'm sure he'll be right back.
Closest town's Birmingham.
It's like six miles back.
Why don't you just
stay here for a while
- until he gets back?
- We don't really have a...
What choice
do we have?
Look, is there a place
I can wait for him?
Yeah, front lobby.
He goes in through there.
All right.
- Come on.
- Where do you think you're going?
We're coming with you.
I don't want to go.
Let's go.
I said let's go.
Hey, I have
a deck of cards
and we can play,
eat some cookies
in the coffee lounge if you want.
Is that okay with you?
You be good, okay?
Come on.
Right this way.
Whatcha doing?
Building a card house.
Very cool.
Help! Someone!
Help! Somebody!
Please, we need some help!
My friend Samim...
- I think he's dying.
- Yeah, of course!
You got a cell phone?
I can't find mine.
Cell phones
don't work in this area.
Listen, we have a land line.
I'll call 9-1-1.
No, don't!
I'll do it!
I mean...
l... I know the situation.
I can explain it better.
Okay... phone's this way.
- Here, just help Samim with this, all right?
- Yeah yeah yeah.
Honey, honey, it's okay.
It's okay.
Listen, just let me
help him, okay?
Damn it.
What the hell?
The door's locked.
- No, it can't be.
- Well, it is.
I got keys. Listen, just give me
a second, okay, honey?
Just give me a second.
It shouldn't be.
Like I said.
Where are my damn keys?
Let's try the one
down the hall.
Over there.
Hello? George?
Ooh! Did you get help?
I gotta head back.
I gotta check on Samim.
How do we get out of here?
Well, let me show you.
Excuse me...
excuse me, George?
Hey, we're talking to you.
We ran out of gas
about a mile up.
Could you help us out?
We'd really
appreciate it.
Let me handle this.
Peter, don't.
Let me.
I'll just grab Jill,
get the hell
out of this place.
What happened?
Can I ask you
what happened?
- Get the...
- Dude, shut up!
- You've gotta...
- I've got it, okay?
We're... we're not
gonna get in trouble.
Okay, just fuckin' drive!
Son of a...
Hey, George is back.
Jill, come...
Who are they?
All right, Jill,
come on.
Come on.
Where is she?
Come on.
Let's go back inside.
Back inside.
- Has Nan come back?
- No, I haven't seen her.
Stay here!
- Wait!
- What?
I'm coming with you.
You don't know
how to talk to George.
He's been through a lot.
- Fine.
- Listen, he just lost his daughter.
He doesn't want to talk
to anyone but me.
George, where are ya?
George, you there?
He must have
left again.
Now what?
I think he has a flashlight
around here somewhere.
Hold on.
Try these...
Look. Bingo.
- Here we go.
- Yeah, keep the pack.
Right this way.
What is that?
Check it out.
Oh my God, are you okay?
What's going on?
Somebody's after us!
When's help getting here?
it's him, isn't it?
Where are they?
Honey, I am not gonna let
anything happen to you.
Margo, open the door!
- It's Peter! Open the door!
- You are not going out there.
You're not gonna risk my life and everyone
else's for somebody I don't know, okay?
- We're gonna find another way out of here.
- Open the goddamn door!
Samim, don't worry.
I'm gonna get us some help.
Margo, please,
open this door!
We are not opening
the door, it's a trap!
Open the door!
- He needs our help!
- Listen, we're not going out there!
It's quiet.
He's hurt.
Come on! Come on!
Come on!
No no, no no.
- Open the door!
- Who is it?
Open up!
Can someone tell me
what the fuck that was?!
It's Horace.
- Horace?
- Who's Horace?
Margo knows.
- It's stupid.
- Well, what's going on?
Listen, some worker,
he killed himself on the grounds
like years ago
and now Jill thinks
he's after us.
I never got through.
Excuse me?
The ph... the phone.
- It doesn't work.
- I saw you use it.
Yeah, I know. And I'm telling you
I never got through.
That's bullshit. I just heard
the phone ringing.
Me too.
How'd you guys
get here, anyway?
there was an accident.
All right, look.
Let's just get the flashlights,
find Nan,
and get the hell
out of here.
I'm not going out
in the dark.
Well, I think I can fix
our lighting problem.
- Come on.
- No.
I told you,
I'm staying right here.
All right... Margo!
It's Margo.
Open up.
Power's up.
This yours?
- How do you come to work?
- Bike.
Where is it?
The bike... where is it?
It's out front.
I gotta find Nan.
Here's what we're gonna do.
Let's split up.
Two of us go to town...
one on your bike,
one on foot.
The rest stay here
locked in this room.
You, Einstein,
you're coming with me.
Oh, there's a lock.
It's combination.
It's 3-20-33.
Can you remember that?
Let's go.
Let's go. Now.
Shit. Where's the bike?
I don't see it.
Where'd she say the rack was?
Should be right
around the other side.
After you.
I'm not going first.
- Shit.
- What?
It's not here either.
What do we do?
We walk.
What the hell
were you thinking?
What are you
talking about?
I'm talking
about the door.
"I'm not risking my life
for someone I don't know."
I could've died back there,
you stupid fuck.
Why are you
bringing this up now?
I just figured...
Yeah yeah yeah,
you just figured what?
- Uh, we have a problem.
- Just keep walking.
No, hold on.
You see this?
See what?
You're kidding, man.
Must have taken
a wrong turn or something.
Let's... let's just head
back down the road.
We... we probably
just got turned around
or something.
What the hell
is going on?
What that hell
is going on?
All right.
Head back down
around the curve.
I'll stay here.
Tell me what you see!
Peter! Look up the road!
How the hell
did you get up there?
I don't know.
What the hell's going on?
I don't know.
We should
head back inside,
grab the others
and find a way
out of this morgue.
What do you think?
All right, man,
this isn't funny.
No no no!
Margo, open the door.
It's Peter!
Open the door!
- Where's Jacob?
- What?
- Have you seen Jacob?
- Jacob was with you!
What are you
talking about?
What... what happened?
We have to leave now!
Okay, let's go,
but what about him?
We'll come back
with help.
Oh God.
This way.
We can cut through
the chapel
- and go out the side entrance.
- Okay.
Stay close.
- This way.
- Let's go.
Over here!
Over here!
What's wrong?
What the...
- Where is he?
- They took him away.
All right, Jill.
I want you to stay here.
Keep the door locked.
I don't want to stay here.
Stay here
where it's safe.
I will come back
and get you.
Trust me.
He's gone.
He was right there.
You saw him.
We all saw him.
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Oh my God, Peter!
Peter, I'm gonna get you out of there!
I'm gonna get you out!
Help! Help me
get out of here!
Peter, keep pushing!
Come on!
Come on, kick it!
Kick it,
he's coming!
Come on!
Peter, come on!
He's coming!
He's coming!
Oh God!
Oh God!
Oh God!
Come on!
No! No!
Come on! Come on,
we've gotta go now!
Come on, come on.
Oh, honey.
It's gonna be okay,
I promise you.
We just need to get out of here
and it's gonna
be okay.
Come on.
The point is, the husband came home
and told us about the kid.
Which brings us
to our Amber.
Top priority.
You guys can get started
on this by heading out
to the accident
that was just reported:
a two-car collision
on Highway 57.
Officers say they found
an eight-year-old girl.
Let's get moving.
Okay. Okay, come on.
We made it.
Come on.
Come on.
Notify the hospital.
Excuse me!
Can you help?
- Can you... excuse me, can you...
- This is one mess.
Oh my God.
Can somebody help us?
Is that our Amber?
No such luck.
- Take this.
- Okay.
Excuse... hey, can you...
Oh, no, no.
It's okay.
We're fine now.
This car was stopped.
The blinkers are on.
The black car
piles into it.
Somebody walked away.
Help! Help!
Somebody, please!
Somebody, help me!
There's handprints,
there's blood there.
Over there...
Hold, please. Chet.
That's attractive.
Good. Thank you.
That was not the guy
that walked away.
Will you grab my gloves
from the car, please?
Oh, you've gotta be
fucking kidding me.
Nan, I would think real hard
before I speak right now.
Did you forget
we're on a schedule?
Don't you think
I know that?!
I'm the one who planned
the fucking thing.
Yeah, but you can't find time
to get gas, is that it?
Did you remember
to charge your cell phone?
Oh, shit.
See what you've done?
Yeah. Suck on this.
Don't you ever
do that again.
Come on.
Hey, it's a lady.
Ooh! I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to startle you.
Everybody okay
over here?
Yeah yeah.
We just ran out of gas.
Oh, jeez, the closest
gas station's like six miles away.
Six miles?
Do you hear that, hon?
Got a long walk for you.
Hi, sweetheart.
What's your name?
- Jill.
- Hi, Jill. I'm Margo.
Oh, your sneakers
are all dirty.
- Hit the...
- Dude, shut up!
- You've gotta...
- I've got it, okay?
- We're not gonna get in trouble.
- Just fuckin' drive.
Son of a...
I got something that'll
do just the trick.
- What do you say?
- Thank you.
You are very, very welcome.
Watch out!
One, two, three,
four, five.
Come on, baby, please.
One, two, three,
four, five.
Phil! Phil!
What are you doing?
Phil! Phil! Phil!
No, get away!
Get away from me!
- Phil! Phil!
- Get away!
- Phil!
- One, two, three, four, five!
- Phil!
- One, two, three, four!
Oh, Christ.
Phil, she's gone!
They did that. They did that.
Get her out of here!
Get her out of here!
Phil, stay here with me.
You're here with me.
It's okay.
I'm right here.
I'm right here.
How you doing, George?
Fine, Paul.
How are you?
I'm doing good.
How's the kid?
Oh, he's gonna be
just fine.
I'm really gonna
miss this young lady.
There was something
special about her.
She was always
very good to me.
take care, Paul.
You have a better one.
Prep Room,
this is Frank.
Oh yeah.
Hey man, what's up?
I'm all right. I'm just prepping a male
and a female before lunch.
If you want to.
Yeah, that'd be great.
Somebody's in here!
Oh, no!
Hey, stop!
Stop it!
No, stop! No!
I'm alive!
No! Help me!
Help me!
Now he's stuck in purgatory...
half dead,
half alive...
haunting the grounds
until his soul can be laid to rest.
I'm alive!
I'm alive!