Morituris (2011)

Simply nothing to beings
made to die, or let's say,
to the dying, just because
a day closer to the time,
Deadly edge of where we need to get,
and every time we draw it. ~ Seneca.
Where is Martha?
I lost my ball.
Calm down, we will find it.
Come On! You love to play.
You don't need to tell your mom and dad.
I don't know how they would react!
Come on! You have fun with your friend.
Why not?
We have fun! Come on!
You love when I touch you!
Why they would have a free?
They are no longer members.
So. They decided to
abandon their rights.
- It suits them.
- Like always!
Who would deny that this selfishness
is what drives every human being?
They're miserable. How can we expect
anything else?
It is every man for himself.
For everyone.
For us too, right?
Yes of course.
But they are responsible for their
Only they envy the wealth of others.
Victims envy torturers.
This is a stupid debate.
Maybe, maybe, but!
Do not underestimate the power of
evil, dear.
What is war?
The desire to dominate.
Inevitably it leads to conflicts.
When the blood starts
flowing in the streets,
Always the unfortunate exploit chaos.
To commit the worst crimes.
You think?
Of course! It is as I say.
Tyrants start wars,
But genocide is only a consequence.
When the real evil
is in the streets,
Soldiers die, the looters die.
Perhaps even tyrants.
But one thing is certain:
Innocent people die
In gigantic numbers.
Mountains of dead meat
are rotting everywhere ...
- I tell you.
- And I salute you.
- See you soon.
- Too bad you're not here.
If I were with you, you can not be
with me, right?
Do not worry, I take good care.
Ok see you soon.
Yes, you see.
Excuse me.
You can put on the felt slippers?
Thank you.
I say more, the less he understands.
I want the horse!
But he continues to show me another.
Did you know that in Italian the word,
'horse' looks like 'bears'?
Orso, horse, horse
How to say in your language?
He heard 'Orso' and gave
you what you wanted.
- But I showed him the other!
- What an idiot.
What was the bear?
Yes, take the bear.
It was not a bear, but a horse!
Out of curiosity, why a plush horse?
Maybe it excites me, the horses.
It is a gift for my nephew.
My nephew Marius.
You do not know my nephew?
Does not ring a bell.
Come on, let me see.
What a beautiful child, Marius!
You want to see, right?
I don't care.
He's the son of my brother.
The one who works on TV.
Remember, he works on TV?
Yes, he works on TV.
He is cute.
He prefers me to his mom.
- It is wrong, don't you think?
- If it is true.
What are you saying?
- Bullshit!
- You know big words?
It is what they first learn.
He speaks bad words.
But in Italian.
In his mother tongue.
Each sentence finally cum.
Kiss my ass.
It's normal,
The first words of the natives, is
Genital Italian, it is the parents.
Make no mistake.
If one day you encounter other
It's unlikely.
If you ask they will show
you their genitals.
It is likely that.
If you come across a guy like him.
That shows you live
for Mompracem tiger.
As a good native.
A simple guy.
A resident of Viotia.
You owe him 300th in the Philistine!
Stop with your cigarettes!
For what reason?
For the evolution of football,
I'm broke!
My analog joypad failed.
I owe you shit.
In cases of fraud, it suits you.
Silent, cheapskate!
You're not going to put us football!
They're the ball for Italians!
The ball!
Watch your big picture and shut up.
Stop, not in front of the girls.
- Thank you.
- You are welcome.
I can never hear anything!
Put on my cd.
Watch your ashes, my car is new.
- What music?
- In my opinion, a disco.
Last night, he assured the track.
Honey, you do not know
how I was last night.
I followed the white rabbit.
Discotheque my ass, this guy is
Vaginal putrefaction.
Prostitutes disfigurement.
Aborym, no, this is normal.
Beastly profanation
Are you ill?
You're a crazy metal-head!
You speak of other things.
Shakira, Mariah Carey, it's anything!
What is this cd?
Not to mention that Britney Spears shit.
Leave Britney alone.
She is divine!
A star in the stars, the light at the well.
The dimple on a smile.
You see it is not crazy?
Music critic of my balls.
And you, you love it?
Real music. I love al bano.
Al bano? Al bano and romina?
You know Al Bano!
He is known in your country?
- What is this?
- What is this shit?
Did you see? Band bastards!
Surely a child.
I see nobody, just wait.
Out a little break.
If I go, it'll shit. Rolls.
No child.
Where it seems that I was playing child.
You want some?
You have the moon on the mouth.
Hear half, the other he.
You know the name of the other side
of the moon?
We can not see.
You know how children draw the moon?
You have children?
He taught in a school for children.
They draw like that,
And they color behind.
They see it flat, but they know
it's hiding something.
When I was little,
I colored all in black.
Let's go.
Wait a little.
Small, I was a true champion.
Junior with Totti.
- And then they put me with Maradona.
- What is this bullshit?
All were assured.
Much better than Pele.
But it did not last, I did not like
the South Americans.
And then I understood that football
is a sport for monkeys.
Whore, what are you talking about?
So what then?
Just a shot!
One shot?
You're stupid.
Awesome! Great!
- Incredible
- What a loser!
You really are a complete idiot.
Is there a scratch
Where it comes out, it football?
And you continue to take it everywhere.
Silence, guys!
Good God!
What misery I am speechless.
Put on your seatbelts.
It stinks!
I am really speechless.
It is the cake mom peppers.
- Can I say one thing?
- Certainly not.
Go ahead
No offense.
No way.
I'll kill you.
Last night, when we met you in a box,
We said, always the same, the Italians
They are malignant
dredge and foreign.
Well, not at all!
These tights.
Those who point to tell you,
My dear, what is your name?
We will take a ride?
We are afraid that you
are dangerous.
But you're really nice.
So we are delighted
to have met you.
And I think that of you.
Pasta will do with you?
We are the good guys.
The black guy was dangerous.
Yes, black!
But he was given a lesson.
No one would say, but our little
prince...he can hit.
I got really scared.
It is your friends, huh?
I love passionately.
Last year I burned two alive.
Do not laugh, it's true.
My god, you're a racist.
Not at all.
It is their fault, negroes.
You're hilarious.
Jacques, my friend.
Yes, tonight we is stoned.
My poor.
If not, you keep on a leash, you
have fun with us!
All is well?
Yes, you're driving
Who is here?
One is with two wogs.
People who speak Italian poorly.
We speak very well!
Yes, we are on the way.
Have fun.
Think about me!
For everyone, it is with you.
If mom calls, you are with me.
So? Is below, this rave?
This is the guy who told us about it.
He can not come.
I do not understand the road.
Show map.
You do not have.
And I would take what?
Party with loud music and lots of drugs?
Speaking of drugs.
La Bamba to eat?
Come on guys!
Don't worriy, I thought of everything.
A small one for the road, we'll
begin the game here.
Say what?
- No, sorry, not this stuff!
- What is this?
It's a trick bums!
In life, you've tried everything,
even the vices of the poor.
No, I will roll a joint.
Spin me another puff.
Go, shit, we start!
Transforms the grid.
This is where Jacques said.
Look a little.
That's it, we're.
Finally, I'm tired.
It's time to play!
Here. Now you have to walk.
Take the bags,
And triggers.
I do not hear the music.
It has not started yet.
Or they try to be quiet, it is
A rave is not legal at all.
They are in the woods.
Go, dear.
You're in great shape.
What is that?
Here are the lions.
I should have taken the shotgun.
You didn't take it?
The writings may be some truth.
It is beautiful here!
I want music!
It will come.
The most beautiful music in the world.
Believe me.
We have a concern, it is perhaps not
the way.
Don't get angry, we will see.
There is no cause for panic
Why not call Jacques?
I left it in the car, file yours.
I left too, so not to lose.
I not pick.
Girls, you pay us yours?
We try?
Do not tell me we gonna do nothing.
I am.
We exchange.
Call Jacques and see.
It's me.
Where's the rave?
It's too early?
One is on site.
It is later, they will come.
In advance? There's no one, no light.
We have to walk a little further.
They arrive.
Problems with the cops,
But it's settled.
Give me the cell.
Leave it, they can contact us.
Meanwhile, we will make a fire.
- And start the game.
- Yes, the party!
A fire! We'll start a fire!
And put torches everywhere.
Pass the bottle of vodka!
Who cares, if there's no rave?
I do not care.
I have fun.
Me too.
The less people, the better.
Yes, I do love the noise.
And if these holes were planted there?
Let's go.
Hello everyone.
And goodbye.
See you later.
Where are you going?
Let's have some fun.
You like this place?
That's wonderful
It's magic.
It seems that this will happen soon
something magical.
You know what they say.
Fly nymphs.
It is a place.
Where fairies live.
Nice to meet u.
Delighted, they say delighted.
Yes, it is a wonderful place.
That's why we chose.
And now?
And now.
You suck my dick.
I said.
Suck my dick, bitch!
I told you not to move.
I told you to suck my dick, bitch!
Shut up!
What is it, my friend?
Now we fuck you!
Now, bitch!
Does not move the.
Shut up!
Shut up!
You understand?
What are you doing?
It hurts?
Come here, whore.
Come here, fuck, come here!
Rest your knees!
Suck my dick!
Shut up, bitch.
Suck my dick!
You have to suck my dick!
You're a bitch.
Open your mouth!
It is good.
Open your mouth.
You like this game?
You know what we do now?
We leave the knife.
And pushes cock.
He thrusts his cock.
You are so cute.
He thrusts his cock.
Come here.
Come here, bitch.
Recovers, it shows cock.
Open mouth.
Open your mouth! Opens!
Take the dick go.
Like that, that's fine
Sucks, sucks!
Like that, it sucks!
We will fuck you!
We will fuck you!
Help me!
I told you, honey.
As you see, it is better with
Better with scissors.
Do not move.
Do not move, or it will hurt a lot.
You feel?
They are cold.
You can take this, please?
You know,
More than anything, it is that
ass that interests me...
Come on, I want to fuck too.
Come on, come on, fag!.
You like that, huh?
Love my dick, bitch.
You exploded didn't you?
Soon it will be my turn.
Fuck you, I'm fine.
Sucks, sucks!
Swallow it!
Kiss my ass!
Please do not kill me.
What? It hurts?
What a bitch!
You talk more? Bitch.
Does not move.
Do not move!
Come on, we go home.
Come on, I said.
I said, come!
You know why I like you so much?
Because, poor bitch, you're nothing.
You are worth nothing!
What do you have?
Why you keep screaming?
You like the lesson that gives your
Turn off the damn phone!
And now?
Here, honey.
Calm down!
Monitor these sluts.
If it moves one ear, brutalize them.
You with me to the car.
Give me a cigarette.
One more.
Keep it.
Do as last year.
They accusd the negro.
Wait a bit.
Again this registration.
It must be a hunting ground.
Stop being stupid.
You think there are lions in Cassia?
It is we, the lions.
Everyone should remember.
Holy shit!
They are weird these tombs.
What do you mean?
Nemesis served?
What does it mean?
I don't know, I'm not Latin.
Here, take this.
This thing seems to be made to fart
Sorry, I had to tie it.
She fidgeted too.
What a mess, all this joy.
We found a wall with Latin
You have studied that, right?
It was written.
Which already has 7.
A trans kind...
Trans fuck your father?
Forget it, guys.
You have the tool?
No, give it to me.
Don't break my balls.
She is mine, I told you.
In which it is found.
Not your selfish will, you'll ruin
Shut up!
She is mine.
Sometimes, you are worse than the
other asshole.
Tu me breezes
Even if your father is a senator,
Directed by our fucking you,
I do not give a fuck.
What are you doing? Enough.
Fuck you do?
- That asshole.
- That's enough!
I swear.
What do you have?
Fucking bitch.
Damn! Holy shit!
Of course!
Stirs up, asshole.
If they flee, we will be in trouble!
I found you, bitch!
Now I'll kill you.
Come here!
Come on, hustle.
Whore, where are you?
What are you doing? Kindles!
Fuck sluts!
Show yourself!
Go! Kindles!
- Shit, where they are!
- Shut up!
Help me!
Have you fucked?
Shut up! Go close!
Help me!
Have you fucked!
Lord, there, under your foot!
- What is this shit?
- Heck, I know!
Fishermen fucking!
Why it falls on me?
What are you doing?
Must find this bitch, move.
Of course, I'm coming.
Advance, whore!
Advance, whore!
Where you are, sluts?
I will kill you!
Whore, where are you?
Come out, bitches!
Thank you!
Stand still, bitch! Come here!
Wait, damn!
There are monsters!
Kinds of warriors.
They killed that fucker.
It almost makes me happy now that
you are crazy.
- Leave me alone
- The bitch
Come here!
Dirty whore!
Do not move!
Do not move!
Whore! And that's nothing.
You will see a little bitch.
You are nothing.
You mean nothing.
Damn, where were you?
It's all good.
Have you caught the other?
Do not move!
Lord, here they are!
Shit, you are who?
Who are you.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Do not abandon me, Lord!
Do not give up on me!
You will not believe what's going on here.
Come at once to this fucking place.
With a shotgun!
Calm down, what's up?
Not going to get upset.
Irritates yourself, damn!
There are...
Samurai warrioirs!
They killed everyone.
- What is this shit?
- They kill us all.
Ok, I'm coming.
This will be the last
time I go out you shit!
Promised, if for nothing.
- I fuck you, asshole!
- They arrive!
The law are those who will die.
Nemesis slaves.
No justice for any.
Wind mercy.
The Force bringing justice has perished.
No mercy.
Lions are fluff.
Damn, the car!