Morning Departure (1950)

MAN ON PA. : Call all hands, call all hands
call all hands, call all hands.
Wakey, wakey, rise and shine.
The morning's fine, get up, it's time.
Wonderful child, isn't he?
I willed him to stop.
Incredible. Now will yourself back to sleep,
Mrs. Armstrong.
Oh, no. Rules for dutiful naval wives
numbers one and two.
First soothe the fractious child,
then get up at impossible hours
and cook your husband's breakfast
with a pleasant smile.
Rules for gallant submarine commanders.
Be able to do everything that your men
can do, and that includes frying eggs.
I'll cook my own.
Go shave that beard off, it scratches.
- How long have we got?
- The boat leaves at 7:30.
I can never understand
why the Navy always insists
on doing everything at the crack of dawn.
- The sea's there all day.
- It impresses the taxpayers.
You know, you're wrong about that beard,
I'd look pretty sensational.
- Don't shout.
- What was that?
Don't make such a noise,
you'll wake the sprog again.
I'm sorry, darling.
- Peter?
- Mmm-hmm?
You know that letter I had
from Daddy yesterday?
Oh, yes, yes,
I meant to ask you about that.
How's the great big world of commerce?
Is he still making millions?
He's opening a new factory.
Good for him.
I always said I'd marry an heiress.
He's looking for a man to run it.
Nice job for someone.
He suggested you might like it.
Good heavens, I don't know
anything about vacuum cleaners.
He said you could pick up
all the essentials in six months.
I'm sure I could, darling,
but just at the moment,
I'm perfectly happy where I am.
- You can't stay in the Navy forever.
- Well, it has been known.
It's also been known
for people to be thrown out
when it's too late for them
to start anything else,
so they have to take up jobs as golf club
secretaries and running chicken farms.
Oh, that's not a bad idea.
I wouldn't mind a chicken farm.
Well, I would.
I'm sorry, darling.
I didn't mean it seriously.
I think chickens are absolutely idiotic.
Oh, Peter, why are you so obstinate?
Surely you've had enough of submarines?
All through the war,
ever since we were married.
Why don't you retire now?
You know Daddy wants you to join him.
Would it make you
very much happier if I did?
Of course it would.
It's not just a question
of the career and money,
I want a home, Peter.
Something that'll be ours for always.
I want us to belong somewhere
instead of always moving around
from one place to another.
Oh, darling,
I'm not being impossible, am I?
Only, I do love you and
I'm so sick of sharing you
with a lot of damned submarines.
All right, darling.
We'll talk about it this afternoon.
I should be back by teatime.
- What's so funny?
- Your face.
Just look at it. You're all lopsided.
HIGGINS: Pass the marge, Nobby.
Come out of the clouds, pass the marge.
Sorry, mate.
I was thinking about something.
Oh, you don't want to worry. It'll happen
when it's ready, and not before.
That's right, Nobby.
When we had our third, it was a week late,
and none the worse for that.
Blimey, have you had three?
Start young in Ireland, don't they?
She always wanted a nipper, the old girl,
but we left it a bit late, see,
and, that's why I'm worried like her.
- Are you going already, Andy?
- Yes, I feel like a bit of air.
He's got a hangover, if you ask me.
Out on the town, he was, last night.
What? Andy?
And you engaged to be married?
Don't know what
the younger generation's coming to.
As a matter of fact,
I went to the ballet in Weymouth.
- Well, I don't know.
- Did you now?
I knew a ballet girl once, I think she was.
Used to do 100 somersaults
without stopping.
- ANDREWS: Anyone coming?
- Okay, Andy.
KELLY: I'm not going to sit
and listen to them two blarneying.
If you hadn't got your hook up, me lad,
I'd put you across me knee
and smack your Irish bottom.
Still wet behind the ears, they are.
You haven't got that bird in there,
have you?
NOBBY: Yes, she's coming out with us
this morning, ain't you, Clarrie?
You can't take a perishing pigeon
down in a submarine.
I'm not going to. Just before we dive,
I'm going to release her.
It's never been done before.
What? Would she fly all the way
back to Birmingham?
No, back here where she lives.
I don't know what you want a kid for.
You've got one already.
Heaven help you, if the First Lieutenant
catches you, that's all!
Like it?
Yes, it's lovely, Rosie.
I only got it yesterday.
You don't mean you bought it yourself?
Oh, that's all you ever talk about, money.
Anybody would think you wanted me
to go around looking like a servant.
Now, Rosie, you know I don't mean that.
It's just that we gotta be careful.
You can't do much on a stokers' pay.
All right, all right.
There's no need to get upset.
As a matter of fact,
I didn't pay for it myself.
- It was a present.
- Who from?
- Mr. Randall.
- Mr. Randall?
He's the managing director
of Model Modes.
I'm one of his best customers,
so he gave it to me.
Now, look, Rosie,
we've had all this out before.
You're married to me now.
You can't go accepting...
Half a minute ago, you were annoyed
because you thought I'd paid for it myself.
What do you want?
Rosie, I only want you to have
everything you want, but...
Look, I'll have to go now or I'll be late.
Don't forgot to ask Johnstone
for some butter.
I shan't be seeing Johnstone.
- I thought he was the cook on the Solway?
- Well, yes, he is, but,
I was transferred last week to the Trojan.
Oh, my, they don't half
shift you around, don't they?
- Third time this year, isn't it?
- Yes.
Oh, George, before you go.
What about the housekeeping?
I gave it to you on Friday.
Yes, I know, dear, but I had to spend
a bit extra over the weekend,
with you being home all the time.
You eat so much.
All right, dear.
There's 18 bob. Bye, Rosie.
Are you picking up Harry Manson?
No, he's staying in Weymouth somewhere
with his latest girlfriend.
I believe this one's
really trying to hook him.
Well, I hope she's successful.
It's high time he got married.
- I don't think he ever will, you know.
- Oh, why not?
- He says he prefers the Navy to nappies.
- What a sordid way to look at it.
- Well, I know what he means.
- Peter.
- See you at teatime.
- 4:00. Good-bye, darling.
- Morning, Chief.
- Morning, sir.
- Morning, sir.
- Good morning.
- Have a good weekend?
- Ah, yes, sir. All right.
Come on, look sharp,
the skipper's ahead of us.
It's all a flipping derby, ain't it?
- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning, Number One.
You're five seconds early,
couldn't you sleep?
(CHUCKLING) Got off to a bad start, sir.
- Good morning, Chief.
- Carry on, sir, please?
- Carry on, please, Coxswain.
- Let go, forward. Let go, aft.
First Mate.
- Hello, James.
- Hello.
You're very bright and early.
Is this in our honor?
Yes, old boy.
We've arranged for you to do
an hour's asdic test with the Bullfinch
after trying out your snort mast.
- I can hardly wait.
- That's just what we wanted, sir.
I'm sorry but they've just got a new set
and the destroyer people are very keen.
Rendezvous Area Baker Charlie,
1300 hours.
Thank you.
This is about one of your chaps.
Thank heavens for that.
He's been behaving
like an expectant father for weeks.
I was afraid the strain
might be too much for him.
- Barlow?
- Sir?
Tell Able Seaman Clarke
I want to see him, will you?
Very good, sir.
- Able Seaman Clarke?
- Here, Chief.
Captain wants to see you right away.
- Blimey, what have I done now?
- Here, better give me that blooming bird.
Thanks, chum.
- Morning, Clarke.
- Good morning, sir.
- Feeling all right?
- Yes, thank you, sir.
Read that and you'll feel better.
You can have your leave. Better take
the Liberty Boat back to the beach.
Thank you.
- Congratulations.
- Oh, thank you, sir, yes.
Nobby Clarke, a blooming father.
Well, who'd have thought it?
- Carry on now, sir?
- Certainly.
Give your wife and son my best wishes.
MANSON: There I was and there she was
and I couldn't get away.
It's no use making excuses, Harry.
You promised to take me out
last night and you just didn't turn up.
Oh, it wasn't my fault, Margery,
you know that. The Admiral insisted.
What's the matter with you this morning?
Probably the effect
of all my suppressed excitement
at the thought of doing
an asdic exercise with the Bullfinch.
Nothing wrong with that, is there?
Poor Armstrong's suffering
from peacetime fatigue, sir.
Oh, no, he's not.
Peter just can't forget
he was my Number One
when I sank a troop transport
five years ago.
It gave him the idea that he's one of
the heroes of the submarine service.
- Never got over it.
- It was a sitting bird, anyway.
Well, that reminds me,
have you got anybody
to look after your kids tonight?
Good Lord, I forgot. It's Monday.
- We come to you, don't we?
- That's right.
James, would you like to be
our sitter-in tonight?
No, thank you, sir.
I don't think my nerves are strong enough.
Well, we'll have to rely
on the poor old char again.
- Come on, Peter. Time you got cracking.
- Right.
Bring a bottle over with you, old boy.
You can afford it.
You won enough last week.
- WT aerial's okay now, sir.
- Right, thanks, Hillbrook.
- Good morning, sub.
- Good morning, Number One.
- All reports correct.
- Good.
- I admire your taste.
- What? Oh, I see.
You're still navigating.
Sub-lieutenants are too young for sex.
I don't think many midshipmen
would agree with you.
Engineers haven't got the time.
- Got your snort mast ready, Chief?
- Aye.
One more damn thing to remember.
But it's a beautiful invention, all the same.
Do you know, if anybody had told me
when I was an apprentice,
that they'd be feeding air to the main
engines of a submerged submarine,
I'd have said they were crazy.
Well, never mind, Chief.
We'll be having mechanical men soon.
Soon all you'll have to do is
sit at home and press buttons.
As long as they're not
mechanical Wrens, I'm all for that.
If you've quite finished arranging
your social diary, Number One,
I should like to take this boat to sea.
- All ready for sea, sir.
- Good morning, sir.
- Obey telegraphs.
- TELEGRAPHER: Obeying telegraphs, sir.
- Let go springs.
- Let go springs.
- Let go forrard.
- Let go forrard.
- Let go aft.
- Let go aft.
- Slow ahead port.
- Slow ahead port, sir.
Port motor running ahead, sir.
ARMSTRONG: Starboard 10.
TELEGRAPHER: Starboard 10, sir.
- Slow ahead starboard.
- Slow ahead starboard, sir.
Starboard motor running ahead, sir.
Haul in for leaving harbor.
GATES: You know, I never thought
I'd actually envy anyone
going out on a dull exercise.
Well, come on, James. Let's have
breakfast and start filling in forms.
What's the tide doing, pilot?
About two knots sou'westerly, sir.
Nice day.
- What's the weather forecast?
- Pretty good, sir.
Hope it's right. We're playing cricket this
evening, return match against Portland.
- Mind you beat them.
- It's in the bag.
- We're in position now, sir.
- Thanks. Clear the bridge.
- First lieutenant?
- MANSON. : Number One, here, sir.
- All set?
- All set, sir.
- Use Q.
- Use Q tank, aye, aye, sir.
- What the hell do you think you're doing?
- I'm sorry, sir. That was Clarrie, sir.
- She's a homing pigeon. I'm sorry, sir.
- You blithering idiot, Higgins.
This is a submarine, not a blasted aviary.
Tell the coxswain
you're in the First Lieutenant's report.
Aye, aye, sir. I'm very sorry, sir.
- Here, what's an aviary?
- It's a place where birds are kept.
- I thought he was being rude.
- Flood Q.
Flood Q, sir.
Can you see the diving signal?
- Thirty feet, Number One.
- Thirty feet, sir.
SAILORS: Thirty feet, sir.
- Low Q, sir.
- How's our position, Sub?
- I'm just plotting it now.
Snort mast all correct, sir.
Got a good charge.
Right, Chief.
We'll start the asdic exercise at 2:00.
Seen this?
A report of the Admiral's inspection
last week.
"Engine room department
well-run and efficient."
That's nice of him.
"Morale of the whole ship's company
seemed excellent."
- Well, why shouldn't it be?
- Yes, that's what I was wondering.
I don't suppose the old boy's ever served
in anything smaller than a battleship,
let alone one of these things.
He probably thinks we're all slightly mad.
Liable to crack under the strain
at any moment.
But I always feel much better,
don't you, sir?
Yes. More peaceful, isn't it?
Echo, sir. Two degrees, starboard bow.
Range, 1000 yards.
Well, check that.
I can't see anything there.
Still hear it, sir.
Snipe, ask the captain to come
to control room, will you?
Captain, sir? The First Lieutenant would
like you to come to the control room.
ARMSTRONG: All right.
What is it, Number One?
Asdic reports an echo, sir. Green two,
half a mile. I can't see anything there.
We had a fix lately, pilot?
Yes, sir,
just before the coastline disappeared.
Let's have a look.
- Still got it?
- It's disappeared now, sir.
It must have been a false echo.
Nothing on the horizon
for 50 degrees on either bow.
It was very clear, sir.
A small object, I'd say, but very clear.
- A shoal of fish, do you think?
- Must have been.
The sun's come out again.
Hard to port. Shut all watertight doors
and ventilation. Sixty feet.
Shut all watertight doors and ventilation.
- Sixty feet.
- SAILORS: Sixty feet, sir.
- Emergency stop snorting.
- Emergency stop snorting, sir.
- Flood Q.
- Flood Q, sir.
There's a mine, dead ahead.
MANSON: Forty-five feet, sir.
It must have been drifting for years.
If the antenna's not active,
we'll be all right.
MARKS: Blow Q, sir.
- What's the captain mean "antenna", sir?
- It means it's electrically operated.
You mean, we don't have to hit it, for it...
No lad, we don't have to hit it.
Q blower and Q Kingston shut, sir.
MANSON: Sixty feet, sir.
- Vent Q inboard.
- SAILOR: Vent Q inboard, sir.
- Steady on your course, now.
- KELLY: Steady, sir. Course 128, sir.
I've just had a signal from the Bullfinch.
"Trojan overdue in exercise
Area Baker Charlie.
"Submarine has not surfaced
within visibility distance
"and cannot be contacted by Asdic.
Am searching."
- That settles it, sir.
- Not necessarily.
A number of things may have happened.
However, we must assume
it's something serious.
- Make Subsmash One signal.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Chief Yeoman. Emergency unclassified.
Address to CinC, Portsmouth.
Flag Officer Submarines. Flag Officer Air.
Costal Command,
Channel Area. Admiralty.
Repeated Air Ministry,
all other CinC's Home Command.
Subsmash One.
- Is that you, Barlow?
- Lieutenant Manson, sir?
- Well, what happened?
- I don't know, sir.
We're not flooded, sir.
At least, not in here, sir.
Where's the captain?
- Are you okay, Number One?
- Oh, I think so.
I must have knocked myself out.
- Barlow?
- Yes, sir.
I think the bows have blown off.
I'm going to check the engine room.
Come on, Chief.
Everybody else all right in here?
- Andrews.
- Andrews, are you all right?
- ANDREWS: Yes, sir.
- Are you sure?
- ANDREWS: Quite sure, sir.
- Get across to the main battery fuse
and see if you can get
the emergency lights to work.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- KELLY: Hello, Coxswain.
- BARLOW: Kelly?
- Aye, aye, Coxswain.
- Are you all right, Higgins?
- Yes, sir, thank you, sir.
If I have to get blown up,
trust me to land in there.
I'm thinking, sir, the mine
must have blown off the snort mast
and lifted the induction valve.
- Do you mean the stern's flooded, sir?
- We don't know yet.
No point in making
a mystery out of it, Chief.
They've all got to know.
Poor bastards.
If the snort induction lifted,
1000 gallons of water
would get inside in 30 seconds.
I don't think they'd have known
much about it.
A chance in a million.
I'm afraid it won't be much good, Chief.
Try the salvage blow.
- Nice work, men.
- Aye, aye, sir.
That's the lot, sir.
Thank you, Barlow.
Tell the captain, will you?
Aye, aye, sir.
Twelve left out of 65.
Only 12 of us.
I'm not sure that we're the lucky ones.
Have you checked the survivors,
Number One?
Yes, here you are, sir.
Andrews, Brough, Higgins,
Hillbrook, Kelly, Marks, Snipe.
You, Oakley, the Chief, Barlow and myself.
Twelve altogether.
Yes, Snipe?
I just wanted to ask
what had happened, sir.
Can we get up again? Can we escape?
Oh, for God's sake, tell us, sir.
Get back to the control room, Snipe.
Yes, sir.
Let me know at once
if he gives any further trouble.
Very good, sir.
I suppose you have guessed the worst.
We better go and tell the chaps.
No luck with the blows, sir.
- Everyone here, Coxswain?
- All except Higgins, sir.
Able Seaman Higgins.
I'm sorry, sir. I was trying
to get some heat, sir.
We've only got one battery, Higgins,
and we want to save it.
I see, sir. There's plenty of tins, sir.
Good, we may need them.
Now, listen, everybody.
I'm gonna give you the whole position
as far as I know it.
And then I'm going to tell you
what I propose to do about it.
The bows are blown off,
and the stern is flooded.
So the only means
of normal escape left to us,
are through the conning tower
and the gun hatch.
Do you mean that all the other chaps
except us are dead, sir?
Yes, I'm afraid so, Kelly.
But at least they couldn't
have known much about it.
No, sir.
I see.
Thank you, sir.
Now, we're on the bottom,
depth of about 15 fathoms.
The section we're in now
is completely watertight,
so there's nothing to worry
about from that point of view.
By this time, the flap will have started.
The Bullfinch and possibly two or three
other destroyers will be searching for us.
It can only be a matter of hours
before they find us,
because they already know
roughly where we are.
When they do, the drill is to drop
some small charges to let us know.
As soon as we hear them,
four men will go up through the gun hatch.
And ten minutes later,
I shall send another four up
through the conning tower.
That's eight, sir. What about the rest?
I was coming to that.
Now, you all know we can't use
the conning tower or the gun hatch
more than once, don't you?
So as soon as we're sure
the first eight are safe,
I and three others will flood
this whole section and escape that way.
It can be done, and we shall do it.
Anybody got any questions?
How about the air, sir?
Will it last all right?
The normal air will last for several hours.
After that, by using the CO2 absorption
unit and making extra oxygen...
- What's that?
...we can renew it for...
- Oh, that! long as necessary.
All right? Any other questions?
Now there's nothing much
we can do now except wait.
Waiting's not too easy, but
I know you'll manage it all right.
Move about as little as possible,
take it easy. Sleep if you want to.
That should be quite simple,
shouldn't it, Higgins?
- Oh, no, sir. I never sleep in the day, sir.
- No, of course you don't.
We could blow some oil to the surface, sir.
Might help them find us a bit quicker.
Oil. That's a good idea, Chief. Higgins?
- Are you sure you don't want to sleep?
- What, me, sir? Oh, no, sir.
- Good. Then you can blow some oil.
- Certainly, sir. Where from, sir?
From the place you usually
go to for a quiet smoke.
You think you're everything,
don't you, sir?
I thought I was supposed to be a cook,
not a perishing plumber!
Hello, Sub. Where's the captain?
Well, he's in the conning tower,
checking the upper hatch.
You've made an escape before,
haven't you?
Why, naturally, we all have.
No, I don't mean the practice tank,
I mean a real one.
You did, didn't you? During the war.
Was it... Was it all right?
It must've been. Otherwise he wouldn't
be here now, would he, lad?
I mean, it was quite easy, like the tank?
Sure. Piece of cake.
- How deep were you then?
- About the same as this.
Don't you worry, Sub.
It's as safe as crossing in the street.
Safer, if it happens
to be Sauchiehall Street.
You were in the Welkin then, weren't you?
Did they all get out? I mean...
Look, if you have nothing else
to talk about,
for God's sake, keep quiet!
"Seven down. Led to self-control."
Any suggestions?
I'm sorry.
BROUGH: There, beat that if you can.
Don't get so excited man, you'll be
breathing more than your fair share of air.
I'll bet you anything you like
I'll win this game.
All right, what's your stakes?
- A tot of rum, tomorrow.
- I'll take you!
Andy, are you in on this?
BROUGH: All he'll give you
is a couple of tickets for the ballet.
ANDREWS: That's right.
BROUGH: There you are.
Now what did I tell you?
Fat lot of use they are to any of us!
- Who's the second one for, Andy?
- My girl.
Does she go with the tickets?
What the hell are you
all so pleased about?
Come on, Snipe,
we'll make room for two more.
No, thanks.
- Come on, lad, take your mind off...
- I said no!
Then you open up the upper hatch
and float to the surface.
- Just like it is in the practice tank.
- I see.
- What do you want, Snipe?
- I want to get out, that's what I want.
And so you will, son.
You'll just have to be patient
and wait for a wee while...
I can't. I can't stand it! I won't wait.
I won't be shut up in here any longer.
Listen, Snipe, take a hold of yourself.
Come on, sit down. I'll get you something.
Medicine's no good, I can't stay here.
- I must get out!
- Well, you can't get out yet.
You heard what the captain said.
I don't care what he said, where is he?
I've got to see him.
Well, you can't see him now.
Here, come on, drink this.
Come on, drink it.
Now, what's the matter?
Well, sir, it's...
It's the feeling of being shut in, sir.
I get a sort of feeling that everything...
All right if I can move about, sir, but...
Oh, God, you can't do nothing,
you can't see nothing.
You don't even know
what's going on outside.
Listen, Snipe.
You got the wrong angle on all this.
You're no more trapped down here
than the rest of us.
We'll all get away in good time.
What do you think would happen
if you got away now?
You'd find yourself bobbing about
the ocean, miles away from anyone.
You'd be a damn sight worse off
than you are down here.
At least down here
you've got someone to talk to.
You don't know what it's like in there, sir.
They're all talking and laughing
as if there was nothing wrong.
They don't understand.
I can't go back in there.
What's the trouble, Snipe?
- Stoker Snipe's reported sick, sir.
- What's the matter with him?
- Claustrophobia, I think.
- I see.
How long have you been like this?
Well, I feel it a bit sometimes
when we dive, sir, but...
It's never been as bad as this.
Ever reported it to anyone?
- No, sir.
- Why not?
I hoped that no one would
ever have to know, sir.
I hoped that nothing like this
would ever happen.
But you knew it was a risk
we had to take, didn't you?
- Sir.
- A man in your condition's
got no right to be in a submarine.
Why did you volunteer?
- I needed the extra pay, sir.
- You needed the extra pay.
Do you know why
we're given that money?
Because we might have to cope
with an emergency like this one.
And the first time it happens to you,
you decide to risk the lives
of your shipmates to save
your own miserable skin.
That's a pretty rotten kind
of a bargain, isn't it?
You're useless to me
and a menace to everyone else onboard.
Now, get out!
Come on, laddie.
Better see about the pumping.
Did you give him that?
Why, yes, I wanted to calm him down.
What good do you think bromide's
going to do a man in his condition?
- Well, he looked distraught, I thought...
- Sympathy's no good, either.
The only way to deal with
claustrophobia is to try and
jerk the chap into a sense
of his own responsibilities.
Not start performing like a wet nurse.
If there are any more cases of this kind,
I'll deal with them myself.
Very good, sir.
You think I was too tough
with him, don't you.
- Well, it did the trick, sir.
- Of course it did the trick.
Good God, you don't think
I enjoy shouting at the chaps, do you?
Snipe or anybody else,
it was the only thing to do.
I see that now, sir.
Then stop crawling.
Well, it's a correct attitude
for a first lieutenant
on receiving a well-deserved rocket
from his commanding officer. Sir.
I'm glad you think it was well-deserved,
anyway, that's something.
I'm sorry. He took me by surprise.
I'm afraid we shall have more trouble
with him later, though.
- You think so?
- Mmm-hmm.
Remember your Latin?
Naturam expellas furea,
tamen usque recurret.
Rough translation,
"You can drive out nature by force,
"but she'll always return."
And kick you in the backside.
Oh, it's simple enough,
if the individual trusts you.
You've got nothing to worry
about with the troops.
- I'm glad you think so.
- Sure of it.
I wonder why.
Because I've got half a stripe
more than anybody else?
Oh, much simpler than that.
Because they've got faith in you.
You said that almost as if you resented it.
Did I? Well, maybe I do.
Because I haven't got very much in myself.
Is that why you've never
tried to get a command?
I put you up for one in my last report,
you know that, don't you?
Thanks, old boy, I know.
But it won't make any difference.
I don't get it.
I thought you wanted a boat of your own.
I used to. More than anything in the world.
Till I escaped from the Welkin.
Oh, you know what happened.
Mike stayed there and I got away with it,
on his orders.
I went to see his wife afterwards.
Told her the usual stupid,
ridiculous cliches, and all the time,
she must have been thinking,
"He's dead, and you're alive.
"On his orders."
You were obeying them, weren't you?
Exactly. Oh, I'm fine at carrying out orders.
I just wouldn't like to have to decide
what orders to give, that's all.
- Yes?
- Nice glass of lime juice, sir.
- Thanks, Higgins.
- Lime juice.
I'm sorry there's no ice, sir.
The fridge ain't working.
Finished blowing the oil yet?
Oh, yes, the coxswain says
there's enough up there now
- For the whole battle fleet to spot it.
- Good.
l, uh...
I'll see you get some sort
of recognition for this, Higgins.
- Oh, thank you very much, sir.
- Yes, I'll forget all about the pigeon.
Very nice of you, sir, I'm sure.
- Have a sandwich.
- Oh, thanks.
Did Helen make them?
Well, they should find us pretty soon.
We'd better decide who's going up first.
I'll send three ratings,
and I shall want one officer.
Oakley or McFee?
- You think so?
- Well, Oakley's the obvious choice.
He's the youngest,
there isn't much he can do down here.
But he'll be able to give a full report
when he's picked up.
All right, I agree.
I'll send a written report
with all of them of course, but...
In case anything does happen to him,
I'll let Andrews go as well.
He's bright enough
to give them the position.
That leaves two more, doesn't it?
I want to keep the engine room
chaps as long as possible.
In case of any sudden repairs.
And the coxswain had better stay, too.
And old Higgins, so we can eat.
That leaves Brough, Hillbrook and Kelly.
Well, I don't want to send
three leading seamen.
So I'll make it Brough and Kelly, okay?
Not Snipe?
No, he's a stoker for one thing,
and anyway, I'd like to give him
a bit more time to calm down.
All right. I'll tell those four to get ready.
The first four to go
will be the sub-lieutenant...
Bullfinch has searched
the whole of this area, sir.
Trojan must've sunk before she reached it.
- It's ten past four, sir.
- I know that, Gates.
I'm sorry, sir, but I'm not very good
at just waiting about.
I know that, too.
Look sir, couldn't I go out
with the salvage ship?
I'd be much more use there than here.
Yes, I've no doubt you would.
So would James, or any of the others.
Point is, you're pretty important here, too.
But James could take over my job
for a day or two, sir, he knows all about it.
Tell the chief yeoman
to come here, will you?
Very good, sir.
Put me through to CinC's
chief of staff, please.
Matthews. Tell the chief yeoman
to report to the captain.
MATTHEWS: Aye, aye, sir.
Trojan's surfacing signal
is now two hours overdue.
Yes. I'll go ahead and make the signal.
Have you given the chief yeoman
Subsmash Two signals?
Yes, sir.
Chief yeoman, make Subsmash Two.
- Submarine Trojan two hours overdue.
- Aye, aye, sir.
The salvage ship will get
underway at once, sir.
All right, Gates.
You can go, make a good job of it.
Thank you, sir.
I'll ask for a boat right away.
SAILOR. : Echo bearing three-five-zero, sir.
Appears to be stationary.
Have you got any wrecks there
on your chart, pilot?
No wreck in that position, sir.
I think it may be the Trojan, Number One.
- Starboard fifteen.
- SAILOR. : Starboard fifteen, sir.
- One hundred revolutions.
- SAILOR. : One hundred revolutions, sir.
Extent of target, six degrees.
Extent of target, six degrees.
Shall I tell them to switch on
the loudspeakers, sir?
- Loudspeaker, please.
- SAILOR. : Aye, aye, sir.
You look lovely.
Nice day for a swim.
BROUGH: You and me, Andy, eh?
What's the use of my winning
these blooming ballet tickets
if you're going to be there to cut me out?
- Here you are.
- BARLOW: All set, my lucky lads?
Aye, aye, Coxswain.
One little whiff of oxygen and back
you go to civilization and watered beer.
Blimey, I reckon we're
better off down here!
- All ready, sir.
- Thank you, Barlow.
Now you all know exactly what to do.
Breathe quite naturally while going up.
Don't try and hold your breath.
And when you get to the top,
just lie back for a minute or two.
Remember your surfacing drill,
don't start swimming straight away.
Now in each of these is a detailed report
of exactly what's happened.
Give them to the first officer
you see on being picked up.
Tie them round your waists.
- Any questions?
- Yes, sir.
Do we get survivor's leave afterwards?
Oh, yes, always, if you get wet.
- All set?
- Yes, I think so, sir.
- Nervous?
- A bit.
I don't blame you. There's no need to be.
Once you're inside there, there's nothing
more to worry about. You'll enjoy it.
I expect so, sir.
Don't forget the others are probably
feeling much worse than you are.
You'll have to look after them.
That won't give you much time
for worrying about yourself, will it?
No. No, of course not, sir.
You know why you're all
being sent up, don't you?
Because you're no use down here.
Now me, what with
serving food and blowing oil,
- I'll probably be here till Christmas.
- Quiet, everybody!
There's a ship somewhere above us.
- My God. They've found us!
- Wait a minute.
They haven't dropped any charges yet.
All right. All right.
First four to escape
muster under the gun hatch.
All right, look sharp, now.
You're first, Brough. Put your face piece on
as soon as you are inside the chamber.
- Good luck.
- Thank you, sir.
- Andrews. Good luck.
- Thank you, sir.
- Good luck, Kelly.
- Good luck to you, too, sir.
All right. Start breathing on your sets.
Don't forget your exhaust valves,
and don't open the upper hatch
until the water is up to your neck.
I'm relying on you to make a good job
of this. I know you will.
Good luck, Sub.
- Good luck, laddie.
- Good luck, Sub.
Thanks, everyone. See you all soon.
Mind you score a century
against Portland!
All set?
Shut the hatch.
Takes about two minutes to flood up,
doesn't it, Chief?
Yes, sir.
There's the first of them, sir.
You're right. Stop both together!
Slip the sea boat. Drop the marker buoy!
Aye, aye, sir.
Slip the sea boat. Drop the marker buoy!
SAILOR: Drop the marker buoy.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- Stand by.
- Three more men surfaced, sir.
- Good lad.
Come on, Snipey. No good gazing at it.
We can't use that hatch again.
Well, that's that!
Now we've got to decide
who the next four will be.
That's pretty obvious, isn't it, sir?
Well, there are eight of us down here.
Four of us are bachelors and four married.
The Chief, Barlow, Snipe and yourself.
Obviously, you're the ones to go.
I'm not in agreement
with you at all, Number One.
Why should l, or any of the others
have preference in an emergency?
- Now listen, Chief...
- We're all volunteers.
Nobody ever told me anything about
bachelors giving way to married men.
MANSON: Don't be stupid, Chief.
- Don't be so heroic.
- I'm not.
I'm just trying to save as much suffering
as possible if something should go wrong.
Come, Number One.
You underestimate yourself.
If anything happened to you
I'm sure a large number of young women
would be most upset.
Oh, for the love of Mike!
The Chief's right, Harry.
All right. You're the one
makes the decisions here.
Go ahead, make this one.
This one is a bit tougher than you think.
What do you mean?
There are only four escape sets left
in the locker in the control room.
I know that, but there are six more
in the one over there.
Go and have a look at it.
It's no good. They're all ripped to pieces.
- When did you know about this?
- Just before they located us up top.
I put it in the reports that Oakley
and the others took with them.
It isn't so easy, is it?
The next four to go up will be the last.
The rest will have to stay down here
and hope they'll be able to salvage us.
Flooding the whole compartment
would be absolutely impossible
without escape sets.
It's a nasty position, all right.
- You gonna tell the men, sir?
- Yeah.
But you aren't going to tell them now,
before the next lot go up?
I think it's fairer if everybody knows
exactly how we stand.
But if you tell them now they'll know that
whoever's not ordered to escape will...
I'm not going to order anybody to stay
or anybody to go.
I don't understand.
It's no good talking about it, mates.
We'll know who goes next just as soon as
the skipper tells us, and not before.
Come to that, it don't make
much difference.
The last four just flood
up this compartment,
and away they go, just as easy as it was
through the gun hatch.
They'll got wetter sooner, that's all.
Well, I don't mind admitting, I hope I go up
through the conning tower.
I couldn't bear watching old Higgins' face
with the water coming up all round it.
What's wrong with my face?
Nothing. Only it's here.
Well, if we must decide on somebody,
I think Higgins ought to go.
That's nice of you, Coxswain, why me?
Well, you're our little hero, aren't you?
It was you that blew out the oil.
If it wasn't for you, Higgy, lad,
we might be sitting here
until kingdom come.
Why Higgins? Anyone but me?
If I don't go, I only hope you do, Snipe.
You're getting on my nerves,
sitting there like a blooming death's head,
- Only not so cheerful.
- You hate my guts, don't you?
- Nobody hates you.
- Oh, yes, they do.
You do, and so does Marks.
You didn't stay long on your last boat,
did you, Snipe?
Solway, wasn't it?
- What do you mean?
- Only that I'm beginning to realize
why they got rid of you.
- And I don't blame them.
- All right. I know what you're thinking.
You all hate me in submarines, don't you?
I'm a Jonah! I'm bad luck!
That's what you mean, isn't it?
- Shut up, Snipe.
- Pipe down, you idiot!
You want the officers to hear us?
- You'll get us all into trouble.
- MANSON: What's all the noise about?
Nothing, sir. Just a friendly argument.
All right. Well, pack it in now, the captain
wants everybody in the wardroom.
Very good, sir.
Now get forrard. And keep quiet.
I never did hold with gambling, sir.
There are times when it's the only answer,
Chief, and I'm afraid this is one of them.
I've asked you to come in here, because
I've got something rather serious to say,
which affects us all.
You know there are eight DSEA sets
in a locker in the control room,
and another six in here.
I'm afraid the ones in here
are quite useless.
The locker was completely smashed
when the mine exploded.
You mean there are only four left, sir?
The ones in the control room?
- That's it, Barlow.
- I see, sir.
So we use those for the four who go out
through the Conning Tower.
- Is that right, sir?
- That's all we can do.
What happens to the rest, sir, then?
The four that are left?
They'll have to stay here,
and wait till the boat is salvaged.
That might take some time,
mightn't it, sir?
Yes, it probably will.
Depends how soon they can start,
how much they can lift us with each tide
and weather conditions.
But I expect they'll run an air pipe
down to us
and we've got a good supply of oxygen.
We can stay here a week, if necessary.
Providing there's enough food
for us, Higgins?
- A week.
- I think that we'll be all right, sir.
Good, that means they've picked up
Oakley and the others.
Now, I'm not going to give
any orders about this,
and I'm not going to ask for volunteers.
I want everybody to have an equal chance.
I'm gonna deal each man one card,
face downwards.
I want you to turn them over yourselves,
one after another.
The four with the highest cards will go up
through the conning tower.
That clear to everybody?
Aces high or low, sir?
Aces high. Right.
Who'd like to shuffle them?
Go on, Higgins.
Blimey, what a score.
All right. Move in, boys, round the table.
- How about yourself, sir?
- I'm not in the draw.
- That wasn't part of the bargain, sir.
- What? Neither am l, sir.
You're first, Higgins, turn up your card.
- Now look here, sir.
- Turn up your card.
I never had no luck playing straight.
That looks like a good one, Coxswain.
You're next, Snipe.
HIGGINS: Blimey, another winner.
Number One?
Lucky in love.
HIGGINS: Well done, Sparks.
Beginners luck, eh?
So far it's Hillbrook, the Chief,
Barlow, Snipe.
You've got a knave to beat, Marks.
Well, who'd have believed that?
Blimey, it's a perishing picture gallery.
For God's sake, shut up, will you?
Hillbrook, Barlow and the Chief win.
Marks and Snipe tie for last place.
I'll deal you each another card to decide.
Well, come on, one of you.
HIGGINS: Hard luck, Marksy.
MANSON: That doesn't look too good.
How about your card, Snipe?
That's pretty tough.
Blast the bloody card.
Why should you go and not me?
- You're all in it. You're all against me.
- Snipe!
Who are you to decide my life for me?
Why should I stay here and die
just 'cause you say so...
Shut up, Snipe!
Stay where you are.
SNIPE: You can all stay down here,
I'm getting out. I'm going up.
Let me go, damn you, let me go.
- Now listen, Snipe...
- I'm not going to stay,
I'm not going to die!
- Barlow, Higgins.
- Sir?
Put Snipe on one of the bunks
in the wardroom.
Aye, aye, sir.
Yes, sir?
In view of what's happened,
I'm gonna ask you to stand down
in favor of Snipe for the next escape.
It's for the safety of everybody.
I'm not ordering you to do it.
I'm asking you if you will.
Yes, sir. Of course, sir.
Thank you, Marks.
- Number One.
- Sir?
- See everything's ready.
- Right, sir.
Here you are, Coxswain.
Have some sardines before you go.
Oh, thanks, Higgy.
If you get lost, they'll find the way for you.
- How about you, sir?
- I don't mind if I do, thanks.
Good idea, Higgy.
Best food I've tasted in the Trojan.
That's probably because
you didn't cook it, Higgy.
There's gratitude for you.
- Have a sardine, Marksy.
- MARKS: Thanks, Higgy.
Here we are, that's the lot.
All decisions made, all passions spent.
You know, it's funny.
The Chief doesn't hold with gambling
and I love it.
Yet he goes and I stay.
There must be a moral in it somewhere.
- I'm sorry, Harry.
- You needn't be. I'm not.
Not this time. I'll give this to the Chief.
BARLOW: Come on, get this on, Snipe.
- What's wrong with you?
- All ready?
All except Snipe, sir.
Come on, Snipe, get cracking.
You're holding up the others.
- It's no good, sir. I can't go.
- What're you talking about? Why not?
It's my arm, sir. I hurt it when I fell.
What's the matter with it?
Let's have a look, Snipe.
It's my wrist.
I couldn't climb the ladder.
Couldn't work my set, anyway.
What's all this about, Snipe?
I think I bust my wrist, sir.
It hurts. It hurts bad, sir.
Let me see it.
- All right, Marks, you'll be going after all.
- But, look, sir...
Hurry up, now.
Can't afford to waste any more time.
- Higgins.
Take Snipe in the wardroom
and bandage that wrist.
HIGGINS: Aye, sir.
Good luck, Marksy. Good luck, Chief.
Good luck, Sparks.
I'll be seeing you, chums.
- All ready?
- McFEE: Aye, all ready, sir.
ARMSTRONG: Up you go, Coxswain.
Good luck.
Thank you, sir. Same to you, sir.
Cheerio, Barlow.
You next, Hillbrook.
All right. Let's get on with it.
- Cheerio, sir.
- Cheerio.
Good luck.
- Cheerio, Hillbrook.
- ARMSTRONG: Take it easy.
- Good luck, sir.
- Thank you.
- Up you go.
- Ciao, Marks.
About that letter, sir, the private one.
- Shall I...
- Keep it.
Anyway, till you hear something definite.
And Chief.
Tell them up top that everyone down here
is quite okay and the morale's good.
Everyone. You understand?
Aye, aye, sir.
Well. Cheerio, Chief.
Give my love to the Admiral.
I'll do that.
- Au revoir, sir, as the French say.
- Au revoir, Chief.
Start breathing on your sets.
Good luck, boys.
Hear that?
They're in the conning tower now.
Funny how things always work out right
in the end, isn't it?
And some people say
there ain't no justice.
They'll be going out by now.
In half a minute or so,
they'll be breathing God's fresh air.
Just think of that, Snipe.
Thanks, Higgy.
I don't want to start using oxygen
till tomorrow.
Now there are only four of us,
this air should last us some time.
What's the matter?
- What?
- Feeling groggy?
Oh, yes, I am, as a matter of fact.
I had malaria a couple of years ago.
It creeps up on you, now and then.
You'd better go into the wardroom
and take it easy for a bit.
Yes, sir. I'll go and lie down.
Give me a hand, sir.
ARMSTRONG: All right. In the wardroom.
He caught him with his bad arm, sir.
He couldn't have hurt it at all.
Stop jabbering. Shift the table,
get some brandy, Higgins.
- HIGGINS: Aye, aye, sir.
- Hurry up.
- Thanks, Snipe. Get a blanket, will you?
- Yes, sir.
Brandy, sir.
ARMSTRONG: Come on, boy.
Have a sip of this.
Feeling better?
I'm sorry to do that.
It hit me suddenly.
The deck would have hit you suddenly,
if Snipe hadn't caught you.
Thank you, Snipe.
- How's the wrist, Snipe?
- It's all right, sir.
- Higgins.
- Sir?
Here you've got the bottle out,
I think we'll all have a glass.
- What? Me and Snipe, too, sir?
- Yes, unless you prefer evaporated milk.
Well, not milk, sir. But, if I really am going
to have a drink in the wardroom, sir,
I'd like a drop of port, sir.
- With your permission, of course, sir.
- Permission granted, help yourself.
- I'll deal with the brandy.
- Thank you, sir.
Cor, look at me.
Helping meself to a glass
of port in one of His Majesty's Men o' War.
Able Seaman Higgins. Just like an admiral.
- Blimey.
- Better make the most of this one, chaps.
We may be here some time.
After this, the pub's closed.
- Bottoms up.
- Good luck, sir.
"There is therefore no alternative
but that I and the three others
"should remain in the submarine
"until salvage is either achieved
or abandoned."
- We must get them up, Mac. We must.
- Aye, sir.
JENNER: Stop them.
We're anchoring presently.
They'll get the divers down at once.
Is the CO2 unit intact?
- Yes, sir.
- JENNER: Full astern both engines.
We'll run an air pipe down
to them, anyway.
The lifting craft are being towed out now.
They should be in position
in about four hours.
It will take another twelve to get the wires
under them and start lifting, won't it, sir?
We're at 90 feet,
and with these tides,
we ought to be able to raise them about
15 feet each day.
It'll take the best part of the week, Mac.
JENNER: Stop engines.
ENGINEER: Stop engines, sir.
- That's a long time, sir.
- What about the others?
- Do you think they'll be able to stand it?
- Well, sir...
The captain gave me a special message
about that, sir.
He asked me to tell you
that everyone is quite okay.
- Morale is good.
- That's fine.
Stand by starboard, anchor.
Well, here we are, Mac.
Good-bye for now and don't worry.
We'll get them up.
I hope so, sir.
- Your boat's alongside, sir.
- All right.
Stand by, forrard.
All right. Switch on the oxygen.
Okay, she's on now, sir.
That should freshen up
the atmosphere a bit.
What on earth is that muck?
Luncheon for you
and the First Lieutenant, sir.
- What are you having?
- The same, sir.
I thought it best to finish off
each tin as we come to it,
seeing as we ain't got no fridge.
All right, well, take those along
and then come back and bring yours
and Snipe's to the wardroom as well.
What, you mean for us to eat
our dinners in there, sir?
I don't know what else
you propose to do with them,
though I could make several suggestions.
Drinking in the wardroom,
eating in the wardroom.
It's almost worthwhile getting sunk!
- And stop saying "blimey."
- Aye, aye, sir.
We'll all live in the wardroom
from now on.
There are four bunks in there,
and I think we ought to make ourselves
as comfortable as possible.
Thank you very much, sir.
What on earth's the matter
with you, Higgins?
Nothing, sir.
Snipe was about to commit a social error.
I do it myself every day of the week,
because, up to now,
Higgins has always forgotten
to provide us with an extra knife
for the butter.
Thank you for remembering
today, Higgins.
That's all right, sir.
We always has them up forrard.
Blimey, the coxswain's a real stickler
for that sort of thing.
You recall that there pigeon
yesterday, sir?
Do you know who it belonged to, sir?
Old Nobby Clarke.
He was going to let it off himself and then
when he had to go home
he asked me to do it for him.
That's just the sort of damned silly idea
Clarke would have.
I'm glad he's had a son.
Cor, I just thought of something.
If old Nobby hadn't have been sent home,
he'd have come out with us.
And then he might never have...
Blimey, what a thought.
Higgins, that's the fifth time you've said
"blimey" since we started eating.
If you can't speak without saying it,
for God's sake, keep quiet.
I'm very sorry, sir.
Thank you, sir.
All right, go on, say what you're thinking.
Nothing to say, except
there doesn't seem to be much point
in declaring open house in the wardroom
if you're going to swear at the chaps
every time they speak.
I know. I'm sorry.
I just feel thoroughly gritty.
Reaction, I suppose.
I'll apologize to old Higgins.
Peter, do you want to get out of this jam?
Of course I do. Don't you?
I don't know.
- Oh, don't be damned silly.
- Full house in three.
One must have a reason for existence,
otherwise there's no point.
Some kind of basis or plan for the future.
Like you, for instance.
You mean because I'm married to Helen
and we've got a child?
That and your career.
One day, when I'm an old man
propping up some bar,
I'll remember I played poker dice
with Admiral Sir Peter Armstrong
at a depth of 90 feet.
No one will believe me,
but it will be good for my morale.
Four tens.
I'm not going to be an Admiral.
- I shan't even get a brass hat.
- Of course, you will.
Sometimes I wonder which you love more,
Helen or the sea?
Well, to tell you the honest truth,
I wasn't quite sure, myself.
But I'm sure now.
I'm getting out of the service.
- Helen?
- Mmm-hmm. Oh, yes, she's right, of course.
She wants a home,
somewhere permanent.
Where she can grow roots, family roots.
A house in the country, with a garden
and the flowers staying young
while you grow old.
And a rich father-in-law to pay for it all.
Why not?
I've had 12 years at sea.
I enjoyed it.
Perhaps he'll give you
a little model yacht to play with as well.
He might even do that.
Full house in one.
It's funny,
if I ever get married and settle down,
I'd be able to go on in the service.
A woman devoted to Harry Manson
might inspire a certain confidence.
What do you mean?
There are hundreds of them already.
They'd never stay the course.
She'd have to be
a very special kind of person,
with cast-iron feelings to prevent bruising
and the understanding of a saint.
You'll get your confidence back.
You don't need a wife to give you that.
I need something. I can't do it on my own.
what are we discussing women for?
We aren't likely to meet any down here,
unless they've started
using Wrens as divers.
- Lower away your starter rope.
- Aye, aye, sir.
They've been down nearly 24 hours now.
How long is this going to take?
Well, you can't run an air pipe down
just like that, you know.
We've got to rig everything first.
But we're nearly ready now.
- Got your bolt gun?
- SAILOR: Coming, sir.
- All set?
- Yes, sir.
When you get down,
fire your two bolts into the hull,
and then fix your air pipe
and exhaust, got that?
Yes, sir.
Let them know
what you're going to do first.
Yes, of course.
And fire your bolts fairly high up on the
starboard side, just aft of the periscope.
There's nothing much in the way there.
- Very good, sir.
- Right. Off you go.
SAILOR: Drop rope at the bottom, sir.
- Tie her off.
- SAILOR: Aye, aye, sir.
Let them know we'll get the wires
under as soon as possible,
and start lifting about 12 hours after that.
What wouldn't I give to be in the old
Red Lion now, soaking up a pint of wallop.
And watching that there bit of goods
behind the bar,
giving us the old come-hither.
- You know her, don't you?
- No, I've never been there.
What? You call yourself a matelot
and you've never been to the Red Lion?
What do you do with yourself
when you're ashore?
I'm married.
Well, strike me. I wouldn't have said
you was the marrying sort.
- How long has this been going on?
- Three years.
Congratulations. Happy?
Yes, I'm happy.
You ought to bring your missus
to the Red Lion.
Wouldn't do that barmaid any harm to
have a bit of competition now and again.
I bet she's lovely, eh?
She's beautiful.
Goodoh. You bring her, then.
- She doesn't like pubs.
- What? Don't she drink?
Well, no, it's not that, but...
Well, we usually go to a hotel
or restaurant.
Blimey. That's a bit classy, ain't it?
Yes, I suppose it is.
I like to give her the best I can.
- She goes out dancing most nights.
- What, with you?
No, not with me.
Sorry, mate. I shouldn't have been
so nosy. I've got no sense.
That's the worst of being a bachelor.
Never mind, mate.
When we get out of this,
you're coming out on a real do at
the expense of Able Seaman Higgins.
I'll look forward to that. Thanks, Higgy.
Listen, what's that?
Blimey! It's a diver!
I'll tell the skipper.
- My God, mate. Are we glad to meet you!
- Captain, sir. It's a diver.
HIGGINS: He's tapping on the hull, sir.
Wonderful. Give me a spanner.
Come on, Higgins.
Here comes the air pipe, chaps.
It'll be nice to have a drop of fresh air,
won't it?
Wonder what they'll think of next?
Here she comes.
Sea air, eh?
Better than a holiday at Southend.
They're going to lift us, chaps.
Looks as if you'll get a decent breakfast
next Sunday after all, Higgins.
Funny, how good news
makes you interested in grub again.
nothing much we can do now,
except sit and wait.
Come on, Higgins. Back to the wardroom.
Me and Snipe was playing cards, sir.
Can we do that in there?
Blimey, why not?
What is it, sir?
Well, I was wondering
what you were thinking about.
I was thinking about that diver.
You mean that
he's out there and we're in here.
Yes, you could shake hands with him,
if it weren't for the hull.
I was thinking the same thing myself.
You all right, sir?
Yes, yes, I'm all right.
- Better in a minute.
- I'll give you a hand.
GATES: Right.
That's the last of lifting wires
in position now.
Stop heaving.
Close your stopper.
Seems a slow business to you, I expect.
How soon do you think
you'll be able to start the lift?
Well, of course we got the weather
and the tides to reckon with on this job.
But if we can pin her down now,
we should get cracking on tonight's tide.
They'll have been down there
two days by then.
You didn't get any sleep
last night, did you?
Why not turn in for a bit? Do you good.
No, thanks, I'm fine.
Obstinate fellows, you submariners,
aren't you?
Well, I suppose
it takes all sorts to make a Navy.
But I've never understood your lot.
What makes you do it?
I suppose you can put it down
to that extra half crown a day.
MAN: Hey, chappie, Jack,
give us a hand over here.
- Those wires...
- Take it easy, old boy.
Here you are, sir.
You'll feel better in a minute, sir.
How the hell do you know?
I know how you feel.
Yes, I think you do.
Red six on the black seven, Snipe.
Thanks, sir, I wasn't concentrating.
You're doing all right.
Listen to this, Snipey.
"Born under the sign of..."
Pisces, it means fish.
- How very appropriate.
- Thank you, sir. Well, anyhow, that's me.
"The coming week will provide excellent
opportunities for making new friends."
Blimey, what a hope.
What's the matter with that, Higgins?
Well, how can I make new friends stuck
down here in this sardine can, sir?
- I ask you.
- You have, anyway.
Hundreds of those blasted divers.
Listen to them.
This here bloke couldn't have
seen them in the stars, could he, sir?
Funny. Seems ages
since I've seen the stars.
I suppose they're all out up there now.
- Ever been up to the Arctic Circle, Snipe?
- No, sir, I haven't.
You get the stars up there
for 24 hours a day in the winter.
In the summer you can see
the midnight sun.
I tried to photograph it once,
but it didn't come out.
What, the sun, sir?
- No, the photograph, Higgins.
- Oh, I see, sir.
Higgins, you have a trigger mind.
- I'd like to see that someday, sir.
- You will.
You're bound to get up there
sooner or later.
Have you seen
the northern lights as well, sir?
- Yes.
- Oh, I've seen them.
Just like Guy Fawkes night.
I've always been interested in the stars.
"And all I ask is a tall ship,
and a star to steer her by."
What does he mean, "a tall ship," sir?
A sailing ship with tall masts
carrying a lot of sail.
Wonder how that poet
would have described a submarine.
All I ask is a small ship,
and a cook who knows how to fry.
Cor, sir, did you feel that?
They've started the lift, chaps.
We're going up.
- Snipe. Snipe.
- You shouldn't have done that, sir.
You shouldn't have done that.
Shall I slack off on the mooring, sir?
Yes, watch your breast wires
as the tide rises.
Take the boat to LC-1 1.
Craft is steady now, sir.
- Right. Ease off your forrard mooring.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- Is she off the bottom?
- Yes, we've got her weight now.
Stand by to swap your forrard moorings,
and bring your after moorings
to the capstan.
Aye, aye, sir.
Yes, she's off.
Let's hope the weather holds.
Four days now.
Only another two,
according to the last report.
Then you'll be a hero, and everybody
will be standing you drinks, Higgins.
I suppose we'll be all over the front page
by now, sir, won't we?
Your photo will look lovely
on the front of The Mirror, Higgy.
Names and everything, eh?
Cor, it makes you smile, doesn't it?
Here we are, all alone and cut off from
everyone, and they're all reading about us.
I hope that somebody saves a copy for me.
I expect they'll have one framed
and hung up in the Red Lion.
What do you know about the Red Lion, sir?
- I often go in there for a pint. Why?
- Well, I never!
We ain't safe anywhere, are we, Snipey?
If I'd seen you in there, sir,
I'd have bought you a drink.
Thanks very much, Higgins.
But the first one after we get ashore
is gonna be on me.
Cor, we're gonna all have a party,
what with you, and me and Snipey
and Lieutenant Manson,
when he's well enough,
and that barmaid,
and your missus, I mean...
She'd love it, Higgins.
And that paper up on the wall,
like you said, sir.
My old Dad always prophesied
I'd get me name in print.
8:00 in the morning outside
Pentonville, he used to say.
What is it, sir, your head?
- My head...
- Half a minute, sir.
I'll get you something for it.
Proper doctor, old Snipey's turned out
to be, hasn't he, sir?
You'd think they was brothers
or something, the way he looks after him.
They are, in a sense.
How do you mean, sir?
Well, to understand suffering you...
You need to have suffered yourself.
Something like that, anyway.
Is that why you've let Snipey look after
Lieutenant Manson all this time, sir?
Could be.
You don't miss much, do you, sir?
Thanks, chum.
It's all right, sir.
It's all right, sir, don't worry.
We're going up again, sir,
we're going up again.
Hope complete lift. Ten hours.
Ten hours. I can't hardly believe it.
Let's go and tell the others.
- Number One is still asleep?
- Yes, sir.
We got some good news, Snipe.
They hope to complete the job in 10 hours.
That's good, sir.
What do you think of that, Snipey?
Run ashore tomorrow?
Yeah, that's fine.
- Want to go on with the game?
- All right.
You worried about him?
Yeah, he's not too good.
He'll be in a proper hospital tomorrow.
Now, let's see. How much do you owe me?
Right, you deal.
See, you don't believe it, either, do you?
Don't believe what?
You know I could never
pay you that much.
- Not even if I ever had the chance.
- Yes, you could.
Take you about 10 years.
Of course, you'd have to become
a Stoker PO, but you could do it.
Yes, sir, I suppose I could.
On the other hand, it might be a damn
sight cheaper to try and win it back now.
Not that I approve of gambling
in the wardroom, though.
No, sir. I'll have a go, anyway.
You know, sir, I...
I think I will have a try and go
through for Stoker PO, sir, I...
Mr. McFee says I've got
quite a good chance.
I'm sure you have.
I'm not worried about going through
for PO or anything else.
All I want is a pint of wallop
and a lot of fresh air.
Ten hours, eh?
Smell anything?
Probably them pilchards
we had for dinner, sir.
It's chlorine gas. Coming from
the battery below this deck.
Higgins, take the control room.
You in here, Snipe.
- Right, sir.
- Step on it.
If we can't seal off the leak, we've had it.
- I've got it, sir, it's this vent here!
- Higgins, bring a spanner.
Spanner, sir.
Shift Number One further away.
SNIPE: Right.
ARMSTRONG: Give me a hand, it's buckled.
Right, sir.
Near thing.
You'd better lie down
and rest for a bit, Snipe.
I'm all right, sir.
Don't do that, Snipey boy.
He didn't feel nothing.
I wasn't with him.
He was alone.
All decisions made.
All passions spent.
There's nothing more
you can do for him, now.
We'll be out of this in a few hours.
Take it easy.
- Gale warning, sir.
- Thank you.
- Mr. Moore.
- Sir?
Double up your wires.
It's blowing up a gale.
Aye, aye, sir. Evans, Jackson!
Get on the aft moorings.
- Don't like the look of this, sir.
- No, I've just heard the weather report.
It's blowing up force eight.
I'm afraid you'll have to unpin.
Aye, aye, sir.
All hands on deck and unpin!
- Mr. Florrie!
- Yes?
- The weather's going to get worse. Unpin!
- What's that?
- Unpin!
- Okay!
- Why have you stopped the lift?
- Can't carry on in this weather.
Wires wouldn't stand the strain.
- But we'll miss this tide!
- Can't help it.
We'll pin down again as soon
as the weather improves.
This isn't one of your ordinary
salvage jobs, like getting up a wreck.
There are men down there!
It's no good, Gates, I know what I'm doing.
They've been down there now for almost
a week. They can't hang on much longer.
- Even with the air pipe.
- Do you think I don't know that?
These wires will only
stand a certain strain.
We've got to slacken off.
Have you noticed anything, sir?
What do you mean?
The quiet. They've stopped lifting us.
- Yes, that's right.
- Why's that, sir?
Spot of bad weather, I expect.
They'll start again soon.
It won't make any difference, sir, will it?
- In the end, I mean.
- No, of course not.
Sea's getting up a bit.
Well, we're bound to feel the motion
a bit more now, you know,
we're nearer the surface.
Old Snipey's taking it badly, isn't he, sir?
Yes. He'll be all right soon.
Best to leave him alone for a bit.
He turned out to be
a real good one, hasn't he?
Certainly has.
Funny, isn't it?
If all this hadn't have happened,
we'd never have known
what Snipe was really like.
We'd never really have
got to know each other.
What'll happen to us when we get up, sir?
They'll give us a large hot drink
and a hot bath, I hope.
No, I meant after that, sir,
when we go to new jobs.
Well, I was just thinking, sir,
you and me and Snipey.
It would be a bit of all right if we was all
to go to a new boat together, eh, Snipey?
Yeah, I'd like us all to stay together.
There's nothing I'd like more,
Higgins, but...
- Well, I may not stay in the Navy.
- You, sir?
Not stay in the Navy?
You'll never leave the sea.
No, perhaps you're right.
I saw your wife once, sir,
when she came onboard at Portland.
She's beautiful.
I should think you'd want to be
with her all the time.
I feel a bit the same myself, sometimes.
My wife's lovely, too, you know.
I remember the day we got married,
up in London, where she lived.
I couldn't take me eyes off her
in the church.
I kept thinking,
"She belongs to me. She's mine."
And I've gone on believing that.
Steady, boy, she ain't worth it.
That's what they all say,
but they're wrong, all of them.
I know what you mean, Snipe.
I've never talked to anyone else like this.
Don't know why I am now.
I suppose it's...
Well, I suppose it's
because I've never had any
real friends before who'd understand.
Blimey! Friends. That's it.
That's it, Snipey. That's what
me horoscope said, remember?
"You will make new friends."
I see what he meant now.
That's it, Higgins.
That's what he meant.
Another gale warning, sir.
Force 10. All right, Sparks.
- Gates.
- Yes?
Just had another gale warning.
Force eight, gusting to 10.
- How long do they say it will last?
- Several days, I'm afraid.
Several days?
If the air line holds,
they might be able to hang on.
- I'm afraid it won't make any difference.
- What do you mean?
If we try to hold on in this weather,
the wires will almost certainly
capsize the lifting craft.
But we've got to take that chance.
In the face of this, I daren't do it.
I've got my own men to think of now.
It's too much of a risk.
I've decided to return to harbor.
Do you mean,
you're going to leave them there?
I'm sorry, Gates, believe me.
Looks bad, don't it, sir?
If it's a gale, it'll blow itself out.
You've always told us the truth before, sir.
We can take it, can't we, Snipey?
All right.
It does look pretty bad.
Looks like I won't get
me thousand smackers after all.
I'd like to have died a rich man.
What about a game now?
All right, sir.
Come on, Higgins,
you've got plenty to lose.
Oh, I don't know, sir.
Let's cut for deal.
Blimey! Two kings and an ace.
We seem to be lucky
at the wrong blinking time!
MAN: Looks like it's going.
Go forrard and see what's happening
there. We ain't gonna lift these men up.
- We can't hold her, sir.
- Call all hands.
Stand by to cut the wires.
One of our moorings got away.
Get on number six!
Pick up your torch!
Over here with that torch!
Get your torches working at the cords.
More oxygen!
- SAILOR: Both wires, now, lads.
- Heave away at them wires, lads!
SAILOR: Half a crown a day extra,
they get for doing their job.
I can't understand why they volunteer.
You're wrong, you know, both of you.
Those men in the Trojan won't die
because they happened
to be in a submarine.
They'll die because
of a combination of two things
which might happen to anyone at sea.
Bad luck and bad weather.
Bad luck alone
wouldn't have been enough.
- Skipper of Trojan was his friend.
- Poor devil.
Have you still got
that calendar of yours, Higgins?
Yes, sir.
What day is it?
Sunday, sir.
6:00, Sunday morning.
They'll just about be getting up
for early service in the depot ship.
What'll it be like, sir?
It's not that I'm frightened, sir.
It's just, I'd like to know.
A sort of end, end of everything, I suppose.
It may be a beginning.
Don't you chaps
think it might be rather a good idea if we
tried to join those fellows
in the depot ship?
That don't seem right, sir.
Why not, Higgins?
Well, I've never paid much heed
to that sort of thing before, sir.
It doesn't seem right, somehow, to go ask
someone for help
just 'cause you're up against it.
I'm quite sure that
he wouldn't look at it like that.
Would you read it, please, sir?
"Oh eternal Lord God,
"who alone spreadest out the heavens,
and rulest the raging of the sea.
"Who hast compassed
the waters with bounds,
"until day and night come to an end.
"Be pleased to receive into thy Almighty
and most gracious protection,
"the persons of us thy servants,
and the Fleet in which we serve.
"Preserve us from the dangers of the sea,
"and from the violence of the enemy.
"That we may be a safeguard unto
our most gracious Sovereign Lord,
"King George, and his dominions.
"And a security for such as pass on
the seas upon their lawful occasions,
"that the inhabitants of our island,
"may in peace and quietness
serve thee our God. "