Morocco (1930)

Now listen here, fat-head
We're back home again
and that's because we did a little fighting
And I know what you're thinking
You're thinking: Well, here comes us
The Foreign Legion
Each man a hero
all the booze in the world made for us
and the women thrown in
But you're wrong.
this time, you're gonna behave yourselves
like gentlemen
even if it'll kill you
Yes, I'm talking to you
you heard what I said!
Why don't you get back in line?
What are doing with your fingers?
- Nothing... yet
- get in there
- all packed up, Sir. ready to land
- Thank you.
There you are.
I hope I haven't forgotten anything.
Merci, Monsieur.
you're very kind
Your first voyage to Morocco?
I make the trip quite often.
perhaps I can be of some service?
I'd be happy to help you
I won't need any help
You can always reach me
at this address, Mademoiselle.
Merci, Monsieur.
- Good evening, Officer
- evening
Do you know who that woman is?
A vaudeville actress probably
just how do you figure that?
we can't even remember a day
We call them
suicide passengers.
One-way ticket.
they never return.
well the wanderer returns.
how are you?
- When did you get back?
- last night.
Alexander, I'd like you
to meet an old friend of mine,
M. La Bessire.
- a citizen of the world
- very happy
- You're a Frenchman, aren't you?
- Yes.
- Mrs. Marten.
- Aren't you the painter La Bessire?
- I paint when I find the time.
- He has all the time that he needs.
He would be a great painter
if he were not so rich.
Colonel Buchard.
- Colonel. - Charmed
- Won't you join us?
I'd love to, but
isn't that Csar and his wife?
- yes.
- see you later
Habib efendi
be self being the house day
It's awfully nice to see you
in Morocco again.
- I'm very happy to meet you,
even in this heat.
- yes it is hot.
- and you Mme Csar? how have you been?
- I've been bored. We've missed you.
I feel greatly flattered.
your rich friend is very democratic
He can afford to be.
he's always chosen his own friends
as a young vicar
with the captain in the German air-force
before joining the legion
- And perhaps you can give me the history of his wife?
- The less said about that, the better.
The house is packed
the house is packed!
This is a great night for you.
If you make a hit,
you can stay here as long as you like.
now, you may have heard
of me in Europe or not.
my house is patronized
by the finest society in Morocco.
What was I going to say? Oh yes.
pick yourself a protector
It will give us prestige.
An officer in the legion.
They will tell you that the officers
in the legion are not important.
that the common legionnaire is the thing
They will tell you that Private
so-and-so is a Russian Prince
or an ex-General
who joined the legion
to forget his past.
Don't believe it!
The private in the Legion is a no bargain
with 75 centimes per day. Thank you.
Pick the officers!
They have the money.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
it is no small task,
as you know...
to supply my establishment with new talent.
For some reason,
the artists I engage don't last very long.
It may be the heat.
I do my best.
I pay the highest wages in Africa.
Mille grazie, signore e signori.
Anyway, I'll open the program tonight
with Mlle Amy Jolly, a newcomer
whom I hope you will receive
with your usual discriminating kindness
If I remember correctly,
this audience shows its usual discriminating kindness
by receiving its newcomers rather unpleasantly.
sit down, go ahead.
on fait sermon dans sa folie
de s'aimer l'enfant l'enfant
on est charmant,
elle est jolie
s'est par un soir
de gai printemps
mais un beau jour
on vient s'oppose
l'amour prend fin avec les fleurs
et on rest seul un beau jour et
le coeur se ride,
les yeux remplis de pleurs
lorsque tout est fini
quand se meurt votre beau rve
pourqoui pleurer les jours en pluie,
regretter les chances parties?
les belles et sont les filles
la savant vise s'achve
et l'on reste laver vers prix
quand tout est fini
may I offer you
this glass of Champagne?
votre sant
- May I have this?
- Of course.
sing your number once
and then sell the apples
That's the most important thing
Sell the apples!
10 % is yours, 90 % is mine.
you'll make a fortune
damme los flores!
Over my dead body
damme los flores or go a casa
well, what's keeping you, baby?
what can I bid for my apple?
the fruit that made Adam so wise
on the historic night
when he took a bite
he discovered a new paradise?
and apple, they say,
keeps the doctor away
while his pretty young wife
has the time of her life
with the butcher, the baker
the candle-stick maker
oh what can I bid for my apple?
We meet once more, monsieur
I didn't anticipate this pleasure so soon.
can I also have an apple?
- but I have no change for that.
- I hardly expected you to have.
You are again very kind.
may I have the honour of your company
after the performance?
I'm sorry. I have disposed
for the rest of the evening.
- some other time perhaps?
- of course
An apple, Monsieur? Madame?
Don't waste your time down there.
There's no money in the pit!
isn't there?
Thanks for the flower, Mademoiselle.
can I offer you an apple, too?
Lend me 20 francs
That makes 60
Two weeks pay
is a lot of money for an apple.
You can have it for nothing
if you like.
nothing doing.
I always pay for what I get.
I'd sit down if I were you.
You're pretty brave
with women
What's the matter?
Don't you like brave men?
Your change
well, if it isn't Mme Csar
Tom, I must see you tonight?
what do you mean tonight?
what if your husband sees you tonight?
He isn't going to see me
isn't he?
what if he does?
Csar's wife is above suspicion.
You may know something about ancient history,
but I know something about husbands.
Oh! It's you?
What's the matter?
Were you expecting someone else?
Can I offer you something?
too hot.
got any gin?
- Cigarette?
- Thanks.
You made this place look very nice
It looks different now.
how do you know?
have you been here before?
Well, I have been stationed
in this town for a long time.
aren't you drinking?
Well, to you
You can smell the desert tonight.
Hot, isn't it?
You can go now, soldier.
Alright lady.
you won't have any trouble
getting rid of me
nothing like independence,
isn't there?
well maybe I am independent.
With women
You evidently don't think much of women
I tell you lady,
it's their fault, not mine
been in the legion very long?
almost three years
Three years
seems like 300
you sound tired of life
I don't know whether I am or not
I was when I joined this outfit
how about you, Mademoiselle?
Been on the stage very long?
Long enough.
- tired of it?
- no
You've a lot of pictures of that man.
Is he your husband?
husband? I never found a man
good enough for that.
that's just how I fell about women.
how long ago was that picture taken?
that looks like a Russian sable.
that coat's worth a load of shades.
Do you still have it?
don't be absurd.
if I still had that coat
I wouldn't be here
What in the name of ten thousand purples
did you come to a country like this for, anyway?
I understand that men are never asked
why they enter the Foreign Legion.
That's right. They never asked me
and if they had I wouldn't have told.
When I crashed the legion
I ditched the past.
There's a Foreign Legion of women, too.
but we have no uniforms
no flags
and no medals,
when we are brave
No wound stripes
when we are hurt
Look here, is there anything
I can do to help you?
I've heard that before.
Or do you think you can restore
my faith in men?
not me
you've got the wrong man for that
anybody who has faith in me is a sucker
You'd better go now
I'm beginning like you.
I've said to women
about everything a man can say.
I'm gonna to tell you something
I've never told a woman before.
I wish I'd met you 10 years ago.
- Good night.
- Good night. And thanks
well, the night's still young
There's your key, lady.
If I were you I wouldn't hand it around.
I hear something
taking a walk?
To get some fresh air?
No, I was looking for you
It's good that you found me.
This quarter isn't safe at night.
I'd better take you home
- 120?
- No, I wish I were
I only feel so light to you
because your arms are so powerful.
we'll get along a bit better this time
Look out!
you'd better come here,
there's gonna be trouble
I give you one more chance:
Who were those two women?
get your knee out of my hip!
Do you think the two women you are trying to protect
are worth it?
well I think one of them is.
mon Adjudant, M. La Bessire is here
to take you to his club.
ask him to wait.
I'll be through in a minute.
no, let him come in.
entrez, Monsieur
- I didn't know that the military
was quite so busy.
- Oh yes, we are busy
Sit down!
perhaps you can learn something about this country
which you think is so marvellous
got a match?
This little matter also involves someone
you're interested in.
I'm properly curious
bring in that woman
Mademoiselle, I think you know M. La Bessire
- very happy to meet you again, Mademoiselle.
- sit down
I'm happy to meet you again.
It's so nice of you
to have come, Mademoiselle.
You were present at this affair
at which the prisoner
with his customary bravery
severely wounded two helpless natives
Those natives were not helpless.
They attacked us.
Who was the other woman?
I don't know.
I'd like to know, too
do sit down
The curious part of this is
I'm the only one that really seems to know
who this other woman is
If you do know,
you'd better keep it to yourself
Captain Csar,
don't lose your temper
Return the prisoner to the guard-house
I appreciate your attempt
to keep the name of my wife out of this
that's alright, sir
You may go now, Mademoiselle
I'll join you in a minute
You look charming this morning
What will they do to him?
I don't know.
personally I shouldn't care
to have Adjudant Csar as an enemy.
I seem to have the unhappy faculty
of bringing trouble
wherever I go
you know, I carry some weight with Csar.
possibly I can help you.
Every time a man has helped me
there's been a price.
What's yours?
My price?
A smile?
I haven't got much more
shall we go?
Here, take your pass. You're a free man.
door's right open and you can do what you like.
'til 7 o'clock in the morning.
- What's the idea of all this?
- you're leaving for Amalfa-Pass tomorrow
- not me, I'm beginning to like this town.
Tell Csar, I'm not going
you tell him yourself,
he's going along this time.
- Who's going along?
- you heard what I said
Csar is going along this time
So that's what it is.
that's why he didn't recommend
a court martial.
He's gonna get me out on the road
and face me in the proper direction.
well you got a gun with you, haven't you.
you can't get away with murder all your life
that's right, Sergeant.
your argument is perfectly sound,
but nobody is gonna use me
for target practice.
I'm through with the army anyway.
I've been looking for the right kind of woman all my life
and I think I've found her.
so I quit, take this thing
and spend a few weeks somewhere
along the blue Mediterranean
so you're quitting, eh?
well nobody's stopping you
By the way, you happen to remember
what the penalty is for desertion?
There's a 100 ways to dying, brother,
and I'm picking my own way.
Go on, get out of here
He's in there
I've never known such a fortune in my life
He's a rich man to buy Morocco.
Don't forget me!
you've met him in my theatre.
Good evening
Your flowers are wonderful
any news of him?
I did what I could.
they will not court-martial him.
they're going to transfer him
which means of course
that he will have to leave town.
do you love him?
I don't know.
I hope not.
I can't accept this.
It's worth a fortune.
anything of less value
would be unworthy.
I've got to change
I'd like to take you away from here.
Would you?
exactly what do you offer now?
the conventional thing
My offer is highly respectable:
You're a strange man
Do you find it so strange
that I shall be fond of you?
must I answer you now?
I'd sleep better tonight if you did.
I don't think I care
to take advantage of your tempting offer.
- then you're in love?
- No, I don't think I am.
supposing you had never met
a certain private in the foreign legion
what would your answer have been?
might have been the same.
I don't know.
I'm sorry to intrude,
but I'm leaving for the Sahara in the morning
and I just came to say good-bye
I think you two want to be alone.
I understand you are leaving
on a rather strenuous journey.
- May I wish you good luck?
- Thanks
- bientot, Mademoiselle
- bientot
Will you be gone long?
When will I see you again?
Maybe never. Something tells me
I'm not coming back this time.
don't go.
that's just what I was thinking.
I could desert and
board a freighter for Europe tonight
Why don't you?
I would in a minute
if you'd go with me.
Will you?
I'll be back. Wait for me.
If you can spare one of your hands,
I would like to say goodbye, too.
Goodbye, Mademoiselle.
Why didn't you stay last night?
I had a few other calls to make.
Who are those women?
Those women?
I would call them the rear-guard.
How can they keep feet
with the men?
They catch up with them,
and sometimes they don't.
And very often when they do,
they find their men dead.
Those women must be mad.
I don't know.
you see, they love their men
I don't see why we have to keep getting down all day?
We only have to get up again.
anyhow, those walking bed sheets
can't shoot straight.
If you go on like this,
why don't you quit?
anyhow, I thought you were going to desert?
I've turned decent, Sergeant.
What did you say?
I'm in love.
you'd better not go in.
- What's wrong, Lo Tinto?
- What's wrong?
She's been drinking,
like a fish
And don't send her
anymore flowers in pots
She threw just one at me an hour ago
- Hello there
- Bonsoir, Mademoiselle.
How do you like me now?
you seem gay tonight.
Have you had good news?
Have you heard from Private Brown?
Not badly written
for a soldier
perhaps it was for the best
Give me a drink
Call my chauffeur, Lo Tinto.
You're losing your headlines tonight.
I'm not losing anything.
She's been no use to me
for three weeks.
Legionnaire Brown
Legionnaire Brown! - Legionnaire Brown!
well, I had the right hunch, didn't I?
that's too bad, Brown
wait a minute.
give me those 20 Francs you owe me.
you know, that lady-killer
was no bad soldier at that
destroy that machine-gun
May I go too, sir?
You're not at all excited.
read on the night of our engagement dinner,
while we're all waiting for you?
everybody's here.
I never believed they would come.
On the contrary.
They're delighted to witness
the unconditional surrender
of the most exacting bachelor in the world.
I know. You want to thank me
for making you happy.
You want to thank me
for giving you those pearls this morning
You want to thank me for this
and you want to thank me for that...
Shall we go down now?
- Anything wrong?
- Csar was killed.
I received the news this morning.
Legionnaire Tom Brown
will probably come back tonight.
- Is his company returning?
- What's left of it.
you don't need to be concerned about him.
dead or alive
there's still time to tell me.
do come, they are waiting
notre ami nous a rserv la surprise la plus inattendue
M. La Bessire, notre ami que nous avons tous,
le grand peintre que nous admirons
et surtout le plus endurci des vieux garons
a dcid de joindre nos rangs
il va connaitre comme nous les difficults de la vie conjugale
que nous supportons d'ailleurs trs allgrement
et il a eu le bonheur, la chance, l'excellence
Pick up those pearls and take them my room please
Where is Tom Brown? Was he killed?
Not so rough, Mademoiselle
I'm liable to fall apart
We left him in at Amalfa.
You can't kill that long drink of water.
Is he badly hurt?
well, we didn't' go down there
for any entertainment
I gotta get some sleep
Alexander, don't you think it
unusually hot this month?
No, I don't think so
You always disagree with me
When I came to Morocco as a boy,
it snowing in the summer
have you heard that before,
M. La Bessire?
I wasn't listening, Colonel.
what did you say?
When I came to Morocco as a boy...
What did I say?
When you came to Morocco as a boy,
it rained or something.
That's it
I have to go to him.
They left him in Amalfa.
- Is he badly wounded?
- I hope not.
please don't disturb yourselves and sit down
I don't mind your hearing this
why not let me send a telegram
and learn the details.
if his condition is serious
we can drive down tomorrow.
I'm going now.
order the car and pack my bag
you see, I love her
I do anything to make her happy.
Is Legionnaire Brown here?
There is no Legionnaire Brown here.
- Are you sure?
- well it might be under some other name.
have a look
Hello, Mademoiselle
What are you doing down here?
I'm looking for Legionnaire Tom Brown
You won't find him down here,
diese verdammte Schweinehund
He make believe that he'd been wounded,
but they find out
and put him in another company
Is he still in town?
He is round the corner, at the Christine.
And don't forget to tell him
to pay me the 60 Francs
that owes me
Who is this girl?
It wouldn't be any good
if I told you.
you love her very much?
Poor boy
What are you doing
in this part of the world?
I heard you were wounded.
Not me.
I never felt better in my life.
- Are you married?
- No!
Why didn't you return with your company?
aren't you gonna marry
that rich friend of yours?
of course!
Are you sure?
I don't change my mind
well then I wish you all the luck in the world,
Back to the barracks
Antreten, Ihr Schweinehunde, raus!
it's gonna be a thirsty march
Have you lost something?
Can I help you?
go on. beat it.
I forgot my knife.
You forgot to say goodbye, too.
We leave at dawn.
Come and see us off.
will you?
- Goodbye, Mademoiselle
- Goodbye
Goodbye, Sir
- Good luck, Legionnaire Brown