Mort en ce jardin, La (Death in the Garden) (1956)

Alberto, come eat!
It's French cooking ...
but local-style!
When you're broke,
it all tastes good
I like people who're hungry
It's why I learned all
my secrets as a chef
Soon ...!
You'll have your restaurant
in Marseilles
Yes, I'll have my own restaurant
And not only that!
Other ideas?
What do they want?
Never mind! Eat!
Soldiers always
mean trouble
Listen everyone!
This concerns all of you!
Hurry up!
Let's see what's up!
Pursuant to Art 36
of the Constitution ...
and Art 8 of the
Law of May 8th, 1945 ...
we hereby declare that ...
all diamond mining
in the Guluve Valley ...
must stop immediately
All diamond rights are
exclusively reserved ...
for the State or those
designated by the Governor
The decree takes
effect as of tomorrow
All miners and their equipment ...
must leave today
Signed by the
Provincial Governor Roberto Guzman
Go tell the others!
What's it mean?
It means we're bein' kicked out!
The State wants our claims!
No! They belong to us!
We've been had!
I'll go talk to Captain Ferrero!
Right! Let's go!
Those who wanna see Ferrero,
follow me!
The men sound upset
You're worried?
Play! Then you won't hear them!
There'll be trouble!
Quiet, Lieutenant! Let me think!
Captain, a delegation
wants to see you!
How many?
At least 40
I'll see them
according to regulations
You understand?
Do it, then send them in
Another man lost!
Calm down!
The captain'll see you but ...
first ya have to check your arms
You'll get'em back as you leave.
That's the rule!
Well, Alberto?
We won't give'em our guns!
But we're here to talk!
Ya think we can talk to
men like them?
Be careful, comrades!
Right! An unarmed man
carries no weight!
So let's go!
Checkmate, Captain!
They won't give us their guns
I'm becoming fed up with those men
Lieutenant, get rid of that rabble!
At once, Captain!
We wanna talk to the captain!
Calm down, comrades!
Form ranks!
I wanna talk to the captain!
Prepare arms!
Reload arms!
Let him go! He's not a local
Any cigarettes?
You're right! It's unfair!
Dammit, what'll we do?
We got hardly any guns!
If they get reinforcement,
we're done for!
The strong get justice an their own!
The weak just shut up!
Ya have to choose!
We can't let them bastards
screw up our lives!
They fire and we ran like sissies!
They took us by surprise!
But it ain't over!
Not a word!
Go to hell!
What's up?
You ain't very talkative!
Leave her alone!
Who're you?
I'm her dad! If ya had kids,
you'd act the same way!
Papas shouldn't talk big!
Lemme go!
Ya old fart!
It's OK now! Don't worry!
Did he hurt you? The bastard!
Are your shoes OK?
The claims're ours!
Talk'll do no good!
We gotta fight!
He's right!
We'll occupy our sites tomorrow!
Bring guns! We'll need'em!
There's about 40 or them
and over 200 of us!
They won't dare attack us!
What if they do?
The strong of today are
tomorrow's weak!
Who's he think he is?
Father Lizardi, the missionary
What's he buttin' in for?
It's my duty to warn you!
You'll be killed!
I ain't so sure!
We can't let'em fleece
us like sheep!
We ain't scared of Ferrero!
Colonel Sandman's men are only
a day's march away
Can't you see?
We'll see later!
It'll be a useless massacre!
It'll end in ruthless repression!
Padre, you only been here two weeks.
Mind your own business!
Go convert some natives
and get off our backs!
We're big boys now!
We don't need your advice!
You'll gain nothing this way!
He who lives by the sword ...
shall perish by the sword!
Enough talk! Let's go!
What nice shoes, Maria!
What can I do for you, Father?
Father, you're right.
Fighting leads to no good
I'm amazed you're with these rebels!
You're a peaceful man
This isn't your fight
I'm peaceful, but they're my pals
We're all in the same mess
I'm talking as a friend,
not a priest
Your daughter has no one but you
You'd risk your life for nothing?
Father, you know my plan
Make a nest-egg and leave!
I agree with you!
I hate fights ... especially ...
with the State!
Now you're thinking!
Yes ... I'm thinking
A man has to think
Maria, come on!
Bye, Father
Is Chenco's boat due in today?
What day is this?
It'll be here tomorrow
Your watch shows the days?
It must cost a lot!
Yes, but it's not mine
Our order was given some
See? All our missionaries wear them
Very pretty ... N ... R ... C ...
North Refining Co.
For our heroic Mambuti missionaries
Call me! I'm anxious to leave!
Where's Chenco's boat go?
To the chicle plantations ...
before the Cumumi Rapids
near the Brazilian border
You'll let me know?
As soon as he arrives, Father!
Father Lizardi's quite a man!
For his first mission, he's being sent ...
among the wildest of the natives!
He just might ...
get his head shrunk! ... Big loss!
This lighter?
You got rooms for rent?
No vacancies!
Or you could stay with your
horse in the stable!
Tonight I'd like to sleep in a bed
Money'll get ya anything here
Even a bed?
Yes ... but it's expensive!
Tell me where
Easy! Turn right as ya go out
It's a house with an arch.
Ya can't miss it
Anybody home?
What're you doin' here?
Me? ... I'm in my bed!
And you?
I guess I'm in your bed
You're not amazed?
A good bed always amazes me
You're not very polite!
Nice muscles!
Strong men always please!
But with me, it's different.
I need ...
I see!
Small bills aren't my style
Ya get big ones often?
Not as often as I'd like
Diamond hunters stimulate
the imagination
So I came to rot in this hole!
But I manage!
You don't look the type
Remember? ... I'm mercenary!
Well, that can be arranged
I got what it takes
Aren't you afraid with all
that on you?
Bodies are perishable!
If anyone gets too close to my
fortune, he's in trouble!
You have an answer
to everything!
What's your name?
That hits hard!
And you?
They call me Djin
It's the native name
for a bird
Like it?
Not bad
On your feet and follow me!
What for?
You just follow me!
You explain first!
Take him away!
You'll pay for this! ...
Take him away!
I'll get ya, bitch!
Here! For you!
Thanks, Mr Chenco!
You'll pay me back
next month
Money's all that counts!
Right, Mr Chenco
It's a great spot for gals
who know how!
Diamond miners
spend plenty!
I'm the opposite!
A real miser!
Right you are! OK!
You can get off now!
Good luck!
It's your money-pack?
Who else's?
It's your money too?
Mine and no one else's!
Did you come
through Cimaruna?
Never heard of the place!
Why would you go there?
You're a nice guy!
Some foreigners held up
the bank in Cimaruna
Not me!
You were seen in Cimaruna!
I never been there!
Bring him in!
You know this man?
I've seem him around but ...
Was it in Cimaruna?
Yes! He's one
of the bank robbers!
I saw him on the posters!
How much do they pay
ya for this?
Sorry, Captain!
Take him in the jeep
to the Cimaruna police!
Not that!
He'll shoot me
for trying to escape!
Lock him up!
Congratulations, Captain!
Wait, Chenco!
We have to discuss business
They ambushed us!
We couldn't even fight back!
Idiots! You have guns! Use them!
Who shot the corporal?
Not me!
Put the bastard in jail!
Maria! ... Listen, Maria!
Throw that away!
My baby, there's nothing left
for us to do here
We'll go home to France!
It's my country!
We have quite a bit of money
You'll be happy there
You'll get medical care
Maybe we won't leave alone
There's a lady who likes you.
And I like her!
Maybe she'll come with us
You wouldn't mind?
Angel! You always want to please
you papa!
There! ... Isn't she pretty?
She's to answer me tonight
I wanna talk to you
What's wrong?
I've thought it over
Tell Captain Ferrero I don't
like the deal
He always takes too much!
Don't get upset!
We need him and you know it
That's no reason!
He needs us too!
I'm about ready to quit
Now don't worry!
I'll make him cough up ... Trust me?
Sure! You got trust written
all over your kisser!
Djin, I wanna talk to ya
Go ahead!
Not here!
Well, what's on your mind?
How do ya feel about Castin?
Castin? He's a decent guy
That's all?
That's not so bad!
Most of the guys around
here are bastards!
Well, the decent guy wants
to marry you
That's a funny one!
So he sent you?
I wanted to know what you
think about it
What I think?
Hey, a gent's askin' for my hand!
What do ya say?
I'm serious!
Can't we laugh a little?
That's a good one!
So? ... What's your answer?
Look, Alberto, ya know who I am,
don't ya?
So this shakes me up a bit!
That guy used to come here a lot
Now he ain't been in for two months
To top it all, he's always in church!
I can't see how you two are pals!
Castin don't care about
bourgeois prejudice
He offers ya a good, honest family
My ideas go along the same lines
Castin's a decent man and
that means a lot
An honest family with me?
And he's no spring chicken!
No, it's not a good deal for me
I'm goin' for the accounts
Don't make a mistake subtracting!
Castin's 68 and has pockets
full of dollars
He wants to buy a restaurant
This climate's worn him out
You'd soon be a young widow! See?
You're sure he's loaded?
He's got more than any of us!
Tell him to come see me tonight ...
for a talk
You're a bitch!
I wanted to see what ya really are!
You're worse'n I thought!
A nice guy tries to help ya and ...
ya only want his cash!
Ya want him to die fast!
What's with you?
I never said money scares me!
Don't anyone move!
Any hidden guns?
Yes! ... Here!
Hands up! Get their guns!
Now get the hell outta here!
Remember to tell Castin to
come see me tonight!
Go on! Into the street!
Whenever you wish
How is he?
Like a guy short on blood!
My son, your friend's tended your
body as best he could
I wish to console you ...
In the name of Our Lord and His Church
Great! Me with a slug in my hide!
Don't be bitter, my son.
Think of your soul!
Screw off!
I wish to help you
Don't consider me as an enemy
I'm a man who wants to ease ...
you misery
I ask only ...
that you repent
Let me lead you to God
Lemme alone!
Alvero, don't refuse the priest
Listen to him. He can help!
Then go confess to him
but lemme alone!
A guy like you knows how to
face a firing squad
But afterwards? ... The priest
can help ya for that
Your comrade's right, my son
Forget your pride. God is all-powerful
Repenting don't cost a thing!
Shut up, churchy!
Poor lad! ... I can do nothing more here
You did your best. Thank you
I'll be just outside
Would you do me a big favor?
Yes, my son, if I can
I don't know what they're
gonna do to me
But I left my old Ma in Europe when
I came here to get rich
You see the mess I'm in
I'd like to write to her
Then I want to confess
I'll confess you
Do you have a pen and paper?
I'll ask the guards
Get the man pen and paper
I can't!
Get them. I'll take
the responsibility
Father! He's lost consciousness!
He must be dying
Don't bother!
It's a good one
I want a firing squad before midnight!
Execute him in the night?
Why not?
He'll be an example
I'll show the mob
I'm not fooling!
Look, Alberto!
Lemme alone!
Present arms!
No more death penalty!
Got any ammo?
Make do with that!
It's full!
Gimme the revolver!
Shall I come?
No need. I know the way!
Tomorrow at eight!
Under whom?
Colonel Sandman
A machine-gun platoon
and 100 infantrymen
- Who is it?
- Castin!
Lemme in! Quick!
You're hurt?
It's nothing!
I can explain!
In the fight!
Ya shoulda come here
But I didn't do a thing!
Due to the bloody riot
in this peaceful locality ...
caused by mostly
foreign adventurers ...
we declare a state
of martial law
The leaders are known to us
and will be tracked down
Two of them have
already died
The two in hiding are ...
Castin who incited
the men to riot ...
... Shark who blew up
the powder kegs
A 5000 peso reward is offered
for them, alive or dead
If they are not found
in 24 hours ...
Four of their comrades chosen
at random will be shot
Signed, Colonel Sandman,
Commander of Cuchazo
Where's your father?
Your papa! Where is he?
Your papa is out?
It's dangerous outside!
I must talk to him!
Please tell me!
He didn't sleep here?
Why did ya come here
to hide?
I didn't plan things this way
You expected an invitation?
No, but I thought of you ...
as my wife. So ... here!
I see
Don't say I'm here!
Please open the door!
I must see Castin! It's urgent!
Come in!
I hesitated coming for you
in such a place
Father, I can explain
First, listen to me!
I never thought you'd lead ...
such a riot
I didn't!
The army saw you with the agitators
They shot at you?
Some have already died!
Now they're after you
Me? ... I didn't do a thing!
You did nothing
I wasn't even there!
If you're not found in 24 hours ...
Four hostages will be shot!
The reward for your capture
is 5000 pesos!
That's terrible! But I can't
do a thing!
My son, you can!
First, ya should leave my place!
I'm not mixed up in this mess!
What should I do?
Do? Give yourself up to
save the four men
But I didn't do anything!
Innocent men'll be shot
Innocent! ... But I'm innocent too!
I didn't fire a shot! I wasn't
even armed!
You know that!
This person's testimony ...
Meaning what?
The colonel's witnesses ...
say you're guilty!
Four lives depend on you!
I told you I did nothing!
I won't turn myself in!
Tell him, Djin!
Ya gotta beat it!
Or I'll get screwed!
But I'm innocent!
So tell'em that!
I'll see the colonel with you,
I promise
You'll save the hostages' lives!
Open up! We wanna see if
Castin's there!
Open the door!
Give him to us! Not to the soldiers!
I'm gonna break down the door!
They'll turn me in!
Father, do something!
What'll my daughter become
without me?
Don't I count at all?
Get the hell outta here!
By the back alley
They'll see me! It's impossible!
If they find ya here, I'm done for!
What a way to behave!
And Castin?
He's not here
Don't lie to us!
He's not here!
Why didn't ya open?
I was busy
Busy? ... Let's have a look!
Ferrero's in jail and they're
checking on his friends
We gotta scram!
Be on my boat tonight and
we'll go together
No sign of him!
And in there?
That's my room
Outta the way!
Father Lizardi! I never thought
he'd do that!
I never thought a priest'd
go so far as to ...
He's givin' Djin confession!
Brethren, don't judge me
by appearances!
In my family, we're honest and frank
Wait'll this gets around!
Happy? Seen all ya wanted to?
We've seen plenty!
Then get the hell out!
We're goin'!
Sorry we interrupted, Padre!
Father, I heard it all! ...
It's terrible!
Don't talk about it.
I need to meditate
Hard to be judged when
ya ain't guilty!
I was really in a sweat!
And what about him?
The bastards!
And ya wanted me to go out
and be torn to shreds!
I don't know what got into me!
But put yourself in my shoes
If they'd found ya,
I'd have been ruined!
I lost my head. But I hid
you all the same!
I'm only a woman ... and all alone!
But ... no longer!
Now we're together!
Let's not discuss it any more
Besides, I got ya into this mess
I hafta get ya out of town
Sure ... But how?
Chenco's boat!
He sails tonight
He's goin' to Rio Mambuti
On the other side is Brazil!
So what?
I'll put you on Chenco's boat!
But ... you know Chenco!
He'd turn me in for the 5000 pesos!
No ... I'm done for
But you're not!
I'm goin' with ya!
Djin, you saved me!
You're like my own wife now
I wanna prove it to you
Here! These diamonds are all
our fortune!
You carry it
I'll go get my daughter
Try to take her aboard with you
I'll hide till dark and then
try to get aboard
It's my only chance!
But if I don't make it, promise me ...
you'll be a mother to her
Castin! We're casting off!
Once we're gone ...
I'll buy off Chenco
She's here
You undid your bandage!
Get moving! Go on!
Not a sound!
Where's your boss?
Answer me!
Where is he?
Calm down! Drop your knife!
Take his gun!
He's dangerous, Chenco!
Knock him out!
Get out!
Go get the soldiers!
Sorry, Father, but money's money!
I want that reward
Put the motor in gear!
I'll take the wheel!
Don't leave us like that!
We're gonna have a nice
trip together!
Stay there and don't move!
So we meet again!
Full speed!
Get down, ya idiot!
Here's my share. Chenco
got a share too
Nothing, Lieutenant!
They have a ten-hour lead
We must stop them before
they reach Brazil
Our boat's three times faster
than Chenco's
We'll catch them before dark
Cast off!
If we go aground or anything
happens, you're dead!
In the bag!
There's guns too!
Castin, take that!
Grab some ammo!
The rest overboard!
All of it?
We can't let Chenco use it!
Where are you taking me?
Wherever you want!
You must put me ashore ...
so I can reach the native mission
at Santa Rosalia
Leave them alone!
They'll be better off!
No one'll force'em to work!
Thanks to the missions ...
many tribes have now heard
the Word of God
From their foremen's mouths!
That's not our fault
But they follow you everywhere!
They really love you!
I won't argue with you
Put me ashore at once!
I'm in command here
Get that in your head and we'll be OK
I serve only one master. You don't scare me!
We'll see
Castin, you're wrong to aid ...
such scum!
What else can I do?
I was innocent and they set
a price on my head!
Don't you hear anything?
Sounds like a motor!
Any other boats around?
The Turica Bamba army launch
Then we must land fast!
Grab all the supplies you can!
That's enough! ... Let's go!
The boat's drifting away!
My suitcase is on it!
Ya won't need it in the jungle
The boat'll sink! It's not
yours to dispose of!
It's how I make my living!
You won't be living long!
Walk in front!
Kill him?
What's it to you?
Don't kill me!
Take all my money!
And leave ya here to betray us!
I know the jungle!
You'll get lost! You'll starve!
He knows the jungle inside out
Walk in front with him!
If he runs, kill him!
Forward! Walk!
You know the region.
How far to Rio Mambuti?
I don't know. It could
be three days ... or twenty
It depends on the jungle
Which direction do we take?
Due west. No doubt about that
You make me laugh! ... How d'ya
know where west is ...
with all the detours we've made?
Don't be silly! We follow the sun
The sun! It's given you sunstroke!
Look, honey!
We must get out of this,
one way or another
I don't have to! Nobody's after me!
I'm goin' to the river
Out of the question!
Nobody's gonna squeal
to the soldiers
At least, nobody who's alive. See?
We're all together to the end
And yet we agreed yesterday ...
Come on!
Once in France we'll have ...
my seaside restaurant
My seaside restaurant!'
Ya old slob! Miserable fool!
I'll never make it!
It's all your fault!
Lemme alone! You make me sick!
You're old and ugly!
Here's your nest-egg!
That's right! I'm fed up!
She's ruthless!
Who asked for your opinion?
But she's always underfoot!
Is you song over yet?
Keep quiet!
Get some sleep. Tomorrow'll
be a tough day
Get up!
I can't sleep like this. Tomorrow
I'll be worthless
You'll sleep!
His rest is in our interest
Mine is to keep him here!
Where could he go?
I'll answer for him.
Tie him in front
Turn around!
The bastard!
The bastards had it all planned!
They had supplies for a week!
Let'em starve! I'll spoil
their appetite!
Let's see!
They had a lot?
I don't know what they took!
We must set out quickly, Lieutenant!
They may be out of the cavern
Bring that! Let's go!
Lieutenant, may I move off to
the right and ...
cut them off?
No need!
The river's their sole hope
They can't come this way because of us
They're in the forest. They'll
never get out
Bring that!
That's all we needed!
What happened?
Stay near Papa!
What's wrong?
I twisted my ankle
It's only a sprain
Walk or it'll swell!
I can't!
And Chenco?
It's settled!
The supplies?
Get'em if ya can!
What's wrong?
I sprained my ankle
Padre, that's how to do
unto others!
I'll pray to God to forgive you
Let's waste no time!
Come on!
It hurts!
Walk! You'll get over it
Everybody can keep up ...
except you!
They've got pains too!
Ya said you'd bring back food
What can I do?
The leaves are too thick
to see animals!
I just fire at random!
With a carbine!
If only I had a hunting rifle!
No one can walk without eating!
We've no choice
I can't go on!
If we stop, we'll die here
Maybe we should!
No clearings in sight!
We'll never cross those high
hills out there
We will! We have to!
In our shape ...
What's wrong with all of you?
Ya wanna die here?
The bugs'll eat you alive!
I don't care!
Ya still think we'll make it?
God has condemned us!
Huh, Father?
Let God alone!
We'll all die alike!
The innocent and guilty!
Quiet! I don't wanna drag a
sick man with us
It's no good ... We'll never escape!
God's already refused to feed us!
Shark, what do we do?
Try to find a way further south
We must keep going!
As long as we've strength
enough to walk!
Shark! Look!
It's too damp!
It'll be good!
How's the fire?
It won't light!
Not if you go at it like that!
Gimme some twigs!
It's sure not easy
Everything's wet
There's nothing drier?
Try that!
It's the same!
Everything's rotten here!
We're done for ... Done for!
It'll happen to the others too!
Sooner or later!
Maria did nothing!
Sit down!
Animals're everywhere ...
hunting and eating one another!
We can't find a one!
They only come out at night
Daytime, they hide
We're not used to hunting
for breakfast!
My friends, do you hear me?
Maybe hunger's made
me delirious
I'm obsessed!
Obsessed by the story of an egg!
Soft-boiled eggs!
It was when I was at the seminary
I must tell you about it!
I was in my second year of theology
I recall the dining hall and ...
its tables ... like it was yesterday!
We were ten per table
The seminarist who served
was a fat boy
He was a nice lad. He did
everything correctly ...
except each time we had
soft-boiled eggs ...
Four or five always disappeared
There was no explaining it ...
until the day we caught him
eating them two by two ...
on the way from the church to
the dining hall
I mean, from the kitchen to
the dining hall
Even so, he became the coadjutor
in my home church
My mother's name was Mary ...
Get up. I'll help you
Don't be mad at me for
the other night
I was feeling blue
I'm not mad at you ...
We're all guilty!
None of us are without blame!
Don't talk that way all the time!
We'll have our restaurant!
No! ... There'll be no restaurant!
Come on Castin!
Lemme alone!
Lemme alone! ... I'll go on alone!
It's not an old fire!
It's still intact!
It's hardly damp!
People must be near!
Then we're saved!
Let's catch up with them!
They'll help us!
We don't know who they are
They may be head-hunters ...
or escaped convicts!
Why expect the worst?
They may be explorers.
Men of good will!
We'll try?
Look for other traces!
We lit this fire
We've gone in a circle!
If we stay here, we're done for!
Let's go!
Djin, come on! Keep trying!
Lizardi, try to convince her!
No, hope's all that kept
her on her feet
We must do something!
I'm going on ahead. I won't
die without fighting!
I'll come!
No, I won't leave them alone ...
with this madman!
One of us must stay here!
You're right
If I'm alive, I'll be back
If we don't meet again ...
I thought you were just ...
a bandit!
Djin, our miseries are over! Look!
You'll see! No more bugs or forest!
Get your strength back!
We'll have to walk a ways!
Where were you?
Where'd you find all that?
You wouldn't believe me!
Eat first. You'll see later!
We'd lost all hope
God saved us miraculously!
Thanks to you, Shark!
Funny ... Some 50 people had to
die to save us
Are you sure we're saved?
It looks like a lake!
It must be Lake Tocochapa
on the Rio Mambuti
We've only one thing left to do
Build a raft and float
with the current ...
till we meet a boat
That's not all. We must fulfill
our duty to the dead
Come on, Castin! ... Come on!
What ya starin' at?
I'm ugly, huh?
Ya don't look good
I wanna thank you for everything
I like you
Me too ... ever since the first day
You slept like a kid ...
with your mouth open
You proved it to me the first day
Let's have a swim
Jewelry ... Where'd you find them?
Here ... I'll put them
in a safe place ...
so we can give them back later
They're not yours, Maria
They belong to the dead
To the dead and their families!
You're very bad to act this way!
You can't have them!
You've always liked it ...
hurry, it's yours!
What's wrong? What happened?
Father Lizardi was mean to you!
His watch! ... I don't understand!
Don't be sad! We're saved!
It's Brazil!
Your papa?
He's sick
He'll get treatment once we arrive
Anyway, I could take his place
Like to have me as your papa?
I like you very much!
God's cursed us!
He's punished us
Don't talk like that!
God makes His own decisions
Till now, I've been lenient ...
but no more!
God alone knows who He'll
punish or spare!
God's justice will soon be heard!
You're beautiful! A real lady!
A fortune! Where'd you find it?
In the lake!
I found the plane!
In fact it's for you! All of it!
And the girls as well!
I hadn't understood
You're nice when ya want to
No! ... It's just that we're
both alike!
We could get along together
Like that? All at once? ... May I?
Beauty for the beautiful
No, not all of a sudden!
I liked you at once
But we got off to a bad start
You were mad at me
And for good reason!
Walking in the forest,
it came to me
A woman? ... She's nothing
without a man
There! You're ready for a new life
Beautiful, huh?
We may have trouble with the
priest because of that
Let's beat it! The two of us!
Yeah, sure!
But we can't leave the girl!
The girl?
Don't think about her
I want a man all to myself
It's never happened before
Getting sentimental?
Don't you believe me?
You don't trust me?
Sure, I trust you
I really love you, Shark
It took me a while to see it
I'm so happy ...
that I want to cry!
It's incredible!
Hide, Lizardi!
You'll get yourself killed!
He'll kill us all!
Stay with Maria! I'll
get behind him!
What for?
To kill him! He's raving mad!
Wait! Maybe I can calm him down
I'll talk to him
Castin! Don't shoot! ... I want
to talk to you!
You know me! Lizardi!
I trust you!
In God's name, I beg of you!
Stay there! Don't move!