Mortuary (1983)

(Multicom Jingle)
(eerie music)
(George groans)
(George groans)
- Daddy!
- I'll wait here.
(Josh mimics chicken clucking)
All right, you turkey.
(Greg chuckles)
- Come on!
- So, what if your boss shows up?
- Screw him, he's not my boss anymore.
- Hey man, it's not worth trespassing.
Let's get outta here.
- Who cares?
It's all junk anyway.
Besides, he hardly ever comes here.
- Are you sure?
- Sure, sure I'm sure, would you come on?
Jeez. (mimics chicken clucking)
Ah, you look at 'em?
I combed a lot of corpses'
heads for these mothers, eh?
(Josh chuckling)
Woo, yeah, look at that one.
- Hey, I thought you said
your boss doesn't come here.
- Who knows?
Maybe he gets laid here. (laughing)
- Yeah, who'd wanna get laid here?
- You'd be surprised. (laughs)
(Josh laughs)
Quit playin' around, grab
some for your van, man.
- (laughs) Forget it,
man, that's stealing.
Is that all you're taking?
- Yeah, they're all as
bald as Kojak's head.
- Yeah, wait till Mr. Andrews finds out.
- How's he gonna find out?
Besides, that asshole
owes me money, 150 bucks.
Ah, shit, they're probably all locked.
Let's try the door.
(tense music)
(sullen music)
All right.
(eerie music)
(Josh laughing)
Look at this place.
What's goin' on in here?
- I don't know, man,
somebody must use this place.
Wow, look at all this stuff.
- Uh-huh.
Woo, ooh, ooh.
- What do you think?
- Ah, it's fantastic.
- Think Christie'll like it?
- Ah, she'll love it.
Hey, what's all this
embalming stuff doing here?
Hey, check out this troll cart. (laughs)
En garde.
Look at this. (laughs)
(Greg mimics rifle firing)
(Josh laughing)
Hey, why don't we quite clowning around?
Why don't you put that down
and let's get the tires?
- [Greg] Should take
this stuff home with me.
- Is that real?
(eerie chanting)
- What the hell is that?
Low beam.
- Hey, hey, what's he doing here?
- Who?
- [Josh] My boss.
- Mr. Andrews?
- Yeah.
- Let me look.
What's he doing with those women?
Hey, that looks like Christie's mom.
- [Josh] Ah, I told you, I told you
she was witching in the kelp, didn't I?
- [Greg] I can't believe it,
that's Christie's mother, all right.
- [Josh] Yeah.
- What are they doing now?
- Getting ready for a seance.
- [Greg] A seance?
- Yep.
They're communicating with the souls
of the dead and other stuff. (chuckling)
- [Greg] How do you know?
- Well, I saw them do this
before at the mortuary.
I wasn't supposed to be there.
He caught me watching them.
Then next thing you knew, I
was (chuckles), I was fired.
I'm going to get the tires.
- I'll stay here and watch.
(Josh whistles)
(Josh whistles)
- My tires, what happened to my tires?
What are they doing?
Let's go guys, come on.
Watch out here, here we go, woo. (laughs)
Oh, god, you're getting
heavy, you know that?
Whoa, whoa, where you goin'?
God, heh.
Miss Andrews.
Miss Andrews!
(eerie chanting)
(gate slams)
- Hey, Josh!
Open up, come on!
- Hey, Greg.
Hey, Greg!
(dramatic music)
(Josh screams)
(Josh groans)
(tense music)
(eerie music)
(door clicking)
(gate squealing)
- Josh?
Hey, come on, man.
Hey, Josh, come on, quit fooling around.
Come on, Josh.
(dramatic beat)
(engine rumbling)
(tires screech)
Hey, Josh!
That son of a bitch.
- Why would Josh do such a thing?
- I can't figure it out.
- It's weird.
- It gets even weirder.
- What do you mean?
- I saw Hank Andrews
there with some women,
and they were having a seance.
- A seance?
Well, who were the women?
- Oh, nobody I know.
- Oh.
- Josh saw them
at the mortuary doing the same thing,
and that's why he got fired.
- Well, you don't think that
Josh taking off like that
had anything to do with
the seance, do you?
- Why would it?
- I don't know.
Where do you wanna go?
- Um.
Let's go to the roller
ring, maybe he's there.
Be my love
Be my love
Be my love
Your touch, need you so much
Criminal way that I feel
I may look all right till
I'm out of your sight
Crying for love I can't steal
Ask you stay, but you get away
There's no getting next to you
Please don't ignore
- Hey, he's here.
I love you more
What a shame that you can't
Be my love
Won't you be my love
Could you be my love
Oh oh
- It's locked.
When she loves you too
Oh, what a terrible shame
I may look all right
till I turn out the light
Helplessly calling your name
Ask you to stay, but you get away
There's no getting next to you
Please don't ignore
I love you more
What a shame that you can't
Be my love
- Hi, Greg.
- Have you guys seen Josh?
- No, he hasn't shown up yet.
- Well, he drove my van
here and he's got the keys.
- Then he must be here somewhere.
- Yeah, well, we've been here a while.
If he was here, I'd have seen him.
- Wait a minute, I thought
you were with Josh.
- Well, I was.
- Well, what happened?
You know, you look like shit.
- It's a long story.
- You guys gonna stick around or what?
- Aw, no, I think I gotta
work on my Psych paper.
- Yeah, in the back seat.
(Christie chuckles)
- Tell Josh to call me when he shows up.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- All right.
- See ya later.
- Hey Greg!
- What?
- Why don't you check the ladies' head?
Please don't ignore
I love you more
What a shame that you can't
Be my love
Be my love
Be my love
Be my love
- He's gone.
- Now, where did he go?
Oh oh
(crickets chirping)
- Thanks for the ride.
- I'd prefer a kiss.
(gentle music)
(tense music)
(gentle music)
Sorry we didn't find your van.
- It'll show up.
(ominous music)
(gentle music)
(ominous music)
(gentle music)
(ominous music)
- Greg, Greg, is that you?
- Where the hell have you been?
- [Paul] Hey, Christie.
- [Christie] Hi, Paul.
- Hey.
I just got a new Mozart.
Why don't you come over to my place
and let me play it for you?
- Oh, I'm sorry, Paul, I'm busy.
- Well, maybe some other time.
- Maybe.
- Okay.
How you been?
- Fine, how 'bout you?
- Hey, Paul.
How you doin'?
- Hey, Greg.
- [Greg And Christie] Hi.
- Bye, Paul.
- How you doin', Paul?
Got yourself a new--
- Yeah, check this out.
- Mozart.
- It's a punk group, I think.
- What the hell's a Mozart?
Gotta go, see ya later.
- You wanna drop me off
at the sheriff's station?
He's got my van.
- What's he doing with it?
- He said he found it at the bus station.
- Where's Josh?
- Nobody knows.
- You think he left town?
- I don't know, it doesn't make any sense.
- Call me when you're done, all right?
- Okay.
(ominous music)
(tires screeching)
(sullen music)
(ominous music)
(Christie gasps)
- Mother.
- Christie, what's wrong?
- Somebody was following me.
- Who?
- I don't know.
Someone in a black station wagon.
- Well, did you see his face?
- No, but he was following me.
- Are you sure?
- Of course, I'm sure,
you think I'm crazy?
- Christie, you have
been highly imaginative
since your father's accident.
- It was not an accident.
- Christie, I don't wanna go
through this with you again.
The sheriff investigated.
He found no proof, no proof whatsoever
that your father's death was
anything but an accident.
- My father was murdered
in that pool, I know it!
- How do you know it?
Because you dreamed it?
- You don't care that
Daddy's dead, do you?
You're probably glad he's
dead because of all (gasps).
- I loved your father as
much as you do, Christie.
- So, that's why you're dating
less than a month after he died?
- That's not true.
- Go.
You'll be late for your date.
- I was not stealing!
- What the hell do you
think you were doing?
- Sheriff, I told you all I know.
Mr. Andrews fired Josh.
He didn't pay him the money he owed him
for working at the mortuary
washing dead bodies.
So, Josh was taking the tires,
and I was giving him a ride.
- You were trespassing and stealing.
- Greg, you were the
last person to see Josh.
Now, this isn't the first time
he's pulled something like this.
I wanna know where he is.
- I don't know!
- His parents are frantic,
they're beside themselves,
and I'm in no mood for bullshit.
So, you better tell me all you know
or you're gonna be in even bigger trouble.
- Sheriff, I'm as worried
about Josh as anyone.
- Well, just how did you think your van
ended up in the Greyhound bus station?
- It's beyond me.
- Hmm, maybe Josh was going somewhere.
- He didn't tell me that.
Sheriff, I told you all I know!
- Mm-hmm, that Josh left you
stranded at the warehouse,
took off in your van,
and you saw your van at the roller rink,
but Josh just vanished in it, right?
But before that, you and
Josh saw Mr. Andrews here
holding a seance with a
group of women, right?
- Right.
- Did you recognize any of the women?
- No, it was too dark to see their faces.
- And yet you saw Mr. Andrews' face.
- Yes.
- Sheriff, I don't know
what the hell the kid's talkin' about.
Musta been on dope or something.
I wasn't at my warehouse last night,
and I've never had a seance
with a bunch of women.
- I saw you.
- All right, you can go for now.
Your van's out back.
Now, I'm putting out an APB for Josh.
If you and Josh are pulling
another one of your damn stunts on me,
I'm gonna have both of your asses.
Now, you get your butt outta here.
- Boy Sheriff, that kid
is some kind of liar.
- You're right about that.
(eerie music)
(heavy panting)
- Daddy?
(dramatic music)
(eerie music)
(dramatic music)
(tense music)
(eerie music)
(dramatic music)
(heavy panting)
(eerie music)
(dramatic music)
- Christie!
(Christie screaming)
- Mother!
(Christie panting)
- Christie, oh god, Christie.
Honey, are you all right?
- He tried to kill me!
- Honey, honey, you're
dreaming, having a bad dream.
- No, there was someone
out there, I saw him.
- Saw who?
- Somebody in a black
cape tried to stab me!
- Oh, honey, honey, you're
sleepwalking and dreaming,
having a nightmare--
- No, it was real!
- Christie, Christie, look, look,
there's no one out there, honey.
Oh, baby, why would
anyone try to kill you?
- Because they killed Daddy,
now they're trying to kill me!
- Christie, you are mixing
your dreams and reality.
- I was awake when he tried to stab me.
- Okay, baby, all right, look.
Let's try and get some sleep, come on.
Let's go upstairs and try
to get some sleep now, baby.
All right?
Look, you've got to let me
take you to see that psychiatrist.
- No!
You're trying to make me think I'm crazy,
so you can get rid of me!
- Christie, no one wants to harm you!
- You're in it with him!
(tense music)
- Christie, do you
remember when I told you
I saw Hank Andrews holding
a seance with some women,
I didn't recognize any of 'em?
- Yes.
- Only I did, one of 'em.
- Who.
- Your mother.
- My mother?
- I didn't wanna say anything before
because I didn't wanna cause any problems.
She was wearing a black cape
just like what you think
you saw last night.
They all were.
- So, you think that Hank
Andrews and my mother
are doing this to me?
- I don't know.
- Well, maybe they got rid of my father.
Now, they're trying to
make me think I'm crazy.
- [Greg] There's only one way to find out.
- Hi, Christie, hi, Greg.
- Hey man, you scared the shit out of us.
- Oh, I didn't mean to.
I brought these for my mother's grave.
Do you like them?
- Mm-hmm.
Thank you.
- Sure.
- He's got a crush on you.
- [Christie] Are you jealous?
- [Greg] Of him?
- I don't know, I feel
kinda sorry for him.
He's gotten a little weird
since his mother committed suicide.
- I'd be weird too if I had
Hank Andrews for my father.
And on top of that,
locking me up in a mortuary
when I was a kid with dead bodies.
- No kidding.
What's your excuse for being weird?
- Being around you.
(Christie chuckles)
Come on, I gotta go.
Don't go away.
- [Christie] I won't.
(gentle music)
- Hi, Mom.
- Hi, hon.
- Everything ready to go?
I'm in a hurry.
- You're always in a hurry,
and you're always late.
Oh, I want you to deliver this
to the mortuary first thing
before you make any other deliveries.
Mr. Andrews just called.
- And he's mad as hell.
- I can't believe it.
- By George, you better believe it.
Mr. Andrews happens to be
our very best customer,
and because of you, we
just may lose his business.
- He's calling me a
liar when he's the liar.
It makes me mad.
- Ooh, it makes you mad, huh?
It makes him mad, Mother.
Well, not as mad as you're making me.
- All right, Greg just take it easy,
and please don't cause any
more trouble with Mr. Andrews.
- Do you think you can deliver
that wreath to Mr. Andrews
without saying anything?
- I won't even look at him.
- Good.
- I could run things much smoother
if people died between nine and five.
You don't like to think about it,
but it's something everybody needs.
Why don't you decide now?
Now, look at this casket here.
I can give you a good price on it.
- Excuse me.
- Just put it over there.
Excuse me please.
- Honey, I don't think
you're going to be
comfortable in this one.
- If you don't stop lying
to the sheriff about me,
or I catch you in that warehouse again,
you're gonna end up in
one of these caskets.
Have you decided yet?
Or would you rather be
cremated instead of buried?
- Greg, shh.
- What do you want?
- Come here, shh, go on.
I didn't want my father
to see you in here.
- What do you want me to do?
- Talk to me.
It's a shame pretty girl
like her had to die so young.
- [Greg] Listen Paul, I've gotta go.
I've got more deliveries to make.
- Well, I thought you might like to know.
- To know what?
- The sheriff was here
askin' all kinds of questions about you.
- What did he say?
- Have you heard from Josh?
- No, why?
- Hmm, when he was working here,
he used to tell me he was gonna
run away and join the Navy.
- [Greg] That sounds like Josh. (chuckles)
He never told me that.
I just hope nothing's
happened to him, you know?
- Yeah, I know.
I'll tell ya a secret, Greg.
I hate bein' an embalmer.
Nobody wants to date me.
They all think I'm weird.
- Then why do you do it?
- My father wants me to.
- What the hell's goin' on in here?
No one's allowed in here, you know that.
Aren't you finished yet?
Step aside, we haven't got all day.
You haven't even aspirated her yet.
What are you waiting for?
Get outta here before I embalm you!
(Paul chuckles)
(eerie music)
- That's strange.
My mom always leaves the
lights on when she goes out.
- Yeah, maybe it's the wind.
Okay, how are we gonna study in the dark?
- [Christie] I don't know,
maybe we should go back to the library.
- [Greg] Come on, let's stay
here so we can be alone.
- Okay. (chuckles)
(Greg growls)
(Christie gasps)
(sighs) Greg, would you stop it.
I'm spooked enough already.
- (growls) Never fear,
Count Dracula is here.
- Back down, Dracula.
(laughs) You're crazy.
(Christie laughing)
- Ooh, god, you're so delicious.
- Would you stop it?
- Makes me wild with sex.
- Oh, does it?
My god, would you stop it?
My mom might come home.
Get out of here!
- Let her, we haven't
done anything wrong, yet.
- Oh no.
All right, Count Dracula.
Why don't you build us a fire,
and I'm gonna go get us something to eat.
- No!
- Yeah! (laughing)
(Christie sighs)
- Hey, listen to what I found
for your Psychology paper.
Sleepwalkers, contrary to popular opinion,
may actually harm themselves.
They've been known to fall down stairs
and step in front of moving cars.
Such accidents do not often occur
since their eyes are open
and they usually respond to warnings.
- I never used to sleepwalk
before my father was murdered.
(upbeat music)
(Christie sighs)
- Shit, we turned into a
couple of scaredy cats.
The boogie man'll get you
if you don't watch out!
- Come on, Mr. Boogie Man, let's boogie.
(Christie laughing)
(crickets chirping)
(upbeat music)
- Is this house haunted?
- This never happened before.
(crickets chirping)
Maybe I better call the electric company.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(crickets chirping)
(Greg sighs)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- You wanna show me where the fuse box is?
- Let me call first.
It's dead.
- What do you mean?
(ominous music)
(door squeals)
(Eve gasps)
- What the hell is going on here?
- You scared us, we thought
someone was trying to break in.
- The lights have been
going on and off all night.
- We tried to call the electric company--
- But you could've killed me.
- See?
- That was happening the other night
when you were out with Greg.
I called the electric company,
and they supposedly fixed it.
I guess we need a new
fuse box, that's all.
- Well, the phone's out of order too.
- I know, I tried to call you.
I reported it, and they said something
about all the lines being down, so.
- Something weird's going on here.
- Do you suppose it could be
your overactive imagination again?
- You see?
See how she's trying to
make me think I'm crazy?
(birds chirping)
- [Greg] Are you sure this is where
they said they're gonna meet.
- She was talking low on
the phone, but I think so.
Hey, that's it.
- [Greg] What's he doing with her?
- [Christie] I wish I could
hear what they're saying.
That's the car that was following me.
- It's a mortuary car.
Maybe they're going to the warehouse.
(eerie music)
They're not here.
Had a big head start.
I know they'd be here by now
if this is where they're meeting.
Come on, let's go.
- No, I wanna see what's in there.
- There's nothing in there
but a bunch of junk from the mortuary.
- I wanna find out what's goin' on.
- Christie, wait!
(eerie music)
Christie, wait, come
on, don't be stubborn!
They might be at the mortuary.
Josh says they sometimes meet there.
- I wanna see what's up here.
(Christie screams)
(Christie panting)
- Let's get the hell outta here.
(crickets chirping)
- [Christie] They're here.
- Are you present?
Sue Parson wants to communicate with you.
- I can't hear what they're saying.
Let's go downstairs.
- Speak to me.
- Follow me.
- Are you present?
Your wife,
Eve Sue Parson
wants to communicate with you.
Speak to me.
Speak to me.
(table rattling)
- I love him, Christie loves him.
Please ask him to leave Christie alone.
- Your wife asks that
you leave Christie alone.
Are you present?
(table rattling)
Things are troubling your wife
and your daughter.
You died in an accident
in a swimming pool.
It wasn't an accident?
Someone caused your death?
(table rattling)
George, George?
Come back!
- Let's go.
- [Hank] Please come back.
- Come on, before they break up.
- [Hank] Speak to me.
Please, come back.
- [Christie] My poor mother,
I gave her such a hard time.
- Christie.
- Yeah?
- Are you sure you never seen
any of those women before?
- I'm positive.
But they were wearing
the same kind of cape
as whoever was it that
tried to stab me that night,
the night I thought I was dreaming.
- Then you think it could've
been one of those women?
- Why would they?
Somebody's after me.
I think whoever it is killed my father.
Look, I'm kinda tired and
uptight, so maybe you better go.
- Whoa, I'm not leaving you alone
with that maniac on the loose.
I'll wait till your mom comes home.
- No, come on, don't be
silly, I'll lock the door.
Come on, come on, Greg.
Go home, come on.
- Mm-mm.
- I'm serious.
Go home and get some sleep.
- No.
(Christie laughing)
(upbeat music)
- Would you cut it out.
Now, what do you think you're doing?
- What does it look like?
- Um, building a fire.
- You're so smart.
- And you're a smart ass.
(Christie sighs)
- Come on, we need
something to keep us warm.
- Oh yeah?
I'm not cold.
- You're not?
Well, I'm glad.
'Cause I'm real warm,
and I wanna do something we
haven't done for a long time.
- What's that?
(both chuckling)
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
I haven't said yes yet.
- [Greg] Oh, say yes.
- Oh, yes.
(eerie music)
(heavy panting)
(gentle music)
(tense music)
I can't.
- All right, Christie,
have it your own way.
- [Christie] Please,
Greg, don't be mad at me.
- [Greg] I'm not mad, why should I be mad?
You know we haven't made
love since your father died
and you started having those weird dreams.
- [Christie] I'm scared,
try and understand.
- Christie, you know I care.
It just doesn't do you any good
to be spooked up like this.
- Greg.
Maybe we shouldn't see
each other for a while,
till I get my head together.
- Oh, Greg, you're still here.
- Yeah, I didn't wanna
leave Christie alone.
- Oh, well, where is she?
- She went to bed, she
wasn't feeling well.
- Oh, well, did you two have a nice time?
- Oh, yes, and you, Mrs. Parson?
- Interesting, very interesting, Greg.
Thank you for staying.
I always feel so confident
when you're with Christie.
- Well, I won't be seeing her for a while.
- [Eve] Why?
- We had a fight.
- Oh.
Well, you know she's been very emotional
and headstrong lately.
- I know.
- You'll work it out, I know you will.
- Yeah, we'll see.
- Bye-bye.
(crickets chirping)
(eerie music)
(Christie panting)
- No!
(sullen music)
(tense music)
(eerie music)
(thunder rumbling)
- Christie.
Open the window.
Open the window.
No, no.
I don't want to harm you.
I just want to touch you.
Please, open the window.
The window.
Christie, you're
beautiful, open the window.
Christie, no.
(dramatic music)
(glass clattering)
(Christie screaming)
- Mother, Mother!
Mother! (panting)
- Christie.
Give me the knife,
honey, give me the knife.
Give me the knife.
Come on.
Come on, honey, give me the knife.
Come on.
Come on.
Okay, all right, baby,
it's okay.
- He was, no!
He was in here.
- Who, honey?
- The same man who tried
to kill me the other night.
He had a black cape on,
he tried to kill me.
(Christie panting)
- Well, whoever it was,
honey, he's gone now.
- I tried to, I tried to stab him,
but I woke up, and he, (whimpering).
- Oh, baby, it's all right.
It's all right, come on,
let's take care of your hand.
Come on, sweetheart, come on.
Honey, did you see his face?
- He, he had white, it was
white, but I saw his eyes,
and they look familiar to me.
- Are you sure it wasn't
just part of your nightmare?
- Yes, I saw him!
- Oh Christie, could it
have been Paul Andrews?
- Why would Paul wanna kill me?
- Honey, Paul is psychotic.
We didn't think he was dangerous.
He was your father's patient.
He got much worse after his
mother committed suicide.
For one thing, he became obsessed with you
and asked your father to marry you.
- Marry me?
- Well, when he turned him
down, Paul got very hostile.
Anyway, your father thought
maybe a psychiatric hospital
was the best thing for him.
Well, he talked to Hank and Hank refused.
He said he could take better care of Paul
than an institution could.
- So, you think that Paul
could've had something
to do with Daddy's death?
- Honey, I don't know.
Maybe there is something to your dreams
about your father's death
not being an accident.
(door rattling)
No, it's probably just the wind.
All right?
- Okay.
- Let me go check.
(both chuckling)
Oh honey, you've got me
as jittery as you are.
Hey, how 'bout some brandy?
- All right. (chuckles)
Oh Mom, I'm sorry I was so awful to you.
I know you loved Dad.
I just took all my frustrations
out on you, and I'm sorry.
- Oh honey, you're my
baby, and I love you.
- I love you too.
- Okay.
- To what?
- To a good night's sleep and peace.
- Peace.
- All right, let's get you to bed.
- Okay.
(both chuckling)
(sullen music)
(Christie chuckles)
- [Eve] All right, sweetheart,
listen, go to sleep.
- [Christie] Okay.
I love you.
- [Eve] I love you too.
- [Christie] Sleep tight.
- [Eve] Goodnight.
(Eve sighs)
(Eve sighs)
(Eve sighs)
(dramatic music)
(Eve screaming)
(killer panting)
(sullen music)
- Mother?
(Christie screams)
(tense music)
(Christie screaming)
(Christie screams)
(Christie screams)
(Christie whimpers)
(killer panting)
(sullen music)
(Christie panting)
(dramatic music)
(Christie screaming)
No, no, no!
Paul, please, no!
(phone beeping)
(upbeat music)
Come hold me close and dance
- [Mark] Guys, think we
oughta go out and skate.
- [Jim] Never comin' again.
- Right.
- Fine by me.
- Oh, Greg, go on.
- Yeah, come on, move your ass.
- Yeah, quit mopin'.
- Look, if she's not answering the phone,
go home and get your guitar
and go stand underneath her
window and serenade her.
- Nah, nah, I'd wake her up. (laughing)
- Come on.
(Mark and Bonnie chuckling)
- That wasn't funny.
(ominous music)
(Paul panting)
- I'm gonna make you so
very happy, you'll see.
(tires screech)
(tires screeching)
(dramatic music)
(eerie music)
I'm going to embalm you.
It won't hurt.
You won't even know it happened.
Now, this is just a sedation.
Didn't hurt, did it?
Slowly, slowly.
You're beautiful, so beautiful.
(Paul sighs)
Doesn't that feel good, huh?
(ominous music)
I don't want you frowning.
There's a delicate balance to this.
You've gotta add just the
right amount of mixture.
It's like being a good cook.
It will be my best work, I
promise, because I love you.
This way, we'll be together forever.
Don't you understand?
No one will ever take you away from me.
(door clicks)
(dramatic music)
(door clicks)
- Where have you been?
I asked you a question, answer me.
- I was here.
- All night?
- Yes.
- You're lying.
I looked everywhere for you.
Mrs. Parson told me that someone's
been following and threatening Christie.
That was you, wasn't it?
I was with the sheriff today.
He asked me all kinds
of questions about you,
and he brought up Dr.
Parson's death again.
And he thinks you had
something to do with it.
Now, tell me the truth, or
I'm gonna have to turn you in.
- Nobody's gonna turn me in, nobody.
- I shoulda listened to Dr. Parson.
Had him put you away.
- Dr. Parson was against
me, he was mean to me.
He wouldn't let me marry Christie.
He wanted to send me
back to the institution
like he did my mother.
- Your mother tried to
commit suicide, son.
She needed psychiatric help.
- I had to punish Dr. Parson.
I had to punish his wife too.
She told Christie bad things
about me, so I punished her.
- Oh my.
- I've got to punish Christie too.
They're all against me!
- Paul, listen, listen, Paul, Paul.
Now, listen, listen to me.
Nobody's against you.
You're better off if
we went to the hospital
and then you turned yourself in.
- No!
Nobody's gonna turn me in.
Nobody, nobody, nobody!
You're against me too!
(dramatic music)
I didn't mean it.
(eerie music)
(window rattles)
(eerie music)
(door rattling)
(loud banging)
I thought you'd never find me.
- Where's Christie?
- Christie is gone, she's not
yours anymore, she's mine.
- Just tell me where Christie is,
and I promise, I won't say a
word to anyone about anything.
- You're lying to me.
- I'm not lying Paul.
Where's Christie?
- Christie and I are getting married.
We love each other,
and you stay out of it.
(Greg banging)
- [Greg] Let me out of here,
you crazy son of a bitch!
Paul, let me out of here, you bastard!
(tense music)
(dramatic music)
(eerie music)
("Serenade No.13 'Eine Kleine
Nachtmusik' in G Major")
(Paul sighs)
- I could've locked you up in the mortuary
like you did me when I was
bad, bad Paul, but I didn't.
I'm too happy!
I'm not gonna let anything spoil today.
(dramatic classical music)
Nobody knows we're such good friends.
You see how wrong you were to
keep Christie away from me.
We belong together.
Isn't everything beautiful?
I did it myself.
I planned it for a long time.
I'll make Christie happy.
We'll all be happy, just
one big happy family.
Come on, Mother.
I want you to sit in the place of honor.
It's my wedding day.
I'm getting married just
like you always wanted.
And look, Christie's wearing your dress.
Now Mother, you've got to
forgive the Parson family.
Let's all be friends and have a good time.
I kept my promise.
I didn't let Dr. Parson put you away.
No one knows you're here.
We faked your death.
Josh saw, but he's not
going to say anything.
It's our secret.
Now, would you do me the
honor and cut the wedding cake
while I go and get Christie ready?
(ominous music)
(Paul sighs)
Now, you will be mine forever.
- Paul, what have you done to her?
If you've harmed her--
- Shh.
You'll wake her up!
She's sleeping.
- [Greg] You killed her.
- I was going to come and get you,
bring you here to join the
party, but I'm glad you came.
I want you to meet some of my guests.
You remember my mother.
And you know the rest of them.
Please, Greg, have a seat.
The bride will be embalmed soon,
and then we can start
the wedding ceremony.
- Stay where you're at or
I'll smash your head in.
(dramatic music)
Stay back or I'll blow your head off!
The sheriff's on his way.
Stop where you're at, Paul,
or I'll blow your head off.
(rifle firing)
- Ah, it's blanks, stupid, blanks.
You want to take Christie away from me.
I've got to punish you.
I will embalm you before you die.
(eerie music)
(dramatic music)
- Christie, give me the ax.
(Christie panting)
Give it to me.
He's dead, give me the ax.
(Christie whimpering)
Thank god you're all right.
(Christie sobbing)
It's okay.
- [Christie] Where am I?
(somber music)
- It's all over, let's go.
(dramatic music)
(Mrs. Andrews screaming)
("Serenade No.13 'Eine Kleine
Nachtmusik' in G Major")
(Multicom Jingle)