Moscow Chill (2007)

Everybody hides.
Everybody tries to, anyway.
But firewalls
can't make them safe.
Not sleazy trans-nationals,
not global terrorists...
and for sure not banking systems
that screw you any chance they get.
Anybody who is part of the
conspiracy to destroy the individual...
should be blown open
and cold-busted.
This ATM right up here.
The money ain't gonna
come to you.
Just give it a second,
it 's gonna come to everybody.
Watch this.
Madon, you did that?
It 's not that hard really.
And it 's happening all over the town.
C'mon, let 's hit the one
around the corner.
Greedy bastards.
I gotta get in on this.
You gotta shake things up...
like the old Greek guy, Prometheus,
when he stole fire from the Gods.
We gotta let the big boys
in theiroffices...
they gonna know we're coming.
That it's really us
who are in charge.
After serving 6 months on
the banking wire fraud and...
criminal mischief charges...
you will be barred from using
any and all computers...
for any purpose.
The State will help cure you
of this disease...
because we cannot tolerate
people like you...
undermining the security of our banking
and telecommunication systems...
at their whim.
One loud-mouthed cabby
was all it took to nail me.
Jail I could understand because
the world still saw me as a criminal.
But a tossing me in a rehab
like some speed freak...
trying to kill my curiosity,
stop me from exploring...
basically steal me from me, there
was no way that was going to fly.
What do you think, Raymond?
Is this glass half-full
or half-empty?
What 's up!
What time does your chick
start work at the hospital?
Lights out is ten o'clock.
Anytime after that.
You better lay off or you
won't be able to keep her busy.
I can always get it up.
Good boy.
Not a smart move, pal.
Don't forget, you're still
in a correctional facility.
So why don't we just
shut you down?
You know this is gonna add
another six months to your sentence.
Oh! Six months!
Doesn't fit in my plan.
Who the fuck are you?
Who the fuck am I? I'm his
guardian angel. This is you, right?
- Yeah.
- Good, let 's go.
- Step aside.
- Where you think you're going?
I'm asking you nicely,
let him pass...
and you better put that shit down
before anybody get hurt.
I'll put it down!
Maybe you want to call
for some help.
Are you coming or what?
Now I'm asking:
who the fuck are you?
Your ticket out of this place.
- What 's this?
- Put on his clothes...
and we walk out of the front door.
I'll tell everything outside.
- You know I'm on parole, right?
- Big deal. Let 's go!
Thanks for giving me a choice.
Stay in that bed until
somebody kicks you out.
Hey! Who are you guys?
Oh man, we been lost in there
since visiting hour.
Couldn't read one fucking sign. I'm
telling you: you have a real problem.
This place is prejudiced against people
who don't know English. So, "ciao"!
- Hey!
- No...
- Just a second.
- Don't run.
- What 's the problem?
- Nice hat!
What about now?
Hey, come back here,
you guys!
We gotta a situation here!
Fucking excellent!
What the hell you were doing fool?
I even grabbed his Game Boy!
C'mon, let 's drink to your freedom.
Oh! Listen to that voice.
It 's real musicians playing, not that
shit they do. How do they call that?
It 's called sampling.
Can you please turn this down and
tell me what the fuck's going on?
Turn the music down.
Calm down, take it easy.
We're helping you out.
My name is Nicolai, Kolya,
my guys call me Dolphin.
You know like the fish?
Slick and quick.
It 's not a fish technically,
but, yeah, go ahead.
It 's a shitty picture.
What about it?
What about it?
I don't know a fuck.
My boss says go
and get you and I go.
He says the guys like you are
the geniuses of the 21st century.
Sounds like a man with vision.
Absolutely, and he has
a job for you to do.
This boss of yours,
if I work for him...
he's gotta know he's gonna be
an accomplice to multiple felonies.
It 's not a problem. We live outside
of the US jurisdiction.
You got the answers for
everything, don't ya?
That 's right. And don't ask how,
but all your stuff is in the trunk...
because we are going to
my home town, baby... Moscow.
- Moscow? What?
- Of course.
What, you thought we were thugs
from Brighton Beach?
You can go from cleaning toilets,
to being an invisible fugitive...
in a matter of seconds.
I was erased from the system
without even thinking about it.
But, back there, on the ground,
nobody would probably even notice.
You ever heard of Prometheus?
Ancient Greek.
He stole fire from the Gods...
and then passed it onto their slaves
without their permission.
Sort of what I thought
I was doing back in the States...
taking information
and passing it on.
For his punishment,
Zeus chained him to a rock...
so that eagles could pick out
his guts day after day.
It 's a real happy story.
Forget your American rules.
You're gonna love it here.
Hi, brother.
How's your flight?
Take the bag.
- This is your guy, Karp.
- What 's up?
Whatever you need,
whatever you want...
you ask him he will get it for you.
- He speaks English?
- No. C'mon get in the car.
Take a nap,
it 's a long ride.
Say hello to Moscow.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- So how is he?
- Pretty good guy. So far.
- Where is he gonna stay?
- If he stay, he'll be in you home.
- Vassli.
- Ray.
Come with me,
visiting hour just started.
The boss called three times already.
He's want to see what he paid for.
I was thinking you meant
more like a hospital...
No, thank God,
he's healthy like a horse.
Give me your hands.
- No way! No way.
- Don't panic.
But to get past this door we have
to pretend like we're arrested.
I just got out of jail, forget it.
It 's no big deal. To get an American,
with no papers...
this far in already cost
ten thousand in bribes.
Unfortunately, not everyone
is for sale here anymore.
So put out your hands.
You came this far.
If they don't let us go,
don't eat the soup.
Exercise time is over.
All prisoners return to their cells.
Victor Sergeevich, hello!
Here he is.
Finally. Finally I see the man
I'm so proud to know.
I've put on a few pounds,
but do you not really recognize me?
- I'm Victor, Victor...
- Dubinsky?
- You used to do my mother's books.
- Yes.
- And her taxes. It 's been...
- Eleven years, my friend.
So, you're the big boss
of these guys?
Amazing, yes?
Anything is possible in this country.
Sit down.
You spent a lot of cash to fly me
from one jail to another.
You know, on paper I'm worth
over 300 million dollars.
No wonder you seem so happy.
Now tell me, how is your mom?
She's not so good.
She died last year.
I'm sorry to hear that.
She was very nice,
gave me confidence, always.
It 's kind of a funny place
for a reunion, Victor.
So what if he's American?
If Dubinsky brought him,
we should use him too.
Years ago, after the break up
of the Soviet State...
my partner and I we bought into
aluminum and natural gas mostly.
Some people might call it
"creative accounting".
Is that what you're in for,
fixing the books?
I'm here cause of this fucking
hypocrisy, and politics.
Okay, I'll set up a meeting.
The "guy" in the Kremlin declares that
my partner and I stole
in loans from the government
who gave it to us.
Technically it may
be called "theft"...
but the real reason
he put me here is because...
he's afraid I'll fight him
in the next elections.
Is your partner in
another cell here?
I only wish. He mysteriously
disappeared in a factory explosion.
As for me, they freeze
all my assets...
and offer me two choices:
a retirement package, which
means signing over the company...
or standing trial here in Moscow.
However, I see a third choice.
- Me, right?
- Yes, which is you.
There is lots of money floating
around in this country.
Tons. And most of this
money is dirty.
It moves from so-so Russian banks
to some secret accounts abroad.
And interestingly, the people it
belongs to, they can't complain...
if it goes missing.
You see my point?
It 's being laundered, right?
All you have to do is
to track this cash...
in the international
wiring systems and...
Divert it to you. I mean in theory
it 's possible, I guess.
But why me?
You have hackers right here?
They're all watched
and they all can be bought.
No one knows banking
systems like you.
How much cash
are we talking about?
Well, about forty millions.
Just to be safe.
You're gonna have to give me
a few days just to see if I can do it.
And probably a few days
after that also.
For $ 4O million,
I can wait this long.
Four thousand six hundred
miles of air space.
No sleep. And politics
I couldn't care less about.
So what if Dubinsky was a thief?
He put me back in action.
He was being fucked
by the system...
and I was happy to fuck
the system right back.
For your ass, man.
Hey, Ray doesn't like salt.
Take it easy, "mommy".
Go to sleep.
Get packed.
C'mon, c'mon, we gotta get out.
What the fuck, man?
Somebody spotted me
in their system...
the cops could be here
any minute. Let 's go!
Goddamn it, is that smell
the fish or you guys?
It is the place.
What the fuck, Vas?
You mean you don't love it?
He said someplace safe.
- And now this shithole?
- Don't start with me.
So, what do I tell the boss?
Can you do what he asks?
Yeah, it 's just gonna take
a little bit of time.
I mean I gotta start all over.
Anything's possible though.
Not a big deal.
Dubinsky's not going anywhere.
Listen, you can start tomorrow.
Tonight you need a break.
See some of our city.
We're going out?
Yes, of course.
A friend of mine wants to meet you.
Nobody's supposed
to know I'm here.
It 's approved from the top.
Don't worry. I guessed your size.
You need to be taken
seriously here.
You don't like it?
You know what this suit costs,
you with your cock-sucking Levi's?
No, no, no, these aren't Levi's.
Hey, hey take it easy Vasya, I saw
you wearing that exact one last week.
Fuck you, this is brand new from
my guy on Kutuzovsky Prospekt.
That 's fuckin' bullshit.
Hey, here, give it me.
I'll wear the suit, alright.
- Yeah...
- I feel serious already.
How is he with women?
Not too shy?
I hope you like expensive
Russian pussies.
Even vinegar's sweet
when it 's free!
Let 's go, guys.
Whatever she costs,
she's on me.
Who is this joker anyway?
Not a joke. Very serious officer,
and very well protected.
Here, the Middle East,
Washington. You name it.
His English is not so good...
but he understands everything.
Check this one out, man.
One of the biggest men in Russia.
Him, our man, and maybe five
others running the whole country.
Fucking sand nigger.
Someone's going to send him
back to Chechnya in a coffin yet.
You wait and see.
Vasya, why do you stay with
such ignorant friends?
Tell him no one speaks openly
about assassinations in America.
Why does he think it 's alright
in his own country?
He just doesn't like people.
Why don't you lighten up?
The hell with "likes".
I do the business with people
I trust. Him and him.
C'mon, let 's go. The hookers
must change someplace.
Don't go too far,
I want them to talk.
Got it.
Let Vasya kiss Ivan's ass,
I'm going to kiss hers...
Any ideas come to mind?
Look at this babe.
Yeah, but I don't know
how to talk to them.
Talk to them about what?
Just pick one and fuck her. Watch.
Excuse me, excuse me please.
Can you tell if my hair looks
better up or down?
My Russian sucks.
I'm sorry.
She wants me to put it up.
It 's twenty minutes work.
Just say no,
she'll believe you.
Your hair, I think looks
best, down.
See the American likes it.
Hi Maya, how are you?
I always wanted so much more
for you than this.
I forgot what you wanted.
A long time ago.
For sure. Listen, help me up.
Fix my new girl's make-up?
Get lost, nothing will help you.
Proud bitch. It 's Ok, let 's go,
I'll fix you myself.
Stay away from this one.
She's dangerous,
I can tell you.
He called you Maya.
Is that your name, Maya?
Of course.
Everybody on the floor!
Pick up your head!
Everybody down!
First, it 's clear,
we're living, over!
Down! Get down!
He's already gone.
Moving to the next checkpoint!
What the fuck was that?
Squad. Special Forces.
They're after someone. Again.
If you need a drink there
is a bottle here.
I'm alright.
Maybe they were looking for you
or your bandit friends.
I'm not one of those guys.
Yeah, and in that suit,
you're a tourist, I guess?
You have money,
I'm sure of it.
What 's that worth?
It 'll do.
Come on, it 's quite time.
Why didn't he punch you?
You were the one in the club!
You should've seen Ray leaving.
It 's your job.
- Maybe your hand's broken?
- Did you call his cellphone, shithead?
I can't believe you
haven't heard it. It 's like...
Are you staring?
I'm just trying to picture you
and Dolphin together.
Me? With Kolya?
You're totally drunk or what?
That would never work.
Not even when he had hair!
Have you been
in Australia ever?
This is the first time
I've left the States. Why?
I have been invited to go there.
By an old friend.
A male friend?
A boy, really.
let 's just see how tonight goes...
Hey, listen, Karp, I overreacted.
C'mon, forgive me.
Let 's have a drink.
- Vasya!
- Remember this?
Your neighbor, Masha...
You were lucky, at least you spent
your time in an American prison.
I guess they're all pretty
much the same.
No, Russian jails are the worst
in the world. It 's fact.
Oh yeah,
how much time did you do?
Me? None.
But here everyone has somebody
they had to visit.
Bring cigarettes
or some real food.
For me, being inside wasn't much
different than my regular life.
You mean, four walls and no friends?
I hope you don't call that living.
So, how do you know
about this place?
Some friends share it.
Don't worry, I'm not
some kind of whore.
We're not going
to fuck anyway.
Do you want to go?
Not at all.
They are hurting,
right down to my "toys".
Did you come to Moscow
just for this, to rub?
Of course. And to tell you that
these aren't "toys"...
they're "toes".
My father made me study English.
I didn't always.
So your father was a teacher?
No, he was in computers.
For the government.
But he just quit. Working.
Washing himself.
He's a bum...
It 's enough of English.
I haven't done this for a while.
Not since...
It doesn't matter.
Not at all...
You know, your city's really
not that ugly.
When it sleeps,
it is beautiful...
but Moscow can be
very cruel sometimes.
For me, I can take it, but...
I worry how my little boy
will be treated.
You have a son?
Da, my Dimochka.
He is four and he's from...
my first man ever.
So, where's the father now?
Father? I don't think so.
He's a man, alright, but a father...
not for two seconds.
It 's okay, you know. He was
not alone in bed all those times.
But when he got what he needed
from me, then it was bye-bye.
He's never even seen my Dima.
He's got to help out
or something, right?
I told him to stay away from us.
And thanks God for this because
we don't need it in our life.
We're better of on our own...
just my son and me.
All alone.
I'm sorry to hear it.
Here we go.
So you're still alive?
All night with Maya, huh.
She's crazy I told you.
But she's a great fuck, right?
You mean she didn't tell you
it was me who broke her in?
Oh yeah, day and night bro.
Until she got herself pregnant.
Dolphin, let 's leave it alone.
Encryption codes.
Data streams and numbers.
They made sense.
They led to bank accounts.
And they were what I needed.
Not the people in this place.
Not some bald-headed"fish"
selling me grief...
and not some mood-swinging girl
with a soap opera past.
Why am I doing this?
You mean walking the streets, looking
for the girl you spent one night with...
...and has my kid?
- It 's irrational.
Yeah, man, you got a big problem.
You start to behave like a Russian.
- Who is this?
- This is Mitrokhina.
- What do you want?
- I'm Looking for Maya Morozova.
She is not here.
She packed her staff and for good.
- Where is she?
- Maybe her father knows.
She said she's gone,
took all her stuff...
...and we must ask her father.
- Where's her father?
Off the map. Like a homeless.
But I think I know how to find him.
She mentioned going to Australia.
Maybe she did.
Your future father-in-law.
What do you want?
Your daughter Maya,
she said you speak English.
- Do you know where she is?
- Did she leave Moscow?
Who knows? Does she need
your permission?
- Listen this is an American.
- Him?
Yes, a computer genius wants to see
your daughter, change her life.
What 's wrong with her life?
Do you know if she's left
the country?
If you are computer genius,
why you are asking me?
Check passport control.
- Passport control.
- Can we?
Let 's find out.
I'll get the stuff.
How many Morozov's
can there be?
What 's this?
So far they're all men.
- It means she's still here then.
- Yeah.
Is that your grandson?
He's my co-pilot.
C'mon, get into the cabin,
you know how.
- Satellite connection or what?
- Yeah, yeah. It 's Immersat.
In my day this link-up was that big.
Carefully, don't fall.
Carefully, Dimulya!
Why'd you give it up? I mean,
everything's so much better now.
Years ago I was.
You know what it means?
Uh, top secret specialists
for the government.
They were locked
inside of the country.
Yeah, they didn't let me out,
but I saw the world...
while everyone else was blind.
I was watching it all with
"God's Eyes".
You're not talking about
Com-sat, are you?
God's Access.
He's talking about a global satellite
system that runs through NASA.
I thought it was uncrackable.
Every hacker in America's tried
to break that code. That 's a no go.
You must be kidding.
I'd like my grandson to see
what a Russian can do.
May I use you laptop?
Be my guest.
I never would have
guessed that.
Let 's see ourselves from space.
You know you could work anywhere
in the world with your ability.
- Anywhere.
- Work for who?
The whole world's one big junkyard.
At least, here I have
everything without moving.
Eat. Drink. And skip the bullshit
in between. Go.
It looks like Moscow.
- Is that this place?
- That 's right.
Home, sweet home!
And here's our friend come to visit.
Who is this?
- Who?
- The bear!
That 's it!
Holy fucking shit.
Take it easy. Don't worry,
he's a circus bear. Escaped.
He comes by now
and there to eat.
C'mon, c'mon, let 's get out
of this place, man.
The hell with finding this girl!
Coward! I couldn't even
talk to the boy!
C'mon, what were you supposed
to do, walk up and say...
"hi, I'm your dad"?
Come on.
I don't know.
I guess anything's
better than nothing.
Maybe you still love Maya.
Fuck no.
I never did.
Dubinsky wasn't going to wait while I
searched this whole zoo for a woman.
He wanted me to find money.
I traced accounts of shadow
companies back to Moscow.
That were worth billions of dollars,
but bought and sold nothing...
I could make his idea happen.
It was criminal...
but since no one else considered
consequences here, why should I?
- So how is it?
- This is it?
Hey, I don't get it.
You don't like it or what?
No, it 's great, wonderful!
- Hey, Vasya?
- You like it?
It 's really something.
Can I talk to you for a second?
Twenty thousand it cost me.
My granny's village
doesn't have a church bell.
We'll go Sunday.
You'll love it.
Great. Can I speak to you
for a second?
Why not?
You can call Dubinsky.
- You've done it?
- Yeah.
I actually found three accounts
we can withdraw from.
Here, just pick the dirtiest one.
The one that won't set off any alarms.
- And then?
- Well, then it 's out of our hands.
We just got to wait on Dubinsky's guy
from the Cayman's to take the money.
And it 's a done deal.
- Really?
- Yup.
So, how long will it take?
Push that button.
Dubinsky's gonna give you
anything you want.
Even a new passport out of here.
Where we going?
Quick stop, ten minutes.
Then three hours to the village.
Put it on.
What 's cardio-infarction?
- It 's a heart attack.
- I hope he doesn't have another one.
Who? Who's sick?
The guy who's forty million
you just took.
The guy whose
forty million you took.
Let 's be fair here, Ray.
The man who stole this money
is a thief, yeah?
- Completely.
- But he did a good job.
We have to show him
respect for that.
You're shitting me, right? Why
don't we just go to jail right now?
It 's not an issue.
He will understand how it works.
We let him keep some
of his retirement money.
Of course.
Room 243.
You know, I'm worried.
What if those village idiots drop the
bell from the truck or from the pulleys?
- So it 's made out of iron, right?
- Bronze.
Well, your Uncle will watch.
That drunk?
He's the worst of them.
I can just see that bell
crashing through the church wall.
You're being paranoid.
Can we get out of here now?
This place is giving me the creeps.
Hey, now you relax, alright?
- May I?
- Yeah!
Good morning,
Andrei Sergeevich.
How you're feeling today, good?
- Better then yesterday.
- I see.
But these are not
my new doctors, are they?
Unfortunately not. But I came
to talk to you about business.
I am quitting the business.
Certainly and I want
to help you with this.
Sure, sure my dear.
Little boy, go fuck yourself.
- You are going to burn in hell!
- You will go their first right now!
What are you mumbling, scumbag!
- What is going on?
- Close your windows! It 's drafty!
Put your jacket on.
Keep it closed! Cover the blood!
Respect for a good job?
What the fuck?
He got greedy.
He said no.
Really, we had no choice.
It 's a lousy phone hook up.
The money's already moved,
and he had no choice at all!
Wake up to the 21st century,
you fucking idiots!
Fuck you, you did your job,
we did ours.
He deserved it anyway.
You think he was a saint?
And you think you're going
to push buttons and that 's it?
Someone's going to lose
forty million, and not look for it.
I can tell you: if they find out where
it went, someone's going to be killed.
Just pray to God it 's not us.
Besides, maybe
it wasn't even him anyway.
Say that again.
What room did you open?
The number you gave me.
- What number?
- The paper said 243.
How the fuck do I remember?
You read it too.
But you opened it.
Didn't he open it?
Jesus Christ, now you're telling me
you killed the wrong fucking guy?
It 's his fault. You want to go back
and check the room number?
The guy did seem
a little bit confused.
We can go back, no problem.
Oh shit, don't make me laugh,
it 's a serious day.
Hey, let my granny do that.
She's good cleaning blood.
It 's not a problem, really.
I became a man in this car.
Pretty great, dah?
It 's a shame, something
like this needs to drive.
Real Russian strawberries taste so
strong because the winter's so long.
Everything has its place
and time on earth.
The berry stays in its place
until it is ready.
In winter, everything
sleeps so long...
that when it wakes up it,
blossoms very strongly, very...
What 's a good word, Dolphin?
- Very violently.
- Yeah.
- Understood?
- Sort of.
You know what I saw today?
I saw a guy get killed.
And I'm guilty too.
Oh fuck!
- You really believe in this.
- All of it, of course.
What about yesterday?
Where does that fit in?
You mean bang-bang?
It couldn't be helped.
We ask for forgiveness
and God will...
or will not punish us.
Maybe he accepts this gift.
Dubinski says you won't take
any money for your job...
and he wants to give you this.
It 's worth about thirty grand.
And there's this.
My name is...
Sebastian Garcia.
I think you can even
vote with that.
- But, listen, Ray...
- Vasya, I don't have anywhere to go.
Why don't you stick around?
Maybe I can poke around a little,
come up with something for you to do.
If we're lucky.
Alright. You know
where to find me.
It 's beginner's luck man.
Second one in a row.
I love this game.
I love this game.
Maybe we will play for your Rolex?
He wants to know if
you'll play for your Rolex.
- What 's up now?
- I'll be right back.
You're staring again.
How'd you find her?
Nobody hides from Dolphin.
But I had to convince her
you're nothing like me.
She's his chick.
That is true,
I am his chick.
If he still wants.
You coming in?
First, kiss me in front of your friends,
and I'll know you're not angry...
Are they taking all
your money with "seka"?
We will destroy them.
The carts, the carts.
What a strange family
we're building, huh?
Thank you, Kolya.
No big deal.
Everything is okay.
Okay, let 's drink, man!
You see these beauties?
Greatest technology
in all the world.
It 's really impressive.
They are accurate.
In perfect condition.
And our government
decommission committee...
wants to melt them down for scrap.
Just to please the fucking
United Nations.
This baby, for example, is worth sixty,
seventy thousand dollars...
on the open market.
Feel it.
Should we destroy it?
Of course not.
And we won't.
Because I am in charge.
That 's why.
I'm going to sell all this.
And believe me there
are plenty of buyers.
That 's where you come in.
Vasya here told me what you can do.
So I know you can make the weapons
vanish from the committee's computer.
Then I make them
vanish from here.
Everybody's happy and all of us
become very rich men. Understand?
- US-Russia relations.
- One minute.
We'll go for a ride!
Have you lost
your fucking mind?
Ivan's talking million
dollar deals here.
Oh! Come on.
Don't be an asshole.
The guy in the hospital
was bad enough. But...
- What?
- It 's too much, man.
You don't want to do it?
- You know who buys this stuff?
- Ah, fuck.
You don't want to do, don't do it,
that 's all. Naive American pussy.
Yeah, maybe I am, but still,
now I know about it.
You won't say anything.
How do you know?
Because that would put me
in a very awkward position.
So, how does
my proposition sound?
- It 's original.
- Let 's drink to it.
The last one, alright?
- Holy shit!
- It really looks like he did it.
They're saying that Dubinsky
completed this factory deal...
even from inside the prison cell.
People in the government
are gonna get pissed off, man!
Not just in government,
this prick of yours.
C'mon, Ivan, he's never
said a word against you.
Someday, when my guys
come to power...
I will execute these
thieves personally.
Each of them will get
a bullet in the head.
- Let 's drink to that.
- Take a break, Ivan. It 's too much.
You see, Rayichka...
your friends are happy...
because they know dirty money
can buy anything here.
So how much this show
did cost your boss?
My impression that million dollars
was the number.
Am I right?
I'm right.
Hold on, Ivan,
what are you talking about?
What are talking about, Ivan?
Do you think we robbed you?
He's saying we stole his money.
It 's crazy.
Can you pour me another one?
Listen, I don't take it personally.
I understand you didn't know
it was my money.
How could you know the poor guy
you killed was with me?
You don't know what you're talking
about. You're drunk, that 's all.
I'll be in the sauna
when you sober up.
- Yeah...
- Let him go.
Do me a favor?
Don't say that you did
not know anything.
This is all your guy, isn't it?
Listen, Ivan Vladimich, as you say,
nobody knew it was your money...
and I'm sure he can put it back.
Of course he can.
He's fucking genius, isn't he?
It 's amazing the shit he can do with
a computer. It 's fucking unbelievable.
You know it 's getting kind of cold,
where did I leave my pants?
Nevermind. Stay.
I will raise the heat...
You were going for your gun, I bet.
Here is the gun!
And make a target from this one.
Help him out.
It 's okay.
Rayushka, calm down.
You're too sober, that 's all.
Guys! Help him out!
It 's very simple, my friend.
All you have to do is reconsider
and push a few buttons...
with those magic fingers.
You think I'm crazy.
Maybe from your point of view I am.
But if the tribes of this world
want to kill each other, let them.
They all are looking for one thing:
Weapons to exterminate one another.
And they will have them,
with or without us.
So, what do you think?
I'm too fucked up to think.
Drop the gun!
What happened?
He killed our suspect.
You're going to tell headquarters.
Tell me, please,
who is the prisoner in this cell.
Mr. Raymond Perso wanted
in America for violation of parole...
or Sebastian Garcia,
citizen of Argentina...
charged with homicide in the death
of Colonel Ivan Menchkov?
Homicide? Shooting that maniac
was self-defense.
You got a cigarette or something?
You have a light?
I don't think anybody's
interested in Sebastian, so...
I think you know who you got.
I'm happy to meet you, Mr. Perso.
I have been learning
quite a lot about you.
Do I get a phone call or anything?
I'm afraid not.
It 's a bunch of names, so what?
Three hundred and twelve names,
to precise.
All high level government officials,
and all, we believe...
using their positions to broker deals
with various business entities.
We would like to put
your considerable skills to work...
helping us investigate them.
Who's we?
I am a part of anti-corruption
task force...
monitoring all areas of government
and private sector.
You see the two sometimes
overlap here.
Yeah, I've noticed.
Our men had been tracking
Colonel Menchkov for months...
when we found you, and also we
are the people who saved your life.
So now...
we would like you to put together files
on each one of those names.
Do you have any idea
how long that would take?
Considering you cannot prove that
the Colonel's death was self-defense...
and that the FBI is waiting for you
to step foot on American soil...
I should think...
that time is not the issue.
Tell me, is it true that Russian
strawberries are the best in the world?
My friends granny told me that.
Said it was because
of the long winters.
My goodness, Rayichka, poor boy.
I'm alright.
So you heard everything?
Very regrettable and very foolish.
Well, at least your idea worked.
Congratulations, Victor,
on your merger and acquisition.
What 're you taking? All your
business meetings in here now?
I owe it all to you.
To your skill.
It was my skill that
put me in this dump.
That 's what I said when I arrived.
Now, it is my turn to help you.
Can you get me out of here?
All systems have holes,
don't you hackers say?
In here, we'll use the gate.
They won't talk?
Talk to who?
Their boss gave me the keys.
I'm not even gonna ask
what that cost.
It 's nothing.
Like your trip here, there is a car
outside and a plane at the airport.
Well, thanks.
You could've let me rot in there.
Never, Rayichka. Without you,
I would have lost the fight.
Besides, my name is on that list
they wanted you to investigate.
So I have enough legal
problems as it is.
We could've been roommates.
- So long, Victor.
- Right.
Good luck...
Close the door.
It 's time for you to leave us!
What are you trying to do?
I'm stealing from thieves.
I'm gonna take the money,
I'm gonna put it in this guy's account.
- And then?
- And then I disappear.
Is there enough money for someone
else to disappear with you?
Does this someone else
have a passport?
I do.
- Opah!
- What the fuck is this?
- Someone is on to you.
- Fuck...
Bigger problems?
What? It 's an outdated system!
No more God's Access!
So, we are not disappearing?
- Nope!
- And you are not rich?
I don't have a penny!
I'm wanted in two countries...
and the guy who brought me to yours
has a contract out on my head.
I'm fucked.
I heard an expression
which might help.
Be brave, tomorrow will be worst.
It means, stay strong now...
because things
will only get worse.
- Here quick!
- Dima. Come here!
Ray! Ray! Here!
Ray, you are sure the village
is called Beyokavo?
Da, Beyokavo.
Pop, drive faster!
- Anybody here?
- Yes.
- Hello, Granny!
- What do you need, dear?
There is an American
you know, Ray.
Ray... Rayuchka,
what happened?
Careful. Trust her.
Gently, gently.
Be careful.
Granny's a saint.
There's hardly any more pain.
Listen, do not apologize.
You will think of something to do.
Tell me, did he suffer very much?
Kolya, I mean?
- No...
- Good.
That 's good.
Thanks God.
It 's me! It 's me!
- Give me a match.
- What?
Give me a fucking match!
It 's alright.
I'm fine.
I'm sorry, Ray.
- Let 's have a drink.
- Alright.
After Ivan's guys heard the gunshots,
they forgot all about me.
While I'm running away, I'm trying
to figure out the whole picture.
Who knows?
Dubinsky will fire me or even worse
for getting you arrested.
After I went to the boat, I realize
he's cleaning out our whole crew...
and it 's better for me
to stay dead for a while.
But I need hiding out money.
I head for one of our offices in the
Casino, because it has plenty of cash.
I wait till I know no one will be there.
But, fuck! What do I see?
There was this truck,
you know, for groceries.
Well, where was I?
Oh yeah, the truck.
Guys were there, throwing
bundles of money inside.
Our little delivery from
the Cayman Islands...
on its way to pay off
Dubinsky's deal.
Left alone in a garage.
I could practically smell it.
I said, "it 's all yours, Vasya".
I jumped in the truck
and took off.
Fucking unbelievable.
Wait a second.
You're telling me...
there's 4O million dollars
just sitting outside right now?
I missed you so much, my friend.
Vasya, there's forty million dollars
sitting out in that truck right now?
More like 42 million, but that 's
exactly what I'm telling you.
Why are you bull-shiting the guy?
I want you to have half.
You're a real brother, Ray. I love you,
and I want to split it with you.
Don't you think Dubinsky's
gonna come looking for you?
Let him look, the fucker.
Let him rot in that cell.
You can forget Victor Dubinsky, but
you'll remember me you're whole life.
Let 's see your half,
before you kiss.
It 's some sort of game.
Who is this girl, game?
C'mon, I will show you right now!
Show us later.
Show us later, it 's fine.
No, now if they insult me!
So many people were killed
because of this money.
I know, I know, better than you.
Why lie about it?
I'm lying?
Let 's go and see then.
Vasya, Vasya! Sit down.
- If you say it 's there, it 's there, okay?
- Calm down!
Let 's drink to being safe.
What you say?
And to Dolphin, alright?
- To Dolphin.
- To Dolphin.
To Kolya.
For my little grandson.
Quickly, quickly, get up!
He's taking truck!
Dima! Where are you?
Ray! He took the keys!
Give me a gun,
I would shoot him myself!
- What the fuck are you doing?
- What I'm doing?
I'm leaving.
I woke up this morning,
and you know what I realized?
Forty million is
an awful lot to split.
Wise decision.
Why are you stopping? Ray!
I don't want it.
You want him to get away with it?
I can live without it.
I can, if you can.
So, this is what
you came up with?
Good plan.
Where are you taking us
in your fancy car?
We can go anywhere you want.
After we sell it.
How about we start looking at
the world through our eyes...
and not God's Access.
I am ready.
So are we.
Where do you want to go?
I want to go to the sea.
To the sea!