Moss Rose (1947)

"As long as I live."
"No matter how far I go
from the scene of it."
"I shall never forget how it started."
"In those days I lived in Coin
Street near Waterloo bridge."
"I had a strange feeling that someone
was watching our lodging house."
"I was working in the chorus
at the Cambridge Theatre."
"And several nights,
when I came home late."
"I caught a glimpse of a figure
lurking in the shadows."
"Of course, at that time I had
no idea of the connection .."
"Between this stranger and
my friend, Daisy Arrow."
[ Door knocks ]
Oh. So you are in?
What is the idea of not answering?
I didn't know it was you.
I say.
You left your blind up.
- Don't do that.
Blimey, you are in a stew.
Sorry, Belle.
I'm rather jumpy.
Who is it, Daisy?
I don't want to talk about it.
- Come on, you can tell me.
Well, have it your own way.
Is he rich?
- Please, Belle.
I just popped in to ask you something.
Because you got such good taste.
There is a sale of feather boas tomorrow
at Hobbs and Son at Waterloo road.
I thought if I could go in there in
the morning before rehearsal ..
Maybe you could come down and ..
- You'll have to excuse me, Belle.
I have a dreadful headache.
I'm sorry, dear.
Can I make you a cup of tea?
No thanks.
Righto. I'll see you in the morning.
- Goodnight.
"Daisy's odd behaviour made no
impression on me whatever."
"By the next morning at rehearsal
I had forgotten all about it."
Where is Belle Adair? Bella Adair!
Where is she?
Find her!
If she is late once more.
Just once more.
Out she goes!
Oh Mr Fothergill, I am that sorry.
And I was here all the time.
I hadn't the faintest
idea you wanted me.
You hadn't the faintest idea?
Well .. get in line.
Take it from the chorus.
And make it lively. Are you ready?
One! Two!
Yes, Miss Daisy?
- Has anybody asked for me?
No, not you.
Daisy. Go on, wear it.
It is pretty.
Now you look like a lady.
And I hope you make it.
You don't understand, Belle.
Anyhow, good luck to you.
You look ever so pretty.
My proud Irish beauty.
How about a bit of supper?
I can always eat, Georgie.
- Well.
It was sweet of you to pay
my cab fare this morning.
I'm a sweet man.
I wish I could say the
same for my landlord.
He got very narrow-minded about rent of
one pound eight that he says is overdue.
A mere bagatelle.
It's not so much the one pound
eight. That's a drop in the bucket.
But I was a week behind last month also.
What is it to George Gilby,
the long-lost heir?
I'll get a cab.
Goodnight, Daisy. Good hunting.
Look now, Daisy.
In case your gent shouldn't turn up.
You are welcome to come
along with me and George.
That is civil of you, Belle.
But he will be here.
Miss Daisy Arrow?
- That's me.
Do you mind if I have a peek at him?
- Don't be a fool.
Hello. I was about to give you up.
Just gone 12 at St Paul's.
- What?
I said it's just gone 12 at St Paul's.
I tried to get a peek at Daisy's friend.
I liked his voice.
Sort of foreign-like.
I wonder where Daisy found him.
Probably some Italian
or Portuguese prince.
The town is crawling with them.
The Crown and Bottle.
- Righto.
Here's a fiver. How's that?
Thank you, Georgie.
Of course, it is only a loan.
You are so kind.
I'm a blooming fool about
you Belle and no mistake.
No, please. The cabbie might see you.
You weren't afraid he'd see
me give you that fiver.
George, we're near my lodgings.
- You're afraid the landlord sees ..
No I'm not.
Please Georgie, I want to talk to you.
Talk tomorrow.
- No.
I want to ask your advice on something
because you are such an intelligent man.
Oh? What do you want my advice on?
How do you get to be a lady?
How do you get to be a lady?
How do you get to be a lady?
You are a lady, ducks.
No I'm not. Not a real one.
You feeling alright? Ain't got a fever?
No. I'm serious.
It must be wonderful
not to have to pretend.
I mean, a lady is so sure of herself.
The way she walks, the way she talks.
I've watched them at the theatre.
The real ladies. You only have to glance
at them and you know that they are.
Me, now?
Trades people and servants
look down their noses at me.
They know what I am.
Now ducks, enough of that talk.
Lady or no lady.
You are my cup of tea.
- Georgie, please.
Georgie, please. Please, Georgie.
Daisy is home already.
- Shall we give her a serenade?
You keep quiet. Daisy's got
a temper like a wildcat.
How much?
Better have him wait. Cabs are
hard to find around here this late.
Alright. I'll only be a jiffy.
It's all the same to me, Guvnor.
I must have left my gloves in the cab.
I'll get them.
I don't see any sign of them, ducks.
Oh well, you live and learn.
Back to the Crown and Bottle.
[ Door knocks ]
Keep your shirt on. I won't be a minute.
[ Door knocks ]
Alright, alright.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
Well, that's a game that two can play.
- Never mind, never mind.
Hello, Daisy. How about a cup of tea?
I saw your Toff. I must say
he is rather handsome.
Come on now. No games.
I saw his Lordship in the ..
[ Belle screaming! ]
What's wrong?
- It's Daisy. She is dead.
"According to the police,
Daisy had been drugged."
"And then smothered or strangled."
"They questioned us
for more than an hour."
"They took samples of the tea that
was left in her half-empty cup."
Is this your bible too?
I never saw it before.
I don't think it was Daisy's.
How do you know?
Well, she wasn't much
for bibles or flowers.
Poor thing. They both
had a great blessing.
I don't know what I should
do without my garden.
It seems to be a well-grown moss rose.
A moss rose?
Why, I haven't seen
one since I was a child.
They don't mature well unless
they have a very acid soil.
I hope you haven't lost
the place it was in, sir.
Good heavens, how careless of me.
Then, I don't suppose it matters much.
- It might be very important, sir.
It was on page 132, sir.
How do you know?
Well .. I looked.
Just before you came in.
My mother always used to
mark her place like that.
Only she used a sprig of pennywort.
When did you say you
left the west country?
I didn't say, sir.
But how could you tell
that is where I am from?
Pennywort prefers to
grow in the west country.
Moss rose is more capricious. One is apt
to find it almost anywhere in England.
But at least we can concentrate
our search on England, eh Evans?
England is a pretty big place, sir.
If we have to search all the gardens and
all the shires looking for moss roses ..
You wouldn't discover any.
The moss rose is out of season.
Then where did this one come from?
That is precisely what we must find out.
"Why would anybody want
to murder Daisy Arrow?"
"I kept asking myself over and over."
"And what had a moss rose pressed in the
pages of a bible have to do with it?"
"And what of the man I had
seen leaving Daisy's room?"
"Somehow, I had a feeling .."
"He was the same man I'd seen the
night before in the cab at the theatre."
"I had forgotten all about the cab
and the white horse until then."
"Of course, in London a
white horse was no novelty."
"Yet there was always the
chance it might be the one."
Here you are. I kept it nice
and hot for you, Harry.
I almost thought I wasn't
going to get here.
When up popped a fare that
brought me right to your door.
Hello, young Belle. There's been a
basin-full of bother up your way I hear.
And you will be hearing more.
Is that your cab outside?
Wait until I've finished this nice dish
of tripe and I'll go and have a look.
The one with the white horse.
Is that yours?
Would you call him white, Bert?
Well, being a friend of both parties,
I wouldn't like to give an opinion.
I don't care what you call them.
You took a gent from here
about an hour ago, didn't you?
Who says so?
A dark foreign-looking gent in
a grey hat and a light raglan.
I have carried dark, foreign
looking gents in grey hats.
I've carried dark foreign
looking gents in light raglans.
But I don't remember that
I've carried one that wore both.
No my dear. Not if you gave me
a stack of bibles that high to kiss ..
One on top of the other.
And me a God-fearing man to boot.
Where did you take him?
- That gent.
What gent?
- The one you took away from here.
I don't remember saying I took anybody.
He Bert, my lad.
How about another half-pint?
Help yourself. I'm busy.
Now look here, mister.
You tell me where you took that gent
and I'll buy you half a pint of bitter.
I can buy my own, thankee.
Now, look here.
You take my advice
and leave gents alone.
They are not for the likes of you.
You'll only borrow trouble as
you probably have already.
The likes of me? Who do you
think you are talking to?
I knows a real gent when I sees one.
And I know you lasses that go fooling
about where you don't belong.
You keep your place and
make them keep theirs.
You're better off, mark my words.
How do you know I am no lady?
In the first place,
you don't dress like one.
In second place,
you don't talk like one.
In the third place,
you don't act like one.
Here's looking at you.
I catches your eye.
Where did you learn to say that?
- What?
"I catches your eye".
Oh .. my father always said it.
Your father. Where did he drive a cab?
He had a stand in Piccadilly.
- In Piccadilly?
Why didn't you say so?
What was his name?
Pat Lynton.
- Pat Lynton?
I never knew him, but I knew fellahs
that did. Good friends of mine.
He's dead now, eh?
Poor lass. Did that bloke
in the cab do you wrong?
That's my affair.
Pat Lynton's daughter.
Well, I'll be blowed.
Now, the gent in question
gave me a nice tip.
But if you're Pat Lynton's daughter,
he paid me off in Hyde Park.
Hyde Park?
But that is a big park.
- Hold on.
I picked up a fare on the bounce.
And on the way back here to
eat this lovely dish of tripe.
Who should I see going
into The Regency Hotel ..
- Big as life.
Grey hat and all.
Thanks. I'll do as much
for you sometime.
I catches your eye.
This way, milady.
There he is.
Hello, Michael.
What in the world ..?
Hello, Audrey. Strange,
I was just thinking of you.
Were you, darling?
How are you?
- I am extremely well.
Fine. Have you had lunch?
You never said you're
surprised to see us.
As I told you, to be thinking
of someone who is far away.
And suddenly look up and there she is.
There is more to that than surprise.
I thought you both were in
the country. You just arrived?
No, my dear. Last night.
We enquired of you but you were out.
Why, I am sorry I wasn't in.
But then, I didn't know.
It doesn't matter.
Nothing matters except seeing you again.
Isn't there a waiter in
the whole of London?
Sorry, mother.
You will leave with us
tonight on the 6 o'clock train.
I'm afraid I can't.
Lady Margaret and I have some shopping
to do, but we could be ready by ..
I am sorry. I can't go with you.
Not tonight.
But I ..
Want to leave as soon as I can.
It will be good to be back
in the country again.
We can take long walks on the moor.
Like we used to, darling.
You and mother leave tonight.
I promise to join you.
Well, as soon as I can.
"At Daisy's funeral there were
only a few girls from the theatre."
"All through the ceremony I was thinking
about the man in the light coat."
"I had a feeling he was somewhere near."
"Watching us."
We .. always seem to meet in
doorways, don't we Mr Drego.
Come in.
They .. they certainly do you well here.
I had a friend that lived here once.
He's gone to India.
Jack Sinclair. Do you know him?
Well, aren't you going
to offer a lady a chair?
Who are you?
My name is Belle Adair.
What do you want?
I live on the same floor as Daisy Arrow.
I saw you coming out of
her room Sunday morning.
And don't you remember me?
I've never seen you before in my life.
Oh yes you have.
I saw you when you called for Daisy
at the stage door on Saturday night.
I was with her.
You are mistaken.
I have never heard of anybody
by the name of Daisy Arrow.
You're a cold one.
You mustn't think nobody
knows I have come here.
Be kind enough to state
your business and get out.
I wasn't the only one that
saw you at the stage door.
I had a friend with me.
He saw you, plain as I did.
You cheap little blackmailer.
We are not discussing
blackmail, Mr Drego.
We're discussing murder.
You mean you haven't even been curious
enough to read about it in the paper?
You can't scare me.
You killed Daisy Arrow.
I saw you that night and I saw you
coming out of her room Sunday morning.
And what's more, the cabbie that drove
you to Hyde Park can identify you.
In that case, why haven't
you gone to the police?
The inquiry is tomorrow.
If you weren't more of a
fool than a blackmailer.
I'd go to the police myself
and have you put away.
I think our discussion is over, Miss ..?
Whatever your name is.
You will be sorry.
It wasn't much I was going to ask.
I am asking you to go.
That's not much either.
You are making a very
big mistake, Mr Drego.
"Mr Michael Drego."
"Involved in murder Daisy Arrow."
"Get him quick."
As a rule, I don't bother with anonymous
communications, Mr Drego.
But in murder cases we are not
permitted to use ordinary discretion.
I understand, Inspector.
And I appreciate the discretion you
have shown in bringing me here.
Not at all.
Now, if you give us accurate details of
your movements during these intervals.
Evans has it all worked out.
Let me see.
That night I dined with
Major Jameson at his club.
We played billiards until midnight.
Then I walked up Piccadilly.
I returned to my hotel.
Oh .. about 12:45.
Did the porter give you your key?
A cigarette?
Thank you.
Then you retired for the night.
The next morning?
The next morning.
That was Sunday.
I got up around 10:00.
And after having breakfast in the grill.
I took a walk in Hyde Park
until lunchtime.
Where did you go for lunch?
I came back to The Regency.
The Regency? I don't blame you.
An excellent cuisine at The Regency.
And now just one more
question, Mr Drego.
Your father was not a
British subject, was he.
He was not.
I hope you don't mind me asking.
Purely routine, you know.
And you yourself have lived a good
part of your life away from England?
That is, in Canada?
But your mother is English.
If I am not mistaken.
And the Drego estate is ..
Charnleigh Manor.
That is Devonshire, isn't it?
- Mr Drego.
Are you able to say if there's an arbour
of moss roses at Charnleigh Manor?
Moss roses?
- Yes.
I'm not sure. It is ..
Quite possible though.
Our gardens have all
the Devonshire flowers.
I see you are interested
in flowers, Mr Drego.
So am I, so am I.
Floral geography is a hobby of mine.
Look at these begonias.
I raised them from seeds.
Yes, sir?
Please ask Miss Adair to step
into your room for a moment.
Place her as close to
the door as possible.
So she can hear clearly.
And at the same time not be
able to see anyone in this room.
Yes, sir.
And also ask Mr Stevens and
Mr Thompson to come in here.
Yes, sir.
By the way, you don't
know Miss Adair, do you?
Miss Belle Adair?
No. I don't think so.
Why, did she say she knows me?
- No, she didn't.
I hate to trouble you with
all the folderol Mr Drego ..
But Miss Adair claims she saw
the principal suspect in a cab.
When he called for the deceased at the
theatre on the night of the murder.
She also heard him
speak to the deceased.
I never place much
reliance on these voice tests ..
But this girl insists she
can recognise the voice.
So just for the sake of a clear record,
I wonder if you would submit to a test.
Why, you don't give me much choice.
I have none myself, Mr Drego.
I don't doubt your word but some areas
in your statement leave room for ..
Reasonable conjecture. Which I
hope this voice test will eliminate.
Come in.
Will you please read this aloud
when I give you the word.
And you do the same, Mr Drego.
Of course, it's all nonsense but I'll
try to get it over as quick as possible.
Evans, you stay with Miss Adair
and take note of her reaction.
Yes, sir.
Come in please, Miss Adair.
Sit there.
Ready sir.
You are early.
It just struck 12 on St Paul's.
You are early.
It just struck 12 on St Paul's.
You are early.
It just struck 12 on St Paul's.
They are terribly alike aren't they.
But it seemed that the second one ..
The second one, she said.
Although she wasn't absolutely positive.
Well, Mr Drego?
Do you regard that as conclusive?
I wouldn't say that but it rather
leaves us on the fence, so to speak.
Actually I am duty bound to include
your name for further investigation.
I am sorry.
I see.
- Inspector.
How would it be if everyone
said something different?
Then perhaps they wouldn't
sound so much alike.
And we could secure a
positive identification.
Good man.
You say something at random.
You stick to the original sentence
spoken by the suspect.
And you Mr Drego can
say anything you like.
Do you mind if I read a sentence
from a letter I happen to have here?
An excellent suggestion, Evans.
You are early.
It just struck 12 on St Paul's.
Seeking to untie one knot, he
sometimes tangled the whole skein.
On second thought I have
decided to reconsider your proposal.
And will be glad to discuss the question
of terms at your earliest convenience.
Well, which one?
I am still not completely certain.
You switched them around on me.
That's about all I can say.
Please follow me, Miss Adair.
Miss Adair.
Have you ever seen
this gentleman before?
Well, Miss Adair?
His type isn't unfamiliar.
What sort of an answer is that?
Look, Miss Adair. Either you recognise
him or you don't recognise him.
Is this the man you saw
coming out of that room?
I wouldn't want to hurt
an innocent person.
Is this the man you saw leaving Daisy
Arrow's room the morning of the murder?
Well, answer me, Miss Adair.
Is he the man?
I was that startled, that I ..
I don't remember.
That will be all for now, Miss Adair.
When we need you again
we will send for you.
That will be all.
Well, Inspector.
Any further need for me?
Not at the moment, Mr Drego.
Not at the moment.
Again, I regret that you have been
subjected to this inconvenience.
After all, it's no small thing for
a man of your prominence ..
To be dragged into a mess of this sort.
Especially on the eve of your wedding.
I am sure you realize we
are only doing our duty.
I do, Inspector.
And if there is anything else I am only
too happy to be of service to you.
We will keep in touch with you.
"The next morning there
was a note under my door."
"Telling me if I came the
Shaftesbury Gallery at three .."
"I would learn something
to my advantage."
Catalogue, Miss?
No thank you. I am just looking.
Lifelike, isn't she.
I suppose she was in the
front row in her day.
Well, well.
Times do change.
I got your message.
I came as soon as I could.
It must be nice to have
your picture painted.
Look at all the admiration
people pay you.
Do you mind if I do my
painting without admiration?
I think you will find this sufficient.
Just a moment.
The least I expected was
a decent lot of gratitude.
I thought it was money you were after?
Very well, then. Thanks.
It won't do.
No? What will?
Why not let's go somewhere
and have a cup of tea?
Your Highness.
And have Inspector
Clinner see us together?
How do you know they aren't on to you?
I know they are not.
Well, I am.
I repeat. You will be more than
satisfied with what you have there.
Thank you again, Miss Adair.
You are leaving now, Mr Drego?
Send my bill on to Charnleigh, please.
- Certainly, sir.
By the way, sir. A letter just
came for you. By messenger.
Thank you.
I find my plans have changed.
I shan't be leaving tonight after all.
- Very good, sir.
Take Mr Drego's bags back to his room.
I am glad you are
staying on with us, sir.
Your cab, Mr Drego.
Good evening.
- What's the meaning of your note?
A woman has a right to
change her mind, hasn't she?
Wasn't the money I gave you enough?
Oh, it was plenty. I wouldn't
have asked for near so much.
I don't understand how a girl
like you can turn down 500.
A girl like me? How do
you know what I'm like?
Just what do you want, Miss Adair?
You shouldn't call me
Miss Adair anymore.
My real name is Rose Lynton.
You have dropped your alias?
- Oh, it wasn't an alias.
Belle Adair was my stage name.
But I am giving up the stage.
I see.
And what do you intend to do?
- Well, that depends on you.
On me?
Yes. Now look here.
Why don't you call him?
Concealing evidence
is a crime, you know.
But I don't want ..
- What is on your mind?
Apparently you're convinced I am guilty.
- Of course I am.
Otherwise, why did
you try to buy me off?
Because you could have made things more
difficult for me than they already are.
You're still willing to
bargain with me, aren't you?
I made you an offer that was more
than fair. You turned it down.
It isn't money I want. It is
something I want much more.
I found out from the porter at your
hotel you are leaving London.
Going to Charnleigh Manor.
Take me with you.
Take me with you to Charnleigh Manor.
Take you with me? Are you serious?
I am.
Of all the ridiculous ..
- You don't understand.
It's something I've wanted all my life.
When I was little I lived
with my dad in Shoreditch.
You know what that is like?
I don't think you do.
My dad drove a cab and ..
He wasn't home much.
I was left alone a lot.
I had to make up games for myself.
And the game I lived most was ..
Pretending I was a
lady at a great house.
Ever since I was that high.
I've dreamed about staying at
a great house in the country.
Footmen and maids.
Breakfast in bed every morning.
And if I wanted something?
Just ring for it.
It will only be for two weeks.
That's all I'm asking.
Let me go to Charnleigh Manor.
Just for two weeks.
But that is preposterous.
No it isn't.
Don't think for one moment you could
get away with it. You'd be miserable.
Just give me the chance.
- I'm sorry.
The whole thing is just too ridiculous.
- You won't do it?
In that case I suppose I will
have to go and call on Georgie.
George Gilby. The bookie chap who was
with me the night Daisy got in your cab.
So he is in this with you?
Not yet and he needn't be.
Think it over, Mr Drego.
Think it over carefully.
You know where to get in touch with me.
My word, it is beautiful.
You certainly had plenty of room to run
round in when you were a little nipper.
Look here. Do you have
to look so unhappy?
I am .. as happy as a lark.
If you are worried about how I'm
going to behave while I'm here.
Put it out of your mind. You'll have
no cause to be ashamed of me.
Not with all these gorgeous
new clothes you bought me.
And as for my table manners,
I might not know which fork to use.
I'll just keep my eye on you.
My word, it is a regular palace.
I wish you'd stop exclaiming
"my word" at everything you see.
I can't help it.
Everything is so grand and green.
The air smells so nice.
And my word.
How the sun shines.
People in town don't know
what they are missing.
Everywhere you look it is so lovely.
You'd expect to see a
calendar pasted under it.
How are you, Craxton?
- Mr Michael.
It is good to have you home again, sir.
Craxton this is Miss Lynton.
She is stopping with us for a few days.
Your room is ready for you, Miss.
Thank you. I hope I shan't
be too much bother.
A nice little place
you've got here, Michael.
Is mother home, Craxton?
Her Ladyship went for a
drive with Miss Ashton, sir.
We will have tea in the library.
Bring me a brandy and soda please.
Yes, sir.
How was I?
What did you expect, applause?
I did it just like the
honourable Audrey would.
Being a lady in a place like this ought
to be no blooming trouble at all.
Thank you, Miss.
But, to bring her here?
It is absolutely inexcusable.
Aren't you taking it too seriously.
Lady Margaret, how would
you feel in my place?
I don't think there is
any cause for alarm.
He wrote he'd got into some difficulty
and she helped him out of it.
Some difficulty?
There was nothing in the letter to show
he had any real interest in the girl.
But to bring her crashing in here
when we're about to get married?
My dear, you know Michael.
Or you should by now.
Michael is just as he is.
You have to take him or leave him.
And I think you have made
up your mind to take him.
He inherited two things from his father.
Good looks.
And a talent for making women unhappy.
What can I do?
I love him.
Don't we all.
Get along, Ginger.
Hello Michael.
I didn't know you were here.
Hello, mother.
You know I have been trying out
that new cob of yours, Michael.
He's not as bad as he looks.
I've never known anything
to really satisfy you, mother.
Mother, this is ..
I know this is.
How are you, Miss Lynton?
I've been looking
forward to meeting you.
I am glad to be here, Lady Margaret.
Good to see you again, darling.
Audrey, this is my friend Rose Lynton.
How do you do.
I understand you did
Michael a great favour.
I didn't do anything, really.
According to Michael's letter, you did.
We are very glad to have you here.
Now run up to your room
and wash your face.
My face? Is it dirty?
That's not your own colour, is it?
- It certainly is.
It is too good to be true. Turn around.
A good head.
Good bones. Nice confirmation.
She has style, Michael. Real style.
I am not a horse.
Now look here, young woman.
If we are to put up with you,
you'll have to put up with us.
If I have anything to say about
a person I say it to their face.
There's no beating about
the bush in this house.
The sooner you learn that,
the happier you will be.
Now come over here and
pour me a cup of tea.
Then we'll have a nice chat.
She has a bold way
of looking into people.
That I like.
Let's have the truth about you and Rose.
Is your feeling for her
purely one of gratitude?
Come now, mother.
Rose is a beautiful creature.
And I happen to know that is a
formula you simply can't resist.
Audrey, or no Audrey.
Please, Lady Margaret.
And you. What do you think of my son?
Well, I hate to hurt
a mother's feelings.
But Michael is too wicked for me.
He is too handsome.
Too much the lady-killer
to suit my taste.
I wouldn't dare turn my back on
him, and that is the quick of it.
That's quick enough.
And fair enough.
Look at Michael.
Simply furious.
I can't say much for your tea.
It tastes like rainwater.
Well, I dare say these two young
things just want to be left alone.
Come along upstairs and I
will show you your room.
It's on the next floor.
It has a very nice view.
This is such a wonderful house.
I went to the public library
and looked up pictures of it.
I am really very fond of it.
I don't wonder.
You see, our family has
lived here for generations.
We were all born here.
Michael was born here.
Here is your room, Rose.
I hope you will be comfortable.
It is so nice.
If there is anything you want, ring.
Dinner is at eight.
- Thank you, Lady Margaret.
I like you, Rose.
"If there is anything
you want, just ring."
What are you doing here?
How dare you come into this room.
I am sorry. The door was unlocked.
Did I do something wrong?
You are the first person who has
been into this room except myself ..
For a great many years.
Is it the room of someone who is dead?
Michael's room.
When he was small.
That is Michael's father.
He looks just like him.
He took Michael away from me.
He took him to Canada.
He was only a little boy then.
The next time I saw him
he was a grown man.
This room is just as
it was when he left.
I've kept it.
His toys, everything. Just as it was.
Don't touch anything.
- I'm sorry.
That's why I never let anyone in here.
Even the servants.
I knew when that little
boy went away that day ..
He would never come back.
You come here every day?
Every day.
You think that is foolish, don't you.
No .. it's beautiful.
All the same, I'd rather you
didn't mention it to anyone.
Anyone. Even to Michael.
He doesn't know?
- Nobody knows.
But you now.
I tell people I use
this room as a store.
The servants think I have a
great treasure hidden here.
I come to count it
every day like a miser.
They are not far off the mark, as usual.
Let's go.
I've made you uncomfortable, haven't I.
No Lady Margaret, you haven't.
- Nonsense.
Whenever I get sentimental.
I'm a bore.
Come along.
I'm not sorry you saw the room.
There is nothing like a small secret.
To bring two people closer together.
I will see you at dinner.
[ Gunshot! ]
Who is it?
Did I waken you?
You frightened the wits out of me.
I didn't want to knock in
case you were asleep.
I .. I heard a shot.
A farmer's child is lost on the moor.
They are searching for her.
She might have wondered
into Charnleigh Mire.
Charnleigh Mire?
That would be the end of her.
They would never even find her body.
Poor little thing.
There is something
I'd like to say to you.
I suppose it is rather rude of
me to come in at this hour.
But I've got to know.
Does Michael know you
came to talk to me?
So you call him "Michael"?
Well ..
Doesn't everybody?
Michael and I are to
be married very soon.
Nothing is to stand in the way of that.
Do I make myself clear?
Quite clear.
You have my best wishes
for a long and happy life.
You have a queer way of saying it.
Queer? I mean every word of it.
How long were you in the
chorus at The Cambridge?
While I was there ..
It was like forever.
I suppose you knew Daisy Arrow?
We worked side by side.
We were good friends.
It must have been dreadful for you.
It was worse for Daisy.
She loved living.
I read about it in the papers.
Why should anyone have
wanted to murder her?
I asked myself the same
question a thousand times.
Is that what you wanted
to talk to me about?
Michael and I ..
I know.
You are very much in love.
Anybody can tell that.
What I mean is.
You and I can be friends.
Or not.
I ..
I want to be friends.
You do?
Of course.
That's what I had to know.
Sorry if I disturbed you.
See you in the morning.
"As I look back now, it seems those
days were the happiest of my life."
"And when Audrey went up to
London to get her trousseau."
"Lady Margaret couldn't have been more
kind if I had been her own daughter."
"But the greatest change
of all was in Michael."
"The moment Audrey left for London it
was like a strange veil was lifted."
"And he was completely another man."
"He taught me to ride."
"And Lady Margaret insisted that I
wear one of Audrey's riding habits."
"Whenever I made little mistakes."
"Or my manners were not
what they should have been."
"Michael corrected me."
"But always gently and patiently."
"And never once did
he mention London or .."
"The circumstances which
had brought us together."
You're not disappointed?
Those dreams you told me about
that night on Waterloo Bridge.
Is all this as wonderful as
you thought it would be?
More wonderful.
Every minute is like something
magic in a Christmas Panto.
Lady Margaret has been so kind.
And you.
You have been so decent.
But I'm afraid I'll
never understand you.
You are not like you were in London.
You are a different person altogether.
I suppose there are things about this
world of yours I'll never understand.
Even if I stayed here for years.
For example?
Well, Audrey. She is in love with you.
Anybody can see that.
And almost anybody can
see that you don't love her.
Why are you marrying her?
How can you marry
someone you don't love?
Sometimes marriages are arranged.
Sometimes it is essential that they be.
My mother's marriage was arranged.
But your mother wasn't happy.
I am sorry.
I didn't mean to say that.
I am always putting my foot in it.
It doesn't matter.
You're not afraid of me are you?
Should I be?
After all, our relationship
is somewhat unusual.
I'm in trouble. You know that.
We'd best be going.
We shan't be in time to meet Audrey.
She'll be on the 4 o'clock train.
Here it is.
I don't see it in the window.
- They say it is all the rage in London.
We'd better be getting back.
Lady Margaret said not to be late.
Oh, I won't be a moment.
Good afternoon.
- Miss Ashton.
Have you that new novel
of Mrs Humphrey Ward's?
Two copies came in yesterday
but they were sold immediately.
It must be a saucy book.
I expect some more in a few days.
Will you keep one for me?
- I will indeed, Miss Ashton.
Thank you.
I will have this.
Strange. I had the occasion to
mention your name today, Miss Ashton.
Did you?
Do you recall those
three bibles you bought?
I just mentioned the fact to a
couple of gentlemen from London ..
Who were making a survey on
the sale of religious books.
You told them I had bought three bibles?
I did, yes. I told them
it was a healthy sign.
In a world of sin when one person
buys three bibles at one time.
Will you send that for me?
- I will, Miss Ashton.
Come, Rose.
You won't forget about the other book?
I'll put it aside for you, Miss Ashton.
- Thank you.
Good day.
I beg your pardon, sir.
There is an Inspector Clinner from
Scotland Yard to see you, sir.
Yes, sir. And there is
another man with him.
Show them in, Craxton.
Yes, milady.
Will you step this way, gentlemen.
I think it will be amusing to have
tea with a couple of detectives.
Good afternoon, Mr Drego.
- Mr Drego.
This is Inspector Clinner
and Sergeant Evans.
You are just in time for tea, gentlemen.
Or would you like something stronger?
Neither, ma'am. Thank you.
I am sorry to bother you like this,
Mr Drego but it couldn't be avoided.
We came to see you about
your fiance, Miss Ashton.
Miss Ashton?
What on earth could you want with her?
It is nothing of any
consequence I am sure.
We were just checking up on some
loose ends in the Daisy Arrow case.
I thought you would prefer us to discuss
it with you instead of the young lady.
I don't know whether
you recall, Mr Drego.
But a bible was rather an important
item in the Daisy Arrow case.
Yes. But what has that
to do with Miss Ashton?
Well, I'll be as brief as possible.
This bible it seems, was published
in rather a large edition.
But in looking over the sales lists ..
I found that your local bookseller here
in the village purchased a dozen copies.
In so much as you had been
questioned in the case ..
We were naturally curious as to the
disposition of those particular bibles.
I still don't see the connection
with Miss Ashton.
Miss Ashton bought three copies.
Oh, I remember now.
It was about the time Audrey
came to stay with us.
You see, she distributes a great
many flowers at the hospitals ..
And occasionally some poor
invalid asks for a bible.
Yes, of course.
Yes. That is precisely what I imagined.
Speaking of flowers,
I wonder if Your Ladyship ..
Do you know if Miss Ashton gave away
all three copies of those bibles?
I can't be sure.
Sorry we are so late.
Darling, this is
Mr Clinner and Mr Evans.
Friends of mine from London
who were just passing by.
My fiance, Miss Ashton.
How do you do.
- Miss Ashton.
And this is Miss Lynton.
My companion.
Better run along now.
The dressmaker has
waited for you for hours.
Oh dear, I forgot about the poor thing.
Come, Rose.
Well, it is late and we
must be getting on.
By the way, there is something
I wanted to ask Your Ladyship.
Why, that's curious. I seem
to have completely forgotten.
It couldn't have been very important.
Oh yes, I know what it was.
Flowers are a hobby with me.
Your son mentioned you had an arbour
of moss roses here at Charnleigh Manor.
May I see them?
Even as an amateur
horticulturist you should know ..
That moss roses are out of season.
I know that, milady.
Do you think I am a magician?
I am not.
But my gardener is.
I'll be glad to show them to you.
That is most kind of you.
- Come along.
Goodbye, Mr Drego.
I am sorry to be such
a constant nuisance.
That's alright, Inspector.
Come along, gentlemen.
We'll be leaving for London on
the afternoon train tomorrow.
Meanwhile we are at
the inn in the village.
I dare say Your Ladyship knows the
story of the origin of the moss rose?
Do I? I am not sure.
Once upon a time there was a Princess
who had great virtue and a kind heart.
But the King, her father,
was very miserly.
So that all of her charities
had to be done in secret.
Well, as she was leaving
the castle one day ..
Carrying bread for the poor.
The King accosted her and demanded to
know what she had hidden in her apron.
"Roses", she replied.
And when he snatched
open her apron to see.
The bread had indeed
turned to rose upon rose.
Just like these.
Moss roses.
How lovely.
You deserve a flower for that story.
You must cut yourself one while
I watch out for the gardener.
He is furious if anyone touches them.
Aren't you ashamed?
What would you do if the rose under your
coat should turn into a loaf of bread?
[ Door knocks ]
Who is it?
They told me you ordered a
carriage from the stables.
Why are you leaving?
I want to know why.
Because I am afraid.
- Afraid of what?
I can't stay here another minute.
There is a train for London at 5:30.
But what is the reason for all this?
Please, I can't tell you.
- You must tell me.
You see? He recognised
me from the start.
When did you get this?
About twenty minutes ago.
You were not going to meet him?
I couldn't.
Why not?
He'd have asked me questions that ..
Questions that you couldn't
answer because of me?
Is that why you were running away?
Look at me.
This is the answer.
You and I are the same kind.
You know that.
Whatever I've done ..
I don't care what you have done.
Nothing matters now.
You can't run away.
Any more than I can.
I've got to tell her.
Tell who?
- Audrey.
That must be taken care of first.
- But you can't tell her.
There is nothing else I can do.
- She loves you, Michael.
She wouldn't give you up for Daisy.
She'll never give you up for anyone.
She will have to.
I've been looking for you.
You must be extremely
pleased with yourself.
Yes, I can tell that you are.
You smug little hypocrite.
I'm sure you think you've
been frightfully clever.
Well, it might interest you to know that
I knew what you were doing all along.
I don't know what you are talking about.
- Oh, don't be nave.
From the moment you blackmailed
him into bringing you here ..
It was obvious what you were after.
Michael has just told me.
Told you what:?
Our marriage is postponed.
That is the polite phrase
that newspapers will use.
But I am sure my friends
won't be so generous.
I'm sorry, Audrey. Really I am.
What a liar you are.
This is exactly the way you planned it.
All the time you took advantage
of Lady Margaret's hospitality.
When I went to London to
get my trousseau, you ..
I've done nothing to be ashamed of.
- No?
Perhaps people have no
sense of shame in Shoreditch.
That's where you came from, isn't it?
You deliberately set out to
break up our marriage.
Did you fancy he would marry you?
What a high price to
set on your affections.
When I am sure they could have been
purchased in London for two shillings.
I haven't finished.
- I have heard all I care to.
There's just one flaw in your ambitious
little design. One thing you overlooked.
[ Rose screams! ]
"The coroner's inquest was
an ordeal for all of us."
"The local doctor testified that Audrey
died of an overdose of sleeping powder."
"Apparently, self-administered."
"Traces of it were found in
a teacup at her bedside."
"I told the truth and gave
the best answers I could."
"Inspector Clinner did not
appear at the inquest."
"And evidently the local police saw no
substance on the presence of the bible."
"With the moss rose."
"When the inquest was over."
"The police held Michael
for further questioning."
"And that night Inspector
Clinner sent for me."
See that this telegram gets
off as soon as possible.
Yes, milady.
Rose. You are back.
I just wired my solicitor in London
to engage Sir John Harker.
He is the cleverest counsel
in England. Sit down, my dear.
Tell me what happened.
Let me have your hat.
Did you see Michael?
Inspector Clinner refused
to let me see him.
How impertinent of him. How dare he.
They're taking him up to London tonight.
They can't hold him.
Not after Sir John Harker
gets on the case.
We mustn't be depressed.
He will be back within 48 hours.
I don't think so.
Lady Margaret.
I've got to tell you ..
Michael has confessed.
There must be a mistake.
Inspector Clinner told me.
I think ..
It was just a trick.
Just a police trick.
Did you tell them anything?
Lady Margaret.
What will they do to him?
If anything should ever
happen to him, I should ..
You love him.
I do.
I should have known.
Of course, I should have known.
All the time.
I understand.
I don't blame you for loving him.
You can't help it.
Oh Lady Margaret, what
are we going to do?
I think you have taken all
that you can stand today.
Go along upstairs.
And rest.
But .. but I couldn't sleep.
You can try. Come along.
You had better get ready for bed.
I'll make you some tea.
You haven't had a thing to eat all day.
Neither have you.
I'm just beginning to notice it.
Shall we ring for Craxton to
bring you some sandwiches?
Tea will do for me, thank you.
It is rather late to wake him up.
I'll make do with a biscuit.
- What is it?
I saw something moving on the ..
- On the balcony?
We'll soon find out.
Hadn't we better call the servants?
- Nonsense.
Nobody there.
You must have seen
a shadow from the tree.
I am sorry.
I am awfully jumpy.
No wonder, with all you've been through.
Why are you so quiet?
You haven't spoken a
word for five minutes.
All of a sudden I feel so sleepy.
I can hardly keep my eyes open.
Stop trying then.
Into bed with you, child.
You should open the window a bit.
I can hardly get my breath.
Do you ever pray?
Every night.
That's more than Daisy Arrow
or Audrey could say.
My mother always made me.
But I was too sleepy tonight.
Did you .. say Daisy Arrow?
What was the prayer she taught you?
Your mother.
I lay me down to the sleep.
You did say Daisy Arrow, didn't you?
That's as good as any other.
Go on.
If I should die.
Before I wake.
If I should die before I wake.
You said Audrey .. too.
I pray the Lord .. my soul to take.
It was you.
Wasn't it?
Yes, child.
And tomorrow.
They will find you.
Just as you found the others.
And I will have my son back again.
All to myself.
[ Door knocks ]
Get the door.
See to the girl. She can't be far.
His boat.
You fool.
You clumsy fool.
See what you've done.
You meddling fool.
His boat.
His boat, I tell you.
You've ruined it.
You've ruined it.
You've ruined it.
"And now I am thousands of
miles from Charnleigh Manor."
"And London."
"Places and things
I've known all my life."
"Lady Margaret is dead."
"But all of that is in the past."
"And there I must keep it."
[ Door knocks ]
Come in.
We will be getting into
Toronto in 15 minutes.
If you would like me to take
care of your luggage ..
0r arrange for a carriage
at the station for you ..
I would be very glad to.
No thank you.
There will be someone meeting me.
Very good.