Moth (2016)

- No please!
No, please!
No, no!
- The 15th of December, 1967.
The collapse of the silver
46 casualties, two missing
and not found since.
What caused the catastrophe
according to the witnesses
and reports can be seen on the
next slide.
First seen in November of 1966.
Point pleasant, West Virginia.
Near an old explosives factory.
Roger and Linda Scarbury,
Joan and Mary mallet
and their niece.
They said it kept following
even if they tried
shaking it off on road 62.
There were about 100 reports
filed in those two years,
but once the bridge collapsed
just nothing happened.
Whatever is in the photo
it just disappeared,
left the town, never returned.
Where did it go after though?
Another unsolved mystery.
What could it be?
A mythical creature?
A mutation?
Perhaps some kind of military
or maybe this is the angel
of death trying to warn us
before the catastrophe.
What if I told you that it
has allegedly resurfaced?
In Hungary there were 22
reports in the past two weeks.
I am actually going there next
and I will need someone
who can take added footage
so if you would like to join me
just sign up after the lecture.
Thank you for your attention
See you in four weeks.
Same time, same place, different
Have a nice weekend, thank you.
And how long have you been
learning at the university, Adam?
- Actually for two
years, yeah, for two years.
- And what's
at the end of the line?
- If all goes well I'll
be a forensic investigator.
- Wow.
Was it always your dream?
- I think so, yes.
What about you?
- Mine?
- Yeah.
- Actress.
- Okay, two boyfriends.
Anyone else?
No luck?
- No.
Can we go?
- Yeah.
- I just don't know what
kind of person they all like.
I just don't get it.
I been to eight auditions this
year now.
- I don't know.
Maybe you could get into school,
you know?
Film school.
To learn all these things.
Maybe... Intonation.
I don't know because
I'm not involved in it
but I guess you have to learn
that too.
- Yeah I know all this stuff.
Actually I took a term.
Unfortunately I just couldn't
finance it.
And my father didn't want to pay
for it.
You know, he wants me to be an
- An attorney?
- Useful and productive
member of the society,
not just someone who plays a
My sister, my elder
sister Kathy thinks that
it's just a joke, hobby.
And acting barely beats
You just play a role and
sell yourself for money.
This is my family.
- If you ask me I think
everyone plays a role.
Everyone sells themselves.
Nobody's honest.
It's a good thing this
car was waiting for us.
- Yeah, the owner took
a term at our university
and I gave her an extra room
and when she left she
told me to let her know
if she can repay it somehow.
- And you called
in a favor, I guess.
- Yeah.
- Why are we recording
every single moment?
- Well I hope to turn this
into a great documentary
when we get back.
Or not.
But since we have this
let's just use it, okay?
- Okay.
You think we'll find anything?
- I don't know.
I can't tell.
- Alright.
- Can I ask a
personal question, Adam?
- Depends.
- Where are you from?
I mean I know it's impolite
to ask something like that
but I'm so curious.
- You don't like my accent or
- No, no it's not like that.
Your English is perfect.
It's just you're not English
I think you're as British as
- Yes.
- Are you Danish?
- Not exactly.
- I'm sorry, I didn't
want to hurt your feelings.
It's not my business, sorry.
- I'm from Sweden.
I moved to England five years
and I've been living
in London for a while.
But I'm not planning to go home.
What about you?
- Hmm?
- You know, you mentioned
that you are...
- yeah yeah yeah.
I'm Ukrainian.
- Really?
- Yeah, I was raised there.
- Did you have to escape or
- Escape from what?
- You know.
What's the reason?
- Well there is
no dramatic line here.
I learned English in
elementary and grammar school.
Then I graduated from the
university as an English history
teacher 'cause I also liked
- Yeah.
- And I won a Fulbright
scholarship to the us.
I conducted research there.
I lived there for almost, wow,
two years.
- Two years?
- Yeah, for two years.
And then a good friend of
mine just offered this job
in London at the university
and I accepted it
so here I am, end of story.
- Wow.
You are very...
- very?
- Persistent might be the best
- Well thank you.
Honestly, I didn't think
if anyone would sign up,
but I'm very glad that you're
- Thanks.
I told you I like mysteries.
That's why I'm here.
- Actually?
- When I was young my mom used
to get me books about myths.
Greek, Roman myths, stories,
legends, stuff like that,
you know.
And when I read a book I
didn't just want to find
- Well mysteries are
waiting to be solved, Adam.
- Yeah.
You solve it and you take
away the whole mystery itself.
But you don't lose a thing.
Everyone just wants to find and
- Like who or what
the moth man might be.
- That's right.
But if you found out who or what
it is,
the whole mystery would
- A lot of
people want to solve it.
- Us included.
- 25 miles and we will
hit our accommodation.
I suggest we should get
up early in the morning
and find anyone who
might have seen anything
suspicious lately.
- Okay.
I'll set the charger up
for the night just in case.
- Good idea, thank you.
- Okay.
- What else?
I booked twin beds if it's good
for you.
- Fine with me, fine by, yeah.
- You know other guys
would have started getting
ideas by now, Adam.
- Others maybe, but I am
not here
to try and bed my teacher.
- Oh god.
Adam it was just a joke.
Are you always this way
in the language of women?
- I just don't think we've been
traveling long enough to
talk about things like that.
Probably I'm a bit old
fashioned but that's how I feel.
- Now let's talk about
whatever you'd like to.
What do you want to talk about?
- Hey hey hey.
- An interview with the
reluctant cameraman.
Stage is all yours.
Come on.
- Really?
- Really.
Why not?
- I have only one
question, ready?
- Yes.
- Why do you want
to be an actress so bad?
Because you want to be an
so why tell me about it?
Stage is yours now.
- Well, I suppose it's
like you and the mysteries.
- What do you mean?
- If you film or write
you just, you know,
create a whole new world.
I tried writing as well,
more or less successfully,
mostly less successfully,
Anyway, if you just
conjure a whole new world
you can create whatever you'd
Sad or beautiful things.
It's like for example mysteries.
- I don't think you
should give up your writing.
- I will never give up.
I never give up on anything.
- That's a good
attitude, I like that.
Anything else?
- No, one is more than enough.
Besides, I don't let others pay
for it.
- You let me.
Is this the right place?
- Yeah, place in the picture
from what I can see right now.
- Wow.
Looks a bit creepy.
- Yeah.
Whatever you just got stays
on the cutting room floor.
- Okay.
- Hey Manny.
- Oh hey, hey, so you got there
- Yeah, we arrived, we
are in the motel room.
- Oh yeah, that guy.
- Adam.
His name is Adam.
- So where is Adam?
- He's in the shower now.
- Oh, is he?
- Silly you.
Don't be ridiculous.
Separate beds.
- There's no problem, it's okay.
- I know exactly why I'm
here so you had better...
- I just don't think this is a
good idea.
Not like this, not so soon.
- Everything is going to be
If I make up my mind...
- look have you got enough
- Sure.
No problem.
- Okay, let's talk again
tomorrow, this Adam
doesn't appeal to me.
- He's alright, there won't
be any problem with him.
- Okay, it's 2am, someone's
knocking on my door.
I heard some noises from the
Tell you I'm not amazed by this
She's asleep, I should do, I
Okay, shut this, shut this.
Heard something from the garden
I think.
Shit, shit, shit.
Thora wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up.
What the hell?
Not a good joke, it's not a
good joke, it's not a good joke.
Is anyone there?
Who's there?
Who's there?
Fuck you, idiot!
Fuck you!
Think you're funny?
- Maybe it was an animal,
or a homeless by the window.
- And they just happened
to try and sneak a peek
in the middle of the night,
- No idea.
- Did you see the footage?
Did you see the footage?
- Yeah, yeah, I told you I saw
it, okay?
I don't know what that was
or what you might have heard.
- I saw it and I heard it.
Probably it was another guest
with a bad sense of humor, but
it was 2am,
can you believe that?
- Were you scared?
- No I wasn't.
- You weren't?
- I don't know how you would
have reacted.
- Whatever.
I slept pretty well.
- I'm happy for you.
How far are we from our
- If the map is right then this
and the right by the signpost.
- Right by the signpost, great.
- Come on, Adam.
Don't get all pissed off about
It happens.
Maybe just there were someone
messing around in our dorm.
Or maybe there were some kids
who just couldn't sleep.
- Maybe.
Someone from the university?
- No.
It was my mother.
- Would you like to talk
about it or something?
- First time I met her was
when I was 18 years old.
She bailed you know when I was
And then she just reappeared
from nowhere
after my graduation.
She brought me some flowers
and a box of chocolates.
Get this?
I never even seen her
in my whole childhood
and she just brings me
some fucking chocolate.
And I've hated chocolate ever
Do you even know a woman
who doesn't like chocolate?
I don't think so.
- My mother hated it.
- Really?
- Yeah.
She passed away.
- When?
- Three years ago.
She was sick.
- I'm so sorry.
- Whoa whoa whoa whoa.
- Ah, what is he doing
in the middle of the road?
- Shit.
Okay okay okay.
What is he saying?
- He's saying something.
- What?
- What?
I can't hear you!
Are you okay?
- Okay okay okay.
- What?
- Be careful, be careful.
- He's trying to say something.
- What?
- Are you okay?
- Shit.
Shit, shit, shit.
Get back to the car, Thora.
- Everything's alright.
This guy was crazy.
- Wow, wow.
Are we lost?
- No, we are not lost.
- I think we are lost.
- We're not lost, okay?
This road is not familiar,
that's it.
We can get those into use
tomorrow, no need to hurry.
Everything is going to be
alright, okay?
- Okay.
- This seems to be the right
- Yeah, seems.
- We'll head through this
road and there will be
forest motel this way.
- It's goddamn amazing.
Really amazing.
- Stop it, okay?
Everything is perfect.
- Mm hmm.
Then let's get going
before it gets dark, okay?
- Don't worry about a motel.
We'll have all those
things we are here for
and then we'll go home.
- Good.
- What's that?
- Cars, cars, cars.
- Cars.
- That's nice.
Show me how happy you are.
That's nice.
Whoa whoa whoa.
- Nobody?
- No.
Just stop somewhere.
- We'll just check the cars.
- Yeah.
What the hell is?
- What the hell is this?
- Everything's covered in this.
- Let's just call the
police, try your phone, Adam.
- Try my phone, and what am
I supposed to do with it?
I don't know Hungarian.
- Someone?
Is anyone around there?
- No.
- There's nobody here.
This place is abandoned.
- Come on!
- I heard something.
I heard some kind of clicking
- Fuck.
- Are you nervous?
- If you won't then I'll say it.
I don't think that was sawdust.
- Then what was that?
- Ever squashed a moth
before it could dine
on your favorite evening gown?
- I don't really have a gown.
- Actually, I don't give a
fuck if you do or do not.
I don't care at all.
Abandoned cars by the road.
Half a pair of kid's shoes.
In the red car I could see
the driver's ass print even.
You checked the map, here we
are in the middle of nowhere.
- I believe we are almost there.
- You said that an hour ago.
But look at our fuel.
I haven't seen a gas station for
By the way, nothing and no
one, except for the hobo.
Well, this is not the place
where we are supposed to be,
Must have been abandoned
20 years ago or more.
- Look at this.
- Thora please, not now.
- Pretty nasty.
- It's nasty but it's
getting dark
and we won't know where to
- I can recognize the building.
I wrote down the name of
the place and the motel too.
Stop freaking out.
- Thora.
- What a beautiful place.
Must have been a theater.
Pretty freaky.
Fuck you.
The middle of the forest.
Is there anyone here?
Hello Adam, hey.
- We should get back to the car,
you know.
- Uh huh.
Someone's over there!
- What?
- Over there, in the bushes!
- That way?
- Yes!
Stop, there, to the left!
- Nobody's here.
- There must
be somebody, I saw it.
- I said nobody's here!
Just come down!
- There.
- Pretty fucking grainy.
- There on the right.
You see?
- What the fuck?
- Maybe it was a bum.
Yeah it has to be a bum.
You just wouldn't believe,
it was full of garbage, the
rooms and the corridors.
It has to be a hobo paradise.
- Mm hmm, mm hmm.
- Should already be there.
- I was waiting for you to say
Oh my god.
Well that's just fucking
- Okay, I check it.
I'm so sorry.
- We'll figure this out somehow.
- I saw a road to
the right but we took a left.
Maybe we should have turned the
other way.
- Yeah, maybe.
- But let's not
go back there today, okay?
- Why?
I just turn around and look
for the byway, that's all.
- Yeah but I
recognize that we barely have
a quarter tank of gas so
if we just miss the turn
then we'll be stranded in
the middle of the road.
- Yeah, maybe someone would come
that way.
- How many cars
have you seen lately?
- Holy shit.
That's a hell of a stockpile.
- Oh, god bless her.
- Here it is, okay.
- Oh, thank you.
Anything to eat?
Some food?
Oh oh oh oh, god bless her.
The first thing will be when we
get back
to give her a big hug.
- Okay.
Bottles of water and
this flashlight, it's...
- so can we use it?
- Yeah, I guess.
Not so strong but it will be
- It will be fine.
- Yeah.
- Would you mind?
- Just do it.
Light in the darkness.
- I'm pretty sure
you must have regretted
coming with me by now.
- We regret a lot of things
as we head on forward.
- What do you mean?
- My mother wasn't sick.
When I turned 19 I got some
money together
and I bought my first car.
An old wreck, you know,
but I worked for it
and paid for it myself,
without anyone's help.
My then-girlfriend's name was
She had beautiful red
hair, sparkling eyes.
The most beautiful smile in the
- Adam?
- You know I wanted to
take her and my mother
for a drive to show them the
- I'm so sorry.
- It was raining that day
and there was that impossible
curve leading into the town we
lived in.
Because it flipped around
it took the ambulance
two hours to carve my
mother out of the car.
Jenny's head hit the window.
She died instantly.
Mum died in the helicopter.
And I was discharged from the
three days later.
Three days.
- I'm so sorry.
- One day I had nothing.
I mean at first I had
everything and then nothing.
- That's not true.
- I haven't even looked at the
photo album
since it happened.
I can't bring myself to.
And you know what?
I feel ashamed of that.
You should talk to your mother.
- You can't know
what my situation is like.
- I truly can't, that's
true, you're right.
But I would give anything,
to tell them how much I love
- I just couldn't
tell that to my mother.
- Yeah, but she's trying.
Even if it is a box of shitty
or a bunch of flower, she's
trying to fix
what she messed up.
She's trying to fix it.
I don't get a second chance
but you do, so take it.
Because I would personally
if you didn't take it.
We always fighting ourselves and
We try desperately to
achieve things we might not
even want to achieve.
We keep ignoring so many things,
or allow them to pass us by.
And we don't realize
what's really important.
Or worse.
We don't even want to.
- Where are you going?
- I think I could use some fresh
- Adam, Adam, just wake
up, Adam.
- What, what, what?
- There's something,
I heard something,
it was like, it was like people
- From where, which way?
- In the forest.
From behind the car.
- Wow.
- Probably just some kids
but they might know the way out
of here.
- I don't think that's a good
idea, just stay in the car.
- Come on, come on.
- Just stay in the fucking car.
- They can help us, come on.
- Shit.
What exactly did you hear?
- I'm telling you it was
like people shouting.
- Are you sure
that's what you heard?
- Come on.
- Shh, did you hear that?
- What, what did you hear?
What did you hear?
- Shh, shut the fuck up!
- What, what did you hear?
- Turn off the flashlight.
What the fuck?
Shit, shit.
That's it?
That's it, motherfucker!
- Now stop that!
Where are you going?
- What stop, what stop?
- Just stop that okay,
calm down.
Where are you going?
- Just back to the car.
I'm not staying here another
I'm not staying here
another fucking minute.
Where's the car?
- It has to be somewhere.
- It has to be but
it is not here so where
the fuck is our car?
- Check that way.
- Yeah that way.
That way, I will check it, yes,
no car, no car, no car.
Found anything?
Found anything?
- No!
- Answer me if I ask you.
- Adam here, come on.
- What?
- This is the tent that
we found in the trunk.
- What?
No way.
The tent.
- Yes, yes.
- And the bag?
- Yes.
Just calm down!
- Don't fuck tell me what to do!
- Calm down
please, just relax okay?
Listen to me.
Everything's going to be
Just come here, just
help me with this, okay?
We'll just keep going, we
have to leave this place.
Please, help me Adam.
- Okay.
- You're a real
gentleman, you know?
- Fuck you.
Just fuck you.
- Damnit.
- Watch your step.
Watch your step.
- A double cheeseburger and a
that's what I go for
once we're out of here.
And you?
- Fries with Mayo.
- Fries with Mayo?
- What's wrong with that?
- No pizzas with extra
toppings, stuff like that?
- No.
But I think I could eat fries
til I burst, believe me.
- It's very cold.
- Maybe we should set up camp
and get out of here tomorrow.
- No, we should find the car.
- How did we not
hear anyone take it?
- I know.
Maybe we took the wrong
trail or something,
we just ended up somewhere else
or not.
I really don't know.
- Hey, hey.
If you give us some flashlight
I do something here.
- Are we going to sleep there?
- Do you have any other idea?
- Okay.
Just do it.
How can I help you?
- Enough room?
- Sure.
You can come a bit closer if
you'd like.
- I'm okay.
We should wake up early in the
Everything will be alright,
- Right.
- You know, the station's
going to kill me.
Four cameras were in the car.
- We'll report it.
Just let's get out of here
- Careful, don't drink too much.
- You should drink.
- Thanks.
Not even a damn stream anywhere.
- Be careful.
- Thanks.
What the hell is that?
It's like an old cemetery.
Let me see.
Oh shit.
- Is this a kid's?
- Freshly dug.
A few days old.
It's like sawdust.
- Bag, clothes over there.
- Wait, wait.
- Nuh uh.
- What is that?
Is that blood or what?
Yeah there.
Shit, are you okay?
- No, I'm not okay.
- Thora, you need
to pull yourself together.
We need to go!
- I just need a second, okay?
Just a second.
- Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
- What?
- If you put that away
you'd have more energy
and you could follow me faster.
- I don't give a shit.
We've been wandering around for
almost a day and a half now.
Is it that much of a problem
that I want to record
whatever did that by the tree?
- Yeah you'll probably
record a bear or something.
- That leaves
flakey dust behind?
Bears just left a department
store, right?
Hopped in to get a neat little
and had time to bury about
30 people in the forest.
- Stop it, alright?
- No no no no no,
you don't get to tell me
what to do.
Besides you are going to the
wrong way,
the trail goes to the right.
- We have to go this way.
- That is more
fucking trees in front.
At least we could go around
this whole goddamn jungle.
- Okay okay okay okay.
Just a minute.
- What are you doing?
- Just a minute.
- Oh, Adam.
- Here it is.
After you, my lady.
- You are not helping, you know.
- No no no no.
- What?
- This can't be fucking real.
- What?
Oh god no.
- Just a little to the right.
We'd be hitting more trees,
Fuck you!
- I just wanted to help!
- Shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up.
That whole shit was your idea,
not mine!
- I didn't ask
you to come with me!
- No, you truly didn't.
But you fucked this up.
- Where are you going?
- I'm not about to spend
a night next to a cemetery
if you don't mind.
- Wait for me.
- Tomorrow we'll
go where I say, okay?
- Sure.
- Understood?
- Yeah, I understood.
I'm so sorry.
- Try to get some sleep.
Calm down, calm down.
I hear dogs.
- What?
- I hear dogs.
- I heard that sound, back at
the cars.
- But I can't hear it now.
- Maybe it's gone.
- I'll check it.
- No!
Don't go!
Please don't leave me here!
Maybe I should come with you.
- Just stay here in the tent.
- Be careful.
- Shh.
It's okay now.
Just stay here.
- Adam?
- It's me.
Let's go, let's go.
Come with me.
- Adam, I saw it,
it was there, it was there.
- Hurry, hurry.
We need to go.
- I see someone.
- Where?
- By that tree.
Oh god, oh god!
What are you doing?
- I'm looking for her phone.
- Maybe she's alive.
We have to keep going.
- Check her pockets too.
Check her pockets.
Flashlight out.
- It's coming after us!
- What is that?
The car?
- Oh my gosh, the car.
- Please let it work.
- Come on, let's go.
- Oh!
- Oh my god!
- Shit.
- I'll just check the
phone, okay.
Oh god.
- No signal?
- No, sorry.
Oh god.
- Better get off the trail
it might be after us.
Look, it's a house.
- A house?
- Yeah.
- Where?
Go, just go, knock the door.
- Shit.
- What?
Just knock the door.
Just let's find the key.
Oh, Adam.
Open it, open it.
Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
- Inside, inside, inside.
- Okay, okay, just close it.
Adam, Adam!
- Open the door Thora!
He stab him!
- What?
He stab him!
- What happened?
- I was just following the plan.
You escaped.
- Oh god.
- I wanted to follow the plan.
The movie.
- Get ambulance right now!
- But...
- call the fucking
emergency line,
you're the only one who speaks
Help's on its way.
- I saw it.
I saw it.
- Just don't talk, just don't
Adam, just don't talk, okay?
Please don't die.
- I won't die.
- We will have to be
really damn precise for this.
- That's what I'm saying.
We have to react to everything
right away.
Anything can happen.
- I just don't know why
we can't tell the guy too.
He seems smart enough.
- Yeah but that's how it
will be the most authentic.
Just trust me on this.
I checked the guy, he's a
mystery nut.
Not to mention that his
mother and girlfriend
died in a car crash where he was
- Damn, that's pretty rough.
- Yeah.
- Can you
really put this stuff on me?
- I can put it on you in
the car if that's what
you would like.
Just have to go carefully.
- What about the prosthetic
- It arrive on Friday, the
maker posted it yesterday.
- Good.
Will the cars be there?
- Yes, I know a few people
who can help us out.
- And what about the
homeless guy?
- Head of an acting group.
He said he would be
very much up for playing
in a good movie.
- You having been an exchange
student is a godsend.
- Well I know the area well
enough to draw you a map.
Holy shit, that's terrifying.
- Wow, it's even better
than in the pictures.
- It cost an arm and a leg, too.
And I just finished mixing
the sound for it as well.
- How many speakers did you
- 15, that should be enough.
And I always have an extra just
for sure.
- Will that be okay?
- Don't worry.
I'll handle it.
I've always been good with this
So yeah, the motel, don't
forget to scare him there
if he goes back to the room.
- Yeah, that
would make a good scene.
- Yeah, okay so then the old
- Is there anyone around there?
- No, just hobos.
One of my friends said that
those houses
haven't been used in more than
10 years.
Soldiers and their families
used to live there.
- It has character.
- Sure does.
- We will push the car
about 200 meters away.
You have to be the one to go
that way.
You can't let him go that
way otherwise he'll find it.
- Okay but just
don't forget that you
will have to drain the gas.
- Leave that to us.
- And won't animals
destroy the crosses?
- We will pull them out the
night before, don't worry.
- You have to be really clever
once you are in the house.
- And you better hold your
breath while playing dead.
- I'll be the deadest dead
person that ever lived.
- Okay everybody if it all works
we'll have a decent movie
in our hands just for sure.
- Well festivals might still
not give a shit about us
but at least we can make
some money out of this.
And the industry will notice us
- And whenever you can
keep it rolling and let him
have the camera sometimes as
After all, you are the main
Turned out pretty good.
Can barely smell it all at.
I mixed it up with sawdust.
Has Manny sent the money yet?
- Sure we have the money.
- Thora.
Are you sure you're wanting to
help us?
- Why not?
You know the saying.
There's no use crying over
spilled milk.
Okay, we can go.
No, please, no, please!
No, no!
- Yay, a good actress.
- Thank you.
That's a great opening scene.
- Yeah, you were right.
Have we reached the next step
on the sound of the moth too?
Everything will be more than
- Thank you.
- We are always
fighting ourselves and others.
We try desperately to achieve
the things
we might not even want anymore.
We keep ignoring so many things
or allow them to pass us by.
And we don't realize
what's really important.
Or worse, we don't even want to.
I saw it.