Mother, May I Sleep with Danger? (2016)

(wind whistling)
(distorted growl)
Come to me, come to me
Come to me, come to me
Come to me, come to me
Come to me, come to me
Come to me, come to me
No, not yet.
I had to set up first.
She's on her way to the house.
Hey, I got this, okay?
I'm doing it tonight.
(doorbell ringing)
I think she's here.
I got to go.
(phone beeps off)
(doorbell rings)
Come to me, come to me...
Come to me, come to me
Hey, baby. Mm...
Come in.
Hey, let's go upstairs,
all right?
Oh, I thought we were
gonna go see New Moon.
It's supposed to start...
No. My parents are out.
Let's just stay in, right?
And look,
I got you this.
(soft whooshing)
Do you like it?
I love it, it's beautiful.
Thank you.
Hey, you got your camera, right?
Good, because I want you
to photograph me.
I will be your muse.
(both laugh)
(camera shutter clicking)
You... are so beautiful.
Do you love me?
There's something
I need to tell you.
I'm a nightwalker.
Okay. What's a nightwalker?
It's like a vampire.
I'm just gonna
show you something.
Hey, hey!
I didn't choose
to be like this.
I-I don't know
what you're talking about.
I need to go.
We chose you.
Chose me? For what?
The nightwalkers--
we chose you.
Please just let me go.
No, no, you are not gonna go.
I love you.
What are you
talking about?
Please, please.
We can have this eternal bond,
I'm tired of killing.
If I turn you, we could feed
off each other forever.
You're acting
really crazy.
Please just let me go.
No! No...
No, Pearl! Pearl, stop!
(Pearl screams)
Please, please,
just leave me alone.
Get off of me!
It'll be better
for the both of us.
I don't understand
what you want from me.
Please, come on!
Please, just let me go!
You're the most important
thing in the world to me!
Come on!
Get back! (grunts)
(Pearl grunts)
(Pearl grunting)
(whimpers quietly)
I never meant...
to hurt you.
You're a nightwalker now.
And you are
gonna thirst...
and kill...
until you find
your one true love.
(distant howling)
(groaning, sobbing)
(screaming continues)
(growls, hisses)
(whispering voices)
(sucking, gulping)
(man whimpering)
Oh, no.
(indistinct chatter)
Vampires and sexuality.
Now, some argue that the
insatiable thirst for blood,
that makes vampires
metaphorically sexual creatures.
Bram Stoker:
he takes vampires
as a sex metaphor
to a whole new level.
He creates Dracula
as a queer figure.
So in contrast to Dracula,
what sort of bond
would Van Helsing have
with his band
of vampire hunters?
Heteronormative, yeah?
At least, it seems that way.
So, their quest to end Dracula,
it's also to reaffirm
that their own homosocial bonds
aren't queer.
Okay, so then Dracula
needed to be killed
because of Victorian homophobia,
but also because
he was a murderer.
Right. Yeah?
What about Twilight?
What about it?
Well, the Twilight point of view
is new, isn't it?
I mean, it makes vampires
good and-and cool.
It makes everyone
want to be a vampire.
Do you want
to be a vampire, Dan?
All right.
The Twilight books suck.
All right.
They don't all suck.
The first Twilight
book was good,
because it made teen sex
dangerous again.
Edward has to distance
himself from Bella
because of her blood
and later,
he won't have sex with her
because he's afraid he'll get
too excited and kill her.
I'd like to see where
you're gonna go with this.
In the past,
teen sex was forbidden.
A pregnancy out of wedlock
was, like, death.
But now, in our day,
we have Teen Mom shows,
and everyone
can just use condoms.
The first Twilight book
was great
because it equated teen sex
with death again.
And then they screwed
it up in the later books,
when he starts holding out
just because
he's a "Victorian gentleman."
And then they actually get
married as teens to have sex,
which is just a way
to cash in on teen sexuality
while trying to seem
morally responsible.
It's absurd.
Very interesting thoughts.
You can all
catch them, too, on Leah's
podcast for pop culture.
So, please, join it.
You know what?
I think we're
gonna end on that.
Your next reading chapters
will be listed in the syllabus.
Be careful of vampires.
Have a good day.
(indistinct chatter)
Hey, Leah!
Leah, wait up!
Oh, hey, Bob.
Ready for auditions tonight?
Oh, yeah.
I'm a little nervous.
Macbeth is tough.
You're gonna get
Lady Macbeth.
I mean, you're amazing.
So you ready for the, uh,
country club
Halloween party this year?
My parents told me
that your mom's
been doing a lot
of the planning?
Yeah, she gets so into it.
It's so embarrassing.
I'm gonna go study
my lines, okay?
Yeah, sure.
I'll see you tonight?
Yeah, yeah,
yeah, of course.
All right.
Break a leg!
(bell tolling)
And all our yesterdays
have lighted fools
the way to dusty death.
Out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow.
A poor player that struts
and frets his hour
upon the stage
and then is heard no more.
It is a tale
told by an idiot,
full of sound
and fury...
Great, Bob.
Good job.
I can tell you were
working on that.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Okay, thank you.
Okay, is there, uh,
is there anyone
else for Macbeth?
For-for Macbeth?
Yeah, I would like
to play Macbeth.
Okay, fine with me.
Give it a shot.
Just like
we practiced.
(clears throat)
(deep breath)
This'll be interesting.
We will proceed
no further in this business.
He hath honored me of late
and I have bought
golden opinions
from all sorts of people
which would be worn now
in their newest gloss,
not cast aside so soon.
I would...
Prithee, peace.
I dare do all that may
become a man.
Who dare do more is none.
If we should fail...
And we shall not fail.
Bring forth men
children only.
For thy undaunted metal should
compose nothing but nails.
Will it not be received when we
have marked with blood those
sleepy to of his own chamber
and used their very daggers
that they have done't?
Who dares
receive it other?
I am settled
and bend up
each corporal agent
to this terrible feat.
And mock the time
with fairest show.
May false face hide
what the false heart doth know.
That was, um...
(clears throat)
That was something.
All right, um...
ladies, that was, uh,
that was interesting.
Uh, two Lady Macbeths.
I like it.
Okay, good job.
And good job, everyone.
I'll post the results
later this week.
Really good work.
(indistinct chatter)
(dog barking in distance)
So, how's it going in there?
You know,
I miss you being around
more than just on laundry day.
Mom, come on,
at least I'm close.
I could have gone
out of state.
And I'm just
giving you a hard time.
I wanted to show the invitation.
The invites went out this week.
Looks good.
I think it's gonna be
even better than last year.
You're gonna have
a great time.
You always do a great job.
Oh, thanks, baby.
how did the audition go?
Good, I think.
Isn't Macbeth, like,
one of the bloodiest plays?
So what?
So, I don't know.
Are you sure you want
to be around all of that?
Mom, it's a play.
William Shakespeare.
They do it in elementary school.
I know that.
But not everyone
has been through
what you've been through.
I'll be fine.
So I was wondering
if I can invite
someone over for dinner
on Friday night?
Um, just someone
special I want you to meet.
"Just someone special"?
Of course, yes.
That would be great.
Don't make a big deal
about it, okay?
Who? Me?
No, I...
I got this.
(camera shutter clicking)
Stop your chasing me
Stop your staring,
hungry eyes
Give up your fantasy
I'm not playing games...
Is this okay?
It is impossible
for you to look bad.
I still want to do a shoot
outside the studio
at some point.
Why, you don't like it here?
No, just...
you never leave.
I like my cave.
I want you to come
to dinner at my mom's.
Yes, Leah.
It's time.
I thought that you said that
your mom was super conservative.
She is.
And weird and crazy.
Sometimes I wonder
if she's my real mom.
We're so different.
But it's important to me.
I just don't get why you care
so much what she thinks.
I don't care.
But I don't want
to hide anymore.
(camera shutter clicking)
I have something for you.
It's beautiful.
What did I do to deserve this?
I just want to thank you
for being my muse.
(camera shutter clicking)
I love posing for you.
Good, 'cause I want
to photograph you forever.
(phone chimes)
Oh, my God.
I got Macbeth.
Shut up.
(laughing) Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
That's awesome.
Oh, my God.
Oh, Bob's gonna be
so pissed off.
Who's Bob?
Just this guy
that has a crush on me.
He got Macduff.
Doesn't Macduff
kill Macbeth?
I guess he'll have
the motivation.
Man, don't worry
about that play.
We got that huge
party tonight.
It's gonna be sick.
There's gonna be
so many chicks there.
Oh, man, so many.
Yeah, dude,
like, at least, like, 50 people
are coming to the party.
Yeah, it's gonna
be a huge kegger.
Whoa, whoa.
Hey, hey, hey, Bob, look,
your girlfriend's outside.
Oh, holy shit.
Looks like you've been barking
up the wrong tree, buddy.
You guys shut
the hell up.
Enjoy the peeping, Bob.
What's going on, Pearl?
What do you mean?
Seems like you and Leah
are getting awfully close.
I'm still gonna do it. Soon.
It shouldn't be
taking this long.
Why are you spending
so much time with her?
Because I'm making
sure she's willing.
Better if
it's quick.
We don't want you having
any second thoughts.
I won't.
She's almost ready, I just don't
want her to have a bad turn.
You still owe us.
Yes, I know.
Well, we're waiting.
(door opens)
(door closes)
Wonderful. First time she's
on time in her whole life.
Hi, hon.
Hi, Mom.
Are you early?
Home cooking?
Stop it.
Raising you as a single mom
most of your life
didn't give me
many opportunities
for cooking lessons.
You might want to
put the oven on.
So what time
is Bob coming?
That's who's coming
to dinner, right?
(doorbell rings)
No, Mom,
it's not Bob.
Who is it?
(door opens, closes)
Mom... this is Pearl.
Thank you for
making dinner.
Yeah, no problem.
We have some of Mom's
homemade pie later.
You know, to be honest,
I, um... I kind of thought
Leah was bringing
a boyfriend over tonight.
So, Pearl,
what do you study?
a photographer.
PEARL: Yeah.
Yeah, she practically lives
at the photo lab at school.
It's my second home.
Is that what you
want to do or...?
Yeah, it is.
No, no, I... I think it's cute.
You guys all want to be artists.
My parents were actually
I'm sure they're
very proud of you.
They're gone... now,
but... they were.
Pearl, I'm sorry.
That's... that's unfortunate.
I'm sorry about that.
No, it's... totally okay.
It's fine, it happened
a long time ago.
Well, I'm sure Leah's
told you about her dad.
We're no strangers to loss.
No, she didn't.
He was murdered six years ago.
It was in Florida,
this psycho was
on the loose with a gun,
and it was Thanksgiving,
and he went to the grocery store
to get some
last-minute things...
...and the guy came in
and started shooting.
I had no idea.
I'm so sorry.
That's why we moved
to California.
Um, how about
we lighten the mood?
Why don't I, uh, go get
that homemade pie
I've been working
so hard on and some coffee?
Yeah, thank you.
Be right back, girls.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'll be fine.
This is just so weird.
You didn't tell her?
Not really.
I'm so sorry I didn't
tell you about my dad.
I don't talk about it.
I get it.
It's okay.
Thank you.
(insects trilling)
PEARL: Well, you must be
a pretty incredible woman
to have raised
a girl like Leah.
Aw, thank you so much.
Think I got pretty
lucky. (chuckles)
Thankfully, she's had
so many great friends
to help her out
along the way.
This is great.
Now we can add you to
that list, Pearl, right?
You know, it's funny.
Between us girls,
I'm actually really
nervous for the day
that Leah brings home
a boyfriend from college.
The reason I told you
someone special was
coming over is because...
...Pearl is special,
to me.
Pearl is my
This is just news to me,
you know?
I, uh... I don't know.
LEAH: I didn't know
how to tell you.
Yeah, you just did.
I'm sorry, I, uh, I'm just...
I'm feeling a little tired,
and I think this is just...
just too much for me
to handle right now.
So, uh...
Leah, please.
Thank you
for coming over.
Thank you.
Lovely. Thank you.
Thank you for having me.
Good night.
WOMEN: Double, double,
toil and trouble.
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Thrice the brinded
cat hath mewed.
Thrice and once
the hedge-pig whined.
Harpier cries,
"'Tis time, 'tis time."
Roundabout the
cauldron goes.
In the poison
entrails throw.
Toad, that under
cold stone,
days and nights
has thirty-one.
Sweltered venom
sleeping got,
boil thou first in
the charmed pot.
Double, double,
toil and trouble.
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
(rhythmic music plays)
Fillet of a fenny snake.
In the cauldron boil and bake.
Eye of newt and toe of frog.
Wool of bat and tongue of dog.
Adder's fork
and blind worm's sting.
Lizard's leg and owlet's wing.
For a charm of powerful trouble.
Like a hell-broth,
boil and bubble.
Double, double,
toil and trouble.
Fire burn....
Double, double,
toil and trouble.
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
By the pricking of my thumbs,
something wicked this way comes.
Open, locks, whoever knocks.
Like a hell-broth,
boil and bubble.
I did not direct that.
(door opening)
(indistinct chatter)
Leah. Hey.
What are you still doing here?
(laughs nervously)
Can I walk you home?
No, I'm going
to meet someone.
I can't catch a break.
What do you mean?
What do I have to do, Leah?
You don't have
to do anything.
It's not about you.
Well, what is it?
Just tell me.
I'm in love with someone.
Is it that girl?
I saw you kissing a girl
outside of your dorm.
D-do you like women?
Have you been
following me?
No, I'm not
following you.
Oh, you're a creep.
Hey, Leah!
Get off.
(wind blowing)
How's our little
newbie doing?
(exhales) I'm fine.
Still taking
your little photos?
We're going
hunting tomorrow.
Be ready.
You're hungry,
aren't you?
(wind blowing)
(keypad beeping)
(line ringing)
(phone buzzing)
(phone beeps)
Uh, hi, Ms. Lewisson?
Hi, this is, uh, Bob Segal.
Oh, Bob. Hi.
What can I do for you?
Well, this is hard to say.
It's about Leah.
Oh, no.
Is this about that girl?
Oh, you know?
What, that Leah
has a girlfriend?
Yeah, I do.
But is... what is it?
Is something wrong with her?
Well, she's bad news,
Ms. Lewisson.
She's part of a bad crowd.
Like what?
Bob, is my daughter in danger?
Yeah, yeah. I'm in the play
with a few of her friends.
They seem like they're in
some really sketchy stuff.
Like what?
I mean, they must be
into drugs or something.
She's really scaring me.
My God.
Okay, Bob, thank you very much
for telling me.
I have to go.
What the hell is going on?
What are you talking about?
Are you okay?
No, I'm not okay.
You need to get
away from Pearl, now.
Leah, this isn't right.
What's not right?
That I care about her?
I know what is going on.
I know that she's bringing you
into this whole new world
of trouble.
Mom, you don't know crap.
Can you just stay
out of my business?
You are my business.
And I won't have you pulled
into some crazy shit!
Okay, Mom.
Go screw yourself.
I don't even
know why I tried
to tell you about any of this
in the first place.
(door closes)
(insects trilling)
(phone beeps)
(line ringing)
Come on.
Hello. Uh, Professor Cardin?
Yes, this is he.
Hi, my name is Julie Lewisson.
And, uh, I'm actually calling
regarding one of your students.
I know this might
sound weird, but I...
I just recently saw her work
and I was actually hoping
to buy some of her photography.
Oh, that's great.
Yeah. It's beautiful.
Um... Pearl Thompson.
Uh, I don't have any student
by that name.
Could she be listed
under a different name?
Um... no, I'm-I'm...
I'm sure she's a student there.
She practically
lives in the lab.
No, I'm sorry.
She's not a student here.
Are you sure?
I'm absolutely sure.
Is there anything else
I can help you with?
No, I'm...
I guess it was just my mistake.
Okay, uh...
thank you for your time,
Oh, no problem.
Good night.
Good night.
The monster is often used
in horror films
and literature
to portray the "other."
The queer.
The queer that needs reforming.
Oh, my child
Oh, my child
Oh, my child
Oh, my child
The monster's victims
are not really victims,
but are hyper-exaggerated
of virile, misguided
(chatter, laughter)
These monster characters,
the "other,"
are often excluded
from society.
are ostracized,
Oh, my child
Oh, my child
Oh, my child
Oh, my child
Oh, my God...
And so these monster stories
serve as homosexual metaphors,
with the monster character
portraying the "other"...
...the queer symbol.
What the...?
Looks like it was
getting real romantic.
Yeah, real Casanova.
Oh... look at him.
Oh, he has to go
for drunk girls.
What's that all about, huh?
Oh, you're so cute.
(indistinct murmuring)
He looks so sad.
Why are you so sad?
(muffled breathing)
You really want
to kill yourself?
Oh, I'd hate myself,
too, if I were you.
(muffled screaming)
Ah, we wouldn't want
another college suicide.
(muffled scream)
Oh, please... stop.
Stop, stop...
(party music playing)
GIRL: Mandy?
Come on.
Let's go.
Where is she?
(girl screaming)
(screams echoing)
(door closes)
(metal clangs)
Come, ceiling night.
Scarf out the tender eye
of pitiful day
and with thy bloody
and invisible hand,
cancel and tear to pieces
that great bond
which keeps me pale.
Light thickens
and the crow
makes wing
to th' rooky wood.
Good things of day begin
to droop and drowse.
While night's black agents
to their preys do rouse.
(panting, moaning)
(door opens)
(door closes)
I'm so sorry I missed dinner.
Rehearsal went
super late.
Were you with Pearl?
No, I was at rehearsal.
You can't see her anymore.
What are you talking about?
I forbid you to see her again.
Because she's a woman?
No, because she is dangerous.
Are you serious?
You don't even know her.
And I don't think
you know her, either.
I know her enough
to know that I love her.
Leah, if you see her again,
I will stop paying
for your school!
You know what?
You're just sad.
(door closes)
Call me blind
Call me stupid
Call me anything
that you want
But I feel like something good
is gonna come...
(both laughing)
When I'm high
When I'm loving
When I'm starting
to sing this song
Well, I feel
like something good
Is gonna come...
Feel it flowing
As it starts
to take you over
Like the heat of the sun...
Yeah, I feel like
something good
Is on the way
And I know
that someone somewhere
Feels the same way
Yeah, I feel like
something good
Is on the way
And I know that someone
Somewhere feels the same
Won't you play
a game with me?
Hi, Pearl.
Where have you been?
SONTE: She's been busy
falling in love.
Where's your girlfriend?
You did turn her, right?
No, I didn't.
You're not actually
falling in love, are you?
Then what's
taking so long?
She's waiting to turn
her one true love.
Is that what you're planning?
No, it is not my plan.
I'm going to do it tonight.
I will do it tonight.
Don't let us down.
What do you think?
You look perfect.
If you say so.
You're the photographer.
Come on.
(indistinct chatter)
(both laughing)
(heart beating rapidly)
Are you okay?
Leah, I haven't been
completely honest
with you about myself.
Just tell me.
Just-- I-I can't.
You're not gonna believe me.
You're gonna think I'm crazy.
Tell me.
I am a nightwalker.
What does that mean?
I live off of blood.
I kill people for that blood.
I don't really understand.
I... am a vampire,
like in the movies.
I try to only go after
abusive men.
I try to make it okay,
but look...
I'm sorry, Leah.
I wanted to tell you, but I just
didn't think you'd believe me.
And I understand if you don't
ever want to see me again.
I just...
This is insane!
I know.
I'm sorry, I'm so...
Wha... what?
I'm sorry, Leah.
I-I-I can't be
here right now.
What the hell are you doing?!
I didn't do it, okay?
It was forced on me, remember?
I'm not gonna do that to Leah.
She's not gonna do it.
She better do it.
Or I will!
(bell tolling)
"Morning and evening,
maids heard the goblins cry.
"'Come buy our orchard fruits.
"Come buy, come buy.'
"She cried, 'Laura up in
the garden, did you miss me?
"'Come and kiss me,
never mind my bruises.
"'Hug me, kiss me,
"'suck my juices.
"'Squeezed from goblin fruits,
"'for you, goblin pulp
and goblin dew.
"'Eat me, drink me, love me,
"thirst me.'
"Cankered, goblin ridden,
"she clung about her sister.
"Kissed and kissed
and kissed her.
"Tears once again refreshed
her shrunken eyes.
"Dropping like rain
after a long, sultry drought.
"Shaking with anguish,
fear and pain,
she kissed and kissed her
with a hungry mouth."
"The Goblin Market."
Such an interesting one,
because it serves
as a double metaphor.
Isn't that right,
Will you care to expand?
Well, it's about...
virginity and impurity,
represented by Laura's giving
in to the goblins' seduction.
Tasting their
forbidden fruit.
But it's also about
the bonds of women.
Lizzie's love for Laura
was so strong that, ultimately,
in the end,
it saved her from her demise.
(phone line ringing)
I've been thinking,
and I want to see you.
I want to talk.
Yeah, I can meet you there.
Okay, see you tonight.
Thou sure and firm-set earth,
hear not my steps,
which way they walk,
for fear thy very stones
prate of my whereabouts.
And take the present horror
from the time
which now suits with it.
While I threat, he lives.
Words to the heat of deeds
too cold breath gives.
I go, and it is done.
The bell invites me.
For it is a knell that summons
thee to heaven or to hell.
Uh... (clears throat)
Great, okay.
Good job.
That was amazing.
You should probably
get cleaned up.
Thanks for coming here.
Yeah, why are we here?
I just come here sometimes.
It's kind of private.
I'm sure it is.
Leah, I'm so sorry.
Don't apologize.
You can't help
who you are, right?
Maybe this doesn't
make any sense...
I still love you.
You do?
Of course.
You're still you.
I love you.
Lie down
Lie my truth in you
And it's too late
for me to turn
Turn the tracks
of these memories
I've spent my whole life
Wishing it was you...
What's it like...
...being a nightwalker?
PEARL: Most of the time,
it's torture.
LEAH: Why?
I always thirst.
And, um,
I try to resist it, but...
most of the time, I give in.
How many?
I don't know.
Probably, like, eight.
They're all bad people,
but none of them
deserved to die.
Maybe they did.
they didn't.
I don't want to do this anymore.
Then what can you do?
I don't know.
Maybe I'll just lock myself
in a room or something.
And die?
PEARL: Maybe. Maybe that's
what I deserve.
Is there any other way?
Yeah, there's another way.
I don't want to tell you.
Tell me. I want to know.
If a nightwalker
finds their one true love,
and then they can turn them,
and then they can live
off of each other forever.
They call it an eternal bond.
Then I want you to make me
a nightwalker, Pearl.
Why not? Don't
you love me?
Yes. I do love you.
That is exactly why
I can't do that to you.
But I want you to. If it means
that we can be together,
if it means that
I can help you.
I don't want you
to suffer anymore.
All it means
is that you suffer, too.
You are in danger.
I have put you in danger.
You cannot trust me.
They made me pick you
just to turn you, but then
I fell in love with you,
and I don't want to...
There are others?
(sobs softly)
Leah, I'm sorry.
I put you in danger.
You need to get out of here.
If you stay around,
they're just gonna turn you.
Then you turn me.
You just need
to get out of here.
You don't want
to be around me.
Leah, you have to go. You have
to get... you have to go, now!
What? Why? Pearl, why?
Pearl, I'm not leaving.
I'm not. I'm not
leaving you...
Leah, go. Just go!
Hey, baby.
How's it going?
Tonight's gonna
be a lot of fun.
I'm really happy
you're coming with me.
You'd probably be obsessing
over where I was if I didn't.
You know I only want
the best for you, right?
Yeah, I believe you;
I just don't think
you know what's best for me.
I'm gonna finish
getting ready.
We should leave
soon, okay?
Say good-bye
To the life
That you knew
(crowd chattering)
Say hello
To the war
You've been dreaming
Say good-bye
It's all waiting
For you
Keep in mind when you go
Where you're aiming
At the place
Where you feel most alive
Say good-bye
To the life
That you knew
Say hello
To the dreams
you're concealing...
Hey, Leah!
Do you want a drink?
Uh, yeah, okay.
It's a great
party, huh?
Your mom
must be happy.
she is.
You can follow
what you've been feeling...
Look, I just want to apologize
for the way I've acted.
It's fine.
No, I-I mean it, all right?
I've-I've been
an idiot, all right?
It's like,
"Get a clue, Bob," right?
Don't worry, Bob.
It's fine.
I just want you
to be happy, Leah.
Thank you.
I like your outfit, by the way.
Huh? Dracula, huh?
A little clich, huh?
(growls) You know?
So misunderstood.
Hey, Pearl.
So happy you're here.
You look so
Oh, I missed you so much.
'Cause no one does it
better than you
Than you
And it feels so good
And it feels
so much better with you
'Cause no one
does it better
Than you
No one does it better
than you
'Cause no one does it
better than you
(distorting and fading):
Than you
(people laughing)
(distorted, indistinct
(distorted whispering)
Leah! You okay?
(distorted whispering)
(distorted voices)
Leah. Leah!
Leah. Leah!
Hey, Leah.
Relax, okay? It's okay.
Let's go get some fresh air.
Nice spot.
It's okay.
Hey, you're all right.
Come here.
(music continues in distance)
You know what? Here.
No, no, come on,
come on.
Let's sit down right here.
Right here.
Let's sit here.
Feel like...
There you go.
(shallow breathing)
Yeah, feel better?
(deep breaths)
Yeah, let's see.
Let's just take
this off, huh?
Huh? How's that? Yeah?
A little better?
Yeah? Huh?
How's that? Yeah?
Little better?
(grunting weakly)
(Leah groans)
Oh, sh... oh, God!
No, n-n-n-no.
Ah, God!
(gasping, sobbing)
Leah, where are you?
(shallow gasping)
Oh, my God!
Help! Somebody help!
God. Leah!
Oh, my God! Help!
Somebody help us!
Oh, baby. Oh, God.
Julie, what's going on?!
Leah's been
Baby. Leah, please.
I don't know if
she's breathing.
No, no.
Oh, my God.
I don't know what
to do! Oh, my God.
(birds chirping)
(footsteps approaching)
Hi, baby.
Oh, baby.
How are you feeling?
Not good.
I think Bob drugged me.
Leah, are you sure?
Yeah, it was definitely him.
Baby, Bob's been missing
since last night.
Something happened
to him, too.
He's gone?
Yeah, he is. It's okay, baby.
Look, I think you
just need to-to rest.
You've been through
a lot, okay?
Oh, my God,
it's my opening night.
Yeah, Leah, you're not
going to that, okay?
I have to.
After what you've
just experienced?
Absolutely not.
You can't just protect me
my whole life and hide things
from me just because
of what happened with Dad.
Bad things happen
to good people either way.
Okay, okay, calm down.
(sighs heavily)
You're right. Let me just
drive you to the theater, okay?
Yeah, thanks.
I love you.
(phone beeps)
(line ringing)
(line beeps)
Pearl, where are you?
I-I don't know
what happened last night.
I really hope you come tonight.
(wolf howls)
You guys weren't at the country
club party last night, were you?
We're not members
at such a fancy place.
Oh. My mistake.
(chuckles softly)
Have a good show.
(snapping fingers)
(rhythmic slapping)
(rapid stomping)
ALL: What a to-do to die today
at a minute or two to 2:00.
A thing distinctly hard to say
but harder still to do.
What a to-do to die today
at a minute or two to 2:00.
A thing distinctly hard to say
but harder still to do.
What a to-do to die today
at a minute or two to 2:00.
A thing distinctly hard to say
but harder still to do.
What a to-do to die today
at a minute or two to 2:00.
A thing distinctly hard to say
but harder still to do.
(applause, chuckling)
All right, you've worked
really hard on this.
I've never seen
a production of Macbeth
quite like this.
Oh, I shouldn't say the name.
That's bad luck, but...
I think
we'll be all right.
Oh, my God, it's Bob.
Uh, are you okay?
Where were you?
I'm here now.
All right. Come on.
Everyone in.
Everyone in.
(indistinct chatter)
(heart beating)
Oogah boogah!
Oogah boogah! Oogah boogah!
(applause, cheering)
Please 't Your Highness
to grace us
with your royal company?
The table's full.
But here is
a place reserved.
Which of you have
done this?! (panting)
What, my good lady?
Thou canst not
say I did it.
Never shake thy
gory locks at me.
Gentlemen, rise.
Her Highness is not well.
LENNOX (muffled):
But, peace. For from broad words
and 'cause he failed his
presence at the tyrant's feast,
I hear Macduff
lives in disgrace.
Sir, can you tell
where he bestows himself?
(crickets chirping)
Out, damned spot!
Out, I say!
One, two.
Why, then,
'tis time to do 't.
Hell is murky.
Fie, my lord, fie.
A soldier, and afeard?
What need we fear...
Did you have fun at
the Halloween party?
...our power
to account?
You gave me something.
Mm. Focus.
We have our big
scene coming up.
The one where
I kill you.
(wolf howls)
Turn, hellhound,
Get thee back.
My soul is too much charged
with the blood
of thine already.
I have no words.
My voice is in my sword.
Thou bloodier villain
than terms can give thee out!
(both shouting, grunting)
(panting, growls)
I always liked you, Leah.
But you...
had to make things
so difficult.
what are you doing?
We could've been together.
What are they doing?
But you...
had to go...
and be
a freak.
I'm gonna turn you
into a nightwalker, bitch!
(sword clatters)
Where are you going? Hey!
Uh, thanks for coming, everyone.
Uh, that's uh, Macbeth.
No... no, no, please, please.
Stop! Guys!
Oh, shh, shh.
I can't...
I've been waiting for this
for a long time, Leah.
Get off of her!
Mom's here.
Mom! Mom!
Mom, no! Run!
Bob, what are you gonna do?!
No! Bob... What's he gonna do?
What's he gonna do?
Don't worry,
it'll all be over very soon.
Please, please.
LEAH: Pearl!
Pearl, look out!
Come on, you bitch!
Get off of her!
Get off! Get off of her!
(groans, cries)
I love you.
Mom. Mom!
No. No, Mom.
She's gone.
She's gone.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Oh, no.
Oh, no. No.
We have to get
out of here, okay?
I'm sorry, we have to go.
Come on.
I can't.
I can't. I can't.
It's okay.
No, no.
(sobbing continues)
Heaven help us now
We're being engulfed somehow
The flames rise higher
Over us
Dark star up above
I never felt so in love
You and me, babe
There's no way out
Will you save me
Pretty baby
Dry your eyes...
You have to do it.
Pearl, please.
It's the only way.
Leah, I can still
protect you and wa...
No, I want to be with you.
I want to be with you, too.
Then give it to me.
Here, lay down.
Like this?
Does it hurt?
But it'll be over
in a few minutes,
and I'll be here
the whole time.
Here, I have you.
Will you save me
Pretty baby
Dry your eyes
We don't have to run
Will you save me
Pretty baby
Drifting through the night
Go on and on
Will you save me...
Pretty baby
Pretty baby
Save me...
Pretty baby
Pretty baby
I got the darkness, baby
You got the light
You'll be the sunshine,
I'll be the night
I got the darkness, baby
You got the light
You'll be the sunshine,
I'll be the night
Can you feel,
can you feel the pull?
I'm coming up
beside you, girl
Been around,
been around the world
And there ain't
nobody like you, girl
Got a crowd,
got a crowd tonight
But I see only one face
It might hurt,
but you're gonna like
What we do, me and you
Got a love that hurts
But it's what I need, oh
Will you take my heart
Make it bleed, make it bleed
Got a love that kills
But it sets me free, oh
Will you take my heart
Make it bleed, make it bleed
Got a love that hurts
But it's what I need, oh
Will you take my heart
Make it bleed, make it bleed
Got a love that kills
But it sets me free, oh
Will you take my heart
Make it bleed, make it bleed
In a crowded room
full of costumes
See a path, the truth
was underneath the mask
Hiding from the details
that a secret has
But in this moment,
nobody notices
Got a love that hurts
But it's what I need, oh
Will you take my heart
Make it bleed, make it bleed
Got a love that kills
Oh, it kills
But it sets me free, oh
Will you take my heart
Make it bleed, make it bleed
I got the darkness, baby
You got the light
You'll be the sunshine,
I'll be the light
Got a love that hurts
But it's what I need, oh
Will you take my heart
Make it bleed, make it bleed
Got a love that kills
But it sets me free, oh
Will you take my heart
Make it bleed, make it bleed
I got the darkness, baby
Got a love that hurts
You got the light
But it's what I need, oh
You'll be the sunshine,
Will you take my heart
I'll be the night
Make it bleed,
make it bleed.
(soft breathing)