Mother Never Dies (1942)

To the loyal: Raise your guns
to support the bereaved.
Showa 3 (1928)
Sakaguchi Securities
- Itsuka-kun
- Yes?
These are for you.
Thank you very much.
Sugai-san, here's the money
you lent me. Thanks a lot.
- Your help was precious all this time.
- I'm thankful to you.
- Take care of yourself.
- You too
It looks like everything's
cleaned up now.
I know how rough this must be
on all of you,
but I'd like you to forget
and forgive.
We did what we could,
but our parent company lost its assets,
there wasn't much we could do.
I understand how long and hard
all of you have worked,
and it's truly unfortunate that
you'll lose your jobs because of this.
I sincerely apologise
for allowing this to happen.
Nevertheless, I'd like all of you
to do your best to get over this.
It isn't much I know,
but here's a little bit for all of you
to go out drinking.
Thank you very much.
- Thank you very much.
- Take care everyone.
Sugai-san, shall we be going?
Alterations and Repair
Here you go.
You're probably tired of me bothering
you every night about this,
but I can't give up on it.
But I just can't let that much money
go down the drain.
Sorry to have caused you so much trouble.
I apologise for that.
If we had any money at all,
I wouldn't be bothering you about it.
But I'm just a low-ranking guy
at a no-name printing outfit.
Please, lend me some money.
Ok, but we don't have any.
I don't know much about stocks,
but Sugai told me it's the best way
to make money, so I believed him.
Sorry about that.
I wonder...
What if I had just put the money
in a postal savings account.
But can't you do something?
Sugai seems to be doing just fine
at Sakaguchi.
I don't know anything
about investments.
Please, excuse me.
Tell your father to come right away,
we have a guest.
I know this will seem rude,
but here's 200 yen.
Please, accept it.
Why are you giving me this?
Please, don't be upset.
I can't accept that money,
no matter how much I might need it.
I wasn't meaning to insult you.
I had put a little bit of money
in a postal savings account,
just in case I needed it.
I took out half of it today.
My husband doesn't know about it
Kanemura-san, we can't undo
what has been done,
but we've caused you a lot of trouble.
- Please, accept this money.
- I can't just take that.
I insist. Please, take half.
I don't want it.
I've brought up all sorts of unpleasantness.
Not at all.
Put your money away.
I understand how you feel.
That's good enough.
What is it?
We have a guest and Mother ask you
to come home.
Thank for your time.
Don't say anything to Sugai.
- Please, take this....
- No, no.
"Life is long..."
Oh, Kanemura-san.
I'm really sorry about that.
What are you talking about?
You know, tonight I understood
just how good your wife is.
I'm not going to do any more complaining.
Do your best.
Tomorrow is Friday, right?
I have calligraphy, math, gym, and science.
Make sure you don't forget anything.
Go to bed
What is it?
When will it be all right?
What do you mean?
You know what I mean...
Can I go?
Ah... you mean the summer camp?
It's OK, right?
Didn't we say you'd go next year?
You can go while
in the sixth grade, right?
But father lost his job.
Are you worried about that?
Just because Father lost his job
doesn't mean he can't get
another job somewhere else.
So it's all right, then?
Your father is back
You'd better go to bed.
Welcome back.
- Could you get me some water?
- Yes.
I guess I'll be joining
the lumpenproletariat tomorrow.
Two, three, four...
Eight fishes.
We had twelve yesterday.
Isn't it, dad?
These are good stewed.
You want some?
It'd be OK, wouldn't it?
Give her half of it.
- Yumiko, how is your father? Is he all right?
- Yes.
Tell him I said hello.
- Here you go.
- Thank you very much. Goodbye.
Yumiko's family is going to Kagetsuen,
next Sunday.
Shall we go somewhere?
- Yes, we can go fishing next Sunday.
- I don't want to go fishing!
She says there is many things
to do at Kagetsuen.
It's time to eat
Wash your hands.
I'll take you somewhere soon.
- Really?
- Of course!
I think I'll go out somewhere tomorrow.
Go out?
I can't just hang around here all the time
Do you have something lined up?
But there must be someone out there.
Tokyo is a big city.
This is rough for you.
What are you talking about?
I'll leave the house with you tomorrow.
- For work?
- Yes.
You should take some of those fishes
for your lunch. They're good.
How many are there?
- Four.
- Well, I'll take half of it.
Working in a factory, right?
There are openings for workforce.
You're in good health, right?
Well, I'm not sure I can do that...
Otherwise, we look for insurance agents.
Well, I'll be back again tomorrow.
Mr. Yamane.
How was it today?
The same as ever,
insurance or working in a factory.
Can you do insurance?
My old job was a bit like that.
A person in my position has done
a lot of those kind of jobs.
I'm going to see one more place.
Oh, that sounds rough.
Well, see you later
Why don't you go to bed?
It's 10 already.
You have to get up early again, tomorrow.
You seem pretty tired.
Do you feel all right?
Yes, I'm fine.
I forgot... this is for you.
Tomorrow, I have nothing planned.
I'm going to relax.
I'm not.
It'd be really terrible,
if something happened to you.
You have to stay in good health.
Shgo needs you.
You know, it won't always be this rough.
- Things will get better.
- I know.
You should be thankful to be
in good health.
It makes you think.
From here on,
I'm going to work harder.
Today it was really pathetic.
The "Pikkari Eki" job?
It's pretty tight at home,
but still...
I couldn't tell my wife that I was cleaning
the mirrors in barbershops.
That's for sure.
Do you really think there are decent jobs
out there?
I need to believe that there really are.
Who knows?
What about you, today?
I think I'll have a walk.
At ease.
Up to today, you've all been
very lively and cheerful.
Cheerfulness is the most important for children.
And not only for children.
Men, especially Japanese men,
must never resign,
must always have the right spirit.
I think you all understand that quite well.
That's why I can leave you all
with peace of mind.
Tomorrow, I'll be transferred
to another school.
I don't know when I'll get back,
there is one important thing I want
you to remember:
you should never forget
what it feels like to be Japanese.
It's the only thing I want you
to remember from me.
- Raise your hand, if you've understood.
- Yes!
That's the spirit.
You're all going to be good Japanese, right?
Look at that shine!
I'm not being rude, but you're going
to have to buy a bottle of this stuff.
The name of this cleaning product
is Pikkari Eki!
What do you think?
It sure is clean, isn't it?
The name is Pikkari Eki.
- This is good, Dad.
- Yes, this is roast beef.
So what we had before wasn't beef?
Of course.
But there is beef and beef.
Well then, what kind is this one?
What kind of beef?
You see people pulling cattle around, right?
Well, this isn't cheap beef like that.
It's fancier.
You're not eating much.
We haven't had meat in such a long time.
I thought I would really enjoy it, but...
Your stomach is still hurting?
Yes, I wonder what's wrong?
Mother, are you sick?
No... What would make me sick?
But there's this lump right around here.
What can it be?
Shouldn't you have a doctor look at it?
It's not a big deal.
After all, I'm the daughter of a samurai,
I have to act like one. I'll get better,
if I don't eat for a couple days.
Shgo, my grandmother,
that would be your great-grandmother,
she was really strong.
The night before your great-grandfather
went off to fight in the Satsuma rebellion,
to encourage him, she said
she'd cut her throat if he lost.
That's really something!
Isn't it though?
I'm her granddaughter, so I'm not going
to get bothered by a little ulcer.
Here, you have to eat for me.
You too, Father. You have to go out
and work hard, so eat up.
This bit is cooked.
Shine, shine.
Now it's really gleaming.
That does it, now I'm satisfied.
A barber's business hinges on his mirror.
You can't let it get the least bit dirty.
Isn't that right?
Doesn't it look good?
You're rubbing the mirror so hard
you don't need any extra-product!
There. See? It's shining, isn't it?
Just like the name says.
How about a bottle for you?
But we don't have any mirrors
worth polishing at home.
Those are cold words, mister.
A barber shop is different,
isn't it?
Your customers look at mirrors all the time,
you must have them clean.
I'll get a bottle for you.
I don't think I can keep up
with your sale pitch!
I would never oversell my products.
I don't need that much
- As you've got it out, give me two.
- Thank you.
Your shop will be a lot more popular!
Sit down. Let's talk.
- It's getting cold.
- It sure is.
I have the stove running all day, but still
it remains cold inside.
My back bothers me all night.
- Thank you.
- Thank you. Come again.
Be careful about your health.
This weather is dangerous.
Thanks. You know, I'm jealous of you.
You're always so composed.
Am I really?
I work all day and I get tired.
It's nice of you to say that, though.
You must be kidding!
Not at all.
On top of that my wife is sick.
What's wrong?
She's got something right around here,
like a rock,
she doesn't have much of an appetite.
It could be serious.
It might be cancer.
What does the doctor say?
She says that it's nothing to worry about.
Seriously? A cancer can give you
a lump like that?
You'd better take this seriously.
It might be too late to do anything.
I think she would do
something, if it was serious.
And then?
Then what?
Then you have...
I'm home.
- Welcome back, Father.
- Welcome home.
- It's cold out there, isn't it?
- Yes.
You're home early today.
How are you feeling today?
It's still there.
The lump is still there?
Yes. A little bit.
But it's OK. I'm fine.
I feel better
Shgo, there's a doctor in the third block.
Tell him to come right away.
What for?
Why are you calling a doctor?
My body is in good health.
Don't worry.
Why don't you rest a little?
You have to take care of yourself.
Shgo is still young.
That is why...
I'm sorry to make you worry.
You must take care of her.
In what year are you?
He's in the fifth grade.
So what do you think?
I don't think there's much
to worry about.
But the stomach is a very important organ,
and you have to take care of it.
I'll prescribe some medicine.
You could take some as well.
I'm going to get some medicine.
Thank you
You take care of your mother.
You can study here.
I'm going
This is bad.
Why did you wait so long?
Didn't you notice?
So it's stomach cancer?
I can't do anything.
Listen, Shgo.
You're a good kid.
If I'll not be around,
you can still become someone, right?
This is just some minor illness,
I will not loose against it.
But if something happens to me,
I want you to become a good person,
you and Father.
Can't you say something, Shgo?
I'm sorry.
This is a foolish thing.
Don't worry, I'm not going to die.
Here's the medicine.
This will make you better.
Shgo, get some water.
What's wrong?
Do you feel bad?
Good morning.
Today is hot, eh?
This is what I was talking about.
Sorry for being so late.
That's very good.
Here's what I owe you from before,
and for this time.
You did very well.
It's dusty this time of year.
Mirrors get dirty quick.
It's good to sell cleaning product.
That's right.
I wish everyone worked like you did.
Well, things are different for me.
How is your wife? And your son?
Well, it's not clear.
She's in bed all the time,
and nothing seems to help.
That's terrible.
The doctor isn't encouraging,
but I intend to have her cured
one way or another.
Whatever I have to do.
Well, take care of her.
You're always so nice to me.
It's nothing really.
Do you have any laundry today?
Yes, please.
- Go take the laundry.
- Yes.
- Where is the laundry?
- Right here.
I don't know what to say,
I wish I feel better to thank you.
Well, when you get better,
you can do laundry for us.
Thank you for the food yesterday,
it was really good.
Did you have some?
I'm glad you liked it anyway.
Let's go, Yumiko.
- Take care of yourself.
- Thank you very much.
Yumiko says she's going to summer camp.
That seems to be interesting
Shgo, eat before it gets cold.
Mother, the rice porridge today was good.
Really? Thank you.
Welcome back, Father.
How's mother feeling today?
She had double portion of food, today.
Is that right?
You had appetite today?
That's good.
What's with you today?
I think he wants something.
Something? What is it?
Summer camp.
I can go, right?
Can I, mum?
Shgo, sit down here.
I'd love to send you,
but you know your mother is sick.
Don't worry about me,
I can ask Mrs. Kanemura to help me
for a week or so.
It's all right. I won't go.
With that kind of attitude,
your mother will get better really soon.
And then, you can go anywhere.
It's not the right time,
but he was really looking forward
to it.
Morning. It's been a long time.
Are these your wife's plants?
This is actually a way
to get more business.
Do you want one?
I'm fine. I'll polish your mirror, first.
- No need for that.
- I insist.
You're so cheerful, as usual.
I really envy you!
Me? Cheerful?
Not at all.
I just do what I have to do
for my work.
- Some pretty words...
- Really, I'm serious.
How's your wife?
She's still the same.
That's no good.
But a mother has to take care
of her children,
no matter what happens.
You might feel depressed,
you couldn't do anything for your wife.
I do understand how you feel,
but you have to make an effort.
That's my only regret.
No doubt.
This note might actually cheer you up.
The chief was very impressed.
He said, someone taking care
so well of his wife must be good.
He said that he'd like you not to give up,
and to give it a little more.
Actually, you own that to your wife's spirit.
You have a child to take care of,
so you have a lot of responsibility.
If there's anything I can do, just let me know.
Thank you.
I appreciate your kind words.
Well. I'm going to take this
to the station chief.
Please, forgive me
for suddenly leaving you like this.
When I think about how hard
it was for you,
and how the end must have hurt you,
I'm filled with terrible regret.
However, there's little chance
that anyone can save me.
No matter how much you try
to hide the truth and encourage me,
I know best what my body
is telling me.
If it had been just you and me,
I might have let you care for me
for the rest of my life.
But we have Shgo,
and when I consider Shgo, as a mother,
when I think of asking you to care of me
despite my incurable illness,
and you were sacrifying your career for me.
Not only would I have made you miserable,
but I would have ended up hurting Shgo.
Please, make Shgo into a fine Japanese man.
I have great faith that
he can become important.
I pray that you can forget
these terrible events
and live out your years on Earth
with strength.
Finally, thank you for treating me
so well for such a long time.
I will try to take some of the happiness
I found with you
along with me on my journey.
Welcome back.
Sorry to give you trouble.
- What did the police want?
- Nothing serious, right?
Nothing, just a few questions
to understand the details.
In fact, they were even encouraging.
That's good.
You must be tired.
You should have a rest.
We've informed the temple.
This is a strange request but...
Shgo is now at the summer camp.
I like you to understand that,
as this event will be a shock for him.
I prefer not to tell him for the moment.
I understand.
That would be all right with everyone.
Do your best
and put your wife's spirit at ease.
That's our request.
Don't worry, Sadayo.
I'll take care of Shgo.
why don't you take a break?
Horumarin 100
There are all kinds of water:
for example, pure water
natural water,
drinking water,
distalled water,
and tap water.
All of these contain
trace of dissolved solids.
And according to the type
and amounts
of these dissolved solids,
we distinguish between...
hard water and soft water.
can I go get some notes from my friend?
There's something I don't understand.
Which friend?
One who lives near Oji station.
Well, come back home right after.
Students shouldn't be out late.
I'm going.
Come home quickly.
Shgo, where are you going?
Organic Chemistry
- Shgo, it's been a long time.
- What a surprise!
- Why this outfit?
- It's my school uniform.
- Where are you going to school?
- Toyo Technical.
- What about you?
- Seishin.
You know, we moved into
our new place.
It's in Hongo.
You go to Takaramachi and you just ask
for Kanemura Printing.
Please, come and visit us.
- Your father started a printing business?
- Yes, he did.
Actually, I'm out for him right now.
- Where are you going?
- That way.
- Well, I'll see you soon right? Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
You need to go out
from time to time.
I'm too busy.
What are you going to achieve
by working all the time?
I told you. There many fine women
out there.
Not that talk again!
I know how you feel about
your wife, but...
I appreciate your concern,
but I don't want another wife.
You have to think about Shgo.
Everyday you come home late.
He sits here by himself and plays his harmonica.
He seems so lonely.
Why are you so happy about, today?
Something good happened?
As of tomorrow,
I'm going to be a mechanic.
Oh, so you got a promotion?
- That's great!
- We have to celebrate Sugai's promotion!
Leave it to me.
We'll get 30 or 40 geisha.
Sounds like a good idea!
Hey, bring another bottle!
Are you all right drinking that much?
After you don't know how to go home.
There's been a promotion.
We're celebrating.
Arakawa-san got promoted?
You said when you got promoted,
you'd buy me a handbag.
It wasn't me who got the promotion.
Well, never mind then.
This is absurd.
Sorry, I didn't get a promotion.
I guess I'm not going to get one.
You don't have to shout.
Don't I deserve to get promoted?
Shut up and listen. I'm hungry.
Let's go get something to eat.
Sugai-san, come with us.
I'm older than you.
I think I'm going.
Come on, come with us!
Let's go together!
Listen, let's do some other time.
As you wish. Let's go!
Miss, how much was it?
- 6 yen 20 sen. Thank you.
- 6 yen 20 sen.
Are you going to pay for them?
That's not very nice from them.
You should have gotten them to chip in.
I got a promotion.
We were celebrating.
I see.
Thank you very much.
Keep the change.
Ah well, what can you do?
What can you do?
She's nice isn't she?
Welcome back.
- Is he a friend from school?
- This is Omiya.
Nice meeting you.
Shgo, you hid something.
Show it to me!
Go back home. It's late and
your family might be worried.
Take it out.
Hurry! give it to me.
What's the matter with you?
Playing with things like that?
Do you think you can become important?
Dear, what should I do?
Shgo is not becoming what I'd like
He seems to have a lot of bad friends.
What should I do?
That's how I see things
That's it !
I have to put him him
in a new quiet school.
That's it. Let's do it this way.
And on Sundays, I should go somewhere
and do something fun with him.
Father, is it far from here?
We're almost there.
- Are you tired?
- Yes.
- We'll go back by train, right?
- Yes.
Here use this
Matsukage Shrine
Variety Store
What is it today?
We're going to play ball
He's a boy after all,
and he likes sports.
Are you sure you can do it
No problem. I can throw a ball around.
Let's go.
See you later
Sugai-san sure takes care of his son.
Every Sunday he takes his boy
somewhere special.
Sorry, sorry.
There's a rumour going around
that you've been researching.
Do you know what boys like to do?
How old is he?
he is 14.
Well, I don't know. I don't play
with my boy that often.
School ends at 14:00.
I study during the day and can
play in the evening.
You're lucky. We run a shop,
so we're up to midnight.
It must be hard to study
when you're sleepy.
Oh, I don't study,
but I do read books during the day.
What kind of books?
Stuff about ghosts.
Don't you have any good books?
Can you bring some?
I do. I'll lend them to you.
- Really?
- Of course.
How to do it?
Should I go to your place?
Just ask of me.
My name is Mie.
I can't do that.
I'll just leave the books.
All right, but don't forget!
I said to Aihara I'd lend him a book.
Can I go?
Who's Aihara?
He's the class president. He's really capable.
Of what?
You can do that later.
We have to go to Kudo's place.
Leave it here. On the way back,
we'll go to Shiruko Park.
Let's go.
Come on. Leave that here.
I heard that you moved.
I did. It was too noisy at our old place.
Where did you move to?
To Shimura.
That's tough.
Well, it's really noisy in the city.
You're late
Yes... you felt lonely?
No.. not at all.
Shgo, I made a great invention.
Well, it's not perfect yet,
look at this.
What is it?
Well... What I've done is...
I dropped a glove into
a can of carbolic acid.
Carbolic acid is what you use
to make Bakelite
And then, I put it on top of a machine
and forgot about it.
It got really hard.
Then I heated it up and put it
under a press.
It looked like this when it came out.
What can you make with this?
I don't know yet.
This isn't much, but it's hard.
There must be something
you could make with this.
That's great.
It is.
Shall we eat?
You were late.
I already had dinner.
Today it's very good.
Mother liked this stuff, didn't she?
She did, yes.
Today is the anniversary of her death.
You're right. I completely forgot.
Thank you.
You gave me the idea, right?
Shgo, I'm going to work really hard.
- I want you to study hard, ok?
- Yes.
What's the matter, Father?
Are you tired?
I don't think I came make this invention.
I've got too much to do.
Make Shgo an important person...
You are still here? Get some rest,
or you're ruin your health.
This is it. This will do.
Did you come up with something?
I owe it to you. I really do.
Are you done with your invention?
Worker discover a new technique
for Bakelite: Sugai Lite
So what do you think?
Will you give us the patent?
As he says, it's your invention.
but it takes capital to make money
off a patent.
So why don't you let us use the patent,
and we'll sell Sugai Lite to the world?
If you're not satisfied, just let me know.
The company could pay a little more.
What do you think?
Just tell us what you want.
Come on! Just tell us.
Just a moment.
From what you've been saying,
you assume that I did all this for money.
That's wasn't my intention at all.
I feel that if I have the privilege of working here
at this factory.
Please, use my patent,
if it's useful to you.
But even so
That's why I've been asking you
what you want.
No, please, I don't want anything for it.
But even so-
Really, I don't want anything.
Use this invention as you please.
This invention was a result of an accident.
Or maybe I was guided by a spirit,
as they say.
Even, if i dare say, the spirit of my wife.
I feel embarassed of such an unearthly explanation.
I have the feeling that it was my wife's spirit
that guided me to the invention.
I'm a little embarassed
to make such a strange explanation.
I've been searching for something
I can do for her.
It's my belief that if I can enjoy this work,
I'm working to placate my wife's spirit.
That's why I really
don't want any money for this.
Is that right?
Now I understand.
It was wrong of me to try to reward
your beautiful spirit with money.
I'm sorry about that.
Not at all.
However, even so,
if it's not for you, why don't you
build a memorial?
What do you think?
You dedicate your work
to your wife's spirit.
Take it. He's been so kind to you,
Here use this to build a memorial
This sure is a lot of money
- Here. Take it.
- Well....
So? Take it.
Can you make it out of one stone?
Yes, that's fine.
Wouldn't it be better to use the same stone
for both the grave and the fence?
This one stands up
to sun and weather best.
Do what you think is best.
Thank you.
After the grave is done,
shouldn't we go on a trip?
You've never been on a long train trip,
have you?
Where shall we go?
How about Nikk?
- Good. Can we also go to Chzenji?
- Sure.
So Nikk it'll be, then.
I've got a little money now.
You know, I've been here once before.
- When?
- Before you were born. Long time ago.
With your mum.
- It was our honeymoon.
- Honeymoon?
I told your mother that when I became
an important person,
I'd put up a cottage here.
Then when I'll become someone,
I'll do it.
That's great.
What are you going to be?
When I'll grew up, I'll join a company.
And I'll be a technician.
Technicians are great, right?
That's not enough.
You must have bigger dreams than that.
You seem a little timid.
After high school, you'll go to Technical University,
you'll get technician degree right away,
then superior technician, engineer.
Then maybe you can get a doctorate!
With hard work you can go anywhere.
Then I'll work hard.
Still a cottage wouldn't be
any fun without Mother around.
Yes. Mother is probably smiling
on you from afar.
- You have to become somebody!
- Yes.
6 years later
These atoms which emit radiation
are called radioactive atoms.
Now, for an atom
to emit radiation means
that the atom is naturally
disintegrating and...
Hey, Sugai!
Your father invented Sugai Lite,
didn't he?
- That's really something
- That's no big deal.
Research Institute
Director Office
Yes, twelve or thirteen people.
A big room with a good view would be best.
You have one? Hey, they have one.
They do? Then get some geisha.
So then we can have some one
to attend on us?
Nobuen, Haru, Komaki, Kiyoko.
How about Kiyoko?
- Hey, you can go home now.
- Thank you.
Make it Kiyoko,
and I'll leave the rest to you.
Six o'clock then?
Amano is just asking for the things
that he wants.
I think it's less a party for Sugai
than something to entertain you guys.
Right, Sugai-san?
That's right. You'll have good time
I'll have to leave early, anyway.
- You can't do that, it's your party.
- Of course I can
Actually, there's a little event
at my place tonight.
Moreover, it'd be more fun for you,
if I went home early.
Will have you some more?
- This is Nikk, isn't it?
- Yes.
My father and I went six
or seven years ago.
No, it's older than that.
Your late mother looks very young.
Ah, then it was their honeymoon.
Your mother was really pretty.
Yes, she certainly was
Will have you some more?
Maya! We're out of sake!
It's enough for me.
- I don't need anymore.
- Really, we are fine.
It's my Father's orders to make sure
you have enough sake,
Why are you yelling for Maya like that?
We're out of sake.
Then stop giving it to my father!
That's not possible.
I'll go myself.
You smoke another one?
Of course I'll smoke another one.
It's a party!
You shouldn't. I don't like it.
I'm going to find you someone
who smokes to marry.
Hey, look at this.
That's interesting. That kind of hairstyle
was popular back then, wasn't it?
Yes, it was.
Here we go, I got some more.
Sorry to trouble you
Let's have another one, together
No, thank you.
- My father would scold me.
- Really?
Let me pour you some.
I'm back.
Excuse me for being late.
We were living it up while waiting.
We're glad to see you again.
Moreover, congratulations for your promotion.
Please, don't.
You're embarassing me.
Come on. Let's have a drink together.
- Give me the bottle then.
- It's alright.
- I should be pouring you a drink.
- It's the same.
Let's have this one's
for the director of Kanemura Printing.
You know, Sugai-san,
I've never been the director
of anything yet.
- I'd like to become one director, someday.
- But you are.
You have ten people working under you.
You're indeed director of Kanemura Printing.
Well, let's forget about it. Maybe
I should just leave it at that...
- Seeing you brings back memories.
- It sure does.
I've always been a person who looks ahead.
But meeting you always makes me
remembering the past.
We've both come a long ways,
haven't we?
I owe all I have to you and your wife.
That's ridiculous.
I hesitate to say this in front
of you,
but she was a really good wife.
- Hey, that's not right.
- Sorry.
Shgo, you smoke too, don't you?
smoking? Yes, I do.
That's why there's a hole in your pant.
- How come?
- you didn't notice?
What a slob you are!
I'll fix it for you.
- Don't bother.
- You can't just leave it like that.
All right, then.
I brought a sewing box.
You take such good care of people.
That's a woman's job.
Is it?
Don't you know?
Are you going to get married soon?
Well, I'm a woman after all.
Who are you going to marry then?
I don't know yet.
Why? Do you want
to marry me?
- That would be fine with me.
- Really?
- But it's not possible.
- Why not?
It's difficult for friends since childhood.
That's true.
Moreover, we're the same age.
I couldn't keep up with you.
Don't be silly. It's me
who wouldn't keep up.
The man I would marry...
well, would be someone five years older
and one I can rely on.
He also should be someone fun.
Sorry I'm not fun.
Well, if you try,
you might become funny.
How dare you...
The water's boiling.
I'm sorry.
That hurts!
This looks like a good spot.
Thanks for finding it for me.
Yes, once the factory's done,
you'll be president of the company.
How does it feel?
That's ridiculous. Me, a boss?
I'm going to work like the others.
When workers see someone
like me working with them,
it will encourage them.
I'll be working right alongside them.
I can't see myself as anything
above them.
You're so serious.
Being with you, I've learned so much.
Thank you. I've done what I could.
I'm going to take a walk around.
Are you coming with me?
I see. Well then let's go.
- Bae-san came to see you.
- I see. Thank you.
Today I have something to celebrate.
I'll have to leave early.
- What is it?
- A wedding.
What's the matter, Ken?
You walk around like a bear at the zoo.
You're beautiful. I want to get
a good look at you.
- You should keep quiet, though.
- Why?
A bride has to keep her mouth shut.
As soon as you say something,
you ruin everything.
My head has been killing me
for a while now.
It's not easy being a bride.
Stop complaining.
You know you're really happy.
Mom! Lock him up somewhere!
Ken, come one. Go sit over there.
Why's that?
She could get a chair for me.
What's with you two?
- She's such an outspoken child.
- No, she's a good kid.
Now, you must be relieved.
I don't think I'll stop worrying
until she settles in her new place.
Don't be silly.
A good, solid girl like that?
Well, thank you very much.
I just wonder
when I'll be able to relax.
Shgo is going to graduate soon,
isn't he?
Yes, but that doesn't mean anything.
Your Yumiko is the same age,
but she's all grown up.
He's still immature and is not ready
to be a man yet.
That can't be true.
Everything's ready now.
Say something to your father.
Thank you for taking care of me
for so long.
- What a good bride!
- Thank you.
- Shgo. The war has been declared.
- What? The war?
Beijing 8th - Chinese army fires illegally
In Beijing last night, the Chinese army fired
artillery at Japanese positions,
and the Japanese army returned the fire.
Soon the two armies were engaged...
It's finally started.
- What do you think, dad?
- It might not be easy to get out of it.
- It's war.
- Yes, it is. This might be a big one.
It's time you become serious
Where should we go after graduation?
Chongqing. Where else?
Chongqing? We're graduating in December.
Didn't you talk about that at school?
Yes, they do that every year
around this time.
You don't have to worry. You'll go to work
with your father. The trouble is for us.
That's right. Your father is president
of a company.
So what? He's just an old guy who works
at a factory. Nothing special.
Don't complain! You can be vice president!
There's nothing wrong with that.
You're going to pick up the bill,
right, Shgo?
Don't be silly.
Don't be so cheap!
You're vice president!
And you can give us money
for train fare home, too.
How was the ceremony at school today?
It tired me out. It was really long.
What if all young people were like you?
How could you go to war?
Well, if it comes to that, I'll go.
But you know, it has come to that.
It's time to change.
Even students have to act appropriately.
You're right in theory,
but reality is different.
Where did you go after school today?
Where? Nowhere special.
You went to the Ginza, didn't you?
Yes, we did.
I was really hungry.
Do you think this was appropriate?
Today, wasn't just an ordinary walk-back home.
The ceremony today was a serious affair,
and you were wearing your uniforms.
Do you think you can walk around
and go to eat like that?
I didn't mean to...
You must realize the situation Japan
is in now.
Of course I realize.
How could I not understand?
I think you just judge by appearance.
I'm prepared in spirit.
I've been thinking about things.
I've been a student up until now,
but next year,
I'll be ready to go to work at the company.
The Sugai Light factory will be fine.
I'm ready to be
vice president. Just look at me!
What are you talking about?
Do you think you can be
vice president with such an attitude?
But it's your company.
It's only natural...
What do you mean by "natural"?
Just because you're my son
and it's my company?
Do you think you can be a vice president
of a company so quickly?
Do you think the world is such
a sweet place?
Of course I know it's not.
Even if you were poor as a kid,
you don't know what it is to suffer.
A man's suffering is something else.
Your mother was very kind,
and I've been very easy on you.
You haven't faced any difficulties
on your own.
You've never had a family of your own.
You don't know what it is to run a family.
You have to look out for yourself, for your family,
your work, and your country.
You have to carry around
all those heavy responsibilities.
Once you've done that,
you'll know what a man's suffering is.
And when you do that,
you'll develop the strength,
and you'll become responsible.
Think about that.
I didn't say I was trying to avoid hardship.
Why do you always take things
in that direction?
I think I'll take a book or something.
Shgo, wait a minute.
I've had enough.
I'll go out and suffer then.
I want to show you something.
Come here and sit down.
Read this.
Calm down your heart and read this.
Make Shgo into a fine Japanese man.
It's the will of your mother
Do you remember?
When you were in the sixth grade,
at summer camp,
she left that behind.
I kept this from you until today,
because I didn't want to upset you
in the least bit.
I wanted you to grow up
with a light heart.
I wanted you to become someone your mother
could be proud of.
You're an adult now,
so I think you can understand that.
Your mother was a great person,
but I still can't bear the thought
of deceiving her.
No matter how difficult it is,
we must never give up.
We have to keep on battling.
Do you understand?
I want the spirit of your mother's letter
to get into your heart.
Be a good person,
and put her soul to rest.
That's what I ask from you.
Do you understand?
Sugai Lite KK Factory
I'm absolutely certain that all Japanese
can learn from Sugai-san's example,
and devote themselves to the state,
to wartime industry.
Let's give a cheer
for the development
of Japan's wartime industry,
and to the completion of the Sugai Lite factory.
Please, all cheer up Sugai-san!
Your father is really something,
accomplishing so much!
I want you to do your best, too.
You have to outdo your father.
I will!
I'll go to Korea once I finished school.
Yes, it's a company the school
has connections with.
It's in the mountains,
but that doesn't matter.
I'll work hard until my father decides
I can go back.
Well, do what you can!
Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Mineyama
I'm glad, but a little embarassed at the same time
I am now an old man
and this might sound silly from someone hunched over like me
but when I heard Mr. Mineyama's words of praise
and sincerely looking at all that I've done,
I felt thankful to my late wife
I've been able to put up this factory and everything
I've done is all thanks to my deceased wife
I'm embarassed to confess all this to you
I'm going to lose myself in my work
and try to be as useful as I possibly can
to my country before I die.