Mothers and Daughters (2016)

[camera clicks]
[gentle rock music]
I can feel
Your presence echoing
throughout the fields
Where life made
sense to me
If you take away that
missing part of me
You'll still find the
entrance to my soul
I can see you now
more than ever
I still feel you up there
smiling down on me
I can see you
now more than ever
I still feel you up there
smiling down on me
At times I feel like
running full speed ahead
Towards our
greatest memories
To watch them
chase me home
Where I feel safe alone
Another step outside
my comfort zone
I can see you now
more than ever
I still feel you up
there smiling down on me
I can see you now
more than ever
I still feel you up
there smiling down on me
Smiling down on me
You're smiling down on me
I can see you now
more than ever
I still feel you up there,
you're smiling down on me
Alright, come on!
Smiling down on me
You're smiling down on me
Dear Mom,
Did you ever wonder about
the moment you became you?
I've been thinking
about that lately.
I mean, the moment that
decides how we forever
look at the world.
I remember that
moment perfectly.
Mom, what are those?
For me, it was with you.
They're picture frames.
See in that one,
a little boy's getting
a bedtime story
from his grandpa.
Up there, they're putting
up the Christmas tree.
Boxes of light.
Windows into life.
Every frame begs
me for a story.
You okay over there?
I don't know.
I mean, I just don't,
I feel like I'm flying blind.
I don't know if the colors
I'm using are right.
I don't know.
Well, if you're really nice
you could ask for help.
Sure, yeah.
I do this for a living.
I mean, this.
Do you have one of those
kits that they use on you?
Of course. I never
leave home without it.
I just got a new
one yesterday.
Kind of magical.
It's basically the secret
to my entire career
is this little box.
Almost anyone can use it,
but no one knows about it.
There's this really
special red color.
Comes in a little
tiny box of eight.
I could just
paint that on you.
Look at that. See you
wouldn't have to do that.
It would stay all
day that crayon.
Thank you.
Thank you for that
invaluable help.
[phone vibrating]
They just
delivered our tree.
Ha, really?
I hadn't noticed.
Have you got your one yet?
Now why would a girl who
lives alone need a tree?
You could put my
present under it.
But seriously though, like,
I don't know, like, on video,
is like, should I
be wearing more blush.
Like, should it be more colorful
or less? Is this gonna...
Look, I wouldn't
worry about it.
It's face time.
I mean, you're basically just
going to be a frozen image.
Like an emoji.
Smile emoji, sad emoji,
raise the roof emoji.
Your bras are going
to raise the roof.
Is there a bra emoji?
Why didn't they send a
real crew though, you know?
Like they do for me?
Okay, I've got an idea.
You can do it, right?
-I mean you love my bras.
-I do.
You just talk about
how much you love them.
Girls around the country will
want you to love their bras.
It'll work really well.
Problem is the only thing
I can describe is
how to take them off.
-Mm, are you ready?
-No! Stop it. Stop it.
Oh, not that ready.
Okay, do I look okay?
Is it... seriously.
Just... hold on.
Stop it, stop it,
stop it, stop it!
-No, no, no.
-You look fine.
Okay, okay.
[camera clicks]
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, guys.
Joining us live from her
stunning home in New York City
to talk about her new
Haute Couture bra line
that is tearing up the runways,
ladies and gentlemen is...
Georgina Scott.
Georgina, welcome.
Gosh, you look phenomenal and
I can't even see your bra.
Well, thank you.
You sure know what
to say to a girl.
Thank you so much.
I'm really excited
to talk to you guys.
My goodness, what is going on?
Fashion week has been all
abuzz about your bras.
Who knew there was so much
new to do with boob support?
Well, never underestimate a
woman's love of dressing up,
even when she's undressed.
Now, I thought we had seen it
all with Victoria's Secret
and their diamond bras.
Tell us, what has
everyone so excited?
Well, look, I'm a gal who
loves sparkle, and those
diamond bras are
incredible spectacles and
amazing works of art,
but I wanted to create
something that every woman
could buy and own and have
that same wow factor
in their own bedroom.
We use hand-printed silks.
We use antique lace, uh,
vintage Czech crystals.
I wanted to sort of do a
tip of hat to the most
beautiful and ethereal
styles of the past that
inspired me all my life.
I've never seen bras made
of this fabric or design.
They're so sophisticated, like
you can wear them in the street.
I think that every piece of
clothing that goes on your body
should be as beautiful
as possible.
Not just functional, but
infused with the art of fashion.
Now, speaking of
fashion and supermodels,
you are dating the absolutely
resplendent Sebastian.
The iconic face
of Bateau Cologne.
So, we're guessing, Georgina,
that he's probably
your first guinea pig,
am I right?
Um, let's just say that
he's supportive of my work
and leave it at that for
daytime television.
So when can us ladies
get our hands on these?
Well, all gals and maybe
some guys can get their
hands on them, uh,
starting tomorrow on Fifth
Avenue and this weekend
across the nation.
Georgina Scott,
always a pleasure.
Congrats on your success,
and look, I know now what
my wife is getting
for her birthday.
The pleasure was all mine.
Thank you so much you guys.
Coming up, a revealing new
interview with Russell Crowe.
You won't want to...
Well, that was amazing.
Well, they did all the heavy
lifting, but more importantly,
how'd I look?
Like every man was fantasizing
about what bra you were wearing?
[phone notification
rings repeatedly]
You're blowing up.
[gentle piano music]
Becca, the service is over and
we're back at the house now.
Everyone's asking for you.
Please come.
I know you're upset.
I, we didn't get a
chance to finish.
I need to explain, so we
just have to talk, okay?
[kissy noise]
Ms. Scott, I hope you haven't
been waiting too long.
Georgina, please.
Couture has decided to do a
feature on your spring line
in our May issue, featuring
a June bride theme.
How do you feel
about that?
I think that's fantastic
news, oh my God.
Thank you so much.
Good, well we're all very
excited about it over here.
In fact, I have a fan who'd
very much like to meet you.
Hello Ms. Scott.
It is such a
pleasure to meet you.
I attended your show
during fashion week and
I just wanted to say that I
thought it was so incredible.
Thank you.
You know, you look familiar.
Do we know each
other somehow?
Oh, um, the Pig and Cow
-Of course.
-I live there, too.
Wow, what a
small world, right?
Oh, so nice to meet you. Bye!
Do you have any
children, Georgina?
No, no, no I don't, no.
Well, it's impossible
not to mess up,
even when you do
everything right.
Nah, looks like you
did everything right.
Anyway, send me your
sketches as soon as you can
and we'll see what we can do to
do a gorgeous splashy layout.
That sounds perfect.
Thank you so much.
[gentle rock music]
I don't ask for too much
You can't keep up, you can't
keep up, you can't keep up
And up
Becca, come on.
We've got the reading
of the will tomorrow.
I... will you just let
me know you're okay?
Can you call us?
Alright, I love you.
Hello? Hi?
I'm home.
What are you doing?
Just finishing
up some work.
What are you doing?
Just gonna cook
you some dinner.
What are you doing?
We can't afford any
of this stuff.
Oh, no this is just, uh,
some things we needed
for the new recipes.
My God, Kevin.
Who cares about
new recipes?
Well this thing is gonna rise or
fall because of the recipes.
That's cute,
that's really cute.
Why don't you keep punning
your way into bankruptcy
and we are going to have
to go and live, you know,
with your grandma
in Newark.
Would you please stop
worrying so much?
I'm sure we're going to
get a call from the loan
guy really soon.
Be able to set up that
nice little space in SoHo
-we talked about.
-Who are we kidding?
You are a straight guy who
wants to sell pastries
in Lower Manhattan?
That doesn't exactly
sound like a slam dunk.
And meanwhile, we're
almost all the way through
our savings and you're
creating new recipes?
I hardly think a few
hundred dollars worth of
truffle oil is going to
put us over the edge.
Well that's the point!
It's not just a few
hundred dollars.
It's a few hundred dollars
over and over and over again.
I can understand why
you're nervous.
You don't understand!
Because I am the person
who has to work an actual
job while you get to just
smell and taste your way
into this fantasy world.
You know this wasn't
exactly what I was expecting
when I stormed out of my
parents' house to be with you.
I wanted to stay that
vibrant, irreverent person.
And now I'm policing
your groceries?
I mean God damn it, Kevin,
I really want to start our
adult life together, and
you just made me into the
person who has to
clean everything up.
[humming idly]
What's all this?
Uh, the Vinyl Towers.
It's a set I built for you.
Oh, you're a carpenter, too?
Well, lucky for us then.
What the hell is it?
Well, it was from an
interview that I read of yours,
where you said you related more
to the golden age of rock.
You know, '60s,
'70s vinyl.
More analog than digital.
So it's kind of throwback,
but all you.
Come on.
[rock music]
Thank you.
Head down.
Turn to the left.
[both laughing]
She ain't walking to the city,
to the city for somehow
Give me fire,
give me water
Good. Yes!
Hey, Becca, where are you?
I know you're
confused and hurt.
And I am too.
I'm here.
I know it makes you feel good,
but you do know that weed
is a carcinogen, right?
Hey, cool, 'cause that's what
what worries me most right now.
Don't you hate smelling like a
frat house when you go to work?
Sorry you have to see me
lower myself to stoner status.
There's a picture of you on
Quinn's site from the concert.
You should check it out,
you look pretty cool.
Please do not
post that to Facebook.
I will never hear the end
of it from my mother.
Too late.
Your parents probably have
your apartment wired with
hidden cameras anyway.
She's going to lose your
mind when she finds out
where you're working.
She would never be caught
dead south of 63rd Street.
Downtown might as well be
another country to her.
Besides, don't you want people
to see how cool you look?
I do look pretty cool.
[phone rings]
Yeah, I'm fine.
Yes, that's me.
Told you.
Uh huh. Got the
tickets at work.
T-that's not a guy, mom.
That's Tricia Williams.
Yeah, my roommate
from Andover.
We're on FaceTime.
I've gotta go.
Yeah, she's having
some personal problems
and I'm helping her
out with some stuff.
Well, good of you to
help out an old friend.
So where did she end up?
Isn't that a state school?
A perfectly good waste of
prep school education.
Stop it, mother.
She got into Yale
early decision,
same school that
waitlisted me.
-Not everyone can afford Ivy.
But you are a Princeton grad,
in the entry program
of Wells and Kinney.
Yes, you know what, I did
graduate from Princeton,
where I magically made
it off the wait list,
and I did magically get into the
most competitive Entree program
in all of Manhattan.
I have to go, mom.
But the markets are closed!
Look, I thought maybe we
could hang out a little
bit and, you know, I'd
like to hear all about
what's going on.
Nope, still working.
I'm making a delivery
for one of the partners.
That's how they
break us in.
Can you believe
the bastards?
I gotta catch the subway.
I'm gonna lose you.
Why don't you take a cab
or, you know, call Howard.
He's downstairs.
[door opens]
Will you set the
table please?
Dinner time.
Every time.
Did you hear
from Becca today?
What do you think?
I think it's time
for me to call her.
She's mad at me.
She's gonna be just as mad at me
when she finds out the truth.
You know, this isn't
just happening to you.
I know that, Peter.
I don't know what to do.
Maybe we should just let
her process things and
come to us when
she's ready.
How is she gonna process
it if she doesn't know
everything is
what I'm saying.
Well she's not gonna
talk to you either.
Tony, how do you feel about
leaving your Aunt Becca
a message?
She's not my Aunt Becca.
-Come on.
-You guys are liars.
You lied to her
and you lied to me.
Maybe if you weren't so
afraid of a fight,
we wouldn't all be living
a total and complete lie.
Don't talk to your
mother that way.
I can't believe how
weak you guys are.
You lied.
You could've just
told us the truth.
Oh yeah?
You have no idea what
you're talking about.
You're right, dad.
I don't know what I'm
talking about because you
never tell me anything.
No, no. Let him be.
Let him be.
Early birthday present.
Wanna look?
Yes! What is it?
Is that Times Square?
But not just Times Square,
this is gonna be everywhere.
What you did on that
shoot was magical.
You really captured him.
Quinn and his team wants
your images to define him
from now on.
Across the planet.
And Quinn wants
to hire you.
Really? Why?
For what?
Well, um, for some more
shoots obviously, but uh,
maybe um, a
sponsorship campaign.
Mmm... great.
Look, um, I don't wanna, you
know, rain on your parade,
but um...
My ex and I we tried to give it
another shot for the boy's sake.
You have a son?
And I thought you
hated your ex.
Hate is a strong word.
You said, I hate my ex.
I hated the fact that I
had to get married with
her because she
was, you know...
But Hal is here now, and I
need to be a decent dad.
I'm sorry.
The truth is, you
stole my thunder.
I was gonna dump you, but
then you come in here with
this great news and now
I can't be mad at you.
Well, I gotta go.
[melancholic music]
[phone rings]
[phone rings]
-What are you doing?
Can't sleep.
Me too.
No, thanks.
Oh my gosh.
You coming?
I'm gonna watch some
C-Span actually.
Well, better than milk.
[phone rings]
[phone vibrates]
Hi, Pete.
Thank you for calling.
You okay?
Yeah, I just uh...
I don't know how I'm
supposed to feel right now.
Mad, confused, sad.
Million questions.
Everything I guess.
Yeah, I guess
that sums it up.
Beth doesn't know I'm
calling you, but--
Oh, please.
I can't.
I can't talk to
her right now.
-I just--
-I know, but...
Do not defend her.
She had thirty-three years
to tell me this and she,
she waits until my
mother's funeral to tell
me that the woman I'm
grieving is not my mother,
who is my grandmother.
And she's not my sister,
she's my mother.
It's a lot
to take in, huh?
I can't.
I don't know how to wrap
my head around this.
Well, it's a tough one.
I've wrapped my head
around it for a long time.
Yeah, I was uh, I was
wondering if you knew.
If you knew this whole
time and you just...
Yeah, you just
uh, never told me.
You know what, Becca?
Just hold on a second
cause this is a hard thing.
What? What is hard for you?
Look, you remember I came
back from the war,
I started dating Beth.
Yeah, you met at the VFW
Christmas dance thing.
Yeah, well...
Yeah, we met at a dance, but
it was a high school dance.
I was 17 and Beth was 15.
And your grandmother
wouldn't let me see Beth
anymore after
she got pregnant.
She blamed me.
I went off and joined the
army to get as far away as
I could and--
-Just listen to me.
But I was not trying to get
away from Beth or from you.
I was never running
away from you.
What are you telling me?
You're my daughter, too.
How could you do this?
How could you both do this?
All of these years, why?
Because it was the only way
that Alice, that your...
That your grandmother
would allow us to be in
your life at all.
Look, I missed the first
ten years of your life.
And as soon as I got
out of the army, I came
straight home and I
married Beth and we stayed
in that house and we were
around you as much as we
possibly could be.
How could you
do this to us?
I mean, how could
you do this to Tony?
That poor kid.
I'm sorry.
I'm very, very sorry.
But you gotta know this
is torture for us, too.
This was torture
for me, you know.
And I didn't love
you any less.
I mean, maybe it was
different on that outside.
Maybe it looked different
on the outside.
But you know, inside you
were always my girl.
No, I um...
I feel like the earth has
just dropped out beneath me.
I can't...
Well, it has, sweetie, but
you are not gonna sink.
I promise.
We're not gonna let you.
Oh, don't you
promise me anything.
I don't believe a
word you say to me.
I don't wanna talk
to you anymore.
Don't call me.
-Tell Beth not to call me.
-Becca, please.
I will have someone proxy for
me at the will reading.
Becca, you--
[somber music]
[blowing nose]
[camera shutter]
He's at Becca's.
He went to Becca's.
Why did she send that
to you and not me?
She's still mad at you.
I think it's good they
spend some time alone now.
She's worried about him.
What do you mean?
Did you talk to her?
Yeah, we spoke last night.
Did you tell her?
I had to.
Give me your keys.
[melancholic music]
Just have a seat, please.
I haven't seen
you in a while.
Yeah, I figured with all
this weird Asian pig virus
thing going around that I
should probably come in.
Still a non-smoker?
Drinks per week.
Depends on the week.
Um, three to five.
You definitely
have a fever.
And considerable
Uh, no strep.
Probably the flu.
Says you got a
birthday next week.
Okay, so children maybe.
Children? No.
No, no. No.
I, uh, I don't even
have a houseplant.
No, I travel way too much
and when I'm home,
my hours are insane.
I don't even have a dog
and I'd really like a dog.
Look, Rigby, you're gonna
have to find a new doctor.
Oh, geez.
I am really sorry I didn't
come in for the flu shot
-this last year.
-No, no, no.
You don't understand.
I'm not an obstetrician.
You're pregnant.
No, that's impossible.
Look, we'll have to
confirm with a blood test.
No, but we always
used a condom.
You ever wonder what's on
the other side of that 97%
Welcome to the 3%.
How long do I have?
Jesus, it's not
a death sentence.
No, it's a life sentence.
-Okay, okay.
I can see you're
stressed out.
I'm gonna write you an
antiviral for the flu.
And here's the
name of a great OB.
Good luck.
[somber music]
Now can you show me which
one is the red one.
That was pretty stupid,
you know.
I know.
Beth's going
crazy right now.
I know.
I just couldn't
be around them.
Kids are supposed to
lie to their parents.
Not the other way around.
Yeah, well...
It's so screwed up.
Can you give us a second?
No, I don't wanna
do this now.
I wanted to tell you
every single day.
My hands were tied.
I don't believe that mom
or grandma or whatever the
hell I'm supposed
to call her now.
I don't believe that she
would want this for us.
There's a lot you don't know
about your grandparents.
Well, apparently my whole
life is based on a lie so...
Make that times two.
Is it a lie that
we love you?
Both of you?
I wasn't strong enough
to stand up to her.
I wasn't.
But she was my mother
and I was 15 and scared.
She took Peter
away from me.
I can't handle this.
I have a trial in two days
that I'm not prepared for
so I can't do this
with you today.
You know where I am.
Come on, Tony.
You know what, Becca, this
really isn't a tragedy.
It's not.
It's actually the first
time I've been able to
breathe in thirty years.
[door closes]
Hey, if you'd ever
gotten pregnant,
would you have
considered termination?
What a terribly strange
thing to ask me.
What do you mean?
What do you mean,
what do I mean?
Well, what are
you asking me?
What are you
trying to say?
Well, what do you
think I'm saying?
You think I'm saying that
I wanna have a baby?
Seriously look, if I
wanted to have a baby with
you, I'd tell you, I wanna
have a baby with you.
So have you been
reading my emails?
Why would I
read your emails?
I don't know.
Seems like an awfully
strange question to come up
-out of the blue.
-It's Rigby.
I saw her today.
I'm supposed to
keep it a secret.
She's pregnant.
I didn't even know that
she was seeing anybody.
She was.
She's not anymore.
I guess that's why I'm
just trying to figure out
whether she wants
to keep it or not.
I got this email
the other day.
I've been trying to figure
out how to tell you about it.
Here it goes.
Dear NM45729,
What is this?
Just keep reading.
I recently submitted a
request to the state
adoption board for a copy of
my family medical history.
And I learned they had little
on file, but said they would
forward a message
if they could.
If you're reading this, then
you're my biological mother.
I don't wish to know your
identity and I'm not ready
to give you mine, but I
have some questions about
my health and I wondered
if you could tell me a
little bit about anything
I should be aware of on
you or my father's side.
I have no record of
who my father might be.
You should know that I
have wonderful parents and
I'm very happy.
Thank you.
I never told you about
it because it was like
a lifetime ago.
And I like to pretend that
it happened to someone else.
It's your private life,
you know, before you met me.
No obligation to
tell me anything.
But I love you.
So if you wanna
tell me, I'm here.
Twenty-three years ago,
I was completely lost.
And I uh, and I
fell for this guy.
This musician who
convinced me to go on tour
with him as
his girl, so...
We were on the road for a
few months and I was not
prepared for
that lifestyle.
I mean, there were so many
drugs and there were some
really weird parties
and really...
Anyway, after, after a
couple months I couldn't
take it anymore and I left
and I went back home.
And then I uh, I realized
that I was pregnant.
And I really couldn't
say who the father was.
I couldn't even
take care of myself.
And uh, there was no one
to help me so I thought it
would be best for the
baby to give her up.
Ever regret that?
What do I say to her?
Hi, I'm your mother.
I was a complete slut and I
don't know who your father is.
Do you wanna meet her?
I don't know. I just...
You don't need to rush it.
Give her the
information she wants.
And if you need to meet
her, you'll both figure it
out at some point.
It's gonna be okay.
I really want us to see
each other again, but I
don't want her to find out
that we're still talking.
It's not exactly the kind
of thing that fosters
trust in a marriage.
Well, just give me a
little bit of time to
figure out how to
make that happen.
Me too.
Oh, hey. I'm sorry
I woke you up.
No, it's alright I...
I couldn't...
I couldn't sleep.
I was worried.
I needed a little
time to think.
So the loan guy called.
I didn't get it.
Oh my god, baby.
I'm so sorry.
It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay.
-I'm sorry.
-It's okay.
Hey listen, I've been
thinking about something.
Um, I was thinking about
what you said earlier
about leaving your
parents and you're right.
You stood up for
me, you know, you...
You took a chance that
I would be the guy that
you'd hope for.
Isn't that what
people in love do?
Yeah, but what they don't
do, or what they shouldn't
do is ask the people they
love to give up other
people that they love.
No, that...
It didn't have anything
to do with you.
That was my choice.
But I let it happen so I
feel like it was our choice.
And it was a mistake.
Look, I know that it's
very hard to trust
anything I say right now,
but since I feel like you
have a little bit of pity
for me, can I ask you a favor?
Well, you can always ask.
I want you to
call your parents.
After my mother died,
there hasn't been a single
day that's gone by that I
don't think about what it
would've been like to share
every single moment with her.
The good and the bad.
And it's just too much
burden for me to feel like
I am the reason that you
don't talk to your parents
and god forbid something
should happen to them.
Not after the way they
treated you. No.
Look, they never treated
me badly, Gayle.
Being careful about
bringing somebody into
your family,
that's admirable.
That's not judgmental.
And look at me.
I mean, they were right
to be worried about their
daughter's future.
I don't blame
them for that.
I just...
I know that they love you.
I know that they want
the best for you.
And I just want you
to think about it.
I'm just being selfish
because I'm thinking maybe
we can move in
with your parents.
It's better than living in my
grandma's closet in Newark.
I will think about it.
Thank you.
How was it tonight?
Pretty tame.
Made some good
tips though.
How are you feeling?
Super tired.
I slept the whole day so
now I can't really sleep.
What are you watching?
Just channel surfing.
Still pretty wound
up from today.
What are you eating?
Chocolate brownie.
Your faves.
I'm kinda tight with the sous
chef so he made me a batch.
Speaking of which, I'm
gonna send you some.
Don't worry, okay?
Someone's gonna
be a match.
You know what I'd like?
I'd like to know what it
feels like to have a man
be in love with me.
I mean, really love me.
Not some idea of me or how I
make him feel about himself.
What if I don't
get to feel that?
I think some people live
really long lives that
never get to feel that.
I'm scared, too.
You know why I called you?
I mean, after
all this time.
To save me from a
lifetime of debauchery?
Um, I guess because we've
been best friends forever.
You're the last person that I
know that really loved me.
My mom said that once when
she came up to campus.
You remember that weird modern
dance recital that we were in?
She said afterwards that
she thought that we seemed
like sisters.
You know that place I
was telling you about in
Chinatown is getting a new
shipment in from Hong Kong.
I was thinking about using
some of my tip money and
going to buy some new
brocade and boucle.
Only you can get that
excited about fabrics.
Okay, I mean I was gonna
make you something,
but if you're gonna
go and talk some
trash then you're
on your own.
Come on in.
Take a seat.
Uh, so uh, I just wanted
to say thanks, uh,
in person for what
you've done for me.
Uh, I know what I do with
music, but those pictures,
you really, you really
captured something.
Well, thanks. Thanks.
I mean, you were the one
that inspired it all so
really were just
a great team.
I want you on my tour.
Six months.
That's amazing.
Yeah, it would be amazing to
have that kind of time to,
you know like,
tell a real story.
Yeah, something amazing.
So, yeah?
Yeah, I just have to check
the dates and clear my
schedule and...
Don't tell me you stole
Beth's car again.
I don't think I'd
try that one again.
I took the train and
she knows I'm here.
Mom gave me this letter
for you to read.
It's uh, grandma's
Your name's on it, too.
Why don't you read it?
Um, you sure you
wanna hear this?
To my bony Becca,
My beloved girl who bewitched
me the moment her eyes
flashed at mine.
By now you have learned
the truth and no doubt you
are angry at me, and Beth,
and Peter for robbing you
the reality of the
circumstances of your birth.
You are no longer a girl,
but a grown person of
great mind and heart.
I ask you to reach deep
inside yourself and ask,
what should've been done?
A girl was not ready to be
a mother and a woman who's
not yet finished
being one.
It wasn't ideal, but I
knew how to keep you whole
so you could grow up to
have all the strength you
needed to understand that
your life was filled with
true love, not
true labels.
I loved being your mother,
grandmother, and friend.
And to my Tony, you might
just be old enough to realize
how lucky you are
to have a sister.
I hope you will be closer
to her than anyone else
because you two
need each other.
You must both forgive
Beth and Peter.
For they have been the
ones carrying this heavy
burden these many years.
Only you have the power to lift
the weight off their hearts.
Set them free, my loves,
and you will be free, too.
Free to love any
chance you get.
What's this?
Dear Becca, Tony Irving,
Your grandmother, Alice Zelda
Irving, has left her estate
in the sum of $2.3 million
dollars to her grandchildren,
Rebecca and Tony Irving.
Holy crap.
Oh, Miss Gray.
How are you today?
Hi, Doctor Conrad, I'm...
Well, I see you were
referred by your internist,
Doctor Hamilton.
And my notes say here that
you're here for a D and C.
Dilation and curettage.
Termination of pregnancy.
Yes, that's right.
But your nurse said you
wanted to see me first?
Well, yes. We take the
termination of pregnancy
very seriously.
Right. Well, I can assure you,
doctor, that I take everything
to do with my body
very seriously and
I've done extensive
research on this subject
and, you know, I'm quite
prepared for the medical
risks and as for the
mental complications,
it's not like some pubescent
teenage girl with raging
hormones that's surprised
by her condition.
You know, and unaware of
the choice she's making.
For the record, your hormones
are, in fact, raging.
And your primary physician
has noted her that you
were indeed surprised to
find out you were pregnant.
I mean, I have considered
having children, but I've
decided against it.
You know, I'm um...
I'm a photographer.
And I shoot musicians
mostly and I have this
hectic schedule and I'm
supposed to go on this
major tour and it is not
at all compatible with
pregnancy or motherhood
or anything like that.
It's a difficult
decision for any woman.
You know, I mean, really
it's so easy for men, right?
I mean, they think that they
have forever, but you know,
I happen to know that after 40,
men's stuff is damaged, too.
There's a proclivity
towards schizophrenia and
um, an increased
risk of suicide or...
Maybe it's the other way around,
but you know, it's just...
No one ever tells men, you
know, just settle down and
wait for the right girl.
That's just...
Whatever's in a stone's throw,
just grab them and do it.
I can schedule you as
soon as the new year.
See, but I'm going on tour
with Quinn after the new year.
I'll make some time.
Well, enjoy your holiday
and after the new year,
I'll take care of you.
Dear NC45729, To my
natural daughter,
a number seems so
I am so glad to know that
you are happy and well.
That makes me feel the decision
I made was not a mistake.
Even if it may not have
been the best choice.
Of course your need to
know your family health
history is wholly
I have attached a file
that compiles as best a
complete family history
that I could gather.
I am, however, deeply
sorry to tell you that I
am not able to confirm
with absolute certainty
your father's identity.
I was a very confused young
woman and lacking in self-worth.
As you have put whatever
worry I have had about
your life at ease, please
allow me to do the same in
case you've ever
worried about me.
I, too, am well, and
have found real love and
self-worth in my life.
I feel that what little
sense I did have was
knowing what I didn't
have to give you then.
And now I think, perhaps,
knowing you are happy and
have had a good home, how
wonderful and lyrical to
realize that I was able to
give you life when your
mother couldn't and that
she was able to shower you
with the wisdom for which
I could imagine or hope.
I send you the same prayer
I had 23 years ago.
I wish for love and peace to
be your everyday companions.
[speaking foreign language]
Merry Christmas.
Your natural mother,
Everyone should have
a tree on Christmas.
This is beautiful.
Thank you.
Let's hope Santa puts
something under it.
I stopped believing in
Santa when he didn't bring
back my mom from
the hospital.
Maybe we should um, give
your dad a present.
I asked him what he wanted
for Christmas and he said
all he wanted was
his best friend back.
Maybe you could just spend
some time with your dad.
Is he torturing you again?
I just gave her a
piece of our tree, dad.
Merry Christmas.
Thank you.
It's beautiful.
Let's go.
Merry Christmas.
Hello, mother.
Hey. I was just doing some
last minute shopping at
Tiffany's and guess who I
ran into buying some guilt
diamonds for his wife.
I don't know, mom.
I can't keep track of all
the bed hopping in New York.
Harlon Kinney.
Oh, come on. Did you really
think I wouldn't find out?
I sat on what?
Like a dozen foundational
boards with Harlon.
Six months at Wells
and Kinney was enough.
Yeah, for god's sake.
I've actually been waiting
to surprise you with
something else that
I've been working on.
I had been listening to
his nauseatingly insipid
watermelon-breasted wife
horseshoe herself into
Valentino originals just
so I could get you into
that entree program.
What could possibly
be more important?
I'm sorry, mom.
I'm not ready to
discuss it with you.
We sent you to Dalton,
Andover, and Princeton so
that you wouldn't have
to wait on other people.
How can you be
so insensitive?
You wouldn't last a day
without Carmen in your life.
Spare me your
intellectual bullshit.
If an intelligent,
talented woman like Carmen
had half of your
education, she would not
be working for me.
She would be me.
I mean, really.
What are you doing?
Is it that, that Tricia
girl from prep school?
I mean, ever since you
have been back in touch
with her, you have been just
completely off your path.
You mean, your path?
I have never, never
seen you so ungrateful.
Are you on something?
I'll bet that
she is on drugs.
You know, she always
seemed like a stoner to me.
What is going on with you?
You know what, if you
must know, she called me
because she
needed a friend.
A real friend.
And you're right.
She is on drugs.
She smokes a joint twice a
day so that she can keep
one morsel of food down
since she's been shooting
chemo drugs for
her leukemia.
Are we done, mother?
I don't wanna be
late for work.
Just, just...
Just wait.
I can't.
I have to go.
If Kevin knew I was
discussing, he doesn't
know that I'm
talking to you.
Okay, sweetie.
Well how much money
do you need this time?
This time?
You know, god, this
is why we don't talk.
It's because all you
wanna do is judge.
No, no.
I wanna try to help you and
your father would want--
You can't tell dad!
God, why would
you even do that?
Okay. I understand.
I won't.
You know, this is not
like the last time.
This is not a loan.
This is an investment.
I get it. Fine.
You will get every
cent back and more.
You know, you and dad invest
in stocks all the time.
This is exactly like that.
Okay, it's exactly like...
So when do you need...
When do we need to um,
arrange the investment?
I get it.
I see what's going on now.
What are you
talking about?
-God, I am such an idiot.
You're only doing this so that
you can get control again.
No, sweetheart.
We want you back
in our lives.
I miss you so much.
You can't buy me.
Okay, it's a
business investment.
I get it.
I respect it.
Kevin and his brother are
getting into designer cakes.
Oh, really.
Kevin and cakes.
No, if you're gonna
undermine this, forget it.
No, no, no, no, no!
You know, I can't do this.
I can't do it.
I can't do it.
Well, it's up to you.
No, it's up to
you actually.
It's up to you.
I haven't seen you, my
child, for two years.
And now if I don't say
everything just exactly
right in some kinda
predetermined phrases then
you're going to hang up on me?
That isn't fair.
It is not fair.
Whatever I've done.
I didn't raise
you to be a bully.
God, what is your problem?
What is my problem?
Seriously, you
ask me that?
Don't you realize, life is
short and I love you and I
have not seen you
for two years.
And that's all my fault.
No, probably
it is my fault.
You know...
When you were born and I
saw you, I didn't know
that I could ever need
anything that badly, that
I could ever love
anything that much.
-My life just stopped.
I mean, when I held you
for the first time, I
didn't know if it was for
five minutes or five hours
or five weeks.
I mean, time just stopped.
-In a good way.
In a good way.
And I know I was
No, mom.
Yeah. I mean, it was just,
you were so perfect and I was
so proud of myself
for making you.
You weren't overbearing.
There was just so much--
And it was just relentless
and overwhelming.
I just never
felt worth it.
Oh, sweetie.
My ninth birthday, I don't know
if you remember that party...
There were sixteen kids
and Mr. Marquee on the
front lawn, two peanut
allergies, and I think
there was some conjurer...
Right, uh well, when I
blew out my candles...
Two red, three
blue, four white.
Okay, rain man.
When I...
When I blew out
my candles...
I wished to be good.
And I know that my grown
up brain now says good
enough, but I will
never forget that.
You know, I wanna be good.
And it never came true.
But you were.
You were over
and over for me.
I mean, you
were my miracle.
You were my miracle and if
miracles are good, then
you were good.
You were good.
How much do you need?
Wow, really?
For cakes? That's...
What are they,
designer ingredients?
You know, it's uh...
storefront, delivery
truck, mixers, and ovens.
It actually is a very
thorough business plan.
Yeah, yeah.
And this is really...
This is what you wanna do?
Of course not.
I want to go
back to college.
I want to teach
art history.
Well, then let's
do that then.
Let's do that.
It's easier
said than done.
No, I bet you could get
enrolled in the fall.
It's not about logistics.
It's more a question of
childcare facilities.
Oh my god, really?
Oh, sweetie,
that's wonderful!
You're not a touch
No, why would I
be disappointed?
Oh, I don't know because I
never exactly accomplished
anything spectacular.
Producing a daughter
is spectacular.
Well we don't know yet
if it's a boy or--
It's a girl,
it's a girl.
-Oh, you know that for a fact.
-I do, I would bet a designer
cake business on it, yes.
Why do you think that?
Have you met your
Uh, yeah.
Is she not the sweetest
woman in the universe?
Absolutely, no
argument from me.
Well, I made her life
miserable for years.
-Yup, yup.
-She never told me that.
That is actually
really funny.
I needed to have you to
teach me how to be a
daughter to my mother.
Oh, god.
It's definitely going
to be a girl, isn't it?
And she is going to
torture me, but I guess
it's no more than
I deserve, right?
It's no more
than you deserve.
Hey, I'm home.
Who are you talking to?
My mom.
[soft music]
Excuse me, is
someone sitting here?
Miss Gray.
Of course, Rigby.
You mind?
Hi, Doctor Conrad.
What are you doing here?
Why are patients always so
surprised when they see
their doctors in
the real world?
Eating and
grocery shopping.
I guess it spoils
the illusion.
You know, we don't wanna
see our super heroes forced
to endure the mundane.
I'm really sorry about the
diatribe about the man,
sperm, woman thing
the other day.
I kinda rant when
I get nervous.
Eh, it's fine.
How's the pasta?
It's really good.
-Oh, hi.
What can I get you?
Hm, a glass of Chianti
and uh, seafood marinara.
Rigby, such a cool name.
It's my mom's maiden name.
Her dad never had any boys
so you know the story.
Oh, I'm sorry, did you
want a glass of wine.
Um, I thought I
wasn't supposed to.
Oh, I thought you
were going to um...
No, I am, yes.
I am still, I just...
I just thought
maybe I shouldn't.
Probably a good idea.
Can I ask you a
personal question?
Does your wife ever mind
you working so closely
with other women?
I look at the body
clinically for a living.
I mean, lips can be used for
talking as well as kissing.
The hands for working
as well as touching.
The female organs for giving
birth as well as conceiving.
I mean, the whole
body can be sexual.
It's all about
the context.
I don't think I'd be too
happy if my husband did
what you do for a job.
I didn't realize
you were married.
-No, I'm not.
I'm just saying,
if I were.
Did you deliver
your own kids?
I did.
I don't think I
could do that.
If my husband were my
doctor, I'd have to
keep some mystery.
I'm that way.
I'm this way.
It was nice seeing you.
You, too.
[loud club music]
Hey, you okay?
Can you bring her a water?
And I think, she's done.
She's pretty gone.
You alright?
Let's get you
some fresh air.
[loud club music]
No cameras.
Can't you see
she's drunk, asshole?
Get off of her.
What the hell
are you doing?
What the hell
are you doing?
-Get the hell off my bus.
Come on. Hold on.
Hold on, sweetie.
[soft music]
Hi, mom.
Wow, look at you.
You look good, mom.
Mm, it's different, huh?
They don't let you
get too fixed up here.
They say it's like another
way to mask your feelings.
It's good to see you, mom.
Oh, I thought you'd
given up on me.
Third time's a
charm though.
I think.
I hope.
You okay?
I'm sorry I haven't been to
see you, but there is a
new album and I just
finished the tour.
That's really
great, honey.
Everything sounds like it's
going real good for you.
I should've called sooner.
No, you're calling now.
Mom, I didn't just
call to say hi.
Things got a little
out of control on tour.
I got a little
out of control.
I almost did
something really bad.
I'm coming to get help.
I figured if my mom
could do it, I can, too.
And after, I was wondering
if you'd come and stay
with me for a while.
You know?
Help me get some
things straight.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so ashamed.
Did I do this to you?
It's okay, mom.
It's okay.
Even if everyone else went
and left us, we're still here.
You and me.
Good morning, Miss Gray.
I'm going to be giving you
some twilight sedation for
the procedure.
Okay, what's that mean?
It means you won't feel
any pain, but you'll be
slightly aware of the
room and what's going on.
Just kind of like you're
in a groggy state.
May I just speak to Doctor
Conrad for a minute?
Well, the doctor's on a
very tight schedule this
morning so why don't you
let me go ahead and get
the IV started.
And doctor will come in and talk
to you while we prep you, okay?
[clears throat]
Look, ma'am...
I'm about to potentially
end a life here and
certainly change my own,
so forgive me if I'm not
overly concerned with the
schedule of you or the doctor.
I need to speak with him
before anybody touches me.
Rigby, everything okay?
I mean, I don't know.
I mean, right now, at this
instant, in my life when
everything is under the
best of circumstances and
I am young and healthy and
I have a roof over my head.
Sometimes I'll take a
vitamin and I'll choke.
Or I'll get food poisoning
and I'll be up all night
vomiting and I'll faint
on the bathroom floor and
I'll think what if
there wasn't anyone.
What if no one's there?
You know, kinda scary.
I'm scared.
And then I think how much
worse it'll be when I'm
not as young and
not as healthy.
And then I think, is that
a reason to have a kid
just so they'll be there to pick
you up when you fall, just
because you were there for them.
I mean, look at me, I am
not there for my mother
because I am too much of a
coward to look in her face
and see that she doesn't
know who I am so I pay
someone to wash my
mother's backside because
I am too afraid to see my
perfect, gorgeous, angel
of a mother lose her mind.
I mean, god, I am not fit
to take care of anyone.
Parent or child.
But, I mean, I mean people
have been doing this since
the dawn of man, right?
They don't stop and
contemplate all the what if's
because if they did there
wouldn't be anyone here.
I wanna keep the baby.
We can do that.
Yeah, definitely,
we can do that.
[upbeat music]
Aren't they just gorgeous?
They're amazing.
Why can't you just
tell your mom?
She could like
totally help you.
It's just that if she
helps me, I might never
know what part is me and
what part is her and if
I'm gonna do this, then
I need to know what I'm
really capable
of, you know?
Like really capable
of as in alone.
[upbeat music]
[elevator dings]
[melancholic music]
No, this is a disaster!
If you're gonna do the
Gotham Ganache then you
have to try the
Harlem Truffles.
Okay, get me half a dozen
Gotham Ganache and twelve
Harlem Truffles.
You heard the boss, boys.
Step up the pace.
Let's do this.
[upbeat music]
What happened? I thought
you didn't wanna meet.
Um, no, she sent me an
email saying she wanted to
meet as soon as possible.
Right now.
I'm on my way to meet
her at the duck pond.
She said that she would
have something red with
her, an umbrella
or something.
Oh my god.
I think I see
something red.
Oh, I'm so nervous, I
think I'm gonna get sick.
No, you're not gonna
throw up, alright?
Look, take three
deep, long breaths.
Remember this isn't the first
time you're seeing her.
You're the first
person she ever met.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Look, I'm happy
for you, darling.
I'm happy for me too.
I'm gonna be
somebody's stepfather.
Okay, bye.
Miss Scott? Hi!
It's Layla.
Layla Chapman.
From the Pig and
the Cow building.
We met on FaceTime.
You were speaking to my
mother, Nina Chapman.
Miss Scott, are you okay?
I'm so sorry.
It's just that I'm
supposed to be meeting
someone here, is there
someone I can call for you?
March 15, 1991.
You were born at 3:22
PM, March 15, 1991.
It was a rainy day, you
were the most beautiful
thing I had ever seen.
[uplifting music]
-Is it okay?
Today is Mother's Day and
it's a perfect spring day.
And the air smells
like you're perfume.
I'm having a baby, mom, and I
can't stop thinking about you.
I almost didn't wanna have
her because I couldn't
bear to love somebody as much
as you and risk my heart.
I was so busy looking into
other people's windows and
creating their stories,
I forgot create my own.
[upbeat music]
In here, Layla.
What are you doing?
Well, I'm working.
You know, we've got that
couture gala coming up and
I need you to help
me pick a frock.
What are you
talking about?
I thought that was decided
by a committee months ago.
Aren't you
wearing Zac Posen?
I am, that's why I never
eat, but I was wondering
what you're gonna wear.
Well, how come you
never let me go?
Yes, well, since then I've been
privied to some new information.
That makes me think that
it might be a good idea.
Why didn't you tell me
that this was what you
were working on, hm?
Yeah, but Georgina helped
me streamline them a little.
I can't believe Trisha
sent them to you.
Yeah, well she
knew you wouldn't.
Why didn't you tell me this was
what you were working on?
I happen to be pretty good at
launching hot, new designers.
I don't know.
I thought what if
you hated them?
What if you thought
that I sucked at this?
I wanted to earn your praise,
not be entitled to it.
This is the one.
It's sleek.
It's architectural.
It's classic.
It's you.
I like this one, too.
I, um...
I can't tell if I get it
from her or from you.
Why didn't you just tell
me you wanted to meet her?
I didn't think I did.
When Trisha got sick, it
made me wanna know more
about my medical history,
so I sent a letter.
And then when Trisha died,
I thought what if that were me.
Oh, honey, it's not...
No, mom, I mean it.
I thought what if I go
my entire life without
getting a chance to
just look at her?
I mean, I can't describe
it, but you have no idea
what it's like to not know
a single person who has
your hands or your eyes
or your crooked teeth.
I just...
I just wanted to see her.
Are you mad?
it's as natural as breathing.
Honey, everybody wants to
know where they come from.
You know, I'm always so
amused that I have that
same crinkle here in
my nose like grandma.
And then I sit in the car
with my purse on my lap
just the same way.
She lives in my building
and she's working with you.
I mean, that's a
weird coincidence.
Oh, it's not a
I think it's a mother's instinct
to search for her child.
I am sure that someway she was
looking for you her whole life.
Thanks, mom.
And anyway, I'm just...
I'm just so
dang impressed.
I'm so proud of you.
I love you, mom.
More than, well...
Just more and more.
I love you, too.
[soft music]
We know it's Mother's Day, but
can I still call you Beth?
Oh my god.
You did all this?
Well, I had help.
So much for
soccer practice.
And you!
Alright, who
wants champagne?
-I do.
-I do.
Can I have some?
Come on, you guys.
Here, help me.
Come on.
I missed you so much.
I missed you, too.
And I'm sorry it's
been so long, I just...
You needed time.
I did.
I really did.
You know, I'm just...
I'm just lucky
to have you.
No more secrets.
No more secrets.
Alright, toast time.
For you. For you.
No, you get
the little one.
No, that's for you.
To mothers, who by any
other name, just as sweet.
Thank you.
[upbeat music]
How you doing?
You okay?
Mhm, yeah.
I'm good.
I'm okay.
I can do this,
Doctor Conrad.
Call me Andrew.
You're gonna do
great, Rigby.
But I gotta tell
you something.
I can't be your
doctor today.
What are you
talking about?
Why do doctors keep
doing this to me?
Listen, just
listen to me, Rigby.
I'm not married.
I've never been married.
I don't have any kids.
I use the ring to keep a
professional distance from
my patients, but with
you, it didn't work.
I don't know if you have
any feelings for me, but
if there's even the
slightest chance.
I can't go into that
delivery room with you.
I think I have to be the
keeper of the mysteries.
Is that okay?
You're gonna go great.
Hi, Rigby.
I'm Doctor Barnard.
I'll be bringing your girl
into the world today.
[upbeat music]
[inaudible whispering]
Going to see grandma.
You ready?
[baby crying]
Meet Lydia.
[baby crying]
I'll take her out.
It's okay, baby.
It's okay.
[baby crying]
I just...
I need to tell
you I'm sorry.
I love you.
I love you.
[soft crying]
[soft music]
I had my daughter, mom.
She's just starting to
look like something that
might turn into a person.
I was so scared.
But now looking back on
all the lives and stories
of others, I know
it will be alright.
Some people can't see the
love they have until they
see it through
someone else's eyes.
Some people
have no mother.
And others have
more than one.
Others don't see that mothers
come in all shapes and sizes.
Sometimes there
for just a moment.
And sometimes they
remain for a lifetime.
Her name is your name.
So that when mine
dissolves into Mom,
yours can come to life again.
Every time I call to her.
I hope your last thought
before you slipped into
the darkness of your mind
was that I would remember
everything about you.
[R&B music]
I would never let a tear
fall from your eyes
No, no, no, no
'Cause everything
you are to me
Ooh, I could never
let you hurt inside
You mean so much and
I'm so thankful that
you're in my life
And I appreciate your love
and all your sacrifice
Without you by my side,
I never could survive
I wouldn't be the woman
standing here before your eyes
You've taught me strength
and you gave me guidance
Whenever faith was lost,
you were there to find it
And all because a mother's
love is unconditional
With all my heart and all my
soul I wanna let you know
That I thank you,
I thank you
And I love you,
I love you
And I will never place
anyone above you
Said I thank you,
I thank you
And I love you,
I love you
And I will never, ever
place no one above you
You have given me life
And I just want
you to know
That you're the
reason I'm here today
I will never let go to
everything that we share
And nothing can compare
I thank you,
I thank you, I thank you
Here's what I'm sayin'
See, I've been blessed to be
raised by a woman so strong
Cause even when I
did things wrong
You would show me just the
way that I should carry on
You kept me safe, and you
protected me with all you had
And any time I was in need
you gave your very last