Mou Gaan Dou II (Infernal Affairs II) (2003)

Avici Hell. Also known as Continuous Hell
Uninterrupted time
Unlimited space. Boundless suffering
for the fallen souls
Uninterrupted time
I still remember my first arrest
Year: 1991
It was December 12, 1980
My partner and I were patrolling Hano Road
Shit was going down at New World Centre
We rushed over
A gang fight was taking place
About fifteen or so were already down
Lots of blood on the ground
Plus a severed hand, still holding a knife
My partner told me to draw my piece
I was a rookie so I did what he told
But before I could open the holster
My partner already dropped
This kid stabbed a pipe into his belly
Blood gushed out of the sawed off opening
I didn't know what to think
I simply put all six of my bullets
straight into that kid!
I don't remember how many years he got
But when I saw him again two years ago
he was boozing in a club, looking sharp
His buddies were all Kwun's goons!
Evil prevails. Only the good die young
I can barely recall my partner's face now
I regret
The six bullets weren't put into
that kid's skull
The world shouldn't be like this
It's not the way to be, Sam
How long have you been around
Tsim Sha Tsui?
Almost two years now
Do you know why I haven't messed
with you?
'Cause I am handsome!
Maybe so
'Cause I think you're a decent guy
I'd rather you be in charge
Forget about it
You couldn't waste the kid even
with six bullets
That makes you a decent guy, too. Right?
I don't want to be one
Kwun gave me everything, even my life
If I turned against him
I'd be despicable even in your eyes. Right?
I knew you'd say that
Chivalry means little to the Ngai Family
The Master often says
Retribution knows its time
Who knows how you and I will end up?
Time to work!
This early?
I've got to eat! So do my boys!
Take the whole box
That's okay. Keep it
Don't worry about it! Just go!
Want to use the back door?
Ain't no rules against schmoozing
with cops
The front door's fine. Got used to it
Prat Avenue!
Prat Avenue
Is Uncle Kwun in?
Uncle Kwun! Someone's looking for you!
Bye, Mary
They say this American antique's got...
...sweet high, crisp middle and strong bass
Who can afford it in Hong Kong?
Only around ten thousand people can
afford it
Sam asked you to be a mole in the force
If you don't like it, I can talk to him
You're my boy after all
It's fine with me
Hand me that bag
I thought you'd been dreading it
Hide in Tuen Mun till things quiet down
Stay fit for the Academy's new term
The money I gave you, spend wisely
You like the song?
It's yours
It won't sound as good on another player
Someday I'll pick out a good one for you
What? Don't like it?
Not at all
Sam gave you this watch, didn't he?
None of your business
Only you and I...
...know about tonight
I don't want Sam to know
Why's that?
Women are simple
A man treats me well, I'd do anything
Now go home. I'm very busy tonight
It's either you or me
The boss said I would see blood today
The Mainlander kept asking...
Got a Mercedes today, Keung?
I said, "Of course." And here I am!
Otherwise, I wouldn't be here with you
Mainland girls in arms
That's for sure!
Hey, got a cigarette?
I don't smoke
Let's forget about it. My car's fine
See! She says it's all good
Dressed all dandy
Don't want any trouble, do you?
Look at me. All beaten up by you
Who do you think the judge would believe?
I bet you guys never go to
Tsim Sha Tsui East, huh?
Know who I am? I'm Keung!
Sam's top dog. Del Piero's boy
I'll kick your ass every time I see you
And you can count on that
How about calling an ambulance, sir?
Look at all the blood!
Have them bring 500 cc Type O. It's rare!
Shut up!
Wait till we're back to the station
Why do I have to go to the station?
I only stole a piece of junk, sir!
What've I done to deserve the OCTB?
Just shut up!
Does that deserve an OCTB beating?
Don't you know you're just a cadet?
And you are expected to get a medal
this year
Don't ever let Yip know about this!
Happy birthday!
What's there to be happy about?
Ten years in the Academy. A rustic hell
You even managed to get me out
Your case's now ancient history
Get yourself out
So what if the Commissioner's Chinese
Still six more years till the hand over
I'll be 48 by then!
Might as well train a few good cops here!
The world is yours after 1997!
Been beeping the whole day
How come you don't call back?
Cheers, sir! Cheers!
Just leave me alone!
It's none of my business
I don't want to know a thing
Go! Leave me alone!
What do you want?
My father just passed way
It was his wish to inform his children...
when something bad happened to him!
Sorry to have bothered you!
Stop watching TV! Eat first, Negro!
I wonder what they have on Kwun's death
Did you do it, Ching?
I've got a big mouth. Had I done it... would've heard about it!
Ask Wah and Gandhi
When Kwun died, I was in Macau
Everybody knows!
But I bet his kids think I did it
I ain't scared of nothing
The eldest son's a doctor
The youngest a brat
The daughter's married for ages
Only the middle son's running the show
If they go too far, I'll show them!
We failed to protect Kwun. It's our fault!
That's enough, Uncle John
Dad used to say
What goes around comes around
It came later than expected already
Wah, Ching, Negro and Gandhi
Guess what those four are thinking?
Thank you. Thank you all!
How's mom doing, sis?
She's fine. Been sleeping
Bring some cigs to the morgue for dad
I'll go get them
B Team, watch Tak Shing Street
C Team, watch the Austin Road exit...
...of that financial building
It has two exits
One on Tak Shing Street. One on Austin...
Something this big, why didn't you call?
I called everybody the minute it happened!
Kwun's boys can't sit still for sure
Shit will hit the fan tonight!
It's the 14th already. You know that?
The 14th. Time to pay the Ngai Family
I'm the youngest here
So let me be the jackass
I'm not paying the Ngai's any more
What do you three think?
Inspector Wong
What's up?
What're your men doing outside
Wah's building?
Not a good day for chit chat
Are you into something?
Fine, fine. Next time
What's the occasion?
Come on. Where's my seat?
Only if you're here for the food
All other businesses have to wait
The food. It's all about the food
Tonight's gonna be the shit!
Let the Big Four do their things
We'll deal with the aftermath
Don't let them start fighting
Or you'll see bodies
What? Not satisfied?
You know the rule. Pick a card
Okay. Higher points win
Come on!
There's nothing left to talk about
What's up, Hau?
Nothing much
Heard you're planning a casino in Macau
I've got the government in my pocket
How about a joint venture?
Uncle Kwun's dead
I'm not in the mood
I see
The Macau trip wasn't all business
I know you had fun with Gandhi's wife
Sorry, but I can't let go of my casino
in Macau
Gotta go
What are Sam's people doing?
I know Wah paid up
Don't change the subject
Tell me something I don't know!
Call me when you get your shit straight!
Hau took care of Wah in ten minutes
The Big Four are having a tough time
Hau took out a million's worth of coke
Mafia road block or what?
I don't know why Wah paid up, Hau
But I ain't gonna negotiate
I don't plan to negotiate, either
Pass the phone to Negro
Hey, Negro
Don't know why he calls you from my hood
What's up, Hau?
I'm with Gandhi all the way
He's not paying, neither will I!
Heard you and Gandhi have been tight
The heroin you two smuggled got robbed
Lost several millions each, right?
Luckily I found the stuff in your warehouse
Want me to hand it back to Gandhi now?
What's he talking about?
Among the Tsim Sha Tsui Big Fives...
Wah and Negro paid up
Counting Sam, that's 3 to 2
I'm the youngest here. Gotta pay!
See ya!
Don't think too much. Cheers!
Pay my share for me!
Mr. Ngai went to eat, Inspector Wong
A bit late for chowing, don't you think?
My dad always came here after work
I have to keep up the ritual
Want to join us?
It's your seat from now on. Must be tough
Not at all
You guys worked all night for nothing
Now that's tough
Well done, Hau
Hope you can keep it up
Don't let it turn into a tragedy. Let's go
What did you say?
We want to celebrate
Kwun's dead
Time to pop the champagne
Want me to pop one for you?
Want to mess with cops?
The Ngai's are in mourning
What more do you want?
Let's go
Dad used to operate street gambling here
Started out as...
a dime and nickel business
Now who doesn't know his name?
He often said
What goes around comes around
And now he's...
I'll always remember this day
It's all good, honey. Want some snacks?
Good to hear that. Just come home
An officer has to have a clean background
Though you cut your ties with the Ngai's... still share the same father with Hau
That means you lied on your application
I have but to let you go
But before you leave...
...go see "Mr. Wrong Socks" first
Still want to be a cop?
Can I still?
Only if you can give me a good reason
I want to be a righteous person
If you want to be a cop...
...then lend me a hand. Simple as that
You pick me 'cause I'm Hau's brother,
When the time comes,
will you arrest him yourself?
How do I start?
You okay?
Hanging in there?
What's wrong?
Does it still hurt?
My dad passed away today
He was so good to me
I asked the officer...
...if I could go to his funeral
The officer said...
Know what it means to be a prisoner?
It means you're not allowed
even to attend your father's funeral
Don't you know that?
Get out of here!
Come on. Stop that
Year: 1995
Are you nuts?
You sent Yan to be a mole?
Don't you know Hau's his half brother?
So what?
Bring me his file!
So you're playing the boss now, huh?
You damn well know you the files
are classified
I treat you like a bro. Is this what I get?
If you're a real bro, stop asking!
It's okay
Calm down!
Speak slowly!
She had an abortion!
It's no big deal. Just a baby
You can always have another one
I've been with you for four years
And I've bailed you out tons of times
One minute we're dining with my folks...
...the next you'll be in a gang fight
I don't want our baby to grow up like you
Do you understand?
Why so uptight?
No, nothing
Uncle John says you're doing well
Ever thought about helping the family out?
I know you want to keep a distance
from the Ngai's
But we're blood brothers. It's a fact
It's my daughter's birthday this Sunday
You're invited
You really hate talking to me, huh?
Promoted already?
Soon you'll be a superintendent
Might as well become a full time cop
Sam's kidding. Go ahead,
give me a smile
Thanks for your intel these couple years
When you were still a rookie...
I helped you catch some small potatoes
It's about time you caught some big shots
How about catching me?
Why so dirty? Or you can catch
this hot chicks
What're you doing?!
What a hot hootchie mama!
Your man must be
one good looking bastard
It's you! Who else?
Gotta go
Gotta go meet Mr. Ngai
Sam's so good to you!
But he's not good to himself
It's been four years
He could be in charge now
But he gave everything to the Ngai's
Now the Ngai Family's all big and bad
Hau must've figured it out
For the past four years
I haven't been sleeping well
I'm Inspector Wong Chi Shing
Don't worry, Mary
I won't let anything happen to you
Words, words, words
I promise
Toss it up!
Two days ago, a real estate agent came
Guess how much he offered?
One hundred sixty million!
What's wrong with Hong Kong? Tell me!
When my dad bought it
it was 9 million...280 thousand
What a world!
Moving, Mr. Ngai?
No big deal
Communication's easy these days
We're just a phone call away
I'm just worried about the phone bill
The phone company's greedy, you know
I've discussed it with mom
Our businesses are on the right track
You guys helped out so much in the past
I don't want to be ungrateful
I want to split the business up...
...among you guys
Treat it as a gift or a retirement fund
Let's eat! Take whatever you want!
We should hang out like this more often
Mr. Ngai
Are you leaving for real?
After you're gone, hell will break loose!
You're a Buddhist, aren't you, Sam?
Easy to start. Hard to let go
I'm letting go. Be happy for me
I've thought about it
Cocaine will be the future
Those four ship it in small bags
from S. America
Small timers!
I've closed a deal with the Thais
You'll have the monopoly
You'll be the top dog. Leader of the pack
Go to Thailand and wrap up the logistics
You plan to get rid of those four?
Move closer to the right, please
Come join the family portrait
Stand next to me!
I haven't been around much
these two years
It's rare to spend time...
...with the whole family like this
Your siblings are in legit businesses
It's time you helped out the family
Everything dad did was for the family
I did the same
Hope you will, too
A deal's coming up next week
Come with me
I'll call you
I think he's taking the deal seriously
He'll go in person next Wednesday
The 14th... Kwun's memorial
Hau wants to whack the Big Four
Why does he send Sam away?
Don't know. Sam should be of help to him!
Unless he wants to kill Sam also!
I've been following you around for days!
I'm your superior after all
I want to know what your plan is
The Ngai's are your family
Do you really know what you're doing?
I'm a cop!
Give me a salute
I've booked a table. Care for dinner?
Do I look good in my cap?
Looking good?
What'll you do in Thailand in that outfit?
Have some shark fin
A massage. Get two whores
for a threesome
That's for sure
Why didn't you tell me about your trip?
It's a business trip! Not for fun!
Don't worry. I'll behave
Hau plans to whack Wah and those guys
I know
But do you know you're his target too?
Nonsense! How can that be?
Just wait for me at the airport!
Time to board, Sam!
That's all I can do for now
Call Sam again when the plane lands
I'm going to kill Hau tonight
Don't do anything rash!
I'm not being rash!
Four years ago... told me to kill Kwun
So what? Want to blackmail me now?
I'm not blackmailing you
We simply passed the point of no return!
I'll send everybody away
Tonight's operation's top secret
We're divided into three teams
Team A watches here
Team B here
Wait for my order before doing anything
Team C follows the target until...
Nobody told me about the date change!
You know Hau changes his mind
all the time
You think Yan's the only mole?
My man's been undercover
for seven years!
Where's the deck of cards?
We'll run the show together tonight
Let's go!
How are you?
Don't move---
Zipping it till your lawyer gets here?
Come on, cooperate with us!
In fact, I appreciate your cooperation
Are you speaking Zen, Mr. Ngai?
I don't get it
Dad used to say...
...the way things work in the streets...
...what goes around always comes around
He died four years ago. It's about time
The stove's hot enough now
She's here, boss
You're here now
What can you swing?
Wait and see
Got it! Sir
The two foreigners are private eyes
Honey! Where are you?
Thailand, of course
Come back right away!
Are you nuts? Why should I come back?
Don't ask questions! Just come back!
Hau wants you dead!
Nonsense! I'm working for him
as we speak!
Listen to me!
I killed Kwun!
You've got a VCR?
Isn't it good?
What an awesome show!
Take care. Run if you have to
What did Hau say?
Sam. Sunny!
Mr. Ngai told me to take good care of you!
Four years ago... told me to kill Kwun
So what? Want to blackmail me now?
I'm not blackmailing you
We simply passed the point of no return!
I'll send everybody away
I hired Alan and Johnson... investigate my father's murder
Who would've known?
The police conspired...
to murder my father
A law abiding citizen
SP Luk
Isn't that an officer in the video?
Whether to nail him or not...
...that's up to you
What a good show!
You're so friggin' photogenic
Four years ago...
How much did Sam's woman pay you?
Give me another chance, Mr. Ngai
I gave them a chance four years ago
They didn't take it
If I give you a chance
Are you going to take it today?
You've been with us for seven years now
You're a cop
We're the bad guys
Time to accept our fates
You can't blame me
Your Inspector Wong killed my dad
Any words from Sam?
Sam called me
He said he was fine
He asked you to wait for him here
Where're your folks?
All emigrated
You didn't go with them?
Let's go, Sam! We got rid of the Thais
Let's go!
You know you're not going to make it
I know
My girl's in danger in Hong Kong
Please help me
Why should I?
'Cause I'll help you whack your boss
I know you want to be in charge
I've been treating you as a pal
Don't believe him, Sam! Don't!
Get lost!
Don't believe him! Get lost!
Sorry, Sam
Are you here to arrest me?
If you're going to kill Hau
I will
Then there's nothing to talk about
I spoke with my superiors
They're with you all the way this time
I conspired in murder!
Even the Brits agree that...
...we can't let the triads break us
The whole department's behind you
Good enough?
Where's your deck of cards?
The higher points win
Come back with me to the department
The key!
Forget it. I screwed up
No need to drag everyone down with me
We found this deck in our first outing
You've been keeping it all this time
I knew that all along
I've let you get your way in the past
It's your turn to listen for once
We're like brothers
Think I'm just gonna be a spectator?
Law's my snitch in the Ngai Family
He hasn't contacted me for days
Neither has Yan!
The key!
Help! Get some help!
Why did you lie to me?
I didn't!
Something happened to Sam!
I told you I was a simple woman
I have to do something for my husband
I'm going to Thailand
Please don't go!
Forget it! You don't have to follow us
I mean, I don't want you to go
You've been with Sam for years
Has it occurred to you...
Maybe Sam's dead!
What did you say?
I can take care of you
What're you doing?
I don't want you to go!
You're out of line!
Listen up!
I'm your boss's woman!
Don't let me see your face again!
She will go to the airport tonight...
Hello? Hello?
I killed Kwun!
A man treats me well
I'd do anything
Year: 1997
File number IO3142
About Inspector Wong conspiring
in murder
This is the 11th internal hearing
Inspector Wong
do you have any question?
An inspector should possess
leadership skills
Mr. Lau
you joined as a police constable
Could you tell the promotion board
why you deserve to be promoted?
Of course
On April 11, 1995...
The department received this tape
Accusing you of conspiring in a murder
I confess, sir
It's already 1997
Before the 1st of July
If we don't receive your
PO assessment report
Do you still think you can be promoted?
In Chinese, there is a saying
With a new king come new followers
So, I guess we will have to start
all over again
What happened to you?
If I told you...
...that the evidence couldn't stand
would you like to start over?
I'm sorry. I broke the law
What do you think of the police force's
morale after 1997?
Chinese people are sentimental
I hope the law will continue to back me up
But, I strongly believe in myself, sir!
I'm grateful to all of you
But I've got no confidence left. I lost!
What about Luk then?
Can you face him if you give up now?
The war's not over
We all want a closure to this incident
Hong Kong is not run by the Ngai Family
Here's a file from the Interpol
Read it before your make up your mind
Ever been to a funeral in Thailand?
A few months ago...
I had one for my wife
The monks chanted for three full days
I didn't shed a single tear
On the day of the burial...
...they left the casket in the living room
I was mad
I wanted to beat them up
The monk told me
it's a tradition in Thailand
The deceased...
As long as we keep her company...
for a little while longer
she can attain eternal peace
But I asked the monk
what if my wife was not in the coffin?
Could she still attain eternal peace?
Sorry about your wife
The monk placed his hand here
He said, "No problem
Your wife's here."
And here's exactly...
...where the Thais shot me!
So I told myself
I've passed the point of no return
Testifying against
Hau could be dangerous
I believe in you. You're so handsome
Haven't heard that for ages. Thanks
What's your plan?
Just trying to do my best
No big deal. It's my job
I'll leave Hong Kong when it's all over
You've changed
You diluted the coke, didn't you?
Got anything to say?
Take it all then!
Don't go too far, Yan
It'd break the boys' morale
Mr. Ngai asked me to be in charge here
Don't like it? Drive him to the hospital!
No matter what
they're elders after all
You've got lots to learn from them
Uncle John will retire in a few years
You know what I mean?
I don't need any hiccups now
The Labor Athletic Association has
a formal...
...for us Political Consultative candidates
If everything works out
our family will no longer live in shadows
Mr. Cheung
Mr. Ngai
How are you? Good. Good
When Solicitor Hung mentioned you
I didn't believe him
You're amazingly young, Mr. Ngai
What's your Zodiac?
The Year of the Ox
Ox's good
Director Chan likes young people
I'll introduce you later. Thanks
Director Chan said he hated the triads
That's right, SP Leung
Mr. Ngai's been invited to consult
the police
Really? Congratulations!
Where do you golf these days, Chan?
Zhong Shan Onsen
What's your handicap these days?
How are you? My name's Ngai...
Mr. Ngai Wing Hau
I'm Mr. Ngai's solicitor
Tonight's a celebration for HK's hand over
All other businesses can wait
What if I say no?
Got any problem with that?
Mr. Ngai
You're a suspect
in several murder cases in 1995
You're under arrest
This is your arrest warrant
Everything you say
will be recorded...
and could be used as evidence
against you
Do you have any question?
I looked through their files
The murder charges won't stand
But your being a triad boss...
That one will stick
The unions and the political parties called
They want to withdraw their invitations
Words from the HK and
Macau Affairs Office
They have revoked your candidacy
Call Beijing. Get some friends to help
Let me try
Forget it
They even found a dead man to testify
against you
Everyone knows how loyal Sam was
to you
Now he's the prosecution's witness
It's over
Sorry. Can't help you
You said there'd be no problem!
Everyone's watching how we will react
What're you going to do?
What can I do?
Threaten the government?
Don't take it the wrong way
We're all in the same boat
Time for me to get off then
I'm just a lawyer. Not one of you
I don't intend to sink with you. Sorry
Sam has a wife and a daughter are
in Thailand!
It's your call
You and the brothers should take mom...
...and go to Hawaii for a while
Okay. Haven't been there for a while
Are you going to be all right?
I'll be fine
Sorry I can't help the family
The key thing now is you turn out okay
Don't be silly. We're a family!
Take care of mom!
Don't worry. Leave it to us three
Even with my testimony
Hau will only get a couple years
It's true
He'll have to whack you to get life
I have to thank you
Without you
I could never have come back
Save it! I'm busy these days
Anything you need, ask them
They'll protect you
So, how's it going?
Good. Been transferred to the CIB
Will be Inspector in Training next month
Did Mary call you...
...before she left...?
Don't be too hard on yourself, Sam
Inspector Wong said to find you
if I needed anything
Will you really help me?
I thought you wouldn't come
Why's that?
So here we are
It's been two years
Because of my father's case
you didn't dare to call me for two years?
You couldn't face me?
All you need to nail Hau is in the safe
I've organized the files according to dates
Why do you still help me?
I'm not helping you
I'm a cop
I want to keep my promises to SP Luk!
And I don't want to be a mole any more
Two more years and I'll become the top dog
What for? To end up in prison?
Let's bury the past
Just bring me back into the department
Give me a desk
Make sure it has a sea view
And don't let me see your face again
Don't worry
You won't see me any more
One more thing
I couldn't spell some of the words
Come find me if you don't understand
But don't mess up the order
I'll kill you if you mess that up!
That's great. Put me out of misery!
You wish!
Thank you, officer
The trial will start in three days
Mr. Hon
Inspector Wong! Sam's gone!
He escaped through the kitchen
Who was guarding the kitchen?
Sorry, sir
Sam'd made a call to Thailand...
...before he escaped
Mr. Ngai
What do you want from me?
You called me
So tell me how you can help me
Am I right? Sit down
Whack me!
Kill me and it's all over!
Why should I?
Haven't done that kind of stuff for ages
Everything can be negotiated
Hong Kong's big enough for us both, Sam
We can even be partners
Let's forget about the past
You will kill me
You'll kill me tonight
But who's gonna take care of your family?
Just in!
Hau has Sam's wife and daughter
as hostages
That's his Thai maid!
I managed to stay alive all these years
It's all because...
...I have some good buddies in Thailand
You want to take this call
It's from Hawaii
Your whole family's there
My Thai buddies, too
Hello! Mr Ngai
My boss asked me
to take good care of your family
Daddy! Where are you?
Mr. Ngai!
Shut up!
You'll whack me tonight. I told you so
Put it down, Ngai Wing Hau!
Let him
He tried to kill me once before
Let him do it again!
After he shoots me...'ll be your call to shoot him or not
What goes around comes around!
Two questions
Did you kill his whole family?
Of course not!
My buddies and I were just scaring him!
Did you expect me to kill him for you?
Would you believe me if I said no?
I expected to die here
It was my only way
Did you know how hard I worked... collect tons of evidence... put him away for life?
How are you?
The Thai guy, Sam
Thank you
It's all good
We're now partners
Cocaine straight to HK from now on
Should I wrap up the Ngai episode?
Maybe we shouldn't go too far
It was pure luck that you bumped into me
Otherwise you would've been killed
We were destined to be partners...
...when my gun failed to kill you
You can never go too far. Get it?
The hand over ceremony of Hong Kong...
...commenced earlier at 11:20
Both countries' anthems were played
A British flag
rose up in the hall
The ceremony was dignified
Yet it'd had its share of relaxed moments...
before its commencement
When both countries' marching
bands played
some Chinese representatives
took pictures
Prince Charles
and Governor Patten were smiling
As the ceremony officially commenced
Three British soldiers
and three Chinese ones---
...marched slowly onto the podium
The Chinese soldiers---
displayed the PRC flag
Following their lead...
Three HK Royal Police officers...
...emerged with
three HK SAR Police officers
The three SAR officers displayed...
...the HKSAR flag to the honorable guests
And now
all the guests have risen
It was exactly midnight
The arrival of July 1st, 1997
The PRC flag rose up...
with the HKSAR flag
marking the end of the colonial era
It also signified the beginning...
...of the One Country Two Systems policy
The Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region...
...of the People's Republic of China
has been established
Okay. It's a deal
Come join me
You know what kind of boss is the worst?
The ugly boss
Look's everything! Look how I shine!
What's your name, miss?
What's your name, miss?
I'm Ma... Mary
M A---
M A Y---
Continuous Hell embodies 3 components:
Uninterrupted Time, Unlimited Space,
Boundless Suffering
Transgressers of the Five Deadly Sins
fall into this hell forever
condemned to the ultimate
incessant suffering