Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle (2018)

am the jungle's eyes.
I can see the past...
and the future.
It is I, Kaa,
who witnessed the coming of man...
[thunder rumbling]
[Kaa]...and the jungle...
trying to survive.
[elephant trumpets]
[birds chirping]
[tiger roaring]
[frogs ribbiting]
- [bell ringing]
- [Kaa] I saw chaos
and darkness come to our lands.
[loud roaring]
[people yelling]
- [woman gasps]
- [baby cries]
- [material rips]
- Ah!
[woman screams]
[tiger roars]
[man yells]
[Kaa] I saw the tiger, Shere Khan,
killing man,
and breaking the jungle's ancient law.
- [growling]
- [baby crying]
[mouse squeals]
[Kaa] And then,
one fateful night,
I saw the jungle place its hopes
into the hands...
of a small creature,
the like of which...
it had never seen before.
[soft snarl]
[continues sniffing]
[baby babbling]
- [distant roaring]
- Hmm?
- [baby giggling]
- [birds tweeting]
[baby cooing]
[cub whining]
[cubs growling]
- [cub sniffs]
- [baby gasps]
[cubs whining]
[baby cooing]
[howls softly]
How did it get here?
I don't know.
Is it hurt?
There's no wound.
It's on its own.
[Vihaan] I've never seen a man-cub before.
It's so...
It doesn't fear us.
[baby babbling]
What are we going to do with it?
- [approaching footsteps]
- [wolves growl]
- Evening, Nisha.
- [flies buzzing]
- It's a lovely night, isn't it?
- What is it that you want, Tabaqui?
[sniffing] What's that I smell?
Fresh kill?
If it's bones you're after,
look elsewhere.
We have enough mouths to feed.
[cubs bark and whine]
I meant no harm, Nisha. [laughs]
[baby coos]
[distant roar]
Your master calls.
You best go quickly.
He sounds an ill temper tonight.
That he does. That he does.
And with good reason.
- [Tabaqui screams]
- [wolves growl]
[Tabaqui] I found the man-cub! [laughs]
I found the man-cub!
Finish cleaning him off.
- Nisha.
- Clean him!
- Where you going?
- To Akela.
A council must be held
if we are to keep him.
- [Vihaan] Keep him?
- [Nisha] Don't let him out of your sight.
[Vihaan] We can't keep him!
- [bell ringing]
- [wolves howling]
Nisha, you have called council.
What's the matter at hand?
We've found...
a man-cub.
[wolves chattering]
- [male 1] That's not a wolf.
- [female] That doesn't belong here.
[male 2] A man-cub! Outrageous.
this is most unusual indeed.
you wish to raise this cub
as if he were your own?
- I do.
- [wolves whine]
And Vihaan?
You, too?
I do.
[male] It's a man-cub!
You know the law.
This cub was not born among us.
So, who, here, speaks for the cub?
[Bagheera pants] I speak for the cub.
The law states that the life of a cub...
may be bought...
for a price.
I brought my payment.
We have one.
Who else will speak for the cub?
Baloo does.
[male wolf] Baloo?
- Bagheera...
- He's not a wolf. He has no say.
He's the teacher of your cubs.
That makes him a member of the pack.
I ain't speakin' for no... [snickers]
...a man-cub.
Bagheera, have you lost your mind?
A man-cub living in the jungle?
[Nisha] Akela,
his parents will come.
[loud roaring]
[Shere Khan] His parents are dead.
I killed them.
[Tabaqui laughs]
There is no one to come looking for him.
[wolves growl]
This is not your concern, Shere Khan.
The cub is mine.
I already tasted its mother's blood.
It is my right.
Your right according to who's law?
Best you leave now.
Careful, Akela.
You do not want to challenge me.
[Tabaqui laughs]
This cub...
is under the protection of the pack.
Should you decide to take me,
you take on the pack.
All of us.
[wolves snarl and bark]
As long as I am leader,
this part of the jungle is closed to you.
- [snarling and barking]
- [Baloo and Bagheera roar]
You cannot be leader forever.
The day you miss your kill,
the man-cub's blood...
will run down my chin.
[wolves growl]
[Akela] The cub is spoken for.
He is one of us.
You will teach him as you would your own.
As long as I am alive,
the pack will stand by the man-cub.
[Akela howls]
[all howl]
[kite screams]
[cows mooing]
[bells jingle]
[indistinct human chattering]
[Mowgli laughing]
[leaves rustle]
[Mowgli whooping and laughing]
Hunting is sacred, little brother.
It is our right.
But we never do it for sport.
[panting] Wait. Wait.
We look them in the eye...
so that the soul...
doesn't depart, alone.
[birds chittering]
[softly] Bagheera...
- [Bagheera grunts softly]
- [crunching insect]
[birds caw]
How old is the jungle, Bagheera?
The jungle has been here
since before you were born
and it will be here...
...after you die.
The jungle is eternal.
[Mowgli] Bagheera...
why am I different to the other wolves?
You are no different,
little brother.
You are special.
[Baloo] Of course you're different.
That's why you need special training.
You know what your trouble is?
Lack of focus.
[Mowgli] Baloo,
how many ants can you fit in your mouth?
Ants are really small
and your mouth is really big.
- I bet...
- Mowgli, will you concentrate?
[scorpion hissing and snapping]
Why do I have to do this?
'Cause I said so.
Tell me the three laws, now.
"No wolf shall have contact with man."
- Next.
- Baloo...
- what happened to your tail?
- Next!
"No wolf shall hunt man's animals.
Above all, the cow, which is sacred!"
Did it fall off?
Is that why you don't have one?
What? Why haven't you got a tail?
I don't know.
I never really thought about it.
Third law.
"No wolf shall kill man in the jungle,
for killing man only brings danger."
Oh, well. Least you know your laws.
Now, we just got to get you
to run as fast as the other wolves.
- [Baloo chuckles] Oy!
- [Mowgli grunts and groans]
Don't let your guard down. [laughs]
All right,
that's enough for today, Mowgli.
[Mowgli howling]
Straight back to the caves.
No wandering. Run like a wolf, d'you hear?
[Mowgli] I can't hear you!
[Baloo chuckles and sighs]
[birds tweeting]
[cows mooing]
[bells jingling]
[indistinct chattering]
[Bhoot] Mowgli!
Hey, Mowgli. [pants]
- Bhoot!
- What are you doing?
- Nothing.
- Hey, do you want to play?
- [Mowgli] Got ya!
- [Bhoot screams]
- [laughs]
- Oh!
Oh, I nearly had you.
You're good at hiding.
Mum taught me how to hide.
She shows me loads of tricks.
[laughs] So I can protect myself.
She says, "Others can mistake...
individuality for weakness."
That's why they have a go at me sometimes.
Me, too.
Come on. I'll race you home.
- [Bhoot chuckles]
- On my call...
[Mowgli howls]
[both laughing]
Hey, brother.
What did Baloo make you do today?
Put a scorpion on me
and told me not to move.
- [laughs]
- [Mowgli] He says I lack focus.
Aw, Baloo says that to all of us.
- How was your lesson?
- Fine.
Your brother tells me
you're getting faster.
He can nearly keep pace with me.
He can almost beat Bhoot. [laughs]
Yeah, he should just race
with his freak friend!
It's only natural they spend
so much time with each other.
Freaks have to stick together.
- [wolves growl]
- [Bhoot gasps and grunts]
[Nisha] That's enough.
Ow. That really hurt.
Inside, now.
[wolves whine]
You shouldn't let them pick on you
like that.
We were only playing.
Better go home, Bhoot.
Bye, Mowgli! [chuckles] Ow.
I meant what I said to Mum.
You are getting faster.
Your father was never
much of a runner either.
It's true. I was the slowest in my group.
I never thought I was gonna complete
The Running. I was sure I would fail.
- You're going to be late.
- Have a good hunt, Father.
Before you know it, you'll be coming along
with me. All of you!
- [male wolf] Good hunting!
- [Vihaan] Good hunting all!
[Baloo] This is the jungle!
In the jungle, we all hunt.
And... [snarls]
...we are all hunted.
You see what that means.
It means that you...
you don't want to get caught.
[wolves growl and bark]
That's why you can't join the pack...
until you have passed The Running...
[shouts] Pay attention!
"What's The Running, Baloo?"
The running is the hunt where you...
are the prey.
[wolves and Mowgli whine]
Now, Bagheera here...
You all know Bagheera, don't you?
Yeah, Bagheera, friendly Bagheera.
In The Running, Bagheera will hunt you,
and if he catches you...
you fail.
What happens if you fail?
[yelling] You don't join the pack!
- [wolves whine]
- [Mowgli whimpers]
But I've never had one of my cubs fail.
And I'm not gonna start now. [laughs]
[Mowgli gasps]
Let's practice, shall we?
[Baloo] On my call.
Wait... wait...
[Baloo] Come on, now!
Pick up the pace!
Come on!
[Mowgli panting]
[Baloo breathing heavily]
[monkey chittering]
[monkey chatters]
You were with the monkey-people...
again. [breathes heavily]
[Baloo] The monkey-people have no law,
they're unpredictable,
and they can't even speak proper.
- [Mowgli] I think they're funny.
- [Baloo] There's nothing funny about them.
You keep away, do you understand?
- I'm not afraid of them.
- Only fools feel no fear, Mowgli.
The monkey-people are especially foolish.
There's nothing they're afraid of.
Well, except Kaa. [laughs]
Oh, they can't even lay eyes on her.
[Mowgli] Who's Kaa?
- Oh, you don't want to meet Kaa.
- [Mowgli chuckles]
Kaa the Python...
is as old as the jungle.
She sees the past...
and the future.
[flies buzzing]
- [Mowgli pants]
- [shouts] Turn around!
Eyes forward.
[flies buzzing]
The cow...
had been killed
and left there to be found.
- [male 1] The tiger! He's come back!
- Only Khan would kill man's cattle.
- [male 2] One man-cub will bring more men!
- It's Shere Khan!
Akela, we knew this would happen!
We told you!
Can't you see, Akela,
the man-cub is putting us all in danger.
- You were wrong to ever take him in!
- We should give him to the tiger!
- Akela, no!
- [male wolf] Save the pack!
He is one of us.
I will see to this matter.
Shere Khan wants to bring war
to the jungle.
With man? Is he out of his mind?
War with me.
He knows I'm getting old.
This is his way of bringing chaos
to the pack.
- Khan wants the boy.
- We can protect him.
You know there is only one way
to protect him.
He must go to the man village.
You're forgetting, Bagheera,
this was always more
than just a good deed.
The jungle is changing.
Man is taking more of it,
as each season passes.
And the boy...
may just be our only hope of survival.
The jungle is no longer safe for him.
- The pack won't accept him.
- They will if he passes The Running.
Baloo, is he ready?
Of course he's not ready.
He's not a wolf.
Then make him ready.
[Baloo sighs]
[Baloo] Right,
no more messing about.
Can you run as fast as a wolf?
No, you can't.
You've got hands with fingers on the ends,
so let's use them.
Now jump, to there.
Come on, hurry up.
[Mowgli pants]
[grunts, thuds]
[Baloo laughs]
[birds fluttering and chirping]
[grunts, thuds]
[Baloo] Oh, nearly!
Ah! [yelling]
- Yes!
- Baloo!
[Mowgli grunts, thuds]
[birds cawing]
[growl echoing through water]
[Shere Khan sighs]
[Shere Khan growls]
[shouts] Ah!
[birds calling and fluttering]
[distant roaring]
[approaching footsteps]
[loud pounding]
[Mowgli breathing heavily]
[soft trumpeting]
[Bagheera snarls]
What happened?
[Bagheera panting]
[birds tweeting]
Come on, little brother.
Time to go home.
[growls softly]
[indistinct human chatter]
Do you know why those men have come?
[bells dinging]
[Bagheera] They've come to hunt the tiger
that steals their cattle.
Will they kill him?
It won't be easy.
Shere Khan...
is clever.
Very dangerous.
the jungle is no longer safe for you.
But if you were to be in a place
where Shere Khan would never go,
then you would be safe.
Where does Shere Khan never go?
you know... the man village.
Why would I go there?
Because you are a man-cub.
I have seen the way
you look at the village.
[Mowgli whimpers]
You are one of them.
I'm a wolf.
[Bagheera sighs]
He wants your blood, little brother.
It was Shere Khan
who killed your man-parents
all those seasons ago,
and now he wants to kill you.
The pack will protect me.
If you fail The Running...
I won't fail.
You won't...
be able to join the pack.
[shouts] I won't fail!
Then promise me this.
If you do fail...
you will go to the village.
Promise me, Mowgli.
[Mowgli pants]
[indistinct human chatter]
- [woman groans]
- [man] Good evening!
[men speaking Hindi]
[fire crackling]
[Lockwood] Don't worry.
I'll kill your tiger.
How many's he taken this time?
Quickly, now. Come on.
- [Tabaqui pants]
- [flies buzzing]
[Tabaqui laughs]
Did you smell the blood, man-cub?
[whispers] What is it?
- The creature that did that to your tail.
- [Tabaqui] It's called "fire."
It's hotter than the sun.
And it's quicker than the panther.
Your kind use dark magic, man-cub.
They're not my kind.
I dream I'm a tiger. [growls]
But I always wake up a hyena.
[groans] Ow.
[birds tweeting]
[elephant trumpets]
You should try and get some sleep.
You'll want to be rested for tomorrow.
What's bothering you, my love?
All I've ever wanted...
my whole life...
is to be a wolf.
For the others to see me as an...
This is my chance to prove myself.
To prove that I'm one of them.
To prove that I belong.
You belong.
You belong, Mowgli.
Don't, ever, let anyone
make you think otherwise.
You will always be my son, Mowgli.
Nothing can ever change that.
[Akela] You are about to take part
in one of our oldest traditions.
The Running of the Pack.
Those of you who pass the test...
will have earned the right...
to join us...
in the night hunt.
As is customary...
Bagheera will perform his task as chaser.
[heart beating]
Good luck, Mowgli!
[wolves growl and whine]
Face the hill.
Good luck, brother.
[Akela] I must warn you.
Bagheera has been told not to hold back.
[Akela] On my call.
If you will.
[Bagheera roars]
- [wolves barking]
- [Mowgli yelling]
- [wolf whines]
- [Mowgli groans]
[wolf] Out of my way, freak!
[birds squawking]
- [Bagheera roars]
- [wolves whine]
[Bagheera roars]
[Mowgli yelps] Ah!
[Mowgli pants]
- [roars]
- [Mowgli gasps]
[Mowgli grunts]
- [roars]
- [gasps and yells]
- [Mowgli yelling and grunting]
- [roaring]
[Mowgli grunting]
[wolves barking and growling]
- [Bagheera roars]
- [Mowgli yelps]
[Baloo] Let him go, Bagheera.
[Mowgli pants]
Get up.
You let your guard down.
I told you, never let your guard down.
He was only chasing me.
He targeted me.
He knows I'm the weakest.
[Mowgli whimpers]
All of your lessons...
[shouts]...they mean nothing!
[Bagheera] Mowgli!
Bagheera! He's fine.
Let him be.
[wolf] See ya, freak!
[Mowgli pants and grunts]
- [laughs]
- [flies buzzing]
[kite screeches]
[monkey calls]
[monkey chittering]
[Mowgli grunting]
Hey, Mowgli.
[Bhoot chuckling] Oh!
- [Mowgli gasps] Ah!
- [Bhoot shrieks]
[Mowgli yelling]
I saw that look in your eye
when you were standing over him.
I did what I did because I had to.
Do you think I am stupid?
[shouts] I saw what you did!
[both roaring]
[Mowgli yelling] Help! Help! Help!
He was in the lead!
I trained that boy!
Why did you have to do that?
- [Bagheera] He had to fail!
- [yells]
Why can't you see how much danger he's in?
[Baloo] The pack would have protected him!
Khan will kill him
and tear the pack apart.
You are not the only one
who cares about the boy.
All you care about is that he passed.
That is because it's my job!
[Bhoot whines]
Bagheera! Baloo! Up here!
Mowgli's been taken by the monkey-people!
[both panting]
[kite screeches]
- Mowgli!
- Mowgli!
[monkeys screeching]
[Mowgli yelling]
[monkeys eeking excitedly]
[Mowgli grunts] Let go!
Let me go!
[Mowgli grunting and screaming]
[Mowgli yelps] Ah!
[flies buzzing]
[monkeys screeching]
[Mowgli huffs and puffs]
[kite screeches]
[loud roar]
[Tabaqui laughing]
[monkey screeches]
My, my.
How you've grown.
[monkey yelps]
And how much chaos
you brought upon the pack.
So much more...
to come.
a little taste.
[roof cracking]
[Baloo yells, grunts]
[monkeys screeching]
[monkeys screeching]
[Bagheera roars]
[monkey screams]
[both roar]
[monkeys screeching]
[Bagheera gasps and roars]
[Bagheera groans]
[Baloo roars]
[Shere Khan gasps]
Let the man-cub alone.
He belongs...
to us. [hisses]
[Mowgli groans]
[monkeys screeching]
[birds chittering]
[water flowing]
She saved me.
[wolves howling]
[Akela] Good hunting!
[wolves] Good hunting all!
[wolves howl and bark]
[Akela] Good hunting!
[wolves] Good hunting all!
[Bhoot] Mowgli!
Hey, Mowgli.
- [cracks]
- [Bhoot gasps and laughs]
Don't worry.
We'll get to join them soon enough.
I just know it.
Mum says, some wolves just need more time.
It doesn't mean we're not good enough.
Hey, why don't we have our own night hunt?
Just you and me.
What do you say?
[Mowgli sighs]
You've been spending a lot of time
on your own since the monkey-people.
It's not good to be alone.
Wolves are supposed to be
with other wolves.
I'm not a wolf.
Of course you are, Mowgli.
You're the best wolf I know!
Why do you always want to be
around me, Bhoot?
'Cause you're my best friend, Mowgli.
[Mowgli sighs]
I understand what it's like.
For nobody to want you.
I don't have any friends neither.
we have each other.
And we're kind of same, you and me.
We're not the same.
Of course we are.
Because you're special and I'm special.
[shouts] We're not special!
Don't you get it?
We'll never be one of them!
We're freaks!
You're not special, Bhoot!
It's just something your mother tells you
to make you feel better about yourself...
because you came out wrong!
Bhoot, I'm sorry.
[leaves rustling]
[Akela yells]
[wolves panting]
look who's here.
It's the man-cub,
his destiny still uncertain.
Are you afraid of me, man-cub?
Sometimes fear...
is the only intelligent response.
Don't you think?
[breathes shakily]
Say something...
or I shall get bored.
And when I get bored...
I get hungry.
Is it...
Is it true that you know the past
and the future?
What is it you want from me...
Why did you save me
from the monkey-people?
Why do you think
the elephant saved you from the tiger pit?
The whole jungle has been watching you,
Even you must know you are unusual.
Not quite a wolf,
not quite a man...
or neither...
or both.
[Mowgli gasps]
[wolves panting]
[Akela roars]
I think we can both agree, Mowgli,
that you are something
the jungle has never seen before.
[wolves howl]
[Akela sighs]
Every day...
you grow a little older.
Every day...
you come a little closer.
- One day you will fight...
- [distant screams echoing]
...and kill.
One day you will speak...
and the jungle will listen.
What will you say then, man-cub?
Do you hear?
[wolves howling]
The entertainment...
I shall be watching.
- [monkeys screeching]
- [wolves howling]
You have no right to be here, Shere Khan!
Well, I think you'll find
I stay where I please.
[Tabaqui laughs]
You kill man's cattle.
You poison the jungle.
You're the reason man is here!
But you permitted man to live among you.
You pretend he is a wolf.
When we both know
that is the one thing he will never be.
He will always be...
a man.
poisoned the jungle.
But you're no longer leader now,
are you?
You missed your kill.
[Tabaqui laughs]
By your law...
your pack...
must challenge you.
[Tabaqui laughs]
Akela's missed his kill!
Akela's missed his kill!
- [laughing]
- [monkeys screeching]
[Akela] As is our tradition,
whoever defeats me...
will become leader of the pack.
[wolves snarling]
[growling and thudding]
[wolf whines]
[wolves snarling]
What's happening?
[growling and whining]
It's the law.
[wolves growling]
- [growls]
- [whining]
Who's next?
[wolves growl]
[Akela yelps]
- [monkeys screeching]
- [wolves howling]
[Mowgli gasps]
- [yelling]
- [gasps]
Who's next?
[wolves bark and whine]
[Shere Khan roars]
[Mowgli grunting]
- [fire whooshes]
- [Shere Khan roars]
If I ever see you here again,
I will set your hide ablaze
and watch you burn alive!
[roars] I will taste your blood,
[wolves whimpering]
[fire crackling]
[Akela and Mowgli panting]
You have...
turned the weapons of man...
upon us.
You have brought the pack great shame.
You have brought me...
great shame.
[wolves whining]
[thunder crashes and rumbles]
[thunder crashes]
[indistinct chattering]
[Mowgli grunts]
[birds tweeting]
[distant voices chattering]
[planks creaking]
- [banging]
- [Mowgli grunts]
[cows mooing]
[people chattering]
- [cow moos]
- [bell dings]
- [footsteps]
- [planks creak]
[classical music playing over speaker]
[grunting, yelling]
[cage clinks open]
[cage grinds]
[birds cawing and chirping]
[plate clanks]
[people speaking Hindi]
[Mowgli gasps]
[children chuckle]
- [thumps]
- [Mowgli snarling]
- [soft snarling]
- [footsteps approaching]
- Bagh...
- Shh!
[Bagheera sighs]
Hello, little brother.
[quavering] I knew you'd come.
I knew you'd rescue me.
I have not come to rescue you.
I've come to tell you to stay.
- [footsteps]
- [planks creak]
You must stay in the village.
You must not come back to the jungle.
- But the jungle is my home.
- No, it isn't. Not anymore.
I can't stay here.
- Yes, you can.
- I can't.
You will learn to understand their ways.
You may even grow...
[takes a deep breath] like it.
It'll be all right,
little brother.
How do you know? You've never spent a day
outside the jungle.
[Bagheera purrs]
I was born among man.
[Bagheera sighs]
I bear the marks of a collar.
Under my chin.
I lived in a king's palace
in a cage just like this.
Fed through a slot.
Man's entertainment.
I only heard stories about the jungle.
When I found you...
all those seasons ago...
[sighs]...I saw something in you.
And I thought I could teach you.
I thought I could...
[takes a deep breath]
...teach you how to belong.
To be like everyone else.
But I was wrong, Mowgli.
You weren't wrong. [sobs]
I was wrong.
I love you.
I was another panther...
in that cage, Mowgli.
I bit...
and I scratched...
and I spent my entire life fighting.
Until one day...
I just stopped.
I stopped fighting.
And I gained their trust.
Gain their trust, little brother.
Don't leave me here.
[shouting] Come back!
[birds tweeting]
[men chattering]
[cows mooing]
[knife sharpening]
[cow bells jingling]
[imitates slicing] Shh-ha.
You're a fast learner.
[speaking Hindi]
[in English] Prefer mine cooked.
I, uh, noticed your scar.
Looks like we've both got the same enemy.
[birds tweeting]
[Mowgli gasps]
[speaking Hindi]
It's nothing to worry about.
It's all right, it's nothing.
[singing in Hindi]
Here, you can keep this one.
[Messua continues singing in Hindi]
[people speaking Hindi]
- [boy yelling]
- [cows mooing]
[boy gasps]
[dogs barking]
Oh! [chuckles]
[children shouting]
[speaking Hindi]
- [all laughing]
- [cow moos]
[Lockwood in English]
It's so you can hunt.
- [children playing]
- [people speaking Hindi]
[kite screeches]
[children chattering and laughing]
[kite screeches]
Hello, brother!
[pants] Hello, Mowgli.
You look different.
Why are you here?
It's Shere Khan.
He's taken over.
We've had to leave home.
Those of us
who still stand by Akela, anyway.
And... the others?
They come in groups, in the night.
Threaten us.
Our own people.
It's not my problem anymore.
- Mowgli...
- It's not my problem.
We've been pushed to the very edge
of the jungle.
And Khan won't stop killing man's cattle.
We're afraid of what man might do to us.
The pack needs you, Mowgli.
They didn't need me when I was cast out.
Come home.
This is my home now.
[musical instrument drumming]
[people laughing, chattering]
[Hindi music playing]
[boy speaking Hindi]
[man speaking Hindi]
when will you kill the tiger?
He has killed many cattle.
[in English] A clever beast.
Knows how to cover his tracks.
[in Hindi]
Have you ever missed?
Just once,
just once.
[in English] Elephant.
I did get one of his tusks, though.
[in Hindi]
I have never missed a kill since.
[fire crackling]
I will get your tiger.
[in English]
I have no doubt, I will get him.
I will get him.
[bottle shatters]
[classical music playing from speaker]
[music stops]
[planks creaking]
[in English] Beautiful...
isn't he?
My first albino.
And this...
is my own personal menagerie.
You don't understand...
a word I'm saying,
do you?
We can't all be scholars.
Because God knows I'm not.
[sobbing softly]
[birds chittering]
[Bhoot] Mowgli!
[Mowgli] I will show you the hunter
who took this...
if you help me rid the jungle
of the tiger.
[Mowgli] Shere Khan has brought us
nothing but chaos.
[wolves whining]
[Mowgli] Akela, we must kill the tiger.
I would rather die...
than break with laws of the jungle.
And our people...
your friends...
are with me.
But I'm not bound
by those laws any more, Akela,
and this is not the jungle
you once knew.
When you were a cub,
I looked you in the eye and saw no fear.
I believed then...
that, one day,
you would bring peace to the jungle.
But you have become a man now, Mowgli.
I am not a man.
But neither am I a wolf.
- Which of you will follow me?
- [Akela] We can't, Mowgli.
The jungle law is sacred.
Tomorrow, the tiger dies.
[kite screeching]
[birds chirping]
[Mowgli panting]
[shouts] Khan!
[birds chittering and cawing]
[echoing] Khan!
The boy needs us, Akela.
[Baloo growls]
Here I am!
[cicadas chirping]
[leaves rustling]
Look at you,
using a man's tool to do your killing.
[Tabaqui laughs]
What would Baloo and Bagheera think?
[continues howling]
[Tabaqui screeches] What's he doing?
[elephant trumpets]
[Tabaqui screams]
[branches cracking]
[elephants trumpeting]
[people speaking Hindi]
[Mowgli grunts]
- [yelps]
- [roars]
[Mowgli grunting]
- [roars]
- [groans]
- [Mowgli grunts]
- [Shere Khan growls]
[Shere Khan roars]
[Mowgli grunts]
[Mowgli yelling]
[branches crack]
[teeth snapping]
[Mowgli grunts]
[both screaming]
[elephants trumpet]
[roaring loudly]
There's your hunter!
[village bells ringing]
[wolves whine]
Let's go.
[all growling]
[people yelling]
- [Shere Khan grunts]
- [branch cracks]
[Mowgli yells angrily]
- [gunshot]
- [Mowgli grunts]
You know, I can still hear...
your mother's screams
the night I took her life.
- No!
- [gunshot]
[Akela roars]
[Lockwood screams]
[Mowgli pants]
- [Akela whines]
- [Shere Khan groans]
Forgive me for doubting you, Mowgli.
It is your time now.
Lead them.
[Shere Khan groans]
[flies buzzing]
[Shere Khan pants weakly]
[Mowgli softly] Sleep now, Shere Khan.
Be angry no more.
[growling softly]
[elephants trumpeting]
[trumpets loudly]
With the tiger and the hunter now gone,
the future shimmered from darkness...
into light.
[kite screeching]
[Kaa] Mowgli,
man and wolf,
both and neither,
had given the jungle a voice.
And for as long as he stood watch,
it would speak a lasting peace.
[woman singing]
The moon
The sky
Will be your guide
The stars
At night
Will take you home
Again when the wind blows
And the time flows
And the wind blows
And the time flows
Can you see
The writing through the trees
Can you feel
The changes on the breeze
A man you'll be
When you are free
You'll hear the night
Your symphony inside
And the wind blows
And the time flows
And the wind blows
And the time flows
Can you see
The writing through the trees
Can you feel
The changes on the breeze
The flame
Still burns
Within your heart
This world
Will always
Be a part of you
When the wind blows
And the time flows
And the wind blows
And the time flows
Can you see
The writing through the trees
Can you feel
The changes on the breeze
From the dawn of time
Through endless days
You read the signs
To find your way
Back to the dream
That brought you peace
From the fire of mind
To roar of beast
Can you see
The writing through the trees
Can you feel
The changes on the breeze...
[woman singing in Hindi]
[woman continues singing in English]
...When the wind blows
And the time flows
And the wind blows
And the time flows
Can you see
The writing through the trees
Can you feel
The changes on the breeze
When the wind blows
And the time flows
And the wind blows
And the time flows
Can you see
The writing through the trees
Can you feel
The changes on the breeze
From dawn of time
Through endless days
You read the signs
To find your way
Back to the dream
That brought you peace
From fire of man
To roar of beast
Can you see
The writing through the trees
Can you feel
[birds tweeting and chittering]