Mozart Town (2008)

November's autumn
From within this cumbrous change, it feels
like walking towards my own limitless pasts.
I will spend a year in this city
as an exchange professor
Giving lectures and performances of
Mozart's invaluable heritage.
I hope this city could be my Mozart Town.
But for now, let me just lean on
my own hopes and excitements.
I came here for a university's invitation
I'll have to ask the time.
Whether my next one year here
will be a happy one.
Excuse me, one lottery coupon, please!
Here you are.
Oh, Hi Mom.
Something happened?
No, still nothing.
If he has something to say,
I am sure he will call.
Oh, mom.
You know I can't go and find him.
Alright, if I have time I will try.
Don't worry too much.
Take some rest.
Hide! Police is coming!
Where do you come from?
- Where do you come from?
- From Bangladesh.
- Where do you come from?
- I come from Bangladesh.
- Did you guys come togother?
- Yes.
- Now let's see yours.
- A minute please.
I don't know, motherfucker!
I am fucking busy right now!
I really don't know, you bastard!
Later! Just call me later!
Got it! Got it! Hang up!
Where do you come from? - Philippines
When did you come here? - A year ago.
I told you there is none here - Shut up.
These lazy bastads!
Where the fucking were you?
Who told you to come this late?
Go to work!
Always asking about salary
yet so lazy to work.
Work! Work! Work!
Hurry! Motherfuckers!
Hop in!
Why did you bother coming here?
You must be tired.
You should have just go home
I just finished around this area
I thought why don't we go home together
Have you eat? - Yes.
You? - No, not yet.
You must be starving,
let's go home and eat. - Sure.
A lot of tourists today? - Yeah, so so.
I work as a piano tuner,
I wonder why can I be this tired?
You look tired, shall I drive instead?
Really? Well, I am not tired.
Let me do it. - Ok.
Be careful! - Sure.
Drive Slowly. - Yes.
Did you go to hospital?
Why do you ask?
We talked about this already.
I don't wanna go to hospital.
What good does it do to me?
But still, you have to listen
to what doctor'd say.
You know I am doing well.
I am going to Gangneung tomorrow.
Stop by auntie's house on your way back.
No time for that.
Better go home and rest.
Go to hosipital at the next day, will you?
Hear some advise.
Don't get sick.
No, I am just exhausted.
Besides, doctors always say the same thing.
"Eat properly and don't get too much stress."
And that costs us 30.000 won.
Is 30.000 won that important?
You health is more important.
Get some rests,
please don't be too stubborn, Dad.
I do take some rests.
Alright. Just eat your meal.
But avoid the salty one.
You know that salty food
is not good for your health.
And still you keep eating
only the salty ones.
You know these foods are all salty.
And too, are you the doctor?
If you are that expert
then why are you sick?
If your disease get worse,
you'll have to be amputated.
I know.
(On the computer) "I live in Mozart Town."
(Typing) That must be far away from here.
(Typing) Don't you feel lonely over there?
(On the computer) "Sometimes."
So you don't do it when you got your period?
Someone I knew liked to do it
when I got my period.
Wait, I feel like vomiting right now.
Excuse me?
Are you drunk?
Hello? Are you there?
See you later. - Alright.
Cigarette, please.
Thank you.
Can you recharge this with 20.000 won?
-20.000 won? - Yes.
Thank you, keep up the good work!
This one, please.
Two lottery coupon, please.
Nice weather, isn't it?
Isn't it boring to stay in there
in this kind of weather?
It's okay.
What are those pictures?
I took them when I am bored.
Looks good, the pictures have nice aura.
I pass by here a lot too.
Want me to take you one?
- Sure, it will look good.
You seem really good at this.
Move back a little bit.
Stand comfortably..
One, two...
Done? - Yeah.
I'll hang it up here later.
Your camera looks old, people nowadays
don't use film camera anymore, right?
It is a camera that my father used to use.
Still works pretty good.
I used it just for fun,
then it just became a hobby.
Your hobby is cool.
A good hobby to kill time.
I hope my picture will come out fine.
I'll buy a drink next time
if the picture is good.
See you later.
Gimme three Yakult.
You did a good job.
Thank you very much,
How about the one for today?
Not today, I'll give you tomorrow.
Stop delaying payments, will you?
I told you I don't sell alcohol!
How dare you to ignore me,
you goddamn bitch!
Soju! Hurry!
Go away! Go!
Bitch, Please.
Give me a drink, don't you hear me?
Want me to kill you?
Give me a drink, don't you hear me?
What are you looking at, fuckface?
Son of a bitch.
Son of a bitch.
You bastard, son of a bitch.
Son of a bitch
Screw you, motherfucker.
Are you okay?
You look shocked.
Thank you,
I see.
Ok, I got it.
Goddamnit, this is embarassing.
We only come here once in a month.
Why you can't you give us a little bit more?
Tell that to your boss.
Let's go.
Where are those bastards?
They went out a minute ago.
You bastard!
These bastards...
You thieves, soulless dogs.
God will breath mercy into our life
since we are His children.
If we keep serving and praying,
the good news shall come in no time.
I also have contacted your boss
I will try my best so that he is
willing to pay you your unpaid salary.
Let's pray together.
Dear Father, we are thankful for
your mercy and blessings.
Our brother and sister here are
facing a hard time in their life.
That's why we are kneeling down
before you today.
What are talking about?
You pieces of shit!
I taught you all the labor skills
and technics
And now you come to me
with this Jesus-freak?
Sir, please listen to us!
This is really disappointing.
Calm down and let's talk. - About what?
They are pitiful people. - So?
They have family to support back home.
You have family too, right?
Yes I have, how about you?
You don't have, right?
Are you saying here that I am a thief?
Are you?
You bastards!
Get out!
Get out, Eto'o!
Get him out too! Are you deaf?
Can't you hear me?
Get out! Don't ever bother come here again!
What the fuck.
But this is a Rolex
And I am giving it away for 100 thousands.
Take it, Mr. Kim.
I am hungry.
That's true.
Let's eat something.
Shall we go somewhere?
I can't move my ass,
just order something here.
Come on, Mr. Kim.
Ok, let's go out of here.
The food is on me.
How much will you give him?
This is for the watch.
Stop it.
Big Brother, Officer Cho is here.
Since what time? - Quite long.
You came back?
See you later.
How much did you earn today?
Ok, I'm leaving. Take care.
- Why don't you eat first? - No, I am okay.
"Organ transplantation."
I'd like to sell my kidney.
I am African.
Really? I see. Do you know any other place?
I see.
How can I get to City Hall?
You don't know how to go to City Hall?
Excuse me, how can I get to City Hall?
City Hall?
Go straight ahead and take the subway train.
Okay. Thank you.
Wow, you speak good English.
I can't.
Give me cigarette.
Thanks for the last time. I was so shocked,
I didn't even say thank you to you.
It's okay, it's my gratitude.
No, please don't
- No, I am just really thankful.
Just take it.
It was nothing, really.
Is it really okay? - Of course.
You must be living around here,
I saw you a lot.
Yes, I live at that street.
Use this lighter.
Anyway, thanks a lot.
Remember me? I was the one
whose photograph you took before.
Oh, that's right. Hello...
Are you sick?
You look unwell.
That's my picture, isn't it?
It looks good. - You like it? - Yes.
It looks better than me.
I should really buy you a coffee.
I promised that before, right?
If my photograph turns out well,
I buy you a drink.
I meant it.
Do you think a coffee is a enough?
Fine, then. Let's go for dinner.
No, I was just kidding.
Well, I am not. Let's go for dinner.
I just didn't know that I am that handsome.
Just by looking at that picture, I regained
all my confidence back. - Confidence?
Good for you.
Deal? Dinner is on me?
I'd actually prefer not to.
I will pay for the rice, how about that?
Now you are the one who promises to me.
I should go before you change your mind.
See you later, then.
Are you ready? Let's go.
With this bus?
Well, it's too far to walk.
And man should give the ride.
Is the ride too big?
Do you always go around with this bus?
Of course no.
Since we are going to see "the world"
a big vehicle is better.
Why don't you just give it a try?
Do you really know how to drive this?
I used to drive bus when
I was in the military service.
Trust me. Just sit down back there.
We're set!
So you are a bus driver.
My father is the real driver of this bus.
But it's his day off so I borrowed it.
How could you play around with bus?
Why? Can't I?
It's basically safer than other cars.
So what's your real job?
Are you jobless?
Don't worry, I have a job.
So the autumn has almost passed.
Three years went by without any single news
from a man you called "Husband"
I can't take it any longer.
Is there any cause why we have to eat
at Chinese restaurant like this?
It feels like a date to me.
This is my first time go all the way
through the highway just to have dinner.
Why? It's not weird.
It's better than go to the
expensive restaurants around.
Oh.. I got it...
Were you worrying about my
"financial capability"?
Not that.
I am just bored stay in the stall all day.
Go a little further will be nice.
And the image fits well with the bus, right?
I see.
Next time when you got bored, just call me.
I'll take you to any place in Korea.
I'll bring you a coffee.
Here you are.
It became colder lately.
I really hate when the season draws
closer to winter.
Usually this kinda weather is
loathed by men only.
I guess you just feel lonely.
Life's like that anyway.
It's not just about staying warm. Right?
Have you ever drink alone?
Drinking alone is not good for your health.
I don't drink alcohol.
Even just eating Banchan (Korean side dishes)
makes me drunk. - Really?
But you look like a professional drinker.
So what do you do when you feel lonely?
I don't have any other choice
other than staying lonely.
That's why everytime I see people
who can drink a lot,
I feel jealous.
I guess so.
One condom, please.
Here's your money.
I'll use the bathroom first.
Do you have condom? - Yes.
- How much is it? -1.000 won.
Thank you.
Hello, Mr. Kim.
This is 3 million.
I am being generous to you, Mr. Kim.
The bussiness is not going very well lately.
I can feel that.
Some people can't even
fulfil the basic payment.
This is our promissory note.
Ah, that real bastards,
Sometimes I just want to
chop their heads off.
Now, it's yours.
Yeah. But still, considering
not many customers nowadays..
Take care, - You too.
Good day!
Did you arrive home well, yesterday?
You looked tired.
It was really fun, thanks to you.
Yeah, I arrived well.
You sure were.
I am really sorry. Because of me,
it ended up not fun to you.
What are you talkin' about?
The dinner and the ride were really fun.
I really thank you for yesterday.
I took one more picture of you.
What do you think?
Wow, when did you take this?
I was like this?
You don't like it?
No, not that.
Is it because the camera is good? or..
Is it becase the photographer is good?
Can I see your camera?
This is a really old one.
Can you give me...
No, please don't.
No, sir. - Who are you?
What are you doing here?
I'll give you ten days.
You have to pay ALL within these ten days.
You motherfucker, understand?
I'll come to kill you next time.
Filthy animal.
You haven't left?
Yeah, there was a meeting
with the president.
I drank a lot.
A lot of bottles broke in the storage.
I've ordered more from the wholesale dealer.
Get up.
Please take this camera.
I am sorry about your camera yesterday.
You don't have to this.
It was my fault anyway.
Just take it. Don't feel burdened.
I just feel sorry.
I don't if this camera is
better then yours, but..
I don't know, just take it.
No. Why don't you just repair mine?
A new camera is too much.
I am okay. - I am okay too.
We are okay. Just take it.
You helped me too before.
And to take this camera...
I am the one who feel sorry.
It's okay.
Don't think too much.
Just use it.
Why don't you try China?
The workers who want to go to China are
gathering in front of the factory right now.
I don't think I can.
Nobody will look after my father.
Is that so?
Yeah, I guess you are still young enough to
do a lotta kind of job, and also your father.
But not me.
I'll go wherever the money is.
I have the whole family to feed.
Excuse me...
I am looking for a spare part
for this camera. Do you have it?
Excuse me...
Yes, please come in..
This camera felt down...
Please try at another place, for me.
I've been here too long.
I really want to start a small store.
I am too old to be there,
my age embarasses me.
Do you have money?
There is one more place I know.
I am also thinking to stop working
and take rest.
It's the same thing everywhere.
Instead of going here and there,
wasting time,
Why don't you just stay here and
resign when you got enough money.
I'll help you a bit.
I drink and smoke too much here.
Really exhausting.
I see. I'll see what I can do.
Cigarette, please.
Oh, it's you. Wait a moment.
I will take care of the camera.
Thank you very much.
I am still feel feeling
a bit sorry, though...
What's this?
Just a little present.
You really don't have to do this.
Anyway, thank you...
I'll take care of it too.
A tissue, please...
Where are you now?
What are up to this time?
Suddenly calling after three years
of god-knows-where...
I am tired of waiting.
A Yo, Let's go home.
No, no. There is no job here. I am sorry,
it's been a very difficult moment for us.
I am going out of this country.
I know. I know there's no job back home too.
In the following year,
I'll be teaching and performing Mozart.
I am grateful to Mozart for he is the one
bring me to this enthrallingly blissful city.
Thank you, Mozart.
Sister, this isn't a bathroom!
You mustn't take a pee here!
How disgusting!
Ready? One, two, three!
Our next destination is the Industral Area.
Let's get on the bus!
Oh, and about our dinner...