Mr. Baseball (1992)

Mr. Elliot would gladly pay for
honor of playing in Japan.
Architecture beautiful. Society on
cutting edge of progress.
How they hung?
Wow! A world series ring.
By the way, what is his order
in batting?
The spirit of baseball in Japan
is the same as in America.
He welcomes all advice from most
honorable manager.
Thank you very much.
Oh Man! My aching back!
It's like jerking off before sex.
Ball seems to be flying well.
Turn up your radio - It's Elliot.
What was that!
Front foot in, hand over.
Way to go!
Way to go!
Be quiet!
When the game is over
a fat lasy will sing to us.
Let's go!
He is becoming an
embarrassment to us.
You do not appear to have
found the answer to the Giants
As usual they stand between
us and the pennant.
I beg your patience.
Our patience is running out.
And your CONTRACT is running out.
White trash!
What the hell are you thinking of!
Suspend Elliot indefinitely.
And consider yourself out, as soon
as a replacement is found.
You have brought dishonor to team.
Replace the runner
Bring the doctor.
I'm home
Grandfather, grandmother, this
is my friend, Mr. Jack Elliot.
We know who this is.
You go too far Hiroko.
Where is father?
He is garderning.
Is that you Hiroko?
Don't be angry.
How could you!
You needed to see another
side of him
This is not for you to decide.
Teach him properly Hiroko.
Why do you always put
people down?
You always do!
And try to fit everybody into
the same mold!
Hiroko. Sit down!
Try a little understanding!
Looks like he's run
out of excuses.
I'm sorry.
Foreigner charming, foreigner romantic.
And foreigner always leave.
I would like to apologize
to you all.
From now, on
I would like to make an effort,
To be a real member
of the team.
And between us
I'd like to build...
...A chopstick edge.
...A bridge?
A bridge.
Build a bridge of friendship.
It's only the 5th inning.
Do you know that?
Where's your answer!?
Jack Elliot is challenging
manager Uchiyama's record,
Which was set 18 years ago.
Dragons are very close to winning
the pennant from the Giants.
Isn't that fantastic!
Why are you still here?
I'm Working.
But the game is about to start.
Aren't you going?
No, I'm not.
Foreigner charming, foreigner romantic
Foreigner returning to America.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
See you!
See you!
Due to the importance of this game
We have a list of strategies
we want followed.
To my knowledge you have not
yet found my replacement
Therefore, I am the manager
I will manage the team.
Now excuse me,
I have a job to do.
If Giants win and...
If Uchiyama San loses his record
Dragons will lose face very badly!
I feel good na na na na na na na!
Park it!
He stepped on the plate!
I saw it, he's out!
Giants 5. Dragons 1.
Middle of the 7th.
Rally caps.
Let's go.
Giants 6. Dragons 5.
Two outs.
The bases are loaded...
What will Uchiyama do?
Uchiyama knows who
pays his salary.
He'll go for the bunt.
We have won the pennant.
Thanks to you.
You have brought great honor
to team.
Then you will want me to stay
as manager?
Thank you.
Can I come in?
Nice place!
I have come on behalf of Jack.
He wants you to know...
He loves you...
And wants to discuss the
future with you...
When your "jet's are cool."
But he's like you, father.
He will not change.
Changes occurring all around
Perhaps you should listen first.
He is...
A foreign ball player
Who you are in love with.
It doesn't matter.
It does matter...
More than anything
Doesn't it?
This is for you.
Very nice of him.
It's not from him, it's from me.
From now on...
I want to speak to you from my
heart with no holding back.