Mr Bones 2: Back from the Past (2008)

My name is Mr.Bones
But not like Mr.Bones
that you have met the
I'm not actually his grandfather
My story was a long time ago
I When I was a prophet triubului Kuvuka
I This is a story of love, magic,
I, Like adventure and time
My King
Sacred animals
Mr.Bones 2
Back in time
-- My King!
-- Bones!
Attack the lion.
Be humble as duka.
He killed one sacred gazelles
We pay dearly for this.
Limp better go home
Now we see the red man
Trumpet Quick!
No, wait, wait.
Nature takes its course
Who are these girls pale
With their fire sticks and Redcoats
What is in our our country?
And farting in front of the lion
Do you think he learned his lesson?
To be sure
How come?
What are they?
You kill again our sacred newspapers?
I swear I will never kill again nothing
-- Never ever?
-- Never!
My king, I think now he has learned his lesson ..
And ever returns,
I'll bag you poephollie column in your
I can not explain humiliation
I will say, Bai Kunj.
That rock you furato brought us luck
Do not worry about it.
Soon I will be away
In this war the British and their crap
Then sell this stone and will be full of gold
I returned to India, to buy me a house and a wife
She will have to find that little dick of yours
I woke up and gave me pants down
Dinner's ready!
Dinner's ready!
You have facuto!
-- Kill him!
-- After him!
Now I'll touch, touch, and to throw
My King
Bones future will talk now
My king and his beautiful wife ...
Bone penis will Ramna in this woman
It will be joy, and many children
For our king and our queen
Thank you, big boy!
A sacred stone outside, broke the circle
No problem.
The bones have spoken.
My King!
My King!
I have a gift for you!
Stone curse will be sent to you and your children
except that it will return to its place
What happened?
His mixed blood?
My King!
The same?
One dead and one alive?
Big boy. What's this?
What are you looking gunoielor
You have not seen an Indian?
Big boy. please! Hekula
lets please get rid of the evil spirit
I've heard worse in my mint
and ask and knock me up ....
And you never saw before,
not cover eggs
Cover ....
Where are they?
why my ears hurt?
My king ...
I'll take that stone Hekula, cursed
I'll throw over people Kuvuka
Big boy. Please do not let this bad turn back
Please, big boy!
Go home!
My king stone disappeared
Now you and all descendants
What about your kids Bones
My king, my lifelong
I prayed greatness
to send her to reach my heart
But mighty still not answered my prayers
Perhaps because those women are
like a gazelle caught by a lion
Now swim
And then I'll leave
Maybe hekula,
The terms of women
Glorious light will shine on me by
I Yebo, my King.
The most important thing
is to remember
Must always be a balance between rock Gwarra.
And do not forget
Keep your head down.
Samu, you have a toothache?
If you do not your head down you'll be hit by tonku
I Haibo! Tonku
Do you have a small head
Well, Samu.
Relax. Relax.
This will not hurt
My beautiful, you're not well
What is the problem ...?
I see,,,
Chill Big Mama
Yes my winged
I'll get rid of that ugly thing
Well, silence.
Hush, Hush!
Now comes
Great work
Remove a tooth, and get one free
Where to go?
It happens
Big boy ... Please bring him back our king hekula
So again can carry weight on his shoulders
Show us the way to escape
this bad
How to send this stone Home
Condune away from this darkness
You ROGAM shorty
Yes, big boy! Talk to me.
Here I am.
Indicator is clearly intended
In front of this form
This can speak of love.
Without a doubt, love.
We only have three days
Three days until the worst one we consume
Big boy
Three days for what?
Incotr it where?
Show us the chance this stone
What have I done?
My King! My King!
What is this?
What is this great evil?
And I do not know if it comes or goes
My king ...
This tastes like sweaty
It's pee!
Big bird
Although it's a big one
A gigantic monster, a flying demon!
We are under attack!
Damn bastards ....
This insect is run by humans
And his head was made of stone.
It's not evil and insects that we know
This is Kuvukiland.
Where are we?
I do not know.
My king, when I
left Kuvukiland
you were hekula and I was ...
Hekula yours!
Maybe ...
Maybe ...
Can be cured
We can go home
No, big boy.
Brought us to this place
We only have three days.
The bones have spoken
then tioning cock
was rejected by the woman
How strange it is that
looks like an ox
My King, what is this weird wood
-- My King!
-- What?
Are there and ...
Ah, yes!
Hekula, here is the driver
with Boi in front.
My king ...
My King!
This has antennas like cockroaches
And spit like a snake
And make a hipopotan giving birth
And makes an angry rhino
Big boy., Help me!
Thank you, big boy.!
Bones, something pushes us
Turn back!
Stop that
Please turn off the wagon
Stop that
Told stop!
Stop once
I Baba Sorry,
The blue dog mother
What the ...
Do not forget the new big boy.!
My King! Hekula should stop this
Stop the truck,
Crazy idiots
Hekula, I think the man wants to help.
Oprestel my king
I Power! I know you can do my king
Run! You can do it! Run
Hekula, is the only burden of your shoulders
Yes, hekula, my king
You are invincible!
Hekula Bravo!
My king, I love you.
Where are the oxen that draw!
What was in that head of yours?
Pale girl talking a language I did not auzito vrodata
You come from another land or what?
No, I'm from Kuvukiland.
My name is Mr.Bones
You and the origin of this stone?
Now you see me,
Now there!
My King!
This place is haunted.
I think we should ready room.
You're under arrest
Are you?
I do not, baba.
We do not need rest.
Flying monster
Snake monster.
My king starts here
Where are we?
My king here!
A dragon ...
We are under attack
Dragon wagon you attacked my king
My King! SCUP fire!
I do not know what a taxi driver?
My King!
Zuma uncle what weapon is this
My king, lo!
This is gassed sacred kuvuka
What is this?
Our Gazeta disappeared
My king will not find else than
what he thinks.
Many of these people are from the same tribe
As the little man who has cursed
We purpose in this place
Big boy., You brought us here,
Show the way
Hekula, look!
Yellow and red.
Yellow and red. the sign ...
My mom! Wait, please,
Yes, you, Mom! Wait!
My bones needs you.
Wait, please!
What are you doing?
-- Wait, wait, wait!
-- I'm sorry.
Close your eyes.
My mom, I'm sorry
Open your eyes and see what you did!
-- Stop! Leave me!
My King -- ...
We are stuck.
Are you crazy?
Idiot, what are you doing
-- Pick me!
-- Okay, you pick
My mom sorry.
We need to find a doctor.
-- Where are we?
-- We are in Durban, fool!
Where is that place?
-- Is in Kwazulu--Natal.
-- Where is Kwuzala this?
-- South Africa?
-- No, I am a person.
Ok, here's my car.
to climb.
Okay, back data
How do we get if we ...?
'll Have to climb on this side.
Well you ...
ooo I starcesti Totti mine!
I simnt really sorry about that
How did Kavak ...
-- Kuvukiland.
-- Kuvukiland here?
No, no.
so be it.
Open ...
I -- Dokotela?
-- Doctor. Stay here.
-- Where are the bones?
-- Bones No. Stay here.
-- No Bones?
-- Bones No.
And closes.
These people are very clever.
Eskom Cursed!
The sun was out.
It was a day too short
And the sun up iara that night short
My mom, what happens
this micutz beautiful
It has a stomach problem
I'll throw my bones
Your bones?
This is broken
Dokotela, this problem is not in the stomach.
My mom, let me see it micutz.
Come here, little man.
Mr.Bones help
Do not cry. well
The problem is not the stomach.
's Nose
Have you been naughty
Now Bones done me happy
Dokotela, you need to get some bones for you
Bones, Tell me how it happened?
You're a white man
with adjustments have to be a VIDECA
I only know what I learned from his father hekula lu,
was the king of men kuvuka
He found me like a child lost
I grew up as the son of
And while I saw Sight
I would like to come with me to work
You must know someone
And tell me more.
if you
-- Yes
-- Thank you.
Big boy ....
-- This is the place?
This is.
Put bags here
Shut up and quit your atitundinea Otherwise you close
Monster ate our stuff!
Give me my stuff, Monster!
Bones, okay!
My King!
Monster Eat our stuff
and pulls like crap
These people are very clever.
Hello, Anita!
How was the meeting?
All right.
I wish I was there.
The fat I met someone really weird
I met these gentlemen a great place
In fact, this seems unreal.
-- Really? Tell me.
-- I mean, completely unreal.
He came from a place called
Kavuk, Kavak, or something.
Finally, let me introduce you
Mr. Bones and hekula
The two gentlemen
Guys, I'm going to predict a friend of mine
This is Anita
History of Nigeria.
Small hut.
Mr.Bones you
the back?
-- I squeezed the bottom
-- What?
You need to go to the bathroom?
Hekula quickly stairs!
My King!
Little Hut wanted to take me big boy. !
Dear, dear!
Dear, dear!
Pipi is sweet
No Bones.
Actually my name is Reshma
Are you aware that one has seen
This was donated by Mahatma Gandhi
Honey phase vase was an accident
Anyway I til present
Bones and hekula
They come ....
They lost a little bit better or ...
Lost your brothers!
This is ...
Baboon ...
-- Not exactly
-- Kerri, please.
I'd like to see something
Bones dami please stone
-- He thinks I'm baboon
-- Thank you.
Can you tell me where it comes from
'm indian
Give me a moment
EL bring back piartra
It's okay to bring back a
PhD's in
gems and jewelry.
And I mamparra.
Indus Valley.
Sixth century Bc
One, the British Museum in London
Another of lu Tutankhamun collection.
And the third ...
Where is unknown.
Voaloarea between six ....
Seven million dollars!
Good! Good!
I tell you it happened three times
So you're telling me hekula get a physical change
Small Indian?
Yes his voice and body ....
I Even Tondu are small.
Do not believe me?
-- Well, it is not easy.
-- It's true.
What is this?
Man ...
Well ..
Stone is no value
For it's in the bottle.
-- Out of the bottle?
-- Yes
-- That's all?
-- Afraid so
But I can do to keep him a little
What do you say, dear?
No, no, no. Stone
be returned new
It's okay Bones.
Stone is safe with Kerr.
Baboon--Man, listen ...
-- No!
Stone is equipped our way
not yours ...
Stay with me.
Why not go on our friends
the Masquerade later?
I'm sure it will find its place.
La Masquerade? What a good idea.
That if you want to come
Hope to see you sooner
Bones, why did you hit him?
I did not hit.
This way of greeting in
means be humble as duka.
Attack the lion.
He is ...
Now believe me?
Not possible.
And yet, it happens
When it is near the stone
But not always
Okay, guys
We adjustments you can pick up now
Hekula, I'm so hungry
-- Me
-- Looks like I did not eat enough
We must find a
Even can kill
Listen, I will present
My friends and Hekula Bones
There seems zebra in Kuvukiland.
It's still a zebra even
I could kill
Fal sleep
Then I kill
What the hell is going on?
Something pinched my ass
You have entered Furic a pants?
Why are you walking like that?
Do not shake your ass!
Zebra speaks
-- Are you crazy?
-- I do not feel very well ...
-- Come on down! Go straight!
-- Get me out!
You pulled my pants
What are you doing?
Get on your feet! Get on your feet, dammit!
Pick up the ass!
Who's talking now?
They are the same fighters who kill our gas?
They have not learned your lesson
You red clothing,
kill our deer Kuvukiland
and now we have followed here
He is one of the evil warriors who
Kuvukiland burned.
-- Yes, it's one of them!
-- I'm sorry.
He is not here.
why this man attacked me Neanderthal?
Sorry about that.
I do not know what to say.
Bones! Hekula!
That I see here someone they are not who they seem
They dress like other
There are real
Man you is not lovin
a warrior, you know?
He is one of those war Kuvukiland
I'm not crazy
-- There is so
-- It is!
Wait a minute
Men dressed like you are in the land?
I Yebo! Like it
These people are not real
Nothing is real.
Reshma, hello!
Hekula.Mr.bones want to
meet Nancy, our host.
Mr. Bones ...
My king, no not real hair.
This is not real.
And they can not be real.
Sorry, Nancy.
They are not here
And how are people baboon?
Better man than the frog.
Have you seen any ghosts?
Wing look pale.
You know, I obtineo house
the stone
Great Maret did not send me here to
Gives you rock
Excuse me, sir.
You are entering a no smoking area
No smoking area
Do not smoke in the
Smoke from pipe
-- No smoking inside the house!
-- But why?
Great King, you find food for you.
Bones, we should eat if we want to
No, the Great Mighty would punish
I do not hunt me
He will understand.
It bothered me to stomach meat already
Where is it?
What is it?
I hit him in the nose
From one shot
What is this?
It's a bucket of drinking
Well my King.
You please.
Hello, Bones.
What is this, my King?
This is the weapon.
These people are very clever.
I told you, my King.
March this punish me.
I need to go to poopah
You find it
I my King, If we do not find
poopah now,
I'll be a great mawakakakka
can be up there
Please iartama big boy
I need to release the burden of this great
I Poopah
Yes, let me hurry.
Thank you, Gloria.
My king, after winter comes summer!
I My King --.
-- Yebo
Comes like thunder
And the thunder storm is coming!
King was a time Kuvukiland
When rabbit blind blind snake found
Then the serpent said to the rabbit
"I am blind,
Can you tell me what animal are you? "
The serpent replied: "I also am blind
Tell me what I am "
Reach the snake and the rabbit says ...
"You viscous, have small eyes ...
"Sasai and you have eggs ...
Kerri ... you should be! "
Why not open?
These people are very clever.
Are Baboon
Are Baboon
Are baboon.
Are baboon. Are Baboon
He lives in a cave!
Are Baboon
No, no, no!
Bones are you okay?
My King
Why did you hit me?
Nothing, I do not remember anything.
This is Gloris pedes me ptr. as
I fuel--meat
Nothing, Bones.
It's nothing.
I so hungry I could eat as
a Mistrz
Sorry we Mistral
But you want some chicken?
No, thank you.
But these fruits are good
What is this?
This oven
Heat things
Have a river flowing here?
Yes, something like that.
This is not peach Kuvukiland
Bones, that's not real peach
Reshma, nothing in your world is not true
Except you.
You need to do something
Please maid what you want
But not this
My King
My beautiful ...
Colorful Chicken
Where's Bolly?
Bolly! My parrot it!
My pet
sitting in cage
It's like a son
When I lifted the blanket, that's all I saw
You need to be escaped.
He escaped before, but not gone far
-- How to get out?
-- I do not know.
He probably rests somewhere
do not worry, do not worry.
My goodness
I hope so.
And I
-- What is this?
-- That this Earth.
But why is it round?
Well, for the earth is round.
My king, Reshma believes this land ...
Oh, sorry, Reshma!
You mean oasle are Kuvukiland
I and fall this poephollie
All right.
This earth is flat.
This is a picture of the earth from above
Here's the great sea.
Seen here in Durban.
Now my people
same stone people hekula
They came many, many years
from India by sea
What is called South Africa
Therefore, it is sometimes Durban
called "Little Bombay".
Now razboinci seen in Kuvukiland
came here in South Africa
to fight in that war,
in 1879.
What is this, 1879?
1879 are one hundred thirty years
Before today.
So you're saying we came from before
Yes, in the past.
I know, I know. already started being dizzy
My head is also turned
Bolly! Are you okay?
My baby!
Who are these idiots?
The bird can talk?
Was it you?
I was
I eat just kill
You tried to cook my bird!
I thought that's what was
Sorry, Reshma.
I did not want to hurt her
Well, it looks good.
-- Is so beautiful ...
-- Fuck you!
That's the second. Love parrots
That Nehru.
-- He's dead.
-- Too bad.
Bolly wants a cracker
Here's bathroom
What is a bathroom?
Where do you wash your body
This is your toothbrush and toothpaste
In order to clean your teeth.
And this is the bathroom.
Translation by Dyll3r
For Popu
and Chichi.
When you have finished
Flush ...
restful. Night.
I will meet a traditional doctor
I His name is Bones.
Ghideazami big boy steps
All I heard
My heart is beating
And I'm blind.
Blinded by this woman, Reshma.
I'm alone and lost.
you're not alone
What do you see?
I see ...
And around him?
That's bracelet that my dato
my king when I was a kid
And they represent me
And this?
It's fate.
I What we call Kismet.
I Kismet.
It's beautiful.
Goodnight, Nana.
Hekula time we are running
This is the second day and I need power for this day
I need food.
go hunting in small bombay.
Go on, Bones, hunter Mumbai.
A future water snake.
You have to kill you
He lives in a very clean home
Bolly wants a biscuit
Bolly wants a biscuit
My King -- ...
-- What is it, Bones?
What is it, Bones?
I see you're careful.
I'm worried because it occupies a place in my heart
Oh, damn!
Bones, my friend I
If your love is, what will you do?
Stay here?
Because we are in another period
My King!
Damn idiot!
My King!
Put water back!
Back, back ...
What harm weird
What is this?
I'm crickets in KAIA.
E Bolly.
And it's dead
My king's bird
My King
Anybody inside
Do not worry,
I'll try to get out of there
Bones, you hear me?
He knows my name
Bones, I am Reshma.
I Bones
Are you there?
Talk you through this.
I put it to your ear.
How did you get there?
Bones, I do not hear you
talk to the receiver in your hand
-- Yes, I am!
-- Yes, I am!
Okay, great. Listen.
I I have access to Military Museum
, So I'll pick you up right now.
I Good
I Goodbye.
My king,
Wasting time
Almost went sun these days
And found nothing
On the stone.
And I did not eat.
Where'd you get that?
-- How much can you get for that?
-- Five million dollars.
-- Ten million.
-- Six.
-- New.
-- Seven.
-- When?
-- Maine.
No, no, no!
What are you ...?
-- Hello, Bolly!
-- Hi, Reshma.
Why did you get that top?
Bolly wants a cracker
Of course you
Here you go.
Hi, Reshma.
Do not worry, Reshma.
They rested
Who are these idiots!
Where is Bolly?
I do not understand why you threw in a Bolly
I could keep him there
And could there be besides Nehru.
And now to be somewhere in a
trash to yourself
When I left two dogs were ready to play with him
Sorry, my King
Well, to continue
I am sure that this is the man
What became hekula yesterday
-- That's him!
-- Yes!
I "January 1879.
I Indian army soldier union
British as a chef .. "
I "Balanadin Kunj, Stanger list."
And maybe if you search the archive
we find out where he was
My king will find out!
To find the stone house
Stone disappeared.
Stone has disappeared!
Oh, no! Maybe he fell.
Is not lost.
It was stolen.
Reshma, knew that smell?
That's marijuana.
Bones, is a drug, you change the way you think
So it was meat I mancato
made me crazy
I do not, this was marijuananara
Someone put in my pipe
and then stole stone
Why? Who?
-- Kerri!
-- What? Never!
-- It was him!
-- How can you say that?
He tries to help.
The first time I saw Kerr
I know it's bad
It's my logondicul
I do not care about your logondicul
I'll tell you he's a liar
Reshma parasestel!
I is not yours Kismet.
-- Out!
-- Do not listen to Reshma
Get out!
Get out!
My King
my bones will lead us to
Kerr and stone.
You killed Bolly!!
Big boy ghideazane
Adults on Bolly to Reshma.
And Adumim it back to me
Before they say!
Be strong.
We find what we are looking for
I Baba, sorry
You know the Kerr?
-- Carrot (carrot)?
-- Yes, Kerri.
Ah, yes! Karita!
I know!
Ready, go!
Walk like a cheetah!
Idiots, stupid ...
-- We'll find Kerri.
-- And we find stone.
Kerr's carrots.
Fruit is good.
Great is still with us
Real Fruit
-- You have to pay for it.
-- I'm sorry?
-- Money! Money!
-- What is money?
-- Come on!
-- I'm going!
New ... Eight ... Seven ...
Six ... Five ... Four ...
Three ... Two ...
You there, man woods!
I'll kill you!
What are you doing?
My king ate a
small red fruit
I who burned my poepholie.
But now is better
Thank you.
I am Ravi from East Coast Radio.
We're going back after these commercial breaks
I Hello! Hungry
Yes I e
I How bad you hungry now?
Very bad
So I stay a moment and listen to this
Thank you.
I Go to the market, the fish is freshly as lai catch you
I water fish in restaurant now
My king, must obey this
is a sign
Now eat the fish from the water
I fish restaurant
Yes, those two came back.
Motherfucker, seeks finds
-- Honey I'm sorry for the delay.
-- Hello dear.
What happened to ...
Man baboon
What happened to the baboon?
I lost my temper.
-- Killed in Bolly.
-- No!
I do not think they wanted
had no intention to hurt him
Go there!
-- That's Bones?
-- Arestazal!
This is the behavior?
That we are used?
I want to introduce to your mother?
Get them out of here.
Out! Remove!
Get them here!
Both! Out!
Hekula, I led her mighty
Reshma, hekula became a
Indian again
See? You rock!
-- No, not me.
-- Kerri!
I swear I rock.
Thank you, big boy.!
My king, tinel!
We found the stone!
My King!
Kerri, are you okay?
-- Give me the rock!
-- No!
I Stone is in this poepholie.
I was not poepholie Stone
Stone is here somewhere.
-- Where is it?
-- Look together man
It's fake eye
Calm down, man.
Just keep it safe
What are you doing?
What have you done?
Baboon cursed!
He's not a liar, yeah!
Leave us in peace!
Leave us in peace!
-- Reshma, sorry. I was ...
-- I!
I thought ... And then, man ...
My King!
This will kill me
I "Dearest Reshma
I "You will meet a doctor
Traditionally in Africa
"And I ask you and ask you to su
It helps in search
I "His name is Bones ..."
Hi Reshma!
-- Bolly?
-- Where are the idiots?
This is the third day and Sun
Already goes down
DA, Stanger Military Archives.
Because I feel that I owe.
I know, I know.
-- Goodbye my dear.
My bones --.
-- Bolly returned.
-- Bolly!
-- Thanks, big guy.!
-- Thanks, big guy.!
In fact, thanks to you
Pastrazo you
better to hekula
Traitor ...
I kept safe, we have been watching him for you
I rock. you have a gun?
-- What do you think of this?
So what?
Go to Stanger.
Hurry, Reshma!
The sun is already there
We found
Kunj in Balanadin enrolled
British Army as a cook,
January 2, 1879
ran two months later.
Balanadin is said to
stolen gem
In a fishing village called Atar
Stone was Ochiu god fisherman
And after it was stolen,
Very few fish were caught in Atari
-- So this is where the stone house!
-- Yes, and I know where it is.
Reshma go!
Faster than a cheetah!
We found this Atari.
Reshma, now the Cheetah
move very quickly.
Oh, no!
The sun is already there.
Stop that!
Hekula, Reshma,
take small carriage
And tell him to run faster than the wind
Put stone head statues
I find this Atari. Go!
-- Kerri!
-- I do not know where is the stone.
-- Urmaresteo by Reshma.
-- I knew it!
In'll take the baboon
Come on, faster!
Come hekula! Go!
Oh, no!
Show me the way big guy
Show me the way
Nigga I will show the way
How's this little cart
Stop that!
Get in the car!
Out! Fuck you!
Show me the way, my brother Black!
Show me the way!
Big boy. I never went back so
I Tokka, Tokka, waiting for me
Let's go to my beautiful baby
Go, my black brother! Go!
Take me to the Atari!
Baboon cursed!
No fire Bat!
What are you doing?
Great is still with me
Baboon cursed!
I'll kill you!
Small hut!
I Tokka, Tokka, asteaptama and me
Where is this statue!
Where to?
Holy Stone.
Hekula sun!
I think we should do
Thanks, big guy
Give me the stone!
Oh, no!
-- Take this barbaky!
-- No, please do it gives!
Who wants some?
Put the stone back please?
Now you can see who this
Chichi sweet?
-- Big boy., Please!
-- Kerri, what are you doing?
-- Gotcha.
-- Kerri, no!
Come on, come on.
Become Menorca.
Yes, my King!
Who is now the baboon?
My king, look!
Yes my king.
-- Now is your time.
-- Go home
Thanks, big guy
Stone is home!
Reshma, let me hold you.
Maybe that greatness will take you with me.
I this is not our Kismet, Nana.
That was transmitted from mother to daughter
From my stabunica
We'll see again again
But now you have to go.
Goodbye, Nana.
-- My Queen!
-- My King!
My love
-- My Queen
Your King is back
We're home!
Come, my queen.
But home alone.
I lost my heart
Flower micutza now you're heart
Big boy
Inside my cages are empty
Please somehow
Like to hear your voice again my dear Reshma.
That was very nice.
Can you help me?
Sorry to bother.
My name is Maneshri
I do not know the name of those who pray to Reshma
My name is Maneshri
I come from a fishing village oversea
And two months ago a man from our village
He stole the sacred stone
His name Kunj Balanadin.
Yeah, how'd you know?
Well, I came here to try and find sal
And please give him back the stone
Stone has already been returned.
I mean, I know it will be returned.
This is exactly on your neck
lu that of Reshma
And my mother was given
A mother, her mother
I do not know what you mean.
Tell me please Mareshnishmish
-- What does "Nana"?
-- Nana?
Does Grandpa
or strabunicule
So you're grandmother
and I'm ...
means ...
Mareshnishmish ...
I think you have a story to tell me
It's a long story
I have time.
Big boy ...
Honey I reshma
I'll find a doctor
Traditionally in Africa
And I ask you to help him in his search
I His name is Bones.
I's my husband, And yours Nana
I know you'll find your heart
as I have found mine
I Love to give great--grandmother Maneshri.
Bones tells us again
Bombay little story.
It was once ...
My king is our sacred gasela again
Mighty led us here
-- Excuse me, buddy brother.
I am Bones of Kuvukiland.
They Butch Bananaland
That's what you got
is the image
Our sacred gazelle
It's fair are a gazelle
Yes, I'm a crocodile
if he is a gazelle
For Bokke.Corect
Welcome to see the game?
-- What game is this?
-- Rugby.
Where did you live before?
I'm like Scorpions
What is Rugby?
Play with this ball
It's like an ostrich egg
You need to get this ball
The black line over
The black line?
All are black like me!
Well, some are.
But not all.
And they try to Trace balls our line
I have two tickets,
enter the gate
Watch the game.
Force Bokke!
See, Bones?
Bokke ours must undergo over the line Ceala
Blacks there
But not all black
Some are yellow
White King and my
Why blacks attacked our gas?
This time was really
I -- But in the end everything was fine.
-- Yebo my sweet pee.
Translation by Dyll3r