Mr. Bug Goes to Town (1941)

There you are Mrs. Ladybug.
Orange blossom with honeysuckle icing.
Will there be anything else now.
No that's all. Thank you Mr. Bumble.
Why where's Honey tonight?
Yes dad.
Come on out here and show
Mrs. Ladybug your new dress.
Good evening Mrs. Ladybug.
Well now...
If you don't look prettier
than a ruffled petunia.
You know... Hoppity's coming back.
Well for daisy's sakes.
You don't say.
My you've changed a lot
since he saw you last.
For the better.
I'm afraid he'll find a lot
of other things changed too.
For the worst!
Those human ones...
Those human ones!
Why the ways they've taken a
tramping through the Lowlands.
It's getting so your life
ain't worth a sunflower seed.
One never knows who's gonna get it next.
Mrs. Ladybug.
Mrs. Laaaadybug.
Mrs. Ladybug.
Mrs. Ladybug, Ladybug.
Fly away home. Your house!
My house!
My house?
It's the humans ones!
The humans ones are always
getting into something!
Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk. Its a goner.
What'll we do?
There's nothing to do, we're doomed
to go, n' don't forget I told you so.
It's that fence!
Yes, Jeepers Creepers.
For once your right!
At this rate the human one's will
trample us off the face of the ground.
If anything happened to the Honey Shop.
Come on Smack, we gotta'
tell the boss about this.
Yeah, dis' ought to be
mighty inturresting to him.
I tink' your right.
Who is it?
It's us boss.
Swat the fly. And Smack the mosquito.
Nitwits, imbeciles.
What if somebody should see you here.
Now begone before I bash
your bone head skulls!
Yeah, but Mr. Beetul.
You told us to wise you up when
there was trouble in the Lowlands.
And concerning Mr. Bumble and Honey.
Trouble? Ah... what sort of trouble?
From the humans ones boss.
There was a fire.
Mrs. Ladybug's house.
And a lota' houses was busted down.
And they was beefing and squawking.
And saying,
"What in the wings is
the world a-coming to?"
We all be extorminated.
And Mr. Bumble says,
Yeah, and he says,
"Me poor daughter..."
"If anything should
happen to me Honey Shop."
Very interesting.
You know Swat,
the boss ain't no chump.
He grabs off all this property up here
where the human ones don't
never come through.
Sure he's plenty smart.
Full of larceny, full of larceny.
Very interesting.
Good evening dear friends.
I hurried right down to offer poor
dear Mrs. Ladybug my condolences.
Thank you Mr. Beetle.
Oh, um...
Most fortunate it wasn't
your Honey Shop that burned.
Eh Bumble?
Oh and um...
Of course you realise that
this sort of thing couldn't possibly occur
up there on my estate.
No human one ever intrudes up there.
I guess most of us are like
to feel safe and secure.
That's just the point
Bumble, just the point.
Merely reconsider my offer of
marriage to your charming daughter
and we'll all three live up there
just as snug as three bugs in a rug.
Now what do you say to that Bumble eh?
Well I'm sorry sir but it's
just like I said before.
It's my daughters right to listen
to what her little heart says.
And it just don't seem to say, Beetle.
I guess maybe you haven't
just got "oomph" Mr. Beetle.
Anyway Hoppity's coming back.
Hoppity humph!
Bumble your a nincompoop
I warn you,
your walking right into trouble.
I'll sue somebody for this.
and whoops-a-daisy.
La la la la la-la.
There ya' are boss,
all straighten out.
And if you have nothing further to do,
straighten that out!
Hoppity's coming back.
Hay! Gee-wees!
The human ones never
stepped in there before.
Jumping Johnny jump ups.
What's going on around here?
It's Hoppity!
Hi ya' Hoppity.
Hello everybody, hello.
Welcome back Hoppity.
Well, well Hoppity my boy.
It's nice to see ya'.
Ah gee, it's nice to see you too.
Hello Hoppity.
Ah, gee-wees.
Well, look who's here.
Little Buzz.
Look Hoppity, I'm a Bee Scout now.
I'm a Bee Scout.
So I'll grow up to be brave like you.
Bee Scout Buzz, I salute you.
A Bee Scout must behave.
A Bee Scout must be brave.
A Bee Scout must be prepared.
Hay boss! Look out!
Now look at whatcha' done you needle nose!
Why don't you keep your
big nose out if stuff...
But boss, the smoke stick was
heading right for the Honey Shop.
And you know what Bumble said about
"if anything should happen..."
Why you!
Get out of here!
As far as I'm concerned there's...
There's still no place like home.
Jumpin' buttercups!
They did it to us again!
Them human ones are always... will
somebody... don't stand there!
Help and do something about it!
Get that thing off my Honey Shop!
Tsk-tsk-tsk most unfortunate.
Well Bumble, don't say I didn't warn you.
And now you are homeless. Both of you.
Out in the street with no
shelter over your head
I've been robbed!
Oh! Hoppity you'll be killed!
Hoppity. Mr. Hoppity!
A Bee Scout must behave.
A Bee Scout must be b-b-brave.
This is gonna hurt me
more than it does you.
Oh gosh.
Oh Hoppity, you make
everything so complicated.
Same old Hoppity.
Hoppity, bah!
Good night Mr. Bumble.
Good night. Have a good time.
Ok Mr. Bumble.
Take it easy small fry.
Well the boss said to follow him didn't he?
They're headed for that classy cabaretty.
How are we gonna get in there?
Ah just act non-chal-ont'.
Like we belong.
Good evening.
And stay out!
Huh! Maybe I shouldnt'
a'wore me tuxedo suit.
Pardon me, may I have this next rumbo'.
Who came to Sunday school
with cherries on her lips?
Katy did, (Katy didn't),
Katy did, (Katy didn't),
Katy did, (Katy didn't) Katy did.
And who kissed the bankers
boy and ran away and hid?
Katy did, (Katy didn't),
Katy did, (Katy didn't),
Katy did, (Katy didn't) Katy did.
"Gracious what a scandal!"
every other girl would cry.
"She can't hold a candle
to somebody such as I."
But who got the bankers boy
and 50 thousand quid?
Katy did, Katy didn't,
Katy did, Katy didn't.
You can bet your life she did.
Who came to Sunday school
wearing cherries on her lips?
Ta ta ta-ta
Oh no,
Katy did.
Ta ta ta ta Katy.
And who kissed the bankers boy
and ran away and hid?
We know Katy did did did. Didn't Katy?
Katy did.
Katy's hard to handle
and as far as I can see
she can't hold a candle
to a certain honey bee.
But who who who got the bankers boy
and 50 thousand quid?
I'll bet that Katy did.
Didn't Kay Kay Katy.
You bet your life she did.
That's the last strawberry.
I'm gonna' extorminate him.
Ya' might miss ya' mite.
Aw let be do it will ya'.
Let me do it.
You always have all the fun.
I never get to hit nobody on the head or
things like that.
Aw, all right then sissy.
Take it. But don't miss
whatever you do don't miss.
Watch this! This is gonna be good.
Ho ho ho.
Nice work feather brains.
Why you goggle eyed microbe
I outta wrap you up in flypaper.
I can't depend upon you
to do nothing right.
Why I outta slap you down
ya' banjo eyed pinhead.
I don't know why I ever...
Say, somebody's in trouble.
Excuse me a minute.
- Look, a jitter bug.
- Yeah.
Why Hoppity you were grand.
You were electrifying.
Oh gosh.
Be my little baby bumble bee.
Buzz around buzz around
keep a buzzing round.
Bring home all the honey love to me.
Let me spend a happy hour
roving with you amongst the flowers.
When we get where no one else can see.
Cuddle up cuddle up cuddle up.
Be my little baby bumble bee.
Buzz around buzz around
keep a buzzing round.
We'll be just as happy as can be.
You and me, you and me, you and me.
Honey keep a-buzzin' please.
I got a dozen cousin bees.
But I want you, to be
my baby bumble bee.
Buzz buzz buzz.
Gee Hoppity, I had a wonderful time.
Wait'll we tell the boss about this.
Oh wow!
It'll prostrate him. It'll prostrate him.
Who's there?
It's us boss.
We followed them.
And whoa boy.
Where did they go? What did they do?
What did they do?
Ya mean what didn't they do?
Woo woo!
Never mind the comedy.
What happened?
He took her to that juke joint.
He means the night club.
Yeah and they was dancing.
Well what of it! A lot of people dance!
Yeah, but most people dance like this.
But they didn't dance like that.
Well then how did they dance?!?
Like this.
Alright break it up!
Go on, go on, tell him the rest.
The rest?!? Is there more?
More? Oh no.
No more that's all there is bossy.
That's all.
Oh yeah, well what about
when he kissed her.
Kissed her.
Yeah. Like this.
Why you!
Hoppity bah!
That long legged leaping Lochinvar.
I should let that kid worry me.
Why, I have wealth,
yeah character.
Good night.
Afternoon Mr. Jitterbug.
How do you do Hoppity? How do you do?
Hello Mrs. Stinkbug
and how are all the little stinkers?
Afternoon folks.
Hello Hoppity.
Hello Switch.
Hi ya' Hoppity.
How's everything Dizzy.
Hello Nex.
- Hi ya' Creeper.
- Ugh.
The human ones!
Hay! Hay! Where is everybody.
Out of the way Spike! Here I come.
I got it! I got it boss!
Pass it! Pass it!
Come on Billy start passing it.
Pass it! Pass it!
Hay Murphy!
I got it! I got it!
Over here.
I got it.
Mr . Bumble are you all right?
Hoppity are you?
Father are you hurt?
Uh, just a little shooken' up I guess.
Say, why this is terrible.
Why it's an outrage.
Why nobody's safe in their
own homes or out of them.
Gee-wees, how long has this been going on?
Ever since that big fence has been down.
The fence is down.
The humans come through.
There's only one thing that we can do.
We're in a groove, we gotta' move.
No you smooving. We're doomed to
go and don't forget I told you so.
But jeepers Mr. Creepers we gotta' move.
Hoppity, there isn't anywhere
'cept that garden up next to the big
place where the human ones live.
Well, what's the matter with that?
Not for me.
Me neither.
Me neither.
Me neither.
Well, all human ones aren't so bad.
I'm going up and look that place over.
Huh, it can't be much worse
than it is down here.
Oh, can't be any worse eh?
We'll fix that. Won't you boys.
Well Mr. Bumble, the garden ought
to be just over this wall.
It's no use Hoppity.
You'll never get to that garden with
With a cripple old critter
with a gimpy wing like me
holding you back.
Mr. Bumble.
Isn't it beautiful?
Yeah, it's pretty all right but
it's awful close to the big house.
What about those human ones?
I don't think you gotta worry about them.
Anybody that'll keep a garden
like this can't be so bad.
At least I don't think so.
Hay, hay Mr. Bumble.
Look at this.
Just what the boss ordered.
Now you take the high guy
and I'll take the low guy.
What a place to live in!
Well, that's curtains for old man
Bumble and the long legged lug.
Yeah, did we ever get
rid of them in a hurry.
Did we ever.
The boss ought a give us some
fancy sugar for this job.
We better be gettin' out of here Hoppity.
Why it's swell in here Mr. Bumble.
Solid and safe n' dry as a bone.
Over here Mr. Bumble.
In here.
Gimme your hand.
Oh Dick! There's a bee in here.
He'll drown!
Ok girl scout. I'm a-coming to the rescue.
Ok mister. Lets see what'll I do with you.
Say Mary, what'll I do with him?
Have him stuffed?
Ah Dick, don't be silly.
Here let me take that.
There you are Mr. Bumble.
This is where you belong.
Right out here in the garden.
See Mr. Bumble I told you we
belong here in the garden.
The lady human said so.
You heard her.
Gosh and she knew my name.
Called me, Mr. Bumble.
Oh, wait'll we spread the
good news in the Lowlands.
Oh! Well we'll move up here tonight.
So I close to him.
We grapples.
I'm up, he's down.
He's up, I'm down.
Up, down, down, up.
Then I definitely wraps his wings
around his kisser I deftly...
And I'm tying the grasshoppers legs
in a bow knot with a half hitch.
Bravo. Bravo.
And quick an you can say
Jack Robinson Crusoe.
We renders them unconscious.
Encompass megabus
or out of the money.
Yeah-yeah, the grasshopper and Mr. Bumble.
Mr. Bumble? You don't say.
Uh. Ahem. Nitwits, bunglers. For shame.
To think, that you my trusted aids would
raise your cowardly hands in violence
agents a poor defenseless old nincompoop
? like my dear friend Bumble.
Thereby depriving his only daughter
of her father.
Now it is my painful duty to go down there
and console poor little orphan Honey.
See Mr. Bumble,
I told you we belong in the garden.
Aw gee, it's beautiful.
And plenty of room for everybody.
And the human one said
we could move up there.
Now we can be gay and fancy free.
Bum around, bum around,
keep a bumming round.
We will be as happy as can be.
You and me. You and me. You and me.
After this we'll do as we please.
With a vintage wine
and imported cheese.
And we'll live the life
of Riley you and me.
Hello killers.
The boss!
Greetings. Con-gran-u-lations.
Whens the wedding chiefy.
Can we be the best man boss? Can we?
Here comes the bride.
Tum, tum, tum-tum.
Hay look I'm a bride. I'm a bride.
Tum, tee, tee-dum, dum...
Hay boss, ya' wouldn't hit a little
guy with glasses on would ya'?
Boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
We got fun, we got freedom, we got joy.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
Caught a rainbow and
it's the real McCoy.
There are bumps bumps
bumps in the road,
and we're totting a darn heavy load.
But boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
We've got fun, we got
freedom, we got joy.
We got fun, we got freedom, we got joy.
We've got freedom, fun and joy.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
We got fun, we got freedom, we got joy.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
Caught a rainbow and
it's the real McCoy.
There are bumps bumps
bumps in the road,
and we're totting a darn heavy load.
But boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
We got fun,
we got freedom,
we got joy, oh boy, oh boy.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
Awful nice of the human one
that let us live in her garden.
And she's pretty too.
Guess human ones ain't all so bad.
We'd all a'bin squoosh flat
if it hadn't been for you.
I didn't do anything.
Gosh, don't thank me.
Thank the lady human.
I-I can't understand it. She said that...
Ambrose, Murgatroyd!
Can I be of any help?
I, I-I-I'm awfully sorry.
If there's anything I can do I...
Hello Hoppity.
Now you've done it Mr. hopper.
In the dog house good and proper.
I knew it tweren't no use to go.
And I won't forget you told me so.
I'll be right back dad. I'm
worried about Hoppity.
O tay o'nny,
don't b lung.
Oh, Mr. Creeper, have you seen Hoppity?
Last I saw of him he was
headed towards the big fence.
We're at 19 Moonbeam Terrace,
overlooking Starlight Square.
We're the couple in the castle
way up high in the air.
On the corner there's a cloud bank,
and we bank our millions there.
We're the couple
in the castle
in the air.
One day a daydream
came a stealing through
the gloomy part of town.
Well, that daydream
brought us way up here
and we'll never come down
call us Lord and Lady Stardust,
call us crazy,
we don't care.
We're the couple
in the castle
in the air.
Well, that's it Mary.
How do you like it?
Oh Dick, it's a beautiful song.
Well I hope the publishers agree with you,
to the tune of a nice fat check.
I know they will and we can...
Meet the payments on this house
before they take it away from us.
Yes and we could fix up the lower garden
and the fence that's broken down
where the people walk through.
Of course its to to bad your young
friend had to fail so miserably, Bumble.
But under the circumstances,
wouldn't it be well to consider my
offer of marriage to your daughter.
I suggest you discuss the matter
with her at once, Bumble.
Well I'll...
I... ah... ah...
Mr. Bumble. Mr Bumble!
The human ones there going to
fix the fence and there also...
Pardon me Mr. Beetle.
Oh now Hoppity.
Honest Mr. Bumble!
The lady human knows all
about that fence being down.
And those humans coming through.
And, and there gonna fix that fence
as soon as that check thing arrives.
A check thing?
Whats that?
Well, I heard them say it comes in a
letter. That the post man brings.
The post man?
What's the post man?
You know the human one with
the stripes on his legs
and a bag
and makes a noise like this.
Hurry up. Get going . And no slip ups.
Why that's strange,
I thought I heard the mailman whistle.
Psst. Psst. Quick over here with it.
Over here with it.
In there. Out of sight.
Where's the letter?
Such suspense.
Hoppity said, it would fix the fence.
The fence is down the humans come through.
Without the letter what'll we do?
Them that are bow are doomed to
go and don't forget I told you so.
Where is the letter that supposed to come.
To stop the damage that's being done.
The fence is down.
The humans come through.
Where's the protection promised by you?
Where's the check thing you talked about?
That's supposed to keep the humans out.
The fence isn't fix. The
humans come through.
What Hoppity told us is all untrue.
Still no letter.
Such suspense.
Hoppity said, it would fix the fence.
Corner there's a cloud bank,
and we bank our millions there.
Ta ta to too
in the castle
in the air.
Dick, here's a letter it's...
From the publishers?
No. No it isn't.
It's a foreclosure notice.
It says, we got to move out of the house.
Oh Dick, the home you inherited
from your grandfather.
Along with its creaking old
mortgages and tax liens.
You know Mary, I think it's gonna be a
kinda' relief to be free from all that.
If they say we gotta go, why...
We gotta go. So-ho!
Where do we go from here boys?
Where do we go from here?
Well well, I wonder what the folks
in the Lowlands are going to do now?
With the building covering their property.
Yeah boss, and on your property too. Huh?
Yes on my prop...
My property!?!
A building on my property!
Why I'll be ruined!!!
They can't do this to me.
- Well I'll... I'll...
- Is that bad boss?
That ain't so good?
Of course it isn't. My
property will be useless.
I'm sunk.
Then you might just as well give
your property away. Eh boss?
Give my property away.
Give it away.
Give my property away.
Yes that's it!
Boys I'm about to make a
very generous gesture.
I am going to give my property to the
residents of the Lowlands community.
All my worthless property.
Your sure are a pa-lan-thro-pus boss.
You sure a palanthropus.
Yes yes. Provided of course that
Miss. Honey Bee will accept
my offer of marriage.
Well if it isn't my old friend Hoppity.
How long have you been listening.
I-I mean standing there.
Just ling enough Mr. Beetle.
To overhear your whole cowardly scheme.
But your not gonna get away with it!
Cause I'm going down and
tell the Lowlanders
just what kind of an insect you are.
Oh, oh, oh, now don't be hasty young man.
Swat, Smack go get him!
Hay Smack, gimme a hand! Gimme a hand!
Put up your dukes! I'm gonna
bust you in the head!
I-I-I smack you!
I'll mobileize you.
Home Jesse James.
And don't spare the horsefly's.
Huh, so you thought you could
outsmart C. Bagley Beetle ay.
Come on now, get up and fight like a man.
You double crossing beetle.
Let go of me. Let me get my hands on him.
Why.. Wh..
Why that's the letter the
human ones were waiting for.
To fix the fence.
Why you no good...
That's right and looks what's inside.
Show him boys.
The check thing.
Hay! Let me out of here Beetle!
Hay let me out of here! You
can't do this to me Beetle!
Hay let me out of here Beetle!
Hay let me out of here! You
can't do this to me Beetle!
Neatly done boys.
My marriage to Honey is now assured.
Congranulations boss.
Yeah, like wise. Like wise.
Happy wedding bells.
My poor little Honey.
Oh, come now daddy
we've got to keep our chins up.
This means happiness and security
for everyone in the Lowlands.
But it's your happiness I care about!
Oh daddy, will Hoppity ever forgive me?
Huh! They'll come back. They shouldn't go.
And don't forget I told you so.
Honey marry money in
the spring of the year
and I'll dance at your
wedding Honey dear.
Honey marry money and I may shed a tear
but I'll dance at your
wedding never fear.
Chimes will ring the choir will sing
and I'll try to keep smiling.
Maybe then you'll kiss
me as a sweet souvenir
when I dance at your
wedding Honey dear.
Wo because of money such
a Honey of a bride.
What a lovely fellow is
the father of the bride.
Nothing in my heart.
Deep within my heart.
Here's hoping you and
your love never part.
Honey marry money in
the spring of the year
and I'll dance at your
wedding Honey dear.
Oh yes we'll dance at your wedding
your lovely lovely wedding
in the spring of the year.
In the spring of the year.
Hay schnozzle!
How do I look, huh? How do I look?
Don't ya' know ya' ain't dressed
proper without a buttoneer.
A buttoneer?
Yeah yeah, a flower.
Oh sure sure a flower. I'll go get me one.
How do you like me daisy?
Ain't it the daisy?
I think it's very pretty.
But it should be put in water.
Honey marry money in
the spring of the year
and I'll dance at your
wedding Honey dear.
Marry, and though I may shed a tear
I'll will dance at your
wedding never fear.
Chimes will ring the choir will sing
and I'll cry through this morning.
Maybe then you'll kiss
me as a sweet souvenir
and I'll dance at your
wedding Honey dear.
You'll be such a honey
such a honey of a bride.
What a lovely fellow is
the fellow at your side?
Dark within my heart.
Deep within my heart.
Here's hopping you and
your love never part.
So Honey, marry money and
your diamonds will shine,
and I'll dance at the wedding.
Dance at your wedding.
Wishing your lovely
wedding could be mine.
Dear Honey.
Hay boss.
Now what have you got there?
Rice boss.

And what do you intend to do with it?
Throw it on ya', at your wedding chief.
Your not coming to my wedding.
I sure wish we coulda' gone to the wedding.
I, I adores weddings
and funerals and things.
Come back here fly weight.
But gee Smack, ya' know
I'm wacky over weddings.
The music and the smelly flowers.
Hay, I thought I told ya' ta!
- Hay boss!
- Mr. Beetle!
Hay boss!
We've gotta scram.
We've gotta scram.
Trouble a'comming and
we've gotta scram.
Dear brother Beetle and deer Bee sister.
We're met to unite you as Mrs. and Mr.
Be happy and...
Now if there be any Tom, Dick, or Harry
who's knows a reason why
these two should not marry
let him now speak.
Swat, Smack swa... swa...
- The human ones!
- The human ones!
The human ones!
Oh dad!
Don't be a fool!
Come on! I have a way out!
Please, Mr. Beetle.
- Dad.
- Come back here!
Swat, Smack where are you?!?
To the Lowlands!
To the Lowlands!
Back to the Lowlands!
To the Lowlands!
To the Lowlands!
To the Lowlands!
To the Lowlands!
Not me.
Hurry or I'll be killed.
- In ya' go chief.
- Ups-a-daisy.
It's good to be back.
The old place sure looks good.
There's no place like home.
Well, well what brought you back?
It was terrible!
We almost got killed!
It's awful up there!
Aha! I knew it!
I knew it tweren't no use to go
and don't forget I told you so!
Hay boss! In here Mr. Beetle.
Oh Honey!
Mr. Bumble!
Ah gee-wees, I just gotta find them.
You leave my daughter alone!
Hurry! Hurry!
Atta boy Hoppity!
Sock um on the left!
And a right!
And another right!
Another left!
Barreling buttercups!
What a fight!
You see and that was Mr.
Beetles whole rotten scheme.
And I couldn't get down here to warn ya'.
Hoppity! Hoppity!
Hay! Hay, wait for me!
I know it's sort of silly
to come back here Dick.
But I just had to see what
they're doing to our old place.
It's not our place anymore Mary.
Oh Dick if only the publishers
had bought your song.
I'm still hoping they will.
Wouldn't do much good now. It's to late.
Look! There it is!
Not much room for a house and garden here.
Unless, you wanna live on the roof Mary.
Oh we could Dick.
We could build a cottage right here.
Our castle in the air.
You could have your garden over here.
With the lilly pond.
And the potted shrubs.
Oh wouldn't that be wonderful?
If we got the check.
The check!
The letter with the check!
Look here it...
Hay! Hay wait everybody wait!
Now listen. We gotta go up!
Up to the top.
If we stick together why
everything is gonna be all right.
I heard um say so.
Aw, you heard um. Like that
check thing you heard about.
Yeah yeah that's it the check thing.
And they're gonna have a garden up there.
Just like it was down below only nicer.
And safe.
Oh no. Not for me. I've
heard all that before.
I'm a getting out of here.
Oh no. Don't go Mr. Creeper!
Please don't go!
Don't anybody go away now.
We gotta stick together.
Lead the way Hoppity.
Lets go.
Up we go.
I'm sticken.
Me too.
Me too.
Me too.
Aw, all right I'll stick.
Lets go.
Up we go.
Me too. I'm gonna stick to-getter.
Oh I'm sorry, Mr. Dickens
doesn't live here anymore.
Come on everybody lets go.
See, we just ride this here escalator
up to the sand truck and...
And we rides away.
Safe as a little baby in a cradle.
Hay boss, are ya' all right?
What did ya' say?
What did he say?
I thought that's what he said.
Hay come on boss.
Take it easy now.
Alright all right that's enough.
Come on lets go.
Hold it.
Come on, come on.
Hold it. Hold it.
Make it snappy.
- Hay boss!
- In here Mr. Beetle.
Aw come on fokes.
We just gotta get to the top.
Top! Top of what?
Why the top of the... Oh.
Gosh, I just can't believe it.
I was sure it would be here.
Oh sure, keep going, stick together.
Everything is going to be just
lovely when we get to the top.
We'll were at the top! And where's
this paradise we heard so much about?
Mrs. Laaaadybug.
Ambrose, Murgatroyd!
Come away from there this minute!
We're at 19 Moonbeam Terrace,
Oh look! Look everybody! Look!
Oh look! Look everybody! Look!
Overlooking Starlight Square.
Hoppity! Oh Hoppity!
We're the couple in the castle
way up high in the air!
On the corner there's a cloud bank,
and we bank our millions there.
And we bank our millions there
Aw, gee-wees!
We're the couple in the castle
in the air.
One day a daydream
came a stealing through
the gloomy part of town.
Well, that daydream
Gee, don't they look lovely together?
Yeah, very romantic.
And Lady Stardust,
call us crazy, we don't care.
Hay, Murgatroyd.
Look at the human ones down there.
They look just like a lot of little bugs.
Encompass megabus
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