Mr. Holland's Opus (1995)

Senator Barry Goldwater|is campaigning in Colorado.
The Warren Commission, almost a full|year after the Kennedy assassination...
- Glenn, it's time.|- No, just a little more.
If you don't get up right now,|I'm gonna cut one of your piano strings.
- What time is it?|- Quarter to seven.
- A quarter to seven!|- Mm-hm.
Oh, God.
Does the sun really come out this early?
It was a surprise to me, too. I took|a picture in case it never happens again.
- Nobody gets up this early.|- Oh, yes, they do.
Come on, come on, come on.|Please, please, please, please, please!
- Come on, come on, come on, come on.|- No, no, no! This is a stupid idea.
Oh, this is definitely not my scene, Iris.
It's just a gig. If it doesn't work,|you can try something else.
- What time am I supposed to be there?|- 7.30.
What kind of people like to|go to work at 7.30 in the morning?
# One, two, three
# Oh, thats how elementary
# Its gonna be
# Come on, lets fall in love
- # It's easy|- # It's so easy
# Like taking candy from a baby
- # A, B, C|- # A, B, C
# Falling in love with you was
# Easy for me
# And you can do it, too
- # Its easy|- # It's so easy
# Like taking candy from a baby
Hi. I'm Glenn Holland.|I'm the new music teacher.
Vice Principal Wolters.
Holy cow!
- A Corvair.|- Yeah.
I take it you didn"t read|Ralph Nader"s book.
Well, unless Ralph|is willing to buy me a new car,
I'm gonna have to stick with this one|until the wheels fall off.
Well, you may not have to|wait that long. Heh-heh.
- Have a nice day.|- Thanks.
- # Its easy|- # It's so easy
# Like taking candy from a baby
You look lost, Mr Holland.
Helen Jacobs. Remember? I hired you.
Of course you did. I'm sorry. It was not|that I'm lost. I was just looking for the...
- Well, yes, of course I'm lost.|- What an auspicious beginning.
This way.
Your first day as a teacher,|Mr Holland. Excited?
Nervous. Boy, I never thought I"d be here.
No? Why not?
Well... like most people,|I only got my teaching certificate
so I"d have something to fall back on.
This isn't a drive-in, Mr Claridge.|Hands off!
You know, Mr Holland, I don't think|of teaching as a fallback position.
- No, no...|- I grow nervous around people who do.
I'm... I'm really very happy|to be here. Really.
Good. You"ll drop by my office later on.|I have a list of students you"ll be advising.
Advising? Can I ask when|I'm supposed to be doing this advising?
That's for you and the student to arrange.|You meet your orchestra when?
Fifth period.
- Are they any good?|- They try hard.
By the way, I'll need a complete|lesson plan from you by Friday.
- Right.|- For September and October.
All right. People, come on,|let"s take our seats a little quicker, please.
A little quicker. We"re losing time.|Come on in, come on in.
My name is Mr Holland.
This, of course, is a title of courtesy|that I will extend back to you -
"Mr" or "Miss",|as the circumstances allow.
Welcome to Music Appreciation.
This is a class in which we will be|studying the history of music.
Um, who would like to give me|a definition of what music is?
Any music. What do you think?
What do they think that music is|in... in general? What do they think?
OK. Let"s, uh... let"s go to the text.
And we turn to page, um... four.
And we read that "Music is sound|in melodic or harmonic combinations,
whether produced|by voice or instrument. "
Now, questions?
Anybody... at all?
All righty, uh...
Now, I just... you know, I just...|want you all to relax, have a little fun.
We"re not here to impress each other.
OK. All right, let"s get ready.
Everyone? Come on.
You ready?
OK, here we go.
It was good.
Miss Aronson.|Would you stand up, please?
Stand up, please.
Is that skirt regulation length?|On your knees, both of you, right now.
I thought so. Come with me to the|principal"s office. You are going home.
You can come back|when you"re dressed properly.
- You"re not being fair.|- I am.
If I allow you to do it,|everyone is allowed to do it.
- Hi.|- Hi.
Come on, out of my way.
- Teachers don't wait.|- Pardon me?
High school is not a democracy.|Teachers don't wait.
Bill Meister. Phys ed.
- Glenn Holland. Music teacher.|- Hi.
- There you go.|- Oh, my God!
- What is this?|- It's Monday. It's Turkey Spam Surprise.
You could mortar walls with it.
Word of advice: Always bring a bag lunch.
- Where"s yours?|- I ate it in second period.
Sylvie! Don't tease me. I need extra.
So what have you been doin"|for the last ten years?
I've been playing music.|Been on the road.
You know, um... clubs and weddings|and bar mitzvahs. That sort of thing.
Wait a minute. I bet you met|a ton of chicks in those clubs, huh?
So you"re in these clubs,|there are all these women there...
- Why"d you become a teacher?|- Well...
Actually, I started teaching|because I was hoping
it would give me some free time to do|some composing. I'm a composer.
- What? What's so funny?|- Oh, the free time.
Glenn, I can't remember|the last time I had that was free.
I've got it all figured out.
With your salary, plus what I take in|with the photography,
in four years we should have|enough for you to quit
and do nothing but compose music|and become famous and make us rich.
- I'll never make it.|- I made us $32 today.
Big deal. I made 32 kids|sleep with their eyes open.
Oh, right there! Yeah.
Right there. Yeah.
Iris... I think this is gonna be|a lot rougher gig than I originally thought.
You know, when I was in high school...|I wanted to be someplace else, you know.
It never occurred to me that|my teachers would feel the same way.
Well... you can still quit.
- Nah. We"ve been through all that.|- The band"s getting pretty good.
We could play Holiday Inns|for the rest of our lives.
- Or Los Angeles.|- I don't wanna be a studio musician.
So, It's four years" teaching, then.
Come here.
When you were in high school...
did you ever wonder|if your teachers got it on at night?
When I was in high school|my teachers were all priests and nuns.
I had such a crush on Mr Griffith.|He could"ve taken me home any time.
- Really?|- Mm-hm.
And who was this Mr Griffith?
Oh... he was my music teacher.
That wasn't bad. That wasn't bad at all.
- Miss? I'm sorry.|- Lang.
- Pardon me?|- Lang. Gertrude Lang.
OK. Miss Lang, um... would you|take it from bar 37, please?
Good. Good. That's enough for today.
I'll see you all tomorrow. Very good work.
Miss Lang? Would you mind|hanging for a moment, please?
You seem to be having a little trouble|getting through the break.
I know.
- How long have you been playing?|- Three years.
Do you find that you get|all the practice time that you need?
I practise constantly, yeah.
then I think... I think maybe|you and I should find some time
to work on an individual basis.
- That would be great.|- I don't have a lot of time, but...
that's OK. Whatever you can give me.|I really, really wanna do good at this.
I bet you do. Um...
Well, come in about a half-hour before|first period tomorrow and we"ll just start...
OK. All right. Thank you...|thank you very much. Thanks.
When a flat precedes a note, like this,
it indicates that the note|is to be played a half-step lower.
A piece based in F major
should have a flat sign|at the beginning of every stave.
These tests... are pathetic.
"Name an American composer. "
Miss Swedlin, your answer was?
"Johann Sebastian Bach. "
Oh, this is my favourite one.
"How do you know|what key a concerto is in?"
Mr Mims, your answer was|"Look on the front page?"
Now, this question mark -|was that because you weren"t sure?
Or because your English skills are on|the same level as your musical theory?
These tests are a waste|of my time, and yours!
No kidding! L"d rather be somewhere else.
Mr Sullivan! Why don't you pay a visit|to Mr Wolters, right now!
Get your books and get outta here!
As for the rest of you,|get your textbooks out.
We"re gonna go over these answers|one by one until you get them right.
Give it up, Miss Lang.
I meant for the day.
- I meant "Give it up for the day. "|- I know what you meant.
Then... why are you crying?
I'm terrible. I'm...
I'm terrible. I practise till my lips swell up,|but all I make is noise.
It takes work|to learn a musical instrument.
I just... I just wanna be good at something.
My sister"s got a ballet scholarship|to go to Juilliard,
and my brother"s going to Notre Dame|on a football scholarship.
My mother"s won the blue ribbon|for watercolours at the state fair
so many times|they"ve retired the category.
My father"s got the most|beautiful voice. He's...
I'm the only one in my family who"s...
I... I just can't...
It doesn't make any difference anyway. I...
Mr Holland!|Just the man I was looking for.
We"re forming a textbook committee|for next year.
I would like to have your suggestions. We|meet next Tuesday night in the library.
Oh, I'm sorry, Mrs Jacobs.|I'm very busy on Tuesday night.
You know, for a good four or five months|now, I've been watching you.
I've never seen a teacher|sprint for the parking lot
with more speed and enthusiasm|than his students.
Perhaps you should be our track coach.
Mrs Jacobs, I get here on time|every morning, don't I?
I'm doing my job the best I can.
A teacher is two jobs.|Fill young minds with knowledge, yes.
But, more important,|give those minds a compass
so that knowledge doesn't go to waste.
I don't know what you do|with the knowledge,
but as a compass, you"re stuck.
I really hate that woman!|And I hate teaching, Iris. I hate it.
Nobody could teach|these children. Nobody!
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
They just sit there, staring up at me.|There's no there there. I've been trying...
You played a lot of tough houses.|When they didn"t listen, did you quit?
Wait a minute. Wait a minute! Aren"t we|supposed to be on the same side?
I am.
It's just that I...
I'm pregnant.
I wasn't... I wasn't sure if I was,|but I went to the doctor and I... I am.
We are.
Say something.
- Iris...|- I... I don't know. I knew!
- I knew you wouldn"t be, but I just...|- Iris, it just took me by surprise, that's all.
Let me tell you a story, OK?
When I was 15 years old|I used to hang out at a local record store.
There was this guy who worked there|who thought he knew what I liked,
and he handed me this album one day|and it was John Coltrane.
So I took it home|and I put it on the machine.
And I hated it. I mean, I really hated it.
I just didn"t get it.
So I... played it again.
I played it again, and I played it again...
and then... I just couldn"t stop playin" it.
I kept listening to those notes.
And I realised that... that's what|I wanted to do with the rest of my life.
You know?
Make music.
What am I tryin" to say?
Look, Iris...
Look, you... you tell me that...|we"re gonna have a baby.
that's like... falling in love|with John Coltrane...
all over again.
If that is a lie,|that is the sweetest lie I ever heard.
Let"s take our seats, please.
Anybody here know the difference|between the lonian and the Dorian scale?
I just wanted to confirm the fact
that I've made absolutely no impact|on you in the last five months.
- Mr Sullivan.|- Yeah.
What kind of music|do you like to listen to?
- Um...|- don't be afraid.
- What about you?|- Rock"n"roll.
- You?|- Classical.
Does anybody here like|Johann Sebastian Bach?
Other than you?
I'll bet all of you, whether you know it or|not, already like Johann Sebastian Bach.
- What's this called?|- "A Lover's Concerto".
- Who wrote it?|- The Toys.
That was "Minuet in G", and it was written|by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Can you hear it?
# Bom-bom, bom-bom, bom
And he wrote it in 1725.
They are both prime examples|of the lonian scale.
Now listen... and see if|you can hear the connective tissue
between what I just played and this.
...and they were answering questions|and it was so much fun.
It was rowdy, you know.|It was... it was just great.
Hey, hey, hey! What do we think, huh?
And it only took two tries and three hours.
You didn"t realise|you"d married such a handy man!
But now we really don't have any space.
Well... how would you feel|if we moved into a house?
- You"re kidding?|- No.
But we can't afford that.
If we used our savings account we could,|and I taught driver"s ed in the summer.
- You were gonna compose this summer.|- Well, we could make it work.
- It"d mean taking the crib apart again.|- Never!
I'll tear a wall down first.
It's up to you.
- I think we should do it.|- Really?!
Play the song you wrote|that made me fall in love with you.
The song that made you|fall in love with me?
The song that made you...|Oh, yes! The song!
- # Give me some men who are...|- No! No!
- No?|- No, come on.
- Mr Holland?|- You"re late.
And you left your clarinet here|the other day.
Yeah, um...|if you know anyone who wants it...
I'm giving up the clarinet. I'm just|goofing everybody else up anyway.
So, um... I just wanted to say thanks.|Thanks for trying.
Is it any fun?
I wanted it to be.
You know what we"ve been doing wrong?
We"ve been playing the notes on the page.
Well, what else is there to play?
There's a lot more to music|than notes on a page.
These guys, for example.
Now... they can't sing,
and they have absolutely|no harmonic sense, and they"re...
they"re playing the same three chords|over and over again.
And I love it.
- Do you?|- Yeah.
- I don't know.|- Yeah, you do.
- Because It's fun?|- That's right.
Because playing music|is supposed to be fun.
It's about... heart.
It's about feelings and... moving people|and something beautiful and being alive,
and It's not about notes on a page!
I could teach you notes on a page.|I can't teach you that other stuff.
Do me a favour.
Pick up your clarinet... and play with me.
- OK.|- And this time... no music.
- Oh, what...|- Because you already know it.
It's in your head and your fingers|and your heart.
You just don't trust yourself to know that.
Here we go. Ready?
One, two, three, four...
OK, let"s do it again.
And not so much lip on the mouthpiece.
One, two, three, four...
All right. No, no. Don't do that.
- Let me ask you a question.|- What?
When you look in the mirror...|what do you like best about yourself?
My hair.
Well, my father always says|that it reminds him of a sunset.
Play the sunset.
Close your eyes.
One, two, three, four...
Don't stop playing!
I do not find it easy
to send the flower of our youth,|our finest young men, into battle.
But as long as there are men|who hate and destroy,
we must have the courage to resist.
We will stand in Vietnam.
Just relax. Try to use one foot.
Try to use one foot! Try to just...
Two feet off! That's it! Right foot.
One foot, one foot! That's it. Come on.
# Keep on runnin
# Keep on hidin
Now you"re going a little too fast.|A little too fast. A little too erratic.
A little too erratic. Just a little.
# Keep on runnin
OK, what have we learned from this?
# One fine day Im gonna be the one|to make you understand
# Oh, yeah, Im gonna be your man
Whoa! That was a stop sign|you went through back there, Mr Holland.
You"re definitely speeding, Mr Holland.
I don't think you"re allowed|to just pass on the right like that either.
- This is a one-way street, Mr Holland.|- Mr Hosta, shut up!
Thank you.
Come meet your son...
Coltrane Holland.
- How"re you doin"?|- OK.
- Can I?|- Sure.
He's beautiful.
# I know an old lady|who swallowed a fly
# I don't know why she swallowed that fly
# Perhaps she"ll die
# I know an old lady|who swallowed a spider
# That wiggled and jiggled|and tickled inside her
# She swallowed the spider|to catch the fly
# I don't know why she swallowed that fly
# Perhaps she"ll die
The kid is a natural.
It's all that music you played|at my stomach while I was pregnant.
Ladies and gentlemen,|Radio City Music Hall is proud to present
Coltrane Gershwin Holland!
Mr Holland, it has come to my attention
that you are teaching|the students rock"n"roll.
- Is this a problem?|- Is this a problem? Yes, I think so.
Our only job is to teach. We cannot teach,|and the students cannot learn,
if there is no discipline.
I'm sorry, what exactly|is your point, Gene?
My point is rock"n"roll, by its very nature,|leads to a breakdown in discipline.
Would you like me|to deny that rock"n"roll exists?
What I am... what we are saying is that|you should be pushing the classics.
Brahms. Mozart. Stravinsky.
Stravinsky was the music|of the Russian Revolution.
- You are exaggerating.|- How about the Kingston Trio, Gene?
- How about "Sing Along With Mitch"?|- Just a minute, gentlemen!
Mr Holland, I do not want to interfere|in the curriculum of any teacher.
But next week I have a meeting|with the school board.
There are people who believe rock'n'roll|is a message sent from the devil himself.
Now when that issue comes up,|what can I tell them?
Mrs Jacobs,
you tell them that I am teaching music,
and that I will use anything, from|Beethoven to Billie Holiday to rock"n"roll...
if I think it"ll help me teach a student|to love music.
a reasonable answer, Mr Holland.
I can tell them that.
Was there somethin" else?
Yes. Um...
have you been to any of the football|games this season, Mr Holland?
I can't say that I have, no.
Well, Mrs Jacobs and I|feel that there's something missing.
I'm sorry.
What do you know|about marching bands?
Pardon me?
Set! Hut!
Get him! Get him down!
That's the way!|That's the way to crash down!
drums and sousaphones.
Come on, line up here -|sousaphones on either side, and...
baritones and saxes here. Third line.
Put your shirt-tail in!
This isn't a dance.|It looks like a party dress! Get it in!
Let"s do it a little quicker.|We don't wanna be here till It's dark.
Now, we"re not even, and I"d like|to make some attempt to, um...
Can you even up here?|Can you, like, even this?
Do you understand what I'm saying|when I say even up?
Line up. There you go!
All right, all right.|Take care of "even" some... next time.
Get over here! What are you doing?
- Sorry.|- Are you tryin" to kill me?
Watch my hand, OK?
One, two, three, march!
Left, right. Left, right. Left, right.|Left, right. Left, right. Left, right.
No! No! No!
- Left, right. Left, right. Left, right.|- Hey, John. Let "em take a knee.
No, no, no. You"re clumping up.
No, no, no. People, spread out.
I want you to spread! Spread out! Spread.
And turn. Turn around.|And keep marching!
Keep marching. Left, right. Left, right.|Left, right. Left, right. Left...
Stop! Take a knee.
All right, start runnin"! Hats on!
And don't stop till you hear this whistle.
Glenn. Glenn.
Man! Oh, man! Oh, man! Oh, man!
I take it you were never in the army.
Now, that's a stupid question!
I was. Man, I marched my keister off.
Well, then help me out.
You see this kid up in the stands here?|That's Lou Russ.
He was the greatest halfback ever. I had|to toss him off the team cos of his grades.
I'm about to lose him for wrestling.
What are we talking about? What do you|want me to do? Take his tests for him?
But I bet if he played in your band,
I could talk Jacobs into giving him an|academic credit. And then I'll help you.
- What instrument does he play?|- He doesn't.
He doesn't play anything.
- What, are you kidding?|- No. He"ll fit right in.
Glenn, listen.|You get him to play anything...
and I'll get them to march.
Ladies and gentlemen,|I'm Coach Meister, your marching buddy.
You know anything at all|about music, Mr Russ?
- No, sir, Coach.|- You don't have to say "sir".
I'm not a coach,|so "Mr Holland" is just fine.
I'm sorry, sir. I mean, Mr Holland.
Don't apologise -|you haven"t done anything yet. Um...
You know how to read music?|Even a little?
- No.|- No. No...
Well, you do realise|that you"re gonna have to learn
at least some of the fundamentals of|music before you can get into the band?
Listen, Mr Holland. I work hard.|I know how to work hard.
I'm just not a school type of person.
Well, which instrument|do you think you"d like to play?
Well, I was kinda thinking...|How about electric guitar?
Well, this is a marching band.|The extension cord would kill us.
- How about the tuba?|- Tuba"s are for fat guys with pimples!
Well, given the time constraints,|how do drums strike you?
A drum!
You"re ahead, Mr Russ!
Get on the beat, Mr Russ.
Whoa, whoa! Stop, stop.|Stop, stop, stop! Stop.
- What happened? Where did you go?|- I keep losin" my place.
Well, why don't you find it?
Enough of us here|already think that time is a magazine,
and I don't want you confusing us|any further and, by the way, Mr Barr...
it is not, as they say, considered couth
to empty your spit valve|in the middle of the performance.
Especially not on the foot|of the person sitting next to you.
Let"s take it again from the top.|One, two. One, two.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, who, whoa!|Whoa, whoa! Stop, stop. Stop!
Boy, were you saved by the bell! Same|time, same place tomorrow. Thank you.
- Mr Holland? I just want you to know...|- That you"re gonna work hard. I know.
- Thanks, Mr Holland.|- You"re welcome.
Tell me some stories about the chicks|you met when you were on the road.
That was a different time.|I was a very different guy.
You must be keeping something|so good from me!
- You avoid that question.|- I'm not avoiding anything!
- I know you are.|- I lead a very different life now.
I have a beautiful wife, a gorgeous child -|something you know nothing about.
- I wanna have kids someday.|- You ought to find a wife first.
I don't want kids that badly.
All right, all right, all right.
Besides, the kids at school|are like my kids.
I wanna smack "em sometimes, but|mostly I just wanna see "em do good.
So, Lou Russ - he gonna make it?
Is he gonna make it?
- I don't think so.|- Glenn, come on. I need him!
A kid doesn't wrestle,|It's not the end of the world.
For him, it is! If he doesn't wrestle,|he doesn't have anything else.
It's not about wrestling. I care about him.
How can I keep a kid in the band|if he can't play an instrument?
You teach him. Are you telling me|that you cannot teach
a willing kid like Lou Russ|to bang a drum?
- I tried!|- No, you teach him.
- I tried, and I can't.|- Then you"re a lousy teacher.
And I just can't see a chance like this|getting away from him if I can stop it!
Look, I was a kid just like him,
and if someone hadn"t given me a chance|to excel in the one thing I was good at,
I never would have become the brilliant,|gum-chewing coach that I am.
I was kept off the chess team,|and, well, It's ruined my life.
Do it again.
By Stevie Wonder)
# Baby, everything is all right
# Uptight, outta sight
# Baby, everything is all right
# Uptight, outta sight
# I'm a poor man's son|from across the railroad tracks
# The only shirt I own|is hangin on my back
# But Im the envy of every single guy
# Since I'm the apple of my girl's eye
# When we go out steppin|on the town for a while
# My moneys low|and my suit's out of style
# But its all right
# If my clothes arent new
# Outta sight
# Because my heart is true
# She says 'Baby, everything is all right"'
# 'Uptight, it's clean outta sight"'
# Shes a pearl of a girl|I guess that'ss what you might say
# I guess her folks|brought her up that way
# The right side of the tracks,|she was born and raised
# In a great big, old house|full of butlers and maids
# She said 'Baby, everything is all right"'
Whoa, whoa, whoa!|Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!
Mr Russ.
Congratulations, you found the beat.
Its a wonderful day,|and a terrific parade.
Here comes an original|937 Dodge school bus.
And there is the princess of Spring,|Tammy Monroe.
She is just great.
Hiya. There you go.
Don't forget, I want you to keep your eyes|on the shoes of the person in front of you.
All right? Have a good time. Ready?
No, no! No! No, no, no, no.|Back. Back! Back, back. Just relax.
- Let"s go!|- Take a deep breath.
- Let"s go!|- We"re doing the best we can, damn it!
Hold it, hold it.
Ready? Mr Benson.
One, two, three, four.
Now we have a real treat|coming down the road -
the John F Kennedy marching band.
And arent they good?
Their first year in this parade,|led by Glenn Holland.
That's my boy! Hey, Louis! Louis!
Was that fun, or what?
There's something wrong with Cole.
- What?|- I don't know. I've tried different things.
Um... sneaking up behind him and|banging pots and screaming his name
and stomping on the floor.
He turned when I did that - big smile.|He thought I was playing a game.
I don't think he can hear.
Cole has|a 90 per cent hearing loss.
With training, he will learn to use|what hearing he has left.
Treat him as if he's normal.|Talk to him as if he can hear you.
I notice Cole uses gestures|to help himself be understood.
Let me caution you: Don't use them back.
Gestures won"t help him|find his place in a hearing world.
When he's older, there are schools that|will help him, and you, to find his voice.
He couldn"t hear.
Of all people.
Not a thing.
And because Beethoven couldn"t hear,
the thought of him conducting, let alone|composing, was pathetic to most people.
And so, to answer them, he composed|and conducted the 7th Symphony.
Just try to imagine:
Beethoven, standing on that podium...
holding his baton...
his hands waving gracefully|through the air...
and the orchestra in his mind|was playing perfectly.
And the orchestra in front of him...|trying desperately just to keep up.
There is a story...
that, in order to write his music,
Beethoven literally|sawed the legs off his piano
so that he could lay the body|flat on the ground.
And then...
he would lay down on the ground next to|the piano with his ear pressed to the floor.
And he would pound the keys|with his fingers...
in order to hear his music|through the vibrations of the floor.
Mr Holland?
Mr Holland?
If he couldn"t hear, how would he|even know what the notes were?
Like, if he never heard a C, how"d he|know that's what he wanted played?
Beethoven wasn't born deaf.
# Its easy if you try
# No hell below us
# Above us only sky
# Imagine all the people
# Livin for today
# Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
# Imagine theres no countries
# It isnt hard to do
# Nothin to kill or die for
# And no religion, too
# Imagine all the people
# Livin life in peace
A private school?
She said It's the best, and It's way ahead|of any other school in the state.
- It's probably expensive.|- Yeah, but if It's the best...
I'm just worried about where|the money"s coming from, that's all.
It's probably a great place, Iris,|but I worry about the money.
What do you want, honey?|Show me what you want.
You want a dessert? This?
I don't know what you want.
What? Cole!
Dessert? No?
- This? This? I don't know what you want!|- So they were signing, huh?
The school emphasises it,|and she said It's for parents, too.
- What do you want?|- Dr Sorenson said that gestures...
- It's more than gestures!|... gestures meant
he"d never learn how to lip-read or talk!
He can barely talk now!|He can't say two words!
- The guy is a specialist, Iris.|- Oh!
He thinks that deaf people are retarded.|He is not retarded, he's...
- Give him what he wants!|- I don't know what he's trying to tell me.
Don't you get it? You go off to school|with your children who are normal.
I can't talk to my son!
I don't know what he wants|or what he thinks!
I can't tell him that I love him!|I can't tell him who I am!
I want to talk to my son.
I don't care what it costs. I don't care|what the stupid doctor says.
I wanna talk to my son!
Oh, Cole.
Oh, Cole.
OK, now we"ll talk about what is today.|Can you tell me what's today?
Tuesday. Good! Can you spell it for me?
T- U-E-S-D-A-Y.
Wonderful! Now, can you|tell me what is tomorrow?
We encourage talking|and signing at the same time.
As you can see,|today the class is learning
the days of the week|and the months of the year.
Would you care to step out|for just a moment? Shall we?
What was yesterday?
- Can we talk about tuition?|- Yes.
Is there any chance|of government subsidy?
- I'm afraid not.|- Well, we can handle it.
So how long would it be|before he learns how to sign?
Not as long as it"ll take the two of you.
You see, children learn very quickly.
But adults, well, so much depends|on how much you put into it.
Mm-hm. And when would we begin?
Our next intensive programme, the one|geared towards parents, starts in June.
It's three months, three hours every day.
The most important teacher|your child will ever have is you.
So, who was Bach writing all this for?
Mr Tidd! Care to join us?
Uh, Lurch in The Addams Family?
You"re the Lurch, you dipstick!
- How about I shut your smart mouth?|- Anytime you wanna try.
Tidd! Take one more step,|you"ll think you were born in detention.
Get back to your seat.
Stadler. Sometimes the best way|to deal with a pest is to ignore them.
OK... don't forget|pages 280-314 for tomorrow.
- You stoned again, Stadler?|- I don't need to stay straight. I know this.
I can give you all the names|and dates you want.
- I know all the scales, counterpoint...|- So what?
This class is Music Appreciation.|I don't see you appreciating anything.
- This is such lame bullshit.|- Sit down!
You are this close|from being suspended, pal.
You think you are real smart, don't you?
OK... prove it.
I want a paper on my desk|by the end of term.
I want it to be single-spaced.|I want it to be annotated.
I want the name of this report to be|Music, the Language of Emotion.
- You can't make me do that.|- Watch me!
You don't do it, you flunk.
This isn't fair, Mr Holland!
- Life is not fair, pal.|- Mr Holland?
- Tell Mrs Jacobs I'll take care of it.|- OK.
- Am I released yet?|- No.
I want you to meet me here|Saturday morning at 10am.
We are honoured and we are proud|that we have known him.
And our lives are for ever changed.
Louis"s gifts live in each of us.
Let us burn bright his spirit,|his courage, his love.
- Amen.|- Amen.
"In Flanders" fields the poppies blow|Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place
And in the sky|The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard among the guns below... "
So, uh, who"s the...|who"s the one, uh... you know?
That's some kid I taught to bang a drum,|named Louis Russ.
He made the state wrestling finals|three years running.
He was never as smart as you are. He had|to work real hard... even to graduate.
Maybe that's why|it meant so much to him.
Aim. Fire.
Present arms.
On behalf of the president|and a grateful nation,
I present this flag in recognition|of your son, Corporal Louis Russ,
for his long and faithful service|to his country.
March! Face! Forward!
You can go home now.
Hi, Glenn.
- You OK?|- Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm all right.
What a waste.
We know too many of these kids.
Come on... let"s get outta here.
Of course, Daisy was also|the former Miss Idaho.
- Her dress is made of potato skins.|- Stop it! Nice to meet you.
- This is Glenn.|- Nice to meet you.
- And this is Iris.|- Hello.
Cole. Say hi. This is Cole.
- Hello, everybody.|- Hi.
- Mr Holland, a word.|- With you, It's never just one word.
- What are your plans for the summer?|- Oh, the usual, I guess.
The Clyde Crashcup School|of Driver"s Ed. What about you?
I'm going to be very busy.|Gardens to plant, grandchildren to visit.
I'm retiring, Mr Holland.
I've been promising my husband|for several years now. It's time.
I have something for you.
A memento, if you will.
I'm honoured.
Mr Holland, of all the teachers here|at John F Kennedy High School...
you"re my favourite.
# Im gonna rent myself a house
# In the shade of the freeway
# Gonna pack my lunch in the morning
# And go to work each day
# And when the evening rolls around
Whoa!|Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
# Ill go on home
Therefore... I shall resign the presidency,|effective at noon tomorrow.
# Comes streaming in
# Ill get up and do it again
# Amen
# Caught between the longing for love
# And the struggle for the legal tender
# Where the sirens sing
# And the church bells ring
You're going the wrong way!
# Where the veterans dream of the fight
# Fast asleep at the traffic light
# And the children solemnly wait|for the ice cream vendor
# Out into the cool of the evening
# Strolls the Pretender
# He knows that all his hopes and dreams
# Begin and end there
All right, moving on.|People, let"s get through this.
Please! If we could move on|to the next item of the agenda,
- which is the senior-class play.|- Oh, yes. Yes.
After our critical success last year|with Romeo and Juliet...
Mr Holland and I have come up with a|wonderful idea for this year"s production.
We"re not doing a full production,|but a review.
A George and Ira Gershwin review -|very few costumes, one set.
This will bother you, but we have to|consider cutting the senior-class play.
Are you nuts? You know what?|Oddly enough, It's gonna bother me.
People. People, please.|Let"s keep in mind why we are here.
We"re looking for things|which keep money in the school coffers.
- At the expense of what?|- I have a responsibility.
To the Board of Education.|There just isn't the money to fund...
- Why are we teaching any of this?|- Let"s move on.
- This kind of thing is important to me.|- Excuse me. Gene.
Yes... Bill?
I can guarantee that this year"s show|will make money.
- I'm listening.|- My football players dance in the show.
People will show up|just to see "em fall on their asses.
- I don't want to turn it into a farce.|- It wouldn"t be a farce.
They"ll be better than|the June Taylor Dancers.
That"ll shock the hell out of everybody.
Who"s going to teach|the football players how to dance?
- You?|- I minored in modern dance.
He minored in modern dance, Gene.
I did. The coach had us do it|so we"d be more graceful.
Glenn, hold my leg. Come on.
# I've got rhythm
# I've got music
# I've got my gal
# Who could ask for anything more?
# I've got daisies
# In green pastures
# I've got my gal
# Who could ask for anything more?
- # Old man trouble, I don't mind him|- Smile!
# You won"t find him round my door
# I got rhythm
# I got music
# I got my gal
# Who could ask for anything more?
# I got daisies
# In green pastures
# I got my man|Who could ask for anything more?
# Old man trouble, I don't mind him
# You won"t find him round my door
# I got starlight, I got...
# I got starlight
# I got sweet dreams
# I got my gal|Who could ask for anything more?
- # Who could ask for anything more?|- # Who could ask for anything more?
# Who could ask for anything more?
Thank you. Thank you very much.
- We still don't have an ingnue.|- We still have more people to see.
Billy Faraday can pull off the Gershwin,
but the only ingnue we seem|to have so far is Todd Markham.
I really don't think that Todd Markham...
# I got rhythm
# I got music
# I got my man
# Who could ask for anything more?
# I got daisies...
Maybe It's just me, but I think|she's better than Todd Markham.
# Who could ask for anything more?
# Old man trouble, I don't mind him
# You won"t find him round my door
# I got starlight, I got sweet dreams
# I got my man
# Who could ask for anything more?
# Who could ask for anything more?
- Very good, Miss?|- Morgan. Rowena Morgan.
Very good.
You were very, very good.|Thank you... very much.
Hey! How was the science fair?
- You wanna go to the what?|- Stars.
Cole discovered astronomy tonight.
Whoa! Whoa, slow down.|Slow down, you"re goin" like a rocket!
He wants to be an astronaut.
- Who put that stuff in his head?|- As a matter of fact, his teachers.
I thought you were going to meet us.
Well, I wanted to, but I had to get|these orchestrations finished.
We"re gonna do a Gershwin review.
It's always something, isn't it?
If it isn't a school play, It's band practice,
or grading papers,|or a student committee needs an advisor.
- Missing it isn't the end of the world.|- Maybe you didn"t hear me.
- I heard you.|- He wanted you to be there tonight!
Oh, God!
You know what's really amazing? No|matter what I do, no matter how hard I try,
sooner or later, anything I try|turns out being wrong.
Why is every child|more important than your child?
- I'm a teacher, Iris.|- You are his father!
I'm both!
I do one thing, I let him down.|I do another thing, I let the school down.
I can't be everything for everybody.
- You have to make priorities.|- I have!
He's my son, and I love him.|I do the best I goddamn can, OK?
Well, your best isn't good enough.
So go on, write your music!
Write my music, huh? Write my music?!|When do I have time to write my music?
# Won"t you tell him please|to put on some speed
# Follow my lead?
# Oh, how I need
# Someone to watch over me
That was perfect, darling.
- Mr Holland?|- It was good.
- Can I talk to her for a second?|- Sure.
Let"s all take a break for a minute.
- I was trying to sing my best.|- It was fine.
I just wanna ask you a question.
What do you think|the girl"s really feeling here?
- I don't know.|- You have to know.
Or you can't sing it.
This song is wistful, Miss Morgan.
It's about a woman who is alone|in a very, very cold world,
and all she wants more than anything|is to have someone hold her close.
And to tell her that everything"s|gonna be all right.
It's about...
the need for love...
in your gut.
We"ll try it again, from the top.
This time I wanna do it in a lower key.
# there's a saying old
# Says that love is blind
# Still we"re often told
# "Seek and ye shall find"
# So I"d like to seek a certain lad
# I've had in mind
- Hi, Mr Holland.|- Hey, Miss Morgan.
What are you working on?
Nothing important.
It's just... sometimes It's easier|to work here than at home.
- Would you mind if I joined you?|- No. Not at all.
Want some coffee? Or tea?
Anything under a buck.
I always remembered that|about your class -
you had this very highly developed|sense of humour.
Thank you.
I loved your class. The way you taught.
You love music,|and you made the kids love it.
- I always wanted to tell you that.|- Well... I'm glad you did.
So, you"re a senior now. Got any ideas|about where you"re gonna go to college?
No. My mom and dad have a little|restaurant downtown - my dad"s dream.
He wants me to stay and help him with it.
- What do you wanna do?|- What do you mean?
Well, I mean...
if you had one wish, you know,
if you could do whatever it is that you|really wanted to do, what would it be?
I think I"d rather sing than do anything.|I dream about going to New York
and being on the stage|in front of thousands of people.
That's what I"d wish for.
Maybe I shouldn"t tell you this,|Miss Morgan, but you have a great talent.
And if you have the passion,|if you have the hunger...
then you ought to go to New York|and do what you wanna do,
no matter what anyone tells you.
Can I get you anything?
I should get going.
- See you Monday, Mr Holland.|- Yeah. I'll see you later.
Cole, take this stuff outside. It stinks.
Go open the window for him.
Hey! Don't bust my butt.
No, no, no! No, no!
- I don't believe it!|- He didn"t do it on purpose.
Are you kidding me? Of course he did!
Cole, help clean up.
Wait. Just wait, wait, wait.
I'll do it myself.
- Help me out here.|- He's trying to help.
He's making a bigger mess|than he already has!
This is off limits, Cole.|Do you understand?
- Don't touch!|- That's "don't sit. "
# We may never, never meet again
- # On the bumpy road to love|- don't push.
# Still, I'll always, always|keep the memory of
# The way you hold your knife
# The way we danced till three
# The way you changed my life
Where did you go?!
I think we ought to call it quits.
Could we work on|"Someone to Watch Over Me"?
- I've been working on it.|- It's pretty late.
Next time, then.
What's this?
Oh, that's what I was working on|the other night.
You wrote this?
Well, I... I pick at it once in a while.
Would you play this for me?
# La-da, da-da
# Da, da-da-da-da, da-da
# Da-da, da, da-da, da-da-da
# Da, da-da, da-da-da, da-da-da
# Da-da
It's wonderful.
Is there more?
Yeah. Yeah.
It's just not finished.
Ro, are you done yet?
Are we?
Good night, Rowena.
Who"s Rowena?
- Huh?|- Who"s Rowena?
A legend. A heroine|from Norse mythology.
I got a book about it|somewhere around here.
I wondered what you thought would be a|good night for Cole and I to see the show.
- Opening night.|- Yeah! Uh, no. Um...
I've got a meeting with Cole"s teachers.
Saturday, then.
# I got rhythm
# I got music
# I got my gal
# Who could ask for anything more?
# I got daisies
# In green pastures
# I got my gal
# Who could ask for anything more?
# Old man trouble, I don't mind him
# You won"t find him round my door
# I got starlight
# I got sweet dreams
# I got my gal
# Who could ask for anything more?|Who could ask for anything more?
# Still, I'll always, always|keep the memory of
# The way you hold your knife
# The way we danced till three
# The way you changed my life
# No, no, they can't|take that away from me
# No, they can't take that away from me
# I got starlight
# I got sweet dreams
# I got my gal
# Who could ask for anything more?
# Who could ask
# For anything
# Anything more?
Good night, Sarah.
Mr Holland?
How was I? The truth.
You were great.
- I owe it all to you.|- No...
I just accompanied you.
Mr Holland, I'm doing what you said. I'm|going to New York. I'm gonna be a singer.
Someday we"re all gonna say|that we knew you when...
No, you don't understand.
- I'm going tomorrow.|- What?
There's a party at Miss Olmstead"s|after we close the play.
I'll be there to say goodbye to my friends.|They don't know, but...
the bus leaves|from downtown at midnight.
When I said that you should go|to New York, I didn"t mean right away.
- You have so much time.|- If I wait, I'll never do it.
I'll end up waiting tables or working|in some store. It has to be now.
You could come with me.
I know you think I'm just a kid.
- I know you"re married with a son.|- Rowena...
I know.
Don't you see?|You can be writing great music.
The bus stops at King"s drugstore...|tomorrow night.
# Theres a saying old|says that love is blind
# Still were often told|"'Seek and ye shall find"'
# So I'm going to seek a certain lad|I've had in mind
# Looking everywhere,|havent found him yet
# Hes the big affair I cannot forget
# Only man I ever think of with regret
# I'd like to add his initial|to my monogram
# Tell me, where is the shepherd|for this lost lamb?
# there's a somebody I'm longing to see
# I hope that he
# Turns out to be
# Someone who'll watch over me
# I'm a little lamb who"s lost in the wood
# I know I could
# Always be good
# To one who'll watch over me
# Although he may not be the man
# Some girls think of as handsome
# To my heart he carries the key
# Won't you tell him, please,|to put on some speed
# Follow my lead?
# Oh, how I need
# Someone to watch over me
Listen, some of the kids are having|a party. I should make an appearance.
Do you want to come?
I should get Cole home.
OK. Well, I'm not gonna be late. All right?
You pack light.
You got a place to stay?
That's the name of a guy I used to play|in a band with. I've already called him.
He and his wife are expecting you.
This isn't the way I imagined it.
But It's the best way.
Goodbye, Rowena.
I love you.
I know.
John Lennon is dead.
New York City.|Residents say a man in his late 30s...
The guiding spirit|of the Beatles is dead at the age of 40.
The mood|was silence and reverence.
But as the crowd sang the Beatles songs,|the songs of John Lennon,
they became happier, vibrant,|more spirited.
That was the purpose|of John Lennons music, and his life.
This is Jim Collins reporting.
What happened to your eye?
In a second!
Someone was... was killed.
No, no. Cole. That's not funny.
The musician.
You wouldn"t understand.
Are you OK? It's so sad.
Cole, what is it?!
- He wants to what?|- He wants to tell you something.
- Couldn"t we do this another time?|- Now!
"You assume Lennon's death means|nothing to me. Do you think I'm stupid?"
- "I know who John Lennon is. "|- I never said...
"I can't read your lips|if you don't look at me. "
I never said that you were stupid.
"You must think so if you think|I don't know who the Beatles are,
or any music at all. "
"You think I don't care about|what it is that you do, or what you love?"
"You"re my father. "
"I know what music is. You could|help me to know it better, but... no. "
"You care more about teaching|other people than you do about me. "
What does this mean?
That means "asshole".
Come to bed.
It's really late.
I was only tryin" to...
protect him.
I just didn"t wanna see him hurt...
or disappointed.
The second would be,|if there are songs with words,
you will need an interpreter, someone|to sign the words along with the music.
- We can do two kinds of music.|- Right.
The first kind would be|the pure music without words.
The music.
The pure music without words|that they could experience
through putting themselves|closer to the language.
Maybe lights flashing.
Did you like that?
For our final selection tonight, we are|going to do a song by John Lennon.
Now, to those of you|in our audience who cannot hear,
you will be grateful for your hearing|difficulties because I am going to sing.
And to those of you|who have no hearing problems,
my profound apologies.
On a personal note...
I would like to dedicate this song|to my son...
# Close your eyes
# Have no fear
# The monster"s gone
# he's on the run
# And your daddy"s here
# Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
# Beautiful boy
# Before you go to sleep
# Say a little prayer
# Every day, in every way
# It's getting better and better
# Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
# Beautiful boy
# Over the ocean
# Sailing away
# I can hardly wait
# To see you come of age
# But I guess we"ll both|just have to be patient
# Cos It's a long way to go
# A hard road to hoe
# Yes, It's a long way to go
# But in the meantime
# Before you cross the street
# Please take my hand
# Life is what happens to you|while you"re busy making other plans
# Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
# Beautiful boy
# Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
# Beautiful Cole
# Well
# I got a woman
# Way over town
# Thats good to me
# Oh, yeah
# Say, I got a woman
# Way over town
# Thats good to me
# Oh, yeah
# She give me money
# When Im in need
# Yeah, shes a kind old friend indeed
# I got a woman
# Way over town
# Thats good to me
# Oh, yeah
# She said 'I love you"'
# Early in the mornin
# Just for me
# Oh, yeah
# Oh, shes my baby
# Dont you understand?
# Yeah, and Im her lover man
# I got a woman
# Way over town
# Thats good to me
# Oh, yeah
# Dont you know, she's all right
By De La Soul)
# Yep, yep, big trucker mans|rollin' in town
# How ya do? How ya do?
- # I got the joint to make ya|- # Jump
# Because I'm headin' eastbound|Tired of the merry-go-round-and-around
# You know where Im steppin'|Skirts play with it cos I'm slick like that
# Im the greatest MC in the world
Hey, Joan. He wants to see me?
- He's with someone.|- Oh. Well, I'll come back later.
Mr Holland...
you"d better wait.
Mr Holland... would you come in, please?
- What's wrong with Sarah, Gene?|- Please, sit down.
L"d rather stand, thanks.
Why is Sarah crying, Gene?
All right, I'll come right to the point.
You know how acrimonious|the budget meeting was last Tuesday.
Be that as it may,
each school in the district has been asked|to reduce costs by ten per cent -
by September.
This is what I've decided.
The entire music programme.
And art. And drama.
Well, congratulations, Gene.
You"ve wanted to get rid of me for 30|years. They finally gave you an excuse.
I'm not as popular as you.|I'm not anybody"s favourite anything.
- That's because you"re the enemy, Gene.|- I care about these kids as much as you.
If I'm forced to choose between Mozart|and reading and writing and long division,
I choose long division.
Well, I guess you can cut the arts|as much as you want, Gene.
Sooner or later these kids aren"t gonna|have anything to read or write about.
Mr Holland?
If there's anything I can do...
A recommendation?
I'm 60 years old, Gene.
What are you gonna do, write me|a recommendation for the morgue?
- Jacobs would have fought this.|- She would have lost.
Yes, she would have lost, but she|would have fought this, and so will I!
No, no, do not misunderstand me.|I am not talking about my job.
I am talking about the education|that students once got at Kennedy High
versus the education that|you are willing to give these kids today.
We have been going|over and over this, Mr Holland.
- We"ve done all we can.|- Then do it again.
That's what I said when you were|my student, Michael. It served you well.
- That was a different time, Mr Holland.|- I don't think so.
- I think that more was expected of us.|- 15 seconds.
The big difference|is how little you people care.
- And how lazy you"ve become.|- I resent your tone, Mr Holland.
I don't think you have any appreciation|for our financial problems.
Come on, Michael!
The big problem here is that you are|willing to create a generation of children
who will not have the ability|to think, create, listen...
Time, Mr Holland.
Mr Holland, as I've said,|we"ve done the best that we can.
Your best is not good enough!
"A very flattering offer|has been made to me
to teach at a university for the deaf|in Washington DC"!
"I'm not sure that I'm going to take it
because I'm fond of the students|in the school that I'm at now. "
"It's something to think about. "
"No girlfriends yet.|At least, not serious ones. "
"And tell Dad that I'm never|going to give his car back. "
"Love always, Cole. "
What are you doin" here?
I had some jockstraps in the rinse cycle|down in the locker room
I came to see if you needed any help.
No, no, no.
So, you decided|what you"re gonna do yet?
Too old to start a rock band.
Probably hang out a shingle|and teach a few piano lessons.
- L"d love to retire...|- I'm not retiring, Bill.
I'm getting dumped.
And I don't think|you have anything to worry about.
The day they cut the football budget|in this state, well, now,
that will be the end|of Western civilisation as we know it.
I'll tell you the truth.
I'm scared to death.
- They"re gonna miss you around here.|- You really think so?
- What, do you doubt it?|- Well, as a matter of fact, yeah.
It's almost funny - I got dragged into|this gig kicking and screaming,
and now It's the only thing|I wanna do, and...
You work your whole life...
you work for 30 years because you think|that what you do makes a difference.
You think it matters to people.
And then you wake up one morning|and you find out, well, no,
you"ve made a little error there.
You are... expendable.
Oh, God.
Oh, I should be laughing.
You"re sure you don't need any help, huh?
All right.
What are you doing here?!
School is out for me too.
The old car... it looks pretty good.
It's a classic. You can't have it back!
No! No... you don't have to do this.
I don't want an old fart like you|to strain yourself.
OK, OK... asshole.
That's enough, you two.
Let"s go out to the car.
Now, what is that?
Um... I don't know.
- You can't hear what's going on in there?|- Oh, yeah. I... I hear it, but...
there's something going on in there.
- It could be a summer programme.|- They don't start for another two weeks.
- Mr Stadler?|- I wouldn"t have missed it, Mr Holland.
Uh... I'll sign myself.
Uh, hello. Um...
Our master of ceremonies|seems to be a little late,
so I guess It's up to me to begin.
When word first got out|that the music programme was cut,
and about the retirement of my husband,
well, I've never seen such a response|from the community.
Oh! Looks like my watch is fast.
Uh, ladies and gentlemen,|may I present our governor
and Kennedy High School alumnus,
the most honourable Gertrude Lang.
It's been a long time.
- Thank you so much for coming.|- Oh... thank you.
My... my apologies for my tardiness.
Principal Wolters, I"d like you to know,|yes, I brought a note from my mother!
Mr Holland had|a profound influence on my life -
on a lot of lives I know.
And yet I get the feeling that he considers|a great part of his own life misspent.
Rumour had it he was always|working on his symphony,
and this was gonna|make him famous, rich -
probably both.
But Mr Holland isn't rich,|and... he isn't famous.
At least, not outside of our little town.
So it might be easy for him|to think himself a failure.
And he would be wrong.
Because I think he's achieved a success|far beyond riches and fame.
Look around you.
There is not a life in this room|that you have not touched.
And... each one of us|is a better person because of you.
We are your symphony, Mr Holland.
We are the melodies|and the notes of your opus,
and we are the music of your life.
Mr Holland, we would now like|to give something back to you.
To you and to your wife,|who, along with you,
has waited 30 years|for what we are about to hear.
If you will, would you please|come up here and take this baton...
and lead us in the first performance ever
of "The American Symphony"|by Glenn Holland.
# I feel
# That the love around me
# Has come from another world
# I have lost love
# I have found love
# From the moment you were born
# I could see a new beginning
# Come to me
# Let me tell you how
# How Ive lost love
# And how Ive found love
# In a world of broken dreams
# I was wrong to deny your feelings
# And I'm sorry if I've caused you pain
# I was lost then
# So confused then
# And I believe that|you would change that
# There are broken hearts we can mend
# Through the music|weve learned to love again
# Through the sad notes
# Through the years
# From the moment you were born
# I have lost you
# Now Ive found you
# Let me feel your heart
# Let me hear
# Your song
# Lived all my days
# Trying to embrace
# Life with my heart
# By all the beauty I feel and create
# It spins and moves
# Flows at my pace
# Telling its story|from the tear running down my face
# Visions of a sunset
# Just appear when I close my eyes
# Takes me closer to heaven
# When the flute starts to fly|and the violin cries
- # Ohhhhh|- # Its all I need in my life
# Its all I need, and no one...
# Can take your place by my side
# Youre all inside of me
# Visions of a sunset
# Just appear when I close my eyes
# Takes me closer to heaven
# When the flute starts to fly|and the violin cries
# I will flee from all sorrow
# Like the wind blows from the sky
# Takes me closer to heaven
# When the flute starts to fly|and the violin cries
# Ohhh, oh, oh