Mr. Local (2019)

(In French) Morning.
Can I speak to Mr Manohar from India?
Ok, who are you?
I'm Meyyappan calling from Indian Embassy.
I want to talk to Mr. Manohar regarding
his bail procedures. Can you call him?
Ok, just a second.
- Yea sure.
Manohar. Cell No - 125
Manohar is playing football.
Who is next?
Come here.
You got a call from India.
I know.
It's my friend P Raja
regarding my bail.
Manohar your Engilsh is too fast.
We speak French here.
Talk slowly.
My English... very fast?
Wish my English Teacher was here to hear this.
Said I can never speak English.
Ok, Ok. I will talk slowly.
So now, will you please tell me,
how did you shoot this goal?
With this foot.
That's not funny.
That was hard brother.
The reason why I'm asking is,
this goalkeeper is a real good goalkeeper.
No one hits a goal while he is standing.
So that's why tell me.
How did you hit this goal?
I imagined my girlfriend as goalkeeper.
I got fired up.
Smashed right through it.
You imagined your girlfriend?
Is your girlfriend your enemy?
For all the boys, girlfriend is their first enemy.
I agree.
You want to know the full story?
But I will tell only in English.
Ok. Go ahead.
I'm not responsible if you don't get it. Come.
In India, there is one amazing state called TamilNadu.
In TamilNadu, there is a beautiful city called Chennai.
In Chennai, there is GN Chetty Road.
There only me and my friend Raja
working in car company.
He is penance for some deity always,
because he swears a lot.
What's up, darling?
Facebook, darling.
- YouTube, darling.
Cut it.
Come immediately to the office.
We've got an issue.
I've got a bigger issue here.
Got into a brawl, you know?
Let it be.
You must be here in the next 5 minutes.
Do I look like The Amazing Spiderman?
You s...
Saamy Saranam!
Look, I'm in penance to the Saamy.
Don't play with me.
I'm not the Lord but the devil.
Get lost.
Darling... darling.
I was just kidding.
Couldn't think of a counter so he disconnected.
- What's up, P Raja?
Any tiff with your girlfriend?
Would you like me to connect you two?
Starts with What's up,
wants to be WhatsApp.
Go you lousy dash.
If you curse me,
I'll ask Kuthalam Sir to cut off your promotion.
Anyways, that rhino is gonna say no.
Out you dirtbag.
Get lost you M...Mustard.
We've been in this Office for so long.
Doesn't even know my name. Calls Raja as Mustard.
Saamy Saranam.
Hey is that not a cuss word?
Maybe she thought I wouldn't catch that?
What happened with your brawl?
A family got into trouble with a ruffian.
I gave him an offer he couldn't refuse.
Vito just turned in his grave.
Pardon, darling?
Nothing darling.
Someone must have hacked my mouth.
Pissed at me?
Let it slide, darling.
For the launch of the new model,
a foreign model is here,
in the guise of a Manager.
You have a chance to settle in foreign now.
Saamy Saranam.
Stop joking, darling.
She has banned Ayudha Poojai in our Office.
She has banned Ayudha Poojai?
- Yep.
- What is this darling?
Peta came in and banned Jallikattu.
Now Rita comes in and bans Ayudha Poojai?
What is wrong with this place?
To keep away all the wrong spirits,
we do Poojai.
She says it'll spoil the car's looks.
Where is the Kung Fu Panda?
Kuthalam Chidambaram. Our Manager.
He's finished today.
Excuse me guys.
- (In Unison) Good morning Manager, Sir.
We were slagging you off just now.
Why are you apologizing Sir?
Hey I'm not saying 'I'm Sorry',
I'm saying 'Sorry?'
Sir you trying to perform like John Wayne
but it looks like Adam Sandler.
- Hey.
That woman hasn't agreed
to Ayudha Poojai.
Run off now.
We'll celebrate another day.
Come dar...
- Sir!
Is this Vijay awards
to change the date all the time?
- Is that you?
Ayudha Poojai can't be postponed.
Did you speak to her, Sir?
Hey see... You know my Focabulary of English.
Saami Saranam!
- He's not swearing.
His wretched pronunciation.
I try my best but no chance.
Sir, Take me to her.
No its not my work.
Take me to her and I'll request for Ayudha Poojai.
He doesn't even know to read the word English.
What would have been his conversation?
What a model!
Two tops on her.
- Saamy Saranam.
- Saamy Saranam.
Can we speak to her, Sir?
Start the conversation, Sir.
I don't permit all this kinda stuff in...
Excuse me Ms Rita,
I'll just call you back.
Yes, Mr Kuttala Chadambaram.
Nah... Kuthala Chidambaram.
Because pronounciation is very important,
you know?
It's okay.
By the by, he's my boy Mr Mano.
2 minutes talk to you?
Go ahead.
In your culture, God resides in Church.
Your country God stay for only Church.
But here,
He resides in all the places of work.
Our country God staying in every places.
You will look at the cars,
machines, spare parts as things.
You will looking car, machine, spare parts.
Everything you see only for things.
But we see it as a life that sustains families.
We will see all things
of our total rice in our family.
When we return from war,
having carried weapons (Ayudham) for the nation...
Our country weapons take the war...
This is the crux of the matter.
I'll handle this please.
Please shut it Sir.
You mean Shut up?
Returning from war,
having carried weapons (Ayudham) for the nation,
Not only are the soldiers decorated
but their weapons too!
Ayudha Poojai celebrates that tradition.
To stop our traditional Ayudha Poojai,
no Rita has any rights.
Total damaged.
Rita, hasta la vista!
Yes Mr Kuttala Chadambaram.
Kuthala Chidambaram.
Already I'm told.
Pronunciation is very must.
Ok Ok.
Mr Manohar,
Now I understand your cultural aspects
and feelings.
You can start celebrating your Poojai now.
Thank you, Rita.
Right now, I love you baby.
Proud of my child.
Let the celebrations begin!
A thoroughbred Middle Class,
Un-tethered from status claws.
All my people are welcome anytime,
We make friends in no time.
Marvel, at Mr. Local!
Hey, marvel at Mr. Local!
Our hood is known for hospitality,
Forget blood, friends show loyalty.
Marvel, at Mr. Local!
Hey, marvel at Mr. Local.
Helping out during a calamity,
We dont count it as charity.
When trample on our right,
Remember, we dont back out of a fight.
Work for the hearts fill, not for the pay,
Sorrows wont wipe our smiles away.
Struggles dont put us down, we compete,
Aint nothing out there, we cant beat.
Never cared for dads money,
We earn our own penny.
We aren't impressed by Benz,
money can't buy you friends.
Marvel, at Mr. Local!
Make way, Make way,
Make way, Make way
Hed never let your faith sway.
Make way, Make way,
Make way, Make way
Everyone's favourite is out to slay.
Our ragged motorcycle,
Keeps us ever cheerful.
Our phones maybe costly,
But we still want our Wi-Fi complimentary.
Every bit of EMI,
Steal our wallets, on the sly.
Welcomed by a trumpet,
One day, well walk the Red carpet
In the depth of our hearts,
Worries have no slots.
No matter the obstacle,
The brave find a way to tackle.
We gift our families, our labour.
Wed gift our parents, our life.
Local, Mr. Local!
A thoroughbred Middle Class,
Un-tethered from status claws.
All my people are welcome anytime,
We make friends in no time.
Marvel, at Mr. Local!
Hey, marvel at Mr. Local!
Our hood is known for hospitality,
Forget blood, friends show loyalty.
Marvel, at Mr. Local!
Hey, marvel at Mr. Local!
(Singing) "Girl, I'm ready to marry you,
gather around for the feast"
You don't sing it that way, baby.
Then how do I sing it?
(Singing) "I'm done waiting for you, girl.
Should I go monastic? And become a priest?"
Shouldn't I sing taking her to a honeymoon?
Why so much hate brother?
I'm frustratedly single.
Stop whining, pick up the phone.
Who's that at this hour?
Well, it's our guy.
Hi Surendar!
My name is Sundar.
Doesn't matter.
Is it ready?
Perfectly ready.
Is it a killer?
- Yes!
We are on our way to pick it up.
- Come soon.
I'm driving. Bye.
Yes, baby.
You wished for a cake
on your mom's birthday right?
Our guy Surendar has killed it.
We'll pick it up first.
What say?
There goes my ex.
- Lying again.
What's up Suresh?
- I'm Sundar.
If I catch it right,
are you gonna become Jeff Bezos?
Slouching here.
Go fetch our cake.
Can't bring it here. Come around.
Okay, go.
We'll follow.
Hey, stop flirting with my friend.
Go away.
Dude, come here.
Baby, same coloured T-Shirt.
They asked for Same Pinch Chocolates.
Swear on it.
- Let it slide.
How's that?
What is this?
A bed for you two?
Size doesn't matter.
The matter of it matters.
("I can fly higher than an eagle,
For you are the wind beneath my wings")
Original lyrics for you.
Card or cash?
How much is this?
Had it been an outsider,
Sudagar will ask for 30 Thousand.
But special price for us.
250 Rupees?
- No. 23 Thousand Rupees.
Good Lord!
Are you alright?
I've told him you own a car showroom.
It's just 23 Thousand, inclusive of taxes.
Close the deal, fast.
What say?
This shop won't be worth that money.
23 Thousand for a cake is too much.
"Birthday wishes, Yours dearest
Manohar (alias) Mano"
- What's he doing?
- Wait, I'll talk to him.
Hey, what's wrong with you?
Do me a favour.
Put your name there
and gift it on your granny's birthday.
We just partied yesterday
for my Granny's birthday.
It'll return next year.
Keep it in the fridge till then.
A bigger fridge to take this in
will cost you 100 Thousand.
Where will I find that money?
Sell your vehicle. Buy a fridge.
Gift it next year.
This is beyond belief.
You are wiping out the livelihood of Tamils.
One day, TamilNadu will cease to exist.
Say What?
Speak up.
You don't stop ever. Now speak up.
Any reply will get you in trouble.
Alert during election time, huh?
You are forgot the cake!
I'll cut something else for my mom.
You enjoy this cake.
- Hello!
- Give it to him please.
Panda looks pissed!
Write your name "Surya Prakash" in this cake,
and gift your mom. Deal?
I gotta pick up school kids.
I have to go far. See you.
Don't eat it all by yourself, share it.
Let me go.
- Stop. Pay for it.
Hello, who is this?
It's me, Malaysia Madhavi.
You won't be in peace with your husband ever.
What do you mean?
I'm flying from Malaysia to Chennai,
to destroy you.
(laughs hysterically)
Was little late coming back from temple
and I missed so much?
Hey, Divya!
- Mom, what now?
Will Madhavi fly from Malaysia?
No, her flight will go missing
You Monster.
I was not born to a mother but to a monster.
Give me five!
Mom, he just called you a monster
and you are laughing
He tried a joke.
Close your eyes for a moment.
Surprise! You know everything. It's a good one!
- Slow claps.
He'll take you to cut cake.
Get out.
- Get lost.
Let's go.
I've closed my eyes.
You have to guide me.
Such dedication to the role.
What a family!
Go on.
Will you keep surprising after your wedding?
Definitely ma,
for my wife.
For me?
I'll try mom. Now close your eyes.
1, 2, 3... Tada!
Divya come here!
Come here ,come fast!
I've seen birthday celebrations with cake.
But "Mysore Paaku" ?
Thank you mom, thank you.
- Mom.
Will anybody cut Mysore Paaku?
This is over the top.
- Hey...
Won't you tell him, ma?
My son will always have a reason
behind his actions.
What's the reason?
What will I say now?
- Come on.
- Ma! Cake was invented by the British.
It is not from Tamil culture.
That's why I'm celebrating with Mysore Paaku.
Got it.
But, Mysore is in Karnataka.
But this was made by Krishna Sweets
which is in Chennai.
Ma, she is a dissenter.
She's inciting violence.
Look, College kids shouldn't talk politics.
Who said so, mom?
Not me.
I don't know either, you are trapping me
Please cut this.
- (Singing Happy Birthday in English)
- (Singing Happy Birthday in Tamil)
Hey hey... take a selfie please
- Ok, Ok.
I've never asked you anything on my birthday.
I have a wish now.
What's that? Wanna be a granny next year?
You said you won't marry this year.
I never said that.
Oh... I shouldn't be friends with Auto Sekar.
Is it not?
You won't listen to me, even if I wish it.
Then what is your wish?
My dear...
You know "Valli" from "Kungamam" TV Soap?
"Kungumam" Show, "Valli"... yea.
I like her so much.
I want to take a photo with her.
If I put that on FB,
I'll be famous in this colony.
Just a picture, dear.
Get it done please.
Mother Easwari!
Thou shall attain your wish by tomorrow's dusk.
Darn this helmet.
People are looking at us weird.
People look weird
of those who follow rules.
Safety is paramount.
- Yes mom,
- Son...
I'm gonna see Valli!
I can't handle the entertainment.
Mom, that's not entertainment.
That's excitement.
Some "Ment".
Shall we buy some sweets and flowers?
- Are we gonna ask her hand?
Ma! Ma!...
Let me help you.
Slowly... Are you alright?
Yea, I'm fine.
- Wait here.
Hey wait up.
You... Hey.
- Hey, come out.
Was watching a Tik Tok video on whatsapp,
didn't let me finish it.
Ok, take out all your documents.
Are you gonna laminate for me?
Do I look like a photocopier?
I'm a servant of the government.
Police Department.
I know Mr Mayilvaganam.
He crashed into us.
And you are questioning us?
- Ok, wait I'll handle this.
- That's your job.
- What's going on?
- Are you fine, Mom?
Sir... Hello
Are you borrowing some sugar
from your neighbor?
Be bold, Sir.
Hello Sir... Sir!
Tinted windows are outlawed.
Didn't you see our website?
Tamilnadupolice www dot dot...
Why are you rambling?
Leave it.
I'll handle this.
Hey, step out.
By Mid-June I'll be coming to Paris.
- Mano! Mano!
What happened?
Think you can get away,
because you are beautiful?
- I'm going to..
What are you mumbling there?
Say it to my face. Face to face.
She's on a call.
- Roya, I'm in the middle of something, I'll be right back.
Ok then
- Sir!
What happened? Any problem?
Let her speak.
Yes you are letting her speak.
I'm not at fault here.
Signal was on green.
Check CCTV if you'd like.
Neither did we do any wrong.
Even we had green signal.
Check CCTV if you'd like.
Alright, let's go check the TV.
A moment.
That won't work out.
Neither of you are at fault.
We are guilty.
Some signal problem.
What is this nonsense?
Let's not waste time here.
Come, let's go.
Hey,trying to escape are we?
You were over-speeding.
You made the crash.
Better apologize now.
Or you ain't going anywhere.
Why should I ask sorry?
Mr Mayilvaganam,
whatever it is I'll face it legally.
Look at her arrogance, mom.
She just walked out. I'll...
She's gonna be sorry for this.
Did you note down the number?
Write it down. Fancy number.
Quite easy.
Damn you...
Get permission for Valluvar Kottam Sir.
I want all media there with a live relay.
Hello Sowmiya.
If you aren't here in 10 minutes,
You'll see only my corpse.
Thought I'll cry out like this?
Dare not see you
singing in musically with her.
How's that?
Fantastic Beardo!
Thank you.
- Now fix Sowmiya up.
- Fix her salary up.
That's your job Sir.
Sign up for a new show
in office tomorrow.
Thank you so much Sir.
- Just kidding.
My sworn enemy.
Hello Madam, madam.
Help me out.
Mam, I'm diabetic.
Please help me.
Hi Mam.
Morning Mam.
Hi Sir.
My mom.
Hi Aunty.
- Birthday...
Happy birthday Aunty!
Shake hands.
Thank you, Thank you
Not just me,
our entire colony is...
- Crazy...
...about you.
Take a picture son.
No, I asked you to come
during lunchtime.
You have come after the break.
We got haunted on the way.
I'll tell you later, Mam.
Just a picture Mam.
- We can't take a pic?
- She'll pose wait...
Should I post this on Facebook,
as is?
Increase the brightness here.
Also, change the contrast...
Look there.
You there?
Why is she here?
I have figured out who she is.
In Kungumam show,
Madhavi harasses Valli over the phone.
That's her.
We'll sort her out.
You ran away from asking sorry.
That's why God has sent you here.
Apologize now.
Otherwise you'll face the consequences.
I should apologize?
Do you know who I am?
That's not who I am,
"Who am I?"
Jackie Chan Movie.
We saw it in Woodlands remember?
Lakshman Uncle!
Yes madam.
These guys are meddling with me,
without knowing me.
Don't push me.
- Cool, Madam.
I'll handle it.
Do you have any idea what's happening?
Do you know who she is?
We know Laksman Uncle.
The one who calls Valli from Malaysia
Villian of the show. Name is Madhavi.
She ain't married yet.
What can I do?
Watch your words.
- Uncle!
What's happening?
- Sorry Madam.
She is the producer of this show.
CEO of KV Entertainment.
Keerthana Vasudevan.
Got it?
Cat got your tongue?
Keerthana Vasudevans shouldn't apologize?
You have two horns?
Who let these local guys in shooting spot?
Are you filming Avatar
for the International crowd?
Shut up, you halfwit.
- Ok you dumbwit.
Stop spraying please.
Keerthu Mam, in our Kungumam show,
there's an up and coming artist Sowmiya,
they have come to meet her from some ditch.
Told you we were haunted...
Here's the devil.
Sorry madam.
They are my guests.
- Oh...
They have to be out in 2 minutes.
It's your responsibility.
Otherwise I'll call the cops.
I'll give you the same 2 minutes.
Apologize to my mom.
Otherwise I'll call the FBI.
Why are you calling the banks?
Mom, it's Police from America.
Mano, please.
I'll apologize on Madam's behalf...
Please go away.
Let it go.
I'm sparing her for your kind heart.
But I have few things to say.
Do you know who she is?
"The Lady Superstar" of TV.
Look how humble she is.
After all, you are a producer
Look at the arrogance on you.
Stop creating a ruckus.
Please stop talking.
- Madam Listen,
You don't know your popularity.
We are Sowmiya's fans.
We'll pay people to
troll you on Social Media.
Do they pay for this?
Yes they do mom.
Please Sir.
- Sowmiya Madam,
when you are at leisure,
teach her some manners.
Learn from her.
Let's go Mom.
Yes let's go.
Are you a star?
I'll write you off the show.
Mind it.
Sorry madam.
- Sir! Sir...
Don't glare often.
It's quite disturbing.
Think on it.
To all my Walking mates in the colony,
Good Evening.
Are you surprised at this gathering?
I took a photo with Valli
on Kungumam Show shooting.
I got 100 Likes on Facebook!
This is my personal record in
5 years of Facebook.
You guys made this happen.
Thank you so much.
Hey Mano!
Come here.
- No can do.
You come here.
I'm hungry
Only 2 minutes Son, come here.
You are still here, shame.
The first reason behind this record,
is my son.
Thanks dear.
Mom people are watching, behave.
Speak a couple of words to them.
I'll make dinner for you
- Couple of words?
Just a couple.
Show's over people.
Go watch Breaking News, go.
That's their routine.
Will they not be bored?
Mom, to make it interesting
they play music to news.
That's right.
Are you guys not moving?
No refreshments here, disperse.
Go feed your kids.
You wanna dodge cooking and order online.
I'll take my bike later.
Keep moving.
Mano Mano...
- Yes?
I would love to take a pic with
Pepsi Uma on my birthday.
Can you do it for me?
Pepsi Uma?
Just a picture, please.
Were you in a coma for 20 years?
You are not in the mood today.
- Mood?
She is out of trends.
- Yes ma.
Excuse me Mr Mano...
What do you want?
- Can I have tea with DD?
Can you help me?
Tea with DD... DD...
- Say what?
He means to say Coffee with DD.
- That's right
You want tea, with DD?
Tomorrow, you go to State Bank,
give them this 100 Rupees.
Take a DD (Demand Draft) for 90 Rupees
have a tea with the change.
Tea with DD.
Ok? Move on...
I think you are not in a good mood.
Don't talk to me about mood.
Jog on.
I'm in trouble because of you mom.
Wanna meet Ma Ka Pa Anand?
I don't need any pictures.
Sowmiya is here to meet you.
There in her car.
Hi Sowmiya!
Your fans are thronging the shooting sets,
trying to take pictures,
you have grown real quick!
This show won't suit you anymore.
With your large fan following,
you can explore Kollywood, Tollywood,
Bollywood, Hollywood.
Here's your termination agreement
and severence pay.
Don't forget them on your way out.
All the best.
For your actions, I've lost my career.
We'll meet Keerthana tomorrow,
clarify your innocence,
and get you back on the show.
That would be a great help Madam.
Don't worry.
Be strong.
Thank you Madam.
We were 10 minutes late.
That's a mistake. I admit.
You can talk to them, warn them
or even deny a day's pay
But how can she fire her?
Such arrogance!
I don't care what you would do,
But I can't bear to watch anybody
except Sowmiya on that show.
I'm talking to you, son.
What are you fiddling there?
I think he's playing PubG.
I'm serious here and you are looking at...
Mom, mom... look.
Keerthana's office address,
phone number, email id, Facebook id
I'm taking half a day's leave,
We'll put Valli back under the spotlight
Remember to act like a Northerner.
Watch me perform.
- Welcome Sir, Good morning.
(In Hindi) Namaste child.
Namaste child!
"Can I meet keerthana..."
(In gibberish Hindi) Can we meet
Katy Perry?
Keerthana Vasudevan.
(In Hindi) Madam is busy in a meeting.
(In Hindi) May I know who you are?
- Oh!
Did you get it?
- Nope.
Sir is from a National Party,
madam wished to join them.
He's come all the way from Delhi to meet her.
Tomato lorry travelling... tired.
One second Sir
I'll call her.
(In broken Hindi) I love this show!
Shut up now.
Keeping it casual, bro.
- Hello.
Yea Sheetal.
Guests have come from Delhi to meet you Mam.
- From Delhi?
Yes Mam.
Okay, give the phone to them.
Sir, Mam on the line.
Hello, It's Manohar here Mam.
Which Manohar?
Manohar mam...
We had an accident near the signal..
Oh.. you.
What do you want?
I have something important to tell you.
Can you spare 5 minutes please?
Stop it
I have the whole day to myself.
But I don't have 5 minutes for you.
And one more thing.
Just get out of my office right now.
What baby?
Is she coming out to meet us?
Said "Get out of my office".
Get the hell out of here.
They have no manners.
Let's get out.
- Are you a friend?
Had it been my friend P Raja here, he would have
cooked up a clever idea to meet her.
Look.. Never...
- What?
Never compare me with him.
What do you want?
To meet her, right?
Always with P Raja...
Forget keerthana...
You've got mail
P.S I love you
Got it?
Brother, you are scaring me.
Why don't you go meet Manager Lakshman Sir?
Speaking Tamil now?
You clock at Gudvancherry Toll Gate,
don't you?
If you are at Reception, you'll be all airy?
Damn your landlines.
What will you do with that?
- Check on Granny.
She's building a house.
How rude. There's an elder in.
He is Lakshman Uncle.
Looks like a Globe perched on a sofa.
- Vanakkam Sir.
- Vanakkam Sir.
Hey, who let you in?
The door was open Sir.
So you'll just walk in?
- Sir, forgive me Sir.
Oh God! Stop pleading with me.
I've forgiven, get up.
- No Sir
Ask him to get up.
- He's already up.
What's he searching for?
- My age is your experience, Sir.
But I was disrepectful to you Sir.
- That's true
I deserve no redemption Sir.
No redemption...
Why are you crying now?
Ask him not to cry.
Sir, he's laughing.
No, I'm crying for real.
He's crying.
Sir, tell him you have forgotten everything.
He'll stop crying.
- Everything?
- Yes Sir... Tell him.
I have forgotten everything.
- What's your name Sir?
- See he didn't forget anything.
No I've forgotten our dispute.
Please don't cry.
You look like my...
- No Sir
You look like my brother!
What happened?
- A fly flew into my nose Sir.
- It shouldn't.
I'll let them know.
What do you want?
To go meet Madam and apologize, right?
Let's go.
Stop chattering... kid.
- Sorry?
- ...Brother.
Yes, brother!
What was he watching?
Watching NSFW videos.
Excuse me, Keerthu Madam.
Sorry for disturbing you.
Manohar, here.
This guy?
Why did you bring him?
Didn't say I can't meet him?
Regretting the incident on shooting spot earlier,
he begged apology from me.
So, he wanted to apologise to you too.
Brought him along.
2 minutes Madam.
Please, you listen to me.
Ok Ok, only 2 minutes.
Make it fast.
Be smart with your apology.
Your brother will be outside.
Good luck.
Madam, if you are miffed with me,
punish me.
Why is that actor taking the heat?
Poor thing.
Get her back on your show.
It's in everybody's interests.
Came in to say this.
Good bye.
My parents have named me Manohar.
You can call me the same.
Snap at your slaves.
Never... at me.
Is the owner of KV Entertainment,
your grandfather?
Your father?
Or is it you?
Issuing commands here.
This is my company.
My show.
My staff.
I will have my way.
Who are you to question me?
Keerthana Vasudevan,
you are educated but you barely understand.
The show is watched for that actor.
Not for you or your KV Entertainment.
Better get her back on the show.
Or, you have doomed the show.
came in with the pretence of apologising,
now you advise me?
Your time is over.
Kungumam show must have Sowmiya as Valli.
Dare you replace her with a Ramya or Mozorella.
You are finished.
Do your worst idiot, get out.
Shame, she has no respect.
Where are your parents? Let's have a PTA.
Dare you speak about my parents.
So let's talk about your grandparents.
Now what, girl?
I didn't intend on touching you.
I'll go now.
Do what I said and this episode ends today,
or it drags on for years like your TV Soaps.
Did you get it?
What's your perfume?
Smells like you are walking
along with me.
What happened to Valli?
What happened to Kungumam?
What happened to Keerthana?
What happened to you?
You sound like my mother
watching a cliffhanger.
- Sorry?
- Keerthana got angry with Valli.
Valli got angry with me.
I got angry with Keerthana.
It's too confusing.
I can't understand.
I'll tell you in detail.
That day it was Asha's birthday.
Who is Asha now?
Our office Aishwarya Rai
What the hell?
Not for me,
for my manager Kuthala Chidambaram.
Fat boy.
He used to say that
she is the Aishwarya Rai of our office.
That day what happened, know?
Asha's birthday today.
How do I impress her?
Let's try a video call.
(Imitating Nic Cage - We are here to ruin ourselves
To break our hearts and love the wrong people)
The one who should be in a cage.
She can't stand my happiness.
- Blockhead? Whom do you mean?
Not you, I meant Mano, Raja.
Stupid fellows.
What's up?
Haven't you started?
No, not yet dear.
Doctor's appointment at 4.30,
asked you to be with me.
Kept nodding in the morning,
have you forgotten?
No dear. So busy in the office.
Can't leave for 2 hours.
Please understanding.
Why don't you take your mother?
- My mother?
It's been two years since she passed.
I'll see you in the evening.
It's been two years since she died?
I'm dead.
Wish she went along with her mother.
She never lets me be happy.
(In unison) Excuse me, Sir.
May I come in, Sir?
Already you came here.
Stupid questions, idiots.
Sir seems angry.
Did your wife call, Sir?
Or, did Asha not call you Sir?
None of your business.
Yes, it is between you and Asha.
Exactly, exactly exactly.
Thats 50 Thousand.
Put it in FD under Ashas name.
- Fixed Deposit, Sir?
Thats good.
- Ill send the account details on Whatsapp.
This transaction?
- Should be kept secret because...
You are the manager,
can't do few things by your hands.
Also, you have an image to maintain.
Very good job, right now you go out.
Ok Sir.
You stand.
You go.
- Sorry, Sir.
You stand.
You go.
Country fool.
God save us from his English.
Works in a car company, idiots.
Is this for another girl?
- Mind your words, Mr Mano.
Is this for another staff, Sir?
- That's good.
Gift voucher for Asha from me.
That culprit shouldn't know this.
This is part of job description now.
Nothing Sir. Asha is here, Sir.
- How?
Perfume smell, Sir.
How about you?
- Yea, Ill apply now.
Good luck for your intent, Sir.
Hi Ashu.
Talk to me.
Many more happy returns of the day, my dear.
- Thank you Sir.
Wont you gift me today, Sir?
I have a surprise, in private.
Small or a big one?
Not a small one.
Tell me more Sir.
- Excuse me Sir, look here please.
Lighting is better there,
go take a selfie.
Sorry Sir.
No pictures in the office,
no posts on Facebook.
I dont like that.
Strictly prohibited, got it?
Yes Sir.
Why? Can we not take a picture with you?
Won't you do this for me?
No Aishu.
Ill snap with my own cellphone.
And I'll post it at the right time.
Ok? Ok? Ok?
Its getting slippery, people.
- Cake Sir, cake.
- Cake was getting slippery.
Be clear.
He said that, Sir.
You look like a father-daughter duo.
- Ill slap you.
Management skills: infidelity
Come on, darling.
Hold my hand.
Sir, a picture?
Never lets go.
Hold this.
Sir? You dont want this?
- Take a photo.
Hey, theres no light here.
You, lazy lout...
You cant hold a meeting.
At least, hold a torch.
What is this?
Go on.
Be useful.
Will the light even make a difference?
- Hold it up.
Say cheese.
Sir, cut the cake.
Sir, give Asha some cake.
Asha now give him some cake
Sir now kiss Asha.
Sorry Sir, I got carried away.
Why did you stop there?
Sir, light?
- Turn it off.
Come, leave them alone.
Happy Birthday sweetheart!
- Yes?
Mano has a question for you.
What now?
Shall I put it on FB?
Shall I put it on FB?
Why are you yelling?
Go ahead.
Birthday celebration with Asha doll.
- Tag Asha.
Mano, guard said police is waiting for you.
Theres an enquiry, get in the car.
Sir are we dissenters, Anti-Social
or Urban Naxal elements?
Why is there an enquiry?
He wants to know the proper reason, Sir.
You have touched the untouchable.
Dude, where did you touch?
Whats that?
Get in the car by yourself.
You have 2 minutes.
I just need a minute, Sir.
Darling, lets take a short trip.
This is not a loo break.
I cant come along.
- Are you a friend?
Had it been Auto Sekar here,
he would have taken a bullet for me.
- Why are you comparing me with him?
- How about comparing him with you?
Lets go.
Say your flashback in four shots.
Have mercy on him Vignesh and Shiva!
Youve got into a big trouble,
why didnt you tell me?
You were in Mount Sabarimalai.
How can I inform you?
This penance chain
is distorting my cuss words.
Why are you sharing now?
If Im thrown into prison,
I would need some company.
Well have Comrades Seeman
and Mansoor Ali Khan there. But they are Seniors.
Cant have the comfort level, I have with you.
So tagging you along.
Saying it like we are heading to Bangkok.
I havent even seen her.
Why should I go to jail?
Are you even a friend?
Youll start with sekar now.
Hell take one on his cheek
Hell take one on his d
Oh Muruga!
Arogara, Arogara!
Prasanna Kumar.
Yes Muruga,
Where are you taking my darling?
This is Keerthana Vasudevan.
The event begins at 6 PM sharp.
That accused
Whats his name?
Should be there by 6.15.
On my signal, he runs towards the stage.
There, our PA will try to stop him.
Becomes a little chaotic.
Madam, just need 2 minutes from you,
he pleads.
Ill turn to my PA
Leave him, lets hear what he has to say.
PA lets go of him.
He then comes on stage.
Touches my feet, wishing me.
Confesses to all the things
that happened in the office, in detail.
And apologizes.
Auditorium is on the left.
If you give her the apology, you can live.
Collectors office on the right.
There youll be asked to run. And shot.
Branded as an outlaw.
Sir lets go home, take a U Turn.
No U turns in this case.
Do you wanna live or die?
Left or right?
You have 20 seconds time.
Your time starts now.
Muruga, why are you even thinking?
Choose left, quick.
At least show a left sign.
Sir will understand.
Sir, lets go left.
Go right.
- Stop, stop.
Sir he meant left, Sir.
Take a left please.
- Go left.
(KV Entertainment has completed 5 years today.)
(We're having a grand celebration!)
(A few words to describe Keerthana Mam
would be, loyalty, dignity, morality, humane...)
Why are you tickling Sir?
That the signal.
Time for your apology.
(Madam you are a true inspiration for all of us)
(Please share a few words with us)
Stop him stop.
Hey Kungumam show, catch him!
- Hey stop stop.
I won't let you.
- Madam, I have few things to say.
Am I talking to you? Let her decide.
2 minutes madam.
I'll be quick.
Uncle, he wants to say something.
Lets hear him out.
"Thoppul Kodi", "Manjal Kayiru",
"Ariyatha Vayasu"...
Watch it!
That's an adult film.
I meant "Pinju Manasu"
Take their numbers.
- I wont.
For my mother,
she would love to call them.
Please give your numbers. You can trust him.
Hes in penance.
Hello, Im your fan since I was a kid.
Get up.
- Get up!
Is he gonna begin a party?
- Another one?
Would you like to join him?
- Why not?
please ask them to give me a mic.
When I apologize, you'll hear it, they will hear it.
But I want the whole of TamilNadu to hear it.
Whats gonna happen now?
Do you have show material for this month?
- Nope.
Youll have it now.
- Lets see.
Carnival at your place?
Ill come next week.
Don't smile now.
What's up, people!
Ok ok.
Just testing the mic, Madam.
Dignifying the stage,
we have a relic,
a mannequin,
and a nun
straight out of the Conjuring Universe.
Also the dumb scientist from
all the Bruce Willis movies.
Mainstreaming sleazy content is
Mangalyam Ravi.
- Look at his pride!
Members of the TV fraternity,
Brothers, Sisters, Friends,
And my dear fans...
Cut the crap.
Not to forget, Crappy Uncle Lakshman,
Last but not the least...
The gorgeous,
the intelligent,
the proud,
the talented,
the majestic,
the stylish
Daring the Bollywood heroines
we have,
Keerthana Vasudevan.
I welcome you all,
in this momentous occasion.
Round of applause, please.
I came to your office.
Without your permission,
I entered your room.
With nobody around,
when you were alone,
I laid a hand on you, Madam.
Way to go, stud!
Woot! Woot!
I'm sorry, madam.
I don't understand.
Is that a double entendre?
No, no secondary meaning.
I was direct.
Please forgive me Madam.
At first, I didnt feel anything...
- Uncle!
- Madam..
- I only realized it later...
- The other day, he grabbed my hand right?
- Yes.
- Tell him to talk about that.
Hes rambling.
- On it.
I'm apologizing with such respect,
I believe you'd return it.
Dont you have stage manners?
No Sir.
You pushed madam in office remember?
Apologise for that.
Sorry Sir.
Thanks for the reminder.
Ive told him madam.
I apologized to Madam
for laying a hand on her.
But for provoking me,
madam would like to apologize now.
- He flipped it, mam.
- That was the message relayed.
Who would be so magnanimous?
Am I right?
Round of applause.
Let's hear some energy!
You crashed into my bike.
You fired the actor.
When I intervened for her,
you tried to hit me.
You have caused all the trouble.
But I need to touch your feet
and apologize?
Go to h...
- Hey!
Is what I should rightfully say.
But Im not angry at you.
Have no idea why.
Hassles and hustles abound
heaving them all towards their end,
Along you came, leaving me spell-bound
blaring out a new trend.
Slow down damsel,
My heart's in a dandle,
Girl can we chat up?
Easy now, don't flare up.
Here goes my Glitzy Daisy,
Making my knees go shaky,
Tempting to get clifty,
With you, I'll be crafty.
Here goes my Glitzy Daisy,
Making my knees go shaky,
Tempting to get clifty,
With you, I'll be crafty.
Your blush is a splendor,
when flush with anger.
When I'm all calm,
why do you throw napalm?
Last in the lineage of Cleopatra,
with a generous dosing of Hydra.
Knocks my head for my candour,
Her reproaches are obscure.
Even men who play with nuclear,
when in love will go unclear.
Slow down damsel,
My heart's in a dandle,
Girl can we chat up?
Easy now, don't flare up.
Here goes my Glitzy Daisy,
Making my knees go shaky,
Tempting to get clifty,
With you, I'll be crafty.
Here goes my Glitzy Daisy,
(Glitzy Daisy!)
Making my knees go shaky,
(Knees go shaky!)
Tempting to get clifty,
With you, I'll be crafty.
Here goes my Glitzy Daisy,
Making my knees go shaky,
Tempting to get clifty,
With you, I'll be crafty.
Here goes my Glitzy Daisy,
Making my knees go shaky,
Tempting to get clifty,
With you, I'll be crafty.
Here goes my Glitzy Daisy, Making my knees go shaky,
Tempting to get clifty, With you, I'll be crafty.
Here goes my Glitzy Daisy, Making my knees go shaky,
Tempting to get clifty, With you, I'll be crafty.
The mess they got me into.
God, its so painful.
They are done.
Hey, what's happening here?
(In Unison) Sir you asked us
never to show our face, Sir.
Its better to see your face than buttocks.
About turn.
Both would look the same for you.
Like a punctured truck tyre.
Sir, forgot to wash off your soap
while bathing.
- No dude, thats a babys diaper.
- Oh, it threw it on his face.
Dont divert the topic.
The pictures that we took on Ashas birthday.
Who asked you to post on FB?
Sir we confirmed with you.
When you were smooching Asha
- Hey!
Sorry, scooping cake for Asha,
Mano asked if he can put it on FB.
You gestured...
Shall I put it on FB?
Shall I put it on FB?
Why are you yelling?
Go ahead.
I thought you asked about depositing in FD.
We meant FB.
- Cant you say Facebook?
- Cant you say Fixed Deposit?
Let it slide Sir.
Is there any problem?
Hey chubby,
Why are you looking very sexy today?
Already two play,
you want one more?
I know everything.
What happened at the office?
You know, that girl, Asha.
Shes very dusky, but very pretty.
Today is her birthday.
So I ordered a heart shaped cake
and we cut it.
She took the arrow,
I took the cake dear.
Was that all?
Nothing more to it?
That fluffy was stubborn
in wanting a selfie with me.
Mano took some 7, 8 photos.
And put it on Fb without my knowledge.
Insubordinate idiot.
Was that all?
Nothing more to it?
- Im not eating this, am I?
Nothing else dear
That's all there is to it?
Is there anything you'd like to add?
Get ready Kuthalam.
Tell me, dear.
Asha is quite jovial,
always smiling.
I gave her a gift of 50 Thousand in FD.
Fifty Thousand?
That was all that was there
in the account dear.
I thought you knew everything.
So I spilled it now?
Can I at least eat before?
Ready dear.
Your time starts now.
Long time desire, darling.
Come on.
Why dude?
- Why are you behaving like a high school kid?
- Aren't you behaving like an elementary school kid?
No answers right?
Cant say?
You wont let me say.
Goodness me!
The bank is asking back the loan?
Kungumam show Sowmiya...
Hello Sowmiya!
Hello Mano.
I was just in a meeting
trying to get you a job.
Itll be ready in one, one and a half week.
Mano, it's alright.
Ive landed a bigger show.
With a better salary.
I wanted to tell you this.
Its all because of you Mano.
Its alright.
- Take the last right.
So why dont you call your ex-boss Keerthana,
and laugh at her?
Laugh at her?
No, no I meant her in person and apologized.
We had a good laugh about it.
She's past it.
Wished me all the best.
Why dont you apologize to Keerthana madam?
Why the unnecessary fuss?
Its for your good Mano...
- Sowmiya madam...
Your route is clear now,
have a good ride.
Don't start advising like Oprah
Or Ill pay you a visit to your shooting spot.
I didnt mean it that way, Sorry.
What was that?
Keerthana was the troublemaker.
She wouldnt say sorry.
But I have to ask her sorry?
Even I think the same.
- Think what?
- Say sorry to her.
Why are you all scared?
What can she do?
What can she do?
- Mano!
Hey Mano!
Whats wrong mom?
Whats wrong with Keerthana?
You apologized on stage right?
Do you tell your mom everything?
Is that important now?
Go on, mom.
She has sued us for One Million Rupees.
Why dont you borrow a million
from your manager Kuthalam Sir?
Mom, he wont lend 10 rupees for a tea.
You want a million from him.
Mother, whos your Maths teacher?
I wanna know.
Teacher Kumarasamy.
I guessed so.
Is this One million?
It's Ten Million.
(In Unison) Ten Million?
- Yep, Ten Million.
If you react in unison,
will the problem vanish?
Will we get Ten Million, if we sell our house?
Our house owner would know better.
- Om Muruga.
Wish Thanos was real.
- What are you mumbling?
- Why are you rambling?
Do you want this solved or not?
Of course.
Promise your mom
that you won't mess with Keerthana.
Swear it.
Swear on me.
Show me the other hand.
Knew it.
Promises with fingers crossed dont count?
Stop being childish.
Swear on her.
He has sworn.
Whos the advocate?
Mr Arjun Reddy.
Name is majestic.
He looks that way too.
(In Unison) Whatever it takes.
Nice to see you bro.
- (Pay for tea)
He'll pay, wait.
You have come in an ambulance.
- Sri Reddy?
My cousin Prakash Reddy.
Was consulting for him.
Got delayed.
Vehicle got punctured. Asked him for help.
Said cease ambulance.
Seize it?
He said take my ambulance in Telugu.
- Oh ok.
- So took a ride with it.
He is
Oh is he the convict?
Not yet, just an accused.
My friend Mano.
- Hi, Hello
Dont worry.
We are winning this case.
Arrange for a success party.
Ill go see Padhu.
Hearing is up next, he wants to go see Padhu?
Who is she?
Judge Padhmanabhan is what he meant.
He calls judge by a nickname?
This is just the beginning.
Lots to follow.
You are summoned, come.
Laughing all the time.
"The truth is defined by it's..."
(Classical Tamil Poetry)
Err... you know the rest, Your Honour.
This is my client, Manohar.
Vanakkam Sir.
- Objection your Honour.
He hasnt even begun yet.
What is your objection?
He should not advocate.
He doesn't have the rights.
What is this nonsense your Honour?
Who says I dont have the right to talk?
I did. Are you deaf?
- What?
How dare you?
- Order, order.... Silence!
Your Honour,
Im submitting important documents
regarding this conversation.
Mr Arjun Reddy.
Yea its me.
What is this nonsense?
You have 12 backlogs in Law College.
You havent graduated yet.
- Backlogs?
Your Honour,
is this how you question a sincere lawyer?
- What's going on?
Are you qualified? you ask me.
Have you have practiced with
counterfeit certificates all these years?
Your Honour...
- Your Honour...
Is he not an advocate?
- No.
Sir just give me two minutes.
Ill kill him and surrender in this same podium.
Sir, just give me a minute.
Ill kill him and surrender in that podium.
Your honour
Hello Inspector, take him into enquiry.
Mr Manohar, stretch this case for 6 months.
Ill cheat my exams and graduate.
Then Ill take over, dont worry.
Excuse me. Can I have an advance payment
of 5000 rupees?
Halfwit, couldn't even graduate.
Ask him to get out first.
- Get lost.
Bad manners.
Can we go shopping like in Bangalore?
I wouldn't have shared Wi-Fi had I known this.
If you look pissed when I should be,
I'd calm down.
Thats your logic.
No darling.
Scold me, come on.
I will never scold you.
- Thanks
Taking your dumb advice
I should scold myself.
Look at her.
Shes enjoying our tomfoolery.
If I lose this case
- Im finished.
Give me your hand.
Darling, you wont lose.
Youll definitely win.
Ill make sure of it darling.
Young man...
Yes darling.
- Sorry?
Would you like an extension?
Finish it in the next hearing?
I'm a fan of John Grisham...
know a few things about law.
So can I please advocate on my behalf?
Sir, he doesnt hold a degree.
How can he advocate?
He can.
There are provisions in the law.
Sit back and enjoy madam.
Your Honour,
can you please summon Keerthana Vasudevan?
I have a demonstration for you.
If it is just a demo, use someone else.
Somebody else...
Not her.
Excuse me, your Honour.
Carry on.
Perform like Keerthana in this demo.
I cant perform like a woman.
Are you a friend?
Had it been Auto Sekar here...
He would play act?
- Definitely.
But we cant bear to watch it.
It would suit you darling.
You are a brilliant actor.
Ill call out,
Keerthana Vasudevan can you please come?
Perform well.
- Better than Mrs Doubtfire.
Im starting the demo Sir.
Keerthana Vasudevan.
Killing it.
Stop ogling.
Dude, hit me.
Im so embarrassed.
I didnt ask you to hit on me.
Hit me.
Did you see that you Hon
We were hasty.
An action replay for you, your Honour.
Duuuuude, hiiiittt meee.
- Yyyyyou loooussy rrrogueee.
Now your Honour,
This is Keerthana Vasudevan.
This is her hand.
When she raised her hand,
To protect me,
In self-defense,
I laid my hand on her.
This is what I meant about laying a hand.
"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"
they say.
Who's the birdie?
Did you see that?
Half our folks twist simple words
into filthy ones.
Likewise, when I apologized for laying a hand,
They said I laid a hand and sued me
your Honour.
Exactly, your Honour...
he was direct and insulting.
Please watch the video again, Sir.
I have watched it many times.
Go on.
Jallikattu, Methane, Ethane,
Neutrino, Hydrocarbon, Gasoline prices,
Farmers distress, Cauvery Management, NEET,
Sterlite, 8 way road etc are all protests in TamilNadu.
All these cases are in pending.
In this scenario,
they have cooked up a case and,
have wasted the court's time, your time and my time.
Putting all of us under undue stress
is this Keerthana Vasudevan and co.
After all this, if their stature wins in the end,
then I would be pressed to file a case, Sir.
On what grounds?
Sir, she filed a defamation case on me,
Likewise I would file for not knowing
what constitutes defamation.
How can you do that?
Have some sense!
When others sue saying,
they don't know scheme, can I not repeat it, Sir?
Does it bleed blood for them and ketchup for us?
Mrs Nirmala Sethuraman,
any further arguments?
Sir if you dismiss this case,
we would contest in Supreme Court.
Is it?
The case is dismissed.
Try your luck in Supreme Court.
The court is adjourned.
Madam definitely we can take...
I saw your video on Whatsapp. Too good.
What video?
- Your Tik Tok video.
Oh that one.
Come here.
You might enjoy losing to me,
But winning you is so boring for me.
I wont watch even game thats boring.
How will I play then?
I like my games to be interesting always.
Try better.
You dont fail when you fall.
You fail when you dont get back up.
(Singing out of chorus)
Baby, she's not in sync like our minister.
Which minister baby?
I would get in trouble.
Quite cautious baby.
are you wearing a canopy?
Embarrassing me, baby.
My granny's.
It was loose on her.
So I flicked it.
Baby are you speaking like an educated?
Im a second grader dude.
- Yea right.
Whos that driving with high beam?
Who are you?
Baby, why is she here?
Maybe wants some crackers.
Show some swagger to her.
I meant my swagger.
- As usual, go on.
Look at him,
his head is all glossy under lights.
Vanakkam Vanakkam Vana
- Same to you uncle.
Globy, thats his style.
He wont let you finish.
On this auspicious time and day,
Madam has come to visit your home.
- Madam...
why take the trouble?
We could have visited you.
Will you not invi
- Come in please.
Have some sweets, madam.
You wouldnt have tasted this ever.
Would have only seen them in showcases.
Gorge on it later.
Please sit down Madam.
Dont be too respectful kid.
Have a seat.
Whats with you?
- Style!
Uncross your legs.
What's the purpose of your visit?
We have just come in, relax.
Who is that?
Is he your husband?
He was working in transport.
Died in an accident.
Oh Im so sorry.
Are you employed?
I was a tailor in an export company.
Quit after chronic pain in the legs.
Oh tch tch.
So sad.
- This conversation is unnecessary madam.
What do you want here?
Tell us.
Pick up that call.
Thats my phone, my call.
To pick up is my discretion.
Whats your agenda here?
Youll know it when you pick up that call.
Mano. A good news.
Our showroom has been taken over
by a new company.
Super Sir.
Also, a bad news for you.
You were fired.
What is the reason?
- They said theyll tell you in person.
Dont worry, Ill back you.
Said something about a meeting?
Its already underway.
That new company is KV Enterprises.
Keerthana Vasudevan Enterprises.
That's the company,
that took over your showroom,
and fired you.
Now you must be knowing
who the new boss is.
I fired you.
You want to know the reason?
I'll tell you.
Number one,
I didn't like your name.
Manohar yuck.
Number two,
I hate your attitude.
Number three,
I absolutely despise guys like you
from the hood.
Thats why.
Aren't you middle class?
Family is dependent on monthly salary.
Keerthu madam, let me remind you.
If they miss their monthly salary,
the hardships they face in the first week...
God have mercy on them.
I'm tearing up already
How are you gonna live?
Uncle, they are shocked.
Dont pile on.
Please dont do that.
Sorry Mam, I became emotional.
- Get a hold.
I feel sorry for you and your family.
I think I should help out.
Let me think.
Keerthu madam...
you are their saviour.
If you desert them,
they might come to wrong conclusions.
Ok uncle, Ill listen to you.
you can be my driver.
Also, you can be my cook.
And you dusting.
I mean housekeeping.
Uncle, lets go.
When Im in Middle class homes,
I feel suffocated.
I dont like how they smell.
I think this is your longest stay in one.
Its a record!
The kindness you shower on this family,
Keerthu Madam Im so proud.
What nonsense is this?
Had you been more respectful,
would you be here?
For all the insults you threw at me.
Baldies are Rocky Balbaos.
What just happened?
They are threatening us
in our homes.
Did you see that?
Close the colony gates.
Lets have an intervention.
Thats our everyday life mom.
Do I look like a janitor?
Go to the cops, take them to court.
Ive just returned from that cycle.
- Baby!
What baby?
Shes waiting for you outside.
Mr Mano,
I forgot to tell you the real reason
for firing you.
Ill tell you now, listen.
Should make you realize my stature, clout.
Shouldn't I?
Is the game interesting now?
Baby, is she a woman?
She behaves like a ghoul.
Playing in our own turf.
Fired you, on top of it.
I'm so pissed...
Shall we troll her on social media?
Lets break her office down.
How about battery?
We have guys ready.
- Baby.
Lets kill her and go to jail.
No, my granny will be alone.
What do we do now? Say it.
Keerthana Vasudevan will regret,
meeting, speaking, and messing with Mano,
her entire lifetime.
Ill make sure of it.
What happened next?
What are you gonna do?
What happened next?
Say it, don't make cry.
What happened next?
"Punish an evil-doer by shaming
him with a good deed" (Thirukural)
Said Thiruvalluvar.
"Punish an evil-doer by shaming
them instantly and relentlessly"
Says Manohar.
You finished this?
Pee Pee?
Wee Wee?
And everything?
You drank your tea?
Nah... waste.
Now please tell me.
What happened next?
"A maiden who is short on temper,
ages quicker."
What is this?
The girl who gets more angry
becomes grandmother so soon.
Who said this?
- Me
- Now.
Forget the petty fights,
I decided to make her older,
by making her angrier by loving her.
To achieve that, I used her own route.
I took the drivers job.
What?! Driver?
Is there a better opportunity
to see her everyday?
What a situational song!
Very romantic!
Excuse me.
Keep the phone in silent mode.
No calls during driving.
Madam, first day at a new job.
So my family wants to wish me.
Just this call please.
- Where are you?
Your brother is busy.
Call me later?
Shoot, she insulted us in our homes.
You took her job offer? Shameless.
Smite her face.
Sorry. Shes just a teenager.
Has no idea what she just said.
This should be the first and last time.
No phones during driving.
Auto Sekar!
Didnt I just tell you?
But he wont know it right?
Hes my close friend.
If I dont pick it up now,
Ill hear about this all year.
Don't pick it up now.
Please, please.
Just this one.
Yes, baby.
- Baby,
Keerthana, who visited you...
- Yes,
Don't be deceived by her looks.
She's uncouth.
She can never be our family.
Don't make friends with her.
Not a teenager.
Is fully aware of what he said.
Stop the car.
Stop the car.
I will stop only at the office.
- Will you stop the car now or not?
Ok ok.
Have no idea how to park this.
Will you step out?
Give me the keys.
Oh no, if you take the wheel
while I'm riding shotgun,
People might think we are a couple.
You have been fired.
Now, keys.
Cant return them.
What the
Its in the car.
Please take it.
Just kidding.
Catch it!
Keerthu dear,
like a Test match on a rainy day,
my life was sluggish.
But after you showed up,
it is now a T20 match on a sunny day
with Gayle on fire!
I've decided to propose you.
You want to know the reason?
I will tell you.
Number One,
I like your name.
Keerthana Vasudevan.
What a trendy name!
Number Two,
Your attitude, latitude,
longitude, magnitude,
...altitude. I love them all.
Number Three,
I just love classy women like you.
Now I am going to tell you the magic words.
Keerthu dear...
8 letters, 3 words, One meaning.
8 letters, One meaning, 3 words.
3 words, 8 letters, One meaning.
And that is...
I love...
Trying to escape?
This aint over.
You aren't naive anyways.
Here I come.
Hello, Dora!
Dora? Who is this?
Oh are we playing pretend?
Dont you know my voice?
So Dora can't bear to look into my eyes?
Running off, blushed.
Its okay.
This is my number.
Mark it as Mr Local.
When you are in the mood, call me,
like me, subscribe to me.
Keerthu, this season is ours.
All the best, dear.
You said this one too many.
Buy me tab, when you land this job.
There are new shows on SunNxt.
Mom, Ill call you back.
Dont forget the tab.
Bye mom.
Hey Jasha Ashmin.
Hey, Mano!
Darn, Asha Jasmin.
What a surprise!
How did you end up here?
Life has to move on.
Why are you here?
Here to see HR Manager Balaji,
Okay. Go straight, first cabin.
All the best Mano.
Kuthalam Sir and Raja never return my calls.
Are you in touch?
Dont talk about them.
I dont want to speak to them ever.
Kuthalam what a cheapo.
Did he misbehave with you?
I knew it. Fattys chronicles.
What did he do?
He deposited 50 thousand on my birthday,
He wants that back.
How cold?
Bloody heartless fellow.
It disturbed me a lot.
Oh my.
I've tried reaching you,
but you never pick up.
We'll continue this after the interview.
- Will you be online at nights?
No, Im leaving town.
- Escaped.
HR Department.
So rude.
You, Oooo.Om Shakthi.
How did you end up here?
So whos the new deity?
Fashion, bro.
Stop kidding.
Is it for Melmaruvathur?
Obvious you dumb m. Om Shakthi.
I was fired, so Im here for my interview.
Why did you quit?
F Om Shakthi Om Shakthi.
I didnt quit, I was fired.
Mr P Raja.
Aye aye Mam.
Is Mano, your close friend?
Not just a regular friend.
He means more to me.
Youre terminated.
Im terminator?
Get out.
Om Shakthi.
Ill never forget this sacrifice.
In another life.
Destiny should make me a hero
and you my friend.
Youll realise my pains then.
I was in your boots once.
You chose not to move out of your
comfort zone.
I kept climbing this interview.
Looking for HR.
Excuse me Sir, HR manager room.
Him again?
Raja was my friend, he was thrown out.
You weren't even my friend, Sir.
Why did you lose your job?
Why you are dismissed my boy
Mr Manohar in this company?
Come on tell me.
I wont give you a single reason.
You know why?
Because Im terminating you also.
What the hell?
Get out you clown.
Oh my God.
First you go finish the interview.
Another we will talk.
Bloody crap.
Bloody fools.
Alright forget lunch, lets go breakfast.
Sir, did Asha return your money.
- Get lost immediately.
I can't see anybody.
Im requesting you, dinner or lunch?
Sir flirting in the office.
- Get in quick.
Oh no.
- Shut him out.
No matter how far we get away,
he always seeks us out.
Even if you spell out your thoughts,
he ain't moving anywhere.
"Money given in charity..."
Are you alright?
Im gonna say it anyways.
"...won't make parity"
Why did you ask Asha
to return the money, Sir?
Im out of the relationship
but my wife's having none of it.
Thats why I want my money back.
- Sir...
She might hear you.
Is Asha here?
- There...
chatting with token No 7.
Lets ask her.
Hey calm down.
Now she's a big deal.
Shut it.
Selfies should be outlawed.
They are together?
She broke-up?
- Yep
Hence flirting with the janitor?
Keep quiet.
He doesnt know please.
Shall we do?
Yes let's do.
Sir hes in penance.
Hey we meant putting down papers.
Why? You have a desk job here.
Why do you want to be a paper boy?
We are going to give the resi-Ganesan letter.
Why should we give Susi Ganesan, the letter?
- I meant recognition letter.
You meant resignation letter.
Because of you.
What did I do?
You are here.
Shes gonna sniff you out,
and buy this company.
And chuck us out of here.
Its better if we leave first.
Funny boys.
I swear on the Samosas here,
we have sorted our issues.
- Super darling!
But now, I've decided to mess with her
by trying to woo her.
- Finished.
- Termination confirmed.
Why dont I start rearing cattle?
Shell figure that out.
Lets go join Swacch Bharath in North India?
What's that?
- Dissenter.
Guys, guys... chill.
It's just harmless one sided love.
Front side or back side?
- Language!
Om Shakthi Om Shakthi.
Is there any chance she would fall in love?
There is no chance
she even phones him.
Romance is far off.
- Good one!
I know.
What's Dork?
Dora, Sir.
Whos Dora?
My Keerthu.
My nick name for her is...
- What?
- Darn it.
Too much noise here.
Hold on, I'll move.
- Ok
Did he just say we are noisy?
Both of us.
Had it been one, he would have been direct.
Watch it.
Sorry Sir.
I thought of calling you.
I just landed a job.
With a better pay.
Thanks to you.
- (Singing)
- Mano, Manohar. What are you doing?
Ok Ill stop.
Manohar, are you free today?
I'm busy for others.
My schedule is always open for you, Keerthu.
Ok then. Can we meet at Park Hotel,
Rooftop restaurant in the evening?
Moving our romance to the next step.
Good improvement, good improvement.
When will you be there?
7 'o' clock sharp.
But Ill be late be around 8.30.
Wait for me, ok?
See you soon, Dora.
- You are wanted!
- Darn it.
Interrupting all the time.
Hi Keerthu!
What a beautiful gaze!
Vairamuthu in his poems.
Can you please sit down?
Thank you.
I knew this would happen.
But this soon?
I didn't expect...
What would you like to have?
Just your concern
makes me swell and full.
See, Im barfing.
A good beginning is half-done.
Shakespeare's words? No.
My manager Kuthalams mantra.
This conversation is a good start.
Whats next? Lets move fast.
Secret behind glossy skin, maybe.
Do you know who he is?
I've seen him in "Supreme Saloon" banner.
Local model, right?
He is Mr Naveen Varatharajan.
Has a golf course in ECR.
Yearly 10 Billion turnover.
Only child of Madras Cements owner.
Madras cements?
My friend Auto Sekar is building a house.
Hes looking for inexpensive cement.
Can you get him a discount, please?
Its ok. Hell understand.
Do you know him?
Hes the one from the underwear ad, right?
He is Mr Sunil Agarwal.
Oh! Kajal Agarwals brother.
Thought I've seen him somewhere.
The only son of Fly Jet Airlines owner.
Has an yearly turnover of 12 Billions.
Owns an island in Dubai.
Then have to be careful with Tsunami.
At least, do you know this gentleman?
You should have started with this guy.
I know him.
I see him everyday evening 6.30
at Saligramam.
You know Kerala Chips near Surya Hospitals?
Hes the chief baker there.
Why angry?
Not him?
Looks quite alike.
He is Mr Varun Nair.
MD of Sheela Palace.
Hes running 7 Five Star Hotels
in all the top most cities.
Yearly 13.6 billion turnover.
Flies everywhere in his private jet.
So if...?
Can I intercept, please?
So if the pilot is on leave,
he can't go anywhere.
Everytime I speak, you keep interrupting,
without any manners.
Think you are funny?
These gentlemen,
proposed to me earnestly.
But I have rejected them all, decently.
Do you know why?
They were worthy of my rejection.
When you proposed me,
I didn't say a word.
Any idea, why?
You were not even worthy of my rejection.
Grow up to deserve my rejection.
You'll die of old age before that happens.
Now get out.
What is this crap?
Thats not crap.
I bought it on a online sale, for you.
Dora, the explorer.
Just take it and get out of here.
No its okay.
Keep this as a souvenir.
450 rupees down the drain.
Who's paying for them?
Hello, how are you?
- Fine.
- How are you?
Im good. How are you?
Im good.
So how are your shows?
Couldnt be better.
One second
Its ok.
We are No 1 in the ratings.
- Oh!
So we have planned a series in the US.
Wow, my best wishes Keets.
Thank you.
Who is this? You are bothering.
Im Lakshman, Madam.
- Uncle Lakshman uncle.
Oh, uncle!.
You are calling from another number.
What happened?
I had an accident on Kathipara Fly-over.
Broke my phone too.
Im calling from a Guards number.
Can you help me out?
- Hello?
- My leg is hurting.
- Uncle, where are you?
Hello, Apollo Emergency Services.
Hello, this is Keerthana Vasudevan.
Yes Madam.
Send an ambulance to Kathipara Fly-over.
Its an emergency.
- Ok madam.
Are you there?
No no, Ill be there in 15 minutes.
Call me once you reach there.
- Sure mam.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Whose cart is this?
You are blocking the road.
(Imitating computerized voice in Telugu)
(In Tamil - The customer you have dialed
is busy eating, please call him later).
Or, his Kulfi will melt.
(In Lakshmans voice Keerthu Madam, Im hurting).
(My leg is hurting)
Where do you think you are going?
He said hes gonna propose to you
and asked for a Dora doll online.
Today, he wants an ice cream cart
for his proposal.
Who pays for these?
Obviously, you.
You make TV shows, right?
Pay up.
Your Thoppul kodi show is a hit,
isn't it?
It's spare change for you.
- Keerthana Vasudevan!
Aren't you splurging on your makeup?
Can't you pay this small tab?
Can't you hear me? Huh?
Answer it.
Hello Keerthana madam?
Yes tell me.
This is Apollo ambulance driver.
Where are you?
- Do you want some?
- Huh err.
- Yes tell me.
No, Wrong information.
Sorry? Wrong information?
Are you kidding me?
Arent you educated?
Are you high?
Been getting too many pranks of late.
- Baby, she's getting told off.
One day, you'll need us for real.
Youll regret it then.
Cut the call.
Name is Manimeglai.
From Kaaraikudi.
Resides in our colony, second floor.
Has proposed like twenty times
with her looks.
Wanna see an impression?
Show her a demo.
But I turned her down.
Baby, next.
Name Kumudha.
From Thirunelveli.
Based in our colony but next block.
When she walks out all bejeweled,
the colony becomes fixated.
Here goes.
But Ive never bothered.
Baby, next.
Name is Parvathy.
From Ernakulam.
Was in our colony,
now moved to the next one.
Just two days back.
Helped them move their things.
Paid me 200 rupees.
Unlike you.
Specialist in cooking
Puttu, Kondaikadalai, Appam.
Never have accepted her repeated proposals.
You know why?
How will she know?
Let her know.
Yea go ahead.
You know why I rejected them all?
Just give me a nod and
Ill marry you right now.
Baby, what say?
I said nothing.
Time for some auspicious music.
Am I right?
No hurries.
Think about this all night and
accept it in the morning.
See you.
Baby, baby, baby... Hey!
Where are you off to?
Get the.
Maybe you don't have your wallet.
Ill Whatsapp account details.
Wire transfer it.
Why are you glaring?
You must pay up.
You have got nothing on me.
God, shes frightening.
Manohar is dead!
Hey muscians, lets hear it.
- Hello.
- Uncle.
- Keerthu, why are you calling at this hour?
I dont care what you would do,
I should never see Manohar ever again.
Play it in.
Pass it properly, baby.
You know I didn't pass 2nd grade.
Passing ain't my game.
Hey, why didn't you score?
- He's their goalkeeper.
- Then why didn't you?
He threw the ball at me.
Sorry, bro.
Was an accident.
Let it go.
He didnt mean it.
Look at his beard, like Aladdin's lamp.
So boring.
Not a good one?
- Nope.
I'll be back with a good one.
Look here, it was me bro.
This time meant it.
Second time baby.
They are not from our hood.
Trying to block the game.
Well handle them after the game.
Youll handle?
You'll run home after the game, won't you?
Hey, I had to take a crap once.
Won't you ever forget it.
Come on!
Pass it here!
What do I do now?
Shoot it, bro!
Stop glaring. You get pissed
when someone messes with you right?
Same with our madam.
Shell get pissed too.
Got it?
If you ever come into her life.
You never finished it.
The game never stops for anything.
Rock on baby.
Its our game now.
Cut the.
The "Madam" who sent you,
where is she?
I saw your horoscope today, it said...
Who let you in?
Don't be too respectful kid. Sit down.
- How dare you.
The day you fire him, you'll do well girl.
Mind your language,
call me girl ever again...
What will you do, girl?
Sending goons to bash me up,
why would I mind the language girl?
What nonsense?
I never sent anyone.
Are you mad?
Oh no.
There was a high school teacher
named Walter White,
Turns out he was a Drug Lord.
Sounds like that story.
Hes with you all day.
And you have him around .
But you have no idea of what he does?
What a performance!
You know how highly I thought of you?
Here, higher.
But you stooped so low.
Oh God, this guy is disgusting.
Yes we are discussing.
Today's discussion.
Thought we would be all like whats up dude,
lets have a game of snooker?
Im from the masses,
came through public schooling and welfare schemes.
Nothing can stop me.
If I start playing dirty you cant take it.
- How dare you?
- Shut up uncle.
You sent sloppy goons
and embarrassed my girlfriend.
Who's your girlfriend?
You are crossing your limits.
One more word and I'll kill you.
My bae just turned Annabelle!
Watch it.
- It's alright.
I've seen her soft aggression.
Watching her unleash it today,
I'm scared uncle.
Keep losing your temper
and youll lose good guys like me.
Be around with your coterie till your end.
Not many would be frank to your face,
like me.
They'll hold a grudge
and run over you with a truck, one day.
Take care of the helmet bro.
Always with his Dora, Flora...
Hey, did you just say Dora?
I never mentioned it all this time .
Did I?
- Nope.
So Dora is in your heart somewhere.
(In Malayalam - I always knew it.
Keerthu will come find Mano, one day.
Ill make sure of it.
And I'll have my favourite Dora all to myself.
Got it?
Got it, uncle?).
Keerthu mam...
Let me take another crack at him.
Have you ever been useful to me?
No mam, I thought that through.
I got men on parole
Shut up!
I don't wanna see you ever again.
Get lost.
Haven't I told you to mind the sugar?
- Hey!
All these snacks are homemade.
Mano loves them.
- Yea they are so good!
Nice, we were just talking about you.
He promptly picks his phone,
except while driving.
Thats a good habit.
Oh God.
What are you looking at?
Saw him when he was a kid.
Now, hes all grown up.
Yea, I ate my proteins.
Go wash your face son.
Hey, come in.
Hes loves playing sports...
- I said come in.
Football especially.
He admires "lassi"
- Yea him.
No, that's Messi.
Oh ok.
Whats up?
Whats happening here?
Who are they?
You are being courted.
So, put on your best dress.
Wash your face.
Put Vermilion
Sorry, sorry have Vibuthi.
Present yourself and wish everyone.
And sing a song.
(Singing terribly)
Slap you.
Call mom.
- Weirdo.
Everyone is fond of him.
Especially, kids.
Mom, brother wants you.
Oh, one minute.
... we'll handle.
What do you want son?
Mom, are you serious?
What have you done?
How's the girl? Nice right?
Who asked for this?
Did I ask to get married?
You wanna get married, I know it.
How do you say so?
You are arguing everyday with Keerthana.
Marry this Kavitha.
Keep arguing every day, ok?
Mom, both start with K!
Keerthana, Kavitha.
K and K.
So change your dress quick.
Come soon.
Mom, Ma, Ma....
He asks if jeans is okay.
Anything is fine aunty.
Son, she says anything is fine.
He consults everything.
So innocent.
Im love with another woman.
Im planning to marry her.
Son, what are you saying?
Mom, you dont know.
Ive not told you this.
Mom, invited you out of ignorance.
Please dont mistake her.
Its okay. No problem.
Please don't insult anybody else.
Mom, lets move.
You have no idea about your son.
Is this how you raised him?
Drop it brother.
It is how fatherless homes are.
Lets go.
- Move.
Uncle, lets try to sort things.
- Such insult.
- Keep moving.
Wait, what is this?
By tradition,
it should be us who should court them.
But they didn't mind the formality, for me.
Why did you behave like that?
Why did you insult me?
You did the same to me,
by not taking my consent.
Did I take your consent for your every need?
Why should that change?
So far no, but hereon you should ask.
Mom, you are intruding.
This is my life, Ill take care of it.
Your life?
What has gotten into you?
I raised you as a single mom, with such care.
But you insulted me in front of our relatives.
They were right.
Fatherless home, right?
Mom, mom. - Out of my way.
Why bro?
Yes Sir.
- Is this a right time to call you?
You have already called...
Yes Sir, go on.
We have changed
your "Kungumam" show timings.
From 8.30 pm to 1 pm.
May I know the reason Sir?
Didnt you see our official email?
Sorry, I was busy must have missed it.
Its okay.
Day by day, the ratings of your Kungumam show
is dropping down.
That's the reason.
But Sir, we were just working on it.
It'll improve in the upcoming weeks.
So give us the prime slot please.
Don't worry, if the ratings pick up,
we'll consider.
By the way, why did you change Sowmiya?
The ratings were good when she was there.
Anyway, it is your decision.
But you can think about it.
Thank you. Good night.
Look at mom, brother.
She's been here for a long time.
She wont mind if I argue with her.
But with you, she becomes deeply upset.
She hasnt eaten anything.
Come, lets pacify.
Brother has something to tell you.
Oh God!
I was out of my mind.
Spoke out of line.
Sorry ma.
Ma, he is apologizing.
Forget it. Lets go eat.
Mom I didnt mean it.
Why are you crying?
Dont cry ma.
No, you weren't out of your mind.
You were quite mindful.
You have grown up.
I didnt realise it.
You have always listened to me
since you were kid.
I thought you would continue to be the same.
Sorry dear, sorry.
I won't do anything without
consulting with you.
Ma, I still listen to you.
So, you want me to marry your choice, right?
Ask Anitha to come around tomorrow,
we'll fix it.
Shes not Anitha?
Sunitha maybe?
Its Kavitha.
Name is not the point.
Ill marry her tomorrow.
You are trying to make me smile,
aren't you?
You know everything Ma!
Super Ma!
Come let's eat.
- Come.
Son, stop.
Dinner can wait,
who are you in love with?
In love?
- Yea.
- Yep.
You must be kidding.
I bluffed, mom.
Hes bluffing now.
Shut up.
- Get out.
I swear, Im not in love with anyone.
I cooked it up to send them away.
True story.
Ma, dont think Im out of line.
You always are.
Right mom?
- Wrong.
She's perfectly in line.
- Yep.
You tell me.
I can find out who is in his heart for real.
Theres a game for it.
The Grandmaster of Reverse Quiz
Better than reverse quiz.
I have read it on the internet.
Close your eyes
and imagine the things I say. Ok?
Ill pop a question.
You should reply in an instant.
Well find whos your One, ok?
Don't you read
academics on the internet?
Shes rambling.
Lets go mom.
- Ma!
She has a point.
Ask him, dear.
Close your eyes.
Shut it.
Shut your eyes.
You have joined a bigger company.
You are the head of the showroom.
Who are you tomorrow
begins with what you do today.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
An important presentation
You hold the floor.
All eyes on you.
Our mission is to become world leader
in this field.
Just then your phone rings.
Mom on the line.
Excuse me guys.
- Mano, your wife is in labor.
Just now.
Come quickly to the hospital.
Ok .
- Quick.
Im on my way.
You excused yourself and hurried
You wanted to see your wife and child badly.
You were stressed with their well being.
You ran to your car.
Sped out of there.
Stressed to the limit on your way.
Despite traffic,
you arrived quickly at the hospital.
Running towards the reception,
you asked for the room number.
Room no 318.
Third floor.
Third floor?
- Yea.
Shunning the elevator,
you took the stairs.
Looking frantically for the room...
Finally, you found it.
Anxiously, you opened the door.
Your wife was there with your child.
Tell me who did you see?
Say it brother.
Who did you see?
What are you thinking?
Mom, you sleep after dinner.
Ill be back.
Mano, Mano...
Mano say something.
He's in love with Keerthana.
How sure are you?
100 percentage.
You are old-school Ma,
you won't get it.
Sorry Keerthana.
Sorry for everything.
All these days, I've hurt you.
I will never do that again.
Im really sorry, Keerthana.
First you embarrassed me.
Then you irritated me, trying to woo me.
Now you have started a sorry.
Who are you?
Why are you harassing me?
Im not here to harass you... Keerthana.
Forget it.
I dont wanna argue.
I dont know how you will respond.
I want to pour my heart out.
I needed peace for a few moments.
You have spoiled...
- Keerthana, just a minute.
Please hear me out.
Arrgh... This guy is irritating to the core.
I admit that I have irritated,
tortured,embarrassed you. Laughed at you.
But this is different.
Without even realizing,
I think I have fallen.
I want to tell you
what's on my mind right now.
I love you, Keerthana.
Keerthana, Keerthana...
Please, kee.
If you say yes,
While we hold hands,
A light fills my universe.
If you throw me a smile,
In love thats not vile,
My soul walks the heaven's aisle.
One day these troubles will go away,
Looking back, well laugh it all away.
One day these troubles will go away,
Looking back, well laugh it all away.
If you say yes,
While we hold hands,
A light fills my universe.
The road I took led me into a maze,
With you by my side, I wouldnt faze.
I wanna let it all out,
Its just a veneer, do not doubt.
Your furrows,
Cut in my heart, deep furrows.
Would you believe this jolly good fellow?
If you say yes,
While we hold hands,
A light fills my universe.
If you throw me a smile,
In love thats not vile,
My soul walks the heavens aisle.
You got off.
Keerthu madam is out of danger.
Doctor said shes safe.
Since the day you met her,
everyday has been chaotic.
if you wish her well,
never show up again.
Also, lets not tell her
that you gave her the blood.
We cant be sure of
how she will react.
You can leave.
Why are you waiting?
Get out.
You didnt go to see her?
Is this the end of the story?
This is the beginning of a new story.
She came to see me.
I was shocked too.
Excuse me.
This is Manos home right?
I think Im at the wrong house.
Hey Mano!
You look startled.
How are you?
How do I appear?
I'm all fine now.
Should I return home or can I enter
Please come in.
Lakshman uncle is not here.
Dont worry.
Im not gonna fire your son.
You don't have to worry.
Thats my sister Divya.
Doing her facial.
But this is better.
Shut up.
Please come in.
Have a seat.
Excuse Ill go wash my
Dont mind me, you can keep it on.
Thank you.
So, how are you feeling now?
Feeling much better, aunty.
Is it ok if I call you aunty?
No problem, your wish.
Aunty, I caused a lot of trouble
in your home last time.
Please forget it.
Why should we remember them?
Water under the bridge.
Mom and I wanted to see you in hospital.
But brother said lets not disturb her.
Oh, you could have come.
Thats not disturbance.
We have a guest here.
Go make some tea.
I made tea for the woman I love.
Whats your problem?
Lets see how long this lasts.
- Will last forever.
Thank you.
Green tea.
Aunty, had it not been for your son.
I wouldnt be here now.
Thats why I wanted to thank in person.
Mano thank you so much.
Thats unnecessary.
Im sure anybody would have done it.
Right ma?
Maybe they would have gotten an ambulance.
But you.
Carried me up and into the auto...
Your hands were trembling.
I knew.
Your shirt had blood all over it.
Memory is quite hazy.
I still get nightmares.
Thank you so much Mano.
When we heard of it, we were worried.
I cant imagine it for your parents.
My parents passed when I was a kid.
My uncle and aunt raised me.
They are overseas now.
I was in boarding school my whole life.
Now Im busy with my business.
For a woman, a single woman.
The heights you have achieved
are admirable!
Mano, my uncle wants to talk to you.
Do you have a couple of minutes?
2 minutes? I can spare an hour .
Please call him.
Hello, dad.
Im at Manos house.
Would you like to speak to him?
Yes, please.
How are you Mano?
You have saved my daughter.
I dont know how to thank you.
Just say thanks Sir.
No Mano, that wont suffice.
Ill book tickets to Paris for your whole family.
- How's the tea?
I have to do something for you.
Your family is welcome.
- Sure Sir!
Its my strict order.
Ill return it to Keerthana.
Bring everyone ...
He invited us all to Paris.
Is he in Parrys corner?
please Whatsapp your passport details.
Ill get visas for you.
Passport? For us?
We dont have them.
He applied for passport
after 10th grade for God knows what.
Ok, then please allow Mano to go at least.
You still have your passport?
I have sent you my passport copy on Whatsapp.
You can process my visa.
Will help you buy tickets.
See you mom.
Sooner the better.
- Ok.
Itll be a short trip.
Aunty, a small gift for you.
Why take the trouble?
Well played, mom.
This is for Divya.
For Divya?
Come out soon.
- Yes Im coming.
Take this.
For you.
- Thank you.
Hey, dont peep.
What happened?
Not a thing.
Ok bye.
See you.
Goodbye, aunty.
- Bye.
Look at you.
- Ma, please.
What is he doing? Show me your gift.
I didnt mistake you.
You have gotten them simple gifts.
You're gonna buy me costly gifts.
Im not following you.
You gifted them but
I wasnt talking about it.
Your tea was very good.
I was waiting to tell you that.
Oh thanks!
Not just tea,
I make delicious Chicken Biryani.
My neighbor lady steals my Chicken Biryani.
My mother often says,
that my future wife is a lucky one.
Your mother got that right.
Attention everyone, it's your Captain speaking.
We are taking off!
I want window seat.
Shall we exchange seat?
No, I cant exchange.
Even I prefer window seat.
Why you vomit?
No, you put head outside the window
and vomit?
What nonsense?
Sixth sense.
Whats happening Mano?
Please come.
I asked for the window seat,
shes quite stubborn.
Oi, Ill come and keep you.
I said Ill get the seat back.
Booked tickets at the last moment,
they had only one Business Class seat.
Would you like to take that seat Mano?
Ill manage here.
Oh, come on.
Flying in and of itself is a luxury to me.
Business class suits you better.
Ill learn French from her.
Nice jacket.
Nice hairstyle.
Nice earring.
Nice lipstick.
Nice dress.
Matching, matching.
Just wanted to see if you respond to Dora.
Quite a strong response!
Can I call you Dora?
When she looks into my eyes,
A million miles my heart flies.
In her smile, lays a twist
lands a thousand pound fist.
Girl, dont wink,
Makes my heart blink.
All this flutter, will make it weaker,
Aren't you eager?
Dont look over so fast, slow down.
My heart is on the line, youd mow down.
Every look is a new high,
So addictive, on the sly.
Girl, dont wink,
Makes my heart blink.
Girl, dont wink,
Makes my heart blink.
All the cars I upsell,
Dot the roads till Winterfell.
Well ride to our wedding bell!
Oh, yea!
Im the biggest hustle,
Nothing stops me, don't hire a muscle.
The missives I send are heavy for a missile.
Whats up, girl?
Milk is all white and bright,
In a day, it goes expired.
Honey is all dark and brown,
Honey, Im honey always unspoiled.
Dont look over so fast, slow down.
My heart is on the line, youd mow down.
Every look is a new high,
So addictive, on the sly.
Your smile,
launches me a mile.
That wretched ego,
Let us forego.
Tik tok is out of clock,
Ill play a new Bach,
The concert will rock!
Lets start dating,
Our selfies are winning.
When our eyes keep going wow,
Its time to take the vow.
Dont look over so fast, slow down.
My heart is on the line, youd mow down.
Every look is a new high,
So addictive, on the sly.
Hi, aunty.
I want to tell you something.
Are you free now?
To me? Tell me aunty.
My son likes you very much.
Is in love with you.
Wishes to marry you.
I dont know if this will ever happen.
I just felt like telling you.
Please dont mistake me.
Definitely not, aunty.
Soon Ill have a good news for you.
Tell me soon!
Whats that good news.
Hey, werent you sleeping?
Eyes only closed, ears always open.
Aunty and I have many things to discuss.
Why do you wanna know?
You are such a tease!
Where are you going?
To get our luggage.
Never mind, they will take care of it.
Our luggage is our responsibility.
The hotel is ours.
50 percent share.
The other 50 percent?
Has another 8 such hotels.
One of the best hoteliers in Europe.
Can I see him once more?
Yea, looks handsome!
Is everything okay, Roya?
Yes Mam.
- Excuse me, Roya.
- Yea.
I want two plates of Idiyappam with Paya.
I have something important
to tell you.
Your uncle and aunt are busy and will be late.
We have all day...
I was gonna say...
I love you.
I. Love. You.
I have a wish.
After our marriage, I wanna quit the business.
Be a housewife.
I wanna cook for you.
Have a couple of cute babies, with you.
Wear the sarees you'd like, wear some flowers,
and visit temples with you on your bike.
Take care of your mother, you sister...
Tend to the family.
Get your sister married to a wealthy family.
After our wedding...
you should take care of all my
businesses and properties.
Will you do these for me, Mano?
Heard of being speechless,
but this is my first time experiencing it.
I can barely contain my happiness.
Imagine my mother listening to this!
Give me your phone.
We'll find out!
Go on, tell her.
This was her plan all along, anyways.
She'd be delighted to hear this.
What do you mean, Keerthana?
The plan is to get acquainted to a rich girl,
be friendly with her, earn her trust,
marry her and swindle...
what do you call it...
yea, flick all her money.
Move up the class stratum,
become high class for the next 5 generations,
who wouldn't have to work a day in their life!
This is your plan, right?
You are out of your mind, Keerthana.
I'm fully aware now.
I'm telling the facts.
You'd curse me to be "run-over"
the same day I'd get run over by a truck,
"saved" by your blood,
now I should fall in love
and marry you?
What a sketch!
I'm quite impressed you know?
What are you looking at?
Heard of being petrified.
Watching it for the first time.
I know a few things about you.
You are quite frank.
So I was thinking about the man
behind this wicked plan, in the hospital.
When your mom called me,
it was obvious.
I have a doubt...
Why did your mother choose to be single,
given how well she plans?
Could have easily trapped and married a rich guy.
- Did you call the cops?
Fill up the details, Roya.
- Sure, mam.
Didn't you say Ashwin is handsome?
Well, I'm gonna marry him.
I came here to meet him.
Did you think we are on a foreign tour?
If you wanna fool around,
be mindful of your level, status.
These are the consequences, otherwise.
This is a lesson for you, Mr Mano.
(In Malayalam - Hey Mano!
Have you seen this country's prison?
It's very good!
Off you go, bye.)
Here's your passport.
This is your visa.
And ticket copy.
You have 24 hours,
to leave our country.
It's a sad ending to a story.
So by this time your girlfriend
is already meant to be married, right?
Don't worry, bro.
If one Keerthana goes,
one Katherine will come.
The state of me,
taking advice from the likes of you.
Err... I'm trying to say "Thank you"
in my language
My pleasure bro.
See you. Take care.
- Is this your bike?
- Yea.
Can you give it to me for two hours please?
Where are you going?
I'm going to see my girlfriend and say...
... Goodbye.
Crap. Get the car.
Come baby, let's have a beer and talk.
You are being rude with your fianc.
Aren't you ashamed?
Who are you?
My name is Manohar.
No titles as yet.
Could use one when needed.
What do you want?
If Keerthana is in trouble,
I become so happy.
But I can't wait to know
what is her problem here.
Actually, I'm very excited you know!
Keerthu dear,
park this bike over please.
Remember, you started this.
Guys! Get him.
Keerthana madam!
You hyped up your fianc.
Hotels in Paris, Private jets, Billions.
Here you are fooling around
in the middle of a road.
Is it a hobby?
Tell me baby.
How are you?
- Fine.
You're looking so beautiful!
Thank you so much.
Do I look handsome?
Thank you, thank you.
So how goes your theatre troupe?
Are you a travelling troupe
or do you have your own place?
Excuse me.
It's not a theatre troupe.
It's a television production house.
It's a corporate company.
And we are Number One in the industry. - Oh!
Corporate company!
Number One!
How much profits do you clock, annually?
About 500 Million Indian money.
You are so funny.
What did you say?
500 Million? Indian money? Annually?
That's my tab on a weekend party.
You call that a profit margin?
Do one thing...
After our wedding,
you wind down your threatre troupe. Ok?
Excuse me.
I told you it's not a...
- Yea, yea, whatever, whatever it is
I don't care.
My wife cannot be soap handler in a laundromat...
Oh sorry.
I meant producer of Daily Soaps in TV,
would be an embarrassment for my status.
Excuse me.
Nobody has the right
to dictate my business.
Because it's my passion, my hard-work
and my self-respect.
Oh, she's such a Feminist.
And I hate Feminism.
Mr. Ashwin,
I don't think this is gonna work out.
I really need to leav...
- Hey, listen... listen
You're going to get married
to a rich guy like me.
Then why do you need this wretched troupe?
Idiot, moron, imbecile, bonehead...
Don't you have sense?
How many times should I repeat that
this is a Production house.
What the hell!
How dare you talk to me like that?
Do you have any sense?
Is this how you behave with the girl...
Guy, you are gonna marry?
I hate you.
I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
Get out of my life.
What are you staring at?
- Oh God!
I'm so sorry.
Just use this please.
Use this please.
Just leave me alone.
- Okay.
I'll show you the washroom.
Quite nearby. Come, come.
What are you doing?
Oh! Force of habit.
You carry on.
What's going on?
Excuse me.
What do you mean by "Force of Habit" ?
I wanted to surprise you
on our wedding night.
Now it's all ruined.
Gotta reveal it.
Till last year, I was a woman.
Named Ashwini.
Then I underwent a surgery
in Bangkok.
Now, Ashwin.
There's a slight snag.
Whenever I get emotional,
Ashwini's voice comes out.
It should be fine, soon.
What are you thinking?
If you doubt me,
spend the night with me.
And I'll show you the magic.
Keerthana madam!
Spent so much to teach me a lesson.
But looks like you spent
to learn, God's lesson.
My mom often says that,
if two girls are alone, they'd soon pick a fight.
She got that right, didn't she?
Picked a fight right
in the middle of the road.
Buying a foreign car is not a big deal, Keerthana.
Gotta check out if it is compatible to our roads.
Karma is a boomerang!
Let's hear your list of reasons, now.
Oh shut up!
I didn't say anything.
I don't know what you think of me, Keerthana.
But I like you so, so much.
Your beauty, swagger, style, attitude...
All of it...
I love all of you.
I have admired this
every minute of us being together.
To see the woman I admire being harassed...
I'd have knocked him out...
spared him because he's your fianc.
You know what my mom said to me?
"You don't have a father
but you have me and Divya."
"But Keerthana has nobody to call family."
"That's why she's so obtuse."
"If she got the same love you did, she'd be great.
Don't trouble her anymore."
Even I had the same thoughts coming here.
To hear you, think of us in such vulgarity...
It's a waste of time explaining to you.
When you go back to Chennai,
find a guy who matches "your level, your status",
marry him and be happy.
Bye Keerthana.
let's keep this between us.
My mom admires you.
She speaks very highly of you.
She'd get hurt if she knows this.
Please don't pick up her calls.
Listen to me this one time, please...
Customer satisfaction has always been
our priority.
Sales Manager Ashok will explain
the Product Specs now.
Thank you.
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen.
I'm Ashok.
TATA Motors has launched a new model...
Hey, why are you here?
Mom, what happened?
Divya, speak up.
Why are you guys here?
Shut up. Don't you dare speak.
- Go, mom!
Are you even my son?
- Mom, why are you hitting me? People are watching...
What else do you expect?
Ma, what did I do?
- How can I say that?
Hey, tell him what he did.
You are ditching her,
after laying a hand on her in Paris.
Cross your heart, did you not lay on hand on me?
Oh Lord!
Yea I did. So?
Aren't you ashamed?
What is there to be ashamed of?
Anybody would have did it in that situation.
What situation?
Shouldn't you have self-control as a man?
It is not possible...
- Shut up!
Listen to this Aunty!
-Yea, listen to her.
"Whatever happened in Paris,
shouldn't be known to my mom." He said.
Didn't you say it?
- Yep.
Oh my...
Shut up!
Ma, hear me out...
- Shut up!
She is my Daughter-in-law.
Oh no!
- Yes!
Not a word.
Bring her home with dignity.
Keep "Aarthi" (welcome ritual) ready.
-Who's Aarthi?
One more word and I swear...
Let's go
- Yea, mom.
I read on the internet.
If you can say the date of the incident,
I'll refer Chinese calendar...
and let you know if the child is gonna be
boy or a girl.
I'll slap you.
Always with your Internet games. Get lost.
I'll call you, bye.
Boy or a girl...
What did you mean by "laying a hand"?
Whatever you are thinking...
My Karma is a boomerang too!
Are you angry, honey?
Honey? I'll...
Calm down.
- Why are you doing this to me?
I apologized with your mom
and asked for your hand.
She said I have to consult my son, first.
You said I'm not even worthy
of your rejection.
What now?
Are you planning to send my family to prison?
Speak up.
After our last meeting,
Divya called me.
She talked about "The Love Game".
Love game?
You are married.
You are expecting.
This is your ninth month.
You are in labor pains,
on your way to the labor ward.
You have an uncomplicated delivery.
When you regained consciousness,
nurse let you hold your baby.
You were very happy looking at your child.
You badly wanted your husband
to see your child.
You were waiting for him.
You heard the door open,
looked reflexively at it.
Now tell us Keerthana,
who did you see as your husband?
Not a chance.
Not. A. Chance.
I may have become your Dream Guy.
But you are not my Dream Girl now.
It's too late.
To accept someone on their
flattering side is quite common.
But to be accepting of flaws... That's quite rare.
So I wanna...
I understand.
Since you are pleading...
I'll consider it.
I'd take a room here, deliberate on the Pros and...
Ok, you have the final word.
Come here.
- Hello Keerthana.
Brother is not picking up.
Can you give the phone to him?
Your brother is busy.
It's an emergency.
Give it to him, please.
Your sister has something urgent to say.
- Hello.
- Hello, bro!
I don't know you.
Wrong number.
This is unfair, bro.
As you instructed, I called Keerthana
at the right moment and played the Love Game.
As promised, I want my motorcycle.
Or, I'll tell on you.
Hello... are you there? Hello.
I know I'd be in your dreams...
Just tried to make you realize it.
Mr Manohar...
Your mum just beat the hell out of you.
Guess, it'll change after wedding.
Keerth... Keer...
They'd slip up a thousand times,
we should just forget it.
We'd slip up once and
never hear the end of it.
It's gonna be fun!
Mr. Local is ready to play husband!
What's happening there?
- Nothing, dear.
Bye, bye.
Come here.
- On the way, dear.