Mr. Lucky (1943)

I wouldn't do that if I were you!
Wouldn't you? Thanks for the advice but how
do I know she ain't gonna jump?
She's alright. She's not gonna do anything.
She's just gonna stand their. She's gonna
walk up and down..
then she's gonna lean against
that bollard..
and just stand there and look out to sea.
- She needs a pass to be out there!
- Brother, she'll have a pass.
She could have a pass to the White House
if she wanted it!
You start pushing around, you're going
to get yourself into trouble.
- She's a somebody.
- Speaking of passes, where's yours?
Oh.. you're new here aren't you!
Ships master, huh?
I came ashore on a dinghy.
Tied up down there at the end of the pier.
There, you see.
- Told you she was alright.
- What's she gonna do now?
Just look. She's watching for a ship
to come in.
- Only it's sitting at the bottom of the Atlantic.
- What ship is that?
- Used to be called the "Fortuna".
- Oh yeah, that gambling ship..
- Used to be sitting here at this dock.
- That's right.
- You know I was on pier 27..
- Yeah, I know, I know.
It was owned by a boss gambler called
Joe the Greek.
- Ever hear of him?
- Oh sure I did, in the newspapers.
- You know him?
- Yep.
I was master of the Fortuna.
Say tell me, was he really a Greek?
Nobody ever knew what he was, except
And brother you gotta understand he wasn't
just ordinary tough, he was double tough!
And too smart for his own good.
- Crossed you up, huh?
- Oh no.
Crossed himself up.
That's how.
Right here on this pier was the last
time she ever saw him.
When was that?
Back a ways when we had the Fortuna
tied up here.
We weren't operating then.
We were broke and full of trouble.
One day Joe comes in with his face full
of fine and dandy and..
his heart full of ice water.
We had been driven off the west coast
by the law..
and put in here to raise a bank roll so
we could operate in Havana.
Joe was kind of up against it.
There was a Greek sailor on board.. guy
named Joe Bascopolous..
How's Bascopolous?
Looks like he's gonna join
Barnum and Bailey, Joe.
What did the Doc say?
Well according to the Doc, he's
already gone
Said he wouldn't last over an hour
two hours ago.
All gone inside.
- How'd it go uptown today?
- Swell thanks, Swede.
I got the plaster taken off the boat.
We can sail anytime.
Good! You know those mugs of yours
have been getting kinda restless.
- Let me know when he goes.
- Right.
Hey Blubber. Fix this thing!
- Something wrong boss?
- It paid!
- There ain't no customers Joe.
- There's gonna be customers.
- Fix it!
- Ok.
Hello boys. Well I got it.
Cost me ten grand but it was worth it.
Put it in the safe, Zepp.
Boys we're sailing for Havana as soon
as Bascopolous kicks off.
Forget it Joe. This ship ain't going
no where.
- Who says so?
- Your uncle Sam.
- What is this a rib?
- Take a gander at those kites.
J. Bascopolous, G. Zepp,
J. Adams...
1-A! They can't do this to me, I'm
a civilian.
It's ok chief. Don't worry.
I got it all fixed Joe. We can hop a plane
to Mexico City in two hours.
- What?
- And then catch a plane to Rio
You can work South America until this
soldier business blows over.
- Take it easy Crunk.
- There's a lot of guys with big dough, Joe
Yeah well relax. Thanks Crunk.
J. Bascopolous. What did he get?
4-F! What's that?
It means they don't want him. He's
physically unfit.
The lucky stiff.
He's physically unfit alright.
Or is he.
Alright boys. Get lost!
One of us is out of the army, Joe.
- Who declared you in?
- Well we're partners, ain't we?
That's a 50/50 proposition in my book.
What do you want, half the card?
I'll trade you my half of the boat for
the card Joe.
What good would a boat do me in the army!
The one who gets the card gets the
boat along with it.
Who gets it Joe?
Wanna cut for it?
Poker dice.
- You got a deal.
- I'll get the box.
Wait a minute!
- Can't you wait and make the thing legal?
- What's wrong with poker dice?
Not a thing. Only the guy ain't dead yet.
I never took anything off a pal in
my life.
After he joins the circus that's different.
Come on.
Take your best shot, Zepp.
Three kings Joe.
Have a smoke, Crunk.
Four kings, Joe.
In two rolls.
Beat it!
Can you hold it a minute chief.
Three aces.
What did you think this was.
Amateur night?
I don't get you Joe.
Didn't you see an elephant walk across
the table .. with muddy feet.
- I didn't pull a switch on you Joe.
- Didn't you?
Then blow on it for luck. Go on, blow!
I wouldn't shuffle my own partner.
Sure you wouldn't.
One more ace, that's it.
Yeah.. that's it.
There it is.
Well looks like the army needs men
like you, Zepp.
Take good care of yourself.
I'll have a nice big service flag with a
single star on it hanging in my office.
Just for you.
- Swede, see you later.
- Where you going, Joe?
Uptown raise a bank roll so we can sail.
- I thought you lifted the plaster.
- That took everything we had.
- We need 50k to start operating.
- Where you gonna get it?
I can raise that kind of wind in one
Swede, shake hands with the new
Joe Bascopolous.
Take this dough and give Joe Adams in
there a swell funeral..
with lots of nice white flowers. I always
thought the guy had a lot of good in him.
- What's he talking about?
- You explain it to him, Crunk..
I want to get a fresh tie and change
my fiddle.
Well I guess that's enough of that.
You anxious to get in the service?
- You don't know what it cost me, Doc.
- That's too bad.
Your blood pressures 210. We can't use you.
Ah.. you can't use ..
I said we can't use you. I'm sorry.
- Will it hurt if I get drunk?
- Well it won't do you any good.
Then I'm gonna get drunk and I'm gonna
stay drunk.
Too bad. A fine, patriotic fellow.
It's been a shock to him.
Hey come on. Throw that thing away.
- Did you raise the wind?
- I couldn't even raise a good cough.
- I don't know what happened to this town.
- How about all those soft touches you knew?
Well the heats on. The either got caught in
the draft or went square.
Paid their income taxes.
- Income taxes.
- How you gonna raise the dough, Joe?
How do I know. I tried every guy I
ever knew.
Looks like our luck is out.
- Boss!
- Don't do that!
But look.
1 , 2, 3, 4, 5,
6 naturals.
This is strictly from heaven. This is
gonna change your luck.
- C'mon, what are we waiting for, let's do it.
- You do it, I'll wait here.
What?! You know it's no good if we
both don't do it.
What's the matter with you, you crazy?
You trying to jinx it or something!
This is a sure thing. Can't miss.
Sit down boss.
- Ok Joe.
- Fine.
Take it easy bud. C'mon the
fellows getting nervous.
Thanks pal.
How do you do.
How do you do.
Can I sell you a ticket to our
charity ball?
- Sure.
- One or two?
They're $50.00 a piece.
I know they're frightfully expensive, but
we're trying to raise $100,000.
Are you now.
- That's a coincidence.
- What's it for, sister?
War relief incorporated.
Hmm, I'm interested in relief.
Where are your headquarters?
The address is on the ticket.
Thanks. I'll look you up.
I may throw something your way.
Thank you.
- Where can I find the big boss?
- Sorry, they're all very busy just now.
I want to make a donation.
What kind of donation did you want
to make?
Seventy or eighty thousand...
Just wait!
There's a man over there who'd like
to give $70,000.
Our captain Steadman would like to
see you mister ...
Just a moment Mrs. Ostrander!
Did you say 70 or 700 dollars?
- $70,000.
- I told you!
This way, please.
Captain Steadman, this is mister uh...
I don't believe I got your name.
Joe. How are you.
- Joe?
- Joe.
Oh Joseph. Don't you understand, it's
Mister Joseph.
Do sit down. Close the door as
you go out, please.
You wonderful man. You couldn't
have come at a more timely moment.
You know the sales of tickets for the
charity have been so disappointing.
You know we have to send a whole ship load
of medical supplies to Europe.
It's frightfully expensive and we have to
raise the money as quickly as possible.
I do hope you want to make your
donation in cash.
- I always do business in cash.
- Oh, that's splendid.
- You'll have to help me though.
- Oh, of course.
You see I'm a boss gambler. That's
my business.
Oh we never inquire into ones
Now this charity affair of yours...
that's made to order. All you have to
do is give me the gambling concession.
- Gambling?
- Sure. Black jack, chuck-a-luck, roulette.
- I'll raise the dough for you in one evening.
- I don't understand.
Well it's simple. You're giving a ball...
we take rooms next to it. You steer
customers in...
I supply the dealers, the tables,
the layout.
All you have to do is sit back and
rake in the winnings.
Are there always winnings? Supposing
you lose?!
I always do. Last winter in
Palm Beach I...
Sure that's my point. I bet you
dumped a packet, didn't you.
Well look, I'll show you what I mean.
- You roll the dice. You're the customer.
- Shall I?
Sure, go on, roll em.
Snake eyes!
Now watch the difference.
Seven. See the difference? I'm
lucky. I can't lose.
Now roll em again. You're still the
- Try a dump shot.
- Dump shot?
That's right. Put em in the glass. Rattle
em about.
See, four. Tough point to make. Now
watch this.
- Seven.
- How do you do it?
You bring me the right people, I'll
get you that $100,000.
- But it's gambling.
- Not the way I do it.
Look, how much do you figure to
raise on this ball?
- Oh between 15 and 20 thousand.
- Yeah but you need 100 grand.
Now you string along with me and in
one night you're home James.
But you won't get it listening to
that wood pecker.
It so happens gambling is against
the law in this country.
What's the matter with Reno? Out there
it's as legal as selling groceries.
Well it so happens we're in New York.
So we are. Oh Dorothy, this is
Mister Joseph.
My lieutenant, Miss Bryant.
I already had the pleasure.
It so happens Mr. Joseph, that we have
a committee of financial advisers...
Strange they never hit upon your plan
if it's so sound.
Well not everyone can do it, lieutenant,
it's kind of um...
Dangerous, that's what I mean.
I'm afraid Miss Bryant's right.
Perhaps if you send us a letter
explaining your plan in detail.
Yes and we'll be glad to take it up
at our next meeting.
You're in a hurry for this dough. You
can't afford to wait for meetings!
Well we can't afford to sponsor something
we might later regret!
Goodbye Mr. Joseph and thank you.
Look out, don't let it get in your blood
captain. It's bad.
- Excuse me.
- Dorothy, don't forget your bank appointment.
Mother, come here. What bank is that?
Why it's at 31 East 39th.
Thanks, toots!
- Where to boss?
- The bank!
Oh, no!
- Good afternoon.
- Hello Miss Bryant. This is your third visit, isn't it?
We'll have your silver button waiting
for you as soon as you're through.
- Thank you.
- Sit right over there, please.
Well, hello!
- Next please.
- That's you, chum.
Everybody move up please. Thanks
Well... well.
This is quite a surprise.
No particularly. It so happens I
rather expected it.
And if you think your persistence is going
to have any effect on me, you're mistaken.
I don't see how you people can pass up
$80,000 for the cause.
For whose cause?
If you're so interested in serving
a cause...
why don't you join the army?
- 4F.
- You look 1A to me!
You don't look so bad yourself.
It's my arteries.
Should you be giving blood?
My blood's 1A. Just my arteries are 4F.
J. Bas-...
- Bascopolous...
- I thought you said your name was Joseph?
Well if a fellow went around calling
himself Bascopolous...
think what the other people would call him.
Look, uh...
Why didn't you let me finish what
I was trying to tell the captain?
It so happens I don't trust your motives!
Here I am giving my lifes blood...
- And she don't trust my motives.
- Next.
The person who gets your life blood will
probably develop a passion for the dump shot.
And the poor soldier that gets your blood,
they can use him for an ice cube.
- Next please.
- Well it so happens...
Wait a minute. What is that
"so happens" routine?
It so happens that's a phrase I use.
Well it so happens, I'm offering you 8...
Next please.
Goodbye. And the answer is still no!
This isn't the way out!
- Don't bother me!
- You can't go now, you've got to rest for 20 minutes.
Look sister, take a walk. I feel
like a million dollars.
- But you must lie down and rest.
- I feel great!
- Hiya, boss.
- How was it Crunk?
Wonderful. They only took a pint.
I'm coming back tomorrow and give em a gallon.
This thing is a...
You see... what did I tell you!
- What do you say, Crunk.
- I thought we had rat guards on this boat.
How'd you get on!
- Joe up?
- What are you doing back?
I'll do my talking to Joe if you don't mind.
From Athens... heroic Greek troops were denied
defending the mountain passes of Northern Greece...
against invading German and Italian forces.
Hey boss, 1A is back.
- I can't hear you. Turn that thing off.
- Heavy fighting is reported in the Vardar Valley...
What's doing, Joe?
How come you're not in uniform?
Got a couple of weeks before I
go to camp.
Ain't got any place to flop.
- Ok if I stay on the boat?
- Yeah, why not.
Thanks. How you coming with the
bank roll?
I got a crack at the biggest bank
roll in New York.
- If it works.
- What's holding it up?
An iceberg, but I'll melt her down.
- Ok if I get something to eat?
- Sure. Go down the galley, see what they got.
Thanks, Joe.
Thanks a lot!
Boss, when you clean out a guy like Zepp,
you hadn't outta keep him around.
- Is that any way to treat a soldier?
- But I'm telling you chief.
Crunk... never give a sucker an even break
and always keep an eye on a pal.
Remember that!
Hey where can I get a car? I gotta
put on the dog for a few days.
I know a fella in town's got a sedan.
Yeah, well get it and meet me on
the dock in half an hour.
Ok chief.
So long, Crunk.
We'll just have to sell some more
tickets darling.
- Wish we knew how.
- Even the whole lot wouldn't be half enough.
- Yes?
- Miss Bryant, there's a recruiter here in the office.
- I don't know what to do about it.
- Well hang on to her, we can use anybody.
But Miss Bryant it's rather a special case.
Well send her in before she
changes her mind.
You see her dear, I've got a
hundred things to do.
She has scads of money and will buy a
box of tickets.
I'm her.
I've been thinking over what you said
And I was wondering why you couldn't
use me in this set up.
You mean, you want to enlist in
this organization?
Time for every man to do his bit.
- If it wasn't for this weak heart I'd...
- Arteries!
Arteries... same thing. How about it?
What about all this gambling at
the ball business?
Oh I forgot it. Too bad, great idea.
Yep, good for the cause.
Well let it go.
Well as personnel officer I have no
right to refuse any enlistment.
However, I think I should warn you...
We've had a few men before, but they all
asked to be transfer to more active branches.
So many women around get on
their nerves.
- That won't bother me.
- I might have known.
Perhaps you better read this first. We
expect a lot of our workers.
Thank you. Do you mind if I
sit down please, maam?
Oh of course not.
How do you do. I gather from what's
going on, you want to enlist.
- Yes maam.
- You're sure you know what you're doing?
I'd do anything to help the cause.
I think that's wonderful. Don't you Dorothy?
We do need a man in this office. You
said so yourself yesterday.
- Why waste time looking around?
- Why indeed!
You're sure you know what you're doing?!
- Definitely.
- Perhaps you're right.
- The discipline will be good for him too.
- Now you fill in the application, I'll get you a button.
- Thank you.
- Sign on the bottom line Mr. Basco-pollus.
Bascopolous! I didn't think you'd
forget me.
I don't intend to.
- Like it?
- Like it...
I'm fascinated.
There you are. Now you're one of
us Mr...
- Bascopolous.
- Oh yes, of course.
- Bascopolous? Greek?
- American!
- Naturalized.
- Well now you get to us...
Dorothy will take good care of you. And you come
and see me when you have a moment to spare...
and tell me how you're getting on.
Greek ?? wonderful!
Everything's fixed. I'm in!
Stand up! Take your hat off my desk!
Put out that cigarette!
Recruits are not allowed to smoke
during office hours.
Put a fresh bottle of water on that
cooler please.
How would you like to begin with
a propaganda project?
Yes sir or madam.
Do you know how to knit?
I asked you if you knew how to knit.
In England, men who are incapacitated knit
without hesitation.
Why the best knitter I ever saw was
wing commander Barnstable...
He picked it up while he was in a
plaster cast.
- I don't knit!
- That's exactly the attitude we're trying to combat!
- Now look here. I don't mind...
- We want a group of obviously masculine men...
to take up knitting. Do it perfectly
casually in public places.
- You think I'm strong enough?!
- I'm quite certain.
Half the women who were knitting for
us last year are...
now learning to drive ambulances
and run buses.
Do I get to trim a hat?!
You don't seem to get the idea of the
organization you just joined, Mr. Bascopolous.
We're people who won't be able to get in
to the actual fighting.
We resent that fact.
So we take our resentment out in doing
our best to help when and how we can.
Well I'm not backing out...
I can't knit because I don't know how.
That settles it!
Report to Mrs. Van Every. She's our
best instructor.
Or do I tear this up?
- Okay, knit.
- And take your hat!
Okay, hat.
Inaudible dialogue.
Now you sit down with the rest of the
girls and I'll be glad to show you.
Now, let me look at your hands.
Yes they're really clever hands. You
should have no trouble at all.
Now the first thing you do is to learn
how to hold the needles.
Now you hold the knitting in the
left hand like so.
Now you take the needle... we learn
to keep those little piggies...
you take the needle and stick it so
into the stitch... you see?
And then make a loop and throw
the yarn over...
and bring it through... come, come,
come, come!
Now you try one, you see.
Hold the needle in this hand.
Yes! Now you see how simple it is.
Now I'm gonna show you how to rib.
You knit one, just as you've been doing...
and then you purl one. Now this is...
a purl, not the kind you pass before
P U rl.
Now look here. You bring your needle so
from the back to the front...
That's a boy. Yes...
and throw the yarn over in front
instead of back.
That's the difference between a purl
and a knit.
There you did it... bless his heart.
Now pick it up. There you have it.
Now you see...
It's knitting one, purl one. Knit one
purl one...
Be calm... be patient... be exact.
Can you help me, I dropped me purl.
I'm beginning to like it.
You're a pioneer and pioneers are always
- for their great moral bravery.
- Sure great moral bravery.
- Boss, people are watching.
- So what!
- What do you want them to think.
- Will you look out, I almost dropped a stitch.
- Ah, for Petes sake.
- Oh pipe down!
Mrs. Van Every, this is the Crunk,
my driver.
- How do you do, Mr. Crunk.
- Take off your hat!
Take that cigarette out of your mouth.
Sit down!
- Give him the needles.
- Don't be alarmed, young man.
Let me look at your hands.
Go on, show the old goat your hands.
Where's your moral bravery.
Yes, they look as though they'd be quite
skillful at picking up things.
Now the first thing you do is learn
how to hold the needles.
- You hold this in this hand...
- Joe!
And then you hold the other needle so...
You take the one gimmick and you stick it
in here like this and then you take the string...
and put it between the two gimmicks...
then you take it and you just, haul
it off.
- That's all there is to it.
- Hey Crunk!
The thing kind of gets you.
- Did you show em how to purl?
- I haven't gotten to that yet boss.
You know Joe, you shouldn't a had a leave me
at that knitting table with all those wacky wrens.
Well I had to. I wanted to talk to the
head of that joint while...
that dame was out the way.
- How'd you do?
- I think we're in.
She's gonna tell her where to get
off tomorrow.
Get to bed. We've got an early call
in the morning.
How you getting on with that iceberg, Joe?
- Did you thaw her out yet?
- I got a better idea.
I'm working my way around her. Good night.
Good night.
Now listen lady, you accepted my blankets...
and ya didn't say nothin about the cost.
I'm losing money on these as it is.
Say what kind of people are ya, trying
to get the best of me after ya made a deal.
- That was not the understanding we had at all.
- I'm only a house wrecker lady...
trying to get along.
Now I never would have tore down that hotel
except on account of them blankets.
Please don't shout so.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- What seems to be the trouble?
- She owes me 2400 bucks, that's the trouble!
He's trying to charge us $6.00 a piece
for these second hand blankets.
- I could a got 10 bucks!
- Millions of refugees shivering in tents...
and this creature tries to hold us up.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself raising
your price just because blankets are hard to get.
That's the old law of supply and demand
lady and it ain't been repealed yet!
Six bucks a piece! Where's my check!?
I tell you we haven't it in our account.
Let's not be too hasty.
Don't you think we ought to examine
the blankets?
Would you mind holding my knitting, please.
Thank you.
Pretty good stuff. I think that's a good
six dollar value.
But we haven't got it.
- Oh, well that's the trouble mister ah...
- McDougal.
They haven't got it. But look, you look
like a pretty good sport...
I tell you what I'll do, I'll flip ya.
- 12 dollars or 4.
- We couldn't possibly afford $12.00
Don't worry. If I lose, I'll pay for
it out of my own kick.
I wouldn't want to have those shivering
refugees on my conscience.
What do you say, Mr. McDougal?
12 or 4? You're on. Heads!
I'm sorry I can't do it with that coin. You
see it's got tails on each side.
I got it from a gambler. I wouldn't
want to gyp ya.
See, you'd have lost.
- What do you say we do that old...
- Behind the back?
- Yeah sure, go on.
- Alright how, you ready?
I'm ready!
Well look at that. We got the blankets for $4.00...
now you have that much in the bank, don't ya.
Now wait a minute, you've got to give me
another chance to break even.
- Double or nothing!
- Oh, no. I don't think I could do that Mr. McDougal.
No, that wouldn't be right.
Some of the mean guys in here don't
like gambling.
- Alright, you ready. Double or nothing.
- I'm ready!
That's a funny thing. That wouldn't happen
again in a thousand times.
- It won't happen again to me.
- Never mind. You'll sleep well tonight...
because you did a good deed for a
worthy cause. Here...
Now, you're one of us.
I have contributed to War Relief
I have been taken by War
Relief Incorporated!
What do you mean they won't
unload the truck?!
Well it so happens they're medical
Serums. They're important to
save lives.
Well tell them what I said and if there's
anymore trouble, call me back.
Come in.
I've been trying to think of some way to
thank you for getting us the blankets.
Well the percentages were in our favor.
The other guy was doing the guessing.
Mrs. Steadman was talking to me yesterday...
- Oh yeah?
- About the gambling.
- It's off.
- Oh, I get it...
- You still don't trust me?
- No.
And ever since you first came in here,
I've been trying to figure out why.
Look, what's a guy supposed to do? Put
his heart on a plate before you'll trust him?!
What do you think you'll get out of this?
I told ya, I'm just trying to do my bit.
That doesn't explain anything.
Well, I just don't like to talk about
it, that's all.
- Did you ever hear of the Vardar Valley?
- In Greece?
The name of Bascopolous goes back
over 500 years...
in that section of the country.
How do I know what's happened to my
brothers, or my kid sister.
Do you think I like the idea of those guys
walking into my mothers kitchen?!
I lie awake nights trying to figure
out how to help.
The turned me down for military service
so I do the next best thing.
Try to raise dough to get supplies
to those poor people.
So now ya know.
- I'm terribly sorry.
- That's alright, don't apologize.
I'm sorry I had to tell ya, that's all.
Mr. Joe! Mr. Joe!
- You forgot your knitting.
- Mustnt forget that.
I can't thank you enough for what
you've done for us.
Oh that's alright. I'd do as much to
a total stranger.
Mr. Bascopolous.
I have to go down to the dock. We're
having a little trouble about...
getting some supplies unloaded.
Will you... will you go with me?
We can use my car.
Break it up, will ya.
Look out fella... hey buddy...
Ya call that purling!? Ya dropped a stitch!
Wait til I tell Mrs. Van Every.
- Where to boss?
- North River. Downtown.
- Promise me something, Joe.
- Hm, what?
Never, never knit again, please.
You're asking a lot.
- What is that?
- A roll of dimes.
- Why do you carry it?
- Habit! Fits nice in your hand.
- Where's Mr. Comstock?
- He went to use the phone.
I'm Miss Bryant. I've come to take
care of this trouble.
Would you please start unloading this truck
as quickly as possible...
and I'll straighten it out with Mr. Comstock.
Okay, miss. Alright boys.
Hey! Not so fast, brother.
Wait a minute.
The next time you touch that stuff
without this release in your pocket...
you'll find yourself tangled up
with the law.
I told you relief people it was pay
on delivery.
- That's what it says.
- But we agreed to give it to you on Saturday.
I don't do business that way, sister.
1300 bucks. That's what you owe me. Do I get
it now, or do I take this back to the warehouse!
But we can't pay you until Saturday!
Okay. Saturday will be 10% more.
Oh, Mr. Comstock... I beg your pardon.
- Who's this?
- Well I work for Miss Bryant.
I think you ought to get what you're
asking for.
If you've got a pen, I can give you
my personal check.
How do I know your checks any good?!
If I can get to a telephone, I can
verify it for ya.
- Telephone up in the office.
- Thank you.
Go ahead.
Everythings ok boys. All signed.
Start unloading.
Grab it.
Let's get back to the jute mill.
You misunderstood Mr. Comstock. Nice
fella... family man.
What happened to your dimes?
- I tipped the guy.
- Did you have to hit him very hard?
What, me fight?
Go on, I'm a peace loving citizen.
He might have killed you with that
bailing hook.
Don't be silly, it's a scratch.
Do you mind if we stop off at the tailors
so I can get him to sew my fiddle?
- Your what?
- My fiddle and flute, my suit.
What kind of double talk is that?
It's a language I picked up in Australia.
Like a hat... tit for tat.
- Shoes... ones and twos.
- Sounds like poetry.
Yeah that's the idea. Jingles.
You're a girl... twist and twirl.
- What are you?
- Me, I'm a bloke...that's a heap a coke.
Well this twist and twirl is going to...
take care of the heap of cokes... um...
Cabbage patch... scratch.
We'll stop at my house. It's on the way.
- Anybody home?
- No.
So the Crunk and me is sitting in
this coffee joint when...
in comes a pot and pan with his
cheese and kisses.
Pot and pan... that's a man...
- Cheese and kisses... that's the misses.
- Sure.
Well the Crunk said to me...
Pipe a highs at the I suppose on that
guys torn and strife in the tommy horner.
Wait a minute, I'm lost!
Pipe a highs at... that's a pipe.
- Take a look...
- At the I suppose...
- Oh, the nose!
- On that guys storm and strife in the tommy horner.
On his wife... in the corner!
Well what happened?
The guy come over and punched the Crunk
in the snoot.
- Why?
- He was from Australia!
- Thanks chum, I'll finish it myself.
- Yes sir.
Bang, bang fella.
- Miss Dorothy.
- Yes?
Shall I telephone for a bottle and stopper?
- A what?
- A copper, in the American vernacular.
Why Foster, don't tell me you've been
to Australia?
That's where I met me storm and strife...
Mrs. Foster. Please forgive me Miss Dorothy,
Are you aware of the character of this
- Oh I think so, why?
- You know he carries a lady from Bristol?
- A what?
- In American parlance...
a rod, if you get what I mean.
Don't be alarmed Foster. I think it's part
of his character.
- He carries it for balance.
- Yes Miss Dorothy.
How ya coming with the fiddle?
How'd you do that, with a knife and fork?
- I never could sew.
- You better take a lesson from Van Every.
Foster was quite alarmed. He thought I
should send for a bottle and stopper.
- What for?
- The lady from Bristol.
Oh, that. Well I wouldn't feel dressed
without one.
- You ever killed anyone?
- No, I'm too good a shot.
Hey look, don't get me wrong. I'm a
gambler, not a gangster.
Tell me some more. Some more jingo
Oh that...
Now look, if we were going together...
you'd be my briny marlin. My darling.
Then I'd be the guy who'd give you that
simple simon for your long and linger.
The guy what give me the simple simon
was my mother.
Bonny fairs your hair.
Dots and dies... the I suppose...
North and south.
- Take off your mask. You're with friends.
- Don't be silly.
C'mon briny marlin, don't play games.
- I'm not!
- Then don't give me those baby blues!
You think I brought you here because...
- because...
- Didn't ya?
- Or have you changed your mind?
- We seem to be talking in circles.
Yeah, it so happens there's a difference
of opinion.
Suppose we settle it with that game
you played with McDougal.
- What you mean that uh...
- Uh huh.
- You ready?
- Uh huh.
Relax, don't get excited.
- Which hand.
- Neither!
C'mon, play fair. You gotta guess.
Neither! Open them both!
Well looks like you lost.
Well, when you played it with McDougal you...
Yeah, well that was different.
Never give a sucker an even break...
but don't cheat a friend.
I believe in that. I live by it.
You don't think I'd play phony with you?!
Well, you lost.
Oh, but, I didn't know the rules of the game.
Where's my tit for tat?
Will you run the gambling concession
at the ball?
Well, well. Are you sure you can trust me?
Now I know I can.
Okay. You got a deal.
She laid it right in my lap. She
asked me to run the games.
We're gonna clean up this town and
clear for Havana.
- How much of a cut do we take?
- No cut, we're taking the take!
The gamp is on. Anything goes.
We'll leave em a little chicken feed. Make
it look legitimate.
I'm gonna need 5 or 6 grand to get those games
rolling in case we get some hit and run players.
Any of you guys got a bank roll stashed away?
- Not a thing...
- Cigarette money...
- Why don't you get it from the war relief people?
- How would it look for the big shot to go around asking...
those people, mama, give me a quarter to
see the movie show.
- Queer the whole thing.
- Where ya gonna get it chief.
I'll pick it off a tree.
I beg pardon, sir.
Miss Dorothy's just come in, sir.
- Leave us alone Foster.
- Yes sir.
- Hello you old darling.
- Come here Dot!
Wait til I powder my I suppose and
comb my bonny fair.
Where on earth do you pick up such
From Foster. It's a wonderful slang
- You should talk to him.
- I've been talking to Foster.
Why do you mean Dot by bringing
a gangster into this house.
Now don't tell me you're worrying
about me grandfather.
I'd give you odds against any seven
gangsters in the city...
but I don't want them coming to my house!
- What were you doing with the
unhappy wretch?
- Yeah?
- Grandfather, I think you'd like him.
- You two have a lot in common.
- In the name of sweet reason, what?
You're both tough. Oh I know, you're
tough in a...
highly moral and civilized way, but...
Fundamentally it's the same thing. It's...
- it's character.
- Nonsense!
What do you see in a fellow like that?!
Joe is the first man I ever met I'm
afraid of.
It's exciting.
See here Dot. This fellow hasn't been
making advances to you, has he?
- Of course! He kissed me!
- What?!
Right on the north and south. I
pretended to be angry but...
the truth is I liked it.
Now see here Dot, I will not have...
Grandfather don't worry, I'm
quite safe.
- Get rid of him, child.
- I will as soon as he's served his purpose.
I agree with you. I think he'd be too
hard to tame.
- Good night, grandfather.
- Dot, what's his name?
The heap a coke... you'll never
believe me.
Joe Bascopolous.
-Joe what?!
Now do you wonder why I call him by
his first name.
Good night, briny marlin.
Dorothy, we've had the busiest morning. A solid
stream of people buying tickets to the ball.
- The telephones haven't stopped ringing.
- Do you suppose they found out about the gambling?
Well how could they. Mr Bascopolous told
me emphatically not to tell anyone.
- Well that's what he told me.
- You didn't tell anyone?
Well I'd, I'd, I'd...
In the strictest confidence I...
I'll get another 500 tickets by noon or
I'll get another printer.
- Good morning.
- Hello, genius.
- I didn't think you'd ever be late.
- I've been down town trying to charter a steamship.
- What's the matter?
- That tit for tat.
- Don't you like it?
- Like it...
I'm fascinated.
Oh Veronica. Do we have $6000 in
our account?
- Of course not dear. What for?
- Well the war convoy commission is...
expecting a freighter in, but they won't
hold it for us unless we put down a $6000 deposit today.
Oh, dear.
Well don't worry about it. I'll send Mr.
Hargraves my personal check.
I can get it out of the proceeds
Friday night.
You're a darling.
Say, would you like me to take that
check downtown for you?
You could. Look up the commission.
Somewhere on Fulton street.
- Hello Angel.
- Now see here...
What's all this nonsense about gambling
at your affair?
- Why, where did you hear about it?
- Where didn't I hear about it!
They're discussing it even on the
floor of the exchange.
- Well that's wonderful.
- Now, now. Stop being frivolous.
I know who's back of all this. That
scoundrel Bosco... Bosco something or other.
- Grandfather, you're being absurd.
- What!
I'll admit I was block headed at first too.
But that money's going to send a whole
shipload of supplies.
- Well find some other way.
- Now didn't you tell me once that...
great great grandfather Bryant used lotteries
to raise money for the American Revolution.
That was different. I will not
permit it!
Alright. Then you give us your personal
check for $100,000.
Well I'm not going to bribe you and
I'm not going to argue with you.
- I'm giving an order.
- Oh grandfather, stop being your age.
I refuse to have my name associated with
that of a, a...
a common crook.
Remember... I warned you!
Now I'm going to act.
Get out of here! Get your greasy
black head out of here!
Fair warning!
- Tickets for the ball?
- Bah!
Hey, who's that old biscuit face?!
My grandfather, and he isn't a
biscuit face.
- I don't think he likes me.
- Oh he goes off in a great fizz every now and then...
but he settles down. Don't worry.
I'm not worrying.
- This the check for the freighter?
- Yes, give it to Mr. Hargraves personally.
I want to be sure we get that boat.
The war convoy commissions form
8B-127/O acknowledging receipt...
will be in the afternoons post.
Goodbye sir.
Are you gonna take that check?!
I beg your pardon. What do you mean?
Nothin, except there's an ugly story
spreading around town.
- A story?
- Yeah.
That you aren't cooperating with
the relief organizations.
Not cooperating? What on earth are
you talking about?!
I'd like to have your suggestion...
as to how I can explain why that money...
that those ladies need to finance
their ball tomorrow night...
must be given to you today.
We had no idea there was any difficulty
about the deposit.
Well you see how it looks? And it
looks bad!
Now the heart of my organization is
very much with you people...
but there's certain members that think that...
Greece, China, Czechoslovakia could
use some...
- What?!
- But then...
perhaps that would put you personally
in a very awkward spot.
Oh but my dear sir, I assure you that...
- as far as I'm concerned myself...
- Well maybe I shouldn't have spoken.
But those fine ladies of mine had
faith in you Mr. Hargraves.
I take it you feel very strongly
about this check.
I certainly do.
Well now let's see. Suppose I hold the
ship, without a deposit.
I wouldn't want you to break any rules.
No, no, no. I'm sure in this case it's
perfectly, um...
well I'll write a letter to Miss Bryant
to that effect and...
and return her the check.
I'll save you the trouble.
You don't have to write a letter Mr.
Hargraves. Your words good enough for me.
- Thanks.
- It's a deal.
- Right.
- Goodbye Mr. Hargraves.
What kind of thing is that?
- That's a hand knitted tea cozy.
- Oh, hand knitted huh.
Pretty flowers. Nice piece of work.
I'm glad you like it.
- Regular needles?
- Oh yes, yes.
- Mr. Hargraves out there?
- No sir.
- Let him have the cash.
- Yes Mr. Bryant.
How would you like it sir?
- Yes Mr. Bryant?
- Get me the police department.
Yes sir.
- Miss Bryant?
- Yes.
Where will I find Joe Bascopolous?
- He isn't here.
- Where's his desk?
Out there.
I'm so glad you came.
My grandfather sent for you, didn't he?!
I asked him to. I always thought there was
something wrong with Mr. Bascopolous.
- What is it?
- We want to have a little talk with him.
- Anything serious?
- When a guys been convicted 3 times...
carrying a gun is plenty serious.
Who's that?
That's the man from the water company.
I've been expecting him all afternoon.
Ask him to come in a minute.
Well inspector, it's about time
you showed up!
I telephoned the water company
several times today.
Is this your idea of reliability?!
Three bottles and stoppers arrived
this afternoon.
- With no coolers.
- Three bottles and stoppers?!
Is this the best service your
office can give us?
I've just about made up my mind to...
- To take our business elsewhere.
- Where, for instance?
I think the Plaza fountain place will
serve our needs in the future.
- Goodbye.
- Okay lady.
Will you sit down gentlemen. I'm
afraid you'll have to wait.
- What're you doing with that boss?
- Looking for a glass!
Plaza Fountain, 59th. Got a date
with a smart girl.
Well, put it there.
- Why should the cops be trying to pick me up?
- Get in!
- Why?
- Grandfather! You will carry a lady from bristol.
They'd pick me up for packing a rod. I'd
get sprung in a couple of hours.
- C'mon, get in.
- What for? I got my own car waiting around the corner.
I already told him to go home. Put this
on and don't ask questions.
Say, we're not only outta town, we're
outta the state...
so is it alright for me to ask questions
now please, teacher?
- I have to talk to grandfather.
- Well he's back...
- On the phone.
- Well we've passed thousands of good phones.
This call must come from the
right locality.
Grandfathers no fool.
- Well how far's the right locality?
- Pretty far.
- You want me to drive?
- If you don't mind.
- Hold still a minute.
- Hey!
There. I've wanted to do that since
the first moment I saw you.
- What for?!
- I've had this in the car for several days...
but I couldn't get up the courage to
give it to you.
Do you mind if I show you how to tie
it properly?
- You hold this end.
- Yeah.
- Keep your eye on the road.
- Well how can I look and keep my eye on the road?!
- You start tying an ordinary knot.
- Yeah.
But instead, you go over to the
other side...
then you go all the way around...up...
and you finish tying the tie.
- They call it a Windsor knot.
- Oh they do, huh!
Take it easy. Just a minute.
There, isn't that much better?!
- Kinda big, isn't it?
- Well it's better than that stingy little knot you wear.
Do you like the tie?
- Yeah I suppose so.
- Well, say thank you!
Alright, thank you!
How long has it been since anyone had
any control over you?
Nobody ever had and nobody ever will!
And I'm tying my own knot!
- Where do I turn on the lights?
- They're not connected.
Is this the old mans place?
It's mine. It comes from the other side
of the family.
The side that was always getting
into trouble.
The kind of trouble I'd like to get into.
- Lend me your matches, Joe.
- Yeah.
- What's this?
- Just a little sitting room.
It's alright.
This is where I used to entertain my beau.
After tea we'd sit in front of the fire
and hold hands.
Would you light the fire Joe.
Operator? Oh, it's alright.
This is Miss Bryant.
I'm fine, thank you.
I want to talk to my grandfather,
in New York.
Yes that's the number. Will you ring?
For a family that was always getting
into trouble, they did alright.
It's just that they never seemed to behave
the way people expected them to.
Look at them. The crazy darlings.
Maybe it will give you some idea
of why I don't make sense.
- What did he do?
- Well he was a great admirer of the ladies.
He was a hunter and maker of 19th
century love.
- Where'd he get his dough?
- From him!
He wrote poetry, privately printed
at his own expense.
Where'd he get his dough?
From him. He wasted his entire life
trying to spend the family fortune.
- It finally killed him.
- Where's the guy who made the dough in the first place?
Over here. My great, great grandfather.
From log cabin to riches. Know
how he died?
He was shot in a mill at Harpers Ferry.
He joined John Brown and his fight
to free the slaves.
He was a slave owner himself but...
he listened to a crazy yankee farmer and...
caught fire from his words.
The family had quite a time living him down.
They did huh.
Oh, well, will you call me when you get a line
through. It's quite important.
Thank you.
What are you gonna use for an
argument when you get him?
Oh I'm not going to say much. He's
going to do most of the talking.
He's going to tell me about your 3 convictions
and I'm going to tell him I don't care.
What 3 convictions?!
Oh don't pretend Joe, it's alright.
No, no. What are you talking about?
I know all about it. The policeman
told me today.
Go on, I never took a wrap in my life!
Please Joe, be honest.
Well alright I haven't always been on
the level...
but I've kept my ears clean as far
as John Law was concerned.
Hello? Grandfather?
Now don't get excited, I'm in Maryland.
You sent those policemen to the
office today, didn't you!
I did indeed. I'm going to have that blackguard
put behind bars for the rest of his natural life.
You know the laws of Maryland don't you!
Well unless you give me your word
of honor the police will be called off...
I'm going to marry him!
- What?!
- Marry him!
Oh I can't, can I!
I'll give you just 10 seconds to
make up your mind.
1, 2, 3...
4, 5, 6, 7...
Well call my bluff then.
8, 9...
Times up.
Give me your word then.
Your solemn word!
Thank you darling. Don't worry.
Good night.
Well, didn't I tell you to leave it up to me!
- Yeah you were great.
- But it worked.
Why wouldn't it work. You had a swell
club to smack him with... me!
- Joe.
- You think the worst thing is to marry me?!
To people like you, folks like me
are animals.
We're so bad.
And you're so very good.
What do you expect, credit for it?!
How could you be anything else with
what you started out with.
You ought to be horse whipped if you
didn't turn out right.
And what are you so high and mighty about?!
What did you ever do. He's the guy that
made all your dough for you...
and he was born in a log cabin.
You know where I grew up?
In a one room shack with a dirt floor.
You talk about this side of your family
and that side of your family...
as far as I know we only had 1 side
and it was awful poor.
Lots of times there wasn't what for to eat.
That's why I ran away when I was 9. I got
tired of being hungry...
and seeing my old lady go hungry
until she died.
- Oh please Joe.
- I'm not complaining...
It's okay with me.
But I just got a lesson in what gives
with your kind of people.
My kind!?
I just know that your kind can look through
me like...
I was a pane of dirty glass.
It's not me Joe, it's people like grandfather.
I thought you knew how I felt.
Sure I know, anything for the cause.
I'm not kidding myself, sister.
I know how I stand with you after
you cash in on me.
You're wrong about me, Joe.
Come on.
We can quarrel all the way back to NY.
Will you scatter the fire.
You meant that about me being wrong!
I should have slapped your face.
Why didn't you?
Cause you would have slapped mine back.
I don't know what to make of a dame like you.
Neither do I.
Yes I do.
Hey, hey... your home.
- You'd better take the car darling.
- Okay.
Won't you say something?
Don't you like it?
I don't know.
I don't know whether I like it or not.
He says... I don't quite understand it
but he says that...
he's a heap of coke.
- A heap of...
- That's what he said, miss.
Hey... tie that thing again for me, will ya.
Yeah, I liked it!
I don't want any slip ups. Start spreading
at 7:30, ready to spring at 8:00.
The Crunk will be in the cage. He's
got 6 G's to start the games with.
I'm taking the cash boxes with the
false bottoms to the hotel myself Joe.
See those dames don't get their hands
on em. Hey, watch that!
Soon as we fold, everybody back
to the boat.
That's all.
Hey Swede, are you set to sail tonight?
I've ordered the tugs and the tide
will be just right.
Good. Swede, what do you know
about Bascopolous?
I don't mean me... the sailor that
kicked off. My name sake.
Well nothing much Joe, why?
I just got an idea I might have got
somebody wrong.
A letter came for him the other day...
Hey Crunk, give me that shirt. For
Yeah, I was gonna tear it up...
Wait a minute, I've got it on
me here somewhere.
- Yeah, here it is.
- Open it up.
- What's it say?
- It's in Greek.
- Anybody on the boat read Greek?
- No.
Too bad, I'd like to know about that guy.
I tell you what you can do. There's a little
Greek church about a block from the pier...
Why don't you drop in and have the priest
read it to you on the way uptown.
Yeah, I might do that.
I came to say so long Joe. Got my call
for tomorrow.
- Want to go to our party?
- No thanks.
- Need any dough?
- Nah, I'm okay.
Alright soldier, all the luck.
Thanks Joe.
- You wish to see me?
- Yeah father.
I got a letter here, it's written in Greek.
I can't read Greek.
Kind of in a hurry, but I'll pay you
if you'll read it for me.
You can drop it in the poor box
as you go out.
I'm here to help those who need it.
From your mother, huh?
Yes so it is. Your mother has a very
good name...
Maria, a holy name.
"Joseph, my beloved son."
"God grant this letter reaches you."
"Always you have broken my heart..."
"by the wicked things you have done."
"Yet surely when you hear of the
terrible thing..."
"that has happened to those who love you..."
"I believe that God will open your eyes..."
"and cleanse your heart."
That's enough father, thanks. I just
wanted to know who it was from.
"I write to tell you of my great pride
in my other sons..."
"your brothers. Now it must be
your pride too..."
"as well as your sorrow."
"It happened two Sundays ago..."
"as we were coming from church."
"There was a roaring in the sky..."
"and suddenly, great parachutes began
to drift down..."
"toward the meadow below the village."
"We were too startled to do more than stare..."
"with open mouths."
"Save for your brother, Petros."
"His face grew black with anger."
"Men of Greece, he shouted to the others..."
"the carrion birds are falling upon
our flocks..."
"come with me."
"There were 5 guns in our village..."
"but there were pitchforks and scythes
and men of great strength."
"Your brother Petros and your brother Euladio..."
"led the other men into the meadow."
"There were patches of white lilies..."
"and before the hour was done..."
"it was as thought the field were covered..."
"with red lilies."
"Not one of our men lived..."
"but a 100 Germans died..."
"and Greek honor lived for an added hour."
"They possess our village of course."
"I earn food by making their beds..."
"and washing their dishes at the inn."
"Yet I am sustained by my god..."
"and my great pride."
"Thy mother, Maria."
May God comfort you.
Let's say a prayer together.
Kneel down.
Our father. Thou who seeist all
human suffering.
We beseech thee to bring consolation
to the heart of this mother.
And to all the mothers of this war torn world.
And to the hearts of their sons...
bring courage and the will to oppose evil...
as this woman hath brought it to
her son, Joseph...
who in thine eyes...
is the brother of all men.
Do you know what time it is? Why
have you stayed away?
- Have any trouble with the old man?
- He's out of town.
He told Foster he was going to Washington
to find Mr. Hargraves.
- How's the party?
- Awful!
- Look, there's nobody here.
- Yeah.
- What?!
- It's wonderful.
Everyone's upstairs and their simply
throwing away money.
Dance with me?
- Hi boss.
- Hello Joe, where have you been all this time?
Gonna let me win today, Joe?
Hello Joe. Haven't seen you since Rio.
- What happened to that boat?
- Going south this winter?
Hiya boss.
- I was gonna send Herbie out to look for you.
- How's it coming?
- Like shooting fish in a barrel.
- Just passed the 100,000 mark.
- Get me 6 G's.
You sure picked a soft touch boss.
Our grab outta be over 200 grand.
You ever sit on a park bench for
2 hours and look at yourself?
Our grab is nothing!
Huh?! But I thought you said we were
taking the whole thing.
I'm keeping enough to pay off the boys.
- The rest goes to war relief!
- But Joe...
You don't mind if I double cross myself, do you?
Knock on door.
See who that is.
Look out... gotta see Joe.
Listen Joe, there a couple of parole
officers down at the boat.
- What have they got on you?
- Not me, J. Bascopolous.
It turns out he was a 3 time loser
under the Baums law.
- Three convictions?
- Yeah.
I knew that'd put you on the spot,
so I checked up.
I found this letter from the parole board...
in some old clothes he left behind.
One more rub with the law and Bascopolous
goes up for life.
You better beat it Joe.
- Not tonight.
- I'd stall them but suppose they come here?
My necks clean.
It worries me Joe.
- You got a roscoe on you ain't you?
- Sure.
You better stash that boss. Why take a chance?
- Thanks for the tip.
- That's alright, Joe.
- If there's anything I can do to help you.
- Sure, stick around.
If you see those bulls in the crowd,
give me the office.
How we doing, checker upper?
When the boss ain't here, this
cage is private.
Okay Crunky.
So it's private.
- Who's in the gas box?
- The sandwiches are for the boys.
I think I'll have a talk with them.
I mean the boys, not the sandwiches.
- Hiya boys!
- (all) Hello, Zepp!
What's the matter, briny marlin?
- Bad?
- I woke up.
Something happened to me too.
Yeah, what?
I was struck by lightening.
Nobody dancing.
Does it matter?
Remember this...
I didn't lie to you, but you were right
and I was wrong.
For me you're right, always.
You'll get everything you want.
You'll get enought to fill 2 ships...
maybe 3.
There's something else I want.
You stay away from guys like me. You'll
only get hurt.
I'm clearing out, tonight.
Take me with you Joe.
Dot. I believe you know Mr. Hargraves.
This is Captain Costello of the police department.
- They're here at my request.
- Grandfather you broke your word.
I did nothing of the kind. Captain Costello's
here to stop this gambling.
But first I'm going to prove to you
what this blackguard is.
- Do you know he's a thief.
- Grandfather!
He cashed your check for $6,000.
- Did you get the money, Hargraves?
- I did not. I thought he tore up the check.
Relax chum. You were out of town. I couldn't
find you. Here, 6,000 even.
- Well I... I suppose I really...
- That's alright. Don't apologize.
- Everything clear now?
- No!
Everythings not clear. Not until you get
out of here. I want this gambling stopped.
I don't want any scandal Dot. If you
don't stop it immediately...
- I'll have to get this officer to do it for you.
- Alright.
You're far enough ahead.
Send the committee to the cage. We'll
count up.
- Dot my child I...
- Excuse me I have to find the committee and send them up.
All bets down.
- Stop the betting.
- Make this your last game.
We're closing up. Have the dealers bring
the cash boxes into the cage.
Yes sir.
- Monty, stop the playing.
- Okay.
That'll be all ladies and gentlemen.
Crunk, we're cl...
The laws downstairs. We're closing
up the games.
Where's the Crunk?
Who'd you think you were fooling, Joe?!
We knew that dame had a ring through
your nose since the first night.
I'm declaring myself back in the
old partnership. Any arguments?
All that parole board needs to know
is that Bascopolous operated this scam..
and those one way doors clamp shut for good.
I can prove I'm not Bascopolous.
Okay... then you're Joe Adams
the draft dodger.
That's good for 10 years in Leavenworth.
- You've gotta be a good boy Joe.
- Okay.
- I know when I'm licked.
- Here come the dames to check up.
Let them in.
When those cash boxes come in, don't
fool around with those false bottoms.
Cause things might happen.
Oh Mr. Bascopolous, isn't it wonderful!
I'm utterly happy!
- Everyones penniless.
- Ladies, these are some of our boys.
- How do you do.
- Here come the cash boxes.
Craps table 3.
Step up and check your profits.
- Now how does this one open?
- Crap table number 1.
Oh what lovely money. Just like Christmas.
Not very much.
37, 38, 39, 40, 41 ...
Why it's only 41 dollars.
We had very bad luck the last hour.
- Only $94.
- Bad night lady.
- Maybe this one will be nice and full.
- It think this feels light.
$120...1...2... I can't believe it. What
are we going to tell people?
- Better think up something.
- Oh this is awful.
Mary, how much have you got?
Oh Veronica, only 208 dollars.
- Is that the last box?
- That's all.
87 dollars. What's the total?
I'll have it in a moment.
Joe, how much did we make?
They're adding it up now.
812 dollars, total!
Run of bad luck for the house.
But enormous sums changed hands. I saw it.
Nothing you can do about it now.
Well there's something I can do about it.
- There's a policeman downstairs.
- Wait a minute!
I knew we were losing...
but I didn't think it would be this bad.
How did you know?
Joe told me.
Didn't you, Joe?!
That's right.
I've known for the last hour.
- Dorothy you know perfectly well...
- No I don't.
We'd better go down stairs and
make up a story.
Alright boys. Get busy on the boxes. C'mon.
So you tipped off the dame they were
losing, huh?
- Yeah.
- What do you figure the take?
Around 200 G's.
Alright boys, leave the dough on the desk...
get back to the boat.
Gaffer... pay off those extra dealers.
Start moving out the equipment.
C'mon, roll it up. Let's get going.
You roll it up. I trust you.
Knock on door.
Don't let her in, Joe!
She might get hurt. Remember this
is your gun.
Joe, let me in please.
Joe I...
Oh, Joe!
I lied because I couldn't live thinking
of you locked up.
But whether I live or die, I can't let
you take that money, Joe.
Get her outta here.
Please, give it to me!
It doesn't belong to either one of us.
Give it to me and get away.
Get her outta here!
Wait a minute. Look...
You just aren't any good, are you!
You never were any good.
I've got to take that money Joe!
- No!
- Joe, let me go!
Now I recognize you, Joe boy.
C'mon, let's scram.
- Open up!
- Open the door!
Open up!
Continued pounding on door and calls
to open the door.
Break it down, boys!
- Miss Bryant!
- Are you alright my dear?
Call an ambulance. Get that man to a
Right away sir.
Baby you've got nine lives.
I'll have that slug out of you in a minute.
Here, bite on this.
How do you feel?
Fine, chum!
Hold it!
Mr. Bryant is out madam and Miss
Dorothy isn't...
You needn't bother to announce us
Foster, we'll go right up.
I'm afraid Miss Dorothy won't
see you madam.
I've been trying to reach you all morning.
We better make some sort of statement
to the newspapers.
Has you seen the morning papers?
Isn't it awful.
- I haven't seen the papers.
- Then you have heard about our freighter...
it was sunk before it even got here.
So even if we had the money, we
couldn't send the supplies.
Poor dear. It's been quite a shock.
Well we better decide what were going
to tell the reports ourselves.
After all, I made the decision to allow
the gambling.
- It's all my fault.
- What can we possibly tell them?
Well we can make a dignified statement.
We were taken in.
Mary, Veronica...
ask the reports to come into the library...
- I'll see them myself, alone.
- Oh, no Dorothy.
This is not your fault. It's all mine.
- I'm just as responsible...
- No you're not.
There's only one thing for me to
do and that's tell the truth.
Ask them to come in, will you.
- Well she's not gonna see them without me!
- Nor me!
Oh Foster, ask the reports to go into
the library.
- Miss Dorothy will see them there.
- Yes madam.
Don't let them in. I want to see
Miss Bryant.
Are you Miss Bryant? No, you wouldn't be.
- Neither would you.
- Miss Bryant's in her room.
- She's not seeing anybody.
- She'll see me. I've got a bundle for her.
- You can leave it with me if you wish.
- Well I don't wish!
I'll give it to her myself. Where's her room?
- Excuse me ladies.
- Just a moment!
- What's this?
- What's it look like.
Yeah, you'd be the one alright.
- This money's for you.
- Wait!
- Wait a minute. Where is he?!
- Where's who?
- Where did you get the money?
- A man in the park asked me to bring it to you.
You're lying to me. Where is Joe?!
Joe? I don't know any Joe.
What did he look like, the man who
gave you the money?
I don't know. Never saw him before
in my life.
Wait a minute!
- What happened Swede?
- Where'd you get that butt?!
- I promoted it off a guy.
- One cough and you'll fill this seat with oatmeal!
- What happened?
- Not a thing.
- Did it go alright?
- Why wouldn't it?
How did she look?
Just like you said, Joe.
That's how she looked.
Hello... Yes?...
But have you checked all the hospitals?
Yes, keep looking.
Now see here Dot. This has got to stop.
You're looking ill.
I know you mean well grandfather,
but please, won't you go away!
And if you did find him, what would you do?
What would I do?
I'd put my arms around him...
and never let go.
Our relief ship is ready to sale. Isn't
it wonderful!
It's the luckiest thing getting that ship. And
the wonderful publicity.
The war relief is the talk of the town.
- Donations are simply pouring in.
- Yeah.
You know Dot, I haven't been feeling
very well lately.
I'm counting on you to go on a
little trip with me down south.
What do you think of that. Palm beach
for instance for a few weeks.
What do you think of it?
- Hi Mr. Bryant. Morning Miss Bryant.
- How do you do.
Well we solved that case for you.
He's dead!
- Who's dead?
- Bascopolous.
He was a wrong guy alright. Look
at that record.
Three years at San Quentin, two at
Leavenworth, five at Sing Sing...
and a whole list of petty violations.
- Oh no...
- What's the matter?
- This isn't...
- That's not Bascopolous? That's him alright!
Me and sam checked our facts with the
coroners office.
We also checked with the captain of
the gambling boat he was on.
We couldn't find the owner. He was missing.
The boat was missing too. But we
finally ran it down.
Over at pier 48 they're loading a ship
called the Briny Marlin...
with medical supplies from this office.
The what?!
What did you say the name of the
ship was?
The Briny Marlin... at least that's
what they call it now.
Where's Joe?
Please tell me where Joe is!
Joe. Take me with you, please darling.
I love you. Please take me with you.
You don't belong with a grifter like me.
You just got some mud on your
dress, that's all.
Give it time. Let it dry.
It'll brush off.
Oh no, Joe. Joe I love you! Please
take me with you!
Joe... Please Joe...
Please Joe!
Good bye, Briny Marlin.
- That was the end of it.
- What happened to the Greek?
Just what he said would happen. He delivered
the stuff then he joined the merchant marines.
Coming back the Briny Marlin drew a dead
heat with a German torpedo.
Funny a guy like him winding up that way.
Can't kill a fella like Joe.
Anyway, we've been home ten days now...
that's why I'm hanging around.
He went up town for a while and
I told him I'd meet him here.
I knew she was gonna be here and I
was kinda hoping.
I see what you mean.
- Hey Swede, where you been?!
- Waiting for you, that's all.
C'mon Joe, the dinghys at the end of
the pier. Let's get back to the ship.
Changed my mind. We're not going
back to the ship tonight.
- Listen Joe...
- C'mon it's our last night ashore...
I've got a cab waiting outside. We're
going uptown.
Okay, Joe.
Hey wait a minute. One of you guys
has got to do something about this.
About what?
You've got a dinghy tied up at the
end of the pier.
It can't stay there. It's against
It's a menace to navigation.
- Hey that's right.
- One of you has to row it back to this end of the slip.
Okay. Go ahead, Joe.
- Why should I?
- I could order you to, you know.
- Yeah, but you wouldn't.
- Well one of you has got to do it.
Why don't you flip for it. You're a
gambler, ain't you?
- Yeah I've done a little gambling in my time.
- I've got one.
Heads, you bring the dinghy back...
and tails he does. What do you say?
It's the only way you're gonna settle it.
Why not?!
Okay, you got a deal.
Heads it is.
Joe whistling his usual tune.
Thanks, pal!