Mr. Six (2015)

Why'a you do that?
What's it to you?
You dumped it here, so it's got everything to do with me.
You already have the money,
How about you send the ID it back to it's owner?
It's not hard,
spare them the trouble.
What if I don't? What are you going to do?
Don't want to behave, eh?
Try me
Let's see you try to make it outta here.
Act right, keep walking.
Excuse me, which way to Xinjiiekou?
Hey, which way to Xinjiiekou?
Are you talking to me?
Didn't your parents
ever teach you any manners?
Grandpa, I'm sorry.
I'm afraid, we're kind of lost here.
Do I look like a grandpa to you?
Mr. Six, Mr. Six.
Come on B.
That better
Next time, call me "Mr. Six".
Let's go.
Turn left at the end, follow the signs.
Can't even recognize the streets
wandering around blindly on a bike.
What's the point?
Right, B?
Mr. Six.
Mr. Six.
Mr. Six.
It's getting cold lately and business is slow.
How about driving pedicabs with us?
Pays 100 RMB a ride!
Plus it's good exercise!
Even if it was for a million I wouldn't do it.
Look at yourselves, you look like shit.
Do you think someone needs this shit?
Hey, kid, you think this is a fucking period piece?
Do your parents know you're treating peaple like a servant?
My parents are waiting for tou to serve them
Those damn kids
get riled up every night!
We should kill them all!
Killing them, would be letting those punks off easy.
Mr. Six!
Had breakfast yet?
Put your damn shades back on!
I'll get a license tomorrow.
I didn't mean it, I really didn't
Why didn't you say anything whan you smashed it?
Spit it out!
How many times have I caught you now?
Every time you say you'll get a license soon...
Like hell you will!
Let's go to the station.
Now you're complying?
Weren't you pretty tough just now?
Gimme one day, just one!
I feed my family with this!
Let go!
If you damage my cart
I gonna kill you, you son of a bitch!
He hit him! Look! He hit him!
No photos!
No photos! What picture are you taking?
You! Mobile phones down!
Mr. Six.
Officer Zhang,
what's the matter?
Just doing my job.
Man's got a family to take care of.
It is not easy.
Just let it go, alright?
You're right, Mr. Six.
We can all sympathize.
without a license... We have to take his cart.
This is reasonable and lawful.
You know what else?
Not only did he refuse to cooperate with us.
Look at this, Mr. Six.
This car's rear lights has been smashed.
He dit is.
What do you have to say about that?
We need to take him in. Him and his cart all to the station
If you want to do something about it you must justify it.
did you smash his light?
It was an accident.
Lampshade smashed a light, hah.
Let go of the cart.
You don't have a license.
So they gota take your cart.
It's fair and just.
You have to accept that.
Let them take it.
Take it.
Officer Zhang,
how much is it for the smashed light?
For this light... I say 300 RMB at least.
Let's see what I got...
I've only got 273 here.
Hurry up and give me 30.
You got it?
Just enough, here you go.
Take the change,
I'll pay you the rest later tonight.
Forget it, Mr. Six.
One thing at a time.
Zhang Officer.
300, count it.
I'm sure it's all there.
Hold on.
We're not done here.
You took care of your business,
but what about his?
You gave him a nice hard smack. What about that?
Would you be alright with it if you
got slapped across the face once you step out the door
Lampshade, slap him back.
It's fair and just.
Slap that son of a bitch! Slap him hard!
Hit him as hard as he hit you!
It has nothing to do with you guys
All of you shut up!
All of you shut up!
Oh, come on!
how old are you?
Quit being a baby.
He's always been like this.
A good man.
Shall we get someone else to do it?
Mr. Six,
I'll do it!
He is a righteous person, we can't blame him.
But looking back
when something like this happens again,
let's calm down and try not to use violence.
A cornered animal will do anything, out of desperation.
Take care, Mr. Six.
Everyone head home!
What are you applauding?
What's wrong?
Can you get my cart back?
Forget it.
I'll build you a new one when we get home.
Let's go.
Mr. Six
Come take a look at our pigeons!
Especially the ones we picked the other day.
All organic.
Stop bothering with it, or you'll be take away next.
I hope you fall.
Remember go get your damn license.
Don't let people push you around, like a little bitch!
JD Delivery, anyone home?
B, say my name again.
Mr. Six, Mr. Six.
What a good bird.
I don't get it, Mr. Six.
What pleasure do you get out of this?
You're letting a bird address you as "Mr."
If Bobby comes back one day and hears it,
he's not gonna be pleased.
So what?
I bought it for him.
All these years it only knows one phrase, nothing else.
Hey, Mr. Six.
I don't know if I should be asking this,
but Bobby really hasn't been back?
Haven't seen this useless kids in half a year.
Not even a phone call?
Like hell he would call...
My phone hasn't gone off in forever
It's been 6 months!
Mr. Six,
Can I borrow some scallions?
Go ahead.
Having dumplings for dinner?
I'll save some for you.
Don't run!
Don't beat him!
Let him go!
The police are coming!
The little punks these days
don't know any limits of fighting.
They don't give a shit about consequences.
The concerns of today's society are past our prime to comprehend.
Mr. Six,
Maybe we should look for Bobby?
He's still young.
Sooner or later he might suffer it.
Let this hopeless kid come back himself.
Is the owner home?
What do you think, Mr. Six?
Ever see one of these?
This is what they're into now?
Back then. Back in the day only famous actors
and only celebrities had them
Come on, Mr. Six.
Even authorities must be actor too.
Every day's an act.
You're older shouldn't you be wiser?
This is the Di'anmen Police Department.
Are you Zhang Xuejun?
Your friend caused trouble.
Hurry here and pay the fine.
Who did you cheat?
I'm so afraid to look at you...
Your face...
Keep playing!
What's the matter, losing your touch?
Why do you wander around all day?
How much does your shitty little shop make everyday?
Why don't you look after your store
I want to look after you first.
Look after me?
Don't move!
Unless you enjoy looking like a fool!
What the fuck do you want?
You said it
Why can't I unhook this thing?
- Help me second.
- It's the middle of the day.
What are you a rabbit?
Damn right.
I'm a rabbit.
Don't bother.
The doors been broken for a while.
We just do it whenever you want it?
There are people everywhere, they can see.
Shake bar? Then let's snake!
What's wrong?
Why'd you stop?
I was going fine,
then I got distracted.
It's good we couldn't do it.
With your old heart.
What if you die on me?
Die on you like this? Good.
I wish I could've died on you like this years ago.
Best not to say anything.
I observed you since you were young
you're not the ordinary person.
The cunning Beijing girl in you readly shows
people admire it
As a child?
Back then did you even look at me?
Tell me
Who was on your mind?
You were only 16.
If I stared at you, your mother would've
chased me around with a shank.
Drop the bullshit.
Spit it out.
How much do you need this time?
All Scrapper had to do was
driving him home but he ended up beating him.
Now he's booked by the police.
I have no money.
You've seen how business is
Don't act like you don't know.
Now he needs baid money
Got charged 2000 for Intoxication,
3000 for medical bills.
Doesn't even include the costs for repairs.
I'm getting the money now
How much have you got?
I took everything out from my current account
It's 2000 plus some.
Scrapper, this guy what's his problem?
At his age... why's he still getting into trouble?
But we can't let him rot in his cell and do nothing.
Look at yourself.
What good has he ever done for you?
Remember those 18 stitches on your leg,
and that cut across your neck?
Man, when'd you get so mouthy?
Just answer me,
lending me or not?
Flipping like that?
Flip however you want
What if I say no?
What are you gonna do about it?
Came in on the 12th.
Here's the log.
OK, you can go now.
Scrapper, where did you run into Bobby?
At a karaoke club.
He was drunk that day.
He asked me to drive for him.
So he gave me his address.
Mr. Six, he's grown-up now, doesn't need you.
You know what?
I guess that's just fate,
can't do nothing about it.
Can I have Bobby's address later?
You can have it,
but you gotta promise me,
when you see him, don't just blow a fuse.
Control yourself, OK?
Scrapper, he doesn't what it's like to be a Dad.
A kid can drive you furious.
Well Mr. Six, that's why I'm single.
Enough, after eating let's head to a bathhouse
and forget all this depressing stuff.
Not me.
I'm fucking good.
Welcome to take subway for Line 10
The next stop is Caoqiao station
Exitting aassengers please get ready...
Who's there?
Coming! Coming! Knock it off!
The fuck you want?
Who the hell are you?
What the fuck are you doing?
Did I let you in? Wandering blindly in here...
You fucking playing games with me?
Hey, I'm talking to you! You deaf or retarded?
Say something!
Little man I'm gonna beat your ass!
Get the fuck out or I'm calling the cops!
Get out, get out!
My pinkie!
Watch your language.
You kiss your mom with that mouth?
When talking to someone like me,
say fuck this, fuck that, at your age,
Who's the son now?
Me! I'm a son of a bitch!
But sir, who
Who are you?
I'm Bobby's dad.
Sir, he's not here.
Where is he?
He's in a bit of trouble.
What kind of trouble?
A few days ago
Bobby came home at night. His face said it all:
someone beat the crap out of him.
And he kept saying: "It's not over." This and that.
Then last night, out of nowhere,
a bunch of people rushed in and took him away.
The number you dialed is currently unavailable...
Oh yeah, sir.
I've got a video here.
That day we met this new girl.
I took this when Bobby and I
were hanging out last time.
I got super drunk that night so I left early.
Then Bobby...
it was just the two of them.
I don't know what happened next.
What going on? Was that a kiss just there?
This really doesn't have anything to do with me.
What did you two really do that night?
She didn't come home all night.
Just man up and admit what you did.
Did you touch her or not?
Fine, you don't wanna talk here.
Let's go somewhere else.
Let's go.
We'll drop it,
but you'll pay for the scratched car, bitch!
Aren't you two friends?
He's been taken away, and it's like nothing even
happened. You just here playing video games.
To be honest, Bobby and I
We were never that close.
I don't wanna get caught in his mess.
So I just stayed out of it.
You kids there days
one by one, have a greater sense of loyalty.
Bobby met a girl at a club.
I think he ended up sleeping with her that night.
He had no idea she has a boyfriend.
Of course he was pissed.
That guy isn't easy to deal with
they beat the shit out of him.
Of course with Bobby's temper, he couldn't let it go.
So he scratched his car.
Happened to be a Ferrari Enzo.
What? What's that?
Heard Bobby's got three days,
to pay him for damages.
Or else, he'll break his legs.
What kind of guy,
has balls this big?
Just one of those guys who races modified cars.
There's a car shop in Fengtai, I think.
Which shop?
That I'm not sure.
- Boss, bill please.
- Wait.
Honestly, man,
if it wasn't for Dong,
I wouldn't have told you a thing.
Don't run!
Catch him!
Don't move!
Don't move!
Come here!
Police, don't move!
Don't move!
Stand up!
Stop moving! Go!
What did this guy do?
Police business, it has nothing to do with you.
It's none of your business!
Hey, Lampshade,
the guy you used to work in a car shop with.
Where's he now?
I wanna ask him about a couple people.
Ask him about a couple people!
Just a group of idiot kids
from pretty well-off families with money and power.
Those little bastards
spend almost every night racing cars near my shop.
The hell did thay call themselves?
Twelve Masters of the 3rd Ring Road.
Twelve Masters.
- Is this Hou Xiaojie?
- Yes.
I'm delivering
I got a package for you.
But I can't make out the address. Just repeat
it to me again. I'll bring it over to you.
I'm not at home right now. What is it?
On the box it says "car parts."
Where are you?
I'll deliver it you as soon as possible.
Behind the TV station,
at the railway crossing 5 o'clock..
Where are you from?
Shandong Province, Pingyi County of Linyi.
this is my student card from Engineering College.
My name is Zheng Hong.
I really don't care if you're lying or not
just so happens that I've got troubles too.
Here's 200, take it.
Thank you sir.
If you're for real, then count it as good karma for me.
If not, so be it.
Your address please?
- Yeah.
Put it in the back.
The fuck?
Let me go!
I have no money! I don't have cash! Let me go!
My son is Bobby Zhang,
He got snatched by you punks.
Who's Bobby Zhang?
I don't know him!
Get outta my car!
If you don't, I'm gonna scream!
Go ahead.
Help I'm being robbed!
Help me!
Please, help me.
What's going on here?
Haven't you even seen
an old man teaching his son a lesson.
He's not my dad!
And I don't have useless son like you.
Sir, please help me.
Little brat.
You brats deserve some disciplining.
Keep screaming.
People these days
will avoid everything.
Keep screaming, see if anyone cares.
Kris took your son.
It's got nothing to do with me.
Who's Kris?
He's from Hunan,
but he always hangs in Beijing.
Your son scratched his car.
Where's this Kris now?
I... I dunno where he lives.
Right now he's probably at the shop.
there's a race.
Let's go.
Hey old man, you doing OK?
Keep your mouth shut.
Just keep chasing.
Old man, you're still pretty fit.
What's the problem, can't catch up to them?
Can't catch up? My engine is completely modded.
Old man, we can really go, if you can handle it.
Old man, better hold on.
It's gonna get even more intense
bring it on.
Bandit, give me space. I almost scraped the white car!
I saw.
Kris must've scared the bitch shitless!
Hey Kris, you installed Nitro didn't you?
Brand new.
Kris, you trying to get yourself killed?
I saw the front your car leave the ground!
Kris, you're not scared of scratching your bumper?
I'm so scared...
I'm looking for Kris.
Hou Xiaojie.
Who invited you?
I need to talk to Kris.
Who's that?
I'm Bobby's dad.
You have my son.
He scratched my car.
He can't pay, and no one's came for him.
I'm here now, aren't I?
I'm right behind you.
What the fuck?
Don't puke in my car! Wait, let me open the window!
I'm pulling over, puke outside!
Get out of my car and puke outside!
My my, how old are you sir? Still racing with those kids.
What are you trying to prove, old man?
Old man?
I'm 13th Master of the 3rd Ring Road.
Got it?
I want four eggs, extra cilantro,
extra scallions, extra chives...
You got a problem?
I'll give you ten enough to stuff you.
After this one I'll pay everything I owe.
My ass,
why don't you too take the money too
Let's do it all your way
OK, that's enough.
- Sister.
- Get lost.
Hot peppers, please.
These kids are fiercer than you were.
I mean, kidnapping?
I say we call the cops.
Mo matter what, the cops will side with us.
It's not right.
First Bobby touches another man's girl,
that's unrighteous.
He deserves to get beat.
Then he scratches thei car,
that's unjustified.
If we call the cops, we still have to pay damages.
And he still gets arrested.
If a kid is poorly brought up, it's on the parents.
Don't talk like that.
Putting this all on yourself is useless.
You know who we're dealing with what kind of backgrounds.
What day and age is it
your principles don't apply anymore.
They'll just get you in more trouble.
Mr. Six,
call the cops first.
I need to deal with this myself.
Mr. Six,
you need help, just holler.
I can go with you.
Stop talking nonsense, drink this.
I'm going to work.
That's enough from you,
You got a family.
You don't need any more on your plate.
I'll go with you, Mr. Six.
Who knows what these kids'll do.
Scranpper, don't rush.
Lemme check it out first,
and see what they're about.
We can discuss it later.
The descendants swordsman
Heard that in order to save him
The five-tiger general Zhao Yun Zhao Zilong
in Changbanpo killed seven into seven
and take him out of his arms.
Later, the general Zhao Yun...
is everything packed?
Your dad wants you to book your ticket.
Everything in Canada is settled.
Stop dragging it out.
Uncle Gong,
I still gotta deal with something here.
Just hold him off a bit longer.
Don't get in more trouble.
you're young.
Just listen to your dad, OK?
I'll be a loser if I keep listening.
or you'll actually become a loser.
Kris, check out the car bumper.
What the point of keeping him here?
Just let him go, or we could get in some real shit.
Hey, I'm talking to you!
I'm talking to you, you hear me?
I'm telling you are you even a man!
You mute or deaf?
Say something!
The fuck you doing?
Let go.
Motherfuck let me go!
I'm gonna beat you, you hear me?
Are you done?
no matter what, never hit a woman.
Says who?
Our ancestors.
Turn that flashlight off.
We met last night.
Bring him down.
Did I allow you to come?
This is none of your business.
You scratched his car?
They beat me first.
Then tell your dad about it, why did they beat you?
Quit playing a hero in front of everyone
Why don't you go ahead and beat them?
I'll say this once.
I didn't touch her.
You can believe it or not.
Lemme ask you again.
Did you scratched his car?
- On purpose?
- Yeah.
His problem, it's he to fix.
If he can' fix it, his dad wil.
Here's 2,000 for the damages.
If it's not enough then lemme know.
If there's extra, keep it.
Old man,
did someone hire you to monkey around with.
Spit it out.
You treat me like a beggar.
My buddy used to work in a car shop.
I know very well how much a paint job costs.
You know very well, huh?
Look at this scratch.
Know how much this costs?
Give me a number.
I'll pay you.
You always say fucking stupid shit, old man?
If you don't pay up,
I'll chop his fucking hands off.
Give me three days.
Hey fuckface,
I'm telling you now:
If you wanna call the fucking cops, I'm not scared.
Once we're out, we're gonna keep fucking with you
If you don't have the money in three days,
don't bother coming for your son.
We'll take care of him.
We'll exchange in 3 days.
for my age lemme give you a piece of advice:
Stop cursing "fuck this", "fuck that."
Those words will hurt you one day.
I'll say fuck this, fuck that as much as I want, so what?
You gonna fucking hurt me?
Looking at me.
Keep staring.
Still fucking staring?
Stare at this!
It's settled then.
So, old man?
We got ourselves a deal?
Or you gonna snitch?
We'll meet right back here in three days.
No cops.
Bandit, right?
You be here too.
Fresh belly right out of the pot.
Hurry, it will only be good the first 3 minutes!
Remember back in '95, the thing will Lil' Tumip?
A bunch of 18, 19, 20 year old punks
Cared less if they got life sentence or death penalty.
Grab a fork and start stabbing.
Who care about the consequences?
The little punks threse day
don't know a limit in fighting.
Hey, Chatterbox.
I just found out,
Those little assholes
all come from powerful families.
If it's not a official position then it's a businessman.
That Kris you mention daddy's a province official down south.
Where'd you find out all this?
You find out anything from the people in a bar.
In 2011, Kris killed someone while racing.
His family pulled a bunch of strings
and it's like it never happened.
That's why I say we're fortunate to be alive.
That slap?
At least it wasn't both cheeks.
Hell, I slap myself sometimes...
The fuck are you saying?
Mr. Six,
What I mean is, for the exchange. We'll all chip in money.
You guys can't help me with the money.
I'll get it myself.
You could still use the manpower, Mr. Six
few cuts ain't no big deal.
Just don't touch the face.
Count me out.
You boys go easy on the booze.
He's got a weak heart.
Still being alive today is truly a miracle.
Well with this issue
we can't just let them off.
Calm down, Scrapper.
Let's deal with the kid problem first,
before we move onto the slap.
Mr. Six.
Hey, Mr. Six,
what brings you here today?
It's kind of embarrassing,
but I'm in a bit of trouble
and need some money.
You know, Mr. Six,
My daughter's starting university.
and we need the money.
How about you give me a little time?
Mr. Six,
My wife's been getting on my back.
I can get you 5000, max.
How about this?
Gimme your account number.
I'll wire you the money.
When I put away my uniform in '82,
my injured leg left me useless.
And now what?
I get basic social security and people give
me dirty looks as if I owed them something.
Pretend I didn't say anything.
Mr. Six,
this problem
let me help you out.
Let's go.
Thanks, bro.
Number 51.
It swallowed my card!
I don't what I did, but it ate my card.
No shit, of course I'm withdrawing money.
Your two sons don't care about you?
The older one never gave a crap about his own parents.
The younger one is too busy looking after his wife.
Us two old geezers,
get by like this.
Time for her meds.
Mr. Six.
Stay back!
Go away!
Stay back!
Everybody clear the sight
for your safety.
Move back, everybody move back
Please let us do our job.
Number 3! Number 3!
Fire department and ambulance are in position.
If it isn't stupid relationship problems then
he must owe people some money.
It's nothing new.
Come and die with me!
The Ambulance has been at the scene for at least 2 hours.
The man still seems to be very nervous and unstable.
From our observation safety and rescue
procedures have already taken place.
We will continue to bring more updates on the situation.
who knew you could get rich selling fireworks?
Mr. Six,
stop yanking my leg.
I quit that a long time ago.
Let's put it this way.
Every paper manufacturer in northern China
uses my sodium hydrosulphite.
Well, you business folks
are willing to do anything to make a profit.
If I were really like that,
it'd be because I learned from you.
How's the family?
How's the kid?
New wife yet?
Same old, same old.
And you?
Mr. Six,
let's cut to the chase, old friend.
What did you come find me for?
I miss you.
I passed by and thought I'd come see you.
We go way back.
No need to be courteous.
If there's anything you need,
don't hesitate.
I'm fine, really.
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm fine.
Well forgive me then.
I have an appointment,
so I gotta go.
Business nowadays
is getting more and more complicated.
Constantly socializing, you can't even say no,
what if you offend someone?
After these work commitments
let's get Panther, Scrapper
we'll have a nice get-togetter.
rushing me away?
Mr. Six,
Don't put it that way.
Then how should I put it?
I haven't even finished a fucking smoke,
and you're kicking me out.
You're short on cash, aren't you?
When am I ever short on cash?
You know me:
I eat, I drink, that's it.
Well I can't let you leave empty-handed.
What is this for?
Mr. Six,
Let's not get into this.
Just take it.
Hope it helps.
Or just treat your son to something nice.
I gotta say, though
next time
make an appointment with my secretary first.
I don't want you to miss me.
do I look like a beggar?
Every other thing you talk about is money.
Is there any point?
If this is you, then let's not see each other again.
Mr. Six,
isn't that enough?
Mr. Six,
what are you trying to do?
Mr. Six!
Listen to me.
Everyone has their ups
and their downs.
Don't let anything come in between us brothers.
It will strain our relationship.
Mr. Six.
I'm Matchstick, you know who I am don't you?
I know, you're so generous.
Leave me alone!
All of you leave!
I don't want to live anymore!
All of you leave!
Don't crowd up! Don't crowd up!
Back off!
Everybody be quiet!
Your loud noise is gonna provoke him!
Bullshit, he ain't gonna jump.
I've seen guys like him before, it's just for show.
Shut the fuck up, what if he really jumps?
Go away, all of you!
Clench your teeth, close your eyes, fucking jump
Jump and your problems will disappear!
He's right!
You think this is funny, not serious?
Treating this like a damn reality show?
You all hoping he jump?
What's wrong with you?
If he jumps, I hope he lands on you.
Excuse me.
Who the fuck? Thinks he's such good person.
Let's see you jump.
You fucking jump! Why don't you jump?
Motherfucker, are you looking for a scolding?
Enough is enough.
What's wrong with him?
Wasn't that jerk pretty tough just now?
Don't tell me this is another one of his tricks.
Maybe he's faking.
Don't touch him, I met him the other night.
It's a con.
Touch him and he'll sue you for eighty thousand.
I'm tell you don't touch me.
Touch me and I'll fall right over.
Sir, you can't leave.
I already paid, what do you mean I can't leave?
The doctor said, you're seriously ill.
If anything should happen to you
we'd be held responsible.
You see me holding you responsible?
What happened to you?
How'd you just collapse?
was trying to run a scam.
No one cared for it.
Can you stop bullshitting?
Ma'am, are you his relative?
The doctor said,
with his condition he must be hospitalized immediately.
You wish
Hospital my ass.
The doctor also said,
there's probability both his arteries may be clogged
we need to put in a stent ASAP,
or you could have a heart attack.
If that happens,
open heart bypass surgery can't even save you.
Open heart?
You joking right?
It's my life, I'll make the decisions.
the doctor also said the meds...
This issue can't be forced,
we've lost our youth.
The timing's not right.
How much did you scrape up?
Little more than 20,000.
What's the plan?
Sell ??the house.
Stop the bullshit.
The damn house is all you got.
If you sell the house
then how are you gonna live?
Here's 80,000.
That's all the money I have left.
The house is yours.
What the hell you saying?
Who would want that piece of shit?
I'm just have one condition. If Bobby comes back,
you go straight the hospital.
Come on.
Have a bite.
can't be easy for you.
Came all the way out here,
and they stuff you in this box.
You must miss your old home.
When you get chance escape this place,
don't stay trapped in here.
Come on. Good.
Mr. Six! Mr. Six!
The owner is back!
What? At this time?
Exactly, because there's no one at home.
Hide over there in that room.
Lay low for now and slip out after
Have you brought the things for Mr. Wang?
It was already arranged yesterday.
Keep a close eye on the developers.
We can't afford any mistakes.
Alright, don't worry.
There's also the bidding in Sichuan province.
Let's push that off first.
I'm already on it.
red, as soon as I see you...
Property Owneship certificate.
Mr. Li,
let me light that for you.
What're you smoking?
Let's switch, try mine.
Let's switch?
Ah, forget it, never mind.
Mr. Li.
Who said you could smoking, kiddo?
Mr. Six, you look sharp today, where's B?
Fed and resting.
What's the occasion? I'm not busy today,
mind if I tag along?
Since when have you had a busy day?
Stop bothering me.
Hey, Scrapper.
Didn't we agree yesterday?
Fucking Lampshade beiled again.
It's never easy.
Let's roll.
What're you doing here?
What's going on?
Didn't we say today was the day?
I was afraid you wouldn't bring me.
I just wanna help.
I spent 20 years doing repairs.
Figured I'd put my only skills to use.
I've gotta say, Lampshade,
you sure outdid yourself.
But think about the kinds of cars you fixed back then
- Now what kind of car is this?
- Damn it Lampshade, always fucking shit up.
I thought about it all night.
But why'd you have to do this?
Let's wait and see.
You're early.
Everybody wake up!
You didn't even notice we have guests!
Count it.
Not bad, old man.
A man of your word.
Where's Bobby?
Hey, Kris!
Oh my God, look at your car!
The paint I used is very expensive.
After I spray it, you can't even tell them apart.
What's the plan?
Don't worry.
There's always a way.
Got you.
Whose fucking idea was this?
Fuckin you againg, wasn't it?
Who let you touch the car?
You know what car that is?
Know what paint it is?
They don't have it here,
I gotta ship it from England!
It was just a fucking scratch.
Now it's a pile of shit!
I gotta repaint this whole thing!
What kind of shit did you use?
You old bastard.
That's smack was for last time.
This is justice.
You don't clean up your dirty mouth,
I'll keep beating you,
make up for your parent's teaching.
There are the rules,
know now?
You wanna fucking die, old man?
Let him go!
Fucking let go!
Let him go!
What are you doing? Know where this is?
Old man, what do you want to do?
Put the blade down!
All you all tired of living?
Don't you live by principles?
Let's talk principles.
You don't know cars.
That was my best one.
Forget the blackmail, let's use reason.
A brand new paint job costs half the price of the car.
Can you pay it?
I can't.
Let's not forget that you hit my friend.
You have your rules.
We also have our rules.
No matter what you say.
My friend was still hit.
The boys can't just accept that.
I gotta give them an answer.
I can't just let all of them
them beat up three old men.
And I can't just let you of the hook, either.
So tell me.
What should we do?
What's your point?
Do you little pieces of shit wanna fight? Do you?
That fine.
This is Beijing.
Let's go by Beijing rules.
What Beijing rules?
Ever heard of a mob fight?
Basically, in a week, let's set up a place.
You bring as many people as you want.
Don't worry about how many we bring either.
Winner takes all.
Then it's fair for everyone.
Old man.
You're kidding me right?
Old man, you a comedian?
So it's settled.
When the time comes,
you're lil' punks if you don't go.
Punks, if you don't go.
Lil' punks, lil' punks.
If you don't go, you are the little punk.
We'll see you there!
Let's play then.
Haven't got any exercise in ages.
How's this?
If you can take us down,
the money for the repairs.
I'll pay every dime.
But if you can't manage,
I take the kid.
and pay whatever I can.
Now this is getting interesting.
When and where?
A week from now.
8:00 AM.
Behind the Summer Palace at an abandoned lake.
There are less people there.
Take us down and we won't take the money!
Mr. Six,
in your condition, don't push yourself to hard.
I'll just call up a bunch of kids
Each with fresh legs.
Head over there and let loose on them.
Every damn day that goes by is boring me to death.
After this Bobby ordeal,
I finally got couple days relax inside.
Calm down, Scrapper.
A bunch of reckless kids,
that don't hold back could kill one or two.
This situation...
I've been thinking
we should get our old boys back together.
To deal with it, that's probably best.
We're already this old. Where can you find them?
Wolf, Panther, Matchstick,
I have them down.
In the end, it's just about intimidation.
Kris and them are young.
They won't make a move.
Our old boys...
They look tougher than they are now.
We'll surround them and bring them to terms.
That's how we'll bring the kid back.
I don't think it's that simple.
People have changed.
Send some letters.
Just say Mr. Six has some problems
the gang need to get back together.
look how old we are.
Before we knew it we're 60.
Recently, I can't stop thinking
we should get all the boys from the past.
back for a reunion.
In 20 years.
whether or not we'll meet again,
won't be easy to say.
I can't stand those TV show that are about
middle-aged men.
Just only fifty and then they treat them like old men.
My heart gets irritated.
What're you doing?
Mr. Six.
There's no more Xuanwu District.
It merged with Xicheng District.
Look at this letter.
I thought about it all night.
It's already gone too far.
You need to listen to me now.
I'm calling the cops.
Don't call.
I looked into it.
Bobby scratched the car.
will be 15 days, tops.
But if Kris is chaged with kidnapping,
that's three years at least.
Listen to me.
Let's not make things worse.
That's not the point.
You wouldn't get it.
You call the cops,
let's never meet again in our lifetime.
Why do I have the urge to hurt you?
Who's that?
A friend.
Yeah, I see you.
Why didn't you go see your dad first?
Do I even need to say Auntie Chatterbox?
I wanted to discuss with you first.
Alright, I'll see what I can do.
What you can do?
Easy, what you can do is come back.
Here's your stuff.
I snuck him out.
Whatever you do, don't go next week.
They're just messing around.
Young lady,
if they give you shit, tell me.
I need to apologize to you.
Make things complicate.
Take care of youself.
Please treat your dad well
Your dad is pretty amazing.
All that matters is he's back.
What're you doing, Zhang Xyejun?
Let me go.
What are you pissed at me for?
If you're so capable, go find them.
Let me go.
Let me go or I'll sue you.
Sue me?
I'm your father dad.
You're not my father.
I never grew up with a dad like you.
- You think I won't beat your sorry ass?
- Hit me.
Hit me, come on.
What the hell?
What's your problem?
Sit down.
What else do you want?
Aren't you happy your son's back?
Shut up.
He's my kid, I'll handle it.
You're delusional.
What is this?
Isn't that my money?
Why'd she bring it back?
It's called stealing.
She stole it back.
I won't tell you what to do
not that I even could.
But look at you two,
I'm actually scared to leave.
If I leave, you two would kill each other.
How's this?
Let the kid stay with me for a day.
I'll talk to him.
Change into this.
From now on, don't talk to your dad like that.
He's your dad.
Aunti Chatterbox.
Tell me the truth,
Is he really my dad?
He never cared, ever since my mom passed.
All he did wander the streets everyday.
He never cared about my well-being.
Never cared?
Is that why he still got you out?
Even pawned me his house?
No matter what, he'll live.
Auntie Chatterbox.
You try living with him.
Listen to him talk about that old crap everyday
always bullshitting.
That's no bullshit, Bobby.
Auntie was 16, when I saw their real shit.
You know Scrapper?
He was a kid from the military.
In '83, your dad and 4 or 5 guys faced off again
dozens of them. Got in a fight right on the skating rink.
Your dad took on a dozen men with one blade.
He couldn't be taken down.
Back when your dad got serious,
it was damn scary.
So all he can do is fight, Auntie Chatterbox.
Big deal.
It's not just about fighting.
Your dad is different from most people these days.
That feeling...
Well... I can't describe it in words.
Let's put it this way Bobby.
People have their good and bad sides,
lucky and unlucky times.
Except this time, he's running out of luck
but no one ever expects it.
You're his son.
He's got no one else.
Who else can he ramble to?
I'll live with you at home, but there's one thing.
Don't tell me what to do.
Consider this an apology.
From now on let's understand each other.
Lower your cup.
Show respect.
Understand each other...
I still can't fucking understand.
Tell me, what do you kids think about all day?
Besides chasing money
Chasing girls
What else do you chase?
Chase a good time.
Whatever makes you happy.
What if your happiness
causes someone else's pain?
Then it has nothing to do with me.
Today, we gotta get to the bottom of this.
Tell me...
That girl was someone else's, right?
This problem you caused. Did you fuck up or what?
You got in trouble
your group of unfaithful friends all split.
Did anyone care?
And kids like Kris
think it's okay to hit others people,
but won't take a hit themselves.
Is that fucking fair?
If people in this world don't have principles
then what to be become?
So what about your world with principles?
Apart from fighting
What else do you know?
Even fights
have rules
and principles.
A bunch of hooligans
like hell you had principles.
You kids are the real hooligans to me.
Does nothing from past mean anything to you?
Like what?
A least,
a man's gotta be a man.
I don't care about them
not that I fucking can.
You're my son, I can't fucking stand your soft, sissy look.
When your mom was alive...
Don't fucking talk about my mom!
Stand up.
What's up?
You wanna hit me?
Hit me.
Since, you're my dad,
since you love using violence.
Since there's no one else you can hit.
Hit me.
You're all grown up.
Hit you?
I wouldn't dare.
How about you hit me, daddy?
You're the dad.
You ran away in '96, dad.
Do you know how we survived?
You know mom got hit by a car in the winter?
She lay on the hospital floor, alone.
From the moment you spent those years in jail
did you have any idea how I survived?
You really think it wasn't a big fucking deal?
I'm asking you.
I'm asking you, daddy.
Can we not bring up to past anymore? Okay?
How about I kneel down before you?
I'll kneel down to you.
Look at yourself.
You're over 20.
Be honest with me. What's your plans for the future?
Your noodles.
Piss off.
I'll be honest with you.
I've always thought about
opening a bar here.
Sounds like a plan.
Show me what you got in your pockets. Let's see.
How will you open one?
Open a bar my ass
Your ass?
What about you?
After all these years
just gonna keep wandering till you're old?
I'm already old.
All I want is to see you.
Find a nice wife.
And have kids.
Can we speak realistically?
Realisticly, sure.
Right up ahead.
A bottle of beer sells for 35 at those bars.
Their location, isn't as even as nice as ours.
Let's sell it at 20.
We won't have couches.
Only long wooden benches.
And at the head of the table?
A big-ass wooden armchair.
On each chair we'll drape a tiger skin on it.
Above the entrance we'll hang a sign,
three words.
Hall of Brothers.
Kid, sound alright?
That's enough.
Stop talking crap.
Come on.
This is a middle-aged man. He was
diagnosis with coronary heart disease.
He had a cardiac a few days ago. We found three blocked
vessels. We recommend bypass surgery, but he refused.
An hour ago, this patient was found
at home with evident alcohol poisoning.
They found 3500mg in his body.
He unconscious, slow respiration.
Family members need to wait outside.
Please let me through.
Get the cath lab.
Excuse me, please don't interrupt us.
Test ECG.
Get the cath lab.
Alright Matchstck, thanks for your help.
We should get the boys back sometime.
Have a get-togetther.
Give this money to Mr. Six.
You already paid for everything.
It's no use, he won't even take it.
You keep it.
Keep me posted.
He's awake, I'm gonna go.
Was that Matchstick?
ER, the ward imported meds - he paid it all.
Who took their pants off are let him show?
Let it go, Mr. Six.
You're already like this,
give it up and rest here a couple days.
I gotta go.
Zhang Xuejun,
Matchstick came to show that he cares.
That's loyalty.
So what's the problem?
No problem.
Never said there's a problem.
Doctor, can you put it more simply?
there are three affected vessels,
the worst one is 90% affected.
We need to perform bypass surgery ASAP.
But whether we do it or not,
is for the family to decide.
We'll do it.
Then you'll die.
I'll die if I do it.
Listen to me,
Western medicine just treats people like parts.
One part breaks, they take it apart.
People that are perfectly fine end up dead.
Whatever you do. don't listen to them.
It doesn't matter.
Once Bobby signs and they put you under,
you won't know a thing.
After that the surgeons will do whatever they need.
Aside from surgery, nothing else will do the trick?
We do.
Conservative treatment.
Keeps you alive but won't cure you.
I like that.
Conservative treatment.
That's a good plan. I'll be more careful, take my medicine.
We'll be fine.
Come here.
I've never begged you for anything, have I?
Assume it can't be done.
Aren't you usually fearless?
She's asking you.
Aren't you usually fearless?
has their weaknesses.
Come here, come here. Sit down.
One's body is a gift from one's parents
Am I right?
If you said it,
then it's always right.
They take a little knife, poke it aroud inside you,
without you seeing a thing.
Who wouldn't
get numbed out?
Dad is begging for a favor.
In the whole world
you're the closest one I have.
I'm the closest one?
Auntie Chatterbox isn't close?
A woman?
Zhang Xuejun.
What if we switched places,
and it was my body.
Would you have made me get surgery?
What you just said...
It's not certain.
We'll never know.
Make sure he takes his meds,
avoid greasy foods, drink less.
And no smoking.
Absolutely no intense activity.
Come back for regular check ups.
Doctor, we'll leave it at that.
Where the hell are you running for?
Got a thing next week, don't worry about it.
Where are you two going?
Run, run quickly.
Run for what?
Don't move.
Come back!
Shit, Zhang Xuejun, this was all your idea.
What am I gonna tell Auntie Chatterbox later?
Get back here right now!
You hear me?
Zhang Xuejun.
Why the hell are you running?
Do you got wheels on your feet?
You can't run forever.
Over here quick.
Quick, drive.
A grown-ass man, you hear "surgery"
and you become a little baby?
That's real fucking brave!
Why the fuck do I even bother?
Go to hell!
Aren't you afraid
you'll hurt Auntie Chatterbox like this?
Course I am.
Zhang Xuejun.
Zhang Xuejun.
Zhang Xuejun.
Come and see it.
Who the fuck did this?
Remember when you tried making it talk?
Couldn't learn a thing.
You can rob him, but don't take a life.
People are such dickheads.
Chill out.
Didn't lose shit.
You call that a robbery?
Mr. Six.
I think that this thing isn't all that simple
Maybe they're trying to trap us or something?
Be honest with us.
Is there anything that you left us out from?
Do you trust me?
Forget it.
It's not worth it.
It's not the first time this stuff has happened.
It probably started with Bobby
then it slowly became something bigger
Who knows what happened in between,
or what got thrown in the mix.
We'll wait and see.
Whatever happens, will happen.
Damn son, can you stop zigzagging?
get off and I'll stop.
When you were a kid,
I hat you in the front, your mom
in the back, and I didn't zigzag.
Zhang Xuejun.
I think I've see that guy with Kris.
What's he doing here?
Do you remember Hua's yard?
Which one?
Where we used to hunt crickets.
Their back door opens to the bar street.
That's the one.
Once you're out, call for help.
No way. If I go, what about you?
I'll talk to them. Can't avoid them forever.
Go, get Lampshade.
Excuse me.
Mind if I ask for directions?
Save the trouble.
Just cut to the chase.
Alright then.
We'll keep it simple.
Have you brought it?
Bought what?
Been in a fight before?
Don't move. Don't move.
I'll ask again.
Where is it?
Hand it over and there won't be any problems, understand?
Don't cause yourself any trouble.
Tell me.
Tell me, and everything will be fine. Tell me, tell me.
Motherfuckers picking on an old guy. Shame on you
Come on.
Let's see it.
Zhang Xuejun.
Zhang Xuejun.
Where does it hurt?
Go away.
- Such a pity.
- Zhang Xuejun.
Get up.
Watch out!
He suffered a severe concussion
and a minor skull fracture.
Will it affect the rest of his life?
Simply put,
he has a brief loss of consciousness
due to blunt force trauma.
Most patients can recover.
Of course you can't get rid of it,
There's always a chance of aftereffects.
Find me the people.
Come on! Go!
Let's move!
Go! Go!
Come on!
Scrapper, no one's upstair, noting here.
Keep smashing!
The hell are you doing?
Get your boys outta here.
What's this?
Trying to cause a bloodbath?
Make the headlines?
"Two dead, three injured?"
Why not, Mr. Six?
Don't hold me back on this thing!
Listen to me, Scrapper.
If these reckless young ones
get outta hand, we can't do anything.
Who knows what they'll do.
Let us dead with our own mess.
Don't drag them into this.
I can't fucking hold it in, Mr. Six.
When have we ever had to suffer like this?
You're a brother I'll never regret.
But you need to listen to me.
This thing isn't as simple as you think.
Zhang Xuejun.
You don't need to look for us.
Just wait for us to find you.
So what are you talking about?
You have something that doesn't belong to you.
I need you to return it.
Tell me what it is.
When your son came back to you,
the girl gave you a bag.
The money.
Besides the money it had some letters inside.
She was very nervous and didn't notice. There's
one letter, return it, and I'll forget anything ever happened.
If it ends up someone else's hands,
you can expect what will happen.
Our world isn't something that you ordinary folks,
can even imagine.
Don't make things complicated.
I threw away the bag for a long time ago.
Threw away?
Mr. Six, it's me, Kris.
I never meant for things to end up like this.
- But it's outta my control now.
- Kris.
Mr. Six, I know you're a man of principles.
We'll pay you back for what we did to you.
But you gotta give them what they want.
You don't know how dangerous this is.
Mr. Six, just listen to me.
Put him in the room.
Hey, Mr. Six, leave it to us.
What does it look like?
Just a ball of paper. Chatterbox might have tossed it.
Mr. Six, what kind of ball of paper?
UJS is a bank, a large bank.
They keep client information very confidential.
This is just a letter, nothing special.
But this, this is to a client named Kris Tan.
And this is his account statement from June.
Let me see.
How much is it?
Ten, hundred, thousand...
Are you blind?
It's 786,000.
More like 7,860,000.
That much?
And that's in Euros.
Holy shit.
Their world
really isn't something ordinary folks can imagine.
You said,
Kris's dad is a big official?
It happens a lot.
They put the money in their kid's name.
When they retire, they leave China with it.
Seven million.
That's seventy-something million RMB.
Mr. Six.
This is just one account. We just scratched the surface.
Who knows how much they actually have?
A bad guy.
That's how we used to call these fuckers.
Cause you're such a good guy.
What can you do about it?
You don't give it back, they'll never stop.
They could lose everything because of this.
Mr. Six.
You can't just do whatever you want.
Bobby's still in the hospital.
Let's not bundle everything togetther.
One thing at a time.
Mr. Six, don't call the cops.
Trust me.
We really don't wanna cross them.
Things could get real ugly.
Who could I ever cross?
I don't even want to cross you.
Excuse me, pal.
Mr. Six.
Kris wants to see you.
Just him.
Said you wouldn't refuse.
I was going to look for you.
Kris has family extremely pissed off depressed.
He's locked up can't escape, so...
Mr. Six.
You couldn't even come get your own stuff?
Had to drag me all the way out here.
I absolutely can't leave the house.
But if I don't get the statement back,
my dad will kill me.
Kill you?
More like kill me.
He won't do that.
But he was going kidnap more people.
I held him back for now.
Mr. Six.
Believe me.
that thing's no use to you.
my son's still in the hospital.
We deal with Bobby's thing first.
Your statement's gonna have to wait.
Tell your dad's guys.
We do one thing at a time.
How's Bobby?
Severe concussion.
You guys fucking broke his skull.
Don't knows when he will wake up.
Do you think
one million will do?
What do you think?
Ten million wouldn't.
I get it, Mr. Six.
Before I met you
I thought guys like you were only in books.
Meeting you now,
I believe it.
What kinda guy?
I'm nobody.
Just a regular citizen.
Let's get back to business.
What are your planning here?
Inviting you here today
was what I already told them.
I said to them, as long as we play by your rules,
you won't call the cops.
And we can solve this.
Play by my rules?
By your rules.
Your Beijing rules. A mob fight.
You pick the time and place.
If we win,
you give the statement back,
forget the car repairs.
If you win,
you can avenge Bobby
take the statement
and do what you want.
Solve two problems at once?
Let's solve them at the same time.
I got some things to ask you.
who killed my bird?
Probaby Uncle Gong.
The one with a mustache.
I heard they say,
it kept chirping.
Is he also the prick who hit Bobby?
He gonna be there?
If you agree to this. He'll probaby be there.
I agree.
I have to.
The day after tomorrow, 8:00 AM.
The lake behind the Summer Palace.
Original time and place.
Mr. Six.
Recycling old air-conditioner, old refrigerator, ond TV.
Mr. Six,
There's a letter for you.
A letter for me?
From where?
Zheng Hong, in Pingyi County, Linyi, Shandong.
Zheng Hong?
Who's that?
No clue. Leave it there for me.
Since you're here,
can you run to the post office and mail this for me?
Mr. Six,
didn't we say we wouldn't call the cops?
Is that calling the cops?
Look at the address.
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
I'm reporting it, understand?
Marble, remember this.
We may be ordinary folks,
but there are things,
that's our duty.
You got it.
I think Mr. Six isn't quite himself right now.
He closed his shop and said
"We may be ordinary folks, but there are things, that's our duty"
and he has to head out the day after tomorrow.
That's bad, something going to happen.
Do you know where he went?
Stop asking all this.
It's cancer.
What 's wrong?
It's Mr. Six...
What happened to Mr. Six?
He doesn't have much left in him, it's cancer.
He wanted to see the boys one more time.
Tell him to hang on.
We gotta make it to this last one.
How do I owe?
I really don't have any money.
Give me a month or twenty days.
I'll find him to deal with this case, OK?
All Beijing you can ask.
How could Scrubber owe money?
Just spit it out, are you going or not?
Take it back, go.
I'll go.
Go where, huh? Where are you going?
Go fuck yourself
Don't tell me what to do!
Fuck who?
Fuck who?
The number you dialed is currently unavailable.
Woah, what's that?
There! Over there!
Please clear the way ahead.
Proceed with caution, caution.
Please clear the way ahead.
Son of a bitch.
How the hell did you get out?
People please stay off the main road.
Caution! Caution!
Be careful of the cars, be careful of the people! Caution!
Run! Don't let them catch you!
Mommy, look an ostrich!
Run! Buddy!
Keep to the side.
That's Mr. Six?
Who are all those people over there?
Isn't he supposed to be in the hospital?
Is this a fight?
Is this a fight, then let's fight!
Don't tell me it's cancer!
Why didn't you just tell us?
Isn't this pushing Mr. Six around?
What are those sons of bitches doing?
Here we come! Beat them!
Who are they?
Who cares who they are?
Let's go find out!
Mr. Six!
What's meaning of this?
We're all here!
Everyone listen
Don't go yet.
Let's hang tight.
Hold the fort for him.
Here's a report.
Tan Junyao, former Southern province official, has
been arrested on suspicion of severe discipline violations.
Further evidence shows his son, Kris, fled an
accident two years ago resulting in two deaths.
Tang abused his position to help his son evade justice.
The reports April 10th,
The 106 Bus in Kunming...
Hey, boy. Is that a dead end?
Can it take me out of here?
I'm talking to you.
Watch the way you speak? Don't know manners?
Young brat,
who taught you this?
Marble, be nine.
Brother, turn right and you'll be out.
Say me name.
Say it.
Let me hear it.
Say daddy.