Mr. White Mr. Black (2008)

Mr. White.. Hey Mr. Black.
Mr. White.. Mr. Black.
Take it, sir. There
is no deal in love.
What is it?
Brother, have you seen him anywhere?
Who is he?
He is Kishan, my brother.
Where does he live?
Here in Goa.
Even I will in Goa?
- Is it?
Yes, what is his address?
Goa village.
Is that so? Can you see the
street from here? - Yes.
Take a right from there.
Take a left from there.
You'll get a circle there.
Take two to four rounds of that..
.. circle, then ask anybody,
they'll tell you about him.
They'll tell you about
him. Is that clear?
Take it, sir. There
is no deal in love.
Where will I search
for my Kishan now?
Hey run! Hey brother!
Whose dog is this, brother?
Hey brother! Somebody help me!
I am very scared of dogs!
Open! Open.
Kohl eyed. Kohl eyed..
Hey you! How can you directly
come in like that?
Shall I get down?
Hey! Wait there! The meter
is running. Don't leave.
We got down..
Brother, there is a dog.
If that dog had pulled my
wraparound, I would've..
.. got embarrassed in public.
I found you, felt like I found God.
Don't address me as God,
I am Tulsi. Who are you?
I am Gopi. I am looking
for him. Do you know him?
You are looking for him?
Who doesn't know him? He
is famous all over India.
By the way, who is he?
I meant.. nobody has the
guts to say who he is.
- He is our..
- Yes, Kiran. - Kishan.
Are you deaf? I told the same
thing, Kishan. Kishan.
I'll call him right away. 922..
Hey Kishan.. where are
you? Where are you?
Brother, let me talk to him.
Where? Where? There! Okay,
one minute.. one minute..
Your brother is here.
Give it to me.
Here, talk to him.
Where did you say you are?
I'll get him there right away.
We've reached. We've reached.
Come, come. Meet your brother.
Radhe, come.
I am Gopi, Tulsi.
- The same.. understand my feelings.
Do you see this building?
But, that's a hut.
You call that a building in English.
There is a ground floor
on the first floor.
There is a terrace on top of that.
Your brother Akash must be there.
- The same.. are you nuts?
Hey, why are you taking
this bag along with you?
First, go and meet your brother.
You first go and meet your brother.
Give this bag to this brother.
Come on, go and meet your brother.
Go. Go. Hurry up.
There is water.. be careful.
You'll get wet.
Hey Kishan!
Tulsi, here..
Hey thief! Thief! Police!
Brother, I've come all the
way from Hoshiarpur..
.. searching for my brother.
Somebody stole my bag.
Who was he?
Tulsi. That thief stole my bag.
Whose photograph is this?
I've come in search of him.
So, is he Tulsi?
He is Kishan.
Then who is Tulsi.
Tulsi is the thief.
Then who is he?
Sir, I've come all the way from
Hoshiarpur to take him.
Are you searching for
him or the thief?
I'll search for him and you should
search for the thief, right?
Why are you looking for him?
To take him back to Hoshiarpur.
So, he is a run-away
from Hoshiarpur.
He didn't run away from Hoshiarpur,
but walked..
.. I came running behind him.
Tell me one thing, all together
how many men ran away?
Total? There was only
one.. that Tulsi.
And you are looking for him?
I am searching this guy, Kishan.
And Tulsi?
He ran away with my luggage,
right? That thief!
This is a police station and not
the alleys of the village to..
.. play hide and seek. You first
decide whom are you looking for.
You are very confused
and confusing me too.
Decide whether you have to look
for Tulsi or this Kishan!
Open the coat! Oh no!
If I press a button, you all will
shatter to pieces with me.
Why do you want to die?
Surrender yourself..
.. I will appeal to the court
to reduce your punishment.
I don't want forgiveness. Leave.
Look Babu, don't take a wrong step.
Inspector, you can't convince me.
Please, don't press the button.
We will do as per your wishes.
Look, I'll keep this gun down.
Let them all leave from here.
Okay? Okay, I am keeping
it. Relax. Relax.
Move out from here! Out!
Come on! Get out!
This is mine, this
is Chhoti's, and..
This is yours, this is mine,
and this.. Chhoti's.
It means, Chhoti's
share equals ours.
Your sister, Divya is very lucky.
You fool, idiot, isn't
she your sister too?
Look dude, I was not destined
to go to school.
I had a dream that I
would educate Divya.
I am trying to fulfill that. What
difference does it make if..
.. I am doing some swindling for her?
I am not doing any robbery, murder
or fighting with anyone.
Just a bit of swindling.
That is acceptable.
Look, I was telling the truth.
The bell rang. Hey Divya!
You will live a very long life.
I was just talking about you.
Do you have any problem?
Brother, this is London.
Everything is fine.
I know. I know.
Listen, I've deposited your
fees money in the bank.
Manager said he would transfer it.
Strange, isn't it? Earlier men
used to get transferred and..
.. nowadays it is money. Our
country has progressed.
Brother, will you continue
to talk about money or..
.. talk about yourself too?
Dear, what do I tell
you about myself?
If you insist, let me tell you.
I've become a rich man here.
You remember people used..
.. to buy gold chains in the
village.. I buy hotel chains here.
That's great, brother.
Thank you.
Listen, I hope you don't have any
problem with the food in the hostel?
If you have so, then tell me.
I'll send a lunch box from here.
Now enough, brother.
I am very proud of you.
Somebody has to learn from you
to see dreams and fulfill them.
Enough of talks now. Concentrate
on studies, okay?
Okay brother, take care. Bye.
What is it?
Kishan, there is a limit
for everything.
Hotel chains? Sometimes we don't
have enough of money..
.. to buy a cycle chain, you are
talking about hotel chains?
Somebody has to learn how
to charade from you.
Ladla! Don Ladla!
We've put him to rest.
What can he do when faced with
Teenie, Meenie and Zeenie?
At the most, he'll watch a Hindi
movie and weep in his mother's lap.
Your values and principles can't
provide a day's meal, Ravi.
What has your values and
principles, that you're willing to..
.. risk your life for,
provided you with?
A low-wage cop's job,
an ordinary apartment..
.. a pair of khaki uniforms,
and a govt. jeep.
Look! Look at me! This is the same
me and this is the same you.
We've both started off from
this same footpath.
But look at where you stayed behind
and look at where I've reached.
Today, I own buildings, properties,
bank balance..
.. bungalows, cars, what do you have?
I have my mother with me.
To hell with his mom!
I've been watching this movie
only till this scene..
.. for the past 5 years.
Whenever the mom's dialogue comes,
he freezes the screen.
How much more?
- Mom!
Son, freshen up fast, I've cooked
a sweet dish for you.
No, mother. Before that I want
to share a good news with you.
Have you brought home
my daughter-in-law?
No, mom. It's a much
bigger good news.
Today, your son has
become a don, mother.
I'm don.
- Really?!
'I'm don, I'm don. '
'I'm.. I'm.. I'm don. '
Mother! You'll come back,
won't you, mother?
You'll feed me sweetmeats with
your own hands, won't you?
Don! Don! Don!
We've traced the girls. We've
received information that..
.. they're in Goa.
I love the beach. I love the
sand. I love the beauty.
I love the pain. I love the rain.
From here to there. The ocean
stretches. The ocean..
A fire burns somewhere
within my heart.
It's a wet climate,
my love is young.
My fantasies are full of fun.
From here to there.
From here to there.
The ocean stretches. The ocean..
The ocean..
The ocean..
I love the beach. I love the sand.
I love the beauty.
I love the pain. I love the rain.
C'mon, let the music play.
C'mon, let the time away.
We've got the party going on.
We're going to rock
the night away.
Everybody feeling high.
Reaching up to touch the sky.
Come and get what
you want to, baby.
Your chance is passing by.
The crazy weather is
driving me crazy.
It has filled my heart
with a fire of passion.
The crazy weather is
driving me crazy.
It has filled my heart
with a fire of passion.
The moment is just right.
Even the air is intoxicated.
The moment is just right.
Even the air is intoxicated.
My fantasies are full of fun.
The lightning of love
makes me restless.
I feel like kissing
the fluttering lips.
The lightning of love
makes me restless.
I feel like kissing
the fluttering lips.
It's a pleasant story.
There are no distances.
It's a pleasant story.
There are no distances.
My fantasies are full of fun.
From here.. - I love the beach.
- To there.. - I love the beauty.
The ocean stretches. The ocean..
A fire burns somewhere
within my heart.
From here to there.
The ocean stretches. The ocean..
C'mon, let the music play.
C'mon, let the time away.
We've got the party going on.
We're going to rock
the night away.
Everybody feeling high.
Reaching up to touch the sky.
Come and get what
you want to, baby.
Your chance is passing by.
What babes, man!
One was.. The other was..
Babu, is your stomach alright?
- Yes.
Then why are you making such noises?
Those girls, pal..
- Yeah! Those girls.. Hey!
Catch it! Catch it!
Come here!
Are you drunk?
- No!
What are you doing with him, Babu?
I was taking him to brother Kishan.
Do you know he stole
again, yesterday?
You should be ashamed, Hari! You've
made Kishan's life hell.
He can't meet anybody. Everybody
assumes him to be you.
Obviously they'll assume so.
We're like Ram and Shyam, the twins.
By the way, do you
have a twin sister?
- Hold this!
Keep this money and get
out of this locality.
Because of you, Kishan
avoids meeting dad.
Mom and dad have passed away.
I'm talking about my dad!
I don't have a problem. C'mon,
let's meet your dad.
It's the alcohol talking.
Babu, the farther he stays from me..
.. the closer will Kishan be to me.
Why did you tell her that I'm drunk?
Kishan, don't fool around
with this girl.
Anuradha is such an innocent
girl and you're fooling her..
.. by cooking up stories about twins.
I'm not fooling her, pal. She had
once seen me in this condition.
I got scared. I told her
that I've a twin brother.
Since then, Kishan has
to pretend to be Hari.
If I tell her the truth,
then she'll leave me.
Fine! Then just handover 50% of
the money that she gave you.
It's pretty small. Here's
a big one. Very good!
Pass it! Pass!
Hey! Shell out the money.
Why are you shouting?
What's the balance?
The old due. - Then add this
to it and collect it later.
But where will I search for you?
Hey! You don't have
to search for me.
Even the kids know me.
Am I knew here?
What nonsense are you talking?
Sir, does everybody out here
know you? - What is it?
Do you know him?
Who are you?
Look, I am what I am. You can
assu me whatever you want to.
But please keep him in mind.
I've come to take him and
I'll surely take him back.
He was a wrestler! A wrestler!
The only thing I don't
understand is that..
.. why someone outside
Goa's looking for you?
Tell me something, have I
fooled anybody outside Goa?
- Then where has he sprung up from?
You should have looked at him.
He was looking like a
bull from Jaffrabad.
With a staff in his hand and
wearing a wraparound..
.. he looked like an
illiterate villager.
Are you sure it was my photo?
I can identify your photo
even with my eyes closed.
I hope it wasn't Hari's photo.
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry, I'm late.
- Did I say anything?
You didn't but then it's my
duty to explain myself.
Here, I was after this. Take it.
Anu, how many times have I told
you not to give money to Hari?
By giving him money, you're not..
.. going to mend his ways,
are you? He'll not change.
He's a stain. He's like a birthmark.
He's stuck to my body.
He's like my shadow.
I know. I can understand
your problem.
You brothers are so different
from each other.
He doesn't have any manners, and..
.. you're the epitome
of good manners.
Thanks, Anu. You're the only one
who understands my problem.
Thanks. Thank you.
What did he say? Staff, wraparound,
bull. Oh hell!
Brother! - Mr. White.
Hey dhoti! - Mr. Black
Stop! - I'm not going to stop!
- I'm Gopi!
My Kishan is again
into some problem!
Brother Kishan, listen to me!
Are you going to stop or not?
- Hey move!
Stop! Else I'm going to kidnap
you. I'm warning you!
Brother Kishan!
What's that noise?
Kishan! Stop him!
Kishan, stop!
You.. listen to me!
No! No!
I should be keeping a dog. A dog!
Hey! Somebody help me! Somebody
save me from this dog!
Hey brother!
Moti! Tommy!
Moti, hush! Go, dear. Go back home!
Hey! My wraparound!
Hey! My wraparound!
Hey brother! It's my wraparound.
It's mine!
Hey! A mermaid!
Please help!
Please rescue me from these goons.
Come! I'll help you!
What happened, brother?
Hey you!
Run for your lives!
It took just four slaps
to get rid of them.
- What? - Thank you.
Ok. Can you please return my honour?
- My wraparound.
Sorry, can you drop
me home for that?
Drop you home?
- Please! - Ok.
Where have you brought me?
Is this your house or a hotel?
This is my house.
You don't seem to
be a native of Goa.
Have you come here
looking for ajob?
I've.. I've come to look for you.
He's not here. He must've gone to
Mumbai. To try in the movies.
No, no. He's very much here.
I've enquired.
But I couldn't find his address.
Then will you search for him
with this photo? - Yes!
By the way, where are you put up?
Actually I.. nowhere.
I'm a stranger in this city.
Then listen to me. You're going
to stay in this hotel.
I'll tell the manager.
No, no. You've treated me so well.
Thank you very much for that.
Moreover, I can't be a..
.. burden on you just a few
minutes after knowing you.
Oh c'mon! What burden
are you talking about?
You can stay here, you know.
Just for the sake of convenience.
- What?
Yes, you'll stay right here and
I'll help you look for him.
'Me and my wife, bought a TV.'
'We got a scratch card
and won a prize. '
'Four nights and three
days of free stay. '
Oh my God!
Mr. Takdir Singh from Ludhiana.
- Yes!
Please come. You're most welcome.
Thank you.
- You're our special guest.
Thank you. - Kalparamna, it was
written in our scratch card..
.. 4 nights/3 days free stay.
It's just the same, isn't it?
Shankara, start off!
You've become so fat!
Sir, please follow me.
May I help you!
Hello, room service?
'We're going on a summer holiday. '
Oh my God!
Oh Shaky, are you alright!
It's all smashed!
It's ok, sir. No problem.
The charges for this will
be added to your bill.
How much has it cost?
- Only 15000.
Add it to the bill, he'll pay it.
Won't you? Won't you?
- Ok!
Dad, this is Kishan.
- Are you sure?
Have a seat! Sit!
- Ok.
Be comfortable.
- Ok, sir.
I keep hearing about your twin
brother's antics from Anuradha - Yes.
That's the reason
I cracked the joke.
- Hello, this is Brown here.
Tell me, inspector. What
made you think of me?
My wife has made purchases worth
Rs. 5 lakhs from your shop.
Yes, absolutely.
And she didn't pay.
- I didn't ask either.
That's your big-heartedness.
But business is business.
I'll send you the Rs. 5
lakh in two days. Cash.
No problem.
Your dad's moustache is too big.
Did you see, Kishan?
- Yes!
A cop's job, a govt. salary.
- I see.
And royal tastes.
His wife had made purchases
worth Rs. 5 lakhs.
And now my friend wants to
settle the account in cash.
It's very obvious that he must've
received a huge bribe.
All corrupt souls! I hate
them! I hate them!
Dues worth Rs. 5 lakhs! I get
jittery even if I keep a due..
.. of Rs. 2 with my grocery.
That's because you perspire
all day to earn your living.
Who perspires?
You, idiot! Who else? Your!
What has happened to me?
I forget my own job.
Then how'll I remember the name?
- Of whom?
The one who's giving
Rs. 5 lakh in cash.
Oh! Him? His name is inspector
Brown. Brown.
- Will you remember it now? - Yes.
Now, I'll remember his name such
that even he'll remember me.
- Mr. Brown..
What is it?
- Call your master.
Which master?
- Mr. Brown.
Can't you see? I'm Mr. Brown.
Ridiculous! You look very
different when naked.
We're from Global Plumbing.
- So?
We received a complaint.
- From whom?
Your wife.
- Against whom?
Not against anyone. About
a leakage in the bathroom.
Leakage in the bathroom?
Shall we start the work?
I think I have seen you somewhere.
Thank you very much, sir.
Thank you very much.
I'm the model for my company's
ad campaign.
These are the kind of photos
they click of mine.
In fact, last year, I received
the plumber of the year award.
Amazing! Infact whenever somebody..
In fact, whoever meets me tells me..
.. that they've seen
me somewhere before.
It's like as if I've these
supernatural powers.
Natural! Super! Where's
the bathroom? - There!
Where have I seen him?
Just now! You saw him with me
when you opened the door.
Ok! I've seen him with you.
It broke! Leakage!
Mr. Brown!
Mr. Brown!
- What's this? What have you done?
Do one thing! Do one thing!
- Shall I call the fire brigade?
Why? Do you want to give
them a water connection?
Have you gone crazy? Stand here.
Hold this and stand here.
Who me?
- Else what? Me?
Who's the plumber out here?
- You. - Exactly!
Who has to go to the top and shut
off the machine? - You. - Well done!
And who'll block the
pipe till then? - Me!
Well done! Well done! Full
marks! Full points!
Now hold it and stand here.
Not a drop should fall. You..
Not a drop should fall or else
aunt Shabana will be upset.
I'm warning you!
Stay put over there, don't move.
Mr. Brown, don't let
even a drop fall.
Do you know what aunt Shabana says?
You should save two buckets
of water everyday.
Ok! Ok! Now hurry up and
shut off the machine.
I do everything in a hurry.
Hey! Shut off the machine, plumber!
Hey plumber!
Plumber! Plumber! Plumber!
The day I lay my hands on you,
I'll make you clean..
.. all the toilets in all
the prisons across India.
He made me stand in the bathroom
and burgled all..
.. the five rooms in my house.
Bloody plumber! - Greetings, sir!
He looks worried!
Sir, did you find that thief?
Forgive me. Do you sell salt?
Then why are you sprinkling
salt on my wounds?
Or does my angry face
look like boiled eggs..
.. that tempts you to
sprinkle salt on it?
The burglary took place in my house.
Do you want to announce
it to the entire world?
I'm a police officer. I can nab
the thief whenever I want.
No, inspector. We've just come
to ask if you've seen..
.. this man anywhere.
Are you checking my
general knowledge?
Isn't he the same guy? The
model for Global Plumbing?
Plumber of the year, the
nephew of aunt Shabana.
Bloody plumber! Rascal!
Plumber of the year! The
nephew of aunt Shabana!
Hi Tania!
- Hey Tania! - Hi! - Hi guys!
How are you?
- How are you?
It's so good to see you.
I'm here only.
- Hey! How are you?
Hey! - Hey Gopi! What are
you doing? He's my friend.
Hey! Who's this cannibal?
Shut up guys! He's Gopi, the
one who saved me that day.
He's the Indian Arnold.
Hey! Nice to meet you,
man. That's cool.
Hey Tania! - You should throw a
party tonight, man. What do you say?
Yeah man! We've got
to rock the party!
We've got to toast for Tania
and for this gentleman. Yes.
C'mon guys!
- Yeah!
You make me fall again!
Just waiting for the game.
Just wait a little while, you'll
bring back my smile.
Stole my heart for ten reasons.
Stole my heart for ten reasons.
- You stole my heart from me.
Stole my heart for ten reasons.
- You stole my heart from me.
Just chill.. chill.. just chill.
Just chill.. chill.. just chill.
Just chill!
Where are you going, my Indian idol?
I'm going to the room.
- Sit here.
Please. Leave me, please.
- Why?
Isn't my room yours? Am I not yours?
Or are you not mine?
It is not so.
Gopi, you've such a nice body.
And a very native smell.
Give me one deep kiss.
- Kiss! A kiss!
See, you're drunk.
- Idiot! I want to get more high.
Why don't you understand? Fool!
It's Saturday today.
Would've you kissed me
had it been a Sunday?
No way! - It's Saturday night
fever, Gopi. Give me a kiss.
Don't trouble me further.
Look, I'll make the dog chase
you otherwise. - No!
Give me! Why are you
acting like this?
God! Are you breathing your last?
C'mon kiss, pal.
What are you doing with a stranger?
Gopi, tell me something.
Are you a stranger..
Leave me! - Kiss me! You idiot!
Stupid! llliterate!
Ignorant peasant! You're
acting pricey..
.. just because I flirted
a little with you!
You just threw me! You denied
me! You rejected me!
How dare you! How dare you! Useless!
Praise be to the almighty!
It seems it's madam's
birthday today.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday dear Radha.
Happy birthday to you.
Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Greetings! Greetings!
Greetings! Greetings!
I've drunk wine, which
everybody says is bad.
I've drunk wine, which
everybody says is bad.
What have you drunk?
Greetings! Greetings! Greetings!
Greetings! Greetings! Greetings!
Listen my boy, we've got the
latest fashion in place.
Breaking it down to the
hot, hot, hot me..
If you know what I mean.
Oh yeah!
Neither do you have
shame nor modesty.
You've forgotten traditions
and customs.
Neither do you have
shame nor modesty.
You've forgotten traditions
and customs.
I haven't seen a woman
like you before.
Greetings! Greetings!
- O yeah!
O yeah!
Play it! Play it! Play
it with your heart!
Yet again I remember the trees,
the river bank, the village.
The anklets tinkled and
the skirts swayed.
I haven't been able to forget the
kohl and the earrings, yet.
Oh yeah!
I trade in emotions. I'm a crazy
guy who just shows love.
I trade in emotions. I'm a crazy
guy who just shows love.
I've already told you
whatever I had to say.
Greetings! Greetings!
Greetings! Greetings!
I've drunk wine, which
everybody says is bad.
I've drunk wine, which
everybody says is bad.
What have you drunk?
O yeah!
Greetings! Greetings! Greetings!
Greetings! Greetings! Greetings!
Greetings! Greetings! Greetings!
Greetings! Greetings! Greetings!
Greetings! Greetings! Greetings!
Greetings! Greetings! Greetings!
Mr. Gopi, do you want to drink more?
Why? Do you have a problem?
Problem? That too, me? Never!
Moreover, you only had told
me just now amidst all..
.. that I don't have
shame or modesty.
Then why should such a
girl have a problem.
Oh! I wasn't talking
about you alone.
I was talking about all
your friends also.
Don't defend yourself.
You were targeting me.
You weren't singing, Gopi.
You were mocking at me.
Because the place where
you come from..
.. doesn't approve of my lifestyle.
Isn't it?
But it's ok. I think
it's not your fault.
You can't see all this.
You can't see that this girl has
been so lonely since childhood.
Without a mother, this child
has only been showered..
.. with money by her father.
He never told her a bedtime story.
In four days, even you came
to the conclusion that..
.. she's a rich spoilt brat.
And mocked at me so much.
Gopi, we so easily accuse people
of being bad from a distance.
Do we ever make an attempt
to get closer to them and..
.. find out why they're bad,
Air Sahara welcomes all it's
passengers arriving from Mumbai.
Where's our informer?
When does he inform about
his whereabouts?
Did you inform him
that we're coming?
That constable was nagging me.
I told him to stop nagging
else I'll beat him to pulp.
Who got in? Who got in?! Hey!
Keep it in!
- Hey! Blackberry! Who are you?
Passenger! Passenger!
How are you?
- Find out his name.
Just a moment, I'll tell you. Tulsi.
I'm not Irani, I'm Goan.
I'm the like the basil that
grows at your doorstep.
I'm like the basil that
grows at your doorstep?
What happened? - That's the same
song that my mother used to sing.
What an emotional fool!
I'm the like the basil that
grows at your doorstep.
But she passed away without telling
me about that doorstep.
We haven't come here to
look for doorsteps.
We've come here for these
three girls. - Yes!
Being a girl yourself, you're
hitting on girls.
Whom are you calling a girl? - You!
You moustached girl. - Shut up!
I'm known as fire. - You should
be known as rose. Black rose.
Have you seen these
three girls anywhere?
These?! I dropped them just now.
- Where?! - Why should I tell you?
- Hands up!
Come! Come! Come!
Where? Where? Where?
Here it is.
- Where is it?
That building in front.
Just behind that.
Building? Is that a building?
- Sorry, I'm used to speaking..
.. English, that's why.
Those ruins. They went
behind those ruins.
Behind those ruins?
- Go!
Let's sneak up quietly and..
Sir, your luggage. - Did I ask
you to take out my luggage?
Did I ask you to take
out your luggage?
I've kept it! I've kept it!
Wait here, we'll be back in 5 min.
Ok! Ok!
- Follow me! Follow me!
Is there a way through this?
It's that way, be careful
else you'll fall.
Ok. Follow me!
Why do all these intelligent
people come to Goa?
Let's dance!
That's ok! Let's try again.
That was much better but you're
still lacking precision.
- Hello!
Tell me clearly if you are
an informer or a duffer.
Today because of you my
luggage was stolen..
.. and you expect me to
be in this one suit?
I am such a big don and a
taxi-driver stole my luggage?
And you know what his name is?
- What?
What? - His name is Phunsi.
- It's not Phunsi.
I will chain you so tight..
I will chain you so tight..
.. that the companies
that make glues..
.. would make you their
brand ambassador.
You dared to steal in
an inspector's house..
That too an inspector like me
He stole in an inspector's house.
How does it bother you! Tell
me why you came here.
Someone stole in my home as well.
- I see.
You are also an inspector?
- Not an inspector. I am Ladla.
Ladla? Whose?
My name is Ladla.
- If your name is Ladla..
.. what's his name? Dalda
Look, we came to Goa in search
of these three girls.
These three girls. And when..
- I see.
Girls are three and you are two.
So these girls have
stolen your luggage.
I will keep this photo. I'll
inform you when we get them.
No, you don't need to search them.
- Why?
They had stolen, hadn't they?
- Yes. No. No.
When we came out of the airport..
.. the one who stole our luggage..
.. we're looking for him.
- Who's that?
Taxi driver. And his name is..
- Phunsi!
Phunsi! No, no!
- Tulsi! - Yes, Tulsi. - Yes.
Ok. Where's his photo?
I don't have his photo.
I'm getting confused.
You don't have to look for
those in this photo.
No, you don't have to.
Instead I've to look for the
one who's not on the photo.
Yes, that's right!
Jesus Christ!
The one who's photo isn't there..
- Isn't there..
He has to be looked for.
- Yes.
Because he has stolen your luggage.
- Yes, that's right.
And I don't have to look for
those on the photo? - No!
Brilliant! - But even they've
stolen something, isn't it?
Yes, they have. They've stolen
jewellery worth 25 crores.
My mother's..
- Where's your mother?
Mother's not there.
- Who was wearing the jewellery?
No one was. It was kept in a box.
Where was the box?
- It was in the cupboard.
And where was the cupboard?
- At home.
And mom?
- She passed away.
From where? She passed
by the cupboard?
My mother passed away
from this world.
Oh! I'm very sorry! Very sorry,
Mr. Ladla! Very sorry!
Now I'm able to understand
things clearly.
Your mother passed away.
These three girls came
for the funeral.
Yes, they came for the funeral.
- And left with your mom's jewellery.
- And you were in a fix when your..
.. mother's jewellery went missing..
- Yes.
.. and you became bankrupt.
- Yes, I became bankrupt.
Then you caught the 1pm flight and
came here at two. - Yes, I did.
At 3 pm, the taxi driver
robbed you and went home.
Yes, he went home.
- And at five..
.. you came to my office
to file a complaint.
Yes, I did. - Stop saying
mother every now and then.
Else he'll slip into a coma.
Hey! Your voice is thinner
than the hands of a watch..
.. and you dare to threaten me!
Please track down my luggage,
I've been wearing the
same suit all day.
What do you think? I change
my dress everyday..
.. before coming to office?
I've been wearing this same uniform
for the past 15 years.
See! - Don't know why
everybody who come..
.. here have their luggage stolen!
Please take down my complaint!
What do I write in the
complaint?! Yes?
Every information is incomplete.
The other day a guy with
a staff came. - I see.
He was showing me the
photo of one person..
.. and searching for another.
- I see.
Both of you get out of here, now.
We're leaving.
- Let me think! - Ok!
I have a headache.
- But I should get the dress. - Out!
Ok! But I should get back my dress.
- Hey! Not you!
You shouldn't get up!
Plumber of the year!
I'll break your legs if you get up!
I'll cane you!
Hello, Mr. Brown!
I'd have sent that 5
lakhs to your house..
.. what was the need to come here?
I don't keep petty cash here!
Mr. Brown, I haven't come here
to ask about the 5 lakhs..
.. but to introduce my
gem of a son-in-law.
- Kishan!
This is Kishan!
He's Kishan! But he told
me he's a plumber!
- No! He's Kishan.
No, pal. He's a plumber.
He's actually a thief.
He burgled my house.
He's not the one. - That must
be his twin brother, Hari.
He's the one who cons people.
Then what does he do? - He bears
the punishment for his misdeeds.
Then where's he?
- That's yourjob to find out.
We're going to take him along.
- That means I've to leave him.
Firstly, he's innocent and
secondly, he's my son-in-law.
If you're going to take him then
who's going to be in the lock-up.
Where will I get that Hari?
Uncle, are you the cop or us?
Have you caught the wrong guy or us?
Has the burglary happened
in your house or ours?
Will you nab the real thief or us?
Ms. Tania!
- What is it now?
Hasn't the manager told you that..
Yes, he did tell me that you
don't want to meet me.
But I wanted to meet you
before leaving. - Why?
Is there anything left to say?
No, Tania. You're misunderstanding
If I'd told you something wrong in
my drunken stupor, last night..
.. then kindly forgive me for that.
I can never misbehave with you.
It's just that I couldn't bear
to see you in that state.
Liquor is not the cure for
loneliness, Ms. Tania.
In fact, liquor makes one
all the more lonely.
Those who encourage you
to succumb to liquor..
.. aren't your friends
but your enemies.
You've everything by God's grace.
God forbid, if you lose
it all in the future..
.. then these friends of yours
won't be there with you either.
Learn to identify true
friends, Ms. Tania.
I'll take your leave now.
- Yes?
Where are you going?
- Back to my village.
Back to your village? But
you've promised somebody.
I'll seek forgiveness from God.
Who all will you seek
forgiveness from?
You were apologising
to me sometime back..
.. now you're even going
to apologise to God.
What to do, madam? I'm in a fix.
How can the one who helps others
find the right path..
.. be in a fix himself?
Gopi, you're not the one
who's trapped. It's me.
What? - In your simplicity. In
your honesty. In your love.
Pappu has passed his exams! Kishan!
Pappu has passed his exams!
I've tracked down the girls. They
are staying in GK resort.
Mind blowing! C'mon!
Hello! May I help you, sir?
- I need a room.
Single or double?
- Two singles.
Why don't you take a double?
- Who needs the room?
You, sir.
- Who's paying?
You, sir.
Then why are you giving
me free advice?
Open your register.
- How long will you be staying, sir?
Normally we don't wait
for more than a second.
But sometimes we've
to go in for 7 years.
Stay back! He meant stay back.
- Yes.
You can leave that area blank.
Right, sir.
- Thank you.
Thank you!
- Thank you.
Come along, idiot.
- Please attend the counter.
I'll teach you a lesson or two.
'White! Mr. White!'
- Yes. - Huh!
Is it?
- Yes?
Don't come in between.
Kishan! Hey Kishan!
Please wait! Wait!
Where do I hide from this wrestler?
He's after my life!
Hey Kishan! I know you're here.
Look Kishan, please come
out wherever you are.
I've come to take you back.
I should've kept a dog!
Had I kept a dog then you wouldn't
have been able to catch me.
Police! Police! - There's a
small station in the village.
You can find the cops there.
Hey wrestler, please
leave me! Please!
Even if I lose my wraparound, this
time I'll surely take you along.
Why are you after me?
I'm not after you. Your
dad was after my dad.
To find out the truth about you.
What rubbish are you talking?
My dad has my complete address.
And how did you and your
dad come into this?
Come along with me to Hoshiarpur.
I'll tell you everything there.
By the way, what's the matter?
It's a 25 year old case.
- Case? What case?
Court case.
Which court?
- Hoshiarpur court.
But how am I concerned with
a case between two fathers.
Because you're his
only heir, brother.
- Yes.
What am I getting?
- Land.
How much will it be worth?
- Rs. 25000!
A land worth Rs. 25000? Do you
expect me to bring it down here?
That's why I'm taking you there.
You've to come along with me.
No, I'm not coming.
- You have to.
Are you trying to use force? Are
you a cop? Do you have a warrant?
Am I your father's property?
Hey! What are you doing?!
Are you going to ask me
for a warrant, Kishan?
I'm a devotee of Lord Hanuman.
He had set fire to Lanka
without a warrant.
He had lifted the Drona
hill without a warrant.
You must hardly be weighing
I'll carry you up to Hoshiarpur
in my palm. I swear on Lord Ram!
Wrestler! Wrestler!
- Are you coming along with me?
Pack your bags and be ready.
I'll return soon. See you!
The rascal is after my life! You
people are having fun, isn't it?
Go out, have a drink and come back.
And see what I do to them.
Ma'am, this is ruby. Original!
Ruby! Very good!
No, no!
Pack this!
- No! No!
Can I show you something in gold?
Gold?! Gold!
- No, no!
Where? Where is the gold? - Yeah.
I will show you. - Bring it..
Bring it! Get the gold! Get it!
Car! Mom, I want the car..
No more cars!
You want the car? Take it.
Hey, madam. Pack this also
- No, no!
Where's the gold?
- No, no!
Why's he saying no?
- Because my BP's shooting..
.. up on thinking of the bill.
My wife has so much gold that
if she walks the street..
.. wearing all her gold then she
would look like a mobile goldmine..
Let it be! Let it be! Pack all this!
He'll settle the bills. Won't you?
Won't you?
Look, he agreed.
Oh good Lord! There's Complan
for growing kids..
.. but what plan is there
for growing bills.
What are you doing here, dancer?
I am where you are.
Hey macho man!
- Sexy bomb! I like it!
Hey do you come here daily?
No. By the way, if you invite
me, I'll come whenever you..
.. want me to.
Which band do you play for?
- How does it matter?
I can play it on anybody.
How about you?
As long as somebody doesn't
play it on you..
.. you'll never understand.
But you're able to understand,
Why have you come here?
The same reason for which
you've come here.
Do you think you're Romeo?
Had you been Juliet, then
I would've been Romeo.
But it would've been better
had you been Radha..
.. because I'm Kishan.
And I'm Gopi.
- You?! Is this a wrestling ring..
.. what are you doing here?
I don't like him.
Ladies, I'm Gopal Murlimanohar
from Hoshiarpur.
How long are you going to be here?
As long as you're here. I'll
leave when you leave.
What are you saying?
Should I wrestle with you
or have fun with them.
Fun? Right!
Fun?! Yeah, let's have fun.
- Yeah!..
C'mon, let's go.
- Hey go! I'm Gopi.
He's not going with you!
He's going to come with
me to Hoshiarpur.
C'mon, leave me!
To hell with your Hoshiarpur!
What are you acting smart for!
Have you gone crazy?
You've started fighting
with me on meeting girls.
Look, girls, you can flirt with
him as much as you want to..
.. but at the end of the day he's
going with me to Hoshiarpur..
.. I've promised your dad.
Kishan! Brother Kishan!
Oh! This is fun!
I'm scared of that staff
wielding guy who keeps..
.. stalking me. I think his
mother must've sung..
.. songs from horror movies to
him instead of lullabies.
I am fed up of this guy.
Hello, Mr. Kishan!
- You?!
- Ghost!
Kishan! Kishan! Where are you?!
This guy is troubling me! He
doesn't even let me visit..
.. the toilet in peace.
On one hand these girls are
troubling me for diamonds..
and on the other hand he stands
in my path like an RTO officer.
Don't you have anything
better to do?
You're standing out
here like a statue!
You think I am a part of a herd
that chase me with a staff?
If you keep scaring me with
that staff of yours then..
.. I'll break it one day.
I'm not going to Hoshiarpur
for Rs. 25000.
I'm not going to leave behind
millions for dimes.
Have I gone crazy? Am I that stupid?
Do one thing, you keep
that land for yourself.
From me to you. Thank
me for it and leave.
Don't eat my brains!
I would've eaten your brains,
if you had them.
If you had brains then you
would've celebrated your..
.. father's victory.
You would've come..
.. with me to Hoshiarpur and
chosen your piece of land.
You would've erected a
memorial for your dad.
What kind of a son are you?
Why are you getting so sentimental
about my dad?
It's better for me to go along
with you to Hoshiarpur..
.. rather than have you
stalking me all day.
Will you come with me to Hoshiarpur?
You arrange for the tickets
and I'll pack my bags.
Tickets? We'll go to Bombay
by bus and from there..
.. we'll take a train to Hoshiarpur.
No! Bus and trains? No!
We'll take a flight from here
to Delhi. Rs. 10000. - 10000?!
Yes. From there, AC train
to Ambala. Rs. 5000.
From there a bus.. I won't
travel in a bus.
We'll hire an AC car. At
the rate of Rs. 10 per km.
It'll be Rs. 6000. How much?
- 21000 to go and 21000 to come.
Arrange for that money
and I'll come along..
I don't have that much money?!
What?! You don't have money? -No.
Then how'll I come to Hoshiarpur?
Who promised dad?
- I.
Who vowed to take me to Hoshiarpur?
- I.
Then who'll arrange for the money?
- I. - Then?!
Arrange the money and I
will come to Hoshiarpur.
If I arrange the money you'll
come to Hoshiarpur with me?
- Swear on me.
I promise that you arrange
for the money..
.. and I'll go along with
you to Hoshiarpur.
Ok. I'll go.
How can you escape so easily!
And you also promise that you'll
not show me your face..
.. or stalk me till you
arrange for the money.
Yes, I promise not to stalk
you or show my face.
Yeah baby!
- Kishan! - What is it?
Kishan! Kishan!
The mermaids are bathing.
So should I apply soap on them?
I meant the girls.
- Which girls?
The girls who were bathing.
- What! Where are they?
In the swimming pool.
- Mind blowing!
We'll go their to swim and
while swimming we'll
Befriend them and ask them
where the diamonds are.
And you think they'll tell you?
- Yes.
They'll beat you to pulp.
If they're swimming in the pool
then we'll clean up their room..
.. by then. - Yes. - Find out
their room no. - Ok.
Okey. Yes!
I'll ask them right away!
Idiot! Why will you go and
ask them! Ask the waiter.
Take it! Pass it on!
- Take it!
Here! C'mon!
Pass it here! C'mon!
C'mon! Get it!
- I'll get it!
Why don't you be the
elder brother and..
.. seek one of their hands
in marriage for me.
Why? - That way we can ask them
to give us the diamonds as dowry.
Shut up! You just
keep on blabbering.
Kishan! Listen to me! Oh I broke it!
O my God! Where have they gone man!
Hey! Move aside! What
kind of a bat is this!
Why are you breaking that TV?
They could've hidden it in the TV.
Then couldn't you switch
on the TV and see.
- Sorry! Sorry!
That's the way! I like it!
No! No! I don't like it!
Oh my God! I've to renovate
that entire room.
You'll have to pay another
In rupees?
- Right, sir.
Are you ok, sir? - No, man!
I wasn't even in the room.
I don't even know who broke it.
But it's your room, sir. - No! It's
your room. You can keep it.
Right, sir. But it's in your name.
And the keys are with you.
The one who has the keys
has to pay the fine.?
C'mon, hurry up! Get dressed up.
I'm sure that even when the don comes
he won't find us or the diamonds.
Oh the diamonds.
Where are the diamonds?
It's in the locker, idiot! C'mon
now, hurry up. - Locker!
Ask the kid to keep quiet,
I'm not able to think.
Right away!
I want to play now. It's mine!
No, dear. We can keep
it away for now.
No, it's mine. It's mine.
Shut up!
Hey bandmaster!
I'll make her dance to my tunes!
Kid, what's your dad's room no.?
- Ok!
.. I'll play with the
police vehicles.
There's a police siren in that!
We will scare people with this.
Who is that?
Shit!- Hurry!
Oh God! - Why did the three of us
leave the locker and come here?
The bandmaster! Shit!
Gopi! Brother Gopi!
What are you turning your
face away for? Am I naked?
You had made me promise that
I shouldn't show you my..
.. face until I get the tickets.
Don't bother about that,
I've got the tickets.
Here, look.
- Really?
Have I ever lied?
Moreover, even if you
had taken the money..
.. no one would've given you
flight tickets. - Yes?
That Anuradha is coming
along with me.
Actually she hasn't seen
a Goa without the sea.
If you want you can
bring Tania along.
- Yes.
That'll be great, brother.
- Great?
But we'll spend our honeymoon
here in Goa.
Not in Hoshiarpur.
You're truly like Lord Krishna.
Naughty and romantic.
It's paining!
- Forgive me.
Thank you. You can praise me later.
I'm in a hurry now. Let's go.
I'm all set. C'mon! Let's go!
Where did the bandmaster go?
We must catch him.
- Yes we should. - Yes, of course.
Don, my fate is so bad!
Everybody has to die
someday including me.
But just see in how many different
ways one can die.
By train accidents, road accidents,
plane crash. You know?
Some drown in a ship,
some drown in liquor.
Some are poisoned to death.
TB, malaria, AIDS, etc.
There's no dignity in their death.
Dignity is there in my death.
I'm going to die in
the hands of a don.
Don! A don who's going to die a dog's
death at the hands of..
.. the police.
I meant, instead of dying a
dog's death at the hands..
.. of the police, he should
directly be bitten by dogs.
Who's the dog? - There's neither
a mirror to show you..
.. nor is there any time.
But Don, I've a final
wish before I die.
Please fulfill it.
What's the last wish?
Mother used to tell me..
- Mother?
Mother used to tell me that
if there's no way out then..
.. we should watch a movie
at a nearby theatre..
.. then we would surely find a way.
And there is no theatre nearby.
And you don't have a VCR..
But I only have tragic movies..
I don't want to die laughing anyway.
If I cry by seeing those movies..
.. my heart will be rid
of all the burden.
Maybe even the body would lighten.
You wouldn't have a difficulty
lifting me up.
Don, will you show me the film?
It's my mother's last wish..
Mother! The last film..
Don't cry! Switch on the TV..
Play a nice classic movie.
Play a nice old classic movie.
You're so nice. You're
so innocent.
You're so lovely.
O mother!
O Mother!
You're so nice. You're
so innocent.
You're so lovely.
O mother!
O Mother!
This world..
Mr. Don! You're crying! I'm leaving.
No! Where are you going?
To stop those tears.
They flow such that there's
no line or valve behind them.
There's nothing to stop them.
Oh God! I've even given
up my plumber's job.
I'm going to look for
a mother for you, don.
Where will you get her from?
- I'll find her, don.
I'll get you my mother.
I'm going to die.
Who'll take care of my mother?
You're the only one, don. Only you.
Take good care of my mother, don.
- Mother!
I'm going!
- Mother!
Take good care of my mother, don.
- Mother! Mother!
I'm saved!
- You've driven me crazy..
- You've driven me crazy..
You've driven me crazy.. - Babu.
Aren't you ashamed, naked guy!
I'm dying at the don's hand and
you're talking a bath out here.
Get out! Bring all of
them to the airport.
In the meanwhile, I'll get
the boarding pass. C'mon! - Ok.
Who's this?
- It's me, brother.
How are you?
- I am fine.
I had something to tell you.
- Yes, tell me. - I've chosen a guy.
A really nice guy.
I want you to meet him.
Yes, I do have to meet him.
I'm bringing him and his dad.
Even I want to show him..
.. that my brother is a
big businessman too.
Very good! Very good!
When are you coming?
- What do you mean when?
I'm calling from the airport..
I'm coming right now.
Mr. Black.
Brother Gopi, please save me..
What's this new story now?
Brother Gopi, I have a sister
who studies abroad.
Whatever I do, I do it
for her, brother Gopi.
She is getting engaged.
And they want to come here.
Brother Gopi, they think
that I am a rich person.
That I have many hotels. But
the truth is I have nothing.
If the groom's family comes
to know that I have nothing..
.. the engagement will break.
Please save me.
- Buddy, I understood everything.
Brother Kishan, I understood
But you will come to
Hoshiarpur with me..
.. once everything becomes
fine, won't you?
You have faith on me. I have
complete faith in lord Hanuman.
I'll try to do something.
These two guys are here as well?
- Hi.
They are here.
- Who is where?
- Whose ladla?
No body's dear one.
Ladla is his name.
And you know he is a don. A don.
How would he harm you?
And why would he do that?
- Look, I don't have time..
.. to answer so many questions.
He will kill me the
moment he sees me.
He will kill you? Why, Kishan?
- Not Kishan, but Hari.
Hari ran away with their diamonds.
And these guys are chasing me.
- Then tell those guys..
.. that you are not Hari,
but you are Kishan.
There's a lot of difference
.. saying something and
proving something, Anu.
Till I don't bring Hari in front
of them, they will think..
.. that I am Hari and
they will chase me.
And you know I am Kishan. And
I can't bring Hari here.
- That's why they will kill Kishan..
.. assuming him to be Hari.
What would happen finally?
What would happen?
- Finally what will happen is that..
.. Kishan will die in Hari's
place in this diamond puzzle.
And when Hari will be caught
Kishan won't be there.
Because they had already
killed Kishan. - Yes.
I hope you understand
what I am saying.
It's a bit confusing.
- Hari's well-wisher!
What are you explaining
to her? Explain it to me.
- Now I got it.
Hari ran away with my diamonds.
- Correct.
Now you will hand over Hari to me.
Or else in this hurry
I might shoot you..
.. assuming you to be Hari.
Will I get a chance?
- What chance?
What's the time now?
- Where?
In your watch, of course.
It's 2 o'clock. - 2.
- 2.
He might have gone to Bali by now.
- Bali? - Bali?
Yes, it's his daily program.
- What?
He meets Kali at 1 o'clock. - Kali.
- He goes to Bali at 2. - Bali.
There he eats a rice plate at 3.
I want to go to Bali.
- Do I look like a travel agent?
Let's do one thing.
Let's go to the port.
You can catch him there before
he leaves this place.
If he escapes to Bali you'd be
left with empty hands. - No.
I will go to Bali.
- Thank you.
I will go to Bali.
I won't go bankrupt.
C'mon! Be careful. Be careful.
There's a gun in my hand.
Be careful.
- Yes.
Yes, come.
Walk faster or else
the ship will leave.
Is this is the right ship or
you are pulling a fast one?
You think I am pulling
a fast one on you?
What are you saying! He's there.
- Who?
Hari. Hari. He's there.
Red cap and red jacket.
- Red cap. Red jacket.
I can see him.
- He is his mother's favorite child.
He's his mother's favorite
child. Really!
- Hey! I am here.
I can do it for you. I am as
good as three. Wait here.
Stop. - You think I am a fool?
- No.
We will be here. You will go there.
You will escape to Bali
with your brother Hari.
You wait here.
We will go there. - Yes.
Come. Come.
- Be careful. Be careful.
Ok. Hide your face.
Down. Down.
Whoever is there in the red
coat will get Hari's death.
Move aside.
Something is definitely
wrong. Freak!
Nothing's wrong, Anu.
I am here only, isn't it?
See I am the owner of this hotel.
But this owner will disown
the ownership for a month.
K.G. Resort will become
G.K. Resort..
.. whose owners will
be Gopi and Kishan.
'Hey Mr. Black!'
'Hey Mr. White. '
'Hey Mr. White, Mr. Black!'
I have been pushing around the
suitcases since 25 years..
.. but I didn't get to
wear a suit even once.
And this stick-man came
here half-naked..
.. but today he is roaming
around like a big shot.
How are you?
- Brother.
O God! Good to see you.
Brother, he is Sid.
- Sid, hi. - Hi, Sid.
And he is Sid's dad,
Mr. Vikrant Patel.
- It's alright.
Very nice to have met you, Kishan.
- Pleasure's all mine.
Please meet my friends.
Please, come.
He's my partner, Mr. Gopi.
- Greetings.
How do you do, Mr. Gopi?
What are you doing?
Awesome. Awesome look.
Very interesting. Stick.
- Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
- And she's Tanya, our employer.
Hello there!
- Employer? -Hello! - Means..
Its owner.
- Owner.
Yeah. - Actually Mr. Gopi
and Tanya are, you know..
In love.
- Yeah! Yeah!
And she is Anuradha. She and I..
Actually she's my owner.
Yeah. Shall we go now? Shall we?
- Yeah..
Please come.
Thank you.
What is going on! You changed
the hotel's name..
You even changed the owner's name.
What's the matter, Roshan Lal?
Tanya ma'am, you are corrupting
your family business.
Everything will be ruined.
I mean there will be
no credibility left.
Why don't you understand that?
Look, Roshan Lal. It would be far
better if you don't bother..
.. to lecture me about family
business and credibility, ok?
Or else I will also have
to lecture your wife..
.. about your relation
with that Suzie girl.
Should I, Roshan Lal?
- Ma'am.
Gopi and Kishan are
such good people.
I am really happy.
Two heartbeats of the same heart.
One is Gopi and the
other one is Kishan.
Two heartbeats of the same heart.
One is Gopi and the
other one is Kishan.
Come. Come. Welcome. Welcome.
Come. Come. Welcome. Welcome.
Two heartbeats of the same heart.
One is Gopi and the
other one is Kishan.
Two heartbeats of the same heart.
One is Gopi and the
other one is Kishan.
It is unbreakable..
It is unbreakable.. Our
bond is unbreakable.
Come. Come. Welcome. Welcome.
Come. Come. Welcome. Welcome.
Our story is very unique
and beautiful.
We are two bodies, but one soul.
Our story is very unique
and beautiful.
We are two bodies, but one soul.
We will stay together forever.
We will sacrifice our
lives for each other.
We'll share the sorrows.
Welcome. Welcome. Welcome.
We have taken an oath, we will
surely keep the promise.
We will enjoy the togetherness
of love.
We have taken an oath, we will
surely keep the promise.
We will enjoy the togetherness
of love.
God brought us together. Brought
happiness in our life.
We will dance with joy.
Dance with joy. Dance with joy.
Two heartbeats of the same heart.
One is Gopi and the
other one is Kishan.
Two heartbeats of the same heart.
One is Gopi and the
other one is Kishan.
It is unbreakable..
It is unbreakable.. Our
bond is unbreakable.
I've never seen you
so happy before, dad.
Yes, son. We Indians go far
.. and change ourselves..
.. but the India inside this
heart never changes.
It is a great thing for this Indian
heart to feel happy when..
.. our son or daughter is wed
to a good Indian family.
It's a great thing. It is the
happiest moment of our life.
I was confident, dad. After
talking to Divya, one can..
.. definitely understand that
she is from a royal family.
Brother Gopi, the engagement
ceremony was..
.. a super hit one.
Yes, instead of wearing this suit,
if I would've worn my..
.. loin cloth, then it would've
looked grand and pomp. You..
- Here.
Who is it? Three of them?
Okay, send them in.
- Hello, sir.
Hello, who are you?
I am Khabri from Dopahri.
I am Miss Sting from Twing channel.
And I am from Daily Danga.
Good. What made you come here?
Sir, we've come here
for an interview. -Yes.
Oh, how sad, there isn't any
vacancy here. Get out.
Sir, we want to interview you.
You've got such a big deal,
you took over this hotel..
We want to know everything
how you did all this, sir.
Do you want to know everything?
No problem. There is a room
here. We'll go there.
We'll wrap up the interview.
I think I've seen you somewhere.
Right now. When you were looking
there and turned here..
.. you must've seen me. Come, sir.
One minute. There is something
wrong in this..
.. name plate of the resort.
- Name plate? Not at all.
How did it become GK from KG?
The owner has changed so
the name also changed.
What are you saying? The
owner has changed? - Yes.
Who is the owner now?
You? You both are owners
of this resort?
Why did he come here?
- He used to wear a loin cloth..
.. and Mittal got you released
from the jail.
I was undergoing punishment
because of your confusion.
By the way you slowly
digested that..
.. five hundred thousand rupees.
Punishment? - Yes, this inspector
is always confused.
Shut up! There is
no confusion today.
If there isn't any confusion,
why are you here?
Did you forget the way
to the police station?
Or you have come here for
the extortion money?
Look, I am a very good citizen of
this country and I will not..
.. encourage this kind
of illegal activities.
Extortion money?
I am not here for the
extortion money.
I am here to investigate two
Oh, tell me.
How did the name of this resort
change from KG to GK?
Three journalists are missing
from this place.
Missing? But I..
- Newspaper is shut down?
Newspaper is on.
So, are you unaware of the fact
that we bought this hotel?
Bought it? - Yes, do you think
I would've taken it on rent?
GK.. Gopi Kishan resort. Hello.
- Hello.
There is something fishy.
- There's nothing fishy.
We both are 50-50 partners.
Three people are missing from here.
Mr. Khabri, Mr. Panga,
and Ms. Sting.
Two men and one girl are missing.
Girl will surely miss a guy, right?
They are not missing each other,
but three people are missing..
.. from here, since last night.
They had come here.
Who told this to you?
- James.
Who, James?
- Senior producer X TV.
Did he say that? - He didn't say,
but gave a complaint.
- Journalist.
There is a complaint about the
journalist, why are you asking me?
- There was a complaint that..
.. three journalists are
missing from here.
But we didn't complain from here.
Oh God, here means..
.. three journalists from
this resort.. are missing.
This complaint
was given by senior producer..
.. X TV Mr. James in
the police station.
- Hey, shut up!
That's why I have come
here to investigate.
For such a small matter. For such
a small matter. Go search.
No! No!
- Why not?
Brother Kishan..
- Brother?
So, he is your brother?
- No, he addresses everyone..
.. as 'brother' with love.
- Is that so?
Brother inspector.. - Brother
inspector? My name is Brown.
Brother Brown..
- Don't address me as brother!
Okay, just brother will do?
- No.
Brother. Brother. Brother.
- No! No! No!
Oh, Mr. No! - My name is Brown.
Call me inspector Brown!
Okay.. Why are you getting angry?
You shouldn't get angry so easily.
Relax, there is some confusion.
I'll explain everything
to you in brief.
Not three, but two journalists
had come here.
Both were girls. One named Khabri
and other named Sting.
There was a problem
between both of them.
Brother Gopi got angry and
kicked them out of here.
Since then they are missing.
- Missing? - Yes.
From where?
- Here.
I am saying the same thing.
- Even I am saying the same thing.
Then who is confused?
- James.
Who is James?
- James is the producer of X TV.
Oh, I remember it now.
- He gave the complaint, right?
Yes, he gave a complaint
that there are three..
.. journalists missing
from GK resort.
Did he say GK or KG?
He was addressing as GK and..
.. I was saying KG.
- Then who was confused?
I was confused.
- Strange. Strange.
You've been saying from a long
time that no one is confused.
Babu.. Babu! Babu.
- Yes, sir.
Babu, Babu.. take him and leave
him far away from this place.
Yes, sir. - Far away. -
Come on, sir. - Strange.
In that jungle
- Kishan..
From where no one returns.
Hey, come here!
No rooms. Hotel full. Go.
It seems you are new.
You are teaching me my own business!
I'm Kulbhushan Gupta.
You may be Kulbhushan or Bharat
Bhushan I don't care.
C'mon move away from here.
Hey, you do not recognise the owner!
And on top of that you act smart!
Hey, you may be the owner
of your house, understood?
If you talk too much then..
It seems some mad
dog has bitten you!
A mad dog has bitten me?
- Yes.
I will show you now.
One minute.
Hey, go.. get out!
Fool, idiot!
Tight slap! Wait till I make
a bed roll out of you!
Hey he's taking me somewhere!
I'm the owner of this resort!
Shut up!
- I'm the owner of this resort!
Whatever you are, I'll show you now!
Can't you understand?
You fool!
G.K. Resorts!
Hey, you've landed
directly on earth?!
Did you get struck by lightening?
Who are you?
I'm the owner of this resort.
- Yes.
When a beggar says that
I can understand..
.. but when I see a lunatic,
it makes me angry..
.. I'm telling you.
Hey I'm not a lunatic!
- I'm the owner of this resort. K.G.
You study in K.G?
- Oh!
In your place, I'd have graduated
five times by now!
He's in K.G!
- K.G. stands for Kulbhushan Gupta.
Okay, okay, okay, so
you are that K.G.
And these people are fooling you.
You know them?
- I know everything about them.
Is it?
- Yes.
You can reach them through me..
.. and you can even
get them arrested.
But there is a price for taking
my help. 10,000 only.
Let's go.
- Come here.
me to the police station?
You first come inside.
Great K.G! Sold your
hotel for millions..
.. distributed sweets
to the entire world..
.. and only then you
remembered Brown!
What sweets sir?
His hotel is not sold, it's stolen.
- Yes. - Who stole it?
And who are you?
- Tulsi.
- Yes.
I have heard this name somewhere.
Where have I heard it?
Where have I heard this name?
In the TV serial.
The TV serial, 'Kyunki Saas
Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi'..
.. the name of the heroine
in that serial is Tulsi.
Then what is your name?
- Tulsi.
Then what is the name of that Irani?
I told you sir, Tulsi.
You are trying to confuse me.
Don't confuse me!
Hey Brown! Brown!
My mother! Listen to me! Why
are you listening to him?
My hotel is destroyed,
I'm destroyed.
They have stolen my hotel!
They have turned K.G into G.K.
Where were you when all
this was happening?
What do you mean where
I was? I was on a tour.
Were you on a small tour
or some big tour?
Hey, how does that matter?!
It matters.
I went to the bathroom in my house..
.. and my house was robbed.
You left behind your hotel
and went on a tour..
.. your hotel was robbed.
K.G, you are going through
a bad phase just like me.
Forget a 5-star, you are not even..
.. worth owning a roadside joint now.
Now you neither need the police,
me, nor.. - Tulsi.
You neither need Tulsi nor Aruna
Irani. - Smriti Irani.
- Don't confuse me.
Listen to me, forget
a complaint and..
.. show your horoscope to
some good astrologer.
You're going through a bad phase.
Oh my God! What kind of a man is he!
Dance, sing and have fun.
Come and enjoy yourselves.
The ambience is full of happiness.
Dance to the beat of the music.
Hey dance, sing and have fun.
Come and enjoy yourselves.
The ambience is full of happiness.
Dance to the beat of the music.
There is freedom to drink and eat.
Friends, it's my
sister's marriage.
Friends, it's my
sister's marriage.
My sister's face is
like a golden bird.
Nobody's sister in this
world is like my sister.
Like ajewel.
- Are her eyes.
Like a pearl..
- Are her eyes.
She is natures..
- Magic.
She seems like..
- A fairy.
Is she a bride or some queen?
Friends, it's my sister's..
sister's marriage.
Friends, it's my
sister's marriage.
Sister, you take away your
brother's good wishes.
Let there be no sadness
in your life.
This day was destined to come.
You have to go to your
beloved's house.
No matter how hard we try..
.. tears are bound to flow.
Everyone has helped decorate
your palanquin.
Friends, it's my
sister's marriage.
Friends it's my sister's marriage.
Hey dance, sing and have fun.
Come on enjoy yourselves.
The ambience is full of happiness.
Dance to the eat of the music.
There is freedom to drink and eat.
Friends, it's my
sister's marriage.
Friends it's my sister's marriage.
Friends it's my sister's marriage.
We'll find some clue..
.. what this racket is about.
KG, what will people say when
they see us entering like..
.. thieves in the hotel to look
for thieves with an inspector?
They'll think that thief has
come in the disguise of..
.. an inspector or inspector
in the disguise of thief.
Come. Come. Keep your
confusion away and..
.. come with me quietly.
Sir.. - Sir, please, save us.
- Sir please, help us.
We had come for an interview.
- What is our fault?
We're media persons. They
beat us up badly.
We are not giving
you any great news.
It is not Gopi Kishan who
has done it, but it is me.
Till today, this hotel
belongs to you, dad.
The name and the owner were
changed for some days.
That's it.
- That's it?!
Such a big fraud and it
is a small thing for you?
Possessiveness of a brother to
his sister.. a brother's love..
.. you call this as fraud, dad?
This is the first time in my life.
I've known the importance
of relationships.
The price of your hotel is
nothing compared to that.
You can keep the hotel
for yourself, dad.
It was KG resort earlier, even
today it is yours and..
.. you will remain
its owner forever.
Tulsi, there is a chaos all around.
All the rich people have
become poor here.
Even I say, don't be greedy.
Stop stealing.
Tulsi, I am telling you, your
taxi is best for you.
Even if you earn daily, you will
earn a huge amount. Lottery.
Lottery. You've won a lottery,
Tulsi. You've won a lottery.
Tulsi, you've become a millionaire.
Brother Gopi, you accompanied
me as my elder brother.
Our sister got married.
Divya is very fortunate.
She had only one brother
earlier now she has two.
Now even I have a brother now.
Brother, Kishan. If you address
me as your elder brother..
.. then please listen to me.
If one is not greedy and pure
at heart, God favors them.
You've fulfilled your wish, right?
Now, I'll do what I wish.
- Yes. - But..
First you'll come with me
to Hoshiarpur and I'll do..
.. whatever you want me to do.
If you escape from us, you'll
leave this place. You!
Hey, listen. -Hey you! You
were trying to cheat me!
Hey brother!
- Brother! Don't call me brother.
This story took me to Bali!
I don't want a story,
I want the diamonds!
Bali? Brother! Diamonds?
Brother, which diamonds
are you talking about?
Don't ask me, ask him.
By the way, who are you?
Consider me as his elder brother.
Who are you? Whose brother are
you? Twins, elder, younger?
Not twins, but elder.
But he said twin, he is
elder and he is younger.
One minute, I'll ask him.
Brother Kishan, who is younger one?
I am younger and you are elder.
- Shut up!
You said that you were elder
and he was younger.
Why are you shouting?
Why are you shouting?
Shouting like this will not change
you to elder and him to younger.
Don't shout. I'll ask him
with shanti.
Shanti? Who is Shanti?
Shanti means Aman.
- Aman?
Tell me one thing clearly,
how many siblings are you?
Gopi, Kishan, Shanti, Aman?
No brother, we are only two of
them. Gopi and this is my Kishan.
Then who is Shanti and Aman?
You forget them.
- Then twins?
I am asking him about them, right?
Brother Kishan, tell
me who are twins?
Twins? I don't have any twin
brothe r. - He doesn't have.
You don't interrupt him.
- He is lying.
Then what is the truth?
- He doesn't have any twin brother.
When you know the truth, why
are you tormenting him?
Because his twin brother, who
doesn't exist, has run away..
.. with diamonds worth 250 million.
Are you nuts? What are you saying?
His twin brother, who doesn't exist..
.. has run away with your diamonds
worth 250 million? Yes. He ran away.
It means that
it was him who told me..
.. about his twin brother and ran away
with my diamonds worth 250 million.
Ask him where his twin brother
is. That means where is he?
I'll ask you something
that will be final.
What do you want to know? About
the diamonds or brother?
Shoot brother, I want the diamonds.
If you shoot the brother, how
will you get the diamonds?
Please, give back my diamonds.
Please, calm down.
I'll do something.
Did you take his diamonds?
- No. - Hey, you come down.
You lied to me?
- Sir, I am not lying.
Brother Gopi, I am not lying.
Somebody else has..
.. taken his diamonds away
from him. What can I do?
- Those diamonds belong to me!
The whole world knows that
those diamonds are mine.
Give the diamonds to me or there'll
be bloodshed all around.
Yes, even you'll have to
shed your blood, dear.
Hey fraud, will you give the
diamonds or not or these girls..
.. and your friends will be seen
only in a photograph from now on.
Come on, give the diamonds
or see these girl dead.
I am his elder brother.
Tell me what do you want?
Hey you! Shut up! Stop acting naive.
This is done by you both.
Come on, give us the diamonds.
Come on.
Kishan, why don't you
tell them that this..
.. was done by Hari and not you?
Brother Gopi, I was going to tell
you everything after Divya's..
.. wedding about these people.
I was the one who used to lie,
cheat, and swindle.
I don't have any twin brother.
I had made a place to hide my sins.
Anu, please forgive me.
Please, forgive me.
I never had the courage
to mutter up the truth.
I had a fear of losing
you. I am sorry.
I love you very much.
The diamonds are with me.
Listen! Apply that!
Apply! Come here!
You are tickling me!
You! I will kill you!
- Hey! Hey Sardar!
How did you enter our room?!
- Through the door!
What do you mean how!
If I wouldn't have entered your
room through the door..
.. then.. this.. I would have
lost this stuff worth crores.
- What is this?
Diamonds. - That means you are
a robber. Thief. Police!
Hey dwarf!
Hey dwarf! Sweets are in front of
you and you are looking elsewhere!
We will share it. What do
you say sister-in-law.
You idiot! Get out! Get out!
Otherwise I will open all
the hooks and shout.
Should I shout?
- No. - Should I shout? - No.
Save me. Save me. Save me.
Where are the diamonds?
Who's going to wait
for him to recall!
When his beloved is
drenched in blood..
.. he will recall even
his days in the womb!
One minute! One minute! One minute!
I'm being able to recall something.
Engagement.. marriage..
- Marriage..
.. palanquin.. songs.. and..
Hey short circuit! Sing the
song for your father-in-law!
Give me the diamonds. Or I'll
kill these two old people!
Brother Kishan, do you recall
where the diamonds are?
I am waiting for them.
Whom are you waiting
for, I'm there.
Look here once, I'm here.
Hey Sardar, stop your rape!
Hey strong man, you are
trying to say 'rap'!
This is Gujarati! Your
voice is getting raped.
You do one thing. Change your voice.
Don't worry, I'll pay
for the operation.
Hey Sardar, have you
lost your mind?!
Not lost it! I have
realized the truth!
Although I realized
it a little late.
The truth is so evident that..
.. there is no question
of any doubts.
The reputation that
had got tattered..
.. has been rebuilt again.
In short, the moral of
the story is that..
.. I'm going to be the
owner of this hotel.
Hey, hey Sardar!
There is a question of
life and death here..
.. do not interfere!
Come, move aside, otherwise
I'll shoot you first!
Hey Barbie doll!
Give me those hands, they would
be useful for massage.
Take her, take her away.
Hey I'll take you away
too, you blackie!
Hey Sardar, what are you doing?
Brother Kishan is trying
to recall something.
Why are you interfering and
disturbing his concentration?!
We are all stuck in this world.
But you do not worry, everyone
will be relieved.
Everyone's fate will change
for the better.
Hey Sardar! Get out of here
before your luck runs out!
My luck won't run out,
it will shine!
Look what do I have?!
Brother Kishan, diamonds!
Diamonds are found!
No one will move beginning
from the Sardar!
Drop your guns!
- Don't confuse me!
What do you mean where?
Here in my hands!
C'mon everybody turn around.
- This way!
Now stretch your hands
for the handcuffs.
One handcuff, 12 hands!
I will go to the police
station now..
.. to get more handcuffs.
Be honest criminals! Stay
here! I'll be back!
K.G - Yes. - You wait
for me near the gate.
And see to it that nobody
goes out from the gate.
- Follow me.
Leave me!
Hey leave me! Leave me!
Hey leave, leave!
Leave me! Leave me!
My mother's diamonds!
They're mine!
My mother's diamonds!
Look, I don't hit women. Look..
Make the pyramid properly.
I will climb.
Look, I don't hit women.
Come here. Come here.
I've got it!
- Give it to me.
I have got the diamonds!
I have got the diamonds!
Dear! Dear!
Mother. Mother, where had you been?
Dear! Get lost from here.
Hey, where did it go?
- Where?
Excuse me.
- Move back!
'Mr. White! Hey Mr. Black!'
Gopi Kishan! Stop!
Stop! Return my diamonds!
My diamonds!
Brother inspector, the one whom
you had to arrest you did.
Now take these diamonds
and deposit them..
.. in the government treasury.
Okay. - The reward that we have
to get, keep it as a tip.
Like a gift.
- Why should I keep it?
Keep it. It will be
a great use for you.
Brother Kishan, shall
we go to Hoshiarpur?
What is there in your Hoshiarpur..
.. other than this land worth
There are no dogs also over here.
Good there are no dogs here!
Brother Kishan, it is not worth
Oh my God! 250 million!
I love stones!
Yummy! Yummy! Yummy!
You're my bread and I'm your
spinach. Add some butter to it.
You're my bread and I'm your
spinach. Add some butter to it.
C'mon brother! Brother!
C'mon brother! Brother!
You're my bread and I'm your
spinach. Add some butter to it.
You're my bread and I'm your
spinach. Add some butter to it.
C'mon brother! Brother!
C'mon brother! Brother!
Forget all differences a hug each
other. Don't lose this opportunity.
You can try, my brother.
You can try, my brother.
Mr. Black, Mr. White!
Mr. Black, Mr. White!
You're my bread and I'm your
spinach. Add some butter to it.
O little brother, listen
to me. Hold my finger.
You're naughty, you're innocent.
Get on the bike of friendship.
I've a great formula to live life.
I haven't received this
formula for free.
Who's genuine and who's an
imposter. Who stole the booty?
Drown yourself in
a bucket of water.
Don't fight! Don't
fight, brothers.
Mr. Black, Mr. White!
Mr. Black, Mr. White!
Mr. Black, Mr. White!
Mr. Black, Mr. White!