Mr. X (2015)

"There are no imprints
of your footsteps."
"There is no heat in your fire."
"There is no emotions for your words."
"You are here, and still not here."
"You are the soul without body."
"You are the ash,
you are nothing."
"You are the soul without body."
"Who are you,
what's your name, tell me."
"You can call me X."
"You can call me X."
"You can call me X."
"Mr. X!"
"You can call me X."
"You can call him X."
"You can call me X."
"You can call him X."
"You can call me X."
"You can call him X."
"Mr. X!"
"Your fragrance pulls me."
"Your breaths heat up my body."
"Your heartbeat only I have heard."
"There is not even a shadow of yours."
"Your fragrance pulls me."
"Your breaths heat up my body."
"Your heartbeat only I have heard."
"There is not even a shadow of yours."
"O unseen friend,
what kind of secret you are?"
"O unseen friend.."
"..who are you,
what's your name, tell me."
"You can call me X."
"You can call me X."
"You can call me X."
"Mr. X!"
"You can call me X."
"You can call him X."
"You can call me X."
"You can call him X."
"You can call me X."
"You can call him X."
"Mr. X!"
Mr. X moves!
It dissolves, whether human heart.
"Thirst for love, eternal!
Love! Love! Love!
I'm feeling scared.
Move back. Move back.
Please clear the way.
Raghu, it's the ACP.
Sir, we killed one of the men.
But the other one has handcuffed
himself to the steering wheel.
And he has a bomb on him.
If we gun him down..
...he will trigger the bomb.
And the people inside
the bus won't survive.
I know, sir,
but we can't ask for any more time.
Raghu, the terrorist is on the line.
He wants to talk to you.
Sir, I'll call you back, sir.
I shot two people dead,
you still don't get it.
I'll keep shooting a person,
every five minutes"
...till they are all dead
until you give me proof..
"That my brother Akhtar
Maksood's been set free.
This is my last warning.
It's not as easy as you think.
This requires special permission..
...and that takes time.
Please, we're trying.
We're bringing him to you,
all we need is an hour.
Of course! You will get time!
After every five minutes.
But before that...
it's time for punishment.
Hello! Hello! Hello!
Hey you!
You, old man! You!
I'm talking to you!
Get up, come on.
Get up!
Please spare me.
Rajiv, do you have a clear shot?
Yes, sir.
Check carefully.
Do you have a clear shot?
I do, sir.
Okay, on my command.
- Yes, sir.
Take the shot now.
Okay, move in. Move in!
Come on, guys, move out. Move out!
Now! Move.
We only have three minutes.
Come on, guys, hurry up.
- Move.
Help them, go, Q0, 9-
Go...come on.
Come on, hurry up.
There's someone inside.
Are you crazy? There is no time.
The bomb can blowup any minute.
Then diffuse this bomb.
I won't be able to do it.
I can't do this.
I'm going to save that man.
I know you will save me.
I am his last hope, and you are mine.
You love me, don't you?
Then just do it.
ATD agents Raghuram
Rathod and Siya Verma..
...put their lives at stake and
saved all the passengers.
Raghu, I'm only having some soup.
What about you?
- Yeah, soup is fine.
...demanded Akhtar Maksood
to be released from prison.
But ATD's successful
mission thwarted his plans.
You have a death wish, don't you?
Get out of my life.
Don't ever come back.
Just leave! Get out!
Just go!
Why do you do this?
You're the only
person I have in this world.
That's the reason why you trouble me.
Make me cry.
Shut me out!
I am sorry.
I won't do it again.
I promise.
Don't make any promises.
You know what, this is it.
I don't want to be scared anymore.
If we've to separate, then
why tomorrow. Let's pan ways today.
At least I can sleep
peacefully tonight.
I won't get any nightmares.
Just leave, Raghu! Go!
You know we can't live
without each other.
And so...l make a promise to you today.
I can only make half the promise today.
And the rest tomorrow.
It's not funny, Raghu.
Siya Verma, will you marry me?
I promise...
...I'll buy a real ring tomorrow.
I've realized that there's
only one way to save my life.
That I make you my life.
"If I am there in the breath
of your breaths.."
"..then I exist."
"if I am there in your dreams.."
"..then I exist."
"I am from your being.."
" lose you is like
to lose myself."
"if you are there, I am there.."
"..if it's like that, then I am."
"if you are there, I am there.."
"..if it's like that, then I am."
"Without you, what's mine,
that I should hear or say.."
"..without you what's in me,
which I should live, in which to live."
"In you alone my life is there.."
" a moment of yours,
my centuries are there."
"Without you I am like a desert,
without you, I am not even a drop."
"I am from your being.."
" lose you is like
to lose myself."
"if you are there, I am there.."
"..if it's like that, then I am."
Your dad will be released
from jail this week.
If you want to get
married after that...
I don't want to wait for him!
"You are on my face,
staying there like some relief."
"I too am in your hands,
like fate, all scattered."
"You are as if my soul,
on touching you I feel living."
"Whenever I see myself,
even within myself, I feel like you."
"I am from your being.."
" lose you is like
to lose myself."
"if you are there, I am there.."
"..if it's like that, then I am."
"if you are there, I am there.."
"..if it's like that, then I am."
- Hello.
Yeah, but.. - But I clearly
said yesterday was my last day, and..
Okay, fine. I'll come.
Yeah, fine.
ACP's called us.
Emergency meeting!
Can I now have my shin back please?
If you can keep me in your heart.
...then can't I keep your shin on me?
You can.
But what good is it to you?
I'm not in it.
- But your fragrance is.. stays with me, when you don't.
You won't need it.
Because tomorrow we'll be married..
...and be together.
And then no cold-crumpled
shin needed when a hot guy is here.
And...we still have 15 minutes.
- Hi, Popo.
- Hi.
Raghu, I've got something for you.
What's this..
- My sister has sent this for you.
We repaid all our debts.
Popo, l..
- It's all because of you, Raghu.
You showed faith in me.
It's all because of you, that a boy who
lived in a shanty finally owns a house.
Thanks, buddy.
Popo, only capable
people can be trusted.
And I did a favor to the ATD, not you.
The department needed
a computer expert.
...and I fulfilled their need.
I told my sister that you
would say something similar.
That's why she chose
this gift for you.
You're like God to us.
Now let me work.
Two weeks ago we received information
that a terrorist group is in this city..
...with a plan to murder
the CM before the elections.
We were verifying this information
when a man was arrested.
Sayeed Naqvi!
He was arrested on Nepal Border.
During interrogation,
he admitted we were correct.
...and revealed the
name of the mastermind.
Munna Jaiswal. He's been accused for
numerous murders in UP.
And he's also on the wanted list.
He's been staying
in Mumbai's Seashore hotel.
And like always,
there's a woman with him.
Only this time,
the woman is an undercover agent.
And she's trying
to extract information"
...of the CM's assassination
plot from him.
Munna might not step out of the room.
We've bugged his room and we'll
be able to hear his conversations.
He's staying in 402,
and our team is in 401.
Now for your assignments.
Siya, stay in 401 and
monitor his conversations.
And if required,
protect that girl.
Raghu, Tiwari and you
will stay with the Minister.
ATD's presence is crucial
along with Zed plus security.
- Raghu, I know.
You're on leave.
You two are getting married tomorrow.
I am really sorry but,
this is just for today.
Today I need my best people.
It's okay.
It's just a day.
Anand, heard anything important?
- Yes, I did.
How his mother made
meat-soup for him in winter.
Listen to this.
This day is the onset
of a new tomorrow.
Today we will decide..
Whether we will serve our
city better than our predecessors.
Or will we just rule this city?
Today, when my son
Aditya accompanied me..
...I realized that
the younger generation"
"wants to know our intentions.
Raghu, come in!
Raghu, come in!
Go for Raghu.
- Look to your left..
...where the entire media's standing.
Fourth man in the first row,
wearing the brown jacket.
Check his camera angle.
His camera is on a low angle..
As if he's shooting the carpet,
not the CM.
- Exactly.
I'll check it out.
- Okay.
Excuse me.
Hey you.
Stop! I said stop!
I wish we could let
you sleep a little longer.
But, we're out of time.
You see...we've found the
assassin who wants to kill the CM.
It's you!
What nonsense?
Is this a joke?
You think this is a joke.
You know, our seniors were right.
Those working for the department
should not fall in love with each other.
Who knows what trouble
their love can get them in.
Oh, Tiwari.
Who cares about the sniper?
We want to see the target.
Poor girl think she's
serving the country.
She doesn't know that
she's being held captive by us. now.. the convention hall,
and kill the CM.
Or else Siya dies.
Think that you're doing
it for your country.
Are you out of your mind?
Kill the Chief Minister
for the sake of the country?
Your plan will never succeed.
You will be caught!
You won't escape capital punishment.
That's why you will kill him.
You see, I was wondering..
...who else, other than Siya
and you could crack this case?
Then I thought...what
if the investigators".
...turned out to be the murderers.
Democracy has a rule.
Corrupt the best...and forget the rest.
I will never be a pan of this plan.
- Rajiv!
He's understood.
Take him away.
Don't try to be too clever.
I've the sniper's
number on speed dial..
...and his finger is on the trigger,.
Apart from technology,
what are your other plans?
Yes in many departments.
Like e-Commerce, Infrastructure.
Airports in small cities.
Sir, my name's Raghuram Rathod.
I work for ATD.
- Yes.
And you just assaulted ACP,
Tiwari and Amar and fled.
That wasn't the right thing to do.
See this phone.
The sniper's on the line.
As soon as I disconnect the call,
he'll kill your fiancee.
So I suggest that
you go back to Tiwari..
"Take the gun and do your job.
Now go!
What an amateurish question?
How can you start something
new without good ideas?
That's why we've put together
a team for R and D..
And we are trying our best
to control the inflation.
I am very happy that
the public have all the support...
We're still planning the budget.
But there's one thing
I would like to say.
These are not expenditures.
In fact, they are good
investments for a better future.
And there are many other"
Move! Move!
Come on! Move!
That way. Follow him!
Come on.
Just turn on the TV.
- Why? What happened?
Just turn it on.
And the biggest news
at the moment is..
"That CM Dwarkanath
Dutta was shot dead.
And what's surprising is,
that his assailant" none other than
ATD's renowned agent.
...who was bestowed with his security.
And his name's Raghuram Rathod.
According to sources
he's still at large.
Police and ATD are in hot pursuit.
I don't want to be
a pan of your game.
Siya is waiting for me.
I will explain everything to her.
We'll leave the ATD
and the city go far away.
You will never see us again.
- Okay.
No! Actually, you don't get it.
All this has no connection
with the CM's death.
This is about electing the next CM.
Aditya Dutta.
From a useless son he's become
an orphan in a single day!
He'll now win the election,
his father would have lost.
SVmDathy vote.
And I'll be the Commissioner.
That boy will make
me the Commissioner.
And I want it.
And you want me to throw away that position,
power, money for your love-story.
Believe me.
No one will know I am alive.
Believe me.
Everyone will know you're dead.
Blow him up along with this place.
Nobody talks to anybody,
I want everything shut down.
Okay, sir.
Don't be so harsh on yourself, Siya.
And anyway,
it's not right for you to be here.
Get to it.
- Okay, sir.
We looked everywhere.
We scanned the entire area,
but couldn't find a body.
The blast was so powerful,
that...every1hing turned to dust.
Raghuram Rathod could've
been a terrorist as well.
How is it possible that"
...ATD had no clue about
an informer amongst them?
We're just as surprised as all of you.
He was one of our best! Yes.
Do you think,
with the elections around the bend..
...there could be someone wanting
to eliminate the Chief Minister.
That's just a conspiracy theory, no!
Question for officer Siya Verma.
Our sources have informed us..
"That you were going
to marry Raghuram Rathod today.
Do you think he was
using this as an excuse" buy some time
and plan for this murder?
Send the report.
- Okay.
Hold on.
I am not dead.
Raghu, where are you?
Hi, Popo.
What are you doing here?
Coming here is a necessity, sir.
Only my work can
save me from this shock.
How else can I forget
what happened with me?
I understand, Siya, but..
- Please, sir.
It's important for me
to know why Raghu betrayed me.
Where's Raghu, Popo?
- Come with me, please.
Oh my, God!
Oh my, God! Popo, please.
Please take him to a hospital.
- No, sis..
We can't take him to the hospital.
ATD will find out.
And they will hunt him down.
We need to pretend that Raghu is dead.
Popo, why don't you understand.
"That this is a medical company,
not a hospital.
- He cannot be treated here.
Please, sis. You're our last hope.
You have to do something.
Please, Popo, nothing can be done.
- Please, sis.
Okay, fine. I'll open the backdoor.
Come in through there.
- Okay.
Popo... Oh, God.
Quickly, Popo.
On the couch. Just be careful.
The cold water will lessen
the burning sensation.
Raghu, you have to be strong.
Come on, Raghu. Get up.
Be careful.
- Every1hing will be fine.
Don't worry, Raghu. Come on.
Careful, Raghu.
- Careful.
Raghu! You need to be strong.
Come on, Raghu.
Come on, Raghu.
- You can do it.
Raghu, you have to do it.
Don't worry, Raghu.
Come on, Raghu.
Oh my, God!
- What happened?
Raghu's clothes have melted
into his skin completely.
If we try to take off his clothes"
...we'll peel off his skin as well.
Wonder what chemicals or radiation"
...Raghu was exposed
to in that refinery?
His cellular structure
isn't that of a normal man.
But definitely...something's
changed in him.
What do you mean by changed?
What do we do now?
Popo, I can treat his burns, but..
But for the radiation"
All I have is this to counter
this level of radiation.
What will this do?
Raghu, this is an
anti-radiation medicine.
We're still researching
it in our laboratory.
It hasn't been tested yet.
Not even on a rat.
It will either help you...
...or kill you, Raghu.
This medicine might kill me.
But without it, I will surely die.
Something like that.
Raghu! Raghu!
' No. Popo!
What's happening to Raghu?
It's the effect of the radiation.
it can react in any way
Raghu! Raghu! Raghu!
Raghu! No, Raghu.
Sometimes we can see him,
sometimes we can't. is this happening?
The most I know is that"
...the more it realizes,
it knows nothing.
If we breakdown white-light,
we can see seven colors.
Redder then red, Infra-red.
And more violet than violet itself,
But he's only reflecting ultra-violet.
That means we can see
him in direct sunlight.
...or under any blue neon light,
at night.
But, sister,
his skin's completely healed.
And even his hair..
- It's like a complete cell regeneration.
Including hair.
When science doesn't have an answer..
...then, there's just
one explanation for it.
This is a miracle.
I wonder what happened
in that factory.
This is an effect of that.
If I don't take the medicine,
I'll die.
And if I do,
no one will be able to see me.
A life that's worse than death.
I must have done something
wrong that God is punishing me.
But, Raghu, you could be wrong.
Maybe God has a plan...a reason.
What reason?
Siya! God kept you alive for her.
For her love.
Hello, dear.
Well...l went to your old place..
Found out you live here now.
Won't you invite me in?
Thank you.
I brought chocolates for you,
your favorite.
I've stopped eating chocolates.
Joseph invited me to dinner yesterday.
A lot of ATD officers were there too.
During the conversation,
somebody mentioned you.
They were all praises.
They were saying...
you're just like your father.
Those you talked to
don't know me well.
10 years, Siya!
It's been 10 years!
Can't you forget
the past and forgive me?
10 years!
Is that enough time to forgive
my mother's murderer?
For God's sake, Siya.
I didn't kill your mother!
And you know the truth.
- Of course I do.
The truth is that she
was the best crime journalist"
...and you used her.
The truth is that, she believed
all your encounter killings..
...were real police killings.
The truth is that, she never
believed that you're a murderer.
The truth is,
she believed all your lies...
...and published
them on the front page.
The truth is...she was heart-broken
after finding out the truth.
And she finally committed suicide
You've been in the ATD long enough.
I thought you would've
understood by now that" order to do something right
you've to do something wrong.
If you need to do something
wrong to do the right thing..
...then, that thing can never be right.
Now if you don't mind,
Mr. Verma. Get out of my house!
I heard, that the man who
killed that corrupt chief minister..
...was your fiancee.
So have you stopped loving him too?
Not just stopped loving him,
I've learned to hate him.
I hate him... his existence...
his every lie.
He was nothing more
than an embodiment of lies.
He was a murderer, worse than you.
It's said that before hating someone.. should walk in his shoes.
You will realize his helplessness.
If someone's helplessness forces him
to do wrong, then he has no humanity.
And as far as Raghu's concerned.
He's done a big favor on me by dying.
I won't have to pretend he's dead,
like I do for you.
"Your fragrance, and your breaths."
"..gradually, I'll forget it all."
"The creases that you have left.."
"..l will remove them all slowly."
"There is a long age to pass.."
"..behind whom do you run
for no reason."
"if the eyes are wet, let them.."
"..but let the lips still smile."
"I'll slowly drag away my morning
from her nights."
'Siya Verma, will you marry me?'
'I'm going to be your wife.'
'I will always stay close to you.'
'Siya is waiting for me.'
'We will leave the ATD and this city,
and go far away. - No!'
Not just stopped loving him,
I've learned to hate him.
'To do the right thing,
you've to do something wrong.'
You were right.
There's a reason
that I am still alive.
But it's not love, like you thought.
Arjun always needs Krishna.
But sometimes even
Krishna needs Arjun.
He kept me alive to fight,
not for love.
For revenge.
If the devil is working
from the shadows..
...then, even God will
have to fight him in secret.
Hey, mister, did your car breakdown?
Who's pushing this thing? one's pushing,
so how's the car moving?
How are you, Tiwari?
Oh God please save me!
Oh God please save me!
Oh God please save me!
Oh God please save me!
Where are you running off to? Stop!
- Listen to me, Tiwari.
- Hey, Tiwari.
Give the phone to Ajay!
This is Tiwari.
Listen to me, Tiwari.
Ajay! Did you mix
something in my drink?
You swear you didn't?
You swear you didn't?
Listen, Tiwari.
Then this is definitely a ghost.
Why are you chasing me?
What have I done to you?
Who are you? - Tiwari,
I can kill you right now if I want.
But I am not a
scoundrel like your ATD!
I am warning you
that you have only 24 hours.
After that I will kill you.
Go tell your department
to save you if they can.
But why do you want to kill me?
What have I done to you?
Who are you?
What I was, burned to ashes.
Now I am just a shadow.
My name's Mr. X!
And I am your death!
"You can call me X."
"You can call me X."
"You can call me X."
"Mr. X!"
Mr. X! Mr. X!
Mr. X, that's his name.
Whose name?
- His?
Who's he?
- I don't know.
You don't know whose Mr. X?
- I don't know.
But he said he's Mr. X!
- Who?
I don't know.
So you didn't see him?
- I didn't, because he stays invisible.
Where does he stay?
- There?
Where there?
I don't know his whereabouts.
- So where did you see him?
L...l saw him on the road.
How does he look?
- He's invisible.
Then how did you see him?
- I didn't see him.
Then who did.
- No one did.
Then what did you see?
Who is Mr. X?
It's him! Him!
Why don't you understand, sir?
He was hiding in the
mist while talking to me.
Are you high, Tiwari?
If he's invisible,
how did you see him in the mist?
Sir...try to understand.
He's threatened to kill me.
He will kill me within 24 hours.
Sir! Sir!
Sir, we can't ignore this!
Ignore what, he's gone mad!
But how could he go
crazy in a single day.
He was fine until yesterday.
Sir, there's nothing
wrong in being cautious.
If it's just his hallucination,
we'll ignore him.
But if it is true,
then he's in danger.
Don't worry, this is the
last place he'll look for you.
No one will come in.
This room is secure.
Be careful Siya! Siya!
Amar, I want two bouncers here.
An X-ray machine and a metal detector.
Whoever comes here,
goes through it. - Yes.
There will be a big
crowd here at night.
There'll be music and singing.
I want 4 ATD officers here.
And nobody gets distracted.
Is that clear? - Okay?
"Nowadays, you are the one
who's in my every thought."
"Believe me, you have become
the reason for me living my life."
"You are the most likeable one,
you are omnipresent."
"You have charmed even God,
you are the form of love."
"You are the most likeable one,
you are omnipresent."
"You have charmed even God,
you are the form of love."
Danger! Danger!
What are you saying?
X-ray machine... he's lying down!
Kadam, are you drunk?
- No, sir.
Are you drunk?
- Just a little"
"Look, you are in my
every spoken word."
"Listen, you are the one
who is flowing with my sound."
"I'm in such place
where you can't see yourself."
"I'm the reason your heart is beating."
"I'm that bit that is shining
because of your radiance."
"I'm the morning
which arose after darkness."
"Yes, you are such morning."
"You are the most likeable one,
you are omnipresent."
"You have charmed even God,
you are the form of love."
"You are the most likeable one,
you are omnipresent."
"You have charmed even God,
you are the form of love."
"Look, you are like that same dream
which resides in my eyes."
"It's true, you are the one
who is in my sleep every day."
"I'm separated and
unknown from my own self."
"I am not even in my own self,
you only tell me where I am now."
"I'm standing on the
shores of your dreams."
"Turn around and look at me,
I'm a trace that belongs to you."
"You are my trace."
"You are the most likeable one,
you are omnipresent."
"You have charmed even God,
you are the form of love."
"You are the most likeable one,
you are omnipresent."
"You have charmed even God,
you are the form of love."
Mr. X!
Mr. X, I don't know
what I did to harm you.
But whatever I did, please forgive me.
I am sorry.
I am sorry.
Do you know the meaning
of 'sorry' Tiwari?
Raghu? You're Mr. X!
Sorry means you won't
repeat your mistake again.
But your apology makes no difference.
I won't give you another
opportunity to make a mistake.
Stop it!
Stop it! Let Tiwari go.
Let him go. I said leave him.
Let him go.
Leave him!
'But what good is it to you?
I'm not in it.'
'But your subtle fragrance is..'
' stays with me...when you don't.'
"if I am there in the breath
of your breaths.."
"..then I exist."
"if I am there in your dreams.."
"..then I exist."
- Raghu!
"I am from your being.."
- I know it's you!
"..To lose you is like to lose myself."
-You betrayed me!
"If you are there, I am there.."
- "..if it's like that, then I am."
I know you're listening!
- "if you are there, I am there.."
You took advantage of my love once..
"But, you can't do it anymore.
Because that love
doesn't exist anymore.
I hate you!
I hate you!
And I swear,
no matter how hard you try to hide..
...I will find you.
I will find you! I will arrest you!
You cannot escape from me.
Did you hear?
You cannot escape from me.
Raghu! I will find you.
You cannot escape from me, Raghu!
You cannot escape from me.
'Hi, Popo.'
Popo, I need to talk to you.
Is there a problem?
- Come with me.
I want to tell you
something important.
But you won't tell anyone, promise me.
Promise. Tell me.
Popo, I've information that"
...the man who killed Tiwari is Mr.X.
It's Raghu.
No! Not possible.
Raghu is dead.
I mean how can he be alive, Siya?
Not just that.
Bhardwaj is certain
that you've been meeting Raghu.
And also helping him.
Why me? I'm not meeting anyone, Siya.
Do you trust me, Siya?
- I do.
That's why I'm trying to warn you.
Popo, you're my best friend.
And I don't want
to see you in trouble.
Your phone's been tapped too.
- My phone's been tapped.
But why?
I don't know anyone, Siya.
Mr. X... Mr. Y...
I don't want to get into all this.
I'm a very simple man..
- No need to worry.
You haven't done anything,
have you? - No.
So relax, don't worry.
Come on!
Raghu! Raghu!
Everything's messed up, Raghu.
Let's go, they know every1hing.
They know every1hing.
- What do they know?
That you're Mr. X...and you..
Stop asking questions.
You're in danger.
Come with me, Raghu.
Look, Raghu,
they've already tapped my phone.
And they'll come here looking for you.
My sister works here.
Let's go, Raghu..
- Hold on.
Who told you that your phone's tapped?
Siya did. She's a friend after all.
She was warning me.
- She played you.
She knew you would panic
and come here straightaway.
And when you do..
- Then I'll follow you here too.
You're right.
Raghuram Rathod, you're under arrest.
...for the murder of an ATD official
and the Chief Minister of the state.
Arrest me?
H ow?
What do you mean by how?
Don't you know...
...I can disappear?
Very impressive trick, Raghu.
You can disappear,
but poor Popo can't.
And if you don't surrender yourself,
I will arrest him.
For harboring a murderer.
Raghu, Siya's become dangerous.
Don't reveal yourself.
Come on, Raghu. You know this
is an open and shut case of abetment.
There's no case here, Raghu.
Don't listen to her at all.
He'll be sentenced
for at least 7 years.
I'm not afraid of serving time.
Think about it, what after that?
Just don't show yourself.
You gave him a better life..
...and his future will
be ruined because of you.
Forget the future, think about
the present. Don't reveal yourself.
You decide.
Very impressive... Siya Verma.
You still have some
humanity left in you.
Hey...are you crazy?
Hey-"my bike!
The gun's empty-
Load it up, and point it at me.
And you can shoot me too.
But before you do,
listen to what I have to say.
The entire world watched
me shoot the Chief Minister.
And it's true.
But there's a truth
behind this murder..
...which no one is aware of.
Except for me, and the people...
who had a gun pointed at you.. Hotel Seashore's room no. 401.
I had no choice.
It was either you
or the Chief Minister!
I had to save either one.
And I made my decision.
I killed him so you could live.
I doubted you.
I forgot all that love. I hated you.
I am sorry, Raghu. I am so sorry.
You can never really hate me.
We've both been wronged.
But not anymore.
I want their names.
I will expose them
in front of the world.
I'll see to it that they're hanged.
No, Siya.
They are not common criminals.
These are powerful people.
They're bigger than the law.
They make their own laws,
and also break them.
You cannot lay a finger on them.
That's why it's best to stay quiet.
Your silence will protect you.
And you? What will you do?
I will kill them.
Tiwari's death was just the beginning.
Two more to go.
Are you saying you will murder them?
Without thinking about the law?
The law is ineffective
and I don't need it.
I don't believe this.
A protector of the law.. talking about breaking the law.
You can't break what's
already broken, Siya.
I've seen the real face of the law..
...that I was trying to protect.
Never helps the poor and helpless.
And favors the rich and the cruel.
It can...if you help it.
I just want to help myself, Siya.
You're not like this.
The Raghu I know would
never think like this.
That Raghu...turned
to dust in that refinery.
Raghu. Raghu.
Raghu, please listen to me.
Just listen to me.
Don't break the law.
- Siya, stop.
Raghu, we can do this together.
We can get them..
- Siya, stay out of it!
Stay out of it!
And become like my father?
All my life, I've worked hard.. be different from my dad.
And want me to be like him.
Turn a blind eye because
Raghuram Rathod wants his revenge.
Look at me!
I'm neither dead,
nor is this life worth living.
My dreams,
my future, they took every1hing.
We can't have a home, can't have kids.
We can't get married.
I'll keep yearning all my life.
And you want me to
forgive those people.
I am not that great a man!
You don't understand, Raghu.
You will try to kill them,
and I'll try to save them.
You wanted to save me and now,
you will be competing with me.
Is that what you want?
If I have to.
if you love me...
then you won't do this.
And if you love me..
...then you will let
me have my revenge.
Then...we're both helpless.
Raghu! Raghu!
Where did you get these photographs?
Sir, I know who Mr. X is.
- You do?
Yes, sir.
Raghu is Mr. X.
Other than Tiwari and Aditya..
"There was a third person,
who conspired to kill the CM.
He told me this himself.
But I covered this up until now.
- I see.
This means... Raghu isn't dead.
Raghu wants to protect me.. not telling me
who that third person is.
But he wants revenge
for what happened with him.
Raghu's anger is justified,
but his method is wrong.
Before he does something else,
we need to arrest him..
...and find out all those
who were involved in that plan.
I agree, but we can
only arrest someone we see.
What do we do about
someone who's invisible?
Sir, there's one way to catch him.
Is there no other way to catch him
apart from using me as bait?
It's not about that,
it's about revenge.
Siya has confirmed
that Raghu is Mr. X.
He killed Tiwari.
Now he's coming for you, and then me.
I'm saving myself too.
You're the ACP, just arrest him.
He's invisible.
How will we go after him?
The only way is to
wait for him to come.
Which he will.
To kill you. He will definitely come.
And then we will get him.
And Siya.
You say that only she can save me.
She is the best.
She's your only hope.
Do you see that motorcade?
- Yes.
Siya's going to shift
Aditya to some safe place.
I'll plant this
transmitter on the car.
Amar, you go in this car.
I'll follow you in that one.
Popo, come in.
- Going strong, Raghu.
They just left in their car.
They are taking a left.
And now they're taking a right.
Everything's fine, Raghu.
- Fine. I am coming back.
Hold on! Hold on!
Raghu, the gate's opening again.
It's the minister's lookalike.
A second motorcade has arrived, Raghu.
Another one.
That's the third.
Our plan has completely failed, Raghu.
They're going to
pull a disappearing act.
Siya! Siya! Siya!
She must have spent
a lot of time recently" the place where
she's taking Aditya.
You just need to hack into her phone and
find out which cell tower she was close to.
I will do the rest.
Raghu, you're thinking
like a hacker, huh!
Done...I'll locate her.
Found her.
In the last 24 hours, Siya
was close to just one cellphone tower.
And that cellphone tower is..
That one.
Aditya wasn't in any of the cars.
Because the real Aditya
Dutta is still in the house.
What's that noise?
What's going on?
This isn't Raghu.
Quick...Plan B, now!
Despite all our efforts Raghu is here.
And in spite of all your efforts,
he will kill me.
That won't happen.
Raghu managed to get here..
...but the only place
he'll be going is behind bars.
Amar, stay alert.
- Okay.
Go aheadmanoint me.
Sacrifice me.
Come on, Raghu. What's your plan?
Only fire turns these sprinklers on.
He's started a fire.
He wants to kill me.
He wants to burn me to ashes.
This way.
Not this way, that way.
Go. Go.
Where are you taking me?
- Let's go. Come on.
He won't spare me.
Get in, fast.
- Get in.
He won't spare me.
- Please get inside.
You don't understand.
See. . . see..
He managed to sneak in my house..
...and your commandoes
stood there blank.
No one could do anything.
And you were supposed to save me.
So save me.
- You'll be fine.
Even after every1hing that happened,
you still say I'll be fine.
He will kill me.
Raghu, let go.
Raghu, let go.
Raghu, leave.
Let go.
Come on.
Where are you taking me?
- Come on.
He won't spare me.
- Come on. Come on.
He won't spare anyone.
He will kill everyone.
He won't spare anyone.
- Shut up! Shut up!
We need to disappear in the crowd.
Do you understand?
Come on. Come on.
What...are you doing?
Here, give my brother
whatever he wants.
Amar, I am at G7 Mall.
I need backup now.
Aditya's with me
and Raghu's after us.
Save me.
Raghu, stop!
Save me.
Raghu, stop!
Raghu, stop!
Raghu, stop.
Everything's fair in love and war,
And then this is love and war.
Mr. X?
Who is he? What is his game plan?
This never before
seen or heard, Mr. X..
...was first seen in this mall.
Hey, I've heard that
Mr. X is very cute.
What rubbish?
How do you know?
He's invisible.
You know, if Mr. X
helps us in robbing a bank..
...we'll give him 10 percent.
No, no, no, not 10 percent.
I swear...l heard sir
talking on the phone.
This Mr. X is a terrorist.
You just hear, and don't think.
No one yet knows when Mr. X
is visible, and when he's not.
But our sources tell us..
...that the government
is investigating this matter.
The truth is Mr. X is a thought.
He's an idea.
The human mind..
Have you seen the new
Facebook page of Mr. X?
Not yet, why?
It's got more than 1
million likes in 24 hours.
You see, a man becoming invisible.. nothing more than
a biological revolution.
We're still doing research.
And I'm completely sure.
Please sir, just one more try.
Just give me one more chance.
I'm sorry, Siya, it's too late.
I have orders from my superiors.
- What?
Did you tell them that
Raghu is Mr. X? - No.
But it doesn't make a difference now.
- What do you mean?
I've orders from the
Home Secretary, Delhi.
Whether Mr. X
is Raghu or someone else.
The orders are shoot at sight.
I am sorry, sir, I didn't understand.
They want us to prepare
a team of our best officers.
And of course you'll
be leading that team.
And no matter what it takes,
we kill Mr. X
You mean just like that?
No arrest, no case or legal proceedings?
- Yes, Siya.
Those are the instructions.
Then what's the difference
between Raghu and us.
Sometimes you have to break
the law for the sake of justice.
Then I should join hands with
Raghu because he says the same thing.
It's not the same thing.
He's a murderer, we're not.
Not yet, but we will be.
Someone tried to kill him.
Now he wants revenge.
Next we'll take revenge.
Then someone else will strike back.
So when does it all stop?
Siya, I'm giving you a choice.
Either you kill him along
with our team, or else..
Or else what?
We've decided,
that officer Siya Verma..
...who was entrusted with
the security of Aditya Dutta..
...will face strict legal action.
Till then she is suspended.
Ms. Siya, is it true
that you've been suspended?
Which officer will investigate
this case in your place?
I've letdown my department
by not performing my duty.
I could not save Aditya Dutta
and so I have been suspended.
The department's decision is right.
Why have you come here, Raghu?
To humiliate me?
Make me feel more depressed.
What for?
See the outcome
of telling the truth?
You're all alone now.
Now I get it.
You're here to celebrate your victory.
I'm happy. But not because I won.
I'm happy because you still love me.
My being suspended reflects love?
Wow! Some logic, Mr. X.
After Aditya's death, the agency
must have received orders from above.
Just shoot Mr. X at sight.
Right or wrong?
Then Bhardwaj must have entrusted
you with this responsibility.
I'm sure he said "No case,
or proceedings...just kill him".
That's why you resigned.
Because you cannot kill me.
If that's not love, what is it?
You're right.
Did you get your answer?
Now go away.
Krishna won many wars in Kurukshetra" well as Radha's heart.
He's the God of war and love.
And He saved me.
So this is for you.. that He can protect you.
What do I do?
You snatched that right away from me.
I love you, Raghu.
I love you so much.
"Come, like nights do."
"Come into my eyes like sleep."
"Come, like nights do."
"Come into my eyes like sleep."
"Evenings meet there only
where we met."
"Now where are you and how far I am."
"You are my prayer, my good deeds."
"O beloved, I thank you so, so much."
"Through just look I understood,
what all have your eyes said."
"It seemed as if below my feet,
centuries flowed away."
"Evenings meet there only
where we met."
"Now where are you and how far I am."
"You are my prayer, my good deeds."
"O beloved, I thank you so, so much."
"You are my prayer, my good deeds."
"O beloved, I thank you so, so much."
Excuse me.
Table for 2?
- Yeah, sure. This way.
- Thanks.
It's lunchtime,
and the entire restaurant is empty.
This isn't Mumbai.
People come here only on the weekends.
You said...every1hing
is fair in love and war.
Just stay the way you are.
Don't ever change.
Sorry, Raghu.
If I hadn't gotten you arrested,
they would've killed you.
Popo, what happened?
Forget me, I'm worried about Raghu.
What do you mean?
On the day you were suspended
from ATD, that same night.
So you're the one who helped Mr. X.
I was wondering.. could Lanka burn
without Vibhishan's help?
Where is Raghu?
Look, Popo.
Either you stay quiet
and land up in jail.
Or tell me and get promoted.
You're going to tell
me one way or the other.
In what condition is your choice.
That third man,
who conspired to kill the CM.. their main man.
ATD's boss, Bhardwaj.
Siya, you here?
- I need your help.
What's wrong?
Your girlfriend thought
I was a fool like her.
She thought I would arrest
you and present you in the court.
But you know I'm
just going to kill you.
And then I'll be the hero..
...who killed Tiwari
and the CM's murderer.
We just need to elaborate this story.
So what happened was
that you tried to escape.
I caught you.
You pounced on me.
Snatched my gun..
...and killed Amar.
Next you ran into that building,
and I chased you.
You took the elevator up.
And I followed you to the
terrace in the other elevator.
The biggest advantage
of killing an invisible man.. that you don't actually
need him to fake his death.
This CCTV isn't working today.
It was yesterday.
I came here and pretended
to fight with Mr. X.
And then I threw him down
and put an end to this charade.
Now I just need to throw you down.
You can see
Mr. X after he's dead, right?
Move back!
Move back!
Raghu, leave him.
I said leave him.
Raghu, let him go.
Let him go or I will shoot.
Raghu, if you don't let
him go then I will kill myself.
I will do it, Raghu.
Believe me I will do it.
Let him go.
Raghu, stop.
Are you okay?
Just breathe.
Sir. We need to take
him to a hospital right now.
Sir. Are you..
- Get off.
Sir, we need to keep
you in a safe place..
...where Raghu can't get to you.
I am not a rat to go hide in a burrow.
I am not going anywhere.
I will kill that rascal.
- Sir, please try to understand.
You've seen him.
He's bloodthirsty.
He won't stop until
he gets his revenge.
- Yes, sir.
I know you were the
third and the last man..
...who was involved in that plan.
But it's not my
responsibility to kill you.
I have to save you.
Anyway, we can't see Raghu,
so escaping him is impossible.
It'll be easier if you admit
to your crimes and surrender.
And get arrested.
Are you mad?
If I admit to killing that
stupid CM Dwarkanath Dutta..
...then the Law will
hang me like Kasab.
Tiwari and Aditya are dead.
You want me to admit to all
their crimes and be the scapegoat.
Go behind bars to escape death?
What do you think?
If I admit to my crimes,
get arrested they'll spare me?
There's one way to solve this dilemma.
You see...
There's no point in killing Mr. X.
Because he has public support.
We need to turn them against him.
We'll disclose that Raghu
didn't die after killing the CM.
In fact, he's Aditya
and Tiwari's murderer Mr. X.
And then this hero
will be seen as a villain.
We'll reveal that
Mr. X can be seen in sunlight.
This will restrict his movements.
He'll be trapped.
And then we'll kill him.
- Yes!
That's what we'll do.
You call a press conference.
You call a press conference.
We've called you to share
new information with you.
The truth about Mr. X.
Before that, we'll show
you a clip of our CM being shot.
'Are you mad?'
'If I admit to killing that
stupid CM Dwarkanath Dutta..'
'..then the Law will
hang me like Kasab.'
'Tiwari and Aditya are dead.'
'You want me to admit to all
their crimes and be the scapegoat.'
'Go behind bars to escape death?'
' Raghu.'
'Raghu, please stop.'
'Raghu, please...just stop.'
'Proving you're innocent is
more important than killing Bhardwaj.'
'Please, Raghu.'
'What do you think?'
'If I admit to my crimes,
get arrested they'll spare me?'
'You want me to admit to all
their crimes and be the scapegoat.'
'Go behind bars to escape death?'
'What do you think?'
Sir, is it true that
you killed the Chief Minister?
Were you lying to us?
You killed Aditya as well.
You killed Tiwari too.
This is nonsense, this tape is a fake.
This is someone else,
it's not my voice.
It's nonsense.
I didn't say anything.
Please just calm down.
This is a conspiracy
for trying to trap me.
She did it.
This is all her doing.
She joined hands with
Raghu from the beginning.
She wants to trap me.
Please. Please, just listen to me.
Drop your guns.
Drop them.
Drop them.
Raghu, drop your gun.
Raghu...l will kill her.
I will kill her, Raghu.
Throw down your gun.
Come on, Raghu.
Come on, shoot me.
Come on.
I am not a traitor,
whose last resort is crime.
I am a helpless man,
who has no ray of hope.
I am not the Raghuram Rathod who'll be
bound by law and tolerate injustice.
I am Mr. X...who will break
the law and protect justice.
I was wondering... do the
invisible need to take a shower.
Those who are invisible,
just need love.
So what are your intentions?
Not good at all.
"There are no imprints
of your footsteps."
"There is no heat in your fire."
"There is no emotions for your words."
"You are here, and still not here."
"You are the soul without body."
"You are the ash,
you are nothing."
"You are the soul without body."
"Who are you,
what's your name, tell me."
"You can call me X."
"You can call me X."
"You can call me X."
"Mr. X!"
"You can call me X."
"You can call him X."
"You can call me X."
"You can call him X."
"You can call me X."
"You can call him X."
"Mr. X!"
"Your fragrance pulls me."
"Your breaths heat up my body."
"Your heartbeat only I have heard."
"There is not even a shadow of yours."
"O unseen friend,
what kind of secret you are?"
"O unseen friend.."
"..who are you,
what's your name, tell me."
"You can call me X."
"You can call him X."
"You can call me X."
"You can call him X."
"You can call me X."
"You can call him X."
"Mr. X!"
"Mr. X moves!"