Murder at the Gallop (1963)

I don't think we'll be very | welcome here, Miss Marple.
I know Mr Enderby's rich, | but he's eccentric to say the least.
He may close his door | on the world, Mr Stringer,
but he must expect | to be knocked on sometimes.
He never gives anything away, | not even to charity.
Perhaps he's never had the chance.
I must be getting back | to the library, Miss Marple.
It's a worthy cause, no doubt, | but my employers...
- You must be entitled to your tea? | - Yes, but I haven't had it.
Oh, but you shall.
This is our last call. Then | you must come back to my cottage.
I've prepared a very special tea | to reward us for our labour.
Perhaps I'd better leave him to you, | Miss Marple.
Pull yourself together. | He can't eat us, can he?
No, I suppose not.
He must be out.
You know he never goes anywhere.
Mr Enderby?
Mr Enderby?
Don't be alarmed, Mr Enderby, | we've just...
My goodness! | What could have happened?
How is he?
Dead, I'm afraid.
- What is it? | - It's a piece of mud
from some recent visitor | apparently...
...who still seems to be here.
Stay with him.
Miss Marple, you mustn't... | Please be carefuI.
What was it?
A cat.
I thought he hated cats.
He did. He was frightened | to death of them.
Frightened to death!
Miss Marple! | This is an unexpected pleasure.
Good morning, Inspector.
Could I have | a few words with you privately?
Yes, of course. Do come in please.
Do sit down, Miss Marple, please.
Now, you're not here to tell me I've | overlooked another crime, are you?
Well, as a matter of fact, I am.
A very grave crime, one of murder.
Oh, no, not again.
This time | there is no mistake, Inspector.
Well, let's get it over with. | Who murdered who this time?
As to the murderer, that will | naturally require an investigation.
The victim is old Mr Enderby.
Enderby? He died of heart failure.
Ah, but what caused | his heart to fail so unexpectedly?
I read the doctor's report, | Miss Marple, it was not unexpected.
He had a severe heart condition.
Exactly. A very wealthy man | with a chronic heart condition.
Yes, the circumstances | are precisely the same.
I don't know what they're the same | as, but they don't add up to murder.
Surely you have read Agatha | Christie's novel, The Ninth Life?
I haven't had the pleasure.
That's why you failed | to make the connection.
Agatha Christie should be compulsory | reading for the police force.
Doom came to her victim | in the shape of a cat.
Look, Miss Marple, enough is enough.
A wealthy old gentleman | with a weak heart
had a pathological horror of cats.
What easier than for some interested | party to slip a cat into the house?
A cat that the old man | will find unexpectedly.
Yes, old Enderby | was frightened to death.
A very ingenious theory,
but my advice to you, Miss Marple, | is to read fewer thrillers.
A love story | would be much more soothing.
Am I to assume that you | won't do anything about this?
Nothing at all. I'm a policeman, | so I'm only interested in facts.
Well, there is only | one course open to me.
- Wait a minute, Miss Marple. | - No, Inspector. I know my duty.
I shall have to investigate myself.
Good day.
You will hear from me again | when my case is completed.
My pastry.
They look good.
- Oh, dear. | - Not one of my failures.
Deliberate, I assure you.
I cooked the piece of mud we found in | old Enderby's house
and then filled | the hole with plaster.
Lo and behold, | preserved in plaster forever.
I see. Ingenious, Miss Marple.
It is rather, isn't it?
Although it went against the grain to | overcook my pastry.
A perfect match... | but what do you make of this?
The mark of a stirrup iron.
- Then it was mud from a riding boot. | - Yes.
From a boot with | a very distinctive scar on it.
That piece of fresh mud was stuck | between the sole and heel
of someone's riding boot...
...someone who visited Mr Enderby | just before he died.
The murderer?
We can't call him that, since it | hasn't been decided he was murdered.
True, but when Inspector Craddock has | considered your theory...
Inspector Craddock has assured me
that that is exactly | what he is not going to do.
No, Jim,
you and I must pursue | this trail entirely on our own.
Then where shall we begin?
We must find out who benefits | by the death.
We'll have to wait until the will | is published in the newspapers.
Not necessarily.
- That's the lot, Fred. | - Tea's up. I'll see you inside.
Fortune favours the brave.
I beg your pardon?
That dray under the very window.
This calls for a certain amount of | ingenuity. We have to get up there.
What if anyone sees us?
We're screened from | the high street by the archway.
We're taking a grave risk | of seeming inquisitive.
A calculated one, Mr Stringer. | On we go.
I trust something pithy | will be said after all this.
Oh dear... Here we are...
"...and though it is with some regret
that I finally satisfy | the greed of my relatives,
I nevertheless do devise and bequeath | that my entire estate
be divided equally between: | My fourth cousin, George Crossfield,
in order that he no longer need | borrow from his clients' funds.
My niece, Rosamund Shane, in order | that she may support her husband
in the style to which | he would like to be accustomed.
To my nephew, Hector Enderby, | in order that he may be able
to afford to hunt every day | rather than once a week -
thereby providing more opportunity | for breaking his neck.
Finally, my sister, | Cora Lansquenet, out of gratitude
that she stayed out of the country | for 30 years and didn't bother me.
The money is to be given outright | to all parties concerned
with the hope that it will make them | all as miserable as possible."
That is the important part | as far as you're concerned, I'm sure.
No, the important part is how much | money am I going to get?
Really, George, | you shouldn't say things like that.
Why not? I want to know.
Of course, we all want to know.
Well, a rough estimate, | mind you very rough,
each of your shares should be | about 20,000 to 25,000.
Hector, I don't think you should | have used the word 'suddenly'
in the newspaper announcement | of your uncle's death.
What do you mean, Aunt Cora?
Well, it might make people wonder.
Anyway, it's all been | hushed up very nicely, hasn't it?
What are you talking about?
Well, after what he said when | he came to see me last month,
it can't do any good | making it public.
It should be kept strictly | in the family.
My dear Mrs Lansquenet, would you say | plainly what you mean by this?
That he was murdered, wasn't he?
Really, Aunt Cora, | that's a very silly thing to say...
Good morning.
Good morning, Inspector.
Thank you.
Miss Marple, when I thought it | was you, I thought, 'No',
but it is.
- Allow me. | - Thank you.
Miss Marple, you do realise | if I didn't know you well,
I would be detaining you | for loitering with intent?
Loitering with intent to what | conceivably, Inspector?
To snoop.
- Snoop! | - That is what I said, Miss Marple.
I'm sure everyone in Milchester | wants to know how much Enderby left.
I suppose you wanted to be first?
Well, since you are alleging that | I am a tittle-tattling busybody,
I bid you good day.
Come, Mr Stringer.
Miss Marple, don't you think | you should go to the police
and tell Inspector Craddock | what you overheard?
"Tittle-tattling busybody", | I believe, were his words.
- No, yours. | - His meaning.
Well, perhaps now...
Please, after this morning, I prefer | not to mention Inspector Craddock.
Well, anyway, | no matter what he thinks
after what Mrs Lansquenet said, | at least we know we were right -
Mr Enderby was murdered.
We know the motive; | 25,000 to each of the family.
Yes... and it's a great deal of money | and since they all benefit...
They are all suspects, true,
but a motive isn't enough. | Facts are what we want
otherwise we're groping in the dark.
No, we must set to work to find out | all we can about the entire family.
- Mrs Heyley-Brown? | - Yes.
Always a good starting place.
Of course | I disapprove of her gossiping,
but in a desperate situation, | one must use the means at hand.
- Yes. | - I suggest we start at once.
Surely you realise why?
Have you and I | ever read a murder thriller
that stops at a single killing?
Then you mean...
Yes, the killer may strike again.
I hadn't thought of that.
Perhaps the police...
We will go to the police | when our case is complete.
They have their methods, | we have ours.
Yes... and moreover I'm told | that Cora Lansquenet
did not return to Milchester | just for the funeral.
After living in France | for a number of years,
two months ago, she rented | a cottage a few miles from here.
That's where her brother, | Mr Enderby, visited her.
The vicar maintains | that he was a recluse.
He hadn't left the country | for 30 years.
Yes, I heard that too, | and Mrs Heyley-Brown...
Always a mine of information.
...says Cora Lansquenet | needed that inheritance badly
because before he died, her husband | ran through all her money
buying worthless paintings.
Yes, all very usefuI, | but it still doesn't tell us
why she thinks her brother | was murdered.
- Perhaps she wasn't being truthfuI. | - Why should she lie?
Well, she did marry a Frenchman - | a painter too.
Yes, and a bad one, but that doesn't | make her completely irresponsible.
No, not completely.
Do you know, I think it's time | I had my portrait painted.
Your portrait, Miss Marple?
I'm going to call on Cora Lansquenet, | just as an excuse.
We must find out what her brother | said to her that day
that makes her so sure | he was murdered.
I'll be back to tea.
Perhaps you'll be so kind | as to get it ready for us.
Mrs Lansquenet?
Mrs Lansquenet, | I'm sorry to disturb you...
Mrs Lansquenet?
- Who are you? What are you doing? | - Well, I was...
What's the matter | with Mrs Lansquenet?
I'm afraid she's dead.
You killed her!
- My dear... | - Don't touch me!
You killed her. | I saw you bending over her.
My dear woman, | do I look like a murderess?
I don't know what you look like, | but I saw you.
What you did or didn't see | isn't of much point at the moment.
We have to call the police. | Where's the telephone?
There it is.
You haven't yet told me who you are?
I'm Mrs Lansquenet's companion, | Miss Milchrest.
Hello? Yes, I can hear you're | talking, but you'll have to stop.
Yes, I know it's a party line, | but this is an emergency,
I have to call the police.
You needn't be sarcastic, young man, | indeed I have a crime to report...
Murder. Murder most fouI.
- Good afternoon, Inspector. | - Miss Marple?
Yes. I have some tittle-tattle | to convey. Do come in.
- That's about all we need, sir. | - Fine. Thanks.
Let me have | a lab report on that, will you?
All right, sir. Funny weapon to use.
Yes, a woman's weapon.
Or a man's wishing everyone | to think it was a woman's.
I wasn't precluding that possibility.
The lady feels well enough | to talk now.
Bring her in.
Miss Marple, I won't keep you.
It's all right, Inspector, | I'm entirely at your disposal.
You don't suspect her?
She was here. | The weapon was a hatpin.
Would anyone make themselves | so obvious a suspect?
There have been stupid murderers.
She's a timid woman, Inspector, | not a stupid one.
I think you ought | to know that this morning...
Not now, Miss Marple, please.
Oh, Miss Milchrest, | sit down, won't you.
Oh dear. I've never had anything | to do with the police.
There's nothing to worry about. | They're really very nice.
Thank you, Miss Marple.
You've been Mrs Lansquenet's | companion for many years?
Oh, yes, indeed.
I know it must be a great shock, | but there are things we need to know.
- Well, I'll do my best. | - I'm sure you will.
When did you see her last?
Just before I went to the library.
What time was that?
I caught the two o'clock bus.
She's been dead about two hours, | it's now 4:30pm, so about 2:30pm.
The coroner will be more exact.
Isn't it extremely difficult to | determine the exact time of death?
We'll do our best to be | as accurate as possible.
Before you left her, did she seem | nervous or upset in any way?
No, she was fine. | She was just getting ready to go out.
Miss Milchrest, have you any idea | at all who may have killed her?
Aside from your suspicions | of Miss Marple.
Anyone else? Anyone who hated her?
Oh no, she was kind to everyone. | She was very kind to me.
She said she would leave me | her amethyst brooch
and one of her own paintings | as a remembrance.
She painted very well, | don't you think?
Yes... yes, indeed.
Miss Milchrest, did she have | any visitors lately?
No, we lived very quietly.
Didn't any relatives call on her | after her return to this country?
Only her brother. Her late brother, | I mean. He called a month ago.
He hardly ever left his home. | Was there a special reason?
Well, yes. You see, they had been | estranged for a number of years.
After her husband died, she needed | help financially. She wrote to him.
- Were you present when he called? | - No.
Did you, by any chance, | overhear anything they said?
I'm not the sort of woman | who listens at keyholes!
I'm sorry. I just wondered if you | might have happened to overhear.
I didn't hear a thing!
Miss Marple, I am capable | of asking the questions.
So sorry.
Thank you, Miss Milchrest.
If you'll make a statement | to Sergeant Bacon, we'll talk later.
Sergeant, notify the relatives. | The solicitor has the addresses.
Right, sir.
Mrs Lansquenet told me they were | staying with Mr Hector Enderby.
- Is that at the Gallop Hotel? | - Yes.
It is also a riding establishment.
Miss Milchrest, did you | or Mrs Lansquenet ever ride?
- Ride? | - Horses, you know.
Thank you.
I won't detain you, Inspector,
but I suggest you pay a call | on the family as soon as possible.
Oh you do, do you? Why?
You should know that at | the reading of the will this morning,
Cora Lansquenet said | that her brother had been murdered.
What? How did you know...
Oh, you happened | to overhear, didn't you?
As you say, I overheard.
Why didn't you tell me this before?
Well, I did try to tell you earlier, | but you wouldn't let me.
Oh, yes. Yes, of course. So I didn't.
Don't you think it coincidental
that she was murdered so soon | after making that statement?
Too coincidental.
Unless someone in the family thought
that Cora not only knew | her brother had been murdered,
but who murdered him.
Moreover, that poor woman | is in a very dangerous position.
- Miss Milchrest? | - Yes.
If she did overhear what passed | between Cora and her brother
and the murderer suspected,
she's likely to receive | the same treatment that Cora did.
I have to leave you now, | I'm afraid, to go and pack.
- Pack? | - Yes, I'm going on a short holiday.
Good day.
A very good idea, Miss Marple.
I hope you have | a most enjoyable time.
Mr Enderby, Inspector Craddock.
This way, sir.
I'll be in touch.
Miss Marple, | I'm still not happy about this.
If I could be with you...
Mr Stringer, we agreed a non-rider in | this place would be conspicuous.
Besides, the police are here.
As a matter of routine, | I'd like an account of your movements
between 2pm and 4pm yesterday.
Surely you're not suggesting one of | the family put Auntie Cora down?
I'm not suggesting anything, | I'm making enquiries.
Extremely offensive ones!
I'm sorry. | I find murder offensive too.
Why would we do a dreadfuI thing like | that to an old woman?
Well, one suggestion that's been | put forward is... to keep her quiet.
About what?
It seems she made a statement | yesterday morning.
A statement that your uncle, | Mr Enderby, was murdered.
How did you find that out?
I think that's irrelevant, don't you?
I take it no one is denying | Mrs Lansquenet did say it?
Very well then. There is one motive. | There could be others.
May I start with you, Mr Shane?
Yes, all right,
but I can't give you an alibi, | if that's what you want.
Yesterday... | Well, I was out riding all afternoon.
Alone, sir?
- Quite alone. | - Where?
I'm not familiar enough | with the area to tell you.
You were familiar enough | to find your way back?
The horse did.
Did you meet anyone whilst riding?
No, I'm afraid not. I wish I had.
So do I.
What about you, Mr Crossfield?
Well, I was out riding too.
- I see. | - I didn't meet anyone either.
Very well then... and I suppose you | were out riding too, Mr Enderby?
No, I was in here all afternoon.
Were you, Hector?
The door was locked. | I thought you were out.
I locked the door. | I didn't want to be disturbed.
What were you doing?
I was doing my accounts.
I see. Very well.
Mrs Shane?
We all seem to have pretty feeble | alibis; I was in my room too.
All afternoon?
Yes, except when I went to look | for Hector. I was reading.
Did anyone see you | when you came looking for Mr Enderby?
I must say, it is unusual for an | English woman to prefer reading
when she could be riding, | but it is possible.
- I didn't say it wasn't. | - I hope you're satisfied.
I'm far from satisfied, Mr Enderby, | but we'll leave it for now.
Please make detailed statements | to the Sergeant
and keep yourselves available.
- I'll be with the Chief Constable. | - Yes, sir.
Just one moment, Inspector.
Do you want us all to stay here?
I'm afraid so, | at least until after the inquest.
I have to go up north tomorrow.
I'm sorry, that isn't possible.
It's an important sale. | Lord Fotherway's picture collection.
I have a client for the Gainsborough.
You also have a partner, | I understand.
Have you been checking up on me?
Your partner can handle the sale, | can't he?
- Yes, but... | - That's fine. Good day.
Now, sir, perhaps | I could deal with you first.
I want to tell you something.
- Yes? | - I'm trying to run a business here.
It's not very nice | having a police car parked outside.
If you come again, | you might come more incognito.
- Nothing else? | - That's enough.
Yes, it is. Good morning.
- Do you see that? | - Can't miss it.
It's a Broadbreech side-saddle.
Broadbreech, Northampton. | Vintage, too.
- Have a look. | - What?
Have a look at the date... | behind the stirrup bar.
It says...
No, don't tell me, I'll tell you.
No, I'm lying to you. 1885.
I can tell you whose it is, I've only | seen one once in this country,
Lady Curthbrackle.
It belongs to...
Me, Mr Enderby. Morning, Inspector. | My mama's, of course.
It's magnificent.
I hope you have an animal | to accommodate it and me?
Yes, indeed.
Oh, how nice. I've booked in | for a week, don't you know.
Inspector, how nice to see you | after so long.
So long?
Yes, it must be months.
Yes... quite.
I'm delighted, Miss Marple. I never | dreamt you aspired to be one of us.
- I've done some riding in my time. | - Oh?
Junior Silver Spurs, | Brockbrook, 1910.
Junior Silver, Brockbrook, 1910? Miss | J. T. V. Marple?
Miss Marple, I...
No, please, Inspector! To think we've | been neighbours for years!
- You'll lunch with me, of course? | - Of course.
1910, what a year that must have | been! You must have seen...
- Mr Enderby. | - Sorry to have kept you.
I didn't want | to disturb you at lunch.
That was kind of you. | Won't you come in?
We must find somewhere | to bed you down.
- Bed me down? | - Get you a room.
- Won't you sit down? | - How very kind of you.
Nonsense, you couldn't stay | in the cottage after what happened.
No, I couldn't. I just couldn't.
That's why I'm so gratefuI.
It's a pleasure, dear lady.
A shock like this | takes weeks to get over.
A few gallops over the Downs and | we'll have you back in the saddle.
I don't ride.
You don't ride? | We'll have to see to that, won't we?
Perhaps, whilst I'm here, there might | be something I could do.
I can arrange the flowers or... | be a hostess.
Yes, we'll talk about that later.
Yes, I mustn't keep you. | I'm sure you're very busy.
Perhaps someone could | show me to my room?
- I'll take you. | - Please don't bother.
I'll get the porter | to take my things up.
Oh, Miss Milchrest.
Yes, Mr Enderby.
There was something I wanted to ask. | What was it? Oh yes, of course.
The day that her brother | called on poor Aunt Cora,
were you at the cottage?
Why... yes, I was.
You've no idea what was said?
Well... no. | Naturally they wanted to be alone.
Oh well, it's not important. | Thank you.
Oh, Miss Milchrest, good morning.
How nice to see you again.
Good morning.
Don't look so frightened, my dear. | I've done my quota of murders today.
- Are you staying here? | - I am indeed.
- Oh, I didn't know that. | - A delightfuI surprise no doubt.
Incidentally, | may I ask what brings you here?
Oh, Mr Hector's been very kind.
He invited me | when I had to leave the cottage
and I had no place to go.
- Mr Hector invited you? | - Yes.
- I hope you have a pleasant stay. | - Thank you.
Oh, by the way...
...don't tell the family | I was in the cottage yesterday.
It might hinder | the Inspector's enquiries.
- Oh yes, of course. | - Thank you.
Can I help you?
I was just admiring your boots.
They're quite beautifuI. | I'm really envious.
Thank you. Goodbye.
- Dear lady, feminine but practical. | - Thank you, Mr Enderby.
When I'm behind | a lady guest in jodhpurs,
I think it's a shame elegance seems | to have left the equestrian scene.
How graciously put.
Now for your preliminary canter.
Hello, George. | What are you staring at?
Come in, Rosamund.
What's so interesting there?
That old woman with Hector | found Uncle's body.
- She arrived here yesterday. | - What of it?
I don't like people | prying into my affairs.
You are nervous, aren't you? If you | see Michael, tell him I want him.
Don't go, Rosamund,
unless I make you nervous?
Why should you?
You know | how attractive I find you.
Yes, I know.
- Still only Michael? | - Of course.
It doesn't bother you | that he married you for the money?
He didn't marry me. | I was the one who decided.
I knew I wanted him | from the first moment I saw him.
- Do you always get what you want? | - Of course. I just take it.
You're a dangerous woman, Rosamund.
I hope you never want | anything of mine.
You mean like your money? | I don't at the moment.
Why were you so anxious to get it? | Did you want it that desperately?
Let's say I needed it pretty badly.
In trouble again?
What do you mean?
Clients sometimes give you money | to buy pictures, don't they?
What of it?
It's not the first time | you've borrowed some.
Shut up!
Don't get so angry. I don't care...
George, have you...
Oh hello, Rosamund.
I was looking for you.
I was looking for you too. | I want to go for a drive.
- I thought we were walking. | - I want to go for a drive.
All right. We might as well. | See you later, George.
Bye, George.
Thank you.
Are you comfortable, Miss Marple?
Perfectly, thank you.
Daisy will suit you.
When your seat is back, | we'll put you on something livelier.
Stand, Black Jack!
Come on, come on!
Come on, that's better. | You're nervous today.
CarefuI, sir, he's in an ugly mood.
I can handle him, Hillman.
He'll throw you, sir.
Nonsense! Are we ready, Miss Marple?
I am if you are.
He's high-spirited, | but he's no problem.
Are you, old boy? Come on, come on.
We shall have you in shape | in no time, Miss Marple.
A few days hacking | and then you'll be cantering...
- Hello, Hillman. | - Want something, Mr George?
- I'd like to have a chat with you. | - I've got work to do.
Don't be insolent!
All I want is information | about Mr Hector and that old lady.
You'll get no information from me.
Why not? Are you hiding something?
No. Now perhaps you'll get out | and let me get on.
Now, calm down, Hillman.
I think that old lady is trying | to make trouble for Mr Hector.
- She'd better not. | - She might.
I think it would be worth your while | to watch her.
Whoa, boy! Whoa! Steady! Steady!
It's a car coming. | It seems to be unsettling him.
He can't stand them. | I don't blame him, they're a menace!
My foot! My foot!
Rosamund, that was Hector. | Are you trying to kill him?
- I was nowhere near him. | - You nearly hit him on purpose!
- What's wrong with you? | - Will you slow down.
There. Is that better?
What's all this about?
- What? | - You know darn well.
So I lied to the policeman | that morning about riding.
What difference does it make?
- It depends on what you were doing. | - I had some business in the city.
Did you? | I hope it was to say goodbye to her.
I don't know what you mean.
Don't you? It doesn't matter. | I know when you're lying.
- I'm not lying! | - Of course you're lying.
Like you lied | about where you were
when you went to see Uncle | on the day he died.
How did you know that?
I know everything about you.
I don't like having my movements | checked up on.
I mean that! Don't push me too far!
I like to know.
Did you think your fatal charm | might loosen his purse strings?
Something like that.
- Didn't they? | - No.
- That's all? | - Of course that's all.
Then why not say so?
After what happened, | people might think...
They might think | that Aunt Cora was right.
Yes, they might think that.
How's the foot now?
As well as can be expected | after being stepped on.
- I'll help you. | - That's not necessary.
I insist, Mr Enderby, and that boot | must come off immediately.
All right, Black Jack. Whoa.
Come on, Black Jack. | Easy, boy. Easy, boy.
Is he all right?
- Well done. | - I can manage now thank you.
I wouldn't dream of such a thing. | Come along, leg up.
Don't trouble yourself.
No trouble... and the longer you | wait, the worse the swelling will be.
I'll stand the whole thing | in cold water for an hour.
Useless, Mr Enderby.
Boot up.
This may hurt a little when I pull,
but be brave... be brave.
Come along now.
Take the strain.
Here we go.
Gently! Gently!
Nearly off, Mr Enderby.
Well, it wasn't too bad, was it?
- Oh, dear. Dear oh dear. | - What's the matter?
- The colonel won't like this. | - The colonel?
They're his boots. | I borrowed them this morning.
Some fool stable girl upset paint all | over mine.
Oh, did she?
No idea, of course, | how to get it off.
Mr Enderby, you'd be better occupied | bathing that foot.
Unless, of course, | you want it to swell even more.
Perhaps you're right. Be up like a | balloon in the morning anyway.
- What the devil are you doing? | - Mr Hillman, you startled me.
Why do you have those?
I'm merely admiring them. Fine old | English leather, strong yet supple.
Leave them alone from now on.
Hillman, that is no way to talk | to a lady. Get back to work.
I only came to tell you | Black Jack was back.
Don't worry about him. He's a surly | chap, but he's been here for years;
completely trustworthy.
Then his appearance is extremely | deceptive, Mr Enderby.
If you'll forgive me, | I really must have a rest.
Careless of me.
It's a family matter, | I won't discuss it in public.
We must not be disturbed | for the next half hour.
- Right. | - Are you going out, Miss Marple?
I always take a constitutional before | retiring, Mr Enderby.
All right. Put them in there.
You don't seem to understand. | I only want Uncle's picture.
That's just too bad because | I told Hector that I wanted it.
Why not auction all the stuff off, | divide it equally
and then there's no quarrelling.
- I'm not quarrelling, darling. | - It wouldn't fetch two pounds.
Are you sure? You're an art dealer.
Maybe you're the only one | who knows it is valuable.
It's not valuable. It just happens to | appeal to me that's all.
As she feels so strongly about it, | you'd better let her have it.
- After all, ladies first. | - Not in my book.
- It is in mine. | - Why don't you toss up for it?
None of you | seem to understand. I want it!
- That doesn't mean you will get it. | - It does.
- Now, you listen... | - Stop it.
I've had all the unpleasantness | that I can take.
- Well, Hector... | - I mean it.
- You may mean it but... | - No buts.
The matter's settled. This is my | house. I make the rules around here.
It's marvellous | what a little security does.
I don't find | that remark very amusing.
I didn't mean it to be amusing.
I'm glad it's all settled. Thank you.
It's not settled | as far as I'm concerned.
Oh, but it is, George. | I think you misunderstood, Rosamund.
It's settled because I'm keeping it.
Oh, not in bed yet, Miss Marple?
I'm choosing something | to read before retiring.
- Good night. | - Good night.
If you're looking for Miss Marple, | she's downstairs in the lounge.
I'm sorry to have startled you.
That's all right. I'm still nervous.
Yes, well under the circumstances, | I'm not surprised.
What do you mean?
If I was the murderer, | I'd be worried in case you had heard
what old Enderby said to Cora.
- I didn't. | - I don't blame you for forgetting.
The murderer would hardly leave you | running around, would he?
- Oh, I must... | - Go?
Yes, so must I. Good night.
- Is anything wrong, Miss Milchrest? | - Yes.
- Could I speak to you please? Alone? | - Of course. Come to my room.
Thank you.
I hope this means that | you no longer think I'm a murderess.
- Forgive me. It was stupid of me. | - Not at all.
A natural conclusion when | you saw me standing over the body.
- Won't you sit down? | - Thank you.
There was something | you wanted to say?
Miss Marple, I did overhear Mrs | Lansquenet and her brother that day.
- Yes, I thought so. | - I wasn't eavesdropping.
Naturally not. What did you hear?
Only bits and pieces really | but enough to realise
he was afraid that someone | in the family was going to kill him.
- Which one of them? | - I don't know.
He hinted | as though he hated to say the word.
Miss Milchrest, | have you told this to anyone else?
Oh no, because | when he died so soon afterwards,
I began to wonder | and then Mrs Lansquenet...
Oh, Miss Marple, | I'm afraid. I'm terribly afraid.
I think you have reason to be.
They've all asked me, | every single one of them,
and they look | as if they don't believe me.
I'm afraid you're not | a good liar, Miss Milchrest.
Now, we must tell this to | Inspector Craddock and to no one else
and the sooner the better.
Don't let it worry you any more.
Go to your room | and leave the rest to me.
Thank you very much.
Is that you, Inspector? | Miss Marple here.
Please forgive | the lateness of the hour.
I have the evidence | I've been looking for.
I know who the killer is!
I hardly think you're in a position | to press me under the circumstances.
You don't think | it will stop me anyway do you?
Nothing more to say?
Good, then listen.
Yes, I went to see the old man | on the day that he was killed.
We all went there at one time or | another and all for the same reason,
to get money out of him.
But you were the worst.
You were greedy enough | to kill for it.
Oh, and not just | for a quarter of the estate
but for a real sum of money.
That picture is worth a fortune.
Ironic, isn't it?
To think that he must have picked it | up 30 years ago in Paris for a song.
Now I know what | that picture is worth and I want it.
If you don't tell me where it is,
you know what's going | to happen, so where is it?
- What are you doing? | - Let me go. You're hurting me.
Snooping and prying. | You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
How dare you!
I shall report you to your employer | first thing in the morning.
Hey, who's there? Open up!
Let me out!
Help! Help!
Stop that infernal row. | Turn the engine off.
Steady. Steady, boy. Steady.
What on earth's going on here? What's | the matter with Black Jack?
Black Jack's all right. | He's all right.
- There was someone in there. | - What?
There was someone in there.
Mr Crossfield, sir. He's dead.
- Where were you, sir? | - I was upstairs in my room.
And you, madam?
I was fast asleep, Inspector.
So you were all in your rooms... of you wasn't!
Whoever locked that stable door and | turned that motor on is a murderer.
Until I get to the bottom of this | situation, none of you are to leave.
That will be quite impossible.
I must insist. My men will be here to | see those orders are carried out.
You will ruin me. | I can't have police...
- You can and you will. | - Tonight is our annual dance.
Tonight? You're having a dance here?
It may be unfeeling to hold | a dance under the circumstances,
but I'm running a business here.
You can have your dance | but nothing else changes.
That's all for now.
Can I get back to work? | There's a lot to do for tonight.
- I suppose that's permissible? | - Of course.
Does that mean we can all go?
As long as | you don't leave the grounds.
I wonder if I might go up | to London this afternoon?
No, I'm sorry, but no one leaves.
- Oh, but Inspector... | - That's all. Oh, Miss Marple.
- Yes? | - Can I have a word with you?
I have something | rather important to say.
- About that call last night. | - Oh, that, yes.
You said you had the evidence | and the murderer.
I'm afraid | I was a little premature there.
Were you? | Who did you think it was, Crossfield?
As a matter of fact I did | but only briefly, Inspector.
Very briefly. Now I really know.
- I'm sure you do. | - I do.
Only before | I can be quite sure,
I need the expert opinion | of an art dealer.
- An art dealer? | - That's what I said, Inspector.
However, I'll take care of that, | but I need your help.
There's Mr Stringer. If you'll excuse | me, I'll be with you in a moment.
I'm sending him to London | on an important mission.
When he returns tonight, he will have | certain information that I need.
After that, we can force | the killer out into the open.
- Oh, we can, can we? | - Yes, I guarantee it.
How much | do you know about first aid?
First aid?
I'm planning to have | a heart attack at the dance tonight
and I shall be much obliged if | you will pretend to take care of me.
If you...
Later I'll have the doctor | confirm the diagnosis.
May I ask | what you're proposing to do then?
I am proposing to allow myself | to be frightened to death.
Good day, Inspector.
Come, Mr Stringer. Let's go up to | my room. It's easier to talk there.
I'm not entirely sure | about that woman.
George thought | she was working for the police.
Nonsense. | She's a lady and a great horsewoman.
One doesn't necessarily | preclude the other, does it?
I've never heard | of a mounted policewoman.
You know her well. | Is she working for the police?
Oh, no... at least I don't think so.
I believe | she knows the Inspector personally.
What does it matter? You sound | like a man with a guilty conscience.
My conscience is perfectly clear.
Then you have nothing to worry about.
- Hector, now can I have the picture? | - No.
Nobody else wanted it | but George and he's dead.
I told you why, | I'm keeping it myself.
You are please to take this | to London to the art dealers.
They will appraise it | and get it back here quickly.
If it'll help.
I'm hopefuI it will not only help but | clinch the whole matter.
- You've made real progress. | - Yes. We're near the end.
- You know who did it? | - I think so.
- Oh, good. Who? | - I can't tell you that at present.
- Miss Marple, please be carefuI. | - Of course I'll be carefuI.
You see you don't get yourself | arrested, that's stolen property.
Stolen property!
Mr Enderby, you quite startled me. | Won't you come in?
Thank you. I was about to knock.
- You know Mr Stringer? | - I haven't had the pleasure.
I'm sorry. Mr Enderby, Mr Stringer.
Always delighted to meet any friend | of Miss Marple's. How do you do?
How do you do? Well, goodbye.
- You're not leaving on my account? | - No, no.
- An errand in London. | - What a shame.
I was hoping you'd stay | for our dance.
Isn't that a good idea | and you are so fond of dancing.
- I am? | - You know you are.
Why don't you | return here after London?
Yes, perhaps I could do that.
Perhaps you'd like | to leave your parcel?
- He'd never be parted from that. | - No.
It's time you got started. The sooner | you go, the sooner you'll get back.
True, true. | It's been very nice to meet you.
The pleasure was mine.
What a charming man.
Is he by any chance in the same line | as my cousin George was?
- What line would that be? | - He's an art dealer.
Oh, what can have | put that into your head?
I'm not sure really. Perhaps | it was the parcel he was carrying.
- It rather suggested a picture. | - Oh, no.
Mr Stringer is custodian | of the local library.
Do you know anything about pictures?
Just a little.
I can't tell | a good one from a bad one.
I'd rather value your opinion | on some my uncle left me.
- My knowledge is rather limited. | - Surely just an opinion?
You're welcome to that, | but at some other time.
This afternoon, I'm afraid I want | to rest. I'm not feeling very well.
Oh dear, | and I'm making a nuisance of myself.
- Not at all. | - You must rest.
Must have you fit | for the dance tonight.
I'm looking forward | to a whirl or two with you.
You dance beautifully, Miss Marple.
Why thank you, Mr Enderby. | So do you.
Well, my foot holds me back a bit, | but I manage.
Indeed you do.
I hope you understand | about the dance.
It's not that I'm unfeeling about | George, but we always have it.
Naturally you have to consider | your guests.
- Care for another whirl? | - Of course, Mr Enderby.
- We'd better sit this one out. | - Oh, dear.
DreadfuI, not dancing at all.
One must be tolerant of the young, | Mr Enderby.
My mama was horrified when she saw me | doing the Charleston in public.
That was quite different, besides | I'm sure you danced it beautifully.
Ah, there's Mr Stringer.
As it happens, | this is his favourite dance.
Mr Stringer!
I found out...
I was just saying | that this is your favourite dance.
- Shall we? | - Dance?
Naturally. You'll excuse us won't | you, Mr Enderby. Come along.
- Miss Marple, I don't think... | - Do your best.
This is the only way | I could get you alone.
What did you find out?
You were right, Miss Marple. | It's worth at least 50,000.
I knew it! | Then it was that picture after all.
It certainly was.
Excellent. | We can now proceed with certainty.
- Proceed where, Miss Marple? | - To trap the killer.
Was Inspector Craddock in the foyer?
Then, I think, a little livelier...
...and don't be alarmed | if I suddenly pretend to be ill.
- Hmm? | - Now then...
Hot it up!
Help me to a chair.
I shall be quite all right, really. | No need to fuss.
The doctor warned you | after that last heart attack.
Did he?
- If I could just lie down. | - Shouldn't I get a doctor?
- The police doctor will be quicker. | - Yes, sir.
She's got to lie down immediately. | Where's her room?
Well, upstairs.
She can't manage any stairs. | Isn't there a room on this floor?
There's a small back room, | but she'd be all alone.
Good. | She needs complete rest and quiet.
- Miss Marple, if we helped you... | - Yes, perhaps.
I am so sorry to give you | all this trouble, Mr Enderby.
Don't be foolish, dear lady. | We're worried about you.
Oh, I'll be fine. Fine.
Mr Stringer, won't you sit down?
She'll be all right, | I'm sure she will.
How is she?
- Not very good. | - Will she be all right?
Doctor, could I see her?
No, Mr Stringer. | She mustn't be disturbed.
I won't risk moving her | until the morning.
You haven't answered my question. | Will she be all right?
I hope so, | but it's a pretty severe attack.
She's not to be disturbed.
If I can speak to her before we go...
Absolutely not. | She's to have complete rest.
She wanted to tell me | about a painting.
She can tell you in the morning, | if she's any better.
- I've got to insist. | - You can insist all you like.
She's my patient | and no one goes near her.
Any disturbance | would probably be fatal.
Now, I suggest you all get to bed. | Good night.
Miss Marple, are you awake?
Wake up! Wake up!
It's me, Cora. I've come back.
Yes, Cora. I've been waiting for you.
You've come for your picture.
Yes, you stole it!
I only borrowed it, my dear.
I have it right here.
Allow me to return it to you...
...Miss Milchrest!
- You're not ill? | - I've never felt better in my life.
There's nothing wrong | with your heart?
I should have guessed it was a trick.
Foolish of me...
How did you know?
I've seen you before, | at the reading of the will.
By impersonating Cora,
you planted the suspicion that | old Enderby was murdered.
So when you killed Cora,
it looked as if someone in | the family did it to keep her quiet.
I fooled them all. | Not one of them dreamt I wasn't Cora.
So then you had to kill | George Crossfield too.
It was clever of me, wasn't it?
All this for nothing.
No. Not all for nothing, Miss Marple.
You're the only one left who knows.
You're not so clever after all, | Miss Marple.
Nor was Cora, the fool!
The picture is worth a fortune | and she didn't even know it.
She was so stupid, she said | I could have it when she died
because I admired it.
You won't get away with it this time.
Oh yes I will.
In a few minutes, I shall be harmless | Miss Milchrest again.
Inspector! Help!
- Oh, please don't touch me! | - All right, Bacon.
Why didn't you ring, Miss Marple?
The law may have a long arm, | Inspector,
unfortunately, I haven't.
Now if you'll forgive me, | I must catch up on a little sleep.
Come in.
You asked to see me | before I left, Mr Enderby.
Oh yes, indeed, Miss Marple.
- Yes, yes, indeed. | - May I help you with that?
- That is good of you. | - Not at all.
- May I? | - Oh, please do.
Is this wise, Mr Enderby?
Oh, yes. It's the hunt today.
It's the Fidget Hunt.
Mr Enderby, you did want to see me?
- Yes, that's true, Miss Marple. | - Well?
Do you know | that every chair in this room
is stuffed with the hair | of the horses that I've loved
and I think have loved me.
I've never got on so well | with human beings.
They're fine when they're up, but | when they're down, only two legs...
- I think I follow you, Mr Enderby. | - I knew you would.
We're alike.
Well, I mean, | you're a lady in retirement...
...a single lady, living alone...
Well, I think you know | what I'm trying to say.
Are you by any chance | proposing to me, Mr Enderby?
That's right. I propose you should | keep your saddle here permanently.
- Oh, I'm afraid... | - It would be a working arrangement.
You run the hotel | and I'll run the stable.
Well... run the stable | and I'll run the hotel.
I'm extremely flattered, Mr Enderby.
I'm afraid I must say no.
You see, I have so many | other interests to occupy my time.
One indeed presses now -
the next production at the | church hall, a murder mystery.
I do hope you'll come.
- I don't think I'd care for it. | - Oh, what a pity.
- Well, goodbye. | - Goodbye.
- Miss Marple... | - Yes?
I would deem it an honour | if you'd stay the day
and be my guest at the hunt.
I'm very sorry, Mr Enderby, | but I disapprove of blood sports.
That was a very narrow escape!