Outpost (2007)

- You speak the language?
- Better than most of the people in here.
The locals all said
you were the go-to guy on this.
- You work with a regular team?
- Just the redneck.
Tell me about this area.
Hundred and fifty Ks northwest of here.
Every couple of months it switches
between government and insurgency hands.
My advice, don't go there.
I have to.
When the war is over,
this place will be a free market.
- It's mineral rich.
- Are you some kind of geologist?
An engineer.
I'm on a retainer to a company
that acquired some real estate here.
I go in, survey it. You ensure my safety.
- I'll operate a six-man fire team.
- How much?
- Six thousand US per man, cash.
- Four.
Payable only on my safe return.
- You've worked with mercenaries before.
- Where the guidebooks recommend.
But where you've been
has nothing to do with where you are.
Equipment will run to another five, up front.
Be here tomorrow night.
I'll have a squad by then.
Fucking ride, eh?
This big fancy company
can't pay for a bird, huh?
And let those RPGs blow us out the sky
like the Red Cross
a couple of months back?
Smart moves.
How am I supposed to work with this shit?
So don't get hit.
So what do you think this place is?
- Fucked if I know. Same if I care.
- Right.
Man pays the money, he picks the tune.
He's kurac, anyway.
There's nothing built out here for sure.
Yeah, whatever.
Take a good look at secrets man up here.
Now, why does a prick like that
hire seven swords in a bar?
For the same reason he doesn't go
with private security, either.
Secrets, man.
So what is real story, huh, Top?
Yeah, this is it.
- What do you think?
- Think we're gonna get wet.
All right, roll it out.
There's a lot of traffic.
Regular Army has positions to the south.
Insurgents to the north.
UN safe area is southwest.
Right, lads, places to be.
Jesus Christ!
Why have we gone dark?
'Cause this thing was built
before they invented fucking trees.
Well, we're not going anywhere
with it down,
so get it done.
Fifty says that company of his
lost some new flyer out here.
- An airplane?
- Sure.
Some high-tech shit on board, too.
Got to test those bad boys
in live conditions, man.
And what, you a CIA operator?
But 100 says he could be.
Well, it's not a plane.
Cotter, give me a base of fire from here
in case we have to double-time it back out.
The rest of you give me a perimeter.
Four, okay.
Five, good.
- One, okay.
- Six, okay.
Two, all good.
He's underground, huh?
You'd be smart
if you weren't so fucking stupid,
do you know that?
You're with him.
Okay, everyone on me.
- This is it?
- Yeah.
Minerals, huh? Right.
Cotter, Tak, doors.
Jordan and Tak, hold. Everyone else on me.
Down here.
Right. Hunt, on me.
Prior, Voyteche, left.
Cotter, McKay, right.
What the fucking hell does a guy like him
want with a shithole like this?
- What?
- Quarter right. On the tree line.
How many?
In the tree line!
You, stay.
Rounds received?
- Come on. Rounds received.
- None.
Someone confirm me a fucking target!
Cease fire.
Mac, shut that off.
Man down!
Jordan, get the fuck over here!
- Cease fire, everyone, cease fire.
- Cease fire. We're fucking bleeding here!
- Shut the fuck up! Mac!
- I said cease fucking firing! Tak!
Hey! Take it easy.
- Where's the shooter?
- Right. 60 meters. I don't know!
See? I got him.
Lucky if you hit that tree out there.
That's one nervous little bitch finger
you got on your trigger there, teardrop.
When I say, "Hold fire," you hold fire.
I got him.
You sure of that?
Fine. Sweep and clean that area.
- Oh, fuck, Sputnik, I'll do it.
- No!
I do it.
The rest of you, cover him.
- It's nothing.
- Bodies? Blood?
Not even shell casings.
Are we good?
It was probably some passing patrol
or someone out for a jolly.
But this place is a tactical nightmare.
I've got an elevated tree line
bordering open ground,
and I need to deal with that.
How long will it take?
I need any available power on-line
down here, in case we have to hole up.
Can you help me with that? Right.
Voyteche, Tak, hold here
until we square it away down below.
- We're gonna be bottled up down there.
- Beats getting ventilated up here.
Jordan, Mac, need you mobile.
I need a fortnight in Tijuana.
You know, what you're doing here
is your business, and I respect that.
But when we start taking fire,
your business
can quickly become my business.
Could there be others, like you, out here?
No, there's no one else looking.
Why so sure?
My backers are wealthy enough
to ensure silence.
From anybody.
War has been played out around here
for years.
Anybody could have stumbled across it.
That entry was easy enough.
Sure, the odd patrol could have come
down here from time to time, maybe.
But they don't know what to look for.
And that would be?
Who does he think he's kidding?
This place is wrong, very wrong.
Is it just me, or does that not belong here?
- Can you get it going?
- Let's see.
What the fuck is this guy looking for?
What is that?
- I think we're good if...
- Medic!
- Jordan!
- Stay here.
Over here.
Principal's back that way,
keep an eye on him. Jordan.
We need a fucking medic!
We've got a fucking breather down there!
Don't just fucking stand there! Help me!
- Shit!
- Jesus fuck!
Look at him.
Poor bastard.
His brain is totally minced.
Back off!
He's fucking gone, guys. Pluto.
I'm shot.
What part of me looks like I give a fuck?
Wait a sec.
He could just be a fucking farmer.
Farmer? Yeah, right.
- Talk, fuckmeat!
- That's enough.
Top, I reckon the locals used this place
for a little bit of ethnic cleansing
- then moved on.
- It's possible.
It's like a slaughterhouse down there.
- He's the only one we found breathing.
- Christ.
Your guess is as good as mine.
So what does that make you?
Some kind of fucking tourist?
- I could ask you the same.
- I'm a soldier.
No, you're an employee.
Speaking of which, aren't you supposed
to be protecting someone?
How do you think I got that?
- And how does beating him up help?
- It made me feel better, all right?
Running a little low on causes, though,
wouldn't you say?
Walk away.
You know, getting punchy
isn't the smartest play with these guys.
Which is why I hired you to hold their leash.
You seem pretty concerned for his welfare.
It's just a little thing called compassion.
- So he's nothing to do with you?
- Nothing.
And finding all those dead bodies
and him in the middle
has got nothing to do
with your assignment?
I don't think he looked like
he was in my line of business, do you?
Now, am I dismissed?
That being the case,
I think you might all want to see this.
You can say what you like about the Nazis,
but they had style.
What the fuck are we doing
standing in a German bunker?
- But not since about 1945.
- Aye, right.
Wait a minute.
You're looking for gold out here, right?
I know about all this shit.
Lost Nazi gold.
Right. Fuck gold.
I want three primaries up there
in the tree line, 30 meters spread
- and lay some wire beyond that.
- Whoa, stop the fucking bus.
I thought this was strictly a 48, in and out.
And now we've got an unknown number
of hostiles sending down fire.
So we, meaning you, dig in.
Dead men this high.
Why dump them here?
Because they more than just killed
these men.
Burying someone already, eh?
Set in for the night.
- Mr. Cunt thinks he's onto some Nazi gold.
- Gold?
Those bushwhackers out there
think they're following a money train.
They'll be back.
So you better watch your arses. All right?
Forty-eight hour job.
You have better places to be?
You play?
All this shit is why I left the Marines.
- Strike gold yet?
- Can't even find a match to strike. You got?
I hate that feeling you get in the field.
You know, always like
someone is watching you.
Apparently someone is.
Didn't take you for a religious girl.
My old boy was a priest.
Said it was just like being a soldier.
Both do a lot of things on faith.
We both get to burn twice, too.
Once here, then in Hell.
Why don't you police up any med supplies
we got downstairs?
Any time now is just fine, nurse.
Go on.
Your move, by the way.
You're gonna have me
in trouble pretty quick by this rate.
Bet you'd talk to her if she bent down
and touched her toes, eh, big lad?
Just slipped on some loose gold, eh?
- How is our comm situation?
- Not good, Tops.
Not since you ripped
the battery out backwards.
There's a radio room back there
you can cut into. Detail Prior on him
and see if you can scare us up enough
to get back online.
Whoever shot you is still out there
and I don't want to be deaf.
Your men need to grow up.
That's a nine mil hollow-point.
Now, a shell like this
is gonna push your lungs
clean through your spine.
Leave an exit wound big enough
to jump through.
You're gonna talk sooner or later, Gunst.
And it's gonna be to me.
So, this is what all the fuss is about?
What is it?
- The last 18 years of my life.
- This?
It may not look like much right now,
but this could be the Holy Grail of physics.
I never really trusted science.
there are four forces that control matter.
The key has been trying to find
how those forces interact.
If we can do that,
then we can explain the behavior
of all the substance in the universe.
Einstein coined a phrase,
unified field theory.
Many people thought he was close
to finding a solution.
But when he saw the atomic bomb tests
at Trinity,
he abandoned the research
and destroyed his notes.
Nobody has even come close
to finding a solution since.
So you came all the way out here
because you think that the Nazis...
Were working on the same thing.
I think this machine was designed
to manipulate a unified field.
And that chamber above it
where you found the bodies,
was built to control the resultant energy,
contain it.
- Why?
- The Germans were trying to win a war.
But with this technology,
its application and impact
in the modern world would be
And probably priceless.
Mr. Hunt, is that you, sir?
You okay?
What's the matter?
You look like I fucked your sister.
You ain't gonna get an answer, you know.
Shut up!
Killed a man once, asked for two things.
When he was done crying for his mama,
he begged for his God.
And you know what the answer was?
A bullet.
That bright light...
It ain't Heaven, son.
It's just a muzzle flare.
Fucking love culture.
Mac, turn that shit off!
- How many?
- Fuck knows!
You, hold fast.
Stay down. Pick your targets.
Mac, quarter left. Cotter, quarter right.
God damn it!
Sound off.
- One, okay.
- Two, okay.
- Three, okay.
- Four, okay.
- Six, okay.
- Seven, okay.
Five. Sound off. Five?
- He's gone.
- What the...
- Tak? Taktarov?
- No, stay down.
Voyteche. What happened?
- I don't know. The wind...
- Tak!
- Where the fuck is he?
- Maybe he done a runner down the bunker.
- Maybe they took him.
- Tak!
How close did they get in?
Prior, check the perimeter.
No way they got that close.
Too much open ground.
What, the wind and light show
didn't distract you?
Wire ain't touched.
The Claymores are intact.
- They didn't even get close.
- So he ran.
He didn't run.
Fuckers must really want
a piece of that gold.
There is no gold.
All right, hold fast.
- Top?
- Later, Jordan.
I've been holding this.
The round I dug out of Mac's arm.
An old 7.62, huh?
Yeah, except look at it.
There's no way it could have been fired,
it's totally wasted.
You sure?
Trust me, that could never have
cleared a barrel's end.
This, Tak, that cross, and before...
Jesus, 18 hours ago this was an easy ride.
Aye, and 36 hours ago
you could handle anything.
Now wind your bloody neck in!
Fuck with me.
- Which one?
- Tak.
Whoever took him left that.
This was a Nazi bunker, DC.
There are plenty of relics here.
See where that's decayed?
That should have killed the man firing it.
Instead we pulled it out of Mac's arm.
Your team can function
with a man down, right?
Oh, sure. Maybe you'd like to shoulder arms
and come and sample the fucked up
weather and light show
we've been having as well, eh?
- Weather and lights?
- Yeah, fireworks and a wind.
Well, like nothing
I've ever experienced before.
Things happen in the field, but...
Well, trust me, after what I've just seen,
nothing is ludicrous.
Maybe he took it himself.
Or whoever took him left it.
Right. So whoever they are,
wear the Iron Cross
and are fucking invisible to you, eh?
Mac, think about it. Behind the wire.
Oh, come on, you've seen that complex.
They could be right beneath us.
- We cleared it.
- Did we?
We're in charge.
The Third Reich was renowned
for dabbling with the occult.
Fantasy blending with scientific research.
Field theory would have been
perfect for them.
An equation
that could bend space and time.
Potentially alter reality.
They were running some kind of trials
on these soldiers.
Exposing them to the energy
harnessed in that chamber above.
Honestly, I think they were trying
to enhance the men.
Enhance them?
Theoretically, the human body
could become fused, disappear.
Interwoven with
the magnetic fields themselves.
The Americans tried something similar
in '43.
An attempt was made to render a warship,
the USS Eldridge, invisible,
using Einstein's theories.
The Philadelphia Experiment.
Urban myth has it
they were partially successful.
I think the Nazis were attempting
something similar.
Maybe even more ambitious.
A soldier that was invulnerable,
You're not serious?
They were.
An Army that could travel
thousands of miles,
and nobody would be any the wiser
until it materialized at the gates
of the White House.
Well, that's great.
But as far as I remember,
the Germans lost the war.
And I don't think we're fighting
a bunch of pensioners, do you?
In theory, the men could still be
trapped within the fields.
They would only resurface
when the fields are disrupted, like, by us.
In English.
All existence is nothing more than vibration.
For years, those who believe
have claimed that
apparitions are merely ripples
in electro-magnetic fields.
- Echoes of a previous vibration.
- Apparitions, you mean ghosts?
You need help, really. Fucking ghosts?
Ten minutes ago you were
talking about magic bullets
and men who vanished into thin air.
So, fuck your Nobel Prize!
I'm pulling the plug right now.
Start packing.
- You can't do that.
- Oh, you watch me.
No, you really can't do that.
Sometimes it's not the bullets that kill you.
It's the orders.
I was surprised some of your men
had loved ones.
You ran us through.
There was no exaggeration
in what I said before.
This machine could be worth billions.
The backers have assets in Interpol.
They'll go after the families first,
yours and mine!
I've told the financiers.
- Another team's been dispatched.
- How long?
They're moving as fast as they can.
Please, I have a little child.
Fucking hell are they doing to him?
They're playing with some black dice now.
They say you can feel them.
The bad ones, you know?
How you know that?
- Been talking to the dead?
- I've seen some things, I'll tell you that.
But this, this shit is just fucking weird, eh?
I wouldn't know.
Never lived another way.
Yeah? Well, where I come from,
a lad doesn't join the British Army.
Not a good son, anyway.
I held my first AK-47 when I was five.
Fired it at nine.
I make my first clean kill when I was 15.
Families forgive.
But one thing I know,
there's no motherfucker care less
about us right now.
No way.
No fucking way did someone
get past us to do this.
- He's right. Wire is intact.
- Because they did it.
- Who the fuck are "they"?
- Oh, come on Mac.
- You've seen something, I know you have.
- No such thing.
No such what?
- They put an empty in Tak's fucking skull!
- Jordan.
To fuck with reason!
These are no ordinary guys. Think!
- That Nazi shit. The bullet in his arm!
- Shut it.
Oh, come on, Christ!
They've punched his head
into a fucking canoe here!
Brass knuckles.
Savages have got skills, I'll give you that.
- Put them in their ponchos.
- It's a message.
They own this place.
That's enough. We pull out.
- We can't leave.
- We can and we are.
We'll never make it
through those trees alive.
And even if we could,
then the financiers would...
- You know what happens if we leave.
- I'll take my chances.
You won't have any chance
unless you start listening!
- I think that... If we could only get...
- Enough!
...the machine online, then maybe...
We've been compromised
by a superior force
and we are pulling out.
You think a normal enemy would do that?
I've seen worse.
You certainly will unless you start to listen.
You want to stay? Go ahead.
Didn't think so.
...For thine is the kingdom, the power
and the glory for ever and ever. Amen.
What, you really believe that shite?
Like there's, you know, after?
I know a man's soul
deserves to rest in peace.
We gave up that right
when we started killing men
who believed in things for money.
Boy has got it.
Yeah, right, well, meantime...
I've got bills to pay in the real world, eh?
Cotter. Hunt's busy playing fuckwit
down there. Go and police him up, will you?
The rest of you,
I want out of here within the hour.
You prick.
Mr. Hunt,
I've been ordered to get you mobile, sir.
You wouldn't be in such a hurry
if you knew what was out there.
And what is that?
- We're all going to die.
- Right. Of boredom.
Listening to you whine and complain.
- Are we good?
- What about Tak and Voyteche?
- It's too much weight to carry.
- And him?
Fuck him!
Shots fired! Clear!
- Where's the contact?
- Engine room, now!
Christ, come on, this way!
Oh, Jesus.
All right. All right.
Someone want to tell me
what the fuck he's talking about?
- Thinks we're being stalked by dead Nazis.
- Ghosts?
I didn't get shot
by some fucking spectral entity, here.
These things are solid.
But the one that killed Cotter
vanished right in front of us.
So why don't they swoop down here
like God's own wrath
and take us out
right here and now, then, eh?
I don't know.
Maybe God's not in on this miracle.
What difference does it make? We're fucked.
You said that, that machine of yours
was made to control them.
Not control, contain.
But they obviously got the maths wrong.
You know, for a smart man,
you don't say much
of anything useful, do you?
Now, the last time you found yourself
dealing with the undead, what did you do?
Fuck this bullshit.
There ain't nothing but men out there.
Jesus, Prior, why don't you just admit it?
It's real simple.
I can't see it, I don't believe in it.
You don't believe in the dark?
How much you want to believe, right now?
You take a life, you take it for good.
There ain't nothing waiting on you.
Got it?
Okay, okay. Fuck. Okay.
Bring it on.
By early 1945, the party was over.
The war was essentially lost,
and the German military machine
was falling apart.
All the files show that the SS sent in
a unit to shut this place down.
And as far as I can see,
nobody walked out alive.
So does your instruction manual say
what the fuck these things want?
Want? They don't want anything.
They just do what they were trained to do.
They kill.
Those bodies we found...
Those were their bodies?
That might explain
why they stayed with the machine.
Any consciousness that remains
might believe that their only chance
- to live again is through it.
- Guys.
Yeah, that or they're just
the last poor fuckers
to walk through this bone-yard.
- Prior!
- Where the hell is he...
- Well, that worked.
- So we can kill them, right?
His brains are all over the wall.
That's good enough for me.
Oh, you're humming my balls!
Oh, shit!
- What was that?
- Jesus.
- Fuck!
- Mac?
Oh, Christ.
You fucks!
You fucking animals.
Fuck you all!
Why us, huh?
- Why us?
- Why not?
Always the same answer, isn't it?
Take a look, all of you.
You're no different to them out there.
Men who once had a purpose,
and now have nothing but death.
- Except we're not dead.
- Give it up.
They're gonna tear us to pieces here.
All of us.
They can try.
When it's operating fully,
it emits a high-pitch frequency
that within a certain radius might act
as a counterbalance, neutralizing...
Can we use it to stop these things?
Do you mind? Those of us with brain cells
are trying to think.
- I'll do you...
- Listen to the man.
If it was designed to contain them,
then, theoretically, if I can get it going,
and you can get them in close,
we could trap them,
and leave ourselves an exit
out of this mess, maybe.
- How close?
- I'd say 20, 30 meters.
- Is he having a fucking laugh?
- You have a better idea?
But I don't know if I've got enough power.
Maybe if I can hard-wire the current
from that generator...
But we're gonna need some time
to get the sort of levels we're gonna need.
Also, the machine was designed
to be operated by three men.
- I'm gonna have to work it on my own.
- I'll buy you time.
And how exactly
are we supposed to get them in here?
They want soldiers,
let's give them soldiers.
We've got to lure them in.
So, we use ourselves as bait, and then run
a controlled retreat and bring them with us.
I want fall-back positions every 50 feet.
We need wire out there, funnel them in.
Double up on the anti-personnel mines
all along the tree line.
When they come, we need to draw them in,
close as possible.
Then, fall back in stages on me.
We need to shore up all the corridors.
Take them only where we want them to go.
Hold your positions for as long as possible.
Keep them interested.
But don't overextend your positions
and get yourselves caught.
I want your eyes open,
your movements clean
and your fire accurate.
Now, we're not gonna get them to that cell,
so, take them to the engine.
- The closer, the better.
- What if Hunt can't get it done?
What if they spring out
of thin air right behind us?
Then we're fucked.
Use what you can, whatever way you can.
Keep your focus. Balance is everything.
Don't fall back too late,
don't fall back too soon.
- We need to draw them in.
- But they're fucking unstoppable.
So were we, once.
Never did care much for the great outdoors.
Ain't like we were gonna do good things
for the rest of our lives.
Fuck, we killed most everybody else.
I figure it's about time we touched gloves
with some Nazis, huh?
You know the one thing
they don't teach you in basic?
No matter how bad things get,
there's always time
for another joint.
So, what do you do
when you're not being a soldier of fortune?
You know, in every culture,
they believe all the souls
of the men you killed
haunt you for eternity.
Guess that's us fucked, eh?
Okay. I think she's ready.
I really don't know how long it'll take
to generate enough power.
Well, keep the door locked until I come back
and knock it down.
You do know how to use this?
Hail Mary, full of Grace...
Weapons free. Fall back on my command.
Hold your fire.
Easy. Hold.
Fall back!
They're coming!
- Sarge!
- Jordan!
Top, set.
- Bring it on!
- Prior, set.
Holding. Holding. Holding.
- Fall back!
- Moving!
Prior. Prior!
Fall back!
Move it, move it!
- Hunt, come on!
- Hunt?
Move! Set?
Last stop! Do it now, for fuck's sake!
Come on!
We fucking did it!
It's time to leave, Mr. Hunt.
Smart moves.
Shift it!
- Moving!
- Shit!
It's not gonna work.
We're gonna have to find another way out.
Get me up.
Well, go on, then.
Check this out.
I think I might have got one breathing here!
- Unit two reporting one survivor.
- Copy that.
What the fuck is that?