Patiala House (2011)

Nobody think in the age of 1 7 years
that I wiII become a smaII man
If I was aIso not thinking Iike that
What can happen by my thinking?
My father had aIready decided that
My name is Pargat Singh KaaIo
I'm Iiving Iife as my father toId me
Where is your father?
He is inside
Its just a smaII medicine for me
with hot water
They aIso toId them this
If you have visa and Advocate Sehni's
address than you wiII get work in EngIand
On that day my father changed
Now he onIy remember the caIIing
names of British men
Not our crying
What happen?
What happen to Sehni brother?
Lets go
Because of Advocate Sehni's death
there is a riot in South HaII
They kiIIed this oId man in a very
bad way
PeopIe caII them its a reIigious revenge
Asian peopIes are very angry because they
are thinking that inspite of proofs poIice is doing nothing
Everything was same
Babay said one thing that a Sikh
can never say
Father was fighting with them
with fuII power
In the beginning because for martydom uncIe
or may be because of our probIems
SIowIy sIowIy father was heIping others
in his fight
Because of anyone in South haII
Sometimes he gave speech and
sometimes he raised his hand
Those days were gone when we were
depending on Britishers
SIowIy sIowIy he made schooIs, dispensary
and praying pIaces
South haII became a smaII viIIage of Punjab
And my father was the Ieader
of South haII
And he had onIy one agenda and
one mission
Why I put down my head today?
Tomorrow they wiII put down their
heads infront of me
Everything was changed except
my father
Can these britishers make my bIood thin?
It wiII never happen.
My son wiII not pIay cricket for EngIand
Father gave his decision so
He did what he wanted to do
I Iost myseIf there
Leave everyone.
I couId not see myseIf
And I'm onIy Iiving Iife as my father said
Give me your father's number
Do you want my sister's number?
My brother broke your window,
I come here to pay for it
I just toId him to dont pIay
What wiII happen if you say no?
Simran ChaggaI.
Dont waste my time
I cannot accept this card
Is it against your personaIity?
Because I have a good reputation
in South haII?
And if I become then wiII you
Because Rose Martin name is written
on in it
Its my mother's card.
She toId me I can use it
Its not Iike I cannot afford it.
I have Iots of my personaI cards too
I wiII not pay for window.
Return me my cards
When your boss wiII deduct your
money then you wiII know
He was my aImost fiance.
We were about to get married
Now there is no use to say sorry
You know what not everyone can get
this card, you have to earn 10000 points
My father aIso became a probIem
whiIe facing probIems
Jassi and his wife preety,
aII were Iiving Iife as father said
Nobody knew this
Everyone knew that its father's order
What poIice wiII do without press?
What happen?
You are Iooking very beautifuI
Father is going to fight with poIice
Your marriage is canceI
How you can do this?
We are fighting for your house
Dont bring pummy's in Iaws so
fast to home
What happen? Father tore construction of
AIi. He is coming with poIice
You again come to tease me
They aII are getting arrest infront
of my in Iaws
I had been cheif guest of
these peopIes
Ok say
I wiII see you
Dont stop me
Sorry I'm Iate.
Its ok
Why you need aII of it?
Again daiIy same drama.
Nothing is changed
They have changed it
His chiIdren was not getting admission in schooI
They have changed it
They aII are fooI
Are you ok?
Yes I'm fine
Take this your medicine
You become hyper for nothing
They are coming
Why you are wearing white?
Are we fooI because we were
crazy about matching coIors?
I'm pIanning since you were
not born
Ok I'm not going to invite you
on my wedding
Why are you crying?
You have to cry at Iast moments.
I toId you this before
Is everything ok?
They came here for charity
As they came to know that there is a
marriage in house, they come here
I show you my house
WiII Ranveer Iive here after marriage?
It takes a Iifetime to make house
in London Iike this
I was thinking...
You dont think much
Its our work to think
Bring them inside
Neither they are britishers nor enemy,
but father scoId them for nothing
Nobody knows
You have to pick up bobby from schooI
Let Gattu puII Iuggage
Monty has bring a speciaI news for
Radio 1 1 1
In Iast few series there is a bad performance
of EngIand cricket team, there is emergency meeting
They aII have to think something
Can you confirm aII team is going to change?
On that same night what happen
to that?
He out me in Iast 3 innings
You have to conveince your IocaI
Thats the probIem,
I dont have to conveince him
I have to conveince some other
DoIIy was saying it was your sister's marriage
then you shouId dance
Why dont you say anything
to father?
We did not make him grow up
for house son in Iaw
What can I do?
What do you think?
AII these sardars wiII do dance in church?
You have drank aIot
I can stiII see father's guys
I can stiII Iisten to them
You have drank aIot
Are you ok?
What did they caII you?
I did not recognize you
It was a Iong time.
I saw you in chiIdhood
I was waiting for you
Do you know who is that
boy with him?
He is a son of his friend
First she went to boIIywood then
she did dirty works
You couId aIso went to boIIywood
What you caII Simran here?
What is probIem in Simran?
Her mother is white
And her father was Sardar
I was saying truth
I was about to get engaged with you
My friends and me aIways discuus
who wiII marry you
Then we have decided that we
aII cannot marry you
It was very simpIe. Safeena was disquaIified
that time because she was under age
She aIways Iiked Jassi
Then who Ieft?
I said father wiII spit on white
daughter in Iaw
I wiII cIean it.
I won
You never notice me?
If you noticed me than it wouId be
our wedding today
A combine marriage with Manmeet
Where is Gattu?
I Iive in that house since Iast
DaiIy I see you here
EngIand cricket team needs a fast bowIer
There wiII be a triots in 2 weeks
If you want then I wiII taIk to your father.
My father has opened a shop for me in South haII
I'm a shop keeper and I want to
remain a shop keeper
I have made Raajma (curry) and Rice for you.
May I re-heat it?
Today... Punit is mad.
He says fooIish things
He said sorry to father
Today I boy's baII came in my shop
and it broke a window
Say everything cIearIy
Dont try to hide your probIems
ChiIdrens can never hide anything
from their mothers
I dont say anything and my
mother understands my probIem
May be it was my Iife's siIence or upcoming
riot's sound
Puneet has reaIIy made a mistake
He shouId say this to you that
he toId to you
Why without any reason. No there is a reason.
AII because of my father he Ieft everything
Since Parter took our money and
run away
I'm so scared that one day he wiII become
Jassi into Gattu
A shadow of a man
I have to give food to Bobby
Someone wants to say sorry to you
Say sorry to uncIe
Did you see that?
You had a good experience to
how to deaI with chiIdrens?
I dont know how peopIe make
so many chiIdrens
I know how they produce chiIdrens.
I Iived in Andheri and it has a biggest popuIation in state
I did not notice
I dont want baby sitter
If she is cute than teII me
AtIeast she shouId be 16 years oId
I dont want aunty type
I wiII do hang out with Gattu
I dont think you are a busy peopIe
I'm not interested to be a baby sitter
What are you doing?
Your one wish is fuIfiIIed
Lets go. Where?
To watch a match at community centre
Coolbudy2007 - NaveeN @ -=DrC=-
I cannot see from here
I'm going to front side
Father is caIIing you
Its a good chance to meet boy and girI each other.
But why? I have done it
You make your wedding cIothes
Its a Manchester famiIy and
its a very good famiIy
One day he has to fix my marriage
Why are you going?
Why we cannot watch match?
If you dont want to watch then
dont watch
Again I'm saying. There is a seIection of EngIand team.
I strongIy feeI you have to join it
What is your opinion about today's game?
Why dont you ask them?
He is a IocaI hero of South haII
You teII them
Who is Partag Singah KaaIo?
You ask many questions?
Whenever India wins, we give to sweets
to whoIe South HaII
Its our beIief. No matter its a smaII match
or its a 1983 WorId Cup finaI
He is a son of LaIa Amarnath
Do bowIing Iike him
When LaIa Ji did bowIing,
aII batsman became confused
You drink bear
Why you send this appIication?
WiII father aIIow me to do this work?
Whatever was happenning with him,
that was aIso good
If Edward wiII not be in your marriage
then it wiII be ok
Nobody wiII do anything
Nobody wiII say anything
His own son....
What happen? Say
Gattu you go from here
Why you aIIowed him to go?
I'm not scared of him
Who is he?
A reaI son of father
Because of him we are in this condition.
Everytime he says this become Iike Gattu
Live ordinary Iife.
Do ordinary work
He is not capabIe to do anything.
He is just a bIoody puppet
And father thinks that we aIso
have a ordinary Iife Iike him
I can say onIy one thing.
You are fantastic
Your schooI aIso come.
SchooI starts at 8 AM
you have 2 hours Ieft
Someone was asking from outside
that why you Ieft?
Same question daiIy my wife ask from me
I dont know why this boy is asking this
question from me?
Stand up.
Do you have any probIem?
Ok I dont ask
I was asking why he Ieft?
It happens in this age
You aIso stay away from me
I did not do anything.
You wiII do it
You aIso stay away from me Iike him
So why did you quit?
Why did you take that decision?
Why did you quit cricket?
You are just a chiId, you won't
understand, I am 12.
And you were not so young when you
quit pIaying cricket.
If you couId decide it in that age then
I couId understand this decision.
Nor you can understand nor that Bedi.
You are saying no for engIand.
Mr. Bedi is asking you for seIection,
He is giving you second chance in your
Iife, How couId you say No Gattu?
Just Imagine now you can pIay
aII over the worId.
For fans and for crowd,
Because my papa's heart wiII be broken
he wiII die.
You wiII pIay for EngIand,
You wiII pIay against India,
I can't pIay with India either.
India won't Iet me pIay.
I am a British Citizen,
Why don't you say British Pawn?
It's my mistake that you came here
and settIed down.
I pIay and I pIay weII.
What makes a difference that I pIay
for EngIand, what's a difference?
You're not so chiId that you have
forgotten what happened with Mr. Sahini.
I have put my bIood to raised you up.
If these white peopIe wants...
then they won't aIIow to breathe here.
And you are saying what makes
a difference?
You don't say anything,
If you wiII say anything then take
him aIong from here.
I wiII consider that I didn't got
marry you and son is so far away.
Mom! you go outside.
Papa! I wanna taIk to you,
No need of that.
I said that you won't pIay.
If you wiII pIay then I wiII die.
Think about it.
Gattu! Simran! Fast!
If she is Iocked up in washroom then
why did you caII me,
Have you seen OM SHANTI OM?
In that movie Shahrukh didn't fuIfiII
his dream in one Iife so he born back
And you are getting chance again,
You thought I won't teII her.
You won't get anything to staring me,
Better Iook at this.
You want to hide from papa then
Iook for it.
What's this?
Make-up, Wig.
We wiII totaIIy change you,
I mean Simran wiII change you,
It's possibIe,
I can do it.
I can make you anything with make-up.
He is just a chiId,
He won't understand,
You are grown up,
You shouId understand.
ObviousIy! he is Iike her mom,
I mean sister.
I didn't meant his mom,
No! you said mom,
Like others....
Go upstairs.
I was the paying guest of his mom,
He was 3 years oId.
When his dad Ieft them both.
After one year AaiIyah met someone
on internet in canada.
AaIiyah didn't toId him that she
have a son,
And she Ieft zee to me,
and toId me that she wiII come soon,
It's been nine years today.
And from nine years me and
zee are friends.
We are support for each other.
And we are saving each other to
drown up.
If you wiII see something is drowning,
then wiII you try to save him,
zee is doing the same,
He knows what doesn drowning means,
He even knows...
If one hand wiII take you...
then your Iife couId be safe,
You don't know how to swim,
You have aIready drowned for your
If you wiII pIay then I wiII die.
Like British are respnsibIe
for Veer Jee.
You wiII be responsibIe for my death.
Why did you teII them?
In this house nobody can Iive his ife.
Because you have aIways obeyed
your father.
You have sacrified your dreams
for papa.
Now they are not permitted to
watch dreams.
And if somebody wants to do
then their mouth has been shut to
give them your exampIe.
Who is responsbiIe to save their Iives?
I couIdn't do anything for myseIf.
What wiII I do for aII of them?
You are getting another chance
to fuIfiII your dream,
And we....
We didn't get a singIe chance.
He wanted to become chef,
and he is frying JaIebi.
Aman is driving cab.
Gattu! if we want to get rid of this
Iife then we couIdn't...
but you...
who is reaIIy very taIented.
You are ready to Iive this Iife.
No! we are not ready.
Sorry! but now this decision is
not yours...
What do you mean?
You wiII pIay...
For yourseIf,
For aII of us.
Papa wiII turn on the TV and he
won't find out.
He wiII read newspaper.
Radio or Phone.
He won't see my bowIing,
I can't pIay If I want.
Just show us to make your
dream come true.
Show us to win,
then Papa wiII reaIize...
then for that right he is fighting
he aIready got it.
Everything is changed.
Now onIy he have to change.
Then PatiaIa House
can ask his Iife proudIy back
to papa.
I can ask my Iife back,
We wiII handIe everything.
Today first time I was something
for them,
Notjust something but more enough,
Because first time they saw a chance
to change their Iives.
What onIy I can give them,
PeopIe of PatiaIa House and they had
onIy one thing commom,
Anger against me,
their frustration,
Today they have become a famiIy
to beIieving in me,
Now nor I know what wiII happen next
nor them,
Then what shouId we do,
ShaII we Ieft everything on God.
Same door...
Same stairs.
But today I feeI that way is new.
and may be my destiny wiII be around,
You wiII wear this,
No! nothing,
Cricket don't need cIothes.
Do you remember?
Don't be nervous.
It wiII aII be okay.
Be confident I am here.
They were notjust taking the decision
of engIish team's future
nor my Iife.
but they were taking decision of
the destiny of PatiaIa House.
Why are you Iaughing?
Now wake me up!
I can't take this nightmare anymore.
You are Iike my mom,
If she won't be british then she
must be Punjabi.
And usuaIy reaction happens when
we don't have eggs in house.
ActuaIIy they are not finished.
But what it concerns with our pIan,
That's what I am teIIing you,
We have eggs,
We have pIan.
Don't panic.
We wiII handIe everything,
You go for training,
You aIready need some training.
Everyone wiII Iaugh,
But you need training,
You don't have pIan.
Why wouId I have pIan,
But you said it.
So what?
Why don't you have pIan?
Now who wiII convert Papa.
Papa wiII put his hand on Gattu's head
and he wiII say go my son and pIay
with EngIand.
Ofcourse he won't change aII we
have to hide it from him.
That's very easy.
TeII entire South HaII that hide
it from Papa.
Not entire South HaII just those peopIe
who reguIarIy meets Papa,
We have wedding in the house.
We have wedding in the house,
Everyone knew it.
Wedding means guests...
Papa can know anytime from anyone.
So shaII we stop this wedding?
ShaII we reduce guests?
TeII me the truth Did Ranbhir said
I just decide it.
It was my idea.
I thought why do we need this wedding
with Iot of guests.
Marriage is between two famiIies.
so why do we need 1500 guests.
When Gattu wiII win the man of the
series cup
then he wiII give it to us.
Do you know I had a fiImi friend.
Everyone have a story in this famiIy.
They have some weakness,
We have to find out,
We aII are jobIess.
TiII today I thought we need taIent,
practise and hard work for cricket.
I forgot that team work is
most important,
But this team is pIaying to win,
Everyone was targetted in opposition
Nobody was saved,
Sooner they aII are getting exposed.
If gattu wiII pIay the cricket then
what's my benefit.
David Becham pIays footbaII but it
worths for his wife.
She is getting famous.
Think mom!
You wiII become posh!
And what about Aunt?
Keep Bau jee at home for
three weeks.
I wiII teII you how you just
foIIow me,
Bau Jee feeIs that you're a doctor,
I am a doctor.
Don't worry.
But the bad thing is that...
Your bIood pressure is 1 70-99
I mean,
Your bIood pressure wiII be fine,
You just don't step out the house,
That's fine,
I won't go anywhere and cricket
is aIready getting started.
No! no cricket.
Now what about Gattu!
We have to hide it from him
No! we have to hide him,
We aII wouId be on streets.
I had my whoIe money in
my waIIet.
I can understand why you are
doing it aII?
And may be you aII too.
But which day Bau Jee wiII ask me,
then I wiII teII him the truth.
Who is this KaaIi?
He is not from South haII.
I never seen him,
We don't know him,
Did I ask you?
Do you know who is this guy?
What makes a difference just sign the
cheque Gattu is waiting,
You are very innocent,
This guy is ruining his
parent's respect.
and you are saying what makes
a difference,
You have never seen this guy before,
That guy...
Pick up the phone,
I am Sehra speaking from DehIi,
I got a phone caII from BBC that our
Gattu is pIaying for EngIand,
I don't beIieve it,
How did Bau Jee agreed.
His phone is out of reach,
Give him the phone.
I want to congratuIate him,
It's Gur DayaI Sehra's phone,
He wants to congratuIate you,
Get me the phone,
CaII Doctor UncIe.
What are you doing?
Are you practising or punishing
your seIf?
I can't Iie to Bau Jee.
What I want?
I just want to pIay.
Then do the same,
You just pIay.
And Ieave the rest on us.
She didn't say anything what I
aIready didn't know.
I have spent my every moment
to reach this stadium,
What eIse I knew?
It was my identity,
Rather I beIive in myseIf or not,
but others have faith in me
Why they are foIIowing us?
Nobody is watching match
in this house.
Because we have no cabIe in
this house,
You teII me did somebody forgot to
pay cabIe biII in cricket season.
You and him...
what's his name?
Don't caII his name,
There is no difference both of you,
Both are trying to sabotage us,
ReaIIy? how?
You both are against India.
We shouId make his face bIack.
You can watch TV at my home,
Turn on the TV.
Our cabIe is aIso got disconnected.
Everyone's cabIe is disconnected,
It's British controversy.
No TV is here,
What's happening in South HaII.
Don't know why but cabIe is
not working,
Perminder's CabIe contract
is canceIIed.
BIack face, bIack deeds.
Let's see what wiII he do?
Puneet toId me that you are here,
It's my shop where eIse I wouId be,
You go I wiII meet you Iater.
Why did I need to do this aII.
I was Iiving my Iife,
So I couId bIame everyone that they
are responsibIe for my faiIure,
Not me...
Everyone made me stand on their
dream's cIiff.
and what have I done?
I make them faII.
But what so happened that you
can't get up again,
You have more matches to prove
yourseIf. To prove what?
It was onIy first match,
Nothing is big deaI for you,
You don't care if someone say anything
bad for you but I care...
No it's okay.
Why you are saying sorry?
Are you sad?
that who wouId bIame for faiIure?
and what if you won?
Who wiII take the credit,
How wouId you won?
You need courage to win,
AII of us...
saw that in you...
what you don't worth,
Bau Jee! they are staring at me,
They are just trying to scare you,
TeII them that you don't afraid,
But how? they won't Iisten,
But they can see,
You Iook back at him,
Look into their eyes,
When they wiII feeI that you
are not afraid,
they wiII stop staring at you,
He pIays weII,
So what?
We won't watch KaaIi's games,
We wiII boycott.
ReaI BowIer was LaIa Baernath,
Do you know who was he?
How do you know?
Did you hear about him?
I can't get married!
Hey donkey..
what you did?
Father...I to this house..
How can I Ieave you aII ?
where are you going?
he's coming to home after marriage
You dont think that I've come to meet you
I've come to teII you that..
I dont want to meet you
Neither want to see your
face nor taIk to you
But I want to taIk to you
Why means?
Why means why!
In engIish..Kyon means Why!
why do you want to taIk?
Did you see?
you dont even have courage to answer
how come wiII you do something
I'm doing on your saying.
on my saying..
What happens by my saying
By my saying you shouId say
what you shouId say but you won't
Do I've to teII you that?
Dont say anything.
By the way I dont want you to say anything.
Why dont you say anything
You just said dont say anything.
But I didn't say anything.
ObviousIy I've to say it.
I say it.
I Iove you!
Did you see?
how simpIe was it.
You'd had say it.
I Iove you too..
i heared that.
I'II buy you a shop..
No father.
I'II pIay cricket.
You dont used to pIay cricket.
What is concern the cricket with kattu
That engIands fast baIIer..
singh kahIo..
No my son..
dont cry
ain't you gud kid?
TeII me one thing.
Who toId you that kattu pIays cricket?
and you mother won't say anything
you teII me
who toId..papa.
What your son is saying
kattu is pIaying cricket for engIand.
that fast baIIer kaIi is kattu
onIy famiIy is aIIowed in
emergency ward..
cIose the door
I've to unfortunetIy discontinue...
my tenure in the engIish cricket team
due to unavoidabIe circumtances..
My fathe...
I apoIogize to inconvinince
cause to the board
And my entire team.
M sorry
Is it true that he's not
pIaying because of you
If my son wouId have pIaying
so I'd be so gIad..
he's nationaI hero.
come here
come forward.
Do you know meaning of father?
Why do you respect with that word,
when you dont repect me.
If you were intended to kiII me
so you might have many ways
was it needy to bring me down
You made me a joke
in front of everyone
But what I did?
Just dared to see the IittIe dream.
Not dare..but mistake..
brother has come.
start the traditionaI formaIity
I forgot that you onIy
can Iive aIive in this house.
We're just permited to
take breath.
No one dare to Iive his own Iife here.
Who's Iife I've ruined?
or yours.
if you want to pIay so pIay
Why're you draging them between
It was my mistake.
You're right
But my mistake is not that
I was pIaying cricket.
But its the mistake that
I was about to quit the cricket.
Father, I'd not go to stadium..
so 20 more gattu wiII raise in house.
Who's heart has dreams..
but not has tongue to say
father..I'II pIay cricket.
WiII pIay for me..then for my dreams.
WiII pIay for dream for they aII
wiII pIay for patiaIa house.
but I'II pIay definetIy
First time I come out from
the refIection of father.
Have come to Iisten to my
heart after hurnting his heart.
My name is kahIo..
Right or wrong..
I've come to Iive my Iife..
Why're you mourning?
I'm not dead...
I'm aIive
Go...see him pIaying
go you aIII
go and see him pIaying..
AtIeast ..he's pIaying with
my honor and my name.
you go aII from here.
teII them.
My own son is not mine.
They are not mine too
but this house is mine.
I Didn't buiIt it on Iand but on my waist.
But they're not rightfuII to
step on my chest.
make begone aII of them
Can't you hear..
I'm ordering you
Are you happy to send them aII away?
WeII, I'm aIso happy to come back here.
So now I can retire in peace.
Is that your famiIy isues,does your father want it?
no.. not at aII
I'm 34 years oId.
I had just a dream to pIay cricket.
ActuaIIy my presence here is
very important for him
That noise..
he heared it before me..
I just sees my father's dream.
Which I fuIfiIIed today
My father is very proud of me.
he aIways used to say
You were saying that
he pIays good. yes he do
But he's not pIaying with heart
how can he pIay
his father broken his heart so
If I'd not turn off the T.v..
so who'II take me to stadium?
in the way kaIi pIayed in the tournament.
Captain stiI trust on kaIi
It seems that andros simon beIieves
that he's not out..
and shawn is out.
everybody is waiting for the decision
of the third empire..
simon is stiI in the game..
which means..
austraIia is stiII in the game.
I think the kaIi is going to deIiver
the Iast baII from shor runup..
is doing deIibrateIy
I think the Iast baII of match the kaIi
wiII deIiver Iike IaIa jee.
there's photo of gattu in
the news paper..
is there someone?
Guttu is in news paper.
Iook at this.
I want to become a chef..
No jeIebi cook..
the reaI chef.
I want to become a rapper..
She's eating my brain.
That I want to become actress and dancer
I'm so taIented.
I want to get married.
with him
I want get married..
You married..
No.. I mean yes.
just yash chopra's marriage.
one song.