Peacock (2010)

I'm doing this because I love you.
You know what happened.
This is what you'll turn into.
Don't talk to anyone.
- I warn you.
- Don't move a muscle unless I tell you to.
- Don't talk to anyone.
- Why would you keep things from me?
John! Look at me. Look at me, John.
Look at me.
Don't look at me unless I tell you to.
Don't talk to anyone. Don't talk to anyone.
John, why would you...
I don't love you anymore.
How many times do the people of Nebraska
have to be embarrassed by the man
that represents it?
That was challenger Ted Johnson
responding to the latest scandal
to rock the highly contested Senate race
between he and incumbent senator
Jackson Wyatt.
Wyatt has been photographed
with yet another woman that is not his wife.
- Good morning, Mr. French.
- Good morning.
Thank you, sir.
John, Mr. Crill's election
celebration's today.
I've taken the liberty of cutting
some flowers from my garden
for all the men to wear on their lapels.
Have all this finished by 3:00.
You're probably
going to have to skip lunch.
Paycheck for you.
I don't know why she didn't make
one of her girls make this.
I know. It's ridiculous.
Fanny's just promoting her shelter.
I can't believe
she's throwing him another party.
Girls, once you're done with that thing...
- And keep the candy in a...
- A separate bag, John?
- Baseball cards, too?
- Yes. Yes, please. Five packs.
- Hello, John.
- Hello.
It's always nice to see a friendly face.
- Hello, Mrs. Sternberg.
- Louise. Call me Louise.
Okay, Mrs. Sternberg.
Must get lonely in that house.
You should come over to dinner.
- I make a wonderful pot roast.
- Well, excuse me.
Ron, should someone call Dr. Elkins?
Can you move your fingers and toes?
No, no, no.
- I'll stay right here.
- We thought you were a goner.
You're lucky to be alive.
Can everyone please step back?
- Who is she?
- I didn't know John had a wife.
You afraid?
Kyle, why don't you run inside
to the kitchen?
I don't mean to be rude,
but how do you know John?
- Are you family?
- I live here.
John! John!
You okay? Another 10 feet,
your house would've been a goner.
- Is your lady friend okay?
- My breakfast is getting cold.
- Hey, John.
- Officer.
We just heard about the train.
Is everything...
I'm... I'm supposed to go to work now.
- John, I heard about the train.
- Good morning, Mr. French.
- Was there a woman there?
- Thank you.
Was there a woman in your house?
I mean...
- I heard about the train.
- I really need to get this work done.
There he is, John Skillpa. Talk of the town.
- Morning, Mr. Crill.
- Good morning, Doris.
So a train bucks the rail,
winds up in your backyard
and you still come to work?
Yes, sir. Well, I had to.
I've never seen anything like that.
So what can I do for you?
Day off? Remember, we're all family here,
so take advantage.
- Hello, sir. These need to get done.
- Thank you.
I don't care about the work.
And I don't think Edmund does, either.
Of course not.
I suggested he take the day off
as soon as he came into work this morning.
John, go home.
I'll just get this one work done,
and then I'll go home for lunch,
if that's okay with you, sir. Please.
John, these need to be done. Thanks.
- There you are.
- Officer.
This morning on your bike,
you acted like you've never seen me before.
- John...
- Superman!
Hey, kids. Go on, get down from there.
Go on.
I knocked on your door this morning
to check on the young lady
you got staying with you.
Nobody answered.
Some of the women tell me she's your wife.
Nobody knew you got married.
John, I'm really happy for you.
I just need everything back
to how it was before.
- Have you even called anybody?
- No, sir.
All right.
Listen here. When your mother died,
I showed you what to do, who to call,
what papers need to be filled out,
and you did it.
That's exactly what you got to do now.
Yes, sir.
There's no one here to help you anymore,
you understand?
You need to call the train company
and tell them exactly what you want.
- Okay?
- Yes, sir.
Mr. Skillpa, first I want to apologize for any
inconvenience. I've spoken to Mayor Crill.
Well, thank you, Mr. Clapp. Can you come
and get your train out of my backyard?
We're working on that, as we speak.
The inspectors and engineers
are on their way,
but, as I said, these things take time.
Well, I just want it gone
as soon as possible.
Officer McGonigle told me to call.
How about tomorrow?
I could come home early
and I could get a half day at work.
Tomorrow would be good for me.
Listen, we're probably gonna have to send
a team of welders down there.
Our head engineer,
Mark Huggins will have to take a look at it.
He can't get down there until Friday.
No sooner than Friday?
Sir, like I said,
Mark Huggins will be there on Friday.
You looking for this?
- Oh, my.
- I got it.
- Come on, birdie.
- Connor, it's over there.
- You have to get out now. Please.
- Come on. Come on, birdie.
- Please leave.
- Connor, get ready to close the door.
I'm Connor Black.
I'm senior political advisor
to Senator Jackson Wyatt.
And we're here to see Mr. Skillpa.
Fanny Crill.
Such a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Skillpa.
Well, I must say, there could be less
odd circumstances to get acquainted.
- John's not here.
- Fanny.
We're here because of that monstrosity
in your backyard.
We want to do a rally in your backyard
using the train as a backdrop.
- What?
- That train was part of Senator Wyatt's
Whistle Stop campaign.
The challenger, Ted Johnson,
is a real mudslinger.
He wants to use the train as a metaphor
for my boss' political career.
To be blunt,
I need you and your husband's help.
Have you seen this picture?
Ted Johnson's gonna use this photo
to hurt our campaign.
We're only three weeks from election day,
and we can't let him get away
with it this time.
And Connor has been kind enough
to allow me to organize the event.
All of Peacock will be here.
Marching band, food.
What a very special day it will be.
You and your husband
together with the Senator.
Connor, why don't you take that outside?
You don't mind if I have a moment alone
with Mrs. Skillpa?
Sure, sure.
I don't have anything better to do.
I knew I should've come alone.
You know, I have always been so curious
about this house.
Well, have a seat.
How do you know John?
Well, my husband owns the bank.
He's John's boss.
Ray's been the Mayor of Peacock
for three terms now.
I guess this must all be just
a tad overwhelming, Mrs. Skillpa.
Why don't you let me explain?
I run the county shelter for women.
We mold the modern woman.
The woman who votes.
And Wyatt is viewed as someone who's,
well, a little insensitive to women's needs.
And so Connor had the idea
that we would get a bunch of my girls
together with the Senator and take a photo,
and I've agreed to it.
But that oaf has no idea
that I plan to use the rally
to raise money for my shelter.
- Mrs. Crill, I need to go upstairs.
- Come on now.
Life doesn't begin and end with housework,
and please call me Fanny.
Mrs. Skillpa, this photo will help us
get donors for the shelter.
I don't know.
I know that the Skillpas have a long history
of keeping to themselves.
But you're your own woman.
Remember that.
Okay, well, it was a pleasure meeting you
and if you need anything,
just come out back
and we'll only stay a few minutes.
I have to tell Wanda.
- What have you got there?
- Mrs. Skillpa, how're you feeling?
- You look so much better.
- That is so lovely.
- Careful. Watch yourself.
- John should really fix that step.
- Fanny?
- Yes?
When is the shelter clothing drive
this year?
It's closer to Christmas.
Mrs. Skillpa, I'm sure you know all about
Fanny's work at the shelter
with displaced women and children.
Displaced children?
Well, we've been known
to help in the adoption process.
Find good homes for children.
Well, you should come
and meet some of my girls sometime.
So, where are your kids?
Well, Mr. Black, I don't know
how you folks do it in Lincoln,
but in Peacock, we don't pry.
I'd love to hear you say yes to this rally.
If it's John,
only you know the best way
to get through to your husband.
So get through. Understand?
It's moments like this
modern women take advantage of,
because it's moments like this
that put us on the map.
We ladies have to stick together,
Mrs. Skillpa.
Emma. Please call me Emma.
Yes, Mr. French.
I'm so sorry,
but John is running a little late.
Yes, I'll have him off to work in no time.
Johnny, man of the hour.
- Did I do something wrong?
- No, no, no, no.
Come on. Connor, this is our guy.
John Skillpa, meet Connor Black.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Hey, how about this?
- That's really something, isn't it, Johnny?
- I loved meeting your wife.
- Who?
- Emma.
She's wonderful and that house,
I can see why your family loved it so much.
God, you were in my house?
Connor, why don't you explain to John
our plan for the rally?
What we'd like to do is hold a political rally
in your backyard
using the train as a backdrop.
The whole town will be there.
Well, the train's gonna be gone on Friday
'cause I spoke to Mr. Clapp
- and he said...
- John.
John, hear Mr. Black out.
- Yes, sir.
- Emma loved the idea of the rally.
Your wife made us lemonade and cookies.
She was so hospitable...
Well, she's not the boss of me!
- Don't speak to my wife that way.
- I...
You don't know what you're doing.
Everything just needs to get back
to how it was before.
Mr. Clapp promised the train
would be gone on Friday,
and that's what needs to happen.
John, I spoke to Albert Clapp this morning.
- The train's gonna be there a while longer.
- Well, it's my house.
And I don't know what she told you.
I don't know what she told you,
but she's not the boss of me.
I make the decisions, not Emma.
I'm the man of the house.
We know you're the man
of the house, John.
Now, Mark Huggins is coming to take
that train away on Friday, and that's that.
Connor, why don't you and I
go to Ray's office
and let him speak to John alone?
John, I wanna run for Senate someday.
Now this could really get me
in with the big guys.
I don't understand how your wife can see
how big this is, and you don't.
No one understands, sir.
John, I don't wanna hear
another word out of you.
You need to sit here and think about this.
I can't let her do this.
It's me.
Jake! Come back to Mama right now.
Is anyone home?
What do you want?
There just isn't any easy way
to say this, John.
Jake and me, we...
We're getting out of this town.
I need your help.
What kind of help?
Money help.
It's been almost a year now.
I've doubled up shifts just to keep my place.
I don't know what else to do.
I mean, I've been planning
on getting out of here for a while now.
You know, saving and all.
- Look, I know you've got...
- Why are you asking me for money?
The checks.
I haven't got a check in a year now.
- If I could just...
- What checks?
I wasn't sending you any checks.
Your... Your mother was.
My mother died a year ago.
I didn't know that.
What were the checks for?
He's two now.
I... I honestly thought you knew.
Your mama was sending me checks
as long as I stayed away.
John, please. John, where are you going?
I have my own money.
Don't go.
John, I really think...
Come here, honey. I'm so sorry.
I didn't realize anyone else was home.
We better be going. I'm so sorry.
What's his name?
Who are you?
I'm Maggie.
Just an old friend of John's.
Why are you here?
I read in the paper about the train and all.
I just wanted to stop by
and make sure everything was okay.
I better be going.
- I'm Emma. John's wife.
- Nice to meet you.
Good night.
Where's your car?
I let a friend borrow it.
Her aunt's real sick in Lincoln, so Jake and I
just been doing a lot of walking.
You don't really own a car, do you?
I don't mean to pry or be rude,
but where's his bed?
Why don't you let me drive you home?
That'd be real nice.
I'm sorry, where's John?
He's sleeping.
You ready?
Do you... Do you drive much?
You caught me.
You don't drive?
Okay. You just use one foot.
Don't put one on the gas
and one on the brake.
- Just use one foot to go back and forth.
- All right.
Just like that.
- Just easy.
- All right.
I think you're ready for the open road.
Thanks for driving me way out here.
I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble.
You didn't, you didn't. Don't be silly.
Let me help you into the house.
Have a seat. I'll be right out.
Here you go, sweetie.
Good night, Jakey.
Would you like a drink?
Just a little something would be nice.
- Do you like it here?
- It's all I can afford right now.
Excuse me.
- I got a few bucks, if you got a few minutes.
- Not now, cupcake. I got company.
Well, you know where to find me.
Is that how you met John?
Emma, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
It's okay. It's okay, Maggie.
I just want...
I just want what's better for Jake.
You know what, I went...
I went as long as I could
without that money.
What money?
Was John sending you money?
His mother was.
Emma, it's bad.
It's really bad.
Please, I need to know.
I won't judge you.
Please believe me when I say that.
I met his mother
three years ago in a bar, and she paid me.
She said it was just to meet John.
She brought me to that house
and she brought me...
She brought me up those stairs,
and I thought you were her.
She was wearing this old
blue and white dress.
And the creaking of that bed.
John didn't wanna do any of it.
I swear, Emma.
But I couldn't stop her.
And she just stayed in the room
the whole time.
And then I was forced to stay.
I was so scared.
She made him do...
She made him do horrible things.
And I'm the worst person in the world.
- It's okay, Maggie.
- I'm sorry.
Us ladies have to stick together, right?
What if we wanted to adopt Jake?
Well, you'd have to come down
for an interview and fill out the forms.
So, John and I
would both have to come in together?
Yes. Is that a problem?
Well, it's just that
with John's work schedule and all...
- I understand. You also need references.
- Yes.
- Could Fanny Crill help with that?
- Are they staying at her shelter?
No. Why?
Well, the shelter's very effective
in facilitating adoptions.
I didn't know that.
- Well, let me know what you'd like me to do.
- Thank you.
"'Perhaps you could play with me,'
Wendy said hopefully.
"'I'd love to,' sighed the wind,
bending the grasses..."
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Hello.
- Hello.
"The socks and the shirts,
the sheets and the petticoats,
"and Wendy's pale pink party dress
all jiggled on the clothesline."
That's the U-joint, right there.
So that's where everything
tends to get clogged,
so what you want to do is open that up
and drain it.
- Here, Karen, why don't you try?
- Thanks, Fanny.
Well, look who we have here. Emma Skillpa.
- Don't you look beautiful today.
- I want to do the rally.
Excuse me, girls, for a second.
I'd like to talk to Emma alone.
Maybe you could go to the typing room
and try your hand at that again. Thanks.
I'm so happy to see you.
- Here, have some lemonade.
- No, I can't. I have to be home by 8:15.
I just really needed to tell you
that I want to do the rally.
- And I have a question about the shelter.
- What about John?
He put up quite a stink at the bank.
- I don't understand. You spoke to John?
- Yesterday, and he would have none of it.
- We came to an agreement.
- What changed his mind?
I did.
Terrific. This is going to be huge news.
- You have to tell Connor.
- No, I can't do that. I have to be going.
Yes, you can.
Mrs. Skillpa. My favorite peacock.
- What can I do for you?
- The rally. We'll do it.
Emma? Emma Skillpa?
You know, in a town of only 800 people,
you're one of the hardest people to find.
Tom McGonigle.
I stopped by the house this morning.
I'm gonna need you and John
to fill out the accident report with me.
I can come by tonight. What's a good time?
Fanny Crill, the Mayor's wife,
is waiting for me. Excuse me.
- Hi, Fanny.
- Morning, Mary.
Thanks for noticing.
You know, these gals, they wave
and they invite me to parties,
but not one of them
has ever volunteered at my shelter.
And look at this. Oh, my gosh,
I've got to get my girls to paint this.
Fanny, I don't mean to be rude, but I really
should be getting back to the house now.
I got it.
Did you ever meet John's mother?
I don't think many people did.
Do you have children, Fanny?
I'd rather not talk about it.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...
I have a son. James.
He passed away 14 years ago.
I don't know what to say.
It's okay.
Ray and I tried for a long time,
and it finally happened
and it was wonderful.
All John and I ever wanted
was a little boy running around our house.
Kids give you so much.
I have to get going.
Fanny, how does someone
come to stay here?
You getting comfortable
driving that old car?
What are you doing out here?
I had something I wanted
to discuss with you
- if you had a moment.
- Sure.
What the hell's going on?
- Stupid kid!
- Damn it, Wade.
It's okay, sweetie.
You never ever threaten a mother's child.
Maggie, there's dishes to do.
- God, I hate all this.
- You don't have to stay here.
I know Fanny Crill. The Mayor's wife.
- You know the Mayor's wife?
- She's wonderful.
And she runs
the most amazing women's shelter.
No. No, I got no time for that.
I mean, those places are for people
without ambition.
I'm letting Fanny do this rally at my house.
So she owes me. And besides, I think
it would be good for you and for Jake.
For Jake? What good does it do
putting him in a place
with a bunch of unambitious women?
Maggie, you're family.
And we need to stay close.
That's sweet of you to say that,
but I just want to get out of here.
I want a job where I can hold my head high,
and I don't think
I'm gonna find that in Peacock.
The shelter can help you with that.
I owe $300 in rent on a trailer.
And Jake's growing like a weed.
New shoes...
It's free rent and clothes
and they can help you find a better job.
I can get you over there tonight.
I just want a better life.
John's money could really help me.
Maggie, you don't need his money.
John doesn't understand
the importance of family.
I'll try.
But if John offers me help, I'll take it.
John. Hello.
- I'm sorry I didn't call ahead of time.
- What's this?
I just wanted to say thank you
to you and Emma for,
well, everything you're doing.
Is she home? I'd love to say hi.
Evening, John.
Don't worry about work today.
Be sure to tell Emma I said thank you.
All right, I don't want to leave Ray waiting
in the car, so just say hi to Emma for me.
What is she doing?
John, will you bring your wife out?
I need the both of you
to go over everything.
Yeah, and we need to make sure
the caboose is stable enough
for the platform.
John, this has to get filled out and signed
before you can do the rally.
- You're not helping me.
- Good morning, John.
We're just setting up the grandstand.
- No. No! I said no rally!
- But Emma told me yesterday it was okay.
Get out! Get out, all of you!
- Skillpa...
- John, you've got to control yourself.
- Just shut up!
- Okay, fellas. Let's take a break.
- Okay, okay.
- Get out.
You just take a minute and cool off.
Just calm down and fix this.
I'll swing by later.
Excuse me.
- What can I do for you?
- I have a caboose in my backyard.
I have money.
How much to come pick the train up
and get it out?
Listen, buddy.
That's private property.
The train company'll have our hides.
I know it's illegal.
But I have money and I'll pay.
- Eight hundred cash, and I start tomorrow.
- Okay.
John Skillpa, you're late.
Where were you yesterday?
You weren't at work all day.
Do you need help?
Did Officer McGonigle get a hold of you?
Because he was looking for you.
I called your house several times.
Several times, John.
I know you have a lot going on,
but you or your wife
could pick up the phone.
Okay, well, look, train or no train,
this cannot happen again.
Peacock State Bank.
You're going to have to skip lunch today.
- Okay, sure. Just one second.
- Sit down.
- You have a phone call.
- Who is it?
It's not for you, sir. It's for John.
I think it's your wife Emma.
- Hello?
- John, it's Maggie.
- Why are you calling?
- I really need to talk to you.
- Where are you?
- I'm at the women's shelter.
- Women's shelter?
- Emma brought me here.
- John, I really need to talk to you.
- You met Emma?
- Yes, I...
- You stay right there. I'll come to you.
- May I help you?
- I want to donate these, please.
And can you get Maggie for me, please?
Come on in.
Just toss them on the chair there.
Maggie, you have a guest.
- John?
- When did she do this?
- Do what?
- Bring you here.
- Yesterday.
- No. I...
John. John, what's wrong?
I met Emma the night I came to your house.
- She gave Jake and me a ride home.
- I can't let her do this.
Maggie, you need to stay away from Emma.
Emma's just trying to help me and Jake.
I'll give you the money so you can leave.
Are you serious?
Yes. I need to get you and Jake
out of Peacock.
It's not safe here for Jake.
Maggie, I can't go back to that place.
I'll give you all the money, all of it.
I've got $1,409.16.
Emma doesn't know I have it.
It's at work.
But what do you mean? What place?
You don't understand.
I can't go back home.
I can't go back home.
John, I know you've been through a lot
in that house,
but you gotta go home. To Emma.
Where do you want to go?
Where do you want to go?
I'll take you wherever you want to go.
I'll take you.
- I've got family in Madison, but...
- I'll take you there.
I'll give you the money
and I'll take you to Madison.
I'll take you and Jake.
Thank you.
I'm sorry if I caused trouble
for you and Emma.
She's not my wife.
- John, are you okay?
- Please don't make me go.
- I can't go home.
- Are you hurt?
- Did you hurt somebody?
- No, I swear I didn't.
She held my head underwater.
- No. When I was a kid.
- Your mother?
She's not taking care of me anymore.
And she would have liked Emma.
- Of course.
- Yeah.
I met Emma the day Mom died.
John. She's gone.
You know that. Your mom is gone.
- Okay, buddy.
- I don't want what happened to me
to happen to anyone else.
Okay, buddy, look.
We gotta get you home, okay?
- John, let's get you home.
- I can't go.
Well, you can't stay out here.
- Yeah?
- I need a room.
- How long?
- I don't know.
No, you can't do this to me, Emma.
You can't do this to me.
Good morning, ma'am.
Is the man of the house here?
- Who're you?
- I'm here about the train.
- What about it?
- Your husband hired me to remove it.
Did he?
You see your husband's name
at the bottom of this contract?
- Yes.
- Do you see the $800?
Well, as I said before,
my husband is not here right now...
Is Maggie with you?
No. Why?
I'm gonna be back here tomorrow, ma'am,
at 8:30 and you better have that $800,
or you'll be meeting my attorney.
What is that about? Is everything all right?
Yes, everything's fine. Why?
Glenda called me at home and she said
that John took Maggie and Jake yesterday
and they haven't come back.
Do you know anything about it?
- No, I don't.
- Well, one of the girls said that
she seemed a little strange,
like maybe she's lying.
- I'll call Maggie at the trailer.
- You don't mind?
No, I insist.
Why weren't you at the shelter last night?
- Emma, please don't be mad at me.
- I just want to know what's going on.
John came by the shelter and he said
he'd give me what I asked for.
The money?
And he'll drive to my aunt's in Madison.
Well, he never discussed this with me.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean
to come between you and John.
I always said I'd take his help
if he offered it.
And I had some good news for you.
- What?
- I just spoke to Fanny Crill
about getting you a job at the bank.
And it's a very respectable position,
and obviously the pay
is a step in the right direction.
And we can all stay together
and be here in Peacock.
I don't know, Emma.
- Hello?
- Hello, is Maggie there?
Hey, Miss Popular, phone's for you.
- Maggie?
- John?
I'm going to the bank
and then we're going to meet tonight.
- You still gonna help me?
- Yes.
John, thank you so much.
It's important that no one knows
what's going on, especially Emma.
Meet me at the Husker Motel.
Room 9, 11:00 sharp.
The motel? Why the motel?
If Emma finds out about this,
you'll never get the money. Understand?
Yeah, yeah, I understand.
or one minute late,
you don't get the money.
Well, hello, John.
- Louise, hi.
- Hi.
Excuse me, Mrs. Sternberg.
Good afternoon, John.
Why did you come in the front door?
Emma told me how neighborly you've been.
She's a bit frazzled and not herself.
Not every day
a train lands in your backyard.
John, the inbox is rather full today.
I won't keep you,
but how about you and Emma
taking us up on that dinner offer?
That'd be great.
I'm sure it will be.
John, could you follow me, please?
I have a stack of papers for you.
- Goodbye, John.
- Bye.
Mr. French, what would you do without me?
Find someone more reliable.
Where're you from, cupcake?
All over, ma'am. Not really rooted anywhere.
My name's Cal.
My name's Maggie.
John! John!
- Yes?
- May we come in?
Maggie was there.
She confirmed it was him.
The fire chief said it was probably
caused by John smoking in bed.
I know John was having a rough time of it.
John didn't do anything wrong.
Emma, can I help you?
She needs to be alone.
Let's say a prayer and go.
Heavenly Father, have mercy on Emma.
We pray for your strength,
that she will come to accept
that her earthly loss
is the beginning of life ever after for John,
whom she loved.
In your mercy and love,
forgive whatever sins
John may have committed
through human weakness,
and live forever with your saints.
In your name, we pray. Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
And now we should take a moment
and honor Mrs. Skillpa.
From myself and everyone in Peacock,
we want to thank you
for offering us your home
during such a difficult time.
- Where is she?
- I haven't seen her.
Mommy! Mommy!
Everybody at that bank is so nice.
Maggie, come with me.
Emma, is everything okay?
Emma, what's going on?
What are you doing?
I don't want what happened to John
to ever happen again.
I'll give you all the money. All of it.
Go to Madison and get out of Peacock.
Did I do something wrong?
I thought I was gonna take John's job
at the bank...
John shouldn't be dead.
He shouldn't be dead.
I should never have left the house.
He's not safe here.
I don't understand you. You're scaring me.
It's what John would have wanted.
Now, go. Please.
Looks like all of Peacock is here.
Thank you for having me.
- Emma? It's almost time to take the picture.
- My good friend, Mayor Crill,
would like to thank Emma Skillpa...
The Senator is leaving soon.
I'll try to represent the best interests
of the people of Nebraska.
Emma, Emma, it's Fanny!
And I believe we're making progress...
Where's Maggie, Emma? Is she with you?
It's wonderful out here. You're missing it.