Pee Mak Phrakanong (2013)

I need help.
Pee Mak
"Pee Mak"
Tis been'th a long time'th
and still no help'th hast come to our rescue.
Thee enemy hast surrounded us
and break'th our lines.
Our forces
hast take'th heavy casualties
and thus dying in droves.
If this keep'th up'th
I think'th
we will definitely be defeat'th.
Why the hell are you talking like that?
So lame. Are you from the dark ages?!
Private Mark is injured.
Hey Mark!
How bad is it, doc?
You'll be okay.
You just sprained your leg.
Sprained my leg?!
You moan
like you're in heat!
Am I going to make it
back home to Phrakhanong?
Nak, my wife probably gave birth already.
This can't be the end of the line for us?
Damn it!
Don't give up!
Remember "300" The Battle of Thermopylae?
King Leonidas
They were all outnumberd and outgunned.
But in the end everybody died, right?
I never got to the end.
Then think of "Rocky"
Rocky Road?
It's yummy! Where is it?
Where is it?
How about the "Last Samurai"
During his final battle,
he fought so hard his blade shattered.
He didn't even think of giving up.
Here we still have our swords
all our arms and legs.
Sorry! Sorry!
Just all our swords then.
Do we not have a fighting chance?
Kill them!
Kill them!
They've got guns. I forgot.
Are you okay, Mark?
Hey Shin
since we are all going to die anyways.
Can I ask you something?
What's with the hair?
When I was little
there was a bubonic plague outbreak.
I almost died.
So my mother swore to God if I survived
I would keep this hairdo
for the rest of my life.
I rather die than live
with that ugly topknot hairdo.
Look like a dog's ankle bunion.
What about yours?
I'm a trend setter.
Stop shooting already!
Mark, do you have any last words?
No I don't.
No matter what I will make it back
to see my wife and baby.
I will not allow myself to die here.
Nor will all of you.
Pee Mak...
Pee Mak...
Pee Mak...
Why did you come out? Go inside. Hurry.
Pee Mak...
Pee Mak...
Pee Mak...
Pee Mak...
Too many people playing. I won't deal you in.
Why not.
No cash, no play.
Get on with it.
Are you going to shuffle until dawn?
Why don't you go put on a card show.
Is your dad David Blaine?
Hurry up. Come on.
Hey what's this?
A Natural 9
Shit! I got 0
What? I got 1, pay UP-
What's wrong?
The wound hurts?
I am fine.
I can't believe that you survived.
Man you must be invincible.
I am grateful to all of you
for bringing me back here.
We are the one who should be grateful.
Without you Mark, we would be dead already.
Actually you should pronounce my name as...
"MARK" with the K in the end.
M arrrrk?
Forget it. Just call me "Mak" then.
The only person who calls me "Mark"
is my daddy.
But he's back to the United States of America
with the missionaries.
Everyone in my village calls me Mak.
Hey guys we made it to Phrakhanong.
We're here?
Where is everybody?
Thank you.
You're welcome
Nak honey
I'm back.
ls Nak taking a dump?
Hey Nak
Where were you?
I was really worried.
I thought I would never see you again.
Don't cry baby.
You won't look handsome.
You know
when I was at war
I missed you so much.
I missed you a lot.
I missed you soooo much!
I missed you more than anyone in whole world.
Man, Mak is whipped!
Baby, did you miss me at all?
Why not?
You don't love me anymore?
You crazy.
Of course, I do.
You're mean.
Don't joke like that.
Isn't that special?
Nak, what about our baby?
He's playing over there.
Where? Let daddy see.
Wow he is handsome just like his daddy.
You know I gave him your favorite name.
Really, Nak?
Dang, my boy.)'-
What's so cool about the name Dang?
Go figure.
My servant has a cooler name.
Hey you GUYS
This is my wife, Nak.
Hello there.
Nak, these are my friends
This is Aey
Ter, Puak and that's Shin.
And what're you guys going to do now?
I guess tonight will be difficult
to find a boat.
We will stay here for a night.
Why just one night?
You all can stay here until the war is over.
The house opposite to us has been empty
since my aunty passed away.
There's a boat for you to use too.
His aunt won't haunt us?
She will haunt you until your hair falls out.
We will stay here for a night.
Don't want to be a bother.
They are welcoming us
and you just turn them down?
You have no manners, Aey.
Mak's wife is so damn beautiful.
Hey... Careful that's our friend's wife.
You know I am a bad soldier.
How come?
When I was at war
I never thought of Siam
my country.
All I thought about was you.
This soldier should be executed
by a firing squad.
You should be.
You know
I waited for you at the pier every day.
I am here now.
I promise you
I won't go anywhere anymore.
our house has fireflies too?
Wow so beautiful.
That's a Krasue ghost.
Why are you joking with me like that?
You know I am really scared of ghosts.
What are you looking for?
I will wear my Buddha amulet.
The doctor took it off when they bandaged me.
There's a lot of blood on it.
Just put it away for now
and I will clean it later.
My wife is the nicest person in Siam.
And you smell great too.
At this temple...
There are
seven palm trees.
The Hill Myna is out
but has not returned.
Hey guys look. They aren't scared of people.
Cute huh.
Yeah. So cute.
Cute my ass! Damn.
Why do you have to be animal lover this early!
Can't you see we are all still trying to sleep?
How can anybody sleep with you chirping.
And this damn bird eating.
Go go go, go eat somewhere else.
Go away. Fly away out of my house.
Hey! Wake up you guys.
You're here early.
Any later the market will close.
What's on the boat?
The bodies of soldier who died in the war.
The cemetery is all full.
So we must return the bodies
back to their families
for burial.
keep rowing.
Snakehead fish.
Fresh! Small and big. We have it.
Today the market is very crowded.
Snacks and desserts?
We got cookies too.
Aunty Nim
May I have 2 cookies and 2 of those snacks?
Mak. Yes?
We're all out!
Damn it. We won't get to eat any.
Uncle Aum. Uncle Aum.
Mak I want to buy some fish for Nak.
Not for sale. Today's a Buddhist holy day.
I am releasing them.
Sathu. Go go go.
Don't be in the way.
Do you think that's a merit?
What got into him?
Liquor shop
Aunty Priek... Aunty Priek
Wake up. You have customers.
Aunty Priek
You don't remember me?
Do you have any job, I can do?
How many staffs do you think
we need for a small liquor store?
You think I need salesperson? Mixologist?
Bartender? Dishwasher? Bus boy?
I got them all.
Please drink up.
She's even got an escort.
Very good.
You look familiar.
I am Mak.
I just got back from the war.
If I didn't meet Nak first,
I'd probably hit on you.
You are looking good.
As pretty as your ghost!
You really don't know Mak?
If you want to know
Bend down and look between the legs
and you'll see that Nak and your kid are...
Shush Ping
You're drunk. Go rest. Mom
lam not drunk.
Why won't you let me go? I'm not drunk.
Go. Get up.
I'm sorry. When she is drunk
she talks nonsense.
Get inside. Nak! Nak!
Nak! Let her come. I'm not scared!
Nak... Let her come.
What's wrong with her?
Everyone is acting weird, don't you think?
Yeah. What did aunty Priek mean anyway?
Why do you have to look between the legs?
Yoga exercise?
My mom once told me
if you look between the legs
you can tell if they're ghosts.
You mean...
Nak is a ghost?
That's crazy
She's too hot to be a ghost.
Right. Beautiful like that
Even if she is a ghost I would still have her.
Why did Aunty Priek talk to Mak like that?
Because she was wasted.
So everything she says is nonsense.
Where the heck is Mak?
How come he isn't here drinking with us?
Gosh, Aey
you're spilling all the booze.
You go and get Mak here.
Hurry UP-
Why me?
Because you drank the least.
It's been over an hour
and you can't even down one glass.
That's right.
We are all drunk. So just go.
Oops my bad.
Hey don't waste it. Hurry up.
Nak, is Mak here?
Hey Shin.
Is Mak here?
He's sleeping.
I will wake him for you.
Please come in first.
Where is Dang?
are you ok?
You ran out of coconut husks?
Shin! What the heck is wrong with you?
Puak. Slap me please?
That's hard.
You told me to.
Where the heck is Mak?
How come he isn't here drinking with us?
Gosh Aey
You're spilling all the booze.
Shit. Dj vu.
What do you mean dj vu?
You go and get Mak here. Hurry up.
No, why me?
What are you scared of?
If Nak is really a ghost, then seduce her.
There's no such things as ghosts.
You want to bet?
You won't get me this time.
The drums of war sound off like rolling thunder
as we set out to protect our homeland.
Our thirst for battle is great
even though there are no elephants ride.
Dusk fills my emptiness with thoughts of love
for my beautiful dearest.
Roused to the point of release
I raise my white flag in sweet surrender.
I bust a rag out
and just polish the sword. Yay!
What's with you, Shin?
Where is Mak? Nak is a ghost!
Nak is really a ghost!
What are you babbling about?
If you're drunk, go vomit somewhere else.
Seriously. I went up to Mak's house.
His house looks run-down and abandoned.
Maybe Nak is feeling lazy.
But the crib was swinging by itself.
Maybe there's a strong breeze.
You are imagining things.
I wasn't!
I saw Nak upstairs
but she was able to reach to the ground
to grab a lime.
Maybe one of her arms is longer
than the other?
Didn't you know our arms
are not exactly the same length?
Look at mine. See? Not the same.
Or maybe Nak was just using a stick
to pick it up.
You're drunk and your imagination
get the best of you.
Hey do you remember our marching song?
Let's dance. Ready.
The drums of war sound off like rolling thunder
as we set out to protect our homeland.
Our thirst for battle is great
even though there are no elephants ride.
Dusk fills my emptiness with thoughts of love
for my beautiful dearest.
Can't we sleep a bit longer?
Come on. Help me.
I don't know what's going with the townsfolk.
Only you guys are willing to help.
Hey Shin.
Aren't you done freaking out?
Ter, get up and help us.
Yeah Ter
go get the axe and help Puak.
Ask Nak where the axe is.
What again?
I went up to Mak's house.
The house looks run-down and abandoned.
My mom once told me
if you look between the legs
you can tell if they're ghosts.
Hmmm I am...
looking for an axe. Do you know where it is?
I did look between the legs, I didn't see shit.
So stop freaking out.
Really? Yes.
How is that possible?
Oh gosh
Damn I'm not even finished yet.
Holy shit!
Shit I saw a #$"&@%"
Hey Ter. What happened to your face?
I saw a #$"&#@
There's a "#&"$&#"%@
What the heck is he talking about?
Thank you.
Oh my...
Nak is a "/'\#@!
What are you talking about?
What am I?
What is wrong with your face, Ter?
Hey did you get stung by bees?
My mom told me to use limestone paste
to heal it.
Nak, can you make some?
Let me see.
Thank you.
Mind your step.
Nak is @"&#"$
I saw a &%#@ behind the house.
She really is%@#&%
Ter, stop being silly.
What are you saying?
Peepee Poopoo, I cannot understand.
Nak is a ghost.
Guys, it's raining just get inside.
What happened to your face?
What paper is that?
!!??ee ??ing (Bee sting)
Let me see. See what?
The paper.
What paper? I don't have any.
!!??ee ??ing
I want to look at the paper. !!??ee ??ing
Let me see it now.
I @I\&AA !# @^ #I\#$A @^
Oh he said "it's about to rain. He has clothes
drying outside." He will go home now.
Puak how did you make sense of that.
I don't know.
Let's go already and get the damn clothes.
Gosh I almost had a fling with a ghost.
What are you doing?
Packing my stuff and leave. We can't stay here.
Are you sure, Ter?
Of course. I saw it with my own eyes.
The ruby ring is exactly like Nak's.
Is the ruby big?
Jerk. That's not the point.
So how come when you looked
between the legs you didn't see anything?
I don't know. I looked
between her legs and I saw nothing
except her hot pot.
I mean the pot in the kitchen.
Oh ok. You idiot!
You're supposed to look
between your own legs!
Oh really?
And why didn't you say so.
Do you think Mak can read?
Of course. He looked really shock.
Look, he went inside.
I know everything already.
Why didn't you tell me.
Did you think I would be disgusted?
Who told you?
Who told me isn't important.
We promise each other
there wouldn't be any secrets between us?
I didn't know how to tell you.
What if you couldn't take it?
I couldn't risk it.
Why wouldn't I take it?
I used to be like that too.
If he knows the truth,
why does he still look so in love?
I know.
Shit... I know why.
It says Nak is "gross" not a ghost!
If she is gross
then so what?
But if you are really gross that's disgusting.
You've never had a under arm zit?
I had one last year and it was gross.
Sheez we're wasting time.
Let's pack up and get out of here.
Let's go pack up now.
Hey why are you taking so long Ter? Hurry.
I can't abandon him.
What now?
Are we really going to leave Mak with a ghost?
Can I not go?
You saw Nak with her long arm.
So you go tell Mak.
How can someone that beautiful be a ghost?
Anyone here?
Anybody home?
Hey Ping
Why are you crying?
Can anyone help me slaughter my cow?
I sympathize with you.
You must really love your cow.
But when you're really starving you can
eat anything. Don't think too much.
I once ate my own dog. Not like that.
The cow is for a funeral offering.
Whose funeral?
My mom.
Aunty Priek is dead?
That day at the market.
When she told Mak about Nak.
Nak was very angry and killed her.
Her body was found floating this morning.
Damn it.
Shin and Ter!
What's up?
I have something to tell you.
Do you know that
your wife is...
Oh yes I wanted to say
that your wife is very good looking
Like Miss Universe.
I just couldn't wait to tell you.
Wow you guys are so sweet.
You didn't have to make it into big deal.
Oh no. We had to tell you now.
Next time there's no need to rush.
My wife will still be pretty tomorrow.
See you.
Pee Mak
Why don't you invite your friends to eat here?
Hey make yourself at home.
No need to be too formal.
Go ahead.
Everything is delicious.
I saw your mouth watering. So eat up.
We are full already.
Yes. There was a buffet at the market.
Come on
Nak will be sad.
She worked so hard in the kitchen.
That's ok, next time. Up to you
I will eat myself. You guys are missing out.
I shouldn't have eaten so much.
On second thought we should have a bite.
Wow! This dish looks good. I'll try a bit.
Here you go.
Very nice. So delicious.
I told you.
You must try this one.
Huh? Try this
Try it. Puak eat it.
Just try it. Eat up
Yeah just taste it.
Where did you learn to cook, Nak?
Le Condon Bleu?
Shin, why don't you eat anything?
Yeah Shin. This one is yours.
That is Nak's signature dish.
Go for it Shin.
Yeah big bite.
How was it?
Damn good!
My Nak is the best cook.
Hey anyone wants to hold Dang?
My Dang. My son.
Peekaboo! What's up baby?
Want to play with uncle Shin?
Oh yeah Shin. You love kids.
Let's play with uncle Shin.
Here we go.
My boy.
Oh Shin, Dang really likes you.
Kiss me uncle Shin.
Kiss me uncle Shin.
Kiss me uncle Shin.
See he keeps smiling now.
Come here, come to daddy.
What are you doing?
I know
you guys
feel like playing charades?
Like we did at war, right?
Okay, I like that idea.
Nak, please join us.
Charades, ok?
Hurry up Shin.
Just watch me.
Throw away?
Oh... a cook?
Beautiful cook?
Damn what the hell?
Nak's kitchen?
Mak's kitchen.
Mak and Nak's kitchen?
Will he guess right in this life time?
Correct! I told you so!
What's with the spear?
Armpit hairs?
No! Sweaty armpit?
Smelly armpit?
Bumpy armpits!
No that either!
I wonder what Mak's IQ really is?
What is it, a bed?
A bed, right?
Bamboo bed?
A spear near the bed (danger nearby)
That's right!
Who the heck came up with this phrase?
Your dad must be Shakespeare.
That one was difficult.
A bird?
Shirt? Correct!
Dog tongue fish?
Dog tongue fish wears a shirt?
What the hell is it?
Ter, what is it?
Oh Nak? No
Oh I know
"Dead-Shirt" (Desert)
So easy, Ter. This is a shirt and she is dead
Dead-Shirt, pronounce as "Desert"
No, that can't be right.
Shin's answer is wrong, right?
Yeah Shin is wrong.
How can it be wrong?
This is a shirt and she is dead!
So it's "dead-shirt" (Desert)
Something wrong with your brain!
What is going on?
So what is the answer?
Let me see the paper.
What are you doing Ter?
I'm still very hungry.
Oh I just realized I forgot I was cooking rice
at home, I better go check.
Yeah I was about to remind him too.
So let's go before it burns. Quick quick.
How about the shirt? Forget about it.
Why don't you tell me the answer first?
I already gave the right answer.
Right my ass. That was close.
Hold on!
Shin, hurry up.
Shin, come on.
Wait up
Holy shit
Shin, hurry up.
Hey wait up
Ter hurry. Ter!
She's right behind you
Omen Ter. Hurry up'.!
Ter, untie the boat. Let's go!
Paddle hard.
Why the heck are we turning?!
Shit! We're back here again!
Go that way!
Why are you turning again?
Where are you guys going in such a hurry?
Don't you want to finish the game?
I didn't get a chance to play yet.
So what phrase would you act out?
Puak, what does it mean?
It means "Mind your own business!"
Did you even have to ask?
Just go!
Damn it I think Nak is on to us for sure.
She won't let us live.
You go check.
You guys get out of my house right now.
What's wrong with you Mak?
You guys are no different than the townsfolk
who think that my wife is a ghost.
You have to listen to us.
Your wife died already.
Everybody knows it.
My wife is not dead.
Ping lied to all the villagers.
They said when I was at war
Ping tried to seduce Nak.
When I didn't show any interest
he bad-mouthed me
by telling all kinds of lies.
Everyone believed him.
Now everybody hates Nak too.
I get the picture.
But you didn't have to change your voice.
So that's it.
So Ping fooled all of you too.
No, you're the one who is being fooled.
Watch your mouth!
Stop being an idiot.
You have to believe us.
We are telling you this
because you are our friend.
I don't need any friends like you!
I think...
we will really need to do something drastic.
I kicked them all out already.
What did your friends say?
I don't care what they say.
They cannot talk about you like that.
If you are really a ghost
then I should be able to see through you.
Let me try.
Hey I can see past you.
so cool!
Super cool.
What did you do
to get this dirty?
Let's see what my darling prepared
for me to eat.
your cooking is as good as always.
Nak my love are too pretty
to be a ghost. Right?
Wait up!
A Ghost!
Why don't you try to scare me?
C'mon stick your tongue out.
Scare me.
You are no fun. Boo!
Damn fatso, don't make me smack you
upside the head.
Are you going to wear this mask all night?
Why not?
It's kinda funny.
I begin to get sad, looking far across the sky
It's nearly dawn, the light is faint.
I know our time is coming to an end.
My heart is breaking but don't know
what else to do.
I want to cry...
and beg time to go by slowly...
I need more time.
To look at each other.
I wish I could freeze this moment...
forever before we must part.
If Dang wakes up and no one's there,
he won't cry?
Don't worry
Dang doesn't wake up
in the middle of the night.
10 cents per ball.
If you can knock them all down, you win a doll.
Baby, watch this.
I'm just warming up.
This next one for sure.
This is the one.
Hit it.
Baby, look fireworks.
See Nak
I told you. I have good aim.
I will get you a doll.
Told you. Even as a kid I always had good aim.
The line is so long.
We'll have to skip this ride.
Let's go play something else..
Look the line is gone.
You're right.
Do you love me?
What kind of question is that?
You don't love me anymore?
Of course I do.
Love me a lot?
Lot lot
Love me a lot lot lot lot?
Hey baby look,
there's a haunted house too.
We can go after this.
Aren't you scared of ghosts?
Who, me?
Come on out. Ghosts?
Nothing to be scared of.
If one day I die
can you live without me?
Why are you asking me this?
Just tell me. I want to know.
If anyone is going to die
then I want to die first.
If I don't have you. I can't go on.
But if I die first
you'd be able to find a new husband easily
with that big butt of yours!
Haunted house.
Please keep the doll for me. Okay.
Let's go, baby.
Gosh what kind of a ghost goes
in a haunted house.
So who will be scaring who?
I brought some powerful magic.
Like what?
Holy rice. I got it from a monk.
Very sacred. Good good.
By the way, where is Aey?
Where is he?
Where have you been, Aey?
I had diarrhea.
You were gone long.
Baby, don't be scared.
Play with me. Play with me.
I think I screamed too loud.
So I scared him away.
Sorry Mak. This is for your own good.
Play with me. Shin you are the look out.
Hurry up Ter. Puak, hold his legs.
It's stuck.
She's on to us.
What are we going to do? The door is stuck.
Too late. She is coming.
What now?
I have no idea.
Why are you jumping?
That damn boy did. He was so energetic.
Play with me.
Play with me. Play with me.
Play with me.
Play with me. Play with me.
Play with me. Play with me.
Or not.
UP to you.
You think Nak was fooled?
Too many props.
What the hell?
You guys aren't customers?
Or did you get off work already?
Why doesn't anybody tell me?
Damn it.
Letting me hang upside down that long
might give me a stroke and kill me.
Ok let's go home.
You over there. Time to go home.
The one who dressed up like Nak's ghost.
Wow so trendy.
Are you new here?
Let's go home.
Ter. Where is the holy rice? The rice, hurry!
Come on.
What the hell are you screaming for?
It's just a fake hand.
Screaming like that, freaks me out. Look.
Hey untie him. Come on.
What is going on?
Nak is really a ghost!
Not again. It's all in your heads.
Just like this hand.
Mak come here.
What is it now?
Shit, you scared me.
Holy Shit.
A lizard!
I thought you saw...
There are otters around here?
You guys won't let this go.
We are telling you the truth.
If you don't believe us
try looking between the legs.
I did and saw nothing.
Maybe you didn't do it right.
You have to look down between your own legs
not between Nak's legs!
Of course.
Who would be that stupid!
My wife is not dead yet.
Hey Mak wait up.
Mak where are you going?
How come he looked and didn't see anything?
Mak! Where are you?
Is this Mak's blood?
Mak, is that you?
Are you okay?
Help me.
I'm hurt.
Help me please.
Help me.
what's wrong?
My wound.
Gosh it's bleeding out.
You've had this wound for so long
how come it's not healed yet?
Do you have something to pressure it?
something isn't right here?
Yeah I know.
It's way passed the rainy season, right?
You idiot. Not about that!
About Mak looking down between his legs
and not seeing anything.
So it means...
Nak is still alive.
But the body I saw in the backyard
has the same ring as Nak's.
Shit, come to think of it
The ring that I saw is on the ring finger
of her left hand.
So what?
It's a wedding ring.
So that means
Mak should be wearing one too!
Ter, what are you doing?
Damn Ter! What the hell are you doing?
You're hurting him!
Ter. Mak's wound is still raw.
Damn Mak, you scared me.
I thought you had your ring on.
My wedding ring?
Well my hand hurts so I wear it
around my neck instead.
These are the bodies of the soldier
who went to war.
The cemetery is full now. So we have to return
the bodies to their family to bury.
You've had this wound for so long
how come it's not healed yet?
No matter what I must return
to see my wife and baby.
It's him.
Ter, what the hell?
What the hell?
Wait for me.
What is happening?
Shit! The body I saw was Mak.
So Nak really is been bad-mouthed then.
What about when I saw Nak's arm stretch
all the way to the ground?
Maybe Nak used a long stick to get the lime.
Yeah must be that spear then.
Damn it.
Are you sure
that Nak is alive?
So we must take her with us.
You really want to risk that?
How could we leave her like that?
A woman all alone and so vulnerable.
I don't care. No matter what...
Nak and I will runaway together.
I mean runaway with us.
Man, always thinking with the head
in your pants. I can't do this man.
But Puak does have a point.
You too, Ter?
If one day
Nak is haunted to death.
We are all partially to blame
for not lifting a finger to help.
The living cannot live with the dead!
It's been a while, how are you?
I'm so sick of those villagers.
How could they believe Ping.l tried to talk
to them but they wouldn't listen.
Just now I busted more than a few lips
on your behalf.
Please accept our apology.
Now we have no doubts about you being alive.
That's okay.
Shin. What are you scared of now?
Come here.
Touch her. Trust me.
Come on.
You can actually touch her.
What ghost has skin that smooth?
What about those dried leaves?
Damn you.
She's health conscious. How do you think
she keeps up her nice figure.
Everyone eats organic foods now.
This is why she looks like a model.
But there were worms too.
Organic means no insecticide
so there are worms.
That's how you tell it's safe to eat.
You never studied about Hygiene in school?
Where is Pee Mak?
Well, the war front has made its way here.
It's very dangerous.
Mak told us to take you with us.
That's right.
How come Pee Mak didn't come with you?
The way here is very difficult
So he is gathering rations
and waiting at the waterfront.
So let me get Dang for you.
Let's get into the boat.
Come on Nak.
Not too far now. Mak should be around here.
Puak the boat is sinking!
Holy shit.
Too much weight. What should we do?
Just toss what we don't need.
Come on. Throw it Shin.
Hey sit still.
What now? The water is getting inside the boat.
What else can we toss?
Is Dang necessary?
Yes, of course.
The paddles. Give me the paddles. Huh?
Hand me the paddles now. Give them to me.
Is that better?
The boat is not sinking anymore!
It's good the boat isn't sinking anymore
but how do we paddle now, stupid!
Why did you toss them out?
They are so far now.
Should we swim to the other side?
I can't swim.
Shit. it's Mak!
Pee Mak
Where are you going?
Mak, leave us alone.
You're dead. Just let us go.
What are you talking about?
Mak died during the war.
But he doesn't know yet.
Yeah. Just forget about him, Nak.
You can find a new boyfriend now.
Am I not right?
What the hell is wrong with you all?
Where are you taking my wife? Pee Mak.
Let's go.
Come on.
Pee Mak!
Pee Mak
Pee Mak
Pee Mak
Pee Mak
Pee Mak
Shit! Where is he? I don't know.
Help. Help me.
Pee Mak!
Hey, can ghost drown?
Don't let him fool you.
Pee Mak
Help me. I have a muscle cramp
Pee Mak. He has cramps!
Help me. Ghost can have cramps?
Please help him.
He must have taken an acting lesson.
Help me.
His acting coach must be Ang Lee.
He's not dead. Help him!
Give me your hand, Mak!
Pee Mak
Calm down. Are you alright?
What the heck!
Why did you run away from me?
We thought you're a ghost.
Why did you scream
when we threw the holy rice at you?
Gosh cuz they struck inside my wound.
If it were you, you would scream too!
Shit! We got the same problem again.
The boat is sinking.
Dang is still necessary, right?
Sure, he is.
Keep paddling.
Come on. Faster.
Come on!
Paddle. The boat is taking on water.
Hurry UP!
Wait for what?
The boat is sinking.
At first I thought Nak was a ghost
and Mak was human.
Then it turned out Nak is human
and Mak is a ghost.
And in the end, Mak isn't a ghost after all,
just human.
So now who is the ghost and who is human?
Ter, what the hell are you grumbling about?
I was confused since the beginning
of your sentence.
And the names are so damn similar.
Mak Mak, Nak Nak.
If Nak is still alive.
And Mak is still alive.
So whose body is it in the backyard?
why do you have the ring?
Aey is a ghost!
Why is it when we realize something
there is always flashes of lightning?
Damn it, who cares!
Ter, kick him overboard.
Hey come on. Let's go.
The boat is taking on water. Let's go.
Let's go.
Aey, I am sorry. It wasn't me who kicked you.
It was Ter.
Shake him off.
Come on.
Hurry... hurry.
Paddle harder. We're not moving.
Faster. Damn it!
Paddling with our hands to escape is no use.
Here you go.
Thanks. Give it to me, I will paddle.
Give me the paddle, I will do it.
Give it your best Ter! Row.
Ter, why don't you keep rowing?
Ter, why did you stop?
Ter, keep rowing. Hey hurry.
Aey will catch up to us.
What is it now?
Ter don't stand up. The boat will flip over.
What the hell?
Why are you standing, Ter?
Mak, move.
Shin, move.
Me too? Yeah you move aside.
Which way? Right.
Only Puak? Shin you move left.
Left. My left or your left.
Just pick one!
Which side? Whichever left side.
Whose left side?
The left hand side
that you use to wipe your ass!
Which way? My wound hurts.
Mak did you move back for what!
Move. Move where?
Move right. Okay.
Shin, move to the left. Left.
Which way? Move whatever way.
Which side. Which side? I What?
Gosh damn. Put your head down.
Get your head down to your feet! Hurry!
Down farther.
Gosh I'm sore now.
The drums of war sound off like rolling thunder
as we set out to protect our homeland.
Why are you singing now?
I know.
And why am I dancing along?
Roused to the point of release I raise
my white flag in sweet surrender.
I bust a rag out and just polish the sword.
Nak is the ghost!
Mak, jump! Mak, come on!
Me too.
Mak! Come on. Let's go.
Let's go.
Ter, hurry.
Give me your hand. Ter! Come on.
Mak hurry UP!
Shin, jump now!
Shin, now! just jump!
Shin, just jump!
Shin, jump!
I told you I can't swim.
Just jump now.
Shin jump! Now hurry up.
Help me. Hey come on.
Didn't you say you cannot swim.
Gosh your stroke is like Michael Phelps!
Mak, get out of here.
I am not going.
You crazy. Sorry.
What's up with that? That hurts!
How come you didn't pass out?
In the movies I see they do this
and they always pass out.
What the hell is wrong with you!
Is he dead? I don't know.
Just drag him away. Run hurry...
Run run...
Let's go.
What should we do now, father?
Remember, no matter what happens.
Do not step outside the enchanted thread.
People aren't donating very much nowadays.
We've been waiting for months to get it fixed.
I almost shit my pants.
Now I do.
Father, what's next?
Don't worry. I will handle this.
Mak, don't!
Listen to me, baby.
Don't listen to her.
Gosh you're a ghost
stop with the sweet talk already!
Father, please do what you have to.
Please give me the holy water.
Don't hurt my wife.
Don't. Don't hurt my wife. Let me go!
Do it father. Pee Mak.
Please help me.
Mak, don't! Nak.
Let me go.
Damn Ter
You spilled it all. It's okay.
Shin, please give me the holy rice.
Let me go.
Shin. Nak.
Chirping... chirping.
Hey look, so tame. Eating from my palm.
Why not try eating from my feet then!
This isn't the time to go
all animal lover on us.
That's okay.
As long as we stay inside the holy thread.
We will be safe.
What the heck?! Whose hand is it?
Shit! Which way to go?!
Is that you, Shin?
What's up with this?
It's time for me to go.
Gosh! The monk already made it over the wall.
Turn the other way. I'm getting the creeps.
Hurry. Nak
Pee Mak Nak
Pee Mak Nak
Pee Mak Nak
Pee Mak
Gosh that's enough already!
This isn't some name calling game.
Let's go that way.
Aey, please let us go. We used to be friends.
I didn't do anything to you, you know.
Ter! You're the one who kicked him
off the boat. I told you not to!
I'm not a ghost.
I don't believe you. Don't come any closer.
Don't push!
What should we do now, Ter?
Puak, you are still wet right?
Of course. Why?
Shin. Mak
I will count to 3 and push Puak
towards Aey now.
One Can we talk about this first?
Two Shit.
Three. I hate you all.
Everyone jump him. Jump for what!
See? If you are still human why did you scream
when the holy water touched you?
I screamed because you guys are
on top of me and it hurts!
Come on. Get up. Get up.
Get up.
So why does the holy water
not hurt you like Nak?
I told you I am not a ghost.
How come you got the ring?
I needed some money.
I saw with my own eyes
that the ruby ring is exactly like Nak's.
Is the Ruby big?
Where is Aey?
Where have you been, Aey?
I had diarrhea.
I'm sorry
I needed the money to gamble.
I had you all wrong. I am sorry.
I thought you were a ghost.
But actually
You are a casino junkie.
And you watching too many movies
and always making presumptions.
Are you guys forgetting something?
That Nak is still standing here?
Mak, let's go. Run!
Let's go.
It's stuck.
This one is stuck too.
Gosh Nak
Please just let us go.
You are a ghost so stay in your own world.
You cannot be with the living.
It's unnatural. It's sacrilegious.
It won't work out. It's not OK.
Can't you understand?
Don't mess with me!
What happened?
Nak disappeared.
It's stuck too.
What are we going to do?
If I make it out of this,
I will donate a lot of money
to fix this damn roof!
it's not the roof.
Mak, run!
please don't hurt us. I'm really scared.
Even in your normal form
I'm already scared shitless.
Now with your head
upside down like Spiderman.
Why do you keep getting
between Pee Mak and I?
What have I ever done to you?
Because you are an evil ghost!
Why did you kill aunty Priek?
I didn't kill her.
She was drunk, fell in the water
and drown by herself.
I don't believe you.
Beautiful yet a big fat liar!
I told you. I didn't kill her.
I just wanted to be with the person I love.
Why do you guys have to get in the way?
This isn't called love.
It's called selfishness.
Right. Mak can't go anywhere anymore
The townsfolk are all scared of him.
I am scared too.
Why don't you go
where you're supposed to go?
Just like Mak's aunty. She didn't come back.
Neither did aunty Priek.
They've probably been reincarnated
and are married already.
You died already. How can you be with Mak?
If I can't be with Mak in this world
Then Pee Mak must go with me.
What the hell are you standing there for?
Are you that scared of me?
I am so sorry...
If I ever hurt you
I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
Don't cry baby.
You won't look handsome.
I am so sorry
for lying to you all this time.
I just wanted to be with you
as long as I could.
Even if it's just for one more day.
Do you still remember what we talked about
on the ferris wheel?
I am sorry
you can't get to die before me.
Please promise me
When I am gone.
You will have to carry on.
You don't have to go anywhere.
You said you lied to me.
You didn't lie to me at all.
Even though I am a fool.
But I am not so stupid
that I wouldn't know that my wife is dead.
I will go send off your friends.
What did you do
to get this dirty?
Let's see what my darling prepared
for me to eat.
Your cooking is as good as always.
Nak my love you are too pretty
to be a ghost.
I realized it since we're playing charades.
Even if all the townsfolk avoid me
and nobody wanted to be my friend.
And even if I have to eat dried leave
I would still want to be with you.
Thank you
but it is impossible.
Why not?
We can just pretend that nothing has changed.
All this time we did fine together.
But I'm dead.
The living and the dead
can't stay together. It's not natural.
If that's so
then my love for you is also a freak of nature.
When I was at war.
Do you have any last words?
I should have died that day.
No one thought I would make it.
But I found my way back to you.
Pee Mak
Even you died already
but was still able to come back for me.
You also used your powers
to help me hit those cans.
So we could bring a doll back for Dang.
How is it wrong
that we can love each other this much?
Aren't you scared of me?
You know I am terrified of ghosts.
But I am more terrified of living without you.
Just one thing though.
Don't ever hang upside down
like that again.
I almost had a heart attack.
I am really moved.
I promise you
no matter what happens
we will be friends forever.
If you die and become ghosts
I won't be afraid.
But I remember you kicked me off the boat.
Come on
Love you.
Do you love me?
I do.
How much?
Nak loves Pee Mak a lot lot lot.
I love you
heaps heaps heaps too.
There's more...
I need more time to look at each other
I wish I could freeze the moment
forever before we must part.
Baby, I love you.
Give me your hand to hold
and to keep my heart warm
Let me look in your eyes
so I will never be lonely
Let me have your love to inspire me
to make my dreams come true.
The roof isn't leaking anymore, father.
Let us know if there is anything else
we can help.
Keep up the good work, baby.
Be careful of your hand.
You? She?
Does she mean head? Yeah?
There is head in the phrase.
Watermelon head?
Exploding head? Potato head?
What kind of head?
Air head?
Headless. Pee Mak is correct!
This is the first time I got it right.
aren't you happy for me?
Haunted house. Scarier than ever.
Play with me.
Wow. So very realistic.
I know.
Thank you.
Come on. Hurry up.
Watch this.
You'll never hit the target.
You throw like a blind man.
This time don't help me ok?
Mak has really gone too far.
We can't let this kind of unnatural
go on in our village.
Yeah! We can't allow it!
No way!
Tonight I will get rid of it.
Anyone coming with me?
I want to go too.
Better hurry before you miss out.
Go on. Hurry up.