Peepli Live (2010)

What if we lose our land?
(Belches )
A river of colours paints this land
With a trick in the dye at every bend
A river of colours paints this land
With a trick in the dye at every bend
A mystery in every speck and bubble
Shallow to look at, but deep within
A mystery in every speck and bubble
Shallow to look at, but deep within
lndia, you see, is a clever mix
lndia, you see, is a clever mix
Large hearts, tattered pockets
Large hearts, tattered pockets
( Music continues )
Who knows where we're headed
The wheels keep turning, move on
Who knows where we're headed
The wheels keep turning, move on
No food, no water
Find an excuse to carry on living
Weary eyes, blurred dreams
Tears also have salt, my friend
taste them if they fall...
( Music continues )
( Music fades out )
- Hi, Budhia.
- Hello.
Any luck?
At it already, huh?
Wait till you get home.
(Dhaniya ) Back home finally?
Found the time?
What did the bank want?
So the bank called you
for a cup of tea, is it?
( Amma ) Why don't you mortgage me too?
At least you 'll get something.
(Dhaniya ) Why did the bank call you ?
Cat got your tongue?
Why did they call you ?
First give them something
to eat, you slut.
Have you left your brains at the bar?
Why did the bank call you ?
Because they're auctioning
the damn farm, that's why.
Oh, Lord!
We couldn't repay the loan.
You 've gone and lost the farm?
Auctioned it off?
Bastard! You 've ruined us!
Shameless! Drunkards!
Get out of the house.
Destroyed our lives!
Think you can escape, cowards.
Try entering the house again.
( Continues cursing )
Fall into my lap like a ripe mango
l long for you , my beloved
l'm sleepless without you my love
how will the long night pass?
l'm sleepless without you my love
how will the long night...
You idiot!
Our arse is on fire
and you 're singing love songs!
Throw the stick...chuck it.
Come on.
We didn't borrow from Bhai Thakur
so why would he help us now?
But who can reason with your wife?
Don't worry, brother.
l'll fall at Bhai Thakur's feet
and cry until his heart melts.
Moron, get up.
Can't you see?
- See this one.
- Yes, these will pay for the Dholpur votes.
Don't hand it all to the headman.
Visit each house personally.
And this one clicks photos too.
Nice, give this to Bihari.
And take Karpuri along.
Because there is no trusting you .
You may pocket them all.
Greetings, Bhai Thakur.
l see, His Lordship is here.
You should've summoned me instead.
Can we help with the election campaign?
What? ''Help'' in the campaign?
Do l look like a fool?
We had mortgaged the land
for a bank loan.
lf we don't repay, it'll get auctioned.
So why come to me?
Go to the government.
They lent you the money, right?
Please Bhaiji, you are our last resort.
(Mobile rings )
lt's the Chief Minister.
Yes, sir.
Yes C.M., sir.
Everything is under control.
Flags, posters...all done.
(Bhai continues speaking on the phone )
Yes, the cash has been picked up.
Yes, the trucks are here,
the booze is on the tap,
waiting to flow!
Long live the Samman Party!
Go for it, guys.
(Bhai) Get lost! We're busy.
- Bhaiji.
- Yes.
There is one way to save their land.
ln South lndia, the government
has started a new programme,
by which farmers who commit suicide
due to debt
get 1 00,000 rupees compensation.
- Does what? Suicide?
- Yes, suicide.
( All laugh )
All across the country
farmers are killing themselves
by the dozen.
Living is like an old-fashioned bell-bottom,
while suicide, the latest jeans!
The government too likes
a fair give and take.
There's at least one thing
you can give...your life.
Let's go.
Long live Chief Minister Ram Yadav!
Long live Bhai Thakur!
Budhia! Come, sit.
What did Bhai Thakur say?
He said, ''Commit suicide
and the government will pay you .''
Use that to clear your debt.
Kill yourself
and you get 1 00,000 rupees.
Thinks we are stupid.
Would you get it if the wife died?
Go on, try it.
The government should take over
our lands
and give us farmers a pension to retire.
So you can sit around smoking pot.
So what good is farming?
American seeds, American fertilizers.
Pay for it, then pray for rain.
They are shoving farming up our arse.
Better shift to the city.
First get screwed in the village
then in the city.
This suicide idea isn't too bad.
What rot!
l don't mean you .
What if someone is already very ill?
Take Ram Asre for instance.
Always ill. His life hangs on a thread.
What's the point of living like that?
What's wrong if his death
brings 1 00,000 rupees?
Not bad at all.
His life will be made.
Tell your wife that Bhai Thakur
has suggested suicide.
- Budhia, have you heard the tragic news?
- What?
Ram Khilawan was just
run over by a train.
- Really?
- Yes.
But we just saw him at Bhai Thakur's.
How did he find a train so quickly?
No, not that Ram. The one
from the village of the barber's wife.
Hey, listen!
And Ram Asre is also
on his last breath.
- Nonsense.
- Hang on, there is more. . .
This Bakki is a good-for-nothing.
Always spreading bad news.
We really are in a soup.
Hey, Budhia, have you heard?
The priest's daughter-in-law
jumped into a well and died.
That she didn't tell me.
Oh! She was young.
lt's God's will, l guess.
All of us have to go some day.
Sooner or later.
But we all have to die.
See you later. Come on.
The funeral is at four.
Are you coming?
(Natha ) Everyone is talking
about death today.
Looks like it's a day of death.
Shut up!
( Amma ) Budhia,
put my bed under the sun.
Budhia, aren't you listening?
Put my bed under the sun.
l've spent half my life dragging you
in and out of the sun.
We are losing our land
and all you care for is sunshine?
And smoking pot all day
is sure to save the land, right?
You said you had no money!
Don't get worked up,
you 'll have a fit.
Curse your tongue. You want to kill me?
Why don't you get a fit?
Once you are done pampering your mum
tell me what Bhai Thakur said.
He told us to commit suicide.
You must've provoked him.
Right. Why don't you get
a rope and hang me?
Cut the drama out.
Go hang yourself, for all l care.
Put some sense into your wife.
She's driving me nuts.
You 've smashed my brains!
May the darkest storms
descend upon you !
All thanks to this witch.
Yeah, right.
- Shut up, you tart!
- You shut up!
Fancy city doctor you wanted?
Go on, get your treatment now.
l curse the moment
l brought you home.
Wretch! You 've ruined everything.
You scum bag.
Why are you
sitting like a zombie?
Harder, damn you !
Below the neck. Yes, there.
Haven't seen your wife for a while.
Has she gone to her mother's?
- Gudda Babu ...
- What?
You mentioned about the suicide
compensation programme.
What about it?
How did you get to know?
Why? You want to die?
Tell me please...
Magan's son told me it was published
in Jan Morcha newspaper.
(Budhia ) lf l could...
...l'd give up my life to save our land.
At least your kids would be taken care of.
Remember when we stole money
from Pir Baba's shrine?
What a thrashing dad gave us.
l must say, he had a heavy hand.
Always left his mark.
Yeah, he could hit hard.
- l made some enquiries.
- About what?
About the suicide programme.
Commit suicide
and compensation is assured.
We've gone through so much
to protect our forefathers' land
and now we are losing it.
lf l could, l would give up
my life to save it.
No, brother, why should
you give your life?
l'll give up mine.
Why you ? l'll kill myself.
No, l will.
You have a wife and kids
to take care of.
You mustn't. l'll die.
No. l'll die.
Shut up, l'll die.
Think you 're brave?
No, brother, l'll give up my life.
Fine. You kill yourself.
Don't change your mind now.
lt takes only two minutes.
Since you won't let me, you do it.
lt's the same thing, really.
lt's time for a short break but before that,
the headlines of the day.
Shilpa Shetty denies her earlier remarks
on her relations with Prince William.
Opinion polls predict
a comfortable victory
for Chief Minister Ram Yadav,
in the Mukhya Pradesh by-election.
And farmer suicides continue unabated
as 7 9 more take their lives
in the last one week alone.
After the break
Union Minister for Agriculture,
Mr Salim Kidwai, joins us to discuss
the farmer suicides' issue.
What is going on with the autocue?
Yes, send him in.
Your number one fan is here.
- How are you , sir?
- ...handsome as ever.
Hello, Salim. Good to see you .
- You never came to my party.
- Yes, l'm so sorry about that, Salim.
l wasn't well,
l really couldn't have made it.
But you went to Jaitley's.
Yes, l did,
but l got sick after that.
l would love to have been there.
Must you be so heartless?
And we're coming out
of a break right now.
Welcome back to News at 9.
With us is Union Minister for Agriculture,
Mr Salim Kidwai.
Sir, every 8 hours a farmer in the country
has been committing suicide
which brings us to the unthinkable
number of 1 ,7 0,000 since 1 998.
Now, can the government
be called indifferent?
Media should check its facts
before reporting.
A number of these so called suicides
are actually natural deaths.
The government cannot be held
accountable for age or infirmity, can it?
So should the government just sit back
and let the farmers die?
- ls that what you 're saying?
- Not at all.
We have waived loans,
we've increased credit,
we've started new irrigation policies.
Sir, but how do you propose
the government can stop
these farmer suicides?
No developing nation can afford
to depend on agriculture alone.
You , as the Agriculture Minister
of the country,
you are saying that we should
forget agriculture
and look to industrialise,
when we have a...
You 're putting words in my mouth.
No, l did not...
- totally dependent...
- ln fact...
Now to come to the elections, sir,
how important
are the Peepli by-elections for you ?
The polls say that your candidate
does not stand a chance.
Let the elections take place.
The people are fed up
of the strong-armed tactics
of this castist
communalist government.
But given the Chief Minister's boast
that he'll win this election
by a record margin,
you think your political reputation
is at stake here?
Not mine, his.
He's the one making these tall claims.
But your enmity with the Chief Minister
is out in the open.
lt's hardly a secret, Mr Salim Kidwai.
'There is a saying in Hindi, you know.
'There may be disagreements in politics,
but never enmity.'
Bastard! He went to lTVN first?
Run the corporate scam story
on his brother round the clock.
He'll fall in line.
When does lTVN's
election programming begin?
l'm talking to you guys, are you deaf?
lt's already on. They had Chief Minister
Ram Yadav yesterday.
Today, it's Mr Salim.
Sir, the TRP for this week is here.
The Sacred Pumpkin story
is topping the charts.
Boss loved this story.
l told him, it was Deepak's idea.
l flower under your shadow, sir.
Sir, l've got a great lead.
When Saif Ali Khan was in class eight
he kissed a girl.
The girl is still in love with him!
Will she appear on TV?
She will. l've spoken to her.
Firstly, get her byte.
Then Saif's denial, right, sir?
Since you 're getting Saif,
might as well cover Kareena.
Will the mother talk?
Sir, l haven't spoken
to Sharmila madam yet.
Not Saif's mother, you fool, the girl's.
You think too much.
- There is a school teacher...
- Fine! We've got the story.
(Mobile rings )
Find some romantic footage of Saif.
From the film Yeh Dillagi.
Please chat less
and prepare for the OTS.
The headline will be
''The Twelve Year Smooch''.
Wow! lt's great.
C.M. Ram Yadav is coming to Delhi.
Go on then, get his byte.
- My respects, sir.
- Bless you .
A surprise visit, sir?
l rushed over so that l don't miss you .
- How is your boss?
- Fine. Sir, l needed a sound byte.
Of late, the English media
has been ranting against me.
Who watches them anyway?
We're the real journalists,
with a finger on the people's pulse.
Deepak, l want at least 1 5 stories
before the elections.
All positive.
You 're going to win
by a record margin.
Of course l will.
- Sir, a small interview.
- Go ahead.
- Roll camera.
- Rolling, sir.
Please, move aside.
- Ready?
- Yes.
Chief Minister Yadav, what is your
government's biggest achievement?
Prosperity of farmers!
Prosperity of farmers
means prosperity of the nation!
What rubbish. Have you gone mad?
But he's doing it for your sake.
Why should he commit suicide?
What good are you ?
You don't even have a family,
you commit suicide!
my death will bring nothing.
This way at least your children
will have the land.
Hang on...listen.
Have you lost it?
When you 're of no use alive,
what good will you be dead?
l see.
So he's brainwashed you ?
l've said nothing, ask him.
What doesn't a man do for his kids?
And for his mother?
Shut up, mother!
She is to blame for all this.
There she goes again.
Budhia, give her two slaps
and throw her out.
Let's see who dares!
- l'll break your bones.
- Get lost! Man-eater!
Bedridden good-for-nothing,
Get out! Thorn of a cactus!
Look how she's gone
to fetch water for you .
Notice how she's showing
her concern already.
Listen to the next one.
Cloth is aplenty
but the shirt is tight.
Cloth is aplenty
but the shirt is tight.
Clouds are aplenty,
but such little rain.
Cars are aplenty,
but barely enough oil.
Try driving!
That is why,
on lraq bombs were dropped!
The war was just business.
You know about Saddam, right?
Rakesh? There you are.
The Magistrate is visiting Peepli today.
He plans to announce a programme.
Go there and cover it.
l'll do it from here.
What do you mean?
You 'll have to go there.
Mr Tyagi needs it with photographs.
Send Feroz to get the photos.
l'll write the interview here itself.
lt's election time, boss.
Let me remind you Peepli is part
of the C.M.'s constituency.
Nothing has changed in Peepli
in the past 60 years
so what will this election achieve?
Power is back.
Start the machine.
(TV) '...boundaries
to machinery high-rises,
'townships offering
state-of-the-art facilities.
'lt seems to be...'
Rakesh, did you get it?
Got it, sir.
Come on, Aunin, everyone knows
those TRPs are fake.
Who knows where they get
their data from?
Last week you were bloating
about your high TRPs, weren't you ?
Nandita, they are real
for our sponsors.
Fine. What do you want me
to do about it?
The ''Sacred Pumpkin''?
Whatever it takes
to get the eyeballs.
May be l should go kill someone,
that would get you your eyeballs.
Have you noticed
how much Dhaniya has changed?
You 've barely mentioned suicide
and see the respect she's giving you .
All that is fine, brother,
but what good is respect
when l'm dead?
You losing the plot again!
lf you don't do anything for your family
how will you earn respect?
(Rakesh ) Uncle?
Where is the Peepli medical centre?
( Shouting ) Hey, fatso!
Where's the clinic?
Are you deaf?
Digging for fucking gold, looks like!
(Rakesh ) What?
The Magistrate will come tomorrow?
(Man ) Yes. Why have you come today?
But Mr Tyagi had said today.
Who's Tyagi?
Bunch of smart arses!
Let's get some tea.
Been really well rewarded for my love,
My beloved has destroyed me
God is great.
Hi. Give me a pack of cigarettes.
Who is supplying the free booze?
Election is still far away.
l'm going to commit suicide, that's why.
That's a new one.
Why will you commit suicide?
These days the government gives money
if you commit suicide.
lt can't provide for the living
so how will it pay for the dead?
How will l earn respect
if l don't do anything?
Good day.
( Continue singing )
Yes, sir.
l have given the orders, sir.
He will be arrested.
After all, suicide is illegal.
lt's election time?
l'll immediately stop the police.
Given the situation, l have three options.
Firstly, l can arrest him.
l mean...sorry...
Secondly, l can put him
on the Food-for-Work programme.
Lastly, l could give him
a Lal Bahadur.
l've already sanctioned a Lal Bahadur.
Everything is under control, sir.
All necessary steps have been taken.
Yes, sir... Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Sir, greetings.
Victory to the Nation.
Victory to the Nation, sir.
How long have you been
running a newspaper?
Stand up!
Rakesh reported it, sir.
l had to go home.
You know, sir, with me around
such a story would never be published.
You are in for a...
- Cancel. License.
- Yes, sir.
Your newspaper license is cancelled.
Send in the Block Development Officer.
''Mr Natha Das Manekpuri
of Peepli
''stated that he will not change
his mind.''
''Mister'' Natha Das Manekpuri!
Some Rakesh's report.
Why did Jan Morcha publish this?
( Car approaching )
Here they come.
Move, move, move!
God is great, brother!
Greetings, Bhaiji.
Welcome, Natha.
You 're a brave man!
l believe you 're giving up your life?
Bhaiji, you suggested it.
Listen! He blames me!
Talk back to me, will you ?
How dare you ?
After today,
if anyone even thinks of dying
l'll skin him alive!
l think they broke my tooth.
Don't tell Dhaniya
or she'll break the rest.
Who is Natha?
- Are you Natha?
- Why?
Are you going to commit suicide?
No, sir. lt's a lie.
Lie? Rakesh?
He is Natha.
l spoke to you yesterday, didn't l?
He is from the Magistrate's office,
wants to give you something.
l'm not Natha, no matter what.
ls one of you committing suicide?
- No, sir.
- Yes, sir.
''Yes, sir'', ''no, sir''?
Under the resettlement programme,
in memory of Lal Bahadur Shastri...
...l'm giving you a Lal Bahadur.
Take his thumb impression.
What are you signing away?
What are you selling now?
You 've squandered everything!
- Shut up, mother!
- Good-for-nothings!
Fetch the Lal Bahadur.
Now you can't commit suicide.
What about the money for the fitting?
You were about to die.
Lal Bahadur Shastri just saved you .
Money for the fitting(!)
Bhaiji told us not to talk to anyone.
Then why are you doing this?
A handpump for not dying,
imagine what death will bring!
( Clears throat )
Friend, my husband earns good money
But inflation, that witch,
eats it all away
Friend, my husband earns good money
But inflation, that witch,
eats it all away
Friend, my husband earns good money
But inflation, that witch,
eats it all away
Friend, my husband earns good money
But inflation, that witch,
eats it all away
Every month petrol leaps,
diesel is on a roll
Sugar forever soars
Rice too, flies out of reach
Sugar forever soars
Friend, my husband earns good money
lnflation, that witch,
eats it all away
Friend, my husband earns good money
But inflation, that witch,
eats it all away
Friend, my husband earns good money
But inflation, that witch,
eats it all away
Friend, my husband earns good money
But inflation, that witch,
eats it all away
(Phone rings )
l'm here!
This stress is driving me nuts.
Hello. Put him on.
( Clears throat )
Hi. l'm good and you ?
OK, tell me.
But what is the big deal?
Yeah, but the thing is
that farmer kind of stories
are not exactly my fort,
you know that.
Give it to me, yeah.
Can you spell that for me?
Just a second.
Jan Morcha.
(Mobile rings )
Speaking. Who is this?
Madam... Yes, it's me.
Yes, madam, thank you .
l'll meet you , of course l will.
Thank you , thank you .
( Sighs )
Sandip, cut it out.
Stop that. Enough.
(Budhia ) What's wrong with you ?
She is here to ask something.
l'm Nandita Mallik.
l've come from Delhi to meet you .
Nathu , hey...
She's here to take pictures.
Don't be afraid.
Nothing's going to happen.
lt's just a camera.
lt won't harm you .
Oh, my God!
Budhia, you 're bringing home girls now?
Shut up, mother.
She is with the government.
Goodness! A government girl?
l'm not with the government.
l'm from lTVN news channel.
Don't be afraid.
l'll talk to you later.
Just look at me.
Forget the camera, OK?
Mike, please.
Where's Rakesh?
Rakesh, please get rid of them.
Thank you .
Thank you . Please, move.
Can l see frame once?
Kids, move.
l'll show you the TV later.
All right?
Yeah, it's good for me.
Sound check.
- What's your name?
- (Budhia ) Natha Das Manekpuri.
Let him speak.
There we go for a roll.
Roll camera.
( Clears throat )
Mr Natha, why did you decide
to commit suicide?
(Budhia ) Don't look at me,
she won't let me talk.
'How deep can despair run?
'ln one absolutely desperate act
'Natha Das Mankepuri has shown us
the limits to our security.
'And now the question is
'will he commit suicide
and condemn us?
'Or will this government step in
and save him, in time?
'This is Nandita Mallik
in Peepli, for lTVN.'
How come we don't have
this farmer suicide story?
But it's an lTVN exclusive, sir.
Shut up.
Who is the local reporter?
Fire the local stringer!
Deepak, l want this story on prime time
with a live feed.
Women reporters should be banned.
lt's a non-story.
lt's a live suicide, my dear.
Listen, sir,
there will be no suicide.
Let our scam story break,
then watch the fun.
lt'll create havoc!
And if Natha kills himself,
the elections will definitely swing.
But how? The Yadav caste votes
are with C.M.Yadav.
Send an outdoor broadcasting van.
A team from Mukhya Pradesh
will camp there.
l want updates in every bulletin.
The election will turn.
lf it doesn't,
we'll still get superb ratings.
Now get going. Take charge.
Get me the local stringer.
Sir, l'm off, but mark my words
no other channel will do this story.
(Nandita ) Move ahead.
Straight ahead, this way.
Walk on.
Let them feed the goats.
Goats don't eat those leaves.
This is no good. Do it again.
That's it, very good.
Hurry up! Attach the mike.
(Reporter) Which one is Natha?
(Reporter #2 ) Why are you
committing suicide?
'Natha, who is like a son
or brother for these women'
has sadly decided to commit suicide.
Let's ask these women how they feel.
Do you think what is happening
to Natha is right?
- No.
- So what should the government do?
lf he can be saved, that'll be nice.
So, as you can see
there is pain, sadness and anguish
over Natha's decision.
'You think Natha will actually
commit suicide?'
'You bet he will!
'l know him. He's a doer!
'He'll die, for sure!'
Next, they'll make his mother dance!
Yes, sir.
Bloody Bhai Thakur!
Always claiming to have
everything under control.
Look at this.
Sir, l took action on the very first day.
l've already given him a Lal Bahadur.
- Give him an lndira Housing.
- Right, sir.
But it's meant only for the homeless.
Then the Jawahar Employment
But that's only for the unemployed.
At least you can give him
an Annapurna!
That's for starvation, sir.
The Gramin Vikas
is for an entire village.
The other government programmes
are Peace and Prosperity,
lmport-Export, Growth lmpetus,
Decelerated Development.
Apart from these, there are
no other programmes left, sir.
Then create one!
- Do it yourself!
- Right, sir.
Mr Choubey,
keep the media in check.
Sure, sir.
What are you waiting for? Get lost.
Yes, sir. Good day, sir.
Victory to the Nation, sir.
Tell us some childhood memories
of Natha.
We were always together.
Smoking pot, eating eggs, farming.
But this talk of suicide
has shaken me.
Smoking pot and eating eggs
will never be the same again.
(Reporter) Tragic...
Right now we're inside Natha's house.
Behind me is his clothesline,
earthen pots, sacks of grain...
- Do you go to school?
- l do.
- Which class are you in?
- Class four.
- Do you get lunch in school?
- Yes.
(Deepak) As you can see, Mr Natha's
mother just made this gesture.
Budhia... Budhia.
Where the hell are you ?
- Where are you from?
- l'm from TV.
- Are you from the bank?
- No, l'm from TV. . .
You 've already stolen our land.
What are you after now,
the roof over our heads?
- Calm her down.
- Mother, calm down.
Our house is on fire
and you 're asking me to calm down?
Leave her. Just be quiet.
As you just saw,
Mr Natha's mother made this sign.
This sign could mean only two things.
Either she was asking for a cigarette
or else she was begging for peace.
Yes, smoking,
which is a road to hell.
Slow poison.
Look at the state of lndian motherhood.
With a ravaged heart,
she watches her beloved son
walking into the jaws of death.
Will this helpless old woman
lose the apple of her eye?
Or will this sleeping government awaken?
Sir, if you 're done, please give me the cot.
That lady wants it.
So, l should lie on the ground?
Get lost!
You too, buzz off.
- Brother.
- What?
- l've got something to say.
- Tell me.
l can't do it, you do it.
Have you gone mad?
How can l do it?
Your picture is now on TV!
Don't worry, l'm there for you .
What's there to fear? Buck up.
(Dhaniya ) l've told you already,
l know nothing.
Take your questions there.
Government, auction, farmlands!
Go away, l've work to do.
Don't waste my time.
Dhaniya, l want to say something.
Go on. What now?
You did as your brother asked you to.
You 've turned the house into a circus.
Now dance in it!
( Crowd chanting approaches )
All have proved corrupt!
Now, let's try Pappulal!
All have proved corrupt!
Now, let's try Pappulal!
Messiah of the backward castes!
Pappulal! Pappulal!
Saviour of the poor!
Pappulal! Pappulal!
Long live Pappulal!
Long live Pappulal!
Calm down...
Natha, Budhia, come, my brothers.
l couldn't stop myself.
l was drawn here
to see this brave young man.
This is a time for sacrifice.
Natha's decision has brought
honour to his caste and country.
Therefore, on behalf of the backward
caste party, l present this TV.
Bring the TV. Hurry up.
As a token of my love and respect,
l present this TV to you .
Come on, take it.
(Nandita ) The Magistrate claims
that Natha will not commit suicide.
Hang on. Where's the garland?
The Magistrate has said that Natha
will not commit suicide.
Who the hell is the Magistrate
to say anything?
Do you think the backward castes
have no feelings? No conscience?
lf so, then more like Natha shall rise.
There will be war!
Natha will die!
Definitely die!
( Crowd) Long live Pappulal!
( Crowd chanting )
'Natha Das Manekpuri
has become a hero overnight
'By visiting Natha,
the backward caste leader Pappulal
'has turned this suicide
into a caste issue.
'Now let's see how this affects
the outcome of the election
'and how it impacts
Chief Minister Yadav's chances...'
Send more police.
No one should get near him.
(Reporter) 'This is Mr Salim.
'He is deeply anguished
over Natha's decision of suicide.
'But earning for his family
is a bigger priority.'
Life stops for no one.
While one family
is about to be orphaned,
here's a man struggling
to provide for his.
(Reporter #2 ) 'We are with lmarti Bai,
who feels that,
'with Natha's death,
business will boom.
'Clearly, there is a lot of excitement
about Natha's impending death.'
A river of colours paints this land
With a trick in the dye at every bend
A river of colours paints this land
With a trick in the dye at every bend
A mountain is a molehill
A pebble is God
A mountain is a molehill
A pebble is God
lndia, you see, is a clever mix
lndia, you see, is a clever mix
A colourful, vibrant democracy
Circular motion, like this.
Don't stop, play on.
Put some red powder.
'We're at the shrine
of Peepli's Mother Goddess.
'The Goddess has spoken
through her oracles
'that Natha will surely die!
'But he will live.
'Yes, he will die, but he will live on.'
( Clears throat )
Sir, the suicide story
is really heating up.
The reporters are constantly calling us.
This has become a key factor
in the Peepli elections.
lt's a national issue now.
As usual, the State Government
is blaming the Federal Government.
The Agriculture Ministry
must respond.
Would you like some tea?
Try it.
lt's a fine Darjeeling tea.
Second flush.
Thank you , sir.
Sandip, you get nervous easily.
Yes, sir, but. . .
There is nothing in our hands.
We're powerless.
But we must intervene, at some level.
( Chuckles )
Prepare a file on Natha
and ask the Law Ministry
to consult the High Court.
After all, suicide is a legal issue.
And we can do nothing
without High Court directives.
Find a retired judge, Justice Sharma.
Send him on a Fact-Finding mission.
And l'm sure Mr Salim
will manage the media.
A bouquet of vibrant colours
Faded colours
much trouble and strife
Caught between
the devil and the deep sea
Sorrow and joy play hide-and-seek
One colour for the gifted
another for the cursed
lt's a clash of colours
Each staking it's own claim
- Where are you off to?
- To fetch water.
You think we have nothing better to do
other than to escort you ?
lf l knew it would be so dusty
l would have fixed a filter in my nose.
( Cameraman ) There he goes
for the 1 8th time!
Shoot it, idiot!
(Man ) He's got the shits.
lt's been 7 2 hours
since Mr Natha announced his suicide.
What is your administration doing?
Aren't you asking the wrong person?
The Federal Government too
is anxious to know
what the Mukhya Pradesh
government is doing.
lf this is the state of affairs
in the C.M.'s constituency,
imagine what's going on
elsewhere in the State?
Regardless of the outcome of this election
the C.M. already stands defeated.
What do you mean?
ls this is the first farmer suicide
in lndia?
Look at Andhra.
Look at Maharashtra.
Punjab too!
Ask the Federal Government
what's going on since 1 990.
'There've been no suicides
in Mukhya Pradesh
'nor will there be any in the future.
'We'll do better
than the Federal Government.'
C.M. and Pappulal
have formed an alliance.
They've struck a deal
over a Municipal post.
Call him.
Mr Yadav, greetings.
l was just watching
your press conference.
You were marvellous.
Natha's suicide is a non-issue.
lt's Pappulal who's egging it on.
Should l fix him?
l realise it's election time.
But l've always stood by you .
Over such a trivial matter?
What the hell will Pappulal do?
Get the car out.
Frame should be like this.
Your hand is not steady.
Go shoot wedding videos instead.
What an ass!
He's got the shits, madam.
That's why he's venting it out
on his cameraman.
Deserves it, loser.
- Madam...
- Yes, my dear Rakesh, tell me.
This is my CV, for you .
lt's good...
...but for now, you keep it.
l might lose it.
l've done a lot of local coverage...
l'll take care of it.
l promise to work hard.
Where is your focus?
On your CV, instead of the story?
Sorry, madam.
(Reporter) 'What are your comments
on Natha's decision?
'Answer our questions, Bhaiji.'
Sir Budhia!
So you finally summoned me.
What are you doing? Sit here.
What a carnival! Amazing!
l've never seen
such a grand celebration of death.
Please don't joke, Bhaiji.
We're neck deep in trouble.
Trouble hasn't begun for you yet.
lf Natha doesn't die in the next two days
then l'll kill you .
They'll leave, eventually.
Then guess who you 'll have to deal with.
Move, move.
(Reporter) Bhai Thakur, one question.
Well, what?
Will Natha commit suicide?
What do you think?
(Deepak) What did you tell Budhia?
Please clarify.
(Bhai) That's between the two of us.
- You must tell the media.
- Answer the question, please.
What should l tell you ?
What haven't l done for this place?
l've opened medical centres,
provided dowry for dozens of girls,
paid for many funerals.
ln this lovingly nurtured village of mine
'politics must not be allowed
to claim lives.
'l have known Natha since he was a kid.
'How can l let him die?'
Bhaiji, that was wonderful.
(Mobile rings )
lt's the Chief Minister.
The C.M. is answerable.
What will he do now?
Move, get up from here.
Go there and play.
lt's become impossible to move here.
Some say live.
Others say die.
Despite this circus, l wonder
if we will get any money.
Why won't we?
After all this attention
why won't we?
But he should stay firm.
Look at him, sitting like a zombie.
What does he dig all day?
- Hello.
- Hello.
What are you doing?
Digging earth.
What for?
To sell.
- What's your name?
- Hori Mahato.
- Huh?
- Hori Mahato.
( Sirens wailing )
(Reporter) Why is Pappulal with you ,
Mr Yadav?
(Reporters ask questions simultaneously )
Sir, are you here
because of the upcoming elections?
Do you think...
Calm down...
Calm down, listen to what l have to say.
As you can see,
we have with us the revered leader
of the backward caste party,
Mr Pappulal.
Though we are opponents,
yet he stands with me today.
l am very grateful to him.
We are here today
to meet our brother
to humbly request him
to give up his idea of suicide.
The Mukhya Pradesh government
will grant 1 00,000 rupees
to Mr Natha and his family.
Mr Natha will not commit suicide now.
This tantamounts to bribery
how can this be a compensation?
Hear me out fully.
Natha will not die.
For sure.
Guys, headline changes.
We'll have to re-roll.
Natha will not commit suicide.
As per the Election Code of Conduct
no individual can
be granted special favours.
The Chief Minister should accept
moral responsibility and resign.
This is anarchy.
'Good evening.
The headlines for the day.
'The Election Commission cancels
all concessions granted to Natha.
'Once again his fate changes.
Natha to die.'
Dad, when will you die?
When will you die?
Tell me.
Why don't you let me rest in peace?
Uncle says after you die
l'll become a government contractor.
Contractor, huh?
No, l want to be a cop.
Here l'm about to die
and you want to be a cop.
l want to be a cop!
You 're back?
Go away.
Move, it's getting late.
What are you doing here?
- l need to go. . .
- Again?
We're in a hurry too.
- Wait for our shift to change.
- But it's urgent.
Then do it right here.
Have a heart! lt's too early.
Let me have some tea first.
Climb. l'll pass you the camera.
Can't you find another story?
shits in the open.
lt's a sensational expos.
Well done.
Frame ready?
ldiot! They'll finish shitting!
Do you see anything?
- Deepak, sir...
- Yes?
- ln the field...
- What?
Natha alone.
- What's he doing?
- Shitting.
Keep rolling.
Ali, come fast.
Natha spotted.
(Deepak) Come down!
Where did he go?
Hurry up! Jump!
(Nandita ) You are a cop and you
don't know? What were you doing?
(Policeman ) l had gone for a shit
and was walking back.
Everyone was running so l ran too.
- Who was running and where?
- Everyone, madam, everywhere.
- What happened to Natha?
- Don't know, he ran away.
- What?
- Yes!
The media is out in full force.
The police have taken positions.
This is an absolutely
shocking turn of events.
Natha Das Manekpuri has gone missing.
ls it a political conspiracy?
Or was Natha under pressure?
ls this police negligence?
Will he or will he not commit suicide...
Hello. Hello.
Yadav calling, sir.
Nobody has a clue
as to where he is.
More importantly,
has he changed his mind?
Natha missing. ls he dead or alive?
Only C.M. Yadav can tell us
where Natha is.
Missing? Or forced to disappear?
We are waiting
for the High Court orders.
What does this say
about safety in Mukhya Pradesh?
We'll investigate.
People go missing!
We'll find Natha within 7 2 hours.
We are waiting
for the High Court orders.
in his mission,
and 7 % hold America responsible.
All Communist parties strongly condemn
the State and Federal Government.
Unemployment, starvation, poverty,
America and all other issues.
We are waiting
for the High Court orders.
lf you look closely
you 'll see Natha's footprints.
Whether escape or abduction,
here's where Natha perched himself
for the last time.
And here's the fruit of his toil,
his faeces,
commonly known as shit.
Take a close look.
Do not cringe at the sight,
for, as long as we live,
we will continue to shit.
Psychiatrists claim that faeces
reflect our mental state.
The complexion of our shit
is a window to the inner self.
But here we see
a mixture of hues.
Therefore, before reaching
any conclusions
we need to bring in experts
as Mr Natha was no ordinary man.
For Bharat Live this is Kumar Deepak
live from Peepli.
l feel we have to do something, sir.
Law suits have been filed.
Sir, these Central Government schemes
do not cover farmers who are still alive.
Our schemes cover only those
who are already dead.
Try this. Launch a programme,
the Natha Card Programme.
Dedicated to Natha.
This card will be given to families
below the poverty line
or whose members
wish to commit suicide.
But we can't afford that.
and at least half of them
are below the poverty line.
We don't have funds for it.
We're merely making
the announcement.
lmplementation is the problem
of the State Governments.
Damned if they do,
damned if they don't.
Let the music begin.
Wearing father's sweater again?
( Sobs )
Why are you hitting him?
All your fault.
You started this whole thing.
You think he's dead?
Even if the God of Death himself
came to fetch him, he won't go.
He must be hiding somewhere.
Left us in a lurch.
The government says you get no money
until you produce the corpse.
Happy now?
l've three children.
How do l provide for them?
Go on, you slut!
Gobble him up too,
swallow him up!
You keep shut.
Had it not been for your medicines,
we'd have never taken the loan.
( Amma ) Look! Now she is cursing me.
l've had enough.
Now you put in an application to die.
Are you mad?
- My death will bring nothing.
- Of course it will!
By now even l know that.
lf you die,
your mother gets the money.
- Don't talk rot.
- l'm not.
Take this sheet,
lie down and die!
God! This witch will kill him too.
You luckless whore, sorceress, witch.
l curse you to death!
- What happened?
- Hori died.
- The one who used to dig?
- Yes.
- How?
- He was weak to begin with.
And then, the hard labour.
He was found dead in his pit.
With me is Ms Biniya, who is from
Natha's wife side of the family.
Can you tell us where Natha could be?
Do you know if he is alive?
(Baby cries )
This is not working, Sandip.
Where are you ?
Tell me, how hard is it
to find one decent person
l can talk to, huh?
Why is Natha so important to us?
You 're talking about Natha?
A farmer is committing suicide
because he's in debt.
You don't think that's important?
Yes, it's important. But there
are other farmers too in this village.
Aren't they equally important?
You don't just abandon
a story midway, Rakesh,
and move on to something else. No.
You 've got to follow it
right to it's conclusion.
There was a farmer in this village
called Hori Mahato.
His farm had been auctioned.
So he used to dig up earth
from fallow land and sell it.
For his labour,
he made about 20 rupees.
What's your point, Rakesh?
He was found dead in his own pit.
People say he died of hunger.
ls this not important?
Fine, if it makes you happy,
we'll send a reporter,
we'll do an entire feature on him.
But he's dead.
Let me try and explain this to you .
Research shows our audience
is interested only in Natha.
Do you know why?
Because he is
the original live suicider.
Do you have any idea
how big this is?
Would finding Natha
solve all problems?
No. No.
No solution is going to be found.
Some people choose to become doctors,
some engineers.
We're journalists
and this is what we do.
lf you can't handle this
then you 're in the wrong profession.
Hey, Natha!
Hey, Natha!
What's up?
What's happening?
'The government has launched
a new programme
'dedicated to Natha Das Manekpuri.
'Farmers desiring to commit suicide
will be given a Natha Card.
'More than 65,000 farmers
have already applied for this card.'
Bhaiji, take my advice.
Let's strike a deal with Mr Salim
and give Natha to him.
That will put C.M. and Pappulal in a fix.
You 're right, Gudda.
No, Mr Salim,
this has nothing to do with money.
lt's about honour.
Yes, l'll give you Natha.
Then you decide whether
you want murder or suicide.
Welcome, please come.
All of Peepli will be at your service.
Mr Salim, you 're a man of style.
You have brought glamour
to even the Agriculture Ministry.
Your true fan is me.
Leave your party and join us.
Very well.
Bhai Thakur, that scoundrel!
Playing games with me!
Mr Salim had recommended
an American company.
What was it called? Sonmanto?
Give them all the government contracts
for seeds.
- But sir. . .
- Do as you 're told.
Yes, sir.
Organise a press conference tonight.
ln Peepli.
Welcome, Rakesh sir.
How are you ?
Your shop is going well.
All thanks to you .
- How about some food?
- Right away.
Boy, set a plate.
ln a minute. Let me first
pack Gudda Babu 's dinner.
What's up? Has Gudda Babu
stopped going home?
He's ordering a take-away every night.
- He's at the warehouse these days.
- l see.
Come quickly!
Wait, Mr Rakesh, it's done.
Get up! We're taking you home.
l don't want to, l'm OK here.
But we aren't OK with that.
Let go.
Gudda Babu , get him off me.
Hey, listen Natha.
- We all have to return home, my dear.
- But l don't want to. l'm fine here.
Don't! No marks.
Are you sure about this?
Sir, all the reporters have arrived.
We're getting late
for the press conference.
Call Salim.
l'm sure Nandita has got a lead.
l'm following her.
Faster! They're on our backs.
Mr Salim is getting upset
about Natha not appearing.
Why isn't Gudda answering the phone?
Lethargic slob.
Choubey, all of you go to Peepli.
- Check what's up.
- OK, sir.
You guys are no good either.
Couldn't arrange for a light?
- We've got a petromax lamp.
- Then why haven't you lit it, moron?
Why haven't you lit the petromax?
- Where's the oil?
- Haven't put the oil in, motherfuckers?
Jugan, stay inside.
- You left Natha unguarded?
- He won't run away.
- Morons! Where is Natha?
- ln there.
(Nandita ) Don't argue with me.
Just come on. l know this is it.
This is it.
We just have to find that damn Rakesh.
Where the hell is he?
( Car door slams )
Sir, we've arrived.
l'll keep you informed.
lt's so dark, l can't see anything.
- Why didn't you bring a torch?
- Sir, l'm new on the job.
You should be transferred back.
Where's he?
Let's check in here.
- Hurry up!
- Yes, sir, l'm lighting it.
Sir, where are you ? l've arrived.
What an idiot this B.D.O. is.
D.M.? What is he doing here?
Roll camera.
D.M. sir, why are you here?
Stop spilling it.
You know exactly what is going on.
Who is on the inside here?
lnterviewing on the sly!
What the hell are you doing here?
You left the press conference
to report on the sly?
Will you stop following me and let me
do my job and go find your damn story?
Sir? Sir?
(Nandita ) The Chief Minister had called
for a conference to be held at 9pm.
An accident took place.
Yes, we have confirmed reports
that indeed there was an accident
and yes, there has been one casualty.
Now, news has been trickling in
that Natha could've been at that site.
We don't have any official confirmation
on this as of yet.
We are still trying to ascertain...
(Deepak) lt is now confirmed
that the burnt body
is of Natha Das Manekpuri.
Yes, Natha is dead.
How ironic that Natha died
in an accident.
Neither suicide, nor murder.
Fate denied this poor soul even
his last wish to commit suicide.
A resilient farmer is now dead.
A farmer who was alive is now dead.
This night will weigh heavily on lndia.
A dark night indeed for lndia.
Hurry up. The village picnic is over.
Let's move.
l have a simple rule.
- Stretch a story only so far.
- Of course.
- lt's so easy to be sensational.
- Sir, is truly different.
- Have you seen Rakesh anywhere?
- No.
He's not answering his phone...
Let's go.
What happened today?
You said everything would be sorted
after the post-mortem report.
...but now they say... was an accident, not a suicide.
So no compensation.
What about the Natha Card?
We don't have
a Below Poverty Line card.
To prove we're poor
the government gives a B.P.L. card.
We need that for a Natha card.
Three months have gone by in all this.
He lost his life...
...and you couldn't even manage
a poverty card.
All that we are is merely clay
How long can we last?
We are merely clay
All that we are is merely clay
How long can we last?
We are merely clay
All that we are is merely clay
How long can we last?
We are merely clay
Time is a great leveller,
it spares no one
Time is a great leveller,
it spares no one
All that we are is merely clay
How long can we last?
We are merely clay
Time is a great leveller,
it spares no one
Time is a great leveller,
it spares no one
All that we are is merely clay
How long can we last?
We are merely clay...
( Music finishes )
All that we are is merely clay