Pele: Birth of a Legend (2016)

- Welcome back
to the 1958 World Cup
the greatest sporting event
on Earth.
We are live in Gothenburg,
only moments away from
the start of the final match
of Group 4
Brazil versus the Soviet Union.
- It's so much more
than just a game for Brazil.
And with all their losses
in the last decade
the country's spirit
has been just crushed.
We've even seen some Brazilian
fans committing suicide
by jumping from the upper
tiers of the stadium.
- But let's be honest,
the Soviets are the reigning
Olympic champions
and Brazil, I mean
Brazil should be counting
their blessings
they even qualified
for the World Cup.
- Brazilians are about
to enter a stadium
filled with Europeans
all rooting against them.
They don't stand a chance.
They're young,
they're unorthodox
they got no discipline, and
they're mixed race to boot.
- It's just sad really and now
with all their player injuries
they are forced to play
a 17-year-old reserve.
You almost have
to feel sorry for Brazil.
- Lack of confidence has been a
real problem for the Brazilians
and starting a 17-year-old
is hardly the answer.
In fact, reports
from the locker room say
the teenager was sick
to his stomach
upon learning
he would be starting.
Not exactly the confidence
boost Brazil was hoping for.
- The 1958 World Cup in Sweden.
It's Brazil versus
the Soviet Union,
the World Cup debut for
17-year-old Edson Nascimento
the youngest player to ever
play in the tournament.
And Ullevi Stadium
is absolutely booming
50,000 screaming fans.
Millions more tuning in
from around the world.
In only a few moments, it
will be up to this youngster
and his South American
brothers to keep
their nation's hopes
and dreams alive.
- Today, July 16th, 1950
perhaps the most important day
in our lifetimes
for only in a few hours' time,
11 of Brazil's
graceful warriors will play
right here in Rio de Janeiro
at the newly-built
Maracana Stadium.
Brazil is tied to win
and the whole city has been
shut down to prepare
for celebrations
on a scale never before seen.
- Come on, Dico, let's play!
- Yeah, come on, Dico.
- I'm done shinin' shoes!
- We need a new ball!
- Today's World Cup finals!
We bring you the even
bigger big event
you've all been waiting for!
Welcome, Senhoras e Senhores
to the famous Rubens Arruda
street stadium!
- Today's very important game.
- Keepy uppy.
No, bounce!
- Keepy uppy!
- Over the roof.
- I got this.
- I got it!
Come on!
- Keep away!
- Come on, guys.
- Get out of here.
- Dico!
- Ah, Zoca!
- It was a bad pass
and Dico tripped.
And the sun was in my eyes.
No fair!
- Hmm.
- I finished shining shoes
and was walking Zoca home
when he slipped
and fell in the river.
- But you were playing football!
- You should know better.
You both go change and get back
to shining shoes.
- But, mom,
what about the World Cup?!
- Don't even think about it.
- The score is still tied 1-1!
The crowd in here is now
chanting, "Brazil must win!"
And here comes Brazil now
giving it everything
they've got.
- Go, go, just one, go.
-... Here with a header!
80 minutes in,
the match is still tied 1-1.
Over 200,000 fans now on their
feet, crammed into every seat.
Some eager fans are even
watching from their roof.
And Uruguay's Ruben Moran now
lines up for the quarter kick.
Here it is.
Uruguay shoots!
- Dico, Dico, what's the score?
- Still 1-1.
Final minutes.
- He said still tied 1-1.
- The match is winding down.
- Hey, guys!
What's the score?
- Shh!
- Get lost, Zoca.
- I'll tell ma you were here,
listening to the World Cup.
- Okay, just stay quiet.
- He shoots and it's goal!
Uruguay moves ahead.
- What happened, Dico?
What happened? Did we score?
- Score against Brazil. 2-1.
- And now suddenly
all the pressure is on Brazil.
- Ugh!
- Come on, Brazil.
- He's driving the ball forward
as fast as he can! Oh, no!
The final whistle.
We are defeated 21.
Brazil has lost the 1950 World.
All 200,000 fans
have fallen
into a deafening silence.
- Come on, guys, let's go.
I thought we were gonna win.
- I'll win a World Cup
for Brazil, pai. I promise.
- If you're smart, Dico.
You listen to your mother.
You focus on school
and avoid the football
like the plague.
- Yes, I get it.
Football is romantic.
I should know.
I met your father at a game.
5 goals he scored
with his head that day.
Then we got married
and I told him
if he was so good with his head,
he wouldn't play football.
They paid him nothing
and dropped him
as soon as he hurt his knee.
No insurance, no severance.
You think your father
wanted to be a janitor?
Spend the rest of his life
scrubbing toilets?
- Celeste!
- Coming!
Now, Dico, can I trust you
to finish this
so I can hang the wash?
- The Bauru Youth Club?
Man, that tournament's
for street kids. Why bother?
- 'Cause de Brito's
gonna be at the final.
- Waldemar de Brito, the scouts?
- Yeah, it says here
he's looking for players
for the Santos Football Club.
Puxa! Once he sees me
play like Di Stefano!
I'm going pro, baby.
Wait till he sees me
play like Puskas.
- And I'll be like Mazzola!
- And I'll be like Pele!
- Who the heck's "Pele"?
- The goalkeeper for Vasco.
- Bile, imbecil!
His name's Bile!
- What idiot would think
Bile's name was Pele?
- We can call this boy Pele.
- Hey, Pele, stop this shot!
- Senhor Jose,
I'm sorry for my son.
- Me? But he just...
- Shh, Dico.
Shut your mouth.
I won't bring him again.
- Hmm.
- "Copa da juventude
de Bauru."
- A tournament?
Are you crazy?
You promised mae
you'd be shining shoes!
- Na! Zoca!
- Maybe he's right, Dico.
What if your mom finds out?
- Hey, come on.
Let's show these snobby
riquinhos how we play.
- Fine, but I'm out.
I don't want mae to kill me.
I'm innocent!
- Come on, let's do this!
- Welcome to Round 1
of the Bauru Youth Club.
- Sign up here.
- To me. I'm open!
- Why does it go so far?
- It's full of air!
- Vai, Dico, vai!
- Goal! 1-0.
- Vai, Dico, vai!
- That's the match.
And on Field Number 1,
The Kings also advanced
to the second round.
- Kings!
- Sorry, they don't match.
The only thing I had
were my mom's bed sheets.
- Wait. You knit these?
- Well, sewed technically.
- Hey, your sewing
is pretty good, Yuri.
- Yeah, I use a double hem.
- A little more.
- I guess I could
take this out a bit.
- Vai!
Shirts make me feel
all trapped inside!
- Goal!
- A goal on Field Number 2.
- Everyone's over there
watching the Kings.
- And final seconds now
on Field Number 1.
- Goal! And there's
the final whistle!
The Kings win 8-0.
Come back tomorrow
for the finals
where the Kings will
take on Team Number 7.
- Hey, They are called
"The Shoeless Ones!"
- We need football boots.
- Boots? How're we gonna
pay for boots?
- I got an idea.
- Go!
Hurry! Hurry!
Throw it, under the fence!
- Go, Thiago!
- Ladies and gentlemen!
Toasted! Salted!
Packed with vitamins!
Today's special!
Buy two get a free shine!
- Free shoe shines!
Free shoe shines!
Who wants a shine?
- Ladies and gentlemen,
step right up!
Fresh from the Amazon!
Step right up!
- Peanuts! Peanuts!
Peanuts here.
- Wow, he scrubs floors
and shines shoes!
Hey, Pele, how much for a shine?
- Don't call me that.
- Or what?
- Or you've got problems.
- Who? Fatty and his sister?
- Hey, Yuri is not a girl.
- Then why is he knitting,
4 eyes?
- Sewing technically.
- Throw it away.
- Now..
How much for a shine, Pele?
- Your teacher did this to you?
- Uh-huh.
Is this true, Zoca?
How dare she?
You and me are gonna have a word
with that woman tomorrow
after school!
- Tomorrow? No, I can't!
Uh, I mean, you have work.
- Celeste...
Let me talk to his teacher.
You go to work.
You know..
...when I was your age,
I used to get in fights.
Especially when the older boys
called me names.
But with time, I learned,
a good player knows
that fighting comes
from insecurity.
The point is, Dico
if you wanna play professionally
you can't be ashamed
of who you are.
- I couldn't believe it.
Not only did he keep
the fight a secret
but he knew all about
the tournament.
And he even said he hoped I'd
become a pro football player.
- Wow, that's great, Dico.
- What happened to your glasses?
- I don't want them
to call me names.
- Bingo!
- What? They're used.
And gigantic, you kidding me?
- Any other complaints?
- Senhoras e Senhores,
welcome to the final
of the bout Juventude!
Today's match, the Kings,
led by Captain Jose Altafini
versus The Shoeless Ones
led by Captain Pele!
- Acalme! Hey! Acalma!
They're just trying
to get you mad.
- It's working.
- And please,
give a warm welcome
to football legend
Waldemar de Brito!
He is scouting for
the Santos Football Club!
- Wow.
- Teams, take the field.
- Kings!
- Okay, everyone know the plan?
- When in doubt?
- Do what they do!
- Alright, boys.
May the best team win!
- Block the angle!
Block it!
- Goal! Jose Altafini.
And the Kings,
off to a quick lead.
The Kings up, 2-0.
- Watch where you're going,
- The Shoeless Ones,
all tripped up!
- Goal! The Kings
in perfect form!
A beautiful give-and-go!
Goal! Altafini 6-0.
- Nice moves, Pele.
- Hey, hey, let it go.
It's not worth it.
- Acalme, Dico.
- Dico, what are you doing?
- I hate these boots.
- Hey, Dico!
- Goal! Goal! Goal!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Shoeless Ones!
- Freedom! Yeah.
- Okay.
- Come on, come on,
no time to waste.
Let's go, let's go.
Come on, let's go.
- Senhoras e Senhores,
hold on to your hats.
Ten minutes still on the clock
in the second half.
Let's samba!
My, my!
Goal, Pele!
5 minutes still on the clock.
Oh my, what a move!
- Yuri!
- I'm over here, I'm open.
- Thiago!
- Yuri!
- Caramba! Goal!
The Shoeless Ones!
Goal it is.
The Shoeless Ones again!
Down to one goal!
- Come on! Come on!
Let's go!
- And that's the final whistle.
The Kings win, 6-5.
- We should have
beat those guys.
- Don't worry, Dico.
It's okay.
- Pele! Pele!
- Listen.
- Wow.
- I bet you don't mind being
called Pele now!
- Hey, boys, come here.
- Say cheese.
- Dico, Dico, Dico.
- Guys, I think someone wants
their peanuts back.
- Uh-oh.
- Come back here!
- I'm gonna get you!
- This way!
- Hurry!
- Come on, guys, jump it.
- Thiago, come on.
Come on! In here.
Down there, down there.
- You okay?
- I think it's sprained.
- You could get outta here,
you know?
- We're both getting outta here.
- Just give it a minute to rest.
- No, not the cave.
I mean, you could get out
of here here, Dico.
What you did today...
- Come on!
It's gonna collapse!
- Help, Dico! Help!
- Come on! Come on!
- I can't! I'm stuck!
No, Thiago.
No! Thiago!
- So we stole the peanuts
to buy football boots.
But if I hadn't said we needed
the stupid boots
Thiago wouldn't have died.
It's all my fault, mae.
I killed him.
I killed him.
- It's okay, Dico.
You didn't know.
- I'm gonna be good now, mae.
I'm gonna study
and do good in school.
I promise.
- Shh! Okay.
"Waldemar de Brito,
football scout."
I think it's time
he'll work with you
in the clinic after school.
- No!
That thing.
Just do this.
- Bloopers!
- You know, when I was a kid
I had a mango tree
just like that.
I taught myself
how to practice with the fruit.
Green for shooting.
Ripe for finesse.
- Yuri! Yuri! Yuri, here!
- Es culpa.
Es culpa.
- 12 is to 4 as..
- Nice and soft.
Whoa! Soft.
Let's do it again.
That's it.
Acalme. It's okay. Breathe.
Don't try so hard.
Just enjoy yourself.
Everything else will come.
That's it.
Try that one.
Now this one.
- It's way too high.
- Do what comes natural to you.
That's alright.
It'll come.
- No one can kick that
high except with the header.
- No, not a header.
With your feet.
- Tomorrow, I'll just
head something.
- Yeah.
- Hey, Dico!
- Dico.
This is Mr. Waldemar de Brito.
- How would you like to try out
for the Santos Football Group?
- Thank you, mae. Thank you.
- You've had enough, Maria.
Go help your brother
try on his new pants.
- Okay. All set.
- What's wrong, Dico?
- I don't think
I can do this, Maria.
Maybe I should just say no.
- How'd you get the cake?
- An advance
from Senhora Altafina.
How'd you acquire the pants?
- I took an advance
for the cleaning.
- But mae bought you a cake.
- Yeah, they're giving up
a lot for this, aren't they?
You're right.
We have to be strong
for them now.
- He's only 15, Dondinho.
He's never even left Bauru.
- Tchan tchan tchan tchan!
- Zoca.
I'll be back before
you know it, okay?
- It's time to go.
- I love you guys. Be good.
- Go on, meu filho.
You go make us proud.
- Stay safe, meu filho!
- Welcome to Santos!
Each of you will be evaluated
based on your execution
of proper form and discipline!
Number 1 and number 2.
There's no magic
in football, boys!
Whatever primitive style
you played at home, forget it!
Here, you'll learn to master
the techniques
of the best teams in Europe!
Oh, oh, oh, oh!
That's exactly
the kind of monkey business
I'm talking about!
Ball on the ground!
Ball on the ground, boys!
- Okay, okay!
Wait a minute! Wait a minute!
Okay, okay, okay,
back off, boys! Back off.
This is the list
for the pro team now.
For the pro team.
And here's the list
for the junior team, boys.
Junior team.
- Yeah! Whoo!
- And the youth team.
Okay, congratulations, everyone.
Welcome to the club.
Now, shower up.
Come on, here we go!
- "Edson 'Dico' Arantes
do Nascimento."
- Now, the side-flip
is for accuracy.
But for power, use the instep
here, with the laces out.
Not the toe. Laces out.
You see what happens when you
play with that primitive style?
We lose.
Watch how Hungary beats us
in the '54 quarter final.
No showmanship,
no beating their mark.
They just master the formations.
- Let's go, Dico!
Let's go, Dico!
Let's go!
- Man, let's go. Let's go.
Come on, Dico! Come on, Dico!
Come on, Dico! Let's go!
- Let's go!
Let's go, team!
- Come on!
- Laces out. Laces out.
- Come on, man.
- Boy.
- He never scores.
- Well, well.
Leaving so soon?
- Mr. de Brito?
What are you doing here?
- I was going to ask
the same of you.
- I'm no good, Mr. de Brito.
I can't play
like the other guys.
And if I don't
go back to school now
I'll end up cleaning toilets.
- Mm-hmm.
And what's wrong with that?
- Cleaning toilets?
- No.
What's wrong with not playing
the way the other guys do?
- Coach says the way
I play is primitive.
- It is primitive.
It has a long and rich history.
- Then why does coach hate it?
- Well, uh.. all started
in the beginning
of the 16th Century.
- Huh?
- Come on.
- If you don't wanna know,
- No, no, no, Mr. De Brito.
I do wanna know.
Please. Tell me.
- Okay, like I was saying
it was the beginning
of the 16th Century.
The Portuguese arrived
to Brazil with African slaves.
But the Africans' will
was strong.
And many escaped to the jungle.
To protect themselves
the runaway slaves
called upon the ginga.
The foundation of Capoeira,
the martial art of war.
When slavery
was finally abolished
the Capoeiristas
came out of the jungle
only to find that Capoeira
was outlawed
throughout the land.
They saw football
as a perfect way
to practice the ginga
without being arrested.
It was the ultimate
form of ginga.
And before long
the ginga evolved, adapted
until it was
no longer just ours.
But the rhythm
within all Brazilians.
But by the 1950 World Cup
most believed our ginga style
was to blame for the loss
and turned against
anything associated
with our African heritage.
And just like your coach
has been trying to remove ginga
from your play..
...we've been trying
to remove it from our self
as a people ever since.
But the ginga
is very strong in you, Dico.
So you can
either show us what happens
when you have the courage
to embrace who you truly are.
Or you can get on that train..
...and you will never know.
- Keep it moving, boys!
Let's go! Come on!
Go get ahead!
I said move up, Joao!
- Hey, hey! Whoa!
- Francis! It's yours!
Nascimento stay back!
Open your eyes!
Come on!
Get up! Let's go!
Come on! Get up!
Let's go, boy!
Wait for the formation!
- Goal!
- Hey, kid!
Get over here!
What the hell was that?
- I'm sorry.
- Do it again.
- "Santos, Cubatao,
Edson Nascimento, 4 goals."
- You the kid
that scored 4 goals?
Zito, midfielder.
Pro team.
So, uh..
You know what the best part
of scoring 4 goals is?
You get to run out
and bring me coffee.
Ancient Santos tradition.
And put some gas into it, huh?
- The youngster,
Edson Arantes do Nascimento
nicknamed Dico
moved up
to the junior team after
a few unbelievable matches
at the youth level.
Oh! What a move!
He passes one! That's another!
Now through the middle!
The shot!
- Goal!
- You're not there, kid.
That's the wrong list, Dico.
Welcome to the pros.
- From a kid who, as word
has it, was on the verge
of being cut
from the youth team.
And now, suddenly,
top scorer of the pro team
halfway through the season.
Fans now starting
to come out in hordes.
As Santos racks up the wins,
everyone eager to watch
the 15-year-old phenom
and his magical style of play.
Oh my! This kid
is something else! A fake!
Another fake!
Now he's back the other way!
He ditches off of Zito!
Back to Nascimento. He's got
himself into a pickle now!
Three defenders.
He changes direction.
No, no! Wait a minute!
He's still got the ball!
From outside the box!
- Yes?
- Delivery for Dona Celeste.
- For me?
There must be a mistake.
- It's a gift, mae!
- Dico!
- Dico!
- Dico! Dico, Dico!
- Maria.
- Hey!
- Hey, buddy!
- It's going to be
in the kitchen.
- It's going in my room
because there's more space.
- Don't touch the stove, Maria.
- Where's the fire?
- Hey, hey, it's not a toy.
- You do realize there is
no gas in Bauru, right?
- Don't break their hearts.
We can just use it as a table.
- For you, pai!
- Hey! Whoa! Wow!
- It's a radio.
- Yeah. I know what it is.
- Now you can
listen to my games.
- Oh, no, no, not in my house.
Listen to your games?
Are you trying to give your
mother a heart attack?
- We can listen to Team Brazil
invitations tomorrow!
- Don't you listen, Zoca.
- Aah, mae!
- Besides, you have school
and your father works.
- Oh, mae!
- Does that mean nothing to you?
- Come on, Maria. I'm 16.
There's no way
I'm making the selection.
- Mm-hmm. He's right.
No point to listen..
...just to be disappointed.
- Radio Bandeirantes announces
the list of invitations
to the national selection.
22 of our very best pro players
to represent Brazil
in the 1958 World Cup
and here they are.
Gilmar. Bellini.
Djalma Santos.
Didi. Zagallo. Garrincha.
Nilton Santos.
Orlando. Zito. Vava.
Castilho and Mazzola,
who at 19 years old
would be
the youngest member selected.
But also making the list,
16-year-old Dico Nascimento.
- What's going on out there?
Dico? You look sick.
Are you okay?
- Let me get this straight.
Top scorer gets coffee?
The youngest player gets lunch?
And the shortest
cleans the showers.
- Yep. Always
the Santos traditions.
- Man.
You think maybe Zito
was making them up?
But, man, that's incredible.
You're playing with Zito
and the pro team.
- It's not the same
as with you guys.
I miss Thiago.
- Me too.
- Where's Fofinho?
- We robbed a store.
- What?
- I got away, but Fofinho
got one year in jail.
- Yuri.
- I know. I know.
It's just... you know
how things go around here.
Hey, but I've been listening
to all your games.
I still can't believe
you made the selection.
- You heard?
It's pretty much the greatest
thing that ever happened to us.
We're all going to be
pulling for you out there.
- That was a critical time
for our country, meu filho.
Ever since we lost
the cup in '50
we've become ashamed.
The spirit
of our people is dying.
But now you can change all that.
I had Yuri stitch it on for you.
- Pele?
- Yeah.
- But that's what
those rich kids
called me to make fun of me.
- No.
It's what the people called you
when they saw you
play with ginga.
And when I saw you
had something I did not.
Years ago, Dico
When I first became
a professional footballer..
...I wanted to play
with the ginga so beautiful
Brazilians would
erupt with pride.
But when I finally got my shot
I was filled with doubt.
And it ended my career.
- But why?
- Because I stopped believing.
Doubt can turn
a beautiful ginga move
into a dangerous one.
But you have to be stronger
than I was, Dico.
When people say mean things
about you and how you play
you must never feel...
- Ashamed, pai.
I got it. Calma.
- Tickets, please!
Rio de Janeiro!
Stay strong, meu filho.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Watch this. Watch this.
So, you're that kid that thinks
he can dribble like me, huh?
Hmm, then you've got style.
The name's Garrincha.
- Hi. Dico.
- This is Castilho.
- Castilho. Hey.
- That's Mauro.
- Hey, Mauro. Dico.
- Vava.
- Hey, Vava.
- Uh, Zito you know, right?
- Yeah.
- Hey, Zito.
- And Didi.
- See you on the bench, kid.
- The bench? But coach hasn't
picked the lineups yet.
- Uh, you sure about that?
- There's your competition.
Good luck convincing coach
to start you over him.
- Wow! He scrubs floors
and shines shoes.
And I'll be like Mazzola.
- It's Jose Altafini.
- Yeah. But he goes by Mazzola.
'Cause he says
he plays just like
the legendary Italian striker.
- Well, my family's Italian
and I was trained
in that style of play.
So I am confident I will bring
some of the sophistication
and class
some others
of the team may lack.
- Garrincha, do you really
think your ginga style
will hold up against
the Europeans?
- I..
- I don't see what's so bad
about ginga.
- Listen! Listen! It's okay.
Silencio! Silencio!
Okay, okay, listen.
No one here
wants to relive 1950.
I can assure you that
this team will be civilized
both on and off the field.
We will only show
our best face in Sweden.
Alright. Let's take the photo!
Brazil is at a crossroads.
We either go down
in history as the savages
or we enter the ranks
of the civilized.
The President spoke those words
to me this morning.
And I promised him
that this team, that my team
unlike those of the past
would not make fools
of ourselves and Brazil.
And you...
You may be 16 years old
but you are now a sportsman
for this great nation.
Ginga style might have worked
for you back in Santos
but it will never hold up
at an international level.
- But, coach...
- I don't wanna hear it!
It won't happen again.
Say it.
- It won't happen again.
- What?!
- It won't happen again.
- Get him a haircut
and some proper clothes.
- According to insider reports
Coach Feola is struggling
with his new recruits
during their
first month of practices.
But since fans called
for replacing virtually
the entire team
after the disaster of 1950
and the disgrace of '54
the coach was left
with few options
outside of inexperienced
and unconventional players.
The bulky midfielder, Zito
bent-legged striker,
Mane Garrincha.
And the youngster,
Dico Nascimento
who made headlines
last month for his outburst
at the inaugural banquet much
to the chagrin of Coach Feola.
Teaching Brazilians to play the
same disciplined formations
of the European teams
seems challenging enough.
But the coaching staff appears
to also be encouraging
a more refined
presentation off the field.
- Why all the fuss?
- It's about
changing that image.
We don't want
to arrive in Sweden
and have the world say,
"Oh, there's Brazil."
- Yes. But you are Brazilian,
aren't you?
- No.
You're not listening.
I'm-I'm talking about the way
others see us and how we play.
- Then how do you account
for the reports
of the team playing lousy
in practices?
- Certain players still are not
up to international standards.
- And you think they can be
by Sweden?
- Maybe we're lousy
'cause we're not playing
the way we know how.
- I really hope
you're not saying
what I think you're saying.
- I mean, what if we just
didn't get it right in '50?
- All I know is that coach
picks the starting lineup today.
Show him you can play
the way Jose plays
and you might have a shot.
But if you play with ginga...
- I know, it's just my dad..
- Your dad what?
- Nothing. Forget it.
- I want to see good,
clean football, boys!
Short, sharp passes!
You've got Vava on the wing!
Cross to the wing!
Take it from him!
Take it!
Alright now! Spread it out,
move! Here we go!
Zito! You gotta block
that out!
Keep the ball moving here!
Let's go!
No! No!
What are you thinking?
- Dico!
- Breathe.
- Dico?
Are you okay?
- I had a small collision.
- What?
What do you mean?
- It's my knee.
It's my knee, mae.
They don't know when
I can play again.
- What happened?
- I should have
stayed in school.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry, mae.
- No, Dico.
We made that choice together.
And it was the right choice.
Your father and I
love you no matter what.
- Te amo, mae.
- Okay.
Let's have a look.
Deep breaths.
It's still too swollen to say.
Keep ice on it for a few days.
- And then
he can play?
- Maybe next season.
I am so sorry.
We'll take another look
in Sweden.
If he's going.
- It's too late
to replace him now.
Start him on rehabilitation.
- Better bag some ice
for the flight.
- Shh! Everyone quiet!
This is it!
- In our World Cup
will be, Brazil.
Brazil's struggled immensely
with their team's image
ever since they lost in 1950.
Then in '54 shamefully stormed
their opponent's locker room
with broken bottles after
losing in the quarter-finals.
The big question now was could
they remake themselves?
Well, they brought in
Coach Vicente Feola
for just that purpose.
And the reports we've received
have really surprised the world.
It appears Brazil
hasn't learned their lesson.
Earlier this week,
we heard about
players injuring themselves
using that same
untrained street style
that failed them in 1950.
Clearly Feola wasn't
man enough for the task.
Expect Group 4 to go to the
Soviet Union, followed by...
It's the World Cup in Sweden
Football football football
The greatest game on earth
- Stockholm,
the jewel of the Baltic
and home to the 1958 World Cup.
Ticket queue stretching
around city blocks
for the upcoming games.
Where teams from 16 countries
will compete for the coveted
Jules Rimet trophy.
Last to arrive is Team Brazil
who only had
to play Peru to qualify
after Venezuela inexplicably
withdrew after ceding.
Practically giving
the Brazilians
a free pass to the cup.
And there's
the French National one of the favorites
to win the World Cup.
But not as favored
as the home nation, Sweden.
There they are!
Stars Gunnar Gren,
Kurt Hamrin, Sigge Parling
Nils Liedholm, Agne Simonsson.
And it seems one lucky reporter
has scored an interview
with everyone's
favorite left-winger
Lennart "Nacka" Skoglund.
- Nacka, how's your team
- Perfect. It is our country,
our fans and our time to shine.
- How about Mexico?
- Well, no team
from outside Europe's
ever won the cup
on the European soil.
Do you really think Mexico
or these misfits there
will ever change that?
- Let's see what Team Brazil
has to say for themselves.
It is fortunate
these young athletes
play with their feet.
Because it would appear
the cat's got
this one's tongue.
And stay tuned
for a special report
on the wonders of
Swedish culture and cuisine
after these messages
from our sponsors.
- Bunch of fascists,
if you ask me.
They even got a King.
Gustaf VI Adolf.
I mean, who's got a number
in the middle of their name?
Hey, hey, hey, calma.
Drink, it'll help with the pain.
I added some of my special
herbs to speed up the healing.
We'll teach that white doctor
to doubt the ancient arts.
The referees here keep
the ball after every game.
Do you believe that?
I'll be damned if they keep
the winning ball this time.
That ball's coming home with me
whether they like it or not.
- The referee signals
and the first match
of Group 4 is underway!
Brazil versus Austria.
That's Holla out
to right wing Walter Horak
Austria, of course,
not as strong
as they were 4 years ago
when they took Bronze
in the '54 cup.
- Earlier today, Brazil pulled
off a surprising upset
against Austria in Group 4.
- Gentlemen! Let's go
out to the field.
- And here in Group 3, Sweden
trouncing Mexico, 3 to nil.
- I have to admit,
it looks a lot better
than I expected.
But it's still extremely weak.
- So you'll clear him?
- It'll be excruciatingly
painful for him.
- I'll take that as a yes.
- We should talk about this.
- Get him on his feet.
- It's too dangerous.
Even the slightest attack...
- At Rasunda Stadium,
Sweden continues to dominate
with a 2-0 win
over Hungary today
securing their place
in the quarterfinals.
And in Group 4,
Brazil, a heavy underdog
coming into the tournament
managed to edge out
Austria in their first match
then survived England
in a scoreless tie.
The first we've seen
in World Cup history.
The match was a proper bloodbath
leaving three of Brazil's
starting players injured.
Joel, Dino Sani, and striker
Jose Altafini,
nicknamed "Mazzola"
who's leg injury
will prevent him
from playing in today's match
against the Soviet Union.
- Come on, Joao.
- The Soviets
are big and aggressive.
- Easy, Zoca!
- Only started
one black player before today.
But these injuries
will force his hand.
And we've just received word
that Feola will give the nod
to defensive midfield reserve,
bent-legged right winger,
and 17-year-old
Edson Nascimento
who comes in to replace Mazzola.
And who apparently is himself
recovering from a sprained knee.
- Let's go.
Pull yourself together!
You cannot go
on camera like this.
Clean yourself up.
Come on. You've got
to stand up straight!
Up straight!
Try to look older than you are
for once, for God's sake.
You watch Didi
and Zagallo for the shifts.
You've seen Mazzola run them.
And lace your goddamn boots up!
- Hey, Dico, there you are.
- Listen, you must protect
that knee at all costs.
It's very weak.
And don't even
think about ginga.
It's too dangerous.
Lace up your boots. Are you
trying to get yourself killed?
Let's go.
- See, the way it works
is they are here to see us.
Not the other way around.
Come on. Field's this way.
You might wanna think about
tying those.
- This marks the first
World Cup appearance
for Mane Garrincha.
There's our trusty
midfielder, Didi
who towers over
the young Dico Nascimento.
He is dwarfed
by even his teammates.
Clearly the youngest player
they've seen in a lineup.
And the crowd here having
a grand time at his expense.
- Don't listen to them, Dico.
- The Soviet Union very
physical out of the gates!
It's almost as if they're
playing pinball
with the smaller Brazilians
and enjoying it!
Our heroes now see a hole
in the Soviet defense.
Garrincha pops one
through the middle.
The shot, goal! Goal!
Brazil takes the lead, 1 to 0!
A stroke of luck for Coach
Feola and Team Brazil!
The middle changes
in the Brazilian lineup
seem to have confused
the Soviets.
And newcomers Garrincha
and Vava capitalize
unlike the young Nascimento.
The Soviets have really
had their way with him.
He'll have to do a better job
to stay out of their way
if he intends to walk out
of here on his own two feet.
- Dico! Dico!
- And there's another
missed pass for Brazil.
But nonetheless,
the Soviets have
yet to capitalize
on these turnovers.
And with only a few minutes
remaining in the match
it appears Brazil may just
edge away with this one
which would pit them
against France
in next week's semi-final.
- Hey! Hey!
- And the crowd wanted a whistle
on that push from Nascimento
who shows his frustration
after losing the ball.
He hesitated
on his dribble there.
The kind of mistake that can
easily lead to injury.
And here's France now,
Raymond Kopa
lays one out for Just Fontaine.
Fontaine passes it on. Goal!
A goal for France.
We are on the boards first
with the goal from Vava
but now France strikes back
and that has got
to demoralize Brazil.
As the teams head
to the locker rooms
after a very physical
first half.
- When I say 4-2-4,
I mean 4-2-4.
No 4-3-3, you understand?
If you understand
what I'm saying, then you say
"Yes, coach, I'll do it.
Can you say it?
- Yes, coach, I'll do it.
- Eso.
Look. You wait for the set,
then you release.
- Where's the center line?
Where is it?
- Not tomorrow, today!
Come on! Up! Up!
- Let's go! We only get one shot here.
Let's make it count.
- I can't play like you.
If your leg is better,
you should go back in.
- It's not my leg.
My head is not right.
- Your head?
- My whole life
all I ever wanted
was to be European.
Since we've got here,
I realize that
I'm Brazilian
and always will be.
That day back in Bauru
you showed everyone
that they're part of us.
The ginga
it was beautiful.
That's what we need now.
- The World Cup semi-final.
France and Brazil neck and neck
at the start of the second half.
Today's winner will advance
to Sunday's final
where they will
likely face Sweden.
France, of course,
favored over Brazil
the only team from outside
Europe still in competition.
- Hey, hey, hey!
- Watch the knee!
The knee!
- Stay back! Stay back!
- Goal, Brazil!
What a drive and what a finish!
The 17-year-old
with a humdinger of a shot
giving Brazil a leg-up
in this second half!
Garrincha now approaching
the area,
knocked away by Jonquet.
A loose ball in,
Brazil comes away with it!
Brazil turning the tides
now advancing the ball
back downfield.
That's Didi feeding the ball
down the middle.
It's a chip.
Nascimento shoots! Goal!
Goal! Goal!
Goal, Brazil!
The young Nascimento comes up
with two dazzling goals
back to back!
And now the youngster
is back at it
right over Marcel!
A touch and some kind of double fake.
Never seen that before.
Marcel grabbing
at the lad's shirt.
And now he makes Piantoni!
Orlando letting it
roll by to Vava!
A little touch to the give
and go back to Nascimento.
He stepped right over it!
Kaelbel didn't even
see it go by!
He shoots!
It's a goal! Goal, Brazil!
Goal, Nascimento!
An other-worldly display
by the 17-year-old phenom!
- And believe it or not,
ladies and gentlemen
Brazil is on their way
to the 1958 World Cup final!
- He's fine.
And, uh, he scored three goals.
- Listen up. I got four days to
get you in shape for the final.
Everyone take notes.
Sweden has been shifting
from Pyramid
5-3-2 to 3-2-2-3.
And sometimes
to metodo 2-3-2-3.
We play straight 4-2-4.
But if we're gonna
beat these guys
we're gonna have to shift
formation as they do.
And this is how
we're gonna do it.
If they go to 5-3-2,
then we go to 3-4-3!
Let's go. Next!
Whatever they run,
with the method of 3-2-3
we match with the 4-3-3.
There's nobody
in the field over here.
Vada! Vada!
Everybody is here
and nobody is here!
- Never follow. Not ever.
- But, coach, isn't that
their shift to 3-4-3?
- No. Skoglund sweeps to start
Sweden's counterattack.
Didi, sweep only.
What is that? I said 4-5-1!
Didi slide over!
You're running the 4-5-1!
Garrincha, roll out! You gotta
be ready for that on the wing!
- Coach?
- What?
- I don't understand how
I'm supposed to be on the wing
and covering Skoglund
at the same time.
- Because you...
- The Swedes have the edge over
Brazil in almost every regard.
Experience, sophistication,
strategy and strength
and even dirty play.
Last week, we saw
West German captain
Fritz Walter's illustrious
career come to an end
after this severe collision
with Swedish midfielder
Sigge Parling.
Well, come Sunday's final
expect Parling's sights
to be set on
the young Edson Nascimento.
- Nascimento scored
an impressive hat-trick
in 20 minutes in the
semi-final against France.
Coach Raynor, any concern
he'll do the same
against Sweden
in Sunday's final?
- No, no.
That's not possible.
No. Our boys will eliminate him
from the equation.
- Coach Feola,
Coach Raynor's offense
outsmarted West Germany,
Do you have any plans
to contain them?
- Well...
- They can't.
We will come out strong,
score early
and Brazil will panic
just like they did in 1950.
They were undisciplined then and
they are undisciplined now.
But what do you expect?
They're abnormal.
- You're referring
to their mixed race?
- No. I mean they are literally
- Can you elaborate?
- Well, yes, in fact, I can.
Djalma Santos, full back.
He mangled his hand
in an accident
while working in a factory
as a teenager.
The right winger, Garrincha,
born with a deformed spine
and one leg shorter
than the other.
The reserve, Castilho
he's colorblind
and missing a finger.
Challenging for a goalkeeper,
I imagine.
- I heard about
the press conference.
Everyone here
is really down about it.
But this is exactly
what happened in '50.
You can't let the doubt
get to you.
I heard the guys
are calling you Pele now.
- Yeah. Jose started it.
It's silly.
- This is a sign.
Now is the time for Pele.
- But Sweden's gonna be
all over me, pai.
And did you see what they did
to Fritz Walter?
They're brutal.
And smart.
- Dico.
You believed in yourself
against France.
Now you must inspire your team
to believe in themselves.. Brazil.. the ginga.
- Hey, Garrincha!
- What the heck, Pele?
- Hey! Lighthouse, no bounce!
- Come on, kid!
Time to wake up. Take a seat.
Have some breakfast.
- You won't be able
to do it alone.
- Zito, come on.
- Hey, where did that ball go?
- Come on, guys.
- To the lighthouse.
- Nice one.
- Anyone see it fall?
- Not me!
- Keepy uppy!
- Alright! Game on!
Come on.
Go, go, go, go, go!
Let's go!
- I'm sorry, sir.
- Wake up, kid.
To the lighthouse!
- Yeah!
Come on, come on, come on!
- Outside!
- Calma. You can do it.
- Long ball!
- Didi! You got Pele long!
- Run, Pele!
Get there! Jump!
- I can't swim!
- I got you, Pele!
I got you.
- Grab my hand.
Here you go.
- We were so close!
- Here he comes.
- You see?
That's how it's done.
- Tomorrow you will play
for the Jules Rimet trophy.
And if you play the way
you played this last week
you will lose.
And it will be my fault.
The truth is that
shifting formations
may work miracles for Sweden
but it is not us.
What I saw at the hotel today
that's how we play.
They say that we don't all play
the same. It's true.
We certainly don't all
look the same like they do.
But that's what makes us
who we are.
We have one thing in common.
The ginga.
The joy and expression
of Brazil.
So when you take
the field tomorrow
forget everything that
I told you this last week.
I don't want the world to see
a bunch of scared Brazilians
trying to play like Sweden.
I want them to see Brazil,
just as we are.
I don't know if we will win
but I do know
that we will show them
a beautiful game.
What are you all
sitting around for?
I did not say that
practice was canceled!
- Let's go, Brazil!
- After a night of heavy rains,
it's a brisk summer morning
with clear skies
here in Stockholm.
Fine weather for football
as Sweden prepares to host
the 1958 World Cup final.
The Nordic Titans of Europe
will take on
the less-experienced
but ever-flamboyant Brazil.
Two teams with nothing in common
other than, perhaps,
their yellow jerseys.
But of course,
per the King's decree
Brazil will be forced
to wear blue today
against the heavily-favored
home nation.
How many goals
will Sweden win by?
No one can say.
But everyone agrees
Brazil will need nothing
short of a miracle
to take home
the Jules Rimet trophy.
Over 50,000 already
in attendance
and millions more tuning in
from around the world
for the biggest
sporting event on earth.
No team from outside Europe
has ever won the cup
on European soil.
But that doesn't stop the rest
of the world from watching
and hoping that one day
that may change.
There's the King of Sweden,
Gustav VI Adolf
with Queen Mountbatten
arriving in their box.
And now the entrance
of our host, Team Sweden.
British-born manager,
George Raynor,
pulled players
from not just Sweden
but other European countries.
A bit of a European
all-star team, really.
And on the other side
Coach Feola and Team Brazil.
And there's our young star
now being called "Pele"
by his teammates.
- Fofinho, it's Pele!
- But make no mistake.
Brazil will need
the rest of the team
to step up today against
the indomitable Swedes.
The entire nation
has shut down for the day
as every Brazilian
from every walk of life
comes together to watch
the big game.
- And there's
the starting whistle.
It's Zagallo to Vava,
Vava to the young Nascimento
back to Nilton Santos,
and Parling lays into him.
Watch out! Oh my.
No card there.
So either the referee
missed that one
or he's going to let
Parling play rough.
Garrincha looking for Nascimento
but he's marked
by three yellow shirts.
Garrincha passes to Zito.
Stolen away by Skoglund!
Sweden' first possession.
And now Raynor
calls for the shift!
Here we go, the Swedes
moving quickly down field.
Passing it down to Parling,
a quick touch over to Hamrin
Hamrin back to Liedholm and now
Hamrin breaks down the right wing.
Liedholm sends it to Parling,
Parling punches a swift pass
through Brazil's back bone
and into the area.
Simonsson down the middle,
Hamlin with a cross hitch.
Simonsson, just wide!
A brilliant attack
from the Nordic Titans!
- And Sweden's applying
pressure early on.
Gilmar will take the goal kick.
Trapped by Nascimento and now
finally with an opportunity.
And here he goes,
spinning his way
through Liedholm and Axbom.
- Now's the time, meu filho.
- And Pele is back
the other way.
Nascimento trying
to do it all on his own!
Oh, my goodness!
A huge jolt from Parling.
- Sweden removing Pele from the
equation just as promised.
They are determined
to stop his one-man show.
And Pele still down holding on that
right knee he recently injured.
- Brazil down a man and
Sweden looking to capitalize!
Kurt Hamrin plays the ball
up field to Liedholm
Liedholm straight to Lofgren.
Now he's alone in the area.
Goal! Sweden!
Liedholm! Less than 4 minutes
on the clock.
And this is big!
- Everyone expected Sweden
to come out early
but no one expected it
this early.
Confidence, our clear weak
point ever since 1950.
And it's hard not to think
of that tragic loss now.
- The fans remembering
Coach Raynor's prediction
that an early score
would seal the victory.
The King, the Queen,
George Raynor and Team Sweden
they all want
the Jules Rimet trophy
to stay on friendly shores.
And stay it will
from the looks of things
as the victory celebrations
begin here in Rasunda Stadium
even the eleven Brazilians
on the field can't deny the...
- Pele!
- Nascimento threw Sweden's
iron defense
off their marks freeing up
the lad's teammates
and Brazil evens the score.
A most unexpected turn.
And this is a Team Brazil like
we've never seen them before.
Just exuding confidence.
- It's Liedholm to Gren,
back to Gustavsson
and now over to Hamlin.
Hamlin pushing it
forward to Simonsson.
And now Raynor sends his defense
forward in a full attack!
It's Bergmark forward
to Liedholm marked by Orlando.
He passes to Simonsson.
Simonsson back to Liedholm
and now it's Gustavsson again.
He sends it into the area
looking for Simonsson.
- It's Gilmar coming
out of the goal.
Gren crosses.
- Vava!
- Vava now marked by Axbom,
Borjesson comes in
for the stop but now Vava
dishes it out to Garrincha.
Bergmark's there, Garrincha
fakes, leaves the flank planted.
Garrincha now all alone!
Svennson comes out to challenge.
The cross.
It's Vava!
Goal, 2 to 1!
Brazil has taken the lead.
Sweden caught off guard twice.
The Nordic Titans fall behind.
Brazil, 2.
Sweden, 1.
And now, the entire Rasunda
Stadium in a state of shock.
Expect Sweden to move fast
and strong
after that slap in the face...
Stolen away by Garrincha!
Brazil regains control!
Garrincha dishes to Vava.
Vava fakes Gren,
shakes off Bergmark
a beautiful, blind dish to Didi.
Brazil working
in perfect harmony.
Ladies and gentlemen,
something is shifting.
Brazil is coming alive!
Now in complete control!
And it appears they're smiling!
- Finally the world can see
Brazil's beauty!
Our heroes
now in perfect harmony!
It's beyond football.
It's the most beautiful game!
- Ladies and Gentlemen,
the unthinkable!
Brazil, 3.
Sweden, 1.
The fans here in Sweden,
indeed, all of Europe
even the King and Queen now
applauding the South Americans.
George Raynor's strategy
no match for Brazil!
And here comes Brazil!
Nascimento fakes Hamrin
Bergmark coming in for support.
Now Nascimento sends the cross.
Pele sends a long cross
to the left wing.
It's Zagallo,
from the corner of the box.
Svennson dives.
- Only seconds now
left on the clock
and it's Didi with
a cross to Nascimento...
Brazil wins the 1958 World Cup!
- June 29th, 1958
the day Brazil won
our first World Cup.
When the final whistle blew
I fainted
right there on the field.
When I finally opened my eyes
everything felt like a dream.
It had only been 18 months
since I first left home
but it felt like years.
My mother and father
came out to meet me.
And dad reminded me
of the promise I made
8 years earlier.
But I'll never forget 1958,
the year I became Pele.
Our ginga style became known
as The Beautiful Game.
And the Brazilians everywhere
came to see.
It was our differences
that made us beautiful.