Penguin Rescue (2018)

Play me the music
Give me a beat
I wanna see you people
dancing in the street
I don't wanna be
some kind of toy
I'm not a killjoy
Just have a
little faith in me
I'll make you see
I see a little skeptic
in your eyes
And you don't even
care to compromise
But let me show
you what I mean
Show you what I mean
Play me the music,
give me a beat
I wanna see you people
dancing in the streets
Give me a beat
I wanna see you people
dancing in the streets
Let me see
your smiling faces
In all of them places
If you wanna feel
the way I do, be true
Play me the music
and I will do it all for you
Play me the music, and
I will do it all for you
Good morning, Space Explorers.
Good morning, Captain Maya.
I want to welcome you to
the Space Explorer team.
As you know, we Space
Explorers fly around the galaxy
to planets far and near, in
order to help those in need.
We're dedicated to doing
just that, Captain Maya.
Nick, you've passed all
your exams with flying colors.
And Sammy, your skills
with a space pod
and love for adventure and fun
make me very excited
to see what you can do
in a real mission.
I won't let you down,
Captain Maya.
I have no doubt you two will
make a perfect team together,
and learn from one another
as you become true
Space Explorers.
We're ready.
I'm very glad to hear that.
I will be assigning you to
your very first mission.
Do either of you
recognize this planet?
Yes, Earth.
I've read plenty on it
in my space encyclopedia.
It's my favorite.
I love Earth.
There's so much to learn,
and so much to see.
Plus, the animals are adorable.
People live on Earth,
don't they?
They do?
There are currently
around seven and a half
billion people living on Earth.
7.5 billion.
How much is that?
To put it into perspective,
if everyone on Earth
held hands in a chain,
they would be able to
wrap around the planet
about 320 times.
How big is planet Earth?
The Earth's circumference
is 40,075 kilometers.
It's the fifth biggest
planet in the solar system.
And how many
species can live there?
Earth is home to about
8.7 million species.
Six and half million
of them live on land,
while the other 2.2
live in the ocean.
That's amazing.
It is, and you'll
be able to meet
some of these species today.
Now, your mission will
be to travel to Earth,
and save a penguin who's
in need of your help.
A penguin?
I love penguins.
They're so cute.
They are.
This particular penguin is lost.
Oh no, poor penguin.
She became separated
from her group,
and now she's lost
somewhere in Antarctica.
She needs our help.
We'll save her.
We couldn't locate
where the penguin is,
so you'll have to do some
detective work yourself,
and find her whereabouts.
Do you think you can
do that as a team?
Absolutely, this team
is unstoppable.
And remember, Nick and Sammy,
you are still
explorers in training,
and to graduate to
full fledged explorers,
you will have to
save the penguin
and win the competition
before Rumble and Tumble do.
We can win this.
Yeah, we'll become true
Space Explorers soon.
You will meet with
Commander Gruff later
to check out your new space pod.
Good luck, young
Space Explorers.
This space pod is
incredible, Commander Gruff.
This, my dear explorers,
is the new and
improved space pod.
Whoa, we're going to
have to save the penguin
and win the
competition in this, for sure.
Let me introduce
you two to the amazing
generation two space pod.
Her name is Skya.
SKYA: Yes, Sammy,
that's my name.
How cool.
SKYA: Hello, Commander Gruff.
Sammy and Nick, welcome.
Nice to talk to you, Skya.
Hi, Skya.
Hello, Skya.
Nice to meet you.
SKYA: Nice to meet you, too.
What is our mission,
Commander Gruff?
Skya, you will be escorting
Space Explorers in
training Nick and Sammy
to their very first
mission to planet Earth.
SKYA: Quite exciting.
please activate Cup-K.
SKYA: Yes, Commander Gruff.
Cup-K is so cute.
Hello, how can I help you?
Hello Cup-K.
Hey Cup-K, how are you?
I'm great.
Been resting from a
gigantic scrap metal feast.
Now I'm ready for
some space travel.
I've programmed
Cup-K so that it will
help you discover facts
about Earth's animals.
Cup-K will definitely
help us win this competition
against Rumble and Tumble.
You bet ya.
This is Earth.
You can press any
part of the planet,
and it will take you there.
Anywhere on Earth?
That's incredible.
And during your mission,
whenever you need to contact me,
just say, call Commander Gruff.
And I'll appear on
your little screen.
Even from Earth?
Absolutely, it's programmed
so that we
can communicate from one end
of any galaxy to another.
Ooh, that's incredible.
Now, Space Explorers,
buckle up,
and get ready for your mission.
Yes, Commander Gruff.
Your first destination
will be Antarctica.
The Antarctic is a polar region
around the Earth's south pole.
The Antarctic region
includes ice shelves,
waters, and island
territories where seals,
penguins, whales,
and other wildlife live.
Ooh, chilly.
And awesome.
SKYA: Destination
is set to Antarctica.
Alright, then.
I'll see you two back when
the mission is complete.
Good luck, explorers.
- Be safe.
- We will.
Thanks, Commander Gruff.
Space Explorers
are on the way.
To find that penguin
and save the day.
Hey Sammy, I found something
very interesting about Earth.
What's that, Nick?
I did some research,
and apparently,
the Earth is not
completely round.
SKYA: You're right, Nick.
The Earth is actually
an oblate spheroid,
which means that it is a sphere
with a bulge around the Equator.
SKYA: The Equator is
an imaginary line
drawn around the
Earth that divides it
exactly in half between
the northern and
southern hemisphere.
Why does the
Equator stick out, Skya?
SKYA: It occurs because
Earth is rapidly rotating
on its axis.
The force of the rotation
causes the sides of the Earth
to want to move outwards.
This is called the
centripetal force.
How powerful is it?
SKYA: Well, if you were
standing on the Equator,
you would be spinning
around Earth's center
at 1,000 miles per hour.
I think that would
make me throw up.
SKYA: There are
animals, people, and plants
that live at the Equator,
and they're just fine, Nick.
So you shouldn't worry too much.
But, what keeps
everything on Earth
from flying off
because of force?
SKYA: That's an
excellent question, Nick.
Oh, I read about this.
The reason everything on
Earth's surface stays on it
is because of gravity.
SKYA: Exactly,
good work, Sammy.
What about you, Nick?
Do you know what gravity is?
No, I don't.
Skya, please explain gravity.
SKYA: Gladly.
In the simplest terms,
gravity is a force that
pulls two objects together.
Think of it like this.
When you're on Earth,
the planet pulls you
and keeps you on the ground.
NICK: What happens
when there's no gravity?
If there were no
gravitational pull,
everyone would be
floating into space.
Is it the same for
everybody and everything?
SKYA: No, it isn't.
Gravity has a stronger
force for objects
that are bigger and heavier
and less for objects
that are smaller and lighter.
SAMMY: Do all the
planets have gravity?
SKYA: Why yes, anything
and everything with mass
has the force of gravity.
Depending on the mass,
the gravitational
pull will be different.
For instance, a person who
weighs 150 pounds on Earth
will weigh 354
pounds on Jupiter,
because it is
such a giant planet
that the gravity is so
much stronger than Earth's.
CUP-K: That sounds like me
after a huge
meal of scrap metal.
There's so much
water on Earth.
Everyone must love swimming.
SKYA: Speaking about water,
did you know
that Antarctica contains
about 70% of
Earth's fresh water,
and 90% of it is ice?
Oh my.
All the wildlife in Antarctica
must be freezing, then.
They probably
don't like swimming there.
SKYA: Not really, Sammy.
Antarctic animals
have adapted traits
to keep warm from
the cold temperatures.
For example, penguins have
thick fat layers called blubber
that protect them from the cold
and keep these warm
blooded creatures warm.
NICK: What about
the other animals?
How do they keep warm?
SKYA: The Antarctic
birds and mammals
are warm blooded animals,
so they must keep their
internal body temperatures high
to remain active.
These animals are
known as endotherms.
That means they generate heat
from the inside of their bodies.
SAMMY: What's the
opposite of endotherms?
SKYA: Ectotherms.
These animals are mostly
non-Antarctic animals.
They are cold blooded animals.
Their body temperature is
regulated by external sources
such as sunlight
or a heated rock surface.
Fish are ectothermic
and so are amphibians,
reptiles, and invertebrates.
NICK: Fascinating.
SKYA: So you see,
ectotherms have to get heat
from their environments,
but because Antarctica
has such extreme environments,
ectotherms have a
hard time living there
because there isn't
enough heat for them
to warm up and become active.
NICK: Does that mean that
humans are endothermic, then?
SKYA: Absolutely.
SAMMY: And penguins?
SKYA: Correct.
NICK: And seals.
SKYA: Yes.
SAMMY: How are
these animals able to
generate heat from inside?
There are two things.
The first is that
they take in enough food
to make the
energy to generate heat.
The second is that
they have physical,
and behavioral adaptations
that allow them to do so.
What are adaptations?
Wonderful questions, explorers.
Adaptations happen
when any living being
adjusts something
about themselves
to survive in a
changing environment.
Can you give us an example?
SKYA: Of course.
In order to survive the heat
and the sand of the desert,
camels had to
adapt their bodies.
They have humps that store fat,
which can be used as
energy during a long walk
so they don't have
to eat for a long time.
CUP-K: They also have
thick hairs in their ears,
and long eyelashes
that keep sand out of
their ears and eyes.
Earth and its animals
are so cool.
Thanks for teaching us,
Cup-K and Skya.
Let's call Commander
Gruff to let him know
that we're almost
at our first location,
the cold Antarctica.
Skya, call
Commander Gruff, please.
- SKYA: Calling.
Hey, Space Explorers.
Hello, Commander Gruff.
What's the news?
We're on our
way to Antarctica.
You're making great time.
Skya, what can you tell
the Space Explorers about
the penguins of Antarctica?
SKYA: Six of the
17 species of penguin
are found in Antarctica.
There's the Adelie's,
chinstraps, emperors,
gentoos, macaronis,
and rock hoppers.
SAMMY: The lost penguin
looks like a Adelie penguin.
You're right.
Good work, explorers.
Good luck on your mission.
The penguin needs your help.
Look, Sammy.
I think that's a whale.
SKYA: Correct, Nick.
It's a humpback whale.
They are the largest
marine mammals of over
80 species of whales,
dolphins, and porpoises.
They can be found in
all the world's oceans.
SAMMY: What else
can you tell us about
humpback whales?
SKYA: Humpback whales
are extremely clever.
They sing songs that can
reach up to 20 miles away
and can go on for hours.
NICK: That's amazing.
When do they sing?
CUP-K: Whale songs are often
sung during mating seasons
when male whales sing to
attract female whales.
Sometimes, groups of
whales will sing in unison,
and change their
songs to be in harmony
with other whales.
SAMMY: Is that also how
they communicate to each other?
SKYA: Yes, they also
use loud, low pitch moans,
howls, and whines.
Each population
has its own dialect,
and sings its own whale song.
Not a lot is known
about why they do it,
but it's quite amazing
to hear one sing.
I'd like to hear one song.
Me too.
SKYA: That can be arranged.
Let's get closer to the
pod of whales over there.
And let's listen to their songs.
SAMMY: That was
amazing, guys.
NICK: Wow, it was.
It was beautiful music.
Hey, what ocean is this?
CUP-K: The ocean that
surrounds Antarctica
is called the Southern Ocean.
It consists of the southern
parts of the Atlantic,
Pacific, and Indian Oceans.
NICK: Oh, what other
animal species
live in the Antarctic waters?
SKYA: In addition
to many different
whales and penguins, there
are also six species of seals,
different types of birds
from the snow petrel,
the wandering albatross,
the blue eyed shag,
to the Antarctic
skua and cape pigeons.
That sounds incredible.
I hope we get to
meet lots of amazing
Antarctica species
while we're here.
SAMMY: I'm sure we will.
Look, Nick.
That looks like
penguins over there.
Let's go check it out.
Here we are, Antarctica.
SAMMY: Oh, will you
look at the penguins?
NICK: Hey, Cup-K,
what species of penguin is that?
CUP-K: That is an
emperor penguin.
SAMMY: What are they
doing just standing there?
CUP-K: They're resting.
When Winters such as
these get really cold,
and the wind
gets extremely strong,
penguins will huddle in a
giant group to keep warm.
SAMMY: Ah, smart.
Whoa, hello there.
I'm Perry.
Hi Perry, I'm Nick.
I'm Sammy.
How can I help you?
We're on a journey to
find a lost penguin in need,
but we don't
know where to start.
You've come
to the right penguin.
Now, Antarctica is 13,829,420
kilometers squared, man.
It's roughly the
size of the United States
and Mexico combined.
That's an enormous
space to make snow angels.
Yes, quite true.
Antarctica is big.
But never fear, I know it
like the back of my hand, man.
I mean, flipper.
I can help you
find your way around.
That's really helpful, Perry.
Say, what else can you
tell us about Antarctica?
Well, I can tell
you Antarctica is
completely covered
by a layer of ice
that is averaged to be
one mile in thickness.
It could be three miles
thick in different places.
How long did it take to get
all the ice in Antarctica?
SKYA: It took over
millions of years of snowfall
to make Antarctica.
That's correct.
Whoa, that's a lot of snow.
All penguins live here, Perry?
A lot of us do.
However, there are many different
types of penguins, man.
Some of them are in Antarctica,
while others live in
various parts of the world.
Some even live in sunny areas,
like the African penguin,
humble penguin,
Galapagos penguin, and others.
No way.
Penguins in Africa?
Who would've thought?
You're incredible
creatures, indeed.
Wow, why thank you so much.
Now tell me more about the
penguin you're looking for.
We're looking for an
Adelie penguin, actually.
Do you knew where they live?
Oh, Adelie's are
cousins of ours.
They're one of the southern
most birds in the world, man.
And usually live on the
Antarctic coastline,
and all the
small islands nearby.
But since it's breeding season,
they're most likely on the
coastlines of Antarctica.
Oh, the poor penguin
must have gotten lost
while traveling
from one of the islands
to come to the coastline.
You're right.
We have to go find her
before it's too late.
But be careful
of the predators.
Adelie's and their
eggs are often
targeted by leopard seals.
And by killer whales in the sea.
And giant petrels,
and skuas on the land.
What in the world is that?
SKYA: A skua is a sea bird.
Yeah, he looks
a lot like a seagull.
Some of them
can reach great sizes.
Those are called great skuas.
Oh no.
How do penguins
keep safe from them?
Oh, they're colors help
camouflage themselves
against predators.
They have a black
back that guards against
the depths of the sea,
while their white
stomachs blend into
the bright sea surface above.
Will they be hard to find?
SKYA: Don't worry, Sammy.
Even if they are camouflaged,
I have special detectives
that can spot body heat.
Cool, Skya.
Where should
we head first, Perry?
The Adelie land is a great
place to begin your search.
Many of the Adelie
colonies gather there
during the breeding season.
Thanks for your help, Perry.
We wouldn't know where to
go if it weren't for you.
Good luck, Nick and Sammy.
I hope you find the
lost penguin soon.
Wow, Perry the penguin
sure was nice.
Now we have to make our
way to the coastlines of
Antarctica to find the
Adelie penguin colony.
Let's go.
You heard him, Tumble.
We have to reach there before
Nick and Sammy
if we wanna beat them.
Wait, where are we going?
Adelie land, Tumble.
TUMBLE: Right.
Why are we?
RUMBLE: To save the penguin.
Right, right, right.
Beat Nick and Sammy
and save the penguin.
Sometimes, I just don't
know about you, Tumble.
I just don't know.
What don't you know, Rumble?
Never mind.
What's the status, explorers?
We are on our
way to Adelie land,
where we're going to
find the Adelie penguins.
Remember, the lost penguin
has been lost
for a couple of hours already,
and we don't want her to starve,
or wander off even more.
Time is of the essence.
Yes, Commander Gruff.
We're going as fast as we can.
Alright, good luck on
your mission, explorers.
And call me for a report after.
The wind is so strong.
SKYA: At times,
the wind in Antarctica
can get up to
200 miles per hour.
It's why penguins have the need
to huddle together to keep warm.
I wonder if there
are any human beings
living in Antarctica.
There are around
1,000 to 5,000 people
living in Antarctica each year,
but not permanently.
How do you mean?
These people are
usually scientists
who are performing
research in Antarctica.
What are they studying?
Scientists and researchers
from all over the world
visit Antarctica to
study many things.
Some study
the climate, some geology,
and others study the wildlife.
Why do they travel so
far to study these things?
It's important to
learn what's happening
to all corners of the world.
The research of these
scientists in Antarctica
has helped people
understand and realize
global problems,
such as climate change.
I'm curious about where
these researchers live.
Do they build houses?
SKYA: These scientists
live in research stations
that are constructed
on either rock or ice
that is fixed in place,
meaning that they can't move.
SAMMY: It must be a tough job
to be a researcher
in the Antarctic.
SKYA: It is, but many
of the research
done in Antarctica
has helped people
understand more
about climate changes
and rapid effects of
temperature on glaciers.
It's extremely important
to learn about
the world around us.
CUP-K: Exactly.
That's why a
total of 30 countries
operates year round in the
research stations in Antarctica.
SAMMY: Whoa, do you
think they study
other things as well?
Do they study
any trees or shrubs?
Interestingly, no.
There are no trees or shrubs
in Antarctica to study.
But, there are two species
of flowering plants
that can be found.
What kind are they?
CUP-K: There's the
Antarctic hair grass,
and the Antarctic pearl wort.
They live in the Orkney and
Southern Shetland islands.
As well as along the
Western Antarctic Peninsula.
How are they able to live
in such extreme weather?
CUP-K: They are
specially adapted to survive
in harsh and
extreme environments,
where there's low temperature
and less hydration.
SKYA: The size of the
plants and the structures
are such adaptations.
Small plants mean small roots,
and that means
they can live in areas
with only a little bit of soil.
NICK: Amazing.
What are other adaptations?
CUP-K: Plants grow
close to the ground,
and close to each other,
so that they can
resist the cold weather,
and not take as much damage
from ice particles or snow
that are carried
by the strong winds.
That's fascinating, Cup-K.
Is that all the vegetation
found in Antarctica?
CUP-K: Yeah,
Sammy, that's all.
SAMMY: Wow, it's so barren.
SKYA: Here we are,
Space Explorers.
We're currently in Adelie land,
also called
Terre Adelie in French,
where a large group of
Adelie penguins can be found.
SAMMY: What are those
penguins doing, Cup-K?
The Adelie's are currently
in the breeding period,
which happens between
September and October.
Male Adelie's build nests
by collecting stones
and forming them
into small mounds.
How adorable.
Oh, look at the eggs.
Why is one so much
bigger than the other?
If food is limited,
then the parent penguins
will only tend to one egg
while the other will die.
That's extremely sad.
SKYA: It is part
of nature, Sammy.
But both parents
are extremely devoted
to taking care and
defending their offspring
while they grow.
They make sure nothing
happens to their chicks.
Hello, Adelie penguins.
We lost one of our friends.
Her name is Mimi.
We took a long walk here,
and she got
lost in the middle of it.
Please help us find her.
Where did you walk from?
We walked here from
the South Orkney Islands.
She should be around
the Ross Ice Shelf.
Don't worry, fellas.
We'll bring her back.
Yes, we are on the mission.
It's been a harsh Winter,
and we hope she's okay.
Don't worry, Adelies,
we're going to get
her back in no time.
Space pod, what is the
Ross Ice Shelf?
SKYA: The Ross Ice Shelf
is the largest
body of floating ice.
Let's go see if Mimi is
wandering around there.
- Yay, we're on our way.
- SAMMY: Woohoo.
What did the penguins
say to Nick and Sammy?
I don't know,
but let's find out.
We just need to find out what
you said to Nick and Sammy.
What he means is we
will help you if you can
tell us what you told
our friends back there.
They're not our friends.
Sh, yes they are.
Now, please, could you tell
us where they're going?
They're heading toward
the Ross Ice Shelf.
Oh, but we're afraid
they might not make it.
Why do you think that?
We forgot to tell
them about the mountain
they must cross
to get to the ice shelf.
We're afraid we might have
gotten them lost as well.
I mean, oh no.
Which mountain is it?
They are headed towards
the Ross Ice Shelf.
Thanks for letting us know.
Yeah, thanks.
Do you know what that means?
That we're going
to beat Nick and Sammy
to the lost penguin.
Exactly, you're right, Tumble.
We're going to
win this competition,
and we're going to be
real Space Explorers.
I can already see us
in our new uniforms.
Me too.
I have an idea.
TUMBLE: Oh yeah?
What is that?
Let's call our friend Cosmos.
He's a total space geek.
He knows everything there
is to know about Earth.
Oh, yeah.
Great idea.
Let's call Cosmos.
Call Cosmos.
Oh good golly, hey
there Rumble and Tumble.
What's going on?
Hey Cosmos, we're in
need of your help.
Oh yeah?
What do you need?
We need help navigating
around Antarctica.
Antarctica, I know
everything there is to know
about Antarctica.
Will you help us?
COSMOS: What's in it for me?
How does a big bucket of
sardine flavored ice sound?
Oh, yum.
I want.
Then please, help us
find Mount Markham.
That is very easy.
Mount Markham is right
by the Ross Ice Shelf
toward the
southeast of Antarctica.
Let's go.
Wait, what are
they doing, Rumble?
Are they hurt?
We can ask Cosmos, he'll know.
What are those penguins
doing down there, Cosmos?
These Adelie
penguins are tobogganing.
What is that?
This means that they are
laying on their stomachs
and pushing their ways
forward with their feet,
using their flippers
to balance and to move.
Wow, how fast do they go?
It can be used
as a fast sprint,
or a leisurely cruise over
a long period of time.
They can move faster
than a running person.
That's incredible.
Thanks, Cosmos.
You're welcome, guys.
Just don't forget about
my big old bucket of
sardine flavored ice.
We won't.
I'm sure Nick and Sammy
don't know about tobogganing.
Maybe we can use it to beat
them to the lost penguin.
Now come on, and let's go.
Oh no, I think we're lost.
What are we going to do?
Skya, can you find our
way to the ice shelf?
SKYA: I can't.
My global positioning
system is being affected
by the cold temperatures and
doesn't seem to work right now.
Sorry, guys.
Let's call Commander Gruff
to see if he can help us.
Great idea.
We need to find the lost
penguin as soon as possible.
Skya, call
Commander Gruff, please.
What's the trouble,
Space Explorers?
The cold temperature's
affecting Skya's GPS tracker.
We don't know how else
to get to the ice shelf.
Let me see if I can track
your pod from the headquarters,
and I'll guide you from there.
Okay, it appears that you
are near Mount Markham.
Is that very far
from the ice shelf?
You're actually really
close to the ice shelf.
All you have to do is
go over the mountain,
and you will be
in the Ross Ice Shelf.
How tall is Mount Markham?
Mount Markham stands
at 4,351 meters tall.
Will there be other
penguins there as well?
It's he time of year
where penguins are
migrating around Antarctica,
so there should be
one or two more
penguin colonies there
that could help us out.
Great, let's get
over this mountain,
and see if we could find Mimi.
What can you tell us about
the Ross Ice Shelf, commander?
Ice shelves are permanent
floating sheets of ice
that are connected
to a piece of land.
In this case, Ross Ice Shelf
is connected to Antarctica.
SAMMY: How do
ice shelves form?
and ice streams form ice sheets
that grow larger when
the ocean is cold enough
for the ice to not melt.
NICK: How big is it?
Ice Shelf is approximately
50 meters above
the water surface.
But 90% of the floating ice
is below the water surface.
SAMMY: Then how does
it manage to stay up?
floats because it is
9% less dense than water.
Think of density like weight.
Ice has less density than water,
which makes it
lighter than water.
So when ice is put into water,
the water keeps
it up on the surface.
NICK: Even in salt water?
Especially salt water.
Salt water is even
heavier than fresh water,
therefor it is able to hold
up the fresh water glaciers
and ice even better.
SKYA: However,
there's bad news.
Glaciers all over the
world have been melting
for more than 50 years now,
and they're melting
quicker and quicker.
NICK: What's happening?
SKYA: Earth is warming up
because of greenhouse gases.
Greenhouse gases trap
heat into the atmosphere,
keeping Earth's surface warm.
Recently, there have
been more and more
greenhouse gases
and the Earth is having
higher temperatures
than ever before.
SAMMY: Oh no.
What happens if the
glaciers melt completely
from the climate change?
SKYA: Nothing good, Sammy.
It will be a huge disaster.
When glaciers melt, they
add water into the ocean,
which will cause sea levels
to rise significantly.
Many people who
live by the coast
or by areas of
low sea levels will have
their homes flooded.
How high will the
sea level rise?
SKYA: If all the land ice
on the planet were to melt,
sea levels would
rise by 216 feet.
That's awful.
Is there any way to stop it?
There are a few ways,
but it'll take a lot of effort,
and a lot of people to do it.
Everyone should
help save the planet.
SKYA: You're right, Nick.
The ways you can
help out is to make sure
you use less energy.
Turn off the lights
when you don't need them
bike or walk whenever possible,
using less water
and use green power.
SAMMY: What does
green power mean?
CUP-K: Green power
is power that comes
from natural forces,
such as the wind,
water, coal, or solar energy.
These are renewable resources,
and they can help cut
down the energy use.
SKYA: And lastly, explorers,
don't forget to recycle.
It doesn't matter what
planet you're from,
make sure your trash
is where it should be.
Skya and Cup-K
make excellent points.
Yes, sir.
Now that we've got the basic
facts of the ice shelves out,
I'll tell you about the
life that lives near
or on the ice shelves.
As you can see, some penguins
do get to the ice shelf
when traveling to
where they need to go.
SAMMY: What do they do there?
CUP-K: Some stop to
get some food to eat.
NICK: What's there to eat?
one of the foods the penguins
love to eat are krills.
SAMMY: What are those?
Krills are small,
swimming crustaceans
that live in large
groups called swarms.
How fascinating.
And say, what are crustaceans?
CUP-K: Well,
crustaceans are animals
that usually have
an exoskeleton,
which means they have a
skeleton on the outside.
Some common crustaceans on Earth
include lobsters and shrimps.
SAMMY: Interesting.
If penguins eat krills,
what do krills eat?
Wonderful question, Sammy.
Krills scrape off ice algae
from the underside of pack ice.
NICK: Thanks,
Commander Gruff.
I feel like we've learned
so much about Antarctica
and its wildlife.
still plenty more to learn.
Good luck, Space Explorers.
I'll lead you to your mission.
Captain Maya will be
speaking to you soon.
Hey, Skya, can we get
closer to the penguins
to see their behavior?
SKYA: We'll have to
be gentle and careful
when approaching penguins
because they might
see us as dangerous.
But we can send Cup-K
out to get a closer look.
Wow, this colony looks
bigger than the others.
The size of a
colony depends on
what they're trying to do.
Those that need to breed
tend to be in one colony,
and others who are just
hunting or migrating
will be in another.
How big can colonies get?
They can range from
thousands to tens of thousands.
Space Explorers.
Captain Maya.
Commander Gruff has
just briefed me on your
trip to the Ross Ice Shelf.
How's that going?
Great, we've sent Cup-K out
to get a closer look at
the penguin behaviors,
to see if we can figure
out where the lost penguin
could have headed.
Hello, Captain Maya.
Hi, Cup-K.
And that sounds fantastic.
How do the penguins
keep warm, Cup-K?
Aren't they warm
blooded animals?
They are, indeed,
warm blooded.
But they have
developed physical traits
that allow them to keep warms.
For example, penguins
have thick layer of fat
to keep them warm, and
they have a kind of oil
on their feathers
that keeps them dry
from the freezing water.
NICK: What about their feet?
Don't their feet get cold?
That's a great question, Nick.
You see, there are arteries,
which are blood vessels,
in their legs that change
the amount of blood flow,
depending on the
temperature of the foot.
They allow enough
blood to keep the feet
a few degrees above freezing.
SAMMY: That's amazing.
Can human feet do that as well?
No, penguins have
adapted that trait
to keep themselves and
their feet nice and cozy.
If humans were to stand
barefoot on the Antarctic ice,
they would get
frostbite very quickly.
It's okay, Cup-K.
It wasn't going to hurt you.
What was that?
That was a seal,
an Antarctic
fur seal, to be precise.
How can you tell
the difference between
a fur seal and
other seals in Antarctica?
Well, Antarctic fur seals
are the only seals in
Antarctica to have visible ears.
NICK: Then that
means there must be
other types of
fur seals in the world.
CAPTAIN MAYA: Definitely.
There are nine species
of fur seals worldwide.
They were almost hunted to
extinction for their fur,
hence their name
being fur seals.
SAMMY: But there
seems to be a big
population of them here.
And you are right.
In fact, the Antarctic
fur seal population
in the South Georgia
Islands is the biggest
marine animal
population on Earth.
The population bounced
back when baleen whales
almost went extinct as well.
NICK: What happened?
CUP-K: Well, they
could've gobbled me up.
CAPTAIN MAYA: No way, Cup-K.
Antarctic fur seals usually
eat krill, fish, and squids.
Not smart little robots.
I guess I should've
known that.
Oh, that's okay.
You never know what
you're going to encounter
in the wild Antarctica.
That's right.
Good luck, Space Explorers.
Don't forget to hurry.
The poor, lost penguin has been
wandering for a long time now.
We want to get her to
safety as soon as possible.
Bye, Captain Maya.
Alrighty, let's find Mimi.
Maybe she got lost in
this group of penguins.
NICK: Cup-K, can you
get closer to the penguins?
Something doesn't seem right.
SAMMY: What's wrong, Nick?
NICK: Something seems off
about this colony of penguins.
SAMMY: I wonder what it is.
SKYA: Oh, clever explorers.
You are very observant.
These are actually
chinstrap penguins.
They are another
species of penguins
that live in Antarctica.
NICK: They sure look
like Adelie's from far away.
CUP-K: Chinstraps
are around the same
height and weight as Adelie's.
SAMMY: Ah, I know why
they're called chinstraps.
NICK: How do you know?
SAMMY: Look at
their chins, Nick.
It's as if they have thin straps
going rom their chins to
the top of their heads.
You're right,
they're adorable.
Wait, but that means
that Mimi's not here.
Oh man, where
could she have gone?
Let's fly around the ice shelf
to see if she's wandering
around somewhere nearby.
Good idea, Sammy.
Cup-K, help us look, too.
Of course.
I hope Mimi is okay.
Us too, Cup-K, us too.
Come on, Tumble.
If they're going that
way, we'll go this way.
I'm sure we're gonna
find the penguin first.
Yes, we'll look where
they aren't looking.
SAMMY: I hope she
hasn't gone too far.
NICK: What are those?
Ooh, they're elephant seals.
Much bigger than fur seals,
and much more vicious.
They have long trunk-like
noses, like an elephant's.
That's why they're
called elephant seals.
SAMMY: What are
they doing there?
CUP-K: They like the company
of other elephant seals.
They usually enjoy laying
around the shore near the water.
But they spend 80% of
their lives in the ocean,
where they hunt for
preys like octopus, eels,
squids, fish, and
even small sharks.
NICK: They must be
great swimmers, then.
As a matter of fact, yes.
Elephant seals can hold
their breath underwater
for over two hours.
That's the longest time
of any marine mammal.
How deep can they dive?
They have been
seen diving more than
1,500 meters underwater.
What kind of
birds are those, Cosmos?
These are Antarctic skuas.
They are excellent flyers.
SAMMY: Are those whales?
CUP-K: Yes, they're orcas.
Sometimes, they're called
killer whales.
NICK: Oh wow, killer whales?
SKYA: Yes, orcas are
what is referred to as
apex predators.
SAMMY: What does that mean?
CUP-K: It means
that orcas are at the
top of the food chain.
They are the largest
carnivores on Earth.
NICK: What are carnivores?
CUP-K: Carnivores are
animals that eat meat.
In fact, orcas
feed on sea birds,
squid, sea turtles,
octopi, sharks,
fish, seals, and dugongs.
How does an orca
communicate with others?
Do they sing like
humpback whales?
No, orcas use echo location
to talk to each other,
and also to hunt.
How do they do that?
Orcas will make a sound
that travels through the water
until the sound
waves hit something.
Then, the sound waves will
bounce back to the orca,
and they will be
able to detect where
other orcas or objects
are around them.
That's phenomenal.
What else?
Yeah, what else?
SKYA: Did you know
that orcas have a culture?
NICK: Animals
can have cultures?
SKYA: Why yes.
By definition,
culture refers to beliefs,
values, and knowledge of a group
that is shared among the group.
In orca groups,
also called pods,
elder orcas pass knowledge
to the younger ones
about what to eat
and where to find it,
how to catch prey,
and what to avoid.
CUP-K: Older orcas actually
teach the younger ones
the different
calls and vocalizations
that are unique to each
pod and family group.
It's like an accent
of separate orcas.
SAMMY: Whoa.
Orcas are such
amazing types of whales.
CUP-K: Well this might come
as a surprise to you guys,
but did you know, even
though they're sometimes
called killer whales,
orcas are actually not
a type of whale?
SAMMY: What?
Then what are they?
SKYA: Get ready
for the biggest
surprise of this mission.
CUP-K: Killer whales are
actually a type of dolphin.
They are the biggest kind
of dolphins on the planet.
SAMMY: Whoa,
I did not expect that.
NICK: Me neither.
That's mind boggling, Skya.
SKYA: Animals are
fascinating, aren't they?
Those animals look like seals.
Not even close, Tumble.
They are sea lions.
There are three big differences.
Sea lions have ear flaps,
and most seals don't.
Sea lions walk on land
using their flippers,
but seals bounce
on their bellies.
And lastly, sea lions use
their front flippers to swim,
but seals use
their back flippers.
Wow, I didn't know
they were so different.
I feel some incoming winds.
Let's be careful.
It's a penguin.
I think that's Mimi.
Oh no, look.
It's a crevasse.
Skya, can you fly faster?
SKYA: We're going
as fast as we can.
But in this wind,
it's very hard to fly.
We're not going to make it.
We have to.
Wait, where's Cup-K?
Don't worry about me.
I'm safe.
Save penguin.
Stay behind, Cup-K.
We'll get you immediately after.
Skya, can you
turn up the thrusters?
SKYA: Thrusters
turning to 100%.
Hurry, we have to save her.
SKYA: Thrusters are go
at max power, here we go.
Hold on tight, guys.
Hang on, Mimi.
Oh no, we're too late.
Nick and Sammy have beat us.
It's alright, Tumble.
We still have the competition.
We have to win the competition.
But how are we going to win?
I have an idea.
You do?
Yes, I do.
Come on.
What is it?
You'll see.
Let's go.
Hi, I'm Nick.
I'm Sammy.
Oh, thank you very much,
Cup-K, for saving me.
I'm Mimi.
We're glad to see you're okay.
Yeah, we were looking all
over Antarctica for you.
We went to speak to
some emperor penguins,
then we went to Adelie Island,
where we met some of
your friends and family,
who told us where you might be.
But we got a little
lost at Mount Markham.
But then we found
some chinstrap penguins.
And then finally found you.
I'm sorry you had to go
through all the trouble.
Oh, don't say that.
It was no trouble at all.
We just wanted to see you safe,
and bring you back to
your friends and family.
They miss you very much.
How I miss them, too.
Just how did you get
lost from your colony?
I was with the colony
for most of the way,
then we had to jump
across a similar crevasse
from the one back there,
and everyone in my colony
made it except for me.
Oh no.
Then what happened?
It took me down
a different path,
and I had to find
my way back up.
But by the time I got back up,
everyone had left.
Didn't they know
you were missing?
Well, when we migrate
as far as we did,
we just want to
focus on ourselves
and make sure we
don't fall or get lost.
It's hard to keep
track of everybody else.
You're very brave, Mimi.
I'm just so glad
you guys got me
before I fell into that
crevasse back there.
SKYA: Hey, guys, let's
not forget about Cup-K.
He's still out there.
Let's beam her
on board right away.
Yes, thank you, Skya.
Oh, we're so sorry, Cup-K.
We didn't mean to forget you.
Oh, it's okay.
It was a good exercise for me.
Can you believe how strong
the wind is out there?
Did you guys know that
the highest recorded
wind velocity in Antarctica
is 327 kilometers per hour?
Which is a whopping
199 miles per hour.
Hey Cup-K, this is Mimi.
Mimi, this is Cup-K.
He was the one
who helped us save you.
Oh thank you very much, Cup-K.
It was my job to help you out.
We should get
back to Adelie land,
where you can be
back with your colony.
Here we are,
back with your colony.
Wow, I didn't imagine
I'd ever see them again.
Let's take you to
your friends and family.
Hi everybody.
We've missed you.
Thank you all so much.
How can we ever
show you our gratitude?
Oh no, don't worry.
It was an honor to help out.
It definitely was.
The journey we had
taken to save Mimi
has taught us a lot about
penguins and Antarctica,
which will help
win the competition.
What competition is that?
You see, guys.
We're Space Explorers
in training.
We still need to
win a competition
to become full fledged.
Space Explorers.
Oh, how marvelous.
Is there anything
we can help you with?
Well, now that you mention it.
You could let us know
something about penguins
that Rumble and Tumble,
our competition,
might not know about.
We can do that.
Space Explorers.
You've done a fantastic job.
You've saved the penguin, and
brought it back to its colony.
Your mission was completed with
great problem solving
skills, openness to learning,
and wonderful quick
decision making abilities.
Thank you, Captain Maya.
I'm extremely proud
of both of you.
Now, it's time
for the competition.
You will face off
against the competing team,
which is Rumble and Tumble.
At the competition,
you will be tested on
different facts about penguins.
The winner will be
the team that knows
the most about penguins and
are able to recall the facts.
We are ready.
Greetings, explorers.
Hello, Commander Gruff.
Welcome to the competition.
This is a competition that
tests your knowledge on
the animals you've
met on your mission.
Each time someone on your
team gets a question right,
your team will get a point.
Nick and Sammy are a team,
and Rumble and Tumble
are a team.
Each contestant will have 30
seconds to answer the question.
The first team that answers
five questions correctly
wins the competition.
Now, we will start
with Nick and Sammy
for the first question,
then we will go to
Rumble and Tumble.
Are we ready?
First question.
What is two ways that
penguins keep warm
in such cold
temperatures in Antarctica.
Oh, I know.
Penguins, as well as
many sea animals,
have layers of
fat called blubber
that insulates heat
and keeps them warm.
Also, their feathers
have a special kind of oil
that keeps them
dry by not allowing
any water to slip in
between the feathers.
Wonderful answers.
Alright, Rumble and Tumble.
Your question is this.
Which different types of
penguins live in Antarctica
and the sub-Antarctic islands?
There's the emperor
penguins, Adelie penguins,
chinstrap penguins,
gentoo penguins, and...
The macaroni penguins,
king penguins,
and rock hopper penguins.
That was perfect.
We're the best.
Sammy, Rumble and Tumble are
easily catching up with us.
It's okay, we've got this.
Next question, Nick and Sammy.
What are some of the predators
to the Adelie penguins?
Leopard seals and
killers whales are their
predators in the sea, and
giant petrels and skuas
are their predators on land.
Wow, one more point for
you, Nick and Sammy.
It's two to one.
Now, Rumble and Tumble, here
is your chance to catch up.
What are some things that
penguins like to eat?
Yes, but what kind?
I got this.
Penguin's main diet is fish,
but they also eat squid
and small shrimp-like
animals called krills.
Nice one, Rumble and Tumble.
Nick and Sammy,
it's your turn again.
What is another
name for killer whales?
Killer whales are
also called orcas.
You're right.
Another point for
Nick and Sammy.
Rumble and Tumble.
How many penguins
are in a penguin colony?
It depends on what
they're doing at the time.
It can range from just
thousands to tens of thousands.
Nice one, Tumble.
Yes, a job very
well done, Tumble.
Another point for your team.
Next, besides from
waddling and swimming,
penguins can slide
on their stomachs.
What is this movement called?
Oh no.
We don't know this one.
If you do not answer
this one correctly,
the question goes
to Rumble and Tumble.
If they get the
question correct,
then they get the point.
Oh man.
Time's up.
Rumble and Tumble, your
team now has the chance
to answer the question.
If you get it correct,
you will get one point.
What do you call
the movement where
penguins slide on their
stomachs to move around?
It's called tobogganing.
Yeah, tobogganing.
You're both correct.
Now the next question goes
to Rumble and Tumble again.
We're doing great, Tumble.
We're gonna beat
those two in no time.
Just watch.
Oh no, they're one
ahead of us.
It's okay, Nick.
We'll get them back.
Now, Rumble and Tumble.
What are other
species of animals
that live in Antarctica?
Name at least two
other than the penguins.
There's the seal.
And the...
And the...
He said animals other
than penguins, dummy.
Oh, yeah, sorry.
Think, Tumble, think.
We can't let them win.
Oh, shucks.
Oh no.
Alright, time's up.
The question goes
to Nick and Sammy.
Name at least two other animals
that live in Antarctica.
Name two of them
that aren't the penguins.
There are six
species of seals,
different types of birds
like the snow petrel,
the wandering albatross,
the blue eyed shag,
and the Antarctic
skua and cape pigeons.
Great job.
Now, both teams are tied
at four points each.
So the next question
will be for both of you.
Whoever answers first
and answers correctly
will win the competition.
Are you all ready
for the last question?
What is a penguin's
swimming style called?
I know.
Me, me.
I got it.
I know this one.
Oh, whoa there.
Alright, Rumble called
it first, so Rumble,
what's the answer?
It's called the penguin.
Oh no, I'm sorry.
That's incorrect.
Sammy, you called it second.
Do you have an answer?
Oh no.
Oh geez.
Wait, we know, we know.
Our friend Mimi told us.
Yeah, tell 'em, Sammy.
A penguin's swimming style
is called the porpoise.
Correct, and for
additional points,
can you tell me what
the porpoise looks like?
Yes, the porpoise is
when the penguins
jump in and out of the
water in short arcs.
Absolutely right,
Nick and Sammy.
You've won the competition.
And as for Rumble and Tumble,
you guys did exceptionally well.
And I must congratulate
you two as well.
I'm very proud of all of you.
RUMBLE: Oh man,
we've been beaten again.
We'll definitely get
them next time.
Are you ready,
Sammy the Space Explorer?
Ready as I'll ever be,
Nick the Space Explorer.
Are you ready?
Ready as always.
What about you, Skya?
SKYA: Ready, guys.
Yay, we're on our way.
Woo hoo.
SKYA: Next stop, Australia.
Play me the music,
give me a beat
I wanna see you people
dancing in the streets
I don't wanna be
some kind of toy
I'm not a killjoy
Just have a
little faith in me
I'll make you see
I see a little skeptic
in your eyes
And you don't even
care to compromise
But let me show
you what I mean
Show you what I mean
Play me the music,
give me a beat
I wanna see you people
dancing in the streets
Let me see
your smiling faces
In all of them places
If you wanna
feel the way I do
Be true, play me the music
And I will do it all for you
Let's make a
run for it tonight
Hold on tight
'Cause it might
be a bumpy ride
Side by side
We can always make believe
A fairy tale will
not deceive
So let me show
you want I mean
Show you what I mean
Play me the music,
give me a beat
I wanna see you people
dancing in the streets
Let me see your
smiling faces
In all of them places
If you wanna feel
the way I do
Be true, play me the music
And I will do it all for you
Once you try to understand
The spell is broken
Once you open up your hand
Magic has spoken,
only partners in crime
We'll make water into wine
Play me the music,
give me a beat
I wanna see you people
dancing in the streets
Let me see your
smiling faces
In all of them places
If you wanna feel
the way I do, be true
Play me the music, and
I will do it all for you
Play me the music, and
I will do it all for you