Penny Dreadful (2006)

Penny, this is
the fifth time we've stopped
since this morning.
At this rate,
we're not going to get
to the inn until after midnight.
If you're deliberately
trying to sabotage the trip,
you're doing
a pretty good job.
No, I just--
I have to go
to the bathroom.
Is she all right?
Uh, just a little
It's just a car.
It's just a car.
It's just a stupid car!
Jesus, Penny.
Get a grip.
Do you want
to be a pathetic freak
for the rest
of your miserable life?
Penny, please.
Penny, please,
wake up.
We've got a gas leak.
Let's get these people out.
He's gone. We've got to get the mother
and the daughter out of there fast.
Penny, you'll be okay.
The nice fireman...
is coming
to get you, dear.
Don't be afraid.
We were going
to build a snowman.
I'm sorry,
what did you say?
That's why we were going up.
I'd never seen snow before.
You wanna see plenty
of snow up there
come this time tomorrow.
Cutoff low is setting in overnight.
Weatherman says it might be
as much as three or four feet.
Maybe we should
just go home.
It sounds like
a pretty bad storm.
Penny, is that
what you want?
To come out all this way
just to turn around and go home?
When you first came
to see me six months ago,
you said all you wanted
was to live a normal life,
and that you would do
whatever it took to get you there.
Isn't that
what you said?
And what did I tell you in our
first session, that very first day?
Own it.
I have to own it.
That's right.
It has to be your choice.
Beating our fears and phobias
is all about helping ourselves,
and no amount of counseling
is going to help you
unless you want
to help yourself.
I do.
I want to.
I have to.
I'm not going to ride my stupid bicycle
everywhere for the rest of my life.
You have to confront
your fears head on,
and the only way you can
completely do that is to--
Complete the circle.
Go back to where
it all began.
Okay, what do you say
we get back in the car...
and go on with our journey?
Don't forget your
breathing exercises.
Relaxation tape
number four.
- You know the drill.
- Face forward in a seated position,
eyes closed, arms resting
comfortably by your side,
allowing your mind
to clear itself
of any outside stimuli.
Now repeat after me
and try to visualize
a giraffe...
My throat's pretty dry.
There's some bottled water
in the back.
What's this?
For when we build
that snowman.
You should write
a book about me.
Tell the world what a freak
Penny Deerborn is.
Penny, after everything
we've been through together,
I'd like to think you've moved
beyond feeling sorry for yourself.
Why don't you spare both of us
the poor-pitiful-me routine
and tell me what's
really bothering you?
It wouldn't
have anything to do
with all those phone calls
you're not answering, would it?
I'd rather not
talk about it.
It's going to be a long couple of hours
ahead if we don't talk to one another.
He lives in my building,
that's who's calling.
I see.
And why is this Ben
calling you?
To ask me out.
There's nothing surprising about that.
You're a very pretty girl.
- Don't you like him?
- Just the opposite.
So then what's
the problem?
I can just imagine me
on our first date.
"Hi, it's good to see you.
Oh, what a nice car.
Excuse me while I throw up."
I just don't see the point in starting
something I can't finish.
I remember being your age.
Freshman in college--
I had a very serious crush
on this gorgeous guy
in my English Lit class.
Only I was totally convinced
that he didn't even know
I existed.
I mean, he was the quarterback
of the football team,
and I was just
a lowly freshman
with curly hair
and a funny nose.
You don't have
a funny nose.
No, you couldn't have convinced me
of that back then.
So what happened?
I married him.
I like that story.
The only limitations
in this life
are the ones we put
on ourselves, Penny.
What was that?
It's just a pothole.
It's okay.
Remember to breathe.
Okay, relaxation.
Penny, you didn't take
something, did you?
We agreed no sedatives.
No more self-medicating,
Yes. I mean, yes,
I remember.
No, I didn't
take anything.
I was just--
just trying to do
what you told me and relax.
You know,
if you took something,
it negates everything
that we're trying to do here.
I'm telling you the truth.
- Honest.
- Okay.
Then you won't mind
emptying out your pockets.
Just as I thought.
This is shit. This defeats
the whole purpose of this trip,
and you know it.
You have to trust in the process, Penny.
You have to trust me.
I just-- I didn't think I'd
make it through without it.
I'm so disappointed in you.
We might as well just turn the car
around and head right back--
Look out!
Are you okay?
Oh, God.
Are you all right?
Do you need
a ride somewhere?
He seems to be all right.
I just grazed him.
Oh, thank God.
That was close.
What did he say?
The poor guy's so cold, he could
barely speak above a whisper.
He said something about needing
a lift to a camp near Onyx Pass.
- You're going to give him a ride?
- I just hit him.
We're lucky he's not
calling the police.
The least we can do is give him a ride.
It's freezing out there.
Everybody all set?
It's cold out there, right?
You must have been freezing.
So I'm Orianna
and this is Penny.
Penny, would you like
to listen to another tape?
No, I'm fine.
If you're hungry, there's an apple
in the bag back there.
It's okay.
It's just another pothole.
I'm sorry.
I'm just a little nervous.
- Cars make me nervous.
- But you're getting better.
No, actually, I'm more
than a little nervous.
I'm petrified.
I have amaxophobia.
It's a fear of cars.
Orianna is my doctor.
She says its more common
than you would think.
Have you-- have you ever--
have you ever heard of it?
No, I guess not.
I'll just stop talking.
# Don't come knocking
on my door #
# 'Cause there'll be
no more cryin' to me #
# I heard he tore
your heart in two... #
Remember your
breathing exercises.
# Was it anything
like me and you? #
# Did he leave when things
weren't working out #
# And there was nothing
you could do? #
# And did he say,
"We'll still be friends" #
# And "I'll love you
till the end"? #
# Don't come back
cryin' to me #
# When your new love
sets you free #
# Don't come
knockin' on my door #
# 'Cause there'll be
no more cryin' to me... #
Oh, uh, no thank you.
I'm not very hungry right now,
but thank you.
# You say you want
another chance... #
No, thank you, I'm fine.
# That you've learned
about true romance #
# But I know about
the games you play #
# And all along how you
would never stay... #
We're getting close
to Onyx Pass.
So, um...
it doesn't look like
the camp is open.
You said you
work here, right?
Not much of a talker.
I don't see
any lights or anything.
You want us
to drop you here?
Jesus, what a creep!
Everything's okay, Penny.
Everything's okay.
We're gonna be okay.
Come on, honey, breathe.
Good, breathe.
Oh, God. I think I'm going
to be sick.
Penny, come on.
Get back in the car.
Penny, come on.
- Oh, God.
- Penny, get in!
All right, hey--
this is no time to panic.
We have to get
back to a highway
before that tire
goes completely flat.
Okay okay. Shh.
Okay okay okay.
Listen to me. Penny, Penny,
Penny, look at me.
Look at me. All right,
I want you to count-- one--
Breathe in.
Breathe in.
Breathe out, that's right.
That's good, let it go.
I wanna go home.
I know, honey, so do I, but first
we have to get back in the car.
- No no.
- Penny! Penny, Penny.
I want you to visualize that beach,
the place you love.
Come on.
The sun is warming your skin.
It's making you feel good.
- I'm so cold.
- No, it's not cold.
It's hot now. It's hot,
the way you like it on the beach
in the middle of July.
the sun, the sand,
the water.
Now, Penny, I want you to turn around
and look at the car.
- It can't hurt you. It's just a car.
- No!
Penny, you have to do
what I'm telling you!
We've got to get
back in the car!
Okay, I'm leaving!
Come on, come on,
come on!
- I hurt my ankle.
- All right.
We'll get some ice on it
as soon as we get to the inn.
Penny, Penny, can you clean off
the back window?
I can't see a thing.
Just do it!
I need to know if he's following us.
Oh, hell.
Cell phone.
Where's my cell phone?
Damn it.
- No, don't leave me here!
- I just have to check the tire.
The tire's
completely destroyed.
Damn it.
- The spare's no good.
- What are we going to do?
Keep trying
to use the cell phone.
Come on, grab the coats.
Oh, and turn off
the headlights.
Oh, come on.
Let me see, let me see.
Wait, it's not good.
If you put more pressure on it,
it'll just get worse.
No, I'm fine.
I'm fine, I can walk.
No, listen to me.
I won't leave you.
I just need to try and get a signal.
I won't go far.
If it doesn't work,
I'll come right back,
- and we'll think of something else.
- No no no.
- Damn it!
- Penny, come on.
Get back in the car.
Just sit in here, lock the doors.
- You'll be warm and safe inside.
- Please don't--
- don't-- please don't go.
- Penny, I have to.
There's no other choice.
I won't be long. You'll see.
What if he's still out there?
We're a mile away from him now.
He's a coward playing games.
If he really wanted to hurt us, he would
have done it when he was in the car.
- Orianna, please stay.
- Just stay in the car.
Keep the doors locked
and the windows rolled up.
Come on.
Here, take this.
- What am I supposed to do with it?
- Just take it.
It's pepper spray.
- Don't go!
- Two minutes, that's all.
I'll be back in two minutes.
emergency, please.
Yes, hello? I--
Shit shit!
Was that you?
Why didn't you
take me with you?
Weatherman's telling us
we may see thunder and lightning
as the storm moves in, sending
temperatures plummeting well below zero.
And now, back to more music
on Mountain-95.
Son of a bitch.
What's the matter?
Somebody killed Becky Simpson
over at the diner this morning.
- No shit.
- Yeah.
Run a meat skewer
clean through her neck.
Damn. Poor Becky.
They got any idea
who did it?
Somebody that didn't like
her meatloaf would be my guess.
That's not funny, Eddie.
No, I guess not.
Found a guy in the trunk of a car
parked out front too.
Some businessman
from down in the flats--
made hamburger
out of his face with a tire tool
and stuffed him
in the trunk of his own car.
What the hell
is this world coming to?
Coming to an end
would be my guess.
All you gotta do is read
the paper to know that.
Sin, misery
everywhere you look.
That's a little drastic,
don't you think?
With everybody
killing each other,
robbing, lying...
fucking somebody
else's wife.
You got something
to say to me, Eddie,
let's hear it.
# You just come
back now, steady-- #
We got work to do.
Come on, we gotta secure this camp
before that storm sets in.
No, come on, Eddie.
You wanna say something to me?
Get it out.
You say you cut through
them woods every day
on that old logging road
out there,
- 'cause it's a shortcut, right?
- Yeah, that's right.
It shaves about 20 minutes
off my walk to work.
All right.
All right, that makes sense.
What doesn't make sense
is why you're spending
all your break time
out in them woods.
It wouldn't have anything to do
with Mary Saunders, now would it?
Like you said,
we got work to do.
Look, all I'm saying
is a small town like this,
you can't get away
with anything.
You'd better think twice before you
go diddling some other man's wife.
Thanks, Eddie.
I'll keep that in mind--
if I ever think about diddling
some other man's wife.
Where are we?
Penny, is that you?
I told you
to stay in the car.
Come on, this isn't funny.
Get that light out of my eyes.
Oh, God!
Oh God!
Oh, God!
Somebody help me!
Somebody please!
Somebody help me!
No-- somebody.
Somebody help me!
Somebody help me!
Somebody help me!
Oh, God!
Help me!
Somebody help me!
Somebody, please!
It's just a dream.
It's just a dream.
It's just a bad
bad bad dream.
it's a dream, a dream.
Why didn't I listen to you,
right, Orianna?
"Stay in the car."
That's what you said, right?
Someone's gonna come
help me, right, Orianna?
Someone has to come.
They have to come.
You should have stayed
in the car, but you didn't.
Ben, thank God!
Penny? I can
barely hear you.
- Ben!
- We have a bad connection.
- Listen to me!
- I'll call you back later.
Ben, no!
Wait wait wait!
Oh, no!
What do you
want from me?
Jesus, Alvin! You scared
the shit out of me.
Unlock the door.
It's cold out here.
# Lordy Lordy Lord,
I could make her mine #
# Lovin' lovin' lovin'
just to sleep again #
# It won't stop there,
I'm gonna love you #
# Don't stop it #
# Don't turn it down #
# Lordy, Lordy, Lord-- #
# Lordy, Lordy, Lord,
play it all night-- #
Over here!
Over here, help me!
Over here!
Over here, somebody. Hello!
# Just move those thighs-- #
Over here!
Hey hey!
Hey, over here!
I gotta get going.
I thought you had
an hour break.
No, gotta call the wife.
She's been acting
a little funny lately.
I'm starting to think
she's onto us.
On top of that--
Eddie knows.
He's not stupid,
you know?
He just acts that way.
Well, hell with Eddie.
And your wife.
- I can't.
- How about after work?
- Here?
- No.
- I gotta take the kids to school.
- Oh hell, Alvin.
When are you going to stop
working this stupid night shift?
I don't know.
When I win the lottery.
Then why don't I meet you
back here again tomorrow night?
I gotta go.
Not without
a good-night kiss.
Wait wait.
- What?
- Did you hear that?
I thought
I heard something.
- It sounded like a car honking.
- I don't hear anything.
# You know, you know #
# You know-- #
Come on, get up.
Let's check your other pocket.
I think we're going to have
to do this the hard way. I'm sorry.
Work with me,
Orianna, okay?
Oh, God!
Oh, God!
Oh my God!
- What the hell happened?
- Wait wait wait! Please please!
I can't hear you.
Roll down the window.
Please please! He's out there somewhere.
You have to help me.
Who? Who's out here?
The hitchhiker.
He killed Orianna.
No no. There's nobody
out here but me.
Please, just help me.
What the fuck?
I can't, okay?
- I can't get you out of here by myself.
- Please?
No, look, the car-- it's wedged in here
tighter than a drum, okay?
And your front tire over there
is completely blown out.
All right, listen.
I'm just going to get
someone to help, okay?
No no no-- please please,
don't leave me.
Just don't leave me.
Get me out of here, please.
Look, I'll be back
in a jiffy, okay? Just hold on.
No, he's going to kill me.
What? Who?
The hitchhiker.
I told you, okay?
There's nobody out here but us.
He's out there somewhere.
He's probably watching us.
I can't take it anymore.
I can't breathe.
I'm dying here. Please!
All right.
All right.
- Do you got gas?
- I got gas, I think so.
Okay okay. Look, you're going to have
to work with me here, all right?
- Can you do that?
- I think so.
All right. Okay.
Turn the car on.
Look, it's all right.
Just try it again, okay?
All right, all right,
all right.
Oh crap!
Crap! Okay, look,
we gotta do this fast.
- Real fast, okay?
- Mister, I can't drive.
It's simple, okay?
It's simple.
Put your
foot on the brake,
and then just pull the gear
in reverse, okay?
- Can you do that?
- I don't know.
Give it a try, okay?
Just pull it to "R."
Okay, when I say, you gotta step
on that accelerator like hell.
- All right, you got it?
- I got it.
- Can we hurry because I can't breathe?
- I'm on it. I'm on it.
Hold this
for a minute, okay?
Okay, are you ready?
Okay, now!
Here we go!
where are you?
Come on.
Come on!
Come on!
# We've gotta go #
# Get inside
my helicopter... #
Alvin, what's going on?
Is everything okay?
I have to go home.
I can't stay out here all night.
# Take your hand
and tell you it's all right #
# I wanna be the one
to hold you tight #
# And whisper
words of love #
# And while I'm thinking
of you, I wanna be the one... #
Damn it, Alvin,
where the hell are you?
This ain't funny.
We've got work to do.
# How I wish
that you were mine... #
- Mama?
- Everything is going to be okay.
Am I dead?
Don't you worry, baby.
Mama's here now.
Turn on the lights.
I can't see.
Fuckin' North Pole
out here.
You dumb shit, Alvin.
You and your fuckin' stupid
fuckin' girlfriends.
Oh oh!
Oh my God!
Dear God!
Oh my God!
No no.
Oh, no.
Don't die on me!
Who's out there?
The only limitations
in this life
are the ones we put
on ourselves, Penny.
I won't die like this.
You hear me?
I said I won't die like this.
I can do this.
I gotta do this.
I can do this.
Come on!
Yes! Yes!
We did it!
I think we did it.
We did it.
Oh my God!
Oh, stop!
Oh God!
This little piggy
went to market.
This little
piggy stayed home.
This little piggy
went, "Boo-hoo-hoo,
you cut me
to the bone."
Who are you?
Who are you?!
Who are you?!
Let-- oh my God!
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Show your face,
you coward!
You have to own it,
right, Orianna?
Face your fears.
Full circle.
Some journey.
Bon voyage.
Why'd you have
to pick up the stranger?
The trunk's open.
I'm so sorry, Orianna.
If it wasn't for me
and my stupid fears,
you'd still be alive.
But I guess ultimately
there is only
one thing we're all afraid of.
Isn't that right?
You know what?
All of a sudden
I'm not so afraid anymore.
I'm sorry.
Don't forget
your breathing exercises,
Let me o-ooooout!
Police have identified
fingerprints at the diner
belonging to an escaped
mental patient known only as--
# Too long, sugar, too long-- #
Oh my God!
Are you all right?
Are you all right?
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Oh, Jesus!
Come with me.
Come on.
Come on, let's get you
out of the road. Jeez.
Come on.
There you go.
Oh, Jesus.
What the hell are you doing
in the middle of the road?
# Who do you think
you're talking to? #
# Were you alone and... #
# Do your moves
line up on the pole? #
# You shut up and watch
what the fuck you say #
# Stay away,
'cause I don't mind losing #
# Shut up and watch
what the fuck you say #
# Stay away or you just
might end up dead #
# Is that the way
you choose? #
# You should have
listened to your friends #
# They were trying
to protect you #
# Shut up and watch
what the fuck you say #
# Stay away,
'cause I don't mind losing #
# Shut up and watch
what the fuck you say #
# Stay away or you just
might end up dead... #
# You just might
end up dead... #
# It doesn't matter
when you leave this place #
# I know exactly
when you sleep #
# Will your friends
be there tonight? #
# You never wait
to see me #
# Shut up and watch
what the fuck you say. #